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Researcher falls for a young pretty smoker.

I looked at my calendar and was happy to see I'd be interviewing Cassie after school. She was calmer and much more polite than abrasive Lynn and obnoxious Jackie. When she arrived, she wore jeans and a white blouse along with her usual hoop earrings and purity ring. She looked sad. When I asked what was wrong, she just said, "Mom and Dad had a fight. I don't want to talk about it."

I let her quietly smoke at the table while I recorded and stared at her lovely plump lips. After lighting a second cigarette, she said, "I don't know if it's a good time for this. I really don't feel like talking."

I told her, "That's alright. You can just relax. Would you like a cola, grape juice, some milk?"

"Cola please?" She stared at the table, taking occasional sips from her can, thinking and smoking for a long time. I put fifty dollars on the table after her second cigarette, but she stayed another half hour. I kept watching and recording as she sucked drag after drag from two more cigarettes. I loved the times she pursed her lips together with only a small gap in the middle, forming long thin streams of smoke as she exhaled. I had a stray thought about her kissing the smoke goodbye as it left her mouth.

When she left I was a little concerned about her family, but didn't want to spoil my research by getting emotionally close to her.


I had planned to interview Cassie's mother Felicia again at 10 the next morning, but she showed up at 8:15. She was wearing red high heels and a tight red dress, which showed off the shape and size of her large breasts. She was also wearing large gold earrings and three thin gold chains. Her makeup had been streaked by tears.

Since she was so upset I forgot to turn on my camera, and this encounter is an approximation from memory. If I had a recording of it, my research wouldn't gain anything, but it would be excellent for... personal activities. Toward the end of our conversation, she started to slur some of her words but I'll leave that out for clarity.

I asked, "What's wrong?"

She wiped her eyes. "Ray and I had a fight. Not really a fight, but... but..." She sputtered and tears started rolling down her cheeks. She hugged me and cried intensely for a minute or two. "I dressed up nice to see him off, but the last thing he said was 'Don't screw around while I'm away.' It was horrible!"

"Sorry you're having a bad time. It sounds like he's a real prick."

"No, he's... Can we just sit a minute? Maybe have a drink?"

"Sure. Let's go down to the basement."

She walked to the bar and looked around. She asked, "May I have some red wine? Since I don't see any tequila."

I asked in surprise, "Tequila before lunch?"

She chuckled. "I'm not an alcoholic, honest. I only drink a couple times a month. Today is just a crappy day."

"I used to love tequila, until I discovered hangovers." I poured her a glass of wine. I watched her drink and smoke as we had some small talk. We discussed the road construction a few blocks down, the nice weather, and other things that didn't really matter.

She finished her second glass as she pointed to a bottle behind the bar. She said, "Rum rump."

I asked, "Huh?"

"You love tequila, except for the hangovers. You have rum. I started dating Ray when I was 19, and my boyfriend before him used to get me rum. I liked rum and cola or rum and grapefruit juice. I know, that's kind of weird, but I liked it. I loved rum until it led to me waking up with a sore ass."


She poured another glass of the Merlot, lit another cigarette, then continued. "James, the guy before Ray, loved anal sex. After I broke up with him, he dated a man. Anyway, the second time we had sex, he asked if he could do my butt. I was scared it would hurt but he said if I drank a lot first it wouldn't. It still hurts after you sober up, especially if the guy doesn't use lube. Sometimes it hurts pretty bad.

I didn't know at the time. I thought hurting after sex was normal, since parents and the church say sex is evil, and a sin, and blah blah. In the morning, James would say I had 'rum rump'. It was bad at the time but now that I think about it, that's kind of funny. I never told him no, since I didn't want to lose him. I just tried to get drunk fast on our dates, so it wouldn't hurt until after. I gave him my virginity at 18 and then my ass a couple times a week for half a year. I never had an orgasm with him, not once, only with my husband and... just my husband."

I could tell she was hiding something, but I sympathized. "I'm so sorry. That sounds awful!"

"It's okay. I let Ray do it the first time a few months after we got married. He was always careful. He used plenty of K-Y and took his time, so it wouldn't hurt me."

"That's good."

"He was great about it. Every time, he asked if I wanted to and if I was nervous he wouldn't. It feels strange in there, but if it doesn't hurt it's kind of nice. For a while, I was a real BUTT SLUT. Hahaha! We'd make love, then do anal nearly every night for maybe three months, then he lost interest. Sometimes I kind of miss it."

I knew I was on dangerous ground, discussing such intimate things with a married woman. Especially a DRUNK married woman, who seemed to like me. I pointed at the clock. "My interviews are usually thirty minutes, but we've been talking two hours. Here you go." I put two hundred dollars on the bar. "I'll call you in a few days to set up another interview."

"Could you just come over to my place instead? Or is it too far?"

She gulped down a final glass of wine as I laughed. I could walk from my kitchen to hers faster than I could get to my car and start it.

"I'll talk to you soon."

She wobbled as she started to stand up. "Whoa! Um, can you give me a hand? I'm kind of drunk."

I wrapped her arm over my shoulders and helped her upstairs. She asked, "Can I get a nap before I go home, maybe in your bed?" She clumsily pulled the front of her bra down enough for me to see one of her big nipples 'by accident'.

I was a little tempted but knew better. "Let's get you to your house. You'll be more comfortable there." I helped her across the alley and laid her down on the sofa in her living room. As I left I said, "I'll call you in a few days."


When Lynn and Jackie showed up for their next interview, they had two younger girls with them. Lynn rapidly said, "Sorry, but Jackie and I are busy. There's a frat party we can't miss. We need you to watch our little sisters Beth and Jan."

I tried to protest, "But we were supposed to do an interview. I'm not a..."

Jackie said, "We'll be back by midnight", then she whispered in my ear, "We'll both give you blowjobs if you do."

I futilely objected, "But I'm not a babysitter. What if..."

As Lynn led Jackie up the stairs at high speed, she called out, "THANKS!"

Apparently, I would be babysitting in exchange for oral sex and against my will. The nerdiest and most logical part of my mind wondered, 'Does that qualify as rape?’

After several complaints of boredom from the 9 and 10-year-olds, then searching fifteen minutes in vain for something to entertain them, I decided to use my secret weapon, my bank account. I made a huge mistake by asking, "So girls, which video game do you like best, Nintendo, Playstation, or X-box?" Within moments they were shouting at each other.

I resolved it by taking them to a couple of stores. I bought a large television for the basement, a sofa, a recliner, and all three consoles with some games. A friend helped me carry the furniture down to the basement and we had everything set up by 2 pm. I practically had to force them to eat at 8. After supper, I fell asleep in the recliner as they played a racing game together. I woke about 10 and saw the two passing a lit cigarette back and forth! They were smoking and not even in middle school yet!

I knew what I had to do.

I got up slowly, walked around the room very quietly, and turned the cameras on. Once I was sure they were recording, I quietly sat back down and watched the little girls smoke with one of my eyes closed and the other only slightly open.

Jan sucked a little smoke into her mouth and blew it out pretending, but at only 9 years old, Beth was a real smoker already! She took deep drags, inhaled fully, then exhaled large puffy clouds. About an hour later I watched them do the same with another cigarette, then they fell asleep leaning on each other on the sofa. I stayed awake until 2am, but there was no sign of their older sisters.

This happened in the 90's, before cell phones were common, or I would have been calling Jackie and Lynn repeatedly until they answered. When Jan woke me at 8am, there was still no sign of the older girls. I said, "I'm going to take you home to your parents. You know your addresses, right?"

Beth sounded like her obnoxious sister Lynn, as she said, "Are you MENTAL? We're in 4th grade, not kindergarten! Don't treat us like babies, buster!"

I mentioned, "We could get breakfast on the way. Would you like to eat at a nice restaurant?"

She instantly changed her attitude, "Yes, please."

After breakfast I paid, then we walked toward my car. A policeman tackled me and threw cuffs on my wrists before he even said anything! I scraped up both my knees and the side of my face. Only seconds later, three more cops showed up. They quickly read me my rights, then put me in the back of a squad car without even asking me any questions! I would never hurt anybody, especially a child, but they thought I was some kind of monster!

I saw them talking to the little girls quite a while, then one of the cops let me out and took the cuffs off. He explained they had received three separate calls about the girls being missing, and they suspected I had kidnapped them!

Lynn and Jackie had showed up at my place shortly after we left. They were in the middle of freaking out when they called the police on me. In addition, both sets of parents had called the cops since they expected all the girls to be home at 10pm the previous night. The police sergeant said he would bring them home and I was free to go. I was beyond fed up with Lynn and Jackie. I hung up on them when they tried to call me.


Instead of walking across the alley to her house, I called Felicia. She waved at me through the window when she answered. I was very nervous about getting involved with her. Instead of filming at my house, I made an excuse about the weather being too beautiful for filming indoors and took her to a park.

I didn’t ask any questions, but recorded her smoking in a gray miniskirt and a tight black t-shirt, with her pretty blonde hair blowing in the breeze. I had her lay down on a picnic table and orbited her very slowly, recording her smoking from all angles. She smiled knowingly when I paused near her feet and recorded up her skirt. On the video you can clearly see her red g-string and some of her pubic hair.

I made a copy of the video later and used it for ‘personal reasons’ dozens of times in bed. I thanked her and said I wished I wasn’t too busy to see her for a few months. She was disappointed but seemed to understand.


Later that summer, Felicia’s daughter Cassie knocked on my door one Sunday morning. "Hi Mr. Townsend." She wore white and blue sneakers, loose blue jeans, a pink t-shirt, and half a dozen necklaces made of black plastic beads. Another necklace had mostly black beads with a few of various colors, blue, pink, red, green. I noticed she still wore the purity ring.

"Hi, Cassie."

"Um, my mom and dad went on a trip with my sister Teri, and they won't be back for a week. Some tennis thing two states away. And, um..." She was chewing a large wad of gum and looked anxious. I noticed a small spasm in one of her fingers, then she scratched her arm.

I asked, "And you're out of cigarettes? Let's talk downstairs, so I can avoid catching you again." She laughed as I led her to the basement. I had her sit at the bar. "I'll bring some cigarettes over in just a minute. Don't steal them." I winked and angled the camera so it would record both Cassie and her reflection in the bar mirror, so there were two of her. "When did you have your last cigarette?

"Over a whole day!" She looked at the clock on the wall and thought a moment. "30 hours."

"Describe what the withdrawal feels like, please?"

"It SUCKS! I have a headache. I'm nervous and kind of angry for no reason. If I don't stop them, my fingers twitch. I feel like I have bugs crawling on my arms and legs. I just ate, but I still feel hungry. Not really hungry, more like I need to chew on something."

"I'm sorry. That sounds terrible. Here." I put a pack of Marlboro 100s on bar near her.

She took the gum out of her mouth and dropped it in the trash. "I usually smoke regulars, if you have some."

"I do if you don't like the 100s, but please try one."

"Okay." She pulled a long white cigarette from the pack and put the tan filter end between her lips. I saw her hand shake a little as she lit it. She took several rapid puffs and her frown slowly changed to a big smile. "Aaah! I needed that SO BAD! These taste the same. I like them."

"I'm glad. I think the longer ones look elegant. More delicate and feminine, and they last longer. I'll record you smoking a couple and you can 'steal' a few more packs."


"Your mother likes menthols. Have you tried them?"

"I got started on menthols, Salems that I took from Mom. I don't like menthol much though. They remind me of cough medicine and being sick."

"Nice necklaces. Did you make them?"

"Yeah." She held up the one with mostly black beads and a few colored ones. "I made them for how I felt. I used to be super-sad ALL THE TIME, but it's not so bad lately. This one reminds me there are some good things. The pink bead is for my grandma. These three are my friends. This blue one is you."

I smiled. "I'm glad I'm a good part of your life." She smiled back.

"Your parents left you alone, and you're how old?"

"Almost eighteen, I'm not a kid. My aunt visits every day, and my grandma calls."

"That's good. If you have an emergency, you can come over here, too."

She giggled, "I know! That's what I just did!" I smiled.

I wondered and asked, "If your mother smokes menthols, and your father doesn't smoke, how do you get regular cigarettes most of the time?"

"Grandma and my aunt pay me to help clean their houses, and my sister buys them for me. She's 19 now. She charges me an extra ten bucks a carton, though. Greedy cow!"

I laughed and asked, "Why do you call her a cow?"

"Are you BLIND? Her chest is HUGE! Bigger than Mom's even!"

"I didn't notice." I honestly hadn't.

At that moment Cassie realized something. "You notice me and Mom. Teri doesn't smoke, but we do. Hahaha! Are you some kind of weirdo that likes watching girls smoke?"

I blushed furiously and meekly admitted, "Yes. It's called a smoking fetish. You're safe. I only watch."

"It's kind of strange, but I know you're just a friendly nerd. If you pay to talk to me and I get cigs sometimes, it's fine."

"I'm glad. It's kind of embarrassing."

She said, "I won't tell, if you don't tell I do this." I stared and recorded as she blew half a cigarette worth of smoke rings before she put it out.

I set three more packs of Marlboro 100's on the bar and sarcastically said, "Don't steal those." I turned away as she said, "Thanks again." Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her put them in her purse.

As she started walking up the stairs, I said, "Call me in a few months, and we'll do another interview."



One night a few weeks later was terrifying. There was a knock at my front door as I was about to go to bed. A large, tall man was holding an envelope and didn't look happy. He handed it to me and said, "I'm Ray, Felicia's husband. I'm no good with words, so I wrote it down. If you screw her or touch my daughters..."

He opened the front of his jacket, revealing a large revolver in an underarm holster. The gun was only a little scarier than his size! He was about six foot six, muscular, and over 250 pounds!

I held my hands up and pleaded, "I... I only talked to them! Really! I swear! Please!"

He scoffed and shook his head. "Just read it."

When he walked away I shut and locked the door, then ran to the back door and locked that too. I tried to open the envelope, but my hands were shaking too much. I sat on my bed and took several deep breaths. Finally, I opened and read it.

"I had a lot of trouble with my wife before, but we made a deal. She says you're a good guy. I'll have some fun with a lady at work, and Felicia can have fun with you when I'm away. Blowjobs, play with her tits, munch her butt, whatever, just don't screw her. She's my wife, so her pussy belongs to ME. Don't tell anybody, and don't touch her in public. If I'm away, have fun in private.

p.s. If you touch my daughters -- trust me -- you REALLY don't want to touch my kids."

My first reaction was relief that he didn't want to kill me, at least not right away. My phone rang and Felicia worriedly asked, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine."

"Good. I saw Ray put his gun away and I was worried."

"Everything's okay. I talked with him, and I think we have an understanding."

She sounded relieved. "Good, good. Are we still on for 9am next week Friday?"

"Yes, I'll see you then."

I knew that if I got involved with her, the videos and data I'd collected on Felicia couldn't be used for my thesis. On the other hand, I hadn't been intimate with another person since college, over five years. I eagerly awaited our next meeting.


Instead of doing more interviews, Felicia and I had long talks over the phone and waved to each other out our windows. I didn't visit her house, and she stopped coming to mine. We made a show of being just friends. We told the neighbors she was giving me advice so I could win over my secret girlfriend in another town. According to our act, she was a happily married mom taking pity on the nerdy neighbor by helping him get a girlfriend. I'd blush and chuckle nervously when she would complain how hopeless I was at romance.

When she was in the mood, we would leave town and have some sexy fun in secret. She'd call me and drive to a motel an hour away. I would leave in my car a few minutes later and meet her there, always while Ray was at work and the kids were in school. At the motel one morning, I greeted her with a kiss and a bouquet of flowers. I was sad when she told me we were only friends who had sex. She liked me and liked 69 with me, but that was all. We didn't kiss again after that. I was mostly happy but wanted a lover instead of a fuck buddy. Still, I was overjoyed to watch her smoke, play with her nice boobs, and finger her as she sucked me a few times a month.

Later she gave me one of the best gifts I've ever gotten. For my birthday, she ordered a bottle of anal lube and had it delivered to my house. The next morning we used it at the motel and I gave her two loads rectally. Doing anal with her while she smoked was AMAZING! She enjoyed it too, if she could rub herself while we did it.

One time her husband Ray invited me to go fishing with them while he was home. After Felicia assured me he wasn't going to shoot me and leave my body floating in the lake, I reluctantly went along. Ray and I strangely became fishing and bowling buddies, though I was having an affair with his wife and he knew.


One night there was a knock on my back door as I was about to go to bed. Cassie was wearing a long pink dress and white low heels. The pink of her dress matched her lipstick. "Hi Cassie. It's late, ten o'clock." I saw she had been crying. "What's wrong?"

"Mom's away and Dad forgot my birthday! My sister too! My family SUCKS!" She started to cry again.

I didn't know it was her birthday either but wanted to make her feel better. "Come with me to the basement."

I sat across from her at the table and handed her something special. "What's this?" She stared at the nearly cube-shaped silvery box covered in Arabic writing.

"They're made in Morocco. They're called 'Fida Dakhana', it means 'Silver Smoke'. There's 100 to a box, for about fifty dollars." I had planned to give each girl one or two, but figured it was worth it since Cassie was the cutest.

"Wow! That's ten bucks a pack! I thought the price was getting crazy when cigarettes went up to three dollars!" She took one out. "Super long, and the silvery band looks pretty."

"Six inches, they're Fida Dakhana 150's. Try one."

She held it between her lips and touched the flame from her lighter to the tip as she sucked. I turned the camera on and started recording. "Mmmm! I like these! They don't sting my throat as much. They taste spicy. Weird, but I like." She took a few more puffs. "Cinnamon, and something... something else nice."

"Mint and a bit of clove. I'm glad you like them. Happy 18th birthday."

"Thank you!" She had learned some smoking tricks, and did a few French inhales and double-pumps, arousing me quite a bit.

I watched and recorded her smoking another. She stood and said, "I didn't bring my purse and Dad always sits by the door. He'll see and catch me if I bring them home."

"You can keep them in my garage and smoke in there. I think there's room in the bottom drawer of my big tool box."

"Thanks again!" She gave me a hug and tried to kiss me, but I stepped back. "Uh... Cassie, I'm a scientist. I'm glad you're happy, but I shouldn't get close to the people I'm studying."

"Oh, okay." She looked a little disappointed as she walked out.

I didn't like making her feel bad, but I needed to keep my objectivity. She was old enough under the law, but I had an eager sex partner in my near future, and I didn't want to piss off her father. Being involved with her and her mother at the same time would be a HUGE moral and logistical problem too.

I saw Cassie smoking in my garage several times and recorded her without talking much. I thought she was just the right age for maximum attractiveness; still young enough to seem cute and sweet but with the developed chest, hips, and bottom of a sexy woman. Most of the time I wasn't sure if I wanted to hug her or screw her more. Still, as usual, I remained polite but distant.


My next interview with Cassie was quite exciting, though her wardrobe wasn't. She wore jeans, white basketball shoes, and a beige button-up blouse. The only exposed skin was her face, neck, and hands. With a cigarette in her mouth, that was still enough to arouse me.

I saw she still had the purity ring on her finger and the black bead necklaces. Her pink fingernails had little white hearts painted on them. I asked, "Would you like a cola, orange juice, lemonade?"

"Cola please."

When I returned from the bar fridge on the far side of the basement, I saw her smoking and tapping a finger on the table. I handed her a can of cola and asked, "Are you nervous? You don't need to worry about anything here."

"No, it's my boyfriend. Just stupid boy stuff. Do you have more questions for me?" She rocked her head back suddenly, flipping her fine blonde away from her pretty face and making her breasts bounce a little beneath her blouse. She smoothed the hair away from her ears, showing off long sparkly earrings.

I reminded her, "You understand anything you say here is confidential. I won't tell anybody, and nobody in town will ever see the video."

"Yeah. You told me before." She exhaled a long white stream, then stood up. "I hurt my knee in gym class. I'm gonna stretch my leg." She took off the jacket and I saw a little of her midriff. She tugged the bottom of her blouse down to cover her narrow strip of exposed abdomen. She sat on the carpet and rubbed her knee through her jeans. I pointed the camera toward her. I could see a slight bit of her white bra and estimated her chest had grown to a 34 or 36-C.

"Is there anything you wish you could tell your parents, but you can't?"

A playful and naughty expression appeared on her face. "Yeah." She held up her middle finger, making me chuckle. She took another puff and smiled. "You have to be 20 to buy cigarettes now. Mom lets my stupid sister smoke just because she's 20. Teri doesn’t even have a job but Mom buys them for her! This is kind of a job, right? You're paying me."

"Fifty per interview. It's employment, in a way."

She looked into the camera and brazenly spoke. "I'm a pro! I'm a professional smoker!" She puffed and blew a dense cloud toward the camera, then smirked and took another puff. "Your precious baby angel smokes, Dad! What do you think of that? I kissed a boy too! A bunch of times!" Her rebellious declaration and the way she smirked defiantly excited me.

She took another big puff and slowly exhaled through her nostrils. "My boyfriend stares at my TITS a lot, and I know he wants to FUCK me." She smiled and took another puff. "Maybe I'll let him next time. How would you like that, Mom?" She held her middle finger up for the camera again and covered it in another momentary cloud. She was a sexy and confident woman trying to escape her prior innocence.

I urgently said, "Back in a minute!" I ran to the bathroom, so I could deal with the wild beast in my pants. When I returned several minutes later I didn't want to risk provoking or offending her, so I didn't ask any more questions. I just recorded her smoking two more as she smiled confidently.

When our time was up, I held out the usual $50. She asked, "Can you pay me with cigarettes instead, please? It's hard for me to get 'em now.”

"Sure." I took two cartons from the closet. They were $40 a carton at the time, but I gave her both.

"Thanks so much!"


The next time she came over it was early autumn. Cassie wore white pants and a black sleeveless top. I noticed pink lip gloss, mascara, and a bit of other makeup. It enhanced her beauty and made her appear a little older. As she sat I asked, "I see you're not wearing your ring. Did you lose it?"

She suddenly looked very nervous. "Na... no. I gave it to my boyfriend." She giggled.

I understood her subtext, she wasn't a virgin anymore. She looked happy but very ashamed.

I said, "Jokes are a good way to relieve tension. Do you know any?"

"Where does a one-legged waitress work?" She took a puff.


She smiled as I chuckled.

"What's her name?" She inhaled again.


I laughed. "That's terrible! But kind of funny."

She reached to the shelf for more cigarettes and held up a pack of Virginia Slim 120's for the camera. "I switched brands. I learned to enjoy sucking the long ones, like dating."

I sprayed a mouthful of coffee across the room, then both of us laughed uncontrollably. We started laughing again each time we looked at each other.

When I finally regained my breath and composure, I said, "That was fun, but back to the interview. How old were you when you started smoking?"

She lit up and took a deep drag, then released a cloud saying, "13, I told you before."

"And you're 18 and a half now?"


"Does the cigarette taste or smell any different when you exhale out your nose?"

"Not really."

"Does it make you feel cool?"

"No, I'm always cool." We smiled at the same time, and she stared into my eyes until I had to look away. I wanted her, but knew she was too young for me. Getting involved with her would taint my research too. There was also the fact that I was messing around with her mother, and her father scared me slightly less than the wrath of God.

I asked, "Do you think maybe 13 is too young to start smoking?"

"By the time I was 14 all my friends smoked. My dad said he started when he was 13. Mom started at 13 too.

My sister Teri didn't smoke until she was 19 and quit after a year, but she's crazy, a mad cow." She held two round pillows over her chest and crossed her eyes. "MOO!"

I laughed and laughed. I recorded her smoking another cigarette, then the session ended.


I invited her for another interview a few months later. As she walked in, I handed her cash. "Fifty, as promised." At the time, she was three months' pregnant. She knew, but I had no idea. I didn't notice that she usually smoked at least four cigarettes during our interviews, but that day she only had two, and only took about five puffs from each. She had cut down because she was 'in the family way', but not quit.

She wore a white vee neck shirt under an open pink jacket, hip hugger jeans, long silver chain earrings, and a shiny silver necklace. There was also a large silver ring with a pearl on one of her fingers. Her hair was very curly, and she wore more eye makeup than before. Instead of cute, she was glamorous and enticing.

I started recording and was happy to see her body had matured well. From the shape of her top, her breasts had probably grown to "D" cups, and her hips filled out her tight jeans nicely.

She said, "I didn't notice that you have hazel eyes before. Pretty! And nice arm muscles." She flirtatiously scratched my arm with a long pink fingernail as she walked past me.

“Um… thanks.” I knew she was almost 19 but couldn’t think of another question at the moment. "How old are you now?"

She lit one of her 120 slim cigarettes and took a small puff. "Old enough, I'm legal if you want to ask me on a date. I'm single now, and I think you're kind of handsome for an older guy." She inhaled again, then blew a few smoke rings as I stared at her lips.

I struggled to find words, any words at all. "Uh... 28 isn't that old. I... I think you're a fun person and... and very attractive, Cassie. However, ah...”

I swallowed hard and coughed. “I need... uh…" (My lust nearly inspired me to say, 'I need your mouth.')

"I need to remain objective and unbiased. I'm a scientist. I'd like to, but I can't date you."

She sighed and shook her head a little. "Fine. Ask your questions." She took another puff and exhaled through her nostrils.

"How much do you smoke?"

"Half a pack a day."

"Would you smoke more if you could?"

She smiled. "Absolutely!"

"How much did you smoke the first few months?"

"Maybe three or four a day. It was a lot harder when I had to sneak them from my parents. A friend buys them for me now."

"I hope you aren’t upset that I can't date you?"

"It might have been fun, but I'll live. You're not THAT hot." We both chuckled nervously. She asked, "Can I get something to drink? Orange juice, if you have some?"

"Sure." I brought a large bottle of orange juice downstairs from the kitchen and said, "There are glasses by the bar."

I recorded her as she walked around the basement slowly, inspecting my knickknacks on the wall shelves. Instead of using a drinking glass, she saw wine glasses at the bar and poured juice into one. She sat on a bar stool and I recorded her smoking another cigarette and drinking from a wine glass. She was a beautiful adult woman, instead of the nervous teenager I'd interviewed so many times. I thought recording her wearing a dress on a barstool would be quite sexy.

Before she left she asked, "I'm looking for a job so I can get a car. Could you interview me more often?"

"I record people about every six months for my research. I saw some websites looking for models. Maybe I could take pictures or record you for websites?"

Suddenly she was offended and angry. "You mean like PORN? I'm NOT A WHORE!"

"No! No! Fashion and lifestyle websites. Nothing naked or sleazy. You would wear regular clothes. I'll check into it and call you in a few days."

"Okay. Have a nice day, mister scientist. My parents will be out of town all weekend. I'll be so lonely all by myself." She fluttered her eyelashes at me for a few seconds, then licked her lips.

I was frozen in indecision. When I didn't react, she took my hand in hers and commented, "I think a long kiss goodbye would be fun. Since you don't like me that way, I need to kiss something else." My attention was firmly fixated on her mouth. She kissed my thumbnail, then licked my thumb. She giggled and stuck her tongue out as she started to walk up the stairs.

She was wrong. I did like her that way. I liked her that way and far beyond! By the time she left my yard, I was in the bathroom jerking off. I spent most of the next day debating if I should walk the few dozen steps to her house and 'keep her from being lonely.' I saw her smoking behind their house a couple of times when I looked out the window.

My self-restraint finally won as the sun was going down. I didn't fully comprehend the effect Cassie had on me at the time. She wasn't helping me understand my fetish, she was making it more powerful.

After I filmed an attractive lady smoking, I usually relieved my tension later as I watched the recording in my bedroom. I watched her new video about three times a day for months, and 'relaxed' myself nearly every time. I had decided that I could never have her; for many, many reasons. But that didn't stop my terribly strong desire.



2023-12-15 00:16:00
If you dislike this story for a reason other than 'I hate smoking', please share your thoughts. I have a thick skin and always welcome feedback, constructive or otherwise.

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