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What is a shy girl to do for her pervert husbands birthday?
My husband is a pervert... there's no easy way to put it, he's a pervert. We've been married 14 years, have 2 kids together, and I love Jason so much... but he's always trying to talk me into sleeping with other men in front of him, or exposing myself to his friends. He talks about going to nudist resorts and swinger clubs... but no matter how many times I tell him "no way", he just keeps trying. I have no interest in being with anyone else, and I wouldn't feel right doing it even if it was "just for him". Just the idea of anyone else seeing me like that, especially someone we know, bothers me to no end.

We have a fairly normal sex life, outside of his dirty talk while fucking me. I'll often play along, but I always make sure to tell him afterwards that it's just fantasy talk, and I wouldn't actually do it... he always looks a bit disappointed, but nods as he tells me he knows. I'm not a prude, I just can't do the kind of things he wants... it's one thing to talk about his friends taking turns fucking me, and it's another thing to actually do it! But talking about it during sex really gets him off, so I'm happy to play along. I do often feel guilty that I can't be the lover he lusts for, despite him never complaining.

His birthday was coming up, and I had been racking my brain to think of something special for him... I wasn't going to do anything extreme, but I considered maybe doing a boudoir photo shoot... not getting naked, but I figured me posing seductively and in lingerie for a photographer might turn him on without having to go to far. I didn't know where to look for a photographer, and I wanted to keep it a secret so I could surprise him with the pictures, so I couldn't ask him if he knew anybody (I'm sure he would have). I searched around a bit online and found boudoir photographers, but they were WAY more expensive than I was willing to pay... but the more I looked into it, the more I really wanted to do it!

I talked to one photographer named Robert Helm, who was interested based on what I told him and seemed willing to work with me price wise, but said he was already booked up and wouldn't be avaliable... but he did tell me that he knew of a photographer who was just getting started and would be willing to do it for a substantially lower price. I was hesitant to agree to work with someone with little experience, but Robert assured me his friend was more than capable and I would be happy with the results. I agreed to have the photographer contact me via email so we could potentially set something up.

The photographer sent me an email about 20 minutes later. It stated: "Hi, my name is Rodney Perkins and I'm an aspiring photographer. My colleague has told me you are interested in a Boudoir shoot and having difficulty finding the right photographer. Could you tell me what kind of photos you're interested in taking? I'm open to anything, but would like to have an idea of what to expect in advance. Look forward to hearing from you". I was hesitant to reply... my heart raced as I thought to myself 'am I really doing this?'... but I replied back, telling him about my husbands fetish and how I wanted to do it for him. I told him that I was OK with lingerie and implied nudity, but didn't feel comfortable with actual nudity. I asked him if he had any photos of his work he could share so I could get an idea of what to expect.

Rodney replied back with some sample photos, both boudoir and nude, which looked really impressive! He told me that the male in a few of his pictures is a friend of his that would be happy to model with me if I thought my husband would like that. My heart raced again... of course my husband would like that!... but could I do that? Posing seductively with another man?... I knew my husband would be ecstatic to see that, but could I actually do it? I explained to Rodney that I liked the idea because I knew my husband would love it... but I was extremely nervous and unsure. He assured me that I would be in control of what happens and how exposed I'd be, and had nothing to be nervous about. I sent him a picture of myself at his request, and we set a date for the shoot.

My stomach was in knots as I walked away from the computer... I was really going to do this! Pose seductively for another man in lingerie... possibly with another man as well... I immediately felt like I was in over my head, but I was determined to do this. I love Jason so much, and I knew he would appreciate that I did it for him, despite my reluctance. I went to try on some of my lingerie outfits to pick out what I should wear during the shoot, proud of myself for finding the courage to actually go through with this! I had been telling myself I wasn't going to do any nudity, but each outfit I had tried on revealed more than I had thought they would... nipples were often visible through the fabric, or barely covered my breasts which made accidental slips happen easily! Would I be prepared if I'm unwillingly exposed to these guys? I told myself I was over thinking it, and just set the outfits aside until the day of the shoot... I didn't want to talk myself out of it!

When the actual day of the photo shoot arrived, I almost chickened out... my nerves were going crazy, and I could feel my heart in my stomach. I had told my husband I was going to do some shopping (heavily implying it was for his birthday), and headed toward the address provided by Rodney. I was confused when I arrived, because the address provided took me to the studio of Robert Helm... the photographer who had suggested Rodney to do my shoot. As I walked up to the door I saw a man inside unlock it and open the door for me, and with a smile asked if I was 'Luna'... which is the fake name I had given him. I nervously smiled and told him I was, and he greeted me and introduced himself as Rodney, my photographer for the day. Instantly my heart jumped and I almost turned around and ran... just thinking about posing in vulnerable and risqué scenarios in front of him scared me... I now had a face to the person, and it just made it that much more real and scary.

Rodney must have seen it on my face, as he told me "please, don't be nervous... I assure you everything will be great, and you have nothing to worry about". I mustered a smile while trying to keep a brave face, and Rodney showed me around. "Robert is doing work outside of the studio today, so he was gracious enough to allow me to use his studio today" he told me as he poured a couple glasses of champagne and handed one to me. "We can do this at your own pace, I'm in no hurry and I want to make sure you're comfortable" he told me as I took a sip. I was starting to feel much better... Rodney was very polite and charming, and looked very professional as well. We walked around the studio as he suggested different back grounds for the pictures, pointing out that the heart shaped bed would be great based on what he had heard about my husband... he was telling me that I should wear as much or as little as I want for the photos as he understood they were for my husband, and didn't want me to feel embarrassed or judged... that he didn't mind if I wanted to do sexier or raunchy poses.

I told him "this is very unorthodox for me, and I appreciate your professionalism, but i wasn't planning on doing anything too risque" when someone knocked on the door... it startled me, but Rodney just chuckled and told me it was his lighting assistant and model Joshua, as he unlocked the door and let him in. Joshua looked like he was in his early to mid 20's, and clearly had the model looks. Rodney introduced him to me and said "at any point you would like to have Joshua join you for pictures, he'll be more than happy to oblige". Once again I could feel the butterflies in my stomach as I started to grow nervous again. Rodney put his hand on my shoulder and said "don't worry, it's going to be fun" with a reassuring smile as Joshua started turning on some lights. I thanked him before he suggested I go change into my first outfit. I quickly grabbed my bag holding my outfits and went into the dressing room to change before I could think twice, as Rodney played some music.

Once the door was closed behind me, I sat down and took a deep breath as I started to undress... I had done enough research to know I shouldn't wear anything tight that would cause lines on my skin, so I stood there nude and looked at myself in the full length mirror. I knew that's how Jason would love me to pose, but I just couldn't muster up that much courage... I was already pushing my boundaries. As I put on the first outfit, I started to get self concious... no one other than my husband had seen me like this since long before I was married. It was a white bikini lingerie, where the top rides low in the front so that it barely covers my nipples, a matching g string bottom with a garter belt. I felt sexy... my breasts are on the bigger side, so they jiggled and looked barely contained... my butt was practically fully exposed outside of the one inch string running up my cheeks. I took a deep breath as I slowly opened the door... there was no turning back now.

I heard music playing as I walked out, and nervously stood on the stage. I notice both of them smile as they looked at me up and down. Rodney told me I looked "incredible" which caused me to blush as I thanked him. Joshua directed the lights toward me as Rodney had me sit on the bed and hold a few poses as he started clicking the camera... I was doing it! It might not seem like a big deal to most, but it felt like a huge accomplishment and I was proud of myself. It didn't take long for it to not seem like a big deal, and I started having fun with it... they remained professional and made me feel sexy. As a mother of two boys, I don't often feel sexy... and they were doing a great job of reassuring me that I looked great as they playfully told me how sexy I was. Rodney started to direct me more on how to pose, which made it easier as well... although I worried that sometimes I might have been showing more skin than I wanted from certain positions. Rodney suggested I change into a different outfit, but I requested to see the pics he had taken so far... the curiosity was killing me!

Rodney walked over and turned his camera around to show me what he had taken, while saying "keep in mind, I'll be touching up the colors and contrast" as I scrolled through the pics... I was really impressed by how beautiful the pics were, but it didn't take long for me to notice he had zoomed in between my legs a few times. I turned toward him, and he had a somewhat embarrassed look as he mumbled "I was trying to get shots that your husband would like". He had a point, I was sure Jason would love them... it just caught me off guard and was unexpected, but not as much as what I saw next... "is that my nipple?" I asked, as I looked at a picture my me laying on my back while pushing my chest up... it was clear that my nipple had escaped from my top without me realizing it, and he had captured it. I slid to the next picture which showed a closer view of my right nipple standing out as I looked at the camera, oblivious to my exposure. Joshua was now standing on the other side of me looking at the pics with me, and telling me how sexy I looked. I was unsure how to react, as I said "thank you" while continuing to scroll through the pictures.

"I hadn't planned on showing so much" I told them as I continued to look through the pics, feeling both uneasy and sexy... Rodney chimed in "from what I understand, your husband would want you to go even further right?". I nodded as I handed back his camera, and Joshua added "I'd love to see you go further as well... your husband is a lucky guy". I nervously responded "I'm sure he'd love to see me go a lot further... it just makes me feel uncomfortable". Rodney didn't miss a beat when he smiled as said "don't be afraid to push your limits a little bit, you're doing it for your husband". Honestly, the fact these two guys were trying to coerce me into doing more did turn me on a bit... knowing they weren't judging me and were eager to help, regardless if they were just hoping to see more of me... but they were right, it was what Jason would want to see... and this was for him... besides they already had some pics of my nipples showing when I didn't realize it. I told them "I realized I'm not the youngest and hottest girl, but Jason makes me feel like I am... I'm willing to maybe push things a little bit, if you guys are cool with it". I wasn't even sure what those words meant as I said them, but I figured I had gone this far, I shouldn't be afraid to push it a little more.

Rodney smiled and said "I don't want you to hold back at all... feel free to push things as far as you want, I think Joshua and I hope you do anyway" with a wink. I got a bit embarrassed, but was also extremely flattered as I shyly asked "so what should I do?". Rodney looked over at Joshua and said "I think you should join her for the next round of pics", but I quickly added "I'm not going to have sex with anyone... I'm not willing to go that far". I watched Joshua remove his shirt, revealing a very fit and sexy body, as Rodney said "understood... let's just focus on getting pics for your husband that will help fulfill his fantasies... we can take suggestive pics, or pics that look a bit naughtier than they really are... don't worry, you're still the one in control" as he brought his camera up to take more pictures. Joshua stood behind me and asked me "what should I do?". I looked toward Rodney for assistance due to not really knowing what to say.

Rodney said "put your hands on her waist while looking her in the eyes". I felt OK with that as I nodded and looked back toward Joshua. I felt my heart start to pick up pace as he placed his hands firmly on my lower waist while he looked at me seductively... I knew it was just for the pictures, but it was still erotic. I felt Joshua's hands slowly run up and down my waist as Rodney continued to take pictures, instructing me to lean back into him as I close my eyes. I knew my husbands fantasy was to see me intimate with another guy, so he would no doubt love seeing these pics! I heard Rodney using his camera as he said "great job, you guys look great... keep thinking about what Jason wants to see... remember, we're just acting, so there's no need to worry". He was right of course... I had been so nervous, and I had two professionals that were willing to work with me... and they understood that this was just a show and things wouldn't go to far... but I was enjoying safely pushing my boundaries a bit... for Jason, of course...

Rodney asked me, "what's the most erotic things that would please your husband? What could we possibly act out for him?". I blushed as he continued to take pics while Joshua hugged me from behind, his arms just under my breasts... "You know... he likes the idea of other guys being attracted to me... he fantasizes about seeing other guys being intimate with me... I just don't feel comfortable with actually doing anything". Rodney smiled at me and said "well it's easy to find you attractive.... especially when you look like that". I thanked him, but started to feel Joshua undoing my bra from the back as Rodney said "Joshua seems to really find you attractive as well". I started to feel nervous again as I felt the latch unhook, and quickly put my arm up to keep the top from falling and exposing my breasts. Rodney kept taking pics as I said "I'm not comfortable showing my breasts"... Rodney just shrugged and said "we've already got a few pics with your nipples showing... don't think of it as showing us your breasts, think of it as showing your husband... this camera lens is your husbands eyes... maybe just start with lowering your top slightly to tease him... he'll love it". He was right of course but I still felt reluctant... they had already had a peek, which I admit was a bit of a turn on... but it still felt wrong to expose myself to them. "I'll lower it a little bit, but I'm not comfortable just going topless", I said as I slowly lowered the top in front of me, just barely above my nipples.

Rodney took a few pics, and said "don't be afraid to go lower, let your husband see your nipples while Joshua holds up your top". I felt pressured, but they had already seen my nipples a bit before... and a little tease where Jason could see Joshua looking at my peeking nipples would be something he'd really enjoy... I felt Joshua cup the bottom of my bra, essentially supporting my breasts with his hands... I let it fall slightly more, knowing my areolas were showing as the camera kept clicking, and Joshua let the top come down more... now exposing my full nipples as he pushed my breasts up toward the camera. I felt a bit betrayed, but Joshua was quick to comment "you have great tits, your husband is a lucky guy" as he stared over my shoulder at my chest. Rodney got closer to take close up pics of my fully exposed breasts as I felt my face get hot from both excitement and embarrassment... but they both seemed to really enjoy looking at me. I said "I'm not sure about this" as Joshua lowered the top even more to where it was no longer supporting my breasts, as he held it against my lower abdomen. I was now completely topless, and Rodney and Joshua looked so happy to see me in a state of undress I never thought I'd be in for anyone other than my husband.

"Your husband is going to be so proud of you, you look incredibly sexy", Brandon said as he continued to take pics of me as Joshua just let my top drop to the floor... I could have covered myself with my hands... but I didn't. Knowing I was going to make Jason happy just encouraged me to trust Brandon, and their words of encouragement made me feel both sexy and kind of proud... even if it wasn't completely voluntary. I thought to myself "I've already gone this far, there's no point covering up now" as I posed completely topless with Joshua standing next to me, staring at my nipples as he held on to my hips. I told them "this is a far as I go though, ok?" as Brandon just smiled while taking pics, and I tried to looking sexy for the camera. Brandon replied "we can do a lot of sexy pics of you with Joshua while your topless... but why limit yourself when you know your husband wants so much more?". I told him "I understand, but I've already went further than I had planned... and I have to set a limit, I can't be posing completely nude, or having sex with anyone, regardless if Jason would like it". Rodney pointed out "you've gone further than expected, and aren't you glad you did? Does it not make you feel good knowing how happy you're going to make your husband?". I was silent for a bit, and finally admitted that it did... Rodney just added "all I'm saying is, let's not set hard limits... let's not be afraid to push things a bit and see how great we can make these pics".

I had to hand it to him, he was great at making a point... I never thought I'd be posing in nothing but a white g string and garter belt while a man poses with me... but I still felt in control, despite being pushed... I knew I wouldn't let things go to far, but was curious how far I could go for the pics... after all we were just acting. It was still a bit of a shock to be standing there as two guys admired my body as they complimented me on having "great tits". I knew Jason loved my body, and always wanted me to show it off, but I always felt like most guys wouldn't find my body that attractive... I've had 2 kids, and my body wasn't as firm as it once was, but these two guys made me feel like I was attractive again... even if they were just saying it to encourage me for the pics, it was nice of them to continue to encourage me. Rodney suggested that Joshua remove his pants so that we were both in our underwear... he said "let's give the impression that you guys are close to being intimate... it doesn't make sense that he isn't undressed more as well". I started to say "that's not necessary, you don't have to do that", but Joshua started to undo his pants as if it was no big deal. Rodney must have noticed my reaction, because he added "It's ok Luna, Joshua has posed nude for me a few times before... he's comfortable with it". I looked at Joshua, who just gave me a reassuring smile, as he now stood next to me in nothing but tight boxer briefs... which was clearly hiding a rather huge erection.

I caught myself staring and quickly looked back at the Rodney and the camera, only to see Rodney was looking at me with a smile. I'm sure I blushed, but Rodney just suggested I lay on the bed while Joshua knelt next to me. I did as he requested, my nipples standing straight up as Joshua was kneeling next to me with his hand just under my breasts... Rodney took pics as he directed Joshua to "bring your face close to her tit, as if you're about to kiss or suck it". I was a bit nervous things would go to far, but Joshua just did as directed and didn't actually kiss my breast... although he was close enough to where I could feel his warm breath against my nipple as the pics continued. "Luna, open your legs a bit while Joshua puts his hand on your lower abdomen... as if he is about to lower it toward your crotch" Rodney requested, as I slowly opened my legs a bit for the camera. I felt Joshua's hand rest right above my panty covered lower regions as I heard Rodney direct, "spread wider please". Joshua's face was still close to my naked breast as he looked up at me, and I slowly spread my legs more as I heard the camera snapping. "Your husband is going to love this... Joshua, lower your hand slightly, but be careful not to go to far... and look toward her as if about to embrace in a kiss". I appreciated that Rodney directed him to not go to far, but his hand was resting on top of my panties, just above my vagina... I didn't say anything because I was sure it wasn't intentional, and I was distracted with his lips so close to mine. He smiled and said "acting out scenes like this can be fun... even if it's just pretend". I gave a bit of an uncomfortable giggle and replied "it can be... thanks for respecting my limits". Joshua just smiled back and said "of course... but just so you know, I'm willing to go as far as you're willing to... I have no limits, and you're incredibly sexy".

I was both flattered and taken aback by his words, but I just nervously replied "thank you, that's sweet... but things won't go to far, let's just keep things pretend, ok?" Joshua smiled and replied "of course... I just wanted you to know". Rodney had been moving around us taking pictures, but I realized he was now focused on close ups of my crotch... I had panties on, but I still felt extremely exposed... my legs were spread really wide, and I could feel Joshua's hand applying pressure right above my vagina. Rodney asked "Is it OK if he kisses your stomach, to make it look like he's slowly going down to your pussy?". I was a bit shocked that he used the word pussy, but I told him "as long as we're just acting and not actually doing it, I don't mind... Jason will like that". Rodney praised me by saying "that's the spirit... he's going to be so proud of you" before directing Joshua to "slowly kiss down her stomach until your right above her panties". I was startled that Joshua started kissing me right between my breasts before slowly moving down my stomach... Rodney directed me to "put your hands on his head as if pushing him toward your panties"... I did as instructed, feeling his lips pressing against my body until he was kissing the top of my panty line. Both of them were now focused between my spread legs, and Rodney directed Joshua to kiss my inner thighs, but not to go to far so that I didn't feel uncomfortable.

I once again felt hesitant, but hearing him set limits to keep things from going to far out of my comfort zone did help ease my concerns... but I found as his lips danced around the sides of my crotch, I couldn't help but starting to feel aroused... I felt safe from things going to far, but it was hard to ignore how incredibly sexy it was to have this hot guy between my legs while I'm laying there with my tits out. Rodney asked me "are you comfortable with Joshua removing your panties for more pictures?"... I froze up for a second, but slowly sputtered "I think that would be going to far... I feel safer knowing things won't go to far as long as they stay on... and I'm not comfortable with you guys seeing my vagina". Rodney replied "your the boss, we want you to be comfortable... but keep in mind, we won't do anything you won't allow... and any nudity is for your husbands eyes, not ours". He was right, and they had been good about respecting my limits... but I felt like this was a limit I had to stick to... besides, the panties were so small they barely covered me anyway! "Thank you, but let's just continue with my panties on" I said, as Joshua continued to kiss around the sides of the panties, being careful not to go further than I had allowed... but he seemed to push the line a bit, despite that Rodney wasn't taking pics while talking to me.

Rodney must have noticed, so he started taking pics again and suggested we reset for different suggestive poses. I sat up, concious again to the fact I was topless and in full display as I noticed it no longer made me feel uneasy... I guess I had just grown used to it after all the pics and poses, and that felt somewhat empowering and reassuring. I also noticed that Joshua had a rather huge penis that was barely being contained in his boxer briefs, and with his body it was no wonder why he was so comfortable posing nude. Knowing I had that kind of reaction on him was flattering as well, and I kind of gave a slight jiggle to my chest as I asked Rodney "what poses should we do next?". Rodney responded "the idea is to make it look like you guys are fucking, without actually fucking... so let's try some poses that make you guys look more intimate". I nodded and answered "as long as the panties stay on, and we're just pretending, I'm OK with any poses". Rodney smiled and said "that's the spirit, I want to make these pics look as real as possible... without crossing any of your limits of course". I agreed with him, now feeling much more comfortable and confident than previously.

Rodney asked if I wanted to take a short break, and I said "sure, I'd love to see what you've taken so far anyway". He handed me the camera and poured us all another glass of champagne... Joshua and Rodney discussed different ideas and changed the lighting a bit as I scrolled through the pics. He was doing a fantastic job of making me look sexy, and I was now proud of how much I had shown... but when I got to the pics of Joshua kissing my inner thighs, I realized just how little my g string panties covered... the sides of my vagina were on display, leaving only my lips covered... and even that was somewhat visible through the material! I felt my chest start to warm up again due to a mixture of embarrassment and excitement, as I took a big drink to help calm my nerves. Jason was going to love it, but I wouldn't have had the guts to pose that way if I knew how much was on show! I quickly calmed down, now happy that these pics were turning out better than I had ever expected or planned, and still felt in control. Rodney came back and asked me "are you happy with the pics do far?"... I told him "Yes, very... these are great", but then noticed Joshua coming back completely nude!

Rodney said "we want to make the next set look more intimate, so we decided it would be best if you guys were both nude... but we know you're not comfortable with that, so Joshua will just be nude... don't worry, nothing will happen that you don't want to happen... we just want the best pics possible". It made sense, but still made me feel uncomfortable... I did my best to hide it though, knowing that Jason would like knowing that I posed with a nude man while topless, and I was still in control. I tried not to look to much, but I couldn't believe how hard and well endowed he was! Other than Jason, I had only been with a few other guys... but none of them were equipped like Joshua. Rodney directed us to stand on our knees while in the bed, with Joshua behind me... we got into position, him slightly to the side so that his penis didn't press up against me... but I could feel it up against my waist. Rodney took pics as he told me to stay in the same position, but lay back against him while he wrapped his arms around me... "is it OK if Joshua kisses your neck" Rodney asked... I merely nodded and Joshua started to slowly kiss up and down my neck while Rodney continued to move closer toward us.

I could feel him occasionally flexing down there against my side... that combined with his kissing up and down my neck started to get me aroused... which I hadn't anticipated. I could literally feel my vagina starting to throb and moisten... I knew that I was in control though, and didn't let it worry me. Rodney told me "put your hand down in your panties so that it looks like you"re rubbing yourself... you don't have to take them off". In my state of mind, and the fact he pointed out I would leave the panties on, I didn't hesitate to place my hand down my panties. I just rested it there, making sure I covered my vagina with my hand so that I didn't expose myself... but I couldn't believe how wet I was! Rodney told Joshua to "hold her tits up toward the camera" and then said "Luna, look up at him as if you're about to kiss him... and move your hand in your panties occasionally so that it looks like you're masturbating". Before I knew it he was cupping my breasts... I turned my head to look at him as he did the same... we faced each other within inches as our eyes met. Rodney again said "move your hand a bit... we want to create the illusion that you're playing with your pussy". I slid my hand up and down a bit while I could feel our hot breath hitting each other as Rodney continued to catch it all on his camera... I was so wet that my hand just glided against my clit, and I actually had to fight the urge to actually masturbate. I had been so nervous before that I never antanticipated actually getting aroused.

Rodney complimented me by saying "very sexy, you're doing a great job... maybe wiggle your hands a bit more, don't be afraid to be naughty for your husband". At that point I didn't know why I felt the need to hold back... part of me worried that they would get the wrong impression, but they had not done anything I hadn't told them to do... and this was for my husband, and they knew that as well. I felt Joshua move his lips closer to me, and I wondered if he was going to actually kiss me... but I made no effort to stop him if he did. I noticed his hands were no longer just supporting my breasts, but he was now rubbing and groping them... occasionally gently pulling on my nipples as I started to hear splashing sounds from my crotch... I realized I had fully started masturbating, and I was so wet that it sounded like someone was slapping a puddle. I didn't even care as I realized Rodney was squatting below me and getting close ups of my crotch... I knew that in my masturbating frenzy that I undoubtedly had shown my vagina to him, but once again I didn't care... I was glad I had, and when I realized it, I also realized I had no reason to hide anything... this was for Jason after all, right? Before I even thought it through, I pulled my panties to the side with my free hand, allowing him an unobstructed view of my pussy as I rubbed it for the lens... I was completely lost in lust as I pushed a couple fingers inside of me and then pulled them out, spreading myself open for Rodney's eyes. I felt like the slut that I wanted to pretend to be.

Joshua moved his hand down to my ass, and I realized his other hand was slowly stroking his cock... I was panting and moaning, and I'm sure it was very clear that I was not "acting" or "pretending". I guess my panties were no longer tight against me, because I felt his hand slide between my checks with nothing preventing it, and I knew that the panties were pretty much useless at this point. Rodney obviously sensed the change in my limits, because he said "why don't you lie down on your back... let's make your husband proud of his wife, show him how naughty you can be for him". Joshua moved from behind me as I laid back, and Rodney directed him to "remove her panties while she's playing with her pussy... you don't mind, do you Luna?". I nodded as I bit my lip while playing with my pussy... now proud of how far I'd gone, and turned on knowing I was going to be on full display for them... just earlier the idea would have scared me, but now I wanted them to see... knowing that they wanted to see so badly suddenly turned me on... a lot. Joshua peeled them down as Rodney captured the moment, and I spread myself open knowing they could see how wet and horny I was. Once they were off, Joshua was stroking his cock while staring at my pussy, and Rodney directed him to "kiss her inner thighs like earlier... let her husband see how close your lips get to his wife's pussy". Joshua started kissing where he before, and I lied to myself "it's OK, he won't actually lick my pussy"... but I think I secretly was hoping he just would, because I said and did nothing to stop him as I felt his lips slowly move closer and closer soaked pussy.

I was laying on my back, raised up on my elbows, watching as Rodney was leaning in between my legs to get close up shots of my crotch... Joshua was now lightly licking the sides of my pussy lips, and Rodney noticed I hadn't said anything. Rodney looked at me and said "you look so sexy laid out naked like that... I'm just going to get a few shots with his tongue on your pussy, ok?"... and before I could even reply I could feel Joshua run his tongue up and inside me. I don't know what I would have said in response if given the opportunity to respond... maybe I would have hesitated and said no, or maybe I would have just allowed a little... it didn't matter now, and I caught myself pushing my pussy toward his mouth as he frantically started eating me out. Rodney took pics, but would occasionally pause and squeeze his cock in his pants... and I wondered how far this was about to go, or if I would do anything to stop it regardless. I was breathing heavy and moaning as Joshua slid a finger inside me as he licked and sucked my clit... and despite still being nervous to go "all the way", I was thinking about it a lot! Rodney told me "I'm trying to stay professional, but this is so extremely hot... I can't help but be aroused by how sexy you are" as he gripped his cock in his pants.

Joshua stopped what he was doing and stood up, and his massive cock was just standing out straight, as if pointing toward me. Rodney told him "smack the top of her pussy with your cock... make it look like you're close to penetrating her". My heart started beating faster as his dick smack up and down on my pussy, occasionally gliding between my lips... I was both excited and nervous... I hadn't had time to think this all through! I never planned for things to get to this point, and now I didn't know if I should push further or pull back! I heard Joshua whisper to Rodney "I want to fuck her so bad"... and I heard Rodney tell him "fuck man, I do too" as he stopped taking pics. They both looked me up and down, and I felt a nervousness shoot up my body as they both rubbed themselves in front of me. Rodney finally spoke up and asked me "are you ready to get the pics your husband really wants?" I hesitated but answered "I'm not sure I should... maybe we should stop". Rodney quickly said "let's not stop yet, we can still get some more pics... maybe we'll just make it look like you're getting fucked. Maybe just a pic of his cock pressing against your hole... maybe just a little inside"... that sounded good to me, he had already ate me out, so a few pics to show just a little penetration so that it looks like I got fucked would really give Jason what he wanted! I nodded and said "just a little... and take it slow, that's a big dick!".

That's all they needed to hear, Rodney picked up his camera and started taking pics as Joshua held my legs up and spread, and started lining the head of his cock to penetrate me... I was so fucking horny that my stomach hurt, and my heart was beating so loudly... Rodney took pics as I felt the head of Joshua's cock pop pass the entrance to my pussy, the head now inside of me! My first instinct was to drive my body up to meet him, but I wasn't able to do much in the position I was in, but I know that they both noticed. Rodney told Joshua to stay still while he takes pics, but I could feel Joshua ever so slightly push forward, and pull back... almost as if he was trying to sneakily fuck me with slow tiny thrusts. Rodney said "ok now let's get some shots of his cock all the way inside of you... still no fucking, just a pose, ok?". I'm pretty sure if he had just started fucking me, I wouldn't have said anything... I would have let him take me at that point... but seeing as I was still a bit unsure, and it was just a pose (even if his full cock was inside of me), I merely whispered "ok".

Rodney suggested I get on all fours so that it would be easier to get a full penetration shot, and I could have more control on what was happening. I didn't care, as I got up and bent over... sticking my ass in the air so Joshua could push his cock inside of me... I told him "I've never had a dick that big inside of me, so please go slow". Rodney came to the other side of the bed so he could take pictures of my face, and said "I'll wait until he's fully inside you for that pic... let me capture your reaction to the first new cock sliding inside you". I looked at Rodney as I felt Joshua grabbing my hips and slowly pushing his dick against me until I felt the head inside again... now that I was on all fours, I could push back easier against him as he slid in little by little, occasionally backing up a bit... and I knew he was once again trying to fuck me a little... except this time I caught myself doing the same.

I started grunting as I gently rocked against his cock, feeling it slowly go further into me only to have him pull it back a bit... I think he didn't want to go all the way in to fast, because that might end the fun... but at that point it was just teasing me. I had never had a man stretch me out so much, and I wanted to see what it would feel like for him to be fully inside me... but every time he would go a bit deeper, he'd pull back and slowly stroke back and forth until he would get closer to where he was before. He was no doubt fucking me, even if just slowly and despite the facade that he was just going in for a picture. Rodney captured pics as I would occasionally moan and push back against Joshua, and I was sure he knew that Joshua was secretly fucking me as well. Rodney lifted my chin so I was looking up at him, and asked "Do you think you can take it all?". I just nodded as I could feel my tits rocking due to Joshua's motions. Rodney smiled at Joshua, noticing his rhythm picking up a bit, and then started to unzip his pants... I was confused, a tad concerned, but was really just lost in the moment as Joshua's cock had got deeper than any man had before, and he was clearly pulling out much more and going deeper inside me. Rodney pulled his cock out in front of my face and said "let's get some pics of you pretending to suck my cock while he pretends to fuck you.

Why would he say he's pretending to fuck me? His huge cock was clearly penetrating me repeatedly with a steady rhythm, and he started grunting as I heard him say "fuck her pussy feels so good". I was meeting him with every thrust now, and I had no doubt I was getting fucked right there in front of Rodney, who now had his hard cock in my face... he had a nice looking cock, but it was nothing compared to the one that was currently inside of me. Rodney told me to "hold out my tongue" while I felt Joshua pushing much further than before... it was almost painful how deep he was inside me, but I wanted more. I didn't want to pretend anymore, I wanted to get fucked... he was already anyway, so I wanted to just go full out with no more teasing. I grunted in a frustrated voice "please, just fuck me! I want you to fuck me!"... and without missing a beat I felt Joshua slide all the way inside of me before he started fucking me rapidly. I had never experienced anything like it, and I was completely lost in the experience. Rodney pulled my head up and I saw him smile as he pushed his cock into my mouth. There was no more posing or pretending, Joshua was fucking me hard as Rodney fucked my face. I tried to perform on Rodney's cock, sucking and bobbing on his dick... but it was difficult with such a huge cock fucking me so hard.

Joshua pulled out completely and then slid all the way back in, causing me to gasp... it went all the way in with no resistance, despite how full I felt with him inside of me. Rodney had moved over next to Joshua, and was watching as he fucked me... he told me "you look so fucking sexy getting fucked like that". I couldn't stop moaning as I buried my face into the mattress, and Joshua would fuck me, pull out and tease me, and start fucking me hard again. I no longer had any problem taking all of him, and knowing he wanted to fuck me so bad and was now doing it was making me close to cumming... I was actively trying not to cum just yet, I was enjoying it too much. I felt him lean in and start eating my pussy again as I reached between my legs and started rubbing my clit... "I need your cock, fuck me!" I moaned. I felt his cock slide in and start fucking me again... but it was different. I looked up and Joshua was stroking his dick next to my face, and I looked back to see Rodney was now fucking me! I didn't realize it was him that was licking my pussy, and that I had told to fuck me! He looked so satisfied as he railed in me from behind and said "I've been thinking about fucking you all day... your husband is lucky to have a wife with a hot pussy like this". I was a bit shocked, but honestly didn't care... I had already sucked his dick, and hearing how much he had wanted to fuck me made me hornier.

Rodney told me "turn around and lay on your back... I want to see your tits bounce while I fuck you" as he pulled out of me. Without a second thought I did as he requested, and he slid back in and laid on top of me... Joshua was watching and jacking off when he said "god damn, you're a good fuck... I can't wait to get some more". Here I was, a married woman with the ring on too show it... a mother of two boys, with the stretch marks to show it... and I'm wearing nothing but a garter belt while two guys I had just recently met took turns fucking me like a slut... the slut that my husband always wanted me to be, and that I was to scared to be... and now I couldn't think of why I had been so hesitant. Rodney played with my tits as he continued to ravage my pussy with heavy and fast thrusts, and Joshua leaned in and started kissing me. Our tongues danced with each other as Rodney pulled out and came on my stomach... I could feel multiple spurts hitting me, which he quickly cleaned up with a towel while Joshua was still kissing me... and Joshua got back into position and lifted my legs, and he stared down at my pussy while pressing his cock into me... I had to get use to his size again, but it didn't take long before he was laying on top of me and thrusting deep inside of me again. I looked at Rodney, who was drinking champagne while watching with a satisfied smirk on his face, and I wondered if this had been his goal all along... if so, I didn't care.

Joshua started picking up his pace as he told me "you handle my cock better than my girlfriend... fuck, and you're so much tighter". I started to grunt as I felt an intense orgasm growing, and told him "don't stop... I'm going to cum!"... he gripped my tits as he aggressively railed me, and watched me as I loudly came around his cock... he grunted "I can feel you're pussy cumming... I'm going to cum inside of you". I didn't care if he came in me... I wasn't on birth control, but I figured I'd just get a morning after pill... there was nothing that was going to get me to stop while I was having one of the most intense orgasms of my life. I could feel his cock pulsing inside me as he came, and it just made my orgasm that much more intense... but as soon as he was done, he pulled out and walked off toward the dressing room while I laid there with my legs spread and his cum leaking out of me. Rodney picked up his camera and took some pics of me as I was catching my breath and coming to terms with what had just happened... a mixture of excitement and shame washed over me as Rodney congratulated me on doing a great job.

It was such an abrupt end to everything, and Rodney stood there and said "when you're recuperated, you can go ahead and get dressed and we'll email you the pics once they are ready" as he handed me a wash rag... not knowing how to react, I just said "thank you" as I slowly got up and walked naked back into the dressing room to get dressed and collect my stuff. Joshua was still there, pants back on and was putting on his shirt when I walked in... I know it was stupid, but I felt self concious standing there naked, and covered my breasts with my arm as I walked toward my stuff. Joshua chuckled and said "there's no need to be shy now... that was a lot of fun, I'm glad you came out of your shell". I dropped my arm, trying to act more confident than I actually was, and told him "I never would have thought things would go that far... I'm still kind of taking it all in". He gave me a smile and said "well I hope you don't have any regrets... from what I understand your husband will be really proud of you". I didn't know what to say, so I just bashfully shrugged as I removed the garter belt and put on my panties. Joshua handed me a card, and said "if you'd ever like to meet up again... maybe to fuck in front of your husband, or even just the two of us, just hit me up". I thanked him as I put the card in my purse, a bit flattered that he would want to be with me again, although still a little uncomfortable standing topless in front of him. He walked up, gave me a brief kiss before playing with my nipples and saying "I hope to hear from you" and walked out the door.

Once I was dressed, I walked out and it was just Rodney there messing with his camera. He looked at me and said "I think you'll be really happy with how the pictures turned out... I'll try to send a few samples later today, and we can go from there". He acted like he hadn't just fucked me, that it was just a normal photo shoot... I said "sounds great, I look forward to it" before walking out and getting in my car. As I drove home, I replayed everything that had happened in my head... was what happened a good thing? I never even changed outfits, and I realized that he hadn't taken any pictures while he or Joshua fucked me... as if it was never expected, or they didn't care to capture it. Would Jason be excited to hear about it, or would he be disappointed that I did it without him? I had never even had a threesome before, and today I let two guys fuck me despite not being willing to do it with my husband in the past... did I make a mistake? I'm sure he'd be happy with the nudity, but would knowing these guys took turns fucking me upset him? Did I really do it for him, or was that just an excuse I used because I wanted it at the time?

I wasn't sure... maybe I should keep that part quiet for right now... maybe I'll do some of his ideas first, and then maybe call Joshua so that Jason can watch. I knew I'd never be the same again, I felt liberated and much more open to pushing my boundaries... I knew I was going to start making Jason much happier, and that made my heart warm... but thinking about how made my pussy even warmer as I replayed the days events in my head. Maybe I was the slut that Jason always wanted me to be... and maybe I really liked it.


2024-02-29 03:26:00
Great story, I enjoyed the titillation of progression from nervous prude to fully fucking horny slut.


2023-12-05 16:21:49
That is so fucking horny! It is one of the sexist I have read on here!


2023-12-04 11:19:46
I really enjoyed the slow burn of this one, before it then turned super horny


2023-12-01 19:43:58
Awesome story. Can't wait for a part 2


2023-11-29 04:15:18
Fantastic mixture of reluctance and willingness.

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