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In this lusty sci-fi tale, a timid bisexual doctor discovers her power and leads a space mission

Author’s Note: Thanks to all the editors and authors who have helped me improve my writing from 'Painfully Godawful' to 'Above Average'. I hope at least one of them will look at this and smile. For the hard sci-fi purists out there, the science in ‘Star Wars’ and ‘Alien’ isn’t perfect, and neither is this. Please put the formulas and calculator away long enough to enjoy some entertainment.


August 2204 - Boston, MA, USA

Dr. Enka Karjala

On the first day of mission training, I woke up late. On the way out the door, I noticed my blouse had a big stain. I ran back in to change and realized I was broke and didn't pack anything for lunch. I was fifteen kilos overweight, but food usually made me feel better, at least for a little while. I could skip a meal and survive, but if my clothes looked dirty people might laugh and make fun of me. I couldn't take that! I'd rather somebody hit me than criticize or belittle me. Injuries heal, but teasing and bullying I would remember forever, especially with my ‘photographic’ or eidetic memory.

I still remember when I was nine months old and ate a cookie for the first time. It was early in the afternoon and the sky out the window was cloudy. As I was still a baby, I had on a diaper and a pink top. My father had whiskers, so he must not have shaved. It was probably a Saturday or Sunday. I thought a moment and recalled the calendar, it was Sunday the 23rd. There was a thunderstorm that night. I had eaten nearly half the cookie, including nine of the twenty-one chocolate chips in it. I didn’t know about numbers or how to count at the time, but I still have the images of it in my mind. My four-year-old brother grabbed the cookie away and ate the rest. I was too young to walk or talk, so all I could do was cry as he ran away laughing.

I wish there were a way I could forget even part of the bad things. Every year since elementary school, I gave him a bag of cookies with a bite taken out of one for his birthday. He had no clue why. When I entered the colony program at age 24, a psychologist asked me why I still held a grudge over a cookie, more than two decades later. Simply put, if you can't forget, it's hard to forgive.

I was two minutes early, but still one of the last to the classroom. There was a cute, muscular blonde guy sitting near the back, three seats from the aisle. I sat in the aisle seat, so I could glance at him occasionally. I hoped nobody would notice and tease me. All of us were at least 22 years old and I still worried about that. Despite my stereotypical Nordic blonde hair and big boobs, I was also nervous I’d never find a boyfriend.

A thin, pretty red-haired girl walked up next to me and coughed, as she pointed to the seat between me and the cute guy. I politely said, "Pardon me" as I moved back, so she could squeeze through. She stepped on my foot, lost her balance, and fell. I said, "I'm sorry! So sorry!" as the cute guy caught her and helped her to her feet.

She smiled at him and said, "My hero! Thank you!" We didn’t know it at the time, of course, but her words were prophetic.

He blushed and smiled back at her, making my heart sink. Professor Morse came in and called the roll. I became nervous as he got close to my name. I hated speaking in public.

"Alice Jameson"


"Ross Jones?"


"Anna Kar ... Kar-juh ..."

I stood and slowly pronounced, "En-kah Kar-yoh-lah, sir."

He cruelly said, "Anchor, I'll just call you Anchor."

Everyone but me laughed. It was especially hurtful because of my size. How could they be so mean! They didn’t even know me, and I was sure they hated me already. As he continued the roll, I shrank down in my seat and tried to be as invisible as possible.

By the time roll call was over, I learned the cute blonde guy was Oskar Schmidt and the girl next to me was Molly Walsh. I mainly like guys, but she was very pretty and I noticed she had a nice butt. That made them not liking me even worse.

Professor Morse began the introductory lecture. "All of you are here because you want to be on the next colony ship. I know you've been told the rules at least twice before, but I want to make sure there is no confusion, and none of you have any excuse for bad behavior."

"While you are cadets, there will be no fraternization. No penetrative or oral sex of any kind, with other cadets, or anybody else. A kiss lasting more than two seconds counts as oral sex. There will be no spreading of diseases, unscheduled pregnancies, or unfair treatment of others because of romantic entanglements. You're all supposed to be responsible adults, and disciplined service members, so act like it.” He paused for a few seconds.

"Look at the palm of your dominant hand." Everybody did.

"Say 'I love you' and kiss it, because that's your only sex partner until you're finished here."

A few people kissed their hands, and there were a lot of nervous laughs. The teaching method was crude, but nobody was falling asleep.

"The mission will launch with a wide variety of microbes, seeds, and animals. Most mammals can be gestated in artificial wombs with 70% success, but 70% isn't safe enough for humans. For that reason, the crew will be composed of 120 men and 240 women, to ensure rapid colony growth. The settlements will need to grow very quickly, to avoid losing technologies and start production of complex items like power reactors and transport drones in a hundred years or less. You can't really run an elaborate manufacturing operation with only two or three workers. It takes thousands. If a major technology hasn’t been used in a long time, it can be hard to recover, even with all the needed information. It's difficult to write code if you’ve never seen a computer before or fly the first helicopter in the world."

"When the officer in charge of each settlement retires at age 80 or so, government structure will change to democracy and a new leader will be elected. Until then, it’s military order and discipline, for the safety and benefit of the community as a whole.

There will be 10,000 frozen human embryos, to prevent problems with inbreeding. Each female will produce her first child by embryo implantation, until all the embryos have been used. The majority of the other children will be produced the fun way."

Most of the class giggled, but I blushed in embarrassment.

"If you're not hetero or bi, don't worry, all orientations are allowed. Medical help such as artificial insemination and in vitro will be available. No pregnancies will be allowed until the colony living spaces and natively produced food are sufficient and stable. After that, pregnancies should occur on a rotating basis, so that no more than a sixth of the female population will give birth in the same Earth month. You don't want twenty women in labor at once, with only three doctors. Each woman is expected to produce at least six children in her lifetime, and ten or more if possible."

Molly whispered to Oskar, "Ten! Wow! My poor poonie!"

Several people overheard and laughed. The professor wasn't amused. "Is there a problem back there?"

Molly had her turn blushing, as she said; "No, sir. Sorry, sir."

"Back to business then. The social structure is planned as a family of 2 adult males, 4 adult females, and as many children as possible. After the first generation, family structure can be changed to whatever seems to make sense at the time, provided all orientations and genders are treated fairly.

Regardless of participant age, reproduction between generations is banned for at least the first hundred years, again for reasons of genetic diversity. There will also be a strict rule against sex with any genetic relative, or the parent of any relative. Once you girls pop out a baby for somebody, no more hokey pokey with them, move along. The second and third children should be produced by the family's two adult males. After that, find love away from home."

"Children will stay with their mother's family and should refer to parents as 'Mom' and the mother's name or 'Dad' and his name. 'Daddy Ross' or 'Momma Anchor'', and so on." The class laughed at me again.

"All parents will take care of all the family's children equally. Children will not be informed who their biological parents are until they need to know, in puberty. This is to reduce the emotional effect of any losses. Your new home is likely to be a dangerous place. You'll do everything you can to avoid them, but there will be losses."

"People will die. Maybe a lot of people." He paused and let that sink in a moment. "If you can't handle that, 'The History of Music' is down the hall. Class dismissed."


I didn't think there was any way I would make it. The training sounded very tough, and the other students hated me already. I sullenly walked to the front and spoke to the professor, "Sir, I'm sorry, but I don't really think I'm right for this. I don't know if I can do it."

"Miss Enka Karjala, do you know why I picked on you today?" I shook my head. He had pronounced my name correctly!

"To lower the others' expectations of you. You're going to be a big threat, once they find out about your abilities. Your program entry scores were only a little above average, but I noticed your history and your score details. You were the top student at your medical school, number one of 104, even though you were the youngest of them by two years. You dropped out after only two weeks as an intern, because a patient yelled at you.

As you might already know, your university entrance exam was the fifth highest score ever recorded. You are NOT some middle of the pack student. You're an actual, bona fide genius.

Your program entry score was only a mediocre 825. Students don't get the itemized scores. Out of a quarter million applicants this year, there were only eight perfect 100's and two of those are yours. Take a look."

He put his screen on the desk in front of me and pulled up the information.

Program entry exam results - Enka Karjala - 825

96 Math

96 Languages

100 Chemistry

98 Physics

99 History

96 Logic

100 Biology

93 Culture

29 Fitness

18 Social

"In sports, an anchor is somebody reliable, highly skilled, that others can trust as the core of their team. If I can teach you to socialize and be comfortable with people, you're more than capable of being this mission's Chief of Science and Medicine. I want to make you this team's anchor."

"Thank you, sir. I have an eidetic memory, but nobody seems to like me. Could you help me, please?"

"Do you think I'll go easy on you because you're special? Make you the teacher's pet? Pamper and coddle you? That's not my job. My job is to give you the skills you need to handle things on your own.

There will be medical instruments and six cadaver simulants in the room tomorrow morning. If anybody gives you trouble, you have my permission to beat their egos to a pulp with your mighty intellect. Tomorrow's lesson is emergency field surgery, and you're the instructor. Since you'll be teaching one class a week, you'll receive a pay increase, effective today.

Like they say, the fastest way to teach a person to swim is throw them in the water."

Before I could gather the words to object, he turned and walked out.


The next day was terrible. I did my best to teach them, but the rest of the class were downright ignorant and stupid. They seemed to like me even less. Since they knew I was smarter, I seemed like a threat to their chances in the program. It was feeling hopeless.

I talked with Professor Morse at the end of the day. "This isn't working! I tried the best I could, but they're appalling! Their stitches are uneven and sloppy. A few of them got nauseous, just cutting into their plastic dummy! At least a quarter of them made mistakes that would have killed the patient!"

As I started to cry, he put his hand on my shoulder. "Enka, other than basic first aid, none of them had any medical training at all. Three quarters of the patients would have lived, instead of none. They went from nothing, to half-assed medics in a day. You did that. They don't have to love you. They have to know they need you and they can trust you. You need their respect, that's all."


At lunch the third day, I was in the cafeteria line behind Oskar and Molly. I walked slowly enough to leave two or three meters between us. When they reached the end of the food line, the dessert of the day was ice cream. Molly asked him, "Vanilla, chocolate, or maybe you want a CHUNKY MONKEY, like ANCHOR over there." The two of them started to laugh.

I'd done enough crying. NO MORE! I stomped over and screamed at her, with my nose nearly touching hers. I vented all my repressed pain and anger.


The whole cafeteria full of people stared at me, but I didn't care. There must have been at least a hundred. I was vicious, cruel, and totally out of line.

"I'M AMAZED YOU CAN EVEN FEED YOURSELF OR DRESS YOURSELF IN THE MORNING! Your surgery lab yesterday was horrible! You got dizzy and nearly threw up, just cutting into a piece of plastic! Then you severed the carotid artery, trying to do a simple tracheotomy!"

She started crying. There was nothing she could say back to me. She knew it was true.

"Your patient would have been able to breathe, until you DROWNED HIM WITH HIS OWN BLOOD! I'd rather have a REAL monkey operate on me!"

When she ran out, I threw an orange at her and yelled, "Stupid Bitch!"

I blanched in shock, as I turned and saw the Dean in line. There were a General and a Major behind him.

The Dean commented, "Got that out of your system, did you? Good. Your class resumes in twenty minutes. Hurry up and eat."


At the end of the week, we took a quiz and I knew I scored a perfect 100. I wasn't on the list, and the top score was a 91. I saw Oskar and Molly were near the bottom and smiled.

When classes ended for the day and we started to leave, Professor Morse said; "Miss Karjala, please stay a moment."

When the rest of the cadets left he continued, "If I put your results on the list, a lot of others would lose heart and give up. I hope you don't mind if I do the same in the future." I smiled and shook my head.

"The dean told me about the confrontation in the cafeteria a few days ago. Your confidence is growing, and that's good. From what I've seen, Miss Walsh deserved most of what you said. On the other hand, throwing fruit is a waste of food, and there's a small chance it could cause an injury. Don't let that happen again."

"Sorry, sir. I won't."

"Miss Walsh and Mister Schmidt have their problems, but overall they're very good cadets. Miss Walsh is a gifted Geologist, and Mister Schmidt is going for a dual specialty in Security and Electrical Engineering. Unfortunately, it seems neither will be able to pass the Medicine and Biology requirements. They're likely to fail out." I caught myself smiling at their misfortune and stopped.

"As for you, I'm certain your final exams in three years will make you the top candidate in Medicine, or any science you choose to switch to, without you even trying much."

I smiled with joy and pride.

"The Dean has chosen a punishment for your outburst."

I realized, ‘Uh oh! Time for me to pay the piper.’

"Your punishment, and your real test, is that you need to get along with your new roommates until then. Here's the address of your new apartment. No good instructor would ever break any rules, and there's no way I would even consider helping a student break them." Oddly, he frowned and winked at the same time.

"Breaking rules is only for desperate circumstances, as a last resort when nothing else might work." He paused and winked, as he gave me a sad frown again.

He slid an envelope across the desk to me. I briefly looked inside, and saw it held two long thin objects, less than half the size of drinking straws. I knew they were three-year contraception implants. "With your medical knowledge, I'm sure you're aware how to use these."

I nodded. “Of course.”

"Since you're nearly a doctor, I made sure there are first aid and field surgery kits in your closet, just in case of emergencies." He sadly winked again.

"If there's any kind of incident reported by your roommates, you're out." He turned on some loud music and whispered to me, "If anybody reports this conversation accurately, I'm out too. Don't let me down."

The day before launch, he would tell me he knew there was no way I could get along with my new roommates without sex to relieve tension and form some sort of bond between us. He was right.

The address he gave me was a small apartment two blocks from the campus. It was set up like a large version of the standard dorm rooms, but with three beds, a kitchen, and a bathroom. There were no interior doors. I thought it would be awful! My roommates would see me on the toilet! There wasn't even a shower curtain! I chose the bed farthest from the door and started unpacking.

The door opened and Oskar and Molly walked in, carrying their bags! I gasped in surprise. "WHAT THE HELL ..."

Before I could put together anything more to say, Molly apologized profusely; "I'm so sorry, Enka! I was so rude to you! I didn't really mean it. It was stupid of me! I'm sorry! Can we please start over, and be friends?"

Oskar said, "I'm sorry too, Enka. We were just joking. We're sorry it hurt your feelings. We realized we need your help. Please?"

"Do you have any idea how much that hurt me? After what you did, how can I ever trust you two?"

Oskar took a few tools out of one of his bags and said, "There are hidden cameras in all the rooms. If you want, I can make them show the same five minutes, over and over, so nobody will know what we do here?"

I nodded, and he worked on the cameras a little while. When he finished he said, "Please forgive us, and help us, Enka. I'll do anything you want. If you're still mad and you want to hit me or something, I won't do anything back, go ahead." He kneeled on the floor and put his hands behind his back.

Molly said, "Me too. Whatever you want. Anything. Just please forgive us and help us? Please!" She kneeled next to him.

I lightly tweaked the tips of their noses. "You know you can resign and not have to deal with me anymore, if you want."

"No! Please, Enka?"

I never had power over anyone before. It was new to me, and I liked the feeling. I LIKED IT A LOT! I liked it so much I was getting damp in the pants.

I asked, "Anything?"

They both nodded desperately.

"You're sure the cameras aren't recording us?" Oskar nodded again.

"You're sure, Molly? Anything?"

"Yes. Please!"

I slapped her face hard enough to startle her and sting a little. I played with her pretty red hair a moment, then tugged it hard enough to hurt. "I'll forgive you once I can see that sexy ass of yours. Strip, and go make dinner."

As I watched her undress, I held my hand near Oskar's face and asked him; "Anything I want, Oskar?"

"Yes, anything. Please?"

He steeled himself in preparation for a slap.

I asked, "Suck my pussy?"

He unzipped my pants and pulled them down.

Molly started to cry as she watched from the kitchen. Knowing that I won and got him first felt nearly as good as his lips and tongue.

Before bed, I put the contraception implants in Molly's leg, and mine. It was only a minor procedure but hurt like crazy for a few minutes. In hospitals and clinics, they give the patient a local first, but I had no drugs.

I told her, "They need six hours to take effect. After Oskar gets me off again, you can use his mouth, if it still works."

The next morning, I saw the two of them fucking, standing up in the shower. I walked over and pushed them apart before either of them could finish.

"What do you think you're doing, Molly? That's not your penis! It's not even his! It's mine! You get it when I say you can have it!" I stroked it a few times to keep it hard, then backed up to Oskar and slid it into me.

"You said 'Anything', Molly. This is 'Anything'."

"To say you're sorry, lick us while he fucks me." I pushed her head down near my crotch. I had a great orgasm and Molly learned her proper place. They played along, and I didn't have to remind them again.

They helped me exercise to get in shape and gave me a lot of good sex. In exchange I helped them learn. On a lot of quizzes, their scores were third of fourth.

When study time was over each night, I used Oskar's gorgeous body as much as I wanted. Afterward, Molly got sex with him if he still had anything left. By the end of the first week, Molly figured out that Oskar would be less tired if she got me off too. Molly begged to lick me nearly every night, so obviously she didn't hate it. I'd say no if she just casually asked. The feeling of power was a HUGE turn-on, and Oskar liked watching too. I let him suck my tits and play with them, if he told me how badly he wanted to.

I didn't respect them much, but I learned I could trust them. They were more like pets, than lovers or friends, but I wasn't a monster. Other than slapping Molly the first day, I never hurt them. I also made sure both got off at least once a day.

I liked fondling Molly's boobs when I was bored, and would finger her a few times a week. I loved to play with her body while she was on a voice call with her family, especially her dad or her brothers.

Once I made her climax while she talked to her little sister; "AH! AH! EEEEHHHH!!!"

I heard her sister ask, "MOLLY! What's wrong? Are you ok?"

"I AH ... AH ... I banged my toe! AAAH! I think maybe it's broken. Ah! Ah!"

I had to struggle not to laugh.

I never gave Oskar or Molly oral sex or kissed them, not even once. I'd be giving up some of my power. They said, "I love you" to each other several times a day, but never to me. I knew they felt it, and they knew I'd never say it to them.


Before we left for winter break at the end of the semester, I told them; "You two have been a lot of fun. If you want, you can request a new room and I'll still help you. I won't make you stay with me if you don't want to."

They looked at each other a moment and Oskar said, "I'll stay." He hugged me, smooshing his face into my breasts. Molly kissed my cheek and joined the hug, "Me too."

When we returned from break, Oskar gave me a necklace with three hearts on it as a Christmas gift. I saw Molly had a matching one.

Molly sat on the floor and kissed my feet, then said; "We trust you. Use our bodies." She put her chin on my knee, then handed me a flyswatter with a bow on it. Apparently, she was into the power and dominance play as much as I was!

I lightly touched both of them on their cheeks with it and hung it on the wall. I never used it. People wonder why I had a flyswatter hanging in my quarters on the ship, when there were no bugs. It's a symbol of my twisted love for Oskar and Molly, and later, the rest of our family. In the colony, it would have a prominent place on the wall over my bed.

As expected, Oskar became an Electrical Engineer and backup Security Officer. I was proud and happy, but a little surprised, when Molly became the team's lead Geologist.

The day after Oskar heroically sacrificed himself to save us, Molly came to me with tears streaming from her eyes. She told me she missed him a lot, and she loved me. I kissed her forehead as I hugged her, saying; "I know, and I loved him too." She was the love of my life. I wish I had told her that.

As a special 'Thank You' that only I could give, I made a zygote with Professor Morse and sneaked it in when I supervised loading the rest of the embryos onto the ship.

Our daughter Sarah would be the first person born on New Enceladus, and inherit my phenomenal memory. One day she would make the biggest technological advance since cave people discovered fire.

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