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Single parents united by a naughty gift.

Little redhead Ellie was alone a lot. Before she was born, her parents had intended to start a large family and bought a five-bedroom house, but most of the family hadn’t happened. She desperately wanted somebody to hold and care for. She wanted a Mom, and a brother or sister so very much! At only seven years old, she had no idea how babies were made, but she wanted one. The time she asked her father Karl to buy her a baby, he gave her a doll the next day. It wasn't a real brother or sister, but she held the doll and carried it everywhere, because it was what she had.

She wished there was somebody to play with and talk to, maybe a sister. A big sister could help her with her school homework, teach her how to braid her hair, and help her use makeup and be pretty when she was older.

She wanted a Mommy too. She’d never really had a mother. Hers had passed away when she was born. Her Daddy did what he could to take care of her, but he was an awful cook. She wanted a Mommy who made yummy food and had a big, soft, squishy chest, who would hug her and make her feel comfy and safe.

After Thanksgiving dinner, she and her father followed an old tradition, letters to Santa Claus. She wrote a letter to Santa explaining that she was a good girl and wanted a real family. She loved her Daddy , but he just wasn’t enough.

He didn’t let his daughter see it, but Karl’s letter to Santa was much more adult in nature. He’d been taking care of Ellie alone since she was born. He was terribly lonely too, and wanted a lady with big boobs for a different reason.


Ellie woke up early the day before Christmas. Her father Karl was still sleeping, so she quietly played with her doll in the living room. She held the fake bottle to its mouth a while, picked the doll up and hugged it, then laid it down and pretended to change its diaper.

The back door opened, and a girl a little larger than Ellie walked in. She was wearing red, green, and silver. Her hat and shoes had small shiny bells on them, which jingled quietly as she walked. Ellie noticed the girl’s pointed ears and asked, “Are you an elf? Should you be here? Do you know my Daddy ?”

“Shhh! I delivered presents for your grandfather, back when he was your age, and then your Dad too. Don’t tell anybody I was here. Grown-ups usually don’t believe in us.” She smiled and Ellie nodded conspiratorially.

She stared as the elf girl walked over to the kitchen and put something small in the pocket of her Daddy ’s jacket, a pink piece of plastic. The elf handed her a candy cane saying, “Just some little things for now. You get your real presents Christmas morning. Shhh.” She quietly walked out.

Ellie unwrapped the candy cane and enjoyed it as she played with her doll. Awhile later Karl woke up and put some gifts under the Christmas tree, then walked to the kitchen. He asked, “How about something nice, pancakes and bacon for breakfast, since it’s Christmas Eve tonight?”

She reminded him, “Daddy, your pancakes are always crunchy, and last time you did bacon there was a fire.”

He sighed, “You’re right, corn flakes it is. I wish I didn’t have to work today. There’s a Christmas party after work, so I’ll be home late tonight. The babysitter will be here soon.”

Ellie didn’t like the babysitter. She was a crabby old lady. When Ellie finished her cereal, she walked over to Karl and hugged him. “I love you, Daddy. I’ll miss you so much!”

He leaned down and kissed her cheek. “I’ll miss you too. I’ll see you on Christmas morning. I want to watch you open your presents. No peeking before I wake up in the morning, okay?”

She was very curious and stared at the packages under the tree a moment. She decided to be a good girl, so that she might get a baby at last. “Okay, Daddy.”


Work and the party after it were quite boring. After only one beer, Karl said his goodbyes. He reached in his jacket pocket for his keys but found a token instead. The pink plastic coin had a rooster and a couple of baby chickens printed on one side with “Good for one drink”. He flipped it over and saw, “Chick Barn – Hottest Chicks Around! One Free Drink.”

Karl found his keys in another pocket as he debated. He’d like to tuck Ellie into bed. On the other hand, a friend had told him the Chick Barn was an exciting strip club, and he was terribly horny. It wasn’t far out of his way, so he decided to stop and have a drink, just one. He thought he’d still make it home in time.

He was wrong. Instead of one drink, he’d have over a dozen.


Lindsey was a slender blonde college student on winter break. She saw an ad for a job where she could make money quickly, substituting for an ‘exotic dancer’ who had taken time off for the holidays. She was nervous and embarrassed but decided she could do it, after the manager explained the place was 'topless-only'. She was glad she could wear bikini bottoms instead of being naked.

The club was nearly empty on Christmas Eve, with only ten customers. Most of them were ugly old men, but she noticed a handsome redhead. She danced facing him most of the time and he gave her tips, a dollar at first, then two, then five. When her shift was nearly done four hours later, he had downed so many beers he could barely make it back from the men’s room. He started tipping her ten dollars a dance, then twenty. When he offered her a fifty, she asked, “Want to go in the VIP room for a hundred?”

He handed her his whole wallet and nodded, then staggered as he followed her to the back. She looked in the wallet and saw his name was Karl.

Karl sat in a chair in the VIP room, and Lindsey danced even more seductively in front of him, then straddled him and sat in his lap. She smiled at him, played with his chest, and moved in time with the music. The manager walked over and whispered in her ear, “Christmas dinner is here, once you’re done with him.”

It wasn’t allowed, but since the two of them were the only ones in the room when the manager left, she kissed him, then slowly licked his lips. She was happy that even drunk, he was a great kisser. She felt a strong attraction to him, and excitedly ground her crotch on his. They heard a gasp and a loud CLANG. She saw a metal pan full of broccoli had fallen to the floor. Busty brunette caterer Kelly stared at them with her mouth open wide. She said something, but Lindsey couldn’t hear her over the loud music. She shouted, “WHAT?”

Kelly stepped closer, blushing with a huge smile on her face. She loudly said, “So FUCKING hot!” Lindsey giggled and kissed her, the two women took turns kissing the man until the song ended, then Kelly bashfully got back to work.

After cleaning up the broccoli mess and the other dishes, Kelly packed up to leave. Later in the parking lot, she saw the pretty blonde standing by the redheaded man. He tried to put the key in the door of his van half a dozen times, but failed. Lindsey took away the keys and helped him into the passenger seat.

Kelly turned her own key, but her car wouldn’t start. She noticed she had left the lights on, and the battery must have died. She banged on the steering wheel a few times in frustration. As she got out, Lindsey asked her, “Need a ride?”

Kelly stroked the other woman's long silky hair and took a big chance. “Can I ride you two?”


Karl woke very hung over on Christmas morning. His eyes and mouth felt like they were full of sand, his head ached, and he had great difficulty stumbling to the bathroom. He peed, then got a shower. For a split second, out of the corner of his eye, he thought he saw a short girl with pointed ears, dressed in green, silver, and red.

He shook his head and she was gone. He must have imagined her. He looked again and saw somebody had written “Merry Christmas” in the condensation on the mirror. As he crawled back to bed with his eyes mostly closed, he felt something soft and warm.

He pried his eyes open again and saw the back of a woman with curly dark hair. He tilted his head upward and was pleased to view her smooth legs and the side of a massive mammary. The chesty beauty rolled toward him, yawned, and mumbled, “Good morning, husband.”

He looked in her sparkly blue eyes as she moved closer to kiss him. Her soft and moist lips touched his, and her fingernails scratched his scalp as she ran her fingers through his short red hair. He noticed a wedding ring on her finger, then gasped as he saw a matching one on his own.

A thin and pretty blonde on the other side of her sat up, exposing her upper half. Karl saw her breasts were much smaller but would be happy handfuls. They seemed very familiar, since he had stared at them for hours the previous night. She rested a hand on the brunette’s shoulder and said, “Merry Christmas, girlfriend and boyfriend.”

Karl was happy but quite surprised. “Do I know you? Wa … what happened last night?”

The busty beauty in front of him explained, “I’m Kelly. Santa gave me a pretty girlfriend and a hot husband, like I always wanted. We raced two hours to the casino chapel to get married before they closed at midnight.”

The blonde added, “I’m Lindsey. Santa gave me a hot couple to love me and help me through college.”

The ladies quickly hid under the comforter as they heard footsteps approaching. Little 7-year-old Ellie flung the bedroom door open and excitedly yelled, “THANK YOU DADDY! THANK YOU SO MUCH!”

Karl disappointedly replied, “I said no peeking. I wanted to watch you open them.”

“I didn’t open anything! They were sleeping in the living room! I got a sister and a baby! I’m so happy, Daddy!” She bounced up and down on the foot of the bed “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

Kelly and Lindsey lowered the comforter a bit and peeked out. Ellie excitedly asked, “And a MOM TOO? Is one of you MY NEW MOM?”

Kelly smiled, “Yes, sweetie. I'm your new stepmother. I married your dad.”

Ellie repeated “Thank you! Thank you!” She bounced up and down some more, before leaving with a happy smile.

Karl quietly asked, “You have kids?”

Kelly nervously said, “My daughter Marie is eleven.”

Lindsey shyly admitted, “David is six months.”

Karl closed the door and slid his boxers off. Once he crawled back into bed, he said, “I love kids and it’s a big house. Let’s make some more.”

The women nodded, since they were too busy kissing his nipples to agree aloud.



2023-12-02 05:04:25
I admit the three-way romance is a bit implausible, but how much realism do you expect from a story with Santa and elves?

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