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Researcher in love with gorgeous blonde smoker makes another huge mistake.

After moving Cassie and her kids to her mother’s house, I sent her a card and flowers as an apology. The three times I called, she hung up on me. I watched her videos for several hours a day trying to get over her, but that only made it worse.

Near my house a few months later, I bumped into Jackie and Lynn at a gas station. They were wearing their usual tight jeans but had replaced the halter tops with white tank tops and obvious bras beneath them, one black and one red. They were at the register counting a lot of coins. The cashier said, “Sorry, you’re eighty cents short.”

Lynn asked, “PLEASE? We haven’t smoked all day! We’re going crazy!”

The cashier slowly shook his head.

Jackie asked, “Please? I’ll give you a peek at my boobs?”

I loudly cleared my throat behind them and they turned to look at me. Jackie asked, “We just need eighty cents. Can you…”

I interrupted her for a change. “Will you do an interview and answer my questions this time?”

“Sure! Thank you!”

They each smoked two on the drive home but I needed to pay attention to the road. I led them down to the basement and turned on the cameras. I told them, “I got some new cigarettes for you to try, a couple types of very long ones and some cigarillos.”

Lynn asked, “What’s a cigarillo?”

Jackie said, “I think they’re gross, but you might like them. They’re like small cigars.“

I handed them to Lynn and she took one out. “Yeah, brown and leafy, like of like a cigar. Cool. I wonder how they taste.” She picked up some matches and lit it. She took a small puff at first, then a much deeper drag. A wide cloud of white left her mouth as she said, “Oooh! These are great!” I watched her tap the ash off the brown cigarette, then take another big puff and blow out a thin white stream. Seeing her with a cigarillo reminded me of a scene in an old Western movie with a prostitute smoking a thin cigar.

Jackie asked, “You said you had long ones?”

“Nat Sherman 164’s and Karelia Ome 200’s. Give one a try.” I handed her a pack of the 200’s.

“Holy cow, these are long! Like three regular cigarettes!”

“I think them being so thin and long makes them look delicate and feminine.” I felt a swelling in my shorts.

I watched her light the end of the super-long white shaft and inhale deeply. “Hmmm, a lot like the Salems I usually smoke, but SO MUCH longer.”

I stared and recorded as the two took a few more puffs each. I was glad that time had mellowed them, and they weren’t as rambunctious and rude. Lynn whispered something to Jackie and they laughed.

I asked, “What’s so funny?”

Lynn filled me in. “Her cigarette is same length as the pole in your pants. HAHAHAHA!” I blushed in shame and they laughed some more.

I said, “Just a minute” then got up to fix things in the bathroom.

Jackie said, “Whoa, whoa. We still owe you blowjobs for babysitting that time. I’ll fix it for you. Unzip and whip it out.”

“Really? Let me shut off the cameras…”

“Let ‘em run. I don’t care if people know I love doing blowjobs.” She took another drag from the super-long cigarette, then expelled a cloud again.

Lynn added, “WE love doing blowjobs. Make room.”

Jackie held my shaft and the two of them licked my cock in front of the cameras. They took deep drags then blew smoke toward my crotch over and over. I tried to make it last, but seeing the smoke around my penis, then feeling their tongues and lips on it was just too erotic and inspiring. The time on the video shows I finished in only two minutes ten seconds. Jackie sucked the head into her mouth as I started to cum and got my whole load.

“WOW! Very hot! Thanks ladies.”

Lynn said, “Thanks for the cigarettes. See you later.”

Something clicked in the back of my groggy mind. “Wait, wait a minute, I have questions…” The two called out, “Thanks again!” as they ran up the stairs. Again, I got next to no information. It was more than worth it, though. I tried calling their old phone numbers a few days later, but apparently they had moved.


I didn’t hear from Cassie again for years. She called me one afternoon. “Craig, do you think maybe we could make a deal? I got fired when Mom’s car broke down and I didn’t show up at work this morning. The mechanic said it’ll cost more to fix than its worth. I’ve been working part-time in between taking care of the kids, but I still don’t have enough to get divorced, either.”

“Money’s not a problem. Do you want to make more videos? I’ll pay you a hundred for half an hour again.”

She sounded nervous as she said, “I need a car soon so I can get another job. I want to be free of my ex too. I know what you really want, and I’ll do it if you help us.”

“I don’t think we should talk about that on the phone.”

“If I’ll be your girlfriend for a while, will you get me a car and pay for my divorce? There’s nothing illegal with that.”

“Are you sure? I don’t want to upset you, or hurt your feelings, or anything.”

“It’s not like I have a choice! Will you?”


“I know a hotel that gives discounts if you stay more than three days, since you can’t live with me at Mom’s house. When can you be here? In the next week, I hope?”

I glanced at my watch. “It’s four now and it’s 300 miles, how about nine o’clock?”


“For you, yes, really.”

I heard tears of relief in her voice as she said, “Thank you!”


When I parked in the empty driveway at her mother’s house, Cassie walked out to greet me. I saw a look of fear on her face. She nervously said, “I know how much you like it, but I had to quit smoking. I couldn’t afford cigarettes anymore. I hope that’s okay?”

I suddenly had a pain in my chest and noticed my throat starting to close. The fingers on my left hand clenched tightly. I felt a severe loss, as if a family member or beloved pet had died. I wiped a tear from the corner of my eye as Cassie anxiously asked, “Do you still want to be with me?”

I coughed and swallowed hard. “I … I … I’ll find a way for us to be happy.”

“Are you sure? No more watching me suck on cigarettes?”

I wiped away another tear and forced the involuntary fist in my left hand to relax. “I … That doesn’t matter. I love you for you, not the smoking.”

“Good.” She pulled a cigarette from her purse and lit it, then laughed. “Hahahaha! Sorry, but I needed to know. You should have seen the look on your face!” She took a big puff and blew smoke at me.

My huge smile matched hers. I swatted her butt lightly and playfully said, “Naughty girl! You lied to me!”

She licked her lips and asked, “Can I make it up to you by smoking your dick?”

I’d wanted that for a decade! “PLEASE!” I heard my excessively loud plea echo off nearby buildings and blushed.

She opened the back door on the driver’s side of my car and said, “Mom and the kids are asleep. Get in.” She followed and gave me the best blowjob I’d ever had, hunched over in the cramped confines of the back seat. It was Heavenly to feel her licking and sucking me between puffs from her cigarette. Other than the glow from the cig’s smoldering cherry, I couldn’t see much in the near darkness, but it felt AMAZING! Just before I climaxed, I regretted not having time to set up my low light camera and record it. As my groin spasmed and I started pumping semen into her mouth, I reassured myself the camera was in the trunk and I’d have plenty of time with her later.

After swallowing and zipping me up, she sat up and lit another cigarette. “I need to go in soon. Come back at 7:30. We’ll have a talk with Mom after the kids go to school.” I fondled her big breasts and played with her hair as she smoked in the dark, then drove to the hotel after she went inside.

When I returned in the morning, she unnecessarily introduced me to her daughters and mother. “Carrie, Sherry, this is my friend Craig. You met him the time we stayed at his house. I might be leaving to spend some time with him, but I’ll be back before long. Be good for your grandma if I’m away. Don’t forget your lunches.” The girls nodded as they grabbed the paper bags with their names on them and left for the bus stop.

“Craig, I think you know my mother, Felicia.”

I held out my hand. “Hi, again, Felicia.” Felicia knew what my semen tasted like, and I knew how great the inside of her ass felt on my cock. Cassie only knew we had been neighbors and I interviewed her a few times ten years before.

Felicia asked, “Cassie says she’s going to do some things for you, and you’ll give her a car?”

“Um …”

Cassie said, “I found a good used car and my uncle checked it for me. He’s a mechanic. For the car and the divorce, I need $15,000.” I felt a tickle in my throat and coughed. She said, “If that’s too much …”

“No, I can afford that.” I still had ten times that in the bank and a few million in the stock market since my wealthy parents passed away when I was in college.

Cassie started to choke up as she asked, “So, how long …” She blushed fiercely and gulped.

Felicia finished for her, “How long do you want to sleep with my daughter, for that much? Two months? Three?”

I was tense too and said, “I need to think a minute. Let’s go outside for a cigarette, Cassie.”

Felicia said, “I’ll go with you.”

We went to the back yard and sat at the picnic table as the two smoked. Felicia was about 10 years older than I, but I still thought she was attractive. From the shape of her top I could tell her breasts were even bigger than when I had an affair with her. Her face was mostly smooth, unlike a lot of other smokers in their 40’s. I stared at her mouth for a few puffs, then switched to watching Cassie.

Felicia asked, “So, how long, do you think? We need a car pretty soon. I have a bunch of doctor appointments next week, and she needs to find a new job.”

Cassie said, “I know what he wants. He wants me to do porno with him and smoke a lot. Right, Craig? If you don’t show it to anybody, I’ll do it. I know most porn sluts get paid a thousand an hour, or two for anal. Do you like me enough to pay me fifteen grand for three movies, Craig? Fifteen thousand for five hours of fucking?” Instead of hopeful, she looked angry.

Felicia shocked me by offering, “I’ll hold the camera for you.”

I was sorely tempted but decided I wanted something else. “Cassie, how about you date me for a month? Every night we’ll go on dates like high school kids. I’ll get to know you, and you do things with me if you like me. You won’t have to do anything that makes you uncomfortable. Give me a chance to make it up to you and show you we can be happy together?”

Felicia said, “There’s a faster way. You can learn the most important things about each other quick. You hug and kiss a little while to see if you like each other, you have sex a few times to see if that’s good, then you worry about the most important stuff. Can he support you, or can you bring in enough money together? Does he get along with your kids? And will he still be good to you if there are troubles?

You know I cheated on your dad a few times. Craig was one of them. Let me tell you, there’s nobody kinder or more understanding. Out of nine guys I’ve been with, only one was better at sex, and you don’t want to hear about me sleeping with your dad.”

I blushed in shame, and Cassie looked ill. “MOM! YUCK! NO!”

Felicia continued, “He seems to like the kids, and they like him. That only leaves money, and him being good to you when there are problems. I’ll ask the hard question, how much do you make, Craig?”

“I … uh … I’m not working, but I’m worth about six million.”

Felicia smiled and said, “Kaching! So, you just need to know if you can handle trouble together.” She cleared her throat and said, “I’ll tell you some trouble to solve the last part, too. I have an inoperable brain tumor. Two doctors say I have about three months left, but one thinks he can cure me with a new kind of radiation. That’s what the doctor appointments are about. If you two can help me and stay together through that, you can handle anything.”

Cassie was crying intensely, and I felt a few tears on my cheeks too. The two of us hugged her and didn’t talk for a very long time. I said, “I love you, both of you. I’ll do anything for you. I’ll pay for the doctors, give you a car, whatever. I’m so sorry, Cassie! I love you!” I hugged the mother and daughter until the crying was over.

I did what I could to help them emotionally, which wasn’t much. I did a lot more financially. I gave Cassie and her mother cars, paid for the divorce, and paid a quarter million worth of medical bills. I moved in with Cassie but there was no sex. Both of us were far too upset.

Felicia had the radiation treatments and passed away in one month instead of three. After a further month of mourning, Cassie and I started having sex. It was wonderful! We kissed a lot, hugged a lot, and did 69 nearly every day. The best part of the day, and the best part of my life to that point, was making love to her while she smoked. She was beautiful, energetic, and so very arousing with a cigarette in her mouth or hand. I’d accomplished my life’s goal and couldn’t have been happier!

We had a lot of fun taking her kids to amusement parks, the zoo, and playing with them at home. As I was about to leave the house for a meeting one morning, Cassie told me, “I think it’s time to get a ring and ask me a certain question.” She kissed me and handed me my wallet, which I’d forgotten it in the bedroom.

I smiled and started to ask, “Will you…”

She put her hand over my mouth. “When you have a ring for me. Have a good meeting.”

Twenty minutes later I returned with a half million dollars’ worth of rings and asked her which she liked best. She laughed as she chose one. I said, “I need to return the rest. See you tonight.”

After dinner that night, I kneeled and asked her the big question, “Will you marry me?”

She smiled and said, “I just have three questions for you, okay?”


“What are my birthday and the kids’?” I rattled them off, including the fact that Sherry had been born on February 29th, so in a way she was three and a half instead of 14.

“Right! Imagine you’re driving home and see a sexy woman in a bikini standing by her broken-down car. What do you do?”

“I call a tow truck for her and go home to my much better woman.”

“Correct! Sherry and Carrie are in high school. What would you do if you caught them smoking?”

I asked her for the additional information I would obviously need. “Regulars, 100’s, or those sexy long 120’s you like? What are they wearing, and do I have my QHD camera handy?”

She was totally flummoxed and stared at me, with her mouth hanging open in disbelief. After what seemed like far too long, she started to cry as she threw the ring at me. She shouted, “OUT! OUT! Never call me again! GO!”

I moved out that night and bought a house five miles from Cassie’s. I set up a new studio and redoubled my efforts. I wasn’t concerned about the money, but my smoking video site was making a nearly a hundred grand a year by then. I interviewed at least three girls or women a day, and usually four or five; trying to understand my severe smoking fetish.

I needed to fix myself, and get Cassie to love me again.



2024-04-16 07:31:41
If you dislike this story for a reason other than 'I hate smoking', please share your thoughts. I have a thick skin and always welcome feedback, constructive or otherwise.

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