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Just a simple man-on-top sex story. What older man would turn down a willing Wood Elf for sex?
Cadwarra and Diamander had had a good two hours of pike practice in the early afternoon. He taught her a few things about using a pike. She felt more capable with the weapon.

After, they chatted a little more comfortably than they had that morning. Diamander confided his visit to his boyfriend had not gone well.

“I think I said too much. He was hurt I had sex with you. Because he asked, I admitted I liked fucking you. I should have lied. He stormed off. He can be a bit...jealous.”

It was near the end of the afternoon when Captain Penley found Cadwarra heading home.

“Ahhhh, the Scarlet Paladin” she hailed Cadwarra judgmentally in response to Cadwarra’s polite greeting. Penley then shocked Cadwarra by bluntly informing her “you are under arrest, Paladin-in-Training. Go see Marshall Vishra. He will explain.” Then she nonchalantly strolled off.

Her ‘arrest’ seemingly did not merit hand cuffs. Cadwarra stepped into Vishra’s antechamber. The clerk leered at her chest, visualizing those melons as he had last seen them bared in Vishra’s office.

Vishra politely came out into the antechamber to greet her. “Ah, Cadwarra. How are you getting along with my nephew? Is he performing to your satisfaction?”

Cadwarra was ashamed to tell him how she had not been very patient with Diamander. She dropped her eyes and answered flatly. “Yes, Marshall. We are getting along fine.” She should have been proud to let everyone know she had celebrated Tunare with him. Instead, she was ashamed of what she had done.

“Fine? Only fine? I was quite confident you two randy youngsters would find things more than fine. But let’s move on to the business at hand.” He theatrically swept a hand toward his office indicating they needed to continue the discussion in there. “We have a slight problem...”

Cadwarra was motioned to a chair much more comfortable than yesterday. “Please be seated. Are you aware of your arrest? We need to deal with that. It is all my nephew’s fault but I am afraid we have gotten you all tangled up in it.” He shook his head as if uncomprehending of the situation.

“But first things first, Cadwarra. Am I correct in my understanding from your reply just now that my nephew has performed like a man?”

“Well, in the end, yes.”

“Meaning? Spit it out Cadwarra. Did he have his way with you?” It seemed to Cadwarra he was asking these questions as if he already knew the answers.

“Well, yes, Marshall. Though at first I had to convince him...a little bit.”

“You had to be a little pro-active, did you?” Vishra laughed. He changed the subject. “Cadwarra, sadly Diamander has already reverted to his old ways. He has run back to his boyfriend this morning and seems to have confessed to all that you and he did.”

“Oh, dear, Marshall. Diamander told me earlier he visited his boyfriend and that it did not go well!”

“It gets worse, Cadwarra. Let’s talk about your silly arrest.” Vishra held up an official looking piece of paper. “Now before I read this to you please understand that I consider this a frivolous lawsuit and I assure you that I will be able to deal with this as forthrightly as you dealt with my nephew last night.”

“Oh, my. Please tell me what the problem is and if I can help.”

“Well the problem is my nephew’s boyfriend and his rancor towards you. Quite unreasonable, of course. You have only done with my nephew what this boyfriend should not be doing with my nephew.”

“I see.” Cadwarra really did not see.

“That little fairy boyfriend of his filed an accusation against you just two hours ago. My nephew told him everything and it’s all contained in this affidavit.”

Vishra angrily shook the document. ...“Everything...” he emphasized “...everything for any fool jack-in-office court official to read about concerning my nephew’s...peccadillo’s... and to chortle over them. Imagine the embarrassment to my family!”

He then held the document in front of him and derisively read the part that related to Cadwarra “...and the Feir’Dal Cadwarra, having held down my boyfriend, Diamander Vishra, then furthered the crime of sexual assault by raping him...”

Cadwarra was stunned. “Oh, Marshall Vishra! I can confess to being a little assertive, was all. I assure you he was very definitely erect when I jumped on him. It was a very full erection.”

“Exactly, Cadwarra. I was remiss in not first thanking you for correcting my nephew and his confused lifestyle decisions. I am impressed by your success. You owe no apology; the amount of force you used was appropriate and for the good of my nephew. Besides, he enjoyed you. Why, how could he not...those tits alone, look at them filling your blouse, sitting there on your chest, so soft and round, so big...bouncing and jiggling braless in front of me...”

Whatever further Vishra was going to say about her hand-magnets was truncated abruptly when he remembered himself and broke off to resume dealing with the problem at hand. “What I am trying to say is that you dealt with the situation with my nephew perfectly. It was very forthright of you. It shows leadership and good judgment. A take-charge attitude! I am keeping you around, Paladin!” He reached out and affectionately patted her left breast then gave it an affectionate squeeze.

The Marshall looked back down at the writ he held. He shook it in frustration. “But all that success of yours has resulted in this fool accusation. This is a case of pure litigious harassment. An angry homosexual pervert can’t handle the competition from a real woman. It’s obvious that he just wishes he had your tits to shake around to get a man.”

Cadwarra regarded her breasts proudly.

Vishra tossed the document on his desk. “Don’t worry, Cadwarra. Leave this with me. It has no legal foundation. The idea that a man can be raped by a woman is ridiculous and what man would resist a girl with your figure, anyway? I will likely need you to disrobe naked in front of the jury to debunk this foolishness, but that will put paid to this nonsense about you needing to rape a real man.”

“Naked? In front of twelve men?” she asked.

“Yes, Cadwarra. Just for a few minutes, of course. Unless one or two of the Jurors needs a longer look at those magnificent lady bumps . You never know.”

Cadwarra thought a longer look would be nice. She imagined all those men looking at her body. Some would have erections for her. Her nipples rose up to voice approval.

“Now let’s talk about a huge complication that concerns me gravely. This makes it harder to deal with all this.” He paused and looked gravely at Cadwarra. “I am aware that my nephew raped you this morning.”

“Well, it was just a minor rape...” Cadwarra stopped in mid-sentence and looked at Vishra in puzzlement. “ did you know about that?”

“I’m a Marshall. I get paid to know these things. I appreciate that you did not make a big thing of it and, really, can we blame him when we consider the great job you did converting him back to being a lusting young man?”

Cadwarra lowered her head modestly. “Well, I was rather proud of that” she admitted.

“Exactly, pat yourself on the back. He woke up and saw those tits of yours sitting there bared in the warm light of the early morning dawn. No doubt your inviting nipples were hard pebbles as you slept so vulnerably beside him. I can imagine how your chest rose and fell so gently, the smell of your hair so captivating...”

Again, Vishra remembered the business at hand. “What I mean to say is he merely did what young men do when a girl is naked in the same bed. But it raises a huge concern. You see, three people now know he raped you, harmless though the rape may have been. As you can imagine, given the nature of folks, three people cannot keep a secret. I can’t have my family all mixed up in a scandal if this gets out. The mind boggles! Homosexuality, rape, extramarital sex! This whole thing going public will embarrass us all!”

Vishra took a deep breath to calm himself and then continued. “Not to mention my nephew ending up in jail for innocently taking advantage of a sleeping but willing Wood Elf. We will need to ensure that that limp-wristed boyfriend of his shuts up before he ruins everything for Diamander’s promising future. It’s just a matter of having a few facts explained to him. Assertively.”

He paused. He could not resist the opportunity to admonish Cadwarra at this point. “Let this be a lesson to you, Cadwarra. Sexual assault is one of the risks you take when a slut sleeps naked in bed with a red-blooded young man. Not that I have any concern with your conduct; you simply underestimated how great a job you did at converting my queer nephew back to being normal, was all.”

“Apologies” Cadwarra acknowledged her failing. She sat there remembering the feel of Diamander’s penis being pushed deep into her while he pinned her and had his way. She wondered if Vishra would like doing that to her.

“Now let’s talk about your upcoming stint in jail.”

JAIL!!?” Cadwarra came out of her reverie and sat up in surprise.

“Oh, I jumped ahead. Let me explain. I need to plant someone in a jail cell and see what information we can tease out of a certain Freeport collaborator we currently have in the calabash. My people arrested him yesterday.”

Cadwarra tried to keep up.

“The plan” Vishra explained “is we put you in there in response to this trumped up rape charge. That makes your incarceration look legit so no one suspects you’re a stool pigeon. This opportunity is the only positive thing to come out of this false accusation.”

“Well, at least that’s something” Cadwarra agreed.

“Your target, Cadwarra, is a Gnome named Sprockfuddle. Angry little asshole. He fences stuff. Not a serious crime in itself, but he also helps traitors escape to Freeport.”

He did not pause to let Cadwarra ask any questions. “Normally we let those traitors go, just to get rid of them. In this case, though, there are a few characters we need to find for reasons I won’t bore you with. We have put him under wraps for a week or two to shut down his little ratline and keep these felons hiding somewhere in the city until we can track them down.”

“That sounds wise, Marshall.”

“Thank you. So, I am sure you see your part, Cadwarra. You chat Sprockfuddle up while he is in there with you. He’ll be bored in that cell; we’ll make sure of that. Eventually he will burble out something we can use to find these traitors, or maybe he will let slip some unrelated information we can use otherwise. Whatever you can find out; just keep your ears open for anything worth knowing until we extract you. And don’t think we won’t appreciate your time and effort, we’ll slip some decent coins your way as compensation when it‘s all over.”

This actually sounded profitable, she was short of coin. “Well, I willingly do it for the Queen, but some coin would help me out. You’re very generous.”

“And I will be sure to mention your service to Her Majesty.”

“Thank you.”

Vishra stepped toward Cadwarra. “In conclusion, there isn’t much that needs to get ready before your incarceration. Just one thing.” Taking her hands gently he pulled her up onto her feet. He towered over her. She wanted to reach up and kiss that very attractive Human.

“Since I will still be be needing you to look after my nephew’s desires once we get you out” he stated “I want you wanting his cock the instant your freedom is attained.”

Well, okay, Cadwarra thought. That makes sense.

“Understandably, I am concerned you will inadvertently get horny in jail and yield to temptation if one or two of the jailguards takes an interest in you.” He reached up and slowly undid Cadwarra’s buttons to open her blouse. Her tawny breasts sat thrusting out towards him. They were crowned by hard nipples, her little sentries proudly saluting him.

“I, therefore, want to personally make sure you are well sated before you go into avoid temptation while in there.”

“Uh, huh” she responded. Her heartbeat quickened

He pushed her shirt off her shoulders. It slid down her arms to hang from her wrists. She stood there in anticipation, bare-breasted.

“For that purpose, Cadwarra, I’ve cleared my appointments today.” He pushed the shirt off her wrists to land on the floor. “We have all the time you need.”

She made no protest. She had been wanting him ever since yesterday when she had seen how her exposed body had given him that bulge. Then, to have had his hungry eyes on her while she fought Diamander stark naked added to her desire.

Vishra slowly undid all of Cadwarra’s laces, buckles and buttons. Articles of clothing fell to the floor one by one. She stood naked, trembling; her beautiful body revealed once again for the Marshall’s appreciative view. Her exquisite breasts sat there round, firm and alluring.

As it had done yesterday, his cock was clearly pitching a tent in his trousers. He pulled it out. Cadwarra had surmised correctly he had a nice big one. She sank to her knees in front of him and lifted her full breasts to surround it with her soft warm flesh. His cock felt hot nestled there in her cleavage.

Moving slowly, his big cock slid smoothly against her perfumed skin. Hidden in her big tits, his immense knob pushed yielding boob aside to poke out the top. He pulled back and it disappeared again, buried in all that tit until the next thrust revealed it once more.

She watched the beautiful man-thing repeatedly poking up to where its tip was near her mouth. She playfully tried to kiss it each time it reached to the top of his thrust. He playfully kept it just out of reach of her lips. She giggled at the silly game. Finally, he pushed his cock high out of the top of her cleavage and she captured the tip in her mouth. She sucked on it while his shaft remained squeezed between her big jugs. She loved his taste.

Not wanting to cum just yet he pulled back out of her mouth. He gripped his cock and rubbed it slowly over her pretty face. He slid it over her cheek, chin and mouth and then back to her cheek. She kissed it as it passed over her lips then kissed it again as it swung back a second and then a third time. She felt drops of pre-cum on her cheek. She tasted some of it as she kissed his knob the fourth time it brushed her lips.

At last he pushed her down to her knees then onto her round, firm backside. She lay back and spread her legs as wide as she could, ready to be his willing whore.

He got on top of her. Her chest was rising excitedly. Her nipples pointed straight up. She was naked in that large room with no one to disturb Vishra as he did her.

There was only a brief foreplay by Vishra before he positioned himself to insert his big penis. She did not protest his haste but still braced herself knowing she was not yet ready for his insertion. She feared he would jab it in like Falco had done in the Forest Ruins when he had made her cry out in pain. She looked up at Vishra in trepidation.

He let her think he might stab himself into her in one manfully painful advance. Instead of doing such a cruel thing, he held that position for a moment. It turned him on to see her bravely prepared for that first hurting penetration. He then slowly pushed his prick into the first inch of her vagina. He paused. He slid in a further inch and paused, then another inch.

He only pushed in a little more whenever he felt she was ready for it to be just a little deeper. He admired the way she valiantly awaited what might be that uncomfortable full thrust. He could see she was liking the pleasure of his cock but was obviously steeling herself for the possible pain she would feel if he suddenly forced it in too fast and too hard.

He looked at her big boobs sitting there on her chest, they were telling him to hurry up and fuck the little slut. He resisted the temptation to madly cram his cock in fast and hard; resisted the impulse to selfishly take her as his little prize. He liked this Feir’Dal. He wanted to see her enjoy him. He wanted to see her face contorting in ecstasy as her orgasm mounted.

At last his cock settled fully into her pussy. When she felt his balls resting against her ass she knew she could relax. He was really deep inside her. He was in almost as far as the sergeant’s son had reached.

It felt right to have so much of Vishra’s cock in her vagina. She arched her shoulders and crushed her breasts affectionately against his chest, relieved he had entered her like a gentleman. Even so, she asked him to go slow for a dozen or so thrusts.

He did exactly that. He was experienced enough to know the womanly indications that confirmed she was ready for more earnest loving. Only after she gave those signs, verbal and physical, did he really take charge and begin to move rapidly.

She saw that he had waited for her to be ready. She loved that. His kindness added to the pleasure of having an important man having his privilege with her. She lay under him, thrilling at the knowledge that she was pleasing this man simply by lying there allowing him to use her body as he wanted.

He was now thrusting very quickly. Her breasts rolled around on her chest under each thrust. As they moved she saw him watch them and become even more aroused. She was proud he liked them.

He moved faster, his cock feeling so good as it plumbed her depths. She knew Tunare would approve.

As she rocked back and forth on her back in response to Vishra’s increasing thrusts she compared his lovemaking to Falco’s inept attempt. That poor kid had had no idea how to be a lover. Here was how a real man took a woman. Pleasure washed over her every time his huge member nearly bottomed out inside her. She would be bruised tomorrow due to his size but today it felt perfect.

She kissed him, sticking her tongue into his mouth. He sucked it.

At last she was approaching culmination. She saw him smiling as he looked down at her, maintaining his fast rate of thrusting. He could see she was close. “Cum for me, Cadwarra. I want to see your face as you crest.”

She held him and let him watch, cooing up at him lovingly. As she came, her features twisted in climax.

This child never looked so lovely, he thought as he anticipated emptying his balls into her fertile womb. He wondered what she would look like with a big round belly full of his son. It was only a fantasy, of course, but was there anything wrong with a Half Elf son if he was going to get the genes that Cadwarra had? He had admired how well her training had progressed in her short time undergoing formal instruction. And though naive, she was intelligent. A son both smart and a good fighter would be quite a gift from her. Heck, he would be happy with another daughter if she took after Cadwarra.

The fantasy of knocking up Cadwarra got him primed. He felt his cock getting ready to shoot. After only a few more thrusts his big swinging balls contracted up towards his body as sperm erupted out of his cum-writhing cock. Bear my child, Cadwarra, he thought as a series of manful surges filled her with his baby batter.

Of course, knocking her up was a silly fantasy that might have occurred in a schoolboy’s dreams, not a wiser, mature man such as himself. It was a pleasant thought, but a baby in Cadwarra’s uterus was out of the question. One of his mistresses was already showing and another was thinking she was in the family way. A third pretty young thing with a growing belly would be too much for his wife to tolerate. Besides, this little Wood Elf, not pregnant, was proving to be a very useful person to keep around, and not just for her talents in bed. Spent, he relaxed on top of her. As they both embraced post coital he kissed her affectionately and put all that baby nonsense out of his mind.

In the antechamber, an applicant for the position of Penley’s new guard sat at a table filling out an enlistment application and listening to the commotion in Vishra’s office. “Wow!” he commented to the clerk “the Marshall sure has intensive training sessions!”

“Oh, he sure does” replied the clerk straight-faced “but don’t worry, he won’t be doing you.”

The clerk finished filling out Cadwarra’s Jail Transfer Document.
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