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Sex in Jail
Usually, the guards in Qeynos knew enough to not let a prisoner die on their watch but Thorsona and Bauer were not the smartest of the guards and were certainly the meanest. Sprockfuddle examined Falco right after they left. He was concerned to see the amount of damage Bauer had inflicted. This beating was excessive. He suspected some internal injuries. He was fairly certain Falco was not going to make it.

Since Falco was one of M’Tun’s flunkees he knew he better not let him die, but there was nothing he could do. He shouted for the jailors to find a healer, but there was no response. He was not surprised. Insulting a guard was not something that was easily forgiven.

He frowned. It was not that he cared a fig about Falco, but M’Tun might be unhappy if Falco died. That Dark Elf son-of-a-bitch tended to lash out at everyone when he was unhappy. Sprockfuddle took a deep breath. This was not good.

With nothing he could do for Falco, Sprockfuddle sat back down on his cot. Frustrated, he wondered what those three crazy girls were doing down in the well. No doubt they had sold all his wares and kept the money. There was a nice bo staff he had acquired just the other day. It was made of the rarest of Yucca woods and imbued with some powerful magics. It was worth a fortune. He hoped they did not take that and sell it on him. Those horny bitches would not realize its value, probably selling it to some fool for a pittance of its true worth. Then he thought of his Annie and her nice tits. He could use that willing lady right now. His little penis hardened.

His horny ruminations were interrupted by the jailors bringing in a new prisoner. She sure was a feisty one, judging by the way she was yelling and struggling. Four of them literally had their hands full with her.

Vishra had told Cadwarra to be sure to make a big scene and she was doing an impressive job. “You bastards!” she struggled. “Let me go! You have no right! I am a citizen and did NOTHING wrong.”

“Easy lassie,” The Senior Jailor, Armstrong, warned her. “Stop squirmin’. If you make things difficult for us we’ll make things even more difficult for you.”

One of the other guards went to unlock the cell containing Falco and Sprockfuddle. “No” Armstrong spoke up. “Put her in the empty cell. These two don’t deserve a pretty thing like this to play with. Dump her in alone.”

As Cadwarra continued to yell and twist around in restraints the Senior Jailor continued to berate her. “You hear that, Wood Elf? Make life difficult for my men and we’ll move you in with the males. They got nothing to do tonight except play with your titties and hold your legs open for each other, so be co-operative, Girlie.”

With that he took a second to study her mammalian assets. He enjoyed the sight of her well endowed chest swinging around provocatively under her roughspun prison robe. He suspected his subordinates were deliberately letting her thrash around so they could enjoy her tits as well; they usually were better at restraining unruly prisoners. Those titties just kept shaking inside that dress and they were quite happy to keep wrestling with her and watching them fly.

Normally, after they had changed a female prisoner into her prison clothes she would have been kept in the jailor’s office for some ‘interrogation’ while everyone had a turn at enjoying a good time with her. After they were done, if the male prisoners had been co-operative, she might have then been given to them to also have fun, as a reward for their good behaviour.

In this case, Armstrong had ordered that this little Wood Elf be treated with kid gloves and were not to use her body for their pleasure. He had heard a rumour that she was associated in some way with someone in high places and best not be touched. Tempting as her jiggling breasts were, the jailors had dutifully resisted the urge to feel her up.

As they carried Cadwarra into the second cell she grabbed the bars of the door. “I’m not going in there! I’m innocent! That bastard was asking to be raped!”

“Sure he was” one jailor responded as he pried her fingers off the bars. “Maybe you should have gotten consent first...” He loosened the grip of one of her hands and added, while he started to pull off the other hand, “...Maybe if he had an erection or was in your bed, then you might have had a right to legally force him!”

“You bastard son-of-a-bitch. He did have an erection and was in my bed! I had every right to take him! His big prick was there for me to use. Any girl would have... any girl! This is false arrest”

“Any thing you say will be held against you” the senior jailor cautioned her “just like the hard cock that you held against you last night!” The others laughed as they dumped her on a cot in the empty cell. She tried to kick one jailor. Luckily her aim was bad. It looked genuine enough that none of the jailors realized she had deliberately missed. She had made the attempt look pretty good.

Armstrong stayed well back from her feet. “Can you calm down long enough to let us remove your manacles or do you want to keep wearing them, Trouble-maker?”

Cadwarra’s only response was “I bet your boyfriend wishes you were home sucking his big fat cock right now instead of mistreating me! Let me go, you faggot!”

This insult was nothing to the jailors who had heard it all before. “Shut up, you silly Feir’Dal rapist.” The jailors slammed the cell door shut and walked off leaving Cadwarra in her hand cuffs.

“I can use an ale” one said.

“A girl as pretty as her, why would she need to rape anyone, anyway?” a second asked.

“Maybe too lazy to walk ten feet searching for a willing man?” a third suggested and everybody laughed.

“She could have saved herself a night in jail if she had just raped me!”

“Hard to believe she is a Paladin, acting like that!”

Armstrong was last to leave. He tossed a large key through the bars at Sprockfuddle. “When she calms down, make yourself useful by unlocking her hand cuffs. Then toss the key out of the cell onto the floor by the door. We’ll pick it up when we deliver the porridge at dinner.”

Cadwarra was up off the cot and was kicking the cell door, trying to break it open. “Come back here you motherfuckers and let me out! I’m innocent!”

The door to the cell area slammed shut. She and the Gnome were alone; Cadwarra kept furiously trying to kick open her cell door.

“Damaging the Queen’s property is a waste of tax dollars” the Gnome complained at her. “This is why we pay so much in taxes.” Cadwarra ignored him and kept angrily kicking. “Stupid taxes” he added.

Cadwarra assumed this was Sprockfuddle. She kept kicking the unyielding cell door and pretended to be ignoring the Gnome. In actuality, she did this so as to avoid looking like she was interested in him in any way. She would let Sprockfuddle maybe strike up a conversation. If he did not, no hurry; she would have a few days or more to get to know him.

“Are you ready for me to unlock your shackles?” Sprockfuddle shouted above the din she was making. The offer was hardly motivated by kindness, he needed something from her.

Cadwarra stopped kicking. She was getting tired anyway; all this fake outrage she was pretending to be having was a lot of work. After a moment’s pondering her chains she sighed and replied “yes, please.”

Sprockfuddle came over near the bars separating the two cells. He left the key on his bed. ”I’ll need something in exchange” he bargained. “Those jailors just said you were a Paladin.”

“Well, I am in training to be one. Of course, that was before my false arrest maybe ruined my career. That guy was really asking for sex, you know? Big hard cock and all. I had a right to his body.”

“I can imagine he was leading you on. You were surely within your rights to take him. But I need a favour from you before anybody loses their shackles.”

Cadwarra glared at him, pretending to be offended. Inwardly, however, she was pleased. Helping him out with would be a good way to start being buddies. “Okay, Asshole. I guess I’ll have to play along. What favour can a poor little Wood Elf do for you while locked in this filthy jail cell?”

What he really wanted was an enthusiastic blow job and normally would have demanded that service in exchange for the key. How pretty she would look with cum all over her face. But his fear of M’Tun finding out he had not helped Falco took priority over his sexual needs. He swept his hand to indicate to Cadwarra a lump lying still on one of the cots. “Do you have any Paladin heal spells you could use on my friend over there? As you can see he’s been beat up pretty bad.”

This was the first Cadwarra had noticed there was a third prisoner in with them. He was in truly rough shape with a face so battered it took her a second before she recognized it was Falco, lying unconscious and helpless. His breathing was laboured.

She felt so sorry for him. Unsurprisingly he had finally managed to piss off someone enough to suffer an horrendous beating in consequence.

“Falco?” Her voice cracked. She was genuinely distressed to see him like that. “Can you hear me? Wake up!”

Sprockfuddle took his eyes off Cadwarra’s nice big Wood Elf tits and looked up at her pretty face. “You know my friend?” He quickly added “you need to help him.”

“I can. But I need to use my hands to cast a heal spell.” Cadarra lifted her fetters and pushed them through the bars. “Unlock me.”

It seemed a good bet she would not renege on her agreement to help so he fetched the key. With the hand cuffs off, Cadwarra wrung her hands to get the circulation going again.

Cadwarra had been taught a couple of rudimentary heal spells by the Druid assigned to the training school. These magic heals had not been her strong suit. She was quite mediocre at them. The Druid had encouraged her to keep practicing. She said they would improve, but improvement had been slow.

“Let me try my two spells” Cadwarra ventured. “No promises” she added and moved her hands as the Druid had taught her.

As the first spell fell on Falco, he stirred but there was little other result. She waited half a minute then tried the second healing spell. It too had a marginal effect. Falco moaned and rolled over. His eyes opened but he was in terrible pain. He looked pretty bad. It had obviously been a terrible beating.

Falco tried to recall what had happened. He remembered he had been beaten up. He remembered he was in jail. His equipment and bo staff were gone. His eyes focused on that angry little asshole, Sprockfuddle, staring emotionless at him.

Then he noticed there was also a female present. As his vision cleared a bit he recognized her. “Cadwarra...” he muttered, barely audible through his swollen lips. He said nothing else but he kept his eyes on her over in that other cell. She was so lovely, even in that prison garb. He was sure she was an hallucination, though.

Sprockfuddle saw no great improvement to Falco. “Is that all you can do?” He demanded. He was trying to be polite but lacking practice at such courtesy it sounded like something an angry little asshole would say. “He’s hardly better.”

She should have been offended by the Gnome’s rudeness but was too concerned by her failure to help Falco. He was in such pain, poor guy. She wondered what he had done.

She had a third spell she could try, but it was a difficult one. She needed to remember all the details.

She thought back to the day the Druid had taught it to her. “I’ll show you one more heal spell, girl to girl” she said conspiratorially “even though I am not supposed to. It’s a powerful one but there’s just one catch. The spell is powered by sexual arousal not energy. It works best if the healer or the healed orgasms.”

She had walked Cadwarra through the mechanics of casting it but with no male around that day to be aroused for them, she had not been able to demonstrate the full procedure; just give Cadwarra a verbal detailing of the spell casting requirements.

“It heals a sexually excited male” she explained to Cadwarra. “The problem is most males, if in need of healing, are hardly horny. Fortunately, it can also be used if you are aroused. Of course, both being aroused is most effective of all. And remember to be close to him. You have to be as close as two lovers for the heal spell to work.”

So there stood Cadwarra, leaning against the cell bars with only one chance left to help Falco and how do you get him horny and close to you when he was as beat up as he was over on his cot fifteen feet away?

“Falco” she called to him “I know you are hurting, but can you come close to me? I have a heal spell but we need to make love for it to work. If you come close, if you make love to me, it may be able to cure least a bit. Come make love to me.”

Falco had closed his eyes but he had heard her invitation for sex. She was asking for him, inviting him to come to her. He had been wanting this ever since their first and only fuck in the Forest Ruins. Even after he saw her willingly taking that sentry’s big cock, he still wanted her. But he could not move.

Seeing it was hopeless, Sprockfuddle went back to his cot and in disgust muttered “That Paladin is useless.” He should have used the key to get a blowjob from her instead of trying to help that weakling Falco. What was M’Tun thinking employing such a useless, incompetent fool?

“Falco” Cadwarra implored “I can help. I need you over here. I need you to come over. Don’t you want me?” she coaxed.

Normally those words would have been the most beautiful thing he ever heard. But his whole body was in pain. He could not move. He wanted to sleep. He knew when he was better that he would regret the lost chance to have his prick inside Cadwarra’s warmth but for now he was unable to move. He fell back into unconsciousness.

Cadwarra looked helplessly at Sprockfuddle. “I need you to carry him over here.”

Sprockfuddle sarcastically flexed his puny arm with its equally puny muscle. “Do I look like I can carry that huge galoot of a Wood Elf over to you? I mean, look at the size of him!” He went back to brooding about taxes.

With no other option, Cadwarra repeated one of the standard heal spells again, knowing a second ministration of the same spell would have negligible effect.

But it was enough. Falco woke back up. He heard Cadwarra speaking to him again. “Falco, I need you here. I need you.”

He knew if he could only get to Cadwarra, he could touch her, feel her up. He remembered those big soft breasts. They were his again if only he could move.

He rolled off the cot and landed painfully on the dirty floor. “Yes! You can reach me, Falco. You need to reach me. Come and touch me!”

Falco crawled on the floor toward his girl. He went less than a pace and collapsed. She was ten feet away. He looked at her helplessly.

She unbuttoned her robe. She pulled her breasts out for him to admire. He watched them rise and fall with each breath she took. Her boobs were right there for him to hold and she wanted him to hold them. He just needed to move a lousy ten feet and he would have his hands groping them.

“Come and feel my breasts, Falco.” Cadwarra cupped her boobs. “Look how hard you’ve made my nipples. Suck on them. Come be healed, Falco.” She held her breasts up, pushing them together. He tried to focus on her hard nipples as she had suggested. His eyesight was so blurred he could not see if they were hard. He had to get closer to see. Falco lifted him self up on all fours and moved forward a few feet. It hurt to move, but those breasts were so close, so lovely.

“Come suck hard, Falco.” She took both nipples between thumbs and forefingers and pulled them up and down for him to see her jugs jiggle and bounce. He stared.

She dropped her dress to the floor. She was nude for him. “You’re making me horny, Falco. I’m yours if you come to me. I can heal you” she promised.

Sprockfuddle was getting a good eyeful but Falco’s eyes focused back down on the floor as he crawled another foot towards her. He collapsed.

After a moment’s rest, Falco got back up and crawled some more. Cadwarra realized Falco so wanted her that he was moving despite his pain. To see a male so needing her awakened her lust. She also loved the hungry look the Gnome was giving her as she was exposing herself. She thought how she and Falco could be screwing in front of Sprockfuddle while he watched and that also added to her wanton lust. Lust was good, she realized; all of this arousal would help the spell work. At least she hoped so.

In extreme discomfort, with the last of his energy, Falco finally reached the bars where Cadwarra stood waiting for him, offering her body. He raised his arms up and leaned forward onto the bars, crouching there exhausted. He could barely stay on his knees, but Cadwarra’s vagina was right there, so close to his face he could smell her.

He knew her scent. In the Forest Ruins he was so thrilled to be taking her virginity that he had not noticed how lovely she smelled down there but he recognized it now. His nostrils drank in her ambrosial aroma.

The little pervert Sprocklfuddle was rubbing himself through his pants. “Yeah. Go ahead and lick that twat, kid!” He rubbed faster. Unashamed. ‘Do it, Falco!”

Falco pushed his face forward to eat her out but the bars were not far enough apart for him to get his face between them. Her snatch was mere inches from the tip of his tongue but unobtainable. Falco could see what he wanted, but Cadwarra was as far away as she had been that night she had left the tavern with that young man while he watched, powerless to stop her from being taken away for a fuck.

Unable to eat her, he pulled his prick out, hoping to insert it. It remained soft, though.

Cadwarra saw he was having trouble getting hard. She got down on her knees so her boobs were in front of his face. She could see his eyes widen to realize they were so close to his lips. She stuck each big boob though the spaces between the vertical bars and pushed them together on the other side such that she was tit-fucking the cold iron between them.

Those tan tits sat there just in front of his face. They waited for his mouth. The stems of her nipples stuck out at him is if begging to be sucked.

Falco desperately grabbed those huge hooters and pushed her nipples together so they touched. He rubbed them against each other. He watched the stems yielding and bending as he slid each over the other. Then he took both in his mouth. He did it slowly because his lip hurt. He sucked on them, taking care not to open the cut further while he licked and kissed them lovingly. Cadwarra mewed.

Sprockfuddle had his little cock out. He was jacking it furiously while he watched. His tiny balls were bouncing up and down crazily. Cadwarra was looking straight at him while Falco sucked on her tits. Sprockfuddle lifted his hips up so Cadwarra could have a good look at his little prick. Cadwarra got the impression he was proud of his erection. In proportion to his size, it probably wasn’t all that small.

All this was turning Cadwarra on. As he had done in the Forest Ruins, Falco’s obvious attraction to her awakened her needs despite her ambivalence towards him. She was yearning for Falco to fuck her. “Can you stand, Falco? I want you to screw me. We need to make love for me to heal you.”

She realized that maybe she should not be spreading her legs for Falco. It would cause all sorts of problems with him later. She had finally gotten rid of him and now here she was, misleading him into again thinking that she was in any way interested in him. The last thing she wanted was him bothering her, but he needed help.

Falco, knew nothing of her reservations. All he knew was she wanted him back but he was in such pain he was not even able to get hard for her. She obviously could see his soft dick and know, once again, how inadequate he was as a man. With a mouth full of Cadwarra’s breasts he pulled on his soft cock some more, desperately hoping it would harden.

Seeing his difficulties, Cadwarra reached down and took his hand off his unresponsive phallus. She gripped it instead and started pumping. “Get hard, Falco. Please? For me?”

Those words, spoken in her beautiful voice, had the effect he needed. As she held his flaccid thing and ran her hand along it it began to grow. If he just had the strength to stand and fuck her everything that had happened to him today would be worth this moment. This perfect moment.

He raised both arms to grasp the bars, ignoring how his ribs hurt as he lifted himself. He found himself standing weakly on unsteady feet. She stood as well.

His penis pointed right at her pubic thatch. He knew she was ready.

She had pushed her tummy right against the bars. It was Cadwarra’s tummy. He remembered he wanted a cock big enough to show its size and shape through that tummy. The image of his cock showing in her belly as it had showed in Annie’s helped him stay hard. He pushed forward, trying to thrust his erection into her pussy, but his hips were stopped by the bars. His knob stuck out from his body, poking out into her side of the bars, a mere inch from penetration.

Cadwarra was pressed right up against the bars, too. She not only wanted to help heal Falco but she now desperately needed a serious fuck, regardless. The lovemaking from Vishra a few hours ago in an attempt to keep her satisfied had had the opposite effect; the lingering memory of his huge cock had only made her super horny these past few hours.

She was so in need of a hard male right now and Falco’s cock would do.

Falco was frustrated and humiliated. He thought of the sentry’s huge Human cock. If he had one that size, he could have at least gotten a few inches into Cadwarra’s sweetness. With one of those big peckers, he could be fucking her right now, at least part way in.

He would have been happy with just that. Instead, his small, laughable cock had failed him again. Without that magic charm he was constantly being reminded about, Cadwarra was as unreachable as she always would be. He suspected she was comparing him to the sentry’s big cock even now.

Cadwarra dropped back down to her knees so her mouth was level to his erection. She stuck her face against the bars. She had enough room to reach his cock. She sucked it. This seemed to please Falco and he moved his hips back and forth. She kept sucking. She liked it.

Sprockfuddle became sexually agitated at seeing Cadwarra giving a blow job. He stood up from his cot so he could see better and began to masturbate with both hands. Cadwarra’s beautiful eyes looked right at him as he proudly beat off. He let her watch his white stuff spurt out all over the ground while he watched her suck off Falco.

Falco took a lot longer than Sprockfuddle to reach orgasm. As aroused as he was, he was still hurt badly and that kept him from easily achieving climax despite his obvious pleasure at the way she lovingly kissed his tool then sucked it some more. She tried to get him going by fondling his balls but they seemed very sensitive for some reason so she gently lowered them back down and worked on his little helmet.

At last he whispered through his battered face “Cadwarra, oh, Cadwarra...” His hips moved erratically. The base of his cock twitched manfully and multiple spasms of semen erupted into her hungry mouth.

Cadwarra kept sucking as his cum flowed. There was a lot of it and she liked the taste. A bit dripped down her chin but she got most of it. Their only other time of intimacy had ended with a deposit into her vagina so she had no idea he would cum in such quantity. She recalled a lot of it had dripped out of her and down her inner thigh as she talked to the Sergeant while he had negotiated his own turn with her.

His cock finished shooting cum. She made a meal of it. There was so much it took several gulps to swallow it all. It was in her stomach.

She was so concentrating on gobbling it all down that she almost forgot the reason she was doing all this. Hurriedly she let go of the bars and her hands began the special healing spell as she had been taught to cast it.

The affect on Falco was instant. Bruises and cuts did not heal but the effects of the terrible beating subsided immeasurably. He was able to stand without fear of falling over. He even let go of the bars he was using for support. He looked a lot better.

With renewed life, he looked into Cadwarra’s lovely face, a trail of sperm hanging from her chin. That’s my sperm, he thought proudly. That little tramp gulped me down because she needs me.

Despite the elation he felt from that knowledge, he suddenly realized he needed to lie down. He felt so much better, he thought, but he should lie down. Now that he was back together with Cadwarra, he would get another blow job from her in a little while and any time he said so. Then, as soon as they got out of jail, he was going to fuck her properly while her boobs swayed under his thrusting. For now, though, he needed to lie down.

Sprockfuddle redid the fastenings of his leggings and went over to Falco’s cot to look at him. Falco was asleep again but looked immensely better. He would recover. That Paladin-in-Training had saved his life.

No longer fearful of Falco dying on him, he went back to muttering about stupid taxes. He left his cum all over the floor and climbed onto his cot.

Standing there unclad, Cadwarra guiltily thought of Diamander and how she was supposed to have saved herself for his needs. She wondered if he would be desperately wanting her when they again shared her bed or was his boyfriend looking after him? Surprisingly, she became horny at the image of Diamander’s lovely cock in his boyfriend’s mouth, getting a fag blowjob.

She became oddly aroused at the image of that. She realized she was so horny! The Druid had warned her that the aftereffects of the special heal spell would elevate her sex drive to incredible heights.

She lay back on her cot. Sitting bored on his own cot, Sprockfuddle took notice of the still nude Wood Elf lying there not bothering to cover herself modestly.

She started playing with her clitoris fantasizing about both Diamander and his boyfriend face-fucking her simultaneously. She imagined them rubbing their cocks together inside her mouth as she pleasured them. They would cum together as she swallowed it all down her gullet.

She rubbed faster, enjoying the fantasy. She thought how nice it would be if they came on her face then both would lick it all up. Then she thought about Vishra cumming on her face, then Trandall, then the sergeant.

She loved to have Sprockfuddle watch and listen to the “sklitch...sklitch” of her masturbation. She opened her legs for him to have a good look at her labia gleaming as she lay there, wanting him to see.

As her orgasm mounted, she wondered if Falco would know this business had just been a one time thing. It was just to heal him. Would he realize that? If not, how would she explain it to Falco?

She decided to worry about that later, She stuck her fingers inside her,. They were woefully inadequate compared to the big cocks she was now used to. She recalled every detail of Diamander’s cock being forcefully rammed deep as he raped her so eagerly that morning. Then she concentrated on the memory of the sergeant’s son’s magnificent cock going in and out of her all night. How he bruised her so wonderfully.

She kept fingering. She came hard several times while Sprockfuddle watched. She finally fell asleep, still naked.


M’Tun was looking at the sunset and calculating. “I give him three hours to get back to Qeynos. To find Sprockfuddle, deliver the message then haggle with Arabella would be no more than two more hours then three hours back to us.”

He looked at Llisanya, annoyed. “That makes him four hours late already. With my gold. I want him dead.”

Llisanya was sitting on the grass using a small compact mirror to examine the bruise on her face. Her large, beautiful eyes looked up at M’Tun, not pleased at the thought of killing Falco. She was surprised it bothered her. “Let me go find out what the problem is, the delay may not be his fault.”

“You’re a stupid little cunt, Llisanya. That fool is spending my coin in some tavern. He’s dallying with a girl with tits way bigger than yours.”

“Well, lucky him. Here’s my suggestion. Why don’t you fuck me? Free. Then I’ll head to Qeynos and check out what the deal is. If he is drunk in a tavern with some big tittied bimbo, I’ll kill him for you quick, no cost.” She stood and started to seductively undo the fastenings on her chain leggings. “But fuck me first, Sweetie.”

Frustrated by Falco’s incompetence, he pounded her fuckhole hard.
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