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My name is Jess and I'm working my way through college. It's not the job I wanted, but it's the one I got.
The bell tinkled as Mina and I walked into the store.

“Seriously, I think you should consider changing to chemistry at the very least,” said Mina.

“Chemistry is blegh, I don’t wanna be a nurse like everyone else in my family,” I say.

Dust drifts in the morning sunlight, crossing over dulled brass and coffee colored papers. The antique store smells like old. Old and damp. My eyes bounce from trash to trash, the same items that have been unmoved since I was a child. Mina picks up a horn and tries a revelry.

“Now announcing Jess! The doer of engineering, maker of things, breaker of chains!”

“Wow, that’s quite the fanfare,” I say, “What chains have I broken?”

“Well how should I know how kinky you are?” Mina gives a sly grin.

“Oh my god, I’ll tell you about it later!”

I think back to one of my last nights during the semester. We made out for a while and he groped at my chest, fumbling with my bra. I was so nervous for anyone to see my body. I get a little wet remembering the feel of his penis opening my lips for the first time.

“Jess is that you?” comes a raspy voice from the back of the room.

“Hi, Ms. Howard,” I call.

A woman in dull brown clothes comes from behind the counter and peers at me over her little glasses. The wrinkles on her face bunch into a smile as she comes to hug me.

“It’s so good to see you,” she says into my ear, “I always wonder what you’ve been up to. I remember when you could barely work the register!”

I laugh, “Yeah, it’s been a while since that summer. I’m in college now, biomedical engineering.”

“Really? I thought you’d have gone into nursing.”

I glance at Mina’s grinning face.

“No, ma’am, just cause I’m Filipino doesn’t mean I have to be a nurse.”

Ms. Howard waved her hand in her face, “Oh posh, I meant nothing by it. Your mom, dad, and sisters are all nurses, just expected you to follow suit.”

“I think I wanna try to be an engineer, still in medical, though,” I say with a wink.

She grasps my shoulders, “Well I’m proud of you either way.”

“Thanks,” I say, “That means a lot.”

And it does. My family has been pressuring me to go into nursing for a while.

“What brings you back to town?” asks Ms. Howard.

“I finished my first year and I’m off for the summer. The Beech’s asked me to house sit for them, too, so that’s a couple bucks.”

“Well that’s nice of you to do that. They’re good folks. Mind you those dogs of theirs are gonna be a handful.”

“Yeah they said they’re big boys.”

She put her hands on her hips, “Well you two have a look around, I’m gonna get back to my book.”

“Thanks, Ms. Howard,” Mina and I say in unison.

Mina doesn’t need to catch up, she hasn’t left town yet. We start looking around, picking up odd trinkets here and there, talking about random things. She’s like a sister to me, we were some of the only foreign kids in our little Georgia town.

“Let’s check those out,” says Mina, pointing to a lit up corner.

It’s the mirror section, always a favorite for young women when I worked here. They love to take selfies in antique mirrors. I think that’s the only reason they ever came in. It’s like wings painted on a building for them, irresistible. We wander through the greyed silver and glass. I check my outfit in a cleaner one. Luckily, I didn’t tuck my cream blouse into my black skirt. I’m a little chubby, but the curves are filled nicely. I look over at Mina. She could be a model with her thigh gap and perky little tits bouncing braless under her loose shirt. My huge floppy boobs could never.

“Hey beautiful,” I call, “Come take a selfie in this mirror.”

Mina flounces over and we get into a cute position. I screw up my face into a goofy look, glasses askew and my brown hair falling in my cleavage we take a few pictures.

“Oh my god delete that one,” says Mina looking at the roll of photos.

“You look good in all of these,” I say.

“Yeah but you’re so thick it makes me look like a stick.”

“Seriously? Ass.” I playfully punch her shoulder.

“Are you kidding? I would love to have these.”

Without warning she squeezes my chest from behind. I see her face over my shoulder in the grimy mirror, who wouldn’t want to squeeze them?

“Are you about done?” I ask after a few gropes too many.

My nipples are a little too big and pancakey to get hard, but the feeling is there either way. She releases me with a pout.

“Are you wearing a sports bra?”

“Yeah, it’s the only thing that keeps them from being too obvious, you know?” I say, “I started wearing one at school cause all the guys would stare.”

She knows I’m sensitive about my breasts, but we’ve talked about them at length. I look at her brown eyes, she’s got a look on her face I hadn’t seen before. Her nipples are hard through her shirt. She sees me look and blushes.

“Well I’m still jealous,” she says, turning to walk away a little too quickly.

We continue our meandering through old tiles and moth-eaten coats, gossiping about who said what to who’s brother. Mina knows all about the goings on of our podunk town. Soon, we say goodbye to Ms. Howard and she invites us back any time.

“Let’s go to your house,” I say.

“Okay, my parents are out for a few days,” says Mina, “Tea an cribbage?”

“You know it.”

The late Spring sun flickers past the car windows, noon approaches gently. The relaxation of summer sets in and before I know it we’re on her couch playing games.

“I got three fives, that’s two points for 15 and six for the three plus six more for the King,” I say, laying my cards down.

“Wow, you’re gonna skunk me,” says Mina.

I give her a smile, “Hopefully.”

Her house smells strongly of herbs and spices. Iranian descent kind of makes that obligatory. Eating over here is always a good time, the food is so much different than my mom makes. I take a bite of the little pastry her dad made before they left. A few hands more and I successfully skunk her.

“Why are you so good at this?” she asks.

“For one I know how to count, so there’s that.”

We laugh and sip our tea. She leans forward on the deep red couch cushion.

“Alright, so tell me about James.”

I blush even though I knew this was coming. We had texted about my escapades previously, but she was obviously going to want more information.

“We met at a party and kissed a little, then we got some coffee at the corner. He’s really nice, or at least pretends to be. He wasn’t rude to the barista and he was respectful. He only looked at my boobs a couple of times, but that’s totally fair cause I wore a revealing shirt.”

“Of course you did,” said Mina.

“Of course, I wanted to see if he could behave himself, which he did a really good job, honestly. Anyways, we went for a walk after and held hands and he leaned down to kiss me really slow. Like putting my hair behind my ear and all that, it was so adorable. We went on a few more dates and he’s funny and smart and sweet. He brought me flowers twice already, like what?”

“Lemme see him!”

I pull out my phone and show her a picture we took together at a shop. I remember the feel of his arm around me and how I was too short to get us both in frame. He laughed at me, but I knew he liked it. His dark hair underneath the rust hat and his tan coat filled the frame.

“He’s not bad looking, either,” said Mina, handing back my phone.

“Yeah,” I say, looking at the picture again.

“Sooooo? Tell me how your first time was!”

I blush again, “James is really gentle. We kissed for a while and he made sure I was okay with everything that was happening. He was definitely nervous, but it was great.”

“That’s it? Great?”

How much is normal to tell, I wonder.

“I let him cum in me.”

“The first time? You let him creampie you the first time?”

“Is that bad?” I ask.

“No, but I always waited until at least the third time. I know you’re on birth control, but still.”

“Well, he was so sweet and soft… and I wanted him to.”

I can feel myself getting engorged thinking about his warm sperm running down my buttcrack. Mina notices me crossing my legs and gets that look on her face again. It’s hard to tell what she’s thinking.

“So it was good, then?

The colorful carpet looks a threadbare around my feet.

“Yeah, I really like him.”

“That’s great, Jess! I’m so happy you finally did it. I mean it took you long enough.”

“Okay okay, we can’t all be as attractive as you,” I say.

Mina laughs, “You’re gorgeous, girl.”

The cards whir as she shuffles them again. The pips feel different at my finger tips. Sun slowly creeps through the windows as the day moves on from my sex life.

“Hey, could you take me over to the Beech’s in like 20? I’m supposed to meet them and the dogs before they leave.”

Mina waves her hand, “Of course.”

Soon we’re bumbling down the country roads. The smell of bloom rushes through my long brown hair, whipping it across my face. A big house reveals itself as we drive up the long driveway, slowly making our way through the newly budding trees. I wave at the older couple on their porch.

“Thanks, Mina! Come over sometime and we’ll hang out, they said it was fine.” I say, grabbing my overnight bag from her back seat.

“For sure, probably noon the day after tomorrow,” she calls.

Paul and Linda Beech come down the red wooden steps and wave as Mina pulls away. Their car sits packed to the side of the driveway.

Linda gives me a hug, “It’s so good to see you again.”

Paul shakes my hand, “Thanks so much for doing this, we really appreciate it.”

“It’s really no trouble, I’m here for the summer.”

Paul takes my overnight bag for me as they lead me up the steps. The dogs and bouncing around inside.

“So Zeus and Mars are excited to meet you,” says Linda with a chuckle,

“Well I’m sure we’ll get along well.”

Paul opens the door to a flurry of fur.

“Okay sit! Sit!”

The dogs are vibrating, their tails swish across the shiny hardwood floor. Paul sets my bag to the side of the entry way, their eyes follow his every movement.

Linda points to the bigger of the two dogs, “That’s Zeus, the other one is Mars. We named them cause he’s quick as lightning and he’s Zeus’ little warrior. Obviously, we know mixing mythology is a no-no, but who cares?”

They’re big dogs, Zeus is easily my weight and stand up to my chest. I’m not sure what kind of dogs they are, mutts for sure. You don’t see dogs with testicles anymore.

Paul stands between us, “Okay, come say hi.”

With that the dogs bounce up and circle around me, sniffing. Zeus puts his head in my crotch, pulling my skirt up with his snout. I step back, laughing.

Linda swats at them, “Get out of there. Sorry about that.”

“It’s okay, that’s just their way of saying hello.”

“Well it’s bad manners,” she chuckles.

Nails click on the wood as we walk the house.

“You can use the TV and we left two nights food in the fridge. Shower is in the guest bathroom,” She points to the dogs, “They need to go out in the morning and before bed, same for food. Just give them two scoops each from the big bag in the pantry.”

There’s a huge bag of food in the open pantry door, enough to feed them, maybe. A glass coffee table sits surrounded by an off white, U-shaped couch.

“You can also just let them out for a few hours, they like to lay under the tree out there. They’re very well behaved, we had them trained.”

Zeus and Mars flank me on either side during the tour. I use both hands to pat each of them on the head.

Paul motions to his watch, “Honey, we’ve gotta go.”

“Right. Jess, money is on the counter with our phone number, call us if you have any problems.”

She fumbles with her key ring, “I almost forgot, you’ll need this!”

We walk to the door and she gives me another hug, “Thanks again, we really appreciate it.”

Paul laughs, “It’s the easiest money you’ll ever make!”

With that they open the door and we walk out onto the porch. The gravel crunches as the wave goodbye from their SUV. I wait a moment, then go back inside.

“Hi boys,” I say to the dogs waiting for me in the foyer. “Does someone want a treat?”

Their ears perk up and and they start circling me again. I push Zeus’ head out of my crotch and we go into the kitchen. On the island is a couple hundred dollars next to the phone number.

“We won’t need this, you’re such good boys,” I kiss each one of them on the head and they lick my face.

The treat bag crinkles loudly as I fish through for unbroken ones. I want them to like me. In no time I feel at home on their big couch. The TV fills the silence as I lay on my stomach, texting with James. We talk about our days and how we miss each other and when he’s going to come visit me. My panties get gooey thinking about it.

Evening comes quickly and the lights in the house shine more brightly. Zeus and Mars chomp down their food as I bring my bag upstairs to the guest room to shower and change. The bathroom floor has heated tiles I can feel through my tights. I take of my blouse and bra, letting my tits free from their compression prison. They look ridiculous on me in the mirror and my skirt makes a little valley around my waist. My tights get stuck coming off and I have to sit on the floor to pull them off.

“Wow, this floor is hot on my ass,” I mutter.

Strands of silvery fluid stretch between my legs as I pull my panties off. They’re creamy from thinking about James all day. The wet webs of my drooling pussy cling to my thick thighs as I walk to the shower. The warm water is so relaxing.

“Mmmm,” I moan, thinking of James’ cock while I rub myself a little.

I don’t want to cum, I want to save it for him when he’s inside me again.

Fresh panties always feel nice, especially when I don’t have to go anywhere. I know they won’t be for long, though, I can already feel myself soaking them. My breasts hang free under a loose fitting shirt and the cool air feels nice on my legs. I go back downstairs to find Zeus and Mars waiting for me in the kitchen.

“Do you guys get an after dinner treat?” I ask, putting my finger on my chin.

Their heads seem to nod and they give a little, “Of course!” whine. I give them each a little one and they go off into the living room. Dinner is an Italian sausage and potato soup Paul made. It smells wonderful. The microwave whirs and the smell fills the kitchen. Stools at the breakfast bar make my butt cheeks itch as I shift around. I should probably be wearing pants.

I grab a snack from the pantry and munch on the couch.

“Identity theft is not a joke, Jim,” says Dwight.

A few episodes have gone by when Zeus and Mars come and stare at me.

“Do you need to go out?”

They run out the back door and do their business while I stand on the porch. It’s cool out and my hairs stand up. The silence around the yard is strange, but I know they’re out there. From the shadows they come bounding back to the porch and up the stairs.

“Did you have a little poopy?” I ask, “I think I could take one, too.”

In the end I’m too lazy to go and sit back down on the couch cross legged. I notice some food I dropped on the floor between the couch and the coffee table and reach down to get it. My panties stick to the couch a bit.

“Oh shit,” I say, getting up.

There’s a little slick spot on the couch where I was sitting. Maybe I should masturbate so I don’t snail trail their house. I go to the kitchen and wet a paper towel, I’ll go put pants on before I sit back down. The wet slurp of a tongue catches my attention and I see Zeus licking the spot.

I run over and push him away, “Hey! Stop that! That’s gross.”

The paper towel glides over the leather with ease.

“Bro,” I say turning to Zeus.

His red dick is poking out of its sheath by the table, it’s already surprisingly big. Testicles bounce up from the floor.

“You gotta put that thing away man,” I accidentally kick the food under the couch, “Dammit.”

I’m on my knees between the couch and the coffee table when a huge weight slams down on me. Quick as lighting.

“What the fuck, get off me!”

Hot breath dampens my neck as I struggle to get out from under Zeus. The coffee table and couch block my sideways motion, so I try to crawl forward.

“AH!” I yelp as teeth grip my neck.

I stop moving. He’s wiggling on top of me when I realize what’s really happening.

“No, bad dog!” I shout.

He bites down harder and I whimper. I can feel something poke my butt cheek, it leaves a cold spot. His penis is jabbing all around me now, slapping at my cheeks and rubbing on the purple fabric of my wet underwear. I’m so thankful for underwear. He can’t find a hole. He’ll give up eventually. Zeus’ teeth hurt my neck as he thrusts at me, pulling my head back and forcing my back to arch. Finally, he stops a moment.

“Thank god,” I whisper, letting out a sigh.

He starts moving forward slowly. The tip of his rock hard dick is pushing on my butt hole through my panties. I can feel it start to open.

“No!” I shake, causing him to lose his target and bit down even harder.

I can’t tell if it’s blood or drool on my neck. He pushes again, forcing my panties into my virgin anus. I can feel my hole stretching open and my underwear pulling taut. He’s found his hole.

My eyes well up behind my glasses, “Oh god.”

He pushes harder and pain erupts through my ass. Tears roll down my scrunched face and splash on the floor. Zeus has me pinned down and his cock is in my ass. His cock is in my ass. I try to breathe as he forces himself in, pulling my underwear in with him. He’s so big. He’s tearing me in half. Piss runs down my legs. Pain sears through my fat cheeks, radiating from my violated anus. I’m breathing hard and he’s pushing deeper still. My shit is going back up my colon. I cry helplessly. My walls grip him tight. It feels like he’ll never stop pushing deeper.

“Please,” I whimper.

The wood hurts my knees and elbows. His weight is too much. Hot breath fills my nose. Something big hits the ring of my ass hole. He’s all the way in. My panties are digging into my sides, the fabric stretched to its limit. I can feel him pulling back. It feels like he’s taking my insides with him as my ass grips his girthy cock. My tits mush beneath me.

Slap. His balls slam my pussy. The pain is unreal and I let out a scream that echoes around the house to no one. His thrusts are long and my ass is deeper than I knew. He’s in my guts, pounding, pounding. Shockwaves ripple across my ass as he ravages my poor shit hole. I feel every inch of his massive cock side in and out with each powerful stroke. My anus is being sandpapered as snot pours out of my nose and tears stream down my face. Slap, slap, slap. I’m his bitch and he’s plowing me like one. I’m a whore on my hands and knees with a dog dick in my ass. It hurts. The pain takes my breath away and makes me want to vomit.

“Help,” I slobber, “Please help.”

No one will help me. Zeus’ hammering is my world, there’s nothing else but the searing pain of his meat in my butt. He pushes hard, harder than before. He’s bottomed out in me. But he keeps pressing. I can feel the pointed tip on his dick push my shit further up my ass. Slowly, surely, he’s getting deeper.

I scream like never before. Nothing has ever brought me here. My anus begins to spread. It couldn’t go any further, but it it’s opening wide for him. It’s like needles up my ass, he’s opening me. My vision narrows and stars appear. My panties rip at the edges, the last resistance against him. I feel my dirt star snap shut around the base of his knot as I black out.

When I wake up the couch is further away. My ass sears. Zeus has dragged me by my stuffed anus. He’s pulling now, pulling me inside out. My hole is stretching again. I can barely shriek at the pain of my white hot burning insides. Fingernails grip at the puddle of pee on the floor as he pulls. Wet tinkles splatter the glass of the coffee table as something squirts out of my packed hole. Sickening splatters fall on the floor and his cock slides out of my ass. It leaks down my legs. Warm, wetness. I’m pulsing pain from my ass as I lie in shock. My shitter opens and closes in the air while I lay face down on the wood in my own piss.

I barely feel it when the weight hits me again. This time there’s not much prodding. Something slips past my o-ring with little resistance. My ass is open. I realize it’s Mars’ turn. Zeus’ little warrior getting sloppy seconds in my guts. It’s not as tight this time, he’s smaller. The pain is beneath my consciousness, a dull throbbing at the back of my brain. I don’t try to fight him as he rapes me. Letting it happen is easier. My hole is ruined. His bulge slides in easily, then out with a sucking sound. When he stuffs it back in I fart loudly, squirting liquid past him. Squelching fills my ears, my gaped ass sings. I get up to my elbows while he’s beating my guts and see Zeus’ feet in front of me. I cower as he growls once. The only other sound is my farting starfish. I can barely feel anything anymore.

Zeus walks forward, putting his slowly growing cock by my face. I see how big he is now. Squelch. He’s easily nine inches and thicker than a coke can with a red knot the size of two tennis balls at the base. It throbs in front of me, veins pulsing up the shaft. It’s covered in creamy brown slime and smells like shit. Actual shit. My shit. He slides it across my face and I close my eyes, pursing my lips.

He growls again, low, meaningful, then nips at my side.

I open my mouth and he puts it in. The taste is foul. My guts and dog cum. He slides in quickly and hits the back of my throat. I gag hard at the feeling of his veins on my tongue and the bitter, salty taste of semen covered poo. He presses in, his cock bending at the resistance of my throat. Squelch. A sudden pop and my throat opens, taking all his filthy meat as he slides in.

Mars explodes in my ass and hot cum dribbles down my labia. I’m gagging on Zeus’ enormous dick, my throat stroking up and down the shaft as vomit comes up to lube the path. It can’t get past him. His knot bumps my lips and he shoots small, hot load into my stomach. Red cock pulses behind my teeth as he fills my stomach.

Without warning he pulls out and I vomit cum onto the floor. It drips from my mouth, puddling with drool and soup. My gaped anus flexes and I pass out again.

There’s a surprising amount of dust under the couch. The Beech’s must not clean under here. My face peels from the wooden floor covered in fluids. My ass hurts. The pain is starting to come and I become more aware of what’s happened. My butt cheeks feel glued together as I try to get to my knees. A gasp escapes me despite my best efforts. I don’t want to alert the dogs to my presence any more than I already have.

The stairs are a mountain, but I crawl up them all the same. Down the hall and into the bathroom on my hands and knees. The sink supports my weight as I stand to try and get in the tub. My glasses aren’t on my face, they must be downstairs somewhere. But I can still see my matted hair and tear stained face looking back at me. I’m disgusting. The shower presses my t-shirt to my chest and my nipples lay as dark islands on a frothy white sea. I scrub myself and sob, sitting on the shower floor. A shriek erupts from my mouth, aimed at the unfairness of it all. What did I do to deserve this?

I’m not sure how long I sat in there or how many tears fell and were lost in the water, but it was time to get out. The tap shudders to a drip and I take my shirt off, leaving it in the tub. The towel smells fresh and clean, untouched. I almost don’t want to use it. To not soil it with myself or the vicious rape, but I need to dry off. It’s softness is almost foreign to me at this point, it feels like an age ago since I had a tender touch. Pins throb from my ass and I shakily reach down to dry myself. My brown legs tremble as I dry my buttcrack and I notice sharp red lines around my hips. The terrible realization dawns on me. It’s still in my colon. Zeus stretched it to the breaking point and shoved it deep into my guts with his meat. The cold toilet seat chills my thighs as I shit out cum covered, purple fabric followed by the dump Zeus pushed up into me. Wincing, I wipe and flush without looking. With that the ordeal is over, one final shit on a shit night. Beyond shit. I was raped by two fucking dogs.

The hallway is empty as I peer around the bathroom door and then go as fast as my sore glutes will take me to the bedroom. I lay on the bed and dreams take me in minutes.

Birds wake me to the sun streaming in through lightly curtained windows. My heart races with fear.

“I’m okay,” I say out loud to no one.

No one answers, as expected. The house is otherwise quiet, but I know they’re down there, waiting for me. I said I would care for them, but how can I now? My ass is sore, though not searing like last night. I get up and put some clothes on.


I open the door and creep through to the stairs. All is normal, nothing is happening to suggest otherwise. When I get to the bottom, Zeus and Mars are looking at me from the door.

“I’m okay,” I say again.

I keep my backside to the wall as I make my way over to them and open the door. Without a second of hesitation they shoot out the door into the back yard and I slam the door behind them. I find my glasses by the coffee table, dirty but intact. The mess from the my rape is all over the floor and I know I have to clean it up. The mop quickly removes the evidence, like it never happened. My asshole disagrees.

I’m starving. Having lost my dinner I could eat a ton. Eggs crackle and pancakes sizzle on the pan, cooking is a happy place. I try not to notice the dull throb from my abused hole while I move about the kitchen. When it’s all ready I eat in a blur, sucking up food like I’ve never had it in my life. It’s more delicious than anything I’ve ever had.

A scratching at the door rips me from my ambrosia.

It takes everything I have to let them in, but I told the Beech’s that I would take care of them, they trusted me and it’s not their fault. It occurs to me that it’s mine, I shouldn’t have had a dripping pussy in their house like a whore. My eyes well up again.

The dogs go to their food bowls and I feed them from the big tub. I grab some snacks and run away while they eat. The rest of the day is in the bedroom. I surf the internet and try not to think about last night. Soon, the sun is going down, sprinkling the sky outside my window with brilliant summer colors. My stomach growls and I know I have to leave the safety of the room. It wasn’t so bad this morning, but I’m scared nonetheless.

They’re looking at me again when I get downstairs. Zeus cocks his head to the side. I keep my front to them as I move into the kitchen, probably soup again tonight, it was good before. Bowls clink in the cabinet and the microwave hums. Mars walks into the kitchen and I freeze. My sweatpants clad buns are pressed up against the cabinets as he walks to me, sniffing at my crotch. I close my eyes and try not to panic, he’s just a dog. His nose prods at my bulge and I whimper.

“Go!” I yell.

The pressure in my groin is gone. He went away. I open my eyes and see Zeus coming towards me. Dread fills my stomach as I realize Mars left because the alpha decided he wanted first.

“Please don’t… don’t…”

I’m frozen, gasping for breath. A low rumble comes from his throat, he’s telling me what he wants.

“I can’t…”

He barks and I yelp. The tears are already flowing as I lower myself onto the kitchen tiles and pull down my pants and underwear. His red prick is rock hard underneath him. Zeus circles around me and I present myself to him. He mounts me and my tits spread out on the floor. Hard dick slides across my stomach as he thrusts, searching for a hole to breed. This time I gingerly reach between my thighs and guide him to my pussy. Anything is better than up my ass. Sobs shake me when he spreads my hole open. I put him in there, I’m a disgusting slut.

There’s no foreplay, he just starts pounding. It’s painful because he’s much bigger than James, but better than up my butt. I’m getting wet as he strokes my walls with his fat meat. Over and over, relentlessly driving into my sopping pussy. He’s pressing deeper and his knot is bouncing off my lips. I know it will fit inside, I’m terrified of it. My cunt is queefing on his shaft as the knot spreads me a little more with every thrust until it plops in and pain shoots through my stomach. The tip of his cock is pressed into my cervix while he puslates, shooting cum directly into my uterus. I can feel my walls wrapped around him, squeezing every salty drop of semen from his rod. After a while he gets off me and turns around, trying to pull out. My greedy, slut self won’t let him go. My cunt holds him locked inside me and he pulls again. This time he drags me with him and I scream. The knot it wedged in, much bigger than when he put it in. I grab a cabinet handle and feel my hole stretch as he pulls my guts out through my vagina. With a sloppy pop he gets free. Cum blows out of my wrecked pussy as I gasp for breath, clutching the cabinet door. I feel the warmth roll over my clit and down my legs. It’s all over my sweat pants. My mouth hangs open as I breath, trying not to focus on the fact that I’ve been ravaged again.

Without warning a tongue licks my flowing lips. Mars is here for his turn. I don’t fight it, I can’t. I’m their bitch and they can fuck me like one. He mounts me and easily slides into my blown out vagina. His knot slides in and out. One rib for her pleasure. That tingling feeling starts building. An electricity that signals an orgasm. Plop, plop, plop. His knot opens me up with each thrust and I cum.

“No!” I scream.

My whole body shakes violently with the strength of the orgasm. I’m not sure how long it lasted, but Mars left his deposit and walked away by the time I finish. I’m in shock. My cunt is ruined and I came on a dog dick. I get to my feet and feel the cum flow out of me. Looking down I see it run down my leg and pool in my panties. It’s hopeless. I can see that now. I’m here forever, made to be used by these animals. To be savagely raped over and over again. I pull up my pants and let the cum stew. In a daze, I get my soup and sit at the bar. Cooled cum flows along my ass crack as I slurp. I know what I am.

The dishwasher starts with a grumble and I go to get ready for bed. I wash the cum away and brush my teeth, then slip into the soft sheets, gone in a few minutes.

The next morning goes as before, without my being starving of course. When I let the dogs in I don’t run away, there’s nothing to run from. I can’t go anywhere. The TV drones as I munch on popcorn. It’s hard to follow, I can’t seem to focus on it. The morning passes like this. Zeus and Mars lay about the sides of the coffee table and my heart occasionally beats like a death metal kick.

The front door opens. Zeus and Mars leap up and run to the door.

“Jess?” calls a familiar voice. “Hi, puppies!”


“What do you mean, ‘Mina,’ who else would it be?” Her shoes clatter on the wood.

She comes around the corner with a tote bag, flanked by Zeus and Mars. Her hair is up and she’s wearing leggings, seemingly without underwear.

“Whoa, are you okay?” she asks.

“Uh huh.”

“You look so spaced out.”

She walks over and runs her fingers through my hair.

“Honey your eyes are all puffy! Did James break up with you?”

She climbs over the back of the couch and sits cross-legged next to me. I lean on her and she rubs my shoulder.

“No, he didn’t,” I say.

“Well what’s wrong then?”

“I um… I don’t wanna talk about it, but I think you should leave.”

She pulls away, “Leave? Why would I leave? What’s going on?”

“I…,” tears pool in my eyes, “I want you to go.”

“Jess, what’s happening?”

I want to tell her but how can I. What do I say? My asshole got stuffed by the dog across the room? My pussy still throbs in pain from his meat? I steel myself.

“I’m gonna walk you out, okay?”

She stands up, “No, Jess, tell me what’s going on!”

I stand up, too, and notice Zeus’s penis unsheathed beneath him.

I grab her bag and walk to the door, “Leave, Mina!”

“What’s your fucking problem?”

“I’m trying to help you,” I say, crying.

“Help me? What?”

Zeus moves to her from behind.

“Zeus, no!” I scream.

Mina whirls around and sees Zeus baring his teeth at her. She backs away toward me, but I know it’s too late.

“Mina, you have to just take it.”

“What? What are you talking about?”

“I told you to leave! Why didn’t you leave?

Zeus barks and moves towards her. She turns and pushes past me, trying to get to the door, but he’s too fast. Mars is growling at me and I silently cry, but do as I’m told and pull down my pants. Mina screams as Zeus nips at her legs, making her fall with a bang.

“Get off! Bad dog!” she screams, struggling to get away from him.

“Mina take off your pants, it’s easier if you just let it happen,” I say through tears.

Mars’ weight pushes me down and his penis jabs at my labia. In no time he’s in me, pounding away. It doesn’t feel terrible this time. Mina is screaming bloody murder as Zeus gets on top of her.

“Help me! Jess, please!”

“I told you to leave!”

Zeus starts thrusting at her, prodding at the thin fabric between him and his fuck hole. Mina struggles and Zeus grabs her by the neck, biting down hard. She whimpers and stops struggling, but I can see her shaking. Her instinct to stay alive is stronger than to not be raped. I look down at the wood, praying to any god to let her go. Mars is sliding in and out, rubbing my insides with his smooth cock. His knot pushes on my lips, this time not already wide open. Mina shrieks and I look up again. The tip of Zues’ pointed rod is getting lost in black fabric as he presses into her asshole. She’s writhing in pain as he takes her by force, driving his skewer of a dick into her bowels. The fabric stretches, but adds resistance to his attack. He thrusts hard, tearing the material and shoving it into her anus. I think I’ll go deaf from the screams. I can hear her cunt opening and closing with every thrust, queefing wetly. She’s in a puddle of her own piss now. This must be what I looked like.

Mars presses hard against me and I grit my teeth as his knot plops in, filling me. Mina is gasping for breath as Zeus’ knot presses up against her already stuffed dirt star. It’s giving way. I can’t help but to watch as her ass spreads wider than I would have thought possible and absorbs the red ball. Mars is pulsing in me, I can feel his cock twitching as he gives me another load.

“Mina?” I say.

I think she’s blacked out. I know I did when that knot opened my ring. Zeus turns around and I hear the squeak of flesh on a wood floor as he drags her over to me. Mars is pulling out with a squelch and it dribbles onto the floor with a gentle splash. Zeus is tugging away, Mina’s limp hole gives up its plunder and he pops out, his dick whipping forward throwing slime across the floor. I can see her insides as her brutalized hole winks. It makes me think of a cup of milk.

Zeus walks to me and I open my mouth, knowing what he wants. Mina’s bowels glide across my tongue, making me retch. Zeus fucks my face hard, his meat deep in my throat. I never expected to be choking on Mina’s asshole. I feel cum flow down my throat and into my stomach before he pulls out. I don’t throw up this time.

The Bull BhorrReport 

2024-03-20 07:44:21
Wild and hot! Thanks for sharing.
With a mighty beer to cheer you on!

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