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After Madison breaks off their Friends with Benefits agreement, Matt finds that Star is a pretty good replacement.
Matt woke the next morning not entirely sure where he was at until the movement next to him brought it all back into focus. Saturday morning, he had no place he had to be, so this was certainly better than waking up at home alone. And given the conversation the night before, this could become a regular thing, waking up with someone beside him. She rolled over and looked at him through her eyelashes, a rather cute effect. “Good morning! I’m glad to see that it wasn’t a dream, but a real evening.”

“If that was a dream, I would just as soon stay asleep and let it continue.”

“Come on!” She popped out of bed, her ass jiggling nicely as she did so. She spun around the bed and grabbed his hand pulling him to get out of the bed. She pushed him into the bathroom and told him to start the shower. It was a pretty small bathroom, but he took care of his bladder and started up the water. It was only a few minutes later that she showed up with two cups of coffee and handed him one, still totally naked.

“Here, suck down some of this. I’ve seen you drink enough coffee to know you take it black.” He noticed that her’s had cream in it, no idea if it was sugared too. A quick sip and he realized that there was a splash of alcohol in it, probably Kahlua. The caffeine and the alcohol spread warmth through his body.

Star pushed him down on the toilet after placing a towel on it and knelt between his legs. A small device appeared in her hand, it looked like a small comb. She started running it around his shaft and balls, which were responding to the touch of her hands. It took a moment to realize that the comb device was a type of razor and was cutting off his pubic hairs. “I’ll leave it fairly thick around your dick, but want it all gone from my pleasure source.” It only took a few minutes for her to trim off the hair, during which his erection grew and a bead of pre-cum started to grow at the head. She wiped him down and removed the loose hairs and then popped him up off the towel. After wadding up the towel and tossing it into the hamper, she turned with a smile to the penis bobbing in front of her face.

She quickly started licking the shaft and tickling the tip of his dick with her tongue. He went a bit weak in the legs and grabbed the sink to keep his balance. She pulled his thighs into her chest as she continued administering to the shaft. She definitely liked the oral side of things, unlike his previous lover, who had only once given him a blow job, but it had been quite a blow job! He ran his fingers through her hair, the red curls tickling his thighs as her head bobbed up and down. He groaned and warned her, “Here it comes!” before she just hummed and took his load. He was surprised that there had been anything left. After the number of orgasims the night before, he didn’t expect his body had recuperated enough to ejaculate again.

They climbed into the shower together. It was a bit of a tight squeeze, but that just gave him more opportunity to be close. A good lathering of soap and they slid over each other well. It took only a few minutes for Matt to help her reach orgasm, his cock sliding between her butt cheeks and one hand around caressing her breasts and the other stroking between her legs. It was pretty erotic. After holding her as she shuddered through her orgasm he got out of the shower and got dressed while she cleaned up. He headed downstairs and when she joined him half an hour later, he had caught up on the news and finished a second cup of coffee. He was looking around for breakfast. He’d pulled some eggs out and was wondering what to do with them.

“I make a pretty decent omelet. Sound good?”

She smiled, “Sounds great. I think I hit the lottery here, good looking, smart and can cook? Be still my heart!”

Matt perused the contents of the fridge and pulled out a couple of packages of cheese and some sliced ham. Half an onion and some spinach came out too. A quick chop of the onion and he threw it into the pan and sliced up the ham and spinach and added them to the mix once the onions got translucent. A minute or two and he pulled the pan off the stove and slid its contents into a bowl. He whisked up the eggs, added them into the pan and then carefully filled half the bottom with the mix and some of the cheese. He set the finished plate down in front of Star and finished making up his own.

“The dealership said my car should be ready about noon. You could drop me off on your way home.”

“Easy enough, what should we do until then?” He certainly had some ideas, but wasn’t sure his sore shaft could handle them.

“Well, we could do a few odds and ends around here, I could use someone’s help with a few things I don’t know how to do myself. My washtub sink faucet is dripping, know anything about fixing one of those?”

Matt laughed and after being pointed to the small ***********ion of tools, he went to work on a few fixes she pointed out. He had to settle for flipping the washer in the faucet over, as she didn’t have any plumbing equipment, but it stopped the drip. He’d have to get a new washer before this one fell apart. Just the thought of thinking into the future was enough to give him a feeling he hadn’t had for a long time, something to look forward to.

He dropped her off at the garage and watched her walk in. She really had a nice ass, one that would have caught his attention in any situation. Star’s jeans hugged her curves nicely and it was with a sense of disappointment that he watched her disappear behind the door. He waited until she drove out before giving her a wave and a smile and headed back to his own place.

He called Star Sunday morning, not too early. Matt didn’t want to be too eager, but certainly didn’t want to wait too long before talking with her. She sounded a bit sleepy, and the first thing she said was, “Wish you were here beside me.”

“It isn’t that far, I could be there pretty quickly!”

“As tempting as that is, I think I better focus on getting ready for the week, a bit behind on my laundry, and I had a house guest Friday.”

“You should probably make them help with things next time.”

“Oh, you think there will be a next time? What am I saying! Of course there will be a next time! Speaking of which, . . . “


“I work a flex schedule, I normally work a 9 hour day and have every other Friday off and that would be this Friday. I’d sure like to spend it with you if your schedule allows.”

“Fortunately, I don’t have a very tight schedule, so I believe I can make time for you on Friday! What did you have in mind?”

“Tight definitely has something to do with it! I was thinking we go someplace like a park or museum or something. Someplace we can talk without getting distracted by the physical side of things and learn more about each other.”

“Shall I take the lead and make a plan?”

“I’d like that. And I like it when you drive, so pick me up?”

“I can do that. But I do want you to see my place, and I should cook dinner for you.”

“All right. Friday night at your place, Saturday morning we can check out the farmer’s market.”

“Sounds like a plan. I’ll see you tomorrow!”

Monday at the gym, Star walked in and said hello to Madison and received her workout instructions for the morning. She then came over to him and crooked her finger at him. He bent over from his height on the elliptical and to his surprise she gave him a quick kiss before heading to the treadmill. He actually blushed as Madison flashed him a thumbs up and a grin.

As he finished on the elliptical, Madison checked in with him and made suggestions on what weights he should use for his next round. “And it is rather obvious that you and Star had a good weekend! I’m happy for you two!”

“I guess I didn’t disappoint her, she seems to want to continue hanging around with me. And we’ve made plans for this weekend.”

“Well, I can tell you from first hand experience that you don’t disappoint!”

“Hey, Madison, if I haven’t said it, or made it clear, thank you. You have been so much more than a friend and helped me through a pretty dark time. I really am grateful.”

“It went both ways, Matt, believe me, it went both ways.” She flashed her smile and headed off to finish her own workout. He would have loved to give her a big hug, but figured neither Star nor Alan would appreciate it. But he was grateful for her and tried not to stare after her cute ass as she walked away. And he wondered how Star felt about anal sex. Evidently there would be time enough to find out, so he didn’t have to rush things.

The next few days dragged out. He spent a bit more time at the gym than normal, the early morning routine was more bearable than usual, knowing he’d see Star. He also found it difficult to keep things under control while watching her, every little bounce of her breasts or ass brought visions of her in her bedroom and the fun involved. And he spent some serious cleaning time at his house.

Friday morning he pulled up to her place at 9 and knocked at the front door. It only took a moment before he heard the bolt being thrown and the door swung open. Star reached out and grabbed him, pulling him into the house and into a strong embrace as she swung the door shut. He barely started saying good morning before she hit him with a lip lock that took his breath away. Evidently he wasn’t the only one that had been teased all week. As she pulled him into the living room, he realized that the only thing she was wearing was a robe, and it slid off fairly quickly. She released her grip on his head and proceeded to fumble with his belt. He had to do it for her, the military style slide was evidently something she hadn’t dealt with before. By the time his pants started sliding down his legs, she was falling back on the couch and pulling him with her.

A bit of an awkward bounce, but they managed to avoid clonking their heads together. He got a really good idea of just how aroused she was as he slid into her without any friction. She had claimed his mouth again and was wrapping her legs around his waist. He didn’t hesitate to start stroking away, his own passion taking over. It was over in a few minutes, his ejaculation pushing her over the edge as the warmth spread into her.

After a moment of catching his breath, “Good morning to you, too!”

Star giggled, “It is a good morning! But now that is out of the way, I probably should get dressed so we can get on the road. There’s coffee in the kitchen. Here’s a towel to clean up with, be ready in a jiffy! Oh, and just so you don’t worry about it, I’m back on the pill now that there is a reason to be.” She bounced out of the room and up the stairs before the towel landed on his lap. Matt shuffled into the kitchen with his pants around his ankles and cleaned himself up at the sink. He had barely gotten his clothes properly arranged when he heard her coming down the stairs.

She grabbed a couple of travel mugs, filled them up and turned off the coffee pot. She seemed to have everything thought out. Turning toward him she ran some water into her hand and slicked back his hair where it had been messed up in their earlier bout of passion. That simple action brought a wave of emotion over him, one that he wasn’t sure he was ready to deal with yet. He had to bite his tongue to avoid saying something he might later regret.

“I’m ready! Let’s go!” Less than fifteen minutes after he had knocked she was locking the door behind them, overnight bag in hand. “So where are we going?” He had told her to be prepared to do some walking, both indoors and out.

“Well, you indicated you liked museums, so we are headed to an art show. Full disclosure, it is a bit of work that I agreed to do, filling in for a friend that had some last minute personal issues and had to back out.”

“And what am I doing while you work?”

“You will be right beside me providing another point of view, asking questions and keeping me grounded. It shouldn’t take more than a couple hours, I understand the faculty of the school has already created a short list. We get lunch, no idea of quality, could be something from a snack bar. Then there will be a short question and answer panel, that could be interesting to you or total boredom, it will depend greatly on the audience participation, so if you pull out your phone to hit up social media, I will not hold that against you.”

“And how long are we talking about total?”

“We’ll probably be done by two, at which point, there is a nice park with a couple of easy hiking trails. We can wander the woods, sit by the water for a bit, before heading to my place for dinner.”

He held the door for her and was rewarded by a nice view of her ass as she lifted herself into the SUV. A pleasant drive across town and into another suburb took them to a small private high school that was associated with a well known art center. They encountered a security person at the front gate and were immediately directed to a private parking space that had been reserved for him with his name on it.

“Impressive! A reserved space! I wasn’t expecting to be in such esteemed company!”

“Stick with me, kid, I’ll get you into all the good places! Like this here gymnasium!” She giggled at the Cagney impression, he liked that she still giggled, it made her seem even younger than she was. But then most of the younger generation wouldn’t have had a clue about Cagney.

It went pretty much to plan. None of the art works were bad, some just weren’t to his taste. But there was a lot of potential there. Star proved to have a pretty sharp eye and he added some of her comments to his own, marking them with, appropriately enough, a small star. Finishing up with the school officials, they returned to the car before two, just as he had predicted. A drive of a couple of miles and he entered the state park. Arriving at a trail head, he changed his shoes to a more outdoor-friendly pair and shouldered his small day pack. The two of them headed off through the cool woods. It wasn’t crowded, it was a bit early in the season and schools were still in session for a couple of weeks. The two of them chatted about the normal sort of thing, families, schools, jobs they had held, just getting to know more about each other.

After a mile or so, he took her hand and pulled her into the woods. After a few minutes they arrived in a small clearing that had a nice view of the lake, framed in trees. A few late blooming trees still had some blossoms on them, adding to the scene. He dropped the day pack and pulled out a picnic blanket. A couple of plastic cups and a bottle of wine, with some cheese and crackers finished off the makeshift picnic and the two continued to chat. Star slid across the blanket and snuggled up against him.

They chatted a bit, but hands were wandering over each other’s bodies as they necked. The sound of the birds and the soft breeze added to the overall ambience. She finally got tired of just kissing him and moved her hands down and undid his pants. Star took a minute or two to figure out his belt and then tugged the pants and his briefs over his hips, exposing him to the warm spring air. She took a swig of the cool wine and then engulfed his cock with her mouth, the coolness titillating him in a manner he hadn’t expected. Matt had a pretty good idea what to expect given that he had been on the receiving end of her ministrations several times already. But she was definitely doing something different with her tongue, the sensations were totally unexpected. The fact that someone might walk up on them added to the excitement and it didn’t take long before he was filling her mouth with his cum. He could feel the back of her throat constricting as she swallowed.

Star sat up with a grin on her face. She stuck her tongue out at him and he could see a pool of his cum in the little cup of her tongue, and sitting in the middle of it was a pearl. Slurping back into her mouth and swallowing, she then reached in with her fingers and showed him the tongue stud. “I don’t wear it to work, I don’t want to stray from the corporate norms. But I tend to wear it on my days off. But you gave me a whole new reason to put it in!”

Matt groaned and pulled her in for a kiss, a deep one that let him explore this new dimension to her mouth. He didn’t even think about the fact that it had been floating in his own cum just minutes before. She had a way of getting him pretty hot with just a few comments, or a lick of her lips. He had definitely hit the jackpot!

He stripped off his shirt and felt the sun warming his back as he slid down between her legs. Her shorts were loose enough that he was able to pull them off to the side. The thong between her legs did nothing to slow him down as he dived into her with his tongue. He had a momentary thought about what a tongue stud in his tongue might do to her, but it was quickly driven out of his mind as he focussed on the delectable folds of her pussy. She definitely tasted different and he wondered what she might have used that morning to clean up with. It was a slightly fruity taste that was quickly weakened by the quantity of juices flowing out of her. A few distant voices added a touch of urgency and she was burying her face in her arm to muffle the sounds of passion. A voice called out a ways away from the two of them, but it was enough to trigger her orgasm. Her thighs quaked around his as she muffled her groans into her arm. After a couple of additional licks and Star continuing to quake, she tried to push his head away.

“That was delightful! I think I’m going to put this into my phone as one of my favorite spots!”

He teased her, “So you can bring all your boyfriends out here?”

She grabbed his face with her hands and looked him in the eyes. “The position is currently filled!” And then she tried to get to his stomach through his throat, her tongue seemed exceptionally long as she pulled him in. No wonder she was so good at those blow jobs!

After a few minutes of intense snogging, they organized their clothes and walked back to the path and to the car, hand in hand. He always thought couples that held hands was a bit hokey, particularly when they were more than teenagers, but it just seemed right. Once in the car they headed to his place. The conversation was not in depth and wasn’t anything he was going to have to be careful of what he was saying, so he was able to focus on driving. He let her pick the music and the satellite station she pulled in nicely covered his taste as well.

“I’ve taken a look at your playlist on your phone when we’re at the gym. I probably know more about you than you think at this point!”

“You may think you know a lot about me, but there is so much more to learn!”

“I look forward to it, teach! And maybe you can even teach me to draw!”

He pulled into the driveway and then into the garage.
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