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A new artist comes on the art scene in the city and becomes the center of another artist's life. And life is good!
I knew most of the people at the opening, a small show for a sculptor that had recently moved to the city. The art community was just starting to expand from the couple dozen regulars that had been there for the last decade. There were a few people I didn’t know, but one caught my attention. Even from the back I could tell she was definitely my type. Dirty strawberry blonde shoulder length hair, great tan and a solid body. Of course it was the ass that first attracted me. The loose fitting harem style pants she was wearing curved nicely over her cheeks with a nice divide down the middle. She appeared to be a bit taller than I was, which was always a bit intimidating.

I worked my way around the gallery to a position where I could chat with a couple of my artist friends and get a view of her from the front. Her face was beautiful, even from across the room. I couldn’t tell what color her eyes were from this distance, but that became totally irrelevant once she smiled. I watched as she moved from one small group to another. She didn’t appear to be with anyone, at least not that I could tell, no one seemed to be sticking close to her.

As I discussed one of the pieces with an acquaintance, a rather large chunk of marble that had sensuous curves without being identifiable as any particular object, she glanced over at the two of us. She slid away from the pair she was talking with and came over to us. I had a flash of realization that she was the sculptor.

“Hello! I’m Karyn, and this is my show, thank you for coming!” I had to look up, she was easily six inches taller than I was, though I suppose her heels were about half that amount. I met her eyes and realized they were a rather brilliant blue. I would guess her age was close to mine, around 30, give or take a year or so, but I never was good at pinpointing ages. I was so taken that my friend had to give me a nudge to introduce myself.

“Hello, Karyn, I’m Chris, welcome to the city.”

“Thank you! Please, feel free to touch it. I think that is an important part of sculpture, to connect with the materials.” My eyes were locked on hers, the blue pools completely dominating my thoughts. My hand actually trembled a bit, I hoped no one noticed, as I reached out and ran my hand around the curves, never losing eye contact. I had the uncanny feeling that I was running my hand across the curve of her side and buttocks as I did. She raised an eyebrow as I caressed the cold stone.

“You are an artist.” It wasn’t a question, she stated it as a fact.

“Yes, graphics. Mostly pen and ink with watercolor. Sometimes I will make block prints. A couple times a year I’ll play around with something in 3 dimensions.”

“Would I know your work?”

I turned, loath to break eye contact, and pointed to a print hanging by the entrance, “I did that one.” Looking at it from across the room, I could see that it had some of the same curves as her sculpture, no doubt the reason it was chosen to hang there on this particular night. “The gallery owner usually has one or two of my pieces on display.”

“Of course! Sheryl had me help her *********** some works for the walls. She wanted to make sure I was okay with anything and that I didn’t feel like they were taking the focus away from my work. I liked that one as it does seem to reflect the curves of my work. I am delighted to meet you!”

Karyn took my arm and guided me over to another of her works. It was a strong grip, but working with large blocks of stone and the associated equipment, it suited her. And for the rest of the evening she guided me around the gallery. I was able to introduce her to many of those in the artists’ circle, along with some of the patrons that kept many of us from starving. She would hand me glasses of wine, or pop some fruit into my mouth on occasion. I alternated between feeling that she was pampering me, to feeling like she was in full control of me.

The only time she left me alone was when she went with Sheryl to complete the paperwork for the sale of one of her pieces. I don’t know what the final price was, but knew that it was enough that it would keep her comfortable for several months. A big plus when trying to get established in a new city. Karyn was definitely in a buoyant mood when she returned to find me.

As the evening started to wind down, we found ourselves back in front of the sculpture where we had met. Pressing up against me with her back, she took my left hand and ran it over the sculpture, at the same time, she took my right hand and slid it across her side and over her rear end. It was the most sensuous experience I had ever had in public! My cock was certainly at attention and it pressed against her, no doubt about how I felt about things!

She turned around and gave me a quick kiss. “I knew exactly what you were thinking when you first ran your hands over these curves. I’m more than flattered! I expect you to walk me home when things are done here. I’ll show you my studio.”

At this point, I was pretty sure I was going to see more than her studio. As the last of the guests left, I helped Sheryl clean up, collecting the wine glasses and scattered plates from around the gallery and moving them to the back room. There was a small kitchenette there, complete with dishwasher. Sheryl refused to go with the much easier plasticware, not wanting to contribute to the landfills. The three of us locked up the gallery and we made sure Sheryl got in her car. She offered to give us a ride, but Karyn said we’d be fine walking, and that I knew my way around.

We walked the two blocks to the studio she was renting. It was on the third floor of one of the buildings that had been refurbished as artist space. Each of them had a well lit studio space and a small studio apartment attached to it. I was pleased to realize that my own apartment, certainly bigger than this one, was only another two blocks away.

She flipped on the lights as we came in the door, nearly blinding me after coming from the subdued lighting of the hallways and streets. As my eyes adjusted, I could see a number of pieces of stone on a work table, surrounded by various tools. A number of other stone pieces were stacked on some crude shelving on the side wall. What surprised me was on the opposite wall. A couple of large mirrors had been attached to the wall and there was a rack of weights nearby. A weightlifting bench was positioned alongside.

I turned to look at Karyn and was surprised to see she had already removed her blouse. I had felt the strength in her arms during the evening, but what I saw was breathtaking. She was a solid mass of muscle! Her shoulders were broader than mine and tapered down to a fairly narrow waist, one that my arm had been around much of the evening. The six pack on her abdomen put my own belly to shame. She wasn’t wearing a bra, I couldn’t tell whether she had removed it or hadn’t put one on. She really didn’t need one as her physique left her with small and fairly flat breasts, but the large nipples were hard to look away from.

The look on her face was hard to describe. There was no smile, her lips were pressed together. Her brilliant blue eyes looked like they were about to fill with tears. A few wrinkles were evident across her forehead. I probably looked a bit puzzled by this and she started to chew her lower lip. I smiled and stepped into her and gently kissed her. She groaned as she returned the kiss, increasing the intensity. And with her intensity, my cock started raising quickly. After a minute, I stepped back, and bent down, granted not much of a bend, and gave each of her nipples a kiss and flick of my tongue. That seemed to break any remaining inhibitions, as she crushed my head into her chest. There was no doubt that I would be hard put to out muscle her. Karyn pretty much ripped my shirt off and tugged my pants down before I could do much else.

Standing there in my briefs, she began running her hands over my body, tracing the muscles across my arms and chest. I wasn’t a jock, but I was in decent shape. I did a lot of walking and often took my art materials to the riverwalk to draw. But I sure didn’t have the definition that she had. She slid off her harem pants and stood there in her thong, her muscles clearly defined and obviously well looked after.

“I suppose I should have explained that I compete in bodybuilding competitions. There is almost no fat on my body.”

“That would explain your concern about your breasts. No fat, of course they aren’t going to be very large.”

“I’ve had guys that just couldn’t deal with it. They didn’t like the look at all. They were too insecure about their own physique. And guys that are competing are simply too into their own bodies to care about mine. Not to mention those that are doing steroids and shrinking the part I’m most interested in!”

I stepped around behind her. Using both hands, I mirrored them and traced the curves across her waist and over her buttocks, just as she had made me do at the gallery. I leaned in and nibbled on her neck and wrapped my arms around her waist. My cock was at full attention as I pulled her in close. “Their loss!”

She peeled my arms off her, turned around and easily lifted me up, her arm beneath my ass, and carried me through the door. At a solid five ten, I was no lightweight, but she handled me like I was a pillow and tossed me onto the full size bed. With a quick motion to strip off her thong, she then proceeded to pull my underwear off. No sign of any foreplay, she made no comment as she literally jumped on top of me. It only took a few seconds for her to adjust her position and slid down on my shaft, enveloping it quickly. Her smooth tunnel was tight, but definitely well lubricated as she sank down on it. There wasn’t much I could do, but reached up and started to tweak her nipples, which evoked a groan of pleasure from her. Karyn began to slowly raise and fall on my shaft, the sensation of her tight vagina unlike anything I had experienced before. I wasn’t huge, right around seven inches, but it sure felt like it was bigger tonight!

I knew I wasn’t going to last long. The sensations of my cock sliding up and down the tight channel was quickly bringing me to orgasm, but I hoped that I could provide her some pleasure before I burst. Just when I thought I couldn’t last another second, she was gone. She lifted herself up off my shaft and rolled off to the side.

“What? Why? Oh please! I was so close!”

“Exactly, you were so close! Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you!”

The next thing I knew was she was on top of me again, only she had flipped around. I felt her weight along the length of my body and her pussy was smashed into my face. I didn’t need any coaching here and dived into her with my tongue. I was a bit concerned that her thighs could crush my head in the throes of ecstasy. But a few licks by her on my shaft and my brain didn’t have enough blood to object. I could feel some hair on my chin, but her pussy was clean shaven. There was no hair at all, not even stubble, so nothing to tickle my nose. Now that I had something to concentrate on other than my own pleasure source, I was able to go to town on her vaginal lips, with the occasional flip of my lower lip across her clit. Each time I did it I could feel the shudder through her body. After almost ten minutes, my tongue was definitely getting tired, but the shudders were coming more and more often. I shifted my focus and got my tongue on her button. A few quick vibrations with my tongue side to side and she arched her back and screamed. At this point I had forgotten about my own needs and been completely focused on hers. She collapsed beside me, panting for breath. I nuzzled into her thighs and gave her a few little licks and kisses as she slowly recovered.

After a few minutes she took a big breath and got up. Pulling me up as well, she then flopped back on the bed, on her hands and knees. I put my hands on the curve of her hips and slid back into her from behind. I went as slowly as I could, but there was no doubt that my need had built up. It was only a couple of minutes before I was pounding as fast as I could, trying to bury my shaft as deeply as I could. I announced my climax with a shout. The cum seemed to squirt for ages as my body shuddered with release, and the liquid began to drip out of the glistening lips in front of me. I grabbed a nearby towel and caught the flow as best I could, while trying to stand, my legs not working well. I finally flopped onto the bed beside her as she curled up next to me.

“Welcome to the city!”

“I think I’m going to like it here!”

I woke up the next morning to strange lighting. It took a minute for the realization to sink in that I was not at home and was in someone else’s bed. Karyn’s bed. I felt next to me and the bed was empty. There was a pounding in my head, I didn’t think I had that much to drink last night, but it seemed to be matching my heart beat. A sudden larger bang allowed me to figure out that the sound was probably that of weights being lifted. I sat up and after a moment was able to stand up and move out into the studio. Karyn was at the bench and doing some flies, the sound being that of the weights shifting as she moved them back and forth. And she was still naked, a towel draped across the bench.

“Oh good, You’re up! Come spot me! I’ve been wanting to do more chest presses, but don’t like doing it alone.” I found myself being shown the proper way to spot for her and what to do if her muscles started to fail. “I work out at the gym up the street in the afternoons, but want to do a bit more some mornings. I’m gaining a reputation around the circuit and have gotten a few endorsement deals. So I have two income streams, one from the modeling and bodybuilding circuit and the other from my art work. The two work together well. I did a competition a week before I moved, so I was definitely cut. I’ll gain some fat back over the next few weeks, which I think you’ll like. My next competition is in eight weeks, so I’ll remove all the carbs about a week before and get back to my full cut body.”

We settled into a routine, the two of us. I would get up in the mornings and help Karyn work out. Some days it was a matter of a few steps from her bed to the studio, other days I would walk the two blocks from my place and once in a while we would make the walk together. It was nice to have a reason to get up in the mornings. And she wasn’t about to let me just watch. I found myself doing a morning workout with her. I wasn’t close to hitting her level of weights, but my muscles were growing over time. Even though I was only doing one workout a day, my physique certainly was improving.

And, of course, after the workout, one had to cool down and take a shower. It was the highlight of my days. I loved rubbing the soap over her hard body, sliding over her amazing curves. Her thighs made mine look small. As for the sexual activity, it was never the same twice. Sometimes we would use the bench and have the mirrors to see ourselves in, I was surprised how much more exciting the visual stimulation provided. I think I preferred entering her from behind, her amazing ass was gorgeous to see and her back stretched forever. She liked to be on top and ride me. A reverse cowgirl was the position that we both agreed was the best for us. Sometimes we would move to the bedroom, or other times we would eat each other out in the shower, the pulsing water providing another element to the sensations.

My artistic productivity hit new highs. Getting up an hour or so earlier than I had been used to got me moving earlier in the day. And the regular work outs were increasing my energy levels. And her sculptures helped by providing me with a different viewpoint on everyday objects. And, of course, Karyn became my favorite subject. Most of the work wasn’t identifiable as being her, but her sensuous curves flowed onto the paper in lines of ink with a gracefulness I hadn’t experienced before.

There was no doubt that Karyn was in charge. I wouldn’t go so far as to say she was dominating me, but she made all the decisions and was pretty much in control during our sex sessions. And I was so sexually satisfied I really didn’t care. I wouldn’t say we did it every day, but certainly most. Some days she would have an unusually hard workout and not feel up to the normal after workout round the next morning. But she was more than happy to use her hands and mouth to give me a bit of relief.

And I was happy to run my hands over her body, a nice massage oil helping her feel better, it sure got me aroused. And while there was little hope of ever having a nice tit fuck, she had no problems with me rubbing between her ass cheeks in the same fashion. Said it was more along the lines of a soft massage. I lost track of how many times I came while massaging muscles all over her body. I felt more like a pet or plaything than a prisoner.

I was not prepared for the mood swings that came with the preparation for a bodybuilding event. Going to a very strict, no fat, low carb diet tended to mess with the brain. And with it came a swing from rage to a quivering mass of tears. I’ll give Karyn credit for never making me feel like she was out of control or that I was in any sort of danger.

While there was no rope play, there was no need, she could hold me where she wanted me whenever she desired. My regular workouts with her had certainly helped my physique, but it sure wasn’t putting me on the same level as Karyn.

She liked playing games. Her favorite, and pretty much mine after I learned it, was the bench press screw. It was very straightforward, but very arousing. Karyn would lay me out on the bench, with a relatively light weight on the bar, one I could handle pretty easily. She then straddled me and sank down the full length of my shaft. When I lifted the weights, she lifted herself. Karyn was essentially doing squats while I was doing bench presses. If I lifted the weights quickly, she moved up and down to match. If I took my time and went slowly, she moved at the same time. I was in full control of the speed we went, limited only by my arm strength. It was an awesome way to fuck, and it sure was a motivation to get lots of reps on my bench presses. I think she got off as much by the control as by the actual physical sensations. All she had to do to get me aroused was to mention that tomorrow was going to be a chest day.

I got a very lucrative commission for some advertising art. Not my favorite type of work, but it did pay the bills. I know I should have banked the money and saved it for the future, but I headed down to Sheryl’s gallery. I bought the curved sculpture, the one that Karyn and I had met over. I also arranged for it to be kept on display there, clearly marked as sold. I could never look at it without thinking of our first night.

I attended some of her body building events. I loved being her boy Friday, helping to rub in the insta-tan and oil up her body before the posing. And seeing her in front of the crowd, barely wearing anything, with all those people leering at her was a real turn on. Once in a while I’d have to steer off someone that just wanted to hit on her. Gender didn’t matter, women and men were attracted to her body and her infectious smile.

And I actually had a good bit of success in the body building community with my art work. I was contacted a number of times to create a work for the cover of a program, or to illustrate articles. The article illustrations were usually pretty boring, simple diagrams showing muscle groups, but I did get some creativity once in a while. And that led to more referrals, even getting to do a few covers for some of the main body building magazines.

It took me a while to realize it, but suddenly it occurred to me that a great deal of my success was due to Karyn. And with the realization came the concept that I really didn’t want it to change.

So I did the natural thing and proposed. And she looked at me in shock when I did, the full nine yards, on one knee along the river on a beautiful spring evening. We hadn’t talked about it, the future was usually the schedule of bodybuilding events for the next six months or so, not what we would be doing in five years. So I really didn’t know how she was going to react.

Karyn looked at the ring and looked into my eyes. She reached down and put her hands under my arms, lifted me up off the ground and planted a big kiss on my face. That evening, as we settled into bed, she sat on my face and I felt her fingernails scratching my stomach, a pretty solid set of abs after months of working out with her. When I finally brought her to orgasm, still a bit fearful of her thighs crushing me, I was able to see the results of the scratches. In a series of light lines, she had traced out, “I love you.”
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