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Again, I want to specify, I write these stories for my wife, and decided to reprint them here. Some of it is true, some is wishful thinking, some is just fantasy.

There's absolutely NO incest or violence here. So if that's your thing, just please pass on by.
We sat outside, on the bars back patio. It was just me and two old friends, catching up after 40 years. We sat outside so as not to bother anyone with our loud retelling of the antics of our crazy youth.

It was a good thing we did. The stories of breaking into condemned buildings, drugs, girls and rock-n-roll, were plentiful. Who knows what the statute of limitations was on some of that.

We were so engrossed in conversation I didn't notice the young blonde who was now sitting at a table in the corner. She was looking our way, smiling at us. Or was it aimed at me? I wasn't sure. But when I looked her way, she diverted her eyes back to her phone.

Every now and then, in the middle of conversation, I'd look up and she'd be looking at us, smiling. She was cute, young, but cute. Probably about 5'6", thin with blonde hair hanging straight down just past her shoulders. She had small breasts under a blue, extremely tight, tank top with the logo of the bar we were sitting in and white short shorts. She must work here?

My friends were telling a story about me and we were all laughing. I looked up and she was looking our way, my way (?), laughing, smiling.

This went on for another hour before we started to say our goodbyes to each other. As we were walking out, my eyes wandered over for one last glance. I noticed her hand tapping a piece of paper on the table.

When I looked down at it, she quickly flipped it up. It was a bar coaster that said, "come back when your friends leave". She quickly flipped it back down, making sure no one else saw it.

I walked out and we all got into our modes of transportation. As I watched them pull away my mind wandered. What could she possibly want? I love my wife, I'd never cheat on her. But I'm 60, and I couldn't help but wonder what she was thinking.

I turned off my truck and walked back inside. Walking back through the door to the patio, she looked up, smiling. This time it was obvious, she was smiling at me.

I walked up to her with my hand extended, "Hi, my name's...." "Stacks!" she blurted out. "Yes, I'm aware. Sorry, I couldn't help but overhear, when you were with your friends. It was kinda hard not to hear them."

"Umm yeah, I was gonna say Marshal. My name's Marshal, they all call me Stacks, because back in the day when you'd go to a concert, the stages were always packed with towers of Marshall amps. More commonly referred to as... Stacks.

And there is your over explained music history lesson of the day." I laughed while still holding her hand, staring into her blue eyes and full lips. My eyes drifted down to her nipples, hard and pressing against her t-shirt.

'So young!' I thought to myself. Her eyes shifted down to my crotch, I'm sure noticing my hard-on pressing against my shorts. As she introduced herself, I quickly sat down, trying to conceal my growing excitement.

"I'm Magnolia, my friends call me Mags." "It's a pleasure Mags. Now tell me, why someone like you, is flashing smiles and coasters at someone like me?"

She laughed, "I was just curious what your story was. I mean, are you famous or something? Your friends were really happy to be with you and sharing with you. It just made me really curious about your story."

I laughed, "Oh all that! No, not famous, I came back for my 40th high school reunion. I haven't been back in about 35 years." She looked at me stunned and blurted out, "40!? So that makes you like 58? 57?" I said,"It's a long story, but more like 60." "Nooo!!" she said in amazed disbelief. "I'm not believing that for a second." "Well thank you, but yeah, it's true."

She looked down at my hand and noticed my wedding ring. "And your married? Happily?" "I am, and yes, very happily, to a beautiful and amazing lady, who's actually waiting for me right now."

She grabbed my phone off the table and said, "can I see her? I'm sure you've got pictures in here?" I grabbed my phone back saying, "That was bold! And, yes, I do, thank you!" I opened my phone and pulled up a folder of pictures of my beautiful wife, before turning it her way.

Her mouth snapped opened and stayed that way, her eyes opened wide. "Oh my god!! She's gorgeous!" "Yeah, she really is. Thank you! I'll tell her you said so." She took the initiative of swiping the picture to the side to see the next one and the next and the next.

I was thinking how glad I was I opened the file without the pictures meant just for me. She continued flipping through, when she stopped at one of my favorites and just stared at it. "You OK?" I asked. Shaking her head, she said, "yeah, but can I be honest with you? (Mmhmm I mumbled as she went on)

I haven't been with a guy in quite some time. I was just intrigued by what was going on over there, with you and your friends.

But her! OMG she's beautiful. I mean she's making me wet just seeing pictures of her. (stumbling with her next words) Have you ever? I mean, she, has she ever, you know, been with. I mean, do you, does she!? OMG look at her!! (as she flipped a picture of her at the lake in her bathing suit) I mean seriously!? Fuck me!!" I laughed, "Yeah, she really turns me on as well." Still swiping pictures and rubbing her legs together, sitting uncomfortably, "I mean, my god, just look at that! What I wouldn't give to be able to... well, you know!"

I paused before talking. Taking an extra minute to think before speaking. I decided to throw caution to the wind and just come out with it. "So tell me, do you have any unbreakable ties here?

I mean if I offered you a job, could you just pack up and leave?" She looked at me with confusion and curiosity. "Like what? What kind of job? And no, I mean yes. No, I don't have any family or ties here. And yes, I'm free to do whatever I want. Why? What kind of job do you have in mind?"

"Well" I said, "my wife had surgery a couple of weeks ago. She's been sick for 6 months. She's lost 30 lbs and a lot of her strength. She also suffers from a nerve disorder that causes her hands to uncontrollably shake at times. Sometimes her shakes can get bad, and she'll get frustrated trying to do simple chores around the house as well as basic personal hygiene things like shaving and putting on makeup.

"Breaking her eyes away from my phone, she looked up, "Ummm shaving? You mean like....?" "Yeah, like her girl parts as well as her legs, underarms, sheesh, try to focus." I said, smiling back at her. Getting more than a little turned on thinking about her shaving my beautiful wife, I could see the excitement of the possibilities in her eyes.

So I continued, "look, I have to be honest with you. Yes, the thought of you being intimate with my wife turns me on immensely." "Oh my god! Me too!" She blurted out. "OK, calm down! Anyway, she's never been with another girl. And even though something tells me she'd really enjoy it, I'm not even sure she really wants to.

And when we watch porn, YOU are NOT the kind of girl she watches. I think she's into older women with large breasts. And your... what? 21 with 36B's?" "EXCUSE ME! I'm 29! And they're C's!!!" "OK OK your36 C's aren't even close to the 40Ds of Brandi Love. Also, whenever I point out a hot young girl, her first response is 'she's the same age as our daughter!'. So, this all may go terribly wrong.

And finally, you should know, she's extremely possessive of me. And if anything were to happen, my interactions would be with her only. To me you'd be a housemaid and a sexual toy, for my wife, and that's it. I'm never going to fall for you or leave...." "wait wait wait Let me stop you right there!", she interjected, "I'm OK with that.

I was only interested in you to find out your story. I'm a bartender and people's stories fascinate me. Really, that's all. Her, on the other hand, her I want! And I'll do whatever I have to do, to be able to be her plaything. Really! Anything!!

But, if she's so jealous of you, won't she be freaked out about you being gone so long?" "Yeah, so I've got a confession to make!" I said, "not knowing what your game-plan was when I walked in, I turned my phone on to record. So, I could prove to her my intentions weren't self-motivated and in case anything weird went down." She laughed, "So you're still recording me?" I leaned across the table and pointed to the icon at the top of my phone, showing it was recording us and that it was still running.

She said, "I'm gonna take this and make a recording for her. You're not allowed to listen in, until you're home and with her." Reluctantly I agreed, I told her to leave her phone number in the video, and then watched her walk off with my phone. It seemed like she was gone forever. Visions of her finding and stealing all the x-rated pictures of my wife filled my thoughts.

And then I saw her walking towards me. She handed me back my phone saying, "Wow, you've got some really sexy pictures of her on here!" A terrified expression was obviously taking over my face. "Oh my god, I'm just kidding! I'm so sorry, (she laughed) I didn't mean to scare you!

Here, take it, I swear I kept it on the same app the entire time. As a matter of fact, it's on pause, I mention that in the video. That way if you stop it to see what I recorded, she'll know." "Really!?" I said "I'm not gonna lie, I'm a little insulted at your lack of faith in me." She said, "no, I was actually thinking of you. That way she'll know you were on your best behavior the whole time."

I thanked her and said, "OK, here's the deal. We're staying with my sister and her grandkids for the next couple days while we're in town. I'll talk with my wife and show her the video, when I get back to the house. If she's interested, I'll have her throw you a text. If she's not, I'll have her delete the video. Deal?" Mags smiled, stuck her hand out and said, "Deal! Either way, it was a pleasure meeting and talking with you." I returned the sentiment, took in what I assumed would be one last look at her, smiled and turned to leave.

I drove home with thoughts of an amazing sexual adventure running through my mind. Creating something for the 'bank' before the inevitable happened... My darling wife, laughing at me with a resounding 'nice try (lol) not a chance' as she deleted the video. Hoping I, at least, would get the chance to see and hear what Mags had to say in the video, beforehand.

I arrived at my sister's house and there was my wife, Memphis, standing out front and walking up to greet me. "How was lunch with your friends? I'm so sorry I couldn't make it. But I'm feeling so much better now." She leaned in to kiss me.

I hugged her and reached back grabbing her lower booty cheek as our tongues danced together with me biting her lower lip as I pulled away. I was so horny for her, I wanted to drop her on the front lawn and have my way with her right there and then. She really is so damn pretty and incredibly sexy, without even trying. It filled me with pride, hearing Mags go so crazy over her.

Due to her being sick for 6 months, she's lost so much weight, and her breasts were considerably smaller, but I looked at her and couldn't help but think, that she was still just as beautiful as the day I met her. 5'8" with stunning blue eyes and blond hair. Yes, I have a type, from Tinkerbell to Marilyn Monroe to this incredible goddess standing before me now.

Happy to see me, her excited nipples poked through her thin flimsy tank top shirt, and her ass cheeks were barely concealed under her loose shorts. My cock gets hard just looking at her and thinking about her. I gave that ass one last squeeze followed by a light slap, as we walked towards the house.

I said, "We had a great time. I'm glad you're feeling better. Personally? I think you feel great." As I ran my fingers across her lower butt cheek. She laughed, "ooh you're frisky aren't you?" I said, "Well, a bit. First, you look incredible in this skimpy outfit. But also, I had a weird encounter after the guys left. There was this girl that worked there and she was hanging out on the patio where I met up with the guys." "Oh really? So you went out and met a girl?", she said. Trying, unsuccessfully, to hide the jealousy in her voice.

"Stop! It's not like that and you know it's not. I've told you before, I'm too old and too happy in love with you, to even want to think about starting over with someone else. Someone who may turn out to be a complete psycho 6 months in. You're stuck with me lady, today, tomorrow and forever!" She smiled and kissed me on the cheek. "OK, tell me about this girl you met, that you're NOT interested in." She gave me a wink that always makes me want to attack her.

We sat on the porch swing, turned towards each other so we could talk. She pulled her right leg up and tucked it under her left thigh. Her loose shorts opened up and I could see her sexy shaved pussy up the leg of her shorts. My eyes took it all in traveling up her body to those amazing nipples poking out even further now.

Her tongue slowly escaped her mouth and moistened her lips. She really did know how to turn me on. "Oh, I'm sorry, am I distracting you?" She said with a giggle, lowering her head, her eyes glancing up, giving me her best sultry look. I watched her hand leave her lap, her fingertips traveled up her stomach, stopping to caress her right breast. She gathered the front of the tank top and pulled it together, her tits escaping on either side of it. Exposed to the fresh air she squeezed and pulled on both nipples until they snapped away from her fingertips, causing her head to fall back with a slight moan escaping her open mouth.

She gave me a side-eye glance, as I grabbed her phone, setting it on the ledge behind us, to record her. She just smiled while slipping her finger into her mouth, sucking it off, getting it nice and wet. I couldn't take my eyes off her finger as she took it out of her mouth and brought it down between her legs. Even though I wasn't looking, at her face, I knew she was smiling at me as she pulled the open leg of her shorts, even further to the side. Doing so gave me full visual access to her pussy, it was wet and opened up, waiting, inviting her fingers inside.

Invitation accepted, as her wet fingertip traveled up-and-down her moist opening, diving deep inside before escaping to circle her clit, which was sticking out begging for attention. Another moan escaped her lips, as her body fell back against the corner of the large porch swing. She unfolded her legs, stretching her right leg up onto the back of the swing. Her left leg remained dangling off the front of the swing. The result was my lovely wife being spread wide open to me.

No longer caring that we were outside where someone could easily see us, her playful teasing turned into desire. One finger tip gently circling her clit, was replaced by two frantically rubbing and pressing it. I watched her creamy juices start dripping out of her. I knew exactly where this was going, and was glad it was being recorded. Her moans turned into whimpers as her hips started to join in on the action. Her two fingers gave her clit a break as they plunged deep inside her wet pussy. She drove them in deeper and faster as her other hand wildly grabbed at and squeezed her tits. Her hips bucked, her body leaned back further, her fingers slammed in and out of her at a rapid pace.

Her whimpering got louder as her creaminess turned clear. She was close. She whispered something to me, that I heard, but wanted to hear again. "I'm sorry, what was that? I couldn't hear you!", I said. She added a third finger and groaned. Her eyes opened, looking at me with the deepest love and lust she said, "tell me to fuck my cunt. Tell me to fuck my cunt, just for you."

I smiled, knowing she didn't want to say it louder a second time. "That's my good girl! You fuck that sexy cunt for me lover. Look how fuckin pretty you are. Out here in the open, your juices flowing out of you, fucking that sexy cunt, just for me." Her fingers stopped driving deep inside of her and she curved them up to rub at the top, insides of her pussy. "Yes daddy yes!" she lightly screamed. "Do you like your pretty pussy daddy? ("Mmhmm" I moaned back at her) Do you like watching me fuck your cunt for you daddy? ("Yes baby girl") Do you want to watch your cunt squirt daddy? Do you!?"

My eyes going back and forth from her beautiful face, flushed with sheer ecstasy down to the erotic display happening between her legs. I reached out to both her nipples, long and hard, aching for my mouth. I pinched and pulled on them both as I leaned in. My lips grazed her out stretched neck. The tip of my tongue traveled up her neck, as she felt my breath whisper into her ear, "yes my Love, fuck that sexy cunt. That's my good girl, fuck my pussy and make it squirt."

Her entire body was focused on one thing and I could tell she's seconds away. Her body starts to shake, she sends her fingers deep inside one last time. "Who's pussy is that baby?" I whisper in her ear. "It's yours daddy. My sweet cunt belongs to you." I wrap my fingers around her throat, moved my face to right in front of hers, our noses almost touching and as she's looking deeply into my eyes, it starts. And to push her over the edge, I looked into her eyes and harshly tell her, "you fuckin cum for me! RIGHT NOW! You make that sexy cunt of mine squirt all over me! Do it now!!"

And she explodes! Her entire body is convulsing. She's thrusting her hips into the air with every stream of clear liquid shooting out of her. One after another it squirts, like a fountain in Las Vegas. I put my mouth over it, to drink it in. Some people think it's just pee, it's not. And they're really missing out. It's a unique sweet taste that, from her... is absolutely addictive.

I drink in more and put my cupped hand under the source. I fill it and bring it to her mouth where she opens and greedily drinks her own essence in. I scoop up more, as the squirting starts to fade. Again, she's waiting, head back, mouth open, lusting to drink it from my hand. Afterwards she grabs me by the back of my neck and pulls me towards her.

Her orgasms that were shooting off one after another, are subsiding into little aftershock shaking. As our lips meet, I gently glide my fingers into her and then caress her outer lips. Softly her tongue invades my mouth and I suck her essence off of it. We separate, just enough, so we can both catch our breath. My fingertips are trailing up and down her beautiful body. She is an absolute gorgeous mess right now, but so fuckin beautiful.

She sits up laughing and looks around straightening her clothes, "So, do you think we gave anyone a show?" I said, "I don't think so. It was hard, but periodically I'd look around and I never saw anyone or saw any curtains moving. I actually think we're safe!" She said, "speaking of hard (as she reaches down grabbing my cock) I bet you could punch through a brick wall with this thing! We're gonna have to take care of this, but, I'm going to clean up first. Then you can tell me about this girl you met."

She stood up and winked at me, gave me a peck on my lips and another on my cheek. I felt her breath on my ear as she leaned in closer, her tits falling back out of her flimsy shirt as she whispered (squeezing my cock), "and then, then you're going to take this cock and you're going to fuck me in the ass!" And with one last squeeze to my rock solid hard-on and one last kiss to my cheek, she stood up and headed into the house.

Looking back with a huge smile she asked, "baby would you mind cleaning this up while I go change my clothes and freshen up?" I told her, "as long as you put something sexy on, of course I will my Love!" She smiled and said, "how about my blue butterfly dress and blue heart princess plug? She dropped her shorts and pulled her shirt off. Standing naked in the living room she said, "Is that sexy enough for you love?" I smiled back and eagerly said, "I am getting towels to clean this up right now!!" We both chuckled and went about, cleaning up.

Walking around my sister's house getting towels, with a massive hard-on was interesting. I was grateful her and her grandkids had gone out. I heard my wife hop in for a quick shower. That made me a little sad, knowing she was washing away her essence. I was hoping to smell that on her while I told her about Mags.

But then I started thinking about shoving my tongue up that fresh asshole of hers before sliding my cock in, and that sadness quickly faded away. "Shit, Mags!" I actually said out loud. Then thought to myself, 'I wonder if she's thinking we blew her off and nothing was going to happen? Shit, the video! I hope I didn't fuck it up and accidentally stop it, while all that was going on! Man that would piss me off. But that sure was an amazing session.'

"Hey baby! You about done there?" I heard come from the inside. "Can I bring you out a drink? I need some water to replenish my fluids." I said, "That sounds good! Would you grab me a pineapple juice? I want to make sure I taste sweet for you later." I heard Memphis reply with a 'oh yeah baby!' or something similar as she was walking away. I sopped up the rest of the liquid, thought for a split-second about squeezing the juices into my mouth, but opted not to. I gathered the towels and threw them in the washer. You've gotta keep clean towels in supply, when you're married to a squirter. You never know when you're going to need more.

I kicked back waiting for my sweet Memphis to make her appearance. I ran my hand across the porch swing, thinking to myself 'man this is some kinda miracle material, rain, squirt, soak it down, wipe it up, and it's as dry as the day you bought it.

Memphis appeared, looking just stunning. I said, "Whoa babe! How do you do it? You are stunning and you look absolutely refreshed." She gave me an 'aw schucks' smile and a tilt of her head and said, "Thanx baby!" while handing me a glass of juice. As she gave a twirl, letting her dress fly up so I could see her bare butt-cheeks she said, "it's amazing what a quick shower and blow out can do!" I answered back,,"yes it is!" Walking up and stopping right in front of me she did a half twirl, stopping with her back to me, she bent over and gave her dress a flip up.

And there, nestled between her sexy ass cheeks was her blue heart shaped princess plug. She quickly flipped it back down and spun the rest of the way around. "What do you think? Sexy enough for you?" I said, "Baby, you look absolutely amazing!!" She replied with a theatrical, "Thank you!", turned and gave a silly bow forward, allowing me a glimpse of her tits down the front of her dress. She also handed me a bottle of water, "Here you go, baby, trust me, you're gonna need to be hydrated as well." "Well I do like the sound of that!", I said taking the water from her.

She gave me another spin, her dress going over my head, giving me a clear view of her ass. The ass, and the plugged hole I was dying to shove my tongue into after removing its current occupant, a dark blue, hopefully medium-sized, heart shaped plastic gem. She broke my trance when she sat down and said, "So tell me about this girl you met." I watched her sit and wiggle and shift before I asked, "Are you alright?" She shifted and wiggled again before chuckling her answer of, "I am! You know, I gotta tell ya, I didn't think I was going to like these as much as I do! I certainly didn't think I'd ever want to wear them out and about or just while hanging around. But I think I do! They feel... different, and erotic. I mean I don't know if this is normal or if it's because I just had four massive orgasms, but I kinda feel like I'm on the verge of having another one, right now. So hurry, tell me about your new friend."

I laughed and started, "OK, So we're sitting there drinking and laughing, having a great time catching up. Just the three of us on the back patio of this biker bar. After a bit, I look up and there's this young girl sitting there, smiling at us, with her earbuds in and a book opened in front of her. " "How young?", she quickly blurts out. I said, "young, but old enough to work there." I continued telling her the story while she continued wiggling and edging herself into a near orgasmic frenzy. When I was done, she stopped.

What followed was a rapid fire Q&A...

"So you recorded the whole thing?"

"I did!"

"And it's all there on your phone?"

"I believe so!"

"You BELIEVE so?"

"Yes, I'm hoping I didn't fuck it up when we were playing around earlier!"

"And what ELSE are you hoping for?"

"I'm hoping I found someone we can both trust, To help you through your current situation and if your other condition worsens!"

"Ok, that was a sweet answer."

"Thanx! It's the truth."

"And you haven't watched what she recorded?"

"Nope! (I grabbed my phone and opened the app) phew! Look at that! Still on pause."

"Are you going to watch it with me?"

"I'll be honest, I think she wanted you to watch it alone. And if you're not interested, just delete the whole thing."

"Well that was nice of her. And how old is she?"

"I laughed, she's 29"

She rolled her eyes and shook her head at me. "I wish you had taken a picture of her."

"I'm pretty sure that's what the video is for my Love."

"I know, but if you had a picture we could look at her and talk about her before I watched the video."

"Oh, I see! Well, next time!" I said with a smirk and an eye roll.

She picked the phone up from the table and releasing a breath of air said, "OK, I'm going to go watch this. It may take awhile, what are you going to do?" "I'll probably go in the bathroom and masturbate, thinking about your ass.", I jokingly said. She smacked my shoulder and laughed, "don't you dare waste that! That cock is mine! And when it cums, I want it all!" I returned her laugh and said, "Of course, my Love!" Reaching out, I grabbed her hand, "And hey! I love you! Take your time! I love you! Think about all the aspects of it! I love you! And most important... I love you and don't care what your answer is. Delete it or throw her a text to meet her, I don't care. Because...... I love you!" She gave me a nervous smile, said "I love you more!" We kissed passionately then she walked away. I watched her ass thinking, "ok, what do I do now?"

I went to take a piss and release a couple of beers. I couldn't keep from stroking my cock a bit, thinking about all the events of the day. But had to stop, so the flow would start. When it finally did, it was basically clear. "Yup, that's a lot of Stella's and water right there.", I said to myself. "I wonder if she's into watersports?" I continued thinking, while closing my eyes and lightly stroking my cock. "I wonder if she... ugh! Dude! Come on! Snap out of it. Finish pissing and get out of here! You're having a conversation with yourself!"

I shook it off, literally, and decided to go for a walk to pass the time. I took a walk around a short block first, then a bigger block the second time. About halfway around my second trip of the big block, I got a text from Memphis, "Where are you? Did you leave me? lol jk I know you didn't, you wouldn't leave your truck behind. LOL" I texted back "Well that's true! lol No, I went for a walk, I'll be back in a bit.", and finished it with a kissey face emoji and a heart. She replied, "Hurry! Get my cock back here! I miss you both! You better NOT have wasted my cum!!" I sent back the little emoji guy that's shrugging, 'I don't know'. She texted back the angry face and 'not funny'. I turned the corner and saw her sitting on the porch. I screamed over, "I thought it was funny!" She was laughing as she walked over to open the gate for me and give me a kiss.

"Hey baby, welcome back!" While giving her a huge hug I asked, "So, how are you doing? Do you want to talk? Or would you rather sit on it for a bit?" She hugged me tight and said, "No, actually I'm good, let's talk. But, Ewww you need a shower. Go hop in the shower and I'll come in to talk." I tried to throw my stinky arm around her as we walked in together. She wasn't having any of that and playfully pushed me off.

After getting in and letting the water cascade over me for a bit, she motioned me to the doorway. She dropped to her knees and sucked my cock for a bit. I held onto the frame above the shower door and let her go as fast and deep as she wanted. It felt nice just to have my cock in her mouth. She got up and said, "I'm not done with him yet, you wash, let's chat."

I said, "OK, you go first! How was her video message?" She said, "It was good. I started off watching the part of the video you made. I only watched, well listened to, about 7, 8mins before I realized the next 15 or so minutes were going to be exactly as you explained it all went down earlier. You didn't tell me about all the sweet things she said about me, looking at your pictures.

So I fast forwarded to where I saw her part of the video. You're right... she's young! But she is cute! She was sitting in a chair, in an office, and started by introducing herself, telling me how sweet and polite you were, even though she had put you in a weird situation. She told me that she deals with a lot of guys hitting on her at the bar. And she wanted me to know, she never got the impression, that's why you were there. Which I thought was really sweet of her to say.

SO!! with all that behind us, in the video she said, "So, like I told you, people call me Mags. But you... I want you to call me whatever you desire (and she stood up while she was talking) you can call me slut (she pulled her shirt over her head) you can call me whore (she undid her shorts and pulled them off, revealing she not only wasn't wearing panties, but she was shaved smoother than I ever thought possible) you can call me your fuckin bitch (she sat on the floor with her legs spread wide) or you can call me your fuck toy (she started playing with herself)."

Listening to my wife telling me this had me hard as a rock again. I filled my hand with conditioner and started stroking myself. Memphis stood up and came over to help. After a bit I had to have her stop. I really wanted to cum but not like this. I pushed her away and said, "OK ok wait, stop! So where did it go from there?" My wife leaned into the water and started kissing me, brushing her fingers across my cock, letting her fingers, coated in conditioner, slip into my ass.

And said into my ear, "She stopped playing with herself and showed me her clit. She pulled the hood back and said, 'I hope you think my clit is sexy mistress, can I call you mistress?' Then she pulled on her lips. 'How about my cunt lips mistress, they aren't very long, but we can stretch them if you want.' And she pulled her lips out showing me. Then she turned around and bent over, spreading her ass cheeks telling me how much she loves getting fucked in the ass."

Still slowly jacking me off she said, "Do you like that baby? Do you like me jacking you off with my finger going in your ass while I tell you about her sexy asshole, that she wants me to fuck?" I was moaning in pleasure. "I'm telling you Love, if you don't want me to explode in the shower here, you better stop." She pulled her finger out of my ass, washed her hands in my water and sat back on the toilet continuing her story.

"After that, she pretty much told me everything she'd do for me, both sexually and for my everyday needs. She told me how sexy and beautiful she thought I was and told me to throw her a text if I wanted to continue getting to know her." I gave her a call, I really wanted to talk to her in person. So we chatted for about 15mins about all kinds of stuff that we can all go into later."

I stopped shaving at that word, "Later?? So there's going to be a later?" Memphis stood up, looked me in the eyes, while reaching for my cock and said, "Oh my god honey, I want to fuck her! I can't believe I'm saying this, but I want to fuck her SO bad!"

She took off her dress and got in the shower with me. We kissed deeply and passionately before she turned around, looked over her shoulder and said, "Fuck me in the ass baby!! Take that big cock of mine and fuck my asshole!" She leaned forward and stuck her ass out at me, spreading her cheeks. I pulled her butt plug out and sent my cock into her gaping asshole. It felt absolutely amazing slipping in like that, into an already opened hole. She moaned as she pushed back onto me.

I grabbed her hips and started fucking her slowly, letting her get used to it. She started talking about Mags, and their conversation. "She's such a kinky bitch baby. Fuck me harder! She's into toys and strap-ons. Yes my lover fuck my asshole! She likes being tied down and spanked. OH FUCK YES!! (she slammed back onto me, burying me completely and holding it there, doing kegels) She loves squirting and being fisted! Oh gawd yes lover I'm cumming, (I was just standing there holding her hips while she was doing all the grinding on me) I said, can you imagine how good it would feel, if she was sucking your clit right now?" "Oh FUCK Yes!" She screamed out, "I'm cumming baby! Thinking about her mouth and from having your beautiful cock fucking my ass! Cum in my asshole baby! I'm so fuckin horny thinking about all the crazy shit she's into. Cum in me baby! Shit I've only seen in movies, but I've always wanted to do to someone else."

Oh my god, hearing my precious wife talk like this was sending me over the edge. I was so turned on I didn't realize I was just slamming my cock into her tight little asshole over and over, deeper and deeper, again and again. I mean she's talked dirty before, but nothing like this.

I couldn't take it anymore, I grabbed her hair and spanked her ass. I groaned, which let her know I was about to cum. She looked over her shoulder at me, "That's it baby cum for me! Do you want to cum in my asshole or my mouth?" I said, "Oh fuck baby, in your mouth, will you suck my cock?" I let go of her hair and she wiggled my cock free as she turned and dropped to her knees. She helped shower water cascade around my cock before grabbing my ass and forcing my cock down her throat. I was fucking her throat deep until I could feel the cum about to erupt out of me.

I pulled away and jacked off all over her outstretched tongue and lips. Rope after rope of cum, filling her mouth. She swallowed it all and came back for more. Licking my entire shaft clean and wrapping her thumb and finger around my cock at the base and pulling it towards her, while she sucked as hard as she could, to get every last drop out of me. After wiping her face clean and licking it up, she jumped up to kiss me, telling me how fuckin hot it was talking about Mags while I fucked her ass.

The whole time she was talking I was still squeezing and caressing her ass. My fingers would easily slip in and out of it. She was moving back onto my fingers, the shower water still spilling over us. "That warm water feels good running over my opened asshole baby. (She moaned while backing onto my fingers) Mmm yes! But you didn't get a chance to tongue fuck my asshole. (She slid her tongue in and out of my mouth) Do you want to tongue fuck my asshole daddy? Hmm?"

I slid two fingers deep into her wet asshole and sucked her tongue into my mouth. "Turn around" I told her, slapping her ass. She smiled and moaned happiness as she turned and stuck her ass up in the air. I got down on my knees and shoved my tongue deep into her asshole. At the same time I sent all four fingers up into her pussy, with my thumb rubbing her taint. I ate her asshole like it was my last meal and fucked her cunt like I was getting ready to fist her.

Her legs started shaking and she screamed, "Yes baby, eat my ass and fill my cunt. Do you want to drink from my cunt daddy?" Knowing I didn't have to answer, I let my fingers slide out of her, as she turned around and exploded her juices right into my mouth. I gulped down as much as I could while she fucked my mouth. Thrusting her hips onto it over and over again. I took my last mouthful and held it until I could stand up and slowly release it into her mouth. She drank her essence from my mouth, giggling and moaning the whole time. We washed each other up, and went to our room to lay naked with each other and let the air dry us.

Her phone rang with a text message while we were laying back to have a drink and a breather. She picked it up and instantly smiled, "It's Mags! She wants to know if we have a game-plan for tonight?" I said, "I don't know, do we?" She snuggled up to me and said, "I REALLY want to fuck her baby! Can I? Can I fuck that sexy girl you found for me? I'll do anything to her that you tell me to?! Really, absolutely anything you want!" I said, "OK, that's sweet of you, but more than anything, what do YOU want to do to her?"

She got all embarrassed and couldn't tell me. I asked again, she turned her head in denial again. I said, "Come on Darlin, since when can't we talk about sex?" She said, "it just embarrasses me because there's someone else involved now." I scoffed at her, "Come on, tell me one thing! Just one thing that you want to do to her?" She turned her head and said softly," I want a big strap-on so I can fuck her tight little cunt and asshole, like you just fucked me!" I said, "Ok, good for you, I do like that! I most definitely want to see that!

What else? Name one more thing?" "I mean, I wish I could feel it like you do. I want to know what having a cock slide into someone's asshole feels like." I said, "well, you know, they do have strapless strap-ons. They're called feeldos or something like that. It's supposed to be like a dildo, that you can feel too. It's shaped kinda like a L. The bottom part goes into you first, then you basically have a penis sticking out of you. I'm not sure how well they work, but we can give it a try."

"Oh my god, that made me wet just hearing about it. But I doubt they sell them in this state. Ugh!!" Trying to calm her down I said, "wait, wait, wait! Don't give up hope yet. No, they don't have sex toy stores here. But they do have "novelty" shops, that may stock what we're interested in." And after a quick Google search, we found what we were looking for. A novelty shop that said it specialized in discreet toys for the intimate couple. "So, there we go! Throw your dress back on, slide that plug back into your sexy little ass and let's go see what they've got!"

On the drive there, I had my hand between her legs, lightly caressing her pussy while we talked, well, she talked. "Mag's pussy is really really smooth! I wonder how she does that? It's really pretty too! Her clit's bigger than mine and her inner lips stick out further than mine. Do you like that? I think I do! I think I could suck her clit like a little penis! I think that would be sexy, don't you? It's not huge, like some of those gross ones female body builders have. But I think it's really cute. She said she could stretch her lips if I wanted them sticking out further? Do I want that? I think they're cute sticking out like they are now. But can you stretch them? Would you want me to do that? I wonder if it hurts? Do you think it does?"

My finger was just flicking over her clit and I could tell her juices were dripping out of her. I laughed a light laugh. She looked over, "Are you laughing at me?" I said, "Babe, you just asked me like 20 questions without waiting for an answer. Are you getting nervous? Do you want to change your mind or..." "Change my mind? Oh god no! Do you want me to. Should we? (I pulled up to the store) Should we do it before we go shopping in here? "Oh my god! You goof, stop! You sound like a little kid nervous and excited about Disneyland. Do you want to do a shot before we go in? I brought the flask with me." Memphis let out a relieved sigh of "yes!", and reached for the glove box. We both did a rather large shot then I said, "Come on! Let's go see what they've got."
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