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The first chapter of a family who are stuck together and can no longer hide their nasty nature.

I’m chapters to come, the erotic realities of what an anus is for are revealed
Laura glanced in the rearview mirror and caught the eye of her son Jason he had grown over the semester. It seemed to Laura, looking more like a handsome man than the young son she had remembered.

Beside her in the front seat sat, Laura’s daughter Mary Mary was 27 four years older than her brother Jahson she was still finishing college, despite it taking a few extra years

Where as Jason was cute bashful and kind Mary had more of a wild streak. She was beautiful.Where as Jahson was cute bashful and kind, Mary had more of a wild streak. She was beautiful, dark hair and dark eyes but her features often took on a bratty, and sometimes cruel tone when she would boss her younger brother around.

The three of them were together again at last, after a long spring semester away at college. Laura had.The three of them were together again at last after a long spring semester away at college. Laura had gotten them together in the car, despite a brief incident in the morning when Mary checked and banging on the bathroom and bitched her brother out for going into the bathroom before her.

LauraLaura settled the argument with her very calm but straight forward commitment to the schedule

She was a beautiful woman who had aged well into middle age all throughout high school Mary and Jahson’s classmates would joke and teaseShe was a beautiful woman who had aged well into middle age all throughout high school Mary and Jahson’s classmates would joke and tease about their mothers luxe and her official milf status

Laura still, and always had turned heads everywhere she went. She was a mix of the beauty and face of Sidney Crawford, with the. For fat, but and onion hide a bowl, large jugs of a woman like Pamela Anderson.

She had four lips in a perpetual pout, naturally a dark, lusty pigment of dusky pink. And, although all of her features exuded a calculated seduction, that was simply her appearance.

So, as her ex husband, and any man quickly realized after getting to know her, her demeanor was at such odds, with her out word, almost slutty, luxe. Because in fact, Laura was almost prudish. Just simply a woman who could not think outside of rules and concepts how things needed to be done properly.

She wasn't exactly closed minded, or ever angry. Her "strictness" was simply her inability to see things any other way once she got hold of the idea. Her exhusband couldn't take it, neither could any dates she met. As for her children-- they had to deal with her stubborness in a whole bunch of ways growing up, and now.

Things like Frozen pizzas she'd cook for exactly the minutes given on the box-- regardless if they emerged blackend, or half frozen. Rated R movies were never allowed until old enough. And when Laura once found the livingroom computer had an open pornography tab on it, and pages and pages of various porn sites on the history page. Mary and Jayson couldn't tell if she was more upset about the porn, or that they weren't 18 and had opened the site.

That event lead to an akward long sex ed discussion-- initially with both of them together being made to confess in front of one another who was looking at each site. (The majority of which turned out to be Mary). Then sepretly Laura sat beside her daughter and gave her an hours long akward lesson. Complete with visuals from the computer, and then finalized with an interogation and quiz. Laura ultimately ruled her descision for her daughter.

"it is Okay for you to masturbate. But the dildos and other items used for women to masturbate are illegal to sell to persons under 18. As is pornography of any kind. So-- You are allowed, but only by using your fingers on your vagina, and or your anus since that is also a sexual area. Try to visualize a penis when you do. But, unfortuneatly no pornography is allowed" Laura said very earnestly. “Now, I do not want to ever have to use those words again in front of you but this is a formal teaching moment about sexual subjects. I was reluctant to even give you permission for…masturbation. But… that is something that some woman do.”

For Jayson, Laura wished that her ex could have been there to speak with him about it. But since it was just her alone, she had no choice but to take a deep breath. and call him in next. She gave him a similar lecture as she had Mary, but when it came to describing what he was permitted to do to masturbate, she had to find out how men masturbate offically. She asked her son to tell her exactly what he normally does in order to asses and decide wether or not to allow it.

“Son… I am only having this conversation with you once, and I am here to fulfill the formality of a sex talk. It’s a duty that fathers unfortunately must perform with their sons, but I am now responsible to conduct this in his place. This is not something a mother should talk about with her son, but this will be a clinical discussion. A one time discussion. What is absolutely clear is that you are forbidden from looking at pornography. I’ve yet to make a decision on whether you may still do masturbation. So, present me with your information— how do…what are the steps involved when you have…masturbated?”

"Well..I know.." Jayson said

"No, I don't know, Jayson. That's why you must tell me exactly" Laura replied.

"I...well I sometimes look at pictures...and then I just masturbate" Jayson said blushing

"So your penis get aroused from the pictures and then you...Jayson, then you do what?" Laura said getting frustrated. She tried to picture what her husband did and said way back when.

"do you..." she thought out loud, "So what you watched porn and…what? Because you wont anymore. But when you did, you would get aroused.”

“Well yeah I did, I would get a roused from the pictures and then I…”

“You? tell me. What exactly did you do? This is not something I have any familiarity with…I don’t think I ever saw your father… I mean it’s difficult to picture in my mind…It was even difficult discussing it with your sister and I am familiar with a woman’s…sex…I could pass permission to her because I know of…how a woman’s vagina and anus and clitoris work.”

Laura was stammering and struggling to put her words together. Her mind raced at the forbidden thoughts now coming into view. She wanted to maintain her decorum but struggled to hold back her racing, exciting thoughts.

“So, give me the complete mechanics of it.”

“Well it’s just it feels good, I mean. I rub it. You know up and down….”

Laura was sitting straight backed with perfect posture. Her mouth was pursed tight and her eyes were unblinking. She was clenching her firsts on the hem of her skirt lap.

Inside her mind was a blur of loud honking traffic of her thoughts. The images buzzed by like loud taxis and motorcycles. Her mind was dizzy in the smog of this confusing excitement. The one constant chugging thought, rolled steadily through all the haze. It was the unmistakable rythm of a train, thrusting, throbbing toward her. She was the tunnel and she couldn’t move out of the way as it plunged into her mind. She started up again slowly trying to remain in control but then speaking as fluttered as her thoughts.

Jason. I want to know exactly…do you wrap your hand around it…do you put both hands around it or is it in one hand? Is it lubriacted with oil? or do you grease it with my hand lotion. Have you been using my lotion for that? For greasing it. And... do you ejaculate cum and if so what do you do with it on? Tell me, start to finish. I want to hear it.”

Laura asked, her specific questions coming in rapid fire as she spoke. The discussion had caused her to think about her exhusband sliding his wrapped hand along the girthy base of his cock. With slow strokes along the arching length that hung just above her upturned face. When his pace quickened she remembered opening her mouth wide as he had instructed her. She felt her pussy moisten and twitch in anticipation.

And then, she recalled the sensation and surpises of streaming thick ropes of his cum hitting the back of her throat and face. She would be so stunned with excited pleasure that she had barely finished gulping down the load in her mouth, and hungrily licking her lips for more when her ex-husband would roll her over and slap his heavy mass of a cock down atop her throbbing pussy. The slap against her clitoris was like pushing a elevator button. She would feel herself shoot downward, butterflies in her stomach like a plunge from a great hieght. and then the floodgates opened and she would awaken later, sheets soaked, and feeling aglow.

lost in this memory Laura had not heard her son's uncomfortable reply

"I typically just use spit. And I end up "going" into my underwear" Jayson said

dazed and barely registering what her son had just said, Laura replied,

"Okay. You grease it, good....My hand lotion? you said you use my hand lotion? or.. wait sorry you said..." Laura now was trying to remeber what he had said, "You use my Underwear?! JAYSON! I do not permit you to smell my panties when you masturbate. You had better never let me catch you doing that again!“

“Mom no! No! I said I usually just end up “going” in my underwear…”

“So you’ve never gone in mine? You’ve never done anything with my panties? Because you are not allowed, and you are not allowed to use my lotion. You can not watch anything porngraphic. And you cannot masturbate unless all your chores, are satisfied.

And to be honest I’m not familiar with what the doctors believe is a healthy amount. There might be a certain number of days that you’ll be “technically free” to do it.

Until then you are not allowed…. That’s my conclusion. I want to thank you for excusing the language we just had to use. It’s very mature for you to be able to put aside the proper etiquette, the uncomfortable confrontation. A mothers last thought on earth has anything to do with her son..her son penis. It must have been hard teaching your mom how you…masturbated. But!, she said coming to her senses.

“But I’m afraid that’s no longer allowed until I can confirm otherwise. But to be perfectly honest I’m not sure I can give you an answer soon. I’ve had about all I can take with this inappropriate talk. And I don’t think I’d like to speak to anyone, even a doctor on the phone and have to use those words again.

So it’s agreed Jason. Now get washed up for dinner and come downstairs”

“So I have to wait?”

“You can bring me a medical note. But that’s unfortunately the only way I can allow it. Now wash your hands. And come down for dinner”

But that was just the start of it. Awkward sex talk aside Laura was by the book about everything. And while in her presence Jason and Mary did everything they could to keep up appearances and expectations

But, like the spurting cum that both he and Mary sprayed almost nightly, it was all -more or less- behind Laura’s back.

For instance, as they drove now, Jayson and Mary bit their tongues and rolled their eyes as Laura braked hard to lower her speed to an exact 35mph. She had been going exactly 45mph before the speed change. A line of cars snaked behind them as they turned (with embarrassing caugtion) onto the tree lined street where Laura's sister, Mary and Jayson's Aunt, lived.

Katherine opened the door and welcomed her sister in with a spinning hug. I it was bizarre to see them identical women but for their mannerisms Katherine’s hair was a bit more blonde her and her skin had a deeper fresh looking tan. But they were both a mirror image hugged together there matching full breasts, pressed nipple to nipple, and they’re spinning hips alternated before the siblings eyes, their mothers heart shaped ass in her typical blue jeans, and then the white flash of Catherine’s clad in a flowing Japanese looking outfit.

Katherine set Laura down with one final spin, pushing her aside to welcome her niece and nephew.

For Jahson and Mary, it was like speaking to an altar ego of their mother, with her hair done up in chopsticks and her playful attitude. It was always such a foreign experience not having seen one another in years now Katherine looked them both over and gave an excited grin.

She danced up and down with Mary, her heavy jugs lofting in the collar of her silk kimono. Jayson instantly noted she was bra-less seeing them fly. And the sound of her milf booty clapping like a stripper’s told him that she must be panty-less beaneath the rob too.

He tried to guess what his sister was wearing underneath her school sweater. Her tits barely moved despite them being nearly as big as his mother& aunts. Mary’s were playboy quality large tits, they had sunset-brown aureolas, bottle cap round and buttoned with firm little nipples.

Jayson had seen them on a whole number of occasions— with varying degrees of her being aware.

But he knew them fully in detail— because of the dozen or so photographs he had of her saved on his computer.

In fact, there was hardly an inch of her he hadn’t burned into his memory over the few pints of cum he must have emptied while going through those prized pictures. Her tits far less his interest than his focus on How her pussy was folded, Her choice of pubes, and the subtle stubble he studied that ringed his sisters asshole.Or wether or not she had tried to “bleach” her ass? If it looked lighter in one photo than another?

He wondered now if she was wearing one of her cotton Kim Kardashian thin pair of underwear? Or was it maybe that green thong she had nearly worn threadbare.

Whatever it was, the panty lines were hidden in the dark leggings that swept up her athletic legs, and dove into the cleft of her cupped ass. Those leggings covered her lower half like paint on its surface. They cut in on every contour. Jayson tried to picture those on an ass like his aunts. His mothers for that matter.

Marry looked in so many ways like Laura. The same facial features, same smile. Nearly the same lips that naturally looked painted, the same exact hue of her nipples.

But Mary was slightly longer and sleeker than twin older women. They were shaped Jessica Rabbit and Mary was more like a puma. Mary had darker hair, a darker eye. She looked more calculating and cunning —where as the twin Milfs looked like they were made to lay nude on pillowy down comforters all day just waiting to have cum emptied on or in them.

The sound of Katherine’s cheeks clapping slowed and Jayson pictured the over-under, twin holes appearing and disappearing within the globed doors of her ass settling shut. Then she skipped toward hands on her knees in disbelief.

“No way you are telling me that this is my nephew here and not some hot college jock you brought me as a birthday gift!

There. Is. No. Way. You are my twin sisters young son… and not just the meat carrier this month for Mary over here! Ha!!!” Katherine shouted.

Her hands went to Jaysons strong arms and slid up to his broad shoulders. She looked up at him and then ran her hands down along his chest stopping with her fingers pressed along his bottom course of abs. They pulled down the slightest on his belt with sarcastic flourish.

“Gahhh!” Katherine said, “Look at you! Boy if I hadn’t known and walked up to you at a bar…” she grinned and fanned herself with a hand in mock cartoon style.

“I would have said, “Hey Mom, when did you start being fun?!” Jayson said as they turned and all chided Laura.

“Oh noooo!” Said Katherine, “First off, buddy you would have me on your mind no matter what, and second you should have said, “hey Laura I’m glad you finally pulled the stick out, but maybe wait one more night before asking me to put mine back in for you! HAaaaaaaaa” Katherine yelled, as she put her hand around the kid’s waists and ushered them all inside to their unamused mother.

But Laura dropped her folded arms and her scowl and they all joined in for a group hug.

"Catherine! I see you haven't changed at all despite your trip to the land of buddhism! But I know, I know you all get a great laugh. And you have polluted these two with your unbelievable crass. You are lucky they are well and grown now, sister! But alright now enough of all that. I'm so glad to see you and be all together for our birthday! W ahve all been dying to hear about your trip, i'm sure you have lots of exhiting stories as usual" said Laura rubbing her sister's back with that old familiarity."

"Why yessss my dear sweet, innnnnocenttttt.... sweet sister" Catherine said with a wink and saracastic drawl, "As you can see from my traditional garb, I have become one with the Japanese culture. One must adorn their customs and embrace their cultural way and morays regardless of how fogrien they may seem. And how they my offend your innocent preception." She said in sing song tones. She spun around the living room and beckoned them to enter with a deep bow.

"Yes family I have drunk the sake and I have eating the seaweed. I'm no stranger to eating some pink tuna... so the sushi was devine" she said

"How was the flight?" said Laura

"The flight was not important. What is important are these gifts i have to give you. Here" Catherine handed out three boxes, neatly wrapped and ordered them to all open em up, "what are you waiting for?"

Laura and Jayson each opened a box neatly folded and ornate. And held aloft soft rich white silk, elgently made pairs of pants for the two of them. Jayson held his to his waist, they had a flowing calm nature to them. They seem like something a kung-fu master would wear. Laura held a slim pair of delecate make. They even felt mindful and peacful as an object.

Mary held high a shimering robe of the same white silk. She let it unfold against her chest. and it was instantly clear just how short it was. especially in comparison to catherines long robe. Jayson looked on with excitement. Laura could not help herself but to comment on how short it was, but catherine inturupted her and said,

"For you mary, a genuine Geshia Kimono. This is worn by women who have a complicated history, but today the connotations of "comfort woman" are long gone. and Instead the geisha is much respected for her dedication to work, her perfection in all aspects of her life. from her appearence to the way she makes the cerimonial tea. These are made indiviually with perfection, despite it seeming terribly short... it is cut in such a way that you will reveal all over your beauty that is to be revealed, and conceal all that is to be concealed. You will dance on the edge of grace and the raw power of yoru sex."

"wow! I mean really wow this is sooo cute and omg I can't belive how nice this is. and I had no idea about all of that stuff that crazy!" said mary

"Laura," said Her twin, "these too are created with perfection, they are precices to your exact measurements. they will show you to be a mature and proper woman of grace, and they will pay homage to the beauty that is a part of you"

Laura smiled and nodded with a slight tear in her eye

" japan a man is revered for his strength and honor. These let you move swiftly and powerfuly throughout the world. They bring you comfort, and they do not hinder you in any way...obviously I couldn't get your EXACT um...measurements. And there was no way I was going to have your mother get them for me. But, they will suit you perfectly....they are kung fu pants by the way! Ha.! Okay Okay! now everybody go and change so we can move on with the party!"

Mary bounded down the the library, closed the door and changed into her robe. She couldn't decide wether or not to loose her bra... and then she really couldnt decide if she should really trust that they would cover her pussy so that she might take her panties off as well. She opted to loose the bra, keep her panties. She pulled her thong snugly into place. She wantded to hold up the thick lips of her pussy that she had been told hung low. No guy ever had minded really, and in a bathing suit it gave her a nice sexy camel toe. But then again no guy had ever said that they Liked her meaty pussy...

She pulled it up and tight. and turned infront of the mirror. Delighted to see that no matter how close it seemed to reveal her little box. It stayed seductively hidden.

Catherine turned to her sister and Jayson, "before you go...These can't be worn with underwear. They aren't supposed to. and they probably wont fit. Really! i mean it. you cannot let anything come between you and the silk" she said with seriousness

"Okay," said laura with absolute faith "thank you they are beautiful"

Laura headed up the loft stairs up to her sisters bathroom to change. She pulled her jeans off and folded them on the towel rack. The pulled her panties down and stepped out of them. She looked up in the mirror and noticed herself. She had a thick patch of pubic hair that ran atop and along her pussy. It looked to her now like a reminder of her womanhood. and she felt proud. She stepped into the pants, and she felt herself slip along into them like they were soft warm water, embracing her legs like a glove. She pulled the seat up over the snug mountain of her ass. It buldged her cheeks up and tight, but it slipped over them and went on to encase her body entirely. The soft silk kissed her all over, every step was like wind gust of warmth on every thing. The sensation against her pussy, against her full sex and her rectum brought her a heavenly feeling she had not felt for decades.

Laura was aloft. She tossed her panties atop her hanging jeans. And she floated out of the bathroom and down the stairs.

Jayson had been waiting blushing with embarrassment as his aunt, who he could not seperate from his mother when loooking at her. She had told him that she asked for an extra long cup...just incase you needed that type of room to let your power resonate...

Jayson had already been half hard since watching this naughty version of his mother take hold.

the bathroom door opened and there now was near double of this erotic alter ego. Identical in the full display of their pure sexual bodies. But now even his mother seemed to be a closer match to this other universe where his biggest sexual fantsy had come to life. He started up from the bottom steps and watched as his mother decended with a magnetic wave of pure erotic person. He saw instantly the dark patch that marked her pubic flag. As she stepped, the contores of each and every fold of her pussy rippeled like a wave.

But it was 4 steps above that he first saw her stride from below. Her ass opened and from beneath her taint, nearly against the base of her outlined pusssy-- was broad arc, a protruding ridge that bulged the fabric. It looked the the outer rim of some raised crater. on the double moon of her cleft cheeks. Only the faint contore of its circumfrence was visable, suggesting a collosus hide bellow the horizon. It cast a dark hue on her the white fabric. Not black like her bush, but dark dusky. It was hard to accept that what jayson was seeing was the outline of his mothers asshole, but it was. It was her girthy brown shit pincher. The glimpse stunned him…

Part two coming now
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