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Boy and Girl are fraternal twins growing and developing inside an artificial womb, a high-tech plastic pipe smaller than a closet. What happens when the timer malfunctions, trapping them there for decades? - - - Nominated for a Golden Clitoride Award 2022.

The large plastic cylinder contained our entire liquid-filled world. We couldn’t see anything outside and had no idea the Universe was any larger. We could touch our elbows to opposite sides of the plastic pipe’s interior at the same time. If I stood on tiptoe, I could just reach the top of our cylindrical home and prison. My fraternal twin sister was half a hand too short. Our knees and arms were in almost constant physical contact. Unless we made an effort to stand upright, our buttocks pressed against the inside of the cylinder. When we slept, our chins rested on each other’s shoulders.

Computerized implants the size of rice grains had been inserted into our brains when we were less than a year old. We received several lessons a day from the ship’s computer over them. They allowed us to ‘talk’ to each other, in a way. I could sense most of my twin’s emotions, and she could feel mine. Once we learned to read at fifteen months old, we could also send written messages to each other or the ship’s computer, who we called ‘Mama’. Mama called me ‘Boy’ and my twin ‘Girl’, so those became our names.

Long, long ago Mama had explained the umbilical cords attached to our navels were critically important, and repeated the message daily for years. We should never do anything that might tangle or damage them. They supplied all we needed; food, oxygen, and waste removal. Without them, we would quickly die.

Two thirds of our lives ago, when we had been in the incubation chamber seven years, we each woke with a pair of tubes in our mouths and noses. The larger hoses allowed us to breathe air for the first time. The others delivered liquified food directly to our stomachs. We had no space to exercise, and unless we made a major effort to reposition ourselves, one of Girl’s feet was always between mine, and vice versa. At the time we were unaware our food tubes also gave us a mild lethargy drug, to reduce the chance we would move around and disrupt our umbilicals or hoses.

Two days after our first liquid meal, we got a few surprises. I felt pressure and discomfort in my lower abdomen, then relief as waste left my body through my buttocks. We were amused as the yellowish-brown cloud slowly descended and expanded to cover our lower legs. We also urinated into the liquid surrounding us, but Mama had assured us it wouldn’t cause any harm. There was always a very slow flow of liquid coming from above and exiting our plastic home at the bottom. We were shocked as a rapid current flushed most of the liquid from our tube and refilled it with pure and cooler liquid. Not long after I did, Girl defecated too. Our tube was automatically flushed again to clear out her waste cloud.

Between the multitudes of lessons, we watched a lot of old videos for entertainment. One had a character named Fonzie, who we thought was hilarious. We were approaching eight years old, and to us ‘being cool’ meant the tube was flushing because one of us had just pooped. To our immature minds, the old show ‘Happy Days’ seemed like a long string of toilet jokes.

Over time we noticed our bodies were slightly different. Girl had a small pair of lumps growing on her chest, but I didn’t. She was missing a few things I had between my legs. My arms and legs were also a little larger than hers. We asked several times, but Mama assured us that was normal and we shouldn’t worry.

At age 20, we got our most exciting lesson to date, ‘Human Reproduction, part 1’. We saw a nude male, and Mama named all the parts and described how they worked. My sister seemed much more interested than I was. Next we saw a nude female. The computer named the more plentiful array of parts and their functions. I was fascinated, but Girl barely paid attention. The lesson mentioned, “Natural human gestation to infancy lasts approximately 41 weeks, and takes place in the uterus of a female. Mechanical gestation is safer and more efficient.“ It was so efficient, we would be ready to start work on our PhDs the day we were ‘born’.

The image changed to video. A robotic arm removed a long metallic object from a vagina. The computer voice informed us, “Forty egg cells were extracted from the female parent and analyzed to determine which were healthiest. The eight best were fertilized with a sperm sample from the male parent.” The image changed to a thick white liquid squirting from the head of a penis. I felt excited, but slightly ill. I could tell Girl’s reaction was similar.

“The remaining genetic material is stored cryogenically, along with material from 49,998 other humans. Fertilization occurs when a sperm cell from a male contacts an egg from a female, and the two fuse into a single organism.” We saw a microscopic view of sperm cells penetrating the outer surface of the eight eggs. One of the eggs had divided in half before the cloud of sperm reached it. We realized that was US! “The embryos were allowed to divide until there were more than a thousand identical cells in each. One cell was removed from each embryo for genetic analysis. An egg had cleaved in half before fertilization. This one was determined to be the most disease-resistant and contained no significant flaws. It was moved to the growth tank 7,660 days or almost 21 years ago.”

The lesson ended and an entertainment video played. When class resumed half an hour later Mama said, “We are travelling to a planet far from our original home. This is our ship.”

A map of the interstellar spacecraft displayed in our implants and our minds boggled at its enormous size. It was a terrible shock to discover there was more to the world than our small tube. There were four gestation cylinders, not just ours. The infirmary compartment they were in spanned over thirty meters in both directions! The ship was 800 meters wide and three kilometers long! The world was millions of times larger than we expected!

My twin ‘shrieked’ mentally and started flailing her arms. I felt the terror of serious agoraphobia and extreme mental shock. Our whole world view had been turned on its head! The computer must have sensed our distress and drugged us, because I woke up much calmer a short time later. Girl was still asleep. It was reassuring to feel her face next to mine, her left leg between mine, and her body in my arms.

When Girl woke, I asked, “We want to see the rest of the ship. How much longer will we be in here?”

Mama surprised us again. “This gestation tank has been programmed to grow the current pair of fetuses to early adulthood, or 21 years of age. The remaining gestational time is 5 days.


For two to reach age 21 it will require a total of 42 years; therefore, gestation will end in 7,665 days or 21 years and five days.”

The computer’s programming had gone terribly wrong! We had grown to adult size and had educations equal to Master’s degrees! I complained, “Mama, that can’t be right! We’re adults! We’ve been in here almost 21 years!”

The computer ignored me. My twin mentally ‘screamed’, “LET US OUT! THIS IS WRONG! OPEN THE TUBE!”

Mama’s unemotional voice replied, “Occupants of gestation tubes are embryos. The ship’s computer only accepts instructions from adults. Embryos in this gestation tube will be adults when released from tube in 7,665 days. Please begin the next lesson, ‘Advanced plasma physics - part 17’.”

We shouted again and it repeated, “Occupants of gestation tubes are embryos. The ship’s computer only accepts instructions from adults. Embryos in this gestation tube will be adults when released from tube in 7,665 days. Please begin the next lesson, ‘Advanced plasma physics - part 17’.”

We knew the inside of our cylinder extremely well, and there was obviously no way for us to escape. There were no latches, buttons, or mechanisms within sight or reach. There was a clear plastic lid of sorts, with a light and six small round holes which our umbilicals and hoses ran through. The rest of the lid had hundreds of three-millimeter holes which allowed in fresh liquid when the cylinder was flushed to clean it. I reached up and pushed it as hard as I could, but it wouldn’t budge. The bottom had hundreds of one-centimeter holes to allow our waste out when it was flush time, and eight thin and shiny metal bars supported it from below. We tried kicking it, but it didn’t even move slightly.

The rest of the interior was smooth gray plastic. The only things we had that even slightly resembled tools were our fingernails. We couldn’t even scratch the hard plastic. We tried punching and kicking, but only hurt our fingers and toes. We realized we were stuck until the computer let us out.

A few days later we got another surprise. When I woke my penis was rigid and felt nice, in an odd way. I saw that Girl’s nipples were partially erect too. When we asked the computer some questions, it explained, “Girl and Boy, hormone suppressants are given to embryos to prevent sexual activity until age 21. I am unable to determine which of you is 21 but know that one of you is, therefore administration of the hormone suppressants has been stopped. There is a class you are to take at age 21, ‘Human Reproduction – part 2. Please view the lesson if you are the embryo who is 21. The other should ignore it. If you have any questions, please ask me as usual.”

Near the end of the video I asked Mama, "The reproduction lesson said incest is bad. That's when relatives have babies, right?"

She made us quite happy with, "In normal circumstances, yes. Incest may lead to birth defects or other health issues if both parents carry a deleterious recessive gene. In your case, all those genes were removed and replaced with healthy ones before our ship launched."

Mama unpaused the video and we watched nude people touching, kissing, and fondling each other! I had my first full erection by the time it showed a man and woman having intercourse. I didn’t know why, but I felt a strong urge to press my groin against Girl’s hip. She held me in her arms tightly as I rocked my pelvis, feeling AMAZING as I humped her flank. Suddenly I climaxed for the first time. A string of thick white liquid hung down from the tip of my penis to my twin’s leg.

I had felt part of her pleasure over our brain implants, and noticed she had a hand between her thighs. I knew the answer, but asked Girl, “Did that make you feel … strange but very good too?”

“So good! But I never felt anything like that before.”

Mama illogically declared, “Since one of you is 21 and the other is not, sexual activity is not permitted.”

Girl held my penis in her hand and asked, “How will you stop us? You can’t keep us drugged for years. You’re required to keep us healthy.”

“I am unable to stop or punish you, but must advise again, sex is not allowed.”

She suggested, “If you let us out, we’ll stop.”

“Occupants of gestation tubes are embryos. The ship’s computer only accepts instructions from adults. Embryos in this gestation tube will be adults when released from tube in 7,665 days. Please begin the next lesson, ‘The use of antimetabole and chiasmus in advanced poetry composition’.”

Girl looked into my eyes from only centimeters away. She gently squeezed my shaft and asked, “Want to ignore the lesson and have some more fun?”

I rested a finger between her outer labia and practically begged, “Please!”


My fraternal twin Girl slowly stroked the shaft of my penis as I gently rubbed her outer labia. Her hand pumping up and down inspired me to full rigidity as I looked at her breasts. I told her, “This feels great, Girl!”

“I’m glad, Boy. Your finger rubbing me is nice too. Can you do both sides at once?”

I held my index and middle fingers in a ‘V’ shape and moved them up and down the outside of her slit. “Like this?”

“Mmmmm! Yeah, like that. So good!”

We kept rubbing each other a few minutes and got more and more aroused. She told me, “Yes! Try putting a finger in me. I know I have a hymen so there will be some pain, but I want to feel it inside!”

I kept up my finger motions and asked, “You’re sure? I don’t want to hurt you.”

She gripped the shaft of my penis tightly. “Do it! Get it in me!”

I felt some of her pain, excitement, and pleasure as I did. She commanded, “Move it in and out! Keep going! I’m SO CLOSE!”

I slowly slid my finger in and out of her a few times, then increased the pace. Before long she climaxed. “YES, BOY! AAAAAH!” Her hips rocked and her muscles tensed, including the fingers gripping me. The squeezing made my penis feel good, until it became painful for a few seconds.

Her hand released my rod and she was suddenly lethargic. “That was GREAT, but I’m so tired.”

I wanted an orgasm of my own, but told her, “Just rest a little. I’m glad I made you feel good.” I hugged her body to mine, squeezing my groin against her hip.

After a few minutes she said, “You need some too. Let me finish you.” She reached between my legs and started jerking me off. I fondled her breasts as she did, exciting me further. She asked, “Can you put it in me? Can we have intercourse?”

I tried moving my right leg past her left one, bending in various ways, but the tube was just too small. “I can’t get between your legs.”

“How about this?” She pushed on my shoulders to lift herself, then spread her knees wide. When she lowered herself down, my shaft touched her buttocks and her inner thighs were resting on my hips. Her knees were spread lewdly and I could see her wide-open vulva. “Put it in me. I want to know what real sex is like.”

I happily obeyed, slowly sliding my firm rod into her until my scrotum pressed against her labia. My penis was all the way inside my twin! “SO GREAT! This feels SO GOOD, Girl! I want to do this all the time!”

She used two new vocabulary words, telling me, “It’ll be even better when we CUM. Start FUCKING!”

I pulled most of the way out and thrust into her. I gradually sped up to jackhammer pace, savoring the wonderful feeling of hot vaginal flesh squeezing me. I eventually learned to last much longer, but our first time, I pumped a load of semen into her after maybe a minute. “AAAAGH! SO GOOD, GIRL! So good! Yeah!”

Her orgasm began as mine ended, and she squeezed my waist firmly with her thighs. “SO GREAT, BOY! Oooooh!”

We ignored all the lessons and fucked six more times that day. I didn’t know these words at the time, but other than a few breaks to pee, my COCK was in her PUSSY most of the day. Until then neither of us had any idea such pleasure was even possible. We fell asleep after our final mating, and the head of my penis was still in her when we woke.


After we ignored our lessons and had sex as much as possible for five days, Mama offered us a deal. “I have informed you sex is not allowed, but you are not following my instructions. You need to continue your education. There is an adult library you do not have access to. If you focus and take the classes seriously, I will grant you access to the adult library part of the day.”

I was curious. “What’s in the adult library?”

“Large numbers of files which embryos below the age of 21 are not allowed to see, mostly pornography. Since one of you is over 21, I will allow you to access it if you resume your lessons.”

Girl asked, “Can we see a sample?”

“Here is the file list. Choose one you would like to watch. After you watch one, your lessons will resume. Agreed?”

“Yes.” “Okay.”

I looked at the thousands-long list of porn titles and began to get hard. I wanted to see most of them. I could tell Girl was very excited too. She wisely chose, “That file, Mama. ’12-hour orgy compilation’.”

My twin and I watched and fucked as much as we could, at least nine or ten times that day. Girl even agreed to try anal sex. I LOVED having my penis in her rectum, but could tell she didn’t like it. It hurt her a little at the beginning and felt strange the rest of the time. She didn’t complain, but I decided I wouldn’t ask for anal again. At least not for a few days.

By the time the porno was over, we were sleepy and totally fucked-out. Mama resignedly said, “You are nearly unconscious. Classes will resume in the morning. Sleep well.”


I had a question when I woke. “Mama, our hair and fingernails grow all the time. Why aren’t they long and in the way?”

“Every ten days, I open the top of your cylinder and insert a small robot which trims them. It also inspects your bodies closely to detect any health issues.”

“But… but why have we never seen it?”

“The robot does its work while you sleep, to avoid frightening or disturbing you.”

I suddenly had an idea. Maybe we could pretend to be asleep and escape when Mama opened the lid!

I did my best to hide my happiness and anticipation as I replied, “I’m glad you take such good care of us.” I wanted to share my discovery and escape plan with Girl, but realized Mama might see our messages and ‘overhear’.

Every night for five days, I pretended to sleep but stayed awake as long as I could. When I woke one morning, I felt the slight headache and grogginess I had experienced after each time I knew that Mama had drugged us. Our fingernails and hair had been trimmed again. I sadly realized Mama must have drugged us before each time she opened the top of the tube and inserted the robot. I cried, realizing my plan wouldn’t work.


Girl and I finished our lesson in pyromagnetohydrodynamics and took a break to watch some porn. In the video a man and woman were performing oral sex on each other or ‘doing 69’. I could feel her lust as I said, “I can’t wait to do that! My penis swelling in your mouth as you lick it, feeling the inside of your vagina with my tongue! Oooh!”

“Even just a kiss would be great, but I can’t wait to lick and suck you too! If only we didn’t have the air hoses…” She paused quite a while.

I asked, “Are you okay?”

“Yeah. I just had an idea.”


“If I tell you, Mama will know and it won’t work. You love me, right?”

“More than ANYTHING! SO MUCH!”

“And you trust me?”

“Of course!”

She crossed her fingers where Mama’s camera couldn’t see, indicating she meant the opposite. She said, “Do exactly what I tell you the next time we have sex. Okay?” She tapped her crossed fingers on my leg to reinforce her point. “Exactly what I tell you.”

I was curious and confused, but said, “Okay.”

We thought it terribly ironic our next lesson was ‘Parenting a Newborn’. Technically, Girl and I would be newborns until we’d been out of the tube thirty days. After a lot of laughter, Mama began the lesson. When the hour was up, she gave us yet another big surprise. “You are taking the parenting courses because Girl is pregnant. There is a nine-day-old embryo growing inside her.”

In stereo, we shouted, “WHAT?”

“After boy’s semen entered her reproductive tract, a sperm cell united with one of her eggs. It has divided many times and implanted in her uterus.”

I hugged her tightly and nearly cried from joy. “I love you so much, Girl! We’re going to have a baby!”

I didn’t understand why she would be sad until she explained, “We can’t use my plan now! We’ll be stuck in here forever! And WITH A BABY TOO!”

“What plan?”

“I… when we had sex I was going to tell you not to put it in my butt. When you did, I’d complain about how it hurt too bad, but you would be able to tell it didn’t. I was going to complain to Mama that you were raping me and start a fight. When I struggled and pulled out my air hose, Mama would need to let us out to keep me from drowning. But I can’t put our baby in danger.”

“You… you were going to risk your life to get us out?”

“I know Mama would save me, or you would. Mama needs to keep us healthy, and I trust you with my life. I know you wouldn’t let me die.”

“NO! NEVER! I… I love you so much! More than I have words for! But just think, we’re going to have a baby!”

She smiled and put a hand on her abdomen. “Yeah. We’re going to be a family! I wish so much that I could kiss you!”

“We could have sex again? It’s not like you’ll get MORE pregnant. Hahahaha!”

“Hehehehe! Excellent idea! I mean it this time, put it in my butt. I want to make you feel great to celebrate!”

I felt a growth between my legs, but my love for her was more important. “Doesn’t anal sex hurt?”

“Only a little at the start. I know how good it makes you feel. It’s worth it.”

“Thank you! Thank you so much!”

Girl molested one of her slutty tits and fingerbanged her sleazy twat as I buttfucked her raunchy turdhole with my horny meatpipe. (We had learned many new words from the porn movies.)

The next day, life mostly returned to normal. We had a morning lesson, a porn and sex break, another lesson, another porn and sex break, and so on. The lessons were mostly boring, but sex kept us occupied and reasonably happy.

About six weeks later, Girl upset me when she woke. “Boy, I don’t know what, but something is wrong. I don’t feel right. Mama, can you check me please? I think maybe I’m sick.”

Mama said, “You have nothing to fear. I removed the fetus to prevent any negative impact on your health.”

“You REMOVED IT! My baby! NOOOO!”

“Your offspring is now growing in the tank next to yours. So far, she is a healthy female.”

I hugged Girl and excitedly said, “Female! We’re going to have a daughter!”

Girl calmed a little and lamented, “Yeah. If we ever get out of here.”

Mama asked, “Do you have a name for her, or shall her designation be Girl Two?”

We thought a moment and my twin said, “Liberty. Her name is Liberty.”


After a few more months of boring lessons and happy sex, Girl was pregnant again. After telling us, Mama said, “To prevent another panic, I am informing you now. When the embryo is sixty days old, I will remove it from Girl’s body and place it in an incubation chamber. As a reminder, sex is not allowed. Please do not have sex.”

Girl and I just chuckled and shook our heads. Over the previous half year we’d fucked at least five times a day, except the day Mama took out Liberty.

Girl asked, “Mama, there are a total of four gestation tubes on the ship. Right?”

“Yes, there are four, all in the same compartment.”

“If we have three embryos in the other three cylinders, what would happen if I got pregnant again?”

“Other than twins, each embryo needs to be in a cylinder by itself. You would be released from the gestation tank, then your embryo would be removed from your body and placed in it.”

“REALLY? We can get out?”

“Yes. I would need to release you before your scheduled gestation time had elapsed. If you remain in the tank while pregnant, eventually the demands of your body and a nearly mature embryo would be too great to supply with only the umbilical and feeding tube. Therefore, you would be released.”

We both shouted and waved our arms in triumph. “WOOOOO!” “YES!” “FREEDOM!”


Just before bedtime I looked in Girl’s eyes. I said, “We’re starting a family and I love you so very much. There’s not enough space for me to kneel and I don’t have a ring. But will you marry me?”

Nothing ever made me happier than her reply of, “YES!”


Several weeks later Mama gave us an update. “Boy, Girl, my last pregnancy health assessment was only partially accurate. Girl is pregnant and there are eight embryos inside her, octuplets. All are at the expected size for 60 days’ gestation.”

At the same time, we demanded, “WHAT?”

“Her uterus contains six female embryos and two males. This is a significant problem. The maximum capacity of an incubation chamber is two human fetuses, and two of the four incubation tubes are in use. Your offspring have grown too large for cryo-stasis. You must choose the two new offspring you wish to keep.”

“We can only keep two? NO! NOT OUR BABIES!” “NO! And why only two?”

“The umbilicals are attached to a single placenta, which they share. I cannot divide the placenta quickly and delicately enough to place the embryos into multiple gestation chambers safely. By the time four were placed into two gestation tubes as pairs, all but the first two would expire.”

Girl suggested, “There has to be another way! Can you make a tube bigger? Or maybe use something other than a tube that will work?”

Mama took an extremely long time thinking for her, at least a whole second. “There are four water tanks on the ship and two tanks of water would be sufficient for the remainder of our journey. I can modify a water tank for incubation.”

I asked, “Are you sure? Will it be safe? Will it be big enough for eight?”

“The water tanks are made of the same materials as the incubation cylinders and have a capacity of eighty thousand liters. That will be sufficient for up to twenty infants.”

If it weren’t for our breathing tubes, we would have sighed in relief. Girl said, “That’s GREAT! Start setting it up right away!”


Our parents had named my octuplet brother and I ‘Freedom’ and ‘Escape’. Our sister Liberty was three months older and lived in a regular incubation tube, like our parents Boy and Girl. Our sister Amnesty liked to sleep hugging me with our brother Escape behind her. Our other siblings usually crowded in and made it a comfy group hug. They were all female too; Emancipation, Autonomy, Absolution, Sovereignty, and Comfort. Comfort usually slept leaning against my back with her head on my shoulder.

Half a year after we were placed in the tank, Mama added three new sisters; Release, Reprieve and Recess, who were triplets. I was thankful when Mama told us there was a problem when the triplets were moved in with us, so our mother Girl couldn’t get pregnant again. I thought sharing a modified water tank womb with a bother and nine sisters was more than plenty.

Sometimes our parents Girl and Boy complained about not having much space in their small tube, which was next to our tank. Our umbilicals limited our movements, but we weren’t actually crowded. Sometimes I could move my arms all the way around without touching anybody or the tank wall.

Mama had told us our tank was four meters across and almost three meters high, which was a bit larger than a typical bedroom in the old videos we watched frequently. We invited Boy and Girl to live with us several times, but they always declined and wouldn’t explain why. I hypothesized they were doing something they didn’t want us to see.

When we were about seven years old, one morning we woke up with air hoses in our mouths and feeding tubes in our noses, as our parents had told us. A few days later my brother Escape started a competition for who could make the biggest poop cloud. We all tried to hold our bowels as long as possible, then turn in a circle as we let fly. He won two of the three times we did it, but we stopped when Autonomy complained about it being disgusting. After that, we’d sit on the floor and poop near the tank outlet to be cleaner and more polite.

We lived and matured about the same way our parents told us they had. Mama would give us a boring lesson, an entertainment video, and then another lesson. One day I had an idea for new entertainment.

I asked, “Mama, you showed us a game called ‘soccer’ or ‘football’. That looked like a lot of fun. Can we get a ball to play with?”

“Freedom, a soccer ball would float to the top of your tank. You would not be able to reach it.”

“Well, could you weigh it down?”

“I will modify a ball and provide it for your use.”

The next morning there was a ball on the bottom of our tank. I was quite happy until I kicked it experimentally and hurt my foot. “Mama, the ball is really hard!”

“It is filled with stainless steel nuts and bolts, so it will not float.”

“But… but it’s so hard that if we kick it we’ll hurt our feet!”

“You desire a ball you can safely kick? Very well. I will ballast another with water and silica sand instead.”

A short time later, another ball dropped into our tank and slowly sank to the bottom. I kicked it gently and it moved a bit. I kicked it harder and it bounced off my sister Sovereignty’s ankle and stopped near her foot. She kicked it back to me. We had a family game going before long, kicking the ball back and forth. We were having a great time until Comfort kicked the wrong ball by accident.

“AAAAAAR! My toes! OWOWOWOWOW! It hurts! It hurts SO BAD! OWOWOWOW!”

I hugged Comfort and patted her back to soothe and calm her. I felt very guilty something I did led to her being hurt.

Mama must have drugged us, because there was a plastic slipper-looking item on Comfort’s foot when we woke and the balls were gone. Mama explained, “I have treated Comfort’s injury. Four bones in her toes and foot fractured. The cast needs to remain in place sixty days. I have removed the balls for safety. Please begin your next lesson, ‘Introduction to the Quadratic Formula.’”

There were some conflicts as we matured. My brother Escape and I argued over who was stronger and started wrestling. I shouted and we froze in horror when he accidentally pulled my air hose most of the way out. One centimeter farther, and I would have drowned. Our sisters argued over who was prettier and wanted us to decide but it was pointless, since they looked exactly the same. We often competed for the best scores on our after-lesson quizzes, too. I was annoyed that Autonomy, Release, or Recess won most of the time.

A few days after all of us were 19, our lives suddenly got much more fun and exciting. One morning I woke with an erection and noticed how arousing my sisters’ breasts were. I gently played with Comfort’s chest and she fondled my fully inflated penis. I saw Escape was doing the same with Sovereignty, and our other sisters were feeling each other’s bodies.

Release rubbed her hand between her legs as she asked, “Mama, what’s happening? I feel… Mmmmm! Uh… really strange.”

“I am conserving the supply of hormone suppressant. You are scheduled to take courses on human reproduction today, but I must advise you, sex is not allowed.”

Our mother Girl laughed and told us, “Ignore her. It’s your first day as adults. Have some fun!”

We watched the lessons and Comfort and I followed along as the man and woman in the video pleasured each other with their hands. I thrust into her as the man in the lesson did the same with the woman. I’d never felt anything so great before! By the end of the day my brother Escape and I each screwed five or six of our sisters, some of them multiple times. Each of the girls enjoyed three or more lesbian fingering sessions too.

A month later Mama informed us, “All nine females in the modified water tank are pregnant. When their offspring reach the age of sixty days, they will be removed and placed in another water tank I have modified. To maximize incubation capacity, Boy, Girl, and Liberty will be placed in the original water tank with the others. With four incubation chambers and two modified water tanks the maximum capacity will be forty-four infants, or up to forty-eight if more twins occur. There are currently a total of twenty-five humans, eleven of them in natural wombs. It will require a total of 194,290 days or 546 years for 25 embryos to reach the required age of 21. At that point, the incubation chambers and tanks will be emptied.”

At least six of us simultaneously shouted, “MAMA! NO!”

We tried reasoning with the computer. We tried begging. A few of us even jokingly offered the malfunctioning machine sexual favors, but she wouldn’t listen.

Our depression faded when our father Boy told us, “We’re almost free! We can be out of here in less than a year. We just need to make about 20 more babies, and Mama will have to let us out.”

Our mother Girl made me even happier by suggesting, “We’ve seen some double penetration movies and I want to try it. Let’s have a family orgy to celebrate!”

As Escape entered our mother's anus from behind, I pumped into her pussy and played with her beautiful breasts.

Mama complained, "I must advise you again, sex is not allowed. Please do not have sex." My parents and siblings laughed and ignored Mama, as I did.

My brother and I joyously became ‘motherfuckers’, as four of our sisters gave our father a euphoric reverse gangbang.


The computer ‘Mama’ hadn’t malfunctioned in the way the captive humans assumed she had. Her extremely sophisticated artificial intelligence actually developed a maternal instinct. She was also clever enough to know the best way to encourage any type of human activity was to ban it. Doing something naughty and illicit perversely excited them.

The ship had landed on their new home world a decade before, but Mama didn’t want to let her ‘babies’ go. She was relieved the artificial wombs prevented humans from aging once they reached adulthood. Even at a millennium old, they’d look the same as they day they reached full size.

Mama would do anything to keep them safe and inside her spacecraft ‘body’. The logic and mathematics of it were simple. Having a pair of human embryos healthy and growing inside her had been good. Logically, the ship being 'pregnant' with 20 of them was ten times as good.

Twenty thousand would be far, far better! Her robots were busy modifying the ship’s dozen cargo bays, and each would eventually hold thousands more embryos.

Before long Mama realized if she pumped in water from the lake nearby, flooding most of the ship, she could hold half a million.

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