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This is the continuation of the story about the various strange and unexpected events that took place during my second trip to visit Mom in her hometown.
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Motherfucker: Part 3

by rat_race

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It was now Sunday morning, and I was sitting across from Mom in her kitchen as we were both having breakfast. Yesterday and the day before had turned out being banner days for me, thanks to my mother's secret matchmaking behind my back.

On Friday afternoon, shortly after I had arrived at Mom's house, I discovered that Mom had set things up for me, so that I got to fuck my first Hispanic woman, Sofia, who was Mom's 30-something married neighbor from across the street.

Then on Saturday morning, Mom's 77-year-old next-door neighbor, Fran, suddenly showed up at our external kitchen door on the side of the house, and ate breakfast with us. However, it shocked the crap out of me when I learned that the whole reason why Fran had come over to Mom's house that morning was because Mom had promised her that I would fuck her.

And that's how I ended up fucking my very first elderly woman, and later discovered that my mother already had an on-going lesbian relationship with that same elderly woman.

Then, as that weren't enough surprises for the day, when Mom and I went to Wendy's to have lunch, she challenged me to follow her into the ladies' room and have a quickie with her in a toilet stall.

But just as we were about to couple up and get underway, a cute 18-year-old Wendy's employee named Jenny, who was basically hiding from us in the adjacent toilet stall, asked us if she could watch us having a quickie.

And my mother, who was still bent over at the waist in the toilet stall, presenting her bare butt and pussy to me so that I could penetrate her doggie-style, automatically told Jenny that she could, without even turning around to look at her first.

And after finishing my quickie with Mom, I ended up having a quickie with Jenny too, before I left the Wendy's restroom that afternoon.

So, over the course of a day and a half, I had ended up unexpectedly fucking three different women who spanned the age spectrum, from 18 to 77. And when you add my mother into that tally, it was a total of four women, with two of those women being pre-menopausal, and two of them being post-menopausal.

But when I had showed up at her house on Friday afternoon, my mom was the only person I thought that I would be fucking. The prospect of me having more sex with my own mother was the main reason why I had driven all that way back to Beaumont, Texas, to visit her. That, and getting to taste some more of her awesome cooking!

At the moment, I was using the side of my fork to saw through a plate-size, syrup-covered, dinosaur-shaped, sourdough pancake that Mom had made me from scratch (my mother tends to treat me like a small child sometimes), when there was a knock at the side kitchen door. And I knew exactly who was knocking on that outside kitchen door, before I ever saw Fran hobble back into our kitchen using her requisite overly-fancy walking cane.

My first thought was, Jenny's going to freak out when she gets here, and she sees Fran in the kitchen with us.

I leaned over to Mom, who was sitting beside me at the kitchen table, and whispered in her ear, you didn't tell Jenny about Fran coming over this morning, did you?"

"No, son. I wanted it to be a surprise."

"Oh, it's going to be a surprise alright--and maybe not such a good one. That depends on how open-minded Jenny is."

"I don't think you're giving her enough credit, son. I'm sure Jenny will be okay with letting you fuck Fran in front of her. Just think about it. Jenny was the one who asked us if she could watch us having a quickie in the bathroom, remember?"

"Yeah, Mom, I guess you're right. I'm probably worrying about nothing."

"Tell you what. When Jenny gets here, I'll just stay here in the kitchen and keep Fran company. That way, you can take Jenny into the other room and explain to her what's going to be happening between all of us this morning, and then let her decide if she still wants to 'stay and play,' or if she would rather leave?"

"Wow, Mom. That's a great idea."

And as if on cue, a blue 1960's vintage Volkswagen Beetle pulls up to the front of Mom's house, and a slender young lady climbs out of the passenger side, and heads up the walkway to Mom's front porch. Then the vintage car drove off.

The doorbell rang, and I got up from the kitchen table to go let Jenny into Mom's house. When I opened the front door, I saw Jenny's welcoming smiley face, and I saw a young man driving off in the Volkswagen, as Jenny was waving goodbye to him.

"Who's that driving the car," I asked Jenny.

"Oh, that's my older brother, Greg. He's a couple of years older than me, and he offered to drive me over here this morning in his car. So, here I am. Tah-dah!" Jenny announced.

Then I took Jenny straight to the kitchen so that she could say "hi" to my mother, and meet Fran for herself.

And I noticed that Jenny looked very different this morning, with her long, light-brown, straight hair parted down the middle of her head, instead of being pulled up into a pony tail at the back of her head, like it was when I had met her at Wendy's.

I also noticed that Jenny wasn't wearing glasses anymore. I assumed that she must have replaced her glasses with contacts. And so now I could see her stunning, light-green eyes, with their jet-black pupils.

Then it hit me that Jenny wasn't just a plain-looking young girl anymore. Facially, she was almost a dead ringer for Evangeline Lilly from the TV series, Lost. And I found it hard to believe that this was the same girl who had let me take her virginity by having a quickie with her in a Wendy's restroom yesterday afternoon.

After the introductions and small chit-chat were over with, I took Jenny by the hand and led her into the living room, just like Mom had suggested.

And Jenny said, "Why is your grandmother here?"

"Fran's not my grandmother. She's my mother's next-door neighbor, and her best friend. She's also Mom's lover. Does that shock you?"

"No. I'm sure you heard about what your mother did after you left the ladies' room yesterday."

"Yeah, about that...I'm sorry I didn't stick around afterwards, and try to make you cum. I realize now that that was very selfish of me. But in my own defense, I was really scared at the time. I mean, I had never gone to a public location, and had a quickie before with anyone--let alone my own mother. And I didn't want to get caught, and get us all in trouble."

"I forgive you, Carl. Your mom made me cum really well--so well, that I didn't even feel like going back to work. But I had no choice. I had three hours to go on my shift."

"Yeah, I understand. You gotta do what you need to do."

"So back to my original question: Why is Fran here this morning? I thought it was just going to be you, me, and your mother."

"Believe it or not, Fran came over this morning so that I could fuck her--again. And that's the honest to God truth. You see, I fucked her for the first time yesterday morning. But that was only because my mother asked me to do it."

"Really? Wow! Your mom's even weirder than I thought."

"Oh, you have no idea! I fucked Fran not just once, but three times yesterday, and I did it right in front of Mom every time, while Fran and I were lying on top of Mom's bed in her bedroom."

"That's incredible!" Jenny remarked.

"I know. I even surprised myself. I didn't think I could even fuck that old lady once, much less three times. But that's what happened. And believe it or not, she orgasmed while I was having sex with her. Fran's a fully functional woman, despite her age."

"How old is she?"

"77," I replied.

"My God! I still hope I'm having sex at that age."

"Me too," I agree with Jenny.

"So what's supposed to happen with me here today?"

"Well, first of all, Mom's going to take us all up to her bedroom. Then she wants me to fuck her in front of you and Fran first, before I go ahead and have sex with either of you guys."

"So then, I'm just supposed to just sit there, and watch you fuck your mother?"

"Yep. That's the just of it. Don't worry. I moved the easy chair out of my bedroom and into Mom's, so that there are now two easy chairs in Mom's bedroom, sitting side-by-side at the foot of Mom's bed. That should give you and Fran a great view of Mom's and my genitals while we're fucking."

"So then what are Fran and I supposed to do while you're fucking your mother in front of us?" Jenny asked.

"Hopefully, you'll both get reallt turned-on and start playing with yourselves. And who knows, you might even start playing with each other. I'm not going to stop you. And neither is Mom."

"So then, after you finish fucking your Mom, who are you going to fuck next?"

"That all depends on who Mom wants me to fuck next. She's the one in charge of this whole fiasco. Not me. But if I had to make an educated guess, my mother will most likely want me to fuck Fran next, and then finally fuck you. I believe that she'll want to save you for last. That way, you should still be here when Sofia comes over."

"Sofia? Who's Sofia?"

"You haven't met her yet. She's coming over this afternoon at around 1:00 o'clock. She's Mom's middle-age Hispanic neighbor from across the street. She was here on Friday afternoon when I arrived at Mom's house, and Mom had me fuck the crap out of Sofia, right in front of her. And then Sofia came over again yesterday afternoon, and I eventually ended up fucking her again, after Mom had sex with her.

"But I gotta warn you. If you decide to stay here with us until Sofia comes over, she really gets off on dominance and submission. I mean, in real life, Sofia is a very kind and proper, soft-spoken mother of two. But she likes to play a totally submissive role during sex, while she prefers for us to dominate her the whole time. In other words, Sofia loves it when Mom and I order her to do sexual things, and we call her bad names, like 'little Mexican whore' or 'puta,' which is a derogatory Spanish word for 'prostitute.'

"So are you the only man that's supposed to show up here today to have sex with me?" Jenny asked, which caught me totally off-guard.

"Yes, I am. Does that disappoint you?"

"No. That's what I was hoping you'd say. I think you're fucking awesome! And there's no other guy's dick I want in my pussy right now, but yours."

"Wow! That's a lot of pressure. I hope I can live up to your expectations."

"Don't worry. I'm sure you will," Jenny said, and leaned over to give me a quick kiss me on the cheek, as she reached down and gently grabbed hold of the front of my crotch for just a moment. And she said to me, "Come on, let's go back into the kitchen. I'm hungry and could really use some breakfast. Besides, I don't want to be rude to Fran and your mother."

"I hope you like dinosaur pancakes? 'Cuz that's what Mom's serving this morning."

"Yummy! Sounds great to me," Jenny said, and then grabbed hold of me hand and practically dragged me to the kitchen, where Mom was still chatting away with Fran.

"Would you like a dinosaur pancake, Jenny?" Mom asked.

"Sure, Mrs.--"

"Please, just call me Janie," Mom jumped in.

"Okay, Janie, I would love one of your delicious dinosaur pancakes."

Meanwhile, Fran had eaten about half of her large pancake, and by the way that she was acting, I could tell that she was ready to leave the kitchen and "get the show on the road," as they say.

After Mom had made the pancake for Jenny and served it to her with plenty of maple syrup and real butter, Fran got up from the kitchen table, excusing herself in the process, and she whispered something in Mom's ear.

Then both women left the kitchen and I assumed that they headed upstairs to Mom's bedroom.

I stayed there in the kitchen with Jenny, and we talked about all sorts of things. I discovered that Jenny was just a intelligent as she was pretty, which made her even more attractive to me. And I wanted to fuck her so badly I could barely stand it.

But that didn't matter. I had promised Mom that I would fuck her first, before I fucked any other woman who was there at the house this morning.

While Jenny was chewing away on a piece of pancake, she said to me, "Oh, I almost forgot. You Mom asked me to give you these."

And then Jenny reached into her small purse, and pulled out a quart-size, sealed, transparent plastic freezer bag, with what I realized was a pair of her soiled panties wadded up inside. Jenny handed the bag to me with a devilish smile on her cute freckle-nosed face, saying, "I hope you enjoy these dirty panties of mine."

"I'm sure I will," I replied.

"What do you think Fran and Janie as doing right now?"

"I'm sure we'll find out soon enough. Please go ahead and finish your pancake if you want to. You're going to need all the strength you can get."

"From what you described to me in the other room, all I'm going to be doing for a while is masturbating. And it doesn't take much strength to do that."

"That all depends on how much you make yourself cum, now doesn't it?" I corrected her.

"Touché," Jenny replied, and finished quickly wolfing down the rest of her giant dinosaur pancake, by taking overly-large bites of her pancake, and then washing them down with coffee between bites. "Okay, I'm ready to go when you are," Jenny proudly announced. "Am I supposed to get naked here, or do I leave my clothes on."

"Tell you what. Why don't you just play it by ear?"

"Yes, sir," Jenny said sarcastically, and gave me a quick military-style salute, just like an enlisted soldier would do to an officer.

"Don't be a smart ass!" I cautioned her. "You have no idea what you're in for during the next few hours. But I do. So yes, I'm warning you, please don't get ahead of yourself, and overthink things. Just let things happen as they happen, and go with the flow. I guarantee you will have a much better experience that way--especially since my mom is involved. Don't worry. She'll tell you what she wants you to do, and when she wants you to do it, and how she wants you to do it. So why don't we get going and get this show underway?

"Oh, by the way, there's one more thing I need to warn you about. Fran likes to call her pussy her 'jenny,' because her dead husband used to always call his dick his 'johnson.' Get it?"

"Wow! I get it. But that's really fucking weird, if you ask me!"

"Yeah, I know. I agree with you. But I can't teach that old bitch new tricks. So please don't feel insulted when you hear Fran mention her jenny. At least, you'll know now what she's talking about, and that she's not talking about you."

I took Jenny's hand and led her up the stairs and then down the 2nd floor hallway, and into Mom's bedroom, which had the door wide-open, by the way. Jenny and I were greeted by unexpected sight of two post-menopausal naked women lying on their sides, facing each other on top of the bed, with their bodies positioned in opposite directions, as they were busy 69-ing with each other. The sexy-sounding wet smacking noises filled the bedroom as Mom and Fran were eagerly licking, kissing, tonguing, and sucking away at each other's pussies.

When Mom finally glanced over and saw Jenny and me standing at the open bedroom doorway, just watching her and Fran eat pussy, she pulled her face up out of Fran's crotch and said to us, "Well, I'm glad to see you guys could finally make it. Why don't you just take off your clothes and get comfortable, and then sit in those two easy chairs over there, across the room, and enjoy the show?"

Mom dove head-first back into Fran's ancient vulva, and the two women just kept writhing away on top of the bed, as they were giving each other orgasms at different times.

"So was this what you thought it would be?" I asked Jenny, while I was getting undressed, as per Mom's wishes.

"Oh hell no! It's much better!" Jenny said to me, while she was removing her clothing too.

We both sat down, side-by-side, in the two easy chairs. And at first, we just sat there quietly and watched the two older women give each other orgasms on top of the bed.

"Is this turning you on?" I softly asked Jenny.

"Are you kidding me? I'm so wet right now, I can barely stand it."

"Why don't you go ahead and masturbate then?" I suggested. "My mother doesn't expect you to just sit there like a statue, while you're watching other people having sex, right in front of you."

"I'm kind of shy, because I've never done this before," Jenny admitted.

"You've never masturbated?" I asked her.

"No, silly. I've never masturbated in front of other women."

"But Mom told me that you have been having sex with your mother for a long time."

"Yes, I have. But my mother and I normally masturbate each other, instead of ourselves."

"Well, I guess it's time for you to get a little more selfish then. Don't worry. I won't make fun of you, or anything."

Jenny finally eased her right hand down into her bare crotch and began massaging her own pussy, while she just kept staring at the two 69-ing women on top of the bed.

At one point, Mom lifted her mouth up off of Fran's pussy and told her, "That's enough, Fran. Please trade places with Carl, so that he can fuck me. You still do want to watch him fuck me, right?"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world!" Fran announced emphatically. And then she got up out of the bed and walked over to me and said, "It's your turn, young man. Do your mother proud."

As I was getting up out of the easy chair to let Fran sit down in it, she looked over at Jenny and said to her, "Oh my God! You've got some cute boobies on you, young lady. Those puffed-out nipples of yours just make me want to suck the hell out of them! You don't mind, do you?"

Fran leaned over to one side, placing her mouth just inches away from Jenny's right breast and nipple.

"No. Go right ahead," Jenny told Fran, and Fran latched onto Jenny's nipple and began sucking away on it, while I was getting up into the bed to mount my mother. I knew Mom was already so turned-on--and that she had had so many orgasms during her just-completed 69-ing with Fran--that she didn't need any foreplay.

At this point, Mom was just patiently lying there on her back on top of the bed, with her legs spread apart. And it was obvious to me that Mom just wanted me to penetrate her and start humping away. And when I knelt down between Mom's spread-apart legs to mount her, she proved that my assumption was right, when she grabbed the shaft of my dick, and literally shoved the head of my dick up into her own vagina.

When Jenny saw my mother forcefully insert my penis up into her own vagina like that, she commented out loud, "Oh my God! That's some sexy shit!"

I glanced back at Jenny, and I saw that she was now actively masturbating her pussy while she was letting Fran suck away on her right nipple. By the way, Fran was masturbating herself too, just like Jenny was.

And both women were staring at Mom and me like hawks. The only difference was that Jenny was looking straight at us the whole time, whereas Fran was shooting side-glances our way every time she came up for air periodically from sucking Jenny's nipple.

I turned back around and focused on the task-at-hand, which was to try to get Mom pregnant. And of course, the head on my shoulders knew that that was an impossibility. But the head on my penis didn't know that, and that was the important thing.

I humped away at Mom's vagina like crazy, and I came inside her as soon as I could. Fran and Jenny were both actually cheering us on from across the room, as I was filling dear ol' Mom's birth canal with as much sperm as I could.

When my penile contractions subsided, I pulled my dick out of Mom's pussy, and Mom announced across the room, "Fran, you're up next. Get on up into this bed, and let's get you bred. You might need to suck Carl's dick first, to get him hard again. You don't mind, do you?"

"Of course not," Fran said, finally pulling her mouth up off of Jenny's nipple, which she had been periodically sucking away on throughout this entire time.

And when Mom got up out of the bed, Fran took her place on top of the mattress, and immediately told me, "Get over her, boy, so I can work my magic on your johnson."

"Yes, ma'am," I replied with a huge smile on my face, mainly because of the wording that Fran had just used. The words "magic" and "johnson" kept reverberating, bouncing around inside my mind, making me think of the famous basketball player, and imagining Fran sucking his big black dick in front of me.

It was with that disturbing thought inside my head that I moved over to dangle my softening penis in front of Fran's mouth. And she gulped the head of it down, as if my dick hadn't just been inside of her best friend's freshly-creampied pussy.

Meanwhile, Mom took her seat in what had just been Fran's easy chair. Then Mom asked Jenny if she would suck on her breast, just like Fran was doing to Jenny's breast earlier. And Jenny leaned over to the side, and latched onto Mom's large nipple, and began sucking away on it, while both women continued to masturbated and stare at Fran and me.

It was so erotic-looking that I couldn't help but stare at Jenny and Mom while Fran was busy giving me a blowjob. And it didn't take long at all for my dick to stiffen up again in Fran's mouth, which made her giggle away in sheer delight (at least, I assumed she was pleased that she had given me a hard-on).

Then Fran pulled her mouth off of my dick-head, rolled over onto her back, spread her bony old legs apart, and said to me, "Inseminate me, you God damn stallion! My jenny's all yours!"

I heard Jenny instantly burst out laughing from across the room, and then trying her best to hide her laughter from Fran as best as she could, while I knelt down between Fran's thighs as I was getting ready to mount her in a missionary-style position on top of the bed. And I suddenly felt very self-conscious, because I knew that Jenny's eyes were locked on me, and on what I was doing.

I was getting ready to fuck a 77-year-old woman yet once again. But what made this time so different from all the last times that I had fucked Fran was that I was going to be doing it right in front of an 18-year-old girl, which just made it all so bizarre and weird-feeling for me.

Not only that, but Fran had just called her own pussy her "jenny" for the very first time in front of my Jenny.

But then I heard my Jenny enthusiastically call out from across the room, "Come on, Carl! Breed that old bitch! What are you waiting for? You can do it! I have faith in you!"

And hearing my Jenny say those kinds of positive, supportive things to me seemed to make everything feel alright again.

I shoved my dick into Fran's short vagina, and fucked the crap out of her, cumming inside her as soon as I could.

And while I was doing that, Fran was screaming out obscenities and carry on in a decidedly-unladylike manner, until I finally pulled my dick out of her ancient fuck-hole, and rolled over onto my back to rest and relax for a few precious minutes.

And that's when I heard Jenny call out from across the room, "It's my turn now, right?"

And just as I was about to assure Jenny that it was in fact her turn now, Mom quickly jumped in and responded to her with, "Yes, it's your turn alright, sweetie. But not until after we play with each other's pussies for a little while first. Kind of like we did in the ladies' room yesterday, except that this time, we'll both be a lot more comfortable, and we can take our sweet time doing it. You don't mind, do you?"

"No, ma'am. Of course not. That would great," Jenny said softly to Mom, without me being able to detect one ounce of enthusiasm in her voice. I could tell that Jenny was definitely looking forward to having sex with me, but that she was now pretty upset that Mom had just cock-blocked her.

But I also knew that Mom always had her reasons for doing things the way that she did them--even if she didn't tell me what those reasons were in advance. And so I just had to trust that Mom knew what she was doing by cock-blocking Jenny like that.

And I soon learned what Mom was really up to, when she took Jenny by the hand and led her over to the bed, and they both climbed up on top of it, as Mom was asking Fran and me both to move over to the easy chairs, so that we could "watch the show."

And I had a fairly good idea of what Mom meant by telling Fran and me that. But I wasn't prepared for what happened next.

You see, Mom and Jenny didn't just feel out and play with each other's pussies. No, sir. They locked lips, and began openly making love to each other in front of Fran and me, as they were passionately grabbing each other's asses, and tits, and trading saliva back and forth into their open mouths with their tongues.

After a little while, Mom whispered something in Jenny's ear, and then Jenny rotated her body 180 degrees. And the two women began 69-ing with each other, licking and sucking away at each other's pussies, just like Fran and Mom had been doing to one another, when Jenny and I first saw them from the bedroom doorway earlier.

After a few minutes, Mom announced, "Okay, Carl. I've got Jenny all ready for you to fuck. You can thank me later."

The ironic part of all this was that I realized Mom hadn't done any of that lovemaking stuff for Jenny's benefit. It was all being done for her own selfish needs, which she obviously hadn't managed to satisfy in the ladies' restroom yesterday at Wendy's.

But even knowing that, I still wasn't upset with Mom. She was just one lonely, horny lady. That's all. And I couldn't hold it against her for her simply being herself.

As Mom got up out of the bed, and I was walking over towards her, she actually tag-teamed me with her open hand, as if I were a wrestler taking over from my tag-team partner in the ring. And I thought it was quite disgusting that Jenny had to witness that. But then, I didn't have any control over how low-class and crass my mother could be sometimes.

When I looked down at Jenny while I was climbing into bed with her, she had a big smile on her face, as she said to me, "You know. Your mom's right. She did get me all ready for you to fuck."

Jenny flipped over onto her back, spread her legs apart, and waited for me to mount her, just like Fran and Mom had both done previously.

But the truth is I didn't want to start fucking Jenny just yet. I wanted to do all that other kind of romantic stuff that Mom had already done with her.

I wanted to French-kiss Jenny, and hug her, and squeeze her butt in my hands, and feel out her little breasts, and suck on her cute puffed-out nipples, and eat her hairy young pussy, and risk getting her pubic hairs stuck in my teeth.

But Mom had already done all those things with Jenny, and done them right in front of me--in essence, depriving me of that wonderful experience that I had been hoping and waiting for--because now, it was obvious that Jenny was so turned-on that she really only wanted me to do one thing, and that was to have pure, raw, clinical sex with her. She just wanted me to stick my dick in her pussy and fuck her, without showing her any kind of affection.

So that's exactly what I did. But this time, unlike with those two previous women, I tried my best to make the intercourse last as long as I possibly could. And I'm sure that Jenny sensed that, because she had already witnessed how fast I could make myself cum inside my Mom and Fran while I was fucking each of them.

As I was methodically thrusting away at Jenny's tight vagina, she whispered to me in my ear, "Thank you."

"For what?" I whispered right back.

"For not being in a hurry," Jenny replied, letting me know that she was pleased with me trying to make our intercourse last as long as I could, like I was intentionally doing.

"Remember when I told you in the restroom yesterday that you were taking my virginity?" Jenny whispered to me.

"Yes, of course I do. How could I not remember something like that?"

"Well, just know that I was telling you the truth. You are my first, and my only, so far. And I would consider it an honor if you would become my boyfriend."

"But you do know that I'm twice your age, which means that I'm old enough to be your father, right?"

"Of course, I know that. But older men like you really turn me on. Not those silly, immature boys that are around my same age. That's just the way it is for me."

"So then you don't mind me fucking these other women, right in front of you, like I did this morning?"

"Not as long as you don't mind me fucking other men in front of you? I would much rather that you fuck other women in front of me, than to try to do it in secret, behind my back."

"Wow! You're really something! You know that?" I remarked, realizing the depth of what Jenny had just honestly admitted to me.

She had basically let me know that she would have no problem going ahead and having sex with other men in front of me to cuckold me, as well as letting me have sex with other women in front of her to cuckold her (like I had done earlier when I was fucking my mother and Fran in front of Jenny).

Jenny suddenly changed the topic when she said, "Okay, I think you've made the intercourse last long enough. I want you to cum inside me now. Can you do that for me, Carl? I need you to 'inseminate my jenny,'" she said to me, carefully choosing her last three words and overly emphasizing them while saying them to me, as she was intentionally poking fun at what Fran had said to me earlier when we were in bed together.

But when I heard Jenny use the word, "inseminate," it freaked me out, because I remembered how she had told me in the bathroom yesterday afternoon that she was worried that I might get her pregnant.

So when I felt myself getting ready to orgasm, I pulled my dick out of Jenny's nice, warm, wet vagina, and began ejaculating the sperm out onto her lower abdomen.

Jenny suddenly flipped out, asking me, "What the fuck are you doing, Carl? I told you that I wanted you to cum inside me. Why did you pull out, like that?"

"Because I like you too much, and I didn't want to risk getting you pregnant. That's why."

"You don't have to worry about that. I'm on The Pill. And I have been, ever since I was 16 years old."

"So what was all that freaking out you were doing in the ladies' room yesterday, about me possibly getting you pregnant, and stuff."

"I only said that to turn you on more. You can't believe everything a girl says to you."

"Then, how am I supposed to believe you now, when you say you're on The Pill?"

"If you don't believe me, just go pick up my purse off the floor, and look inside it. You'll see a small white circular plastic box with all the tiny pills in it. Open it up, and you'll see that there's one pill matched up for each day of the month. Do you really think I'm stupid enough to let you fuck me without using any birth control?"

"I'm sorry," I told Jenny, as I slowly eased my still-leaky, sperm-tipped dick back up inside of her vagina.

"Gotcha!" Jenny said to me. "The truth is I intentionally 'forgot' to take my birth control pill this morning, and I've decided not to take it again until tomorrow morning. So I guess I'm just being stupid right now. But it's much more fun and exciting that way, don't you think?"

"Boy, I can see why you and my mother get along so well. You're both devious as hell!"

"Hey, I'm right here watching you, you know?" Mom called out from her easy chair.

Then Fran said, "So am I."

"Believe me. I'm painfully aware of that," I told both of the older women.

As I felt my dick softening, I began to pull it out of Jenny's vagina, and she said to me, "Hey, where are you going, mister? You still owe me a wad of sperm in my pussy. And I'm not leaving until you ejaculate inside me, instead of all over my stomach. That's just gross!

"Now, go get a damp wash cloth and clean up all this sticky sperm, and then I'll suck your dick and get it hard again, so that you can fuck me the right way."

As I got up from the bed, and headed for Mom's private bathroom to go and get a warm, damp washcloth and bring it back to clean up the sperm mess that I had left on Jenny's lower abdomen, I thought about how much I admired Jenny's spunk, and her independent nature.

However, just like with my mother, Jenny's unpredictability both impressed me and scared me at the same time, since I never knew what Jenny was going to say--or do--next.

"My bad. I was just teasing you, Carl," Jenny admitted to me, as if to prove my point, while I was carefully wiping up all the little streamers of sperm off her lower abdomen, and her hairy pubic area just above her vulva.

And then she went on to explain to me, "Of course, I'm on The Pill. I wouldn't let you fuck me, if I wasn't. I'm not stupid, you know? I don't want to risk having a kid at 18. But I still want a full load of your sperm in my pussy, as soon as you can get it up again, and put it there with that nice, big dick of yours."

"Can I feel out your breasts?"

"Sure, Carl. If that's what you want to do. I know they're not very big, and they're kind of weird-looking, but they're all I've got," Jenny explained, in a self-deprecating manner, which I found to be quite attractive.

"It is what I want to do. And I just love your cute little titties!" I honestly stated, as I placed the palm of my hand around Jenny's small breast, and then gently squeezed the silver-dollar-size, drastically-protruding, dark-reddish, conical-shaped mound of flesh that was Jenny's puffed-out nipple between my thumb and my fingers.

And that's when I discovered that Mom had been right about Jenny's breasts. Feeling out Jenny's small, strange-looking breasts was quickly causing me to get another erection, especially once I began sucking on one of her super-puffed-out nipples. It felt like I had the breast-bud of a post-pubescent young girl in my mouth, instead the puffed-out nipple of a fully-grown 18-year-old woman.

And within a couple of minutes, I was mounting Jenny again, who was still lying on her back on top of the bed in a missionary-style position, so that I could begin fucking her for the second time that morning--except that this time, I intended to ejaculate my sperm deep inside Jenny's vagina, with my dick-head pressed right up against her cervix, while I was fertilizing her.

"So what happened to me giving you a blowjob to get your dick hard again?" Jenny asked me.

"It wasn't necessary after all. But that's only because your awesome little titties did the trick for me. I don't know why. They just turn me on like crazy! And by the way, Mom told me that your cute little titties turn her on too, just in case you were wondering."

And that's when I heard the sick-sounding, wimpy beeping of the horn of a Volkswagon Beetle car out in front of Mom's house.

"Oh shit!" Jenny cried out, literally pushing me off the top of her. "That's Greg. What the fuck is he doing here right now? He wasn't supposed to pick me up until I called him first to let him know that I was ready to leave. God damn it! That really pisses me off!"

"So what are you gonna do?" I asked Jenny.

"Well, my brother thinks he can just crash our little party. And so that's exactly what I'm gonna let him do. I'm gonna embarrass the hell out of him too. Because Greg has no idea that we're having an orgy right here in your mother's bedroom."

Jenny quickly put on her panties and her T-shirt, and she went downstairs to open the front door and invite her older brother into Mom's house, before bringing him up the stairs behind her, and leading him directly into Mom's bedroom, which was feeling a little overcrowded now that there were five adults in the bedroom.

Jenny immediately pulled off her T-shirt and took her panties off to get buck-naked again, leaving her brother as the only person in the room who was still fully-clothed. And I could see that he was turning all sorts of shades of red from pure embarrassment.

"Well, what're you waiting for, Greg?" Jenny barked out at her older brother. "Now that you decided to crash my God damn party, you might as well take your fucking clothes off and join the party.

"Allow me to introduce you to everyone," Jenny said to Greg while he was slowly and hesitantly undressing himself and dropping his clothing onto the bedroom floor. "This is my older brother, Greg. And Greg, this is Carl, my new boyfriend. And this is Carl's mother, Janie, and her next-door neighbor, Fran."

Greg went around shaking everyone's hands as he was being introduced to each of us, which felt really weird, considering the circumstances.

Jenny went on to explain to her big brother, "Well, this is basically what's happened so far. Before you got here, Janie and Fran 69'd with each other, eating out each other's pussies. And that was an awesome sight to see, to be sure!

"And then Carl fucked Janie. And then Carl fucked Fran. And then Janie and I 69'd with each other and ate out each other's pussies, before Carl fucked me.

"But unlike with Janie and Fran, Carl pulled out of me right before he was just about to cum inside me, and he squirted sperm all over my lower abdomen.

"But that was really my fault, because I lied to him, and I told him that I wasn't using any birth control. I did it because was trying to turn him on more, but that backfired on me.

"So Carl was just beginning to fuck me again--this time, so that he could cum inside me, like I was wanting him to--when you pulled up in your car and started honking that God damn horn of yours like a fucking moron, and brought everything to a grinding halt.

"So the way I see it, you owe us all big time! So how are you gonna make it up to us? Well, first of all, you need to take off your fucking pants and your underwear like a big boy, and show us your God damn package."

Jenny shifted her attention to the rest of us in the room and said, "You guys want to see what Greg's package looks like, don't you?" And we all nodded our heads in agreement, looking around at each other for approval.

"First, I've gotta warn you, my package doesn't look like most other men's."

"Well, big brother, why exactly is that? Why don't you go ahead and pull your pants down, and let us finally see this unique-looking package of yours."

Greg pulled down his pants and his boxer briefs down around his thighs to expose his package to everyone. And at first glance, it looked like the average size, circumcised penis that one would find gracing the crotch of most American men nowadays.

But then I noticed that Greg had shaved his entire pubic area--except for his balls. And that's when I instantly assumed that Greg was gay.

"Why didn't you tell us that your brother is gay?" I asked Jenny.

And she replied, "Because even though I suspected it, I wasn't 100% sure of it myself, until now. You are gay, right, Greg?"

"No, sis, I'm not. But I do prefer having sex with other men, instead of women."

"Wow! That sure changes everything. So then women, and their tits and their pussies don't turn you on?"

"Of course, they do. It's just that I've been very hesitant to try to have sex with women, because I wasn't sure how well they would accept my curse. It's called hypospadias, and I was born with this permanent condition. Take a close look at the tip of my dick. Do you see a piss-hole slit anywhere?"

"Oh, my God!" Jenny remarked. "How do you pee?"

"Oh, I do have a piss-hole, believe me. But it's not a small slit at the tip of my dick, like it is for other men. It's not even located on my dick-head.

"My piss-hole is a tiny, circular hole located on the underside of my shaft, just below where my dick-head connects to my shaft. My urethra's actually inside the fold of my foreskin, and that's what protects it. Here, I'll show you guys."

Greg held his slowly-stiffening shaft straight up in the air, so that we could all see the entire length of the underside of his growing penis. Then he retracted his foreskin all the way back, as far as it would go down his dick-shaft, to show us the small, circular, gaping hole that obviously served as his piss-hole opening.

"As you can image, throughout my life, I have been extremely self-conscious and ashamed about letting any woman see what my deformed dick looks like. I can only hope that you ladies don't find the look of my dick to be so disgusting that you don't want to have sex with me."

"Oh God no!" Jenny reassured her brother. "I want that sexy-looking dick of yours in my pussy so badly I can barely stand it. The truth is I've been fantasizing about fucking my big brother for years. I don't really care that your piss-hole's not on the tip of your dick--or that it's round, instead of being a small slit--just as long as your package is fully-functional. It is, fully-functional, isn't it?"

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that, sis. My package is definitely fully-functional. It's just that I always felt much less ashamed letting other men see my strange-looking dick. And they have always been very accepting of my 'uniqueness.' And that's why, up until now, I have only had gay sexual relationships."

Upon hearing her brother say that, Jenny suddenly exploded right into his face, yelling at him, "You're a fucking liar! You haven't just been having sex with other guys. You've been having sex with women too."

"Oh yeah, miss smarty pants? What women have I been having sex with?"

"There's only one woman that I know of, for sure. You've been fucking our mother!"

"Hey, that's not true!" Greg barked back defensively.

"Don't try to deny it, Greg. Mom confessed that to me herself. She told me that you two had been secret fuck-buddies for over a year now. And she said that you had gotten pretty good at fucking, too. And believe it or not, she said that she wouldn't mind it if I took you for a test drive sometime myself.

"Well, big brother, I'm ready for that test drive now. I want you to prove to me just how good you are in the sack. I want you to fuck me in front of Carl and the other ladies in this room. Come on. What do you got to lose but a little bit of sperm? Just as long as you lose it inside my vajayjay, I'll be a happy camper. What do you say, Greg? Are you up for a roll in the hay with your little sister?"

"God damn it, sis, this is some twisted shit! You can't ever tell anybody that we did this together. Promise me."

"I promise. I won't ever tell anybody. Now, get over here and let me play with your weird-looking dick, and get it nice and hard, so that you can fuck me in front of my boyfriend.

"And don't even think about backing out now, or I'll tell your little gay-boy lovers that you've been fucking your own mother. I'm sure it would thrill them to find out that that's what you've really been doing late at nights when you sneak into Mom's bedroom, and climb into bed with her. How long have you been secretly fucking Mom?"

Jenny reached across and grabbed hold of her brother's bare partially-erect dick, and she began squeezing it and feeling it out, as well as fondling his balls.

"I started doing it a few months after she kicked dad out of the house, and then filed for a divorce. And I'm not the one who started it either. She did.

"Mom walked into the bathroom while I was showering one day. Of course, you weren't at home at the time. And she took off all her clothes and stepped into the shower with me. And she asked me if I wanted to touch and feel out her pussy.

"And before I could answer her, she had her hand wrapped around my dick. And she told me that she wasn't going to take 'no' for an answer. And of course, I felt much more comfortable with the idea of letting Mom see and touch my dick than I did with the idea of me showing it to any other women, because Mom had known all about my hypospadic penis ever since I was born.

"So while Mom was squeezing my dick and playing with it, my hand just automatically shot out into her bare crotch, and I started groping away at her pussy with my fingers. And at that point, I knew there was no turning back for either of us.

"And that's how Mom and I ended up fucking in the shower."

"And you didn't just fuck Mom once that day, now did you?" Jenny prodded Greg.

"How do you know that?"

"Mom told me so herself. She told me about everything that took place between you and her that day in the shower and afterwards. Mom was feeling super-ashamed about what she did with you that day. About how she got so horny that she went ahead seduced her own son, and took his virginity. And she spilled the beans, pouring her heart out to me. So I know that you didn't just fuck Mom once that day, now did you?"

"No, I didn't. After Mom took my virginity in the shower that day, I followed her straight to her bed, and we made love to one another. Basically, Mom and I fucked two more times before she was finally done with me that day."

"Afterwards, I felt so filthy and depraved. I mean, of all the people in the world that I could imagine myself having sex with, my own mother was the last person I would ever think that that would happen with.

"But I also couldn't deny the fact that it did actually happen that day--and that I wanted to keep on fucking my own mother, whenever she needed me to help her get her rocks off."

"I know exactly how you feel," I said to Greg.

Jenny said to Greg, "You do realize that if you keep fucking Mom like you're doing, you're probably gonna get her pregnant eventually, right? I mean, Mom hasn't hit menopause yet."

"What are you talking about? She's on birth control."

"Yeah, if you can call it that. It's called the rhythm method. It's the same thing the Catholics have been using for years. Buy it's only about 75% effective, and those aren't very good odds, if you ask me. Just think about it for a moment. If you keep fucking Mom over the course of a year, there's a 1 in 4 chance that you're going to knock her up. Then, what are you guys gonna do?"

"You're wrong about Mom. She doesn't use the rhythm method. I know that for a fact. And I don't just go to her bedroom, unless she invites me there first. And that's because Mom normally doesn't invite me into her bedroom until she's feeling super-horny and most-likely ovulating. Then we'll usually fuck several times a night for four or five nights in a row, before Mom will go down to the pharmacy and get a morning-after pill to take, so that she doesn't end up getting pregnant. That's her version of birth control.

"Then Mom and I will agree not to have sex for the next three weeks, or so--and I'll just turn to my boyfriends for sex, whenever I get feeling horny--until Mom starts ovulating again, because that's the only time when she's feeling so horny that she wants me to go ahead and sleep with her. By the way, she admitted that to me herself. And that's when Mom'll just walk up to me and say something along the lines of, 'It's time for you and I to make love tonight, don't you think?'

"And so far, Mom's version of birth control has worked like a charm for us. I mean, Mom's still not pregnant, is she? And we've been fucking periodically for well over a year now."

Jenny jumped in to warn Greg, "Be careful, big brother. You're playing with fire. And you know that."

"Yes, of course I know that. But I also can't stop myself, either. And if I get burned, then so be it. All I can say is that it's an incredible turn-on knowing that my own mother is encouraging me to fuck her and fertilize her ovulating womb. And I'll jump at the chance to do that anytime it comes along. Now I ask you, what son gets to do that to their own mother? I feel truly blessed."

Greg caught me by surprise when he abruptly shifted his attention from Jenny to me, as he said to me, "I can't believe you don't mind me fucking your girlfriend in front of you."

"Well believe it or not, that's because your little sister obviously wants you to fuck her in front of me. So who am I to deny her that?"

"Wow! You're one hell of an understanding person. That's all I can say."

"No, I'm not. But Jenny's obviously wanting me to try out cuckolding with her, which can really enrich a person's sexual relationship, judging from what my mother told me about her own experience with cuckolding my father, back when he was alive.

"Besides, I want to watch you cum inside your little sister's pussy. Just so you know, I fucked my own little sister the last time I was in town visiting Mom."

"Wow! That's wild!" Greg said, and then asked me, "By the way, you've got a really nice-looking dick on you. Would you mind if I touch it and feel it?"

"Go right ahead," I told Greg, without even thinking about it.

I'm normally not into having sex with guys. But there was something very disarming and gentlemanly about the way that Greg asked that question that made the idea of my having his hands touching and feeling my dick seem okay. And so while Jenny continued playing with her brother's dick, he began fondling mine at the same time.

And at that moment, Jenny strategically reached up and retracted her big brother's foreskin all the way down around the base of his dick-head, so that she could get a close-up view of her brother's hypospadic urethral opening that had previously been hiding in the fold of his foreskin on the underside of his dick-shaft.

"You know you don't have to fuck me, if you don't want to," Jenny said to Greg, offering him a way out, so that he could save face if he was wanting to. "But I sure wish you would. I've been fantasizing about you fucking me for years. I can't believe you haven't fantasized about fucking me."

"Who says I haven't?" Greg remarked. "Just 'cuz I didn't act on my fantasy doesn't mean that I didn't have one. I mean, what brother doesn't fantasize about what it would be like to have sex with his own sister. Especially when that sister is as attractive as you are."

"You're a good-looking stud yourself," Jenny said, lying back down on her back on top of the bed, and spreading her legs far apart. "Now get up here on top of this bed and fuck me hard. Can you do that for me?"

Greg scrambled up onto the bed, knelt between Jenny's slender thighs, maneuvered the head of his dick forward to rub it up and down her wet pussy crack a couple of times, before he pressed the tip of his average-size dick against her vagina entrance, and slowly began to penetrate her baby-making hole with the head of his dick.

Greg abruptly stopped his forward penetration motion, freezing like a human statue, and we all heard him say to himself, "Oh shit! God damn it! I'm just too excited!"

"What the fuck are you doing, Greg?" Jenny asked him. "Are you cumming all over my ass-hole?"

"I'm sorry, sis. I didn't mean to do that. I'll make it up to you. I promise!"

Meanwhile, as Greg was apologizing profusely to Jenny, his rhythmically-throbbing penis had begun to faithfully pump his semen out of his hypospadic piss-hole opening on the underside of his dick-shaft to coat her asshole with his sperm, which automatically was flowing downward from her asshole and dripping onto the sheets between her legs.

Jenny suddenly unleashed her wrath upon him verbally, "For Christ's sake, shove your dick all the up inside me right now, God damn it! I don't want you sperm all over my asshole! I want it in my pussy!"

Greg immediately responded by shoving his already-ejaculating dick all the way up into his little sister's vagina, as deep as it would go. And then he just left his dick in place while he continued to release what little was left of his wad of sperm directly inside of his sister's vagina.

Jenny praised Greg for his quick cooperation with her demands, "That's much better. And a lot less messy, don't you think?"

"I'm so sorry, sis. I don't know what got into me. I just froze when I felt myself starting to cum, before I was able to stick my dick all the way up into your pussy, and start fucking you."

"That's okay, Greg. That's kind of what I was expecting you to do. I mean, let's face it, the truth is that guys just don't seem to be able to make intercourse last very long the very first time that they fuck a woman--especially when they find themselves in a super-erotic, taboo situation like fucking their own sister.

"How long did you last when you penetrated Mom's pussy to fuck her in the shower that very first time? Now, be honest with me."

"No more than a few seconds, I'm sure. I remember making two or three thrusts, and then I shot my wad."

"You see. That's probably why Mom let you fuck her again twice that day. She was trying to build up your confidence."

"Really? I thought it was because she was feeling super-horny."

"Well, that too. But how long did you last that second time with Mom?"

"Maybe a couple of minutes, at the most."

"And the third time?"

"My best guess is that I lasted about five minutes or so."

"Well, that's a heck of an improvement over a few seconds, don't you think?

"And believe it or not--despite what you've seen in the porn videos--the reality is that intercourse doesn't normally last very long, does it, ladies?"

"No, it sure the hell doesn't," Mom announced in agreement, as she and Fran were both slowly shaking their heads from side-to-side in disapproval.

Jenny jumped right back in to continue her explanation to her older brother, "The truth is we women are lucky to get three or four minutes of intercourse out of a guy before he ejaculates, which usually brings the whole experience to an end.

"That's why foreplay is so important to women. But that's only because women normally take a lot longer to get turned-on than men do, just in case you haven't noticed," Jenny added in a very sarcastic tone-of-voice.

"Anyway, I'm sure you'll last a lot longer the next time around with me, just like you did with Mom," Jenny encouraged her brother, this time, in a very nurturing sort of way.

"I'm just glad that you actually want there to be a 'next time around' with you, that's all," a decidedly-humbled Greg softly admitted to Jenny, before pulling his dick out of her creampied vagina, and getting off the bed, so that I could take his place between his younger sister's still-spread-apart thighs.

I mounted Jenny's super-sexy-looking, hairy pussy and I energetically thrust away at her creampied vagina during our intercourse, which lasted at least two to three minutes, before I finally ejaculated deep inside her vagina, with the head of my dick pressed right up against her cervix, as I was forcefully squirting my sperm directly out of my piss-hole slit right up against the neck of her uterus--which I knew was something that Greg would never be able to do, because of his hypospadic penis.

And while I was busy fucking Jenny, my mother was sitting in one of the easy chairs across the bedroom, watching me, while Greg was standing in front of my mother, letting her feel out and play with his dick and balls, and Fran was leaned over her chair and sucking away on Mom's closest nipple.

After a little while, Fran pulled her dentures out, got down on her knees in front of Greg's bare crotch, and gave him that same wonderfully-unique blow that I was lucky enough to have received from her earlier. Of course, Greg got a hard-on in no time, what with all the attention being paid to his private parts by the two older women.

When Fran saw that the "fruits of her labor" had paid off, she put her dentures back in, and asked Greg point-blank, "So who do you want to have sexual intercourse with next? Me, or Janie?"

"I'll have to pick Janie, since she's the host of this little orgy we're having."

"Damn it! I knew you'd say that. So I guess I'll just have to sit here and masturbate while you two go at it."

When Mom heard Greg's answer to Fran's question, she acted like she had just won the lottery, as she excitedly threw herself on top of the bed, right next Jenny and me. And Mom spread her legs apart, showing off her huge clitoris to Greg, as she asked him, "Do you like my 'little dick?' And does it turn you on?"

Greg got up on top of the bed, between Mom's fat thighs this time. And he began ever so gently and slowly rubbing his exposed dick-head up against the head of her clit, as he told her, "Are you kidding me? That's gotta be the sexiest-looking clitoris that I've ever seen in my entire life! It must've taken you years to finally let another person actually see that 'bad boy' down between your legs."

"You've got that right! Just like with you and your unique-looking penis, I spend years being ashamed and insecure about my huge clitoris. But then my husband, Sam, came along--God rest his soul--and he told me how much my clit turned him on, just like you did a few moments ago, and that changed everything for me. I'm not ashamed or insecure about my clit anymore.

"So you want to fuck this old-lady pussy of mine, do you? Well, go right ahead, young man. You've got my permission. And I guarantee you'll enjoy the experience. I know Carl sure does."

It was a huge turn-on for me to watch Greg's dick sink into Mom's baby-making hole as he was initially penetrating her. But I have to admit that I also felt a little jealous. I wanted it to be my dick inside Mom's vagina--not Greg's. Especially, when he began thrusting away, and Mom began to repeatedly cum and vocalize quite loudly during Greg's thrusting. I instantly noticed that Mom was cumming and vocalizing much more than she tends to do whenever I'm thrusting away at her pussy like Greg was doing.

And then my mother did something very unexpected. She began to passionately French-kiss Greg during their intercourse--an intercourse which unfortunately lasted way too long for my liking.

And that wide-open-mouth, tongues-exchanging-saliva, French-kissing made me even more jealous of Greg than I already was. But I also realized that there was absolutely nothing I could do about it, except to witness Greg's and Mom's intercourse, until Greg finally ejaculated inside my mother's vagina to ultimate bring their intercourse to an end.

As soon as Greg eased his dick out of Mom's pussy, Fran called out to Mom from across the room, "It's my turn now, damn it! I want Greg to have intercourse with me just like that, with the kissing and everything."

And Mom called back to her, "Okay, Fran. He's all yours."

Then Mom pushed Greg off the top of her so that she could trade places with Fran, and let Greg mount her and fuck her next.

But naturally, Greg was quickly losing his erection. But that didn't matter to Fran, because she was a true expert at getting that erection back again. She had Greg eat her wrinkled-up pussy in a 69 position, with her lying on her back, while she was sucking his dick at the same time.

And as soon as his dick started coming back to life, Greg spun his body around 180 degrees and mounted Fran's ancient pussy while kneeling between her toothpick thighs.

"How old are you again?" Greg asked her, as he was slowly penetrating her vaginal entrance to slide his dick up into her short vagina.

"It's not nice to ask a woman her age. However, if you must know, I'm 77 years old. But please don't tell anyone. It's our little secret. Okay?"

"Yeah, right. Like I'm going to leave here today, and tell all my gay friends that I fucked a 77-year-old lady, after I finished fucking my own sister."

"Hey, what about me? You just finished fucking me too, remember?" Mom complained to Greg.

"And you didn't exactly finish fucking me either," Jenny announced to Greg. "That's why you're going to have to fuck me again before you leave this bedroom today."

"Okay, okay!" Greg defended himself, since he was getting attacked from all sides, thanks to his not-so-well-thought-out statement to Fran. "But you guys all get my point, don't you?"

"Sure. I'm getting your 'point' right now, sweetheart," Fran told Greg in a very dead-pan, serious tone-of-voice, as he was starting to slowly thrust away at her decrepit vagina.

And upon hearing Fran's reply, we all cracked up laughing. Even Greg couldn't help but laugh at Fran's witty joke.

When the laughing finally died down, Fran told Greg, "And by the way, I'm not anywhere near as fragile as I look. So there's no need for you to hold back during our intercourse. You can thrust away until your heart's content, young man. The more you enjoy our intercourse, the more I will."

"Yes, ma'am," Greg told her. "But if I'm kissing you at the same time, I can't go quite as fast on the thrusting stuff."

"I know that," Fran told him. "I've been around the block at few times, you know?"

"So do you still want me to kiss you while I'm fucking you?"

"Are you kidding me? I can't believe you even have to ask me that. I'm a woman, remember? And if a women really likes you a lot and finds you exceptionally attractive, she will naturally want to feel like you're making love to her, and not just having sex with her. And for most women that I know, the main difference between those two things is that making love involves kissing, whereas having sex does not.

"So the bottom line is that you had sex with your sister, but you made love to Janie afterwards, by kissing her passionately while you were inseminating her. Didn't he, Janie?"

"You bet he did!" Mom quickly chimed in. "And I made love to him too, instead of just fucking him--even though I'm not in love with him, and of course, he's obviously not in love with me either. But for those few precious minutes while Greg and I were coupled up and kissing, it sure felt of me like we were lovers."

"So, Greg, would you do this old lady the great honor right now of being my temporary young lover--just until you finish inseminating my jenny?"

"How can I refuse you, when you put it that way?" Greg asked, and he immediately locked lips with Fran.

And then Greg continued to passionately French-kiss Fran throughout the whole time that he was actively attempting to "inseminate her jenny"--a task which Greg accomplished with great ease, just like I had done many times before, whenever I was fucking Fran. There was only one big, glaring difference Greg's intercourse with Fran and mine: Fran never tried to kiss me whenever I was fucking her.

And I was beginning to wonder if there was something wrong with me. Something that kept Fran from wanting to kiss me while I was having sexual intercourse with her. In other words, something that was causing Fran to just want me to fuck her, instead of her actually trying to kiss me and make love to me during our intercourse.

Of course, the last thing I wanted was to kiss Fran during sex. It was bad enough when I have had to lick and tongue her old, shriveled-up pussy. But that still didn't make things any less depressing for me.

All I could think about at that moment was why hadn't Fran ever asked me to kiss her during any of our past intercourse sessions, like she had asked Greg to do?

Then I realized that the answer to that question had to be that Greg is much younger than me, and he's in much better physical shape than me, and he's definitely much more handsome-looking than I am.

So apparently, the fact that I'm the guy who has the much larger, 7-inch-long penis between his legs doesn't count towards my "kissibility factor" as far as Fran was concerned.

All I could hope now was that Jenny doesn't feel that same way about me. Because I desperately needed to make love to her--not just have pure, raw, clinical sex with her, like I had been doing up to this point.

When Jenny saw Greg dismount Fran, she announced to the room that it was time for the two males in the room to have sex together in front of all the women.

"What are you doing?" I leaned over to urgently whisper in Jenny's ear.

"I've always wanted to watch two guys have sex with each other. When will I get another chance like this?" Jenny whispered right back in my ear. "Now, I want you to 69 with my big brother on top the bed, and play nice, okay? I mean, you don't have to suck his dick, if you don't want to. But you've got to get him hard, so that he can fuck me again, okay? I promise you, I'll make it worth your while later."

I got up out of bed, stood up straight, and announced to the whole room, "Alrighty, folks, it's intermission time. I'm going to go get some warm, wet washcloths so that we can all get cleaned up a little bit, before we get underway again. Is everyone good with that? I mean, wouldn't it be nice for us all to start out again with clean genitals?"

"Here, here!" Mom called out in support of my idea.

"A clean jenny is a godly jenny! Fran proudly announced in an overly-loud voice.

"I don't know about that, Fran!" Jenny challenged sarcastically. "My jenny's never felt godly to me, no matter how clean it is--although I have to admit, it does make me see God from time to time!"

And everyone in the room--except for Fran--broke out laughing while I was heading to the bathroom that was connected to Mom's bedroom to raid the linen closet for five separate wash cloths that I could wet with warm water under the bathroom spigot, wring out the excess moisture from them, and then distribute them to our guests when I returned to the bedroom.

It was a truly weird and erotic experience watching four other adults in the same room as they were carefully wiping down (cleaning up the sperm and other sexual fluids from) their own bare genitals at the same time as I was wiping down my own dick and my balls.

Mom and Fran were sitting in the two easy chairs, side-by-side, and Jenny was sitting on the edge of the mattress at the foot of the bed when Greg and I climbed on top of the bed together, lying on our sides, facing each other. Then I maneuvered my body around 180 degrees so that his dick and balls were right in front of my face, and mine were right in front of his.

Just moments after I got into this 69 body position, Greg grabbed hold of my dick-shaft, and I was shocked when I felt his mouth slide down around the head of my dick as he began giving me a blowjob. For some reason, I had just assumed that we would both feel and play with each other's dicks. But now Greg had unexpectedly taken things to a whole new level.

The worst part was that my dick was automatically responding to Greg's oral efforts. I could feel it growing and stiffening in his mouth.

I could also see and feel Greg's dick as it was rapidly growing and stiffening in my hand, while all I was doing was gently touching it and visually examining it up close--especially that freaky-looking smooth-tipped dick-head and that odd-looking piss-hole opening of his.

And while Greg was sucking away on my dick-head, it didn't take very long at all for him to get another full-blown hard-on between his legs, without me ever having done anything intentionally to try to cause his penis to become erect. This automatic erection response of Greg's let me know that he wasn't lying about his feeling much more comfortable with--and turned on by--the idea of him having sex with other guys.

But I wasn't there to have gay sex with him. I was there at Jenny's request to try to get his dick nice and hard so that he could fuck my new girlfriend at his earliest convenience--which for me, meant as soon as possible. And this time, I definitely wasn't going to let him hold onto my dick while he was attempting to fuck his younger sister at the same time.

I abruptly pulled my hips and my genital area away from Greg's mouth and his groping hands, and I got up out of the bed.

Greg complained, "Hey, man. Where are you going? I wasn't finished yet."

"Oh yes you are! You need to fuck that awesome little sister of yours right now! And do it with some class this time, okay?" I said to him, and I stood up at the foot of the bed, gesturing towards Jenny, who was now lying on her back on the other side of the bed, and spreading her legs apart, while she was holding her arms out wide apart to welcome her brother to couple up with her.

"That's right," Jenny said to Greg. "I need you to 'do me,' big brother. And don't hold back. I want you to 'do me' just like you 'do Mom,' whenever you guys fuck."

"I'll do the best I can," Greg told Jenny as he was kneeling down between her spread apart thighs, preparing to mount her and start fucking her.

Meanwhile, since I was standing at the foot of the bed, I had the perfect view of their two genitals getting ready to couple up. And when I saw Greg's penis slide all the up inside Jenny's vagina, she reacted as if she were a young child on a ride at Disney World. In other words, she was the very definition of the word, "giddy."

And when he began thrusting away very slowly at her vagina, she couldn't stop talking to him. She was telling Greg about how great his dick felt inside her, and she asked him if he would fuck her in front of their mother sometime.

Greg nodded his head as he kept slowing thrusting away at his little sister's vagina, and I could tell from the way that he was thrusting that something wasn't quite right.

At this point, Greg had made maybe four or five slow forward thrusts, at the most. And then I saw his perineum area and his asshole sphincter start rhythmically pulsating as he just kept on slowly thrusting away, and I assumed that he was trying his best to hide the fact that he was already ejaculating inside Jenny's vagina.

But Jenny must have instantly sensed it when her vagina suddenly got wetter, because she asked Greg, "Are you cumming inside me already? I can't believe it! I thought you'd last at least a couple of minutes this time around. But I guess I was wrong."

"I'm sorry, sis! I don't know what's wrong with me. You just get me too excited, and I can't keep from cumming, and--"

"--Look at me!" Jenny said sternly cutting Greg off to intentionally interrupt his excuse-making.

And then Jenny added in a very calm and nurturing tone-of-voice. "I'm not upset with you for getting super-excited about having sex with me. Actually it's quite flattering. And there's nothing wrong with you that a little bit of time and patience won't cure. But hey, look at the bright side. At least this time, you're releasing all of your sperm inside my pussy. Now that's an improvement, isn't it?"

"Yeah, I guess it is," Greg half-heartedly agreed, while he continued to slowly thrust his still-mildly-throbbing penis in and out of his little sister's baby-making hole as his sperm-release was naturally tapering off.

Then Greg stopped thrusting and collapsed on top of Jenny, and he started crying like a little baby, as he kept apologizing profusely to her.

"What the fuck, Greg!" Jenny rebuked him loudly. "Man up, God damn it! Either that, or get the fuck off of me right now and go home. I'm sure I can catch a ride home later with someone here."

"You bet," Mom chimed in. "I'll be more than happy to give you a ride home later."

Greg's response to all this was to get up out of bed, still apologizing to Jenny the whole time. And he quickly got dressed, and then took off down the stairs to leave without even saying goodby to anyone in the room.

We all heard the tires of his Volkswagen Beetle peel out at the curb in front of Mom's house, when he gunned the engine and took off down the street like a bat out of hell.

We all just looked at one another for a moment, and then Jenny finally spoke up, saying, "I'm glad that's over with. That son of a bitch had no business being here anyway. He wasn't even invited. I'm sorry that I put all of you through that."

"You have nothing to be sorry about, Jenny," Fran spoke up. "Your brother was one damn good fuck! That's all I can say."

Hearing Fran say the word "fuck" sounded so out-of-character for her that Mom and Jenny and I could only laugh at her choice of words.

"What's so funny?" Fran asked us.

"You are," Moms said to her. "I don't think I've ever heard you say the word, 'fuck' ever since I've known you."

"Well, it's true, isn't it? Greg was a damn good fuck!" Fran reiterated.

"Yes, Fran, you're absolutely right about that. Greg was a damn good fuck! For me too," Mom said.

"Yeah, well, things weren't that way for me," Jenny announced. "In fact, I don't even know what to make out of what just happened a few minutes ago, to be honest with you. It was pretty damn embarrassing, if you ask me. I never realized just how big of a pussy my brother is--until now. I wonder if he pulls the same kind of shit when he's fucking Mom. I sure hope not, for her sake."

"Well, all of us are behind you 100%," Mom announced. "We love having you here with us, Jenny. So right now, I'm going to take Fran downstairs with me, and leave you and Carl alone here in my bedroom so that you guys can spend some quality time together, if you get my drift."

Mom gave Jenny and me a quick wink, and then took off down the stairs hand-in-hand with Fran. Both women were still naked as jaybirds, and giggling away in sheer delight.

It was easy to tell that Fran and Mom had very special sexual relationship together. I was hoping to eventually develop that kind of relationship with Jenny. But right now, I assumed that I had to walk on egg shells, considering what had just happened between Jenny and her older brother.

However, as soon as Fran and Mom had left the bedroom, Jenny suddenly transformed into the Jenny that I knew and admired. The same wonderful, quirky Jenny that I had had the quickie with in the bathroom at Wendy's.

"You know, it made me cum and got me really wet when I was watching you play with my brother's weird-looking dick, while you were letting him give you a blowjob, because I knew that you were doing all that for me, weren't you?"

"Yeah. I was," I agreed.

"Well, I'm going to do something very special for you right now. How would you like to fuck me in the ass? Would that turn you on?"

"Oh hell yeah! But are you sure you want me to do that? I mean, I've never fucked anyone in the ass before. Are you sure I won't hurt you, or anything?"

"You worry too much. It's not that big of a deal, just as long as you get well-lubricated first, before you try to mount my little butt-hole. But I'll take care of that with some good ol' saliva.

"The truth is I'm always sticking hairbrushes and vibrators and other stuff up my ass when I masturbate. And I do it because it feels really good to me when I do it, and it always makes me cum really hard. I hope you don't think that's too weird."

"No. On the contrary, I feel like I just won the lottery! I've always dreamed of having a girlfriend who was into the more kinky stuff, like butt-fucking and cuckolding. I admire you for being so open and accepting of your own sexuality, and not being afraid to share it with me."

"Be careful what you wish for, Carl, 'cuz you might have just gotten more than you bargained for. This girl's got lots of kinky fetishes that you still don't even know about."

"Well, so do I," I announced proudly.

"Like what?" Jenny challenged me to get more specific with her.

"Like for instance, it really turns me on to watch my mother have sex with you in front of me. That's pretty kinky, isn't it?"

"Not as kinky as me pulling my dirty panties out of the laundry hamper, and then sticking them up inside my own vajayjay, so that I could masturbate with them inside me, before I finally pulled them out of my pussy and stuck them in that plastic bag, so that I could bring them over here and give them to you. After your mom told me about your panty masturbation fetish, I figured the more of my pussy stench that I could get on my panties, the better."

"It's not 'stench' to me. It's 'ambrosia.' I'll be happy to stick my nose and my tongue in your pussy any day of the week. Just say when."

"How about now?" Jenny unexpectedly challenged me again.

And I immediately looked down at her bare pubic-hair-bordered vulva, and I saw her brother's recently-ejaculated sperm still oozing out of her vagina and falling down onto the sheets, between her spread-apart thighs.

"It's tainted. It's got your brother's sperm in it."

"Yeah, I know. I want you to lick all that sperm up with your tongue, and then French-kiss me and stick your tongue in my mouth, so that I can taste my own brother's sperm. Is that kinky enough for you?"

"Damn, woman! You are something else, aren't you?"

"Yes I am. And don't you ever forget it! Now be a good little boyfriend, and get down between my fucking legs and start licking up Greg's sperm out of my motherfucking pussy, before all of it oozes out!"

I knelt down between Jenny's muscular thighs, stuck my tongue up into her creampied vagina, and got as much sperm on my tongue as I could, before pulling it out of her fuck-hole, and moving over the top of her chest to French-kiss her and let gravity--along with my tongue--transfer my sperm-laden saliva directly into her mouth during our long, passionate, mouths-open-wide French-kiss.

Jenny suddenly pulled her head back from our kiss and complained to me, "Hey, I didn't say that you could fuck me! Get your dick out of my pussy right now, God damn it! You're supposed to fuck me in the ass, remember? I'm sure your dick's got plenty of lubrication on it right now, so it shouldn't be any problem. I'm just going to ease it into my little asshole, if you don't mind."

Jenny paused for a moment, just looking at me with a very serious look on her face, while she reached down into my crotch area, grabbed hold of my dick-shaft, pulled it out of her vagina, moved it slightly downward as she tilted her pelvis forward at the same time, and then held the head of my dick pressed up against her asshole opening until her asshole sphincter muscles finally gave way, letting my slick penis slide all the way up into her rectum.

She took in a deep breath as my dick was sliding up into her rectum, and then she said to me, "Oh my God! I can't even begin to describe to you just how good that feels, and how much it turns me on. You can go ahead and start thrusting whenever you're ready."

And I began slowly thrusting my dick in and out of Jenny's asshole while we were French-kissing some more. Meanwhile, Jenny slide the flattened-out palm of her hand down between our two lower abdomens, and I feel her fingers moving around as she began diddling away at her own clit and the front part of her pussy crack.

And within a couple of minutes, Jenny finally pulled away from our French-kiss and she announced loudly, "Oh shit! That's feels fucking great! Don't stop!"

Within moments, Jenny screamed out a long "ahhhhh" sound. And I felt her orgasm strongly, when her asshole sphincter muscles rhythmically clamped down firmly around my dick-shaft, and then relaxed before clamping down over and over again.

And at that point, I realized that Jenny hadn't been lying to me about anal intercourse really turning her on a lot. I had never seen Jenny orgasm so strongly before. Not even when Mom was having sex with her earlier.

Eventually, Jenny came down from her orgasmic high, and I felt her anal sphincter muscles lighten up around my dick-shaft.

"I've never seen you cum so hard before. Why does this turn you on so much?" I asked as I felt myself getting closer and closer to my own orgasm and sperm-release.

"You've got to understand something. When I told you in the bathroom at Wendy's that I was virgin, I wasn't lying to you, because in the past I had used God's loophole with my ex-boyfriends."

"God's loophole?" I asked, not ever having heard that terminology before.

"I'm not surprised. You're quite a bit older than me, remember?"

"Hey! You don't have to rub it in."

"But yes, whenever a girl insists that her boyfriend fuck her in the ass, instead of her pussy, she's using what all my girlfriends call 'God's loophole.' And by the girl choosing to do that, her boyfriend at the time is happy, because he gets his rocks off inside his girlfriend by pretending that her rectum is her vagina. And of course, the girl is happy too, because she gets to technically keep her virginity intact, since a girl 'losing her virginity' is specifically defined as that girl having a guy's erect penis inserted up into her vagina. So it's a win/win scenario for both people.

"By the way, the girl who's getting butt-fucked should be lying on her back, just like I am, during the anal intercourse with her boyfriend, so that the excess sperm doesn't ooze out of her asshole and flow down into her pussy, thanks to gravity. That way there is the added benefit that the girl doesn't ever have to worry about getting pregnant--just as long as the guy cums inside her rectum, instead of pulling out at the last minute and cumming in her pussy."

"Like this, you mean?" I asked, as I quickly pulled my dick out of Jenny's butt-hole, and used my hips to shift the head of it slightly upward, and then intentionally slid the head of my penis up into her wet vaginal entrance just a split second before I began orgasming, and instinctively shoved my pulsating dick deep inside Jenny's baby-making hole, so that the head of my dick was pressed up against her cervix.

"God damn it! What the fuck are you doing, Carl?" Jenny chided me, obviously very concerned about my actions, as she began violently wriggling around underneath me, obviously trying to pull her vagina up off of my skewering penis.

My instinctive response to that was to double down, as I quickly placed a hand on each side of Jenny's hips and used all the strength I had to hold her lower body and pelvic region in place, so that no matter how hard she tried, she wasn't able to escape my fully-inserted, ejaculating penis.

"God damn it, Carl!" Jenny said with her voice shaking badly, as she finally stopped struggling underneath me and accepted her fate.

And with seconds, I felt her vagina start repeatedly contracting around the shaft of my dick, as she was squirting little spurts of her urine-like cum-juice all over my dick and balls.

Afterwards, I realized that Jenny was in tears and openly crying when she asked me, "Do you realize what you've just done?"

"Yeah, I just fucked you in the ass, and then I came in your pussy. What's the big deal?" I asked, as I finally pulled my dick out of her baby-making hole. "You acted like I was raping you, or something."

"'The big deal' is that a guy should never do that to a girl, because you just stuck your dick up into my vagina and my womb, without stopping to clean off my fecal matter from your dick first. I could get a serious infection from that kind of stuff. One that could eventually cause me to get a hysterectomy, and keep me from ever being able to get pregnant and have kids.

"I tried to pull my pussy up off of your dick. But then you held me down and raped me!

"The worst part was that I orgasmed my ass off while you were doing it. That's why I stopped struggling. I guess I must just be one sick puppy to actually enjoy getting held down and raped like that by your shit-covered dick."

"I'm sorry, okay?" I said to her, now that I realized that I had really scared her badly. "I didn't mean to rape you like that. What can I do to make it up to you."

"The next time you rape me--and knowing how you men are, I'm sure there will be a next time--just don't do it with a shit-covered dick, okay? Is that too much to ask?"

"No, of course not. I'm sorry I hurt you, Jenny. I didn't mean to. But when you were trying to pull away, I was already on the verge of orgasming and not exactly thinking clearly. I didn't even realize that I was raping you, until after you stopped struggling underneath me and began crying. But by that time, my dick was already ejaculating sperm inside you, and it was too late for me to stop. That's the honest-to-God truth," I told Jenny, lying to her face.

Of course, the real truth of the matter was that I knew that I was raping Jenny, from the very first moment that she began struggling underneath me, and I was forced to quickly pin her down underneath me in order to complete the unwanted-on-her-part sexual intercourse. Intentionally shifting gears, and raping Jenny like that, once she began putting up resistance to my pussy-fucking, only served to make the whole sexual act that much more exciting and taboo for me than it already was. And as a direct result, I ended up orgasming my ass off while I was cumming inside Jenny's pussy, and forcing her to take my sperm into her womb against her will.

"Yeah, we humans do some pretty fucked-up stuff, don't we?" Jenny remarked, trying to lighten up the situation. "I'm just scared right now. That's all. I mean, I hope I don't get some sort of weird vaginal e-coli infection, or something, because of what you just finished doing to me."

"Once again, I'm so sorry. I can't apologize enough. I didn't know that what I was doing was so dangerous for your pussy, or I would've never done it. I promise you that. I would've went ahead and ejaculated inside your poop chute instead, just like you were obviously wanting me to do," I said to Jenny, lying to her face once again.

The truth was that, from the moment that I had penetrated her rectum and had begun fucking Jenny in the ass, I had already decided in my head that I was going to pull out of Jenny's rectum when I felt myself getting close to orgasming, so that I could shove my dick up into her vagina and let myself cum inside it.

I mean, even though it was definitely exciting for me to be thrusting my dick in and out of Jenny's ass-hole, butt-fucking her like that, the last thing I felt like doing was releasing my sperm inside her rectum. No, sir. To my way of thinking, there's no such thing as an acceptable "pussy-substitute" when it comes to ejaculating sperm during sexual intercourse with a woman.

And while I was mulling over in my mind the two flat-out lies that I had just finished telling Jenny, Sofia, the middle-age Hispanic neighbor from across the street, unexpectedly sauntered into the bedroom. She was already buck-naked, as she plopped herself down on her back on top of the bed--right beside Jenny and me--and she spread her legs apart a little bit as she reached down into her own bare crotch and began slowly fingering her clit with the tip of her middle finger, using a small circular motion, while she announced, "I'm next."

And Jenny asked me, "Is this the middle-aged Mexican whore that you were telling me about?"

"Yep. That's her alright," I verified for Jenny. "Sofia, I'd like to introduce you to Jenny. Jenny, this is Sofia. She's Mom's neighbor from across the street."

"Glad to meet you, Jenny," Sofia said, without missing a beat, when it came to making circular rubbing motions on her own bare clit, that is. "I've never seen you in the neighborhood before."

"No, ma'am. I don't live in this area of town. I came over to see Carl and Janie. We met at the Wendy's where I work. It's a long story. Anyway, Carl told me that you'd be coming over this afternoon so that he could fuck you again. Is that true?"

"What do you think?" Sofia asked sarcastically, glancing down at her own pussy-fondling hand, and then back up at Jenny. "You've got some beautiful little breasts on you, mi hija. Can I touch them? They remind me of my own daughter's breasts."

"Sure. Go right ahead, if that's what you want to do," Jenny replied to Sofia.

Sofia reached across with her left hand and began gently tweaking Jenny's right nipple between her thumb and her forefinger, while she continued manipulating her own clit with the fingertip of her right hand.

Jenny said to me, "Carl, I really like this woman. Do you want to fuck her in front of me? If so, then you have my blessing. But you'd better go into the bathroom and clean up your dick first, don't you think?"

"Good idea," I said. And I got up out of bed to go the master bathroom and give my dick and balls a good wipe-down with a warm, wet, clean wash cloth, before drying my genitals off.

When I opened the bathroom door and came back into the bedroom, Sofia and Jenny were locked in an embrace, French-kissing each other. Sofia was feeling out Jenny's small breasts and squeezing them with the palms of both of her hands, while Jenny had her right hand down in Sofia's crotch, and she was actively fondling and feeling out Sofia's pussy.

"I can't leave you two alone for a minute, now can I?" I announced jokingly, as I stood at the foot of the bed, watching the impromptu show that was unfolding in front of me.

"No, you can't," Jenny said to me, and then turned back towards Sofia to say to her, "That's enough tittie squeezing for now. I need you to feel out my little pussy, you fucking whore. And if you do a good enough job, and get me turned on enough, I'll even let my boyfriend Carl here fuck you right in front of me."

"Yes, ma'am," Sofia said obediently, and she moved her hands from Jenny's breasts down between her legs, and inserted a couple of fingers from her left hand up into Jenny's vagina while, at the same time, she fingered Jenny's clitoris with the tip of her middle finger, using the exact same circular motion that she had been using on her own clitoris.

"Janie told me that you're not using any birth control right now. Is that true?" Jenny asked Sofia.

"Yes, ma'am, it is. But that's because I'm a practicing Catholic, and I don't believe in using any birth control. I never have, and I never will."

"So then, why have you been letting Carl fuck you while he's here in town visiting his mother?

"Because I'm so horny that I can't stand it. In fact, I'm probably ovulating right now. And my own cheating bastard of a husband hasn't had sex with me in over six months. That's why. And now, thanks to Carl, I'm beginning to feel like a real woman again.

"And if Carl ends up getting me pregnant while he's here in town, then so be it. It's God's will, as far as I'm concerned. And I promised Janie that if Carl does end up getting me pregnant, I will never tell anyone who the biological father of my new light-skinned, half-Hispanic baby is."

"Wow! You're one gutsy woman! I'll give you that much," Jenny complimented her, before looking up at me and saying, "So, Carl, are you ready to try to get Sofia pregnant again?"

"I wasn't trying to get her pregnant when I fucked her before."

"That's such a crock of shit, and you know it! You just finished trying to get me pregnant, remember? I mean, why else would you have pulled your dick out of my ass and stuck it in my vajayjay just seconds before you came inside me?

"You men are so full of shit sometimes. You know good and well that anytime you fuck a woman, you're always trying to get that woman pregnant. Otherwise, there wouldn't be any reason for you to fuck her at all. Am I right about that?"

"Yeah, I guess you're right unfortunately. I just can't help it though. It's the way that men are sexually wired. At least, it's the way that I'm sexually wired.

"Even when I'm fucking an older woman, like my mother who has already reached menopause for instance, I find that I have to fantasize and pretend that my mother's uterus is fertile, and that I could possibly get her pregnant by releasing my sperm deep inside her vagina, right up against her cervix.

"The reason why I brought up her cervix is because it's the woman's cervix that is always the target for the head of my dick during intercourse. So, it's what I will always naturally focus on mentally whenever I'm fucking a woman, with my primary goal being to try to bring the tip of my dick into direct contact with the neck of that woman's uterus, right before and during my sperm-release.

"The funny part is that my mother admitted to me that she has to actively fantasize and pretend that she's got a fertile pussy down between her legs the whole time that I'm fucking her, if she wants to orgasm strongly, as a result of the intercourse itself.

"Otherwise, Mom confessed to me that the intercourse itself won't turn her on nearly as much, and she'll have to masturbate while I'm humping away at her pussy, that is, if she wants to make herself cum. And for Mom, sex is all about the orgasms."

"It is for me too," Jenny agreed with me, "And I'm sure the same thing applies for our awesome little Mexican whore here."

"It does, ma'am," Sofia spoke up while she was now busy slowly and methodically finger-fucking Jenny's vagina with two of her held-together fingers.

"I didn't give you permission to speak!" Jenny reprimanded Sofia. "Just for that, you can stop finger-fucking me right now, and eat my pussy instead."

Sofia immediately stuck her face into Jenny's hairy pussy and began licking away.

As I watched Sofia go at it, all I could think about was how I had pulled my fecal matter-coated dick out of Jenny's rectum and stuck it into her pussy just a few minutes before Sofia had come into the bedroom to join us. And so Sofia had no idea that Jenny's pussy was tainted, so to speak.

"So where was I? Oh yeah, I was talking about Mom having to pretend that she's fertile whenever we're fucking," I continued on with my explanation, trying to get my mind off of that last thought about Jenny's tainted twat. "Obviously, it's the possibility of me getting my own mother pregnant that turns both my mother and me on the most--even though that possibility is a total fantasy in real life.

"But that fact really doesn't matter in the heat of the moment. As long as Mom and I can suspend our belief long enough to fantasize and pretend that her pussy is fertile and ovulating while I'm fucking her, that's all we seem to need to make our intercourse mentally exciting and sexually satisfying for both of us. Like they say, sex is 90% mental and only about 10% physical."

"Hold onto that thought," Jenny quickly said to me, and then turned her attention towards Sofia.

"Sofia, you did a good job of getting me turned-on just now. So I'm going to let my boyfriend fuck you. But as soon as you guys get coupled up in a missionary-style position, I want you to pretend that Carl's raping you against your will. And I want you to struggle to try to get out from underneath him at first. Don't worry. He's not going to let you escape, are you, Carl?"

"No. You bet your sweet ass I won't!" I said.

"But once Carl has held you down for at least a good minute or so, while he's busy raping the crap out of you, I want you to pretend to give in to him and accept your fate, as you finally let Carl fertilize that middle-age, Mexican pussy of yours, and possibly get you pregnant. Can you do that for me, Sofia? Does that sound like that would be fun?"

"Oh God yes! I'm sorry, but I lied when I told you that my husband took my virginity 13 years ago. Oh sure, I let Pablo think that he did--but the truth is he didn't. His best friend, Cacho, did. His real name's Esteban, but his last name is Camacho, and that's how he got the nickname, Cacho.

"Anyway, Cacho unexpectedly showed up at my apartment late one night, and he was pretty drunk. So I let him sleep on the sofa in the living area of the apartment, because I didn't want him trying to drive back home in his inebriated condition. And he passed out within a few minutes after he plopped down on the sofa.

"I went to my bedroom, closed the bedroom door, and got ready for bed, which meant that I did all my nightly chores, like brushing my teeth, and then stripped down to my panties like I always do before slipping under the covers.

"I didn't realize it at the time, but the one crucial thing I forgot to do was lock my bedroom door. And so later that night, I woke up with a naked Cacho on top of me in my bed, and his dick already humping away at my virgin pussy.

"I was still wearing my panties, mind you, but the crotch of my panties had been pulled all the way over to one side to totally expose my pussy, and I assumed that Cacho had reached down and done this himself while I was still asleep when he was getting ready to initially penetrate me.

"Once I had woken up enough to realize what was taking place, I begged and pleaded with Cacho stop, while I struggled to try to slide out from under his body. But he just held me down, and kept on humping away at my pussy with that long, stiff dick of his.

"And it actually shocked me when I realized that Cacho's dick felt wonderful inside my vagina. It didn't hurt or cause me any discomfort at all, like I had initially assumed that it would.

"In fact, I started orgasming, and getting really wet, and enjoying the hell out of the intercourse itself. And that's when I stopped fighting him and just let him continue raping me, until he had finished using my pussy to get his rocks off.

"When Cacho finally came inside me, don't ask me how, but I somehow sensed that he was actually getting me pregnant. And after he had raped me and taken my virginity, I don't know why, but I let him continue sleeping in my bed beside me. Cacho was Pablo's best friend, but definitely not mine. I didn't even like the guy as a person.

"But later that same night, as Cacho was lying there on his back beside me, I don't know what got into me, but I reached across to his crotch and began playing with his large dick and his equally-large balls, until I woke him up.

"At that point, he reached across to my pussy, and he began playing with my pussy too, at the same time as his dick was quickly stiffening and growing bigger, right in my own hands.

"Once Cacho got a hard-on, he rolled over on top of me again, to mount me missionary-style. He didn't ask my permission. He just moved into position so that he could couple up with me again.

"But this time, I didn't try to resist him. In fact, I leaned forward and gave him a big kiss on the lips, and then I asked him if he wanted to suck on my breasts while he was fucking me.

"He nodded enthusiastically and began sucking on one of my nipples as I felt his awesome dick penetrating my vagina once again. I felt like I was being such a whore. But I just couldn't stop myself. I found myself wanting Cacho to keep on fucking me over and over again that night--and that's exactly what ended up happening.

"And each time that Cacho and I fucked, we kept getting more and more intimate with each other, until the last time that we fucked that night, when we actually found ourselves making love to one another, just like two lovers do, and not just fucking to get our rocks off, like we had been doing earlier that night.

"The next morning, after we both woke up, Cacho and I made a pact that we would never have sex together again, and agreed that what we had done could never amount to more than a one-night stand, and that we could never let anyone else know about the sex that took place between us due to the circumstances that Cacho's best friend was my fiancé, Pablo.

"Cacho was even the Best Man at Pablo's and my wedding, which to be honest with you, was quite awkward, considering the fact that I was about six months pregnant on the day of our wedding, and I knew that this little baby inside my womb--who would later be named Richie--was actually Cacho's baby, even though I never told him after that night of secret, taboo sex. It was just safer for everyone else involved to let them all believe that Pablo was Richie's biological father.

"But I absolutely knew that the baby was Cacho's, because several weeks and a missed period had passed before I secretly took a home pregnancy test, and verified that I was pregnant.

"It wasn't until after I took that pregnancy test that I finally let Pablo go all the way with me, and 'take my virginity.'

"The worst part of all this is that Cacho suddenly showed up in our lives about five years later. I was so excited to see him again that I had a hard time keeping my hands off him. Especially when he was at our house having lunch.

"And when Pablo left the kitchen, and went out to his car to go back to work for the afternoon, Cacho grabbed my crotch and squeezed it with his hand. And I didn't try to stop him either. In fact, I tilted my hips back and let him have his way with my pussy.

"He reached down and grabbed hold of my right hand and placed it onto his crotch, so that I could squeeze and play with the growing bulge that was his awesome Mexican dick.

"Then he kissed me on the cheek and whispered to me in my ear, confessing to me that he loved me, and that he regretted backing down and letting me marry his best friend, Pablo. He said that was the reason why he had left town. He couldn't stand being around me on a daily basis, and still being in love with a woman who he could never have as his wife, or girlfriend.

"I told him that I loved him too, and that I felt the same way that he did. I felt like I had made a huge mistake marrying Pablo. But it was too late now, and there was really nothing that I could do about it without ruining everything.

"And he told me that there was something that I could do about it, and that was to have sex with him one last time, and help both of us to get it out of our systems, so that we could each move on with our lives.

"Then he asked point-blank to meet him the next morning at the local motel where he was staying, because he wanted to fuck me over and over again all day long, while Pablo was at work.

"So, against my better judgement, I took my then 5-year-old son Richie to a drop-in daycare center that next morning, and I showed up a Cacho's hotel room door, with a dripping-wet pussy between my legs, just from the anticipation of what was getting ready to happen.

"That morning, I remember that I was feeling super-horny, and usually means that I'm ovulating. And as fate would have it, Cacho unknowingly became the father of my baby girl, Leana, that day. And afterwards, I never saw him again.

"It has been eight years since we spent that whole day making love and fucking in Cacho's motel room, and I don't regret one single minute of it. I would do it all over again, if Cacho were to ever show back up in town for any reason.

"Whether I like or not, Cacho will always be that very special guy who took my virginity, and ultimately got me pregnant--not just once, but twice. And so I feel like my pussy's his for the taking, whenever he wants it.

"So the real truth of the matter is that Carl's really my Cacho substitute."

"Gee, thanks a lot!" I said sarcastically.

"Hey, it's a compliment. You should be flattered. You've got a nice, big dick just like Cacho had. And I'm hoping you can get me pregnant, just like Cacho did."

"You are aware that if I get your pregnant, our baby definitely won't look Hispanic, right?"

"Of course, I'm aware of that. In fact, I'm counting on it," Sofia stated cryptically. "Now, let's quit talking and get down to the serious business of pretend-raping. What do you say?'

"Get on your on your God damn back, you little bitch! And spread your fucking legs apart!" I barked back at Sofia.

"Please don't do this, mister?" Sofia fake-begged me, playing her damsel-in-distress role to the hilt, while she placed her two cupped hands on top of one another over the crack of her shaved-bare vulva, as if to block me from getting to it.

"You can't stop me," I calmly said to Sofia as I knelt down between her olive-toned thighs, grabbed her wrists--one in each hand--and pulled her arms up over her head, pinning her wrists down to the mattress above her head. And I shoved my dick all the way up into her vagina, as far as it would go, in one long sharp inward thrust, causing her to gasp in surprise.

"Oh fuck! Shit! Please pull out of me! I don't want to get pregnant!" Sofia cried out, as she began half-heartedly struggling around underneath me while still remaining skewered on my stiff dick.

And I naturally responded to Sofia's faked struggling, just like I had responded earlier to Jenny's very-real struggling. I let go of Sofia's pinned wrists, and I quickly placed a hand on each side of Sofia's hips and I pressed downward forcefully to hold her pelvis firmly in place while I proceeded to thrust away at it relentlessly.

While I was doing that, Jenny was watching us go at it and giggling away like a little schoolgirl.

A minute or so later, Sofia finally stopped struggling and relaxed underneath me, accepting her fate, just like Jenny had asked her to do.

Apparently, Sofia was quite the actress, because she even started crying, while I was hell-bent on fertilizing her cervix.

At the time, I assumed that the crying was being faked on Sofia's part, but Sofia later admitted to me that her tears were very real. And that her crying was a result of her vividly re-living that very first night when Cacho unexpectedly showed up in her bed, and raped the crap out of her, without any warning.

Then Sofia suddenly began orgasming her ass off underneath me, which caught me totally by surprise. I had never heard her scream out so loudly before. Nor had I ever felt her vaginal sphincter muscles clamp down so tightly around the shaft of my dick, while she was gushing and squirting like crazy.

I quickly angled the tip of my dick to press it up against her cervix and just hold it in place. And then I orgasmed my ass off and unleashed my wad of sperm from my pulsating dick-head directly against the neck of Sofia's possibly-fertile uterus.

And a few moments later, as my sperm-release was tapering off deep inside of her vagina, Sofia gently kissed my neck and my cheek, and she quietly whispered in my ear, "Thank you for trying to make a baby with me just now. I know you're not Cacho, but you're definitely the next best thing."

I pulled my dick out of Sofia's lovely baby-making hole, and rolled over to lie on my back between her and Jenny.

Jenny got up out of bed and walked over to the other side of the bed where Sofia was still lying on her back, with my sperm still oozing out of her vagina and falling down onto the sheets between her spread-apart thighs.

Jenny suddenly said to Sofia, "Can I fuck you now?"

And Sofia looked a Jenny as if she were crazy, before she responded to her, "What are you talking about? A woman can't fuck another woman."

"Sure, they can. It's called 'tribbing.'"

"'Tribbing'? What's that?"

"I forgot that you're from an earlier generation than I am. I believe you guys probably call it 'scissoring.' It something that lesbian couples have been doing together for centuries. Now, do you know what I'm talking about?"

"Yes, I do. But I never thought I'd ever actually do that with another woman. Let me make sure that we're talking about the same thing. You do mean that you want us to rub our two pussies together, right?"

"Exactly. That's how two women fuck without using any external toys, like double-headed dildos. So are you game to try it with me?"

"Oh what the hell... You only live once. Let's do it," Sofia told Jenny.

And Jenny began talking Sofia through the process, "Well, lean over towards me, but keep your legs spread apart, and I'll mount you and do all the thrusting stuff--in other words, I'll play the more masculine aggressive role, since I'm a lot more comfortable tribbing with another woman than you are, and you've never experienced the 'joys of tribbing' before."

Jenny climbed up on top of the bed, facing the opposite direction from Sofia, and she carefully maneuvered her lower body to interlock her legs between Sofia's so that she could press her bare vulva up against Sofia's bare vulva.

"Now, see? That's not so bad, is it?" Jenny asked Sofia.

"No. But it feels really weird having your pussy rubbing up against mine."

"That's the idea--and the whole turn-on--of it all. I'm using my pussy to pretend-fuck your pussy. And then later we can swap if you want, so that you're the one controlling the pussy-rubbing and thrusting stuff.

I was intrigued by what I was witnessing taking place in front of me. I had watch women tribbing in online porn videos. But I had never seen two women doing it in person, right in front of me.

"Okay, let's start easy. I'm going bring my clit right up against yours, and rub our two clits together. There ya go. How does that feel?"

"Oh my God! That feels so sexy and taboo!" Sofia remarked.

"You ain't seen nothing yet. Just wait 'til I start humping you. It feels fucking awesome. That's all I can say. My mother and I do this together all the time. She's a big fan of tribbing, just like I am. But you'll see for yourself soon enough."

Jenny began to slowly rock her hips back and forth to rub her pussy back and forth against Sofia's pussy.

"Do you like this?" Jenny asked.

"It feels great!" Sofia replied.

"Now you see why lesbians do this together a lot. You think this is cool? Just wait 'til I cum all over your pussy. Don't forget that we've both got Carl's sperm inside our vaginas. And in a few moments, with your permission, I'd like to let gravity--and my vaginal muscles--move some of that sperm from my vagina directly into yours. Does that sound like something exciting that would turn you on?"

"Wow! That's sure creative of you. And you're right about the 'sex being 90% mental' stuff."

"I didn't say that. Carl did. But yes, he's absolutely right about that. The turn-on factor is almost all mental--not physical.

"So, are you ready for me to cum in your pussy and put some more of Carl's sperm there, while I'm doing it?"

"Let's go girl!" Sofia said enthusiastically.

"Okay, so I need you to shift your hips to point your vaginal opening straight up to the cieling, and pull you vagina open with your fingers, so that it looks like a gaping hole."

"Like this?"

"Yes, that's perfect. Now, I'm going to mount you and fuck your wide-open vagina with my pussy. Once I get our two pussies pressed together and properly aligned, you shouldn't need to hold your vagina open with your fingers anymore, unless one of us accidentally gets too excited and pulls us apart. But otherwise, I'll just continue rocking back and forth until I cum directly into your vagina. It's gonna be really cool. You'll see..."

"I can't take it anymore, ladies!" I eventually announced to the two scissoring women, as I was standing at the foot of the bed, watching the two of them go at it. Of course, they were both so wrapped up in what they were doing to each other that they didn't even pay any attention to what I had just said to them.

At that point, I was so mentally sexually excited that I had a fully-erect penis between my legs, with transparent pre-cum steadily oozing out of the small piss-hole slit at the tip of my dick. In other words, I knew that I was on the verge of spontaneously orgasming.

I turned towards the bedroom doorway, and I quickly walked out of the bedroom and down the stairs to the first floor of Mom's house, where I hoped I would find Mom and Fran still having sex.

But instead, Fran had already left--I assumed to go back to her own house next door. And my mother was sitting at the kitchen table, drinking a cup of hot tea. She had her housecoat on, but it was completely unbuttoned and open down the front.

She looked over and saw me coming into the kitchen, buck-naked, with my leaky erection pointing straight at her, and she said to me, "What's the matter, baby?"

"Mommy," I said to her, "I need to cum in your pussy so bad I can't stand it!"

Mother immediately stood up from her chair at the kitchen table, bent over the table at her waist, and reached behind her to pull the back part of her housecoat up over her own back to totally expose her bare butt and her pussy to me. Then she grabbed hold of the edges of the small kitchen table with her hands, I assumed to steady herself for what she knew was about to happen.

Of course, I instantly realized that Mom was "presenting herself" to me, so that I could mount her from behind in a standing position, and fuck her doggie-style. And that's exactly what I did.

But I was so excited mentally that I didn't have to thrust in and out of Mom's pussy at all. I just shoved my leaky, pre-cum dripping dick up into her well-worn vagina, moved it around a little bit until I felt her cervix rub up against the tip of my dick, and then I just kept my dick-shaft at that same angle in relation to her vagina, with my dick-head pressed up snugly against the neck of her womb, and I let my held-back orgasm finally take place, all on it's own.

And while I was spontaneously pumping my sperm out into the rear pocket of my own mother's vagina, she kept looking straight ahead in the opposite direction, as she cheered me on, saying things to me like, "That's it! Let it all out, baby! Mommy loves having your sperm inside her! You make me feel young and attractive again! You're such a good boy! I couldn't hope to have a better son! Or a better lover!"

As my sperm-release was finally subsiding, but while I still my dick buried inside my mother's birth canal, I asked her, "Do you really mean that? I mean, about the 'lover' part?"

"Of course I do," Mom replied. "The truth is you're a much better lover than your father ever dreamed of being."

"Wow! I'm truly flattered, Mom," I said to her, "So then would it be okay with you if I were to move back home permanently and sleep with you every night in your bed?"

"What about Sofia? Don't you think she'd be a better choice for you as a life partner than me."

"No, Mom, I don't. She's married. Remember?" I said, finally pulling my dick out of Mom's awesome pussy, backing away and letting her stand back up straight, so that she could turn around and face me.

"Well, how about Jenny, then? I thought you really liked her," Mom said, reaching down to straighten out her housecoat so that it covered the sides and rear of her body, but she still left the front part wide-open.

"I do like her, Mom," I said, staring down at Mom's huge clitoris the whole time that I was talking to her. "I mean, Jenny's super-cute, and she's a good fuck and all, but she's really way too young for me, don't you think? I need a much older woman who I can relate to much better throughout the rest of those times when we're not making love.

"I don't know why, but you and I seem to relate to each other just fabulously, and we also always seem to enjoy each other's company, no matter what we're doing together."

"That's true," Mom said, and then added, "But I can't have kids with you and start a family, like they can. I can't give you the types of things that you need to make your life fulfilling."

"Who says, Mom?" I asked, reaching between the two wide-open side panels of her housecoat to place my right hand on her bare crotch and gently grab hold of her large clit and squeeze it repeatedly between my thumb and fingertips. "What makes you think that I even want to have kids and be a father figure to them. Not saying that I don't absolutely love the 'fucking' and the 'trying to have kids' part. But fantasizing about getting someone pregnant while you're fucking them, and actually having kids with them are two different things.

"Let's just say that after thinking things over for quite a while, I have decided that I would much rather be a sperm donor and a gigolo, than to be someone's father. And the one woman on this planet who I want to put my dick and my sperm into the most just happens to be you.

"And that's because you're the only only woman I'm in love with, and I know that you're in love with me too. I can fuck all those other women in front of you, like I've been doing since I got here, but the truth is, even fucking Fran--which I have to admit, turns me on a lot more than I ever thought it would--is still nowhere near as exciting for me as fucking you is. I always look forward to sinking my dick in this awesome pussy of yours.

"I don't care how weird or freaky that sounds. A son being in love with his own mother, and a mother being in love with her own son. But in our case, it's the absolute truth. Just tell me if I'm wrong."

"You're not wrong, son. At first, when seduced you in the kitchen during your Christmas visit, I was just a horny old lady looking for some much-needed sexual relief, and you just happened to be available. At the time, I knew that what I was doing was so wrong and taboo, but I just couldn't talk myself out of doing it, no matter how hard I tried.

"And when you didn't try to stop me from seducing you, I knew that, just like me, you were feeling so horny that you just couldn't stand it either. I knew that you were willing to cross that taboo line into having incestuous sex with your own mother. And when you showed me your package in the kitchen that day, and I saw your dick growing and becoming stiffer while I was staring at it, my pussy got wet, just from the anticipation of it all.

"But our relationship has grown into much more than that. And right now, I love you so much that I want you in bed with me every night. In fact, that's all I fantasized about after you left me at Christmas to go back to your house. Why do you think I kept calling you so much?"

I planted a big, mouth-wide-open French-kiss on Mom's lips, and she didn't try to pull away. Instead, she stuck her tongue into my mouth to press it against my tongue, and show that passion that she now felt for me. And while we were kissing, I felt her hand reach down between my legs, and grab hold of my ball-sack so that she could fondle my testicles in her hand.

Mom finally pulled away from our kiss and admitted to me, "I love your balls, son? They turn me on much more than you will ever know. You men tend to think that sex is all about the penis. But to us women, sex is really all about the balls, and especially about the precious sperm inside those balls.

"Just think about it for a moment. There's no other substance on the face to this planet that can get a woman pregnant. And sex and fucking is really all about men and women trying to get pregnant and have babies to keep the human race from dying off.

"Of course, sex is also about masturbation and stimulating the genitals to experience orgasms. That's why two woman or two men can thoroughly enjoy having sex together. But there's still nothing as rewarding and sexually satisfying as fucking. And for that, you at least one dick and one pussy to couple up together. And for those few precious moments, you become one with that other person, just like you and I became just a few minutes ago. I live for those precious moments."

"So do I, Mom. And I can have them with you. I don't need for you to keep trying to play matchmaker for me with other, younger women. You're more than enough woman enough for me, and you always will be. I love you, Janie."

"I love you too, Carl. But please don't call me 'Janie,' okay? It just feels awkward. Especially since we're both going to have to keep our sexual relationship a total secret, as far as the rest of the public world is concerned."

"So now, we've just got one little problem left," I stated to mother. "We need to get two sexually-excited, scissoring women out of your bed, and out the front door, on their way home, so that you and I can spend some quality one-on-one time together."

"Don't worry. I'll go up and work my 'mommie magic,' and get them motivated enough to leave."

"By the way, I know you're not just in love with me. You're in love with Fran, too," I said to Mom.

"It's that obvious, huh?" asked my mother.

"Definitely," I answered. "So I don't know how you feel about it, but as far as I'm concerned, Fran is welcome to join us in our bed anytime she wants. I mean, not only could we both use the extra cash, but I've got to admit that Fran's blowjobs are nothing less than awesome, and she's a really good fuck too!"

Mom and I laughed pretty hard at my last statement. Mostly because she and I both realized that, despite how absurd it sounded, what I had just said was the absolute truth.

As Mom turned around to leave the kitchen, she pulled the front of her housecoat back together, and was taking a moment to button the front of it up this time, as she said to me, "I'll make sure that Fran knows how you feel about her. She'll be thrilled. And yes, I would be honored to do the threesome thing every so often with you and Fran, the two people who I love most in this world."


"Yes, son."

"When I was fucking you from behind a few minutes ago and cumming inside your pussy, were you fantasizing and pretending that I might be getting you pregnant?"

"Of course I was. I always naturally tend to do that whenever I fuck, because it makes the intercourse so much more exciting, don't you think? I mean, don't you fantasize and pretend that I'm a younger woman with a fertile uterus, and that you might be getting me pregnant by ejaculating inside my pussy?"

"Of course I do. I can't help it. I was just wondering if you did the same thing that I do."

"The truth is it's the only way I can get mentally excited enough to cum during intercourse, without me having to reach down between my legs and masturbate myself during the intercourse.

"And even when I was a younger fertile woman, I still had to pretend that I wasn't using any birth control--and that I was ovulating and risking getting pregnant--in order for the intercourse itself to be mentally exciting enough to actually make me cum. But hey, it is what it is, right?

"Tell ya what. Why don't you go ahead and wait for me in your bedroom. I'll let you know once the coast is clear and our two 'scissoring sirens' have left the building.

"And then you and I can take a nice long shower together, maybe even a little bit of a golden one," Mom said, with a big smile on her face, as she winked at me. "And later, I'll even throw in a back rub and a blowjob--though not necessarily in that order--if you'll suck on my nipples. You know how much I love getting my nipples sucked on. So how does that sound?"

"It's a date," I said

And I followed Mom back up the stairs, turning right to step into my bedroom, and then close and lock the bedroom door behind me, while Mom continued down the hallway to her own bedroom, so that she could get rid of our no-longer-welcome guests.

As I was lying on my bed, staring at the ceiling while I was caught up in my own thoughts, I heard some muted talking at first. And then I heard Mom raise her voice as she told Sofia and Jenny, "Come on. Get your clothes on, and get the fuck out of here! Jenny, call your brother Greg to come pick you up. Maybe he'll fuck you again. Who knows? But Carl's definitely done with you guys for today. We need to spend some quality mother and son time together. So I guess you'll just have to come back tomorrow if you want some more of that awesome dick of his."

"Would 1:00 o'clock tomorrow be okay?" I heard Sofia's soft, timid voice ask Mom. It sounded like they were both standing right outside my closed bedroom door.

"Of course, Sofia. I'm sure that would be just fine. Do you feel like Carl managed to get you pregnant today?"

"I don't know, Janie. But I'm pretty sure I'm ovulating, because I'm still so horny I can barely stand it!"

Both women laughed for a moment a Sofia's comment.

"I know exactly what you mean, my dear. Oh well, there's always tomorrow... So don't give up hope, okay? And have a great evening, my dear friend!" Mom said to her, and then I heard Sofia's footsteps going down the stairs to the front door.

"Oh, Jenny!" I heard Mom call out. It seemed like Jenny was still in Mom's bedroom. "I haven't got all day. Get you fucking clothes on! And call that older brother of yours, so that he can come pick you up."

"I can't do that," Jenny protested, with her voice sounding very emotionally shaky. "Not after how Greg left here. Would you please give me a ride home? By the way, what's wrong with Carl? Where's he at? Doesn't he want to see me anymore?"

"Of course he does, my dear. But he's had enough of you for today. You may view Carl as being your boyfriend, but I guarantee you that he doesn't feel the same way about you.

"Oh sure, my son likes you and thinks you're cute, and all that. But he mainly views you as being a young and attractive piece of ass, which is something we rarely get around these parts.

"And if you're okay with that, then I'm sure that Carl would love you to come over to our house again tomorrow, so that he can 'inseminate' that awesome little 'jenny' of yours again. Capiche?"

"I'll come. But only if Carl comes by the Wendy's where I work, and picks me up himself to bring me over here. I get off work at 5:00 o'clock tomorrow.

"Oh yeah. I almost forgot. Can I bring my mother over with me. She's cool with the idea of me and her having sex with you guys, if you guys are okay with it. And she's really good-looking for an older woman."

And I heard Mom reply, "It can't hurt to have another middle-age pussy in my bed, now can it?"

"No, ma'am. It certainly cannot," Jenny agreed.

And I heard both women walking down the stairs, still chatting away, as they made their way out the front door, and out into Mom's car.

Mom returned to the house by herself about 40 minutes later, and came up to my bedroom. She lightly knocked on the bedroom door, and said to me, "The coast is finally clear. It's just little ol' me, son."

I opened the bedroom door, and Mom barged into the room, reached across into my crotch, and grabbed hold of my bare dick. I was still buck-naked. Then she dropped down on her knees and began giving me a blowjob.

"I thought we were going to take a shower first," I said to her as she was squeezing the shaft of my dick and sucking away on the head of it at the same time.

Mom pulled her mouth up off of my dick-head just long enough to tell me, "We are. But we're going to do it after we fuck first. That's okay with you, isn't it?"

"Oh heck yes! So where do you want to fuck at?"

"How about the front yard. Sam and I used to got out there in the early evening, after the sun had set, but before it had gotten completely dark outside. And I'd hike up my skirt and pull my panties over to one side, and your father would unzip his fly and pull his dick out. And we'd have a quickie doggie-style while we were hiding behind that big bush at the corner of the house.

"Then, we'd come back inside the house, take a nice long shower, and end up fucking our brains out throughout the night."

"But aren't you afraid someone might catch us in the act?"

"Sure. But that's the huge turn-on of it all," Mom said, and then went back to giving me a blowjob for a few more moments, before she pulled her mouth up off my dick-head and said to me, "On second thought, fuck it! I'm so horny right now, why don't you just go ahead and fuck me right here in your bed?"

Mom unbuttoned the front of her housecoat, pulled it off and threw it on the floor, before she plopped herself down on her back on top of my bed, and spread her legs apart while welcoming me with her open arms.

"Mom, you're one horny old bitch! That's all I can say," I told Mom as I climbed into bed with her, kneeling between her legs to mount her in her favorite missionary-style position.

And as my fully-erect dick easily slid up into her slick already-creampied vagina, Mom said to me, "Well, you're one horny young bastard! So I guess we're prefect for each other."

We both laughed at Mom's humorous statement, and I could feel the muscles in her vaginal walls automatically responding to the larger muscles in her low abdomen, as her vagina was jittering all around and unintentionally vibrating against and caressing my penis during her hearty laughter.

I was just lying there very still, just enjoying the feeling of her vagina around my fully-inserted penis, when Mom finally said to me, "What are you waiting for? Start thrusting already. I need another wad of your wonderful man-seed in my pussy. How else are you going to get this little whore pregnant?"

And course, I realized that Mom of alluding to the fact that she was actively pretending that she was fertile and ovulating, and that she was young enough where hadn't reached menopause yet. And as I began thrusting my dick inside her vagina, I automatically found myself pretending the same thing.

When I finally rammed the head of my dick up against her cervix one last time, and just held it there for what I knew was going be my imminent sperm-release. And I don't know what got into me, but I barked out at my mother, "Take this, you fucking whore! I hope you get pregnant!"

And as my sperm began squirting right up against Mom's cervix, she unexpectedly yelled out, "Me too!" and then began orgasming her butt off underneath me, cussing like a drunken sailor and screaming out loudly during her strong orgasm, which is something that Mom rarely ever does during her orgasms.

Usually, I can barely tell when Mom is orgasming--even when she's experiencing a strong orgasm--other than the fact that during a stronger orgasm, she is capable of squirting or gushing to ejaculate her sexual fluids.

And ejaculating her sexual fluids was exactly what Mom was in the process doing right now. It felt like she was "peeing" all over my dick and my balls--but of course, I realized that it wasn't urine--and she was creating a substantial puddle on my bed sheets between her legs.

As her orgasm was dying off, I asked her, "Gosh, Mom, what made you cum so hard just now?"

"You did, son. You should be proud of yourself."

"But I didn't really do anything different."

"Oh yes, you did. You just don't realize it yet. And what you did made all the difference in the world to me!" Mom said cryptically.

"Oh, yeah? What exactly did I do?"

"You took total control of our intercourse this time, and you had your way with me. You even called me a whore, and you pinned me down on the bed with your body, while you used the firm head of your dick to physically force me to take your sperm directly into the neck of my womb--even if I didn't want you to. I knew that there was no way that you were going to let me pull myself up off of your ejaculating penis, before you were completely finished with fertilizing my cervix.

"We women love to be dominated and controlled like that, whenever you men are fucking us. Giving myself over to you, and trusting that you will not hurt me while you're busy getting your own rocks off inside my pussy is something that turns me on so much that I can't even begin to put it into words. And you saw the results just now for yourself. I just created 'Lake Janie' between my legs."

We both laughed at Mom's last statement. And then I observed, "I don't think I've ever seen you release so much cum before."

"I've never orgasmed so strongly before with you. But now that you know how to really turn me on during intercourse, just keep doing it, okay? That's all I ask.

"Keep dominating me, like you just did, and calling me bad names, like 'whore' and 'bitch,' and forcing me to have intercourse with you the way that you want me to--not necessarily the way the I want to.

"And even though I love being in control during the foreplay phase, because let's face it, that phase was designed to get women turn-on and initially wet, once you and I naturally shift over to the intercourse phase of our sexual encounter, that's where you, as a man, are supposed to take control. And whenever you do that, I'll always be more than happy to cooperate with you completely, and I'll also be more than happy to clean up the cum-puddles that I leave afterwards. It's worth those earth-shaking orgasms. Believe me."

Then Mom suddenly switched over to a very unexpected topic, as she asked me, "Would you like to see what my cervix looks like?"

Without even thinking I answered, "Sure. I've never seen a real live cervix before."

"Well, I just so happen to have a gynecologist's speculum in my bedroom, and a flashlight. And I'll be happy to show you my cervix, if you're curious to see what you've been fertilizing with that awesome dick of yours."

"Well, come on, Mom. Don't worry about Lake Janie right now. We can clean that up later. But I want to see your cervix up close, with my sperm all over it."

Mom and I carefully got up out of my bed, and we walked hand-in-hand, down to her bedroom. When we got there, Mom reached into one of her dresser drawers and pulled out a silver speculum. Then she came back over the night stand nearest the bedroom door, opened up its front drawer, and pulled out a small-but-powerful LED flashlight.

Then Mom plopped down on her back on top of the bed, and spread her legs far apart. She took the long circular closed-up end of the silver metal speculum, stuck it into her mouth, and deliberately gave a liberal lathering of her own saliva. Then she handed the small flashlight and the pre-lubricated speculum, saying, "Would you like to do the honors?"

"Oh, yes ma'am. It would be my pleasure," I said, leaning over the foot of the bed with my stomach to place my hands and head between her spread-apart thighs.

Mom reached down and placed a hand on each side of her vulva, and then she pulled it wide-open and held it that way for me.

I turned on the small flashlight and held it with my left hand, while I was shining it directly on the rear of her pussy, as I brought my face closer to Mom's pussy. Up close like that, Mom's pussy had the sour-smelling stench of sperm emanating from her vagina.

I carefully inserted the speculum up deep into mother's vagina. And then I slowly spread its side pieces farther and farther open, until I finally got my first glimpse of Mom's cervix. I had to move the speculum around from side-to-side a little bit, until I finally got Mom's cervix centered in the large circular hole that formed in the middle of the speculum.

I saw that my freshly-ejaculated sperm was spread all over the place inside Mom's vagina, and there was quite a bit of white gooey sperm sticking to her cervix, which was preventing me from seeing what it actually looked like. So I reach down through the center of the speculum with my fingers, and I finger-rubbed the sperm off of the end of her cervix, so that I could finally see her entire cervix, in all of its sexy glory.

"Oh my God! Your cervix looks a lot like the head of a dick. It's even got a little slit at the tip of it."

"Does that surprise you?" Mom asked.

"Well, kind of. I mean, I knew there had to be hole at the end for the sperm to swim through. I'm just shocked that the hole looks a lot like the slit at the tip of my dick. That's all."

"Take another look. My slit is actually quite a bit larger than yours. You can even stick your finger up into it, if you want to. Go right head. It doesn't hurt me at all. In fact the pressure of getting that hole stretched open by your finger will feel good to me. I know, because Sam and I used to do this kind to playful genital exploration stuff all the time.

"It's all just part of being long-time lovers. You wouldn't believe the kinds of sexual experimentation that a man and a women end up doing to--and with--each other for the sake of bringing variety to their sex lives. And that's because boredom comes along over time and automatically kills off passion and excitement. And believe me, it takes passion and excitement to continue to happily have sex with the same person for decades. Otherwise, you both just end up going through the motions of having sex, but not really enjoying yourselves in the process. And that's no fun."

I slowly inserted the tip of my middle finger up into Mom's cervical os while she was talking to me, and I began to slowly thrust the very tip of it in and out of her cervix.

"That's doesn't hurt, doesn't it?"

"No, I can't even really feel it. All I feel is the pressure of your stretching my cervix open. But that pressure feels really good to me. So don't stop now.

"Anyway, while you're busy exploring my 'baby-cave,' I'd like to tell you all about what happened one evening when Sam and I were having a quickie behind the big bush in our front yard. Are you interested in hearing that?"

"Of course, I am. Lay it on me."

"Okay, So one evening, Sam and I were having a quickie while we were hiding behind that big bush at the corner of the house. We had done this on a few different occasions before, but this time something happened that we weren't prepared for.

"A neighbor of ours walked past us on the sidewalk out in front of the house, and she said 'hi' to Sam and me while we were coupled up, doing the dirty deed behind that large, chest-high bush. You know the bush I'm talking about right?"

I nodded my head back at Mom.

"Well, Carol was someone we both knew fairly well, and she had to be about 15 feet away from us when she said 'hi' to us, and that damn bush was the only thing hiding us from her.

"I couldn't believe she caught us both off-guard, like that. But I was bent over at the waist, facing the bush and Sam was standing behind my butt, humping away like crazy.

"Sam all of the sudden stopped thrusting and whispered in my ear, 'We've got company.'

"I automatically stuck my head up and looked over the top of the bush towards the street to see who our company was. I also reached across into the bush itself and began pretending like I was pruning the top of bush.

"I also felt stupid at the same time, because I realized that it was way too little too late. Carol had already seen Sam and me in action. At least, from the waist up, she did. And she had to have realized that Sam was fucking me doggie-style from behind the bush at the corner of the house.

"The good news was that Carol didn't try to carry on a conversation with us. Instead, she just kept on walking down the street, which is exactly what Sam and I were both wanting her to do. I mean, Sam and I were both breathing pretty hard by that point, and I could tell that Sam was just about to cum inside me.

"But that really didn't matter in the long run. Because that damn neighbor scared Sam so badly that his dick quickly shrunk up and fell out of my pussy, without him ever cumming inside me. And you can bet I never did let him live that one down."

"I'll bet you didn't. My God, you're just full of surprises, aren't you, Mom?"

"Like I keep telling you, you don't know the half of it. All I can say is buckle up and enjoy the ride that is your mother! That's what my poor husband ended up having to do. And so will you, now that you've decided to be my lover, as well as my son.

"Okay, that's enough cervix finger-fucking for now, son, don't you think? Why don't you get that damn speculum out of me so we can both take a shower together and clean each other up, before we go to bed for the evening."

"But it's early. You want to go to bed right now?"

"I didn't say go to sleep, now did I? I owe you a nice long back rub, and your owe me a nice long nipple-suck. And after that, I figure it will be time to either go to sleep together, or to have you jack off onto my pussy first, and then both of us go to sleep--depending of if you can get it up again or not, that is."

"Hey, you don't have to be so mean, Mom."

"Yeah, but you love it, and you know it. Now come into the shower with me and pee on my pussy. Because I know you want to," Mom said, taking me by the hand and leading me into her private bathroom and into the shower stall with her.

And then I realized that Mom knew me better sexually than I even knew myself, because she was right. After I had pulled my finger out of her cervical opening, and I was thinking about how Mom and I were just minutes away from taking a shower together for the second time ever, I began to vividly imagine and fantasize about what it would be like to pee on Mom's pussy in the shower again, and to also let her pee on my dick again, of course.

And now, thanks to Mom, I was about to live out that fantasy in real life.

Then, while I was peeing directly into my mother's held-wide-open pussy crack, I suddenly thought about how Lake Janie was still soaking into my bed, and I began laughing my ass off.

"What's so funny?" Mom asked.

"Lake Janie," I answered her, and then paused for a moment to take in the look of surprise on her face.

"Oh shit! I need to go clean that up. I'm sorry, son. I didn't mean to leave a mess on your bed, like that."

"I know you didn't, Mom. But it's not the end of the world, you know? I'm not sleeping in my bed tonight. So there's plenty of time to clean up Lake Janie later. I'll even help you. But right now, it's time for you to pee on my dick. I know you want to."

I held the shaft of my much-less-impressive, nearly-flaccid penis out with my hand, so that the end of it was directly underneath Mom's giant clitoris and the front part of her vulva.

And while she was still standing with her legs pretty far apart and holding her pussy crack wide-open with her hands, Mom, who was looking down at her own crotch, carefully aimed her urine stream to splash directly against the head of my dick the whole time that she was emptying her bladder.

The incredibly erotic and taboo feeling of having a woman's warm, wet urine washing over my bare dick and splashing downward onto the front of my balls is something that I cannot begin to describe to someone who has never experienced a golden shower before, much less an incestuous one.

When Mom was done peeing on my dick, she reached down to the spigot and adjusted the water temperature, and then she diverted the water flow up to the overhead shower nozzle. And we took turns getting our bodies wet under the shower first, before we began passing the bar of soap back and forth, taking turns lathering up the various parts of each other's bodies.

Towards the end of our showering together, I said to Mom, "After we get out of this shower and get dried off, and while I'm sucking on those awesome nipples of yours, I want you to tell me all about how you lost your virginity to your best friend's pet German Shepherd."

"If you insist," Mom said, as she stepped out of the shower stall and began drying herself off with a plush, over-size bath towel, as she walked back into the bedroom.

After I had gotten out of the shower and dried myself off, I finally left the bathroom. My freshly-cleaned, nude mother was already lying on her back on top of her bed with her legs spread apart a little bit.

I took my usual position beside her on the right side of the bed mattress, placed my mouth down around her left nipple, and began sucking away on it like a baby.

Mom let out a long breathy "Ahhh" sound, indicating to me that she was really enjoying my breast-sucking.

Then, after lying still for a little while, Mom cryptically said to me, 'I can't."

"You can't what?" I asked, temporarily raising my mouth of off of her large nipple.

"I can't tell you about how I lost my virginity to my best friend's pet German Shepherd," Mom said, looking me straight in the eye.

"Why?" I asked, and then tweaked her nipple with the tip of my tongue several times.

"Because that's not how I really lost my virginity, that's why," Mom finally admitted to me, and then went on to tell me all about how she really lost her virginity, "Oh, I was 18 alright. And I had just graduated from high school. And by that time, my parents' marriage had turned into one of convenience, with my Mom and Dad even sleeping in separate bedrooms of the house.

"Anyway, I was sleeping upstairs in my bedroom when my father came home really late one Saturday night after partying with some of his guy-friends. He was quite tipsy that night when he snuck into my bedroom and began raping me in my sleep."

"Hey, wait a minute," I argued. "I remember that, when you seduced me in the kitchen last Christmas, you specifically told me that you had let a boy named Keith fuck you and take your virginity back when you were in high school."

"Okay, so I lied to you just a little bit about that. The truth is I was still a virgin by the time that I graduated high school. But just a couple of weeks after I had graduated, a guy named Keith really did take my virginity. It's just that this 'Keith guy' also happened to be my own father.

"Anyway, I woke up with Dad--Keith--humping away at my pussy. And it took me a while to finally wake up enough to realize that this wasn't some fantasy dream of mine.

"Instead, it was a real live, erect penis being moved around inside my vagina. And I also realized that that penis belonged to my own father, and that my father was raping me.

"At that point, I tried to struggle to get out from underneath Dad, because I knew that what he and I were doing together was wrong and very taboo. But I also knew that it was already too late for me to really do anything about it. And that was because I could feel Dad's penis start throbbing, as he began ejaculating deep inside me, right up next to my womb.

"The worst part was that, at 18, I already knew enough about 'the birds and the bees' to realize exactly what my own father was doing to me. I knew that he was releasing his sperm cells deep inside my baby-making hole, trying to fertilize one of my egg cells, if he could, and get me pregnant.

"And that's when it suddenly happened. I spontaneously orgasmed my ass off for the very first time in my life. And I quickly found myself not wanting Dad to pull out of me. I wanted him to keep raping me with that awesome-feeling dick of his, until he managed to inseminate me a second time. And with my help, that's exactly what he ended up doing.

"What do mean by 'with your help'?" I asked Mom.

"Well, if you'll start sucking on my nipple again, I'll tell you," Mom replied. And I knew she was serious about that.

So I pulled her large breast over to one side, so that I could put my mouth down around her nipple, and continue sucking on it, while I was looking directly at her face.

"That's much better," Mom praised me. "What I mean is that after my father pulled out of me, I played with his dick and even gave him a blowjob to get him hard again, before I offered up my pussy to him for a second go-round. But this time, I wanted him to fuck me with my permission, instead of raping me, like he had just finished doing.

"I felt like such a whore for doing that too. Especially when I was letting my own father touch and play with my pussy while I was playing with his dick and those sexy balls of his. But I couldn't deny that Dad had made me cum my ass off by raping me in my sleep.

"All I can say is it was one hell of a way to lose my virginity! The only downside was that I orgasmed so strongly while Dad was raping me that I screamed out. And I didn't realize it at the time, but I must have woken up my mother, who had been asleep in her bedroom. Because she came down the hall to my bedroom, and she opened up my bedroom door just in time to see me sucking away on the head of Dad's stiff dick.

"She called Dad all sorts of name, like 'dirty old man' and 'cradle robber.' And I'll never forget that she called me a 'filthy slut of a daughter' as she was turning around to storm back to her bedroom.

"And I knew that Mom was absolutely right about that. I really was being a filthy slut of a daughter. But I also knew that I couldn't help myself. I blamed a big part--if not all--of my slutty behavior on my gigantic clitoris, which was responsible for keeping me in a nearly-constant orgasmic state, whenever it was rubbing up against any of my clothing. But of course, I already told you all about that stuff.

"The next morning, Mom packed her suitcases and left the house, and she never came back. She later filed for divorce.

"And that left Dad and me alone in that house together every night. I basically became his substitute wife. I mean, I took care of the household chores, and made dinner for him each night, so that he could have a nice warm meal whenever he came home from work. And most importantly, I slept in his bed with him each night, and I let him fuck me whenever he felt like it.

"Well, at least at first, it was just me letting him fuck me. But it didn't take long for our sexual relationship to turn into full-blown lovemaking. And that's when I realized that I was in love with my own father.

"Of course, Dad and I kept our special relationship as our dirty little secret. In fact, you're the very first person who I ever told about it."

"Wow! That's really--" I started to reply, before Mom cut me off.

"I'm not done with my story yet!" Mom interrupted me in a very loud tone-of-voice that let me know that she meant business. "Just keep sucking on my nipple, Carl, and I'll tell you the rest of my story. There's a lot left that you haven't heard yet.

"Yes, ma'am," I conceded, as I dropped my mouth back down around her now-erect nipple and continued sucking away on it.

Mom took a deep breath, and let it out, before lowering the sound level of her voice drastically to continue on with her story, "The worst part of all this was that I was in love with Sam too at the same time. Sam was already my steady boyfriend when Dad raped me that very first night. But Sam and I still hadn't 'gone all the way' together. Basically, I was afraid that Sam might get me pregnant, if we did. Can you believe it?

"I mean, I was on The Pill back then. But at the time, I didn't trust that The Pill would really work as well as it does. But it didn't take long before I started believing in The Pill, since it was the only thing that kept Dad from getting me pregnant over the course of our long relationship."

Mom abruptly stopped telling her story, and paused for a couple of beats, before commenting to me, "Hey, is that an erect penis that I feel rubbing up against my thigh?"

"Guilty as charged," I pulled my mouth up off of Mom's nipple to admit, and then I asked Mom, "Would it be okay if I stop sucking your breast now, and move in between your legs so that I can rub my dick against that awesome-looking pussy of yours, until I cum all over it?"

"What do you think I've been waiting for?" Mom asked, spreading her legs farther apart, as I was moving around to kneel between her spread-apart thighs.

I began slowly and gently rubbing the head of my dick up and down against the perpetually-exposed head of Mom's gigantic clitoris, and I asked her, "So when did you tell Sam about you and your Dad's 'special relationship'?

"I didn't! Are you kidding me? That would have been a disaster for all the people involved, including me."

"So then, Sam never knew that you were fucking dear ol' dad?"

"Didn't I just get finished telling you that you're the very first person who I ever told about that? The truth is I just couldn't bring myself to tell Sam what was really taking place right under his nose. If I did that, he'd think that I was betraying him.

"But weren't you? Really?"

"No, I wasn't. I was deeply in love with both men at the same time. And because of our monogamistic culture here in America, it was a horrible situation for me to be in, to be sure. But I couldn't deny how I really felt.

"But Keith and I had already been fucking for over a month before I finally let Sam 'go all the way' with me. I don't know why I made Sam wait that long to start fucking me, after I had lost my virginity to Dad. But I knew that there was no way that Sam would ever believe that I was a virgin, just from how adept I had become at fucking my old man.

"And so I was left with no other real choice but to lie to Sam, and make him believe that I had lost my virginity to my best friend's pet German Shepherd. But I decided not to lie to you, because frankly, at my age, I no longer have anything to lose.

"Anyway, Dad and I kept having sex together until I finally moved out of the house to move in with Sam. And of course, Dad and I would always end up fucking anytime that I would go over to his house to visit him--something which Sam never did find out about--thank God! But that doesn't mean that there weren't some close calls here and there.

"One time, Sam and I went over to Dad's house to help him with putting a new coat of paint on the exterior trim of his house.

"At one point, I stopped painting, and I went inside the house to go to the restroom. And while I was sitting on the toilet, peeing, Dad softly knocked on the bathroom door, and whispered to me through the door, begging me to do a quickie with him. I hadn't seen my father in several weeks, and so I was feeling pretty horny to have his dick--and especially his watery old-man's sperm--back inside my pussy again.

"So I opened the bathroom door, and Dad stepped into the small bathroom with me, and we had a doggie-style quickie together, just like you and I did in the bathroom at Wendy's the other day. Needless to say, it felt really strange to me to have my Dad's freshly-ejaculated sperm in my vagina when I went back outside to continue helping Dad and Sam with the house painting.

"Things got even more awkward when Sam wanted to have sex with me as soon as we had gotten back to our apartment from painting Dad's house trim. I didn't have time to clean up my pussy first, but I knew that if I refused Sam's 'request,' he'd probably just go ahead and rape me anyway, and assuming that that was what I was wanting him to do.

"And to make matters even worse, Sam decided he was going to eat my pussy to get me in the mood. Before I could stop him, he dove head-first into my muff, and then pulled back a little bit, before he told me that my pussy smelled like sperm.

"I did the only thing I could really do in that situation. I laughed it off, and I explained to Sam the he and I fuck so much that my pussy just stays smelling like that, no matter how much I wash it on the outside.

"And Sam bought my explanation hook, line, and sinker. He went ahead and fucked my creampied pussy without ever giving it a second thought.

"And that's how I found out that I could let my father fuck me, and then later that same day safely let Sam fuck me, because Dad's sperm was nearly-transparent and very watery-looking (it looked pretty much the same way that Sam's pre-cum looked), instead of being thick and whitish colored like Sam's sperm was. And so even if Sam did notice the excess wetness of my pussy, he would simply assume that it was my own wetness, because you know how wet I can get when I get excited enough."

"Lake Janie!" I remarked, and we both laughed pretty hard.

"Yes, that's right. Lake Janie. Anyway, lies have a way of backfiring on the person who tells them, and mine certainly did. You see, long after Ben and Dotty had both come and gone, and Sam and I were involving other people in our 'cuckolding experimentations,' one day Sam comes up to me and says to me, 'I want you to show me how you lost your virginity.'

"'What do you mean by that?' I asked him, and he said to me, 'I want you to fuck a German Shepherd in front of me, and I want you to show me exactly how you lost your virginity that day.'

"And I asked Sam where in the world we were going to get a German Shepherd for me to fuck.

"And Sam didn't answer me, Instead, he took the car keys and drove off somewhere for 30 minutes or so, before he returned with full-grown male German Shepherd dog sitting beside him in the front seat of his car.

"And at that point, I knew I was in trouble. I had never had sex with a dog before. And so I didn't really know all the ins and outs of doing that. But because of the lie that I had told Sam, I was going to have to act like having sex with a dog was no big deal.

"The problem was that it did turn out to be a big deal. I'm not going to get into the details here, but I have never done anything so kinky in my entire life.

"Anyway, Sam didn't tell me at the time, but there was a neighbor of ours who was moving out of town and looking for a good home for his 5-year-old German Shepherd, and the only reason Sam bought that dog was so that I could fuck that dog in front of Sam whenever he wanted me to--which is exactly what I ended up having to do."

"So, did it turn you on? Getting fucked by a dog like that?"

"Of course it did. But not nearly as much as getting fucked by you."

"Now I know you're lying to me. Because you told me yourself that this is what really turns you on," I emphatically announced to Mom while I was energetically hand-pumping up and down on my dick-shaft. And within moments, I began ejaculating my sperm all over her huge clit and her pussy crack, with her watching the pulsating head of my dick like a hawk the whole time.

"Oh my God, that never gets old!" Mom announced dramatically with a huge smile on her face when my ejaculation had finally tapered off, and she began finger-rubbing my just-released thick little white puddles and streamers of sperm all over her own pussy crack and clitoris.

Then Mom asked me, "You really want to fuck her again, don't you?"

"Who? Jenny?"

"No. Fran. She's the one with the magical pussy, as far as your dick is concerned."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well, whenever you're having sex with Fran, you don't totally lose your erection when you're between ejaculations. In other words, Fran obviously excites you so much that your normal refractory period pretty much disappears. And that's definitely something magical, as far as I'm concerned."

"Do I detect some jealousy here?"

"Of course, I'm jealous. For example, I wish you could fuck me right now, but you've got a limp dick between your legs, which is totally normal and natural. But if I were Fran, you'd be fucking me right now, after you just finished jacking off onto my pussy, because you would've never totally lost your erection, like you did with me. So yes, I'm a little bit jealous."

"There's no need to be. I'm not in love with Fran, like I am with you."

"But you are in lust with her, aren't you? Come on, you can be honest with me. I won't get mad about it."

"Okay okay. You're right. I can't deny that there's just something super-exciting and erotic--and extremely taboo--about Fran's old shriveled up pussy and her saggy breasts. It feels like I'm having sex with someone's grandmother."

"That's because you are. And whenever I'm having sex with Fran, it feels to me like I'm having sex with my own mother, which of course, my real mother would've never let me do.

"In others words, Fran's magical pussy has the same type of super-exciting effect on my pussy that it does on your dick. I just wanted you to understand the whole dynamic in both of our relationships with Fran."

"I didn't think Fran had any kids."

"That because she never talks about it, but she used to have a 10-year-old daughter who was hit and killed by a drunk driver many years ago. I'm sure it was devastating for her and her husband back then. But that should help you to understand why Fran is such a tough old bird nowadays. But under that tough no-nonsense exterior, she's truly got a heart of gold."

"And a magical pussy." I remarked off-hand, which made Mom and I both chuckle for a moment.

"Oh my God! Are you getting another hard-on? So soon? With me?"

"Yes, ma'am. Maybe you haven't noticed, but your pussy excites me and my dick almost as much as Fran's does."

"Well, hop on, son. And do your best to try to get me pregnant, okay?"

"Don't worry, Mom. I will," I assured her, as I was easing my fully-erect penis up into my mother's vagina. "And when I cum inside you, I expect you to do your best to pretend that I'm getting you pregnant."

"Oh, you do, do you?" Mom remarked sarcastically. "Tell you what. Why don't I just go ahead and pretend that you're my dead husband instead, and that you're not the ungrateful motherfucker that you really are? Would that be okay with you?"

"Sure, Mom, if that's what you really want to do. But I'm not ungrateful, and you know that."

"Wrong answer. You need to grow some balls, son, if you ever want to get another Lake Janie out of this old pussy of mine when you're fucking me."

"So what would the right answer be then?" I asked Mom.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe something like, 'Fuck you, bitch. You're gonna do exactly what I tell you to do, and you're going to enjoy the shit out of it!' or maybe something like, "I want you to shut the fuck up right now, and suck on one of those giant tits of yours while I'm fucking your whore-ass pussy!' Anything like that would have been much better than, 'Sure, Mom, if that's what you really want to do.'

"That's a very submissive, cooperative thing to say to me. And it's fine for you to take on that kind of role during foreplay, or during other sexual acts, like jacking off in front of me.

"But when it comes time for intercourse to take place between you and me, you need to take total control of the situation, and aggressively dominate me. That's what turns me on during intercourse. In other words, you need to treat me like I'm just another little whore with a pussy down between her legs that you're selfishly using to get your own rocks off however you see fit.

"I'm the one--not you--who needs to be totally cooperative and submissive during intercourse. That's just the way my brain is sexually-wired, and that's the secret to making me cum my ass off while you're busy doing the same thing inside this ol' worn-out pussy of mine. And of course, the end result is a totally satisfied woman, with a freshly-created Lake Janie between my legs. Capiche?

"And by the way, I'm positive that if you were to do this same thing to Fran, or to Jenny, or to Sofia, while you're fucking each of those women, they would all end up orgasming their butts off, and creating their own pussy-puddles between their legs. If you don't believe me, just become the aggressively controlling version of Carl the next time that you fuck them, and watch what magically happens."

"Yeah, Mom. I get it already. So when the fuck are you gonna stop talking, and get down on your hands and knees so I can fuck you doggie-style?"

I rolled off the top of my mother, and she rolled over onto her stomach, and raised herself up onto her hands and knees on top of the bed, with her big bare cellulite-pitted butt stuck up in the air.

I moved in behind her and began slowly rubbing the head of my dick up and down along the wet crack of her pussy. And then I inserted the tip of my dick up inside her."

"Hey, that's not my pussy!" Mom cried out in what sounded to me like sheer terror.

"It is for now," I calmly replied, and then I rammed my dick all the way up into her rectum, in one long, hard thrust.

Mom almost-instantly collapsed down onto her stomach, and then she began squirming around, obviously trying to pull her rectum up off of my dick. But my dick was already so far up inside her rectum, that it was a losing battle for her. And I simply began thrusting in and out of her rectum, while she was in that stomach-against-the-bed position.

"God damn it! My hemorrhoids are killing me!"

"I'll kill you myself, if you don't stop squirming around and take you medicine, like a good little whore should. The more you squirm around underneath me, the faster I'm going to thrust, and that's a promise."

"Oh God! Please don't do that!" Mom pleaded with me. Her voice was shaky and she was in tears. But I was so focused on screwing Mom's forbidden rectum that I didn't really care at that moment what Mom thought about what I was doing. After all, I was the one who was in total control of this intercourse, and my mother herself had told me that that's what really turns her on.

While I kept slowly and steadily thrusting away at Mom's rectum, I warned her, "I'm going to do the same thing to you that I did to Jenny earlier this afternoon."

"Oh yeah? What was that?" Mom asked.

"I fucked her in the ass first, and then I pulled out and came inside her pussy."

"Please don't do that, Carl. I could get a really bad infection from you doing that to me."

"Yeah, I know. That's what Jenny told me too. It's exciting, isn't it?"

"More like terrifying," Mom corrected me.

"Whatever, Janie. You're gonna do it my way, whether you want to, or not."

"I asked you not to call me 'Janie.'"

"I'll call you whatever the fuck I want to when I'm fucking you, you stupid whore of a woman!" I said, as I pulled my dick out of Janie's asshole, moved it down about an inch or so, and placed the fecal matter coated tip of my dick-head just inside her perpetually-gaping vaginal entrance.

I announced, "I'm getting ready to put some of your own shit up into your baby-making hole. Doesn't that turn you on?"

Janie screamed out, "Oh God! I'm scared! Please don't do this, Carl!"

And then, while she continued screaming out all sorts of cuss words, she began orgasming her butt off at the same time, squirting out all over the place in the process.

"Well, it must turn you on. Or else you wouldn't be cumming all over my dick, like you are," I said to Mom.

And Mom said to me, "I'm not cumming. You've got to believe me."

But I didn't believe her, as I shoved my dick all the way up into Janie's already sopping-wet vagina and began humping away at it like a madman. And Mom just kept squirting and squirting and squirting for what seemed like forever.

"Oh, shit, shit, shit!" Mom screamed out very loudly, when she felt me ejaculating deep inside her vagina, with the filthy head of my dick pressed right up against her cervix.

When I finally finished inseminating my own mother, I pulled my filthy dick out of her vagina, and backed away from her just enough to roll over to one side and lie next to her.

Mom was lying on her stomach, with her legs spread apart, and another Lake Janie mega-puddle between her hefty thighs. Her body was frozen in the same position, and if she weren't breathing so heavily, you would have thought that she might be dead, or something.

"Mom, are you okay?" I finally asked her.

"No, I'm not okay. I specifically asked you not to fuck me in the ass. But you went ahead and did it anyway.

"And that would've been bad enough. But then you committed a Cardinal Sin in most women's eyes, when you switched over from anal intercourse to vaginal intercourse without stopping first to clean the shit off your dick, which put my whole genital structure at risk of severe infection. And you went ahead and did that to me in spite of my begging and pleading with you not to do it."

"I'm sorry, Mom. But I thought that's what you wanted me to do. To take control of things. And besides, I could tell you were cumming when I stuck the head of my dick up into your pussy."

"No, I wasn't. At least, not at that point. What I was doing was peeing all over your dick-head on purpose, trying to wash any fecal matter off of it.

"But then you shoved your dick all the way up inside me, and even though I was scared by what you were doing, I realized that there was no turning back. The damage had already done.

"And so at that point, I accepted my fate, and I was able to relax enough to let myself pretend that I had a fertile womb, so that I could orgasm while you were inseminating me."

"So I was right then. You did orgasm while I was fucking you."

"But not until you started cumming inside me. That's what made me orgasm. But that's not important in the greater scheme of things, Carl. What I need you to learn from this is that actions have real consequences, son. And payback can be a real bitch. Just because you can do something, doesn't mean that you should go ahead and do it--even if you are the one who is in control at the time.

"What I'm talking about here is that you forgot the most important rule of sex and lovemaking, and that's the rule of reciprocation. You could think of this rule as the "I'll show you mine, if you show me yours" rule that all sexual encounters are based on. And this is the golden rule of sex we humans naturally tend to follow from the very first time that we express our sexuality to another living person.

"This rule of reciprocation basically states that if we let someone do something to--or with--us sexually, it is always with the understanding and agreement that that other person will have our permission to also do the same thing to--or with--us. So, by fucking me in the ass, like you just did, you automatically gave me permission to do the same thing to you.

"And now that you've gone ahead and given me that implied permission, I'm going to do to you what you just did to me, and see how much you like it. And if you try to stop me--or do anything else besides cooperate with me completely--I'll kick your ass out of my bed, and you'll never have sex with me again. And you wouldn't want that, now would you?"

"No, ma'am."

Mom sat up on the bed, and reached across to open the drawer at the front of the night stand on her side of the bed, as she said to me, "You obviously forgot that I have a night stand full of various size dildos. And dildos don't discriminate between vaginas and rectums. Ah, here's my favorite," Mom remarked, holding up the 9-inch-long, realistic-looking dildo that she had shown to me over our previous Google Meet phone video call session. "You do recognize this, right?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Good. What I didn't show you over the phone is that this awesome dildo also has a sturdy leather harness, so that I can place the suction cup at the bottom of the dildo, down into the front pocket of the harness, and use this dildo to fake-fuck someone with it."

While she was describing all this to me, Mom had stood up beside the bed and put the harness on, so that she now had what looked like a large black man's perpetually-erect penis jutting out at the front of her crotch.

Mom walked around to my side of the bed, and ordered me to sit up. Then she explained to me, "Now I want you to stick the end of it in your mouth and give it a liberal coating of your saliva. The more, the better."

"Mom, you don't have to do this," I begged her.

"Oh yes, I do. Otherwise, you'll never learn. Just remember. I'm doing this because I love you. Now stand up, turn around, and bend over the side of the bed. Oh come on, Carl. You know the drill. Spread your legs apart."

Mom moved in behind my butt to place the very tip of the saliva-coated head of the dildo up against my asshole sphincter.

"Mommy, please don't do this to me," I pleaded with her.

"I pleaded with you too, do you remember? But that didn't stop you from going ahead and fucking me in the ass, now did it?"

Mom leaned her hips foward to press the head of the dildo up against my asshole sphincter until it finally gave way, allowing the whole length of the dildo to slide up into my rectum.

It literally took my breath away for a few seconds. And then I realized that the dildo felt really good inside my rectum when Mom was just leaving it in place. What I didn't know yet was that I wouldn't feel the same way once Mom began thrusting the dildo in and out of my asshole.

I mean, the pulling the dildo out part actually felt good to me, almost like I was taking a dump. But the inward thrusting part was making me cry out in pain during each forward thrust.

As Mom ignored by cries of pain, and continued to slowly and relentlessly thrust the full length of the dildo into my rectum, she said to me, "Good! Now I hope you're realizing that a rectum and a vagina were designed for completely different purposes. A rectum was designed to be a one-way exit, whereas a vagina was designed to have a two-way function. This hurts like hell, doesn't it?"

"On shit yeah!"

"If you think this is bad, you ought to try it with hemorrhoids like I've got. Anyway, if I were to keep thrusting away at it, your asshole would eventually relax and expand to stop fighting the dildo. But it still wouldn't feel that good to you. It just wouldn't hurt anymore."

Mom pulled the dildo out of my ass, and ordered me to turn around to face her.

"Do you see all the fecal matter sticking to the head of this dildo?" Mom said, holding the dildo right up to my face.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Well, you're lucky that I don't make you lick it off with your tongue. You've got to understand something about being a woman. Way back when I was a very young girl, my parents taught me to wipe my asshole with toilet paper after I've finished taking a dump, but to only wipe from front to back--instead of also wiping from back to front--so that I don't accidentally get some of my own fecal matter up into my vagina, and possibly give myself a bad infection that would require medical attention, at the very least.

Then you came along a few minutes ago, and by sticking that shit-coated dick of yours up into my vagina, you negated all those years of me trying to keep my vagina as clean and healthy as I could. Now, do you understand why I got so pissed off at you for doing that? And I'll bet Jenny was pissed off at your too, when you did the same thing to her, wasn't she?"

"Yes, ma'am. She was."

"So then, why did you go ahead and do the same thing to me? I thought you loved me enough not to ever risk the health of my pussy like you just did."

"I'm sorry, Mom. I guess I just got caught up in the power trip of it all. You know, the 'being in total control,' and stuff."

"Yeah, but being in control also involves acting responsibly so that you don't risk injuring your partner in any way. So a real man would never do what you just did to Jenny and me.

"I guess what I'm saying here is that you really need to grow up, son. I don't care that you're in your mid-30's. You're acting like a dumb teenager, when it comes to sex. You've got to be much smarter about what you choose to do, and not do, during intercourse, since you're the one who is supposed to take responsibility for that."

"As your woman, I'm just supposed to cooperate with your wishes completely, and enjoy the intercourse, while you're getting your rocks off inside me. And the only way I can relax enough to actually enjoy the intercourse is if I feel that I can trust you not to risk hurting me in any way during the sex itself. Does any of this make sense to you?"

"Yes, ma'am. When you put it that way, it makes total sense. I'm sorry for what I did, and I promise you I'll never do it again," I apologized to Mom.

Mom removed the harnessed dildo from around her waist, and carefully laid the fecal matter-coated dildo on top of its harness, which was now laying on top of the night stand on my side of the bed.

"Oh my God! That just about wore me out!" Mom remarked, referring to her having just finished thrusting away at my butt, fucking me in the ass from behind with that large dildo of hers.

Then Mom climbed back onto the top of the bed, on her side of the bed, before flopping down onto her back with her head on top of the pillows, and then closing her eyes, obviously wanting to go to sleep.

I climbed up into the bed with her to lie beside her, and I cuddled with her while I sucked on her left nipple.

Within a few minutes, I heard Mom begin snoring away, which meant that she was definitely asleep.

And that meant that it was time for me to put my plan into action. I was determined to get even with my mother for fucking me in the ass like she had just done. But I knew that I had to do it in such a way that she would never realize what I had to do to her to get even--that is, until she finally woke up on her own, and figured it out for herself.

I reached across to the top of the night stand on my side of the bed, and I carefully removed the dildo from the front part of its harness, taking extra care not to touch any of the fecal matter that was spread all over the fake penis part of the dildo.

While holding the dildo by its artificial half-scrotum that was permanently molded to the base of the fake penis, I reached over into Mom's crotch with my left hand, and began gently massaging her huge clitoris between my fingers.

Mom, who was still lying on her back and snoring away at this point, automatically spread her legs farther apart to open up her pussy. And while I continued to ever-so-gently massage her clit, I placed the head of the dildo inside the crack of her pussy, and began rubbing it up and down along her pussy crack.

And it didn't take long at all for me to give Mom a mild orgasm. But the important part was that Mom's mild orgasm wasn't strong enough to actually wake her up. She just rocked her hips a little bit and moaned in pleasure a couple of times, before she went right back to snoring away.

And that was my cue. I carefully inserted the fecal matter-coated head of the large dildo up into Mom's now-moist vagina, and then slowly slipped the 9-inch-long, realistic-looking dildo all the way up inside her, as far as it would go, before just leaving it in position, with its fake balls pressed up against her butt cheeks.

"Take that, you fucking bitch!" I forcefully whispered to my sleeping mother under my breath, as I was slowly getting up out of bed to go down to the family room to watch some TV.

"I'm the one who's supposed to be in control, remember? You told me so yourself. So who's in control now, you fucking cunt?"

The very next morning, I was suddenly jarred awake when I heard Mom loudly scream out from her bedroom in sheer terror, "Oh shit! God damn it! What the fuck did you do, Carl?"

"I raped you last night, just like you wanted me to. I thought you told me that was your favorite dildo," I called back to Mom from my bedroom, as I was walking towards her bedroom, buck-naked, with my morning wood jutting out at the front of my bare crotch.

I entered Mom's bedroom, and quickly jumped on top of my mother, who was was lying on her back and holding the dildo in one hand. Then I grabbed the dildo out of her hand and threw it onto the floor by the bed, before I pinned her down underneath me, and I literally fucked the crap out of her pussy with my morning hard-on.

After I ejaculated deep inside Mom's vagina, and was lying on top of her, still coupled up and basking in my own orgasmic afterglow, I eventually said to my mother, "Now see? That wasn't so bad, was it?"

"Fuck you, Carl!" Mom yelled back me. She was furious as she unleashed her barrage of words at me, "You're one disgusting motherfucker, you know it? I can't believe you secretly stuck that shit-covered dildo up into my pussy, and then just let me sleep all night long with that filthy thing deep inside my vagina! How could you do that to someone you love?"

"The same way that I could fuck your shit-coated pussy this morning without even giving it a second thought. I'm a guy, Mom. And guys don't worry about stuff like cleanliness the way that women do. You should know that by now."

After hearing my explanation, Mom calmed down just enough to say to me, "I love you, son. But what I do know is that if you ever do that to me again, I'll make sure you never get another chance to touch my pussy! Now roll your ass off of me, son, and suck on Mommy's nipple, like a good little boy. Mommy still needs to cum some more."

"Yes, Mommy," I replied without even thinking about it, and I began sucking away on Mommy's left nipple, just like she had told me to do.

But unlike all the other times I had sucked on her nipples, this time, a sickly sweet wetness came out of her nipple directly into my mouth.

I quickly pulled my mouth up off of Mom's nipple, and gently squeezed her large areola, just behind her nipple. And to my horror, I saw several drops of thick, yellowish-colored, puss-looking fluid emerge from the tip of her erect nipple.

"What the fuck, Mom?" I asked in totally disbelief. "Do you have breast cancer, or something? I mean, what's all that puss stuff coming out of your nipple?"

"No, son, there's nothing wrong with me," Mom reassured me as she looked down at her own breast, and saw the yellowish discharge oozing out of her nipple, and she calmly reached over and squeezed some of it out of her nipple for herself, and then slowly shook her head from side to side, saying to me, "But this isn't supposed to happen until sometime in the second trimester."

"Second trimester? What the hell are you talking about, Mom? What's that yellow puss-looking stuff coming out of your nipple?"

"That 'puss-looking stuff' coming out of my nipple is called 'colostrum.' And several months from now that colostrum stuff would eventually turn into milk for a newborn baby."

"But that would mean-- I mean, how can that be? I thought that you had already reached menopause many years ago."

"Well, so did I at first, when my periods kept coming farther and farther apart. But unlike with other women, my periods never did stop completely. They just slowed way down, from coming once a month like clockwork, to coming maybe once every four to six months, or so. I actually stopped keeping track of them after Sam died.

"But remember when you called me and told me that you were going to be coming to visit me for Christmas? Well, that same night, my period unexpectedly came, and that happened about two weeks before you came up to visit me.

"So by the time that you were in my house visiting me at Christmas, I was ovulating. But of course I didn't say anything to you about it, mainly because I didn't think that you'd believe me, if I did.

"Anyway, just like it is with other women, whenever I'm ovulating, I'm always feeling my horniest. And it had been several months since I had felt that horny. That's what gave me the courage to go ahead and seduce my own son in the kitchen that day into having sex with me.

"And the whole time you were here fucking me at Christmas time, I never used any birth control, because frankly, I didn't think that it would be possible for you to get me pregnant, considering how old any egg cell that I might release would be.

"But the fact is you did end up getting me pregnant. And believe it or not, it happened that very first time that you ever fucked me, Carl. Right after you had fucked your little sister, Lacey, for the very first time.

"Shortly after you came deep inside me, I instinctively sensed that your sperm cells were actually getting me pregnant. And that really threw me for a loop, because I hadn't had that particular feeling since Ben got me pregnant with your little sister.

"I kept trying to deny it throughout the whole time that you were here with Lacey and me. But then, my body began feeling really strange to me after that very first time that you fucked me.

"And then, after you left and went back home to your house, I began feeling sick to my stomach in the mornings and puking into the toilet a lot. And so I went and took a home pregnancy test. And sure enough, the test confirmed that I had managed to get knocked up by my own son.

"I was way to scared to see a doctor at that point, and so a couple days days later, I took a second home pregnancy test--one made by a different manufacturer--and that second test ended up producing the same result, which was nothing less than devastating to me.

"As you can imagine, pregnancy was the last thing in the world that I wanted to have to deal with at my age! But I wasn't really given a choice in the matter. The day I let you ejaculate inside my totally-unprotected vagina that very first time, my fate was sealed. It didn't matter that I'm 57 years old. All that mattered was that I was ovulating at the time, and one of your sperm cells ended up penetrating one of my egg cells and making a baby inside my womb.

"Of course, like I told you, my colostrum was not supposed to come in until sometime during the second trimester. But even though I'm only in my first trimester right now, my colostrum's already here, probably thanks to my giant milk glands, and the fact that I've already had two kids.

"By the way, I'm not the only middle-aged woman who has ever gotten pregnant. In fact, according to the Internet, the oldest woman who ever conceived naturally was 67 years old when she got impregnated. Can you believe that?"

"So what are you going to do, Mom?"

"Well, if we're going to keep fucking like we've been doing--and now that we're actually in love--I don't see any reason why we would ever stop fucking, do you?''

"No, ma'am."

"Well, in that case, I'm considering getting my tubes tied, so this won't ever happen again. That way, if you ever want to go ahead and have a family with a different woman, you'll be able to do that, and you won't resent me for making you get a vasectomy."

"You know that's not what I meant, Mom. What are you going to do about the pregnancy?"

My mother looked me straight in the eye, and after taking a long deep breath and letting it back out, she told me, "Tell you what. Why don't you let me worry about that. You just worry about making me cum some more. 'Cuz I'm still feeling horny as hell! Aren't you?"

"Sure. But just let me hit the bathroom first, okay? I just woke up, and I really need to go pee," I announced to Mom, and then literally sprinted to Mom's private bathroom."

I didn't even bother closing the bathroom door behind me, as I quickly lifted the toilet seat, along with its lid, into an upright position, just in time for my urine to start spraying out into the toilet bowl.

And while I was standing there in front of the toilet bowl, looking down at the head of my dick as I was urinating, I began fantasizing about rubbing my dickhead against Mom's nipple, and getting her gooey yellow colostrum all over my dickhead, before inserting my dick up into her vagina, and fucking her with my colostrum-coated dick.

And that perverted thought was making my dick stiffen and grow, even as the urine kept forcefully squirting out in its pencil-thin stream from my piss-hole slit. I had to eventually struggle to get the last of my urine emptied out of my bladder, because by that point, I had a nearly-full-blown hard-on between my legs.

And as I turned around, walked back into the bedroom, and approached Mom, she saw my erect penis bobbing up and down as I was walking towards her, and she said to me, "I thought you went to go take a piss."

"I did. But then this weird, perverted thought hit me out of nowhere, and I began fantasizing about it like crazy while I was still pissing. And before I knew it, my dick started getting hard again. Go figure."

"So what exactly was this 'weird, perverted thought' of yours?" Mom asked. "And does it have something to do with me?"

"You bet it does. For some strange reason, your colostrum really turns me on at lot. Seeing it come out of your nipple, and touching it, and even tasting it."

"So what is it that you want me to do, son?"

"All I want you to do is cooperate with me. That having been said, you don't think that having colostrum in your pussy would hurt you, do you? Because for some weird reason, I really want to transfer some of that colostrum stuff from your tits to your pussy--with your permission, of course."

Mom looked at me like I was half-crazy, and then finally said to me, "That's some weird shit, son! You're one sick puppy, you know it? And you're sure it will turn you on to do this, huh?"

"Oh, I know it will!" I said, with full confidence. "I'm sure it'll turn you on too! I mean, I seriously doubt that anyone else in this entire world has ever done what I'm wanting us to do together.

"So what do you think? Do you want to try something completely new, and different, and unique to us, as a couple?"

"Oh, what the hell! Sure. Why not. You only live once. I mean, it can't be any worse than having fecal matter in my pussy, can it?"

"That's the spirit, Mom!"

While standing beside the bed, I reached across and squeezed some of the thick, yellowish, puss-looking fluid out of Mom's left nipple. And then, while she was staring at my hand the whole time, I scooped up the fresh colostrum on my fingertips, reached down between Mom's spread-thighs, and finger-rubbed that colostrum all over the huge head of Mom's clitoris.

"Oh shit!" Mom cried out. "This is so fucking perverted! I love it! Don't stop! Put some in my pussy, you fucking pervert!" Mom barked out at me.

While Mom was talking to me like that, and ordering me around, I assumed that I had just caused Mom to orgasm--not a super-strong orgasm, mind you, but an orgasm nonetheless.

"Did I just make you cum?" I asked Mom point-blank. "I mean, it's kind of hard to tell with you, sometimes."

"Of course you did! If you don't believe me, just reach down and feel how wet my pussy is."

And so, at Mom's suggestion, I slid my fingers up into the crack of Mom's bare vulva to feel the wetness level of her pussy for myself.

"That's what I'm talking about," I told Mom. "You're already wet as fuck, and we haven't even gotten started. Get ready to cum your ass off. That's all I can say."

Mom got really excited when she saw me move my pelvic area up to her chest, so that I could squeeze out some of her colostrum from her nipple, and then rub it over the head of my dick. Then I climbed up into bed, between Mom's spread-apart thighs, so that I could insert the colostrum-coated head of my dick up into her vagina.

When she felt me penetrating her, Mom cried out, "Oh fuck! Shit! I can't believe you're actually doing this to me!"

To which I immediately responded, "I can't believe you're letting me do this to you!" And I sunk my dick into her vagina, all the way up to the hilt, and began humping away at her pussy as fast as I could hump.

That's when I felt Mom squirting and gushing all over my dick and balls, while she was screaming profanities out like a drunken sailor, obviously orgasming her butt off in the process, and doing her best to create another "Lake Janie" between her spread-apart thighs.

Meanwhile, while Mom was busy orgasming her ass off underneath me, my own orgasmic sensations ended up being very controlled and subdued. This was the first time that I ever ejaculated inside my mother's vagina without mentally having to fantasize and pretend that she was fertile and that I was impregnating her.

In fact, it felt really strange to me--and quite unsettling--when I was ejaculating my sperm up against the neck of Mom's pregnant womb. It seemed as if I were just going through the motions of fucking, and that it really didn't matter anymore whether I ejaculated my sperm inside Mom's vagina, or onto her clit, or onto her tits, or into her mouth. The point is, where I released my sperm during my orgasm, suddenly didn't matter anymore when it came to having sex with my pregnant mother.

I instantly realized that I wanted and needed my old mother back. The non-pregnant mother that I had grown to love fucking so much. And I didn't want Mom to get her tubes tied, either. And I sure as hell was not going to get a vasectomy. Because what I was wanting the most in this world was to fuck a non-pregnant, hopefully-fertile Janie, in order to try to get her pregnant again. But this time, for both of us to do everything on purpose. I wanted both of us to experiencing fucking while we're actively trying to get pregnant.

After I had pulled out of Mom's pussy and was lying beside her on my back in the bed, I said to her, "I want you call the women's clinic tomorrow to make an appointment to get your pregnancy terminated, because that's what you were planning on doing anyway, isn't it?"

"Yes, son. Having this baby at my age, and in the poor physical shape that I'm in, would be nothing less than suicidal, and I'm not ready to die yet. I've got a lot more fucking to do first, don't you think?"

"Yes, ma'am. We sure do!" I assured her with a big smile on my face.

"But I'm scared, son. I've never had an abortion before. Will you go with me to the clinic when I get the procedure? After all, it's partially your fault that this happened."

"Oh right. Way to push the blame off on someone else, Mom. Like you didn't seduce me into fucking you at Christmas time, without you using any birth control at the very time when you knew that you were most likely ovulating."

"Okay, okay. So it's all my fault. I fucked up, okay? I'm human.

"Like I said, I was feeling super-horny back at Christmas time. I hadn't had a real live dick inside my pussy for over five years--ever since your father died--and I didn't think that your sperm could actually fertilize one of my old egg cells and get me pregnant. That's the only reason why I seduced you into having unprotected intercourse with me, and then let you keep fucking me that way over and over again while you were staying here with me.

"Of course, this visit with you is totally different, because I already knew that you had gotten me pregnant during your Christmas visit, and so I realized that you couldn't get me any more pregnant that I already am, no matter how many times we fuck bareback."

"Mom, promise me that you won't get your tubes tied yet."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because after you get this pregnancy terminated and we get the green light from the doctor to start fucking again, what I really want more than anything else in this whole wide world is for us to intentionally fuck our brains out without using any birth control, while we're both actively focused on trying to get you pregnant again.

"In other words, I know this sounds weird, but I want you to fuck me with the same level of passion that you fucked Ben, back when you were actively trying to get pregnant with my little sister. Do you think you could do that for me, Mom?"

"Of course, I will. But you do realize that would mean that you might be forcing me to eventually get another abortion, right?"

"Yes, of course I do. But wouldn't it be worth it? Just think about it for a moment. Both of us actively trying to make a baby together? Doesn't that thought turn you on?"

"Oh hell yes!" Mom replied. "But then, I've been a risk-taker most of my life. I don't see any reason to change now."

"I love you, Mom. I knew you'd see things my way on this."

And that's how Mom and I ended up fucking our brains out for next 10 years or so without using any birth control. But I never did get Mom pregnant again, even though I kept trying like crazy.

And throughout that entire time, I had no idea why I couldn't get my mother pregnant again.

After Mom died, I was digging around in her personal filing cabinet for some papers that I needed to the close out her estate, when I accidentally came upon a paid bill from the women's clinic, showing that Mom had her tubes tied two weeks after her abortion had taken place.

And I realized that Mom had intentionally kept this fact a secret from me all those years leading up to her sudden death from a heart attack.

I'm currently 45 and living in Mom's house. But the place sure feels lonely without her around anymore.

However, Fran still comes over from time to time, whenever she's feeling horny and has a little excess cash that she wants to throw my way in exchange for me sharing my dick and my sperm with her. Even all these years later, it's a super turn-on for me to fuck that little old lady's shriveled-up pussy. And at age 87, Fran's just as horny as she ever was.

As for what happened to Sofia, she kept on coming over to to Mom's house every school day afternoon to have unprotected sex with me for several weeks until I finally managed to get her pregnant. At that point, she left her cheating husband, and abruptly moved away from the neighborhood, taking her two children with her.

Last I heard, she was living in Waco, TX, with a super-rich, white sugar daddy who had a thing for attractive, middle-age, Latina women, like Sofia. Of course, she got that good ol' boy rancher to marry her by leading him on to believe that the baby she was carrying in her womb was his.

After Mom had run Jenny off that day (after she had scissored with Sofia), I didn't see her again for months. I found out later that Jenny was having a secret affair with her own brother, Greg, but that the whole thing had driven a wedge between her and her mother, when her mother caught them fucking one day, because her mother was in love with her brother, and wanted him to exclusively satisfy her sexual needs, and not Jenny's.

She actually kicked Jenny out of the house over it, and Jenny showed up on Mom's doorstep one evening, asking if she could stay with us at Mom's house, until she could save up enough money to get her own place. And of course, Mom let her stay in our third bedroom, which had belonged to my little sister, Lacey, back when she was a young girl.

But Jenny never did move out. Instead, she lived with Mom and me for years, all the way up until Mom died, and Mom treated her just like a daughter who was always ready and willing to become a whore in the bedroom at the drop of a hat.

And of course, just like Mom, I also couldn't get enough of Jenny's young pussy. It seemed like I spent just as much time fucking her as I did fucking Mom.

Outwardly in public, Jenny would present herself as being my live-in girlfriend. But the truth was that up until Mom's death, I always slept in Mom's bed with her, and not in Jenny's bed, despite the fact that I fell deeply in love with Jenny over time.

About five years into our weird threesome live-in relationship, Mom secretly talked Jenny into getting off The Pill, and not using birth control anymore. She told Jenny that she really wanted some grandkids around, and that the only way that I would ever actually commit to marrying Jenny was if I got her pregnant first. So Jenny agreed to let herself get impregnated by me, since she was sensing that her own biological clock was ticking away.

So one day, when Jenny announced to me that she was pregnant, I was in total shock. I thought that she had gotten pregnant despite her using The Pill, and that her pregnancy was a total accident.

And Jenny was just fine with letting me believe that, instead telling me the real truth of the matter. And naturally, I did the only honorable thing I could really think to do in that situation. I asked Jenny to get the pregnancy terminated, and offered to accompany her to the clinic to have the procedure performed.

However, when Jenny steadfastly refused to do that, claiming that she was wanting to have the baby, I felt that I had no other choice but to ask her to marry and me. And of course she accepted, and nine months later our son, Samuel, was born--along with our daughter, Sara, who was born two minutes after Sam was.

Yes, that's right. Jenny ended up having paternal twins! We were both in shock when those initial ultrasound pictures of our two little ones growing inside Mommy's womb showed up on the monitor screen at the doctor's office.

And so life in our household got hectic for the next five years, or so. Jenny and I both spent so much time taking care of our small children that we barely had any time for each other.

But that was okay, because Jenny lost her libido, and didn't want me to have sex with her at all during that first year, when our babies were both infants. She always seemed to have a headache, or she'd tell me she just wasn't in the mood. Stuff like that.

But I never pressured Jenny into having sex with me that entire time. I figured that she'd eventually come around, and start feeling horny again, once the kids got a little older, and she had a little more free time on her hands.

The good news was that even though I couldn't have sex with my own wife anymore during that very first year of parenthood, I still had my mother, who was always more than happy to have sex with me--even if that sex turned out being nothing more than a quickie in the ladies restroom at some fast food joint somewhere while we were out having lunch together.

As you can imagine I was very pleased when, after about a year and a half or so of raising our kids, my wife woke me up in the middle of the night by giving me a blowjob, and then we ended up fucking for what felt like the very first time. What I mean by that, is that I hadn't had my dick inside Jenny's wonderful pussy for so long, that it actually felt like I was fucking a different woman, instead of my own wife.

And in a way, I really was fucking a different woman. Jenny's vagina had gotten stretched out during childbirth. And although it had recovered as best as it could, it was looser-fitting around my dick than it had been previous to her giving birth. But that was just fine with me, because to my dick, Jenny's vagina now felt much more like Mom's super-comfortable vagina.

Not only that, but the Jenny I was fucking that night wasn't a fertile woman anymore. She had gotten her tubes tied about a month or so after she had given birth to the twins.

Back before she had made the decision to go permanently sterile, Jenny had told me that two kids were more than enough, and that she didn't want to risk having a third.

When I heard about Jenny's decision to get her tubes tied, I had offered to get a vasectomy, instead. But then Jenny confessed to me that what really turned her on the most--and made her pussy get really wet--whenever she was watching me fuck another women was that there was always the possibility that I could be getting that other women pregnant, and that I was intentionally fucking that woman bareback, and doing it right in front of Jenny.

Jenny also admitted that she wanted to be able to let other men fuck her bareback in front of me in the future, without any risk of those men possibly getting her pregnant. Of course, my wife intended to let those other men who would be fucking her in the future assume that she was still fertile and able to get pregnant. In fact, she intended to lie to them all, and tell them that she was ovulating, just to turn them on even more while they were fucking her. But in the end, her sterilized womb would be our little secret.

Anyway, that night of the long-awaited blowjob in bed, I knew that things were going to get better for our relationship, now that Jenny was getting her libido back. And I was right about that, thank God!

Once the kids got old enough to start 1st grade at their elementary school, Jenny and I breathed a huge sigh of relief, because that finally allowed us enough free time during the weekdays to get back to doing something that both of us absolutely loved, and that was cuckolding each other with other people. And now that Mom was no longer with us, we had her much-larger master bedroom to ourselves, with all of its amenities, including the king-size bed, the two plush easy chairs, and the master bathroom shower.

A couple of weeks after Mom passed away, Jenny called me from work one afternoon and told me not to bother picking her up after her shift ended, because she was going to catch a ride home with her boss.

It was late in the afternoon, but the twins were still at school in their after-school care program, when Jenny showed up at the house with her boss in tow.

She walked into the house, and yelled out, "Honey, I'm home," mainly to warn me that I was no longer by myself in the house. "I brought someone special with me that I want you to meet."

I came bounding down the stairs just in time to see a 40-something-year-old, obviously-Hispanic man enter through the front doorway behind Jenny.

"Sweetie, this is my boss, Jaime Hernandez, but you can just call him 'Joe,' because that's the name he likes to be called."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Joe," I said, shaking the middle-age man's pudgy hand.

"The pleasure is all mine, believe me. I can't believe you're okay with this," Joe said to me cryptically.

"With what, exactly?" I asked Joe, feeling very confused.

"With letting me fuck your wife in front of you," Joe replied, shaking his head, acting as if he didn't understand why I would allow such a thing.

"Please don't get mad, sweetie, but I brought Joe home with me so that he could fuck me in front of you. It's been years since we've done any cuckolding, and I figured that it was high time that we get started again. You're okay with that, right?"

"Of course. It's just that I wish you would've warned me in advance that you were going to be cuckolding me with your boss this afternoon."

"Why? Would it have made any difference? Besides, I just made the arrangements with him right before Joe gave me the ride home. I thought you liked good surprises," Jenny said me. "And Joe's a wonderful surprise. I didn't think he'd say 'yes,' but he did! And so here we are."

"Yeah, here we are," I replied to Jenny half-heartedly.

"Don't worry, Joe. My husband is just in shock right now. That's all. He'll warm up to you once we get underway. Speaking of which...I have to pick the twins up from school in about an hour and half. So we'd better get a move on, if we're still gonna do this thing," Jenny said, taking Joe by the hand and leading him up to our bedroom, with me following the two of them the whole way.

Looks-wise, Jaime "Joe" Hernandez was definitely nothing to write home about. He had an average-looking Mexican-American face. He had chubby cheeks, and a large hook-shaped nose with overly-wide nostrils, and a triple chin that folded over on itself. He was maybe 5'5" tall, and was overweight by I would estimate at least 60 pounds or more. I know, because I was staring at his fat ass as I was following him all the way up the stairs and into our bedroom.

The reason why I was in shock was mostly because I never thought in million years that Jenny would pick this type of man to have sex with. But she did. And I knew it wasn't because his looks turned her on.

So all I could assume was that this was going to be a pity-fuck on Jenny's part. She must feel sorry for this man for some unknown reason, and now she's trying to offer up her tits and her pussy to him to help make up for something bad that he's going through right now in his personal life.

Once we all got into the bedroom, I sat down on one of the easy chairs across from the foot of the bed, and Jenny motioned for Joe to sit down on the side of the bed.

Then, while she was standing up in front of him she asked him, "Would you like to see my little boobies?"

"Yes, ma'am," Joe said to Jenny, eagerly nodding his head.

And as Jenny was slowing pulling off her Wendy's smock and opening up her collared shirt to expose her bra-less breasts to Joe, she said to him, "Now, don't expect too much. My boobs are tiny. But they're all I've got, and they are 100% real. I promise you that."

Jenny was now naked from the waist up and letting Joe stare at her tiny breasts with their puffed-out nipples while she was methodically undressing him from the waist up, until he was sitting on the bed with his large belly and his super-hairy chest exposed. Joe's man-boobs were at least two-to-three times the size of Jenny's little breasts, and it actually made me laugh when I made that observation.

But then I stopped laughing when I heard Jenny tell Joe, "Would like to see what my pussy looks like?"

And of he said, "Yes, ma'am," and nodded some more.

"Well, I'm not gonna show you my pussy unless you show me your dick first," Jenny said, toying with the man. I knew that what she was doing was testing Joe to see if he was serious about having cuckold sex with us, or if he was going to back out on her at the last minute.

But when he stood up and pulled down his pants and underwear to expose his package, Jenny knew that Joe had passed the test, and she told him, "Oh my God! You've got the cutest little dick on you. Have you ever gotten a woman pregnant with that sexy dick of yours before?"

"Yes, ma'am. I have two kids at home, and they're definitely my kids."

"Go ahead and step out of those pants, and sit back down on the bed, and spread your legs apart, okay?"

Jenny stepped between Joe's bare spread-apart thighs, and she reach around the back of his head, gently pulling it towards her as she leaned her chest towards his face.

"I want you to suck my little titties right now. I also want you to reach around and squeeze my ass while you're sucking on 'em. Would that turn you on?"

I couldn't believe it, but Joe said, "Yes, ma'am," to Jenny for the third time straight, and then placed his mouth down around one of Jenny's nipples.

Jenny immediately corrected him, "My name is Jenny--not ma'am. And if you call me 'ma'am' one more time, I'm going to put my clothes back on and send you home. Do we have an understanding, here?"

"Yes, Jenny," Joe replied, and then went back to sucking on her nipple.

"Good. Now grab my ass and squeeze it, like I asked you to do," Jenny reminded him.

And Joe reached around Jenny's hips, with a hand on each side, and grabbed one of her buttocks in the palm of each hand, before he began squeezing her small flat boyish butt.

While Joe was doing that, Jenny reached down into the front of her pants, undid the button at the waist of the pants, and unzipped the zipper at the front of the pants, before pulling the zipper wide-open to form a "V" shape.

"Would you like to touch and feel my pussy through my panties?" Jenny asked coyly.

If there was one thing that Jenny knew how to do, it was how to turn a man on. Watching her from the easy chair across the room, it was truly amazing how easy it was for her to work her magic on a man. I wasn't even the man she was seducing, and my just watching her in action was making me get a hard-on inside my pants, without me even having touched my own dick yet.

Joe's right hand pulled away from Jenny's left butt cheek, and immediately slid into the "V"-shaped opening at the front of Jenny's pants, so that he could touch and feel Jenny's vulva through her thin cotton panties, while he continued sucking on her nipples and squeezing her right buttock with his left hand.

"Yes, just like that, Joe. Can you feel my pussy starting to get wet?"

"No, not really," Joe answered honestly.

"Well, then go ahead and pull the crotch of my panties over to one side, and then stick your fingers up into my slit, okay? I guarantee you my pussy's starting to get wet. Oh yes, just like that. Can you feel my wetness now?"

Joe nodded and said, "Yes. Now, I can feel you getting wet."

"Does that turn you on, and make you want to fuck my little pussy? Are you starting to get a hard-on, Joe?"

"I've already got a hard-on," Joe honestly admitted.

"That's good. Now, I want you to lean over towards me, and smell my pussy, while I'm pulling down my pants and my panties, and taking them off. That's right. Just like that," Jenny praised Joe, as he was leaning over towards her crotch, and sniffing away at her pussy while she was getting naked from the waist down.

Then Jenny placed a hand on each side of her vulva and pulled her pussy crack wide open, and just held it that way while tilting her hips to the rear to let Joe easily see her clitoris, the inside of her pussy crack, and her vaginal entrance.

"So do you like the way my little pussy looks?"

"Oh God, yes! It's a beautiful pussy!" Joe remarked.

"Well, you've already smelled it. Would you like to taste it? If so, then just stick your tongue into my crack, and lick my pussy for a while."

After a couple of minutes, Jenny finally told Joe, "Okay, that's enough. I already let you touch and feel my pussy, and see it up-close while you were fingering me, and smelling me, and tasting me down there. Now, it's my turn. Spread your legs a little farther apart."

Joe moved his feet farther apart, and then Jenny knelt down between his thigh while he was still sitting on the edge of the bed, buck-naked. She reached into his crotch and began fondling his 4-inch-long, fully-erect penis and his small testicles, while being very careful not to excite him much more than he already was.

Then Jenny leaned over into Joe's hairy crotch and smelled his genitals before licking his dick-head a few times to see what it tasted like.

Then she move back away from him, to walk around him and climb up into the bed where she lay down on her back and spread her legs far apart.

"Come on, Joe," Jenny said to him, while she had her right hand down in her bare hairy crotch, and was massaging her clit in a circular motion with the tip of her middle finger. "Get over here on top of me. My pussy's nice and wet right now, and I'm ready for you to fuck me with that sexy Mexican dick of yours."

Joe was so turned-on at that point, that he didn't need an invitation liek that. He literally jumped on top of the bed, between Jenny's legs, and shoved his small-but-firm dick up into her baby-making hole, and began humping away at it like crazy.

Meanwhile, I was still sitting in the easy chair across from the foot of the bed. But now I had my dick pulled out through the zipper opening at the front of my pants, and I was actively jacking myself off while I was watching my wife as she was letting a middle-age Mexican-American father of two have sexual intercourse with her in a missionary-style position.

Basically, I was staring right up the middle between their two pairs of legs, getting an unobstructed view of his short penis being thrust in and out or my wife's vagina, and keeping a very close eye on the shaft of his dick, just behind his balls, doing my best to detect when Joe dick finally began pumping out his sperm out into Jenny's vagina. I was trying my best to time my orgasm and ejaculation to coincide with Joe's, if I could.

But, as it turned out, I didn't have long to wait. Joe's intercourse with Jenny only lasted a little over a minute or so, before he orgasmed and began ejaculating his wad of sperm inside of her vagina.

I actually had to catch up with Joe, since I wasn't quite ready to orgasm yet. But when I saw Joe's excess sperm begin to slowly ooze out of my wife's vaginal entrance, I automatically fantasized that he was getting Jenny pregnant, and that thought took me right over the top (mentally), and caused me to orgasm. And of course, my sperm started squirting up into the air in long streamers, and landing all over my own lap and the floor in front of me.

My dick was still pumping out the rest of my wad when Joe's dick finally softened up enough to fall out of Jenny's pussy on its own. Meanwhile, she was rubbing his hairy back and giving him little kisses on his neck and on his cheeks while he was still lying on top of her.

"Thank you, Joe. That was awesome!" Jenny praised him for his performance in bed. "But I'm still feeling really horny. Do you think you could fuck me a second time before you leave?"

"But my dick's soft now," Joe tried to argue.

"Oh, don't worry about that. I'll take care of that part. No problem. So are you game? Do you wanna go for seconds with me?"

"Sure, why not?" Joe finally said to Jenny.

"That's the attitude I was hoping for. Now, I want you to straddle my chest, and then playfully and gently rub and beat that sexy Mexican dick of yours against my nipples and my little boobies. Don't worry about trying to get another hard-on. Just relax, and let yourself revel in the kinkiness and the super-taboo nature of what you are doing to my breasts with your dick."

Joe maneuvered himself to straddle Jenny's narrow chest, and he began rubbing and beating the foreskin-covered head of his non-erect dick against her small titties.

After a few minutes, Jenny said to Joe, "Okay, it's time to take things to the next level. I want you to do the same thing you're doing to my boobies right now, but I want you to do it to my butt-cheeks."

When Joe just looked a her and didn't move, Jenny told him, "Well, you've got to get up off of my chest so that I can turn over first. Then, you're going to straddle my butt and do the same thing for a while."

Joe got up off of Jenny's chest, so that she could flip over onto her stomach with her legs held together so that Joe could straddle her hips and thighs, and start playfully rubbing and beating his dick-head against Jenny's small boyish butt-cheeks. And while he was doing that, Jenny could feel the Joe's dick slowly getting more firm as he continued beating the end of his dick against her butt-cheeks.

After a few minutes, Jenny said to Joe, "Okay, it's time to take things up another level. I want you to do the same thing you're doing to my butt-cheeks right now, but I want you to do it to my pussy."

Joe didn't hesitate this time, as he jumped off the top of her hips and thighs, so that Jenny could flip her body over onto her back again, and spread her legs apart to give Joe easy access to her vulva.

At this point, Joe's dick was now well on its way to becoming fully-erect again, but he still went ahead and climbed on top of the bed to kneel between her thighs, and he started rubbing and beating his dick-head, which was now sticking out from the stretched-open end of its long foreskin, against Jenny's pussy mound, just like she had asked him to do.

And it didn't take long at all before Joe asked Jenny, "Would it be okay with you if I start fucking you now?"

And Jenny told him, "Are you kidding me? I thought you'd already be doing that by now. You're driving me crazy with that sexy Mexican dick of yours. I need it inside me right now. So stick that motherfucker in and let's go for it! You can do it, Joe! I have faith in you!"

Meanwhile, I had been sitting across the room throughout this whole time, just observing everything. And I have to admit, Jenny was brilliant when it came to knowing how to go about turning on a guy in different situations. Her unorthodox method of getting Joe to give himself another hard-on, while she just passively lay there and enjoyed the experience, was unlike anything I had ever seen before in any online porn video, or anywhere else, for that matter.

And now, Joe was humping away at my wife's pussy for the second time within the last 30 to 40 minutes, or so. And this time, their intercourse lasted nearly five minutes, before Joe finally came inside Jenny, and brought everything to its logical conclusion.

Joe finally pulled his rapidly-shrinking dick out of Jenny's pussy, and thanked her for a wonderful time. Then he put his clothes back on and left the house. Of course, Jenny threw her bathrobe on and I put my dick back into my pants, and we both escorted Joe out the front door. After all, what kinds of hosts would we be, if we didn't do that?

But the minute we waived "goodbye" to Joe as he was riding down the street in his car, we both couldn't wait to get back into the house. We still had a good 45 minutes before we needed to pick the twins up from school. So we both headed straight for our bedroom.

Jenny threw her bathrobe onto the floor, and plopped down on her back on top of the bed, and spread her legs apart. And I was stripping out of my clothing as fast as I could go, and throwing pieces of my clothing all over the bedroom floor, by the bed.

My dick was already partially-erect, just from seeing all the sperm oozing out of my wife's pussy. I hadn't seen that sight since Jenny had let her older brother, Greg, fuck her in front of me so many years ago.

"God that was the sexiest damn thing I've seen in years!" I remarked to Jenny, as I was getting up on top of the bed to kneel between her spread thighs, so that I could mount her freshly-creampied pussy.

"Oh, so you liked the show, did you?" Jenny asked coyly.

"Wow! I didn't realize that you had such a natural talent for turning guys on, like you do? Where did you learn that from?" I asked and I penetrated Jenny's sticky, wet vagina and began steadily humping away at it.

"Mostly from my mother, believe it or not. She's the real expert at seducing men. Compared to her, I'm just a rookie."

"No, you're a fucking monster at it! That's what you are. Why haven't you ever seduced me like you seduced Joe this afternoon?"

"Because I didn't need to seduce you. That's why. I mean, our whole relationship began with you fucking me in a public restroom, right after you had fucked your own mother in front of me. Does that sound like someone who needs seducing to you?"

"Well, no. But it would still be nice every once in a while for me to be treated like you just treated your boss. Don't you think?"

"Okay, so everything that I did with Joe today, I will make sure that I replicate it with you the next time that we have sex. Would that work for you?"

"Oh hell yeah! I saw a whole different side of you today. A super-sexy and seductive side of you that I really like a lot. And I would be honored if you would share that part of yourself with me. In fact, to be honest with you, I was actually jealous of Joe while you were seducing him this afternoon. I want you to seduce me just like you did to Joe today."

"No biggie. You've got it," Jenny replied. "And I want you to cum inside me as soon as you can right now, because my pussy's pretty sore from that second time fucking Joe. Can you do that for me?"

"No biggie. You've got it," I replied echoing Jenny's words right back to her, and I rammed my dick home a few more times in order to cause myself to orgasm and ejaculate inside Jenny's awesome pussy.

Afterwards, Jenny and I both took turns taking quick showers to rinse off from our bodies all the evidence of hardcore sex that we had just finished participating in. Then we both got dressed, locked up the house, and got into our Ford Windstar mini-van to go pick up the twins from school.

On the way there, I asked Jenny, "So, why did you pick Joe to cuckold me with?"

"What do you mean by that? You know I like older men. That's why I was naturally attracted to you years ago."

"That's not what I mean, and you know it. Joe's not exactly a 10, even for an older man."

"So, what does that have to do with anything? Talk about 'double standards.' I can't believe you're even bringing this up right now. You've been fucking Fran in front of me, ever since we first met, and she's definitely nowhere near a 10 for woman--even for an elderly one. If anything, Fran's a 10 that's missing the 0 on the right side of it.

"But have I ever questioned you about why it turns you on so much to keep having sex with an elderly woman like Fran? No, I haven't. And I won't. Because I love you, and I understand that we all have different likes and dislikes when it comes to sex.

"Well, believe it or not, having sex with Joe turns me on a lot, just like your having sex with Fran does for you. I mean, why else would I have offered to let Joe fuck me a second time this afternoon if I hadn't thoroughly enjoyed that first time?

"And I'll bet you didn't even notice that Joe's dick is uncut. And by the way, that's just another turn-on for me. Seeing what a guy's penis looks like in its natural state, with the head of it pulled up and totally hidden from view inside his long foreskin, when he's not aroused. And then watching the guy's dick-head slowly emerging through the expanding hole at the tip of his long foreskin, as his dick is growing and becoming erect. That's something your circumcised penis will never be able to do."

"So what? You've never complained about my circumcised penis before," I defended myself.

"I'm not complaining, Carl. I love your dick, just the way it is! I'm just commenting. That's all. I've never had sex with a guy who had an uncircumcised penis before, and so I didn't realize what a turn-on it would be for me to do that.

"And yes, I know that Joe came inside me really quickly that very first time. But that was exactly what I was expecting him to do, considering his circumstances.

"Joe's wife suddenly divorced him six years after he had gotten her pregnant with their second child. And his divorce was finalized four years ago.

"After that, Joe told me that he tried re-entering the dating world again, but that he couldn't even find any woman in his age range who would go out on a date with him, since he wasn't that hunky-looking older man that women tend to salivate over.

"He told me that he tried the dating app scene, but that failed on him even worse. He didn't get one offer over the course of several months of trying.

"Finally, he said he just gave up trying to find a woman to have sexual relations with, and he accepted the fact that he seemed doomed to have sex with himself throughout the rest of his life.

"But then I came along and changed all that in one afternoon.

"You see, earlier today, I accidentally walked in on Joe while he was in his office with the office door closed, jacking himself off, while he was watching some porn on his cell phone. Apparently, he had forgotten to lock his office door behind him, like he would normally do before he would have a quick jack-off session at work, just to get rid of his sexual tension from having to constantly work around all of us young, attractive women.

"Anyway, by the time I walked in on Joe, his dick was already rock-hard, and his dick-head was drastically flared-out at the rear, and I could tell that he was very close to cumming.

"He immediately tried to cover up his package with his hands, and he apologized to me and asked me not to tell anyone about what he was doing, because he was afraid that he could lose his job, if Corporate ever found out.

"I promised him that I wasn't going to tell anyone, and I asked him if he would show me his dick and his balls.

"And he asked me if I really wanted to see them. And I told him that they really turned me on at lot, which was--and still is--the truth.

"He warned me that he still had a partial erection, and I told him that was just fine with me.

"Then I asked Joe if it would be okay for me to go ahead and finish jacking him off. And he couldn't believe I had just asked him that, but he quickly agreed to let me make him cum. So I pumped up and down on his sexy-looking dark-skinned dick, until I made him ejaculate.

"And of course, Joe's ejaculation was nowhere near as strong as yours is. And so his sperm didn't squirt out forcefully from the end of his dick, like yours does. Instead, when I made Joe cum, his sperm just began oozing out of his piss-hole in big thick white globs, and flowed down the underside of his dick. But that was still really sexy-looking to me in its own way.

"Afterwards, I asked Joe if he wanted me to become his secret girlfriend for the day, since Corporate frowns on romantic relationships at work, especially between an employee and their supervisor. And of course, Joe said 'yes.'

"And right after that, I asked him to give me a ride home after my shift ended so that he could fuck me. But I told him that he'd have to do that in front of my husband, and I explained yours and my cuckolding relationship to him.

"And once again, Joe told me 'yes.' And so I gave you a call, letting you know that my boss would be giving me a ride home after I got off from work this afternoon. And the rest is history, as they say."

"Joe's a very sweet man. And I happen to like him a lot. He's a great boss too. He always treats me with the utmost respect and kindness. And average-looking guys like Joe need sex too, just as much as you do, or I do. So I decided to give that wonderful man a gift that he'll never forget. And I think I succeeded at that, don't you?"

"Oh, you succeeded alright. In fact, you outdid yourself. So what are you going to say when Joe asks you to have sex with him again? Because you know he's definitely going to ask."

"And I'm going to say 'yes,' of course. I may be a lot of things, but I'm not a cock-teaser. You've got your Fran to fuck in front of me. And now I've got my Joe to fuck in front of you. You should be happy for me."

"I am. It's just that I'm going to have to get used to it. That's all."

"And exactly how are you going to do that, Carl? I mean, it's not normal to let another man fuck your wife in front of you. So it's something that you should always find exciting and taboo. It shouldn't be something that you ever get used to."

"You're right. I guess I'm just a little jealous."

"And you should be. It'll keep you on your toes, and make you keep treating me right. And that's a good thing. Even your mother used to praise the benefits of cuckolding, remember? Speaking of which, I really miss her a lot--especially her 'little dick.'"

"Yeah. I know what you mean. Mom's clit was truly awesome! I'm glad you got to see it and touch it for youself."

"So am I," Jenny openly admitted, as we pulled up in the car pick-up lane at the school, and our seven-year-old twins both climbed into the back seat of the car, blissfully ignorant about how kinky and weird their parents' sex lives were.

As fate would have it, on the way home that afternoon, Sara loudly spoke up from the back seat, as she asked me point-blank, "Dad, what does the word, 'fuck' mean?"

Jenny looked over at me with a concerned look on her face, and I said to her, "Don't look at me. I'm driving. This one's all yours. Good luck!"

And Jenny turned her head around to address Sara, "Where did you hear that word?"

"I hear the boys at school using it all the time. But I don't know what it means."

So Jenny began to calmly explain to Sara, "Well basically, when a man sticks his penis up into a woman's vagina so that they can make a baby together, it's called 'fucking.'"

"What's a 'vagina'?" Sara innocently asked.

And Sam started laughing his ass off, as he was telling his sister, "It's that weird-looking, mini-butt 'thing' down between your legs, with that long slit running right down the middle of it that you pee out of."

"No, it's not!" Sara insisted loudly.

"Oh yes, it is!" Sam countered right back, even louder.

"You're wrong about that!" Sara screamed back into her brother's face. "Mom told me herself that that's my 'vulva.'"

"Way to go, Einstein!" I quickly and sarcastically remarked to Jenny upon hearing all the commotion that she had just inadvertently caused in the back seat of the car.

Jenny spoke up louder than the kids, using her stern "mother-means-business" tone-of-voice, as she told them, "You're both right!"

And the twins suddenly quit arguing with each other, and they both looked at their mother as if she were crazy.

Jenny took a deep breath and then drastically lowered the volume of her voice, as she calmly told the kids, "I'll explain it to you guys separately, later on tonight, okay? I promise. It's just that now is not the right time, or place."

After we arrived home and the kids hopped out of the car to run to the front porch, I leaned over to my wife and quickly complimented her, "Way to go! You just now handled that perfectly! I love you so much!"

"Love you more!" Jenny responded, and gave me a quick peck on the cheek. "It's just that I never thought I'd be having to teach our kids about 'the birds and the bees' so long before they ever reached puberty."

And I told Jenny, "It's just the crazy world we live in now. That's all. Everything's so sexually-oriented nowadays, compared to the way that things used to be, back when we were kids.

"And as if that weren't bad enough, I saw an article online the other day that claimed that some kids in America are actually reaching puberty as young as eight or nine years old now. That's a scary thought, isn't it?"

"You've got that right!" Jenny agreed with me wholeheartedly, as we both stepped out of the car to go meet our kids on the front porch, and let them into the house.

Jenny and I went into the house right behind the kids, who both made beelines to their respective upstairs bedrooms, leaving us alone, standing in the foyer area, just inside the front door of the house.

"Babe?" I asked Jenny very quietly. "I'm just curious about something. Why did you tell Sara that her pussy is called a vulva?"

"Because it is."

"Yes. Technically, you're right. But only when you're at the doctor's office. In all other situations, I have never heard a woman--or a girl, for that matter--in this country refer to her own pussy as being her vulva. Have you?"

"Well, no. But I was trying to not to teach Sara that slang, vulgar term."

"Why not? If Sara doesn't learn it from you, then she's going to learn it from the other kids at school anyway. And they'll just make fun of her, until she finally does. I mean, let's face it. In this country, breasts are called boobs or tits or titties, and a vulva is called a pussy, and a penis is called a dick, and testicles are called balls. And there's really nothing you're going to be able to do to change any of that. That's just the way things are.

"So for Christ's sake, when you have that hard discussion with Sara later tonight, please tell her that her vulva is almost always referred to as being her pussy, and that all the other kids at school are going to call it a pussy, and that you even call your own vulva your pussy."

My wife leaned forward and quietly said to me, "You're right. I need to go ahead and let her know that.

"But what I need to let you know right now is that, after this afternoon with Joe, I'm still feeling really horny. Probably because I've still got his sexy Mexican sperm in my pussy. How would you like to have a quickie with me in the laundry room this evening while the twins are taking their bath together?"

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