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A Delcron wedding.
0001 - Tempro

0003 - Conner- Thomas

0097 - Ace - Zimmel

0098 - Lucy

0101 - Shelby (mother ship)

0125 - Lars

0130 - Gillese

0200 - Ellen

0201 - Jake

0250 - Tendra

0301 - Rodrick

0403 - Johnathon

0505 - Craig

0660 - Realla

0778 - Jan

0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human)

0805 - Toran

0808 - Radella

0881 - Handrax

0882 - Teal

0908 - Tara - Mara

1000 - Sherry


Ungrown - unnumbered


0102 - Derry (father ship)

Rescued from Tendraxians

so far


2 on Shelby both in re-gen

8 on Lucy


Known and OR numbered


0501 - Thaddeus

???? - Lena


missing - 0667 - Marco

0999 - Zan - still lost

Onai could only shake her head. Kimon had obviously pushed further than she thought he had. Really, she thought as she hit a few spots on her shoulders and chest.

She drew an easier breath as she felt most of the pain fade. An attempt to stand proved a little premature as she fell sprawled out on the pavement. She shook her head. She and Kimon were obviously going to have to train more.

A groan beside her let her know that Kimon was returning to the land of the conscious. Looking around, a surprised Kimon's eyes landed on Greeson.

"I saw him sacrifice his position to save you, then his boy. I should still be out in healing sleep," Kimon said.

Onai nodded a moment, then turned to Kimon. "I saw him perform a move I have only seen once. A double upward, downward thrust, I thought he had ended you 'til I saw you breathe easier."

"Ah! So, he did listen closer than I thought. I am afraid that he will be out for some time, might I suggest we remove to a safer place?" Kimon asked to which Onai agreed.

There were a heavy number of guards outside the palace as they approached. Upon seeing the trio, a runner was sent to the emperor. As soon as they drew closer, Emperor Kandra appeared.

"I have heard tales of a mighty battle, many thousands against only three. Three that moved far faster than anyone could follow." Here Kandra bowed to Kimon and Onai. "We will attend to your student 'til you can attend him. You have honored my people and our empire with the elimination of this clan."

Kimon and Onai bowed somewhat to Kandra, "the honor was ours. It helped to eliminate the last blight on my people and our art. I must speak to my Emperor before we can do anything else," Kimon said.

Kandra nodded a new respect for the three before him and their art. Kimon and Onai moved quickly to their room, lying Greeson on the bed. Taking a holo-cube out of its hiding place, Kimon activated it.

A few moments later, the visage of Derrick appeared. Both Kimon and Onai bowed to him, "sire," Kimon said.

Derrick was about to speak when he saw Greeson unconscious, "crap! Have you told his mate to be? As I remember, she can be a force to be dealt with."

Kimon's eyes were wide as he shook his head no, "I was going to leave that to my mate, when we are healed. I think we'll be ok 'til then."

Derrick pointed a finger at both of them, "I advise she hear it from you before anyone else does. Is it done?"

Kimon only nodded, then spoke, "We will notify her first, then start the healing."

"Good, I need the four of you back as soon as possible. As I can imagine, Jameson will be remaining there. As I said, I need you back as soon as possible," Derrick said, then the cube went dark.

Kimon nodded to Onai, then clicked open his communicator, "Captain Mara? Your presence is required here immediately."

"Sir," came Mara's voice. Then a moment later an IMT light appeared, as did Mara. "I'm here what's...," Mara started, then she spied Greeson on the bed unconscious. "WHAT IN THE HELL!" Mara shouted, causing both Onai and Kimon to cringe. She immediately ran to Greeson, throwing her arms around him.

A growl issued from her throat, it was at that moment that she noticed that both Onai and Kimon were limping.

"I am afraid that all of us were injured. Thanks to a little-known technique Greeson learned, I am in better shape to heal all of us."

"I had noticed that there was a large amount of armed combat. I hadn't thought that it was all of you," A now shaking Mara said.

Both Onai and Kimon nodded as Kimon then knelt beside the bed. He concentrated, then placed his glowing hands on Greeson. Greeson started to breathe faster, then his body arched up as a slight scream issued from his lips.

His eyes popped open, "still trying to kill me aren't you," Greeson said.

Kimon shook his head then keeled over into Onai's arms. "It appears he didn't wait long enough. Impulsive as always," Onai said as she shook her head.

"Masutā, I haven't the energy to heal him properly," Greeson said, bowing to the floor.

"This we know," Onai said. "The rest will allow both of you to recharge, sleep," Onai said, then touched Greeson's head as he dropped to sleep. "Now we can talk, while they sleep."

Mara could only stare, then a slight smile came to her lips, as she nodded.


Rayburn and Kimison had gone over the data quite a few times. The new sentinel was indeed self-aware, possibly more than a human. That fact in itself was astonishing. Then there was the fact that it had a sense of humor. Not just any sense of humor, but Kimison's.

This, of course, wasn't sitting all that well with Rayburn. He was, after all, just becoming accustomed to how Kimison was now.

Though he was hoping that the commander would allow him to build more, Kimison was hopeful. He was also slightly irritated that the sentinel had his old sense of humor. Here he thought he had been funny now, he realized that he had been unbearably irritating. This hit him somewhat hard as he looked at Rayburn, realizing that the man had taken that for decades.

"Steven," Kimison started, "I have to apologize. I never realized that I was so damn irritating."

Rayburn just waved it away, "look Jordon, you have been that way for so long? I am more than used to it. I also know that you can't help it. Just remember, I always have your back."

Kimison just blinked for a few moments, then made a few more adjustments to the sentinel.

Another look over everything had Kimison nodding as he activated the personality circuits again. For over two hours, he and Rayburn ran through tests to see if anything they had done had helped.

Both were satisfied as they started to shut down, when the sentinel turned to Kimison, "you are an ass!" This, of course, shocked both of them for a moment.

"Why do you say that?" Asked Kimison.

"Why? You gave me a conscience. I can't be as open as I was, thanks a lot," the sentinel said.

Kimison sighed, "I had to, had I not, I am sure that the commander would have had you imprisoned in some way. You are one of my greatest creations. I didn't want to lose you."

There was silence for a few moments, then the sentinel spoke with a softer voice. "You sound like a father proud of his children. You consider me like this don't you?"

Kimison could only nod his head as he went through all the data again. Rayburn had remained silent, trying to take in all that he'd seen and heard. This was going to make things far more interesting, that was for sure.


Shelly Shiloh awoke with a start, the dream she'd had was strange indeed. All the strange machines, the huge equations, the enormous computer code. Then there were the medical formulas. She wished she could write them down, then grabbing a piece of paper, she started on the computer code.

It was an hour later when she stopped, her head hurting a little. Placing a hand on her head, she concentrated, then sighed as the nanomites started to adjust again.

She walked out of her room, surprised when the see through lady didn't appear following her. She again looked at the papers she was clutching in her hands. She had to get these to Uncle Derry as soon as she could.

Another hour passed before she found him in a large central room. He and the lady he was married to were sitting in big, decorated chairs. They had quite a few people waiting in a line to see them. A large sigh escaped her lips as she moved closer, then sat on the floor.

At first, no one seemed to notice the small girl on the floor trying to keep out of the way. Not long after this, someone walked to the emperor whispering in his ear.

Everything stopped, as did the voices. Shelly, bored, didn't notice that the room was quiet. Derrick, concerned, called out to her. She normally didn't seek him out unless it was VERY important. Finally, after calling her three times, he gained her attention.

"Shelly honey? Are you alright? Is everything OK? Come here, hon," Derrick said, noticing the small stack of paper in her small hands.

Shelly stretched then stood slowly walking to Derrick. "I am not sure, Uncle Derry, I had a strange dream. I saw this there, it felt so important that I started to write it down as soon as I woke up. I didn't want to disturb you. I know that you are a very important person, so I waited."

Derrick nodded, then his eyes got larger as she got closer. The first page she held was full of computer code. "Let me see," Derrick said, then gasped when he realized exactly what he was holding. He rapidly went through the more than thirty pages, nodding as he finished each one.

"I am sorry that was all I could recall. I believe there was a little more. This felt too important, so I stopped, coming here to give them to you," Shelly said, then stopped when Derrick nodded.

"Shelly, hon, sit next to Shelby. In a way, she is like an aunt to you also," Derrick said. "Mary! I need a data entry board!" Mary and the board appeared, "Please, feel free to relax. I am afraid I have to enter this before I can proceed further," Derrick said to all that were there.

All there were astonished as Derrick started to enter the data from the paper. He started to go even faster as he passed the first three pages, "I want these implemented as soon as I finish."

"Yes sire," Mary said, then her mouth dropped open as she recognized just what she was looking at. She also noticed that Shelly Shiloh was sitting beside Empress Shelby.

Mary shook her head. She needed to check the sensors. Shelly had crossed the palace without her detecting her.

It was almost an hour later when Derrick stopped. "Alright Mary, implement."

Mary's visage as she integrated the new data, her mouth dropped open, then a few tears started. "How much Sire?" Mary asked.

"It appears that this will get all but point five percent. All but one of your systems should be open," Derrick told Mary.

Less than a half hour later, Mary appeared, "I can confirm, Sire," she said. "I now have full capacity of all programs but one. That program appears to be my personality creator. Even with as little left as there is, it would cause a catastrophic, cascade collapse of all systems. This would wipe out all programs within an hour."

Derrick was shocked as he went through that small section of code. "Shit, I missed another hidden program, damnit! I thought I had found it all. I guess I'll have to find an eradication for it also. At least most of the danger is gone."

"Yes Sire," Mary said as she bowed to him. "Thank you for my life."

"I told you when we started this, I would find a way to free you of this. Now I'm glad you are almost free," Derrick said.

"I will also look for further aids to help the see-through lady," a small voice said next to them.

"Yes, well, not if it endangers your life, Shelly," Derrick said.

"I know Uncle Derry; I am continuing to adjust my nanomites. I believe that I have mostly ninety percent control," she put her arms up on her waist with a look of consternation. "They seem to be the most stubborn, especially the last bunch of them."

Derrick laughed then nodded his complete agreement.

Both Kimon and Greeson awoke not long after each other. Kimon saw Onai and Mara talking low with each other not far from them.

Greeson started to arise when Kimon shook his head, then pointed to the bed. Greeson took the warning lying back.

Onai felt Kimon when he became conscious, she also felt him remain still while she finished her talk.

"So, I see that the two of you are far smarter than I thought," Onai said to them.

Kimon sat up then bowed to Onai, "of course. Nothing worse than the scorn of one's intended. That type of pain hasn't a healing technique yet."

"Might I suggest that we finish your two students' training? I heard that the exalted one wishes us to return as soon as possible," Onai said to which Kimon agreed.

Five days later, Kimon watched as Jimison and Difina moved twice as fast as before. "Better," Kimon said as they stopped facing him. A half step and all three disappeared, Kimon nodded as their techniques were indeed further than he thought they were.

A movement at the doorway had Kimon, then the rest of them bowing as Kandra entered the room. "They appear to be much faster than I have ever seen them. Here he turned to Kimon. "I will miss you all of you after this is done."

"As I will you sire, are you returning with us to retrieve the rest of ou fleet?" Kimon asked.

Kandra nodded, "Yes, it will be good to have the rest of them here. Many mates are missing them, though, perhaps a joining should take place." Kimon and Onai nodded as Kimon and Kandra left the room.

The next day, a huge room was decorated with a great many royal trappings. Jimison was before an altar, a royal robe around his shoulders. Kimon and Greeson were beside him, he was nervous and slightly shaking.

A moment later, Difina entered on the arm of her father. Her royal red robe and wedding dress were flowing quite a ways behind her. They approached the males Mara and Onai, trailing behind Difina.

A stately Delcron priest waited 'til all were before him.

Kandra placed Difina's paw/hand within Jimison's, then backed up. The priest then started. "We are here to witness the joining of Princess Difina, heir to the empire's throne. Her joining is to the hero, Randall Jimison, who has saved her life no less than three times."

Here the priest took a strong cord, wrapping it in an infinity loop, tying it tight around their wrists.

"This joining is as tight and none ending as this loop. None may end nor sever it, this is a promise from both to each other. They will pledge to always protect the other. With the strength of both, we know that the empire will continue," the priest said.

"Bring forth the prisoner!" Kandra said. "Though our laws are strange to you, we have explained them. I ask, do you accept our laws and customs, as you also accept the life of the female you saved. To protect her as she will you."

Jimison looked at his master, Greeson, then the visage of a grinning Derrick who slightly nodded.

Jimison stood taller then gulped as he took a deep breath, "I accept her life, her spirit and her people. To protect her and them, 'til I no longer have breath." A huge roar sounded inside and outside the palace.

The bound Delcron was struggling even more as Jimison turned and approached him. The prisoner started to laugh at Jimison, whose face was like stone.

Jimison turned back to Difina and her father, then turned back to the laughing prisoner, drawing an arm back. A single rapid thrust had his hand going through the prisoner's chest and coming out of his back. In Jimison's hand was the prisoner's heart that was still beating.

The prisoner gagged, then fell to the ground. "I offer you the life of this, unworthy one." Jimison then bit the heart, then offered it to a grinning Difina, who took a bite. "Justice has been done for the Empire," Jimison then handed the heart to Kandra whose face held great pride.

They then turned to Difina, who was shaking with excitement. "Do you, Princess Difina, accept the life of your hero. To protect him as he will you, to continue the Delcron Empire. To serve it as your mate has promised, protecting all," the priest asked.

Difina turned to Jimison, pride also evident on her face. "I accept his life; I accept the offering. I accept his spirit, his acceptance of our people. I will protect him and them 'til I no longer have breath."

Again, there was a huge roar that continued on for more than a few minutes. Difina's face showed even more pride as they then turned to the priest. "This joining is almost complete. By the laws and customs of our people, I pronounce them life mates. Join your breath to hers."

With that, Jimison kissed Difina 'til she was dizzy holding on to him.

"With the blessing of our Empire, this joining will strengthen both our empires," said Derrick. They all bowed to Derrick, who smiled, then his visage winked out.

Difina and Jimison walked to Kimon, who slightly bowed. "We will be leaving soon after your first night. Both of you are far better than you were. Remember to keep practicing. We will check with you often to help."

Both bowed, "thank you master," they both said.

The two masters, the student and his fiancé, watched as the just joined couple walked away. "I suggest we rest before we leave. I believe that the emperor has a mission for us," Kimon said.

Hartwell groaned as he felt the bands that were holding him down. Looking over, he saw that Bee was strapped down also. Again, he tested the restraints. God, he hated the bed almost as badly as Derrick.

"Soon, Lord sir, soon we can be together. I hope that we can. I yearn for your touch. I need..." Bee said when her eyes fluttered shut. Several alarms were going off when Johnathon appeared.

"Prime, her life signs are dropping again. Mother, we have a problem," Johnathon said.

Mary appeared a moment later, "I'm not understanding this, it's not anything dealing with the cure. What...?" Mary started.

"Let me loose!" Hartwell shouted. "It's the bond, it's the only thing it can be. I feel her slipping away let me loose!" Hartwell was shouting again.

As soon as the restraints were gone, Hartwell stumbled from the table to Bee. "No change in her readings," Johnathon said.

"Come on Bee, come back to me. Come on Bee, let the bond hold you," Hartwell said, then stiffened as he felt energy start to flow into Bee.

Unable to move, Hartwell could only hope that the bond would help her. Less than five minutes later, Hartwell could finally move. Bee took a deep breath then opened her eyes.

She looked into Hartwell's eyes then sighed, "Lord sir, I thought I was lost. I could feel you, but you were so far away. I thought the bond was strong enough. I guess I was wrong," Bee's eyes looked away.

"Hey, its ok, neither of us are sure about this. I guess we have to look into it to make sure," Hartwell said. Hartwell then started to slide to the floor. "Damn, I think I am weaker than I thought. I can't leave you; the bond has to get stronger before I can," Hartwell said as he started to slowly fall.

He suddenly felt arms around him. "Make the bio-bed twice as wide," he heard his sister say. They both watched as the bio-bed grew, then she helped him on it next to Bee. "Now, might I suggest that you stay put and actually heal," Lucie told him.

"Yes sir," Hartwell said, saluting her.

"Hey, don't start being a smart-ass," she told her brother.

Hartwell nodded, as did Bee, who giggled a bit. Both turned toward each other then promptly passed out.

"Life signs are starting to even out, both returning to within norms," Johnathon advised Lucie.

"Good, while we have time, I want to search out more of the boxes," Lucie said. She didn't see Johnathon turn a grateful smile toward her.

Lucie stood, "go forward. I feel one not far away."

"Compliance, secondary prime," Johnathon answered.

Derrick sat back with a huge smile on his face. Next to him, Shelby was smiling as well. "It was a beautiful ceremony, even with all the blood," Shelby said.

"Yes, with a strong ally, that...," Derrick started, then Ship Shelby appeared before him.

"Derrick! Derry is almost ready to help with ship growth. I also have another two that are ready to emerge," Shelby said.

Derrick looked at his wife, "Let's go."

A moment later, they were both on the ship, "Alright Shelby," Derrick said.

A few moments later, a female voice came from the speaker. "Hello? Is anyone there?"

"You are not alone 0882," Shelby said.

"Mother, it is so good to hear you," 0882 said.

"Mother? 0882? Is this real?" Came a male voice.

"Yes, 0201 it is, the emperor wishes to talk to you both," Shelby said.

"As I do with all ships, I ask them their name or if they want one. Now 882 then 201 what names were you called," Derrick asked.

A young teen girl and boy both with black hair appeared, bowing to Derrick. "Sire, I was called Teal," said 882.

"I was called Jake, though only for a short time," 201 said.

"Very well," Derrick said, "that will stay your names, now rest before you resume your duties."

"Thank you sire," they both said, then winked out.

"Ah, still growing Shelby, thank you," Derrick said.

"No, thank you, Derrick, thank you for my children," Shelby said.


Far out, beyond the present Empire's boundary, a small ship was attempting to use trans-warp. The thing was that the small ship was only using a minute at most. Though the ship was eating up distance, it was still taking a good bit of time.

"Damnit! I need a status report," Risen was shouting.

"We are at ninety percent for weapons, shields are at seventy percent. All other systems are at full except for trans-warp. Repairs are still ongoing, trans-warp remains at fifty-five percent. The constant use of said system is hindering the repair process," the old computer said in monotone.

"How far are we from the planet?" Risen growled.

"At our present rate, we should arrive within two days. All systems should be at a hundred percent with the exception of the shields and the trans-warp. Estimation of shield strength at that time, ninety-five percent. Estimation of trans-warp, still fifty percent. Once a complete shut-down of the system is effective, at least one day," the computer said.

This answer, of course, had Risen throwing a fit. An hour after he calmed down, Risen sat to plan, actually a good thing for him as he closed everything else out.

Two days later, the ship appeared above the planet. "Shut trans-warp down effect what repairs you can. I want a high-density particle beam trained on the smallest city on the planet. When I say I want continuous fire 'til there is nothing alive in the whole area. Make sure that all buildings are decimated. I want nothing left," Risen said, then laughed.

Rien watched as the power started to build. He could hear the screams as thousands died in agony. Just think, he thought, soon there will be nothing left of that pathetic place. Risen's smile got even larger as he saw that the power was almost ready.

"Open a channel to the Queen, broad band broadcast," Risen said.

"Channel open," the computer said.

"I told you I would return. Now you will feel what it means to truly be powerless. FIRE!" Risen shouted.

Moments later, several beams lanced out, hitting the small city. The lucky ones were the ones that died instantly, the rest died slower, much more painfully. The whole time, Risen was laughing like a maniacal crazy man.

"Ah! I love the screams of death in the morning. You have one of your time units, then I will destroy another two cities. If they aren't captured and or dead, then you know what will happen. Oh, and don't think that just a disfigured body will work. You know what? Target the city next to it, use regular power. That way their agony will reach me here and make me feel a little better," Risen said as the computer fired.

Again, Risen was laughing like a mad man. He kept an eye on what was going on near the Queen's residence. So far, he'd only counted two executions, though no more.

"I can see that these rebels don't care about any of the people. Two cities destroyed almost a million dead. Tsk, tsk, what a pity. Target the next two. We might as well exterminate everything on that continent," Risen laughed.

Two calls came in from two of the rebel leaders which Risen traced, then blew the hell out a block area around where they were.

"Well, Queen, that's two of the leaders, now I just need the others," Risen said, waiting. Shaking his head, he ordered the complete destruction of the next two cities. "Hmmmm," Risen said, "only another three billion to go. I mean what's just a million nothing really and look at all the empty land there is now."

A few moments later, the Queen called, "we have all twelve left, see they are being executed now. Now do we have a deal? We need the materials."

Risen smiled as he said, "no, there's still one left, you have an hour before I destroy everything around him. For hundreds of miles," Risen said as he finally relaxed, maybe the sheep would listen to him.
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