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A young professional woman submits to her boss and mentor discovering her submissive lesbian desires.
The grueling, exhilarating, trip of a lifetime continued with no end in sight. I toured the European offices of LVMH with their Vice President of Human resources, Mr. Renaud. He had become rather fun to be with despite being a handsy old letch at times. He really was quite harmless and easy to manipulate with a wink and a smile and some harmless flirting.

A two-orgasm phone sex morning with Cynthia was the perfect start to my day. After packing up my cum soaked panties in an envelope. I had the bellman ship them priority air to Cynthia in New York before Maurice and Russel took me on the tour of Venice. We spent most of the day with our own private gondola that took us around the canals. The captain even joined us for lunch and dinner at some remarkable family restaurants he knew well. They took us into the kitchen to see the meals being prepared and told us about the history of Venice and the history of their restaurants. The hospitality was incredible.

It was a remarkable tour and memorable day. That being said I could not wait to get back to the room to connect with Stacey and see how the meeting with Cynthia went and find out more about the job opportunity. I was pleasantly surprised when she answered. It was midnight my time and 6:00PM in New York.

"Lecia! How are you! It's so good to hear your voice. God, I've missed you!" She said excitedly.

"OMG, I'm so glad you answered. Are you able to talk?" I replied hoping we could talk a while.

"Yep, Saturday night and no plans. Story of my life, I've got all night." She said sarcastically.

"Great! Can we video chat?"


"Great, I'm calling now." I interrupted.

Her face popped onto the screen and her hair color gripped me immediately. "OMG, I love your hair." I said excitedly.

It was a vibrant burgundy shade in sharp contrast to her very dark brown natural color. Her pale white skin, against the red tinted hair that hung to her shoulders was a stunning contrast from the last time I had seen her.

I was taken aback by her stunning... beauty. It was hard to find the right term. It was as if I was seeing her for the first time. My body tingled in a scary way, as the sight of my best friend made my heart race. I tried to collect my thoughts... Was this a side effect of my obsession with Cynthia? Was I completely and totally gay?

Her eyes seemed more intensely blue than ever before. She had black eye liner on thicker than normal. It seemed to make them pop. She had bright red lipstick that drew my eyes to her subtle sweet smile. Her oval face seemed flawless and I noticed her little round button nose was in major contrast to Cynthia's sharp narrower nose. Her cheeks were subtle and curved, her eye big and bright and her chin was gently rounded, highlighting her, understated beauty.

"Thanks! I can see you now. I'm hanging up the phone." she said smiling. I did the same.

"That color's perfect for you!" I said emphatically. "So, tell me about the meeting with Cynthia. What was the job opportunity? What..."

"You won't believe it!" She cut in. "I have an interview with the fucking Yankees!"

"What?" My heart raced with excitement.

"I can't believe it! I no sooner let the words out of my mouth that I was more interested in marketing than finance, when she grabbed my hand and silenced me. Then her eye's went big and she said, "I was just talking with a friend from the Yankees yesterday." I told her, I loved the Yankees and she asked if I would be interested in working for them. I screamed, hell yes. The next thing I knew she was dialing the phone. She spoke to their VP of Marketing and got me an interview Tuesday for an entry level slot in fan relations!"

"Holy crap Stacey, that's amazing! She knows everyone! Are you excited? You'll do great. Talk about dream jobs!" I decided I better tone it down or she might get a little overwhelmed by it all.

"Excited, terrified, ecstatic, shitting my pants. I'm off the rails Lecia." She said stressed.

"Believe me, I know the feeling. I've been through it." I said calmly. "I am completely free. Tomorrow I am laying on the beach and doing nothing. I can spend all night helping you prep..."

"That would be great. You have such a way of looking at things and seeing the big picture. I need that for this interview." I could sense her calming down already.

We spent the next few hours researching the Yankees, ticket sales, TV revenues, brand recognition and everything else we could think of. I even took a look at major league baseball as a whole. We confirmed a lot of what we already knew, but it was apparent, baseball in general needed to grow in the younger demographics and we spent time brain storming ideas to do that.

We looked at their social media footprint and made a list of potential ideas to expand their presence in the younger demographic groups. We both felt great about her ability to connect and had her armed with considerable data and insight to impress them on Tuesday.

As we continued to talk, I found myself mesmerized by her face. She had on black headphones that contrasted with her burgundy hair and made her all the more cute.

I was so glad we video chatted. It is so much more personal than talking on the phone. I felt so much more connected.

When the conversation turned to my career, it was a relief to vent all the anxiety and excitement I had been going through, while seeing her face and the genuine happiness that I was living my dream. As the conversation turned to Cynthia, I was overcome by the urge to come clean about my relationship with my new boss.

"Stacey, something has developed between Cynthia and me that I need to share with you. I hope this won't affect anything between us or you won't think any less of me, but..." I hesitated.

"You two are pursuing a personal relationship." She said with a knowing grin.

"Is it that obvious?" I asked relieved she was at least smiling.

"Honestly, I just thought you were excited about working for your idol. It became apparent, when I saw her face talking about you Friday night, she clearly had feelings for you. I never imagined you were attracted to women..."

"Me neither!" I said emphatically. "I have never thought that way before. In hindsight, I have looked at women and thought "Damn, she's beautiful, and been jealous that they look that good. But I never thought of romantically pursuing anyone. Oh God this is awkward..."

"It's Ok, Alecia. It doesn't change our friendship." She hesitated and looked uncomfortable. "Frankly it will make me less worried about you stealing a boyfriend..."

"Stacey, I would never..."

"I'm not accusing you. It's just you are the smartest most confident, hottest person I know. You are so oblivious to the eyes on you when we are out together. I've always been jealous of you." She said almost looking sad.

"That's so funny. I've always been jealous of you. You are so relaxed and fun to be around, and I'm always the stiff proper little bitch. Are you ok Stacey? You look kind of disappointed."

She thought for a second and smiled. "I'm not disappointed at all. If this is what you want, I'm happy for you. But I just want you to be careful Lecia. She seems great and I am so forever grateful for the opportunity she's given me. I hate to harp on the "buts," but you need to understand that most people that get to the position of power and influence she has, have a ruthless side."

I sat silent looking at her on my screen, thinking about the situation as I had a thousand times already. It really seems too good to be true. As the moment became awkward, she continued.

"I'm sorry if I seem negative, but I love you Alecia. You're my best friend and I don't ever want to see you hurt. I'm just saying be careful." She was clearly searching for the right words and I let her think. "Cynthia has been nothing but great to both of us. I mean, she got me an interview with the Yankee's with just a phone call. They don't know me, she doesn't know me, but trusts you enough to arrange it just from your endorsement. Clearly, she trusts you and clearly, she is crazy about you, but what if that turns or she somehow gets hurt by you. I just want you to be your normal diligent self and not let emotion get in the way of reason." She said looking at me sincerely.

"Believe me, I have gone around and round in my head a thousand times. I am being cautious and taking it slow." She looked at me skeptically. "This is all new and nothing I had ever imagined. I can tell you we are keeping it above board and have a signed document with the company stating our mutual intent for pursuing a relationship and our commitment to follow company guidelines and rules regarding personal relationships."

She looked stunned. "Wow, so you two are serious?"

"Serious in the sense of keeping it professional first. This new for both of us and we are mutually exploring these new feelings."

"Well that's good. Clearly you both have thought about it. Honestly, she seems fabulous. I felt like she was genuinely interested in me when we interviewed and after, she seemed to genuinely be interested in knowing more about me and my family. It was a pleasant surprise that someone that successful seems genuinely nice."

"That's so true. She has been consistent in her concern for others. She even helped one of the housekeepers at a hotel she frequents get medical assistance and covered some of the cost..."

"That's amazing. It sounds like she is the real deal. Not to mention she is gorgeous and smells good. I think you've done good!" She said grinning.

"I don't know what it is but her perfume does get your attention and she is in better shape than me, that's for sure."

"Don't you sell yourself short Alecia. You are a beautiful sexy lady. Anyone, man or woman would be lucky to have you. It's late and I gotta get up early tomorrow. My niece is being christened and it's in Riverhead, so we have a drive. Sorry to keep you up all night! But I am so grateful for your help. I really feel ready for this interview. Thanks, so much for introducing me to Cynthia. I can't believe I'm talking to the Yankees! I Love you Lecia." She looked down like a shy schoolgirl.

"I love you too Stacey. I know you're gonna do great! How 'bout them Yankees!"

She smiled and disconnected.

It was 6:30 AM and the sun was rising again. We had talked for six- and one-half hours and it just flew by. I had not changed from last night, so I just grabbed a bag, stopped at the gift shop for drinks and snacks and took a cab to the beach. I put on my bikini in the restroom and had the beach almost completely to myself. I spread SPF 80 lotion wherever I could reach and asked an elderly gentleman to do my back. I made his day, I could tell. Then, I grabbed my tablet and read an e-book for about 5 minutes before falling fast asleep laying on my stomach.

I awoke at 11:17AM, the sun was warm, and the beach was hopping. I could not believe I slept that soundly. I looked at the back of my legs and they thankfully did not seem burned. I quickly rolled over and exposed my front to the sun. I did like the way I looked in the white Dior bikini. I sat up on my elbows and drank in the beautiful blue ocean waters and the European scenery. I really was living the dream.

I began watching the people and listening to Italian as they spoke. It really did sound like a "romance" language. As I watched, I found myself more and more drawn to the curves and shapes of the female bodies.

Two young ladies walked by topless, their breasts gently swaying as they walked. They seemed so free and confident. It was remarkably sexy, and I found myself feeling a warmth in my pussy as I watched. When they walked by, I saw they were both wearing thongs, exposing their golden-brown buns. The sight of Cynthia's magic diamond as she laid nude before me came to the forefront of my mind.

I recalled making myself cum on her patio dreaming of spreading her firm little ass and tonging her warm sweaty pussy with my nose between her cheeks. I could feel my wetness grow as I imagined peeling off those thongs and fucking both of those hot young ladies on my hotel patio next to the pool.

As they passed, a gorgeous black woman in a red bikini, walked the other way. Her tits were full and shapely. Her nipples covered by tiny little red triangles of cloth. Her curves were memorizing, but when she got directly in front of me, the silhouette of her ass hooked me. The semi thong exposed her dark glistening globes bursting from the bright red material.

I mindlessly stood up and followed as she walked the shoreline. I was not oblivious to the hypocrisy of thinking Mr. Renaud an old letch for ogling women and here I was marching behind a gorgeous round ass on the beach. Much like Cynthia's, this unknow woman's ass was perfectly fit, with round bulbous buns that clenched and relaxed with each step. My pussy was growing wetter and warmer with each bounce.

I wanted to drop to my knees and nibble those warm cheeks and kiss them gently as I pulled off the bright red bikini. I wanted to explore the beautiful ebony body in front of me with no cares of who was watching.

Suddenly a small child slammed into my legs nearly knocking me over as he bounced off and fell. He rolled up onto his feet and kept running on into the water as if nothing had happened.

I stood there stunned. I knew working for Cynthia Liebert was going to change my life. But never imagined it would have nothing to do with work. I seemed to have zero control. My body was a raging storm of sexual energy with no end in sight. I watched the black beauty walk away trying to get control of myself. I turned to go back to my lounge so I could plant myself, read a book and act like a normal person.

As I started to walk, I glanced down and noticed a quarter sized wet spot peeking through the front of my bikini. I walked waste deep into the Adriatic, hopefully before anyone else noticed the effects of my lustful obsessions.

I reached my lounge chair and tried to focus on reading a good romance novel. The beach was packed with people. So many men in speedos... Though I did find many of them attractive, I could not stop observing the shapes of the women in a new light. I soon put down my book and watch the ladies. For the first time in my life I understood the one track minds of young men.

Next to me was a group of college age girls. There were nine of them. The closest was a tall skinny olive-skinned girl in a leopard thong. Her small little buns were like a magnet to my eyes. I tried not to stare but I couldn't help thinking about touching and kissing and nibbling...

Next to her was a shapely red head with long flowing hair that hung nearly to her ass. She wore a black full bikini that fit her perfectly. I wanted to feel that hair hanging down over me as she made love to me. She was fair skinned and freckled with much thicker arms and legs but still very shapely.

Next to her a short wide-bodied brunette sat up with her arms extended behind her propping her up as she looked at the emerald colored water. The breeze blew her hair and she shook her head letting it flow behind her. Her ample breasts protruded from her floral bikini top that strained to hold them in. She had a slight roll of fat on her belly, but I found it uniquely sexy.

After her, there were six more varying shapes and sizes lying face down and buns up. It was like a buffet of buns and I want to sample them all. My eyes ran from one to the next picturing them naked and exploring their bodies one by one.

When I felt awkward from staring, I would look elsewhere on the beach but kept finding a new female shape in the crowd the caught my imagination. I never finished a page in my book but had a completely relaxing day at the beach. I hardly thought of work but had to take several dips in the ocean to mask my excitement.

Somewhat surprisingly I did feel refreshed at the end of the day. It was liberating to let my fantasies run wild for the day. So many women I had fantasized over. I wondered how they would have responded if they could read my thoughts.

Back at the hotel, I needed to take a shower and freshen up for a late dinner. The all-nighter was starting to catch up to me despite the lengthy nap on the beach. I dared not have a cocktail or sleep would overtake me. I thought of a pick me up that might do the trick. I went to my bag and pulled out Cynthia's silver bullet. I could not believe I actually stole it from her, but it was forever linked in my mind to the first night in her house.

I recalled how sexy it was watching that gorgeous ass rise up as she offered her hot wet pussy for me to pleasure with it. I quickly ran to the shower and turned it on. I flung the coverup and bikini aside as I stepped in the shower. The magic diamond image flashed in my head and I turned the silver bullet on. I touched it to my clit envisioning her fucking the dildo with her face buried in the pillow.

I had never seen anyone cum so hard from my efforts. I've had many a boy blow their load in seconds but that was her second orgasm in just a few minutes, that beautiful ass thrusting up to meet my penetration. I had leaned against the back wall of the shower. With my feet in front of the bench, legs spread wide, letting the little vibrator tip work its magic

An orgasm quickly approached as the vision of her wet labia, fucking the silver dildo played in my head. My knees weekend and I slid down the wall until my ass rested on the bench.

"Oh fuck, Ms. Cynthia, please let me suck your pussy. Aahhhh!" I squealed. I wanna taste your cum again. I slowly flexed my hips rubbing the vibrating toy against my hungry clit. "Feels so good. I'm fucking cumming already. Oh yes! Yes! Yes!" I shook uncontrollably as I came.

When my orgasm passed, I slid the dildo inside me, working it slowly in and out, thinking of the sights of the day. Stacey's, red hair and bright lipstick. "OMG you're lusting after your best friend." I thought to myself.

I pictured that gorgeous ebony ass in the red bikini as the little silver devil vibrated inside me. I pealed back the red bottoms revealing her dark ass and tuft of hair peeking out between her legs. I imagined kissing her cheeks as I knelt before her. I shifted the dildo to my left hand and began to rub my clit with my right.

My mind bounced from her perfect ass to the bun buffet that was next to me on the beach, I kissed and nibbled them one by one down the line. Then the thought of the beautiful red head straddling me and showering me in her long flowing hair as she leaned down and kissed me passionately.

My fingers picked up the pace and the vibrator continued sliding in and out. The images flashed in my head. The Diamond between Cynthia's legs, Stacey's intensely blue eyes and bright red lipstick, the black ass, the bun buffet, the flowing red hair, and back through the cycle.

"Oh God, I'm gonna cum again!" I squealed.

Once again, I was filled with obsessive thoughts that pushed all reason away. I surrendered completely to my newfound lust. The images flashed through my head and my fingers pressed in rapid little circle on my clit with the silver vibrator buzzing inside me.

I pictured nibbling the smooth black ass, feeling the red heads tongue probing my mouth as our naked bodies intertwined. Laying back as the group of college girls kissed my body everywhere. Looking into Stacey's eyes as I kissed her soft red lips. Thrusting my tongue into the magic diamond between Cynthia's legs and tasting her warm wet pussy as I squeezed those firm hot buns

"Ohhhh Fuuuuuccckkkkkk, I'm cumming for you Cynthia!"

I wailed away with my fingers, as my body shuttered to a convulsive climax. "Oh God you make me so crazy! Aaaahhhh! Aaaaaahhhhh! Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh! Ffffffuuuuuuuucccckkkkkk!"

After the second orgasm, I removed the silver bullet and slid it into my mouth savoring the bittersweet taste of my own cum. I wondered if I would ever get the chance to taste Cynthia's shaved little cunt. The torture would have to continue a while longer, as our schedules seemed overfilled and did not show us crossing paths anytime soon. I wondered how many more times I could possibly masturbate between now and then. There seemed to be no end to my desires.

I showered and decided room service for dinner. I sent my apologies to Maurice and Russel and told them I would see them for breakfast bright and early. I had dinner and video chatted with Stacey. She was at my apartment. She wanted to spend Monday prepping for her interview and needed a place she could focus.

"I packed three different skirt suits to choose from but forgot pajamas. I hope you don't mind I borrowed some of yours." She said standing up and twirling in a cotton night shirt with Gordon Gecko from the movie Wall Street on the front.

"Not my Gordon Gecko! If anything happens to that..."

"Relax, Lecia. I'll take good care of him." She said rubbing his head and her tits at the same time.

She had her hair in a ponytail and no lipstick, highlighting her round face and clear pale skin. Honestly, her fuller curvier figure filled out the night shirt better than I did.

"What the hell Stacey, it's only 6:00 PM and there and you are ready for bed!" I said realizing it was midnight for me and I had a full day tomorrow.

"Well you know I have no life." She said smiling. "But seriously, I gotta say I am enjoying my own space. Even though it's your own space, it gets a little old living with Mom and Dad. I hope you don't mind me using the place for a couple days. I'm gonna hallmark channel in my jammies and spend the day tomorrow prepping for Tuesday. Interviewing at Yankee Fucking Stadium!"

"You can use it any time Stacey. In fact, if you get the job, I have an extra bedroom..."

"Are you serious?" She smiled and her face lit up!

"Something to consider. Roommates again!"

"Absolutely! I'd love it. I didn't think you would want a roomie anymore. But, let's not jinx it. I haven't even interviewed yet."

"You're right. One thing at a time. You got this Stacey. I know it. I like your plan. Clear your head tonight, lock in tomorrow and knock em dead on Tuesday. Who are the Yankees playing today." I asked clueless.

They played the Indians this afternoon and won 2-1. They finish off the series tomorrow night, before Boston comes to town Tuesday. I'll be watching from the team box, I'm sure." She responded excitedly. "Any idea when you'll be back in town? I miss you Lecia."

"I'm hoping a couple weeks. I finish the Europe swing tomorrow and head to Asia Tuesday. Then we'll be 12 hours apart basically for a week and a half, then I should get a week at home." It seemed like a long way off.

"Will you get to see Cynthia?"

It's not looking good. She is scheduled to be, you guessed it, In Europe that week." I said disappointed.

"That's gotta be tough... And lonely... And frustrating." She said.

Totally without thought I blurted. "Tell me about it I just rubbed myself off twice in the shower!" My face reddened as my words bounced inside my brain. "TMI! Shit, I can't believe I just said that out loud!"

"What a horny little slut you've turned into!" She said half smiling, half traumatized by the subject matter.

My heart raced as an awkward silence ensued. The look on my face was one of terror. What are the odds she would use that phrase? Did Cynthia somehow tell her that? My head was spinning, and I was speechless.

"I was kidding Lecia! I had to take care of business many times with Steve being at Penn State and me at IU. A girl has needs too." She replied trying to reestablish the conversation.

"I thought I heard your bed squeaking a few nights," I replied trying to put some levity to the subject but not really hitting the mark. "A subject for another day. I have a big day tomorrow and need to get to sleep."

"That's right. I lose all track of time talking to you. Love you Lecia. Talk to you soon."

"Love you too," I said smiling.

I thought I detected a hint of sadness in her face before we disconnected. I lay there thinking about the video call, and how sexy she looked in my nightie. And how monumentally bad of an idea it would be think about Stacey in that way. Luckily, I was able to fall asleep and break that cycle of thoughts.

Tuesday at noon NY time, midnight in Shanghai, I called Stacey and not surprisingly, she did not answer. "I just wanted to try you before going to sleep. I'm glad you're busy. That's a good sign, I'm sure."

At 6:00AM I got a video call. She was in a bathroom stall, it turned out, inside Yankee stadium.

"I got the job!" she said grinning ear to ear.

She had her hair pulled back in a ponytail wearing a grey suit jacket and white blouse with black pearls and a subdued lipstick color. Her bright blue eyes smiled with excitement.

We could not talk long, but she let me know it was a role in fan relations starting at $125K with a company car. She too would travel as needed for promotional activities and would be spending a lot of time with their spring training promotions initially which meant travel to Tampa as well as the minor league affiliates, Scranton, Charleston, Trenton, Staten Island and Tampa. She would start next Monday but did get to sneak into the team box for the game that night. That was all I got, and she had to go.

We texted back and forth and arranged for her to move in during my week in New York after the China trip. Given my new pay scale, we could easily afford an upgrade and arranged for moving up to a higher floor and a four-bedroom three bath for only $5000 more a month. It would be available in five months, so I put the first year up front to secure it.

I got back into town on a Friday night and Stacey and I planned the weekend together. We would get her moved on Saturday, have fun and forget about work. She would stay at the apartment Friday and the movers would handle everything on Saturday.

Cynthia had left for Europe two days earlier and would not be back until I left for Australia, the last leg of the LVMH world tour. So much for our "relationship" exploration endeavor. Phone sex twice a week and a daily call where we could get a few moments. She seemed to take it in stride but, if I did not get to return the favor in person soon, I would surely be a lifetime member of the masturbator's hall of fame.

I even rubbed it out on the flight to Hong Kong after I recalled my masturbation session on the flight with Cynthia. When she told me, she had been listening outside the door, it made it that much more exciting. So, in an attempt to recreate the magic mile high club moment, I did it on this flight. Hopefully Maurice and Russel weren't listening.

I got back to New York on a Friday night around 10:00PM and arrived at my apartment a little before 11:00. God, I loved private air travel. You land, take your bags, and bam into a cab and on your way.

Ghalib was excited to get my text and greeted me at the airfield. I gave him the quick rundown and he tried to be happy for me, but I could sense disappointment that I would be too big time for him now. I told myself this wasn't true, and I was not that shallow, but the events of the last two months had had a profound effect on my view of the world. I had to admit, he did not have the same international man of mystery vibe I felt before I left for Europe.

I had him pull over and got some wine, to take home. Stacey was waiting for me and we were to go out on the town, but I was just too exhausted and thought some wine and some chick flicks might lessen her disappointment.

Ghalib helped me get my bags to the bellman and I gave him a hundred-dollar tip.

"Are you available tomorrow afternoon Ghalib? We will be moving my bestie in and will need a ride for a shopping day while the movers do their thing." I said smiling.

He perked up and said, "At your service Ms. Carmichael. What time do you think?"

"Let's plan on 11:00AM. I would like to sleep in a little. I'll text you for sure in the morning."

"Great, see you tomorrow." He smiled that handsome confident smile that attracted me to him on that first day in New York.

Stacey was a little disappointed but, wine and movies was a good compromise. I wanted nothing more than to put on some PJ's and relax. I saw my pajama tank that Cynthia wore during our first phone session in the clothes basket in my closet. I picked it up and breathed in the hypnotic scent of Cynthia's perfume.

The all too familiar warmth between my legs returned as I closed my eyes and breathed her in. I shuffled through hoping to find the pink thong she wore, but she really did take them. I found a pair of pink panties in my drawer to substitute. I thought of calling Cynthia and initiating another session, but it would be 6:00AM on a Saturday and I did not want to wake her. instead I sent her a text.

Me: I can smell you on my pajama top. I'm wearing it and thinking of you. I wish you'd left the panties... I miss you terribly.

When I returned to the living room, Stacey was wearing a bright blue spaghetti string silk tank with two-inch white lace trim across the top that dipped down between her breasts. The bottoms had the same white lace trim around the legs of her shorts with a dangling tie string. When she stood, her belly button was exposed just slightly.

With my new found appreciation for the female body, I could not help but notice how different her body was from Cynthia's but still very sexy. My eyes widened as I took in her image.

Where Cynthia was tall and slender and toned like a statue, Stacey was shorter, curvier and softer. Her belly button was an innie and the little stripe of her smooth pale skin stood in contrast to the bright blue silk but looked shimmering soft as well. I wondered what the skin on her thighs felt like as she turned toward the kitchen. I'll get the wine and snacks.

As I watched her turn her breasts protruded nicely as they bounced, in unison. Her ass was twice as wide as Cynthia's but shapely sexy at the same time. I shook my head and broke my gaze. My inner voice yelled out. "She's your best friend Alecia! Get control of yourself!" I told myself. "You just miss Cynthia. Focus on her and keep your eyes and hands to yourself."

We flipped on Hallmark and sat facing one another with our knees on the sofa. I brought out a blanket that we shared. That seemed to help, but as we downed the first bottle of wine, I could not break the lock my eyes had on hers. She released the ponytail and let her amber hair down against the pale skin of her shoulders. Her neck looked so soft and smooth, her lips full and damp.

Our knees touched and I pushed ever so slightly forward to keep contact with her warmth. I just listened as she told me all about her job and her travel plans to Florida in the coming weeks. I caught a whiff of her perfume and my thoughts went to leaning in, breathing her in deep as my nose gently brushed her neck before planting soft kisses.

I moved my knee slightly back and she extended her right leg straight out so that her calf pressed against mine that was bent back beneath me. Her skin was warm and soft. I swallowed hard and downed the rest of my wine glass. She quickly refilled me and smiled. My right elbow rested on the back of the sofa and I pushed my upper body away from her and back against the couch as she seemed to be leaning in closer.

I listened as she told me all about the new job, the people she met and her role in the marketing team.

By the end of the second bottle we had tossed the blanket aside, the warmth of the wine had taken over. Beneath her silk top a slight roll of her belly poked through with a slit of her belly button visible as well.

Why was I picturing pulling up her top, tossing it aside, leaning her back on sofa and making love to my best friend? Why did I want to throw caution to the wind and kiss every inch of her? Her lips full and pink screamed for my tongue to press through and kiss her long and hard. I wanted to pull that string on her silk shorts and pull them off her curved hips.

My pussy was warm and wet as I imagined her lips parting, welcoming my tongue as I laid her slowly back, settling on top of her. Her legs stretching and spreading as I lay between them...

My heart raced and I melted into her hypnotic blue eyes. That cute round nose even begged for a kiss. Her voice faded into the background, as her beautiful face surrounded by her glistening amber hair seemed to glow before me.

My breathing was erratic, and my heart pounded in my chest as she leaned in. She was going to kiss me. I closed my eyes and parted my lips as her voice returned me to reality.

"... so grateful for all you've done for me. I can never repay you Alecia."

Her cheek brushed mine as her chin settled on my shoulder and her arms pulled me tight.

"You have been the best friend I could ever ask for. You've been a mentor, a sounding board, roomie, employment agency and councilor. I love you Alecia. Thank you so much for everything."

My eyes opened and the reality of what I nearly did slapped me hard. She was hugging a friend and l was ready to make love to her all night long. How close I had come to ruining everything. Thank God I hesitated, or our friendship would have been forever damaged. I replayed the kiss I gave Cynthia that night in the hotel and how uncomfortable it was when she did not reciprocate.

Her hand caressed my back and I reached around hugging her back and giving a soft friendly tap on the back. "Thank you for bringing some life to this lonely apartment."

Crushed, disappointed, angry at myself for letting my lust for Cynthia affect my relationship with Stacey, I held the hug for a moment taking in her warmth and thinking about what a great friend she has been. I thought it best to end this evening before it got out of hand, so I stood up and stepped toward the bedroom.

"I am beat," I said yawning and stretching my arms above my head. "I think I'm just gonna pass out. It has been a looonnnggg day."

"I bet. Do you have a pillow and blanket? I'll sleep on the couch." She said yawning.

"Don't be silly, you can sleep with me Stacey." I said without thinking.

That was the last thing I needed to do. Drunk, horny, I already tried to kiss her once and now I was going to lay next to her all night. Brilliant!"

"You need to rest Lecia, I'll be OK on the couch..."

"Nonsense! Oh my God. I sound like my mother." I said as I noticed she looked very uncomfortable and was trembling slightly. "We shared a bed plenty of times in college. Don't worry, I won't even know you're there. I'll be in a coma anyway. Come on Sweetie." I held out my hand to her.

As her hand reached for mine. I asked myself why I was so insistent. Her hand trembled as she placed it in mine. I felt a tingle of electricity through my body as we touched. I led her to the bedroom, a thousand thoughts all running at once. My throat was dry, my heartbeat like a rabbit's, I needed to get control of myself.

"Make yourself comfortable, I'll be back," I said not looking at her.

I went into the bathroom, closed the door, looked in the mirror and pulled myself together. My hands were shaking, and pussy was warm and engorged with blood, as thoughts of making love to my best friend overwhelmed me. I told myself, "She's not gay, she's never even thought that way. You'll ruin everything!"

I peed, washed my face with cold water, brushed my teeth, regrouped and headed to the bedroom.

She was gone, I assumed to use the other bathroom to get ready for bed. I found myself pacing and nervous, so I climbed into bed to at least pretend to be calm.

After a few moments the door opened, and she peaked in.

"Hey." I said quietly.

"Are you sure..."

"Yes, get in here silly." I held the covers back for her.

She slid under the covers on her back and gripped the covers with both hands and brought them to her chin. She looked nervous and uncomfortable which made me wonder, why? Could she be having the same feelings?

"You're so warm Stacey, like a warm little teddy bear." I snuggled up to her and brought my knee up over her exposed thighs. Her skin was so smooth. She definitely shaved her legs that day. I placed my right-arm over her stomach enjoying the feel of her silk pajamas against my skin. My left arm was folded under my pillow as I rested my head on it and my chin touched her shoulder.

"I hope I'm not smothering you?" I said as I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feel of her.

She seemed very tense with her hands clenching the comforter and shoved against her chin.

"As long as you're comfortable." She laughed and relaxed. "It is kind of nice to have someone to snuggle."

She rolled on her side to face me and bought her knee up between my legs and slid her arm over mine. We were now facing one another breasts touching legs intertwined and an arm around one another.

I looked into her blue eyes. With her amber hair framing her face, the blue color seemed even more intense.

"Thanks, so much Alecia, you've done so much for me, I can never repay you." She smiled.

Trying to lighten the mood and keep myself from doing something I might regret, I spoke out. "I'm so glad we're gonna be roomies again! This is awesome." I hugged her a little tighter and smiled.

I found myself quickly lost in her eyes, as she stared intently into mine. When she brought her hand up and gently caressed my cheek, I felt all control slipping away.

"Seriously Lecia, Thank you so much. If not for you, I would still be unemployed living at my parents. Instead, tomorrow I'm officially moving to Manhattan. I love you so much."

I wanted to kiss her so badly but dared not risk our friendship with such a reckless move. So, I did the only thing I could think of. I yawned, dangerously close to her face and slowly blinked my eyes a few times, and pretended to drift off to sleep, but could not resist a few gentle strokes of my hand on her back as I feigned sleep.

I thought I could sense her looking at me but dared not open my eyes. One more dose of those blue eyes and cute round nose and I would lose all control. Her hand slowly traced over my exposed shoulder and down my arm, barely touching me. She continued up and down my arm for several minutes.

I laid there hoping she felt the same and would send me a clear signal that she wanted me in the same way. The subtle caress had to be a lover's touch I thought to myself. But it is just my arm, she could be just comforting a friend as they fell asleep. I so hoped that caress would slide off my arm and to my breasts and continue down to my warmer, wetter regions.

I slowly moved my thumb, back and forth on her back letting her know, I was awake and aware. But the signal never came, and the travel fatigue kicked in. I drifted off to sleep.

I woke to the sight of her blue eyes looking at me, again? Or did they never stop?

She smiled, "Good morning sunshine."

That had been a saying of ours. Neither of us were morning people nor could we understand how people like Robin Meade could be so cheery so early. I will chalk it up to morning haze, but completely without thought, I cupped her cheek leaned in and kissed her gently on the lips. "Mmmm, Good Morning." I sighed.

As I was about to extend my tongue, I became conscious of my actions and pulled back to see her eyes closed and mouth slightly open. I immediately rolled over and looked at the clock. It was 10:17AM.

The kiss was far more than a peck but at least I controlled my tongue at the last second. Without looking back I rolled out and stood up. "Holly shit the Movers will be here soon."

I turned around and she laid there confused and disheveled. "I even told Ghalib we would use him for a shopping day. How soon can you be ready?"

She hesitated and thought. "30 minutes."

"OK, I'll let him know." I texted Ghalib and ran to the shower.

With all the activity of the day, we managed to avoid any discussion or sharing of thoughts about "The Kiss". Saturday night the movers had moved everything and put it in its place including the clothing in her drawers and closets.

That evening she spent time putting things in final order and with her bed in place there were no awkward sleeping arrangements.

Ironically, as we showered. Cynthia began a new wave of sexual communications spurred on by my text the night before.

She had replied to my text earlier.

Cynthia: Business phone! Check your personal e-mail

About an hour later she sent another

Cynthia: You must be sleeping in?

At 11:15 I replied from the cab.

Me: Sorry, just go this. Message received. :)

Crap, it didn't even occur to me when I sent the text the work phones are visible to the company.

I had a personal cell phone linked to my personal mail. When I pulled it up wow!

Cynthia: You miss me terribly?... See pic one. You owe me some attention Ms. Carmichael. See pic two. This should be your tongue!

Pic one was a photo from her Belly button to mid-thigh. She was wearing my pink thong with her hand inside. Her fingers were visible through the cloth except for the middle finger apparently penetrating her.

Pic two showed her sans panties with two fingers buried. I had no idea how she took the pics but wow! Her pussy lips were shimmering with moisture. Luckily Stacey was talking to her parents and oblivious to the pics on my phone.

Me: Not fair!

Cynthia: Not fair? You still owe me six orgasms!

Me: True...

I turned away from Stacey and snapped a selfie with my tongue extended. I was getting turned on by the minute. I sent the photo.

A few moments later, I received a close up of her shaved pussy, legs spread sitting on an office chair, it appeared.

Cynthia: I need it right here.

Me: Is that live?

Cynthia: Yes. I need it right now!

Me: Me too! God, I wish I was there. I want to taste you so bad, Ms. Cynthia

Cynthia: I showed you mine, you show me yours.

Me: Can't, in the cab with Stacey. Shopping day while the movers mover her in.

Cynthia: So, my plant sitting is no longer needed?

Me: You can still use the place any time. If I'm away, you can use my bed any time. If I'm home, you can use me any time :)

Cynthia: Six orgasms!

Me: Then what do we do day two?

Cynthia: Six more of course! In the meantime, show me yours from the first store you stop at.

I liked where this was going. I would send pics from every stop. God, she was exciting.

Me: Whatever you want Ms. Cynthia... You'll see me soon!

Our first stop was Macey's. I moved quickly to find something to try on and slipped into a dressing room. I slipped out of my skirt and panties and sat on the bench. I spread my legs wide and snapped several pics. I picked the best one, proud of the trim job I had done. I hit send and a few seconds later heard the ding.

Cynthia: So pretty. I love that dark little muff.

Me: I am soaking wet thinking of you. I can't stop thinking about you, so I'm wet all the time!

Cynthia: Did you soil your panties?

Me: Took then off first!

Cynthia: I'll send you the next pose.

Me: Can't wait.

It seemed like it took forever to get Stacey out of Macey's and to make matters worse in my state of heightened arousal, I could not peel my eyes off of Stacey's ass. She was wearing a pair of jean shorts, with the l legs rolled up to Daisy Duke length. I don't know how she did it but, I swore her ass was smiling at me. There was an arched seem between her ass cheeks and thighs that ever so slightly peeked out. Such a full beautiful ass, I could not stop staring and just didn't care. She would never know I was staring anyway. Needless to say, I followed her lead most of the day.

Back in the cab to Saks, AEO & Aerie and Henri Bendel. As we started off, I received a pic of Cynthia's naked ass bent over with her shaved pink pussy in full view. I stared uncontrollably. This time Stacey noticed.

"What's up?" She asked raising her eyes for a peek.

"The China market forecast is looking bleak." I said staring at the phone. "We talked about it with LVMH last week. It's a disturbing trend."

She quickly changed the subject and I shot a quick e-mail to Cynthia and put my phone away.

Me: Thanks, I just soiled my panties again!

Cynthia: Good leave them in my top left desk drawer in the office please.

Me: Yes Ms. Cynthia! You're insatiable!

I focused on Stacey for the rest of the ride and had a great time at Saks. In the dressing room I removed my skirt and put my panties in my handbag. I got on my hands and knees to match the pose and took several pics again. I found myself staring and struggling to pick which one to send. I had never seen myself from that angle before and it was turning me on much more than it should have. I was drooling over my own pussy. There was something twisted with that. However, I convinced myself it was the thought of Cynthia drooling over it that excited me.

On the way to AEO & Aerie I received a pick of her fingers pressing on her clit with this text message.

Cynthia: Making myself cum looking at the picture of your ass! Your turn.

She knew exactly how to push my buttons. I would soon be masturbating in the dressing room at AEO & Aerie's and I was gushing at the thought. Once again, I scared myself. I could never have imagined myself doing anything like this and now I was excited beyond belief at the thought of masturbating in AEO & Aerie.

When we arrived, I did my best to be patient and spend time looking at things for Stacey. She was the whole point of the day. We were shopping for clothes for her work and this was a first for her to be able to shop the stores we were visiting and actually purchase clothes that weren't on the clearance rack.

We picked out a couple of outfits she liked, and she tried them on. I waited, knowing she would probably like me to see them on her before she bought, and she did. Ultimately, she went with both. I stared at the pictures Cynthia sent while I waited and grabbed a ***********ion of random dresses, so I was ready for my turn. I bounced between the picture of Cynthia's world class ass and the masturbation photo.

The latter was a great close up of her glistening wet pussy. I had waited so long... When would I ever get the chance to taste her, I wondered breathing like a dog in heat. Stacey didn't help, when she came out of the dressing room, the daisy dukes seemed to penetrate extra deep in her ass crack. I was definitely becoming an ass girl.

I quickly ducked into the dressing room, hung the clothes on the rack and planted my ass on the seat. My naked ass, that is. I hiked my skirt and began to touch myself as I looked at her pic on my phone. Then I got an idea on how to take it to the next level. I plugged ear buds into my phone so I could hear her without the rest of the store hearing. Then, I made a video call to Cynthia and laid the phone on the bench. I leaned back against the wall with my legs spread and knees bent. I positioned my pussy above the camera and worked my fingers in and out and then rubbed my clit for the camera.

"Holy shit, you horny little slut! Oh my God Leasie. You're so cruel to me. I want to taste that... fuck you're gonna make me cum again Leasie."

I wanted to tell her how much I wanted to taste her wet pussy, but the dressing room was open underneath. I whispered hoping she could hear. "I'm in the dressing room at AEO & Aerie, listening with my ear buds, thinking of the picture of your ass."

"Damn Leasie, I'm touching myself again. I can see your beautiful pink pussy. You're such a tease. I so much want to taste that steamy cunt."

I whimpered and sped up the pace of my fingers.

"I heard that Leasie. So, you like looking at my ass?"

I began sliding up and down the wall rolling my hips in response.

"Are your gonna cum for me, little slut" She panted. "Oh fu,u,uck Leasie, I want y, you! Aaaahhhh!"

She began to squeal in a high-pitched voice that sent me over the edge.

"You're making me cum Leasie. Oh Fu, u, u, u, ck!"

My body began to vibrate as I rubbed my clit furiously with three fingers clinching my teeth to prevent screaming out for the whole store to hear. Hearing Cynthia screaming in ecstasy as my fingers pounded my clit sent a jolt of pleasure through my pelvis that paralyzed me. My legs stiffened and hips pulsated pumping my upper body against the wall like beating a drum, but there was no stopping. All that mattered was the wave of pleasure cumming together produced.

I wanted to scream out and let the world know I was cumming for her but held it in as my soaked hot pussy took control of every other muscle in my body.

"Oh God yes, cum with me Leasie. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Yes! Yes! Yes!" she whaled as my body convulsed for her.

My orgasm seemed to go on and on as my fingers were a blur rubbing my clit. Finally, I collapsed onto the phone panting uncontrollably. I tried to collect myself as the reality of my situation came back into my mind.

Cynthia whispered as she panted in my ear. "Oh my God, Ms. Carmichael. I don't believe I have ever cum so hard. You really scare me... You continue to bring out desires I never knew I had."

"Alecia? You ok?" Asked Stacey from the other side of the door.

"I'm fine. Be right out." I replied as I pulled the phone out from under me. I looked at Cynthia on the screen, apparently laying on her hotel bed. "I better go, I think the whole store may know what just happened. You, Ms. Cynthia, make me loose ALL control. Damn, I miss you. If I don't get to see you soon, I may end up in jail somewhere."

I hung up and got dressed quickly and straightened myself up looking in the mirror. When I exited the dressing room, it felt like every eye in the place was on me. Stacey had paid and stood holding her bags. I feared my clothes were not on properly and everyone could see it but me.

"I take it you're feeling better after that. It sounded like you were "Talking" (She made air quotes) with Cynthia. Lecia honey, you (air quotes) "rub one off" like a pair of buffalo in a broom closet."

My face turned beet red. "Was it that bad?"

She nodded her head toward a man in the ladies lingerie section ogling me as he pretended to shop.

"Ok, I think we can move on." I said red faced.

I slunk out of the store and into the cab. Stacey sat too close to me on the left. I became keenly aware the scent of my wet pussy filled the air. I turned to the right and looked out the window. Then, like the horny little slut I had become, I secretly smelled my fingers thinking of Cynthia, and what I wanted to do to her.

After an awkward silence I noticed Ghalib was looking at me in the rearview mirror with a confused look. He appeared to be sniffing the air subtly. "It's just your imagination... He can't smell you." Said my inner voice. But I knew he could. I reached into my handbag, past my soiled panties to a bottle of perfume. I dabbed some onto my cum coated fingers and applied it to my neck. I sat back and closed my eyes, trying to center myself.

A moment later, I heard a whisper in my ear that only made things worse. She leaned in so close she accidently touched my earlobe with her lips, which sent another jolt through my clit. "I can still smell you Lecia!"

What was wrong with me? I just jacked off in public and came like a freight train. And now I wanted to take my best friend in the back seat, while Ghalib watched. I wanted to squeeze her naked ass while I kissed her hard and deep. I wanted to taste her cum as I tonged her wildly and felt her silky thighs on my cheeks. I was ready to rub her round little nose against my stiff clit as she tongue fucked me in the cab.

Thank God we arrived at Henri Bendel. I rushed out of the cab. "Keep the meter running Ghalib." I said, bee lining for the ladies room. I was disgusted with myself as I soaped up a washcloth and headed for the stall. I washed my sticky pussy clean before washing my hands. I again splashed cold water on my face. I looked at my reflection and snapped myself back to reality.

"You OK Lecia," said Stacey peeking in the door.

"Yep, ready for action." I said as I walked toward the door.

At the end of the day, Stacey ended up with several new outfits and was immediately occupied by checking out the movers' work when we arrived back at the apartment. I was grateful for the distraction.

The movers grouped her clothing and did an excellent job of putting them in the right drawers. She was occupied checking things out and making some minor adjustments. So, I said good night and turned in early. I was going to have a busy week and wanted to get an early start.

I laid there thinking about Cynthia, and my loss of self-control around her. I so needed to see her. But there was no telling when we could actually connect. The memory of snuggling with Stacey last night had me wishing for a knock on the door. The knock never came and eventually I drifted off to sleep.

I was off early and did not see Stacey Monday morning and I was in bed before she came home Monday night. Thankfully work kept me busy all week. We worked diligently to finalize the web site layout for LVMH with a team of software and marketing specialist. I was very proud of the team and their efforts to make a user-friendly layout with versions in twelve different languages.

We were tight but on pace for a beta launch October first allowing three months for debug and launch. I spoke with Cynthia daily. She was in Paris and would be heading to the Czech Republic after that. I Would be leaving for China on Sunday and our paths appeared to be destined never to cross.

On Thursday afternoon, I was in my office after hanging up from a conference call with Maurice and Russel. No sooner had I hung up and the phone rang from Cynthia's office extension.

"Alecia Carmichael." I answered.

"Well, hello Ms. Carmichael, might I see you in my office?" Cynthia said calmly.

"What? Are you serious? You're here?" I said heart racing.

"Yes, Ms. Carmichael, but only for a couple hours..."

"On my way!" I said as I jumped up and walked quickly to her office.

The blinds were all closed in her office, which excited me. We would have privacy. Unfortunately, one of the board members was in her office when I arrived.

"Come in Ms. Carmichael," Said Cynthia. "Charles Rosland, this is Alecia Carmichael."

She sat behind her desk wearing a white blouse buttoned mid chest with a blue jacket. Her hair was down and curled inward to frame her face. Her blue eyes and narrow nose made my heart flutter.

"It's an honor to meet you Ms. Carmichael. So good to put a face to a name. I can't thank you enough for helping to land our largest account yet. I never thought I would meet another young lady as talented and savvy as our Cynthia, but thus far you're right there with her." He said as he walked over to shake my hand. His hands were surprisingly soft.

"I told you to trust me Charles. She is amazing. She has a sense for people beyond her years, possibly beyond my years!" Said Cynthia smiling at me. God she was beautiful.

"I should never have doubted you Cynthia." He smiled at me.

"I promise I will not disappoint Mr. Rosland." I replied with a firm shake.

His eyes rolled to my tits. "You definitely do not disappoint."

That was all I needed to know. Top buttons unbuttoned and Chuckie would do anything I say. He walked back to his chair and sat down

"I was just wrapping up with Charles. We had a brief window to meet with the board today, so I flew in overnight and arrived this morning. Unfortunately, I'm heading back to Paris in three hours. I would very much like to get an update on LVMH before I leave. Have a seat." She pointed at the couch that faced the side of her desk.

I sat and she spun toward me. I nearly came in my panties as she turned her chair sideways to face me. The desk blocked the view from Charles, but my vantage point gave a glorious view of her shaved naked pussy peeking out from her hiked blue skirt. My face reddened, pussy moistened and heart rate accelerated.

I struggled to breath before glancing at Charles who was looking at me oddly.

"Everything ok Ms. Carmichael?" Asked Charles, with a half-smile and concerned eyes.

"Everything's great from where I'm sitting. It is a little warm in here, wouldn't you say?" I said as I looked at Cynthia.

"Just a bit." She replied and turned her head to look at Charles. "Thank you so much Charles I'm glad we can get approval from the board today. Once again you have worked your magic. I will see you in... (She looked at her watch, leaned back in her seat and spread her legs wider.) sixty minutes in the board room? Now I need to get an update from my young protégé here, she owes me a few things so I thought I would take the opportunity to collect in person."

Her labia pealed apart when she spread her legs revealing her bright pink glisten inner labia. My eyes could not break away and Charles faded into the background like the furniture. The prize I had been longing for was twenty feet away begging for my warm moist tongue. Although at that exact moment my mouth seemed unusually dry making it even harder to swallow. I gently moistened my lips with my tongue.

I had fantasized about tasting her so many times and now she was offering herself to me, or should I say teasing me, in front of a key board member where I could do nothing about it. My mouth began to moisten rapidly as I stared helplessly at her glistening pussy. I wanted to drop to the floor, crawl between her legs and drink her in as she came in my hungry mouth.

"I'll see you shortly Cynthia." Said Charles standing up. I also stood. "Don't get up Ms. Carmichael. It was a pleasure meeting you and I look forward to getting a further update at the board meeting."

"Thank you, Charles, would you shut the door on your way out? I do not want to be disturbed before the board meeting." Said Cynthia as she waved her hand motioning me to sit.

As he walked out the door I sat back down, disappointed. Her legs remained open and I so wanted to dive in tongue first. She clearly sensed the urgency on my face.

"If we can contain ourselves for just a moment Ms. Carmichael, I would like to clarify a few things..."

"Anything you say Ms. Cynthia," I replied compliantly.

"As you heard my time is very limited. There is a board meeting in one hour, so I will need you to stay focused and follow instructions." She reached into the top desk drawer and pulled out the panties I left on Monday.

She held them to her nose and took a long slow breath. "Thank you for these Leasie, they will make a fine addition to my collection." Eyes locked on the target between her legs, I fidgeted and started to get up.

"Please remain seated Ms. Carmichael, this will go so much smoother if you comply." She said in a calm authoritative voice. "You can be such a good girl at times."

She sniffed the panties again while the pair I was wearing were beginning to moisten. It occurred to me that I would likely be handing over yet another pair of "soiled" panties in a few moments.

"However, your little escapade in the dressing room Sunday was rather torturous. I believe you currently owe me six orgasms I have a very tight window to begin collecting."

"Yes Ms. Cynthia" I nodded enthusiastically, eyes still on the prize.

"You do seem eager, that is good. Are you eager Ms. Carmichael?"

"Oh God yes! I can't stop thinking about you. I want to crawl over and taste you so badly..."

"I like that plan Ms. Carmichael, but you seem to be wearing a awful lot of clothing, would you mind removing your jacket and blouse for me?" Her legs spread just a little wider as her skirt bunched firmly at her hips.

I looked toward the door, concerned that someone might come in. "Can I lock the door first Ms. Cynthia."

"I do like it when you call me Ms. Cynthia, but locking the door would lessen the excitement just a little, don't you think?" She smiled deviously.

Her words and facial expression sent a little wave of excitement through my lower body. I smiled, tossed the jacket and unbuttoned my blouse.

"Ms. Carmichael, you do take direction well. You are making me very warm and very wet. I hope you know how much; I have anticipated the payment of your debt. I like your black silk bra, Ms. Carmichael, but I would really like to see those beautiful breasts. Would you please remove that too?"

I was shaking with lust and anticipation. I unclipped my bra and tossed it aside.

"You are so beautiful Ms. Carmichael. My pussy is steaming for you right now." She said swinging her knees together and apart two times before settling in her seat with them set wide apart."

"Please let me repay you Ms. Cynthia." I said desperately.

"As usual your manners are impeccable Ms. Carmichael, but I am still troubled by your skirt and shoes. Remove them please but leave your panties on for inspection." She looked at me smiling.

I could barely believe how quickly I complied with her orders. I raised my ass up off the couch to remove the skirt and nearly took my panties with it but managed to keep them most of the way on. When I tossed my skirt, I pulled them back up and settled back down on the couch. My wetness was beginning to peek through the black silk, and I grew more excited knowing I would need to surrender my soiled panties to her yet again.

"There is something that has haunted me since our little phone session that produced the panties you sent me. I can't help thinking about watching you make yourself cum through your panties..."

"Yes, Ms. Cynthia." I said as my right hand moved from sofa to the patch of silk covering my tingling pussy.

She did not have to finish her train of thought. I knew what she wanted. I wanted to make myself cum for her. I needed to show her how much I wanted her and that I would do anything to please her. It turned me on knowing I could excite her and I wanted to see her reaction. My middle finger pressed against the silk as I wiggled it into my slit.

"Oh Ms. Carmichael, you are such a horny little slut. I love your openness. God you light my fire Leasie. Tell me what you want my pet."

I glanced up to see her hungry eyes, devouring me before looking back at her spread labia.

My finger slid up and down my slit forcing the silk inward where is soaked up my juices. "I want to drop to my hands and knees and crawl to you steaming wet pussy Ms. Cynthia."

My fingers pressed harder and I heard her moan as I spoke. Her hands rested on her thighs and she began to squeeze them firmly. I thought she did so to prevent the urge to touch herself.

"I want to breath in your scent and feel the tingle of every cell of my body as I do. I want to feel your warmth on my tongue as I separated those pink steamy lips while that silky soft skin of your inner thigh tickles my cheeks... Oh God Ms. Cynthia, you make so warm." I whimpered as my voice crackled.

I could smell my own juices, as I was already building toward an uncontrollable frenzy. I began to pant as my hips rocked. The wet silk stimulated my clit as her exposed pussy held my gaze.

"Ms. Carmichael you are making me very very hot. I hope you're going to put your mouth to work backing up your words. I want you Ms. Carmichael, more than anything I have ever wanted."

I cried out as her words sent me quickly to the brink. I let out a long high-pitched crackling moan that felt like it was coming from outside my body. "Aaa, aaa, aaaaaahhhhhhh."

"Are you my pet Ms. Carmichael?" She asked softly.

"Oh yes, Ms. Cynthia. I want to please you, aaahh! Please let me suck you pussy. Oh fuck, I need it!"

"That's it Ms. Carmichael, make yourself cum for me my pet." Her voice consumed me. "Oh that's sexy. Are you coming for me Leasie?"

"Yes! Yyyyyeeeeesssss I'm cumming for you Ms. Cynthia. Oh God, I'm cumming for you! Aaaaaaaaahhhhh! Aaaaaaaaahhhhh! Aaaaaaaaahhhhh! Aaaaaaaaahhhhh! Aaaaaaaaahhhhh!"

My legs stiffened as my heels pressed against the floor spread wide. I arched my back against the sofa raising my ass off the cushion as my fingers rubbed my clit frantically through the soaked silk."

"That's it baby, Oh God, I want you! Cum for me Leasie!" She panted.

I closed my eyes and let out one final squeal. "Cumming for you Ms. Cyn, Cynthia."

I went silent as my mouth opened wide, but no air came out as my whole body stiffened. My fingers rubbed my clit feverishly as my juices flooded my panties. My hips pulsed at the wave of pleasure locked my diaphragm. My body spasmed as my clit sent wave after wave of tingling electricity through me. Finally, my orgasm peaked and I sucked in air frantically and collapsed back onto the sofa.

"Ms. Carmichael, that was far better than I even imagined." She said breathlessly.

I felt a strange sense of pride that she was visibly flustered. She took another whiff of my panties.

"Of course, I'm going to need those panties, Ms. Carmichael. Would you please remove them for me?" I did as commanded and sat on the edge of the sofa panties in hand. I leaned forward staring at her exposed pussy, complete naked and ready to please.

"It seems you now owe me seven orgasms Ms. Carmichael. Your debt continues to mount, and I think it is time to make a payment." She said spreading herself wider.

"I am so ready Ms. Cynthia" I dropped to my hands and knees, clutching my wet panties in my right fist.

"Ms. Carmichael, would you please place those panties in your teeth and bring then to me?

The thought brought a new level of excitement to me. I clinched the waist band in my teeth and crawled slowly toward her, with very slow, deliberate, exaggerated motions. My ass flexed and stretched, and I swayed side to side as I crawled. I looked at her hungrily and watched as her eyes widened and seemed to light up at the sight.

"Ms. Carmichael, you are making me very wet. You look hungry my pet." Her eyes wide and excited.

I nodded, unable to speak with my panties dangling from my teeth.

Cynthia breathed in my scent through my panties and smiled as I drew closer.

As I entered the gap between her spread knees, she slid herself lower in the chair, bring my target closer and easier to access. She tossed the panties back in the drawer and reached down for the pair I clutched in my teeth.

"Good girl Ms. Carmichael, you will make a fine p, et!" She squeaked as my nose tickled the target. "You're a hu, hungry little sl, slut!"

Her body shook as I breathed in deeply and my nose gently touched her. My body came alive as her scent penetrated my brain. I exhaled and felt Cynthia tremble as my hot breath washed over her. She whimpered softly and closed her eyes.

I stared up at her face as I leaned in. My tongue ran slowly and firmly up her wet crack. Her labia were steamy warm and softer than I imagined against my tongue. The taste of her was sweet at first with a touch of bitterness as I lingered. I only knew it tasted like ecstasy and I needed more.

"Oh Leasie." She whimpered, as I lapped up her sweet juices.

Her hand settled on the back of my head. "Oh God, I've needed this."

Her legs pressed in bringing her warm silky skin against my cheeks. I don't think I had ever felt anything so soft in my life. I never wanted to stop. I raised up and sucked he upper labia and clit into my mouth, shaking my head gently side to side.

Cynthia tensed and moaned in complete ecstasy as I sucked and wiggled. When I began wiggling my tongue on her clit she cried out. "Oh my God Leasie, right there. Ooohhhh Fuuuuuccckkkkkk." She gripped her chair with both hands and my heart raced with a feeling of complete control. "Oh ffffffuuuuuuucckkkkkk I'm cumming Leasie, r, right there."

Her pelvis vibrated up and down as she came in my mouth. "Oh God, right there, oh yyyyyyeesssss right there! Yyessss, yyyyeeesss, yyyeeesss. Right fucking there! Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh!"

She pulled me off, unable to take anymore, so I began to slowly lap at her again with my tongue in slow firm licks parting her labia and sucking in her cum. As I continued, she petted my head encouraging me to continue. I looked up to see her smiling down at me. The taste of her, the sweet sticky feel on my lips and tongue were a heavenly combination.

I pulled away looking up at her, inches from her engorged womanhood. "You taste like heaven Ms. Cynthia. Better than I ever imagined. But, I'm still hungry." I slowly extended my tongue moving ever so slowly lower and closer. I watched her eyes widen with a feel of desperation as I drew closer. The tip of my tongue made contact just below the bottom of her labia and she moaned softly.

Our eyes were locked, mine hungry and hers desperate. I was on my knees, but she was the prey and I was the predator. I have never felt more powerful than kneeling naked before her and seeing the look on her face as I took a slow firm lick up her succulent, cum soaked pussy. She tensed and trembled as I parted her tender labia penetrating with my tongue tip as I moved upward.

Her soft moans sent a wave of warm wetness through me. Her trembling intensified as I slowly drug my rough tongue across her stiff sensitive clitoris. Before raising up and moving back down. "I am going to drink every drop of your sweet cum Ms. Cynthia."

I took another slow deliberate lick, favoring the right side, lapping up her cum. "It's the nectar of the God's and I will drink it all" Another lick favoring the left side. "I want more, and I want it now Ms. Cynthia."

This time I pressed back to the middle and stopped at her tight little opening wiggling my tongue inside her. Her eyes briefly closed as I probed her quickly and repeatedly pressing my lips against hers. Then I continued upward, dragging my tongue over her stiff little button.

My eyes stayed locked on her hypnotic blue desperate eyes. "I want to pleasure you Ms. Cynthia." She whimpered as my tongue probed her again. "I want to pleasure you in every way, Ms. Cynthia." I licked her and probed her again.

"Oh, Leasie..." Her eyes closed and her breathing deepened as she petted my head.

My forehead rubbed against her hiked skirt, so I dropped my ass down to my heels, pulled my knees up under me and sat up on them. "I need to remove this skirt Ms. Cynthia; it is blocking my access to you." I brought my hands under her thighs and up the sides of her hips. I could feel no side zippers, so I pushed her up off the chair rather forcefully and found the clasp and zipper in back. She helped by holding her ass up and I quickly undid them both and gripped her waistband.

I pulled them off sliding my knuckles across that beautiful ass. I backed up and pulled the skirt down and off her legs. I tossed them aside, gripped her knees and spread them apart. I looked hungrily into her eyes again as my hands slid up her inner thighs. My elbows pressed her legs wider and my fingers caressed their way up her silky thighs.

I leaned in as my hands moved over the top of her thighs and gripped her by the hips. I pulled her toward me positioning her on the edge of the seat. "Much better." I said taking another slow deliberate lick. She moaned her approval. "I see you agree Ms. Cynthia."

I licked again stopping at her opening before French kissing her steaming pleasure hole. My mouth open wide, I sucked her labia as my tongue probed in and out.

"That feels so good Leasie," Her eyes closed and she bit her lip. I wiggled my head side to side causing a gasp and a grin as her eyes opened. "Oh my God!" She said sounding almost in pain.

I never wanted this to end, I loved the feeling of my tongue inside her, paralyzing her with pleasure, tasting her. I pulled back, "I love being inside of you Ms. Cynthia. Let's get serious about this shall we?"

I raised up and gripped her legs behind the knees and lifted them up over my shoulder. This gave me full access as her legs angle up and out. She had my panties to her face breathing deeply through her nose

I gently pushed a finger into her and continued her tongue lashing. "Ah! Ah!" she gasped in quick succession as I pushed my finger all the way in and began to pump in and out. Her hips began to rock and push back against my finger.

I raised up looking at her, pumping harder. "Do you like that Ms. Cynthia?" She nodded and whimpered. "Would you like another?"

"Y, yes!" She gasped. "Oh, Pleases..."

"Here you go." I said pulling out and pushing in two.

She exhaled in a sporadic series of gasps

I began pumping again. "Is that better Ms. Cynthia?"

Her rapid mini gasps continued. "O, o oh y, yes."

I extended my tongue and leaned in slowly maintaining eye contact. Again, I opened my mouth, sucked in her clit and upper labia, wiggling my tongue as I sucked and fingered her hot pussy.

"Oh God Leasie, I love you. Aaaahhhhhh!" She squealed rocking in hips faster.

"I need you to cum in my mouth again." I panted and dove back in, working my tongue.

I knew she was delirious but, hearing her say she loved me got me that much more excited. I sucked and wiggled my tongue while rapidly shaking my head side to side. My fingers were pumping in and out faster and faster as her moans grew louder.

"Leeeaaaaasssssiiiiiieeeee honey, oh God... Aaaaahhhhhh! Fuuuuuuccckk, feels, g, good." Her hand gripped my head and her knees went higher. "Oh, God, please!" she panted with each word.

Her legs pressed against my shoulder and her back arched. She ground herself against my tongue gyrating and shaking. "Oh God, y, you're a, fuck, a, mazing. R, right there Leasie. Aaaahhhhh fuuuuucccckkk ." Her voice had been getting louder and suddenly she shoved my panties into her mouth and bit down on them to muffle the screams.

I watched her face and as she screamed into my panties. I had never been so excited with a sex partner before. I felt like a goddess making this gorgeous powerful woman into a raging sex toy. I felt like I could cum just watching her react to me. I could taste her juices flowing onto my tongue and wanted more.

I sped up again fingering her hard and torturing her clit with my lips and tongue. My tongue and neck were tired, but I would go all day if she let me. Her chair bounced and squeaked as she fucked my fingers and tongue. I loved how she told me when I hit the spot and she continued her chant of "right there", but with my panties shoved in her mouth she was hard to understand.

I realized I was right when I felt the rush of warm sticky juices flooding my tongue and face. She tried to pull me off by the hair, but I wasn't done, I wanted to take her to the edge and beyond. Her hips were almost vibrating she was moving them so fast in tiny little gyrations. Her legs pressed hard on my shoulders as her muffled screams were more frantic. Her thighs squeezed my head as she came long and hard.

I had to fight to keep my tongue engaged as her orgasm continued. She wailed in a series of high pitched screeches in time with her gyrations as her creamy juices flooded my fingers, cheeks and chin. Finally with both hands she pushed me off. and I glanced down to see a string of thick white fluid clinging to my nose and her pussy. The white creamy fluid covered her engorged labia. For a moment, I thought she had just had sex with a man and it oozed out of her. But it did not taste like semen, it had a hint of sweetness mixed with a metallic taste. Then it occurred to me. Female ejaculation...

"Oh my God Leasie, I'm so sorry, I've never done that before..."

I began to lap it up and she tried to pull me off again. I shook my head and continued licking her clean.

"Leasie, please..."

I pulled off and interrupted. "Ms. Cynthia am I the first to make you ejaculate?"

I licked again, she tried less convincingly to stop me. "Ejaculate? Men Ejac..."

"So can women Ms. Cynthia and I just made you do it!" I grinned at her proudly and lapped up some more. Her legs spread wider allowing her legs to slide off my shoulders and her feet dropped to the floor. Then I slid my fingers out and licked them clean while she watched me.

I leaned back in and took one more deliberate lick up the length of her slit and slowly slid my fingers back inside her. I stood slowly up smiling at her with my fingers working gently inside of her. As I raised up, I leaned forward bringing my face closer to hers.

"I love pleasing you Ms. Cynthia. I love tasting you..." I kissed her neck gently. She tilted her head to the side exposing her neck. "I love being inside you..." I kissed her neck again and pushed my fingers deep. "I will do anything to pleasure you..." Another kiss and she whimpered with pleasure. "I love being your pet Ms. Cynthia. I was born for this."

"Leasie," She panted. "You make me crazy."

I kissed her passionately probing her mouth with my tongue, letting her taste her cum. My fingers continued to penetrate her soaked pussy causing her to moan and whimper in time with my movements. I immediately knew I could give her orgasm number three if I wanted, and I definitely wanted.

I broke the kiss and moved back to her neck. "Do you want me to stop Ms. Cynthia?"

She offered her neck again, "I really need to prep for the, Ah!" She gasped as my thumb touched her clit while my fingers continued to pump her.

"I've missed you Ms. Cynthia, and I need more." I whispered as she moaned louder. "I need more time to properly make love to you." I kissed her neck and nibbled her ear lobe. "I want to make love to you all night."

She wiggled her hips and whined out loud. "Leasie, please, I can't take..."

"Oh, but I want to give myself to you Ms. Cynthia. I want to kiss every inch of you and pleasure you until you beg me to stop." I returned to her neck her pulse pounding. "Anything Ms. Cynthia, tell me what you want and I wil do it." I pressed on the back of her chair raising up as High as I could while maintaining contact with her steaming pussy.

"Oh God, Leasie... Pleases. I have to, Gah!" Her head rolled back eyes closed with pleasure until I removed my finger and caused her to gasp.

I leaned forward bringing my left breast toward her lips. "The lady doth protest too much methinks."

She began to kiss my nipple, sending chills from my chest to my shoulders and on down my spine.

"Do you really want me to stop Ms. Cynthia?" I asked tauntingly.

She shook her head as her lips, warm and soft brought my left nipple to complete stiffness. I lowered back down to reinsert my fingers, and she followed with her mouth chasing my right breast.

Cynthia moved to my right breast as I reached down and inserted my fingers again. She moaned and sucked my nipple hard, "Ms. Cynthia, can you please come home with me tonight?" I said seductively. "You could fly out in the morning. Won't you please let me pay you back tonight? I can think of many ways to pleasure you Ms. Cynthia."

"How can I say no to you Ms. Carmichael." She sighed and extended her tongue to tease my nipple.

The wave of warmth that spread through my body was remarkable, fueled by the thought of having her in my bed all night long and unencumbered... A new wave of wetness consumed my pussy. I could feel her wetness growing as I slowly fingered her.

"Oh Ms. Cynthia you make me so wet. I want you in my bed with nothing between us. Just my skin against yours."

Her right hand slid from my breast to my belly, gently caressing me while her left hand caressed my lower back and slid down to my ass. Her touch electrified me. My hand was extended down between us as I slowly and steadily slid two fingers in and out of her. My forearm brushed against my trimmed muff and I found myself rubbing my wet cunt against my arm excited by her touch.

"I want to kiss and touch every inch of you, Ms. Cynthia. I've never wanted anything so much. Pleasing you is all that matters." I closed my eyes and took in the sensation of her hands on my body and lips on my stiff tingling nipple. Chills ran through my body as my thumb touched her clit.

She gasped and released my nipple. I lowered my upper body freeing my arm for more motion and bringing my lips back to her gorgeous neck. "Do you like that Ms. Cynthia?" I whispered working her clit with my thumb and fucking her steadily with my fingers.

"Y,yyyeeeessss." She squeaked in a crackling voice.

"I want, to please you Ms. Cynthia." I kissed her neck firmly. "Are you ready for some more payback?"

"Yes, Pl, please." She panted uncontrollably.

"Will you please let me lick you clean after you cum again Ms. Cynthia?" I said pushing her over the edge.

"Yes, Oh God, yes! Ah, ah, ah, ahhhhhhh." She panted shaking and grinding her pelvis against my hand. "Oh God, I'm cumming again Leasie. Aaaaahhhhhh!"

Startled by her volume, I quickly kissed here and pushed my tongue into her mouth. She opened wide and sucked my tongue hard whimpering and shaking uncontrollably as her orgasm grew.

Both hands gripped my ass and she flailed her hips, fucking my fingers as my thumb stimulated her clit. Her tongue probed my mouth and her muffled cries became more urgent. I could barely keep my mouth on hers as her juices flooded my fingers. The effect of feeling her lose control at my touch was almost indescribable. It was as if I could feel her pleasure transmitted through our kiss, the tingling through my own body nearly made me cum without direct contact by Cynthia.

Her body stiffened when her orgasm peaked, and her rapid-fire whimpers grew stronger and stronger. My own excitement was so high, I could barely breath as I felt her cum for the third time. Her scent filled the air and I closed my eyes taking it in.

She broke the kiss and pulled away, her body collapsed, and she struggled to catch her breath panting erratically. "Ms. Carmichael you are a naughty little slut! Oh My God, three down!" I removed my hand, smiled and watched her regain composure. "I think you are trying to make we late for my meeting." Her eyes were simply captivating. I really need to go..."

"Not quite yet Ms. Cynthia." I dropped to my knees, smiled up at her and began to lick her clean.

"You are nothing if not thorough Ms. Carmichael." She sighed and spread her legs.

I lapped up her cum like a hungry puppy. "Oh my God." She said almost whispering with a long slow exhale. "You'll need to help me get dressed Ms. Carmichael."

She grabbed my panties that had been in her drawer. "Could you please put these on me. I would very much like to wear them to remind me of things to come."

I took them from her, made one final lick, spread the panties open with both hands and placed them on the floor. She put her right foot in and then her left. I wiggled them up her legs and on over her hips. I straightened the front and asked her to turn. She did and I positioned them on her incredible ass. "Damn they look good on that ass." I said out loud.

She clinched her cheeks. "Good to know all those workouts have paId dividends, Ms. Carmichael. Speaking of dividends, help me with my skirt. I need to get to the board meeting."

I crawled over to them as I had given them a good toss. "Speaking of good-looking asses... Mmmm." she sighed.

I crawled back toward her, and she turned her ass toward me. I held the skirt to the floor, and she stepped in. As I pulled them up, I nibbled both of her cheeks where they bulged out of my panties.

"Thanks for adding to my collection Ms. Carmichael." She dangled the panties she had shoved in her mouth a few moments ago. I will be imagining my hands reaching under your skirt all day long.

I smiled and asked myself why surrendering another pair of "soiled" panties made me so proud.

I positioned her skirt, helped tuck in her blouse and zipped her up. "There, nice and neat." I said as I patted her ass.

She turned and I stood up, completely naked before her. Her hand caressed my cheek and she kissed my slowly and gently. The heat between my legs intensified.

She looked into my eyes and her hand cupped my breast and slid slowly down my belly as she spoke.

"Ms. Carmichael, you may be the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. I think I would like to see you like this forever."

Her hand slid lower, fingers downward, once again I could not breath as her middle finger slid between my labia and her other fingers sandwiching them.

"You weren't lying Ms. Carmichael, you are ssssoooo wet." She kissed me softly, slowly slipping the tip of her tongue between my lips. Our tongue tips touched, and she pulled back.

"Will you promise you will not cum under any circumstances until, I am paid in full?" She whispered in my ear.

Yes, Ms. Cynthia." I said trembling. It seemed like a no brainer. I made her cum three times in less than an hour. I owed her four more and she was staying the night.

"That's a good girl because I think I've figured out how we can get together when you make your Florida swing with LVMH..."

"What do you mean? That's four weeks away!" I said starting to panic. "You're sleeping over tonight."

"Oh no, I'm afraid that's not possible. I am flying back to Paris with two board members for our quarterly share holder review..."

"But you said..."

"I said, 'How can I say no to you.' Unfortunately, I have no choice." I promise we can work out at least a couple days together in Florida. I have a vacation home in West Palm. A couple days on the beach should be quiet fulfilling.

She smiled and removed her hand from my flaming pussy.

"Oh, that is cruel, Ms. Cynthia. We can't even have a phone session for four weeks?"

"Sure, we can Ms. Carmichael, under the condition that you do not reach orgasm until you pay your debt."

"That's very helpful. Why do you want to torture me? I thought you enjoyed our session here today. Why punish me?"

"Why think of it as punishment? Think of the anticipation Ms. Carmichael." She gripped my naked ass with both hands and kissed my deeply.

She released me, scooped up her handbag and laptop and marched for the door. I cowered behind her desk as she gripped the doorknob. I imagined her whipping the door open for all the world to see.

"It's quiet exhilarating, wearing your panties Ms. Carmichael, knowing where they just were. I would love to watch you dress, but I really must go. I will replay today in my mind many times between now and Florida. Thank you so much.

She stepped out and closed the door. I wanted to masturbate right there on the spot after she just revved me up. I picked my clothes up and got dressed as I pondered four weeks. It did not matter that I had far surpassed the four week mark many times in the college years without even an afterthought. But Cynthia released the horny little slut in me and four weeks now seemed like an eternity...

To be continued.
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