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Sugar babies save a troubled marriage.

As I got home and walked in the kitchen Friday night, I admired my wife Alyssa's beautiful green eyes and curly dark hair. I sadly asked, "I'm guessing you want me to divorce you?"

She lit one of her long, slim menthol cigarettes. Seeing her suck on something usually shrank my shorts, but I was too sad at the moment. She exhaled a stream of smoke. "I ... I'm not sure. But I'm not happy anymore, Jason. I don't think you are either, right?"

As I saw our four nearly new vehicles out the window and glanced at the half-dozen expensive rings on her fingers I knew the answer, but still thought I should ask. "Is there anything I can buy you to make you happy?"

"No, we have so much already. More than I ever hoped for, before I met you."

"I know you're sad we can't have a baby but we could adopt. Do you think getting a kid or two would help?"

"I ... I always wanted to be a Mom. Maybe but that's not the main thing."

"Well, are you in love with somebody else?"


"Of course not! I still love you! So, is it sex? I've been missing sex a lot lately. Once or twice a week isn't nearly enough."

She said, "I know you want it every night, but two or three times a week would be good for me. It was so much better when we were dating. I miss the great times we had kissing, holding each other, and doing lots of oral. Lately you just want to screw and go to sleep! If we do it every day, it makes me feel cheap and sleazy, like sex is the only reason you keep me around. I miss cuddling and talking for hours. I miss playing with each other's hair and bodies."

I admitted, "For the first few months we dated, sex actually was the main thing that mattered to me, but it's been ten years. I really do love you. All of you."

She blushed as she put the cigarette out and admitted, "I love you too, but I miss you kissing my kitty SO MUCH! I was always happy to suck you off if you'd do the same for me."

"I know we used to, but usually I'm so tired after work I just want to skip to the best part."

She had a tear at the corner of her eye. "For me, what you skip IS the best part! It's like you don't give a crap whether I'm happy or not anymore! I think ... I think you should see a lawyer and get it started."

I said, "There's no way I'm filing for divorce. I think we can work this out. I can't lose you."

"I'm not so sure."

"You know if YOU start the divorce our prenup says you only get half a million, one vehicle, and the vacation house up north. If you want to leave me that badly ..."

"I ... I don't know. Let's just go to sleep and talk about it tomorrow."

"Okay. I'll be in the guest room."

"Jason, please come to bed. Just hold me? Please?"

I knew that touching her in bed would only aggravate my blue balls, but my conscience wouldn't let me leave her alone when she was upset.


The warm sunlight coming through the window woke me in the morning. I had a hand on one of Alyssa's nicely firm 'D' cups, my nose in the long hair at the back of her neck, and my 'morning wood' wedged between her firm thighs.

I kissed her ear lobe and whispered, "You're still so beautiful. I love you."

She sleepily mumbled, "Cigarette." She lit up, and I played with her breast as she took a few puffs. My dick was rock-hard and demanded attention. I squeezed her boob and rocked my hips, sliding my cock back and forth between her legs. She smiled until she saw the clock. "It's 8:45! Why didn't you set the alarm! I'm supposed to meet Jan at nine!" She jumped out of bed and dressed quickly, spoiling my fun.

"Tell Jan it's an emergency. Your husband is dying of pussy deficiency."

She didn't laugh. She didn't even giggle. She picked up her purse. "Jan needs help setting up for her cousin Shelly's wedding. We'll talk tonight."

Her keys jingled as she grabbed them on the way out.

Yet again, I was forced to relieve my sexual tension alone in the shower. Since it was Saturday and I had nothing planned, I decided to take my boat out and do some fishing. I called a few buddies and picked up Dave, John, and Terry on the way to the lake. I was glad I had bought a super cab instead of a 2-seater.

As usual, no fish were caught. Instead, several cigars were smoked, a 12-pack of beer was consumed, and much bullshit was listened to.

I discovered a possible solution to my marital problems with help from the last person I expected, my crass and half-crazy pal Dave. "My brother Dan was alone after his divorce last year. He went on a 'sugar' website and picked the girl he wanted. She's hot and only 22! There are hundreds of 'em, pretty young women that need money for rent, or cars, or school. He's so lucky! He gives his 'sugar baby' what she needs, and a girl half his age screws the ugly old fart."

Terry asked, "Aren't you and Dan identical twins?"


We laughed so hard John dropped his beer. Dave pointed at him and yelled, "Alcohol abuse!" We laughed even more.

I asked a serious question, for a change. "Isn't that illegal? Paying a girl for sex, like picking up a hooker?"

"No, it's legit. It's just a boyfriend giving his girlfriend some help. It's not like 'Give me a blowjob for a hundred', or anything. She's his girlfriend, sort of. They go on dates and she sleeps over sometimes. It's not really love, but they're good to each other. He gave her a car for her birthday and she started deep-throating him every day."

We told tall tales and joked around the rest of the afternoon, but the 'sugar baby' idea stuck in my mind.


When I got home the house was empty. I had another beer as I looked online. I found the site Dave had talked about and was astounded. There were dozens of girls in town and another hundred within driving distance looking for a 'sugar daddy'. Many of them were attractive college students.

I didn't want Alyssa to leave me, but if she did I wanted a cute young 'sugar baby'. Or maybe even two of them. I could easily afford it. Hell, maybe I'd go nuts and get three or four! Sex twice a day! Maybe even two girls at a time!

I felt a surge of guilt as I heard a car park in the driveway. I shut down the laptop and started ordering Chinese food on my cell. It was my turn to 'cook' again.

As she walked in Alyssa said, "Add a sweet and sour chicken for Shelly."

I asked, "How did you know I was ordering Chinese?"

"It's supper time. It's always Chinese on Saturday, Thursday is pizza, and Tuesday is either burgers or tacos."

"I'm really ..."

She smiled and interrupted me. "Yes, you're that predictable. That's part of what I love about you. You're reliable, like a rock. But Shelly needs consoling tonight. Her fiancée called it off." She opened a bottle of wine and poured three glasses.

"Uh ... wasn't Shelly the one who ..."

As we heard Shelly stagger out of the bathroom, Alyssa quickly nodded and held a finger in front of her mouth. "Shhh."

It was easy to tell Shelly already had a few and then at least a few more. "'Lissa, you sho lucky. HIC! A hot one married you, and you HIC! you shtill so purdy. I had a great one and now he'sh gone! GONE! Awhahaha!" I finished the food order as Alyssa hugged her and calmed her down.

Shelly drunkenly mumbled something about smoking and took a pack of cigarettes out of her purse upside down. Most of them fell on the floor. She put the last one from the pack in her mouth. She had extreme difficulty lighting it, due to her holding the lighter backwards. Alyssa said, "Let me." She put two cigarettes in her mouth and lit them, then handed Shelly one. I felt a movement in my pants at the sight, then lost interest when they started talking about the flower arrangements they had gotten for the cancelled wedding.

I checked my work email and re-read some old ones as the girls talked quite a while. The doorbell rang and I met the delivery guy on the front steps. The girls were gone when I returned. I put the food on the table and searched the house. I found Alyssa tucking an unconscious Shelly into bed in the guest room. We talked as we ate in the kitchen. She said, "Poor girl. I feel so bad for her."

"She's the one you made out with in college?"

"Yeah. It was so strange! I liked it a lot, but didn't like that I liked it. It felt good, but I was worried about what my other friends would think. Thank God she was too high to remember that night!"

We watched a movie as we ate. Afterward I mused aloud, "I know Shelly is way too drunk tonight, but some other time would you like to, uh ... maybe ...?"

"No! No way! Shelly might be fun for a little while, but when she drinks she's a blabbermouth. I hang out with her and her friends sometimes, but that's all. Most of them are alcoholic gossips. If I wasn't home alone so much ..."

"Well, do you think maybe, if we find the right woman ..."

"You mean we pick up a girl at a club or a bar, and bring her home with us?"

"I'm not sure what I mean. What do you think?"

She hesitated a long time. "I'd like to try it, if it won't wreck things for us. But if you fall in love with another woman ... I'm afraid."

"I'm afraid too. I don't want to lose you either, but we need to do SOMETHING different."

She sighed. "I know. But I don't want to be with some random skank who screws a bunch of people. Or a fickle one who'll get us to love her, then run off. Or one like Shelly, who'd sleep with us then tell everybody in town."

"I agree, we don't want diseases or broken hearts. Or a big scandal."

She asked the key question, "How can we find a safe girl, who'll stay with us if we like her?"

I had an idea but said, "I don't know. Let's go to bed."

I felt a stiffening in my groin as she held my hand and said, "Let's go watch some porn and try to figure it out." I started a movie and crawled in bed, just as we heard a wet, disgusting noise from the guest room. Both of us exclaimed, "NO!"

The bottle on the nightstand indicated that on top of what Shelly already drank, she had woken up and added a third of a bottle of vodka. She didn't spill it, but she'd thrown up and peed herself.

Alyssa got Shelly into clean clothes, and I changed the bed. When the cleanup was over and Shelly passed out again, I asked, "I hope you're not inviting her over here again?"

"NO! Nope! No way!"

I turned the porno off and we fell asleep back-to-back. Thankfully, Shelly had gone home before we woke up.


We were so busy we didn't discuss the threesome idea all week. I had a slow Friday afternoon and brought up the 'sugar' website on my cell at work. I flipped through the girls' profiles until one firmly grabbed my attention.

She was a slender blonde just under five feet tall, with a pretty face. "I'm Jassi, a business major about to finish my second year. I'm looking for a compassionate couple to take care of me, in and out of bed. I'm not into the elderly, obesity, or drugs. If you're under 50, well off, and looking for some long-term fun, I might be the girl for you."

I was 36 and my wife was 32. Jassi looked young enough to be my daughter, and nearly young enough to be Alyssa's. It said she was 20 but I would have guessed 18 from her picture. The partial erection in my pants must have taken over when I emailed her a photo of us and asked if she could meet us Saturday night. I hadn't even discussed it with my wife.

Only an hour later Jassi replied. "I can't wait to meet you two! I'll see you at the Lobster Barn restaurant tomorrow at 6." She had attached a picture of her sucking on a candy cane and another of her in a bikini. I usually liked bigger boobs, but she was sexy and adorable at the same time. I wasn't sure if I wanted to hug her or screw her more. I was totally smitten, and somewhat confident Alyssa would like her. She looked similar to Shelly, minus a dozen years and thirty pounds.

All the way home I worried. Would Alyssa hate the idea? Had I just blown up my marriage? If I had, would Jassi date me after the divorce?


Alyssa introduced me as I walked in the house. "Mindy, this is Jason. Jason, meet Mindy." Both looked very nervous. Mindy was a tall, voluptuous girl with long red hair. I thought she had a sexy shape and a nice face. She wore jeans and a sweater, but I could tell she had breasts even larger than my wife's 'D's, and a nicely curvy butt. Mindy looked a bit overweight, but nobody's perfect.

I offered my hand and said, "Hi, Mindy."

She shook my hand awkwardly and the two of them glanced at each other. Alyssa cleared her throat. "Ahem. Mindy's mom knows one of my friends, and I heard about her situation. Jason, I know we didn't finish talking about it. I hope you won't be upset?"

"Upset about what?"

The two girls looked at each other again, then Alyssa said, "Tell him what you told me."

The sexy redhead timidly explained. "Um ... last week when I told my boyfriend I'm pregnant, he broke up with me. I have three little brothers and my mom can't really support me anymore. I ... I think your wife is hot, and you're handsome too. Um ... if you take care of me and my baby, maybe I can be your girlfriend? Live with you and uh ... date both of you? I turned 18 a few months ago, so it'll be legal and everything."

I asked, "Uh ... and what did you say, Alyssa?"

She blushed and said, "You first."

I knew she didn't say 'No', or Mindy would have left. "If my wife likes the idea, so do I."

Mindy grabbed me in a tight hug. "Thank you!" I felt her nice breasts against my chest as I returned the hug. She briefly kissed my lips, and I felt aroused and a little guilty.

"Are you sure you're okay with this, Alyssa? You're not jealous?"

She proved she was the perfect wife for me by saying, "I think it's sexy to watch, if I get a turn too."

Mindy asked, "Can we go on a date tomorrow?"

It was my turn to be nervous and afraid. "Uh, we already have plans for tomorrow night. I uh ..."

I pulled up the website on the laptop and brought up the emails on my phone. I set them on the table in front of Alyssa, as I said, "Yell if you want, just please don't go crazy and kill me?"

I could tell Alyssa was aroused by the tone of her voice. "Why would I be mad? She's a cutie, and I surprised you first."

I asked, "So, you want to meet Jassi and let her live with us too?"

"I need to get to know her, but maybe."

"Great! Let's show Mindy around the house. The pool and hot tub are in the back yard. If you need to go somewhere you can use one of our cars, the keys hang on hooks by the back door. The guest room is on the left ..."

Alyssa asked, "So, if we like Jassi where will she stay?"

I replied, "I can move some things around and make the exercise room into a bedroom for her. We have another bed in storage. And if my gorgeous wife here won't cut my dick off, the girls can sleep on top of me sometimes, too." We shared a nervous giggle.

Mindy asked, "And what about when the baby comes?"

I answered, "I guess I can move my home office into the basement and turn the room into a nursery."

Alyssa smiled. "Good. We'll meet Jassi tomorrow, and if we like her we'll be a family. A Mom, a Dad, and our HOT daughter girlfriends." We giggled a little more. We watched a couple of movies on the couch with Mindy between us and I fell asleep.

I woke with a hand rubbing my thigh. I reluctantly woke up and did the responsible thing by saying, "Let's wait until we meet Jassi. I don't want any jealousy between you two."

Alyssa nodded. "That's a good idea."

Mindy blushed and bashfully said, "I don't know if it's the baby hormones or what, but I've been in the mood a lot lately. Sorry."

As Alyssa and I sleepily got up, I said, "Bedtime. See you in the morning."

Mindy said, "I need a shower. Would one of you wash my back?"

I smiled. "I'd love to, in a few days. Good night."

For the first time in a long time, Alyssa and I fell asleep kissing.


The next afternoon we moved everything from the exercise room to a corner of the basement, and the girls helped me carry the bed upstairs. The two of them started getting ready for our 'date' as I brought in a chair and a nightstand. I'd get a desk later.

I heard the shower running in our bathroom as I got a suit from the closet and laid it out. I undressed, went in the bathroom, and stepped into the shower behind my wife.

She said, "Mindy is going to be a problem."

"Why? What did she do?"

"She kissed me and asked if she could wash my hair. I ... I almost said 'yes'!" She giggled nervously.

I reached around her and rested my hand on her navel. "If you have a problem between your sexy legs, I can help."


She leaned on the wall, as I slid my hard cock in and fucked her from behind.

I heard the door open, and from behind the shower curtain Mindy asked, "Is there room for one more?"

My happy exertions prevented me from having enough air to speak. Alyssa told her, "After we decide if Jassi will be with us too." I heard the door close as I started climaxing, only a moment before my wife did. After the shower, I put my suit on and happily watched as the two girls did their makeup together. I like to watch a woman's appearance slowly go from 'nice' to 'glamorous'.

Alyssa asked, "So which car should we take to the restaurant? The Audi, the Mercedes?"

Mindy pleaded, "The Maserati! The Maserati, PLEASE?"

I reminded her, "The Maserati is only a two-seater."

"Is it against the law to take two cars?"

I gave in. "I guess not. Do you want to take the Mercedes and meet us there, honey?"

Alyssa smiled. "Okay. Have fun."

Instead of taking the back streets, Mindy and I got on the freeway. As I drove up the onramp, she said, "This car looks SO HOT! It must have lots of power?"

"The Mercedes is powerful for a passenger car, about 300 horsepower. With the twin-charger, this one has 700 and it weighs half as much." To show off, I pulled into the fast lane and pushed the pedal down. I loved the Maserati's sound going from a quiet purr to a loud, high-pitched whine as the engine wound up to the 8,000 RPM redline before I shifted. We quickly went from 60 miles an hour to 125.

Mindy was quite impressed. "Oooh! WOW! WHOA!"

Despite going twice as far, we pulled into the restaurant just ahead of Alyssa. Mindy was breathing hard and her eyes were still bulging as I parked.

"Did you like that?"

"Wow! That was kind of scary, but I LOVED it!"

"Going over 80 on public roads is dangerous, so I don't very often. The fastest I've gone at the track is 193. Someday I'll take you there and show you what it can really do."

As we got out, she put a hand on the hood. "193! This car is super sexy, like you." She kissed my lips then held my hand. Several guys stared as Alyssa kissed both of us and took my other hand.


I happily escorted my pretty ladies inside, and we saw Jassi sitting at a large table with a couple around age 40. The wife had on a nice pink and yellow dress and the man wore a suit similar to mine, but gray instead of light blue.

Jassi didn't have any makeup on and her hair was a little messy. She wore jeans and a college sweatshirt. Compared to her, the rest of us were very overdressed.

She waved. "Hi, I'm Jassi. It's short for Hexaja..."

I interrupted, "Hexajasimal notation?"

She smiled. "How did you know?"

"Hexajasimal notation is the number system the ancient Babylonians used, base 60. It was a big part of their religion. People often confuse it with Hexadecimal, base 16, which is used for computer ..."

I saw that Mindy, my wife, and the other couple had no idea and no interest. To save them from death by boredom, I summarized, "It's math stuff. I know because I have degrees in computer science and math."

Jassi said, "My real first name is Hexajasima. Dad was a math professor but Mom loved him anyway."

Alyssa sympathized, "Poor lady. I understand. I really, really do." That got a few chuckles.

Jassi sadly said, "Until I started college, I lived at the State Home. My parents were in a car accident when I was eleven, but I'm mostly okay now. I hope you don't mind that I didn't dress up. This is kind of a double-date, two families meeting me at once to save time. With my schoolwork, I'm extremely busy. Kira and Heinrich, meet Jason, Alyssa, and ... what's your name?"


"So, Mindy is your daughter?"

Alyssa said, "She's kind of our girlfriend. We're helping her out, and we'd like to help you, too."

Mindy and Jassi shook hands, but the looks on their faces told me they already disliked each other. Jassi said, "I have a paper due on Monday, so I need to be back to my dorm by eight. I ate on the way here, so I'll talk while the rest of you eat, okay?" Most of us nodded.

We ordered and had some small talk about the cool spring weather and the interminable road construction downtown. When the waiter brought our food, Jassi got down to 'business'. "I'll let you know what I need and expect, so there won't be any misunderstandings. Then I'll decide if I want to be with one of your families. Including tuition, books, and dorm room, I need nine thousand a semester, plus four hundred a month for food and some fun. Call it eleven grand a semester. I'll need a place to stay during the summer too, either an apartment or a room at your house.

I can do a date once a week on Saturdays, or I can stay overnight if I don't have a lot of homework. Like you saw in my ad, I'm Bi. I like both men and women. I don't do anal or dirty play. No putting anything in my butt and no peeing on me. And no rough stuff, no hitting me or tying me up.

Other than that, I'll do pretty much anything you want on our dates. Missionary with the guy while the wife watches, 69 with both of you, oral with the woman while the guy does me from behind." She also suggested, "If you have a room for me at your house, or you can spend a little more to get me an apartment, we can do Saturdays and a couple of quickies during the week. I wish I had time for more, but I really don't."

I was astounded that she was so explicit in a public restaurant, and after knowing us only twenty minutes. Most of us were close to finishing our meals when she asked, "I know you must have a lot of questions?"

Kira asked, "You said no rough stuff. Would you help me spank him before bed?"

"Uh, I guess that would be okay. But no hurting me."

Heinrich suggested, "We can afford nine thousand a semester, maybe ten. If you stay on our couch or in our bed, you wouldn't need to pay for a dorm. You can take the city bus to college and back." He looked at his wife and said, "And if you'll have a baby and let us adopt it, we'll pay the costs and another five thousand."

I made my counter-offer. "We can pay whatever you need for school, plus five hundred a month. Twelve grand a semester, fifteen, whatever. You can have your own bedroom at our house and use one of our cars. We'll provide meals, clothes, anything you need. We have a hot tub and pool, too. If you're pregnant or get pregnant, we'll help you take care of the baby, or adopt it if you want."

Jassi said, "I don't want a kid. They're loud, stinky, and take way too much time." Mindy rolled her eyes and looked offended.

Heinrich said, "We were hoping for a baby and we can't really match that. Sorry, Jassi."

Jassi said, "Ok, thanks for your time." I handed Heinrich some cash and he paid for dinner as he and Kira left.

Alyssa asked, "Would you like to see our house?"

"I don't really have time tonight. I need to catch the bus in half an hour."

My wife said, "It's not a long drive. I can have you back to the dorm by 8:30."


Alyssa grabbed the Maserati keys from my hand and dropped hers on the table. "See you at home, babe." She kissed my lips and quickly walked out with Jassi.

Mindy and I got home just in time to see Alyssa zipping her pants in the living room, with a big smile on her face. Jassi whispered something to Alyssa, who said, "You have time. When he's in a hurry, he's really in a hurry."

I asked, "What?"

Jassi hooked my belt with one of her fingers and said, "Come help me with something in the bathroom."

She closed the bathroom door and sat on the toilet, then unzipped me. She smiled and said, "I wanted a taste test before I agreed. Alyssa's flavor is nice. Let's see about yours." She quickly but gently pulled my penis out. "Ooh, a nice big one."

She licked it while she stared at me with her pretty blue eyes. I played with her fine blonde hair and she started sucking the head and stroking my shaft.

"Mmmm! Very good, Jassi!" Only two or three minutes of stroking and sucking had me unloading into her mouth.

She swallowed and licked her lips. "Nice, I like it. That doesn't count as a date. I'll give you a quick blowjob a few times a week, if you get me off in the shower too."

"Ohmigod! I love doing it in the shower! Tonight! Move in tonight!"

She giggled and stood up. "I wish I could. I won't have time until Saturday."

As I led Jassi out of the bathroom we saw Alyssa playing with Mindy's hair. There was joy and love on her face as she told Mindy, "I'll never be a Mom, but I can't wait to help you be one. I hope I can watch you breastfeed? You have great boobs already but the baby will make 'em grow even more." Mindy blushed while my wife fondled her tits through her top. My cock would have been stiff as steel, if I hadn't cum in Jassi's mouth only moments before.

Alyssa kissed Mindy goodbye, then turned toward Jassi and flirtatiously commented, "I like your cute little ones too. Let's get you back to the dorm."

Mindy and I watched Alyssa lead Jassi to the driveway. As they backed out, I saw Alyssa was in the passenger seat. She was letting a twenty-year-old drive my $120,000 Maserati! I felt chills down my spine. I worried about her destroying my precious car for a moment, until I realized their safety was even more important.

Mindy asked, "So what did you do in the bathroom?"

"We uh ... we talked about showers."

"Really?" At that point I realized she was beautiful with a nice body, but not the brightest or sharpest crayon in the box.

I laughed. "No, she gave me a blowjob, a good one."

She looked worried. "I can too. Do you want me to show you?" She put a hand on my zipper.

"I'll need a little time first, but that sounds great!"

She hugged me tightly then thrust her tongue in my mouth. I tasted a bit of chocolate from the dessert she ate recently, plus cigarette smoke.

I asked, "You smoke, Mindy?"

"I'm trying to quit for the baby but it's hard. I only have 5 or 6 a day now. Alyssa gave me a few puffs while you two were in the bathroom."

"It's good that you're quitting, but I like watching pretty girls smoke. Seeing them suck on a cigarette reminds me of other things they can suck on."

She chuckled, then grabbed a cigarette from the coffee table and lit it. "If you catch me smoking and I'm not 21 yet, maybe you'll need to spank me." I watched her cheeks as she took a few big puffs. "Maybe you'll even need to spank my naughty pussy with your dick."

I was sorely tempted, but I wasn't sure she came up with the idea on her own. Alyssa used to like roleplaying the 'teacher spanks schoolgirl for smoking' scenario. I asked, "Where is this coming from? I don't think you're really THAT horny?"

"I ... I want you to like me. I really do. I'll do nearly anything! Alyssa said you really enjoy the 'spank the naughty girl' thing. If you're careful, you can even put it in my butt? Please? I need you to love me." She was nearly crying with worry.

"I already like you a lot. How about we watch a movie and relax on the couch?"

"Okay." She put in a movie. When she opened my fly and it started, I shouldn't have been surprised it was a porno. When my cell rang, she paused the movie on a three-way scene with a pair of women riding a guy's dick and mouth. I could only dream of that before, but I'd probably have it soon!

I saw it was Alyssa's number. She said, "Jassi's roommate is gone tonight. I hope it's okay if I stay over and ... MMMMM! Uh! And help her study uh ... biology?"

"That's fine. I don't mind if ..."

I put it on speaker as I heard her moaning in pleasure. "Ummmm unnnnn uh uh! Yeah, Jassi! Oooh! So good! UNGH!" I giggled as I hung up.

I smiled and said, "It sounds like they're getting along well."

Mindy looked sad again. "Yeah, I guess so." She un-paused the movie, pulled out my cock gently, and slowly sucked me to Heaven. On the way to my room, she reassured me, "I already have a baby in me, so I can't get any MORE pregnant. And I really meant it, you can do my butt if you want. My old boyfriend hated condoms. He said if he switched from my pussy to my ass and finished in there, I wouldn't get pregnant." She continued as we stood in the doorway of my bedroom, "He didn't switch fast enough a few times, so I got knocked up. It feels kind of weird in there, but I really don't mind."

"I'm glad to hear that, but I think I'm done for a while. Let's get some sleep." We undressed and climbed in bed. She laid on her side facing me, with her fingers running through my short dark hair. Through her thin nightgown I saw the little nipples on her large boobs were erect. I knew they'd grow quickly, with the baby inside her.

"I love you, Jason. I love you so much!" She kissed me and rested her hand on my cock, encouraging it to swell again.

I kindly replied, "It's easy to get confused with the happiness of a new relationship, but real love takes time. Say you love me later, when you're sure you mean it."

She kissed me slowly, licked my lips, then Frenched with me. "I'm really happy here. When I talk to my family, should I say you're my boyfriend?"

"Sure. I'm glad my wife likes my girlfriends and all three of you are so sexy." I kissed her and slowly rolled away. "Good night." She spooned against my back and wrapped an arm around me.

When I woke Mindy handed me my cell, which was ringing. I saw it was Alyssa. "Hi Jason. Good news, Jassi says she can move in today! She doesn't have a lot of stuff, so we won't need the truck."

Mindy reached under the blanket and started stroking my swelling snake. I struggled to say, "Uh hmmm, that's nice. Uh!"

"I'll bring her home after lunch. She wants to finish her paper first. How are you and Mindy doing?"

I dropped the phone as Mindy stroked my cock and sucked one of my nipples. "Uh! URRRR! Yeah, Mindy!" I heard Alyssa laughing before she hung up. Mindy sat with my rigid rod sliding into her slick slit. It was great seeing and playing with her big tits as she bounced up and down on me. Before long, I sprayed a load deep into her. We kissed and relaxed a while, then took a sexy shower and ate a quick breakfast.

I spent most of Sunday morning getting the room ready for Jassi. Mindy and I went to a store and got a desk, new curtains, and bedding. Mindy finished making the bed just before I got the desk assembled. She left and returned naked, holding a jar of petroleum jelly. She sat in front of me and asked, "Do you want to break in the bed? With lube, you can try my butt."

"Ohmigawd! PLEASE!" My wife and I tried anal sex one drunken night, but at the time we didn't know about using lube. Only seconds after entering Alyssa's rectum, I noticed her crying and felt awful for hurting her. I'd pulled out, apologizing and comforting her until we fell asleep.

This time, I got Mindy's butt crack and pink little rosebud asshole good and slippery. She said, "Slow, please, but I kind of like it."

Sliding into her slick turd tube was pure ecstasy! "Mmmm! Feels SO GREAT, Mindy! YEAH!"

"It's kind of weird, but I know guys love it."

I took my time, slowly savoring the Heavenly feeling of her rump ring squeezing one section of my shaft tightly, while the rest penetrated into her squishy colon. "Oh! So good! I wanna do this every day!"

"Urrr. I know you like it, but this is uncomfortable. Can you hurry up, please?"

I increased the pace of my thrusts gradually, reaching top speed as I started blasting my sperm deep into her. "ARRRGH! YEESSS! SO GOOD!" I pulled out and rested laying on her back.

"I don't think I want it in my butt every day, but maybe a couple times a week?"

"Sure, sure! Thank you so much!"

I rolled on my back and it probably took her a quarter box of tissues to wipe us mostly clean. We heard a car door shut in the driveway. Mindy ran to the bathroom and I saw we had left a wet spot on the pink and white comforter only a second before Jassi walked in.

Jassi smiled as I greeted her, "Welcome home. I hope you like your new room?"

"Nice! Very nice! But what's that on the bed?"

I yanked the comforter off. "Uh ... Must be glue or something, from the label. I'll throw it in the washer."

She set her purse and suitcase down, then giggled and perceptively said, "Hehehe! Glue isn't brown! Were you doing her butt?"

"Um ... yeah."

"That doesn't bother me, if you don't get my things dirty and stay away from mine. While it's washing, how about you wash me in the shower? Somebody got lipstick all over my thighs." She blushed as she stood on tiptoe and kissed me. I recognized the flavor of a vagina I knew very well.

"Good idea. Mindy's in the bathroom across the hall, let's take a shower in mine."

She washed my back, then reach around and did my chest. "I wish I were bigger so anal wouldn't hurt me. A finger in there might be okay if you want to play gently, though."

She washed my chest as I leaned down and kissed her. I washed her little breasts, then her pussy. She looked even younger nude. We stood under the spray head playing with each other quite a while, but neither of us came.

She said, "I like girls and Alyssa is great. I enjoy cock more, though. I'm glad you have a nice big one. If I weren't so worn out from Alyssa this morning, I'd love to try it."

"He needs a rest too. Since it's Sunday afternoon, would you like to take a nap with me?"

"I wish I could, but I have final exams in two weeks. I need to study." She put on a light blue dress, then laid on the bed on her belly reading. She didn't bother to do her hair or put on any makeup, because we weren't going anywhere. I laid beside her and fell asleep with an arm over her back.

When I woke I fondled her butt awhile, then kissed her ear and played with her long blonde hair. She said, "That's super distracting. We can do a quickie if you want, but I really need to learn this."

I slid her panties down, spread her thighs apart, and rubbed her pussy a little. When I felt she was nice and wet, I climbed onto her and slid myself in. Other than Alyssa's first time, Jassi had the smallest vagina I'd ever experienced, almost painfully tight.

I reached under her and played with her little boobs, as I thrust into her over and over. In only a couple of minutes, I was finished. I rolled off and kissed her ear. "That was great! Thank you!"

She playfully said, "I didn't cum, but it was nice for me too. Now go away and let me study, please?" We chuckled and kissed before I walked out.


Jassi gave me a blowjob or had a standing quickie in the shower with me every morning. I made love to sexy Mindy when I got home each afternoon, and screwed or 69'd with Alyssa nearly every night. Alyssa drove to the college, bringing Jassi lunch and kisses each day, and often made out with Mindy while I watched in fascination. Things would soon get even better, and worse.

There had been several arguments between the girls, but at first I thought they were minor. Jassi got upset when Mindy took a very long shower and there was no hot water left. They argued over who would eat the last cookie in the box, though there were more in the pantry. One night Mindy yelled at Jassi for eating the last of the strawberry ice cream, even though there were four other kinds in the freezer.

Mindy was also upset that Jassi's bedroom was slightly larger. Their closets were less than half full and Mindy was across the hall from the room we'd use for her baby's nursery. They both had plenty of room, but she complained about Jassi's being bigger almost daily. Jassi's main complaint was that Mindy was messy and often left toothpaste, shampoo, or other things open in the bathroom; in addition to leaving dirty clothes on the floor.

Things came to a head the last day before summer break. Both girls wanted to impress their friends by driving my Maserati on the final day of school, and both acted like it was life or death. I resolved it by putting the keys in my pocket. I assigned each of them a car instead of letting them drive whatever they wanted. Jassi was more mature and only seemed little annoyed she got the Mercedes, while Mindy was nearly distraught over driving 'only' an Audi with 400 miles on it. She begged me to change my mind, then cried all the way to the driveway. I talked to my wife about it and got a little insight.

She told me, "At least part of it is sibling rivalry. They're acting like sisters, struggling for dominance. They're also probably afraid that if we like one of them better, we'll make the other one leave. Jassi is nervous about having money for school in the fall. Mindy is especially worried about the baby."

I asked, "So what can we do about it?"

"I think it will help a lot if we get them a few things and have a talk with them when they get home. Can you take a day off work?"

I faked a cough. "Ahem. I think I have polio or leprosy, or something. I guess I should call my boss." I smiled as I dialed the number.

Alyssa and I picked up a crib, car seat, and several other things for Mindy's upcoming baby. She told me, "Jassi didn't want to say anything to you, but she doesn't like the look of her room. Stripes and squares aren't her style. Let's get her some things she'll like."

"Sure." I was surprised at the items we got for Jassi. The curtains were covered in cartoon animals. The sheets had rubber duckies printed on them, and Alyssa chose two pairs of 'little kid' style pajamas, one with puppies and the other with kittens. To complete the décor, we picked up a large teddy bear and a kid-size chair for it. Her room would look like something meant for a young child.

To allay another of the girls' fears, I bought prepaid money cards and put five grand on each of them. To finish our shopping for the day, we made a few trips back and forth to a car dealer.


When she got home from school Mindy asked, "Whose convertibles are in the driveway?"

I asked, "Do you like red or yellow better?"

"Uh, red, but ..."

Alyssa handed her the keys. "Enjoy, mom-to-be! We'll register the car in your name tomorrow. Let's look in the nursery."

When the two of them came back, Mindy was crying tears of joy. "Thank you! Thanks a bunch!" We had a group hug, then a three-way French kiss. She said, "I love you two! I really mean it, I love you!"

I kissed her again. "We love you too. You have nothing to worry about. You can stay with us forever if you want."


When Jassi got home I was sitting on her bed. She looked around and smiled from ear to ear. "You did this for me? Awhhh! It's so cute! I love it!"

"Do you think the yellow convertible in the driveway is nice?"

"Yeah, it's great! Can I drive it some time?"

"Sure! Since it's yours now." I handed the keys to her.

She jumped in my lap, straddling me. She kissed my lips and hugged me tight. "Thank you! Thank you SOOO much!"

"It was Alyssa's idea, but I'm glad you like it."

"I love it! And the room too! I always wanted a place I can really relax. It's so tiring, needing to be serious, mature, and grown-up all the time."

"I'm glad. You're safe with us and you can trust us. We love you. I love you."

"I love you too, Daddy! I uh ... I hope it's ok if I call you Daddy?"

I played with her hair delicately as I said, "Of course. I love it when my pretty girly calls me 'Daddy'. You're free from school for three months, so no more studying. Would my cute bundle of blonde sweetness like to ride her Daddy tonight?"

"Oooh! Please, Daddy?"

We hugged and kissed until we heard Alyssa shout, "YEAH! SO GOOD, MINDY!" We walked to my bedroom, and as I opened the door we saw Mindy sit up. Alyssa was nude on her back and Mindy's face had been between her thighs. Jassi started to cry and I felt a pang of jealousy. Alyssa yelled, "Eeeeh!" and covered herself with a sheet. She was acting like I had caught her cheating.

I held up my hands. "Wait, wait. What are we doing? The girls are old enough, and Alyssa and I having sex with you two has always been the plan. There's nothing wrong with it."

Alyssa relaxed a bit. "Yeah. So, why is Jassi crying?"

Jassi said, "I don't know. Maybe I like Jason a little more, but I love Alyssa too. It feels like Mindy is trying to take you away from me."

Mindy joined in, "With him and Jassi together in the bathroom every day, it feels like she's trying to steal him away from me too."

I loudly asked, "Does anybody here WANT to leave?" The girls all shook their heads. I reassured them, "Nobody will ever have to. I love all three of you! If anybody is afraid of losing sex with me if I like somebody else too, I can do it two or three times a day. Don't worry about anybody taking me away. If I could have all three of you every day, that would be Heaven!"

Alyssa poked my chest and teased, "We know you're a big stud. Relax, the cave is secure, macho man." The girls shared a laugh at my expense.

She continued, "Nobody needs to be afraid of missing out on love either. I like to hold and kiss all of you, every day. If I can get a tongue in my kitty and a good dicking three or four times a week, that would be great, but I want to kiss and hold all of you every day. I don't want anybody to leave."

Jassi sniffled. "Good. I don't have anybody else. Please keep me and love me."

Alyssa hugged her. "Of course I love you, sweetie. We both love you."

Mindy started crying too. "With the baby coming, I need this so bad."

I hopped on the bed and hugged her. "We love both of you and we'll provide whatever you need. I have an idea for a family rule. If anybody asks for a hug or kiss, they always get it. We love each other, right?"

They agreed. "Right. Yeah. Good idea."

"Then I want to hug and kiss Mindy's big boobs, while Jassi and Alyssa kiss my dick."

They laughed quite a while, then did as I asked. I enjoyed licking and fingering all three to climax when they asked me to kiss their pussies too.


The next night, Mindy asked if I could go on a date with her. We'd have dinner, see a movie, and then go to a dance club. We had a blast. She wasn't old enough to drink and alcohol would be bad for the baby, so I drank and she had virgin Mai Tais all night. I slept most of the way as she drove us home in her new car. Our house was only five miles from the club, but somehow a policeman two counties away stopped us and gave her a speeding ticket for going 82 miles an hour. She said the cop took pity on the pretty girl driving her drunk father home. It had actually been 102 miles per hour.

When we got home she unzipped me and slid across the front seat into my lap. I crawled in the house after she rode me to climax, parked in the driveway. I woke on the living room floor as she swallowed the head of my penis. Alyssa walked in and flashed her tits at me when I was nearly finished, which set me off. I cuddled with them on the sofa, as they shared a cigarette and Jassi made breakfast.


Jassi wanted a date with me Sunday, and I happily accepted. Our date was all at home. After dinner in the dining room, I played with her little boobs a lot as we took a long bubble bath with her in my lap. As I toweled her off she said, "The hot water felt good in the tub, but I'm too warm now. I need a popsicle." She led me to the kitchen nude and grabbed one from the freezer, then held my dick and led me past Mindy and Alyssa naked while sucking on her frozen treat.

She told me, "Lay on your back, Daddy, so I can ride you." I did, and she impaled herself on my cock. "Oooh! Your big dick feels so good in me, Daddy!"

I stared at her mouth as she licked and sucked her popsicle, enjoying the warm wetness of her vaginal flesh squeezing me, as I caressed her little nipples.

"You're so big and strong, Daddy. You make me feel safe and fill me up so good! Mmmmm!" She sucked the popsicle some more, then said, "I wish I could suck your dick and ride it at the same time! I love when it's in my mouth too!" She finished the popsicle and started moving up and down on me. I held her hips and helped her bounce, rubbing my rod with her tight wet pussy. Mindy and Alyssa stood in the doorway fondling each other, as they watched me pump a load into Jassi.


Things settled down to very happy family life. Mindy's baby Emily was born just before Halloween. When it was breastfeeding time, one of us usually laid on Mindy's bed and cuddled with her while the baby sucked out her milk. I enjoyed a taste or two each time.

The day college ended for the holiday season, I saw a wonderfully loving and sexy sight. Mindy was laying on her back breastfeeding Jassi instead of the baby. She said, "Mama loves feeding you, and it's SO HOT playing with Alyssa while we watch Daddy screw you. I love you so much!"

Jassi was very happy to have a Daddy, a milky Mama, and a Mommy; and Mindy was grateful to have three helpers whenever her baby Emily needed something.

We had a great four years together. A few months before she finished college, Jassi started dating a doctor and they married a year later. She changed her mind about kids and has three now. They visit often and call us 'Uncle Jason' and 'Aunties Alyssa and Mindy'.

Mindy still shares a bed with Alyssa and I, and Emily and her little brother Jason Junior think it's great to have a dad and two moms.

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