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While looking forward to his holiday, Gary Fowler is giving more lessons.
It had transpired that Samantha’s few days was to be a week and they would be back in time for her “event”. A week of, well, who would know?

His father had been more that happy to give him the time off. ‘Aye, lad.’ He had said. ‘You’ve been looking peeky for a bit, get yer ‘sen off somewhere.’ He had been impressed when Gary said he was going to Portugal. He had expected Skegness. ‘Aye, we’ll get the lads swarmin’ all over t'job on Thursday,’ He added. ‘We’re ahead on’t town job, n’t lads ‘ll be ‘appy to see what all’t fuss is about eh?’

So, his work at the Barton residence would be coming to an end and his brain was split on the subject. Tracey was less that pleased when he told her of his forthcoming holiday, albeit with a few important details redacted, in the Plough that evening.

‘But Darren’s coming back on’t Wednesday! He’s using up his last leave! Oh, Gary, it would have been so nice to have had you here.‘

‘Aye, I didn’t know that did I?’ Garry responded defensively. ‘Ah, sorry lass, I didn’t mean to snap like, but I’ve been right edgy lately.’

‘You’re tellin' me.’

‘But, yous’ his wife. I’d fit in like grit.’

‘I though we’d all go out. Darren were lookin’ forward to it.’

Gary was beginning to convince himself of the preferability of his new plan. ‘I reckon it’d be better for yous’ if I weren’t there like.’

The discussion went on and became less animated. The topic changed. ‘Why Portugal?’ asked Tracey.

‘Were in’t travel agent window.’ Gary lied.

‘Oh aye. And you. You Gary, thought you’d just go.’ Tracey understood the conservative nature of Gary. He rarely took action when he was left to his own devices.

‘It were a good deal.’ Gary replied sheepishly.

‘Well, it’s either a miracle or your telling me fibs Gary Fowler.’ She continued to look at him suspiciously. ‘It’s that Barton woman in’t it.’ She guessed.

Gary squirmed and replied uncomfortably. ‘Might be,' he confirmed. ‘ And I’m not fibbing because I did see Portugal in the travel agents.’

‘You bloody nob! What have I teld yer ‘bout her. She’s trouble I tell yer.’ Tracey was determined to get her penny’s worth. ‘God, she’s got her hooks in to you han’t she.”

Gary sat there and took of the humiliation quietly, recognising the validity of all of Tracey’s arguments.

‘And what, she’s going to introduce you to all of her nobby mates. “Oh, this is Gary, he is a recreational architect don’t you know!”’

Gary slumped his elbows to the table, head in hands. ‘Don’t. Tracey, please!’

His sister in law realized she was being merciless and reached over to grasp his hands. ‘Gary, you know we will be there, Darren and me, when it all goes tits up.’


Wednesday was the day to get his temporary passport from the Post Office and lunchtime, when he could extract himself from the gang, was the time. He was nervous about the process of queuing in some place of authority, which the Post Office, as the fount of all official documents for the town’s inhabitants, seemed. Being there reminded him of being on charges.

The line that was being served by overworked cashiers wound its way around the large hall; he had unfortunately chosen the busiest time of the week. One of the cashiers there was more than familiar and his nerves jolted again. It was Jane, the first of his youthful conquests, won, when he on leave from his basic training and in his dashing new uniform, and at an age for a young girl when a soldier seemed romantic. The events in Gary’s life in the past week had led him to now regret the fact that he was not this dashing knight, and in a turn unknown to him, Jane had never really found someone more to her liking, though he had pressed her through an ordeal. It was the disappointment of being dispensed with, perfunctorily, rather than the actual act, that had affected her most.

Both of their eyes met simultaneously and both presented the same amount of shock. Only one month before, Gary would have brazened away this meeting, showing that self control that the armed services instils. Now he stared and looked away self consciously.

Their eyes met whenever the line curved and snaked and finally after a quarter of an hour of queuing, Gary was faced with the lottery of “next please”. It was inevitable in the broad-spanning scheme of life that he heard the soft lyrical voice of Jane when his turn was due.

She had aged a little, but not as much as Gary, and remained pretty and except for a few unexceptional men, no one had entered her life.

‘Can I help you, Gary.’ She asked professionally.

‘Aye, I’d like a,' he searched in his pocket for the note he had written earlier, ‘BVP’.

‘A British visitors passport’, she elaborated, with shaky voice.

‘Aye, one of them.’ Gary confirmed.

“Do you have your birth certificate and one form of proof of address?’

‘Aye, I’ve got them.’

‘Could you please fill in this form and include photocopies of the documents with two photos from the machine in the booth over there…how’s Trace?’

The additional question caught him by surprise. He panicked, thinking she may have heard something of their affair, but, after all, he thought after betraying nothing very much, she was his sister in law so the question was quite natural. And the two girls had been friends. ‘Oh, err, aye, yeah, she’s great. Lives next door now, and she’s got a kid on’t way. Aye.’

The news spread over Jane’s face in a cloud of happiness and wistful longing, a sign that, for once in his life, did not go over Gary’s head. Jane identified the feelings too, and rather allow them to play too great a part in her current demeanour, nodded to Gary and returned to her professional attitude.

‘You can come to the front of the queue when you are done and I can issue your BVP.’ Her customer was rather put out by her return to the refuge of procedure. But, he was brave if he was anything and there was something he wanted to say.

‘Jane, I, I…'

‘’Yes, Gary?’

‘There’s summat I’m ‘avin to do this week, like, but when I…' the young woman looked on at his feeble attempts to talk and, blankly willed him on. ‘…finish, I just wondered…”

’Miss Turnbull do you have a spare sheet of second class stamps for cashier four?’

‘Yes, Mr. Bayliss.’ Jane answered a short balding disembodied head, obviously belonging to her superior who had introduced it around her partition. She looked apologetically at Gary.

‘And you are needed in accounts when you have finished with this customer.’ The irritating pate added.

‘Yes.’ Jane replied, and as Gary slunk away to the photo booth, and Jane closed up her counter, he couldn’t decide whether he had just listened to an answer to his half finished question or to an answer for the shiny Mr. Bayliss.


Gary’s job for the evening was to lift all of the remaining tiles around the pool, prepare the surface for the gang to complete the next day and cover the remaining work with his ground sheets. He was busy at work, in the hot summer sun, when he heard faint padding behind him. His looked back and caught the site of young bare feet and a cascade of teenage giggling from what sounded like two sources. He turned and beheld Rachel in her customary shorts and tiny top and a new girl. An almost facsimile of the wanton youngster.

‘Hi, Mr. Fowler. You’re working “hard”.’ Said Rachel languidly.

It was not suspicious to Gary’s naïve mind that Rachel’s personality had performed a one hundred and eighty degree turn in ten days. She had been impossibly shy. Now she appeared robustly confident and issued her innuendo knowingly.

‘This is Annie. Isn’t she lovely!’

Gary agreed but didn’t express it. The new girl was lighter in complexion, had dimples, and carrying as she did, just a little more weight, had even larger and more pronounced breasts.

‘Ayup Annie.’ Gary said.

Annie laughed mockingly and repeated his words back in his own dialect. ‘Ayup Annie.’ She giggled. ‘I love the way they speak,’ It appeared that Annie was a rather haughty and arrogant creature. ‘and why is he wearing his shirt Rachel, you said he was always showing off his muscles.’

‘I don’t know, he does look lovely though. I used to watch him from my bedroom window and I was…' at this point Rachel whispered conspiratorially into Annie’s ear. The giggling reached a crescendo and died down.

‘Well, tell him to take it off now.’ Annie insisted. ‘I want to see him without it.’

Rachel was obviously in awe of her companion and obeyed her. ‘Mr. Fowler, would you take your shirt off please?’

‘Eh?’ Gary was offended by the request, delivered in the third person by a new, if young and alluring, girl.

‘Rachel, ' Annie interjected, ‘does Mr. Fowler have a problem? He seems to, I don’t see why considering all of the favours you have given to him.’

‘I don’t know Annie, he is usually very nice, and when you get to know him later, like I have, I’m sure you will like him too.’

This set up an interesting prospect in Gary’s mind. He thought the matter over, there was no reason he could think of why he shouldn’t remove his shirt, it was hot after all.

The two girls looked on as Gary tensed his stomach muscles and slowly undid the buttons of his shirt. ‘He looks happy to see us both, Rachel’, slurred Annie.

Rachel looked at the growing bulge on his crotch. ‘Oh, Annie I’m so looking forward to seeing it later.’

Annie seemed very satisfied with the strong arms, torso and we’ll defined stomach of Gary. ‘Yes,’ she replied. ‘If the rest of him is anything like this… Ooo, you can see his muscles twitching.’

‘Girls! Girls!’ Samantha called as she approached the pool. ‘Stop annoying Mr. Fowler when he is trying to work!’

‘Sorry Mummy.’ Replied Rachel.

Annie’s tone changed when Mrs. Barton hove into view. ‘Sorry Auntie Samantha, Mr. Fowler was showing us his tiling, he was being so interesting.’

‘Yes, yes. Run along girls and get ready for your lessons. Mr. Fowler will be with us when he is finished.’

‘Okay, bye Mr. Fowler.’

‘Bye Mr. Fowler.’ Said Annie, slightly less respectfully.

Samantha shook her head when the two girls has departed. ‘I see you have met Lady Anne. Oh, she is such a bad influence, and her other cousin is just as bad. Well, she is family and it can’t be helped.

‘Aye, she were quite rude.’ Gary agreed.

‘Rude, yes, just that. I am in mind to teach her a lesson and temper that insolence. What do you think Mr. Fowler?’

‘Aye, I’m all for discipline, me.’

‘Mmm, and I have been thinking. We have taken advantage of you so much this past week. Maybe we can oblige you at some time this evening; allow you to do what you like to do. How does that sound?’

The question was totally unnecessary as her eyes alighted on the steadily enlarging tent of his crotch.


Gary held the left and right breasts of the two cousins as he was being prepared for action in the shower later that evening. The heavy, enormous breasts of Annie overflowed his hand as a contrast to those of Rachel's large pert chest which seemed small by comparison. ‘This seems all a bit unnecessary,' Annie whined, ‘and if anything it’ll give him wrong ideas.’

‘Mummy said we were to wash him and bring him off before we started. I think she has something special in mind today.’

‘Oh, in that case I “suppose” we should be enjoying it. I do like his cock. It curves upwards, I do like that.’

‘Yes, it feels so nice when it’s inside.’ Rachel poured some more conditioner onto her hands and worked it into Gary’s testicles while Annie played with his foreskin. ‘How do you want to do it Annie?’

‘Oh, let’s put it in my mouth and you can wank it off.’ Annie replied.

‘Is that Okay Mr. Fowler?’ Rachel asked.

‘Oh, don’t ask him. He will get what he gets.’ interjected Annie.

‘Aye, that would be nice.’ Replied Gary.

‘Don’t speak again!’ Annie instructed. Gary was in a compromised position, he felt it better not to respond. ‘Well, let’s get this over and done with’ she continued.

When the lotion was washed away the larger of the two girls gathered back his penis’s loose sheath and made circles around his end with her tongue. With her left hand she stroked the underside of his balls. When she felt ready she nodded at Rachel who then placed a strong forefinger and thumb halfway down his shaft and began oscillating her movement left and right rapidly. This was really not the way he wanted to blow off, comparing it to being milked like a cow and internally fought against it.

Annie was very unsatisfied with this and after five minutes of trying, disengaged her mouth to inform Rachel. ‘He doesn’t respond, Rachel. Is he always this disobedient?’

‘Maybe we can try something else. Remember when Jacob went out of control that time and pushed his cock right in.’

‘Oh, I nearly choked,' Annie complained. ‘but it did work.'

‘Oh, he came loads and loads. Mr. Fowler, will you do that?’’

‘Aye, I’ll do that for you.’ Garry replied uncomfortably.

Annie was far from impressed but saw the sense. ‘Well, at least he will be working, it doesn’t seem right that we should be making all of the effort and he should be there just enjoying it. Okay Rachel, let’s swap over. Tell him to pump his cock deep into your mouth.’

A few moments later Gary’s heavy balls were bouncing from Rachel’s chin as she made loud gurgling sounds in time with the his well timed thrusts. Annie hit his backside on every cycle. ‘Come on, unload that spunk!’ She exclaimed.

Gary again resisted and tried to enjoy the face fucking he was giving to an increasingly desperate Rachel, who’s breasts knocked against his thighs. Annie paused her slaps, thought and then moved her right hand to Rachel’s throat, squeezing slightly and applying pressure to the cock within. This did the trick and he announced his immediate intention. ‘I’m gonna cum!’

Rachel pushed him away and began masturbating his whole length. His balls began to twitch, his shoulders slumped forward and for an acute amount of time he shivered. Suddenly, his cock leapt forward, his back arched and he began to propel three short ropes of semen onto Rachel’s breasts, grunting loudly as he did. As his emissions quickly ran dry, Annie gave her assessment.

‘Was that it? I thought you said he would drown you in spunk.’

‘Well, I am still learning Annie.’ Complained Rachel.

‘Yes, she is still learning,' said an equally naked Samantha who joined the threesome. ‘Is Mr. Fowler ready? Now Rachel, can you remember why we wanted to bring him off before we started?’ Rachel looked down at Gary’s softening dick and chewed the side of her mouth in thought. ‘Annie, do you know?’

‘Duh! It’s obvious isn’t it? He will last longer when he’s doing whatever these people do, when he isn’t so full of his working class spunk.’

‘Annie, I would rather you were more polite to our guests, even though they may be of a lower social order. I don’t think that is too much to ask.’

Annie huffed and sulked as the foursome transferred themselves from the bathroom to Samantha’s bedroom. ‘Do you remember what we are practicing today Rachel?’ Samantha asked.

‘Is it slow sex Mummy?’

‘Yes, we need to get to grips with our emotions when we are making love. We don’t want to just lie there like a sack of potatoes, hmm?’ she frowned at Annie who expressed her opinion with a bored sounding sigh. ‘Remember, I want you to think about clenching your very outer vagina and making a ring around his shaft. Let me make Mr. Fowler hard again and we will start. On the bed please Mr. Fowler.’

Annie withdrew and sat in the corner armchair and began playing with her pussy slowly, her big tits sank and rested on her own arm. This sight, and Samantha’s soft mouth energised Gary and very soon he was ready for his young lover. ‘Now, on top Rachel. Just insert the tip of his cock to begin.’

Rachel knelt astride Gary and with her left hand inserted the first inch of his glans. The whole rest of his length was a column outside ready to strike. ‘Now baby, I want you to imagine your pussy like it was a big cavern.’

‘Huh, ' said Annie gutturally, ‘she doesn’t need to imagine that.’

Mrs. Barton ignored this slight, ‘A cavern darling, ready to accept his cock. Try to keep everything relaxed, apart from the inner labia. Keep that tight.’

‘Okay Mummy’. Gary’s knob top felt as though it had been released from a light grip as all muscle tone within Rachel’s insides vanished, however, weirdly, a feeling like he had his cock in a football with a hole cut in it began.

‘Like we practiced darling.’ Samantha went on. ‘How does that feel Mr. Fowler?’

‘That feels bloody fantastic Sam…Mrs. Barton.’

‘Good, you can drive in slowly Mr. Fowler.’ To Annie’s vantage point the length of Gary Fowler’s shaft disappeared slowly into Rachel like a trombone stem. To Gary’s mind it was as though he were shoving his dick into soft, warm putty. Her inner folds gave up their strength softly. ‘That’s lovely honey, now keep that force on your outer bits of as he pulls out. You need to trap his bell end. Out please Mr. Fowler.’

Gary did as he instructed and the vacuum effect inside the little girl’s vagina was very noticeable as her taut entry scraped over the skin. After eight breathless inches of travel the widened ending of his penis met the buffers of Rachel’s growing skill. ‘How did that feel sweetie?’ asked Samantha, cupping and supporting her right breast.

‘It felt nice Mummy, but I prefer it when I use my fanny muscles.’

‘I know that makes you feel nice baby, but that also makes you cum too quickly. Sometimes, especially when you haven’t done it for a long time, having long, slow sex is very pleasant. And why is that important?’ she asked her daughter.

Rachel answered as Gary began long, grandfather clock like strokes into her. ‘Is it because we want to please the man Mummy?’

‘And?’ her mother replied. Rachel could not answer.

‘Annie?’ her mother called to her cousin who slowly massaged her own breasts and played with herself slowly.

‘We can get what we want from them.’ She answered petulantly.

’That’s right. Let’s carry on nice and slowly Mmm’. Rachel was static this whole time as Gary pivoted his hips to provide the necessary clearance for his undoubtedly large tackle, but as the movement were slow and languid, the effort was not great. Rachel’s breasts swung slowly over Gary’s chest, slowed occasionally by a soft caress from her mother, who called to her masturbating cousin in the corner. ‘Annie, honey. Can you come here and help?’

‘Huh!’ Annie sulked, ‘does the little slut need some help?’ she felt left out as, ordinarily, it was she that was used to being the centre of attention.

‘Could you hold and play with Rachel’s boobies while I get the toy? There’s a good girl.’

‘There’s a good girl.’ She mocked.

‘Am I going to have to talk to your mother young lady!” said Samantha angrily.

‘No auntie Samantha.’ Annie sulked.

‘Because my sister will come down on you like a ton of bricks. Mmm’?’

‘Yes auntie Samantha.’

‘So, over here please and play with your cousin.’

Gary was suddenly presented with another pair of breasts. These were larger and more shapeless, the nipples, rather than standing proud and upright as Rachel’s did so magically, pointed downward like large rubber udders. Gary couldn’t resist a feel. It was slapped away truculently. ‘Keep your hands to yourself you dirty pleb!’ Annie carped at him.

‘One day young lady,' Samantha advised, ‘That attitude is going to bite you.” She returned to the copulation with a vibrator that she lubricated with the contents of a small bottle which she then handed to Annie. ‘Darling, could you spread some of this on Rachel’s back passage?’

Annie displayed that reticence typical of teenagers as she dropped some oil into her cousin’s bum crevice. ‘I s’pose you want me to work it in.’ she sulked.

Rachel gasped. Her anal seal was broken by her cousin’s index finger as Gary carried on with his slow fucking. She was being made ready for another lesson it seemed.

‘Now, honey bun, I am starting on a low setting but I am going to point it downward to stimulate the skin between the fanny and the bottom. Okay?’

‘’Yes Mummy,' her daughter whirred. It was the beginning of a long orgasm and the skin on her rear end shuddered under the triple attention.

As the vibrator entered the soft sweet girl Gary himself began to feel it’s effects. Within Rachel’s deep soft insides there was a new premium sensation and it spread it’s effects down to his root. He was thankful for the prelude of relief he had received in the shower because he was sure this whole experience would have come crashing to earth without it. With it he still had a potency, but it was, at least, controllable.

The scene was set for a prolonged period of excitement for the foursome, but Rachel, as she had stated was just learning, and not having any conception of restraint in these situations, began to hurl herself downward with an unstoppable force. Her left breast was being held and it’s nipple stroked by Annie, her right by her mother, Gary was slowly planting cock into her deep receptive cunt and the vibrator in her anal passage stimulated that forbidden area. It was possibly a miscalculation on Samantha's part, but Rachel crashed down with a strong, shuddering almost silent orgasm that ended with long groans.

Samantha indicated to Gary to stop. And Rachel rolled from him and lay gasping into the room.

Samantha lay next to her daughter and hugged her. They hugged each other. ‘Baby, baby. Sweet baby.” Her mother comforted her.

A minute of silence ensued as the room collectively recovered. It was broken by a catty comment from Lady Anne, daughter of the Earl of Capacaldy. 'Humph! That was a slow orgasm was it!’

Samantha seemed incensed by the comment. ‘Right that’s it young lady, that is enough of your snide spitefulness!’ she turned her niece onto her front and pinned her hands behind her. ‘That,' SMACK! ‘is for the constant lack of respect, and that ,‘ SMACK! ‘is for the unfriendly manner toward your cousin. Now, you GIRL! Are going to be punished!’

‘No, No, No. Please auntie Samantha!’ the youngster pleaded.

‘Mr. Fowler, bring that big cock over here please. You may fuck my niece in the way I know you like.’

‘But, auntie, I can’t. It’s my time.’

‘Well, you should have thought of that before you started, Mmm. Mr. Fowler. I know you have a fondness for hard aggressive sex. Please take control of this little bitch and fuck her very, very hard. If you please?’

Gary had changed greatly in the previous two weeks. He had been humiliated, toyed with, physically controlled and had found himself becoming thoughtful as a result and in this he had surprised himself. But he had not yet learned true courage. Moral courage. A big-titted girl was presented to him, on a plate, to fuck as he wished and he did not reject the gift, even though he knew that would be the right thing to do. He reached out and grabbed the back of Annie’s hair. He knew he was doing wrong, but was too weak to resist. He wrapped his hand around the soft locks and pulled tight, lifting her torso upright and swinging her tits violently. ‘Tell her Gary,' instructed Samantha. ‘tell her what you are going to do!’

He reached around to one of the big tits and squeezed hard, causing a little squeal from Annie. He was beginning to lose control, as he had many times before. ‘You little fucking whore!’ he whispered.

‘Yes, yes…' agreed Samantha. She knew she had unleashed a devil.

‘Do you want to get fucked? Bitch!’ Gary whispered into the little teen’s ear.

‘No, no, please!’ Annie protested.

SLAP! Gary hit her hard on the rump. ‘I’m going to stick my fuckin’ dick in!’’

‘No, please. It’s my time, I’ll get pregnant!’

SMACK! Samantha planted a loud hand on the free tit. ‘You need a lesson you little trollop, and Gary’s big cock is going to give it.’ She reached over to her dressing gown and removed the waistband. ‘Gary, hold her hands.’ she instructed. He did so and Samantha swiftly bound them behind her amid protests from the little buxom aristocrat.

‘No, no, please. I’ll be good.’

Rachel was now recovered and lifted Annie’s left tit to her mouth. ‘Ooo,' she said excitedly. ‘Put it in Gary.’

He did not spare the girl and pushed in hard, his groin giving a loud smack on her broad backside. Annie screamed in pain with the first entry. ‘You dirty fucking bitch!’ Gary growled to her . Calling me a “pleb” you dirty…fucking…bitch!’ he thrust with all of his might to emphasize all of his points and Annie screamed loudly on each of them.

‘Yes, fuck her, fuck her Gary!’ advised Samantha. And Gary did. He was relentless in his vigour and completely ignored the screams and twitches that the plump girl gave. The sound of that ample rear making contact with Gary’s mid section echoed in the room as Samantha and Rachel took turns smacking the huge tits to a bright red glow. Annie collapsed in orgasm, only to be kept in position by her persecutors and was soon, after no respite in pace, on her way to orgasm again.

Gary began to feel the welling in his balls, the dryness in his mouth and knew her was going to cum. ‘Fuck,' he stated. Both Rachel and Samantha recognized the symptoms.

‘Yes, fill her up you dirty man!’ shouted Samantha.

‘Please Mr. Fowler,' begged Rachel, ‘shoot your cum into her.’

This incitement was too much for young Gary and his spunk started rising from the depths. Assisted by Samantha’s hand on his balls the joyous outpourings began in perfect harmony with Annie’s latest climax. A fountain of fluid found a laying of fertility in a wonderful chord of pleasure. The girl jolted and spasmed her unspoken joy as Gary planted his life’s seed inside her.

‘Oh, you disgusting little bitch!’ Samantha sneered.

After his ejections has died down, Gary pressed down on the lovely rump in front of him and extracted his cock. It flopped and bounced as it became free. Samantha, dirtily, lay on her back and covered the now cum dripping twat with her mouth, licking and drinking the mixture of pussy juice and semen that dropped from it. ‘Baby,' she called to Rachel. ‘lick Annie’s arse-hole for me sweetie! ’Gary sank back and watched the lewd threesome. Annie’s passions awoke once more in this assault. She had tongues in both pussy and arse and voiced her approval.

‘Oh, God! Fuck, fuck!’ she cried before halting to another screeching, twitching super moment. Samantha’s face was suddenly washed in pulse after pulse of squirt.

Her aunt gulped the liquid. ‘Mmm, Annie, you are tasty.’ She said, soothing the still twitching girl with gentle caresses.

Gary closed his eyes and suddenly, there was a mouth around his penis. It was Annie who slobbered her tongue around it greedily, guided by her aunt ‘Thank you, Gary, thank you.’ She gushed, talking with a full mouth and cleaning his dick as she had been instructed, many times.

Gary did not return home that evening. He spent the night with Annie in his arms. A bountiful prize for his work.
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