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Mike Long has moved to LasVegas for a new job. His boss, Sally is going to help him find a new home and her friend, Diana, could be the best thing to happen to him.
Having just started my new job with Mountain Construction Services in Henderson, Nevada, meant that I knew absolutely no one and had no friends to hang with. I had spent the first two weeks just learning where things were located and trying to figure out where to look for a place to live. I focused my search for a good neighborhood and didn’t know if I wanted to try to buy a house or just rent an apartment. I was afraid that if I bought a place and then found out I liked another area better, I would be stuck in a deal that would cost me a lot to get out of.

I had to spend the first couple months at the main office learning the company policies and getting in the swing of things with the other members of the team I was hired to work with. We were going to be building a very large airplane maintenance facility at Nellis Air Force Base. Once the job actually started, I would spend time on site as well as at the main office. I was really looking forward to this opportunity and was stoked to be on this team.

Motel living was getting to be pretty boring and one day at work, I was learning about the initial phases of the upcoming job. Sally Knight was the lead Engineer for the project and she was working with me to bring me up to speed. Sally was, I’m guessing, about 40 years old, about 5’8” tall and I would say about 115 pounds. She was a long haired brunette with a very nice hourglass figure. You could tell by looking at her that she spent time in the gym and kept herself in very good physical condition. Sally was very attractive in her appearance and had a marvelous personality. After a couple days together, we had got to know each other a little and, of course, we talked and the conversation turned to my move and the search for living quarters.

Sally explained to me that she had a friend who was a realtor in the area, and if I liked, she would get me in touch with her and see if she could help me find a place. I told her that would be fantastic and that I had no idea where I should look. Sally assured me that she and her friend, Diana, would look out for me and not let me make a mistake with a house. Just the thought that I had someone local to help made me feel much better. Sally said she would set up a meeting and we would get started.

Over the next couple days, Sally and I became closer and learned more about each other. She had grown up in the Las Vegas area and went to school at UNLV where she was a distance runner on the track team. That explained the great physically fit body. Sally was married to an ex-Navy Seal who worked for a security firm in town. She told me that she thought he and I would hit it off and probably become friends. I looked forward to meeting him. She had been with the company for 8 years and this was her second major project and she definitely knew what she was doing. We hit it off and I was really looking forward to this job.

On Friday morning Sally told me that she had set up a meeting with Diana Legg, her realtor friend. She said we were going to meet at a restaurant in Henderson that night for dinner and to discuss my needs and to make a plan. I was excited about getting things in order and starting this new part of my life.

I entered the restaurant and walked to the bar. I saw Sally at the bar and as I approached her, I noticed the woman she was talking to. Her back was to me, but unless you were blind, you just knew this woman was gorgeous. She had very long black hair and it stopped just short of her waist and her long legs were tanned and very shapely. As I got to Sally, she told Diana, “Di, this is the man I was telling you about, Mike. Mike Long, this is my best friend, Diana Legg.”

Diana turned and I got my first look at her and I damn near passed out. This woman was probably the most beautiful woman I had ever been this close to. They have often told me that when you meet the woman you are meant to be with, you will just automatically know it. I don’t know if that’s true, but when she looked at me with those big green eyes, my heart melted.

As she looked at me, she smiled and reached out her hand towards me and I took her hand and kissed the back of it. “He’s a lot better looking than you said, Sally. It’s so nice to meet you Mike. Sally has been after me to meet you since the day you started working with her. I’m glad we are here and I hope I will be able to help you out.” She said as I stared at her beauty.

I didn’t know exactly what to say and I finally realized that I was still holding her hand. I let go of her hand and I managed to tell her, “Diana, I am so pleased to meet you. Sally tells me that you will take care of me and help me find a home.”

“I’m sure we will find you a home and we’ll see if I can take care of you.” She replied as she looked me over. Just then the hostess came and told Sally that our table was ready and to follow her. I stepped back and watched as Sally stood and followed the hostess. I reached my hand out to Diana and she smiled and took it. She stood and turned and followed Sally. I was mesmerized as I watched this beautiful woman walk across the floor to our table. When we got there I pulled a chair out for Diana and then for Sally. Both women thanked me and Diana told Sally, “Not only is he good looking, but he has manners too.”

We talked a lot about me as we ate dinner. Both of these women were very smart and knew what to ask me about what I wanted and expected. I really felt comfortable talking to them. Diana said she felt that she knew what I was looking for and she would put some things together and see what I thought.

As we finished our meal, the conversation kind of turned to Diana and how she and Sally became friends. Turns out that they had been roommates at UNLV. Diana was a high jumper on the track team and they became friends. Diana was the one who introduced Sally to her brother, Dave who was a Navy Seal. So now I had the whole picture and I only had one question. I didn’t want to be nosey, but I had to know, so I just up and asked the question, “Diana, are you married? I can’t believe a beautiful woman like you would be single.”

She looked at me and I could see that Diana kind of blushed as she was about to speak, Sally piped up and said, “See Di, I’m not the only one who thinks you should be in love.”

“I’m sorry,” I pleaded, “I didn’t mean to pry, it’s none of my business. Please accept my apology.”

“No apology needed, Mike. Sally has been trying to get me married for several years since she and my brother met. She thinks she owes me one!” she laughed. “I just haven’t met the right guy yet, but when I do, he’s going to know it.”

The evening went very well, we finished the bottle of wine and had a great conversation about everything you could imagine. I felt like I had known these two wonderful women for years and we laughed and told stories until the night was through. I thanked Sally, who would not let me pay the check, and I turned to Diana and told her, “I’m so glad I met you and I am so looking forward to spending more time with you and finding my new home.”

Diana reached in and kissed me on the cheek, “I can’t wait to take you out and show you what I have to offer. You’re gonna love it, I promise. I’ll be in touch.” The two women got in Sally’s car and drove off. My hotel was within walking distance from the restaurant and I made the walk there thinking about what Diana meant about “what she had to offer.” I was hoping it was what I thought she meant!

Several days passed and my thoughts were filled with ideas about Diana and what was to happen between us. Was she interested in dating me? Was she looking for a relationship? Did she realize that she was making me crazy thinking about seeing her again? When I wasn’t working, I was thinking about Diana. I actually thought I was going crazy. Then I got a call from her telling me that she had a couple places I should see and because of their popularity, I had better see them soon. We agreed that she would pick me up after work that day and we could check them out.

I thought I would explode waiting for the day to end and I’m sure everyone at work knew something was up. I was practically dancing around thinking about seeing Diana.

At five o’clock I walked out of the building and she was waiting for me in her Mercedes Benz. WOW, a gorgeous woman and a fantastic car! I climbed in the passenger seat and was greeted by a wonderful smile from a beautiful woman. The second thing I saw was her beautiful long legs, her skirt was hiked up a little and her legs were definitely on display.

“Hi Mike, it’s so good to see you. I hope you will like what I have to show you.” Diana spoke as she looked me over. “Sally didn’t work you to death today, I see.”

“Hello Diana, I am so happy to see you, I’m sure I will be pleased with what you show me and no, Sally took it easy on me today. She is so wonderful to work with, I believe it will be great to work with her.” I replied as I buckled my seat belt.

“She’s as good as it gets, and I love her like a sister.” She answered as she drove off. “Let’s get this show on the road.”

We drove for several minutes and made small talk as Diana explained that the two homes she was showing me were not going to stay on the market long. She told me that they were high end places and would go very quickly so we needed to jump on them if I was at all interested.

We arrived at the first house and it was fantastic. We walked through the entire place and looked it over. I was so impressed and it had everything I was looking for and the property was marvelous. Just what I had dreamed of. “This place could be home, Diana.” I told her, “It is everything I want.”

“It is amazing isn’t it?” she answered, “But, I saved the best for last so don’t make up your mind yet.”

“If you can top this place lady, I will be utterly amazed!” I said as we walked to the car and drove off.

“I must have sounded like a kid on the first day of school as I talked about the house as we traveled to the second house. When Diana turned in the driveway and I saw the house, I was speechless. It was like a place in the movies. Big well maintained yard, large ranch style home and a large pool in the back yard.

Diana told me that a few years ago, the owners had let a film crew shoot part of a movie on the property and used the house and pool for several scenes in a major film. You could see why they wanted this place; it was fantastic. We walked around the house and took in all it had to offer. I absolutely loved it and understood why she didn’t show me this one first. She knew her business well.

“Well, the main question is what kind of money are we talking about? I’m not sure I can afford something like this.” I said as I looked around. “This has got to be expensive to live like this.”

Diana sat on the wooden bench on the back deck as she looked at me and smiled, “The owners are very nice people who do not really have to sell this place. They have several properties around the world and just can’t use them all. So, they have decided to put this one up for sale and they are particular who they sell to. You would be required to meet them and they would have to approve the sale to you. I know that sounds crazy, but that’s the rules they gave me to work by.”

As I stood there listening to her, I couldn’t help looking at her sitting there with the evening sun at her back and was so impressed by just how gorgeous she was. Her perfect hourglass figure, ample but not huge tits, and absolutely beautiful ass. Her tanned legs were magnificent and so well-toned. I couldn’t stop thinking about her and there were wicked thoughts going on in my head, I wanted to grab her and kiss her and make love to her right there and then. I was lost in these thoughts when I heard her say, “Mike, are you alright? Do you hear me?”

I came back to reality and shook my head, “Sorry, I was lost there for a minute. Please forgive me.”

“If you’re interested in the house, I will set up a meeting with the owners. I will get all the numbers together and have prices on both homes for you tomorrow. I think you will be surprised when I get the final proposals done.” Diana smiled as she watched me watching her. “What do you say to me taking you to dinner and we can talk a little more and answer any questions you have?”

“Man, I have a million questions and I’m kind of hungry too.” I told her as I reached out my hand to her. She took my hand and I helped her up and we walked together across the yard to the car. I couldn’t help myself and I had to tell her, “You know you sitting there in that evening sun just showed me how beautiful you are, I hope you don’t think I’m being forward. You really are a beautiful lady, Diana.”

She stopped and turned to me and she was smiling, “How could I be mad at you for giving me the greatest compliment a girl can get?” She leaned toward me and kissed me on the cheek, “Thank you Mike.”

We chatted as we drove to a place she said was good to eat and would be great to talk with each other. When we arrived at the restaurant, the hostess knew her by name and took us to a secluded table in the back corner of the dining room. The place was busy, but not too crowded.

“I love this place, been coming here most of my life. The food is fantastic and the people are even better.” Diana bragged as we sat down. The waiter came over and the first thing he did was give Diana a kiss on the cheek and told her how great it was to see her and he took our drink order and was gone.

The more time I spent with this woman, the more I was attracted to her. This was only the third time I had been with her, but I felt like I had known her forever. She was what I had always pictured the perfect woman as. She is beautiful, smart, independent, fun, and appears to know what she wants in life. I was quickly falling head over heels for this woman.

We enjoyed a light supper and sat there and talked about everything from the homes to where we wanted to go in life. We just seemed to connect and our life goals were very similar, scary similar. I had never met anyone quite like Diana, but I had dreamt of her many times. I think I was actually a little scared about what might happen. We spent a couple hours there talking and kind of just feeling each other out. We finally left and we were walking towards her car when she turned to me and said, “I have a problem Mike, I have a big problem.”

“A problem?” I was startled as I looked at her. “What’s wrong?”

“I think I want to kiss you and maybe take you home with me. I know we just met, but I have had these feelings in my stomach since I first saw you and they won’t go away. I can’t sleep and if I’m not busy, I am thinking about you. I hope you don’t think I’m crazy and run away.” She confessed as she looked at me.

I reached out and took her by the arms and pulled her to me and kissed her on the lips. We just kind of looked in each other’s eyes and then we grabbed each other and kissed like we meant it. This went on for several minutes and I was becoming very aroused and was running my hands down her back and across her wonderful ass. Then it dawned on me that we were in the middle of a parking lot in front of the whole world.

I pulled back from the kiss and said ”I think we should go.” And took her by the hand and led her to the car. She was actually trembling in my arms and she gave me her keys and told me to drive. “I don’t think I can drive, I’m too excited!” Diana exclaimed as I opened the car door. She climbed in and slid across the seat to the passenger side. I climbed in and closed the door. I looked at her and our eyes met and you could feel the excitement between us. We embraced and our hands were all over each other and our lips were locked together. We were at the point of starting to undress each other when she grabbed my arm and said, “Not here, not like this, please Mike, take me home. I want this to be special.”

“I will do whatever you want me to, but you will have to tell me where to go as I’m lost here.” I smiled as I looked at her.

She kissed me and smiled and promised me it would only be a couple minutes. I started the car and followed her directions, which were explained to me along with several kisses and my free hand feeling that great leg she was showing me. By the time we got to her place, I was hard as a rock. My cock was straining at the front of my pants. We pulled into the garage and put the door down and turned to each other and we started kissing where we had left off. Things were getting heated up again, but she stopped me and said, “Come with me.”

I opened the door and we both got out, you could see the tent in the front of my pants and Diana smiled and told me that she could fix that problem and I just had to follow her. At this point, I would have followed her anywhere! She took me by the hand and led me through the house and down the hall to the bedroom. She turned to me and kissed me and said, “Now we make it happen. Let’s fuck!”

I had not heard her swear before but what she said was music to my ears. I took her in my arms and kissed her long and deeply. I felt her tug on my belt and she was trying to get my pants down. In a couple short seconds, I was standing there in my socks and boxers. I don’t know how she did it, but I didn’t complain. Instead, I reached for the buttons on her blouse and started unbuttoning it. She tried to help, but I stopped her and said, “No. You watch and enjoy, let me do this.”

She stood straight and put her arms down and watched as I removed her blouse and started undoing the zipper on her skirt. Soon she was standing there in a matching red bra and thong. Any expectations I had about her figure or beauty were no where close to how magnificent this woman was. She was perfect.

I felt her hand go down the front of my boxers and she had a hold of my cock. It was stiff as a board and her hand worked up and down its length as I leaned over and kissed her lips. As I kissed her and she stroked me, I reached behind her and released her ample tits from the confines of her bra. I looked down at them and as I had guessed, they were perfect. I kissed her again and as I did, I could feel my boxers being tugged down my legs. Soon they were around my ankles and I kicked them aside. I reached around her waist and pulled her to me as I kissed her soft warm lips. I ran my fingers around the top of her thong and slipped it down her legs. As I lowered her underwear, I lowered myself to my knees in front of her. This gave me the best view in the world of her body. Diana had to be a goddess, perfect as you can imagine. I looked at her from her feet to her head and I knew I was in love.

I pulled her to me and I ran my tongue across the mound above her pussy and she jerked when she felt my tongue on her skin. She smelled fantastic and the shaved pussy in front of me was my mission. I ran my tongue all around her thighs and purposefully avoided her vagina. She was running her hands through my hair and pulling my face into her crotch. I pushed her back and she sat on the edge of the bed, she opened her legs and gave me full access to what I wanted. I dove in and licked along her slit from the top to the bottom, all the while massaging both of her thighs and then I licked her clit and sucked on it very tenderly. This made her moan loudly and she pulled my hair. I was just really getting started when she surprised me by pulling my head up and she leaned down and kissed me. She looked in my eyes and said, “Fuck me now, fuck me hard, we can make love later. Fuck me now!”

Who was I to argue with the lady. I pushed her back on the bed on her back and reached down and grabbed her legs. I pulled both of her legs up and over my shoulders and pulled her to me. My straining cock was about and inch from where I wanted it to be. I looked at her face and she yelled “Fuck me!”

In one quick motion, I sank my cock into her soaking wet pussy all the way until my balls smacked her ass. She yelled and I pulled it out and then rammed it back into her again. She responded by grabbing me by the ass and pulling my cock in as deep as she could. We continued this pace for a couple minutes and I had to slow up a bit or I would cum for sure. Diana looked at me and said, “Fuck me hard and cum inside me. I want you to fill me full of cum. Fuck me hard and don’t stop.”

I wanted to do my best, but I knew I couldn’t keep up this pace without exploding. By the look on her face, that was what she had planned for me. I started out fairly slow with long deep strokes and she kept pulling me in deeper. I picked up the pace and soon was hammering into her as fast and hard as I could. Diana was pulling on my ass cheeks and fucking me back as hard as she could. A couple minutes of this and I yelled, “I’m cumming!”

I pumped what felt like a gallon of baby juice into her and she never quit fucking me until I thought she would pass out. I finally collapsed on top of her with my cock still inside her. We were both out of breath and covered in sweat. We laid there for what felt like several minutes without saying a word until I finally rolled over on the bed next to her. My cock came out of her pussy and left a trail of cum across her thigh and was still leaking cum from its tip as I laid there.

Diana finally looked over at me and said, “I think that was amazing. I never wanted it that bad in my entire life. I must have had a dozen orgasms, I thought I would die! Fantastic!” As she reached over and grabbed my cock. “Fantastic!”

“I’m sorry I came so fast,” I apologized, “I was so fucking excited that I couldn’t take it and I exploded. I felt like I was pumping everything I had into you and I couldn’t stop.”

“You did fill me up alright,” Diana giggle as she took her free hand and ran her fingers along her pussy. She held her hand up in the air and cum was dripping off her fingers. “I’m so full that it’s still leaking out of me! Look!” She couldn’t resist and she tasted her fingers. “Yummy, try some”, as she moved her fingers to my mouth. I surprised her and licked her finger tasting my own cum. “Wow” was all she said as she turned and kissed me.

We laid there silently for a couple minutes and she finally sat up and looked at me and said, “Come on, let’s shower and then after that you can make love to me, if you want.”

“That’s what I want, a hot shower with the best looking woman in town and a promise of a little pussy after. Life doesn’t get any better than that.” I smiled as I looked at her.

In the shower, we soaped each other up and paid special attention to the erogenous zones, making sure we were both squeaky clean. When we had finally had enough, we took turns drying each other and as I ran the soft towel along her fantastic body, I took the opportunity to kiss and lick the special points like her nipples, navel and of course, behind her ears. As I licked behind her ears, Diana began to softly moan and she reached out and took my cock in her hand and stroked it up and down it’s length. This went on for several minutes, me kissing her neck, shoulders and breasts, and her stroking my now rock hard cock and sperm filled balls.

Diana stopped, took my head in her hands and kissed me on the lips. “Let’s move to more comfortable surroundings” she whispered as she took my hand and led me back to her bed. We stood there and I took her in my arms and kissed her soft lips. She responded as I had hoped and we kissed passionately until I pushed her back onto the bed. As I looked down at her lying there naked, I realized that I was falling in love with this woman I had only known for a couple days and it scared me. But, I knew what I had to do and that was make love to her like she deserved.

I reached her legs and I started at her feet and massaged them and she moaned and told me she liked that a lot. I continued to massage her calves and worked my way up those magnificent legs, all the while massaging and kissing her legs as I went. Finally, I reached the spot I was looking for, her beautiful pussy. I crawled in between her legs and she opened them for me as I moved in and started placing kisses all around her thighs, purposely avoiding her now glistening wet vagina. As I massaged the mound above her pussy, she began to moan and her hands got ahold of my head and she was directing me to where she wanted me. I played along with her but still avoided her clitoris even though she tried to get me to lick it. When she began to really pull my face into her pussy, I had no choice but to run my tongue from the top of her opening to the bottom. This was when I saw the juices running out of her and down the crack of her ass. I followed the trail of sweet liquid all the way to the pretty little rosebud of her gorgeous ass. I stuck my tongue out and licked it and she let out a small scream, letting me know that I was doing a good job. I continued to lick her asshole and played with it by sticking my tongue as far as it would go in the tight little opening. As I licked her ass cheek, I stuck my finger on her opening and slowly pushed it in. As I eased my finger in her butt, she moaned loudly and I heard her whisper, “Oh yea, that’s it baby. It feels great, don’t stop!”

After a couple minutes of fingering her bottom, I moved up to her navel and slowly ran my tongue around it, exploring its dangling piercing and admiring it’s beauty. Next came the perfect tits I spoke of earlier. As I cupped them in my hands and looked them over, all I could do was say, “Wow, perfect, absolutely perfect.”

I looked Diana in the eyes and she smiled back at me as I began to lick and suck her nipples, moving from one to the other to not let either be ignored. I could have worked on those breasts all day, but, I had a job to do. I kissed my way up her neck and again, behind her ear and the to her sweet lips. We passionately kissed and our tongues played with each other and our hands roamed all areas of our bodies.

After a few minutes of heavy kissing and petting, Diana pushed me over and onto my back. She crawled up on top of me and kissed me and said, “My turn.”

She did to me what I had done to her, as she nibbled on my earlobe and blew in my ear. She kissed down my neck and down to my nipples which were not anywhere as good as hers, but still needed attention. She sucked them both and then continued her descent down towards the cock that was standing at attention and was about to explode. She purposefully avoided touching it and massaged my thighs and just looked at my cock as it bobbed up and down with every beat of my heart.

“Big dick!” Diana said as she smiled at me and took my cock in her hand. She stroked it up and down a couple times, then she winked at me and she took my cock into her mouth. As she looked me in the eyes, this beautiful woman ran her tongue along the length of my tool as she took it deep into her mouth. I watched as she worked her magic on me and all I could do was lay there and enjoy the pleasure she was giving. She worked me to the point of maximum pleasure and then she just stopped. I was about to blow a load of cum all over the place and she just stopped!

“I have plans for this,” she said as she climbed up on top of me. “Big plans.” She took my cock in her hand and she sat down on top of it as my manhood slipped into her warm wet pussy. She began to bounce up and down on me taking me all the way inside her and then almost letting it slide from her moist opening and then bouncing back down on it. This went on for a couple minutes until I knew that I needed to be in charge.

I took her in my arms and rolled over putting her on her back under me. I kissed her lips and then I told her, “My turn again, let me take you to the moon.”

I lined my throbbing cock up to her wet opening and in one slow smooth motion, I slid it into her until my balls pushed up against her butt cheeks. It felt amazing and I continued to slide it in and out in long slow strokes all the while kissing her lips and watching her big green eyes. I kept going and was slowly increasing the speed of my strokes as I knew I was going to cum. The earlier orgasm had made this one last longer; however, I could not hold it back much longer if I kept this up. I let my dick slide out of her and she looked at me as if to say, “Don’t stop now!”

I leaned back and looked at her laying there and I leaned down and licked her pussy from top to bottom. I took her clit between my lips and sucked on it a little bit bringing a loud moan from her lips as she rubbed her fingers through my hair. I kept this up a couple minutes and then I moved up and slid my throbbing dick back where I wanted it. Slowly I moved in and out making her moan as I continued to pound away inside her. Diana finally wrapped her arms around me and cried, ”I’m cumming, oh god I’m cumming Mike, please don’t stop!”

I kept up my steady pace and she began to shake as she went into orgasm mode. Her nails were digging into me and caused the greatest kind of pain I had ever felt. I fucked her like that until I couldn’t take any more and I began pumping my load of cum deep inside this beautiful woman. Five or six monstrous shots of cum from my balls into her wet pussy. I collapsed on top of Diana and we were both out of breath, just laying there with my cock inside her and thinking I was in heaven. I finally rolled off her and we each caught our breath and just kept looking at each other, saying nothing.

We turned on our sides where we were looking at each other, just running our hands over each other and looking ourselves over. I was completely used up and Diana looked like she was too. “I believe that was the best sex I have ever had,” Diana told me, “Hands down, the best.”

“I will tell you that this is only the beginning of what is going to be a fantastic relationship if you will have me.” I said as I ran my fingers along the side of Diana’s beautiful face, “I hope you will let me do this again as I think we can make it better.”

“I don’t know if we can make it better or not, but I believe you will have many chances to try. Mike, I believe this could just be the start of things to come for us, just the start.” Diana replied as we kissed each other. “But shit, I need another shower, how about you?”

We showered and then went back to bed; I spent the night with this woman and in the morning she drove me back to my hotel so I could change clothes and the dropped me off at work. Sally pulled into the parking lot as Diana dropped me off, and she caught up to me as I entered the building.

“Looks like the house shopping went well!” Sally smiled as she looked at me. “Must have been a long night.”

I’m sure she could see the smile on my face when I looked at her and tried to be serious as I told her, “We looked at a couple places, had a nice dinner and Diana took care of me quite well.”

“I’m sure she did,” was Sally’s response as she chuckled at me, “I’m sure she did.”

I knew this relationship was going to move to the next level and I couldn’t wait to see what was in store for Diana and me. A million thoughts were going through my mind and I think I may have found the woman of my dreams.

Time will tell, yes time will tell.
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