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Oil tycoons have lots of oil. A Trailer Trash Tycoon has lots of... you get the idea. Leo gives many pregnant young women a home and a second chance, for a sexual price. He's worth over ten million, but often acts like people worth ten dollars.

Five years ago I had bought a lottery ticket, as I did every week. I won fourteen million dollars after taxes. Lots of lottery winners buy yachts, mansions, or expensive cars. I thought most of them were stupid. You can have a good life and lots of fun without wasting money. I put twelve million in safe investments and the rest in a few bank accounts. As my big indulgence, I started up a trailer park. Only a third of a million had bought me some land and ten used mobile homes. I had room for another dozen trailers if I wanted.

I didn’t need or want a private plane or a limo. My pickup truck and minibus were old and rusty, but travelled the five miles to town and back just fine. When one of them finally broke down, I could easily have it fixed or buy a decent used one. I didn’t need a huge house. I lived alone half of the time, so two bedrooms were plenty. The times I had a girlfriend with a kid or two, two bedrooms were still enough. I didn’t need a swimming pool. There was a pond at the bottom of the hill. I didn’t need a huge TV or computer monitor. I sat close and could see my cheap ones just fine.

The webcam channel I was watching switched to a young, chesty redhead laying on her side on a bed. Her light green panties dangled from the corner of the bed and she wore only an overworked pastel green bra. Her back was to the camera and her neck was bent at an odd angle, so the other viewers and I could see her face. Her words and moans of pleasure were lewd and arousing. “Mmmm! I bet you love watching this huge plastic pecker slide into my ass, don’t you? I wish it was your big rod instead. Oooh! I’m SO FULL! Stick that huge thing in me! YEAH! I love it in my butt!”

She was reaching between her legs, stroking a large blue dildo in and out of her stretched asshole. The big toy blocked most of the view, but I could see she was masturbating with her other hand. I was getting hard and rubbed the front of my pants a little.


The dildo stopped moving and her head shook, as she had an orgasm. I knew her well enough to see it was a real one. After she recovered a little, she pulled it out and rolled over. She smiled for the camera again, and I could see a few bits of her shit stuck to the dildo as she moved it toward her mouth.

“I know you love me, ‘cause I’m such a dirty girl!”

I thought it was disgusting but super-hot when she licked and sucked the end of it, fresh out of her anus. She smiled and slid it into the cleavage between her big breasts as she sat up. She blew a kiss, then the video stream ended. After a second it automatically switched to a flat-chested brunette in pigtails. She was only wearing a purple g-string and purple high heels as she licked a lollipop. I liked her a lot too but clicked it off.

I decided I wanted big tits and anal. Kelly had paid her rent for the month already, so before leaving my trailer I set two hundred on the kitchen table. That was usually enough. I talked with women about sex a lot, but never money. Talking about sex and money together was stupid, easy prey for electronic bugs or undercover cops. The new girls quickly learned how things worked from the others.

I walked down the hill and knocked on the door of Rhonda’s trailer. She yelled, “Just a minute!” After at least five minutes, she answered the door with a towel over her dark hair, wearing a bath robe. She held her baby son, who only had a diaper on.

Rhonda apologized, “Sorry it took a while, Leo. I finished giving him a bath, tickled him, and lifted him up high while he giggled. The naughty little bastard kept on giggling as he pissed all over me!”

I laughed loudly. I loved pregnant girls, but there were many reasons I decided I’d never be a father. Thank all the Gods for vasectomies! I asked, “Can you watch Kelly’s little one for an hour or two?”

“Sure! Have a good time!”


I walked two trailers farther down, and Kelly smelled like mint and alcohol when she opened the door. I realized, ‘Mouthwash’. “Hi Leo. How’s it going?”

“Much better, after watching you ten minutes ago. I love that you’re such a kinky, dirty girl. How would you like to have some fun with me?”

“Sure, I just need a sitter for little Stephanie.”

“Rhonda will watch her. You might want some pants too, before you go outside.”

“Hahaha! I think you’re right.” She was still only wearing the green bra. Kelly was far from a genius, but she had what I wanted and knew how to use it.

She threw on a trench coat and a pair of sandals, then picked up her baby. She asked me, “So what are you in the mood for?”

“How about you use me like you used that big blue toy a little while ago?”

She smiled. “Sure. Even this little one knows I can deal with a little poop. I don’t mind getting dirty.”

“Such a sexy, filthy girl. I knew there was a reason I liked you, when you knocked on my door lookin’ like an egg with hands and feet.”

She laughed and patted my shoulder. She left the baby with Rhonda, and we walked up the hill to my place. When we got to the kitchen, she saw the money on the table and put it in her coat pocket, then followed me to my bedroom. She didn’t knock on the tabletop to signal she wanted more. Kelly was going to take my cock in her ass then suck her shit off me, for only two hundred! Cheap and dirty! Great!

As she dropped her trench coat on the bedroom floor and I pulled off my tank top, there was a knock at the front door. I quickly threw on a t-shirt instead of the tank, to look more sophisticated. I told Kelly, “Back in a minute” as I hurried to the door.

When I opened it, a very pregnant young blonde girl asked, “Is this the …” She looked at a business card. “…the Slutty Sinner’s Salvation Center?” She had a timid look on her face and her cheeks slowly turned pink.

Only one type of person showed up at my door with one of those cards, pregnant and desperate young women. Just the name would turn away anybody with self-respect, if they had another option. I said, “It’s important that you don’t say anything about yourself for a little while, but I can help.” I pulled a bottle of orange juice and a sandwich from the fridge and set them on the table. “Have a seat and relax. I’ll be back soon. I just have some business I need to take care of.” I can’t imagine what went through the poor girl’s mind a little while later.

Back in my bedroom, Kelly smiled and told me how good it felt while I stuffed her butt with my cock. She let me cum in her ass, then licked and sucked me clean, stroking my shaft and licking the head until I squirted into her mouth too. I put my pants on, and she smiled before walking to the bathroom.

I heard her spit in the sink before she yelled, “NO MOUTHWASH! You gotta’ be FUCKIN’ KIDDING ME!”

I zipped as I told her, “I think there’s a bottle of whiskey next to the fridge, that should work.”

I got to the kitchen just as Kelly screeched, “EEEEEW!” then pulled the only bottle of alcohol from the cupboard. It was one-star, four-dollar tequila. I saw her hesitate, probably trying to decide if the tequila would taste worse than the feces in her mouth. I haven’t tried shit myself, but the tequila was horrible stuff. That’s why it sat there over three years.

She reluctantly rinsed her mouth with the tequila and spit again. She quickly rinsed with water too, to lessen the awful flavor. She only had her bra on, and I saw some shit smeared on her butt cheeks and thighs from my recent fun. There was also a bit of brown at the corner of her mouth.

The pregnant blonde in the living room must have seen it too. Her eyes widened and she started to get up. “I’m gonna go.”

I quickly told her, “It’s ok! Really.” I looked at Kelly. “Tell her it’s ok.”

She sighed and told the girl, “I’m fine. He really can help you. He helps us girls a lot.” She stopped a moment. “Leo is great, except the rare times when he’s a MORON!” She slapped my ass HARD. Kelly went back to the bedroom and returned wearing her trench coat. She knocked on the table several times before she left, showing she wanted more. I thought that was fair and nodded. She knew I’d give her the money in a day or two. I was a little surprised she didn’t slam the door on her way out.

The pregnant blonde started to say, “Hi, my name is …”

I quickly cut her off. “Whoa whoa whoa! Don’t tell me anything yet! If I know a girl’s name and hear about her on the news, I might have to tell the police where she is. If I know a girl is under 18, she can’t stay here, and I can’t help her.” I paused. “If I ask your name and age, and you don’t have any ID, I just need to take your word for it, right? If you tell me your name is Martha Washington and you’re 300, I have to believe you until I see something that says otherwise.”

She chuckled and smiled, “I guess so.”

“Just take a minute to think, then tell me your name and age, please.”

She looked at the dish of mints on the windowsill and then the oven. She said, “My name is Candy Baker, and I’m 18.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Candy. I’m Leo. Is there anything you need right away? A doctor or anything?”

“No, I mostly need a place to stay. Thanks for the sandwich, but I’m still kind of hungry.”

“I’ll make us something for dinner and you can sleep with me tonight. Do you like lasagna?” I reached for the freezer handle.

She said, “Usually I love it, but with the baby it upsets my stomach.”

I looked in the cupboards. “Chicken soup? Beef stew? Mac ‘n cheese?”

“I LOVE Mac ‘n cheese!”

As we ate I asked her a few questions. “So, how far along are you?”

“I’m not sure. Maybe seven or eight months. I haven’t been to a doctor or anything.”

“Do you drink or smoke, any drugs? I know somebody if you need to quit.”

She shook her head. “No. I tried beer once and didn’t like it, and smoking is gross.”

“That’s good, good for the baby.”

When we finished eating, I told her, “I usually get a shower before bed. Would you like a shower with me?”

“Uh … ah … okay.”

She waddled to the bathroom behind me. I took my shirt off and started the water. As I turned around, I saw she was having trouble getting her dress off. It was too tight, and her big belly held it in place.

“I’ll give you a hand.” I pulled it off her and unhooked her too-small bra, leaving her nude when she pulled it off.


I took off my pants and she stared at my crotch. She quietly said, “You can do what you want. Just don’t hurt me. And… and please don’t make me eat poop!” She was practically shaking with fear.

“I won’t hurt you and I won’t make you do anything. If you just want to sleep and leave in the morning, that’s fine. But I’d like to help you. Let’s wash your hair first.”

I took my time and enjoyed washing her hair, her growing breasts, and her huge abdomen. I tried to keep my dick soft while she washed it, but only half succeeded. She still looked nervous.

“Let’s dry off and go to bed.”

We toweled each other then she laid on her side, nude on my bed. I leaned down and put my ear to her belly. I couldn’t hear much but felt a kick. She had a tiny new life inside her, which would make her more willing to stay. Her boobs looked like “C” cups but were probably only “A” a few months ago. I looked in her eyes, as I lightly kissed each of her nipples. I moved up and softly kissed her lips.

The look of intense happiness on her face told me nobody had treated her well in a long time. “We’re nice and clean now. If you wouldn’t mind I’d like a blowjob. If you don’t want to, you can sleep in the other room and leave in the morning.”

She thought a moment before saying, “Uh … it’s ok. I’ll do it.”

I laid beside her with my groin near her mouth and rested my face on the side of her belly. I don’t know exactly why, but I love getting blowjobs from pregnant girls.

She lacked a lot in skill and experience, but I unloaded into her mouth in only a few minutes. “UH! UH! UNGH! Nice! Thank you, Candy.”

She swallowed and smiled. “I lo … you’re welcome, Leo.”

I spooned behind her, pulled the blanket over us, and fell asleep holding one of her tits.

I woke in the middle of the night and she was sobbing loudly. “Are you all right, Candy?”

She struggled to say, “I … I’m ok now. Just a bad dream. Thank you.” She kissed my hand.

I stroked her hair slowly, saying, “Whoever hurt you, that’s done. You’re safe here and I’ll help you.”

“Thank you, Leo!” She sniffled, then kissed my hand and held it between her breasts. I stayed awake a little while, feeling her swollen boobs move as she breathed. I was grateful when she calmed down and dozed off. I planned to have lots of sexy fun with her, but I’d be kind. I’d done the same for Rhonda, Kelly, and the six other girls who lived in my trailers. All of them arrived with nothing but the babies in their young wombs, and I was happy to let them pay rent with their bodies.

After breakfast the next morning I called a friend, asking if he could give ‘Candy’ a prenatal check-up. Unlike most doctors, he answered his own phone. He was happy to make her an appointment for 8pm the next night at his house. He was a special kind of guy, who loved blowjobs from pregnant young women too. His fee was a blowjob for the checkup, then half a dozen more after the delivery. I’d pay for the medications, delivery room, and so on. The doctor was a necessity for the girls. I knew he’d never let them live with him, so I didn’t count it as cheating. I also thought it was kind of hot to watch. Other than my sleazy doctor buddy, the girls were mine.

Since Candy needed some clothes, I took her to the ‘closet’, the tie-dye looking trailer at the far end of the park. It didn’t have a stove or refrigerator, and the kitchen sink didn’t work, so we just used it for storage. She was happy to find three maternity dresses and a couple of bras that were a little big, but she’d quickly grow into. I was more than happy to get sucked off by the pretty little blonde as a ‘thank you’. I loved my job. I really and truly did!

As we walked out, I pointed to the trailer on the left. “When the baby’s a few months old, that one will be yours.” Some of the light blue paint was chipping off, but overall it wasn’t in bad shape. I pointed to the one next to it. “I need to take some girls grocery shopping. Melissa and Amy live there. Melissa’s been here the longest. She can give you some advice on babies and so-on. I think you’ll like her. Some of the other girls call her ‘Mom’”.

As we walked over, we saw Amy hanging laundry on a clothesline. “Hi Amy, this is Candy. Will you be ready for shopping soon?”

“Sure, once I finish this. Hi Candy, it’s nice to meet you.”

“You too, Amy.” Candy waved.

I knocked and led Candy inside. We saw Melissa mixing up a bowl of something. “Hi, Mel. This is Candy. Can you give her a little baby advice?”

“She’s a cutie! Sure, Leo. I’ll be happy to. I’m making an angel food cake. Would you like to help, Candy?”

Candy had a big smile. “I love cake!”

I asked, “Do you need anything from the grocery store, Candy? I know pregnant girls like odd things sometimes.”

Candy looked a little nervous. “Don’t think I’m weird, but I’m really craving bacon and chocolate. And pineapple! I’d love a bacon and pineapple sandwich with chocolate chips!”

I laughed a little. “I’ll see what I can do.”

I walked to my driveway and started up the old minibus. I’d gotten it cheap at an auction. We used it for most of our trips, since with the baby seat, my pickup truck could only hold one other passenger. I picked up the ladies that wanted to go shopping, and each gave me a kiss on their way to a seat.

At the store I picked up my regular groceries plus bacon, half a dozen cans of pineapple, chocolate chip cookies, and chocolate chip ice cream. Most pregnant girls I’d been around seemed to love ice cream. I was close to the checkouts in front when Kelly put two bottles of mouthwash in my cart, then added bottles of vodka and bourbon. She swatted my butt and stuck her tongue out at me.

I giggled and said, “Sorry.”

I subtly handed her two hundred as the real apology for the night before and she kissed my cheek. “Thanks, Leo.”

I helped the four girls load their groceries onto the bus and we went home.


As Melissa put the cake in the oven she told Candy, “Set the timer for 30 minutes, then we wait. I should tell you about how things work here. Leo will let you stay at his place until the baby is born. When you come back from the hospital, you’ll live with me for a few months. Amy and I will help you with diapers, feedings, and things. When the baby’s a few months old and you’re doing well, you’ll get your own trailer.”

“Yeah. He said I would have the blue one next to you.”

“That’s a good one. Everything works, and it has two bedrooms. I think you’ll be happy there. If you need anything, feel free to ask. We girls help each other out, like family. We take turns babysitting and take care of each other if anybody is sick.

When you have your baby and live with me, I know you’ll be way too sore for any sex for a few months. The rent will be doing oral sex for Leo and I twice a month each. Once you’re healed up and ready for it, until you move to your own place, rent will be making love to me twice a month and giving Leo a blowjob after he watches us.

Amy and I will help you take care of the baby, so you don’t need to get up five times a night for feedings or diaper changes, and you can share our bed if you like.”

Candy blushed nervously. “I really need the help, but I haven’t been with a girl before.”

“Most girls move to their own place when their baby is four or five months old, but Amy has been here a year. Both of us love fish tacos.” She giggled, then continued, “Most of us do camgirl work too. Do you know what that is?”

“Um, no.”

“Camgirls do sexy things in front of a camera, and guys on the internet tell us what they want to see. We get ten bucks an hour to just sit in front of the camera nude or in our underwear, and more if guys like us and give us tips, sometimes a LOT more. I should have enough to start college online next year.

When you have your own trailer, the rent is a blowjob and sex with Leo twice a month. That’s a lot better than seven or eight hundred to rent another trailer around here. I like girls better, but he’s not bad for a guy. He takes good care of us too. He pays for the utilities, drives us places, and fixes anything that’s broken. We can do more in bed with him if we need extra money, too.

There are two very big rules. Never, ever talk about money with Leo. If he wants to pay one of us to do something for him, he’ll talk about sex and what he likes. He’ll leave money on his kitchen table. You just take the money without talking about it. He likes talking about sex with us a lot, and you can say whatever you really think. If you’re ok doing what he’s asking for, but think the money on the table isn’t enough, knock on the table, and maybe he’ll give you more. If he doesn’t want to pay more, he’ll say he changed his mind, then you leave the money and go home. He doesn’t get upset about it.

If he wants something you don’t like, it’s ok to tell him you don’t want to. He’ll ask you to do something else, or let you go home and he’ll find another girl. But never talk about money with him. If you want something like a better TV, you can ask him for a TV, but never money. If you need money, tell him you miss being in his bed. He’ll understand and leave money on the table for you.”

Cindy nodded in understanding. “Okay.”

Melissa continued, “The other big rule is, absolutely no cheating with other guys, or even having a chance to cheat. Leo or one of us will take you to the hospital to give birth when it’s time, and Leo takes us to the hair salon, grocery store, and a few other places. We never leave alone. Leo is super-jealous. He won’t put up with even a chance of us cheating, except for the doctor.”

Candy asked, “The doctor?”

“You’re broke, or you wouldn’t be here. Instead of money, the doctor charges blowjobs. Leo will pay for medicine and the other things you need. Doc is … kind of weird, but he takes good care of us and our kids. No other men are allowed to touch us or even go near our trailers. Any time we’re away from home, we need to go as a group, usually with Leo. When you save up enough money and want to move away, you can whenever you want. But once you leave, you can’t come back here.”

Candy swallowed nervously. “Um, okay.”

Melissa smiled again, as she said, “If you like girls, loving another girl is fine, if Leo can watch sometimes. Once in a while he brings another girl here, so he can have sex with her while he watches me and Amy.”

“Uh …” Candy gulped.

“If you don’t like girls, the most you really need to do is sex once a week with me for a couple of months, until you go to your own place. I’m gentle, and I know what girls like. I think you and I could have a lot of fun.” She started playing with Candy’s fine blonde hair, making her uncomfortable.

The timer beeped, and Candy quickly said, “Cake time!” Despite the difficulty caused by her large pregnancy belly, she jumped up and grabbed the oven mitts.


In the beige and white trailer across the road, Jade was about to start her cam show for the day. As she put on her makeup, she said to herself, “$370 yesterday, today I’m going to try for $500. Maybe Leo will let me pay the rent in cash? I think I’d rather pay him $800 a month than give him two blowjobs and fuck him twice. If he wants more than that, I guess sex with him isn’t that bad.”

She was half Chinese and half Japanese with green eyes, which are rare for those of East Asian ancestry. Jade was the cleverest of Leo’s girls. She only started saving up six months earlier and had nearly twenty grand already. She was debating if she should stay and save up enough to buy a house, or if she wanted to move to an apartment and start a business.

She had bought some green contact lenses for a few hundred and spent everything she made in her first four months on a labiaplasty and “D” cup breasts. Her income immediately tripled. Large numbers of men thought her big boobs and newly smooth pussy were very sexy.

Many other cam-girls only worked an hour or two a day, but she was industrious. She was on cam at least six hours a day, sometimes seven or eight; and worked six days a week.

Most days she was a tease queen and rarely went nude on camera. She wore thin, revealing clothing that almost let the viewers see what they wanted, but not quite. She would play with her nipples through her lacy top or slowly masturbate through her panties, waiting for men to offer big tips to see her body.

The first time she had a real orgasm on camera, the men reacted well. Now she was cumming for real five or six times a day for money, and for her fans’ viewing pleasure. If nobody offered tips for a while, she would put a robe over her sexy outfit and slowly lick a popsicle or drink from a clear glass using a straw. Usually within a few minutes somebody would offer five dollars or more for her to take the robe off, so they could see what she usually wore anyway.

She pretended to be very shy. Revealing one of her nipples or her pussy for ten seconds earned her at least five bucks, and many were happy to pay. For a full minute of her playing with a nipple and masturbating nude, she wanted twenty dollars. Twenty bucks a minute! Most days she got it ten or more times. Horny men tended to be stupid men.

She knew viewers would get bored seeing the same thing all the time. Two days a week she left the green contacts out, and pretended to be her naughty, brown-eyed sister Jee, playing with small sex toys and sucking her nipples fully nude. She usually started at 4pm, when lots of men were leaving work. Many camgirls thought that since they were part of a business, they should start early in the day, 8am or even 6am, but Jade knew better. The one time she started early, she had only three viewers at 8am. At 8pm on weekdays, she usually had about a dozen. Some Fridays and Saturdays, she even hit the limit of thirty viewers per channel.

As another ploy, she started some drama by posting messages where the two ‘sisters’ Jade and Jee complained about each other, increasing her fan base even further. The previous day the ‘sisters’ started a catty argument about which of them was better at sucking off their non-existent brother, and who deserved to sleep with him more. The fictional arguments and incest drama would continue for months, then years, going viral and boosting her tips even more. Even a few hundred straight women and gay men who didn’t want to see her nude would pay a few dollars a month to see the soap-opera incest story she created.


Rhonda’s boy was at Kelly’s, and the short and chubby brunette was on camera. Rhonda didn’t think doing her hair and makeup every day was worth the bother, especially considering all the time she spent taking care of her son and babysitting for the other girls. She moved around on her bed nude, smoking a cigarette and wondering why only four guys were watching. She spread her legs to give them a look at her vagina, then crushed her cigarette out.

She was tempted to light another right away, but was poor and had to ration them out. She could only afford three packs a week, eight or nine cigarettes a day. A message displayed on her screen, “PUT A FINGER IN YOUR BUTT! $5”

She frowned and shook her head slowly. The thought of anal anything bothered her, and she lit another cigarette for the artificial calm it provided. After a few minutes another message said, “SUCK YOUR TITS!”

Rhonda didn’t mind, and dutifully did as she was asked. She held one of her large breasts and moved it toward her mouth, then licked and sucked her nipple. She heard one of the jingling chimes that indicated somebody had tipped her a dollar.

She realized she needed to make more, but hated feeling exposed and vulnerable by having a real orgasm on camera. She was afraid to let the guys see her when she was actually excited. She asked the men, “Do you want to see me play with my pussy?”

The responses were less than spectacular:

“All the girls do that.”


“Put a toy in your ass!”


She finished her cigarette and started slowly rubbing her outer labia.

“Not bad”




She heard one of the loud chimes, letting her know one of them had tipped her five dollars, but there were only three viewers left in her channel. She saw from the clock she’d been on camera two hours. It was time to go get her son. She said, “See you tomorrow, guys” then clicked the camera off.

She mused aloud, “Only thirty-one bucks today. That’s barely enough for groceries and diapers. I wish I could leave and do a real job instead. It’s embarrassing being naked, and I barely make anything. I don’t really like him that way, but maybe Leo will give me a hundred if I let him fuck me again?”


I was in the middle of sixty-nine with Candy when her water broke, right in my face. For a second I thought she might be squirting, but her groan of pain and a little blood cleared up my confusion.


I assured her. “It’ll be alright. Most births take hours and hours, especially the first one. Let’s clean up and get dressed.” I was happy she’d finally be able to hold her baby, but was sad for myself. I’d miss getting pregnant blowjobs from her.


Five days later, I returned to the hospital while my doctor friend was giving them a final checkup. He took a very long time making sure Candy’s breasts were okay. Before walking out, he said, “You have a check-up next week, 7pm Sunday at my house.”

I knew the routine well. I’d bring Candy to his place for six weekly ‘check-ups’, mostly so he could check how good her mouth felt on his dick. She didn’t have the money to pay for the birth, and I thought watching blowjobs was kind of hot.

As we were packing up to go, Candy told me, “My boy’s name is Darren Leonardo, Darren after my grandfather, and Leonardo after you, Leo. I love you! Thank you so much!”

I kissed her forehead, “I like you too, Candy. But you know how things work. I’ll see you at least a few times a week, and if you need anything I’m at the top of the hill.”

“But why can’t we stay with you? You have a spare bedroom and I’ll do almost anything you want! I love you!”

“We talked about this before, Candy. I want you to be happy and I’ll help, but I’m not in love. I’m not going to marry you. I’m just a good friend who loves blowjobs. You’ll be okay.”

She cried quietly as she held little Darren and an orderly pushed her wheelchair. I was stuck dragging what felt like four tons of baby supplies to the parking lot. When we were finally in my truck, I told her, “Amy is looking forward to having a third baby in their trailer. She loves babies even more than most new moms. Her and Melissa will help you a lot.”

Melissa was eager to have Candy live with them, and even more eager to have her face between Candy’s legs. I can’t explain it, and I don’t really understand it, but Melissa is hot for post-birth vaginas. Everybody has their special thing, but I still think it’s very strange. Melissa thinks it’s crazy that I love feeling a pregnancy belly while getting my dick sucked, so fair is fair.

Things were going well, until it was time for Candy to ‘pay the rent’. Candy freaked out when Melissa touched her boobs and refused to do anything with her. I talked with several of the other girls, and Rhonda agreed to take her in. Candy didn’t like that Rhonda smoked, but put up with it if Rhonda wouldn’t do anything sexual with her.

I got a huge shock a week later. I was starting to rub one out watching a naughty Asian girl Jee on the screen in my bedroom. I thought she looked a lot like Jade. I wondered if they might be related, as I switched the channel from her to Rhonda.

She was sitting next to Candy on her bed. Both wore bath robes that partly concealed their bikinis. Rhonda was saying, “Tell all your friends, guys. Candy just had a baby, and Saturday night she’s going to show you her pussy. I’m going to teach her to smoke too. Tell all your friends with smoke fetishes, and guys that like big pussies. Saturday at seven this pretty new mom will spread her legs for the camera, and learn to suck on dirty, naughty cigarettes.” She exhaled a cloud of smoke as the video ended, then it switched to another girl. During the brief speech, Candy’s cheeks had gone from white, to pink, to ‘stop light’.

Rhonda’s usual approach was, “I’m here. Pay me if you want.” Her promotion skills had improved dramatically. I wondered if she’d been talking to Jade.


Jade was glad Rhonda and Candy agreed to watch her baby as often as she wanted for just some basic advice. Now she could be on camera ten or twelve hours a day! She’d be rich!


Candy and Rhonda agreed to share baby duties, cam show time, and the profits. Rhonda was amazed when they made $465 on Candy’s first night, and nearly two thousand dollars the first week. Rhonda had never made more than $300 in a week before. They started doing their hair and makeup before every show. Both abhorred doing cunnilingus, but were okay with kissing each other if it made them money. Sometimes they shared cigarettes by kissing and blowing smoke into each other’s mouths and made even more.

After two months of camming together, they were comfortable enough to play with each other’s breasts and masturbate while sitting next to each other, letting their fans share their orgasms. Candy decided to stay, instead of moving to another trailer. They started having sex with Leo together, kissing with his penis between their lips, and playing with each other’s bodies as he rode them. After a year together, they tried sixty-nine on camera and discovered they loved it. Their fans did too.

Their trailer bedroom wasn’t much, but it was their own dirty little Heaven.

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