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A house guest has a confession


I woke slowly to my name being whispered and a hand on my arm, gently shaking me awake. Pulling myself out of dreams I already couldn't remember, I saw my house guest, Shana, standing next to the bed. She was wearing what I presumed were her sleep clothes, an over-sized t-shirt that hung down almost to her knees.

"Shana? What time is it? What's going on?" I asked, confused. It's not every day that a stripper wakes you up in the middle of the night.

"I'm really sorry Craig. it's three-thirty in the morning but that couch is killing my back tonight," she whispered. "Is it ok if I share this bed with you for the night?"

Still not fully awake, I turned to the empty side of the king-sized bed I was laying in. "Sure Shana, whatever you want. Just let me go back to sleep."

I rolled back over on my side and felt the bed shift a bit as she climbed under the blankets. Fortunately in a matter of moments I was back asleep.

Hours later, I woke to the light of morning coming through the bedroom window. Hearing slow breathing behind me, I turned and saw Shana fast asleep. I vaguely recalled her waking me in the middle of the night and shook my head.

Climbing out of bed, I grabbed some clothes from my dresser and took them to the bathroom. After a quick shower and getting dressed, I headed to the kitchen to make some breakfast. As I began scrambling eggs and getting bacon in the pan, my mind started wandering to how I now found myself with a beautiful young woman in my bedroom.


I originally met Shana through a good friend of mine, Alex. Alex and I had known one another for years after bonding over common interests in movies. Alex was in his mid-twenties while I was a good ten years older but that didn't get in the way of our friendship.

A few years into knowing one another, Alex started dating Shana. They had known one another in high school and then lost touch. A few years later they randomly ran into one another when Shana was on her way to a strip club to try and get her first job dancing. He asked her out, they started dating and that's how she and I met.

I will admit, when I met Shana, I thought she was way out of Alex's league. He's a funny guy but I don't think anyone would confuse him with handsome. Shana, on the other hand, is stunning. At about five feet tall, she has a petite but athletic frame, long blonde hair, quite small breasts and a brilliant smile.

The beginning of their relationship was all sunshine and rainbows and I enjoyed getting to know her better. Alex loved the idea of showing Shana off and would drag our friend group to her shows at the club. I will admit that it was a bit of a weird dynamic to see her dancing naked on the pole only to have her come over and sit down, still naked, at our table to chat about our weekend plans. I'm not complaining of course, a beautiful naked woman is something I always enjoy.

The two of them dated for about a year and a half but over time the relationship broke down. Alex's desire to show her off turned into him becoming pretty possessive of her and getting jealous. A couple of weeks ago they ended the relationship. They had been living together in an apartment owned by Alex's parents so she moved out and has been couch surfing with friends while she looks for her own place.

So now I find myself with her surfing my couch. She gave me a call a few days ago and said she needed a couch to crash on and I was more than happy to help out. Despite her obvious attractiveness (and weirdness seeing her naked at work), our relationship was one where I saw her as somewhat of a little sister, particularly since she was almost 15 years younger than me.

For me, my wife and I had split up about a year earlier. Jenny and I had grown apart over the six years we were married as our interests diverged and we found ourselves no longer interested in being a part of one another's lives. After she moved out, I decided to focus on my work and not worry about relationships for now. The previous few years had been all drama and I needed a break from that.


Lost in thought, I didn't realize that Shana had walked into the kitchen until I heard, "Careful you don't burn that bacon."

Bringing my attention back to the present moment, I flipped the bacon in the pan and then turned to see Shana in the entrance to the kitchen. Her tousled long blonde hair fell over her shoulders and onto the long shirt she was still wearing. I couldn't help but notice that her nipples were hard and poking against the sheer fabric. In the light of day I could more easily see each of her arms' colorful tattoo sleeves.

I smiled and said, "Good morning, is your back feeling any better?" I turned back to the breakfast I was making so as not to stare.

"Oh man, best sleep I've had in weeks. I'm so sorry for waking you but I didn't want to presume and I didn't want you to be surprised waking up next to someone you didn't fall asleep with," she answered, before stifling a yawn.

"It was a surprise either way but don't worry about it. It feels kind of odd sometimes, laying by myself in a king-sized bed. It's quite a bit more than I need," I replied. "I made enough food for the both of us if you want to join me."

I pulled the pans off the stove as Shana grabbed plates and forks. After dividing the food between the two of us, we stood at the counter as we ate.

"Sorry I don't have a table to eat at," I said between bites. "One bedroom apartments in this city at this rent means you choose between owning a couch or owning a table."

Shana laughed and nodded to the couch, "No need to apologize, I'm grateful that you chose the couch and let me crash here for a bit."

"Any time," I replied. "It's not like I'm using it at this point. I work from my bedroom and the big TV is in there. I know it's sad but I spend most of my time chilling in my bedroom so you're welcome to the couch."

She smiled that dazzling smile and said, "You're the best."

We finished eating and dropped the dishes into the dishwasher. I washed my hands and moved the pans into the sink.

"What are you up to today?" she asked.

"I don't know, it's kind of a dreary day for a Saturday. Honestly I was thinking about just being a bum and watching TV. There are a couple of comedy specials I wanted to check out," I said. "What about you?"

"God that actually sounds kind of great," she replied, smiling. "I have to get to the club around six tonight for my shift. But other than that I'm kind of wiped out." She thought for a moment before looking at me with widened eyes, fluttering her eyelashes ridiculously with a comical grin. "Craaaaig... any chance I can impose on your day of being a bum and just veg out with you?"

I laughed at the goofy expression she was making and shrugged. "I support anyone's desire to be an unproductive member of society. I'm going to take care of these pans and then I'll meet you in there."

"Yaay!" she squealed, hopping and clapping her hands. "I'll get dressed and see you in a sec!"

I shook my head at her over the top excitement for a lazy day and scrubbed pans until they were as good as they were going to get. Drying off my hands, I walked back towards the bedroom, passing the door to the bathroom. As I did, it opened and we nearly ran into each other.

"Eep!" she squeaked, before laughing. "Sorry about that!"

I grinned and replied, "My fault, I'm not used to sharing the space with anyone these days. I guess I just kind of rampage through. You go ahead first."

She passed in front of me and I couldn't help but notice her change of clothes. She had switched into very short workout shorts and a tank top that clearly had no bra beneath it. Perfect loungewear but I couldn't help notice that I could feel a bit of a stirring inside me at the sight of her barely covered body walking in front of me.

We went into the bedroom and she jumped into bed. I climbed in after her and we got under the covers. I flipped the television on, opened up Netflix and browsed a bit until I found one of the comedy specials I had been wanting to watch.

"Good with this?" I asked.

"You're the driver, Craig," she said. "I'm good with it if you are."

Over the next half hour or so we laughed but over time I eventually noticed that Shana had gotten quiet. Glancing over at her, I realized that she had fallen back asleep. She was curled on her side and seemed to be sleeping peacefully. My gaze drifted across her features - her high cheekbones, the curve of her full lips, her long neck.

Shaking my head, I turned my attention back to the show. Shana would occasionally stir in her sleep, changing positions. At one point, she rolled over and draped her arm across my chest, her face nuzzled into my side. It had been so long since I'd had a woman touch me that I could feel the blood rushing to my groin, my cock starting to swell.

I refocused on the show as it was wrapping up. When it ended I grabbed the remote to switch to the next thing to watch. My movements must have been enough to wake Shana as she laid against me.

"Mmmm," she hummed, "this is nice." She ran her hand across my chest, her eyes still closed.

"Sleep ok?" I asked.

Shana smiled and continued to stroke my chest lightly. "Yeah, sorry I'm a bad TV partner. I clearly needed to get some rest."

"The whole point is to do nothing and relax, I'd say you've done quite well," I said, smiling.

She opened her eyes slowly and propped herself up on an elbow. The change in position had her body pressed closer to me. She kept running her hand across my shirt.

"I have a question I've been wanting to ask you," she said, looking into my eyes.

"Sure, ask away." I replied, my body feeling warmer under her touch.

"How come you never made a move on me?" she asked without reservation.

I started to stammer but paused for a moment before responding. "What are you talking about?" I asked, somewhat incredulously.

"Well it's just that, doing what I do, just about every man I've ever met tries to make a pass at me. But you never have. Why is that?"

Collecting my thoughts, I focused on her hand as it moved across me, zeroing in on the different designs in the tattoos that reached down past her wrist.

"You were with Alex and he's my friend. I wouldn't do something like that to him," I said finally.

"Sure, but we aren't together now. We haven't been for a little while."

"Yeah, but it just seems like it would be weird. And come on, you're a good fifteen years younger than me. Even if I had wanted to make a move, why would I possibly think you would be interested?" I asked.

"Ha!" she laughed sharply. "There are old men who think they would have a chance and have tried." Her hand started to slowly move downward, now making small circles across my stomach. "I don't think you're too old for me at all. I think you're hot as hell."

"Shana..." I said. "I don't know where you think this is going but I don't know that this is a great idea."

"Well," she responded, "maybe we should see where it might start to go and decide then." As she said this, her hand moved further down running over the length of my rock hard cock.

"Oh my..." she smiled slyly. "Now this is a pleasant surprise. I figured you might have some size just based on your natural confidence but you're packing!"

I could feel my cheeks flush a bit. I've got a nice sized member, roughly eight inches and thick. It's not a monster but I get no complaints. But hearing her talk about it was definitely a turn on.

When I didn't pull her hand away, she clearly took it as a green light to keep going. She slipped her hand under the waistband of my sweatpants and took hold.

"Oh yes, this will do nicely," she said, a tinge of hunger in her tone.

Gripping me firmly, she slowly moved her hand up and down the length of my cock. It felt amazing just having someone touching me after so long. I could feel my breath getting more shallow.

Shana continued to stroke me for a few minutes and then abruptly stopped. "Too restrictive!" she exclaimed. Sitting up, she threw the blankets off of us and curled her fingertips around the waistband of my sweatpants. "Come on, up and off. Help me," she semi-ordered.

I obliged and lifted my hips off of the mattress. She slid both my pants and underwear off in one smooth motion. Getting up on her knees, she repositioned herself so that she was sitting between my legs. She lifted my knees so that she could slide her own underneath them.

Shana refocused on my member that was standing at attention. This time, she wrapped both hands around it, moving them up and down, sometimes rotating them around the shaft.

"Fuck that feels good," I said, my eyes closing.

"No, no. No closing your eyes mister," she grinned devilishly. "Here, I'll give you something to pay attention to." Releasing me, she grabbed the bottom of her tank top and pulled it up over her head exposing her small, perky breasts. Her nipples looked like they were about as hard as I was.

"That... that is definitely something to keep an eye on," I said.

Shana grinned happily and took hold of me again. Using both hands caused her arms to push her small breasts together which looked even sexier. She softly hummed to herself as she stared at my cock while she worked.

Soon, a small bit of precum leaked out of the head of my cock. "Ooh, it looks like we might be making some progress!" she exclaimed.

Without warning, she leaned forward and slipped the head of my cock into her mouth, her tongue running against the underside and cleaning me of the precum. She bobbed her head a inch or two a couple of times and then pulled her head back, releasing me with an audible popping sound.

"I'll be honest, I'm not sure I've ever had a cock that thick in my mouth," she said bluntly. "Certainly not Alex's little string bean."

That comment suddenly brought the reality of what was happening crashing into my mind. Was I really this person? Was I considering this with a close friend's ex-girlfriend? It didn't seem right.

Shana apparently realized the effect her words had as my cock started to soften ever so slightly. "Oh no you don't," she said firmly. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said the 'A' word but this has nothing to do with him."

"Shana, I don't know. Are you really sure you want to do this?" I asked.

"Craig, I've fantasized about fucking you every way to Sunday for a year now," she said, an unusual shyness detectable in her voice. "I have several people who could have given me a place to stay and it would have been way nicer than your couch." She looked intently into my eyes and said, "This is why I asked you."

Sensing some trace of uncertainty in my expression, her face took on a look of resolve. "It sounds like I'm going to have to break out the big guns," she said with a grin.

With my legs still hanging over hers, she sat up on her knees which caused my legs to get propped up higher in the air. With a little shimmy, she pushed her small shorts down from her hips and pulled them off. Having seen her dance in the past I knew that she kept herself completely shaved but it had a much different effect on me and my cock having her be so close.

"Just relax, baby," she cooed, "Let me take care of you." She took hold of my ankles and pushed them further back toward me. She grabbed my cock and pulled it toward her and I realized where she was taking this.

I had never been fucked in the Amazon position but I had seen it in videos. I could feel my cock clench in anticipation as she raised her hips up and ran my cock between her pussy lips. Her juices glistened against my skin as she went back and forth, teasing us both with my head near her entrance.

Finally she had enough and sank her weight down on me, my cock sliding deep into her as she mounted me.

"Fuuuuck," we both groaned in unison.

Shana smiled wickedly at me and then wrapped her inked arms around each of my thighs. Using them for leverage, she slowly moved up until I almost came out of her and then slid back down onto me.

My mind was reeling as I watched this crazy scene unfolding in front of me. She had complete control of the moment, establishing a consistent rhythm as she rode me.

"How does this feel for you?" she asked between thrusts.

"Goddamn, Shana" I said breathlessly. "This is amazing... crazy... you are so fucking hot."

She laughed lightly and picked up the pace a bit. I groaned and grabbed one of her arms.

"I haven't been with anyone for quite a while. If you keep this up, I don't know how long I'll last," I said.

"Honey we have all afternoon. I can always stir you back up again if need be," she said with a wink.

With that out there, I relaxed, that concern off my mind and started to really enjoy the show. She was clearly entertained with it as she started bucking her hips back and forth each time she came down onto me.

After a few more minutes of this, she slowed down to a stop. "Ok, my thighs are burning and I still have to dance tonight. Your turn!"

She hopped off of my dick and let my legs fall to each side of her. She climbed over one and laid down on her back, one hand grabbing my nearest wrist and pulling me on top of her.

"Come on baby," she said, "I want to feel you on top of me."

I didn't need any more encouragement than that. I took my spot between her legs and smoothly slid my cock into her.

"Ohhh fuck," she exclaimed, "I think you're even deeper."

I started thrusting into her, every moan and gasp that she made continued to build my confidence as I moved faster and harder. We kissed deeply as I thrust into her.

Changing my position slightly, I sat back on my haunches and continued thrusting into her, her legs now suspended in mid-air. She looked down at herself and her eyes grew wide.

"Holy shit!" she exclaimed.

Confused, I looked down and realized what had caught her attention. With every push into her, you could see the head of my cock moving beneath the surface of her stomach. It created a bulge that would appear and disappear as I pulled out each time.

Shana moved her hand down to her stomach and felt my cock thrusting into her. "Fuck that is so sexy. You're huge!" she said with surprise.

"Alright alright," I said. "I'm not that big, you're just that small. I'm like above average."

She gave me a mocking laugh, shaking her head. "Baby, somehow I suspect I have seen more dicks than you have. Believe me."

I grinned and continued fucking her until she moved her legs down around me and squeezed to slow me down until she made me stop. With a crook of her finger, she said, "Come up here, I want to taste myself on you."

Fucking hell this girl.

I reluctantly pulled out of her and moved up her body. My hips passed her breasts and I settled with my legs on each side of her, pinning her arms to the bed. I tilted forward and she craned her neck upwards so she could wrap her lips around my cock.

I could feel her licking voraciously all over me. I slid myself in and out of her full lips, amazed at the view as her cheeks hollowed themselves out every time she sucked. Finally, she released me and her head fell back to the bed.

"Woo, I could do that all day but my neck is sore. If you free my arms I can find a better position for..." I cut her off as I leaned forward and laid my balls across her mouth.

"Ooh this works too!" she said, a bit muffled. She slid her tongue all across and under my balls, saliva dripping everywhere. She would suck each one into her mouth, hum a little and then switch to the other. She tried to get both in her mouth at once but it was too tricky without the use of her hands.

I was in heaven. This girl was a sex demon.

She started licking underneath my sack and I suddenly felt her knee against my back, pushing me further up her body. Without warning, her tongue slid further down and right across my asshole. The nerves there exploded in my brain and my cock jerked.

Having moved further up, her arms were now free enough that she grabbed each of my ass cheeks and pulled them apart so that she could slide her tongue directly into me. She gave little darting thrusts with the tip of her tongue, and then drew little circles around my rectum with it.

I couldn't help myself and grabbed my cock, starting to jerk it. I could barely see her eyes underneath me but she was clearly smiling as she stared at stroking myself above her.

After a couple of minutes of this I was feeling like I might explode. I didn't want this to end so I pulled back from her and her tongue slid out of my asshole. She made a little disappointed sound, pouting.

"I'm not letting this end without tasting you," I told her.

I spun around and spread her legs with my hands. On both of my knees next to her, I plunged down and buried my tongue in her cunt without warning.

She yelped loudly and I felt her bury her fingers in my hair, pushing my face further into her. She groaned as I tongue fucked her as deeply as I could. I pulled back slightly and started running the tip of my tongue against her clit. In reaction, her legs slammed together on either side of my head, trying to pull me in closer.

"Fuuuuuuuck," she cried out. I could feel her starting to try and readjust herself on the bed. I realized she was grabbing my closest leg to her and trying to lift it. I obliged and she moved underneath my cock which was now hanging in her face.

"Two can play at that game," she exhaled breathlessly and then I felt my cock engulfed in her mouth. She was bobbing up and down from below as I ate her out with abandon. I could feel her banging the head of my cock against the back of her throat, and could hear the soft gagging noises she was making.

I felt myself building and didn't want to come before she did. I wrapped my arms around her hips and slid two fingers into her as my tongue worked her clit. With the other hand I rubbed a finger around the outside of her asshole which was completely drenched with her pussy juices.

Her moaning was almost instantaneous in reaction and suddenly I felt her mouth open wide around me as she groaned deeply, her whole body clenching around me.

I kept working my tongue and fingers on her as she began spasming as she came. The sounds that came from her mouth, which still had my cock in it, were unintelligible but loud. Her back arched off of the bed and finally she collapsed. When she did, my weight came down on her and I felt my cock push right past her throat barrier and down her throat.

The sound she made was one of shock and panic. I tried to get off of her by getting to my knees but her hands slammed onto my ass cheeks and pulled me deeper into her incredibly tight throat. She started moving her head slightly, clearly wanting me to fuck her throat and I didn't hesitate.

With my face still buried in her cunt, I thrust as deep as I could, pulling out just enough for her to get a bit of air before thrusting back into her.

In no time I exploded, my dick so deep in Shana's throat, I could feel her jaw against my pelvic bone. My cock jerked over and over, firing rope after rope of cum directly into her stomach. It kept going. I felt like I'd emptied a gallon of liquid into her.

When I finally finished, she tapped my hip on one side and I raised up off of her, sitting down on one hip next to her.

She gulped down what was still left in her mouth before gasping as she stared at the ceiling, shaking her head.

"You ok?" I asked.

She paused for a minute to catch her breath and said, "Do you know how often I've tried to deepthroat guys smaller than you and couldn't do it. Unbelievable. Apparently I just have to have the best orgasm I can remember in order to do it!"

I laughed and collapsed next to her, our bodies pointed in different directions. We were absolutely covered in sweat and still breathing hard.

As we slowly calmed down, I rolled off the bed and told her I was going to grab us some water. I stopped in the bathroom and cleaned myself up a bit and then returned to the bedroom with a couple of glasses that were half full.

"Oh man, I so need this right now," she said, taking one of the glasses from me. She emptied it in one shot.

I drank mine as well and then laid back down on the bed next to her. Turning to her, I said, "You're amazing."

She laughed and exclaimed, "Fuck that! I think that might be the best sex I've ever had!"

We laughed together and settled into a brief silence. My mind was whirling at this unexpected turn of events.

After a few minutes, Shana cleared her throat, slightly wincing at what I could only imagine was a bit of soreness. "So I know I said I had one question, but I actually had two."

"Uhh.. ok. Fire away," I responded, unsure of where this was going.

"So last night after you said I could sleep in this bed, I opened the nightstand over here, looking for a sleep mask. I hope you don't mind, I wasn't trying to pry. I didn't find a sleep mask but I did find these." She had opened the nightstand and was now holding what was one of a set of four restraints with ropes attached to them.

"If you haven't been with anyone recently, what are these for?" she asked with a grin.

I flushed red with embarrassment and replied, "Those are, ah, from my previous relationship. We were into a bit of bondage to try and spice things up. I probably should have gotten rid of them but they were kind of expensive so I just left them and, honestly, forgot they were even there." I shrugged.

A thoughtful expression crossed her face and she said, "I've never actually met someone who was any good at that. But... I've always been interested."

My interest was now fully piqued. "Oh? Interested in what?"

"Well, I tend to be the aggressive one in bed, as you might have been able to tell," she giggled.

"Fucking hell, no kidding!" I exclaimed.

She continued, "But I think it's more because I haven't always trusted someone to let me be the passive one." She paused before adding, "I don't know why, maybe it's just because you're such a good guy, but I would trust you."

I wasn't going to make this easy on her. "Trust me with what?" I asked with a smile.

"Oh I see you're going to make me ask for it," she pouted. "You know, tie me up. Take control."

"Technically you didn't ask me a question," I retorted.

Her mouth opened in an 'O' shape in surprise and laughed. "Ok, sorry. Will you tie me up and fuck me?"

"Hmm, I don't know. I'm not sure if you asked me nicely enough," I said.

Her eyes widened a little bit and then she grinned. Moving very close to me so that her lips were barely an inch apart, she laid the restraint on my chest and whispered, "Please, Daddy, will you tie me up and have your way with me?"

If my cock wasn't already hard, that would have made it stiff as a board. I rolled over on my side to face her and said, "Very well. Lie on your stomach."

She grinned and excitedly laid on her stomach, her head facing me so she could still see me.

"Spread eagle," I commanded as I got off the bed. She obeyed. I took the restraint she had handed me and, with a little bit of fumbling, properly tied one arm to the bedpost.

I circled around the bed and pulled the rest of the restraints out of the nightstand drawer. Attaching each one between Shana and the bed went smoother than the last, muscle memory waking up.

Finally she was tied down and stretched out on her stomach. I had made sure there was very little give in the restraints. Standing at the bottom of the bed to observe my handiwork, I said "Test it out."

She wriggled around a bit but there was very little movement aside from her hips rotating from side to side. She tried to crane her neck so that she could see me better without a lot of success.

"What are you going to do to me, Daddy?" she asked playfully.

"Quiet!" I said firmly, bringing the flat of my palm down on one of her bare ass cheeks. It certainly wasn't as hard as it could have been but was enough to get my point across. She screamed in surprise but bit it off quickly, trying to obey.

I climbed onto the bed between her knees and reached down between her legs. I slipped my thumb into her pussy and rubbed her clit with one finger.

She groaned and I could feel her hips starting to move in time with the motions of my finger. I continued to do this until she whimpered, "But Daddy, I want you to fuck me..."

This time my hand crashed down on her ass with a resounding clap. She shrieked as I yelled, "I said quiet!" I felt juices from her cunt flooding through her around my thumb and down her thighs, getting the sheets wet below her.

I pulled my thumb out of her and climbed off the bed. She whimpered with a small pout but I allowed it. With my back to her and blocking her view of the nightstand, I opened it back up. Although she couldn't see, I had withdrawn a small bottle of lube.

I moved back to the bed and got between her legs once again. She twisted her head back and forth to try and see what I had taken. "What... what did you get?" she asked meekly.

Slam! This time I left a red handprint across one ass cheek. She squealed but I didn't even bother saying anything, knowing my point was made.

I sat back on my haunches, my cock standing proudly in front of me. I uncapped the lube and spread a fair bit around the head. Setting the bottle aside, I moved over her, lining myself up.

When she felt the wet tip of my cock starting to probe around her asshole, her hips jumped, trying to pull away. She didn't get very far due to the restraints.

"What... what are you doing?" she asked.

"Probably what you think I'm doing," I replied.

"Listen, I don't do anal. I tried it once, it really hurt. It couldn't even go in" she whimpered, clearly realizing her powerlessness in this moment.

"I believe you said you were going to fuck me every which way until Sunday, did you not?" I asked.

"Yes, but..."

"And I believe you also said you wanted me to have my way with you, no?" I interrupted.

"Well yes..."

"And you said you trust me, correct."

There was a pause but it was followed by a small nod. "I do actually. I do trust you," she said, a new firmness in her voice.

"Then trust me," I said softly.

She nodded, this time without a pause.

"So, what would you like me to do?" I asked.

"... fuck me?" she said sheepishly.

"You're going to have to be more specific than that," I retorted.

"... fuck my... my ass?" she asked.

"You don't sound too sure of it, Shana," I said.

She paused, this time taking a deep breath. "I want you... I want you to fuck my ass, Daddy," she barely whispered.

"Very well then," I replied.

Knowing that she'd had a bad experience in the past I decided to be a bit more merciful than I'd originally intended. I sat back and opened the lube again, this time drenching one of my fingers. I put it against her small, puckered hole, and her body clenched up. I waited until she relaxed and slowly moved my finger in circles. She continued to relax as I did.

When she had gotten used to this, I slowly pressed my finger tip into her ass. Her body, particularly her asshole, started clenching again, so I calmly said, "Relax. Stop tightening up."

She nodded in response, clearly holding her breath.

"Breathe," I told her.

I heard a full exhale and started seeing her breathing regularly once again.

"Good," I said as I slowly started pressing again. My finger slipped into the first knuckle and I stopped and held it there. Her ass had clenched up around me but I could already feel it starting to relax again.

When it had relaxed fully, I pressed forward again and my finger disappeared inside of her.

"Good girl," I beamed.

She whimpered but it had a bit of a happy, almost proud tone to it. I kept my finger inside of her for a few moments before withdrawing it. I could see her body visibly relax as I did.

I knew there would need to be a little more help so I climbed off the bed and once again went back to the nightstand. This time I took a vibrator from the drawer and brought it back to the bed.

I slid the vibrator into her with ease, her cunt still sopping wet. I pressed the button at the base and it hummed to life.

"Oh!" Shana exclaimed in surprise.

"Just a nice little distraction," I assured her.

I got back into position and applied a bit more lube to my cock. I rubbed the tip of it against her puckered ass and saw it flex in response. I continued to rub the head against her until I saw her relax a little.

With that, I leaned forward, the tip of my cock piercing her virgin hole. Shana's entire body seized up in fear and the tip of my dick shot out of her ass.

I leaned over her and hissed in her ear, "Relax, babygirl."

She looked up at me with tears having formed in her eyes. She nodded and I could see the tension slowly easing out of her.

Once again, I repositioned my cock at the entrance to her hole and pressed it into her. I got slightly further than before before she started clenching but she fought it before I could be expelled from her. I felt her sphincter relax enough that I pushed forward again, the full head of my cock having passed the barrier.

"Ohhh my god," she whispered. "Fuck it hurts..."

"Too much?" I asked.

She paused for a moment and then shook her head.

"It burns," she said, "but I think it's lessening."

I nodded and waited for her to relax herself again. Feeling her muscles around the head of my cock loosen, I pushed forward again. The lube did its job as I pressed all the way into her until my hips were resting against her ass cheeks.

"Fuucccckk..." she keened, an almost wailing sound. "I feel so... full... it's like there's an iron bar in my ass."

I chuckled softly, my lips softly kissing her ear as I stayed in place.

Soon, she started nodding.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I'm ready," she said resolutely.

"Ready for what?" I asked innocently.

She laughed softly and said, "I'm ready for you to fuck me. I want it. I want you to fuck my butt, Daddy."

Not waiting for any second guessing, I slowly slid my member out of her until only the head remained. I reached down between her legs and pressed the button on the vibrator, turning the power up a couple of levels.

"Ohhhhhh," she cried out in surprise. I pushed back into her butthole and that surprised cry became a surprised shout.

I grabbed hold of her hips and slowly started to thrust in and out of her. She got better and better at controlling her body. Soon, I picked up a consistent pace.

She was moaning beneath me as I did. I wasn't sure if it was from the vibrator or from my repeatedly filling her ass with cock. Probably both.

After a while, I started sensing her pushing back against me, almost an eagerness in it. I knew that meant that she was starting to get closer to the edge. I started picking my pace up.

"Oh god... you're just so fucking big inside me. I have no idea how my tiny hole is taking you in," she whimpered.

In response, I started thrusting harder into her which shocked her, expelling all of the air in her lungs. I started slamming into her ass, every thrust being accompanied by louder and louder grunting between moans.

I reached forward and took hold of her forehead in one hand and her jaw in another. Using them for leverage, I fucked her ass harder and harder. Soon I was using all of the force I could muster and the noises she was making were an amalgamation of grunting, screaming and moaning.

Finally I felt it. Her body seized up once again while my shaft was buried deep in her butt and she cried out as she came hard. Feeling her anus repeatedly clenching around me, I gave one last thrust and exploded as well. I felt shot after shot of cum go directly into her bowels. In the back of my mind I wondered how that was possible given how much I had emptied into her belly.

Finally we collapsed, me on top of her with my cock still firmly implanted in her butt. I could feel the vibrator still going through the thin wall dividing her pussy and ass.

Grasping above her, I unfastened the restraints around each of her wrists. I reached down awkwardly to pull the vibrator out of her and turned it off.

She whimpered as I did so and softly cried out as my dick popped out of her ass as well. I got off the bed and undid her feet so that she could once again move freely. She didn't.

I got into bed with her and pulled the blankets back over us. We were a sweaty, sticky mess but I pulled her close. She curled into me and breathed deeply.

"I was wrong," she said.

"Wrong about what?" I asked?

"THAT was the best sex I've ever had. I didn't even know something like that could be possible."

I smiled and stroked her hair. We rested like that for a little while before she finally lifted her head to look at the clock.

"Wow, we've been at it for hours. I need to shower and start getting ready for work." She uncurled herself from me and moved to the side of the bed. She uneasily stood up and took a couple of steps.

"Fuck," she said.

"What's going on?"

"I can't even walk straight right now, how am I going to dance?"

I laughed loudly as she gave me a weak grin.

"Call in sick?" I asked her as I pulled the blanket back on the bed, exposing my slowly hardening cock.

She looked at it and looked at me then climbed back into bed. "That is a wonderful idea," she said as she nuzzled into my neck.

We stayed there for a while and I felt myself starting to drift. Then I heard her voice quietly, curiously.

"Was that a gag and a collar I saw in the nightstand as well?"
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