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Dr. Price become Nurse Price when her dad needs help recovering from a bad accident
"Dr. Spiegel. I'm Dr. Price."

Jim Spiegel looked up from the stack of medical charts into the eyes of a very pretty, well-dressed lady. She was extending her hand to him. Instinctively, he shook her hand and said, "Dr. Price. I have a patient with the same last name. Any chance you're related?"

"Tom Price," she said. "He's my father. How's he doing?"

"Frankly, he's lucky to be alive, but I think he'll be fine. He has a nasty contusion on the crown of his head, the radius and ulna in each arm is broken, and he broke the tibia in his left leg. Dr. Krieger, our on-call orthopod worked on him right after the accident and reported that the surgery went well. Come on and I'll show you."

As they walked toward the large flat-screen computer monitor in the back of the ICU, Rhianna Price, MD asked, "Any LOC?"

"Oh, yes," Dr. Spiegel replied. "The EMT said he was out cold. From what we can tell from their report, the truck crossed the centerline and hit your father head on. His airbag deployed and broke both his arms. Apparently, he wasn't wearing his seatbelt, so he went over the top of the airbag and struck his head on the windshield frame. The engine collapsed the fire wall and smashed his leg. As I was saying, he's lucky to be alive."

Rhianna shook her head and said, "Maybe now he'll start wearing his seatbelt. I've been on him for years. Did you do a head CT?"

By way of reply, Dr. Spiegel pulled up the CT scan image on the monitor. "No signs of intracranial bleeding, but we'll keep him in the ICU for at least 24-hours." He then pulled up the pre- and post-operative x-rays of his arms and leg for her to observe.

"Damn”, She said.

"Yep”, Dr. Spiegel responded. He looked at her closely. She looked as tired as he felt. She had dark blue eyes that made him wonder if they were actually that color, or if she was wearing tinted contact lenses. Her straight dark hair was pulled back into a ponytail but would have fallen to the middle of her back had she worn it loose. She had thin lips that turned up at the corners so that she appeared to be smiling and a small, cute cleft in her chin. She was immaculately dressed in a black dress that fell to just above her knees. The dress had a deep V-neck and she was wearing a beige blouse with frills around the collar. She appeared to have large breasts, although it was difficult for him to tell. Over the dress she wore a fitted red coat that ended at the same length as her dress and that enhanced the length of her body. He thought she was probably about 5' 4" and shapely. "Did you fly in today?"

"Uh huh," she said nodding her head. "I was in New York at a conference when I got the call. I jumped on the first flight I could catch. As you might imagine, I didn't sleep on the plane."

"Well, I'm on duty until 7 tomorrow morning, so why don't you head...home? Try to get some sleep."

She smiled brightly at him. She had a dazzling smile, with high cheekbones and small creases around her mouth that gave away her age. He correctly guessed she was in her early 30s. "I live in Atlanta," she said, "but I can go stay at my dad’s house. I'll leave my cell phone number with the charge nurse. Please do call me if there is a change."

He returned her smile and said, "Will do." He placed his hand on her shoulder and said, "He'll be fine."

"Do you mind if I look in on him quickly before I go?"

"Not at all. He's on a lot of pain meds so he's out and will be until the morning."

When she looked in on him both of his arms were in casts that ran from just above his elbows to enclose his hands completely. There were pillows on either side of him and the casts were resting on those pillows. His left leg was in a cast that extended to just above his knee and his leg was elevated. He was sleeping soundly, and the EKG looked normal. She smiled and touched his cheek with the back of her hands. "Hi, Dad," she whispered. She kissed him lightly and headed out of the ICU.

Rhianna Price was the only child of Tom and Sue Ellen Price. Sue Ellen had died when Rhianna was in grade school, so Tom had raised her on his own. This had generated an incredibly close bond between the two of them that continued to this day. He was her best friend. When Rhianna had graduated from high school, she entered a B.S.N nursing program and had worked as an ICU nurse for two years before she decided to go to medical school. Now as a physician, she worked as a hospitalist in the intensive care unit at one of the large hospitals in the Atlanta area. Seeing her own Dad in the ICU had been a bit of a shock, which surprised her. She had seen almost everything in her short career.

She let herself into her dad’s house and headed straight up the stairs to the spare bedroom that had been her room when she was a child. She threw her coat onto the bed and then plopped down next to it, exhausted. She began to cry, which was caused more by the release of exhaustion and stress than fear. Her Dad had been lucky. After a good cry, she dug out her cell phone and called the hospital HR department to let them know that she was going to have to take a leave of absence to help care for her father for at least 6 weeks or until the casts came off his arms. Until then, he'd be helpless.

She started to create a mental checklist of things she'd have to do. She would need to get a hospital bed delivered to his house, as well as several other pieces of equipment. She was glad for her nursing background, which would help with the care he was going to need. She decided to take a shower first, and then write down her thoughts.

Her phone startled her awake when it rang. "Hello," she said, trying to hide that she had been sleeping.

"Dr. Price, this is Dr. Spiegel. I'm sorry to wake you."

Now, she was wide awake. "How's my dad?" she asked with a bit of panic in her voice.

"He's fine. In fact, he did so well last night I'm transferring him to the floor today."

She sighed and began to breathe again. "That's great news. Thanks."

"No worries," he said, "and sorry to have scared you like that. She fell back asleep, and woke up a couple hours later. She showered, dressed, and headed to the hospital.

"Hey, Dad," she said as she walked into his room.

"Hi, Pumpkin," he replied quietly with a feeble smile on his face. "I feel like I got run over by a truck. They tell me I'm lucky to be alive."

She shook her head as she crossed the room to his bed. She carefully leaned across his broken right arm and kissed him lightly on the cheek. "We'll talk about seatbelt use later, mister."

"Yeah, I kind of get it now. I don't think they'll be a lot to talk about. I'm definitely a convert."

She smiled and walked to the foot of the bed. She pulled the chart and quickly read through the notes. After replacing the chart, she walked to the IV pump and carefully read the stickers on the fluid bags. She then pulled the otoscope from its holder on the wall behind his bed and shined it into his eyes. "Look left...look right...up...down. Good. Now hold your head still and follow my finger with your eyes. Good. Now, can you wiggle your fingers on your left hand? Good. Now your right. Good. How about your toes? No, smarty pants, on your broken leg. Good. Have you had any blurriness of vision, headaches, loss of consciousness?"

"You know," he said, "I've been through all of this once this morning with Dr. what's his name?"

"I'm sure you have. Answer the question."

"No, no, and how would I know if I had lost consciousness?"

"You'd know. So, I'll take that as a no."

"Yes, Dr. Price. Thank you, Dr. Price. How much do I owe you, Dr. Price?"

She smiled.

"How long do you think they'll keep me here?"

"Well, if you continue to do well and there are no complications from the head injury or from the orthopedic surgery, probably around a week." She sat in the chair next to his bed. "I've already arranged for home health to send over a bed, a toilet, and some other equipment we'll need for a bit. I called the hospital and have taken a leave of absence. I’ll be here to get you back on your feet; but until then, I'll be Nurse Price to you."

He started to protest but she held up her hand and gave him the "not a word out of you" look. He shut his mouth, closed his eyes, and nodded off to sleep.

After a week, Tom was released from the hospital. Tom had been released from the hospital, and the ambulance had just delivered him to his house.

"How's that? Comfy?" she asked as she pulled the light sheet and cover up over his chest. Rhianna had set up the leased hospital bed in her dad’s living room on the first floor of his house. Her plans were to sleep on the couch in the same room for a few days and then decide from there when she would move to her old room upstairs.

"Good. I'm going to rest my eyes now," he said, falling asleep almost immediately.

She watched him carefully and did a quick check of his vitals. At 52-years-old, he was healing well, but would still need a lot of rest to recuperate.

She took a deep breath and thought, "Time to switch from daughter mode to nurse mode." She quietly climbed the stairs and went into her bedroom. She pulled her T-shirt off over her head and then dropped her jeans to the floor. Although she was 32 years old, she had the body of a curvy 22-year-old. She ate right and exercised at the gym at least 5 days per week. She eyed herself in the mirror as she slipped her bra off. Her large breasts assumed their natural shape and she was pleased to see that there was not a hint of sag in them. She had large dark nipples that matched her large breasts nicely. She pulled a sports bra out of her chest-of-drawers and pulled it on. She then put a new pair of scrubs on. She pulled her dark hair into a ponytail. "Ready. You can do this." She exhaled and went back downstairs to find her dad sleeping soundly.

She pulled out her computer and began to catch up on some of her work e-mails. After several hours of quiet, she heard her Dad croak, "Rhianna. Could I get some water please?"

"Sure, Dad." She had placed a pitcher of water next to his bed along with the cup she had brought home from the hospital. Of course, since both of his hands were in casts, he was helpless. "Here you go," she said as she placed the bent straw to his lips.

He took a very long draw. "Thanks." He looked at her and then frowned.

"What is it?" she asked. "Are you in pain?"

"Well, kind of." He shut his eyes, sighed, and then opened them to look at her again. "We might as well get this over with. I've got to pee."

"Ah, yes. I know it's embarrassing, Dad, but just remember I was a nurse before I was a doctor, and I've seen everything!"

"Yeah, well, you haven't seen mine."

She smiled at him and then went to retrieve the urinal and some antiseptic wipes. She pulled the covers down to his knees and unbuttoned the fly to his pajamas. "Just relax, Dad. This won't take long." She reached into his pajamas and felt for his penis. She was surprised when her hands wrapped around his quite large penis. As she pulled his flaccid penis out of his pajamas, she saw that it appeared to be quite long and was definitely thick. "Holy shit," she thought, "Dad's hung like a horse!" She kept her face as passive as she could. Typically, she would place the head of her patient's penis into the urinal and then avert her eyes while the patient urinated, but her Dad's penis was...beautiful. That was the only word for it: beautiful. "Ok, Dad, go ahead and urinate," she said.

"I'm trying, Pumpkin, but this is harder than I thought it would be."

"It's okay, Dad. Close your eyes and do multiplication problems."


She smiled at him. "Just do it. I swear it works. Do a hard one. Do 235 times 13."

He closed his eyes and frowned. After about five seconds, she heard a stream of urine pour into the plastic urinal. He really had to pee, and it took him about 45 seconds to finish. "Done?"

"Yes. I think so."

She used her fingers to jiggle his penis just a tad to shake that last little dribble out. She snapped the cover on the urinal into place and then set it aside. She picked up the wipes and then cleaned the corona of his penis. The sensation for him was strange; a beautiful woman, which happened to be his one and only daughter, was playing with his cock. It had been a long time since someone else had touched him there, and he thought, "I hope she doesn't make me hard doing that." About that time, he became aware that blood was starting to swell into his dick. "Oh shit!" he thought to himself. When she had cleaned his penis, she started cleaning his scrotum and especially the space between the scrotum and his legs. She placed his penis and scrotum back into his pajamas and snapped them shut. She replaced the covers and said, "Now, that wasn't too bad, was it?"

"No. I guess not. Goodnight." He fell back asleep almost immediately.

She noted the amount of urine, carefully logged his water intake and urine output in her log, and then went to the bathroom to empty and clean the urinal. After she set it aside to dry, she pulled the string on her scrub bottoms, pulled down her panties and sat on the toilet seat. As she began to pee she thought, "Damn, Dad has a horse cock. Who woulda thunk it?" She wiped, got dressed and headed back to work on her computer while her dad slept.

He woke once more in the early evening and she fed him some broth and had him drink some fruit juice. She gave him his meds, which still included narcotic analgesics. He would sleep through the night.

She realized she was exhausted herself. She pulled her scrub bottoms off and climbed into her makeshift bed on the couch wearing her scrub top, sports bra, and panties. It wasn't exactly comfortable, but she needed to be close to her father in case he needed her during the night. She closed her eyes but was suddenly aware that all she could see was her dad's huge cock, and it was starting to swell in her hands as she cleaned it with the wipes. "Get it together, woman," she thought. "That's your dad you're thinking about." But try as she might to think of something else, she just couldn't get that amazing phallus out of her mind. "What the fuck, Rhianna?" she whispered in the dark.

She craned her head around to look at her Dad. He was sound asleep. "What are you doing," she thought as she moved her hands down along her taut belly until her fingers found the lace at the top of her panties. She slid her right hand down and under the lace band and separated her fingers into a V, allowing her thumb and pointer finger to go to one side of her labia and her other fingers to the other side. She pinched the flesh between her fingers and pulled her hand back up. She did that a couple of times, and then used her middle finger to find her clitoris. She moaned quietly and began to work her clit faster. She slid her middle finger deep inside her vagina, and finger fucked herself for a few seconds before returning to her clit.

Since she hadn't had a boyfriend in over a year, she had grown accustomed to masturbating herself to sleep most nights. The orgasms were rarely as rewarding as the real thing, but it was a whole lot better than nothing. She could feel her climax building. She used her left hand to knead her large breasts through the fabric of her clothes and suddenly wished that she had been naked so she could work her nipples. Her fantasy was centered on her Dad's huge cock. "Oh, but how I'd love to feel that big cock in my pussy right now." She worked her clit, but found the panties were causing her hand to cramp. She quickly stripped them down to her knees, and went back to work on her pussy. "Almost there," she thought, as she plunged two and then three fingers into her hole. "Fuck me with that huge dick," she whispered. The thought of her Dad's huge cock filling her to the brim pushed her over the edge and she had a powerful orgasm.

"Wow," she thought as she lay there recovering, "you need to find a boyfriend, and fast." Sleep found her within seconds.

The first few days home, Tom had slept most of the time, but by the end of the first week he was starting to feel a bit stronger and spent several hours a day watching television.

"Okay, Dad," Rhianna said after Tom had had his morning smoothie, "you're starting to smell like a goat. Today we are going to change your sheets, your pajamas, and I'm going to give you a bath."

"Really? I don't smell that bad."

"Says the man with the goat-like funk surrounding his bed. " She stripped the covers off of him and threw them onto the floor. She had warmed up two large bowls of water to exactly 110 degrees. "I bought a bar of Ivory soap at the store this week. It rinses off easily. I also got some baby shampoo and a hair washing basin." She placed a stack of towels and wash cloths next to the bed. "Okay, let's get you out of those pajamas first.

She had her Dad sit up and she unbuttoned and removed the top, throwing it onto the pile with the top sheet and blanket. Next, she unsnapped his bottoms and carefully pulled them down and off of him. She couldn't help but stare at his cock. She glanced up at his eyes and saw that she had been busted. Embarrassed, she quickly helped him roll onto his side. "I'm going to place some towels under you to keep the bed from getting wet." She had him roll back onto his back and she covered him with another towel. "This will keep you warm." She grabbed the hair washing basin and placed it under his head with his neck in the groove intended for that purpose.

He had to admit that having someone wash his hair was a luxury that felt great. He watched his beautiful daughter working on his scalp with her fingers. "That really feels nice, Pumpkin."

"Doesn't it? I love it when the stylist washes my hair." She rinsed his hair and then said, "I'm going to do it twice." When she had rinsed his hair again, she dried it and left another dry towel under his head between him and his pillow. "Okay," she said, "now we're going to wash you in stages. " She would first wet an area with clean warm water, use a soapy washcloth to clean the area, and then rinse the area with another clean washcloth several times. After that she would dry the area and apply moisturizing lotion before proceeding to the next area. All the time she was washing him he thought, "How is she going to wash my dick, balls and ass?"

As she was washing his legs, he looked down and noticed that he could see down her top. Her large breasts were concealed by a white bra, but the cleavage was pretty ample and he felt his dick begin to swell. "Oh, no. Shit," he thought, "this cannot happen." He closed his eyes and tried to think of anything else, but as she washed his legs, his cock and balls jiggled against the towel. He concentrated on cleaning the guts out of fish, the Gulf war, and everything else he could think of that was not sexy.

Rhianna saw the swell begin under the towel. It was not terribly uncommon for men to get sexually excited when being washed by a nurse, but this was her father. "Poor guy," she thought. "He'll be so embarrassed right now."

She saw that he was frowning and had his eyes screwed shut. "Dad, relax. You're frowning. You should be enjoying this."

"Oh, I am." He lied. Well, not exactly, lied. He WAS enjoying it, but maybe just a bit too much.

She decided to take it head on. "Listen," she said, "it is very common for men to get erections when being bathed. I've seen it all."

"That may be true, missy, but I'm your Dad!"

"I know, but you're still a vital man with needs. I have to do this, so you might as well just enjoy it."

"Oh, what the fuck. I can't die from embarrassment, can I?"

She chuckled. "No." She finished with his legs and noticed that the swell in the towel was now a tent. "Nice," she thought. "Okay, Dad, I need you to roll onto your side while I wash your back, buttocks, and genitals. By the way, this is the really embarrassing part, but it also feels really good."

He looked at her and sighed. She winked at him and said, "If you're a really good boy, I'll give you a treat." She gave him a naughty smile.

He wasn't quite sure what to make of that. What kind of special treat? Was his daughter flirting with him?

She helped him onto his side and washed his back and buttocks thoroughly, dried the area, and applied the lotion. "Okay," she said, "now the fun part." She took a clean washcloth and used it to wet his anus and perineum. She soaped up the washcloth and cleaned him thoroughly. She then changed wash cloths and cleaned his balls, taking somewhat longer than was necessary. She used her other hand to gently move them from side to side to make certain she cleaned the entire area well. She noted the heft of his large scrotum. She cupped his balls and lifted them. This wasn't medically necessary, but she knew he would enjoy having her play with his balls.

"You certainly are washing my scrotum well," he said.

"I don't want you to get a fungal infection. It is common in men if their genitals are not cleaned well daily. I've been using the wipes on you each time you urinate, but a real bath is a whole lot better."

She realized that he must be relaxing a bit when he said, "Well it certainly feels a whole lot better."

"Yes it does," she thought to herself and she continued to play with his scrotum. She allowed herself to run her free hand up the crack of his ass and gently let her fingers run over his newly cleaned asshole while she was getting a dry towel. She dried his balls, perineum, and ass, and then applied lotion. She really worked it into his balls and she heard a soft moan escape from his mouth. As she let her lotion covered hands work up his ass, she "accidently" let a finger slip into his asshole just a tad. He didn't complain.

"Roll back onto your back," she said. When he had complied, she pushed the towel up to cover his chest and then placed another towel over his exposed legs. He had an enormous hard on. She guessed that his dick was probably 9- or even 10-inches long and very thick. "He REALLY is hung like a horse," she thought.

"I'm sorry you have to see me this way, Pumpkin," he said, looking at her with a painful expression on his face.

"Not at all, Dad. Like I said, it is perfectly natural for this to happen." She smiled at him. "And, you've got a really nice penis."


"No, really, it is positively beautiful."

She began to clean it, which only took about 30 seconds. After she had dried it she said, "And, since you were such a good boy, now you get your treat." This part wasn't at all medically necessary, but he certainly didn't know it and she was looking forward to it. She applied a liberal amount of lotion to her hands and then she applied lotion to the shaft of his raging hard on, stroking up and down slowly. She paid particular attention to the underside of the corona, which she knew was the most sensitive part. He took a sharp breath and said, " is a treat."

He had been in so much pain and complained not at all. He was a great patient. "Just relax and go with it, Dad. The release will do you good."

His mind was racing, "Wait. What? 'Release.' Is she going to jack me off?" As she began to pick up the pace, he realized that is exactly what his daughter was going to do for him. It felt so good, and it had been so long, but this wasn't right. A daughter should not make her own Dad cum.

"Rhianna, baby, I..."

"Shhh," she quieted him with the sound. "Just enjoy it, Dad."

He closed his eyes and followed the doctor's orders. She was really good at this. "I guess she knows the anatomy," he thought. Then it dawned on him, "When I cum it’s going to be a lot. I'm going to be mortified."


"Quiet I said. Not another word out of you." She climbed onto the bed and kneeled in between his legs. From this angle she was able to work his shaft with both hands now. She ran her hands to the top and then twisted as she brought them down.

He began to breathe heavily and his abdomen contracted sporadically.

"Dad, I know this feels really good, but I can make it feel a lot better if you're willing to try something kind of strange." She slowed her pace to keep him from coming.

"What do you mean, 'strange'?"

"Has anyone every stimulated your prostate?"

"I don't think so."

"Oh, you'd know it if anyone had every done that too you. Men typically scream during orgasm when having their prostate stimulated."


"Just relax and let it happen." She removed her hands from his shaft and said, "Draw up the knee on your good leg and put it out to the side." She looked up at his face and she saw that he was staring down her top at her breast. She had an idea. "Do you mind if I take this off? It's all wet."

Without waiting for a reply, she slipped the scrub top up and off over her head. Her breasts were still trapped under the not-too-sexy sports bra. Although her breasts were large, the bra did a great job of covering her ample boobs. In fact, it was so modest that she felt comfortable exercising in public in just the bra. She didn't have an excuse to take the bra off, but she didn't really think her Dad would mind, so she just grabbed the bottom hem and pulled it off over her head. Her large breasts were proudly on display.

"God, you're beautiful." He was staring at her chest.

She smiled brightly and said, "You're my favorite Daddy." It was their little joke. She had said it since she was a little kid whenever he would praise her.

She applied another large amount of lotion to her hands. She placed her left hand back on his cock and started to slowly stroke it. Her tits swayed as she worked his shaft. She moved her right hand to his balls, and then slowly lowered her hand until her middle finger found his asshole. "Relax your anus, Dad."

She pressed her finger against his anus, and it resisted her inserting her finger. She used steady gentle pressure and worked her other hand up and down his shaft. Finally, his anus allowed her to slip her finger in. "Hmm," he said, "that's different."

"Just wait," she said. "I'll go slowly and you're going to LOVE this." She let him get used to her finger and then pushed it in until she found his prostate. It was already firm given the state of his excitement. She began to massage his prostate. She could feel it start to contract and relax. She stopped stroking his cock and saw the pre-come start to form on the gland.

She looked into her Dad's eyes and saw him staring intently at her swaying breasts. "I wish your hands were free so you could feel my breasts."

He replied quickly, "I'm glad they're not because you wouldn't be doing this to me if they weren't."

She laughed. "True." Then she looked at him seriously. "Dad, you know, all you have to do is ask if you ever want me to do something for you...casts or no casts."

He gave her a wan smile. How should he interpret that? All he knew was that at this moment he was in heaven. A half-naked beauty was working his cock with a finger shoved up his ass. He hadn't felt this good in years.

As she continued to work his prostate, the pulsing began to pick up in both frequency and intensity, and the pre-come was starting to ooze down his cock. The added slipperiness was useful and she began to slowly work his cock up and down with her right hand. He was breathing harder now.

"I know you're close. I can feel your prostate beginning to firm up. Don't hold anything back, Dad. Let go completely."

She knew he was going to have the orgasm of his life and she loved that she could do this for him. She loved the taste of pre-come but knew that it would probably freak him out to the core if she used her tongue to taste it. She felt his prostate go rock hard and she knew he was only seconds from release. She moved her left hand to the corona of his cock and used her thumb on the sensitive nerves under the head. She pressed hard on his prostate with her middle finger.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" He arched his back and an enormous rope of semen shot from the tip of his cock. She could feel his prostate convulse and then another load of semen leapt out of his cock. He came and came and came.

She slowly removed her finger from his anus and gently stroked his cock avoiding the sensitive head. "Well, that was an impressive load," she said. The towel covering his chest was full of cum, as was her hand and fingers.

"Yeah," he said, "sorry about that. It's been a while."

"There's no need to apologize," she said. "Dad, there are several studies that report that men who orgasm frequently have fewer prostate problems. You need to take care of yourself on a regular basis." She winked and then said, "Or, you could let me take care of you when I'm home."

"Normally, I'd be mortified by this discussion. But I guess in light of recent events, I'm not so embarrassed."

She laughed with him and cleaned him up.

The next day, the physical therapist visited Tom and taught him how to get out of bed, with help, and how to use the medical toilet that Rhianna had rented. Because both of his hands were still in casts, he needed a lot of help. She taught him how to get into and out of the wheelchair as well. Rhianna was able to wheel him onto his back deck for a few minutes of sun before he decided it was time to catch a nap.

That evening he ate dinner on the couch in front of the television. He felt pitiful having to rely on Rhianna to spoon feed him, but the alternative was for him to eat like a dog with his face in the plate. They both got a good laugh out of the mental image of that.

It had been a big day, and after dinner Tom decided to call it a night. "Dad, would you be comfortable with me sleeping upstairs in my own bed tonight?"

"Sure, Pumpkin," he said closing his eyes. "I'll just yell real loud if I need you." He yawned. "Goodnight."

She kissed him on the forehead and said, "Goodnight."

She decided to treat herself to a long soak in a hot tub. She had not been able to pamper herself since she'd arrived in town. She drew a hot bath and climbed in the tub. "Hmm," she said as she slid down so that only her face and head were above the surface.

Her Dad and she had not discussed her milking him the night before, but clearly they had both enjoyed it, him perhaps more than her, but that was only because she didn't feel comfortable taking his cock into her mouth and tasting his cum. She had had a boyfriend who loved to be milked, and as his pre-come would begin to run, she would suck it down like a suckling baby. It would always end with her swallowing a huge load. Her pussy began to tingle as she thought about sucking her Dad's huge cock. She let her fingers wonder to her pussy, and brought herself to another powerful, yet unrewarding orgasm.

She got out of the bath and toweled off. She didn't even bother to cover her nakedness since her Dad was trapped downstairs. She walked across the hallway into her bedroom smiling to herself. Since she'd be sleeping upstairs tonight, she slipped into her favorite sleeping shirt, which was a white camisole top with a built-in bra. The top ended above her bellybutton, exposing her flat stomach. She pulled on a purple string bikini panty. She looked at herself in the mirror and noted that she could see the outline of her vulva under the thin fabric. She climbed into bed and opened her Kindle to read.

She was startled awake but didn't know why. The light next to her bed was on and the Kindle was lying next to her on the bed. She had fallen asleep reading, but what had awakened her? She heard her Dad call her from downstairs, "Rhianna. Baby, I need some help."

She slowly climbed out from under the covers and started to pull her robe on when he continued, "I've fallen."

She jerked her head up, threw the robe onto her bed, and charged down the stairs. She found her Dad sitting on the floor in front of the toilet with his pajama bottoms gathered around his ankles.

"Dad, are you alright?"

"Yeah. I'm just embarrassed."

"What happened?" She walked over and turned on the lights.

"I was trying to use the toilet when it scooted out from behind me. I landed on my bare-naked ass."

"The physical therapist told you and I told you, you cannot get up by yourself yet. What am I going to do with you?" She was standing in front of her semi-naked Dad with her hands on her hips, her panty covered vagina only a couple of feet or so from his face.

He looked up into her eyes and then slowly took in her appearance. She was beautiful. Her large breasts were trapped behind the camisole, but her flat stomach and belly button were on display. Her hips were accentuated by the strings on her bikini panties that crossed above her hips. She was all woman. He could feel his penis starting to swell, but this time he was not trying to keep it from happening.

"Okay," she said, "let's see if we can get you up." She stepped to within a foot or so of him and bent at her knees, squatting in front of him. The fabric of her panties pulled tight giving her a nice camel toe. He wantonly stared at his daughter's pussy covered by the thin fabric. She placed her arms under his arms, smashing her bosom into his face. "One, two, three, now," she said.

He used his good leg to rise from the floor with Rhianna's help. His pajamas were left where he had been sitting as she helped him to the edge of his bed. He leaned against the bed, his hard cock proudly pointing into the room.

She had not noticed his erection until now. When she saw it, she reached down and stroked his cock without saying a word. She stared into her Dad's eyes, her dark blue eyes penetrating his soul. No words were exchanged but they both knew that they agreed. She fell to her knees and sucked the head of his huge cock into her mouth, rolling her tongue around the corona. He let out a long moan and said, " good." She pressed her face forward, driving more of his cock into her mouth. She felt the tip of his cock touch the back of her throat and she knew that she was nowhere near taking the entire length into her mouth. She took a deep breath in through her nose and relaxed the muscles of her throat. She allowed his cock to pass down into her throat. He was huge. She was able to get most of his cock into her mouth and then she looked up into his eyes.

He said, "Your Mom could never take all of me into her mouth like this." He lightly stroked her hair, moving it to behind her ears so he could see her face.

She started to work his cock out of her mouth and then all the way back into her throat, all the time keeping her eyes fixed to his.

"You are so beautiful," he said, a look of pure pleasure on his face.

She pulled his cock out her mouth and smiled for him. "You're my favorite Daddy." She ran her tongue around the head of his cock paying particular attention to the sensitive underside. "Daddy, you can come in my mouth if you want to."

She started to suck his cock in earnest bringing her Dad closer and closer to a powerful orgasm in her mouth. She missed the taste of come and the naughtiness of knowing that it was her Dad's come made her pussy ache. As she continued to work on his cock with her mouth, she moved her hand down and let it slip into her panties. Her pussy was soaking wet as she allowed a finger to work her slit, ever so lightly rubbing her engorged clit. She was torn between wanting her Dad to come in her mouth and wanting his horse cock to split her pussy wide open. As she struggled with what to do, he decided for her. He placed his casts on the back of her head and whispered, "I'm so close."

She flattened her tongue and stimulated the underside of his corona, holding about a third of his huge cock in her mouth. He started to fuck her mouth as he neared release. She stopped her motion and just allowed her Dad to work his cock in and out of her mouth. She tasted a small amount of pre-come dribble onto her tongue and knew that he was very close. "Ahhhhhhh! I'm coming..." She felt a huge rope of come shoot from the end of his cock into her mouth and she swallowed knowing that more was right behind that load. He came so much that she couldn't keep it all in her mouth and it dribbled down her chin and into the cleavage between her breasts.

When he was done, she grabbed his penis with her hand and sucked all of his come out of the gland. Her Dad's semen tasted good and she didn't want to waste a drop. She released the head of his dick from her mouth and looked up into his eyes.

"Thanks, Pumpkin. That was really nice."

"You're welcome, Daddy." She took her hand and absent mindedly rubbed his come into her breasts.

He looked down at her. "You've sucked a dick or two before I think."

She gave him a wan smile. "Daddy, I'm a big girl now and I have needs and desires, too, you know?"

"Oh," he said, "I'm not judging...nor complaining. I know you're not a virgin and I would never have wanted that for you anyway. Your Mom dying so young proved one thing to me: life is for the living and should be lived."

She said, "Amen."

He then got a concerned look on his face. "Are you okay with this...I mean, what we've done? I don't think this is normal behavior for a father and daughter."

"Of course I am, Daddy. All of my life you were there for me and I really love being able to help you out now, even if it is 'not normal behavior for a father and daughter'," she said doing air quotes with her fingers. She smiled. "Anyway, I'm enjoying myself as well, although..." She thought about how she'd love for him to fuck her, but then immediately regretted having started down that road.

"Although, what?" he asked.

"Nothing. Let's get you back into bed."

"No," he said, "seriously, although, what?"

Rhianna inhaled deeply and then exhaled slowly. "Dad, I have not had a boyfriend in quite a while, and, well, I have needs, too." She could feel her cheeks starting to blush. She continued, "And, although I am really enjoying helping you...uh, relieve your tension...I have tension, too, if you know what I mean."

"Oh." He was sure what she meant, but he held up both of his casts. "I'd love to help out, but..."

"I know, Dad. Now, let's get you back into bed."

She helped him climb back into his bed and said, "You probably still need to pee, huh? I'll get the urinal." It took several minutes for his cock to soften and for his prostate to relax enough for him to urinate but she didn't care. She loved holding her Dad's huge cock in her hands. As they waited she said, "Dad, I really love your penis."

He wasn't sure how to respond to that so he just smiled and said, "Thanks."

After he had finished urinating and she had cleaned him up, she tucked him into bed and said, "Next time, you call me. Understand?"

"Yes, ma'am."

She kissed him lightly on the lips and he watched his daughter's beautiful, round ass covered by the light fabric of her purple panties as she walked away and climbed up the stairs. She could feel his eyes burning into her ass. She smiled.

The next morning Rhianna got up early. Today was a big day. Her Dad had an appointment at the orthopedic surgeon's office to check on his progress. This would be the first time he had left the house since he had gotten out of the hospital. She pulled off her pajamas and took a quick shower before changing into jeans and a T-shirt.

"Okay, Dad, we've got a doctor's appointment in a couple of hours, so we need to get you ready to go," she said as she hit the last step.

He was already awake and said, "Good morning, Pumpkin."

"I'm going to clean you up and get you dressed." Bathing him had become so much easier now that he could stand and lean back on the bed. She helped up and then removed his pajamas. She said, "Let's wash your hair today, too. It's pretty greasy."

She placed the hair washing tub on the bed and helped him lay back down on the bed. She washed his hair, dried it, and then stood him back up to wash his body. When she got to his groin, his penis began to swell as she deftly washed his scrotum. She kissed the head of his semi-hard penis and said, "Not now. I've got plans for you later today." Her Dad had no idea what she meant by that, but he was excited by the possibilities.

The appointment went well. Her Dad was healing well and the orthopedic surgeon was pleased with his progress. He changed the casts on each of his arms so that they no longer completely enclosed his hands, which gave him very limited use of his fingers.

As they were pulling into the driveway following his appointment, the physical therapist pulled in behind them and parked. She was also pleased with his progress, and after putting him through his strength and flexibility exercises, she taught him how to climb the stairs with support from Rhianna. After successfully climbing the stairs twice, he looked at the therapist and said, "I'm done. Now that I'm upstairs I'm going to take a nap in my own bed! Rhianna can show you out."

The ladies smiled at each other; they had been dismissed. Rhianna tucked her Dad into his bed and showed the therapist out. When she returned to his room to check on him, he was already breathing deeply, obviously sound asleep. She smiled and kissed him lightly on his forehead. She knew how lucky he had been and that thought was somehow uplifting.

She walked across the hall to her room and realized that she was exhausted as well. It had been a big day for both of them. She pulled off her top and glanced at herself in the mirror. Her large breasts were enclosed in a sexy lace bra above her flat stomach. She turned to look at her butt and thought she looked awfully good in these jeans. This brand of jeans flattered her wide hips and round, firm ass. She pulled the jeans off while maintaining the view of her ass in the mirror. The matching lace boy short panties were definite proof that sometimes more was better. She had always thought that panties that partially covered her butt were much sexier than thongs.

As she climbed under the covers to take a nap, her mind went to that place she knew it would: her Dad's horse cock. She felt a tingle in her pussy. "Damn," she thought to herself, "I really want to feel that cock in my pussy." Her mind was racing. Her Dad had been fine with her milking him and even with her blowing him, but fucking might be "a bridge too far." He had seemed to be fine with the prospect of using his hands on to get her off, had he been able to, but he didn't seem to understand that she really wanted him to fuck her. It had been so long for her and she was pretty sure that her Dad had not fucked a woman in years. "Can I do this?" she thought. She decided the answer was, "yes," but then she had a different dilemma: "How do I do this?"

She realized that she was staring up at the ceiling, racking her brain on how to make this happen. She also realized that she was not going to be able to sleep until she resolved the issue. After what seemed like a half an hour, she heard her Dad call.

"Pumpkin, are you upstairs."

"Yeah, Dad. Are you okay?"

"Would you mind coming here for a minute? I've got a question for you."

She briefly considered if she should throw a robe over her bra and panties, but then reconsidered when she realized how silly that would be. She walked across the hall and as she entered his room she saw her Dad's eyes widen. "Wow! You look sexy!"

"Thanks, Daddy." She flashed him a dazzling smile. "What's up?"

"Well," he said holding up his hands yet again, "you know how we were talking about your needs yesterday?"

"Yes." She wasn't sure where this was going, but she was excited about her Dad starting down the path.

"I was thinking... I mean... I want to help... Uh... Hell! I'm not sure how to say this." His face was bright red, but she could clearly see his swollen cock inside of his pants.

"Just say it, Dad. It's okay."

He looked her in the eye for several seconds and then took a deep breath. "Okay. I have a tongue."

This was not what she was expecting, and it showed on her face. Her eyes went wide and her mouth dropped open a bit. "Wow, Dad, that's a great offer. Are you sure?"

"It's been a while, but I remember that your Mom loved it when I'd do it to her."

The thought of her Dad licking her Mom's pussy was abstract to her since her mother had been dead for so long. She thought about it for about two seconds and decided that she liked the idea... a lot. She walked over to her father's bed and sat on the edge. She ran her hand across her Dad's crotch, feeling his enormous hard on under the fabric. "Clearly," she said, "you like this idea as much as I do."

He flushed and gave her a wan smile.

"Let's get you out of these." She removed his pants, boxer shorts, and shirt leaving him naked on the bed. She lightly stroked his cock. "How do you want to do this?"

He said, "Why don't you come and sit on my face?"

She stood up and removed her bra. Her large firm breasts stood out from her chest, their nipples hard and rubbery. Her father stared at them, wishing that his hands were unencumbered. She could see the look on his face and knew what he wanted. She leaned in so that her breasts were inches from his face. He sucked one of the nipples into his mouth, and Rhianna moaned. After he worked on the one nipple, she moved so that the other nipple touched his mouth. He greedily sucked that nipple. While he was working on her nipple, Rhianna hooked her thumbs into the fabric of her panties and pulled them off. Her pussy was already dripping wet with her father sucking on her tits.

She pulled her nipple from his mouth and took a step away from the bed. It was the first time that her father had seen her completely naked, and she knew he would enjoy just taking it all in. His eyes looked into hers, and then wondered down her chest to her vagina. She had a small patch of dark hair above her vulva, but was otherwise bald. "Your little girl is all grown up, Daddy."

He looked back up to her face and said, "She certainly is." He looked over her body once again. "Turn around and let Daddy see all of you."

She slowly turned her back to him so that he could see her full round ass and hips. She spread her legs to about shoulder width and pushed her butt out pulling in her lower back and pressing her chest out. This had the effect she hoped for. She heard her father say, "You are so beautiful."

She quickly spun around and climbed onto the bed. She sat on his abdomen facing him and lowered her breasts back to his mouth. While he was sucking and nipping on her teats, she reached around behind her ass and stroked his cock. He was so huge. After several minutes of him working on her tits, she spun around so that she was now facing his feet. She lifted her ass into the air, giving him a perfect view of her pussy. She pushed back until her sex was just above his mouth. He could smell the musk from her wetness and see the dew on her lips. She lowered herself onto his mouth and he licked her from her clit up to her asshole in one long swipe. She moaned loudly and he knew he had not forgotten how to please a woman with his mouth. He nipped at her lips avoiding her swollen clit, and then kissed her on the inside of her thighs, teasing her. Every so slightly, he would touch her clit with the tip of his tongue, almost as if by accident, which caused her to press her pussy into his face trying to force him to work her clit with his tongue. He kept up this teasing until finally he heard her plead, "Dad! Please."

He had achieved his goal of getting his daughter hot and ready to come. He pressed his tongue flat and drove it through her slit finding her clit. She ground her crotch into his mouth and he sucked her clit into his mouth. She had a large, sensitive clitoris. She moaned and then screamed, "Fuck, yes!" She was pulling on her left nipple and grabbed his cock with her right hand. He felt her mouth engulf the head of his penis. He allowed her clit to slip from this mouth, and then curled his tongue and plunged it into her vagina. He began to fuck his daughter with his tongue. He felt her body begin to shiver and convulse. She squeezed her thighs together preventing him from breathing. After about 15 seconds, she relaxed her thighs and just collapsed onto his body while she gulped air into her lungs.

"Fuck, Dad," she said through gasps, "you're good at that." Her body was covered with a light sheen of perspiration. Her pussy was still within reach of his mouth. He noticed that his face and chest were covered with her juices. It had been a long time since he smelled like pussy. He flicked his tongue out and found her anus. She reacted by contracting her butt muscles while an "Ooo" escaped her mouth. She turned to look at him and said, "You're bad."

He used his partially free hands to trap her hips as well as he could and pulled her back to him. He pressed the tip of his tongue into her ass and worked her anus. She liked that he had taken charge and was going to do to her what he wanted. She worked her hips to give him better access and as he gave her a rim job, she began to suck his cock in earnest. She wet a finger with her mouth and slipped it into his asshole. "Tit for tat," she said, but she already knew that he didn't mind her finger in his ass.

After a couple of minutes of ass play, she decided that she just had to feel her Dad's huge cock inside of her. She pulled herself up to her knees and spun around so that she was now sitting on his abdomen again facing him. She looked down on her father. He looked back up at her and mouthed, "Do it."

She reached behind her and grabbed his cock with her right hand. She drove her abdomen and chest into his, smashing her amble boobs and bringing her hips up. She felt the tip of his immense cock touch her lips. She was soaking wet, so as she relaxed her hip muscles, he easily slipped into her. She drove her hips down, down, down until she felt the tip of his cock touch her cervix. Her eyes were wide with the delightful pain of being stretched to her limit and beyond. She didn't move as her pussy coped with being filled completely. Mindlessly she thought, "How in the hell does a baby come out of there?" She just couldn't imagine being any more full. She raised her head to look into her Dad's eyes. The pleasure on his face matched the pleasure on hers. "You're my favorite Daddy."

She started to work her hips up and down. The feeling was incredible as she fucked her father. From this position she could control the depth of his cock inside of her. Because of his girth, she was getting plenty of clitoral stimulation as well. She knew she would come very quickly. "Baby," he said, "it's been so long I don't think I'll be able to hold out too long. You're so tight!"

She smiled to herself and thought, "On this cock, everyone is tight!" She said, "Me, too, Dad. Let's cum together."

She picked up the pace and fucked him with her tight pussy. He could feel her cervix each time she bottomed out. She was grunting with each stroke. "I'm close," she said. "Real close."

With a few more frenzied thrusts, she fell to his chest and convulsed as her orgasm overtook her. He couldn't hold back any longer and grunted as he let his seed spill into his daughter's womb. They both thrust as best they could through their orgasms. When they were done, she lay on his chest while they recovered.

After about five minutes, she allowed his semi-erect cock to slip out of her. She noticed that since he was so big, none of his semen had yet seeped out of her, so it flooded onto his belly out of her gaping vagina as she rolled off of him. She placed her fingers into the mess on his belly. "Would you look at the mess you've made," she said smiling at him.

He kissed the top of her head. "Thank you, Pumpkin, that was nice."

"Fuckin' A it was nice!" she replied. "I haven't come that hard in a long time." She looked up at him again. "I'm going to be a bit sad when you get those casts off and you don't need me anymore."

He smiled at her and said, "Now you have another reason to visit other than holidays."

Douglas WiseReport 

2024-01-29 22:07:15
extremely hot story great writing


2024-01-28 22:54:21
That was so hot. Loved it


2024-01-25 19:15:25
This story is hot as hell, thank you.

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