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I just finished my first college year. My younger sister is graduating from high school and found out we were going camping without her.
We gang banged my sister

We are four college guys, going to school in Fayetteville, AR. We just finished our freshman year of school and were celebrating the end of finals. We each had summer jobs to go to, but wanted to go on a kayak trip before we started working for the summer. We planned to kayak the Caddo River, outside of Glenwood, AR. The Caddo River is beautiful and somewhat remote. There are spots to camp along the river, and we were going to rent kayaks from an Outfitter who would take us upriver. We would then float down river and return the kayaks.

We planned to kayak all day, camp one night, fish and then bring the kayaks back at the end of day two. We decided to go on this trip during the week to avoid any weekenders who might be on the river. We wanted it to be a quiet trip, so we could absorb the natural beauty of this part of northern Arkansas.

I got a call from my sister, Jill, who was just graduating high school, to tell me of her graduation party plans at the end of May. She wanted me to be there. We are very close, and I would not miss it for the world. I told her about our plans for this kayak trip which was the week before her party. Jill was terribly jealous that we were going without her. I told her we only had a four-man tent, and there was no room. But she was persuasive, and I let her talk me into her tagging along. She is a fun person, so I knew the other guys would enjoy her company.

So, the college guys are Mike, Rick, Bob, and me (James) and now we have added Jill to the mix. The Outfitter would have the kayaks waiting for us, so we did not have to take ours on a trailer this time. The weather was perfect, it would be mid 80s air temperature and the outfitter said the water would be in the high 60 degrees. Later in the summer the water level would be much lower and the water temperature a lot higher, so now was the perfect time to go. And since we were starting this trip on Tuesday, and not a weekend, the chances of seeing anyone else on the river were minimal. The plan was for Mike, Rick, and Bob to meet me at the Outfitter’s headquarters downstream of where we would put in. We would each have a kayak and our gear would be distributed among the kayaks.

Jill and I rode together in my Chevy Tahoe, which had the tent and most of the outdoor gear we needed. The guys did not know about Jill going with us, so it might be a bad surprise for them. But I felt like it was my graduation present to her. I figured the guys would like her after they met her.

Jill had really blossomed into a beautiful young woman. When she and I were loading our camping gear, she was wearing a tiny bikini bottom and top, with a loose-fitting tank top as a cover up. She had really filled out her last year of high school and had an incredible body. Even though she was my sister, I had to admit she was smoking hot.

Jill and I drove for over two hours before we got to the Outfitter. She filled me in on her college plans, high school, and past boyfriends. She no longer had a steady boyfriend and was looking forward to meeting a lot of college “men” next Fall. I told her the guys at college are just older highschoolers and not much different. There are just a lot more of them. She liked that idea of more guys, she said. She licked her lips. Damn, my baby sister seems a bit lusty.

Jill started probing me about the girls I had dated, who all I had slept with and other intimate details. She and I tell each other everything, but damn, I really did not want to discuss my dating habits. Jill sensed my hesitation, but she told me that she wanted to know what other guys would expect of a girl when dating in college. She wanted to experience a full college life and that meant meeting a lot of guys, she hoped. I told her most college dudes were bashful and she would have to make the first move. We both laughed, but she looked disappointed.

We finally arrived at the Outfitter’s place. Mike and the other guys were already there. When Jill hopped out of my vehicle, they were stunned. “Who is that HOT CHICK? And why did you not tell us you were bringing a date?” I introduced Jill and quickly added that she was my sister. I think they were both enthralled and disappointed that she was my kid sister. I guess they figured she would put a damper on our behavior during this trip. I told them that she was experienced in camping and kayaking and would be a big help. We would need her kayak to help spread out the load of equipment.

We gathered our stuff, and the Outfitter trailered the kayaks and hauled us upriver. The plan was to kayak all day, spend one night on the river, tent camping, and another day kayaking, then head home. The river level was good, and it looked like the weather was going to be great.

Within an hour of being dropped off at the river put-in, we were on the water. Each of us had our own kayak, and our gear was strapped to each of them in waterproof bags. We had a lot of gear, but at least we had Jill’s kayak to help take some of the load. It was getting really warm, and the sun was beating down on us. After about an hour of paddling, Mike suggested we pull in and take a break. We tied off our kayaks to trees along the bank and cooled off in the river. It was shallow and perfectly clear water. The bottom was smooth river stones and there were small rapids where the current gushed around large boulders in the river.

Jill took off her coverup to jump in the river to cool off. When she did, all eyes were glued to her. Her tight body was barely covered by that tiny bikini. I could not help but look too. She dove in the water to cool off, then emerged. Her bikini was made from thin material, and it clung to her body like a second skin. Her nipples were rock-hard from the chilly water and protruded from her top like river pebbles. Jill’s breasts spilled out of her top as if it were a size too small. Her bikini bottom seemed to barely cling to her skin as she crawled out of the water. I got a brief glimpse of what must have been the edge of her cunt, when her bikini bottom had shifted to the side as she eased out of the water. She adjusted it, but the material was wet and clingy, and followed the profile of her camel toe perfectly. I embarrassed myself when I could not stop staring at her wet bathing suit. but I could not resist the view. My sister was like a playboy poster, laying on that rock. She was quite a beautiful sight.

The guys noticed all this too and seemed to have a renewed interest in getting to know her. Mike was the first to swim to the rock she was sunning on. I could not hear their conversation, but he was keenly intent on whatever they were saying. Then Bob and Rick, not wanting to be left out of this flirting session, swam over and splashed them, goading them into the water. I did not want to be left out, so in no time all five of us were splashing and dunking each other in the refreshing stream. Each guy was trying to out-flirt the other and hoped to get to know her better. I watched and laughed at their silly behavior.

We rested in the sun and ate sandwiches we had prepared earlier. After we were dry, we continued our trip downstream. We arrived at a good spot to set up the tent and pulled the kayaks to dry land. We set up the tent and built a fire. It was still early afternoon and we had seen no other kayakers on the river all day, so it was like we were in the middle of nowhere. The silence, other than the rush of the river, was hypnotic. It was like we were the only people on earth. And the one girl we had with us on this trip was my sister. Oh, well.

Setting up the tent and unloading all our gear was hot work. We each were sweaty and grimy. Jill said she was going to wash up in the river and grabbed a towel and shampoo. The river edge she went to was only about 50 yards away. She set down the towel, then looked back at us. She then untied the top of her bikini and hung it over a branch. She did the same to her bottoms and was quickly naked. She smiled back at us and said, “last one in is a rotten egg”. My three buddies made a beeline to where she stood, and immediately stripped too. They were all in the water and splashing around. I did not know what to do. I walked over to “casually” watch and made sure nothing tawdry was going to happen. Jill saw me and said, “hey big brother, get your suit off and get your ass in the water!”. Oh, geez. Now I did not want to be the prude of the trip, so I did what she said. I just hoped I would not get a hard-on once I got close to my sister. That would have been totally wrong.

Jill had shampoo in her hair and was starting a good lather in a quiet pool outside the flow of the current. It was only waist high on her, so her naked breasts were completely exposed to all of us. The guys were washing up too near her, but they were more intent on watching her than getting clean. Once her hair was shampooed, she dunked under water to rinse off. When she came up, the river water cascaded off her lovely shoulders and dripped from her full breasts. Her nipples were dark and hard, and stuck out from her breasts like pencil erasers. The guys were surrounding her, but no one touched her. They were too polite to make any advances on her, even though I know damn good and well, had I not been there, they would have.

My sister casually tossed me the shampoo and told me to clean up. No one wanted to smell me in the tent if I was not clean. I took her advice, and washed up, then followed her and the others back to the campsite. When I first got out of the water, I did not have a full hard-on, thank goodness, but as I walked back to my clothes, my swelling dick began to flop up and down with each step. This was intolerable, so I quickly slipped on my shorts, and had to duck around to the back of the tent in hopes that my erection would go away. It finally did.

Jill finally noticed the other guy’s hard-ons and commented to them about how nice their “display of manliness was”. She laughed and said” there was enough wood there to please a dozen women”. The guys just looked at each other in amazement. If she was trying to shock them, it worked. She used her towel to dry her hair, but she never bothered to put her bikini back on. She dug out her backpack and pulled some shorts out and slipped them on. Then she put her tank top on. Her top was so loose fitting that her side boobs were exposed all the time. And any movement caused her breasts to sway, and pull the fabric, causing even more exposure. The guys loved this, but I was very uncomfortable.

It was getting dark. We snacked rather than cook a meal, and someone pulled out a bottle of bourbon. We passed it around and took hits from it, even my sister. She did not hesitate to take a hard pull on the bottle. I hoped she knew what she was doing. I did not want to deal with a puking sister.

We all told stories as we sat around the campfire and continued to pass the bottle around. The bugs started to pester us, so Rick suggested we move the party into the tent. We had a battery powered light at the top of the tent, which gave off a nice glow. We sat in a tight circle, since it was designed only for four people. Somone said we should play truth or dare. I said that was not a good idea since there was only one girl here but was overruled by…the one girl. The bourbon bottle was now empty by this time, so we used it like spin the bottle, to decide who went first. It pointed to Rick. He said “this is for Jill. Truth or Dare?” Jill said, “Dare”. “OK Jill, kiss the person on your left for 10 seconds”. Jill leaned over and kissed Bob on the lips. We all went Whoo!.

We went around the circle and it was now Jill’s turn. She said,” this is for my brother” and she called my name. Oh shit. Truth or Dare?” I said “Truth, I am afraid of the Dare you might think of for me”. “OK, have you ever seen me naked before today?”. Gulp….”Yes, I did one time, when you were showering at a campground outdoor shower when we were younger. I spied on you. Sorry.” She said, “I knew you were there. I liked it”.

The other guys all went Whoooo! at her comment. That was interesting.

It was Bob’s turn to ask a question. He said “Rick, Truth or Dare?” Rick said Truth. “Have you gotten lucky with a girl, or are you still a virgin?” “Damn, I hate to admit it, but I am still a virgin”, Rick confessed. Jill’s eyes seemed to light up, inexplicably.

We kept going. It was Rick’s turn to ask the next question. He said Jill. Truth or Dare? Jill said “Dare”. “OK, Take your shirt off”. We all hooted at this boldness. Jill looked at me, then at the group, and said “OK, you’ve already seen me, so what the hell?” She pulled her tank top over her head, dragging her lovely breasts up as she did. They danced and quivered for a second, then settled down. We were all silent as we absorbed the lovely view.

We continued. It was my turn. I asked Jill “Truth or Dare?” She said truth. “Are you still a virgin?” She paused, then said “yes, but I don’t want to be one when I start college”. We all said, “Wow”.

It was Mike’s turn. He again aimed a question at Jill. “Truth or Dare?” She said “Dare”. He said, give the person to your right a 20 second blowjob”. Oh shit, this was getting out of hand. Jill said, OK, and told Bob to stand and pull out his dick. I protested. She said shut up, it is just a game, and promptly leaned over and began sucking Bob’s dick. He was speechless as she worked his dick in and out of her mouth. After 20 seconds she stopped. Bob’s erection was wet and throbbing as he plopped down on the tent floor.

It was my turn again, so I wanted to keep any more “Dares” from my sister. I asked her “Truth or Dare?” She said Truth. “When do you want to lose your virginity? She looked at me and said “tonight, with you”. Holy shit. Everyone was silent.

It was Mike’s turn, and the question went to me. “Truth or Dare?” I said “Dare” “OK, eat Jill’s pussy for 30 seconds”. “What? I can’t do that! She’s my sister!” Jill said, “A dare is a dare. do it!”, and she stood up and slipped off her shorts and laid back on the tent floor. The other players goaded me into it. I bent over and buried my face between her thighs and smelled her lovely cunt. I hesitated, then used my tongue to lap at her wet, virgin pussy. I had no idea why I was doing this, but her overpowering beauty fired up my lust. Jill grabbed my head and directed me to her special place. I had no ability to stop. She had me in her grasp and hunched my face with her cunt. I don’t know if anyone was timing the 30 seconds, but I did not quit until Jill squealed and had a huge orgasm.

The game was now a free for all. Mike pulled out his dick and shoved it into Jill’s open mouth. She started working on it like a pro. In just a few minutes he came, and Jill swallowed his cum. I sat back and watched as my little sister became a lust filled cock whore. When she finished with Mike, she looked at Rick and motioned him over. She began working his dick with her mouth. I sat there just a few feet away and saw her get him off and swallow his load too. By this time, she had cum on her face and dripping from her chin. Then it was Bob’s turn. He laid back and she crawled over to him and buried his dick down her throat. He was gasping at her technique as she quickly made him orgasm. She ate his cum like it was candy.

Jill turned to me. She said “I want you in my cunt. I want you to be my first”. I told her no. She said, “Please. I have dreamed of this”. My lust took over and I laid back. I pulled my shorts off and tossed them aside. Jill crawled on top of me and aimed her virgin pussy over my stiff shaft. She hesitated a moment, then lowered herself onto me. The tent was silent. We all watched Jill lose her virginity to me in front of everyone. Her pussy was wet and warm and tight. I grabbed her hips and began assisting her in humping my cock. Her cunt juices boiled out and drenched my dick as it stroked in and out of her lovely snatch. Jill was making unearthly noises as she raised and lowered herself onto me. I fought the urge to cum. I said, “I can’t cum inside you, but I am close, so get off of me”. She said “I’m on the pill. Cum in me”. With that, I began ruthlessly thrusting upward into her. She screamed out and had another orgasm. I could hold off no longer and spewed my semen into her virgin pussy.

We lay there, still coupled together, with her crumpled-on top of me, when Mike got behind her. He used her cunt drippings to lubricate her asshole and inched his way into her back door. She was shocked at this penetration but relaxed and let him fuck her ass. I was still hard and could feel him as he entered her rectum. It stirred me up but I did not think I could cum again so soon, but I let Mike finish in her ass. When he was done, she rolled off me and laid there panting, on her back.

Rick was next and crawled on top of her and fucked her sperm filled cunt. I laid next to her and watched his shaft squeeze out my freshly deposited cum from her snatch. He then proceeded to thrash away at her as she sucked Bob’s dick. Rick finished in her cunt, then Bob crawled on top of her for more. She rolled him under her and with him still in her pussy, told me to fuck her in the ass. I did not have to be told twice.

We continued having sex with her until we were all played out. I think we each fucked her cunt and her ass, and she was a sloppy mess. She was dripping her own cunt juices and our sperm out of each well used hole. Jill’s hair was plastered to her face from sweat, and cum and she was delirious with pleasure from the evening’s impromptu gang bang. We all laid there, breathing hard, trying to rationalize what had just happened.

I held Jill in my arms and looked into her eyes and asked her if she was OK. She said “Better than OK, big brother. This was my dream cum true”. We all slept in a tangle of naked bodies, exhausted but elated.

The next morning Jill got up and washed in the river. She had coffee brewing before we began to stir. Jill crawled into the tent and found me in the dim light and kissed me awake. “Hey, big brother. Now that I am a real woman, I want to room with you, off campus, in the fall. Hope you don’t mind”. I told her, “I could not think of a better roommate.”

END – please vote and comment


2024-01-29 16:53:51
great hot story. Can't wait to read about her college adventures.


2024-01-29 16:52:59
great hot story. Can't wait to read about her college adventures.


2024-01-28 01:28:20
Interesting story, well laid out next chapter please

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