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Brenda has no idea how a little flirting and going along with the games her daughters play is about to become the wildest experience of her life and more orgasms than she can count.
Revised Vicki’s mom

It was a hot summer day but it was about to get a lot hotter. Kelly Cooper had been invited to her friend Vicki Hinson's house to swim in their big pool and hang out with the other girls who would be there. They were all friends who went to the same middle school together. Kelly had been looking forward to this all week, but not for the most obvious reasons.

Kelly had not come out as a lesbian to all of her friends yet, but her closest friends knew that she was. She'd long been surfing lesbian story and movie sites; and lately, a lesbian BDSM site. She was now deeply involved with the fantasy of being a dominant lesbian, and doing the things to other girls that she had seen in some of the hardcore BDSM and bondage movies she enjoyed.

Brenda Hinson chuckled to herself as her energetic daughter dashed by her home office in response to the sound of the front doorbell. 'Easy, now,' she thought, 'it's gonna be a long afternoon.'

She had no idea.

Snatching the door open, the dripping girl excitedly said, "Hey Kelly, drop your stuff in my room and come out to the pool with us. Brrrr …shit, it’s fearking cold in here!" Vicki dashed back outside to the pool.

Kelly dropped the change of clothing in her beach bag on the bed. She noticed Brenda, Vicki's very hot 39-year old mom, pass by on her way to the kitchen. Brenda had not seen Kelly, but she was sure if she had, she would have stopped and said hello. Mrs. Hinson was like that. She liked nearly all of her daughter's friends, and was always very sweet and helpful to them.

Kelly checked herself in the mirror on Vicki's door and admired her fit and trim teenage body. She’d gone out for cheerleader, but lately her interests had changed. She put her skimpy bright pink bikini on and pulled her long blond hair up into a high ponytail. She thought again about Mrs. Hinson. Maybe Brenda would put on her hot gold and black bikini and join them today. She was one of the hottest women Kelly knew.

That would be too perfect!

The wicked thoughts she had more than once that day came to Kelly's head. fucking hot it would be to tie up that hot MILF and do some wicked things to her? Images of Brenda, naked and tied up, raced through the young teen’s mind often lately. She imagined tormenting the MILF’s nipples, her breasts wrapped tightly by ropes. Kelly ran a hand along her smooth tight body, stopping just as she cupped one of her own firm breasts.

'I should get out to the pool' she thought, walking out of Vicki’s room. She almost passed by Brenda in the kitchen; then stopped behind her. Kelly looked over the hot mom, taking in all of her curves. Lost in her own young sex-driven thoughts and glancing out the windows at the pool, she didn't notice Brenda turning around until they were face to face.

Seeing the tight teenage body standing there, Brenda was taken back by how beautiful Kelly looked in her sexy pink bikini.

“Oh, hey there, Kelly…when did you get here?”

Once her thoughts were quickly collected, Kelly was able to answer. “Oh, hey! Not that long ago. Vikki just let me use her room to change into my new bikini.”

Having been around Kelly and other pretty friends of Vicki, it was not shocking to Brenda to see the nearly naked bodies of cute teens. Some of them were prettier than others, and Kelly was at the top of the list. She was clearly proud of her new swimsuit, and slowly did a couple of turns as she asked, "So Brenda, do you think this top is too tight across my chest?"

Brenda stared. She told her, “No, it fits pretty perfectly, actually.”

Kelly turned once more and stopped with her ass towards the older woman. She looked back over her shoulder seductively.

" What about the bottom, Brenda.... do you think that fits perfectly, too?”

This time Brenda swallowed hard and took a moment to reply.

"Y...yes, Kelly. I mean, it really does."

In came two wet dripping teens in towels, Evie and Becca, scampering past while squealing and giggling about how cold the air conditioning in the house was, as they headed towards the bathroom.

Hey, Kel,” Becca sang. “Out at the pool!”

As much as Brenda was used to seeing such displays of youthful sexuality from the girls, it almost always put a lump in her throat. And the way Kelly had flirted with her and called her "Brenda" in that tone! This had to have been the first time she had been so turned on by a teenage girl; but it wasn’t just any girl. It was Kelly, the often quiet one who sat back and watched, and was maybe the most mature and smartest of Vicki's friends. And Brenda now had to admit to herself, the girl was getting to be quite the little hottie!

Brenda turned and busied herself in an attempt to hide her blushing red face from Kelly and the other girls who might soon come dashing back to the warmth of the yard, or to splash in the pool.

Laying out a towel on an empty chaise lounge, Kelly smirked. She'd seen the embarrassed look on Brenda's face as she forced her to comment on her body. She turned from the chaise and slipped into the pool with Vicki.

Back in the kitchen, Brenda had calmed herself. The thoughts of Kelly’s ripening young body wouldn't leave her mind, though. Brenda made herself a drink to help cool those thoughts, but it didn't do much.

“Hey Brenda, can I ask you something?” Kelly’s voice was close.

That snapped Brenda from her trance, and she looked over. Kelly was standing at the doorway to the kitchen soaking wet; that bikini plastered to her body, with prominent nipples poking through the top of the almost translucent fabric.

“Uh uh…ye..yeah..what is it?” Brenda asked, trying to focus on something that was not the barely covered teen standing in her kitchen. No use; her eyes drifted over Kelly’s body, following the drops of water as they cascaded downward.

Kelly smirked, knowing Brenda was eyeing her up again.

“Can you make us some, maybe that special lemonade?” Kelly asked in a soft seductive tone. The “special” lemonade was what Vikki always said was for her mom and her mom’s friends only because it contained alcohol, when she and Kelly had spoken of it.

Brenda kept her gaze on the floor and Kelly's tanned feet for a moment as she blushed again and took a breath. She sighed quietly, glancing back to Kelly's face quickly, in order to not linger on her firm, fit body.

"Sure Kelly, I’d be glad to make you girls some lemonade, but maybe not the 'special' kind." Laughing nervously, Brenda added quickly,"the last thing I need here is a bunch of tipsy girls gone wild.”

As soon as she said those words she regretted it; when the vision of those "Girls Gone Wild" videos popped into her head. Oh, god - the topless splashing in the pool, the kissing and...

She tried to stop her runaway mind, but she noticed how the cold air had stiffened the beautiful girl's nipples into even harder nubs beneath the clinging pink bikini top. Brenda turned to the refrigerator for lemons, and to escape her rising humiliation at where her mind was suddenly going since Kelly arrived. Kelly stepped closer to Brenda, occupying her space. Brenda noticed the aroma of the seductive perfume that still clung to Kelly's body, despite being in the water.

The teenager looked the mother of her friend up and down once again, her eyes appraising.

"Oh come on, Mom. A little extra kick won't hurt anybody," Kelly said in a more demanding voice.

As Kelly had approached her, a shudder swept up through Brenda's body. That became a chill when Kelly's voice changed tone. The cool air conditioning may have made Kelly's nipples harden, but the thoughts circulating through Brenda's mind had her feeling much warmer.

"Oh...umm, yeah,” Brenda stuttered. “Well, maybe just a tiny bit of vodka wouldn't do any harm," she said.

Kelly grinned.

“Good. You'll bring it out to us. When you do, wear that black and gold bikini I've seen you in. Becca and I think it looks really cute on you." Kelly slowly turned and walked away, swaying her bubbly ass as she headed back to her friends in the backyard.

Brenda stood watching Kelly walk out, nearly dumbfounded as to why she agreed with a humbled "okay, sure Kelly" when the girl basically ordered her to join them on the pool deck. She had swam with them in other times, but she was dressed for the day and not intending to mingle with her daughter's group this time. But, Kelly was being so bold... and to be honest, it was intoxicating and confusing to Brenda.

The truth was, Brenda enjoyed the girl's attention. Her husband would have been far more interested in the bevy of hot girls than he was in her, she knew. It had been too many years since he'd made her feel beautiful, or even given her the kind of compliments Kelly had just been giving with her eyes. It should have felt wrong, but in truth it was strangely erotic to have Kelly's attention in that way.

'Jeeze, what am I beating myself up for?' she asked herself. Brenda decided there was nothing wrong with women appreciating each other's beauty! She didn't have to be a lesbian to enjoy the young woman being flirty with her and showing off her body that way; she'd seen far more skin at the beach. There was nothing wrong with enjoying seeing Kelly’s pretty... okay, sexy... teenage body.

With the lemonade made and spiked, Brenda shivered at the conflicting thoughts running through her head. For the first time in her life, she was about to put on her skimpy bikini because a friend of her daughter wanted to see her in it! It made her panties damp, even before she could get upstairs to change.

Kelly was sitting on the side of the pool, feet in the water, talking softly to Evie.. Both girls stared up at the window to what they knew was Brenda's bedroom. Vikki and their short redheaded friend Becca were swimming near them, but mostly ignoring them. Kelly bit her lip in anticipation, wondering if Brenda was going to follow through on what she'd said. This could be crucial to their plans, she knew.

Brenda looked out and down at Kelly between the horizontal blinds. “God, she's stunning,” she whispered to herself, and wondered why she'd only just noticed that. She glanced at all the other girls in their equally skimpy bikinis, including her own daughter. The thought of being around these sexy young girls suddenly had her hands sliding over her own body. Finding herself cupping her boobs, she gave them a quick squeeze. She was shocked at herself but could not resist the naughty impulse.

What Brenda did not catch was Kelly looking from the corner of her eye and seeing her peeking down at them.

The bikini Brenda wore, at Kelly's urging, looked like something a 20-something supermodel might wear! Stripping out of her clothes and pulling the tiny swatches of material on, she was suddenly aware it barely covered her nipples. The thong bottom framed her mature ass as only a thong could. Brenda turned to look at herself in the mirror, and thought about how revealing it was. Kelly's compliments gave the older woman a good feeling, though; that maybe she would be seen as pretty and sexy in the eyes of the teens.

The two stiff shots of vodka and a bite of lemon she had taken while making the lemonade were starting to kick in by the time Brenda had made it down to the kitchen. It was a good thing, because she was more nervous and excited than she had ever been in many years. This was, on one hand, no big deal - to go out and swim with her daughter and her friends. Yet on the other hand, because of Kelly and her sudden unapologetic flirting with her, she found herself trembling. Kelly's interest was mutual, she was forced to admit. It felt exciting to be going out there and showing her and the others that she still looked good.

Brenda assumed that something had happened with Kelly since she saw her last, and that very possibly she and... Oh my god! Was she and one of the girls out there having sex, she wondered? Whatever it was, the girl seemed to be hitting on her, and those looks she had been giving made the woman shiver.

Putting on her darkest sunglasses and picking up the tray of drinks, Brenda smiled to herself, then backed up to the sliding door and used her hip to slide it open. She was struck by the sight of 4 very attractive young females.

And one of them was staring at her with a devilish grin on her face! Kelly's eyes went instantly to the large boobs that were barely being contained by Brenda's suit. Kelly was entranced, once again.

The woman had done it; complied with her order!

Becca got out of the pool along with Vikki, the water sluicing off their sleek bodies. The three gathered for the lemonade along with Evie, the dark-haired girl taller than the rest in a skimpy black bikini that looked amazing against her creamy white skin. Her jet black dyed hair, black lipstick nail polish gave her an exotic goth look that perfectly fit her personality. Evie was part of the group, but seemed separate, somehow. Brenda didn't quite know how to take her yet.

There was a playful scramble for the "special” lemonade, the four of them bumping and jostling against each other, the tight wet suits clinging to their young bodies. Brenda found herself staring at the girls, but focusing on Kelly. The two locked eyes as Brenda watched the teen clutch a glass and bring it to her lips. Condensation dripped onto Kelly's tight tanned chest as she sipped the drink, her eyes never leaving Brenda's.

“I’ve gotta say, you look great in that suit, Mrs. Hinson,” Kelly said in a voice almost unheard by the other girls. She looked deeply into Brenda's eyes and said, “Turn around. I want to see the back.”

Brenda blushed and tried to defer the complement, shaking her head shyly. She didn't want to show off the thong back, being unsure about showing off her butt cheeks.

Kelly's voice was harsh as she repeated the order.

“I asked you to turn around.”

Brenda promptly spun around, not daring to defy the intense teenager. She was blushing as she did, but completely aroused. It was like the other girls weren't even there, to her.

And in truth, only Evie turned to look at the object of Kelly's interest. She appraised the middle-aged MILF in a cool manner, her eyes taking in Brenda's body in a swift sweep that seemed to dismiss her, but she was interested, too. She'd been watching Vikki's mother closely, and the interaction between her and Kelly.

“Well, thank you,” Brenda replied, as Kelly again complimented her. Her heart was pounding in her ears, but she tried her best to look and act normally. Behind her dark glasses, though, her eyes were free to peek and roam in a way she'd never taken advantage of before. For the first time, she could check out each girl as they chatted and teased at one another.

She'd noticed Evie's shapely legs and tight slender butt, as well as those dark, smoldering eyes outlined in black.

She looked at Becca's shorter frame, with possibly the firmest conical B-cup breasts she had ever seen.

She looked at Kelly again and marveled at what had to be the perfect proportions for a young woman's body. Her perfect calves. Her pretty face and her commanding presence.

She even glanced at the body of her daughter, one that she knew almost as well as her own. That rapidly changing, beautiful body. Tall for her age and athletic, thanks to her father's side. Her full round breasts were already almost a C cup. They would probably end up as large as her own D cups, she thought.

After chugging a glass of lemonade each, two of the girls cannon-balled into the pool, making a huge splash that soaked the others. Everyone shouted and laughed and it looked like any other day at the pool.

Kelly took a seat on a lounge chair and looked at Brenda. She patted the one next to it.

"Come over here and talk to me," she ordered, though with a sweet smile that would fool most anyone. Brenda didn't miss the tone of voice, though.

No one noticed Brenda's deep breath and the surprised look she gave Kelly. They were too busy playing to see her roll her shoulders and straighten her back before taking a step towards Kelly.

Kelly watched and waited as Brenda made her way over to the lounger next to her. She grinned as Brenda seated herself and sipped at her drink, trying to appear casual. She knew better.

Evie walked by the pair, deliberately winking at Kelly before slipping into the pool.

"So I see you do take orders,” Kelly said, not looking directly at Brenda. “I wasn't sure you'd listen to a teenager.” She leaned towards Brenda then, and smiled.

"I... Well, I was being shy, I guess,” Brenda mumbled. “I mean, it's been awhile since I wore anything like this.” Brenda's breath was ragged as she tried not to stare at Kelly's young boobs. She blushed as Kelly reached over and tugged on part of her bikini top, the girl's fingers grazing the side of her breast casually.

Kelly tugged again at the top, saying, “There. It was just a little uneven. Now you're perfect again.”

Brenda laughed nervously.

Vikki and little Becca, on floats, had gotten blown to the far end of the pool by the stiff breeze. Vicki had her leg over Becca's legs to keep them both stationary. Their backs were towards Brenda and Kelly.

"Don't they look peaceful?” Kelly mused. “Best friends are special. How long have they known each other? I know it was before I moved here."

Brenda thought for a moment. "They met in second grade. They’ve been best friends since day one." She tried her best to make small talk, covering for her feelings of nervousness.

"Is it right you moved here three years ago and went to a different school, Kelly? When did Evie move here?” she asked, watching the smoldering dark-haired teen sit by herself on the edge of the pool. “This is only the second time I've seen her, and not really talked to her much. Vicki usually drags you girls to her room or the den before I can say more than hello."

Kelly could see the woman wanted to not be left out of her daughter's life, but like most teenagers, having a parent around was not always in the plans.

“That's pretty much it,” she said, then paused. “You know, I like having you around, Brenda. You're the 'cool mom' of our group. In fact...” She paused. “...I'd like having you, anytime.”

Brenda's heart seemed to miss a beat. 'What's this girl saying? Did I hear her wrong?' She smiled briefly at Kelly, then got up to take the lemonade pitcher in. She decided she needed a lot more vodka! As she walked to the door, she could feel at least one girl's eyes on her backside. She was breathing hard before she got inside to mix more lemonade.

Brenda could not help noticing Evie taking a seat in the shade of the awning next to Kelly. The two girls talked in whispers, then they both looked towards her in the window of the kitchen.

The girls in the pool were now face down on their floats, eyes closed and drifting with the current of the pool as music played on the sound system. It was a lazy summer day, perfect for relaxing, but Brenda couldn't relax. She returned to the pool deck with more lemonade, but sat opposite the two girls.

Another appraising glance from Evie as she picked up a bottle of sunscreen. Dribbling it over her long creamy legs, she spread it with long slender fingers, rubbing it in while looking directly at Brenda. Her tiny black bikini bottom barely covered her, Brenda noticed. Brenda studied the raven-haired beauty from behind her dark glasses as she gulped her lemonade nervously. Neither Kelly nor Evie broke their stares, not hiding the fact that they were checking out Brenda's body in the swimsuit Kelly had told her to wear.

Evie's hands, slick with lotion, slid up and nearly under her top, in effect cupping her perfect handful of boobs. She looked at Brenda and winked.

Kelly moved across to Brenda and leaned over, taking a sip of her lemonade.

"Wow, what did you put in here?" she asked in a mocking voice. Brenda grinned sheepishly; she'd made hers in 'adult strength.' She turned to check on Vicki and Becca.

Kelly moved quickly, seeing Brenda was distracted. She reached down, brushing hair away from Brenda's face, her forefinger grazing along the woman's cheek.

At the same moment, Evie spread her legs, moving the fabric to the side to apply sunscreen directly on her crotch, giving Brenda a quick peek at her hairless pussy. Evie grinned, knowing Brenda was watching her. Kelly was also aware of what Evie was up to, without having to look. The two girls were working in tandem, determined to seduce Vicki's mother, but Brenda was not aware of this.

Mesmerized by Evie's lurid actions, Brenda barely heard what Kelly was saying to her. Her mouth had literally dropped open, and her tongue automatically ran across her upper lip as she drank in the eroticism of the dark haired girl's teasing display.

" Um.. oh , oh. What? I... oh, I put a little more vodka and a dash of triple sec in mine,” Brenda stammered. She took a quick breath, then took her own drink from Kelly's hand. She took a big swallow of the heavily spiked lemonade.

Evie looked directly at Brenda with a sly smile as she got up. She walked towards her target, bringing the bottle of oily sunscreen with her. Her bikini bottom was still pulled to one side.

Brenda's heart fluttered as she could only guess at the girl's intent.

“Oh, good. Evie, are you done with that?” Kelly asked, leaning over Brenda and holding her hand out. She smiled at her friend, who smirked at her.

“I suppose. We don’t need your cute little ass getting burnt, now do we?” Evie teased, leaning past Brenda to hand the bottle to Kelly.

Brenda, finding herself unable to move. Kelly sat on the edge of Brenda’s lounge chair and began to apply the coconut-scented lotion to her own body. Kelly made quite a job of it; her arms and legs were soon slick with the lotion. The teen’s hand slid around and under her boobs, once more drawing the MILF's attention.

“ you need help with your back?” Brenda asked, glancing over at Evie who was now back in her chaise, with her eyes closed. She looked back to Kelly, who was already holding the bottle out to her.

“I wouldn’t argue,” Kelly answered and turned onto her stomach on the adjoining chaise lounge. She then reached back and untied her bikini top letting the strings fall alongside her.

Leaning over the girl's slender body, Brenda began to go through the normal motions of rubbing lotion on her. What was not normal was how something she had done just a few days before, when putting it on her daughter’s back, had now become the most erotic thing she could imagine! It seemed that this whole day was one of new ways of seeing things, thanks to Kelly and the other sexy teenager.

Everything was quiet. Brenda could nearly hear her own heart thumping in her chest as she breathed deeply and slowly and her loins filled with that warm, soft inner throbbing that she knew was about to bloom into a lust that would wet her swimsuit. It was scary how much it turned her on to be touching this teenage girl.

Evie turned her head Barbara's way, making the woman flush with a hint of shame and humiliation at how she must look. Evie simply smiled and closed her eyes again.

"There, sweetie. All coated. Would you or Evie like some water or something?"

“You didn't get my butt,” Kelly said, not raising her head. Brenda didn't see her grin, but Evie could.

Brenda hesitated, looking down. The heat between her own legs was almost unbearable. Her mouth was starting to get dry as the thoughts swam in her head. Kelly’s butt cheeks were like glorious bubbles, firm and round!

“Yeah, that’s the part that burns the easiest on her!” Becca chimed in from the pool. "...'cause it sticks out so much!" This was followed by a lot of giggling. .

It seemed everyone was aware of what was going on between the two! Brenda wondered what her own daughter might be thinking.

She held the bottle high and gave a quick squeeze of the cool lotion to the exposed cheeks swelling up from the tiny thong between them. That made Kelly jump and squeal.

"Hey, what happened to warming it up with those miracle hands, mommy-poo?" Kelly asked with a giggle in her voice.

Brenda tried to make light of it with a joke. "Sweetie, as hot as this butt of yours is, I'm sure it's plenty warmed up on its own."

No one laughed; in fact, there was a dreadful silence that told Brenda she'd probably gone too far with that comment.

Trying to diffuse the silence, she laid both her hands on the tight globes of her daughter's teenage friend.

"Yep, already hot,” she exclaimed.

To her relief, everyone laughed at that, but Brenda was sweating by now.

Ever so slightly, Kelly pushed her ass up against Brenda’s hands and glanced over at Evie.

Brenda's hands were still shaking as she started to very slowly rub the lotion into the teen’s skin.

“Oh, you gonna give me a massage too?” Kelly teased. She moaned just loudly enough to let Evie hear her.

Brenda took a deep breath, trying to calm her jangled nerves. She said, in a soft unsure voice, “Uh, nooo.." Her eyes and mind were more concerned with the glob of lotion that was on the verge of slipping between the cheeks of the perfect little ass under her hands.

A sudden push upward from Kelly, and Brenda's thumb slipped down and spread the slick lotion along the firm valley. Brenda said quickly, “Sorry!”

"Ohhhh, nice job, there!,” Kelly teased. “Very, very good, in fact...mommy-poo."

In response, Brenda’s fingertips grazed her asshole. Kelly pushed back more, wiggling her hips slightly.

“Oh, Mom must be doing something right, for Kelly to shake it like that!” Vikki remarked.”Go, mommy-poo!”

Again, laughter. Everyone was watching as Brenda’s hands lingered between the teen’s cheeks.

“My lord, these are tight,” Brenda moaned under her breath, so that only Kelly and Evie could hear her.

Evie whispered, “Tightest butt in town. Or so they say.” Then she laughed.

Brenda felt all the eyes on her. Her gut wrenched from the humiliation of not already stopping this charade, but when Vicki began to clap her hands and chant, “Go, mommy-poo,” her eyes darted around to see all three girls watching her hands on Kelly's ass. She froze for a moment, then quickly pulled her hands away.

Rubbing lotion on a teen's tight ass was one thing, but her pussy being wet and hot from it was another!

"Girls.. uhm.. I need to go in the house get this lotion off my hands. Does anyone want anything while I'm inside?" Brenda made a bee-line for the sanctity of her home. Someone giggled.

Kelly got up, not bothering to tie up her bikini top. She looked down at Evie and winked.

“I think I'll go inside, too. I’ll be back.” As she passed Evie she muttered, “Put on a good show out here, I’m going after that!”

Thinking she was alone in the house, Brenda rushed to her room, not even bothering to shut the door all the way. Her breathing was heavy. The fire and wetness between her legs was intense and she needed relief. Now! Almost ripping off her bikini bottoms, she dropped them on the bed.

Kelly re-entered the house. Not seeing Brenda in the kitchen or bathroom, she made her way upstairs to the master bedroom, careful to not make any noise. Getting to the slightly opened door, she peeked in to see the mother at her window. She knew Brenda was looking down at the pool deck.

Kelly grinned. The hot MILF was naked from the waist down, and rubbing herself! She bit her lip and took a step into the room, still careful not to be heard or seen. Kelly's hand went to her own breast as she watched the lurid sight of Brenda masturbating.

Down below, the girls were playing around. Brenda watched from the corner of the window as Evie grabbed Vicki from behind, binding her arms. Becca then pulled Vicki’s top down and playfully teased her boobs, all three girls laughing. Brenda bit her lip as her fingers pressed into her damp pussy.

Seeing what Brenda was doing gave Kelly another idea. She backed out slowly to get her phone from Vicki's room, then sent a text to Evie. Looking down from Vicki's bedroom window, she saw Evie check her phone, glance upward and grin.

This was going well beyond what they had talked about, but if Kelly was up for it, so was she, Evie thought.

Brenda was still peeping out the window, half-naked and completely turned on. The hand at her crotch was moving steadily.


'I can work with that,' Evie thought, reading the text again. She whispered into Becca's ear.

Vicki was fearful that her mom would come back out and see her topless, but with it all girls, and Becca having now taken hers off too, maybe mom wouldn't say anything. Besides, the extra vodka Becca had been slipping into her refill every time had little Vicki near drunk.

Vicki was on cloud nine. She was loose and happy. and feeling wild and sexy! This was pretty extreme compared to the playful things her friends had ever done with her before, and she was loving it! 'Who cares if it's girl-girl,' she thought. 'Hell, half the girls in school are bi, and this is just in fun!

"Vicki, you're drunk," Evie spoke into her ear. "Hey, go with this my sexy friend, and you'll be rewarded like the hot little slut we all know you are." With a nod to Becca, Evie spun Vicki's suit top around so it was still hanging from her neck, but with the cups and long wrap-around ties hanging down her back. She regained her hold on Vicki's arms.

“Don't ask questions, just keep your arms down and you'll see what she means," Becca whispered to Vicki.

Once again in Brenda's room, Kelly lifted a bathrobe from a chair-back and pulled the soft sash through the loops. Having slipped quietly up behind Brenda, she held her phone high overhead in one hand and took several pictures of Brenda watching the sexy scene below as she played with herself.

Brenda gasped, watching the two girls bind Vicki's arms with her own bikini top. But where was Kelly? Brenda watched as Becca began playing with her daughter’s boobs, no longer just playfully. The eroticism of the scene below was now real.

“Oh my lord!” Brenda moaned deeply, as Kelly got it on video.

Down on the pool deck, Vikki’s boobs were being toyed with more aggressively by Becca as Evie began grinding against the bound teen’s ass, moaning into the daughter's ear. Vikki attempted to pull away but couldn't, now also in Becca's grasp.

Slipping her phone into her suit, Kelly walked up behind Brenda and whispered in her ear, “Don’t even think about moving. Just keep your eyes on your daughter.”

Brenda flinched, but obeyed the girl's orders. Kelly grinned as she pulled Brenda’s arms back, holding her firmly. Brenda took a deep shuddering breath, closing her eyes for a moment and then opening them again. She couldn't believe the sight of her beautiful daughter being held, groped and molested by her two friends. The sash was slipped behind both elbows, then tightened before she could object.

Suddenly, Brenda knew that a line had been crossed. There was no denying to Kelly or to herself that she'd secretly wished this to happen, but this was too much!

Once Kelly had two good wraps of the long sash around the woman's elbows and crossed wrists, she knotted it quickly. She thought the woman might have fought her, but the half-naked MILF just stood there, her eyes on the girls below them.

"Good girl, mommy-pet. Good girl."

Kelly pulled Brenda over to the middle of the window and opened the blinds wide.

Evie had been expecting it, and as soon as the movement of the blinds showed Brenda's curvy form, she took Vicki's chin in hand, lifting it so the girl could see her mother looking down at her.

“Uh-oh. Mommy's watching,” she said with a smirk. Kelly turned the mother sideways, so her daughter could see she was also bound. Vicki gazed upwards, watching as Kelly wrapped more of the long sash around her mother's wrists, then pulled the end up and wrapped it around Brenda's neck. Vicki watched as her mother's arms were pulled up behind her back, much as Evie had tied hers. This made Brenda’s boobs stand out.

Kelly turned the trembling woman back towards the wide open window and pushed her forward until she was up against the glass. She slid Brenda’s top up over her breasts and mashed them against the window.

Down below, Evie told Becca to take her phone and start recording. Then she slipped Vicki's wet swimsuit bottom down and off, held the girl from behind by the neck and stuffed them into her mouth.

Upstairs, Brenda gasped aloud. "Oh my god!" she blurted as she was manipulated. She locked eyes with her daughter below as Becca and Evie took turns squeezing, pinching and twisting at the tightly-bound girl’s nipples. Vicki's face was a combination of fear and arousal.

“Naughty mommy, watching her own daughter getting used like that,” Kelly whispered in Brenda’s ear, reaching around and squeezing a big nipple between her fingers. “Keep watching. You both need to learn what submissive girls should act like,” she instructed.

Brenda’s legs were trembling as she continued to watch, moaning as Kelly duplicated the actions of the girls below. She tried desperately to will the girls to stop, hoping Vicki was not getting pleasure from the abuse, but she knew otherwise. She gasped again as Kelly pulled her nipple out and let it go sharply.

“Such a hot mommy,” Kelly cooed in her ear. Her hand slid down and started to rub against Brenda’s burning, soaked pussy.

“You will tell me when you're about to cum, do you understand?” Kelly asked in a husky whisper. Brenda could only nod, her eyes still locked on her daughter's.

Kelly expertly teased and manipulated the woman, feeling the thrill of power when she was able to work her to the edge of orgasm twice, then stopped.

Below, Evie and Becca held and fondled Vicki, turning the drunken daughter into a lesbian's play toy. Evie, tall and strong, held sweet little Vicki tightly while Becca pulled off her own swimsuit bottom and made Vicki lick the crotch of it. Brenda could only watch and gasp, hardly believing what her daughter was doing. .

After packing the gusset of the bikini bottom in Vicki's mouth, Becca gave her a slap.

"Don't you dare spit that out, you little mommy's-girl. Just keep looking up at her, no matter what. You hear me?"

Kelly's dark plan was working out even better than any of the girls expected. They all knew what to do, from that simple message Kelly had sent. It was time to work little Vicki over good, as her mom watched, unable to stop them.

Brenda's knees were so weak she could barely stand, anyway. Leaning back into Kelly's welcoming embrace kept her on her feet. Her heart was pounding in her chest as if it would burst through! Kelly's expert fingers were driving her mad with lust.

Evie was now holding her daughter by the shoulders in a firm grip as Becca began to snap at her body with a wet towel. Vicki was twisting and flinching from the stinging corner of the towel-turned-whip, and Brenda could hear her cries. In addition, she was being talked to sternly by the girls abusing her, but the sound of their words didn't make it into the house. Vicki finally nodded her head up and down in an agonizing "yes" to some unheard question.

Becca stepped up to the panting, shaking Vicki, reached out and put her fingers over her virgin pussy and teased the hot little pea-sized clit peeking out from it, making both Brenda and her daughter gasp.

“Your daughter knows how to be a good girl,” Kelly muttered softly into Brenda’s ear. Her fingers pressed harder on the mom’s own clitoris, and Brenda stiffened. Kelly's lips rested gently on her neck.

“Now, will her mommy do the same?”

Brenda nodded as Becca continued to tease her daughter’s clit. Vikki was writhing and moaning against the bikini bottom stuffed in her mouth. Evie kept her firm grip on the smaller girl's shoulder, then whispered something in Vikki’s ear that made her look up, re-establishing eye contact with her mother.

Brenda could see the red marks from the wet towel whipping as they formed and deepened on her daughter's beautiful little body. Vicki was panting and her eyes were full of tears, but they also showed a hungry look that Brenda had never seen in them before. She was both ashamed for her daughter and very proud of her. Vicki struggled in Evie's strong grip, but she didn't really try to get away. The two girls with her were now being gentler with her as they moved her forward a few steps, out of the hot sun and a little closer to the windows. Evie motioned for Kelly to raise the window and she did.

"Stay, Mommy,” Kelly ordered as Brenda surged toward the open window. “Stay...just stand there, like a good pet."

Kelly took only a minute, first to dash into the woman's huge walk-in closet. She came back with two belts that were both fully adjustable, with buckle holes all along their length, and a chain belt that worked basically the same way. Holding the belts up for the girls outside to see, then dropping them at the woman's feet brought a gasp of "Oh god.." from Brenda. Then, pulling off her own poolwater- and pussy-soaked bikini bottom and moving behind her so as not to block the view, Kelly held the MILF with a tight grip on her neck, under her chin.

"Open up, mommy-whore, and get your first taste of teenage pussy as your little daughter-turned-hot-lezzy-bait watches you!”

Kelly stuffed her suit bottom in the MILF's mouth and secured it with one of the belts. She could feel the woman's shiver turn to a tremble of fear, excitement and extreme lust. It was that lust and fear that had held her there when Kelly went to her closet. Kelly had to smile. With her arms now bound behind her back, Brenda was already a prisoner in her mind. This gave her the excuse to stand there, watching the girls sensually molest her bound and gagged, naked daughter.

"With no one to hold you, let's make sure you stand and take it, so you can be a good mommy-slut for us," Kelly told Brenda. Kneeling on the floor behind her, Kelly took only a moment to cinch a leather belt around the woman's ankles and buckle it tightly. Then, going high on the thighs, she trapped them together with the chain belt as tightly as she could get it. It dug into the flesh of Brenda's nicely shaped thighs.

Leaving her standing bound, gagged and exposed, Kelly went to the master bathroom and took a medium-sized hand towel from the ring by the sink. She soaked it under the faucet, then wrung it out to make the same kind of whip that was used to make those delicious marks on Vicki's hot little body.

Down below, Becca and Evie were sensually stimulating Vikki’s nipples and clit in tandem, bringing her closer and closer to her first-ever climax. All Vicki knew was that she loved the feeling.

“Now, be a good mommy and don’t stop looking at your daughter,” Kelly told her, before snapping the towel onto Brenda's ass. Brenda could only whimper loudly, with her mouth gagged. Her eyes were filled with lust as watched her daughter’s boobs and clit being tortured by her friends. Another snap of the towel to the side of her boob brought her attention back to her own teenage domme.

“Oooh, that got your attention didn’t it? I love how wet you are from all this…” Kelly grinned lewdly. “You've always wanted this, haven’t you?”

Brenda was suffering from sensual overload. She was seeing things she never in a million years had expected to see, and it was having the expected effect on her body. While the sting of the wet towel made her squeal and flinch, the look on her daughter's face, seeing her mother twisting and jerking, was precious in its blend of horror and lust.

Kelly began sliding her skilled fingers up and down over Brenda's wet labia again, stroking them across her engorged clit. There was some twisted truth to what Kelly was implying by asking her if she had always wanted what was happening to her.

The truth was not as simple as the question, however. Brenda knew she had crossed a line toward what she wanted, more than she had ever wanted anything. She had been plunged hard and fast into lesbian bondage sex, but without regret. No one had ever touched her the way Kelly was touching her now; not even her husband. Nor had she ever witnessed anything as sexy as what she was seeing below, not even in those videos.

But had she always wanted this? No, she couldn't admit that she did. She may have always wanted to find something this hot and amazing, but this! This had never crossed her mind. A softly moaned "nooo" came out weak and unconvincing, as her eyes stayed glued on the girls watching her.

“Don’t lie..” Kelly commanded, snapping the towel on Brenda’s ass again. “I saw the way you looked at me, the way you watched Evie touch herself earlier.”

Vicki's legs were now spread wide, her exposed pussy being teased by both Becca and Evie as she begged them for more, with no relief to be granted. Her orgasm was just seconds away, but destined to be denied by her friends. They worked in tandem to tease and stimulate the girl in numerous ways. Evie used her fingers to open Vicki's pussy. Becca kneeled now, using her tongue to tease Vicki's swollen clit. All the while Vikki was looking up into her mother's eyes, her expression one of pleading and surrender.

The insanity of it all was weighing on Brenda as her head spun with shame and sexual arousal, both more intense than any she'd known. The way she was bound, with feet tight together, made it tricky to not fall over when she flinched from the sharp sting of the wet towel on her body. Harder yet was taking those tiny steps as Kelly took her shoulders and turned her at an angle to the window. She had to turn her head over her shoulder to keep her eyes on her daughter, as she had been ordered to do. In truth, she couldn't bear to look away.

Only her daughter had sympathy for her when suddenly a hard, painful sting sent searing pain through her left breast, where Kelly had snapped the towel against her skin. She almost fell, but managed to stay on her feet. There came another; then another and another. Her large breasts bounced with each blow.

“So..I will ask again..” Kelly snapped the towel, hitting Brenda’s tit once more, “...haven't you always wanted to be used like this?”

Another snap connected, this time on Brenda’s nipple.

Down below, Vikki’s eyes were pleading for release. The constant denial was overwhelming her sanity as well. Evie and Becca now switched places. Evie got on all fours and arched her ass upward so Brenda could have a nice view of it from above as she took her place between Vicki's thighs.

“Tempting, isn’t it?” Kelly whispered. “You know you want to bury your face between your little girl's legs, too.” She snapped the towel again, stinging the flesh on her ass. “Even if it means only your daughter could cum, and you'd be denied.”

The searing pain made it hard for Brenda to think. Her eyes were glued to the torrid scene below her bedroom window. Her sweet Vicki, her previously innocent little darling, was obviously going wild with a desperate need to cum. The wicked girls were toying with her in a twisted game of orgasm denial coupled with the bizarre scene they were involved in. They had tormented her to the edge of a desire so strong she was babbling, demanding and literally pleading for release.

Vicki's eyes focused on her mom's large breasts as they yielded to the impromptu whip. Her mother was clearly also in distress and held captive by her friend Kelly, who was now holding her by one bound arm and whipping her big tits over and over wildly.

Vicki saw the desperate passion burning in her mother's eyes as she nodded her head briskly to some unheard question Kelly must be asking her.

“Say it! Say it out loud, you naughty mommy,” Kelly suddenly demanded.

Down below, Evie continued to torment Vikki’s pussy with her tongue, stopping and restarting her fearful ministrations.

“I want to hear you say, ‘Please let her cum! Let my daughter cum; just let her cum!'”

Brenda knew how pitiful it must have looked and sounded as she tottered on her bound legs and her body quivered with pain and lust in a swirling madness of shame and humiliation. The sight of Evie licking the clean folds of her daughter's pretty little pussy; Kelly's lusty voice as she raised her demands. Her own pitiful whimpers, of a desperate need for release.

"Easse eh ee aak oo rr uumm easse ett err umm..."

Kelly removed the panties from Brenda’s mouth. “Say it again,” she demanded. Brenda moaned pitifully as Kelly squeezed the hot mother’s breast with a surprisingly strong hand.

"Please, Kelly don't hurt her or torment her more. Please let her have some relief," Brenda begged. "I'll do anything you want."

Evie waggled her ass in the air as she continued to lick Vicki. Becca fondled their friend’s boobs from behind as if they were stress balls, and all the while Vicki stared up at Brenda, into her eyes.

“Look at your mommy being such a naughty whore,” Becca growled at Vicki as she tugged hard at the girl's nipples, drawing a shriek from her.

“Yesh! Yesh, eesh a aughty hoah!” the girl grunted, so desperate to cum she had completely surrendered her own and her mother's dignity.

Satisfied at last, Kelly sent a message down below to the others. Both her and Brenda watched as Evie’s tongue went into overdrive and Becca whispered something in Vikki’s ear. Within seconds, they heard the loud wail of orgasmic release coming from the daughter. Vikki’s body shook wildly as the pent-up orgasm finally broke free inside her, tumbling her into spasms of pleasure.

“See? That wasn’t so hard, now was it?” Kelly grinned, watching the girl along with her mother. “Now, I wonder: how well can you make me cum with that tongue of yours?”

Brenda had no idea how well she could make a girl cum! Her heart hammered in her chest as she came to understand she was about to find out. Hesitating with her reply, a quick swing of Kelly's right hand landed a stunning slap on Brenda's face, making her almost fall.

“Answer me,” Kelly growled as she stood before her, her eyes flashing. Both of them watched as Evie and Becca lay Vicki on the grass like a used-up sex toy. “If you don’t answer me, I'll make sure neither of you ever cums again.” Another hard swat of Brenda’s face left a handprint, and Brenda staggered against the window frame.

“Owww! Oh, fuck... okay! " Brenda gasped. "I don't even know if I can; I really don't, Kelly, I swear. I've never done...that."

Kelly grabbed her arms firmly from behind, forcing Brenda to her knees. “That's more like it, mommy-slut,” she barked. “Well, we're gonna find out how good a pussy-licker you can be, right now!" Kelly held the woman's head, guiding her with both hands twisted into her pretty hair.

In truth, Brenda had never been so turned on in her life as she was at that moment! The words that Kelly had drawn from her were coming true, and her pussy leaked and her clit throbbed as she considered the actions to come. Brenda's breathing was coming in shallow, breathless gasps.

“Open your mouth. Stick your tongue out,” Kelly demanded as she guided Brenda’s face to her smoothly shaved pussy.

Both could hear the faint moans of Becca below them, as she ground herself on Vicki’s face. Evie was back between the girl’s legs, teasing her pussy again with her tireless tongue. Her long fingers pumped in and out of Vicki in a practiced motion. Vicki would cum again, soon, she knew.

As directed, Brenda stuck out her tongue, and a jolt went through her body. She finally got the taste of Kelly’s teenaged pussy as her tongue was forced onto it.

Brenda could almost taste and feel the youthful lusty energy of Kelly as she ran her tongue up from the bottom of that sweet, hot and very damp pussy, up to the bean-sized clit that peeked out from between those tight labia. She felt the absolute shame of her actions, and the horror of admitting to herself how much she was now loving what was happening to her and her daughter. But even stronger than the shame of being submissive to her now... was her unspoken desire to make Kelly come.

As Kelly groaned and guided the woman's face and mouth, she directed Brenda on how to use her lips and tongue on her.

“Mmmmm, that’s it. Come on, be a good slutty mommy and lick me good. Right there, baby. Right there!”

Becca was grinding down hard on Vikki’s mouth, her moans increasingly louder. Vikki was also moaning, but it was muffled by the little redhead’s pussy. And if she listened well enough, Brenda could hear Evie moaning into her daughter's vagina, between the wet smacking sounds of her tongue on wet flesh. The whole area seemed to resonate with the sounds of sex.

“Oh, is our good little girl needing to cum again?” Evie asked Vicki loudly; loud enough for both Brenda and Kelly to hear. “Well, sorry. Only after slutty-mommy makes Kelly cum first!”

Brenda wanted desperately to rub her needy clit and run her fingers deep into her own pussy. Her arms, tied back, made her not only vulnerable but robbed her of what she needed so much in that moment. The robe sash, the belts; the helplessness of it all was so heart-poundingly frustrating!

Kneeling, licking the girls pussy and actually enjoying it, was wrong. Being controlled like this was somehow an excuse to her that she was doing it against her will. But seeing her daughter giving in to the other two girls, Brenda knew neither needed to be forced into it. Had they?

Her sweet daughter was weak and easy to manipulate into this, but Brenda couldn't escape the reality that this was something she was not only ready for, but had allowed herself to think about as the girls matured.

Kelly's pussy was cleanly shaven, like the girls in porn Brenda had seen when she occasionally watched it. Pink and slick, with now swollen lips and clit, it made her shiver when the lusty teen pulled the woman's nose up and over it and repeated her instructions on how to pleasure her.

“That's it, slut! Get in there good,” she groaned, “show me that nasty mommy we all knew you were!” Her hands gripped the woman's hair tightly as she attempted to climb over her face, grinding her roughly against her pussy.

For her part, Brenda could only comply. Pulled off-balance, she had to trust in Kelly's hands to keep her from toppling over as she extended her tongue and allowed it to be used as Kelly wished. All three girls below stared upward after Becca dismounted from Vicki's face, and Evie whooped loudly.

“Yeowwww, listen to that bitch eat pussy! Damn, girl...”

She looked over into Vicki's eyes. “I'm impressed with Mom! You think you'll ever be that good?”

Becca laughed. “She's almost there,” she avowed, “but she'll need a lot more experience before that happens. Hey, Kel!” she shouted upward, “are we sure Mommy hasn't been practicing before now?”

Kelly slowed her movements, letting Brenda dictate her own motions on her slippery pussy. She chuckled as she looked down at the MILF, now eagerly licking her.

“Are we?” she asked rhetorically in a soft voice. “Maybe this isn't the first time little Vicki has felt a tongue on that twat.”

Brenda moaned in denial, but didn't stop licking. The taste of the teenager's pussy was addictive, making her want to spend as much time and energy as she was allowed there.

“Yeah, of course.” Kelly shook her head, watching in amazement as the helpless mom craned her neck to reach as deeply between her labia as she could. “Hey, slut. Has Daddy also been working that maybe-not-so virgin pussy?” This time Brenda didn't even bother to reply; she had other priorities.

With any luck, they could get Vicki's dad on board as well! Why not use the whole family for their pleasure? If not, then he would have to go, she thought. As her hands went back to using Brenda's face to scrub her needy pussy, she remembered that the other girls hadn't yet had their chance at this hot MILF. She also wanted to feel Vicki's tongue on her; that little slut was now a prime lesbian-in-the-makingut. But those things could wait for another day.

Kelly realized they'd need to get Vicki away from her mom for more training. She felt herself nearing orgasm already, as she thought about turning the little virgin into a fully degraded, completely submissive slut. They might even make money off her! Maybe they could even make money, deflowering her virgin pussy online? That thought upped her arousal immediately! She released Brenda's head and pulled the chair from the dressing table over to the window, then settled back to enjoy her climax.

Without being told to, Brenda went back to pleasuring her. Kelly spread her legs widely and urged the naughty mom on as Brenda forced her tongue into the teen's sensitive pussy.

"Good girl," Kelly sighed. "I love the way you're using your mouth, mommy-slut; I should have had you doing this all along!" She laid one leg over her slut's shoulder and pushed Brenda's hair back from her face so she could watch her tongue, but the MILF had her mouth plastered to Kelly's now-aching cunt with her tongue teasing that orgasm closer and closer.

"You're gonna be doing this a lot more, Brenda," she panted. "Oh god! A whoooole lot more, I think! Yeah, give it to me. Give it to me, SLUT!!!"

Watching Brenda's face was too much. Her look of concentration as she ate Kelly's young snatch, the way her eyebrows furrowed when she stabbed her tongue between those glistening labia; and finally, when she turned her lusty bleary eyed gaze up to Kelly - that was it!

"Ogoddddddd!" Kelly groaned as she arched her back and wrapped both legs around the head of the servile MILF, nearly crushing her between her muscular thighs as she climaxed. It was monumental, and in that moment, both knew this wouldn't be the last for her.

In fact, by the time her third strong orgasm had waned, Kelly was exhausted. She lay on Brenda's bed, where she'd led the still-restrained mom, with her legs spread widely. Brenda, too, had reached the limits of her energy, and lay with her head on Kelly's left thigh, dozing lightly.

The teen knew that her newly-converted sex slave would awaken to overwhelming remorse, and that was the point where training her would truly begin. It was one thing to seduce her; that was the easy part. Then, to bind her with belts and force her to pleasure her, hadn't taken much at all. Even to watch her own daughter suffer the same fate from above! Brenda had been surprisingly docile once the teasing and orgasm denial had begun, augmented by the physical abuse. She really took to it, in fact! Kelly had no doubt that Brenda had fallen in love with her. Now it was her task to keep the woman constantly aroused the rest of the night while Evie and Becca worked on Vicki at Becca’s house. Kelly closed her eyes for a moment and imagined the scene as it would be happening there. But first…

Kelly slipped her leg smoothly from under Brenda's head, easing her face down onto the sheets. She had to pee something fierce! Glancing down at the exhausted MILF, she smiled. She could hardly wait to whip that intoxicating curvy body into a sexual frenzy again, but that too would have to wait. She wanted the woman needy and begging for release for the rest of the night so she would need some rest.

Having relieved herself Kelly went downstairs and talked to Evie for several minutes. The two girls had been exploring bdsm sites and sharing stories for a while. That is what led them this far and it was way further than they had dared dream. That did not stop them from talking about many What If situations and the reality that at that very moment they managed to have the perfect set up right in their laps. Evie made a silly joke about how they lapped really for beginners. They knew these new ideas were risky but fuck they could work and maybe even make them some good money.

Kelly returned to the bed. Slipping in alongside Brenda, she slid her hands up the sexy mom's waist and onto her breasts. She'd warmed them under the water in the sink so Brenda wasn't shocked awake; she wanted her to come around slowly as her body responded to her manipulations. She was rewarded with a very soft moan.

Closing her fingers around the nipples, Kelly began to massage them softly. She imagined these tits leaking milk after the proper medication took hold. These 38DD's would hold a lot of milk, she knew, and make Brenda a prime lactator; the signature hucow for their Depraved Daughters site! Unable to resist, Kelly slid down and fastened her lips to Brenda's massive nipple.

Another moan. The MILF was enjoying this, even in her sleep! Kelly tongued the rapidly hardening nipple, teasing it into its full erection. Her hand kneaded the other at the same time, exciting them both as Brenda's eyes slowly fluttered open.

“Mmmppphhh,” she groaned, barely awake but already aroused. “What are you doing?”

“Shhhhhh, shhhhhh,” Kelly urged, looking up into Brenda's eyes, which were now fully opened. They widened in alarm, then took on the look of acceptance that Kelly was hoping for. “I couldn't resist, Brenda. You looked so sexy lying here.” With that, Kelly slid her hand down over the soft mommy-flesh, headed for Brenda's pussy.

Brenda anticipated her destination and wished she could open her thighs, but they were still bound by the belts Kelly had used on her legs. 'Ogod, I need to cum!' she thought wildly, working her thighs against one another in a futile attempt to stimulate herself. She knew she was wet, and that worked against her, if anything. She needed friction! Maybe Kelly would grant her release, if she begged her for it.

“Please?” she whimpered, her voice hoarse from an afternoon of eating pussy. “Can I cum now, Kelly? Please, honey...”

Kelly's fingers were now stroking just above her clit, frustratingly close but not quite granting her the pleasure she sought. Brenda wished she could get her arms free. Her pussy needed touch but the robe sash was still maddeningly knotted around her wrists and elbows, all behind her back.

“Pleeeeease?” Her voice was almost a sob now, as the girl slid down her body.

'Maybe now,' she dared to think, suddenly hopeful. She'd been so obedient, doing everything the girl wanted! She hiked her hips forward as she felt Kelly's warm breath on her. She could see the top of the girl's head, the blonde pony-tail swirling around her as she seemed to be studying her, possibly thinking about the best way to access her pussy. Brenda imagined the feel of the teen's lips on her. Where previously she'd felt only fingers, as gratifying as that was, she longed to feel those lips and that tongue, and to finally get to climax.

Kelly blew softly on her wet pussy.

“Is mommy-slut needy?” she teased, chuckling softly as she again caressed Brenda's starving pussy with her breath. She could see the agony the edging was causing the blonde MILF and wondered how long she could keep her in such a state.

“Please please please,” Brenda gasped, her pelvic muscles contracting, “ogod I need it Kelly, please? Please lemme cummmm!”

Kelly grinned. The mommy was close to babbling, so great was her need! She blew again, a long stream of cooling air that she knew was driving the woman crazy as it flowed over the hot, damp skin. Then, impishly, she flicked her finger directly on Brenda's clit and laughed as she cried out.

Downstairs Vicki had already been untied and was being re-dressed, ready to be taken to Becca’s house. She seemed to be in a drunken, post-orgasmic daze. The plan was simple- to separate the mom and daughter, in order to train them each as lesbian service-sluts. Today was a good start. They had heard Kelly's moans intensify. All three girls knew that Brenda was responding to her degradation the same way Vicki had. Both seemed to be accepting of their duties already, and that was a good sign.

Kelly would remain here, but they would be in continual contact via video chat. All Kelly had to do was gain Brenda's password to her computer. Hearing the moans, Evie doubted that would be an issue.

Becca’s house was perfect for taking Vicki for the night. Her parents didn't even bother to greet them when the girls came in the kitchen door, grabbed some food and headed up to her room. Her room was over the garage and they wouldn't hear anything. There was even an outside door to a deck, and stairs to the driveway if they needed them.

It was Evie's idea to get Vicki out of the way until it was decided how the night would go. “We’ll tie up our little toy and give her something to listen to. Becca, look for some hot lesbian sex vid, make a loop and send it to your earbuds,” she ordered.

A few minutes after they got into Becca’s room, they had the girl trussed up in a makeshift hogtie with belts, a pair of Becca’s worn panties held in her mouth by a scarf but not blindfolded. They wanted her able to look around, so they could read her expressions when they said and did things to her helpless body. She was placed belly down on the rug at the side of Becca’s bed.

Evie sent a text to her friend Kai. “NSFW ATTACHMENT. LK WT WE FND!. 2 PETS NEEDING TRNING. NO SHIT 4 REAL!.” One of the pics was of Brenda looking out her window. She was naked, with red whip marks on her body. The other was of Vicki, arms bound behind her back, in the grasp of Evie and Becca. She also sported red marks.

As Evie was texting, Becca logged onto her computer to open a webcam link with Kelly on Barbara’s computer.. She texted Kelly that they were ready. It took only moments before the notification came up; then she saw Kelly on-screen, sitting at Barbara’s desk. It being an older set up with a wired webcam, Kelly had to leave it on the desk, but could turn it to see all around the room. She gave it a quick scan to show them what she had done with Brenda.

“Hey guys, I’ve been thinking we need to plan some things before we get this going. As you can see, I’ve made sure mommy slave can’t hear what we’re up to.” Not knowing the other girls had done the same thing, she instructed them to put headphones on the girl. “This has already gone way past any ideas we considered,” she said.

Becca and Evie spoke at the same time, giggling at Kelly’s instructions. Evie went on to say, “Uh, yeah, we figured the same thing. Becca, turn the cam to show her our little slave girl.” Kelly saw Vicki, hog-tied on the floor with her eyes wide, and laughed.

“Nice. She and Slut-mommy make a nice matched set!”

Vicki proved to be even more docile than her mother during the long night of hot sex and mild slave training. Today would be a real test of that. She wanted to be in the clique; to be included in whatever the girls did. To feel like she was part of something awesome! She told Becca this as she sat in the back of Evie's girlfriend's van with her. Evie and the older girl, Kai, were talking in low voices that Vicki couldn't make out, as they were taking her somewhere that Vicki wasn't allowed to see, for a day of training. She wore a blindfold and her hands had been re-secured with a soft rope, but as Becca said, that was just to keep her from playing with herself. Her light summer dress felt different with no bra or panties beneath. She felt sexier than she ever had, in all her years of life!

She'd done things that she'd never even imagined before, and her mind and body were still electrified by the memories. The oral sex – oh my god! And the orgasms? In all the times she'd played with herself, exploring her responses to her own attempts at stimulating herself, she'd never imagined it could feel that good. This was a whole new world that her friends had allowed her to see into, and she loved it!

She wondered what her mom was doing with Kelly back at the house and how she was keeping it from her dad, but it was hard to concentrate on that. Those visions of her through the window, the emotions visible on her face? She'd never seen that side of her mother. It wasn't easy to think about what could have been pain, but definitely was the kind of pleasure that only adults understood, previously.

Vicki understood it now, or thought she did. And she wanted more. If she could only get it while tied up and suffering the snaps of a damp towel, so be it. As she told Becca in an unrelenting torrent of conversation, she wanted in on the plan. She'd do anything, let them do anything. She'd take it all, gladly and proudly, just...

“Jesus,” Becca huffed. “Can I get a gag for this one? She's driving me crazy back here! When are we gonna be there?”

Kai's eyes glanced at her in the rear-view mirror, “Shut it girl , shut it NOW!” and that was enough to silence Becca. The 22-year old terrified her. Evie was dark, but this girl was a black hole, into which her two friends had fallen. She was like Evie's older, more goth-like sister. She could tell that Evie worshiped her. She hadn’t participated up to now, but everything Evie or Kelly asked for, Kai seemed to be able to facilitate. The set-up in the barn, the super-fast laptop and cameras, the access to the dark web – Kai delivered. The only thanks Evie had ever given her, as far as Becca could see, were those long, tongue-sucking kisses. Well, those and the marks Evie tried and failed to hide! Becca had no doubt they came courtesy of whatever those two got up to in their own time. Becca sometimes wished she had a girlfriend who would do those things to her, scary as the thought was.

Well, at least they had Vicki now. The website Kelly, Becca and Evie had talked about all night and morning was coming together thanks to Kai. Vicki and Brenda would be the star attractions once they were up and running.

Punishment! Pain! Humiliation! Training! -- the website promised all this, and already people were logging on to see if they delivered. A little money was already coming in through Paypal and Cashapp, and so far all they had up were some hot pictures and a few stolen video clips. Becca was astounded at how much they could make if this took off, though the other two seemed to know already. For not the first time, Becca wondered when they had gotten involved in all this and how deep they were in with Kai. She knew they did Tik-tok vids, and she heard Kai had an Onlyfans page.

'No matter,” she told herself; she was part of it now. So was Vicki. But maybe not in the way she imagined.

The van came to a stop, and though she couldn't see, Vicki intuited they were at their destination, wherever that was. Maybe she would soon get this blindfold off, and they would do whatever it was that they kept whispering about. She could almost hear the butterflies in her tummy. This was going to be exciting! She hoped there would be more sex. That was the best part of this; the pain was bearable, but the pleasure was undeniably awesome, making her body respond in ways she'd never imagined.

“Okay? Hello?”

She waited, listening intently as the others got out and talked outside the van. There was some giggling, and she longed to be part of the joke.

“Don't forget meee,” she pleaded, and there was more giggling. The rear door opened, and strong hands grabbed her upper arms and pulled her to the door. She turned and felt her legs dangle over the opening, then her feet were on the ground and she was walked around and into a building. It sounded empty, and huge. They walked maybe forty steps and then she was stopped and turned 90 degrees.

“Arms up.”

Vicki complied, and felt her wrists flanking something cold and metal as her hands were placed on either side of that object and attached to it. 'What the...' She was released, and someone pulled a rope through a block and tackle, raising the teen’s arms even higher. When she was fully extended, her toes were the only thing connecting her to the concrete floor.

“Alright,” came Evie's voice, softly. “Slave, you will do your best to remain quiet and only speak when spoken to. Let the games begin.”

It was time.

Evie and Kai had the dark web up and the cameras set up on their tripods, giving them views from in front of and behind Vicki's trembling body. The girl was already nearing her limit, her calves aching from standing on tip-toe, her skin blotchy from Becca's bored slapping at her with the crop.

“Okay, Bec,” Evie announced, “give it a rest. We'll be online once we hear from Kelly. Bring her down a little, okay?”

Becca pulled the opposite rope, and Vicki's arms were lowered to just above her head, giving her some much-needed blood circulation that was agonizing in its own way. The girl's head dropped and she sighed deeply. She was still blindfolded, so she had no idea of the set-up she was now the star of, but she'd understood they had some kind of network connection, and that she was part of it. Suddenly, the blindfold was pulled from over her eyes, and she was looking into Kai's darkly shadowed eyes. It shocked her. The woman took a long drag on her cigarette and blew smoke into Vicki's face, grinning at her reaction.

“Alright ladies,” the older girl announced, “I'm outta here. Fuck, I wish I could stay and watch, but other slaves await. Whatever you're gonna do, have fun, but don't leave blood all over the place, okay? Evie, call me later.”

'Blood?' Vicki gazed around her as the girl walked away, swiveling her head one way and then the other. 'What were those cameras for?' With a sudden dawning, she realized they were pointing at her, suspended in the middle of this open building. There was a folding table at the far end, with cables leading to and from it. Evie was dithering with a monitor, only occasionally glancing her way.

Becca was still holding the instrument of torture she'd been using on her, looking at her with a sly grin on her chubby face. She'd changed from her swimsuit to a leather outfit that came up high on her hips, with no cups to hold her budding breasts. Her nipples were a soft pink, and fully erect. The black lace party face masks were perfect for the role of Mistress the three girls would wear on screen. There had been much discussion about how safe it was to show the slaves' faces, but Kai and Evie assured them they could block any URL within a 100 mile range or more, to reduce the risk to near zero. They would sell more on the dark web that way, they said. And for a lot more money!

“Becca,” Vicki asked, “what is this? Why were you hitting me with that? Let me down, okay? I'm tired of this game.” Her voice sounded pitiful, just perfect for the cameras.

From the far side, Evie told Becca to find something to put in the slut's mouth. She didn't even refer to Vicki by name; she was now “the slut” – a 'thing' to be silenced, and god knew what else done with! Vicki began to sob as Becca produced a belted device with a round leather ball attached. Becca stepped around behind her, regarding Vicki with a strange expression; not quite a smirk.

'Why was she doing this?' “Wait...what's tha.......”

Becca's hands went over her head and pulled the foul-tasting ball into her mouth, stopping her questions. Vicki felt her buckling it behind her head, and far too late, shook her head violently. Becca laughed.

“Got her,” she yelled to Evie, who rolled her eyes.

Just then, Kelly's face appeared on the monitor. “Hi, kids,” she announced, “what's happening there?”

Evie hit a key and Vicki appeared, looking small and worn. Kelly saw she was gagged and crying softly. 'Good,' she thought, 'Kai must have come through for us.' The studio looked great on-screen; a little dark and forbidding, hopelessly hard in its austerity. Concrete and steel, the perfect setting for mommies and their daughters to suffer in the name of fun.

“Depraved Daughters,” her and Evie's brainchild, was about to get nasty! The name would work great with the idea they’d come up with. They’d all called Brenda “Mom" at one time or another anyway. And her daughter was now just as depraved as any of them.

The tiny snips of the “confession” audio they’d produced yesterday were going wild with hits. Even the pixelated photos were getting lots of stars, the graphic used to show what was trending. It had been Kelly’s last-minute decision to obscure the slaves' faces in the photos, and in a way that made it seem more real - to not show them in detail, but allow the viewers to fill in the looks of pain and suffering. They weren’t necessarily a BDSM site, anyway; the dark web had plenty of those. It all went back to the direction they really wanted to go in – to make the site about turning older women and girls into sex slaves. Their target audience was other young women to show them different ways to go about making it happen for themselves.

When they sold that idea to the dark web producer, he was all over the realism of it, and said it should sell better than aiming it at men. The money would come from men, too; there was nothing those perverts liked better than watching lesbians doing things to one another. Peeking into kinky lesbian teens turning women into sex slaves, and teaching other girls how to do it, should be a hit.

“Okay, Becca, lace those boots up. And don't forget your hood! And remember...” Evie left the monitor and walked quickly over to Vicki. The girl was up on her toes, the rope tethering her to the ceiling having been pulled tight again. She looked out of it, and they hadn't even gone online yet. Evie raised her young friend's chin with her fingers.

“ names out loud, alright? We wouldn't want to see your mom get pulled through the mud over this. And your dad? What would he do?” She shook the girl's head violently once, forcing Vicki to look into her eyes. “Hey! I'm sure you wouldn't have a daddy at home anymore if he knew about this, would you, kid?”

Vicki shook her head, concern written in her eyes. But it was more than that. She needed to cum again. The thought of her family being broken up over something like this wasn't something she wanted to think about, but if taking a few lashes from Becca's crop meant everything else would stay the same, she'd be a good girl. And in truth, she was beginning to find pleasure in this new pain; hopefully, enough to trigger another orgasm. If not, she'd beg again. Vicki was getting comfortable with begging.

As Evie looked into her hooded eyes, the girl retreated into sub-space again.

“Okay, Kelly, you guys still with me?”

“Oh, yeah, babe. We're ready on this end, and excited! Mommy here is anxious to see her baby girl again. Aren't you, mommy-slut?”

Kelly appeared on Evie's monitor as they switched feeds, and the blonde-haired teen swiveled the webcam again to show Brenda beside her, still bound with soft ropes. The mother's face was a mask of need, but Evie could see her eyes looking anxiously into the camera. She was unable to move but only a simple scarf used as a cleave gag. They wanted her able to hear her garbled speech as she watched her daughter's abuse on-camera

“Where's Vicki?” Brenda asked in a shrill muffled voice. “Is she okay? Baby?”

Evie chuckled. “Don't worry, Mommy. She's doing just fine. She's already gotten to cum three times this morning. I swear,” she said, grinning, “she's addicted to that thing! I mean, fuckin' ADDICTED!”

Evie switched feeds again, and suddenly Vicki was there on Kelly's monitor. The girl stood with legs apart. She wore nothing but high heels, with pig-tails on each side of her cute young face. Her arms stretched upward, bound at the wrists and hanging from a single rope passing through an O-ring above, routed through a block and tackle and tied off. Her sparsely furred pubic area displayed the bright pink end of a Lush2 vibrator hanging out, the only area of color on her body.

That would soon change.

Brenda's voice was stifled but strident. “Oh my god, is she okay? Vicki? Mommy's here, baby. You're okay, right?” In a pleading tone she added “ Do this for them. Mommy needs you to do this.”

Vicki didn't speak, but nodded her head twice.

“I love you, baby. Mommy's here”

Evie cut the audio, shaking her head. 'Good God! The barn was only 150 feet from where she and Kelly were, in the house. You'd think they were in different countries!'

“Okay, kids, we can have mommy/daughter bonding time later,” she said over Brenda's still-moving lips. “We need to get up and running. Kel, is she alright with this?”

“She's good, sweetie. I promised her she 'might' get to cum if she plays nice and keeps Vicki focused. Right, Mommy-slut?”

Evie saw Brenda stop talking and nod contritely, her eyes closed. The promise of an orgasm was obviously as much on her mind as her daughter's; perhaps more so, since she hadn't had a climax in two days. Kelly had been teasing her constantly. With only a week of training as lesbian slave the gorgeous MILF was definitely broken at this point, and had come to regard the label of “Mommy-slut' as something to be proud of, it seemed. She'd admitted to Kelly that it made her wet every time she heard it. Her depravity had come to define her, Evie thought.

“Okay, it's noon. Time to go live,” she announced. “Places, everyone.” Evie looked at Becca, who quickly took up the crop as she began to count down.

“Three, two, one...”

The online counter showed 47 viewers online; not bad for a first-time showing in the middle of a workday. Evie wondered how many were girls. There would be many more once the word got out; maybe even thousands, the girls hoped. For now, the viewers would be introduced to the submissive virgin teenager and her mother, and the teens would explore taking suggestions from those who were willing to pay more. Perhaps much more. Then the pitch would begin

The opening shot showed Becca standing in high-heeled boots, her chubby tits showing over a shelf bra, the black lace outfit cut high on her full hips. She looked even younger than her years. The viewing audience saw what looked like a teenager playing at trying to look like an adult, her face smirking back at them. It would have been comical if not for the crop in her hands, and the other teen hanging limply before her. Evie did a voice-over.

“Hey there, welcome to depraved daughters,” she said in a sexy whisper, “look what we found for you. This little slut has been naughty, and needs some discipline. But we’re not just going to whip her. We’ve got her mother, and she’ll be part of the show, too. Wouldn’t you like to see what that involves? Stay tuned. Mommy might be in for a rough day, too.” She laughed conspiratorially.

At Evie’s nod, Becca side-armed the crop across Vicki’s bare belly. The sound of it hitting the teen’s lean flesh was distinct, and the teen reacted immediately, jerking to one side and groaning through the ball-gag. Brenda’s voice could be heard yelling, “Hey! Not so hard, please? Baby? You okay?” It was immediately obvious to the viewers that the mother was cooperating in her daughter’s punishment, and they began to comment, asking to see her.

“Coming to you,” Evie told Kelly, who immediately moved away from the camera. Evie switched feeds, and viewers were now looking at Brenda’s face. Her concern was evident, but there was a glint of lust there, too, which didn’t escape the gaze of fans.

“WTF? Mom doesn’t care? Whip her too!” one viewer urged.

“She’s hot, she needs to get fucked”

“Fuck look at those tits!!!”

“Make her eat her daughter n whip her n then fuck both of them n make them cum”

The incoming messages began to pile up, and Evie looked at the viewer count. It was at 58 and climbing rapidly! The little dings meant money coming in. She motioned to Becca to hit Vicki again.


That was a hard one, and though the feed was still directed at Brenda, viewers clearly heard the teen’s muffled, “Mmmmpppphhhhh!” and saw Brenda’s reaction. The teen began sobbing, and the face of her mother showed a tear making its way down one cheek.

“Wait! Don’t…that’s too much!” Brenda was clearly struggling to get up, but unable to. She was bound to the chair she was in. She shook her head, the tears now flowing harder. “Please,” she begged, “please don’t…”

Evie and Kelly were both smiling. This was video gold! They could both hear the dings as viewers committed more to watching the abuse. Evie cut the feed to Vicki again, just as Becca took another swing, this time connecting with one of her tiny breasts.


Vicki was struggling now, swinging wildly back and forth, as much as the rope from above would allow. She hadn’t signed up for this, and her eyes were wild. The pain etched into her face was real, and her nostrils flared above the ball gag as she fought for breath. Worse, Becca was grinning, clearly enjoying inflicting pain on her friend!

Kelly took her thumbs and smeared Brenda’s mascara around her eyes. “Easy, mommy,” she cooed, “you’re gonna give yourself a coronary. It’ll be over soon, and then you guys can get back together. We just need to show you off first.”

Brenda was babbling again, begging Kelly to stop the abuse of her daughter. “Please, God! I didn’t want this, I only wanted her to feel good,” she sobbed, “don’t make her go through this!”

“Shhhhhh, shhhhhhh. It’s cool. She enjoys it once she gets into her zone,” Kelly promised. “And when it’s over, you’ll see. Maybe we’ll let her give you your orgasm, huh?”

At the promise of a climax, Brenda stilled somewhat. My god, she needed that! She didn’t want to imagine Vicki eating her own mother out, but now that the image was in her head it was all she could think about! Her whippings would need care; she would dote over her little girl, make her feel good in every way. Kiss her, lick her….

‘Stop it!’ she told herself. That kind of thinking was unnatural. Still, seeing her naked and at the mercy of the girls…she looked so sexy that way!

Evie got Kelly on their headphones, “Where do we go from here?” she asked. “I don't want to ruin Vicki, but Becca's waaaay too into this!” She'd been motioning frantically for Becca to stop, as she was whipping the crop back and forth across Vicki's tiny tits and threatening to draw blood. The poor bound girl was about to hurt herself, trying to get away from her. Becca frowned at her, finally, but she obeyed.

“Yeah, we need to rein her in,” Kelly agreed. “Or else hang her up next.” The blonde girl paused.”I was kinda thinking about that, anyway.” She knew Brenda could hear her side of the conversation, but her attention was still on her daughter. And she was having reservations about inflicting too much pain on their young friend. Brenda, as her mother, was hovering around freak-out mode.

“Yeah? I'll let you break that to Becca,” Evie laughed. “She's having fun being a dominatrix. Probably too much fun!”

“We'll figure that out later. Have you heard the music those pledges are making? I'm thinking a couple more minutes of abusing our girl, then maybe we'll switch the focus onto Mommy.” She studied the mother beside her, whose eyes were still riveted on Vicki. The teen was hanging limply, gasping heavily after the latest tirade from Becca.

“Make sure you get your mask on,” Evie cautioned, “and maybe take your shirt off. That top's cute, but it's not sex-site material. Get them titties out!”

Kelly quickly pulled her top off and dropped it on the floor. “Okay, we’re ready anytime.”

Evie nodded to Becca, who happily raised the crop again. The goth girl held both hands out, palms down, and urged her to take it easy.

“Looks like our little slave isn't doing too well, doesn't it?” she voiced-over. “Let's see if we can wake her up.”


Vicki responded with a jerk against her rope and a mighty groan, and the pledges began cascading in again.

“Beet her til she pukes!” one message said.

“Fuck the hoar strap the moms asshoel an than shoot um both”

“Let me have her”

At Evie's signal, Becca hit the girl two more times, each time accompanied by Brenda's protests, which drowned out the dinging and made for powerful emotional responses. Then Evie said, “okay, coming to you, Kel.”

Kelly was ready. As the camera focused on the mother's overwrought face, she slapped Brenda hard. It clearly caught the woman off-guard, and she sagged to one side, her head hanging down. Kelly scampered around the camera stand to bring her back to a sitting position and yelled into her face, “You want some of that shit, Mommy-slut? I was gonna let you cum, but now I'm not so sure.” She turned to the camera and winked.

Brenda immediately began to beg. “Please, no,” she wailed, “I'll be good. I need to cum, please please please!” She was almost sobbing again.

It was obvious she'd forgotten about her flesh and blood, and that brought lots more comments, and a crescendo of dinging. Kelly raised her hand again and Brenda leaned away from her.

“You slut! Is that all you care about?” Kelly’s voice was loud, accusing. Brenda immediately broke into more tears.

“Shit, this is good stuff,” Evie barked into Kelly's headset. “Fuckin' A!”

Kelly put two fingers under Brenda's chin and raised her face to the camera, so the viewers could look into her eyes, framed with running mascara and red from her tears.

“Y....yesss,” Brenda confessed.

Evie cut the feed at that moment, deciding to end it on a dramatic note.

“Jesus, that just about made ME cum,” she exclaimed. “I bet guys are jackin' off all over the world to that!”

Switching on the audio again, she said, “She's not gonna cum any time soon, lovers. We're gonna keep her needy and begging, and we'll read every one of your comments in the meantime. You want to see her cum, we'll let her...but we won't make it easy on her. We're gonna move now, before the FCC or someone figures out where we are. To you girls out there who want to make your mom or aunt or best friends mom or some woman you know into your sex slave we are here to show you how. This private chat we offer is only for girls. We will only accept girls who will go cam to cam with us for personal tutoring. Write to Miss E in the contacts section. I am Miss K and our mommy and daughter whipper is Miss B. Bye bye and same time tomorrow, freaks! Oh, and thanks for coming...if you did, that is.”

She cut the feed and swiveled around in her chair.

“Fuckkkkkkk!” she screamed, “I love you guys!” She glanced at the counter. “221 perverts by the time we ended it,” she proclaimed. “Next time, I bet we hit 800, at least. There's gonna be a whole lot of people tuning in tomorrow, after that one.

Sure enough, the next day showed 446 people queuing up when they hit the air. Whoever said the dark web was only frequented by a slim minority hadn't seen what it offered. Sure, they could put toned-down content on xHamster or Pornhub, but this was raw and it was real, and they weren't paying half of their earnings back to the website. News traveled fast in the underground; there were so many comments they couldn't possibly go through them all, so they skimmed a couple hundred and deleted the rest. Evie was thrilled to see a handful that seemed like real girls, and not fake girl accounts so many men seemed fond of making up. She forwarded those messages to another email set up for making contact. She would have to trust it was as secure as the tech guru she had been getting advice from claimed it would be.

The format changed. This time they wanted to feature Brenda, as seemingly everyone wanted to see her take a beating. And they had a willing domme in Vicki, her own daughter! Despite her pleading for mercy for her daughter, they all knew that Mom's main goal was to be allowed to cum – which she hadn't, by the way. Her need was so great now that she eagerly agreed to be filmed. She'd been edged relentlessly by Kelly, who was sleeping with her in Vicki's room now, since Brenda and her husband had hardly spoken lately. She'd made it known that she wasn't interested in being his wife any more, completely giving in to her lust over the young girls in her life. The girls had talked of using him or getting rid of him but his out of state contract for a big job would keep him out of the picture most of the time; for at least the rest of the summer. They were all out of school so he was safe, for now.

Vicki was relishing her chance to dominate her mother, and things were never going to be the same.

Kelly taunted and whipped her mother for a good 20 minutes, taunting her the whole time and showing her no mercy. It was obvious that Vicki was exacting revenge. Brenda slumped at last, emotionally and physically broken, at which point Kelly sat on the dirt floor of the barn, spread her legs wide and ordered the MILF to come eat her pussy. Becca released the mother's wrists one at a time and loosened her neck-chain restraint, and Brenda, with her gaze on Kelly's now exposed pussy, attempted to crawl to her. Her bound ankles and the spreader bar prevented that, though, and the girls laughed to see her struggling to reach her goal.

“C'mon, Mommy, you can do it,” Kelly taunted, and Becca swatted her bare ass two more times.

“Do it, bitch!” she yelled. And the teens laughed again as Brenda scrabbled with her freed hands to no avail.

Kelly finally scooted forward until she was just inches from Brenda's extended tongue, still laughing at her, and finally granted her the favor she wanted. Brenda went immediately to work, lapping hungrily at the teen's gaping pussy. Kelly took the MILF's head in her hands and roughly scrubbed her face over her crotch, loudly degrading her.

“That's it, Mommy,” she laughed. “Now you're acting the way you were trained to! Lick that needy little pussy!”

At that moment, as a final insult, Vicki reappeared behind her mother, still in her revealing outfit. Over it she wore a black leather harness with a garish pink dildo fastened to it and a sadistic grin, and when she got on her knees and slammed the 10-inch cock between her mother's widely spread legs, the pledge counters began to ding wildly.

“Keep it up,” Evie told Kelly over their private network, “these freaks are going NUTS for this!”

Kelly redoubled her efforts, shaking her victim's head like a rag doll and wrapping her legs around the woman's head as her daughter ravaged her mother's cunt.

Evie had a confused look on her face; unusual for her. She was usually very self-assured about what she was doing, especially concerning computer issues. It must have been something else.

“What's up?” Kelly asked. They'd just finished their first week of broadcasts. Brenda had been thoroughly broken, and though she still was head-over-heels over Kelly, she'd come to accept her daughter Vicki as her owner. Kelly, meanwhile, had developed a thing for one of their viewers, and they were now communicating back and forth daily.

“Your little girlfriend,” Evie said, “the one with all the mommy and daddy issues. We just got another message from her.”

“What's she want?”

“I'm not sure, Kel. I'm not sure she even knows, but it sounds like she wants to be part of our group. Did you say anything to her about that?”

Kelly looked alarmed. “Uhm, no,” she said. “Why? What did she say?”

Evie shook her head. “She keeps talking about marrying you, and you guys using her mom and dad as house slaves.

Kelly looked up, surprised. “Marrying? What the actual fuck? I'm not marrying some young freak much less adopting her family issues! Holy shit!”

Evie laughed. “I know, but damn, girl. You just got away from Vicki's mom and now you're working that cheerleader magic on somebody else!” She slapped at Kelly's arm. “You better get a handle on that shit before you end up with your own harem!”

Kelly just said, “I'll talk to her,” and walked away. In truth, she'd agreed to meet Sylvie tonight, after the girl kept asking to hook up. She wanted to fuck her, but not start a relationship! “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she muttered, now less than enthused that the girl was a local.

Kelly wore a pair of worn jeans with the knees ripped and a black tank top, with her hair in a ponytail, staying low-key and not trying to make it look like she'd dressed up for Sylvie. Still, two boys hit on her as she sat at the bus stop on her way to meet her “date.” Fucking guys!

When Sylvie showed up Kelly was surprised; she looked even younger than her age. The girl was a good 4 inches shorter than she was, with a big head of frizzy red hair and stark blue eyes. “Hey,” she said, as Sylvie crossed the street. “Sylvie! I hope you didn't have to come too far.”

The girl threw her arms around Kelly's neck and kissed her first thing, right on the lips. “S'okay,” she said. “I got my aunt to drop me off. That's her,” she said, indicating a woman sitting in her car on the opposite side of the street. 'Where'dya wanna go? She'll take us if we want.”

“Nah. We can walk. I just figured the arcade over there.” Kelly indicated a strip mall down the road, so Sylvie waved the woman off and linked her arm in Kelly's.

She looked up at the beautiful girl “I can't believe we hooked up,” she said. “This is so fuckin' cool!” She stared at Kelly. “You're gorgeous, you know,” she said, as if it was a simple statement of fact.

“Thanks, I guess.” The compliment caught Kelly off-balance, and she blushed.

“I... Hey, I need to talk to you about something. Like, about you and me.”

Sylvie stared up at Kelly. “I know,” she said, “you probly think I'm just a novice, But I've already got Mom eating me out, and I'm gonna work on domming my dad next. So I'm cool.”

Kelly was further surprised. “You got your mom eating your...? well, you know. Like, eating your pussy?” she whispered.

“Fuck, yeah! She's been eating me out for almost 3 months now,” the girl bragged. “All I have to do is say, “get down on this thing, slut, and she's there!” Sylvie giggled. “Pretty cool, huh? That's what drew me to your site! I wanna get my brother involved, too!”

“” Kelly was momentarily at a loss for words. “How did you get that going? And how long have you been on the dark web?”

Sylvie stopped, as they were just outside the arcade entrance, now. “That's the best thing,” she explained, “Mom was already on it, her and my dad. So I blackmailed her into being my sex slave, and into not telling Dad. But he's been checkin' out doggie videos, and girls fucking horses and shit, so it shouldn't take much to get him trained, too. With help from you and your website.”

Kelly took her hand and drew her further away from the doors. “See, that's it. We don't really want to get into doing that with guys, Sylvie,” she explained. “Moms, yeah. Aunts and big sisters and whoever else the fuck you might want to dominate...but guys tend to be a lot harder to control.”

“Oh, he'll be no problem,” Sylvie assured her. “He's a total wuss already.”

She went on to explain to Kelly how her mother had already had him wearing her lingerie. She even had a bridle for him. They played horsie games when Sylvie wasn't home, the girl explained.

“Your dad's a fuckin' pony-boy? When did all this happen?”

Sylvie was nonchalant about it. “Uhm...probly a couple years ago, I'm not sure. But I've seen the videos; I found their memory stick, and it's got all kinds of kinky shit on it! You wanna see it?”

“You have it with you?”

Sylvie said no, but she told Kelly she'd get it if she wanted to watch. “My dad's hung like a horse,” she said. “That's why Mom won't let him put it all the way inside me.”

Again, Kelly was thunderstruck. “Wait,” she said, “you have sex with your parents?”

She couldn't believe this waif of a young woman. 18 but barely 5 feet tall and with the face and body of a school kid, was that intimate with her parents, but at Sylvie's nod she raised her eyebrows. “Damnnnnn,girl,” she said, “that's fuckin cra-cra!”

Sylvie laughed. “So whose mother is that on your channel?” she asked. “Is it yours or that skinny brunette's?”

“No, it's hers,” Kelly said distractedly. “I haven't broken my mom yet.”

“Cool! You want me to help?” The youngster was so eager her voice went up a register.

“Nah. My mom's okay,” Kelly assured her.

Wow! This was way more than Kelly had bargained for! This girl, a little younger than her, had already done what took Kelly and both her friends what felt like a month to accomplish on Vicki's mom. Hell, Sylvie was kinkier than a lot of the older adults who messaged them every week!

“ gonna fuck me?” Sylvie asked her, looking Kelly right in the eyes. “I brought my strap-on,” she said, indicating her backpack. “We could have gone to my aunt's house, but behind the mall here is okay. I don't mind, really.”

Kelly almost burst out laughing, but controlled herself. “Uh, we'll see,” she said, a little intimidated by the tiny girl with the kinky family life. “So, you're not a virgin, I take it.”

Sylvie grinned, her dimples deepening as she looked at Kelly. “Sure, if you want me to be,” she said in a husky voice.

Kelly dragged her into the arcade. “Let's do some Halo or Mario Kart, then we'll see where this goes,” she told the girl.

Hours later, Kelly texted Evie, 'WHOA, THT GRLZ A FREEEEK!' Evie called her immediately, and they spent the next hour talking about Sylvie. They decided not to give her any information about where they filmed, or about any of their personal lives.

“So, did you fuck her?” Evie had to ask.

Kelly laughed. “Oh, of course I did!” she exclaimed. “I tore that pussy up behind the dumpster corral, and she was still begging for more! We almost got caught, she was makin' so much noise! She took it from her own strappie, holding onto the side of the dumpster!”

They both laughed at that image. Evie said, “Sooo, so much for use 'em and lose 'em, huh?”

“No, but I tell you what – that girl's an ace at Halo: Fireteam Raven. I have never gotten that far before!”

Evie was quiet for a minute, thinking, and Kelly was about to ask if she was still there.

“Hmmmm, might be worth fuckin' the little slut,” she finally mused, “just to see if I can pick up some cheats from her.”

“She's all yours, honey. I'm done with her.”

Edie rose from her bed and looked down at Sylvie. The teen was asleep. Or was she passed out? She'd certainly worked the little squirt over! Glancing down at the strap-on she still wore, Evie saw the dildo was covered in white froth.

“God, I wish I'd been able to cum like that at her age,” she mused, then detached the strap-on and put it away after rinsing the teenager's drool from it. She slapped Sylvie on the ass.

“Hey, get up. I've gotta be somewhere, so you need to leave.”

The teen ran a hand through her mass of red curls and looked at Edie through one half-open eyelid.

“Can I come with you?” she mumbled.

“No! Come on, now. Scoot, you little slut!”

Reluctantly, Sylvie dragged herself out of Edie's bed. “I bet you'll want some more of this slut later,” she said, glancing up at Edie as she rummaged around for her panties. She grinned at the older teen's rolling eyes. “Can't I just stay here? I'll eat that pussy like it's a cherry pie tonight, I promise.”

Edie had gotten a skirt on, minus panties, and was pulling a black tank top over the titties Sylvie had spent forever licking and sucking. Her nipples were still throbbing and red. Evie knew Kai would notice and concentrate on them when they hooked up. Fucking little tramp!

“No, I told you. I gotta go. I can't have Mom finding a naked girl in my bed when she gets home! Besides, my nipples are sore.” She wanted to be mad at the girl, but she'd encouraged her to spend a long time worshipping her tits when she couldn't cum any more. The damn girl was a sexual succubus!

“Here.” Evie handed the girl her top, then grabbed a handful of hair and dog-walked her out of her room and down the hall. “Seriously. Get the fuck out.” She waited just long enough for her to get her top on, then shoved her out the front door.

“Call me?”

The little slut's voice was so plaintive, Evie thought. She didn't seem to have any friends. Worse, since hooking up with her, Evie hadn't even had a chance to play Halo with her, so whatever she might pick up from the girl was forgotten once they got in her room. Why was she so much fun to abuse? Evie chuckled to herself.

“Because she's so damn cute when she's screaming,” she muttered. Sylvie brought out the domme in Evie, or at least the switch. 'I better not mention I'm dominating someone to Kai,' she thought, 'or I'll pay dearly for that!' The goth girl glanced at the clock on the kitchen wall. She had an 'appointment' soon herself, with Kai. And the girl had promised Evie she wouldn't walk right after she was done with her!

“Cornflakes,” Evie mumbled, “I gotta have some fuckin' cornflakes. And coffee...”

Kelly, meanwhile, was at the barn. Brenda had followed her there, while her daughter was in the bathroom. Brenda had seen the girl out the window riding by on her bike, and listened for Vicki. The bathroom fan was on. 'She must be doing a bowel movement,' she thought. 'Just enough time to see Kelly, and maybe set something up with her. A date,' she thought, and felt a chill of excitement at the thought. The last time she'd been with the cheerleader was when Kelly first recognized her as a submissive, at Vicki's pool party. 'That first day...omg!' Brenda often thought of that first time, and how she'd fallen under the cheerleader's spell. And what she'd done.

'It's true, I guess – you never forget your first crush,' the middle-aged mom thought with a smile. She'd always belong to Vicki now, but Kelly was the first. If not for her, neither Brenda nor Vicki would never have learned their places in their new family order.

“And I'd never have gotten to make love to her,” she whispered, as she went out the door.

“Kelly?” Brenda slipped past the sliding barn door to find her favorite teenager rubbing her horse Mojo's forelock. She wore cut-off shorts and a cotton top that looked insanely cute, Brenda noted. She could see the outline of Kelly's bra beneath the material of her top, and she longed to slip it off the girl's body and latch her lips onto one of those perky B-cup breasts.

Kelly turned to her, surprised.

“What are you doing here, Mommy-slut?” she asked, and grinned impishly. She loved calling the MILF by names that reminded her of her place.

The blonde's dimples made Brenda's heart race. “ is technically still my barn,” she said. “Even if I have signed everything over until she is 21” The admission didn't cause Brenda any pause; she was too interested in Kelly at the moment.

Kelly recognized the lust in the MILF's eyes. “And daddy? What are his thoughts on all this?” she teased, though she knew. Mr. Hinson was out of the picture. Those carelessly saved files of young girls – girls much too young for a middle-aged man to be looking at! – that Evie had pulled from his laptop, had stopped him in his tracks once Brenda had broached the idea of divorce to him. They suspected he had a girlfriend on the side, as well. The house was Brenda's; or would be for the next while. After that it was Mistress Vicki's. The thought made Kelly smile.

Brenda didn't answer her question. Her gaze lingered on Kelly's tanned legs, and the cut-off shorts that highlighted them. “You want to ride?” she asked instead, nodding at the palomino.

“Nah. I was just setting up the camera for later,” the girl told her.

“Oh? Are we doing something? Vicki didn't say anything to me about it...”

Kelly grinned at her. “Oh, you're not,” she chuckled. “We're doing something different today. Mommy-slut will have to wait to get her chance to perform again.”

Brenda stepped into the blonde girl's space. “Why wait?” she asked in a voice drenched with desire. She slid her arms around Kelly's waist and leaned in to kiss her neck. “I could do it right now,” she whispered. “Just you and me.”

Kelly pulled back to look into Brenda's eyes. “Now what would Vicki think about me fucking her property, Mommy-slut?” Despite her words, her hands slid around the blonde MILF's waist and she slipped her leg between Brenda's, pushing it up against her pussy. She grinned when Brenda squeezed her thighs around hers.

“You want me to use you?” Kelly whispered, pushing her leg harder against Brenda's overheated pussy. “You wanna get fucked, slut?”

“Oh, hell yesssss.” Brenda shut her eyes and rubbed herself against the teenager. Her hands pulled the girl further into her embrace. “Whatever you want, honey. You know that.” She was gasping slightly, totally willing to give herself to the girl.

Kelly's voice was like warm butter. “I could use the biggest strap-on we have, couldn't I?” she urged, “even do your ass, huh?” Brenda moaned and rubber more briskly, making the teen's leg damp.

“I'd love to see you do one thing for me,” Kelly said softly.

Brenda whimpered. “What's that, baby?” She was definitely in heat for the girl!

“Have you ever fucked Mojo?”


Brenda had stopped rubbing herself on Kelly's leg. The question had clearly caught the mother off guard, and now she stared into the sexy teen's eyes. “I... well, no,” she stated. “Of course not.”

“You want to?” Kelly prompted, squeezing the mom's ass with both hands. “I'll film you, and you can show off your skills. Waddya think?”

Brenda hesitated. “I...I don't think...”

She had an alarmed look in her eyes, but Kelly knew, with enough pushing and promises from her, she could get Vicki's mom to do almost anything.

“What if I told you you'd get to cum?”

That was the magic phrase! Kelly saw the interest spark in Brenda's eyes. Vicki was with her mother 24/7 now, making sure she didn't have a chance to finger herself to a quick orgasm. It kept her horny and obedient, and was a great negotiation tool for the teens. Granting her a climax from time to time was necessary to keep Brenda aware of how pleasurable it could be, but withholding it was not only necessary, it was fun!

“What... what would I have to do?”

Kelly laughed. “Why, Mommy-slut! Are you really considering it?” The girl shook her head, giving Brenda a disparaging look. “You really are pathetic, aren't you?”

Brenda, having that carrot dangled before her, now began to plead her case. She ignored Kelly's mocking laughter as she glanced into the stall, noting the girth of the horse's member.

“I could do it,” she said eagerly. “I could. You could film me, just don't put it on the website. I've seen...”

Kelly stared at the horny MILF. “Wait a minute. You've watched videos of that? What the fuck, Brenda! How twisted is that?” She pointed over the stall door at the horse, who was feeding on hay and totally unaware he was the subject of discussion. “Look at the size of that thing!” Kelly laughed. “Even you, with that giant gaping Mommy-cunt; he'd tear you apart!”

At that moment, Vicki appeared in the doorway. “What? Who's getting torn apart?”

Brenda went swiftly to her owner. “Nobody, honey. It was just a silly discussion, that's all.” She brushed a lock of Vicki's hair from her neck and kissed her there. “Did you miss me?” she asked.

Vicki pushed her away. “Yeah. Like, why did you take off as soon as I turned my back?” She glared at Kelly now. “Did she say anything? What's she up to? Are you encouraging her, Kelly?”

Kelly put her hands up. “Hey, chill, okay? She just showed up. I thought you sent her.” Kelly chuckled. “The truth? She wants to fuck her horse, Vic! Just how horny are you keeping her nowadays?” Kelly laughed out loud. So did Vicki. Brenda stared at the ground, once again humiliated by her inability to contradict Kelly. .

“Okay, slut,” Vicki said, turning to the embarrassed mom, “back to the house. I need my pussy tended to, and I can't think of any other slut I'd rather have do it than you.” She took her mother's chin in her hand and turned her face up to her, then clipped the leash she held onto Brenda's leather collar. “How about giving me my first orgasm of the day? Doesn't that sound like fun?”

Brenda averted her daughter's eyes and mumbled, “Yes, Miss,” while looking at Kelly.

Kelly's laughter followed them as they walked back to the house, Brenda following obediently in Vicki's wake, holding the end of the leash in her own hand. Such a good little sub, she was turning out to be!
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