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Barbara and her daughter Kat are both very sweet and kind and maybe too much so for their own good when they let Dee into their lives and home.
Barbara sat in her living room chair watching TV with her stepdaughter Kathleen who was on the couch. She was lost in thought about the idea Kat had proposed of Deeandrea moving in with them for the summer and maybe for longer if it worked out. School would be out in two weeks, so she needed to decide soon. So far there was no real reason not to let her move into the spare bedroom her deceased husband and Kat's father had used for his office. It seemed a good time to put that past to rest and clean out the room anyway. 
Dee is Kat's friend from school. She is a senior this year. Kat is only a sophomore this year and the 2 years difference between them looks like even more. With Dee being long legged and more than a head taller at 5'8" she is very mature looking and with Kat looking younger than her at only 5'2" it seems strange they would be such good friends, much less become the best of friends over the past few weeks.

With Kat being on the cheer team and Dee playing basketball Barb had seen her at the games and felt comfortable with her. She made good grades and spoke well and seemed a good team player even though she was the star and point leader. Dee was very fit and moved with strength and grace. She seemed a natural leader as she called out for openings and had the girls working together. She was a very impressive young woman. It was maybe odd for her to want to be best friends with Kat but maybe Kat was lucky such a talented and confident young woman liked her so much.

Dee had made it a point to spend some time with them after the games. They would go out to eat or hang in the park and snack on things Barbara would put together for them. Dee seemed fun and friendly and a good listener who was interested in them and asked lots of good questions. She seemed very interested to hear they lived on a small farm only a few miles out of the city. Dee had never imagined riding horses and was impressed that little Kat was into barrel racing on her horse Topaz and that Barb had her own horse and kept up the care of all the 4 horses herself.

Dee could not believe her luck when the invite came to stay with Kat and her mom Barb for the summer holidays even though she thought the visit to see the place had gone very well and totally according to plan as far as she was concerned. Her friend and lover, Lita was also fully aware of her long term plan for Kat and more than happy to assist her with it and excited about where it could all lead to in the end.
 Cunning was even better than luck.

Dee had spotted the potential to turn young Kat sometime ago at school just by the level of interest she had shown in her and the way her eyes widened when she looked at her and blushed so cutely sometimes. Even though she was young, she had a good level of experience with female love that was now enhanced by her budding kinky experiences with Lita.

They had spotted the potential to turn the gorgeous and sweet innocent Kat into a long term project for the two of them and the first big step had fallen into place.

Dee had so enjoyed the first short visit to Barb's lovely home and loved the way they had all got on really well. The room she would be in was incredible and the farm itself awesome as well. She also enjoyed the idea of horses and hoped she would soon be able to ride one of them herself. It had really turned her on to see Barb riding one and she had thoughts of how strong her thigh muscles must be to control a strong animal like that. The thought went through her mind about how good it would feel to be between such strong thighs but she quickly dismissed it for the moment to call Lita to give her the good news.

“Hey ya bitch, it’s happening! Fuck yeah I’m heading to the farm for the summer. Kat came through and her mom is a pushover for her, so baby we are in!”

The night before the move during a break in a TV show Barb wanted to know what time Dee and her friend were coming over with her things. She hoped there would be time to show them both the house and farm and maybe take a swim in the backyard pool.
They had been texting during the show

"Kat, has Dee said if she is still bringing her friend and when they want to come over yet? I want to make some snacks and want to know what time to start them in the morning"

Kat was busy texting as she answered without looking up. " We liked your idea of mid morning so we can show them horses around the farm before it gets too hot so probably about 9. "

Barb thought for a moment. " Sweetie, have you ever met her friend who is coming over?

Looking up Kat replied " Oh yeah mom. Lita is really cool. She was a senior last year and she was really popular. She is into Goth but not overboard. She dresses sort of like a sexy Goth. She is a good musician. She plays several instruments and is maybe like a musical prodigy or something. She is going to NY to study under someone famous this summer. She has been Dee's bestie for years, I think"

Barbara seemed duly impressed and comfortable about all that.

When the day finally came to move they were all glad Lita had come along to lend a hand because the one thing Dee was not is a light traveler. She had a van loaded with stuff on arrival including exercise equipment as she intended to stay in shape during the summer break and ensure she was ready for everything the world had to offer her in the future.

Kat was eager to help her friend especially with all her clothes and was hanging them up for her and putting underwear in drawers etc. She was amazed at how many different styles of clothing Dee actually had, seemingly something for everything and every occasion, and she wondered how on earth she could afford to have such beautiful clothes at her age.

Dee wore a simple pair of black jeans and a t- shirt styled top for the moving work as did Lita, She ensured there was a degree of cleavage showing whenever she bent down to pick things up to attract the eyes of Kat to her. She also had the most incredible smile that would charm the birds from the trees with perfect white teeth that looked so good. Dee made sure she did most of the moving work herself so Barb would realize she was not just there to "sponge" from the family and this attitude went down very well with Barb right from the start.

Kat was all around Dee making her think she could pretty much turn her Lesbian whenever she felt like it, and not for the first time her thoughts had turned to Barb as well. She was a very fit woman for her age and certainly very attractive. Had she noticed her looking at her cleavage in the t-shirt?, Dee was not sure but it had sent all sorts of possibilities into her mind that were not there before and she liked them all.

Once the unpacking had been done they all had tea together in a lovely relaxed atmosphere that was really comfortable and nice. They laughed and smiled at each other and it was clear that we're very comfortable together even at this early stage.

Also seeing everyone in bikinis at the pool was a nice way to really check out the mom and daughter. Dee and Lita were both impressed with Barbara's amazing tits and little Julie was a tiny little treat of doll-like beauty and little girl body filling out fast. 
Soon after tea Lita had to make a move home and during their goodbyes she made the tongue flicking lesbian gesture towards Kat that was reciprocated by Dee in return and spotted by a very surprised Barb.

Aer Lita left Dee said she was going upstairs for a shower and to make it an early night as she was feeling so tired. Naturally, Barb and Kat agreed to this and all the girls hugged each other before she headed up stairs to her new bathroom.

Dee got her thoughts together while soaking in the bath as her fingers strayed between her legs to gently rub her magical extended clit and stroke her shaven and waxed pussy with her eyes closed.

This had been a good day and she had already seen Kat eyeing her up and looking at her enhanced cleavage and she knew she could easily turn her whenever she wished to do so. She had also noticed Barb looking at her a little too often as well and her mind was alive with the possibilities available here if she played her cards right.

It was with these thoughts in mind that she had her first orgasm in the house laying in bed with her legs spread wide apart and then fell into a lovely deep sleep.

Barb lay in bed with worry over if she should tell Julie what she saw. That lesbian licking sign. There was no gain to come from it. If Julie did know it may be okay but she may get branded nosy and if she didn't know it may put everyone on edge for no reason. This was only going to be for a few weeks probably so gossiping about their guests choice in lifestyle was uncalled for

Barb was glad she didn't see the gesture until late in the day so she was totally comfortable and open with them. 
Dee had seemed especially interested in what Barb's daily life was like now that she is retired. Did she go to church or yoga classes or anything on a regular basis? What shows does she like, how long she has owned horses and many other questions.

In her room that night, 
Barbara wanted to know more about what the lesbian lifestyle could be like if Julie went that route. She was also curious about what goth lifestyle could be and was curious about the small cheek piercing and of course if the stud in Lita's was for what she thought it was for. She quickly found so much more than she was looking for with few internet searches.

It was nearly overwhelming with so many sites about so many lesbian subjects. Then of course were the stunning photos she say of incredibly beautiful women in many forms of romantic love as well as hot steamy lesbian sex!

Barbara was soon entranced by the erotic beauty and sexual nature of what lesbians seemed to be about when she had started searching for goth and piercings and was shown sites of leather and makeup and everything from butch women to femmes who seemed to be their wives or lovers with the goth being in the dominant position in many cases.

One site led to another in a frenzy of being thrown into a world she had heard of but never really looked into. 
One stunning and intriguing photo set was from a large porn site and took her to the most jaw dropping pictures and videos she has ever seen! It was mostly about BDSM and bondage. After several heart pounding moments she felt a rush of guilt over how she was starting to feel and shut down the pages and turned off her laptop and got out of bed to distract herself from what she had seen and what it had done to her.

It did not help that when she went to the kitchen she passed Julie's doorway and she was lying on her bed face down texting on her phone in her panties and a little cut off top she wears at night. She was now more keenly aware of just how beautiful and sexy her step daughter is and how much she could have been any of the sexy young lesbian models she had just been seeing doing some very kinky things.

When Barbara was finally too tired to watch more TV she finally went back to her bedroom to sleep. She tried to resist the urge to see more of what was now filling her head to the point of a growing obsession about lesbians and how beautiful lesbian sex could be as well how kinky some could be. Resistance was futile and she spent half the night looking at and reading about lesbian sex and lesbian BDSM. Before she slept Barbara had watched many videos using her vibrator to pull several of the most erotic and powerful orgasms of her life from her overheated and too long overlooked pussy.

Dee had thought long and hard about the way forward with "Kat" for quite some time, and had been discussing the matter in a private chatroom on the dark web Tor browser with each other on a regular basis.
To this end, Dee felt the need to contact Lita after turning in for bed that first night and update her with the current situation.

"Hi Lita" xxx. I’ve already got Kat hooked whenever we want to turn her, you can tell by the wide eyes and butter would melt in her mouth smile, she is there whenever I want to have her". Maybe I will make the first move on her tomorrow. It’s time for me to get my tongue in that lovely sweaty snatch of hers and show her what lady loving can be like for that first time.

"Hi Dee" xx. "Sounds like a great plan to me and I wish I could be there to taste the little beauty at the same time as you but I know my time will come soon enough". "Even a fool can see how she hero worships you, and I have no doubt her panties will be off and legs wrapped around your head before she even knows what is happening to her". "I also know just how good you are with that tongue of yours babe, and she will be back for more afterwards without a doubt".

"Thanks for the vote of confidence Lita lol"
"There was another development I need to discuss with you as well while we are in the chat Lita if you have the time to do so"

"Sure Dee go ahead i have all the time in the world for you my love lol"

"Well Lita I have noticed Barb has been giving me the same type of looks I have received from Kat for ages, plus she has certainly been checking out my body and has been full of compliments for me in every possible way since I moved in". "I thought at first maybe it was just her trying to be friendly in a slightly awkward situation, but I caught her eye looking down my top yesterday and she looked very awkward when she realized I had clocked her looking". "just imagine if we could turn her as well Lita"?

"Wow Dee that is an unexpected development but a very welcome one as well". "Barb looks in good shape for her age and maybe if she has been neglected for a while could be like putty in your hands". "Just imagine turning mother and daughter Dee, what a thrill that would be for us both". "My advice is to go for it with Barb as well with caution, but lets ensure we have turned Kat first and get inside her knickers today babe"

"Good advice as always Lita, that is why I love you so much honey"

"Just a thought Lita, imagine if we could turn Barb not only with the lesbian side of things but also with the BDSM we have in mind for Kat as well"? "Imagine the money we could earn as we film Mother and daughter not only performing with us and others we could pimp them out to " We could also use the film for blackmail purposes and probably obtain free accommodation for life here if we play our cards right"Lita added

"We have nothing to lose and everything to gain Dee, so lets get with Kat today and start to move things forward as soon as we can"

"Okay Lita will kick it off today and see where we go to from here" "See you soon my love"

Dee went down for breakfast at 9am exactly as Barb had said the night before, and took her place at the breakfast table. She had chosen her favorite black leotard for today's exercise session with Kat, who was beaming a huge smile at her across the table. Dee thought what a treat was in store for her today as she admired Kat in her tiny little pink shorts and crop top sat with that beaming smile. "Don't have too much to eat Kat or you might feel ill later" Dee laughed as she was teasing Kat at the table.

While Kat looked a pretty picture this morning, Barb on the other hand looked far from her best today. She looked tired with bags around her eyes and had clearly not had the time to sort out her makeup properly this morning. "As Barb brought up their poached eggs on toast breakfast, Dee asked Barb if she was feeling okay today with a smile and Barb rolled her eyes back at her. "One of those nights" Barb said as she sat down with the girls to eat her own breakfast of boiled eggs.

"Well if there is anything I can do to help you only have to ask" Dee said to Barb with a smile that was returned to her. "Dee already knew her desire to turn Barb was getting to the stage where she could not resist it for much longer,

As the girls finished their light breakfasts Dee took Kat by the hand and said "lets go and wake up with some great exercise and get the body moving this morning". Dee winked at Barb as she led Kat up the stairs towards her lovely new bedroom. "Welcome to my new lair" Dee said to Kat as she opened the door for her and closed it behind her.

Barbara was seeing things in a new light and it was starting to make her worry. Knowing Dee was a lesbian and all she had learned about BDSM was now causing as much unrest as it caused arousal last night. It was partly guilt she was feeling over how carried away she got with fantasy and partly how incredibly sexy the women online were and the things they did to each other that kept her awake and now feeling it was so wrong to think such things. It was a fitful night of trying to not think of the tall sexy young black woman a few rooms away doing things like she had seen online to her sweet little daughter.
Thoughts of how Dee's friend Lita had looked at Kat too sent shivers over the mature woman too swam in her mind and stirred her loins. How both the young women had looked at her and her star struck daughter with lusty smiles and dark intentions was now sinking in. Barbara was getting afraid for no real reason other than her own sick imagination and those looks and how they seemed so different at the time.

What seemed playful now seemed like it could be a warning. But what good is a warning now going to do if there was anything to worry about. Dee had moved in and Kat was infatuated with her. There was no turning back.
 As she did the dishes, visions of Dee's strong body in the leotard and her black skin and hair and dark beautiful eyes would not leave her. The way those dark eyes had looked at little Kat as she told to get up and go with her and how that wink then calling her big room her " lair" made her feel.

Dee ushered Kat into her room patting her gently on the bottom as she went in and closed the door behind her. Kat could not believe her eyes when she realized just how much equipment Dee actually had in here, and you could see just how wide eyed and amazed she was. There was a rowing machine and a bench press plus an exercise bike and a weird thing that looked like something out of the dark ages, some sort of stocks or something like that.

Dee turned on the secret live link to Lita on her phone, as she sat Kat down on her bed and looked her square in the eyes and went on to tell her what was going to happen today.

"I'm going to demonstrate each piece of the equipment to you first, then we are going to have a hard workout session today so I can see what fitness level you are at to begin with. I'm also going to be taking pictures and short videos of your form to go over with you later. Is that okay?" Kat nodded her head in agreement.

"First things first though, your exercise clothes are not appropriate and you need to adjust them fist before we begin". Kat looked a bit upset at hearing this because she had brought the tight pink shorts and crop top specifically for the exercise session only a few days ago. Dee noticed Kat was looking upset so gave her a little hug and said "It is no big deal and a natural mistake, that's all.

When we exercise together you are going to sweat and because of that there is no place for underwear as this can only restrict your body and may cause you problems in the personal areas" "Your shorts and top are just perfect for the job but the bra & panties beneath them have to go okay" "You will never see me or Lita wearing underwear when we exercise and you will have to be the same Kat okay" Kat nodded her head in agreement. "Now you can either go back to your room to change or do so in here I don't mind either way, but that must be done before we can start okay" Kat smiled at Dee and said "Okay I will get changed in here if that is okay"

She stood up and turned her back to Dee, removing her lovely pink bra from beneath her top and stepping out of her shorts to remove the matching panties and replacing the shorts once more. Dee had pointed the live link on her phone to Kat while she changed for Lita to see, and she got a silent thumbs up signal back from Lita to acknowledge this. Kat turned to face Dee with her hands on her hips and a smile on her face as she asked her if this was okay now. "Yes Kat much better and more healthy now my girl, but let's get that underwear off the floor and pass it over to me now okay"

Kat passed Dee the underwear, and as she took it from her Dee told her "pull up your shorts nice and tight or the material will chaff you between the legs when you exercise" While Kat adjusted herself Dee took the opportunity to feel the crotch of her pink panties with her fingers and was pleased to feel how damp the material was and quietly sent a quick thumbs up signal to Lita on her phone. Kat stood before her once more with a beaming smile on her face, her legs slightly spread and her hands on her hips. It also left a perfect "camel toe" in the shorts leaving little or nothing to the imagination just as Dee wanted right from the start. "Just perfect, Kat" Dee said.

Dee sat Kat down on her bed and went through the exercises one by one in great detail with her so she knew exactly what to expect and what Dee expected from her as a minimum effort. "If we do this then we do it for real Kat okay, no half measure it is all or nothing okay" Kat nodded her head in agreement with a lovely smile on her face little knowing exactly what she had just agreed to.

Kat took her place on the equipment one by one and Dee took the girl through her paces one item at a time to see what her fitness levels were at. She was not fit at all but Dee was pleased about this as it gave her ample chance to manipulate her body into the most beautiful positions and to further expose the lovely camel toe in her shorts. Dee could also see a visible damp spot through the shorts where the camel toe was and get close enough to her so she could smell her level of arousal and see her hard nipples so clearly visible through the crop top.

By the time Dee called an end to the first exercise session Kat was shattered and she flopped onto her back on the top of Dee's bed spread eagled and shattered. Dee smiled down at her from the side of the bed and told her for a first session she had done so well and that Dee would love to train her to be as fit as she can be if Kat wanted it to happen. Kat smiled and nodded her head as she said "yes please Dee"

Dee knelt beside Kat on the bed and said "I just know you are going to be such a good girl for me Kat" and she leaned forward to kiss her on the lips with her tongue pushing between her lips and probing inside. Kat was taken by surprise by these actions from Dee but it somehow felt right so she did nothing to discourage or stop her at all.

Naturally Dee took this to be the green light she wanted and proceeded to touch Kats body over the exercise clothing and watching her react to the touches was a great pleasure to her. "We are going to be so beautiful together Kat" she said as she gently played with her nipples through the thin material of the crop top, feeling them expand and noticing the pattern of her breathing changing. "Just close your eyes and let it happen angel" Dee said to Kat as she slowly ran her other hand over and up her thighs and onto her tummy before feeling her between the legs over the material of the shorts.
"So beautiful and wet for me my little angel" Dee said as she eased up Kats tight top to expose her breasts and moved down with her mouth to gently caress her nipples with her tongue and nibble at them with her teeth. Kats body was reacting in all the right ways as she lay there with her eyes closed and little moans already coming from her.

Kat could not explain the feelings running through her body but she knew she did not want it to ever stop right now. She felt truly alive for the first time in her life, far more so than the few times she had touched herself at night and she felt like she was in love with her friend so much. The touches on her breasts were awesome as was the little bites on her nipples and the way Dee was talking to her just felt so right. Kat was drifting away into a world of true sexual bliss as she heard Dee whisper into her ear to "Open those lovely legs for me baby" Kat did as she was instructed and heard the words "good little girl" as she felt Dee slowly pushing her hand inside her shorts with her finger immediately opening her soaking wet slit as it rubbed down it and her thumb settling on her already hardened and popped open clit. "You will soon be mine" Dee whispered into Kats ear as she started to rub her soaking wet sex and to pinch her already engorged clit with her thumb. "Just lift your bottom up from the bed a little gorgeous girl and we can get these shorts out of the way" Kat lifted her bottom and felt Dee quickly sliding the shorts down her legs and off onto the floor, "So beautiful Kat" Dee said as she eased a finger inside her hot tight pussy and looked forward to the rest of the morning with this beautiful young sexy girl"

Unknown to Kat, Lita was also watching everything that took place through Dees phone that had been placed to give her a perfect view of the proceedings and she was also laying in her bed rubbing her own wet pussy and feeling quite jealous of Dee as she explored the secret places of this beautiful little girl who had been in love with her for so long. "Lita Knew there was so much more to come in this story and also wondered if it would be possible to involve Barb in the overall picture as well !!.

Dee continued to play with the lovely Kat so very gently so as not to spook her, but enough to ever so slowly increase her arousal level and reinforce her submission to her. “You are so beautiful and your lovely young body so responsive to me right now Kat” Dee said, as she gently licked and sucked upon Kats ever growing so sensitive nipples and ran her fingers up and down the lovely wet slit of her latest potential conquest.

Kat's eyes were closed tight shut and she was lost in a world of wonder and discovery as Dee played her body like a fine tuned piano as she had done with other young girls before her on a number of occasions. Naturally Kat was not aware of the fact she had been effectively “groomed” by both Dee & Lita from the time they befriended her at the school, but she would find this out soon enough !!.

Dee continued to slowly arouse Kat with her fingers and her mouth showing a degree of experience so far beyond her own tender years gained from her time with Lita and her friends. Kat was responding so well to this stimulus and within a matter of just 10 minutes her lovely body was writhing about on the bed, her stomach muscles contracting and expanding and soft moans of pleasure escaping her beautiful lips. Dee was now concentrating on Kat's pussy and her clit with the aim of opening her body slowly but fully without making her feel uncomfortable but being fully responsive to her needs and desires. Dee also needed to get some pictures of the lovely girl with her nipples so hard and her cunt spread so wide for Lita to distribute to their exclusive group on the dark web. Dee intended to get a video clip as well for potential blackmail purposes if required, but she did not think this would be needed as yet.

Slowly Dee opened Kats pussy up spreading her wide with her fingers while rubbing the tip of her clit increasingly hard. She was so wet by now and you could clearly see her beautiful pinkness shining in the light of the room and looking like a beautiful welcoming place to be. Dee took the pictures she needed quickly and told Kat to close her eyes nice and tight while she penetrated her with her finger and took the video she needed as well. “Such a good girl Kat” Dee said, “You have no idea of the pleasure that await you in this world my darling” she smiled as she eased two fingers inside the lovely girl to further arouse her and open her up.

Lita had been watching and rubbing her own pussy hard as her friend prepared the lovely girl for the pleasures to come in her own special way. She sent a message through to Dee reminding her to confirm Kats virginity with a photo if possible, but not to take that virginity under any circumstances at this stage. Lita is only too aware of the price men or women will pay to watch the virginity being taken live of a beautiful young girl like Kat, and the girls have worked too hard on her to lose out on such a figure in the end. Lita is also aware of the money that can be made from a mother & daughter combination, and once more her thoughts turn to the lovely Barb and if it would be possible to involve her in this wonderful story long term. Lita continued to distribute the pictures and video of the lovely Kat to their dark web contacts in the video world and already the offers were coming in from potential buyers of the lovely girl and her adventures to come.

Dee could feel the lovely Kat getting so totally aroused now and she knew instinctively and from experience it was now time to make her cum and cement her love and desire for her. She gently eased Kats legs further apart and probed her pussy in different areas hearing her soft moans and increasing volume of desire as she pushed herself and her body against Dee. She suddenly stopped rubbing the beautiful girl and told her to open her eyes and look at her. Kat opened her eyes to look at the lovely Dee but was too far gone in her desire to stop herself pushing her soaking pussy against her thigh. Dee smiled down at the lovely sweaty young girl beneath her as she told her it was time to spread her legs lovely and wide now. Kat responded to this without hesitation and Dee gave her a hug before looking her in the eyes and telling her what was to happen next :-

“Now I am going to kiss you Kat in the most special way you will ever be kissed in your entire life” “I am not going to kiss you on the mouth though my darling, I am going to kiss your beautiful sex in a way only another woman can do and we will become soul mates forever afterwards” “If you want this to happen just lift up those lovely legs and bend your knees so your feet are flat on the bench to support you and open those lovely legs just as wide as you can for me” “Do you want it to happen Kat”?.

Kat just smiled up at Dee without saying a word and lifted her knees and opened her legs nice and wide as required. Dee smiled down at her and said “Good girl Kat” as she swiveled her body ready to straddle the lovely girl. “This will make your body respond in ways like you have never done before pretty girl but don’t panic or be scared okay, it is just your body responding to the signals it needs to awaken the natural desires within you my angel” Kat straddled her beautiful body gripping her knees and easing her head down between her lovely wet thighs. The site of Kats perfect pink pussy so wet and open was nearly enough to make Dee orgasm herself but the thought of how she would be soon gushing in her mouth was the best thought of all as Dee bent further down to gently lick the girls puffy pussy lips and taste her for the very first time. Dee adored her flavor and settled into her task to make this young beauty cum in her mouth wit a wonderful smile on her face for Lita, watching on the phone,

The lovely Kat was soon moaning and squealing with pleasure as Dee went to work on her soaking pussy and clit with her experienced tongue and fingers. Dee wanted the girl to completely lose control when her orgasm hit her knowing full well it would all be on camera with her phone when she finally erupted into her mouth and over her face. This is what Lita and the dark web viewers wanted to see and every great display of love from Kat would only put the price up still further than it already was.

Dee deliberately built up the need for release in Kat until an absolute peak so she was pushing herself against her and arching her back to try and achieve it and then let her down again, only to start once more. The noise of her arousual was incredible as the young girl experienced sensations she had never dreamed of and Dee lapped up all the juices Kat had to offer her. There was just one dodgy moment when Barb heard the noise from her room on the way to the toilet and asked if everything was okay through the door. But Dee just said “we are doing some squat thrusts Barb and it is quite a hard exercise, nothing to worry about though” Barb said that was okay but on the way down the stairs she thought to herself it sounded more like hot sex.

When Barb went downstairs Dee thought she had better get the orgasm out of Kat in case she became suspicious and came back upstairs. “Hold onto my legs Kat because this is going to be like nothing you have ever felt before okay”. Kat did not say anything at all but Dee felt her holding her legs by her ankles so she knew she had understood. Dee already had her face and fingers covered in this young beauties love juice, but she knew Kat was going to spurt just as all their clients loved so much and it would not take much from here to make it happen.

A little extra touch here and the sucking of the girls clit in her mouth were enough to have her body bucking again and he tummy cramping up again. “Just let it happen Kat it’s all natural okay”, “just relax those tummy muscles and let it happen darling” Kat took her advice and as soon as she relaxed her tummy muscles the orgasm ripped through her tiny body and the love juices erupted from her all over the face and torso of Dee. It was hot and it was oily and it was beautiful. She commented to Kat as she collapsed on top of her virtually out of it and was close to passing out.

Dee moved Kats almost motionless body so she could move her position and kiss her full on the mouth before they got themselves cleaned up ready to go downstairs. She told Kat to lick her juices from her face as they kissed and asked her if she liked her flavor. “Dee told her that no two women taste the same and that it was the same with men as well, so get used to your own taste my darling” she said. “ Next time you can taste me then we will have no secrets between us and become lovers forever” Kat just smiled at Dee and leaned against her falling asleep snuggled up against her body.

As Kat slept Dee flicked open the phone again to see Lita wearing a huge strap on cock with her hands on her hips and a beaming smile. “ Maybe next time we meet she loses her virginity to my great portable friend,” Lita laughed.

“ You just line up the clients while I take care of the girl okay”, Dee said laughing. “Now I need to get one worn out girl into the shower so she does not smell too badly of sex as soon as we go downstairs and sit next to her mum” “Good luck with that” Lita said, almost wishing that her mum would know exactly what the lovely sweet smell was and what had gone on between the two young women.

Dee had to virtually prop Kat up against the wall in the shower because she was so tired but she succeeded in fully washing Kat & herself and after about another 30 minutes the two girls made their wobbly wash back down the stairs.

Kat spent the rest of the day falling asleep in chairs all over the house and looking at Dee with lovely dough eyes when she was awake. On one of these occasions Dee took Kat out in the garden and around the wall at the side away from prying eyes. Dee leaned her against the wall and told her to open her legs for her lover immediately. Kat complied with a big smile on her face as Dee lifted her short skirt and placed a hand directly into her damp panties. Dee smiled at Kat in a sort of evil way as she gripped her clit quite hard between her thumb and finger pushing her long nails into it from each side. This made Kat gasp which Dee had anticipated and put a hand her other hand over her mouth to prevent her mum overhearing anything.

“ Now listen to me my girl. I am now your lover and mistress and if you want to be my lover and pet girl young will nod your head now” Kat did not even think about it but just nodded her head in approval. “Good girl Kat, but this means we have to be careful around the house and we don’t want to cause your mum stress or upset her do we” “You have to stop staring at me like a long lost lover in public and imagine I am still just your friend okay” Again Kat just nodded her head. “ Only me, you, and Lita are to know of our relationship just now, although we may well tell your lovely mum when the time is right to do so okay”?. Again Kat just nodded her head as Dee removed her hand from her mouth. “Now my girl in order to cement our new relationship you will do two things right now for me Kat, firstly you will remove your panties and give them to me and secondly you will remove your bra and give that to me also”. Kat removed the items immediately and without question handed them over to Dee. “Good girl, the second thing you will do from now on is whenever I give you an instruction you will reply yes Mistress Dee and comply without hesitation no matter how strange the instruction may be”. “Say Yes Mistress Kat if this is acceptable to you” Kat nodded her head with a big smile on her face. “Good girl and tonight you will learn more about being my lover because you will come to my room and share my bed after your mum has gone to sleep without wearing panties or bra but with a short silky little nightie so I can see the swell of your nipples against the material and easily feel the dampness of your pussy for me on arrival” “Do you understand Kat” Again Kat nodded and Dee told her “You will spend the rest of the day without wearing bra & panties indoors so you can become accustomed to the freedom it gives you”

Naturally Dee knew she had to be careful of Barb at this stage and try not to arouse her suspicions at all, but she also knew from her sneaked looks at her that she may well be fair game in the future.
This was going to be such a fun adventure and she approached it full of hope and enthusiasm for the future.

Lita was serious about wanting to be the one to break in Barbara. She wanted to do it alone since Dee got to break-in Kat alone. She was going to start Barbara on a free make over plan to get her in better shape, change her image with a new hair style, more elaborate make up other fun ideas. It was intended as doing something nice for her to let Dee live there and her being able to visit and stay over some. With it being Friday evening they would start with a nice workout and massage. Dee had Kat take her out to the barn to brush the horses and go for a short ride around the farm to give Lita plenty of alone time with her mom for her part of the plan.

Lita was dressed to impress the older woman with a body hugging black spandex bodysuit with a short black leather skirt and black sandals that strapped on making her a full head taller than short curvy barbara. The big mirror wall was a surprise. They had covered the wall with stick-on mirrors that made the room feel bigger and reflected back the room that looked like a blend of gym and film studio and with the big bed with the tall posts and metal frame canopy it had a hint of sex dungeon. Barbara stopped in shock.

Lita grinned. " So this is the first time to see our studio set up. With the rear down and steps down to the driveway we've brought most of it in that way over the past three days. Me and Dee have talked for a year about making some sexy workout videos and now we finally have a place to do them thanks to you and Kat."

Barbara was gracious and said she had no idea when they met she would be able to help them so much and to see them be successful would be great, telling Lita

" Well you and Dee are both incredibly fit and strong so that will help"

She took Barbara by the hand and led her to the dressing table near the bathroom.

" Can you do something for me please? My hair really gets in my way. I've seen some of the great braids you have done on Kat and would like to do mine before each session. I may be doing yours later but for now we can put yours up in scrunchies. "

Barbara was happy with it and with Lita in the chair watching in the mirror and talking it felt intimate. They mostly talked about Dee and how much a crush Kat had on her and how cute it was that she was trying to hide it lately. Lita looked up and caught Barbara's eyes and smiled saying

" Barb, you are really a good mom to Kat. She is a sweet, fun and bright girl and you are letting her grow up in a big way right now. Not every mom would be open to her daughter crushing on an older girl. Now you are letting Dee move in and letting us set up this room for our workout videos. You are pretty awesome. On top of that, you are hot. "

Barbara blushed " Thanks, Lita, that is nice to hear. I want Kat to be happy and do trust her. Dee is great to have here and you are always welcome to just come and go. Have Dee make you a house key. As far as hot… lol .. i'm not to sure anymore"

The conversation turned to Lita's idea for how Barb and Kat could help even more by being models to work with in the videos. Especially how doing a makeover on a nice looking young mom could really tout the program she and Dee were working on.

"It's not a totally new concept but we think our slant on it will be tantalizing enough that women and men will want to work out to it and buy a whole array of workouts all based on the idea we are calling "Restraint Isometries"

Barbara was starting on the second braid giving Lita plenty of time to tell her how the idea came to her one day while surfing the next for lesbian porn that was not make by and for men and came across two women doing a very physical workout by working against each other using towels to hold onto and pull and against each other and one squatting over the other holding her arms down as making the one on bottom try to lift her off.

" I had been trying to think of a way to get that kind of resistance alone and it came to me to use rubber stretch cords similar to the bow flex cords so I bought some high grade bungie cords and used cuffs to attach them. It was awkward at first but now I worked out some good workouts using them. "Lita laughed a little then told Barb '' The first time I showed my self made video of the idea to Dee we both had good fun with how it looked more like a kinky thing that it did a workout but yeah maybe I was really onto something people would pay for. Sexy women doing semi-erotic workouts with a subtly kinky tone"

Barbara was not exactly shocked by what she was hearing. It seemed almost fitting that a goth girl would be into the kinky look. She didn't dare ask but couldn't help but wonder was it just the look she was after or were her and Dee already doing sexually kinky things. From what she had seen online things could go from mild to wild in the BDSM world.

When Barb had finished the second braid in her truly wonderful long hair, Lita took her by the shoulders and walked her to the middle of the room facing the mirror wall.

" Before we get started I want to take all of your measurements , so stand here and hold your arms straight out"

As she measured the woman's height and reach and bust, waist, hips, thighs, calfs, inseam and even her neck size, Lita went on to ask

" So Barb will you let me do this makeover on you as a real thanks for letting us do this here, please. You are really, like perfect for this and could really help me sell this by getting you in top shape using this method. You are well built and pretty and in no time I will have you toned and fit and Dee is truly fantastic at doing makeup. "

Barbara hesitated " Well , I'm not sure.. ummm this seems a bit …"

Lita cut her off " Okay, I hear you. So let's just do a nice introductory workout today and see what you think and if it's not for you then cool"

Barb was seriously turned on and Lita knew it. She didn't want to make her run out of there or say no to anything so she didn't press her sexually. She was enjoying playing it as the workout videos being all this was about. There was no hurry to make this happen and it was already making for some hot videos of a milf being seduced. With two of the cameras running but the little red "ON" lights were covered with small pieces of black electrical tape barbara had no idea they were capturing the slowly unfolding events of a mother and daughter being turned into lesbian sex slaves.

Lita had Barb's measurements in her tights and would later get her nude for more details but wanted to move on with her plan. " Okay now to over and stand with you back to the black section of wall. It's thick plywood we will be using as a resistance wall for you to work against."

Lita took a white marker and traced her body in a standing normal position and arms straight out and up and out like a X to look much like Da Vinci's nude male drawing. Then she had her step away and using a measuring tape found the center of her body, then using a cordless drill with a screwdriver tip she put a small screw in the wall. Using a string and some chalk she drew the circle from the floor to the tips of her fingers with her arms up to know the height of the step platforms she would need to stand on to finish the drawing. When it was done Barbara was very impressed with Lita's artistic ability. Even the face she filled in with the white marker was really a good likeness of her. She would look at Barb then add more and more details until it looked very much like her standing there nude in the multi faceted pose. She even drew on leg straight and one foot turned just as Da Vinci had done. Lita had studied art and her skills had paid off in her choice of job as a well paid part time tattoo artist. As she drew, Lita had been telling Barb how she was going to use the wall and the diagram to work out the attachment points for the bungie cords of different lengths and strengths to use for the various workouts.

" Barb, I want you to start stretching as I work. Do some squats and bends and just take a few minutes to limber up"

It took several minutes for her to drill several sets of holes around the outlines by using some of the cords and tape measure for installing eye screws.

" Okay now Barb very good with the stretching, now let's get you cuffed up and get the video started." Lita blocked the view of the camera as she pulled the little piece of tape off the red light and stuck it to the back of the camera for later.

As she put the cuffs on her, Lita was playing to the camera as she introduced herself and her assistant as "Lita and Barb" and how this was the first time fully testing out the idea of "Restraint Isometrics" as a part of a holistic makeover that was designed to be fun and sexy at the same time as sometimes hard grueling to get fast results from a vigorous workout. For just over two hours Lita had her strapped to the wall in several different ways working her arms and legs and even neck she put a think collar around to make the woman pull and strain and completely worn out from it before she called it a very successful first workout session and first phase of the overall makeover plan she had for Barb and sent her to take a cool shower.

For Barb, what had started out as a little scary and sexy had turned out to be not scary at all and ended up being more of a real workout than the sexually intimate thing she had first thought it was going to be. She was sore but really looking forward to a more intimate and somewhat sexy workout with the incredibly sexy young woman. Lita seemed genuinely interested in doing a series of makeover videos with her as the model. It was good to feel alive and sexy in a way she has never felt before.

When Dee and Kat came in from the mooring horseback ride they all had a nice lunch of salads and soup Barbara and Kat made for them while the older girls went to the living room to talk.

Dee was thrilled to hear how well it had gone with "makeover" plan Lita was using to seduce Barb. What had started as only a way to get the woman alone and seduce her then force her into slavery with her daughter and turned into a loving seduction with Kat and Dee and slow slide into BDSM with her mom and Lita. It was time to take this to the next steps in the new directions that were unfolding. As they ate the salads and soup Lita told them how well the workout had gone and how happy she was that Barb had agreed to let her do the makeover and workout videos to help her develop and promote the new workout program she was so excited about. Dee looked at Kat and smiled " I want you to be part of this too , little one. We want to show this is not just good for older women but a good workout for young women too. I'm going to watch as Lita works with your mom then I'm going to train you in the same ways"

Dee was also very keen to expand on that first sexual experience for the lovely Kat, hence the reason she had been told to report into Kats room immediately after Barb had retired for bed that night. Kat was looking tired after their earlier first encounter together then long day but sure enough directly after Barb retired to bed Dee heard a gentle knock on her door and was met by the wonderful sight of Kat in her tiny Silky negligee as instructed with a big broad smile on her face. “Come into my lair said the spider to the fly” laughed Dee as the door was closed behind the lovely girl and she was directed to sit on the end of The bed. Kat was in awe of the nude Da Vinci style drawing of her mom on the black wall. They talked about it for a moment and how it was part of the workout program Lita had developed but wanted to get Kat more focused on the role she had in mind for the little teen.

“Now Kat you were a very good student today and I am expecting nothing less from you tonight in terms of effort and willingness to please your Mistress, is that okay Kat” The lovely girl looked down at the floor and blushed bright red in the face before nodding her head slowly in agreement. Dee quickly put her hand on the knee of the pretty girl squeezing it quite hard. “what did I tell you had to be done whenever we meet up in the future Kat” “I will remind you, fIrst off no panties are to be worn at anytime when you are presenting yourself to me for pleasure, and you must tell me you are mine to use as I see fit Mistress Dee” “Do you remember those instructions Kat”?. The lovely girl again nodded her head and looked down at the floor in front of her then looking up at Dee. “So what needs to be done then Kat you had better show me”. Kat stood up from her position on the bed and quickly removed her panties, handing them to Dee. She then pledged her submission to her. "Mistress Dee I am yours to do as you please with"

Dee kissed her fully on the lips telling her what a good girl she was and how much she would enjoy pledging herself in this way. Dee then looked her in the eyes and licked the soft gusset of her panties smiling and telling her just how good she tasted right now. Dee returned the panties to Kat and told her to lick them and taste her own wonderful special flavor from the soft cotton gusset and the girl proceeded to do so. “ Now in the future your lovely special taste and aroma will flow freely from your pussy down your inner thighs as a gift to everyone who meets you, female or male” “Just how perfect is that” Giving the lovely Kat a nice big cuddle and kiss on the lips.

The next couple of days went really well but still Dee was a little concerned about keeping Kat onside and the last thing she wanted to do was spook her or cause Barb to become suspicious of their motives and walk away. Even worse they would be out of their great new studio before even starting which would be a disaster for them all.

Lita was doing her part in keeping Barbara on board with the workouts. She was having a lot of fun teasing Barb as they did sexy workouts then watched the hot videos they had made doing them. Lita was holding off on getting sexual with Barb for the fun of making the older woman squirm and waiting for Dee to agree it was time. They were getting fantastic videos of both the edited workout videos and the whole scenes Barbara was not getting to see. Their followers were growing for the "Workout Seduction" series that told how it was all part of the set up to get Barbara primed for what was to come. What surprised both Dee and Lita was how well the "Restraint Isometrics" videos were doing. There were not dark web sites and Lita was running them on several pay sites and doing teasers on free sites. So far, Lita had only done three sessions with Barb and Dee had only been in the last one observing and assisting with Barb's training. The next thing to do was bring in Kat to observe one of her mom's training sessions.

Lita was now staying there full time. The four of them got along great. Everybody worked together to make things go smoothly with Barb and Kat still doing all the house work and most of the cooking and the girls worked at creating more workouts and doing things towards expanding the ways they could make money from the videos. They didn't go into detail with Barb and Kat and they didn't ask for any. They were just happy all was going so great. Of course Kat was keeping the secret that her and Dee were lovers and she was the beautiful black older girls sex slave and pussy licker pro now. Kat had never been so happy in her life! Sex with Dee was so awesome! She was so in love it was adorable how she still tried to hide it from Lita and her mom.

The workouts soon became a regular part of all their lives together. They looked forward to them greatly and became more and more comfortable with each other and their bodies. Kat was really showing some muscular development even after just a week of hard work, and Dee was very proud of her efforts. In private but with the cameras secretly getting every detail Dee had also persuaded Kat it would be better to remove the soft downy hair that had grown around her lovely sweet pussy and to shave it away and wax it. Kat was a bit puzzled about the need for this, but Dee explained it was purely for hygiene reasons as nobody wanted to be all sweaty down there and besides she was her Mistress and liked clean little pussies.

Naturally Dee herself had agreed to do this for Kat and she had her laid out on an exercise bench totally naked with her legs either side of the bench and her so beautiful mons of Venus in the perfect position for the treatment to begin. (Naturally the cameras were positioned above them for perfect vision for both Lita and her friends).

Dee proceeded to shave then wax the lovely girl so every little crevice in her body was so clearly on view to all. While carrying out the treatment Dee was constantly rubbing Kats oh so sensitive clitoris and rubbing her fingers up and down her swollen and very wet cunny lips easing a few fingers inside her. Kat could not help herself but she was so excited and pushing her body upwards from the bottom towards Dee to try and get more depth inside her but Dee just teased her more and more refusing the further penetration she craved.

Dee realized the lovely girl was on the verge of a really powerful orgasm as she continued to arouse her gently and slowly until the girl was moaning to herself moving her head from side to side and pushing up with her hips quite hard against Dee. She suddenly put her hands either side of Kats face causing her eyes to pop open and stare into her face.

“You are my slave Kat and I wish you to orgasm for me now and you will do so won’t you slave” Kat nodded her head gently and tried to kiss Dee. “It is not time for kisses my girl but it is time for a spurting hot orgasm and you are going to give it to me slave in a few moments” “Yes Mistress” Kat replied and Dee smiled down at her. “Good girl” she said as she suddenly gripped both Kats nipples between her thumb and forefinger, twisting them and pulling them at the same time as she dug her nails into them from either side. This movement automatically made Kat thrust upwards with her tummy muscles so her bottom was off the bench and her by now sopping wet cunt was pushed into the face of Dee. This was a natural reaction from a young girl just about to have her first real orgasm of this power and Dee had also anticipated this as well. So much so that when the girl pushed upwards Dee got her mouth strait down on her and positioned her hot hard clitoris between her teeth biting down onto it. Dee heard the scream from Kat and hoped her mum had not as the hot oily juices began to spurt from her all over Dee's face and into her hair leaving the flavor of the lovely girl all over her as were her delicious scent of sexual pleasure and it was gorgeous!

Kat just lay there totally spent while Dee made a meal of all her wonderful juices from her cunt and her inner and upper thighs as well as her own face and chest. After having her fill of the lovely Kat, Dee sat back on her haunches and just smiled down at the beautiful young girl before her. Kat slowly opened her eyes as Dee stopped licking and sucking her to see her wonderful smile beaming down at her. Kat was about to say she was sorry, but Dee put her finger to her lips and said “you have nothing to be sorry about my angel, that was just perfect and as a girls first true orgasm is supposed to be” “Not rushed and fucked roughly by a man against a concrete wall in an alleyway like mine was, but slow and sensual with someone who understands the female body and what makes it tick”

Their little love chat was brought to an end by the sound of Barb knocking gently on the door to say goodnight and asking if everything was okay in there. “ Yes Barb it could not be better. Goodnight to you too” and the two girls cuddled up to each other for a hug and a kiss.

Then suddenly "Mistress" Dee was back and she cooly instructed Kat to get into the shower and return naked to her bed where she would begin to learn how to make her Mistress feel as good as she just made her pet feel. Kat nodded her head and smiled at Dee as she ran into the bathroom and turned on the shower.

No sooner had she left the room than Lita was on the phone full of praise for what a fantastic scene Dee had just created for Kats first live orgasm. With the high powered lenses they had invested in, they could pick up every little crevice and fold the skin of her cunt as the juices exploded from the hot little girl.

Lita was excited to tell Dee how the rich black couple had seen it and already doubled the price for them to take her virginity and break her in. The ex-football player with the rap singer's wife wanted Kat badly. The more they saw of her in the workout videos and sex slave with her black Mistress videos the more the price kept going up. The sexy hot wife was nearly becoming obsessed with the pretty white mom and daughter. Somehow, sometime in her past she must have had some trauma with a white woman because even though she hid it well she harbored some form of hatred for white women. It seemed to be made worse by how much her proud black husband loved fucking white women but whatever it was she wanted to hurt and fuck white women and often did.

Dee was really not sure what to do as she did care for the girl and would not like to see her ravaged by a huge black man and his wife and maybe even his friends, well not just yet anyway if ever “We need to talk about this Lita okay, I am not convinced this is the way we should be going with either Kat or Barb just now” “Short term big money is great, but we can use these two for years to come if we play it right”, “We could still be making money off the videos in our old age Lita, so just think about it please. Okay, Kat is out of the shower so get ready for running the cameras to get some good zooms of Kat licking her Mistress off. Come in here when I send her off to her bed."

With that said Kat came back in and bounced back onto Dees bed as she quickly cut the conversation with Lita.

She had done exactly as told and had dried her hair and put it up in high pigtails that bounced and would serve as handles soon. She had also put on her short little Hello Kitty nightshirt. The effect was stunning! The girl was small for her age anyway and with her doll face and small little cone shaped tits she looked more like a very young teen than her real age !

Dee grinned at one of the cameras and licked up lips the turned to Kat. “Now my little lovely slave girl you learn how to really please you Mistress, on your back on the bed my girl right now”. Dee straddled the lovely Kat with creamy white skin with her own dark brown naked body that was also fully shaved and waxed facing her and slowly moved upwards so she was sitting on her chest, her own soaking wet cunt so close to the darling little girls smiling happy face……

Lita was on a webcam on one computer while Kayla, the music star and her big strong good looking black husband watched the feed she was sending them from another computer. They were all watching as Dee crawled forwards and finally letting the little white girl under her lick her clean black pussy.

" That's good my little pet…mmm… yes,,, ohh very good. " Dee crooned out as Kat licked her as she was told.

" Now, lick a little harder and go all the way up to my clit each time" ohh … ohhh hess… keep going.."

Dee took her time giving the girl pussy licking and clit sucking instructions for nearly 15 minutes before she finally ended up with the young girls pigtails in her hands pulling them hard as she ground her hot wet pussy in Kat's pussy juice covered face.

" That's it you little pussy licking slut…. That's what little white girls are good for… mmmm yes … sucking black pussy and dicks. That's it… yeess oh fuck yes!!! Lick my hot black pussy you little cunt licker!

Dee looked down at the little white girl and came in a shuddering grinding orgasm as she held Kat's face buried in her pussy by the pigtails in her long straight hair. Lita watched how the couple reacted as they watched this new scene for the first time and knew the price would be going up even more. Kayla and Jessy wanted Kat badly. Lita was glad that Dee had been a hold out. She would have let the couple take Kat for a lot less a few days before and now they were talking some very serious money and even more if they could let another couple they knew take Barbara at the same time. It was now two couples wanting them for one night for more than enough money to buy both Dee and her new cars and more.

Lita told them she would think about it and said she would talk it over with her partner and Kat's true owner and get back to them soon. The scene they couples wanted to do was dark and savage. Not in any ways it would harm them badly but in ways that would humiliate and degrade them in ways they would be severely traumatized. They want to slap them around. Tie them up, torment them and then rape in every hole as the other watches then do them both at the same time as they are begging and crying. There was a lot to discuss with Dee over the next few days.

Finally Dee and Lita settled on a way to get what they both wanted and get some incredible videos they could sell out of it. Dee wanted to keep playing innocent with Kat and her mom a little longer and Lita mostly wanted the money and both of them were ready to see them raped and fucked. Dee came up the idea of a home invasion rape where the strong sexy black couple would in masked and overpower them and spend all night raping them using bondage and toys as they verbally humiliate them as they took videos of it.

So it would not seem as suspicious Dee told them a week before that she and Lita were going to a concert then clubbing and not wanting to drink and drive they would stay with friends in the city and would not be home Saturday night. The couple understood to not say anything to Kat and Barbara about why they were ***********ed or give any clue it was anything but random. They also knew to bring some cameras and laptop to record it all and both came in wearing body cams. Of course Dee and Lita knew better than to let the couple keep anything and they supplied the cameras and laptop and would take them as soon as the couple walked out the door. Left behind beaten and raped tied up the mother and daughter would have no idea Dee and Lita had been in the garage the whole time watching everything on the hidden cameras.

Barbara sat watching one of her favorite shows on tv, and Kat has been playing computer games and talking to friends on her phone and was going to join her mom watching a show that would be on soon. Barbara looked up at her sweet daughter.

"Honey, would you get us something to drink? I'll make us some popcorn as soon as my show is over and we can have it as we watch the next one together."

"Sure mom" she replies happily everything had been going so well, and in a way it was nice having the house to themselves, as much as she enjoyed Dee and Lita being there.

Kat was just finishing her game and told her friend brb, and walked, almost skipping to the kitchen. As she walked past the dining room window she thought she caught a flash of someone outside in the yard. She slowed down to take a better look but didn't see anything so she continued on to the refrigerator, where she got them both some of the new fruit drink mom had found at the supermarket. She had her moms glass too, and was just setting them down on the coffee table when she heard a knock at the front door.

"Honey, look through the viewer and see who it is." Barbara warned her daughter with it being dark already and them not expecting company.

Barb wanted to go with her but her show was just reaching a climax and couldn't pull herself away. Mom some lady is at the door" mom kat called out.

"Oh, Ok" barb said meaning ok I understand I'll be right there, but Kat thought she meant ok, open the door and see what she wants, which is what she did.

Barb was a little alarmed when she heard Kat open the door, as that isn't what she wanted, so Barb got up off the couch.

"Hi Honey" the lady said as Kat looked at her quizzically. "I'm supposed to go to a party at the Tomlinson's and this is the address I have for them. It's clearly wrong. Do you happen to know where they live? "

Barb was walking faster towards the front door to see what was going on just as Kat had turned her head to see if her mom knew of this family and just as she did the door was forced open by a big black man. Kat let out a scream and Barb let out a gasp.

"Okay you little bitch. be quiet now!" the man yelled out, rushing in grabbing Kat under the arms, easily lifting her and clasping a big hand over her mouth. "Your ass is mine now," he said. Barb could see the black woman was now wielding a knife as she followed the man into the house. Barb saw her gaze shifted from the man and Kat to her, just as Barb turned toward the phone to call the cops.

The pretty black woman was ready and rushed towards her " Don't even think of it lady. Your asses are ours tonight you sexy white sluts" Unless you want something very bad to happen to your little girl you better just fucking hold still and do the fuck as are told"

Damn, Barb thought. Why did Dee and Lita pick this night to be away?

What the woman said made Barb freeze in her tracks. Kat was twisting and straining but, despite her new found strength, the little girl was no match for the black ex-football player as he easily held her down and strapped a ball gag in her mouth.

The black man lifted and carried the little kat into the living room and dropped her on the couch on her belly, where he could hold her down with just one hand. He noticed the smooth curve of her bum and gave it a little rub as he held her down. Kat was also now thinking Where are Dee and Lita now that they need them!

"You come with me bitch" The woman said to Barb as she shoved her from behind into the living room with them.

Still behind Barbara with the knife Kayla slipped in in the sheathe on her hip then pulled the belt off the robe Barb was wearing over her sleep top and panties. " Now put your hands behind your back bitch"

The big man lifted Kat off the couch and placed her over his lap. She was so small compared to him her hands and feet were not even reaching the floor.

Barbara was nearly in shock! They had settled in for the evening to enjoy a quiet night of TV and snacks with her daughter, enjoying a new found closeness she felt since starting their exercise program with Dee and Lita. Now they were being robbed or maybe worse! Barb couldn't believe what was happening and had no idea what was going to happen next. Kat was so scared too and not only for herself. She didn't want anything bad to happen to her mom either. The black woman had roughly handled her mom, and now with the belt off her robe her lace teddy was starting to show along with her panties as the strong looking black woman tied her hands behind her back with the robe sash. Kat felt sick at her stomach at realizing they were probably going to be raped.

When the black man saw Barbara with her hands tied and sexy body showing with the robe opened he smiled. He noticed Kat noticing that and said "You've got a pretty mom. She has some nice boobies don't she? Are you gonna have boobs like that someday ? He asked her. Then giving the frightened girl a sharp slap on her ass making Kat gasp aloud. This made Barb gasp too. More than anything she didn't want anything to happen to her little girl.

The man left his resting on Kat's bum through her formfitting cotton shorts giving it little squeeze. The woman reached around from behind Barb and began to give her breasts little squeezes too. She and the black man smiled at each other. They now knew this was going to be a good night, the kind of night they had hoped for.. the girl and her mom were both theirs to use, however they wanted. The excitement would be from using them together, watching the other use their prey and getting it all on video for Dee and Lita, who had set this up for them.

Jessy and Kayla were beyond excited! They were going to make the sexy mom watch her innocent little daughter being used, and vice versa. Yes, this was going to be a fantastic night the woman and man both thought. Dee and Lita had given them nearly carte blanc to do whatever they wanted, living out their most exciting, extreme, and yes, demented, fantasies... the thought of that made them both smile as mom and little Kat struggled in their grasps… and the evening was just beginning.

( to be continued)
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