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In a few weeks Kathryn is transformed from the typical milf to something she had never imagined by her own daughter and her group of lesbian friends. This story was co-authored with permission of the other writer to keep if for my own uses.
I just turned 39 and I accepted the fact that my daughter was a

lesbian. I didn't really care; she was my baby. I was only concerned with

her well being and not her sexual preference. There must have been signs

over the years; I guess I missed them. It was not easy raising Amanda

alone. I blame her cheating father for most of my problems, actually all of

them. She was 18 now and becoming more difficult to control. Amanda had

always been a straight A student. Active in sports, especially soccer and


She had some friends I particularly didn't approve of, especially

this girl called Raven. She was into that Gothic sort of thing. Straight

black hair over one eye, black lipstick and fingernail polish. Body

piercings, always wore black knee high lace up boots and black

clothes. Amanda and Raven were so different. I don't know how on earth they

could be friends. I liked Traci, she was more like Amanda and a more


I was 22 when Amanda was born. I divorced her father when she was

11. I always tried to be a good mother to her. I owned two retail clothes

boutiques which are well managed by my staff. I always had time for

Amanda. I was at every basketball and soccer game she played in. Now, at

seventeen, I was suddenly in her "space" trying to control her every move.

I didn't want huge mother daughter fights, so I tried to be more

tolerant. I allowed the usual sleep overs; at and away from home. I was not

sure if all her friends were lesbians or not. I was glad I didn't have to

worry about her getting pregnant with some boy.

Junior year in high school was first year I met her friend

Raven. Once I asked her about Raven. I was suddenly in her "space" again. I

had no doubt in my mind that Raven was a lesbian also. However, she was so

different from the other girls. One day after school Amanda and Raven came

home together. They went to Amanda's room, but for only a few minutes. I

was in the kitchen when they walked in.

"Me and Raven are going to Traci's house to listen to music."

"Ok. Be back for dinner."

It was about fifteen minutes later; I heard a knock at the door. I

opened it and there was Raven. She casually stepped inside. "Hi,

Mrs. Baker."

I was surprised. "I thought you and Amanda were at Traci's."

"Amanda is. I thought we should talk alone."

"About what?"

I closed the door and followed Raven into the living room.

"About why you don't like me."

I stopped abruptly. "Who said I didn't like you?"

"No one has to say. I can tell. I scare you."

"What ever gave you that idea?"

"You don't understand me. I'm different. That scares you. It's better to

avoid me."

It was very awkward for me to look her in the eye. Because what she said

was true. She did frighten me.

I cleared my throat. "Well, I'm sorry. I don't intend to make you


Raven cut me off. She stepped in close to me; her lips almost touching

mine. "You find me repulsive because you can't label me."

I quickly backed away from her. "That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever


Raven grabbed my shoulders and kissed me directly on the lips, darting her

tongue into my mouth.

I was stunned; completely caught off guard. I pushed her

back. "Stop that! Why did you do that?"

"Because you wanted me to."

I was searching for a reply. Raven planted her lips on mine again and

shoved her tongue in my mouth once more. I pushed her back again. She

pulled open my blouse and pulled up my bra. I was too frightened to move at

that moment.

She brought her lips close to mine. "Turn around."

I was frightened of her. I turned around and she snap something around my


"What are you doing, Raven? Please! Stop! Let me go."

Her hands cupped my breasts; her thumbs rubbed across my

nipples. She leaned in and whispered in my ear. "You are a very beautiful

woman. Did you know that?"

I was about to reply, but she kissed me hard on the lips again.

"I think women of your age are so fucking sexy. I just love them."

Her words sent shivers through my body.

Her fingers unfastened my skirt, letting it drop to the floor. She

slid her tongue across my lips as she pulled my panties down.

"If you weren't so beautiful. I wouldn't be here right now."

"Please no! Please. Raven. Listen to me..."

Raven licked my lips again with her tongue, sending shivers through my


I tried to step back. "Raven. Listen to me! I am not a lesbian."

She leaned in and whispered in my ear again. "That even makes you

more delicious."

She pushed me down on the sofa. "You look so beautiful all tied up and

naked like that."

Raven knelt down beside me. "Open your mouth." She took a ball gag from her

pocket and shoved it in my mouth.

She smiled at me. "I don't think you know how sexy you are Mrs. Baker."

Her hand slowly rubbed across my boobs; her thumbs flicked at my

nipples. She slid her hand down my stomach, to my crotch.

She leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. "Open your legs. Or I'll do it

for you."

I was to frightened to do anything else. I slowly parted my thighs. I

almost fainted when her fingers touched my pussy.

"Such a nice hot pussy! But too much hair. I shave mine. I suppose

we could shave yours too."

I couldn't reply with the gag in my mouth. I tried to struggle against the

cuffs, but they were too tight. Her fingers slid inside me. She touched my

clit. Again, I almost fainted.

She chuckled. "What a nice little magic button you have."

I jumped when she flicked it a few more times.

She moved her hand to my nipples. "I love your beautiful nipples."

She leaned in and licked one with her tongue. That also sent shivers

through my body.

"They taste so good!"

I was so embarrassed and humiliated. I felt like I wanted to cry; I was

becoming very wet; I didn't like my reactions at all.

Raven kissed me softly on the lips this time. "I could spend all

night with you. I could drive insane. You would beg me to fuck you."

My breathing was much shorter now. I was ashamed at how she had aroused me.

Raven stood up and smiled down at me. "Relax. I'm not going to do anything

to you Mrs. Baker. I just thought you should get to know me better. That's

all. Lean forward."

She removed the cuffs from my wrists and removed the gag. I was

unable to look her in the face. I stared at the fireplace, holding my legs

tight together. She stepped around, lifting my chin with her hand. She gave

me another soft kiss and licked my lips. "I'll be you taste so sweet

Kathryn. I have to go now. You have a nice evening, beautiful lady."

I sat on the sofa naked for a long time. Trying to wrap my head

around what just happened to me. The humiliation I felt. I had never been

so submissive around anyone. She stripped everything away from me. I had no

defenses; it was if she hypnotized me. I had goosebumps just thinking about


Suddenly the door opened and it was Amanda. "Mom? Why are you

sitting on the sofa naked? I haven't see you naked since I was little


I quickly pulled my arms up to cover my nipples. "I'm so sorry Amanda. I

was going to take a shower and I got side tracked in the living room."

I jumped up and headed for my bedroom. Amanda remarked something I didn't

care to hear.

"Hey, Mom. You look great."

It was Saturday morning. I rolled over in bed and saw the sun

peeking through the blinds. My bedroom door opened and there was Amanda in

just her panties.

"Are you still in bed? You were taking me to the mall, remember?"

I quickly nodded, rubbing my eyes. "Yes, I'm sorry sweetheart. I'll be

ready in a few minutes."

"Ok mom. We can eat at the mall."

I parked the car close to the main entrance. We had breakfast at

the mall restaurant. Amanda wanted to go into the music store.

I waved her on. "Ok, I'll wait for you over here."

I no sooner sat down and I saw Raven with some of her friends coming my

way. Suddenly I felt as if I was going to have an anxiety attack. My heart

began to beat faster. Why did this girl have such a profound effect on me?

Raven stopped and smiled. "Mrs. Baker. You look really great


I smiled at her for a second. "Thank you."

I pointed. "Amanda is in the music store."

Raven introduced her friends. "This is my friend, Echo and this is my

friend, Willow."

She turned and smiled at me. "This is Amanda's mom. Kathryn."

I smiled at them. "Nice to meet you both."

"We're going to the food court. You wanna come with us?"

"No thanks. Amanda and I just breakfast in the restaurant. I told Amanda I

would wait for her here."

Raven turned to her friends. "Go inside and tell Amanda her mom has gone to

the food court with me."

Raven wrapped her around me. "Shall we go?"

I wanted to say no; I wanted to, but I couldn't

Raven leaned in close to me as we walked. "You know I masturbated all last

nigh just thinking about you."

"Please Raven. Don't do this. Please I'm begging you."

She hugged me tighter. "I know and it makes me so fucking hot when you


We sat down in one of those half round booths. Raven went over to

get one of those big hot pretzels; a soda for her and a coffee for me.

Willow sat down. "Amanda said she would meet up with us later. She went to

the jewelry store."

Suddenly two more girls joined us.

Raven raised her hand. "This is Luna and this is Mist."

I was held in the middle of five teenage girls. I felt like I was

in jail and these were my cell mates.

Raven leaned over and whispered in my ear. "I sense you would like to be

alone with me."

Raven held up her hand. "Hey, girls! We can hang later. OK? See you at the


The four girls got up and left.

Raven smiled at me. "You're embarrassed and shy. I love that about


I gathered up all the strength I could muster. "Raven. I don't think you

should come to my house any more. I'll forget about what

happened. Please. Just don't come by."

Raven placed her hand on my thigh. "You're still afraid. There's no need. I

would never do anything to hurt a woman as beautiful as you."

She patted me on the inner thigh. "I'll come by tonight and we can talk."

"Please Raven! Don't make me do something I'll regret."

She smiled at me with those big white teeth. "Regret? I kissed you so many

times? I stripped you and made you totally wet?"

She knew how to push the humiliation button. She stripped away my defenses


Raven leaned in and whispered in my ear. "Wear that pink robe you have in

the closet. The one with the fur on it. I love that one."

She got up and disappeared into the crowd of people.

All of a sudden, I saw Amanda. She sat down beside me.

"Did you see Raven?"

"Yes. And please don't invite her to the house anymore."


"Because. She frightens me. And, I don't want her there."

"Oh mom. You're over reacting again. Raven looks and talks scary but she's


"Will you be home tonight?" "No. Traci and me are going to the

movies with Willow."

I sat up. "I can go with you. I haven't seen a movie in a long time."

Amanda shook her head. "I can't go to the movies with my mom! I'd be a

laughing stock of the school."

Amanda left for the movies. I couldn't tell her about Rave. I knew

Raven would be coming and I didn't want to be alone with her. I was so

frustrated. My hands were shaking as I reached in the closet for the pink

robe. Why did this girl scare me so much. I jumped off the floor when the

door bell rang. I opened the door and Raven stepped inside.

She stared at me for a long time. "God! I can't believe how beautiful you


She leaned in and kissed me on the lips. "Go in the living room and

let me look at you."

I didn't say a word. I stood in front of the sofa and watched her sit down.

"Give me you hand."

She kissed my fingers one at a time. "You know how much I love you?"

I could see tears in her eyes.

"Please Raven. Please don't tell me that."

She held onto my hand. "I know you're not a lesbian. I know you don't love

me. And that tears my guts out. Tell me to leave. I'll leave now. I won't

ever come here again."

She was such a strong girl. I didn't think I would ever see her cry. I felt

so submissive at that moment.

I unfastened my robe and let it drop to the floor. I stood up

straight with my chest out. "I think I'm ready. If you love me. Show me."

I lost track of how many orgasms I had that night. Raven was like a

spider. Her arms and legs were all over me. Her lips and tongue was

everywhere. I was begging her to give me a rest. My legs were so weak,

Raven had to help me into the bathroom.

"Raven. You need to go before Amanda comes home."

I stepped into the shower. "I don't want her to ever know about


Raven stood in the doorway, smiling at me. "She already knows."

I froze in my steps. "What? How?"

"Because I sent them all to the movies. So I could be alone with you."

I suddenly felt a burst of anger. "And I thought you were sincere? And all

the tears? You did all this just so you could get me in bed?"

Raven held up her hand. "No. No that is not true.."

I threw the towel at her. "Get OUT!"

"Kathryn. Listen"

"I said GET OUT!"

After she left; I sat on the floor of the shower. I cried and watched my

tears go down the drain with the water. I felt so stupid and ashamed. Like

a fool.

I was curled up in bed when Amanda came home. She knocked on my

door. "Mom? Mom are you asleep? Mom?"

"Come in. I'm not asleep."

Amanda sat on the side of the bed. "Raven came to the theater crying her

eyes out. What did you do?"

I quickly raised up. "WHAT DID I DO?"

I reached over and grabbed her by the arms. "You're just lucky I

don't spank your little ass!"

Amanda pulled back away from me. "What did I miss here?"

"You missed a good laugh! It was all about humiliating your mom! A great

big joke."

"I told Raven you were too sensitive. That you over react to everything."

"OH! Really? You did?"

Amanda jumped off the bed. "Yes! You get like this and you won't

listen to anybody any anything. You just shut everything out! Even me!"

I took a deep breath. "Ok. Ok Amanda. Why do you tell me about it."

"The first day Raven met you. She told me you were the most beautiful woman

she ever seen. She said she loved you. She wanted to know everything about

you. I told her you were straight; You were married once; You were hurt

deeply by what dad did; You just work and take care of me. You don't do

anything for yourself."

I propped myself with some pillows and listened to what she said.

Amanda continued. "Raven said she wanted to make you the happiest woman in

the world. I told her you didn't have a sex life. But if she could make you

happy. I would do anything to make that happen. I wanted you to be happy."

Amanda sat back down on the edge of the bed. "Raven said she would

make you the happiest woman ever. If she could be alone with you for one

night. I'm sorry if you think I'm a horrible daughter for trying to make

you happy."

I grabbed her and pulled her onto the bed with me. "Oh baby. I'm sorry. I

just wish you would have informed me of what you had in mind for me."

Amanda shook her head. "Sure mom. Hey guess what? Raven is going to

make love to you. She's a little kinky. Bondage and all that stuff. But she

loves you and wants to make you happy. By the way; I'm in on it too. Tell

me how you would've over reacted to that one."

I held her close to my breast. "Let me tell you how I felt. I actually fell

in love with Raven. She turned things upside down inside me. It frightened

me. But it also excited me. I gave into her. I thought she was treating me

like some one night stand."

Amanda snuggled up to me. "Can I sleep in here with you tonight. I

promise no inappropriate touching. All I want to do is hold you close to

me. Like I use to when I was a little girl. I would sleep on your boobs and

listen to your heart beat."

She undressed, then climbed under the covers with me.

She snuggled up close. "Hold me mom."

I woke up the next morning, Amanda was still sleeping on me with her arm

across my chest and her head on my boob.

I fixed french toast with bananas; Amanda's favorite breakfast. I

had my coffee and bowl of hot cereal.

"Can you drive me to the mall again? Of course, if you got me a car. You

wouldn't have to drive me."

"Yeah, right. I'm taking you."

When we got there, Amanda insisted I come into this jewelry

store. She wanted a set of ear rings.

As we came out, we bumped into that girl called Luna. "Hey. You seen


Amanda shook her head. "No. Isn't she usually here by now?"

Luna shook her head. "No. She never went home last night. Maybe she ran

away again."

Suddenly there was a lump in my stomach. "Well. Maybe she'll show

up later."

Luna shook her head. "Not if she had a fight with her foster mom. She'd

split for the streets again."

We stayed around the mall for several hours but none of Raven's friends had

seen or heard from her. I couldn't help feel that maybe it was my fault she

was missing.

I drove home and parked the car in the garage. I went to close the

door and there stood Raven.

"Everyone is looking for you at the mall. They thought maybe you ran away."

She stepped closer to me. "I had to come back to see you once more. I don't

know what I did to hurt you. I want to tell you I never wanted to."

I hugged her. "I thought you were using me. Just a cheap one night

stand. That's what hurt me."

Raven stepped away from me. "I couldn't do that. I loved you."

I reached out for her hand. "Ok. I might have over reacted. Amanda says I

do it all the time. Can we can start over? Tell me when you want to come

over. Tell me what you want me to wear."

Raven interrupted. "I'd really like to take inside right now and fuck your

brains out."

I held my hand. "Please. Last night you rode me hard. We need to do

something less strenuous?"

Raven slowly walked over to me and pulled me close. "I can strip

you naked and tie you up. Put a collar around your neck and lead you around

naked all night.'

She gave me a kiss with her tongue again. "You'll have to do whatever I


At that moment, I could feel myself slipping away again.

Raven slowly removed all my clothes. She kissed me every time she

took something off. "I love stripping you. It makes me hot."

She tied my hands behind my back; put the ball gag into my mouth; fastened

a dog collar around my neck with a leash.

She gently jerked the leash. "Kneel."

I got down on my knees. She gave me another order. "Look up at me."

She slid her hand across my boobs. "God. You are beautiful. I cried all

night when I thought I lost you."

I softly whispered up to her. "I do love you too."

She jerked the leash again. "Stand up. Spread your legs. Show me your

beautiful pussy."

She walked up to me, her hand rubbing my pussy. Her right hand

moved up the crack of my ass. "You're a submissive by nature. I can tell

you crave the humiliation."

It was like she could see inside me; how could she know that?

She slapped my butt as she unhooked the leash. "Parade for me. Back and

forth around the room. But don't leave my sight."

Raven sat on the sofa and barked out orders. "Walk straight

up. Keep your chest out. Arch your back. Stick your ass out. Walk as sexy

as you look."

She made me feel like a piece of meat and it was driving me crazy.

"Come here. Spread your legs." She slid her fingers inside me. "I thought

so. You're really wet.

She poked her fingers in me again. "I love those whiny little sounds you

make when I touch you. It's like a cat purring."

She was right; I was wet and I wanted to cum. She was just playing

with me, frustrating me more and more. Sexual denial was so arousing.

Suddenly, I heard the door open and I saw Amanda walk in. I was so

humiliated I could have melted into the floor. She was looking straight at


She smiled. "Oh mom. You really are beautiful to look at."

I couldn't look her in the eyes. I held my head down because I was

too embarrassed. She put her hand on my chin and held my head up. "I can

see why Raven loves you so much. When you're like this. I can fall in love

with you too."

She let her hands drop to my boobs, rubbing my nipples with her palm. "I

hate when we argue. You make so mad and I hate that. You look so happy when

you're like this. That makes me happy for you."

I couldn't hold my tears back. I loved my baby so much. Raven took

the gag from my mouth and kissed me with her tongue. It gave me

goosebumps. She turned my head to Amanda. She kissed me with her tongue and

that made me shivered.

Raven turned to Amanda. "You hear those little whiny sounds she makes?"

Amanda smiled, nodding her head. "Yes. I do."

Raven stroked my butt. "I love those sounds. They make so hot."

I felt very special to have these beautiful girls in love with

me. We lay on the bed, one on each side of me. Raven with her hand on my

pussy; Amanda with her hand on my boobs. I didn't know what the future

would hold for us. I didn't know if I would serve them both. I knew I never

wanted to fight with my daughter again. If that meant I had to be

submissive to her; then I would.

They pulled me off the bed. "Come on. We need to take a shower."

Raven pushed my hair back. "I want to shave your pussy clean."

Amanda leaned over and kissed me. "I want to lick it dry."

I handed Raven the razor and stepped into the shower. I wanted to stay in

there forever with my two girls.

Kathryn sat in the quiet of her kitchen, with the sun just up and a warm

cup of coffee in her hand. She contemplated the events of the past few

weeks, putting together the little clues she had missed. How the girls had

set her up and where this might be going.

I feel sure there is far more to Raven's plan for me. This first week,

after seducing me she is introducing me to mild bondage and lesbian

sex. The most incredibly mind blowing moments of my life! OMG Raven is like

a sexual lesbian Goddess! She is making this so sexy and hot and so fun for

me! But, there is that darker side that comes out and a lot of mystery to

whatever my young Mistress has planned.

Amanda, my own daughter, knew this was right for me when Raven suggested

it. She loves her mother dearly and Raven is her new best friend. I suspect

she loves seeing her mom turned into a lesbian pet.

The butterflies stated fluttering and that warm, soft throbbing always

seemed just below the surface, ready to engulf me as I examine my new

life. I've done a lot of soul searching. Coming to grips with why I didn't

feel more guilty over what I'm doing with Raven and my own daughter

Amanda. This is good for us, and we all want it is the reality. As long as

we keep it secret, that is.

My coffee still warm in my hands, as warm shivers stir in my loins. What a

sick woman I've become, but we all love each other and it feels more right

than anything I've ever done.

Within a few days, it's beginning to feel normal. The new arrangement of

being molested and toyed with by Raven. Sometimes with my daughter watching

or even taking part. That itself, should tell me how sick and perverted I

am. Well it's not really normal, but not something as sick as it sounds


Sure, I'm an older woman who is becoming the lover and submissive pet to my

incredibly sexy young lover and Mistress Raven. It was a whirlwind of new

experiences and passions. I may be a sex deprived woman who willingly

succumbed to those passions, but I'm also a mom.

I feel so changed, yet I still feed the dogs and make the coffee and see to

the online aspects of running the stores. I continue to show up at one or

the other most days. Luckily I have my old friend Julia at the West Mall

store and Echo, Julia's young niece at the Downtown store. Both are more

than capable of managing them without me.

What is really helping me cope, is how Amanda is protecting me. Yes, things

have now changed and yes, I'm Raven's property now and that makes me shiver

all over. Raven... Raven is so fucking hot and the way she had me tied up

last night. No wonder my nipples are sore this morning.

Finding out Raven has other pets, was no surprise. They tell me I will just

adore little Willow, the wild and funny sexpot with the piercings, body

jewelry and cobalt blue hair. She is stunning in the pictures they've shown

me. I find it hard to imagine she is in a submissive role too but this is

all new to me.

Jade, on the other hand looks every bit like the sweet shy tiny little

girl. She is the same age as the rest of them, but she looks mid to early

teens with her middle eastern beauty. Her long wavy hair and dark eyes are

warmly hypnotic.

Most of Amanda's girlfriends are on Facebook. I've met so many of her

friends over the years. Some of her inner circle friends call me `Mamma

Kate'. Raven tells me this is going to be a big day for me.


I stopped in the doorway and folded my arms. Mrs. Baker was just sitting

there completely normal. "I see you still don't know who owns you!" She

was startled, quickly turning my way. "I told you when you are in the house

with me, you are to stay NAKED!"

I slammed my hand down on the table. "Get your clothes off, right now!"

Kathryn jumped to her feet. She removed the jacket, unfastening her blouse

and within a few seconds, was standing naked in front of me.

I smiled wickedly and gave her a sharp slap directly on her pussy. "On your

knees, hands behind your back and legs spread!" She quickly assumed the

position. I poured myself a cup of coffee, added sugar and sat down at the

table facing her.

What a beautiful site she was, kneeling on the kitchen floor. Her large

boobs, stiff nipples and shaved pussy. "Where the fuck were you going?" I

asked. She avoided eye contact, because she knew I was not happy. She

replied. "I was going to visit the stores this morning." I stood

up. "First you'll learn to do what you're told. Go to the bedroom and bring

the leather paddle to the living room."

She came down the hall and handed me the paddle. I pointed. "Bend over that

sofa arm." She had a most beautiful ass. The quiet of the living room was

broken by the sound of my paddle smacking across her beautiful ass.

I pulled her up. "When I tell you to stay naked, are you going to

remember?" "Yes, Raven. I will." My pretty pet answered with misty eyes. I

leaned over and kissed her on the lips with my tongue. I loved it when she

shivered as my tongue entered her mouth.

I led her down the hall to the bedroom and opened her closet. "You pick out

something neat, clean and stylish." I slapped her red ass. "No bra, no

panties, just garter belt and black stockings. You understand me?"

Mrs. Baker quickly nodded head. "Yes, Raven." I turned. "Good. Come in the

living room when you're finished."

She came into the living room in a gray striped business suit. She had

buttoned it over her blouse to hide the fact she was not wearing a bra. She

smiled meekly at me. "I'm ready Miss Raven."

I unfastened her jacket and held it open. I could see the outline of her

nipples under the white blouse. I gently rubbed my fingers over her

nipples. I cupped one with my hand. "Nice," I smiled. I slid my hand under

her skirt, all the way up her leg to her warm pussy. She jumped when my

finger slid over her clit. I smiled again. "Even better."

We drove to the West Mall. I knew the mall brought back memories for her

and it was about too again. I took her arm. "Come, we're going to meet

Willow and Jade."

They were in the food court, at a round booth by the window.

I placed my pet between Willow and Jade. Willow leaned over. "You look so

hot today. Doesn't Mrs. Baker look hot, Jade?" Jade rested her elbows on

the table and stared at her. "Unbutton your jacket", she said.

Kathryn unbuttoned it as told. Jade smiled at her, "sexy, no bra." Willow

turned to her and unbuttoned the top two buttons on Mrs. Bakers blouse and

started to caress on of her boobs. Kathryn pulled her hand away. "Please,

Willow. Don't do that." Jade had slipped her hand under Kathryn's

skirt. She squirmed, pushing Jade's hand away.

I smiled at Willow and Jade. "We're going to have a little fun with my

pet. For the rest of the day her name is going to be, Mommy pet. Jade,

since you look every bit of 14 Mommy pet is going to play the roll of your

mother." Looking at all three of them.

"Anytime we talk about her to anyone, or they overhear us she, is Jades mom

and my sex slave". Kathryn looked shocked and that was just what I wanted.

Willow laughed. "I think mommy pet, is getting embarrassed."

I laughed. "Oh you think she is embarrassed now, she is going to be so

humiliated today, she'll want to crawl under a rock and cry." I was no

longer smiling when I turned to Kathryn. "You won't dare stop any of us

from touching you again. You will take it and do the fuck as you're

told. Do you hear me ,mommy slut?"

I turned to Willow. "If you want to feel her up go for it, as long as it

won't get us in trouble and tossed out." I turned to Jade. "If you want to

feel her pussy go for it." Jade smiled and then the look on Kathryn's face

made it clear that Jade's small hand was touching her pussy.


Mommy pet? Oh fuck me, this is insane! I was already more humiliated than

I had been in my entire life! No one was watching what was going on, but

being with these three girls and them seeing me like this, was bad enough.

I wanted to sink under the table and cry. At the same time, I was also

incredibly turned on by Jade's little fingers. OMFG, she was so good at

making me quiver!

Raven told the girls, Mommy pet would not pull away again. If at anytime

during the day, I disobeyed or pulled away, they were to tell her. "Mommy

pet is going shopping, and she's going to buy us a lot of nice things." She

said they were going to pick out some really fun and slutty things for me

to wear for our last big stop in the mall.

I was afraid of what that could mean and started to speak in protest, but

Raven cut me off. "Pet I'm tired of you thinking you can just do and say

what you want just because we are in public. For the rest of the day here,

you'll not speak unless told to or to answer a question. If you should

speak out of place, there will be a swift and hard punishment here in the

mall and you really don't want that to happen."

Looking at me coldly she lifts my face cupping my chin firmly. "Do you

understand mommy pet?" I swallowed hard, and nodded. "Yes, Raven."

The first stop was at the swimwear department of a big chain store. Raven

and the girls were each going to pick out bikini style suits and then have

me try them on and model for them.

After they had their fun making me parade in and out of the dressing room

and finally ***********ing a very skimpy bright pink suit for me, Raven spotted

a big clear plastic grocery style beach bags.

Taking two, she handed them to me. "Pet, take these bags and you'll be

carrying what we buy for you in them while we shop."


I was watching Kathryn, my pet, as she modeled the different swim suits. I

loved the pink suit, it was a little small to say the least. Her big boobs

almost popped out and the bottom displayed her camel toe perfectly. I could

see the humiliation was making her even more submissive.

The first time Jade called her mom in front of the woman working the

department, Kathryn blushed, and it made it seem even more true. I smiled

wickedly as she turned to Jade. "Lets take your mommy pet to the pet

department next."

We led our woman pet into the pet department. I picked out another

beautiful pink dog collar with rhinestones all around it. "Is this just so

cute? Taking it from her Jade held it up to pet's neck and asked "What do

you think mom? "I don't know..." Jade cut her off. "Well we think you

should have this, so you we'll get it."

Willow picked out the matching pink leash. "And, this too, mommy pet. I

love matching sets." Willow then picked up a shiny chrome dog dish. "I

think when she has been naughty, we should make her eat from this."

I picked up a black leather dog collar with chrome beads and two rings

attached to it and smiled at Jade. "Do you think Mommy pet would look good

in this?" I rubbed my hand over Kathryn's ass. "Do you like it?" Pet

nodded. "Yes, Raven."

Willow was the bondage queen of our gang. She was really good with

ropes. But it was the collars that still had her attention, and she picked

out 6 more of the studded leather collars saying, "I can cut these down

really easy to make some great cuffs"

In the front of the store was a rack of tags that could be engraved in a

machine. Jade announced in front of two women customers. "Mom now that

you're our pet, you need some tags." Both women looked at Kathryn in

shock. We all looked at the different tags and talked about what they

should say. It was finally decided to get two tags. One shaped like a bone

and the other the outline of a dog. The Bone would read. "Mommy slut", and

the dog one "Raven's Bitch."

I led her over to the register, where a really cute and shy collage age

woman wore a name-tag "Julie H". As we purchased all the items, she had to

pick up each one. I arranged them in the clear beach bags to make them


All of us talked about Kathryn, as if she was no more than a real

pet. About how she would look in the pink bikini and matching collar. Julie

H was blushing, as much as mommy pet. We all smiled except for mommy pet,

who was just trying to keep her head down.

Jade took Kathryn by the arm. "Let's go to the restroom. I want her to put

this pink collar on you mom." Willow laughed. "Yeah. I got something I

want her to wear." Willow leaned over and kissed Kathryn on the cheek. "It

fits inside your pussy." Julie H. heard that and with a short gasp she

looked shocked.

We took pet into a large, but mostly empty restroom and into the very back

stall. Willow and Jade went in with her. I stood holding the door open

looking in. Jade buckled the pink dog collar around her neck. "You look so

sexy, mommy pet. Do you like it?"

Kathryn nodded, "yes Jade. I love it." Clearly, she didn't mean it. That

pissed me off for a moment and I slapped her face. She looked shocked and

pitiful, like she was about to cry. "I'm sorry Raven, I'm sorry..."

I got in her face "You don't have to lie. If you don't like something, I

want to hear it." I slapped her again. "Now shut the fuck up before your

lying mouth gets you into even more trouble."

Willow took Kathryn by the hair and turned her head. "Lift your skirt!"

Kathryn lifted her skirt, exposing her shaved pussy. Willow held a pink

curved object in her hand. "Put this in your pussy. Leave the small end

out. Put your hands behind your neck, fingers interlocked."

The girls giggled, Jade pulled her dress back down. Willow took her cell

phone out and paired it with the vibrator and pushed the

start. Mrs. Baker's body suddenly jerked as the vibrator went of inside

her. Jade and Willow giggled again. "That is so cool!"

Jade took her phone out and a moment later said, "I have my phone linked

now, too." I stepped in with the pink leash to pulled my pet from the

stall. "Wash those nasty hands after touching your wet pussy." I watched

as she dried her hands. I could see that helpless feeling on her face as

she looked in the mirror. Pet realized we had stripped her of all her

authority and it made me smile.

Our next stop was to the Black Boutique. It is a store that carries

everything in black. From makeup, to underwear. The two Goth looking sales

were hot. They both noticed the pink leather leash and collar instantly and

one smiled and walked toward us and the other just grinned slyly. Jade

pulled Kathryn over to the underwear table. "Look mom! Crotchless panties

in black lace. You'll look so cool in these."

Willow picked up an open nipple bra in black lace. "This is a must for all

good mom sluts. It matches the panties." I could see the redness in her

face deepen. The attractive store clerk stood staring and smiling, as the

girls picked out the grown woman's underwear.

I walked over and picked up a pair of thigh high black lace stockings. "Get

these for mom to." I know the young clerk wanted to ask if she really was

our mom, but she kept quiet and just smiled.

Jade pointed to another table. "I just love these black leather high heels

with the strap on top. Let's get a pair!." I noticed the jewelry stand. "I

like there black crystal, teardrop earrings." Willow pulled a dress from

the rack. "This is to die for. You have to try this on, mom."

When pet came out of the dressing room, I noticed how humiliated she was,

almost to the point where she was about to cry. The dress was

breathtaking. A low cut, criss-cross neck line with spaghetti straps. A

well fitted bodice and a high cut hem that made pet's legs look sexy. I

waved my hand to the clerk. "We'll take everything. She'll wear the dress


After the clerk checked us out, she whispered something in Jades ear. Then,

Jade whispered something back. We strolled out of the shop and down to the

food court with our mommy slut. She looked purely slutty, carrying bags of

bondage gear and lingerie.

There were so many people looking at her, I know she wanted to crawl in a

corner and hide. The reaction from the people in the food court was

priceless. One guy even spilled his drink. We sat down at a table.

Jade went to the Chinese fast food to get us some lunch. I noticed a table

of 3 guys looking our way. I leaned over to Kathryn. "Turn to your right

and open your legs. I want those boys over there at that table to see your

pussy." Pet took a quick breath. "Please, Raven. Don't make do that." I

narrowed my eyes at her. "Don't make me slap your boobs out here in



The humiliation was horrible! I knew Raven was not kidding about slapping

me and drawing even more attention to us, so looking down at the table

instead of at the table where the boys were, I did as I was told. I parted

my legs and the black dress opened to give them a perfect view of my pussy.

I felt like crying but there was this other strange emotion like and

undercurrent of some sick pride in pleasing Raven and the girls. It was

like as long as I did as ordered, they were happy. That was what I had to

do and wanted to do. Make them, and especially Raven happy. If that meant

some boys, I would never see again, saw my pussy, then so be it.

With the skimpy and form fitting dress on at least they had me looking

good. I did feel sexy in it. The shoes fit and looked great too. Jade came

back with the food. She could also see up my dress. She slid in next to me

at the table. "Mom! Oh my god you look fantastic!"

I glanced over at the table full of boys. They were all smiles, grins and

laughs. One boy punched the boy next to him on the arm and said out

loud. "Damn man! That's the little one's mom!" That got the attention of

others just as Raven grabbed my arm. "That's enough mommy slut. Close your

slutty legs and behave."

That sent waves of humiliation over me! Like it was my fault! Jade took

the seat next to me and scolded me. "Mom you are such a slut. I saw what

you were doing, teasing those boys. You just sit there quietly and try to

be good." She winked at Raven.

I spent the rest of the meal in silence as they talked about ideas for what

to do with me next as they waited for the signal from Amanda. They didn't

tell me what Amanda was doing, only that she would tell them soon. I feared

the worst but didn't want to think about it.

The boys were becoming troublesome. They were being too loud and some

families could hear what they were saying. Raven remarked. "It's time we

move on or get rid of them."

Willow spoke as she got up from her seat. "I can take care of the boys."

She marched over to them and put her hands on the table. She bent over and

began talking to them quietly. Their heads nodded and one of them said

something to her. Next, the suddenly picked up their food trays and left.

Willow walked back over to our table. Raven and Jade both asked her what

she had said to them. Willow grinned at them. "I told them to cool it, or

we would take our mommy pet and go home. But, if they wanted to see more,

leave now and meet us at West Park in one hour."

Raven looked upset for a brief moment then figured it out. Jade was not as

fast to catch on. "We can't be in West Park in an hour, we have to meet

Amanda." Raven replied. "Duhh. Willow knows that. She just said that to

get rid of the stupid jerks" Then they all laughed.

No sooner had the boys left, two women about my age sat at the table. They

didn't notice us at first, then one of them looked directly at me. She

noticed the girls were all laughing. Willow saw me looking their way and

jabbed Raven with her elbow. She nodded to show Raven we had more attention

from that table.

One woman leaned over and was telling her friend look our way. She looked

over just as Jade put her hand on my leg and slid my dress up a little. Not

far enough to let them see my pussy, but far enough to make it known she

could if she wanted to. The women quickly looked away. I saw one of them

smile, but the other one didn't.

Raven looked over to Jade. "Jade, set mommy sluts bags on the table and

let's see what we have so far." I spent long humiliating minutes, taking

each item out of the bags and showing them to the girls. The girls knew

what the items were, they just wanted to embarrass me.

The women at the table tried to pretend they weren't looking. Raven held up

each item to made sure they could see them. The one woman, who kept

laughing and smiling. Seemed to enjoy it, but the other one seemed

genuinely disgusted.

Willow had an idea. Raven agreed to let her do it and told me what to do.

"Mommy slut, this is what you will do. Take the bags and walk by the women,

then go to the restroom across the hall. If they follow you, don't freak

out. We'll come in after them. If they don't, then stay there and one of us

will come and get you."

I put everything back in the bags. Jade got up and let me out. She placed

her hand on my shoulder. "When you get up be sure to spread your legs, so

they can see you slutty, mommy shaved pussy."

I did as ordered. The same woman looked disgusted when she saw it. Willow

got a nod from Raven that I didn't understand. Jade made a show of picking

up the bags and handing them to me as she pointed towards the restroom.

When I took the bags from Jade, it hit me! I stumbled for a monument then

froze in place when the egg started buzzing in my pussy! All three girls

laughed and giggled and I know my face was more red with shame and


A few people who noticed how I was dressed and how shocked I looked, began

looking my way. I knew I had to just walk and stay calm. I had to get to

the restroom as quickly as I could. I didn't want my already soaked pussy

to start streaming wetness down my legs. The egg not only humiliate me it

felt incredible as it buzzed softly.

I was almost to the table where the two women sat. Of course, they were

both looking at me when the egg went off full blast. Again I hesitated,

because I could actually hear it this time. It was rocking my world. I'm

sure the two women heard it too. I wanted to run and hide, but managed to

keep walking towards the restroom.

I didn't look back when I got to the entrance, I just quickly went in. I

was grateful the hand dryer was running and covered the sound of the egg.

Thankfully the handicap stall was empty. I went in and stood holding the

bags. I heard the sound of heels coming and going. Women peeing and washing

their hands.

I was afraid those women from the table would come in and lecture me on

being such a sick slut. Tell me how humiliating it was to be a slave to my

own daughter and her friends. Suddenly, the stall door opened. It was

Raven, Willow and Jade, and they were all smiling. "Time to have some fun

with mommy."

I took my phone out, and so did Willow and Jade. We would be sure to keep

getting pic and videos of her all day. I reached over and untied the

spaghetti straps that held the top of her dress up. Jade reached over and

pull her top down. Kathryn's big boobs pooped out straightaway.

Jade ran her fingers over the soft nipples and then pinched and teased them

to stiff pink peaks.

She smiled at Kathryn. "Let's see how long it takes for you to orgasm for


They began switching the vibrator off and on. Kathryn began to respond

almost immediately. She reached down to grab her shaking legs. Raven

reached over and slapped her breast. "Take your hands away!"

It didn't take long before Kathryn's body began to shake, her head snapped

back and her eyes rolled back in her head. She kept quietly repeating "Oh

God! Oh God! Oh God!"

By the time she was forced to cum, we were giggling like mischievous little

children playing mean with our dolls.

Kathryn cleaned up and tied her dress top up again. We led her out of the

restroom, and back into the mall. I took hold of Kathryn's arm and smiled

and started leading her as she carried the bags. "We're going to the

styling salon. We're going to get our pretty little pet's hair trimmed up

nice and sexy."

Kathryn glanced over at me. "Yes, Raven."

I knew Sandy, the hair stylist at this salon. I had texted her, and she had

replied it's a good time to get her in the chair. The salon was not busy

and Sandy was waiting for us. With only a short staff, there was only one

other girl and would cover for Sandy. That would leave us free to play with

our pet as long as nobody went too far. Sandy had been looking forward to

meeting our pet.

I placed Kathryn in the chair. "Sandy will take real good care of, mommy."

I sat in the chair by the window, next to Willow and Jade. I leaned over to

them. "Play with the vibrator for just a few seconds, then stop. We watched

as my mommy slut twitched twisted in the chair. Just a short jolt would

make her body jump.

Sandy winked at me, then turned Kathryn around in the chair facing us. "If

you don't stop twitching, I'm not going to be able to trim your hair."

Kathryn looked up at her, as if she figured out Sandy was in on it. We

heard her say. "Shit, this damn thing...I can't help it. The girls are

making this damn vibrator go off and on while I sit here."

Sandy bent down and looked up Kathryn's short dress. She quickly saw the

small pink end, protruding from Kathryn's shaved pussy. She raised up with

a big grin on her face. "I see. They put a bluetooth egg in you."

She spun Kathryn back around in the chair and stood behind her with them

looking at each other in the mirror.

"You better keep your head still. Or I'll tell Raven to leave the egg on

high and let you orgasm in front of the other customers. How would like


Kathryn immediately shook her head no. It was fun to watch my pet's legs

quiver with each press of the button.

Sandy picked up her clippers and comb. "Good, now hold your head still."

There came a knock on the window behind us. It was one of those boys from

the food court. I stepped outside along with Willow. The boy come over to


One of the dip-shit boys looked all huffy. "Hey! We were at West Park and

you didn't show up with your slut."

Willow took hold of his shirt and pulled him close. "Hey! Get over it!"

The guy pulled back. "You're a bunch of fucking bitches."

Willow stepped up to him again. "Ever had your balls smashed in public?

Keep fucking with me and I'll demonstrate!"

I always loved Willow's straight forward approach to things. She was not

afraid to cause a scene. I laughed out loud, as the guy quickly rushed off

down the mall. We went back inside the salon where Jade was taking care of


Sandy was just finishing with our pet. She did a beautiful job on Kathryn's

hair. I loved the tints she put in and the bangs. Nice and youthful and

sexy. With Sandy well paid and having had her fun, she went to do her next

cut. It was Jades turn to play her part. She was really getting into the

daughter roll.

Jade could see what it was humiliating Amanda's mom. She could see it in

Kathryn's eyes and in her facial expressions. Humiliation was only making

her more submissive to the games they were playing with her. She was no

longer fighting it, but going along. She had to know what was coming.


The vibrating egg stopped its torment when Sandy finished my hair. Jade

came back with me and spent a few minutes doing my makeup more dramatic and

slutty. She was calling me mom and being so sweet. She told me how great

this was going and how proud she was to be my daughter. It helped calm my

nerves. Jade had been nice all day considering the surreal things they were

doing. When she called me mom with her sweet smile and kind eyes I could

see her as my second daughter.

They all gawked and made a big deal of what a sexy mommy slut I was turning

into. Raven led me out of the salon by the pink leash that was in sharp

contrast to black. In the hall she stopped me and tucked half of the leash

in my cleavage. She took my arm. "Walk with your head down and be a good

mommy slut. I don't want you to freak out the kids or parents."

Willow stepped up. "It's about time we go meet up with Amanda and

Echo. Amanda is going to love your new look and won't Echo be surprised?"

Amanda and Echo were behind the counter when we walked in.

Raven stopped me. "Mommy slut, look at me. You've been really cool with

this. You are an amazing woman."

I stood holding the bags with my heart racing. My pussy warm and wet from

the low vibrations deep in my slutty mommy pussy.

Raven stepped up and gently slipped one hand around my waist and ready to

kiss me.

"My adorable sexy pet. You look fantastic. You are beautiful inside and

out. I love you dearly. No matter what happens today, do as you're told and

don't fight this." She kissed me deeply as the others watched. "This is who

you are now."

Raven sent Willow and Jade behind the counter of my own store with my

daughter Amanda and Echo. Until today, Echo had no idea what had been going

on and now it seems Amanda had told her everything. She was going to be in

on whatever they had planned for me. Echo had one of the most wickedly

beautiful smiles I had ever seen, and it made me shiver.

Raven took the leash out of my cleavage and led me towards the

counter. Raven pulled me up beside her. "I was just telling mommy slut how

proud I am of her. How well she is taking this and today is really big day

for her."

Raven smiled. "I now present to all my sisters, our mommy slut.

All the girls stared at me as Raven continued. "She will from now on, do as

she is told by any of you. But, not to break the rules of her true owner

and Mistress. Her daughter, Mistress Amanda."

Amanda smiled her own wicked smile as Raven handed her the leash fastened

to the collar around my neck.

Amanda's heart was pounding! All the planning was really happening. She was

going to completely take over her life; her businesses; her home, and

everything she was. Together, with Raven and the others, they were going to

give their new pet a life of love and devotion and more sex she could have

ever imagined and a greater loss of control she would have believed.

Amanda smiled at me. "Step forward and put those bags on the counter. Let's

see what you have collected for your daughters to use on you."

On cue from Amanda, Echo went to the control panel and push the button that

sent the solid metal door rolling down to cover the whole storefront off to

the mall.


Me, along with the help of Amanda, Willow, Jade and Echo, had stripped away

all of Kathryn's defenses, along with her dignity. All that was left now,

was a submissive and yielding woman. A pet for the five of us to nurture

into a perfect slave for all her girls.

Now that the front roll down door was locked, we could begin. I know Amanda

had dreamed of this time. She had told me about it many times. She wanted

her mother as her lesbian lover and sex slave as long as she could

remember. Now, it was real.

Amanda walked up to her mother and slowly removed all her clothes,

including the egg. "Down!"

Kathryn went to her knees. Amanda stepped back. "As you must learn, you

will not speak unless spoken to and when you are, you will

answer. Understand that or you will be gagged. Okay then. Legs open, arms

behind your back. I want you looking up at me."

Kathryn quietly obeyed.

I handed Amanda the two nipple clamp bells we had bought. She clipped them

on Kathryn's big nipples. "You will keep and wear these at all times when


She nodded, "yes, Amanda."

Amanda quickly grabbed her by the hair. "Its Mistress Amanda from now on!"

I saw our pet tale a deep breath. "Yes, Mistress Amanda."

Amanda smiles holding up a paper note. "Good. Now to put some rules down.

Rule one! When you enter the house you will strip and remain naked at all

times, except for your bells.

Two! When any one of us comes in, you'll display yourself. Legs spread,

arms behind your back and head down."

I walked over to Kathryn. "Three! You will shower and shave yourself every

day. Four! We will choose your clothes, your hairstyle and your makeup from

now on."

Then handing the list to Jade she walked over to Kathryn. "Rule Five! You

will be sexually available for any of us whenever or where ever we

want. Rule Six! You will crawl to bed every night and ask permission to get


Willow walked up to Kathryn. "Seven! Every night you'll assume your

position in the living room. You'll tell us what you did that day that we

would not approve of."

Willow pulled Kathryn's head by her hair. "Don't even think of lying to


By this time I could see our pet's pussy was glistening with moisture. All

our demands were making her horny as hell. I suppose the constant pressure

of the nipples clamps helped.

Amanda took the list and walked up with a butt plug in her hand and gave it

to her. "Eight! You're only allowed to orgasm when we decide to let

you. Nine! You'll keep all your toys clean and put away.

Holding the note up to the woman's face. "These rules will be posted in

every room of the house. You will be able to read them over and over."

Kathryn took another deep breath. "Yes, Mistress Amanda."

I walked over to our pet and kissed her on the lips. "Good. Now, lay down

on the floor and masturbate for us. I want you to make it a real show for

your new daughter Mistress and the girls you serve."

After Raven Kissed me and said what she knows humiliates me most about all

of this when she called Amanda my "daughter Mistress". The whole day of

Jade playing the part of a young teenage daughter and the wicked shame and

humiliation of being sexually aroused during some of the most humiliating

moments had lead up to this moment when it was all too real. I am the sex

slave of the only daughter I will ever have and to every girl in this room.

Looking up at them standing over me in the dim light of my store and unable

to say a word, even if I knew what I wanted to say. The ache in my nipples

and the surreal situation and sexual tension so thick in the room. I was

ready to give them exactly whatever Raven told me to give them.

My legs open on the floor and the only toy being the butt plug, I lay back

and started rubbing it up and down the length of my pussy as the

watched. Some watched my hand and some looked in my eyes. At that moment I

loved them all. I wanted nothing more than to please them with my show of

obedience and devotion.

I started fucking my pussy with the rubber butt plug, and I was close to an

orgasm. All the sexual tension of the day had built up to bring me to the

brink of cumming. Suddenly I heard Raven say. "Now you will stop, mommy

slave. Stop!"

Willow had uncoiled the rope and Raven gave her a nod. "Go ahead Willow, do

that tie you told me about." Raven smiled as she looked down on me holding

the butt plug and panting. "Now slut mommy, you had better get that plug in

your ass as fast as you can. Otherwise, it's going in that mouth after it

comes out of you ass. Get it the fuck in!"

Jade spoke up. "If you spit on your fingers and coat your butt hole. it

with help." Raven smiled, and they giggled as I worked up as much spit as I

could. I quickly pushed the pussy coated plug up my butt hole. I was not

ready for the wide part that stretched my hole. I let out a long,

"ahhhhhieee", as it past and then settled deeply inside me. They laughed,

and Echo said. "Oh fuck Ms.H. You are such a fucking slut."

Willow made me stand, while she tied my arms behind my back. My hands

grasping the opposite elbow to get her started. She spent only a few short

minutes doing what she called, a Box tie. It wrapped around my arms and

chest, above and below my breasts.

She cinched it together between my arms and body and each wrist tied to my

forearm. My arms were totally useless and my tits were trapped between the

tight ropes. The little bells tinkling as she tied me.

The girls were nearly as naked as I was, except for Jade. She was still

dressed and looking more like 14 than her age of 18. She was watching

intently, as Willow completer the box tie. She wanted to learn a new way to

make that tie. Amanda was talking quietly to Raven, as they watched from

their chairs.

Echo was still in her panties and rubbing her pussy as she sat by herself

and watched everything. I had never seen Echo looking so intent. I could

only imagine what she was thinking.

Raven and Amanda seemed to have made some plans as they looked over the

various things from the shopping bags. Amanda took the candle out, lit it

and put it on the counter. Seems she brought several items with her. Raven

helped her and soon they had a large assortment of toys.

Including, dildos, harnesses, vibrators, ropes, gags, floggers and things I

couldn't see from my position. Willow had me on my knees, so she could bind

my ankles. All the time, Jade was watching. Raven was eyeing Jade and

talking quietly to Amanda. "Jade, you need to stand beside mommy slut. Help

with some of tying, so we can make our movie segment."

Raven had Echo turn up the lights and set up two cameras on mini

tripods. Both her and Amanda had their cell phones out. Amanda told

everyone to be quiet, so they could get some really good action. It would

make them all a lot of money.

Raven walked over to Jade and put a lace cat eye face mask over her

face. Then, she put one just like it over my face.

Raven said to me, so everyone could hear. "Mommy slut, you are now going to

be the star of what the buyers will think is kiddie porn. You are the slave

of your 13 year old daughter and her best friends."

I walked up to Amanda. "Our mommy slut looks gorgeous, all tied up like


Amanda smiled as he handed the flogger to Jade. "I want you to start with

her boobs, flog them good. Then we'll stop recording. I want to lean her

back against a chair and spread her legs. We'll start recording with you

flogging her pussy."

Jade twirled the flogger in her hand. "I'm going to use this on your big

tits, mommy. I know you'll enjoy it."

Jade struck Kathryn across her boobs and on her nipples. Kathryn squealed

as the flogger struck her hard nipples. Jade quickly slapped her across the

face. "You keep your mouth shut, mommy!"

Jade continued for a couple more minutes before Amanda stopped the

recording. I helped Amanda adjust Kathryn back against the chair and opened

her legs. Amanda began recording again. Jade stepped between Kathryn's open

legs. She twirled the flogger, then struck Kathryn directly on her open

pussy. Kathryn gave out a yelp."


Jade slapped her across the face twice this time. "Mommy, you don't listen!

I said keep your mouth shut! If you don't, I'll whip your tits and your

pussy all day long. Do you understand me?"

Kathryn nodded her head yes.

Jade continued flogging Kathryn's pussy. Kathryn was feeling the pain, but

she never cried out again. Jade tossed the flogger away and slid her

panties off. "It's time to make your daughter happy, mommy."

Jade put her moist pussy directly in Kathryn's face.

Jade grabbed Kathryn's hair and pulled her head back. "You know where my

clit is, mommy. Make me cum."

Myself, along with the other girls moved our phone cameras in closer for a

better shot of Kathryn's tongue moving up and down.

"That's good, mommy. Suck on it and lick it."

It only took about two minutes before Jade screamed out with an orgasm. Her

juices covered Kathryn's face. "OOhhhh, that was so good, mommy. You are a

terrific slut. Now you have four more of your daughters to make happy."

Kathryn finished with Amanda, I noticed she was dripping from her pussy. I

stepped up to her next and shoved my pussy into her face. "You are a true

mommy slut."

Next it was Willows turn, followed by Echo.

Amanda stopped recording while we tied Kathryn into a chair with her legs

open. I slid the wireless vibrator into her wet pussy. Amanda began

recording again. Jade walked up to her. "Mommy, you did so good, we're

going to allow you to cum." She reached down and pinched Kathryn's

nipples. "But, you're going to have to come three times. If you don't, I'm

going to whip your pussy until you do."

I think that was enough incentive for Kathryn to give Jade what she

wanted. We linked our phones up to the vibrator and kept it on full

power. I'm sure, but I think Kathryn might have had more than three

orgasms. Amanda stopped recording.

Willow untied Kathryn, I pulled the egg out of her. Amanda walked over to

her mother and held her head up with her hand. "Mommy slut, have we

sexually broken you?"

Kathryn took a deep breath. "Yes, daughter mistress. You have broken me."

I walked over and kissed her with my tongue. "Good, that's what we wanted

to hear."

I went home with Amanda and Raven. I continued my role of slave, being kept

naked and wearing the nipple camps. I felt more service oriented than my

normal giving self. I took time to look back over the day, while I sat on a

pillow at Amanda's feet, watching a Netflix movie.

I was more worried over letting Echo into the circle of Mistresses I had to

serve. I had seen the dark look in Echo's eyes. She was the most quiet one

and it made me feel uneasy.

I'm sure this was sprung on her pretty quickly, but she seemed to fit into

the whole BDSM thing, with her goth look and broody manner. Echo had

whispered in my ear several times during the ceremony at the store. They

made me shiver with both lust and fear.

Amanda had asked Echo what she said to me, and Echo replied. "Oh it was

nothing" and laughed it off. What she said is that I was truly fucked. For

sure, this was hot fun games for the sexy young ones who all clicked. She

was going to play her own games with me and I had better not tell any of

them, or they would be all fucked too.

Echo continued. "They really fucked up, letting me take pics and vids with

my phone."

I shivered to my bones. I knew she was right, I was truly fucked. All she

had to do was threaten me to ruin them all and I would do anything she

wanted and would never tell a soul.

Echo's aunt at one time, hinted at some dark past, but I didn't really

pry. Now, I wanted to talk to Julia and learn more about her niece's

past. When I did get time alone to call Julia, I didn't find out much.

Julia is a quiet sort of woman, who lives a very conservative life. She is

the good sister who is trying to help the troubled daughter of her own

troubled sister. I knew this already, but I also learned she needed to get

a job and pay restitution. Something she had done and was charged with


For now, all I can do is wait and see what happens with Echo and be happy

serving Raven and Amanda and the others she trusted and loved. Willow and

Jade had been like part of the family so long they were sort of like

daughters already. This is indeed going to be an amazing summe

Me and Amanda sat on the sofa watching some stupid movie. I leaned over to

her. "You know, I never get over the fascination of observing a mature

woman naked."

I took a sip of wine from my glass. "Especially if she is tied up in some

humiliating or degrading way. Then it becomes arousing."

Mommy slut was frog tied on the floor in front of us.

Amanda smiled as she slid her bare foot over her mom's open pussy. "Yes,

especially if she's bound and gagged, but with easy access to her pussy and


I enjoyed watching Kathryn wiggle and squirm while Amanda's toes played

with her clit.

Just to make sure mommy knew her place, I kept her on a daily regimen. Ass

spankings, boob spankings and pussy spankings. On her boobs and pussy, I

would use a small flogger. On her ass, I would use a 4-inch wide leather

paddle. All of us took turns spanking mommy slut. Her ass looked so

beautiful when it was red.

Jade liked to take mommy out in the garage. When they came back, Kathryn's

ass and boobs were red. I stopped her and asked. "What were you and mommy

doing out there all this time?"

Jade giggled like a little girl. "Mommy needed a lesson and I gave her


Mommy slut was only allowed to orgasm once a week and that was always done

with everyone of us present. When it was her time, we would put the egg

inside her and make her dance for us while we controlled the egg inside her

pussy. After we had our fun with the egg, we frog tied her on the floor and

use dildos and hand vibrators to make her cum over and over again.

For the rest of the week, it was mommy's turn to pleasure us. I liked it

when the four of us were sitting on the sofa with our legs wide open. Mommy

had to go from one to the other, using her tongue to excite out clits. She

was so great at giving us orgasms. I could tell she was really excited,

because her pussy was dripping just a little. Now, she would have to wait

until next week to have an orgasm.

That Friday, Echo came by the house. She wanted to talk about something

important. Amanda and Willow were busy with plans for the two boutiques and

the new look Amanda wanted. Echo found me and Jade out by the pool.

Our slut was strung up naked inside the pool house. Her legs were held open

with a spreader bar, with her arms tied above her head. She had her nipple

clamps with the bells and a pink ball gag in her mouth.

We sat on the lounge chairs around mommy. "Doesn't she look beautiful

strung up like that?"

I turned to Echo. "So, what do you need to talk to me about?"

Echo leaned back in the chair. "I want my aunt Julia to be a slut just like


I smiled at her. "That's a surprise. When did you decide this?"

"I've thought about it for a long time. She thinks she's so self righteous

and thinks she's better than anyone else. But, I need your help and your

sluts help."

I leaned back in my chair. "What did you have in mind?"

Echo leaned forward. "A party, here at the house. Kathryn would have to

invite her so she wouldn't suspect a thing. She likes to drink wine and I

have something that will put her out."

Jade had a big smile on her face. "What do we do then?"

Echo smiled back. "We keep her here at the house. We train her to be an

obedient slut."

I smiled. "What about her husband?"

Echo shook her head. "They've split up. A divorce is in the works."

I walked up to mommy and rubbed my hand over her open pussy. "I'm sure

mommy slut will be happy to lure your aunt over here under a false


I pinched her clit hood. "Wouldn't you, mommy?"

The girls give me about a week to invite her over, so they can basically

kidnap and keep her. They need a few days to make plans and get some eye

bolts screwed in several places in the house and horse barn and sets of

chains with a locking collar, as well as Echo making sure no family is

planning to visit that would notice her aunt missing from her home.

During that week and since the induction of me as house slave and collaring

ceremony at the mall, Willow has taken a part time job at the downtown

story with Julia and helping her change the look of the store and stocking

the new, more sexy clothing as well as setting up one of the back storage

rooms with shelving and display cases for a new line of items that have not

arrived yet.

Nobody has told Julia that along with new lines of sexier clothing the

stores are also going to start selling latex and leather fetish wear as

well as BDSM sex gear and toys from back rooms not seen by the general


Willow has been explaining to Julia the new lines of clothing and gear they

will be carrying will need to be modeled and with some of it designed more

for older women that she and Kathryn will both be models.

Amanda and Willow are doing a great job getting Julia on board with the

changes as far as they reveal them to her. Willow took some shots of her at

the store in a short sexy red one piece dress. It looks great with her red

hair and red shoes. She has gray lips to and some dark red lipstick will

look great on her.

A big modeling session of the new lines is planned and will be done at

Kathryn's house. I've only seen her once since the Amanda took over to tell

her I would be spending more time at home and at the mall store with Echo

and to do whatever Amanda and Willow say. They are her bosses now.

There would be a lot of future work going on at both stores with new

displays and carpets and even some new walls put up the large storage area

that would make the new "Private Collection" room at the mall store. They

even had the both stores set up for "security cameras" but most of them

being hidden and some of them of very high quality it was clear they were

really for taking secret videos of whatever goes on in the rooms.

There we also a lot of new obvious camera equipment and lighting set up for

what was supposed to be us all modeling the new items for the online and

print catalogs we would be making.

My big master bedroom over the garage was also having both hidden cameras

and new big four poster canopy bed. The basement den was quickly looking

more like a sex dungeon than family room. This is what I had jotted down

while I was thinking it over. I like the modeling session you set up sounds

better than the party. I like the Julia pictures, they're perfect.


I went to Amanda to tell her about the new development between Eco and her

aunt Julia. Amanda nodded. "I thought it would be a matter of time before

she would do that. There has always been a small amount of animosity

between them." I agreed. "With Julia is out of the picture, who'll run the

downtown store?"

Amanda quickly pointed to Willow. "She can run it with no problem. She has

a lot of good ideas. If we do good this coming year, we can start another

store at the Old Town Mall, come next summer."

I was impressed by Amanda and her ambition. I knew there was a reason I

went along with her. Having her mother, Kathryn as a sex slave was just a

bonus for me. Now we had to make plans for the capture of Julia. I always

like how Julia looked. I did have the odd fantasy of also having her for a

sex slave.

I dressed our mommy slut up in a sexy new business suit and went downtown

to the store. I grabbed mommy by the arm. "You know what to do, don't you?"

"Yes. I look over the books and tell her there will be a nice bonus for her

modeling with me at my house this Saturday evening."

There were only seven of us at the party. Amanda, Echo, Jade, Willow,

Kathryn, Julia and myself. Mommy was playing the role perfectly, pretending

to be interested in what Julia was saying about the business and modeling

our own products. It was sure the butt plug in ass was a constant reminder

of who she belonged to.

We did several changes of on both women with Willow and Amanda dressing and

doing the makeup for Julia and me and Jade dressing and prepping mommy slut

for each set. Echo was busy with the cameras and already editing some of

the best ones. So far it was only sexy clothing and some lingerie that we

really wanted for the catalogs but it was coming time for the real plan to


Echo prepared more drinks and gave one to her aunt. Julia was fond of

Gin. It only took a few minutes before the spiked drink did its work. Julia

sat down on the sofa and I could see she was confused and couldn't keep her

eyes open. It would not be long now. The special date rape drug combo would

soon have both of our sexy women loose, horny, weak and ready to take down.

It was actually Kathryn's idea to drug both of them and do Julia a few

minutes before her so when she woke up bound and gagged she would she her

also bound and drugged so at first Julia would think they had both just

taken at the same time. Only later would she piece together that her old

friend had known about it and been part of setting her up. The idea was the

initial shock of being kidnapped and enslaved together would feel more

hopeless with no one to come save them.


About 2 hours after drinking the Gin, Julia was finally coming around

slowly. She was confused and wondered if it was a dream, or a prank, or

something more sinister. Kathryn was bound and passed out on the floor

beside her. Her stomach sank to bottom of her world.

They were both naked and bound in some kind of torture sex dungeon with

cameras pointed at them. She didn't feel beat up, or that she had been

raped. Kathryn didn't look beat either. She was just naked and bound by a

lot of ropes that were totally inescapable. Hers were just the same. No

amount of straining or struggling could have loosened those ropes.

She had no idea how long her and Kathryn had been unconscious. The last she

could remember was being at Kathryn's house with Echo and the other

girls. She did remember Kathryn kept saying something about an Uber ride

somewhere, but that made no sense.

They had made a bit of a party out of doing the photo shoots, so nothing

really was clear or making sense yet. Where would they have been going?

Where are they now? So many of the things in the room were clearly

sexual. There were whips, paddles and other things. She began to feel it

was almost inevitable they would be raped. Possibly by some brutal men.

Julia tried yelling at Kathryn to wake her, but the ball gag in her mouth

wouldn't allow her to speak. The best she could do was moan and grunt. As

her head cleared, she tried to get a better idea of where they were. Maybe

even see something familiar.

Where were their clothes and shoes? Julia knew it had to be one of those

date rape drugs she had heard about. How did they get in the drinks at

Kathryn's house? Where did they go after they took the mysterious Uber

ride? Her mind was spinning with questions.

Looking around the room was all Julia could really do, so Julia turned her

head. There were benches and sturdy low tables. There was a bookcase that

looked like it was part of built in unit in a finished basement. There was

also an array of phallic looking objects of various sizes and

shapes. Oddly, many of them were attached to a harness.

Trying to push back her fear, Julia kept going over the how's and why's of

what was happening to them. The carpet was clean, no blood anywhere or

nothing very dusty. It had the look of just being put together. They were

probably the first ones that had been put in there.

As she looked around, she felt oddly aroused. Not from the horror she was

seeing, but a very physical sensation in her pussy. Yes her libido had

kicked in a making her pussy moist and a warm, soft throbbing was forming

in her crotch. Her nipples began to stiffen. She gasped when she felt the

first stirrings of her clit as it came to life. Had they also been given a

libido drug?

Kathryn moaned through her gag again. Julia twisted her body into an arch

facing her. More yelling through the gag, but it didn't wake her. She just

lay there in the ropes that tightly held her naked body. Her full breasts

look swelled between tight ropes that made up the harness. Julia looked at

her own, even larger breasts. They were tightly held in place by the box

rope ties.

Another moan drew her attention back to Kathryn. The door opened and Julia

was shocked and confused! Into the room a little girl in her school girl

outfit. A normal looking and very pretty girl of maybe early teens. Julia

was stunned by what she said. "Oh Auntie slut, it's about time you woke

up. We have a movie to make for our fans."

The small girl walked over to the selves and picked up a leather riding

crop. Julie watched as the girl went over and struck the unconscious

Kathryn hard across the ass.

Kathryn moaned, rolling over onto her back.

The girl slapped the crop on Kathryn's nipples.

She stood for a moment, smiling. "Oh, mommy slut. You are such a party

poo-per. Me and auntie slut will have to begin without you."

She turned to Julia. "So here's the deal auntie, Mommy Mistress wants us to

make some movies of you and your little sister tying me up and raping me. I

see your are confused but that's okay, I know what to do. So, auntie are

you ready to do this?"

Just as everyone suspected and wanted Julia tried to resist and beg her way

out of with muffled begging and whining and shaking her head no.

"Oh auntie, I was afraid you would not want play today. I know how to

change your mind. Me and Mommy Mistress talked about what to do next if you

didn't want to play."

Jade began whipping Julia right across her big beautiful breasts until they

were painfully red. Jade rolled Julia over on her stomach and began

whipping her ass until it was as red as her tits. All Julia could do was

scream and yell through the gag.

The rest of the girls were upstairs watching on the big screen TV hooked

into the camera feeds from the basement.


After putting the slave women to bed for a few hours it was time to make

the movie that Julia would do anything to never be seen. But it would be

seen by many she would not know about.

Willow walked into the room with her perfect fitting cat suit like the most

sexy and dangerous woman alive. She stuck out her big fake tits and

strutted her tight sexy body to the fullest effect.

She carried a nice leather travel bag, which she sat on the floor. She took

out some small Bluetooth earbuds. She put them in the ears of Julie and

Kathryn, then she put on her mic and earbud headpiece. Her voice was

carried through a filter, into their ears as a dark, sexy, and strangely

metallic whisper.

The bindings for bedtime were not so bad and simple with a waist chain and

hand cuffs locked to it they would not be so stiff they couldn't perform

when they needed to. Ankles hobbled with cuffs and short chain there was

never a chance of running.

Unlocking the collars from the bed, she let them both stand for a moment

before instructing them. "You'll wash and groom each other as long as it

takes to look presentable. You'll be given further instructions."

Unlocking the right hand of each woman and sending into the shower one at a


She spoke through the ear buds again. "You'll be watched on camera so don't

waste time and don't try to talk around your gags. Wash up! Do your hair

and makeup, and do it slutty. Put on a good show for us Auntie and Mommy."

Not being able to speak was not a big problem with other ways to

communicate and what noises they could make such as "um humm, uh uhh, oh A

as well as eye movements and leading with one hand.

Kathryn was so convincing as the timid leader. She was playing the role of

being scared into co-operating to the tee. The way she looked at the

cameras and then to Julia. The look in her eyes is totally believable."

Willow laughed when Jade remarked. "They do have to do this, so yeah it

shows on her face. What's so hat, is the look on Julia's face. She knows

she's caught up in whatever they ordered to do.

In less than 30 minutes, they have taken turns washing and drying each

other in a truly exquisite display of tentative touches to full out wanton

passions. The two slave women in the shower, soapy breasts were caressed

and ass cheeks delved into with sponges and fingers.

Our mommy pet, Kathryn had gone first to set the example for what here

sister, auntie slave should do when it was her turn. I was so proud of

her. The girls watching the feeds with me were thrilled as much as I

was. We were getting such great videos with great sound.

It was Jade, who really struck a cord in all us when. "We are all so proud

of our mommy pet. Julia has no idea she will even live through this or how

badly she may be tortured or blackmailed. Watch her standing there,

practically panting for the need to cum. She is about to do the same to her

boss and friend in some sick lesbian porn movie."

I think we all sort of felt sorry for her. Echo spoke up from the couch

where she was sitting. "That stuck up bitch who likes to hold it over my

head, how she got me a job. She wants me to do better with my life and

dress more sensibly. Fuck that bitch. She deserves this and so much more!

That upstanding, red headed, church going cunt, is mine now! I'm going to

fuck with her head so bad, she'll break."

Nobody said anything, we just looked at each other with raised eyebrows. We

all realized we didn't really know Echo, like we thought we did.

Julia and Kathryn almost forgot about the ear buds they were

wearing. Suddenly a sultry whisper came over the buds. "Julia, Kathryn. Pay

careful attention."

We all watched the monitors as both women jumped to hear their names.

"Yes, slaves. We know who you are, even if you don't know who we are."

Julia and Kathryn stared at each other as the voice came over the ear buds.

"Now, slave K, that's you Kathryn. Take out slave J's gag. Wait as she

brushes her teeth. Slave J will do the same, so you can brush your

teeth. Then, you will do each other's make up."

After almost two hours of getting them to bathe and dress each other, we

were ready to begin the blackmail movie. A movie that we would sell to

several markets of lesbian bondage porn.

Me and Amanda watched and adjusted the video feeds. Willow, Echo and Jade

finished setting things up for the next scene. They fit Jade with a leather

hood to mask her face. They put her in a small cage in another room in the


Willow and both the women were now dressed in fine leather. They looked

every bit the part of a dominatrix they would be playing in the

movie. Willow had been telling them they would be making a daughter rape

movie. She made them look at the cameras and nod in agreement. She wanted

to make sure they understood what was expected of them.


As they passed one of the cameras, we could hear Kathryn talking to

Julia. "If we don't go along with this, we'll just get beaten with the crop

again. If we do what they say, they won't hurt us or make us hurt the


The look on Julia's face was priceless.

The voice came through the ear buds. "Now, step through the door into the

hall and go to the first door on the right. Do exactly what I say."

Kathryn and Julia walked into the room. There was a girl in a small cage,

she had a leather mask over her head and face with long blond hair sticking

our from the neck hood and flowing down her back. Kathryn was told to

unfasten the cage and pulled her out. She was shackled and hobbled with

chains, the same way they had been. They led her back to the basement and

cuffed her to the bondage horse.

With the bold wig she was wearing, Julia had no idea the girl under the

mask was Jade. She didn't know the young teen was playing the part of the

helpless girl was part of the set up.

Willow, took two strap-on dildos from the wall and handed one to Julia and

one to Kathryn. The distorted voice came over the ear plugs. "Now it's time

you two to turn this girl into your sex slave."

Jade played her part well, acting like she was frightened and in pain as

Kathryn penetrated her with the dildo. Willow gave Julia a flogger to use

on Jade's ass. She struck the girl across the ass, and Jade acted like she

was in even more pain than she really was.

Me and Amanda were impressed at how Echo, Jade and Willow had stage this

production. I like the distorted voice part. Jade was having a great time,

Amanda and I were recording every minute. When it was time we were going to

replay it for Julia, so she could see how much trouble she was in and do

whatever we wanted.

After a short time, Willow told Kathryn and Julia to change places. Now

Julia would be plunging the dildo into Jade's pussy and Kathryn would be

using the flogger on her ass. By this time, Julia was very aroused,

listening to the moans and groans coming from Jade.

The dildo rubbing against her clit was more than she could stand. It led to

a powerful orgasm. Julia tossed her head, while she pushed the dildo in and

out of Jade. I adjusted the camera closer to show all her emotions. We had

it all on the hard drive.

It would now be time to drug Julia again and drop her off at her house on

the lounge chair beside her swimming pool with a thumb-drive copy of the

edited blackmail video showing her and Barbara binding and raping a hooded

blond teenage girl.


The girls expected Julia to call me first thing in the morning to talk

about what had happened, but I didn't think she would. Julia didn't have to

open the downtown store until 10AM on Saturdays. I waited until just after

10 to call her. I told her I would be coming to see her, so we could talk

about what had happened.

"Yes, yes," Julia replied. "I'm freaking out here! OMG Kathryn, what are we

going to do?"

"Just calm down, Julia! I'm also freaked out, but panicking won't

help. We'll figure out what to do together. I'll be there before

lunch. We'll go out for a private lunch and talk this thing out. Maybe we

can find a way out of this mess."

I picked up Julia at the rear service door of the store. She was trying to

not look upset, but I could tell she was still freaked out. She quickly got

in my car and slammed the door shut. "Oh fuck Kathryn, what are going to

do? They sent this thumb drive to me. OMG, it shows us, you know, doing

what they made us do to that little girl! Kathryn, we raped her! What the

hell happened to us and where did we go last night?"

Raven and Amanda had coached me on what to tell her. We sat at a nearby

park, neither of us even touching the food I picked up on the way.

I looked over at her. "Julia I was not nearly as drunk as you last

night. Echo seemed to enjoy seeing you drunk. She kept giving you more

drinks. Do you remember me driving us to the McDonald's drive through and

getting the french fries?"

Julia looked totally confused. " No, not at all, when was that?"

"It was about 10:30. You were pretty out of it. I was probably too buzzed

to be driving and wanted to sober up. I pulled into the parking lot between

the Pink Lady club and the big office building. I must have fallen

asleep. The next thing I knew there was a pretty brunette tapping on my

window. She said the police often came by the club to check for drunk

drivers. She said, it was not a good idea to be there asleep in the car."

I took deep breath. "I had rolled down the window to talk to her and

suddenly she reached in and press the unlock button for all the doors. I

was too out of it and shocked to react. The next thing I knew, she pulled

me out of the car. I didn't see the other girls with her. They came from

behind the car. A tall girl help the brunette Shove me against the side of

the car."

I took another breath and continued. "That's when I felt a needle prick my

ass. I saw two other girls on your side of the car and one was giving you

an injection in the arm. They held a gloved hand over my mouth until I

passed out. The next thing I remember, was waking up on the floor. The

pretty brunette girl was whipping you with that awful crop."

Julia stared blankly for a moment. "So we were kidnapped from the parking

lot of a lesbian club? Oh fuck Kathryn, what are we going to do? We can't

go to the police, not with everything that's on this thumb drive."

I took her hand. "Yes, I know. They also left me a copy. We could say we

were drugged and forced to do it. But, with all the drugs in us, I don't

think the police would believe us. The video tells a different story. It

makes us look like we were enjoying whipping and raping that little blond

girl. Do you remember them saying how old she is?"

Julia was looking like she was going into shock, pale and sick looking with

fear as she shook her head no."

"Julia, I think we beat and raped a 12-year-old girl"

But of course we had not but as long as Julia thought we had she would be ours.

We talked for an hour, trying to remember what had happened and piece

everything together. The girls must have gone through our purses. How else

would they know where to take us, and leave us passed out in our

backyards. Julia was so upset she had me drive her back to the store, where

she got in her car and drove home.
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