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In this part One, we get to know Jodi and Barbara and learn of Jodi's plan from this first person accounting as they tell us how it all went down.

This story like many of my works started as role plays with women I met on this site and a popular Fetish life site I have been on for several years.

I watched Jodi come up the path after being dropped off by an Uber. I step to the door and wait until she is close enough to not have to shout before greeting her. My heart goes out to this young woman I have met several times and grown to care for her situation. Jodi is a tough young woman who’s been through a lot with a drug addicted mother now in jail and an absent father she barely knows. To look at her pretty smiling face and sexy young body with her thin waist and large breasts and that long brown hair swept back from the breeze it would be hard to guess she is as bitter with life as she seems after getting to know her just a little. I hope that bringing her into our home turns out to be a good thing for her. Even though she is a year older than my step daughter Julie, they became friends and are graduating together since Jodi was held back a year in grade school. They are not the best of friends but still became friendly enough and like me she feels sorry for her and wants to help her out. They are opposites in some ways and it seems to work for them. Where Jodi is outgoing and confident and tough from the life of hard knocks, Julie is quiet and sweet and giving. They are equally different in looks. Julie is tiny at only 5 feet tall and less than 100 with dark eyes and hair like her father. She has that girlish look that will last for many years and looks more like 13 than 18 Jodi at 5 foot 6 and 130 pounds she is taller and bigger than I am at 5 feet 3 inches and 123 pounds. She is perfectly portioned where I am more curvy with D cup breasts.

When she is only a few feet away and ready to speak I see her looking at me with a nice smile but also that look that feels almost like she is checking me out as her eyes are on my body as much as they are my face.


I walked up the path slowly, everything I owned in the duffel over my shoulder. Except for some secondhand clothes and mostly empty toiletries, I didn’t have much. There was only one thing I would be unwilling to part with. My Dad’s old laptop. It had been top of the line when he bought it, full security, maximum memory, cpu that will play the largest MMORPG without a hitch or glitch…not that I played online games. No, I had found a much more satisfying hobby…

But I had to be careful here. Julie’s mom was not a drugged out freak like mine was. She was bound to notice me surfing the BDSM sites I had found. I could not afford to let that happen. I **needed** those! Finding out there were other people who fantasized about hurting women, humiliating them, making them beg like whiny little bitches, was a revelation to me. I never knew my hidden feelings could be used for sexual pleasure. It saved my life. True, most of the posters were men, and that took away a bit of the validation, but not all…

I tucked my darker thoughts away in their hidden corner and smiled at Julie’s mom, waiting at the door for me. It really was nice of her to let me stay here. My fucked up Mom finally went too far…not with me, the police still did not know about the things she did to me. No, she got careless with her drugs and her deals and her Johns. She was in jail now. I hoped she died there!

I was not a minor anymore, so Social Services would have nothing to do with me. I was in Julie’s class in school because I had been held back a year. A lot of the kids in school had made fun of me for a while. It got boring when I would not acknowledge them. Julie was the only one who tried to be my friend. She invited me to her house and even to dinner. She let me pet the horses sometimes. I really loved the horses.

Her Mom was really nice, too. She never hit Julie and always fed her and made sure she had nice clothes. She was a great Mom.

So why was I visualizing the pictures from my websites when I looked at her? I mean, she was a knockout, sure, a little shorter than me and with those gorgeous large breasts, but she was not the sort of woman I should be fantasizing about hurting! I pushed the thoughts away. She did not have to be helping me like this. She gave me a place to live when I had no idea what I was going to do. I told her I would take over for her housekeeper and I could even babysit her youngest kid, if she wanted. It made her gesture feel less like charity and more like a job.

I smiled brighter as I got closer. Time to play grateful. I hate that game, but needs must be met…

“Thank you, Mrs. Hinson, for allowing me to stay with you!” I gushed. “You don’t know what it means to me…”

“Jodi, it's our pleasure. You are and will always be welcome here. Please come in Julie is upstairs and will be down soon”.

I followed her into the house, feeling more like a stranger than I ever had entering this doorway. I disliked the feeling. Being uncomfortable made me angry. Having to hide the anger made me awkward. I glared at Mrs. Hinson’s back. I know my feelings were not her fault, but I glared at her anyway until she turned and I put my smile back up.

“ should I put my things?” I asked, hefting my bag by way of explanation.


Jodi seemed a bit stiff and with good reason I supposed. It was not every day a girl moved into a new place with people she barely knew. My heart went out to her. I was a little nervous as well.

“We have given you the guest bedroom, please I'll show you where your new home is. We really want you to feel at home here. “

As she followed me to the room over the garage I thought back to how she had looked at me coming up the walk and shivered just a little.

The large bonus room we had set up as a spare bedroom was actually the biggest of the house with a sitting area and couch and recliners and large screen TV for watching movies. I had spurged and purchased a marvelous bedroom suit with a very sturdy large king size canopy bed with thick turned posts and carved headboard. The set came with a large floor standing floor mirror, dresser, wardrobe, blanket trunk and side tables. I was not sure if she had ever seen it before. It’s a pretty impressive suit with its own bathroom and even a little kitchenette.

Following her was a joy that helped me calm my anger a little. Her hips swayed beneath the floral top she wore and I allowed myself the briefest of fantasies of stripping off those demure black pants and caning those perfectly formed globes.


She shivered. Could she sense my thoughts? I shut down my darker self and put what I thought of as my school persona back in place, firmly locking it this time. She was Julie’s mom and sort of served as my Mom now. School persona was the only thing that was appropriate.

She opened the door to my new room and I had no words! It looked to me to be bigger than my whole apartment with Mom! The furniture was right out of an old movie with heavy wood and matching pieces. I had never seen anything like it in real life.

We had already agreed she would be doing most of the cleaning and laundry for part of her rent for lack of a better term to call it and on the dresser was an envelope with an advance payment of one month's wages.

“Jodi, I wanted to give you an advance in case there are things you want to get to help you get settled in. There is 800 dollars there for you and the same amount each month as we agreed”


“I still feel like I am robbing you, Mrs. Hinson,” I tried one more time, “You are already giving me a home with a really cool room and food. It is too much money.” I had never even seen 800 dollars all at once! I wanted to open the envelope and look at it, but even I knew that would be crass.

I put my bag down on the bed and turned back to her, stepping maybe a little too close, but I really liked her perfume and standing this close meant it surrounded me.

“Jodi, the room and board is free. You are more than a guest, you are part of our family as long as you are here. This is what we paid for the housekeeping services so you are costing us nothing to be here.”

I did not know why I still felt uneasy and wanted to get beyond it so when she stepped up to me I put my arms in for a hug and let her make the next move.

I stepped into the circle of her arms eagerly. It might be my very last chance to feel those breasts pressed up against me. I stepped in, closer than she expected, I think. We were pressed together full length, breasts, hips, thighs. I stroked her back, just a little, and laid my head on her shoulder.

“Thank you so much,” I whispered into her hair. I let her go reluctantly when she made a small movement to be released. I stepped back quickly, nothing but innocence on my face. “Hey! Would you like me to cook dinner? I can, you know. I did all the cooking at home.”


I was used to hugging Julie but it had a very different feel the way Jodi fully embraced me. It was intimate in a way that gave me butterflies in my loins.

“Yes , Julie told us you are a fine cook and I could always use the company in the kitchen. Why don't you get unpacked and meet us in the kitchen when you are ready. I’m sure Julie will be down by then”


Her face was slightly flushed as she turned toward the door and I beamed in satisfaction. I had made her respond! I wonder what else I could make her do…

I scolded myself as I tossed my few bits of clothing into the dresser. Don’t mess this up, Jodi! You have nowhere else to go! But I don’t think I was really listening. Her body had been firmly pressed to mine. I wanted to test that firmness...maybe with clothespins, or binder clips! I slid my laptop beneath the mattress before finally picking up the envelope on the dresser. Wow! So much money! I looked down at my sadly out of date blouse and torn jeans. Maybe I should get some new clothes, something just revealing enough without being obvious...Something I could play with.

Julie was in the kitchen when I came down and ran over to hug me. This hug was innocent, chaste. Julie was not my chosen prey. She was almost too young, but I had to guard myself around her mom, I was coming to discover.

“Your Mom is so nice!” I gushed to her, “Now we can be almost that is too presumptuous of me.” I feigned embarrassment and looked at my feet. “It’s just that I never had a sister and you have always been so nice to me…”


I watched them hugging and felt both joy at being able to help Jodi in this time of need and pride in Julie for being so kind to offer her a place in our home. She really is a very nice girl. Julie replied to her” aww Jodi, sure we are sisters now. My mom is your mom ” She looked over at me and giggled. Then Jodi looked over at me while still hugging my daughter and for just another second I felt those butterflies again when she gave me that look up and down my body. I blushed again and looked down at my feet this time. Jodie was unnerving me and I did not know why.


I encouraged Julie to sit down while I helped with dinner. She seemed glad enough to do so. I know Julie is not very fond of cooking. I am, but I was less interested in food than I was at the telltale blush on Mrs. Hinson’s face. I wanted to make other parts of her body red.

We circled each other around the counters. I was very good at assisting, I had worked in diners and restaurants before when Mom had spent all the food money on drugs. Always under the table, of course, I had been much too young for working papers, but I learned my way around a kitchen and how to help without being in the way. This time, though, I put myself in the way...just a little. I was there when she had to reach for something and made sure she brushed against me in a way that made it seem like it was her fault, not mine. I delayed getting the pot she needed next until she was close to the cabinet it was in so I had to reach around her legs to get it out. Again, making it look like she was the one in the wrong place. I said “sorry” a lot and jerked back every time as though trying hard not to give offense, but her blush stayed in place and she became increasingly hesitant in her movements. It was so beautiful to watch her get flustered and I felt a rush of power that I had to hide quickly. It felt so good though!


As we cooked together, Julie spent most of her time checking her phone and texting. I began to feel things. People develop pecking orders and some are more naturally dominant than others. I was soon the one who felt in the way and the urge to let Jodi lead the cooking. She was trying to not be pushy but I still gave way to her movements to not be in her way. It went on like that all through the cooking . By the time the food was on the table it felt like Jodie had become very comfortable with my bumbling and timid behavior. Bill would not be joining us as she was still at work and this was just lunch so we ate and talked then Julie excused herself to go back to her room and chat online with her friends. I had pointed out how that could seem rude but Jodi insisted that Julie go about her normal life while she helped me clean up. She was eager to go to the barn and brush the horses with me.


We finished the dishes in record time. Mrs. Hinson said I could help with the horses! It made me feel a touch guilty for teasing her so much while we cooked lunch, but I really couldn’t help myself. I folded the dish towel and set it down before reaching out to touch her arm lightly. I was still doing it, I realized. Instead of catching her forearm I let my fingers glide lightly “accidentally” across the tender skin of her inner elbow.

“You really don’t mind if I help with the horses?” I asked, as though unconscious of the more intimate touch. I stepped closer, letting hope and gratitude light my eyes even as I crowded her ever so slightly to watch her body practically vibrate. “I love horses”!


”No Jodie, I actually enjoy the company. Julie has little interest in the horses now that she is getting boy crazy” Then laughed to cover up my increasing nervousness. As we ate I was beginning to wonder if maybe Jodi was lesbian or bisexual and it shook me to my core that she may be and the touches were not so innocent after all! Was Jodi hitting on me? I tried to not think that way but the vibes were getting stronger. We chatted casually on the way to the barn and went into the tack room first. I always loved the smell of the leather and wood and oil we used to clean the tack. The walls with bridles and halters and harness for pulling the buggy give the place a very rustic feel. The heavy beams of the old barn, dark and warm. The horses were in the pasture and I called for them. Horses rarely get in a hurry when they know its not feeding time so I suggested we take two of the halters out to wait for them in the halls between the stalls but Jodi seemed more interested in the leather working bench and tools and asked who did the leatherworking.

“I do most of it. My father was very good at leatherworking and even made the buggy harness and taught me how to cut and rivet and dress the leather to make it soft and supple” I said as she picked up some of the tools and straps.


She did the leatherwork! That was! I turned away from her briefly, unable to contain my very unexpected reaction to all of the leather straps and buckles. I picked up a shiny metal clamp-looking thing and saw it pinched around one of her nipples, the leather strips in my other hand...reins?...twisted around her writhing body, getting tighter as she strained against them, tears glistening on her cheeks. With a shudder of pure need I put the items back exactly where I found them, taking a deep breath and closing my eyes to resist the call of so much leather. I could not escape the smell though, mellow and rich. I fantasized about her teaching me to work the leather and then catching her wrists in my newly made manacles when she thought I was making a belt or a wallet. I would tie her arms out to the sides against one of these stalls and leave her there while I finished the leg shackles…or better yet, somehow force her to make them herself. What exquisite humiliation, being made to craft the very bonds used to torture you with!

Stop! This was not possible. Just relax. I took another deep breath and checked myself, making sure none of that was on my face as I turned back to her. But I couldn't help asking.

“Do you could teach me how to make these?” I asked timidly.

“I would be delighted to show you. Julie has no interest in crafts. I tried to teach her simple woodworking and leather craft and sewing but all she wants to do is swim in the pool and text message her friends” . I was trying to put the thoughts that she may be a lesbian out of my head.

“For now the horses should be in the hall and lets take some brushes out and halter up Topaz and Joeboy”

We walked into the hall where it opens to the loft and I noticed Jodi looking up at the block and tackle rig used to pull up heavy bails of hay with little effort.

She led me back into the hall as I drew the webbing of the harness through my fingers again and again. Trying to avoid thinking about the thickness of it, the strength, I looked up. Near the ceiling was an elaborate pulley system. I followed the lines and pieces with my eyes. I looked simple enough to operate. That was so much better than the stall door! Manacled to that thing, pulled up and up until only her toes were touching the ground, swinging in the cool breeze as I did whatever I wanted to her flesh, slapped those breasts until they jiggled before licking and sucking...and biting.

I was drawn out of my reverie when I caught her look. She had seen me! I do not know what look was on my face at the time. I had to be more careful! But still, I pierced her with a look, eye to eye, my naked need showing for the briefest of seconds, not quite enough for her to be sure of what she saw before allowing a quizzical expression to rise into my eyes.

“Mrs. Hinson? Is everything okay?” I asked guilelessly.


“Yes...umm, yes everything is fine” I said after a hard swallow to try to clear my head of the outrageous thoughts I was having. Surely i was projecting my own nervous fears and unease that she may be a lesbian with wicked thoughts in her head.

“One thing you can please do is start calling me Barbara or better yet Barb”

. It was then I noticed my nipples were stiff and she was looking at them! OMG was the thought she could be hitting on me exciting some dark hidden part of me ? We spent the next half hour with me showing her how to properly halter and brush a horse.The whole time feeling a feeling i had never had before. I was for the first time in my life maybe having a sexual attraction to another female….one my daughters age! This could not be happening ...but it felt somehow good to be looked at like I was desirable again. It had been so long since I felt that. She was flirting and saying just the right things to tease me and lure me in. She left no doubt she was into me sexually and it was impossible for me to resist feeling it as she looked at me.

We spent the rest of the evening enjoying each other's company as normal. We had dinner and watched Netflix and talked. What i was feeling made it seem like a lot was different but it was really all on me I concluded. If Jodi was gay or not really made no difference and should not be any of my concern. I have prided myself on doing the best I could to teach Julie to accept all people and customs even if they were not our own. I had to accept it was something that changed in me at suspecting Jodi may be a lesbian.

There was no denying I was giving thought to how utterly sexy and very pretty she is and my body was reacting to that. My heart and mind must somehow be as well. There was not only my internal thoughts and feelings, it was also her actions that had my body alive to the point of shivering more than once. Some of what she did may have been inadvertent but some of it was clearly flirting with me. She was flirting and she knew it was working. I felt like I was being played with and it felt good. I felt she was leading me and it felt like I should follow. I’ve never in my life had someone take such subtle control and it not feel like I should try to take it back. Her leading ways and confidence had a gentle commanding feeling of comfort to them.

She was marvelous in leading conversation and setting a tone. I could tell Julie felt the same way. Yet, it was subtle enough I didn't think her father even noticed. He did try to hide his own attraction to the beautiful young woman and he was very proper but to have to deny being attracted to beauty and confidence is not a position I would put anyone in and felt no jealousy. How could I? I was probably more smitten with her than he was.

I needed some time alone to process my feelings and try to find a way to deal with how I was changing. I was in denial. I was without question very sexually attracted to not just her body and beauty but something deeper... but not love. It was almost in deference to her. I wanted to follow her lead like she knew what she was doing and it would help me understand who I am better. I had been seduced and liked it and knew it was only the beginning but also felt I was in control of myself and nothing would come of it other than some fun harmless flirting. At least I wanted to tell myself that.

So, I excused myself leaving the girls and Bill watching the nightly news. I think I heard the girls do the same as I was in the bathroom getting ready for bed.

As I lay in bed trying to sort out what was happening with me I was clinging to the idea I should be able to be open minded and no matter if Jodi was Bi-sexual or not I should feel and act the same towards her. I was convinced I could.

If it came down to it and I had to refuse her flirting then I could do that but a little flirting is in a way paying compliments and I have never been hung up about it before. What it really came down to was my feelings about it I had to live with. I had to accept. I was hugely attracted to and turned on by Jodi. A sexy hot 18 year old friend of my daughter. She had completely seduced me. I knew she wanted me and now I wanted her to have me. But it’s so wrong! No way can we really do this. I kept trying to convince myself.

My heart pounded, my breath was faster, my chest filled with lust and belly with butterflies. My pussy was wet to the touch. I thought about how she looked at me. The things she said. The ways she moved. All of it put together was feeling like she wanted more than to just seduce me and wanted to control me...own me. My pussy soaking my fingers. My clit throbbing.

I heard the toilet flush.

I picked up my book and pretended to be reading. Bill said as he came to bed. “ I think we are doing a good thing letting Jodi move in. I like her. “

Not in a mood to talk, I replied. “Yes, I think so too.”

But he was in a mood to talk and brought up that Jodi had said she was very interested in me teaching her how to ride and how it might be a good way for me to spend some quality time with her.

After some talking and an hour of trying to read and no chance of falling asleep Bill was sound asleep beside me when I had my first silent orgasm of the night.


The rest of the evening was quieter. Barb's husband came home and Julie was lured out of her room to eat and watch a movie with us. I had to be more careful, more restrained. I think Bill was eyeing me as well as Barb. That only made me more careful. If he was watching me because he wanted me, he would surely notice if I did anything out of bounds to Barb. I contented myself with subtle, hungry looks being sure that SHE could never be sure if she saw it or not. I watched her thinking and she soon collected herself. I watched her body movements, her breathing, her expression change. She had reached some decision and she was setting herself against me. She was going to try and resist. I smiled, a small, challenging lift of my lips. If I wanted her, she would not be able to resist, I was sure. Her blushes, her shivers, her very confusion and nervousness told me she was already mine...all I had to do was reach out and take her.

It was dangerous, though. She had a lot at stake. Home, family, job. Those things could still be strong enough to allow her to deny me...and I would lose everything if that happened. My safest course of action would be to leave her alone, let her stay a surrogate mother and employer. I didn't want to, though.

I followed Julie up to bed knowing I would not be getting much sleep. Toying with Barb all day had me much too edgy. I tried surfing some of my favorite sites, but they no longer could compare with firm, generous curves and smooth warm skin. I wanted the real thing, not a facsimile.

I woke in the morning slowly, languidly. I had settled into this so comfortable bed with visions of Barb, naked and restrained, spinning through my head. She was too tempting. I was not going to be able to stop myself for long, I knew, and that would be the end of everything. I had no real wish to be homeless. But Barb was perfect. Even her name...Barb. It made me think of caltrops, fishing hooks and other small sharp objects. I had tossed and turned for a while, trying futilely to talk myself out of doing something I would regret. The internet had always supplied my needs before. Why it was not enough now was an intensely frustrating mystery.

Then, just before falling to sleep, the deeper recesses of my mind tossed up a plan for my inspection. It was beautiful in its simplicity and foolproof. It would take just a few days and the simplest of items to implement.

Implementing it would make me a monster. These people had made me welcome in their home. Julie was not just my best, but my only friend. To repay her like this...It was unthinkable.

I went down the stairs to the kitchen. Barb was there. She had not yet gotten ready for her day, opting for coffee first, it looked like. She was tousled from sleep and the morning sun through the window framed her in a glow. The creamy swell of her breasts was visible above her nightgown as she looked up and smiled a good morning at me. The slight blush that filled her cheeks when she realized I wore no bra under the worn, thin spaghetti strap top I had on turned all of my decisions and good intentions on their heads.

I was about to become a monster.

Chapter 2

Shaken to the core


She tried to pretend she had not been checking out my breasts under my top. I made quite sure to prop my arms under them and on the table so as to display them more prominently, but without it being known that was what I was doing. We chatted a bit as we ate, but she was distracted. She got more distracted as she watched my nipples harden beneath the thin fabric. I couldn’t help it, her distraction and confusion were turning me on.

Barb said she would give me a riding lesson tomorrow. I could hardly wait. It was time. It had to be now or I would lose it and do something stupid before I had her all locked up. She let me take her car to do my shopping. I was humbled by her trust in me, but that was not going to be enough to stop me.

I bought some clothes. Two dresses that the shopgirl said were "Boho style" I did not know what that meant, but one had thin spaghetti straps and the other was a wrap style that could be loosened or tightened depending on how much you wanted the neckline to plunge. Both were lovely florals with touches of lace...something that would match well with the country decor of the house...something that would make me look like I belonged. They were also very thin, flowing fabrics. They would show off my figure perfectly and would tease anyone looking at me with what the fabric only just managed to hide. I also got some more sensible items...a few pairs of jeans and more durable shirts for working around the house and in the barn...a couple of nightdresses that were simple enough that an untutored girl my age might believe they were modest, even though they were anything but.

I flirted with the guy in the adult bookstore until he let me in. I purchased a couple of items there that I decided were absolutely necessary. And then I went to the Goodwill store. After almost an hour of searching, I managed to find what I needed...a medium sized trunk that locked. Some of my purchases and plans could not be found accidentally by other members of the family. My last stop was to buy a smartphone. I had never owned one before. Over a sub from the nearby deli, I familiarized myself with the controls and features.

I put on a suitably embarrassed face when asked about the trunk. After all, the room they had given me was fully furnished and really had everything I could need.

"I am sorry....It's just...I mean, it has nothing to do with you guys! But...well, Mom would sell anything that wasn't locked down to get money for drugs and...well...I can't sleep anymore unless I know I can keep my things safe. I guess I didn't think how it would look to you all! I never meant to insult you, honest!"

Sympathy flooded Barb's face and even Bill turned his face away for a moment. Then Barb put her arms around me and I was delighted to find she hugged me the same way I had greeted her originally, full length and tightly pressed together. Bill did not notice, but patted my shoulder uncomfortably.

"We are not insulted, Jodi. You do whatever you need to in order to feel at home here," he said gruffly. I smiled into Barb's hair before pulling away with an expression of shame and dragged the trunk to my "specialty" items already inside and hidden.

Julie came to my room later and took my new phone. She added contact information for the whole family. "So I could always reach one of them in an emergency," she said. She was the sweetest! I had to be very very sure she never found out what I did to her mother. She was too nice for that. Barb was, too, but that would not stop me now. I could at least save one of them.

Later, when the rest of the family was watching a movie, I pleaded fatigue and retreated to my room, Barb's phone in my pocket. Before the movie was over I had everything I needed. I left the phone in the kitchen on the edge of the was too risky to go back to the living room, but she had left it there once before. I am sure she would think she had done so again. Barb came in just as I set down! I panicked, but managed to reach for the fridge casually but hesitantly.

“Oh! I was...just getting a snack?” God! I sounded like a wimp! Had she seen me with the phone? I couldn’t tell.


Seeing Jodi in the kitchen when I went in to get some grapes to munch on during a break in the movie for a moment surprised me some. She must have taken the back stairs to not disturb us. She seemed almost more shocked than I was and had a brief flash of worry on her face.

I wanted her to feel at home so i said she was always welcome to come to the kitchen and get anything she wanted. She had changed into soft white cotton shorts and a thin tee shirt and her perfect slender body again sent my mind wandering.

“No problem sweetie. I came after some grapes. They're good this time of year. You want some?”

I noticed my phone on the counter. “ Oh good there it is. I’m always setting that thing down somewhere” And I move it to the end of the counter where I often leave it.


Inwardly, I sighed with relief. “Grapes, huh? That sounds good. I like the way they pop when you get your teeth into them and then are so juicy and sweet. One of my favorites!” I had drawn closer to her as I spoke and was close enough to snatch one of her grapes from the bunch in her hand with a mischievous grin. I chose one close to her body so pulling it off the stem caused it to slide over her breast briefly. I brought it to my lips and bit delicately into the skin, waiting for the pop before sucking the juice out of it. “Are they in the fridge?”

Again Jodi is sending me into shivers! Not the big ones of earlier but that touch was electric! That sultry way she stepped up to me and erotic bite of the grape. This girl had found my buttons and was pushing them hard. “Yes Jodi they are” was all I could manage to say. I was frozen until she moved away letting me take a breath.

I tipped the other half of the grape at her, like it was a glass of champagne or something, “Thanks!” I said, popping it into my mouth and licking the remaining juice from my fingers. Like a deer in the headlights, she stood, wide eyed and frozen. Delicious. I stepped back and around her to open the fridge, grabbing up my own bunch of grapes.

They were waiting for me to finish the movie so when Jodi had given me a sly grin and turned and walked away with that amazing sway of her perfect ass leaving me speechless and shaky. I took my bowl of grapes and headed back into the living room.

I heard the movie start up again and smiled to myself. Maybe I would not implement my plan right away, after all. Everything was in place. There was no way she could escape. The pressure was off and I could take my time. I was enjoying watching her fight herself too much to rush this part. I could wait. She was mine...and she didn’t even know it.

Back in my room I had to clean up the evidence of my preparations. The trunk was a little bit more full than it had been because I just threw everything into it and locked it tight. I could put them all away again properly tomorrow. After my riding lesson.


I had missed riding the horses as often as I wanted since Julie had discovered boys were not as dumb as she had thought before she met Brad. It was good to have something to focus on and try to get myself under control again after the initial realization Jodi was somehow sexually attracted to me and stirred up new feelings in me with her flirting and subtly bossy ways over the weekend. We had swam in the pool and hung around and Julie had been out a couple of times. We all seemed to be finding a groove of a relaxed feel. It was not like we had just met. As I had realized already it was mostly me who had changed with my runaway libido and fantasy of what maybe I wished could happen.

With the new normal settling in it was good to be out with the horses again. It was good showing Jodi the basics of ground work and how the tack was the important part of control over the huge animals. With just a little leather or rope it was possible to train them and ride them and keep them under control. Being fit and young Jodi was quick to learn to move with Topaz as she lunged him in the round pen. She learned the ways to use the carrot stick with its long shaft and even longer rope to help coax a trot or back him up. It’s not a whip but a training tool and she understood that instinctively. I talked to her about training a new horse as a way to let her better understand the mind of a herd animal and how to communicate with them. Training a new horse is an amazing thing to see them give in to new ways of being handled. Jodi took in everything I was saying to her and showed her with the seriousness it was due. That did not mean we didn't have fun and laugh and there was still that bit of fun flirting and looking at me with mischievous eyes that shook me a little sometimes.

“Jodi you are really progressing fast and Topaz is really responding to your cues well,” I said as she did an athletic dismont by swinging her right legs over the saddle and landing perfectly.

Her breasts bounced provocatively. She was sweating just a little and that sheen on her perfect skin was tantalizing. I felt that I was sexualizing everything about her now and I was feeling guilty about my attraction to her.

“I think you are ready to take a ride in the pastures tomorrow and get your first good run in. Topaz is not the fastest of them but he moves pretty damn fast. You will love it”

Being done with the area work she brushed him down and turned him out. We did a lot of hanging out in the tack room and she came in when she was finished seeming very pleased with herself.

I was watching Barb very carefully without seeming to. I was getting even better at reading her reactions than those of the horses. She had been watching me as I dismounted...the first time I had managed that correctly!..and her eyes were filled with lust. A second later, her expression changed. Was that shame? Guilt? Oh! How lovely! Guilt is a beautiful thing. I wanted to see how high I could stoke it.

I took my time as I brushed Topaz then let him go out. He was a great horse. It was wonderful to be able to care for him. I was reminded of my little insurance policy. No matter what else happened, I knew I would be able to stay and love these beautiful animals.

Barb was in the tack room where we usually finish up the lessons with a chat. I decided to change things up a bit. I entered subdued, thoughtful, not my usual excited bounce after being with the horses.

Back in the tack room I glanced at her, a little fearfully, as though there was something I was afraid to tell her. Concern was written on her face and she reached for me, pulling me down onto the bench.

“I am sorry. It was a really nice ride, but…” I sat down on the stool at the leather bench and put my face in my hands for a moment. Seeing me looking distraught she stepped up and gently pulled them away and tilted my chin up to meet her eyes.

“Tell me,” she said. I lowered my gaze.

“It’s silly, I know. But when I dismounted...I was put in mind of one of the men who...visited...Mom. She had passed out when he came to visit and he got a little angry. There was a look on his face. A look like…” I glanced at her, a short cutting glance and stopped my words abruptly, leaving her to realize it was a look like she had just given me, and she hadn’t thought I saw. “He wanted me take Mom’s place and I said no. But he said...just like you did…”You will love it.” Oh! I know you didn’t mean the same thing, Barb! Don’t ever think I thought that! It just...brought up the memory, you know?”

I leaned into her, laying my head on her breast, making sure my breath first warmed and then wetted her nipple as I sobbed. She stroked my hair and I cursed myself for being a fool. I couldn’t see her face like this! Still, her nipples were hard, pressing against my lip.


I was on the verge of tears myself. I had not meant to trigger her horrible experience with my words. But triggering her was not the only thing that had me on edge. It was not just the guilt I was feeling over that but also the shameful guilt that was building more every minute we hugged. Her sobs, her hug, the way it melted my heart was getting to me. But mostly it was her face in my chest and how it was sending shivers of profound lust spreading over me and my pussy was getting damp. I felt a humiliation that washed over me and it only made it worse!

I didn't know what to say other than, “Jodi i’m so sorry. I had no idea. If I looked at you or said anything that makes you feel uncomfortable I am soo sorry!”

My wet and stiff nipple nearly throbbed with my racing heartbeat and in rhythm with the throbbing quickly building between my legs. I was so ashamed of myself for being turned on at such a time!

She shifted uncomfortably beneath me and I knew it was only half guilt and shame. Her heartbeat right underneath my ear had sped up and her nipple just next to my lips was harder than ever. I turned it up a notch.

“No, I am sorry,” I said, making very sure to speak loudly enough and angle my head just so that every word vibrated against her nipple. “You had no way to know. And I am so comfortable with you now. You have been so kind and generous and I know it is not because you want anything from me, like those men did. I mean, you are a woman. It really makes me so comfortable and secure knowing you couldn’t possibly want...that...from me.” I sat up and looked into her eyes, and a brave, tearful smile on my face, “I mean, it’s silly, right?”

As ashamed as I felt and as aroused as I was I still did not want to see myself like that man who wanted to use her. “ Jodi, I promise I would never want to take advantage of you like that. I have nothing but respect and admiration of you in my heart. I want nothing more than to make you feel safe and happy and respected. To make you feel good. To give you nothing but love and affection”

What had I said? Was I falling in love with this girl or was it just my shame talking?


I smiled inside, where she couldn’t see. Love and affection, huh? You will give me a lot more than that, Barb. I said to myself.

I leaned in, wrapping my arms around her neck and kissed her lips. It was a chaste kiss, no more than a six year old would give, lips tightly closed, quick peck, but in her state it had to be devastating! Then I put my head on her shoulder and spoke into her neck.

“Thank you, so much, Barb!” I didn’t stay there long, but my tongue, on the sound th, flicked out and brushed against her neck, right where people are usually so sensitive. I felt her shudder in my arms as I pulled away and fluffed my hair, standing up quickly as though I was deliberately shaking off sadness.

“No more sad talk today! I have found the best home and the best people anywhere! Come on, I will race you to the house!” I challenged happily, finally behaving as my age would normally dictate.

After the head spinning emotional events in the barn last night with my shame and guilt of being so turned on i could scream as Jodi laid her heart out there and it was all i could do was all i could to not bare my aching nipples and let her suck them and ravage them.

I felt I had been worse than the man who wanted to use her. But i had not and would not treat her that way and would do everything in my power to resist acting out no matter how much I wanted to take things beyond the erotic flirting we had been doing. I was so relieved she seemed to shake it off with a smile.

She easily outran me to the house. Even in doing that she had still found a way to toy with me but letting me get ahead then passing me with a playful but hard slap on the ass she ran past. I was clearly no match for her physically and she seemed to enjoy making that clear.

I called the girls down for a late breakfast the next morning after Bill left. I had made pancakes, eggs, bacon and fruit and rushed them down before the eggs got cold. I quickly realized that was a mistake when first Jodi came down in her tee shirt and skimpy shorts and almost instantly my panties were beginning to get damp. Her unruly long hair and clean young face and sly smiles was all it took to send me off into a state of nearly humiliating arousal. As many times as I had seen Julie and her cute little friends changing for swimming or laid out on blankets in tees and panties watching movies up in the big room that was now Jodi's, I had never been like this. Like a woman with a sick lust for a teenage girl. That was bad enough. To my utter and total devastation it only got worse when my step daughter Julie came down in her cute and very skimpy “hello kitty” sleep shirt with only panties on under it!


I caught Barb’s look when I came down...and I caught it when Julie entered the kitchen. Really? I thought. Let’s play with that.

I caught Julie around the hips and used suprise and my greater strength to pull her arms behind her back with one trapped under the other. The hold and my firm grip was something she could not get out of, but she wasn’t really trying, we had played such games before. Holding and supporting her with one arm I pulled her a little sideways to me and facing her mom and held her for a moment to let it sink in to Barbara just how much control I had over Julie at that moment. Then using my free hand to reach under her cute little top, I lifted it to expose her panties and belly to her step mom for a good, long look at her sweet daughter in the grasp of a bigger, stronger girl.

“Oooh! Bellybutton!” I squealed, tickling her stomach where it showed beneath her shirt. Julie giggled and screeched. The succulent morsel tried hard to escape my grasp as she strained and twisted while laughing from the forced tickles.

“Stop, stop! I am going to pee my pants!” she laughed.

“You are in a good mood,” she noticed when I released her. Barb had said nothing, and did not move the entire time. I grinned to myself, sitting down at the table.


“Oh wow pancakes and bacon! My favorite!” Julie said with glee. Mom you are the greatest she said and gave me a big warm hug not unlike a thousand times before. Julie was the most physically demonstrative little girl i had ever seen and when it was just us girls at home we did not lead modest lives. She had no idea how I had changed or what that hug was doing to me after seeing her struggle in the arms of a much bigger girl. I think Jodi did though. The way she looked at me and smiled as sweet little Julie let me go and went to the sink to wash her hands and we both looked at her standing in the sunlight with it highlighting her sweet sexy little body in the best of light. My body was fast to react and my nipples stiffened and pulse raced!

I had to make a fast exit.

“Girls, I had breakfast with Bill and only set a third plate to have some fruit with you,” I lied. “I’m satisfied now, though and will leave you two to it. “ I dashed out as best I could without seeming too obvious. Julie was too busy filling her plate with food to notice my condition as I went by her. Jodi was not. She took in the full look of my hard nipples and fast retreat with a sly smile and near laugh as she said “ Aww too bad you can't just sit with us for a few minutes as we eat. I was thinking we could tell Julie how things went yesterday….with the ride and hanging out in the barn.”

I had to get out of there. I was shaken to the core! “ I would but I need… to get dressed for the day and um… make some calls. “ Then escaped the most humiliating moment of my life as I dashed up the stairs to my bedroom.

I made sure to take long enough for the girls to finish breakfast before going back down. Not only had they finished but Jodi had cleaned the kitchen and was still upstairs getting dressed herself. Julie was looking for her car keys getting ready to leave for her swim class. That she seemed perfectly normal as if she had completely missed my reaction to the hug made me feel much better. When Jodi came down in jeans and shirt dressed for going out with me to feed and water the horses and acted just as normal and casual I was almost able to convince myself she had not noticed the severity of my reaction and it was all blown over.

In the barn Jodi and I cleaned up the stalls after the horses ate and went out to the paddock to stand in the sun and warm up. We enjoyed some fun conversation and talked over some of the lessons on ground work. We also had fun exploring the barn with its big hay loft and stalls and side rooms with old tack and wagon parts and old farming implements. The leather working bench was a real draw for her. She took quickly to the skills my father had taught me so long ago it seemed. We hand a lot of old straps that just needed dying and oiling to make a full set of buggy harnesses that were just going to waste. She was so thankful for telling her she can use as much of it and the hardware as she wanted to make her own halter, bridle or whatever she wanted. I showed her some nice saddle bags I had made and she was pretty impressed. There was all she could use and more to keep her busy when nobody was around if she wanted. I went to visit my elderly mom an hour or two three times a week and did grocery and errands. Julie had dance lessons and swim meets and Brad on her heels. It was good to see Jodi take such an interest in the horses and things she could do in the barn. I did have some errands to run and would be leaving Jodi alone at the house for her first time.

She insisted she was fine with it and wanted to get started on making a harness from the leather straps we had so many of.

“Okay then, I will be gone for maybe two hours or so. You know where everything is and this is your home now so feel free to do whatever you want okay” I said to her, trying to project the absolute sincerity I felt. I wanted her to feel at home.

“Be safe out there Barb and don't worry about me. I have plenty to keep me busy “ Jodi said with a warm smile on her face. When i turned to leave she was laying out some of the long leather straps on the workbench and looking very happy indeed.

The week had gone pretty well, considering I was a confused horny mess and trying my best to not lust after teenage girls. My world had been turned upside down with Jodi messing with my head and my own confusing desires tugging at me more every day. I wasn't sleeping well or eating well or able to concentrate on things without my mind or body reminding me of the near obsession I was dealing with. Too suddenly after years of being so straight I had never even imagined sex with another woman and then to find myself fixated on Jodi and trying not to over Julie was a strain on my self control. I was doing okay when not near her but whenever we were together my eyes wandered and my mind drifted. The sheer sexuality of young women had truly become an obsession. Then there was Jodi’s flirting and innuendos putting lumps in my throat and butterflies in my belly numerous times every day.

We had made it to Friday morning. I don’t know how, but we made it.

The horses had been a great distraction for me and for Jodi too it seemed. She was spending a lot of the time in the barn grooming, feeding and taking care of the horses. She had not only made a halter for topaz with her initials nicely carved in it, she had made a nice set of reins, some belts and other things she refused to show me stating, “They were not ready, yet” She had used more than I expected of the straps and hardware, but the saddles were cleaned and oiled, the barn cleaner than it had been in years. I was not going to begrudge such a competent worker a little extra leather and fastenings. It was really great to see her getting so involved with the horses.

Julie was leaving for the day at some point. I put together a nice picnic lunch for us as Jodi saddled the horses and filled the saddle bags with blankets and halters and whatever else we may need for when we stopped and took off the bridles so the horse could graze some as we ate and relaxed at the old farmstead we were riding to.

When I got out to the barn she had not seen me coming and was taking pictures of the horses all outfitted with the big saddle bags. Jodi was often taking pictures.

She had me put the food in my saddle bags and took pictures of me doing it.

“ Barb, I have to say you look great in those jeans and boots. Go over by the railing and let me get some pictures.” She had me posing and took several pictures. She was very complimentary, like a photographer saying things like, “ oh yes, very hot...Looking good Barb...Twist that sexy body a little more….Turn to get the shadows playing across those wonderful ass cheeks… “

Then she had me take some of her in similar poses, then did a batch of selfies with her selfie stick and more with setting the camera on the fence post.

We hit the trail for the nearly hour long ride to an abandoned farm. She did a great job with Topaz. We rode the last few hundred feet up the small hill and up to the old barn that was still used to store hay each summer.

“ Barbara, this place is even more perfect than in the pictures. You take the food and I will grab a blanket and we will eat and chill in the shade some and after that I have a surprise for you. “


I made sure to keep the conversation during lunch light and fun. There was time for the serious stuff later on and I did not want Barb to get suspicious until I had sprung my little surprise on her.

We ate and laughed and cleaned up the picnic together. It was time.

“Come in here,” I coaxed, pointing to the old barn. I figured this first part would go more smoothly if she were more sure that nobody could see her accidentally, not that anyone would find us way out here.

She followed me into the barn and stood, facing me, unsure about what was wanted. I smiled at her, but made it a little sad.

“Barb,” I began, “You know we can’t continue this way. Something has to change.” She blushed deeply and looked at her boots. I did not give her the chance to speak. I stepped forward, opening my shirt and shrugging it off my shoulders. I wore no bra so my breasts jutted out proudly and as much as she tried to, she could not take her eyes off them.

“You want to touch me,” I accused. I reached out quickly and grabbed her hand, pressing the palm to my breast and holding it there when she would pull away, “Just like all of those men who came to visit Mom. You want to use me and shame me, just like they did, don’t you?”

She was shaking her head in denial, but I was barely holding her hand at this point and still it did not drop away from my breast. I took a step or two closer.

“They licked me here, and sucked,” I rubbed her hand against my breast, “They stuck their filthy, beery tongues into my mouth and choked me. You want to do those things to me. Don’t deny it, Barb! I can see it! I see you!” I shouted when she shook her head again. I reached out and grabbed her shoulders, shaking her.

“I trusted you! I thought you were so different! I am nearly the same age as your daughter! You are practically a pedophile! Aren’t you ashamed of yourself?” I shoved her hard and she fell back, landing on her butt and started crying gentle sobs of shame. I followed her down, placing one knee between her legs and one outside. I leaned in close so my naked breast was inches from her face, though she looked up, into my eyes.

“But I will let you, Barb. I fought them...stabbed one of them, even. But you’re different. You gave me a lovely room and made me welcome in your home. I will let you fondle my breasts and even suck on them, if you really want to, because I know you can’t help yourself. You’re kind of a slut for young girls, aren’t you? But I don’t mind. I forgive you. And I will let you touch me because I am so grateful for all you have done for me.” I reached up and put my hand on the back of her head, pressing her face forward those last couple of inches until she touched my exposed breast with her lips. And then I waited. Her next move would not change the outcome, I still had a really big surprise for her, but I wanted to see what she would do...


Crying from the shock and shame of what she was saying and the overwhelming force of the shove. The strong young woman on top of me was bearing my shame as well as making me feel weak and helpless. I was torn but knew I had no choice but wanted her to know I was not like the men. “Pleasee.. Ohh (sniffle) Pleasee Jodi I'm ...I'm not like that.” but my resistance was weak and with one more pull of my head towards her breasts my lips parted and I gave in and gently sucked her stiff nipple as I cried softly.

The rush of power I felt as her lips closed on my nipple was nearly overwhelming! I gasped softly, forgetting myself for a second. I let her suck on me. Her other hand came up and fondled my free nipple, rolling it between her fingers.

“Yes, good girl,” I crooned, “That’s what you really want, isn’t it, Barbara? Why not just take it? It doesn’t matter that even though I am technically not a child, my past has stunted my emotional growth to the point where I am just a psychological infant, does it? I am so close and so willing. And you want me so badly, don’t you? Go ahead, take what you need, nobody will ever know. After all, I am trapped by you, aren’t I? I have nowhere to go. You know I won’t talk…”

“No no…” She said as she pulled away from me, then and I pounced, capturing her lips with mine and stifling her protests before she could utter them. My tongue tangled with hers and she tasted so good! She was iced tea and strawberries and I just wanted to take a big bite! But I kept myself in check. Her shame was voluptuous and there would be plenty of time for the rest.


The bottom had dropped out of my world ! I had never been so ashamed of myself. I had never imagined I could be so depraved. I was sucking the nipples of a woman child! I did not want to stop but when she pulled them away and kissed me I was lost and out of control. On one hand a great shame and on another i felt i had somehow found myself. All the conflicting feelings all week finally being laid out just how sick and twisted I had become.

The kiss seemed forgiving and I needed to be forgiven badly.

I cried as we kissed.


I could taste her tears as we kissed. I wanted to bottle them like soda pop. They made me so hot! I broke the kiss and stroked her cheek with mine, placing my lips close to her perfect seashell ear.

“Tell me what you want, Barb. Tell me what else you need. I know you want more. Tell me what it is,” I whispered.

Searching her soul for some kind of answer or redemption to be forgiven and not become like those men who only wanted to use me and hurt me, she finally replied.

“I want to be make it right. I have been so wrong” Then more gentle sobbing.

Gently, but hard enough to turn her head, I slapped her. I felt this first blow deep in my loins! It felt so amazing to hit her like this! I wanted to keep doing it, but I knew I had to slow down, take it easy.

“No, Barb! That is what you think you should want. I know better. What do you really want? What do you want to do to me, deep down in the darkest corners of your mind?”

The tears mostly stopped but lips were still quivering.

“Jodi. I am so sorry for everything. For hurting you. I admit I have been lusting over your body all week. Part of me wants to worship every inch of it and kiss you and kiss you, but another part of me wants my shame to go away and be forgiven and feel clean again.”

I smiled and held her close. I kissed her hair and stroked her back as she cried and cried for me. It felt so wonderful! Then I pulled away and stood up, holding out my hand.

“Come with me. I can make it all right again,” I said. She put her hand in mine and let me pull her up. I walked her outside and we walked hand in hand to the tree that stood beside the barn. It was pretty big, but I thought I had made my first present big enough to go around it.

“Take off your clothes, Barb,” I said.


As we neared the tree I saw the saddle bags from Topaz’s saddle on the ground beside it. Standing in front of the tree I needed redemption and forgiveness and if taking off my clothes was part of what it took to be cleaned...forgiven then i had to do it. My hands shook, my body shook, my lips quivered. My panties were soaked through to my jeans adding to a feeling of shame at what I had become.

Soon I stood naked and trembling.


She was obeying beautifully! The red flush in her cheeks and the trembling of her body enchanted me, not to mention the powerful rush of feeling I got watching her disrobe at my command. I reached for the saddlebags.

“I made you something. You have been so generous to me and I know they were your supplies, but it took me a long time to get it right. I thought of you the whole time… I thought of what you needed and how to help you.” I drew the leather manacle from the bag and slapped it across her wrist buckling it down tightly. It was simple...I was not very good yet...just a thick strap with eyelet holes for the buckle tongue and a heavy ring embedded in it. I had already threaded and tied a thin strap of leather through the ring and now I circled the tree until I was again by her side and clasping the other manacle around her free wrist. I tightened the strap until her arms were outstretched behind her and her back was tight to the tree.

“Now do not speak and don’t bother trying to get away. You won’t.” I stroked her hair out of her face and traced her curves with my fingertips. “You are gorgeous, you know, and intelligent and...good. That is why it had to be you, you see. Nobody else would have been as...satisfying.” I kissed her.

“I told you I would make it all better, didn’t I?” I pulled my phone out of my pocket and flipped through a few screens before holding it up to her. There was a series of messages to me, and a photograph. It showed me, tied to that beautiful four post bed. My clothes were torn and there were deep scratches criss-crossing my body. I was crying and there was a beer bottle shoved between my legs. You gasped when you saw it.

“Read the texts, Barb,” I ordered. You did:

J--Please! Please don’t do that to me again!

B--Come now! I told you this was what was going to happen.

J--But it hurt so badly! Please!

B--If you are going to stay here, you will do as I say, Girl! Julie doesn’t whine so much! Besides…(then the picture) look so beautiful when you cry.

She looked up at me, confused.

“This was sent to me,” I explained, “From YOUR phone. Do you think anyone will believe you if you told them I did it myself? Oh, and I have already archived it to the cloud, so taking my phone or breaking it will not erase this exchange.”

“Jodi...what is this? Why...omg why?” She asked.

“I told you I would make it better. It’s not actually your fault. It’s mine. I set it up...I set you belong to me now. What would happen if the authorities, your job, your husband saw this series of texts? You will be fired, ostracized, divorced, most likely. You would certainly lose Julie! You are forgiven for wanting me, Barb. I made you want really was very easy. I doubt I could have ensnared a truly virtuous woman. I have done a lot of thinking these last few days. I think I understand now why it had to be you. You want what I have to give. And I could not give it unless it was wanted. Now, you are going to spend a lot of time denying that you want what is going to happen, but you do, DO! And I can prove it. This...” I held up the phone as I pinched one of her perfect nipples.

“It's just insurance. I can’t have you calling a halt to all of this until we have explored every angle.”

“Please please this is insane. You are hurting me ! You Don't have to do this. I would have let you have sex with me. Please Jodi ...oh god pleaseee dont do this!” Barbara begged earnestly.

“Shut up!” I yelled, angry now. I grabbed her chin in my hand, pinching hard. “Never call me insane again!” I could see her trying to deny that she meant me specifically, but I did not want to hear it anymore. I reached into the saddlebag again and drew a wide belt like strap I had made to keep her from protesting too much and distracting me. Putting her own soaked panties in her mouth I wrapped the belt around her head to hold them in place. Jerking the belt tight I enjoy the frightened, pleading look in her pitiful, crying eyes. That’s better! Feeling ever more powerful I went back to the bag again and pulled out a rather large, double headed dildo. It was flexible and I bent it in the middle, inserting one end into my own dripping pussy.

“Now,” I smoothly inserted the other end into Barb and drove it home, “the proof I promised is how wet your pussy is and how easily this slid into you”

I pumped my hips, sliding the dildo into and out of her, “We have to be careful for a while...just until I figure out how to hide the more...extreme marks. But this first time, Barb, I just can’t wait. Just a little adorn the occasion…”

Still driving the dildo into and out of her, I picked up the pace. I had left her end longer than mine. It was bottoming out and probably hurting a bit, judging by her moans and winces. It was not enough, though, not yet.

“Barb, when you are about to cum you are to tell me, do you understand? Because you are going to cum. You need to understand just how deviant you are. And I am going to show you.” I asked. She nodded.

Trying to keep myself in check was the hardest part, but it was no good unless she was with me. Soon, the rhythmic pounding and friction of our bodies writhing together did the trick.. She could resist no longer. Her breathing changed, she began twitching. Color flooded her face when she realized that I could make her cum as I hurt her. I saw her surrender in her eyes. SHe could no longer deny herself. I slammed the dildo in harder as I came, ecstatic with the power I had over her. I unhooked the dildo from my own body and straightened it out, continuing to drive it into her by hand. It was much easier to go more forcefully now. I hit her hard, feeling the resistance as I bumped something that was not supposed to be hit with a hard object.

“ ooowww” she moaned into the panty gag as her body tensed and her pussy dripped. I grabbed her hair and jerked her head back and down harshly.

“I am being easy on you, Barb. It is our first time, after all…” I released her head and turned my attention to her nipples. My free hand clamped on one and pinched, not too hard at first, but I kept increasing the pressure as we continued. I clamped my teeth over her areola, gently, and began swirling my tongue around her tender nipple. Fiercely, I drove the dildo into her, enjoying her grunts of pain.

I slammed the dildo into her one last time and bit down, hard, on her breast. Just like the grapes, I could swear I almost felt a soft pop as my teeth broke the skin but it was just a painful nip, enough, though, that I was soon tasting her blood in my mouth. Hearing her agonizing scream was more satisfying than the orgasm I had enjoyed earlier. I released her breasts, blood dripping from my mouth as I exulted in what we had just done.

Taking the gag out of her mouth then slapping her again and telling her to say a word yet.

“You see, Barb! You will tell me you don’t like it, but you came even harder than I did. And we will have lots of time to find out just how far I can take should be thanking me. Everyone else you know would be disgusted by what just happened here. But I am not.” I kissed her deeply then, her blood coating our tongues as she kissed me back.

I released her then. Unbuckling the manacles, I massaged her wrists, restoring warmth and blood flow to those poor abused appendages. I helped her over to the blanket, which still rested nearby, and sat her down. I sat close behind her and cradled her with both my arms and legs, rocking her gently. She must be so confused right now. She started to speak but I shushed her.

I petted her hair, enjoying her complete surrender now that she had no fight left for the moment.

“I don’t want you to worry, Barb,” I began gently, “As long as you do exactly as I say when we are alone, you will be safe. Our original arrangement is still in place. I will cook and clean for you and help with the horses. I love the horses, Barb. Neither Julie nor your husband will ever have to know what we do together. I promise. But that is just window dressing for the normal, boring, society people. The reality is that I own you now.” Just hearing myself say it and knowing she was hearing it made me wet all over again. “You belong to me as surely as if I had kidnapped you and locked you in a basement dungeon somewhere. Do you understand? You can speak now” I waited for her to answer, giving her more time than I would in the future because I knew this was all so new to her.

She looked at me with those pretty green eyes. “ yes … yes Jodi i do” i hugged her arms tight and closed my eyes and gave in completely.

I sighed with happiness and fulfillment. “Good girl,” I said, “Now, there will be rules. The obvious one is if you try to run or tell anyone what is going on, I ruin you, obviously. I expect you to do what I say and I expect you to do it quickly. Failure to do so will get you punished and if you think what we just did was a punishment, you have a lot to learn. But I will teach you. In some ways we will be learning together. I never did this before in real life. You are so special, though. I couldn’t help myself. Just remember, when I want something, you had better never say no or flinch or draw away. It will be very bad if you do. But if you behave, I may even reward you. Like now, for instance. I am very happy with you Barb.” I squeezed her tightly for a moment, “So you may have a reward. Is there something you want?”

After a moment she said “ I understand and I won't fight you.? I Know this for real. I thank you for not pulling my family into this. I...i… am just so tired. So lost. The way you are holding me now is what I want most of all right now. To rest, to lay down and sleep with you holding me. Please, I know you can do anything you want to me but when you ask me what I need most now it's to lay here and rest my mind and sleep. “

I rearranged us a bit, so my back was against the tree and scooted her down to a more prone position. When I asked if that was good she nodded. I stroked her hair while keeping the other arm around her.

“I will even make you a promise,” I said before she drifted off to sleep. I was so high from this first successful encounter, I was generous, “There is going to be a lot of pain for you, but when it is over, when we are nestled like this, you can be safe. I will not hurt you while you sleep in my arms.” I watched her drift off, her breathing evening out and her body relaxing against me. She was going to be the very best toy, I just knew it.


2025-01-22 06:33:25
Wooow amazing story that will be one sexy relation between dom and sub. My cunt was dripping from the beginnig to the end and was for me difficult to not touch myself. Want more of this....Fg.

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