We meet Alice a sweet sexy young teen (changed to 18 for publishing) Dr Green (yours truly) Lisa, Alice's mom, nurse Trina and follow the lies and tricks the wicked doctor uses to change the lives of the hapless mom and daughter she turns into bimbo sex slaves
The Treatments
Part one.
Falling Into Place.
The day started like any other, until it took a hard left turn. Alice was out with her favorite horse Chip taking a quick ride around the property before school as she worked to break in a new saddle. The sunrise was gorgeous, the air crisp- Alice's favorite time of day to hang out with Chip. She got lost in the morning, as she often does, and when she checked her watch realized that she was one million percent going to miss the bus if she didn't RUN through the rest of her morning routine. She hustled Chip back to the barn, and in her haste to get off the horse her ankle wrapped in the stirrup and down she went- hard.
Luckily her mom Lisa had just come out to the barn to look for her, and saw it happen- she heard Alice scream, and then let out a scream of her own before rushing over to help untangle her. To Chip's credit, he didn't make things worse- which is good, because things were already pretty bad- Lisa could already tell that the ankle would need surgery.
An ambulance ride and endless consultations and xrays later, Alice's ankle was stabilized. There were multiple fractures made more complicated by the way the tendons twisted around them; the road to recovery was going to be long. Alice would need to stay in the hospital and endure multiple surgeries and physiotherapy before she was permitted to go home, where the physiotherapy would continue until she was able to walk on it again. Luckily Alice's brother Ben had gone to college earlier this year, so Lisa was free to support Alice through her recovery.
To Alice, the last three days had been a complete blur. The last thing she remembered was looking at her watch and realizing she was late- then searing pain- then darkness until she woke up in the hospital bed surrounded by wires and beeping. She met Dr. Green, the lady who did the first of many surgeries on her ankle (and would be her main doctor through the whole thing)- she was pretty nice, and kind of reminded Alice of her mom. Alice was kept pretty groggy the first couple of days after surgery; each time she woke up she was in such immense pain that she started to moan and fidget so the nurses kept her on a high dose of pain drugs.
On day three, Dr. Green came by and talked to Alice's mom. Alice was still pretty out of it, but Dr. Green put a different drug in her IV that helped her to stay awake. Alice was grateful for this, because she had a lot of questions for her mom about what happened, and what was going to happen. When can she go home? What about school? Alice's mom told her not to worry, that right now she just had to focus on getting better. Alice was kind of relieved- her mom knows best, and frankly she was pretty tired.
Alice went to sleep when her mom left for the night, promising to be back before lunch the next day. When Alice awoke, it was still dark outside- there were dim lights in her hospital room, but otherwise everything was pretty quiet other than the incessant beeping of the machines she was hooked up to. Actually, that was kind of weird- the beeping was faster...was that her heart?
As Alice awoke, she realized that her heart was racing. She was sweaty, and felt...funny. She was more awake than she had been before the accident, and wasn't in pain...not exactly. She couldn't feel anything in her ankle, but the rest of her felt strange. Alice tried to calm herself down- she probably just had a bad dream, and didn't want to be given any more drugs to make her groggy. She took a few deep breaths, and tried to focus on calming down. As she focused, though, she realized that the sensation in her body was localized to one specific spot- between her legs.
Alice gently spread her legs, which was easy because her casted ankle was elevated and secured in a stirrup. She instinctively reached a hand between, putting her palm over her mound in an effort to quiet the sensation. She was still wearing a hospital gown, and realized that she had nothing underneath it. When she touched herself, she felt damp- and it also felt good- REALLY good. Before she knew what was happening, her fingers had parted her lips and were exploring the wetness between her legs. They started gently, probing, stroking, rubbing- but before long an inner need came over her and she was rubbing furiously. Alice had never felt like this before, and had no idea what she was doing- but she was desperately searching for relief.
Her hospital gown was pulled up, one hand tugging at her nipple, the other buried between her legs. Alice was moaning incoherently, searching for a release she couldn't find when Dr. Green walked into the room.
Controlled Conditions
Alice saw Dr. Green and froze in shock and humiliation with her fingers buried deep in her overheated pussy.
Dr. Green had been at the nurses station having her own hot pussy being serviced by the head night nurse on her knees between her legs. When the monitor showed Alice's rapid heartbeat, Dr. Green knew it was time to enter the room. Patting the woman on top of her head Dr. Green told her
" You can finish me later. My patient is ready for her first conditioning treatment."
The attractive nurse Trina Givens sat back on her heels looking up at her with the wetness of the sexy Dr. shining on her lips and chin.
" Okay Dr. Green. I know what to do and will keep the floor nurses from disturbing you"
Walking to the bedside of the shocked and humiliated girl, Dr. Green delighted in the redness of the young girl's cheeks as they flushed with embarrassment and her eyes wide with fear and shame. Despite her mature looking body the 18 year old girl's sweet face looked younger than her age at that precious moment sending a shiver of forbidden lust washing over the mature woman.
When Alice had heard the door open, her instincts told her to cover up and stop touching herself, but she physically couldn't stop. She saw the kind face of Dr. Green, and felt equal parts shame and relief to see her. Dr. Green spoke to her in a soothing voice, and while it didn't help to quiet the fire burning inside her, it felt good to know that Alice wasn't alone, and that the doctor promised to help her.
The girl started to speak and was headed off by the calm voice of the Dr. " Shussss shuss… Don't speak.. just be still and listen to me. I will take care of you"
Putting one hand on the girl's hand that was in her pussy and holding it still, with the other caressing the girl's face she smiled kindly. "Alice, you are having a reaction to one of the drugs and it looks to be over stimulating your system. It happens sometimes and there is nothing to be ashamed of or afraid of but you have to stop. If you have an orgasm now it won't help and I can't allow it"
" But, but I …I can't …" The pitiful girl stammered
" Shuuss… Listen to me Alice, I know you don't think you can stop but you must. Trust me I know what is best for you. "
She pulled the girl's hands away from her pretty little pussy making the girl whimper slightly and bite her bottom lip to try to stifle herself as she looked up with pleading eyes. Taking both the girl’s wrists she gently but firmly crossed her arms over her belly and held them there.
When Dr. Green told Alice to stop touching herself and removed her hands from her pussy, Alice thought that she might explode. She was almost crying in frustration, her body screaming at her to give her clit the attention that it craves. Alice tried to focus on the calming voice of Dr. Green, giving herself over to her- she was right, the doctor does know what's best for her- if she was having a reaction to the drug, surely the doctor could counteract it.
" Now just breathe and try to relax sweetie…just breathe. I know this feels strange and scary but you need to do as I say so we can make sure you won't hurt yourself. Just look at me and be calm. I know what to do. I know what you need. Trust me and do as I say…okay sweetie?"
Letting go of one hand she again caressed the young girl's face tenderly.
" Now that's better. Now you can tell me what you are feeling, Alice"
"Oh god Dr. Green I'm so hot all over and ..and my (gulps) my… pussy is so needy. What's wrong with me?!"
The poor girl is nearly in tears, which stirs emotions deep in Dr. Green's belly. Her heart goes out to the still partially drugged and confused young woman.
"Alice, In very rare cases some of the drugs you are on will cause this kind of reaction but I'm afraid part of this overstimulation may be from a condition you also suffer from. You may be one of the rare cases where this won't go away. You are exhibiting a pretty severe reaction and will need to be treated for it as you recover here over the next few weeks or months."
Restraint is needed.
Letting go of the girl's hand Dr. Green cautioned her to keep her hands still and resist the urge to "finger that naughty little pussy of yours" while she prepared another injection and set the syringe on a tray and placed it on the rolling table. Then going to a cabinet she had stocked with several items not usually in every room she pulled out a cloth bag and sat it on the edge of the bed. Out of the bag came a set of medical grade restraints. Thick, strong padded leather cuffs with adjustable straps.
" Now Alice just relax and don't fight me or I will have to bring in the nurses and sedate you. Stay calm and listen to my voice" Alice was still focused on Dr. Green's soothing voice when she got the restraints out. Her mind initially protested, but then realized it made sense that she would need to be restrained- as soon as Dr. Green let go of her hand it desperately wanted to find its way back inside her- it felt like she wasn't in control of her own body!
Soon the good doctor had the girl strapped to the bed with her arms to her side and legs strapped at ankles and knees then pulled open wide to the side rails. Then taking something that was not a hospital issue out of another bag of her own items she had prepared she strapped a large ball gag tight in the now frightened girl's mouth.
"Alice, sweetie you need help with that naughty wet pussy so I'm going to put you half under so you won't panic but will be able to give me feedback to my questions as I give you an examination and begin treatments."
The restraints were tight, and Alice pulled against them to test their limits while Dr. Green prepared something else. When the ball gag went in her mouth and was secured around her head, Alice started to panic. Her eyes darted around the room, questioning Dr. Green. The doctor remained calm and gentle, so Alice tried to quiet her mind by telling herself that this must just be part of the procedure. She was trying to bite down on the ball, but it kept slipping out of her small mouth and spreading drool down her chin. She would've felt embarrassed if she could spare a thought from her aching pussy. As it was she felt agitated, scared, and unsure- until Dr. Green put the drug in her IV- a cool sensation ran down her arm, calming her instantly.
Examined and Diagnosed
Alice was still lucid, aware of everything happening around her, but the panicky feeling that threatened to take over was gone. She still ached between her legs more than she ever had before, but mentally the desperation had quieted. Alice watched with detached attention as Dr. Green put on gloves, and stationed herself between her wide spread legs.
"Okay, good girl Alice. Now the first thing I am going to do is inspect this naughty pussy of yours," Dr. Green cooed. Alice felt hands press down on her thighs, spreading them even further apart. "That's it, keep those legs nice and wide."
Dr. Green's hands explored Alice's aching pussy at a painstakingly slow rate. She started by massaging the outer labia, already able to see wetness glistening between the folds. Dr. Green then spread Alice's lips, getting her first good look at a tiny, swollen clit and soaked hole. "Oh, sweetie, you are absolutely soaked," Dr. Green mused, gently spreading the wetness around. Alice moaned at her touch, her pussy threatening to explode at any minute from the stimulation. Dr. Green tapped Alice's clit a few times, each time sending a bolt of electricity through her; when she dipped a finger inside her impossibly tight virgin hole, Alice moaned into her gag, spit continuing to run down her face.
Satisfied the girl's pussy was as stimulated as it could be without allowing her to orgasm Dr. Green moved on to the next part of her long term plan. She gave the poor girl's body a rest on the edge of orgasm and set up the audio program she had found and modified and put the earbuds in her ears as Alice drooled and whined and looked at her with eyes begging for the orgasm she so desperately needed.
Robbing her of her sight was as simple as putting a cloth over her face.
"Sshuss… sweetie…You need your rest now. I'm going to get your treatments started now and in the morning I will be back to take you for some testing after your surgery that is set for first thing. You will out of it for much of the day tomorrow but rest assured I will be continuing to treat you for this problem with your needy, slutty wet pussy."
Lost in the haze of the drugs and darkness the sound of ocean waves filled her ears and no longer able to hear the Dr.s voice if she spoke. Alice's world was now nothing but the need in her pussy and the waves crashing on the shore that soon felt like it was taking her to another place until she felt something cool being placed on her breasts just to each side of each nipple. The light feeling of thin wires brushing her chest. More of the cool pads placed on her inner thighs and at the top of her slit on both sides of her clit.
Soft hands caressing her face tenderly then warm lips kissing her cheek. Alice was both disappointed and relieved when Dr. Green's hands left her pussy; she needed release, but the constant stimulation was absolutely unbearable. She found comfort in the doctor's voice, and liked it when she touched her face- just like her mom used to when she was a kid. The cloth over her eyes felt soothing, and the drugs coursing through Alice's system kept the panic at bay. She vaguely listened to the doctor talking about surgery and treatments, safe in the knowledge that Dr. Green was going to help Alice recover, both from her ankle injury and whatever was happening between her legs. She had the utmost trust in Dr. Green's gentle and reassuring approach.
The cool pads near her nipples were confusing, doubly so when they were placed so near her throbbing clit. Just as Alice's mind was wrapping around the confusion, however, the sound of waves greeted her ears. She was transported to the beach, feeling a welcome wave of calm wash over her exhausted and overstimulated body.
When the buzzing began, it felt welcome- almost soothing. Alice was still craving stimulation in spite of Dr. Green's seeming efforts to calm her, so the gentle buzzing served to take the edge off. The buzzing started to intensify, every now and then becoming painful- and then REALLY painful! Alice tried to cry out- surely Dr. Green didn't mean to hurt her...but the ball gag just continued to generate spit, preventing her from using her voice. Her mind was caught between abject terror and pain, and calm serenity- the juxtaposition of the calming music and calming drugs against the searing pain coursing through her nipples and clit had Alice absolutely frantic. Her restraints completely prevented movement, so all she could do was take it, tears starting to stream down her face.
Relief came soon after, but by then Alice knew that it would be temporary. She continued to try to moan, praying that Dr. Green would come to check on her and make the pain stop. Alice went through the cycle countless times, eventually finding a disconnect between her spent body and exhausted mind, so that it felt more like the pain was happening to someone else. The sound of waves crashing started to make Alice feel seasick; they began to represent pain, not peace.
Alice tried to drift in and out of sleep, but the buzzing prevented her from finding rest. When she felt Dr. Green's hands on her at long last, she had given up hope that she would ever be found. Dr. Green made the buzzing stop!!
Alice's eyes began to tear in relief; Dr. Green disconnected the wires, freeing Alice from her prison. She removed the ear buds, blindfold, and restraints. Alice's body was far too exhausted to move- her limbs remained at her sides like jello, her mind still trying to find its way back to the present moment. The ball gag remained, Alice's chin and hospital gown absolutely drenched in spit from the struggle of her night. She felt Dr. Green's hands on her face, and immediately found comfort- Dr. Green had saved her.
Mother on board
The talk with Alice's mom had gone well. The surgeon who did the complicated task had done really well and expected a complete recovery in time. Growing attached to the girl everyone on the team who had met her was happy to have helped such a charming and grateful young woman.
Lisa was turning out to be sweet and charming herself. The longer she talked to her the more assured Barbara felt she could have Lisa on her tables too. But first she wanted the sexy woman with her perfect tits and curvy little body as her helper and unwitting accomplice into beginning the long process of turning her own daughter into a little lesbian bimbo sex toy. Lisa had listened to the information about her daughter's side effects from the drugs and how it was so rare, not even any published works on it without any sign of disbelief or reservations. She was fully on board with what Dr. Green was saying even though it sounded rather unusual and somewhat bizarre. She had agreed to come late one evening next week so she could observe the condition and learn what she could do to help her daughter get through the whole ordeal.
As normal after surgery Alice went through the recovery room and was watched by the day staff giving Barbara time to get some rest then make some plans. She had the freedom to do her rounds at night and owned Trina the head nurse on night shift giving her all the time she needed with her plans for Alice and later her mom in the quiet of the hospital.
Training mind and body
Alice beamed when she saw Dr. Green come in. They had a very warm conversation of hope and good news about her ankle and her "pelvic condition" as Dr. Green was calling it.
" oh yes darling, a full recovery is expected on both of your conditions. They will of course both take a lot of hard work and therapy to make right again and there may be some lingering effects for a good while but trust me we will do everything it takes to see you well again. I'm very fond of you and will personally lead you out of this no matter what it takes. "
The sweet girl gave her the most heartfelt hug.
" I am so glad you are helping me Dr. Green… I am so lucky you are my doctor. "
Smiling warmly the woman replied. " We are going to be very close for a long time and maybe you can start calling me Ms. Barbara now. Could you do that for me Alice?
"Yes, Ms. Barbara," Alice says obediently, silently worshiping the doctor that saved her from the shock therapy. It had been a long day of surgery and recovery for Alice, but she was grateful to be in the care of Ms. Barbara again. The needy feeling that she had between her legs had dissipated when the drug left her system, and she was feeling ashamed and embarrassed about her prior behavior. Ms. Barbara and her mom had explained that the drug reaction had signaled that she had a pelvic issue, and would need additional treatment for that in addition to the ankle rehab. Both women assured her that she could make a full recovery though, once they ran some tests to find the source of the issue.
Knowing it was time for more examinations made Alice scared. She had told Ms. Barbara about the horrors of last night. Ms. Barbara had listened attentively, stroking Alice's hair comfortingly as she recounted the pain and fear that had pulsed through her all night. When Alice was finished, Ms. Barbara took her face in her hands, and kissed her forehead. "I know it hurt, Alice, and I am sorry that I had to do that to you. Sometimes the treatments are going to hurt you, but they will make you better- just like with your ankle. You have to be a big girl and get through it, okay? I will be here every step of the way."
Alice was scared to know that Ms. Barbara had purposely hurt her, but she also understood the logic- she knew that physiotherapy was going to be painful at times with her ankle, so it made some sense that curing her pelvic condition might require pain as well. She was comforted by Ms. Barbara's hands and gentle words, so tried to focus on that as Dr. Barbara prepared for the next treatment.
"Am I going to have to do that again tonight?" Alice asked, clear trepidation in her voice. "No, sweetie, not tonight. I am going to do something different with you tonight."
Ms. Barbara restrained Alice's arms and legs again, just as she had the night before. "This is just to make sure that you don't move suddenly and damage your ankle," she reasoned. Alice obediently surrendered to the restraints, and opened her mouth to accept the ball gag. She didn't like how drooly it made her, but she wanted Ms. Barbara to be happy with her.
Ms. Barbara put the calming drug in Alice's IV again before putting her gloves on and settling between Alice's legs. "Okay, sweetie, now let me have a look at your naughty little pussy."
Alice felt Ms. Barbara's hands again, similar to last night. Ms. Barbara took more time prodding, stroking, and tapping all of her various parts. It was strange to be examined without the cloud of desperate need that she felt last night. Ms. Barbara's hands were gentle, but firm as they explored every intimate part of her. She gasped as Ms. Barbara's finger penetrated her. "Your pussy is very tight, sweetie, we are going to have to work on that," Ms. Barbara said, more to herself than to Alice. She gently rubbed Alice's clit, seemingly pleased to see Alice tense under her touch.
By the time Ms. Barbara was done with the inspection, Alice could feel wetness dripping out of her. Not quite as extreme as last night, but definitely present. "You have good responses, Alice," Ms. Barbara mused, "but your little hole is too small. We are going to need to stretch it."
Alice's eyes followed Ms. Barbara as she went to the tray by the bed and laid out various implements. There was a big scary looking metal contraption, as well as a few smaller things that Alice couldn't really see.
"This isn't going to hurt, Alice, but you might feel some pressure. Just try to relax, and be a good girl for me while I stretch your hole."
Alice felt the cold metal enter her, Ms. Barbara pressing it in and out of her to soak it in her juices. "That's it, be still, we really want this to work" she encouraged, and Alice focused on following her instructions.
When it was fully inside her, Alice felt impossibly full. "Okay, sweetie, you are going to feel some pressure as I open you up." Alice felt like she was being stretched wide open, and focused on breathing through the ball gag so she didn't cry out. When Ms. Barbara was satisfied, she set the tool so that it held Alice's hole open and she could look. "So, so tight sweetie...it is going to take a lot of work to get you properly stretched. We might have to start plugging you to get your pussy more relaxed to help with the cure for all this wetness in your naughty little pussy." Were the last words that she heard before the strong but sort acting sedative kicked in and Alice was off in dreamland with her Mistress Barbara's voice nestled in the crashing waves told her she wanted to be a good girl and pretty little sex slave for her mommy and her Mistress.
This time the leather hood went over her head sealing in her dreams of submission. With plenty of time left in the night after getting her little pussy opened as far as she dare for the first night it was time to begin the injections. There was no need for her to be aware of all that was being done to her body. The rapid breast growth would still be too slow to notice on a daily basis. The careful injections into her inner and outer labia would cause some swelling that would go down after a few hours but in time would spur more nerve endings and sensitivity as would the injections to her clitoris around its base making the bud swell and pulse as it ached to be touched. The projections were about a four fold increase so she would have one of the most sensitive pussies ever measured if this went right. To train her body and spur growth to her sexual organs and breasts a combination of hormones, steroids and other drugs had begun.
Training her mind to accept all that would happen had begun as well. Spending the time making the subliminal suggestion soundtracks seemed to be working and worth the effort. Several trigger words and phrases seemed to be having the intended effects. "Such a naughty pussy" So had the night of terror that she had come to accept may happen again. Keeping her off balance from lack of sleep and mood control from the drugs was a key factor in creating a new reality for her. She was soon going to be seeing herself as a freak of nature to be ashamed of for her naughty pussy turns her into nothing more than an oversexed slut with big boobs and slutty, naughty, naughty pussy.
She would be afraid to tell the nurses who would not believe it was a reaction from the drugs and would never tell the other doctors that did not understand the research Dr. Green was doing and how hard she was working to cure her needy nipples and naughty slut girl pussy. She felt she could almost hear it in her head how Dr. Green was like her savior and goddess. Nobody understood her like her goddess.
Doctor Goddess.
Alice dreamed of waves crashing, and of Ms. Barbara's voice praising her for being such a brave girl. She remembered dreaming about Mommy a bit, but couldn't really remember the details.
When she awoke, she was in total darkness; something was over her face, preventing her from seeing. She could feel her hot breath and could smell leather, but otherwise was rendered blind.
She moaned, and then felt Ms. Barbara's familiar gentle hands on her face. "Shh, sweetie, the treatment is over for tonight," Ms. Barbara said, gently unzipping the hood. Alice blinked a few times, relieved to see that her restraints had been removed and the object removed from between her legs. She felt...different...but was not in pain.
"What happened, Ms. Barbara? Am I all better now?" she asked, hopeful.
"No, sweetie, not yet. Your naughty needy little pussy still needs a fair bit of treatment to get back to normal. How does it feel right now?"
Ms. Barbara gently put a gloved hand between Alice's legs, massaging around her folds. "Can you feel that sweetie?"
Alice flushed, both from the embarrassment of being touched so intimately and from how good it felt. "Y...yes Ms. Barbara," she said quietly. "It feels sensitive."
In truth, it felt a little sore. Alice supposed that made sense, given how stretched she was before falling asleep last night. Her whole naughty pussy felt tender, but Ms. Barbara's gentle massage was soothing. It made the tenderness more acute, but also somehow comforted Alice, enough that she found herself spreading her legs more widely for Ms. Barbara.
Bending over to put her face close to the girl's wet pussy and carefully examine the swollen little clit, all nice and stiff and pink was all Barbara could do to not lick while she was away like she had been licking it before she came out of the drug induced slumber. But resist, she did and wanted to move on with the intimacy of the moment and bond with the girl who had far more than the typical case of doctor worship.
" You are a very pretty girl, Alice. Your pussy is so perfect. "
As she kept one hand probing the sweet little pussy she had completely shaved clean while she was under, Barbara stroked her hair with the other and gave her the most loving smile.
"You are a beautiful young woman. You are maturing so fast now. This is the time of life for women where your body is ready for sex is part of why this condition is going to be so hard to control. You are a woman now in so many ways. Your breasts are growing in so perfectly. Your face is so pretty."
As she spoke Alice was melting from the touch as much as she was from the praise of the woman she loved more than anyone in the world. Barbara leaned over with her mouth just inches from the trembling young girls. There was no doubt the woman wanted to kiss her. Alice wanted nothing more in life to be kissed by her!
It was a big risk but one that had to come sooner or later. The very thing that could win the girl's heart and devotion was the very thing that could land her in jail the fastest and that was to simply kiss her. If Alice ever told anyone that one simple thing it would start a snowball that would roll over her. She had to know the girl would not talk and Alice was no fool. The girl would know she had leverage on the woman and not want to use it and would go to any lengths to protect the woman she adored.
"Alice, I don't see you as a little girl anymore. Even before this condition you were on the cusp of womanhood and now I can feel with my fingers and see in your eyes you are a woman who can handle being loved and even lusted for. "
Barbara teased the stiff clit as their lips nearly touched.
"Alice, I am falling in love with you. I know it's wrong but I can't help it. I want you. I want to be your love and Goddess. I want you to love me and worship me. I want to help you and see you grow into the woman I know you can be. Tell me to stop and I will give up my crazy dream of being that for you. What I need is for you to want me as much as I want you. Tell me you want me too . Tell me to kiss you now. Tell me it's okay….
Alice was melting under Ms. Barbara's touch. Contrary to the last painful treatment, Alice's body felt calm, relaxed, and tingly all over. As Ms. Barbara praised her body, gently touching her as she did, Alice was completely enamored.
From the way her hair smelled to the way she promised to make Alice better, Ms. Barbara was quickly becoming Alice's favorite person.
Alice took a break from admiring Ms. Barbara to tune back into what she was saying. She was talking about love, and Alice realized that that is how she felt about Ms. Barbara. Such a kind woman, here to help Alice get better- solely devoted to her success. So selfless, intelligent, talented, invested.
Alice could feel wetness in her pussy where Ms. Barbara's fingers continued to stroke her, and could smell her hair as she moved her lips closer.
"Please kiss me, Ms. Barbara," Alice whispered, surprised at her own boldness. "Are you sure, sweetie?" Ms. Barbara asked, fingers probing deeper into Alice's soaked and needy hole. "Yes, please!" Alice breathed, desperation taking hold of her. She licked her soft lips, leaning into Ms. Barbara's fingers, grinding against her.
Ms. Barbara put her free hand on Alice's face, studying her eyes intimately. Alice felt like she was going to explode as she waited to feel lips on hers. Ms. Barbara cupped her cheek at the same time as she quickened the pace of her fingers, coaxing a moan from Alice that she swallowed with a kiss.
Barbara thought it was sweet how Alice tried to act cool around her to not give away how in love she was. It had been so obvious to the nurses team and other doctors that the girl was in total girl crush over the wonderful Dr. Green to the point it had been joked about. What nobody suspected was how that crush would be used by the good doctor but also the love being real and mutual now. In her fantasies and dreams of doing such a thing Barbara had never imagined it as loving as it turned out to be with Alice.
She had envisioned some young woman suffering sexual torments and having her body manipulated and even humiliated and fearful but she had never considered all those in the context of how loving and intimate it had become with Alice. The confession of her love for the girl had been a plan to make her more compliant but as the words of love fell from her mouth she could hear the truth in them.
The role of cruel sadist and cold bitch had been her fantasy for so long and now wanting to be honestly sweet and kind to the girl she was going to manipulate and enslave and torture felt right for both of them. A sadist can love who they hurt and be loved in return by them. At some point Alice would know the treatments were only for Ms. Barbara's twisted desires to hurt her sexually. By then she would know it filled a need in the woman and accept that as part of their relationship. It was how she showed love that really mattered to Alice. As long as Ms. Barbara loved her she would do anything to make her happy, anything she wanted. There was a long way to go to get there but the kiss was a huge step in Barbara's mind.
Mommie’s part in the Program
Being a doctor had the good advantage of having plenty of money. It came to use some of it to almost buy Alice's mom Lisa's help in the form of a phony test case study. She had used some real test case studies as guides to help her write one up that looked very legitimate with an initial cash payout of $5000 and generous monthly payments for taking part in the program. One reason it would pay so much is because it required the parent to participate in administering parts of the treatments and doing accurate measurements of the results on a weekly basis. Another part was the non-disclosure portion of the contract that strictly forbade talking about the program to anyone but the primary doctor doing the study. It was not in any way related to the stay at the hospital or her insurance company and was only between her and Dr. Green.
Dr Green told Lisa that one reason for the upcoming tests was a study of hyper-sexuality in adolescent girls who had a peculiar DNA sequence that sent their bodies into overdevelopment of sex organ sensitivity and in some case orgasmic predisposition that would need to be controlled to lead a somewhat normal life. There would be a good chance as part of the program they could give Alice some help and relief as this developed but it would not be easy at times to see her suffering through the condition and treatments. After a long office visit of some very frank and intense conversation, Lisa agreed to sign the papers for her and Alice to take part in the program but was concerned about sexual intimacy she would have with her daughter to help get her well. The money had been needed but the main thing was helping her daughter through what sounded like a very trying time. Of course the information letters and the whole program was something Dr. Green and made up to further convince the woman it was real.
Alice was getting used to the routine of the nightly Program treatments. She wrestled with butterflies all day, sometimes purely due to anticipation of seeing Ms. Barbara, and other times as a result of the drugs in her system making her clit throb. She spent all day looking forward to seeing Ms. Barbara again, desperately looking forward to the next time she would kiss her.
When Ms. Barbara came into her room that night, Alice smiled ear to ear. She sat up as straight as she could with her elevated and stirruped ankle, trying to fix her hair so that she looked nice for Ms. Barbara. Ms. Barbara was carrying things with her, but put them down as soon as she came into the room, but she was not alone.
"Mommy?" Alice said, confused. Suddenly Alice was worried that maybe she was in trouble- maybe Mommy was upset that Ms. Barbara had kissed her. Alice started to internally panic, but Ms. Barbara's encouraging gaze grounded her instantly. Of course Mommy didn't know about the kiss...Ms. Barbara wouldn't let that happen.
"Hi, sweetie," Ms. Barbara said lovingly, "we are going to do some assessments tonight, and your Mommy is going to assist me." She busied herself prepping the usual syringes, as Mommy came to Alice’s side to stroke her hair.
"Now, Lisa, we are going to start with height and weight. Alice hasn't been up today, so I think instead of the bed pan we can get her upright and take her to the toilet quickly. That will likely tire her out, but it's important that we get accurate measurements."
Both Lisa and Alice seemed to accept this, and Ms. Barbara put the side of the bed down to help Alice out. "Okay, now Lisa you take one side, and I will take the other. Alice," she said, her warm sweet breath just inches from my face, "don't put any weight on your foot okay? If you do, you'll be in trouble."
Alice put an arm around each woman, allowing them to carry her to the washroom. They sat her on the toilet, modestly pulling her gown up so that she could sit down. Lisa moved to give Alice some privacy, but was stopped by Ms. Barbara. "Please stay with her, Lisa, to make sure she doesn't fall. It might help to hold her while she empties her bladder. After, you will need to very gently wipe her pussy or make sure she doesn't unnecessarily stimulate it."
Mommy came back into the washroom, and held Alice by the shoulder. "It's okay, sweetie, Mommy's here. Go pee, and then we will get you back into bed."
Alice was surprised at how tired she was just from being carried to the toilet. Her bladder felt nervous with Mommy in the room, so she really had to focus on peeing. It was nice to have Mommy holding onto her though, because she was very tired. Finally Alice's bladder let go, a steady stream running into the toilet. She announced to her mom that she was finished, and then obediently spread her legs as watched her wipe her naughty little pussy dry. "Thank you for being her for me mommy, it would be really easy to break the rules right now" Alice said politely despite being aroused from even the gentle wiping of her tender pussy. The look in her daughter's eyes did something to Lisa. She had been watching her daughter's steady stream of pee come from her pussy and even that slight touch while wiping her had made her shudder. When Lisa looked from Alice’s pussy to her eyes she saw a sexual heat unlike she had ever seen. At that moment she knew that her daughter's sickness was causing her to enjoy her mother looking at her pussy. Alice's body was filling her mind with sick sexual cravings and that stirred something deeply in Lisa's own body that she was feeling seeping into her mind from the heat of that smoldering hot look.
Ms.Barbara had watched the entire scene, pleased with Lisa's level of comfort in watching her touching her most private area and how she blushed when Alice looked at her. She entered the washroom to help get Alice upright again and out, quickly taking height and weight measurements before getting her back into bed. Alice was winded with all of the activity and the pain drugs in her system with a bit of sweat beading on her forehead. The woman removed her gown and helped her back into bed, assuring her that the rest of the night would only be some special measurements that may seem unusual but nothing too strenuous. Alice felt content seeing the two most special women in her life taking care of her, working to cure her naughty little pussy.
Injecting both the libido drugs and pain medication into the shunt in her arm now that the IV bag was not needed soon had Alice pain free and happy on her way to being groggy.
" Lisa, there is a lot to learn about her condition and what we need as far as measurements. For now, I will do most of the treatments as you observe." Barbara said as she was carefully putting Alice's leg back up in the traction sling. Getting another set of the rigging from a cabinet she made quick work of getting her other leg up in traction as well and sliding the supports on the bar as wide as they would go. Lisa did as she was told as she did her best to hide the excitement she was feeling and how she was now incredibly wet. Her head was spinning from how much she loved seeing her daughter's legs up like that.
"Okay now that I've given her the pain meds and something to calm her, we can get started on the procedure I will be expecting you to do every week for measurements of our progress" she said to Lisa.
Looking in the girl's eyes for her pupils to dilate she said " Alice what must be done to get you past this hyper sexual dysfunction is mature your body as quickly as we can. It's a new form of treatment that I am sure will have your body sexually mature in only a couple of months instead of a couple of more years."
Looking at Lisa " What are you Lisa, A full C cup or D cup bra size? With such very similar builds I expect many women in your family tree have large tits? Open your blouse so I can see them. "
Lisa was feeling oddly bold and she is a doctor so she opened her zippered top to reveal a white lace bra and deep cleavage.
"While you have it nearly off, you should put your top on the chair and take a nurse's smock from the top drawer in case things get a little messy" Lisa flinched but didn't ask.
They agreed that Alice would likely have very firm D cup tits like Lisa had. Dr. Green said " Our goal is to get them that large by means of injections of steroids and other growth hormones and intense forms of stimulation and powerful suction devices. The idea being completed breast growth will help shut down the over reaction her body is having"
Setting one of the bags on the rolling cart positioned by the bed, Dr. Green pulled out a new hood she had ordered from a high quality BDSM leather crafting company online as well as a new gag that was a ring gag/ball gag combo.
"Lisa, she is almost out and we have about 15 minutes until she is awake enough to respond so we can take that time to show you some things about the types of restraints that will be needed to hold her still for the more difficult treatments that will come later."
They soon had on wrist cuffs as well as cuffs at her knees to hold her legs open wider for later. An adjustable luggage type strap was clipped to each cuff and to the upper bar of the traction rigging.
" Lisa, when I take her wrists and pull her forward help lift her to near a sitting position then put the pillows behind her so I can let off some of the tension on her arms"
The two women spent several minutes getting the hood with the mouth and eye holes on her head and her long pretty hair pulled out through a hole in the top so it cascaded down to her shoulders. The blindfold placed over her eyes and the gag ring then the gag secured in her mouth. Lisa seemed aghast at how it seemed so severe but accepted the doctors explanations and reasoning it was for her own good to not see what was happening and not hurt herself or them in her drugged state or reactions to the treatments. But what Lisa was really feeling was another rush of tingling in her pussy to be part of what Dr. Green had told her would be a highly sexual situation in trying to help her daughter.
Carefully documented
Dr. Green set up two tripods with cameras as well as one handheld camera feeding the videos to the new laptop computer explaining to Lisa that part of the program was tracking not just the measurements but the treatments to help define this partially experimental procedure when reviewed later.
Alice drifted off to a drugged sleep with the vision of her mommy and her goddess in front of her, working to help her. She felt safe, cared for, and loved- invulnerable- in spite of the fact that she was naked.
When Alice came to, she felt very confined and restricted. She realized quickly that Ms. Barbara had tied her up again so that she didn't hurt herself. Her arms and legs were restrained, and she was sitting up with pillows propped behind her for support. She worked to slow her breathing as she took in her surroundings, distracted yet again by the ache in her naughty little pussy.
Alice felt drool running down her chin as she realized she was ball gagged, but soon realized that her mouth was open far wider than it usually was- there was something keeping her mouth open around the ball. Her head was fully restricted, leather material fully covering her face, and a blindfold covering her eyes. She started to moan and wiggle, feeling claustrophobic- then she felt gentle hands on her shoulders, and heard Ms. Barbara's soft reassuring voice.
"Hi Alice, shhhh, you're okay. I am here with mommy...we are just doing some tests on you. You need to be a good girl and stay still, okay?"
Alice felt mommy's hand on her leather clad face, hearing her voice say "Hi baby, we are just getting started. You're going to be okay- just be still." Lisa was beside herself with butterflies swarming her belly and tickling her clit!
Alice felt instantly grounded by the care and compassion in the women's voices, and sank into the mattress. Her pussy was absolutely on fire between her legs, but she tried to control herself so as not to be embarrassed. Every now and then a shiver would tear through her, her consciousness always on the brink of an orgasm. Her nipples were rock hard, the product of an overstimulated body.
Being blindfolded and restrained, Alice had to rely on hearing to follow what was happening- it was really disorienting. She could hear Ms. Barbara preparing things, and still felt her mom's gentle hands stroking her hair.
Finally, she felt Ms. Barbara's gentle gloved hand cup her left breast. "Okay, Alice, we are going to do some measurements now. As you know, part of the treatment is to increase your breast size...we will take baseline measurements tonight, and then measure your nipples and breasts weekly to ensure that you stay on track. You are going to feel a few pinches, and they may ache.
Alice braced herself, but her nervousness was premature as she felt Ms. Barbara's hands gently groping her breasts. She realized that she was spreading some sort of lubricant all over her, paying special attention to her ultra sensitive nipples. Alice moaned, instantly embarrassed that she let her mom see her arousal. She couldn't help it though- Ms. Barbara's massage of her tender breasts felt amazing. She could feel drool leaking out of her mouth, moaning incoherently- she must have looked a sight- what was mommy thinking?
Alice then felt a cool glass object touch her warmed breast, and a smaller cylinder over her nipple. She heard Ms. Barbara say "Okay Lisa, hold her other breast to distract her while I set this up." Then, Alice felt her mom's hand massaging her breast, just as Ms. Barbara's had- Alice kept moaning, the drugs coursing through her system amplifying every touch. She didn't even care that it was her mother's hand on her- she just wanted more.
As she was getting lost in the sensation, she felt a sharp pinch on her other breast- and a jolt through her nipple. The glass cylinders were sucking and tightening, and her breast was instantly aching. The powerful suction felt like someone was sharply pinching her nipple, and Ms. Barbara kept tightening the cylinder! Alice moaned, now equally from pain as from the pleasure being given by her mother. "Shh, Alice, we are almost there- we just need to make sure it's on right so that we can measure...you're doing so well sweetie," Ms. Barbara said, pulling Alice's focus to her so craved praise.
At long last the cylinders stopped tightening, now held on to Alice's breast by the suction. It felt heavy on Alice's small breast, causing tension. She heard Ms. Barbara go to the other side of her, no doubt to attach a matching cylinder to her other breast. The suctioned breast was already aching, the nipple searing in pain. Alice was freely moaning, in spite of her mom's reassuring words and hair stokes.
"Okay, Lisa, you are going to do the other one now. It is really important that they go on evenly, so that the measurements are accurate. This is at 11 PSI suction so get it nice and straight. Thats it, now dial up the suction to 11"
As she used the handheld camera to take in close up views of the girls tits swelled and pink in the clear glass cones Barbara made sure to get some views of Lisa's face without being obvious.
I don't think that Alice is going to be able to focus on not moving, given how overstimulated she is so try to not let her moaning and straining in the bonds worry you. She is fine, it's the reaction to her condition causing most of the moaning. The poor thing must want to orgasm so terribly but we can not let her or it will make her condition worsen at this phase.
It was that moment as Lisa watched her daughter's nipple pulled into the inner cone and her whole tit being sucked deeply into the outer cone Barbara saw the first real sign of arousal on the woman's face and sensed the sexual tension building in her. To be so near such a sexy young woman hearing her moan and strain for orgasm would make anyone turned on and to be the one doing something to make it more intense for them the ultimate in sexual control and power to deny them Lisa was experiencing for the first time. She seemed to almost shudder from the realization that she would be doing this over and over for a long time and would be turned on by it and liked it. The look on her face made it clear to Barbara that Lisa liked it very much as she let the camera in her hand discreetly record it.
Wanting to keep it clinical she took the role Dr. Barbara Green with her cool demeanor and continued teaching Lisa as they marked the cylinders and then adjusted the suction to 15 negative PSI making Alice pant faster as she tried to not panic.
" Lisa, these are not only a measuring device but as you may have guessed are also one of the treatments you will be doing at home. Everything we need to continue home treatment will be supplied as part of the program. We will keep them on her for 15 minutes. Now, talk to her and caress her face and keep her calm as I set up for the next measurement."
When Ms. Barbara upped the pressure in the suction cups, Alice felt her nipples tighten and pull. She let out a spit soaked moan, her overstimulated body shivering at the additional pressure. She felt her mother's comforting hands stroking her hair, and tried to focus on her voice instead of the discomfort in her breasts.
She tried to say "mommy", but the ball gag prevented her from speaking, so it came out in another moan, drool freely running down her chin and onto her lubricated and suctioned chest.
"Shh, baby, don't try to talk. You have the ball in your mouth so you don't choke...it's okay...Mommy's here, and Dr. Green is helping you...we are just taking some measurements. I know it's uncomfortable, but you just have to be still while we work, okay?", all the while stroking my hair and cheeks through the leather hood.
She was so focused on the dull ache in her breasts and tight nipples that she didn't feel Ms. Barbara moving around the room, laying things out on a tray and preparing for the next treatment- all Alice could feel was her mom's presence, and her suctioned tits.
At long last, she heard Ms. Barbara back near her head, feeling her hand on her cheek opposite mommy's. "You are doing so well, sweetie...we got our measurements, and your first treatment is over. Good girl," she said, pride in her voice showing through. She gently released the first suction cup, and Alice moaned as the blood rushed through the tender tissue.
"Lisa, please remove the other one," Ms. Barbara said matter of factly. Alice could feel mommy's hands on her other breast, breaking the suction and freeing her nipple from its confinement. She instinctively cupped Alice's breast in comfort, massaging it as the blood returned. "That's enough," Ms. Barbara said sharply, "we don't want to overstimulate her." Lisa quickly let go of Alice's breast, unaware of what she had been doing and feeling guilty for doing it. If she had been paying attention, she would've seen the slightest smirk on the good Doctor's pretty mouth.
Alice felt mommy's hand replaced by Ms. Barbara's on her swollen breasts, prodding and examining. "That was a very good first treatment," she mused, mostly to herself. "The nipple work will be most important," she said, taking something off of the tray beside her. "We will need to clamp her nipples regularly to encourage elongation; we will start by clamping during the next procedure and see how it goes."
Ms. Barbara handed Lisa one of the clover clamps, showing her how they are to attach to Alice's nipples. "These will cause discomfort right now because the tissue is so swollen and tender, but they will also be more effective when administered right after pumping," she said smoothly, gently twisting Alice's nipple in her fingers to make it erect. "We will loosen the tension on these to get her used to them; eventually they will be quite pinched, but for today we will keep them just tight enough to stay, not enough to cause pain. Routine will be important to Alice as she gets used to the treatments."
She saw Lisa smile wickedly as copied her actions with Alice's other nipple without being told, and was pleased with the initiative. "That's it, just roll it enough so that it gets good and hard. With her current state of arousal, it doesn't take much," Ms. Barbara instructed.
The sensation of having both nipples played with my different hands had Alice in an absolute state. Her nipples were tender from the suction, but the stimulation introduced pleasure to this discomfort. Alice began freely moaning again, the excess spit in her mouth gurgling as she tried to move under the women's touch- whether she was trying to lean into the touch or away from it, not even Alice knew. Her restraints kept her firmly in place, so it was easy for Mommy and Ms. Barbara to clamp her nipples. She felt Ms. Barbara's go on first, a sharp pinch from her nipple directly to her clit. Ms. Barbara adjusted the clamp so that it stayed, not painfully but so that Alice was still aware of it. Mommy's soon followed, and Alice's moaning continued.
She breathed deeply, reveling in the sensation as she craved an orgasm. She desperately wanted to ask for one, but didn't want her mommy to know what a naughty little pussy she had.
"Do those feel okay sweetie?" Ms. Barbara asked, knowing Alice couldn't answer. "Just moan if they do." Alice gurgled her appreciation and need. "Good girl," Ms. Barbara said. "Now Lisa, I am going to get set up for the next measurements. As you are taking a set of photos of this phase keep a watch on Alice's nipples to ensure that they don't turn too red- we want to keep them at a light pink, not purple. Please talk to her and caress her to keep our girl comfortable while I get ready for the next procedure." Alice felt Mommy's breath on her lubed breasts as she looked closely at her nipples, and then her hands again in her hair. Alice was so content and comforted, happy to be touched.
Further down the rabbit hole.
Lisa was enthralled at what they had done to Alice! How the clamps bit into her tender nipples and she moaned and panted. She took lots of pictures and told Alice how good she was being and how this would help her.
"Lisa, before moving on to the second set of measurements that is also a treatment we will need to reposition her more onto her back but before we do we need to fit her with a chest harness that will help keep her breasts growing normally at the accelerated pace we are looking for."
Taking a simple looking set of straps that looked much like a bra with no cups that had silver rings at each joint and adjustable buckles on each strap, Barbara had it on her fairly quickly. Marking the holes the buckles were in at a comfortable snugness she explained to Lisa how it was a good measuring device as well as training bra of sorts.
" Okay, now get on the other side of the bed from me and I will show you how to increase the effectiveness of the belt to hold the base of her breast in the right shape as they grow by forcing the growth outward."
Handing Lisa a double ended snap hook she showed her how to put in on the ring where the side straps meet the back strap so the toggle to the slide snap was facing outwards. "We will be attaching a second band to these and two more that will hook to the ring between her breasts after getting the harness tightened properly to begin the swelling process."
Tightening the back strap and shoulder straps one notch each had the harness held tight to her body and almost restricting her from taking in a full breath but would cause no danger. Each strap around the base of her firm perfect little tits pulled them tight to make them bulge over the straps but not so much as to cut off too much circulation but plenty to make her nipples puff and swell in the clover clamps that dangled from them.
"Okay Lisa you should get used to taking the pictures and learning the best angles for comparison pictures later."
Taking two straps that looked like circular collars with two small rings and two sets of buckles opposite of each other she showed Lisa how to snap the rings to the outside and between her breasts with the strap loosely circling the midpoint.
" Okay lets each tighten the tops straps one notch each then the bottom strap one notch. We really want to focus the growth outwards so she won't end up with fat, deformed breasts."
It was Lisa who could not resist cupping and caressing her daughter's tits as they were trapped in the hellish black leather bra to feel the tightness and heat of them as the heavy nipple clamps dangled and made Alice shiver and twist as much as she dared.
Alice listened to Ms. Barbara's instructions to mommy, and prepared herself for the harness. She leaned forward with mommy's help, feeling her hands rubbing her back as she adjusted herself. It was hard to lean forward with both legs in stirrups, so mommy had to help prop her up. Mommy rubbed Alice's back to help her relax, which felt comforting.
Alice allowed the women to put her in the harness, trying to be still as they adjusted the multiple pinch points. The straps were tight- uncomfortably so- but they didn't hurt.
Alice lay in her bed, feeling mommy and Ms. Barbara's hands working the straps all around her breasts. Sometimes one of them would cup her breast, pulling it forward through the straps to make sure that it was properly adjusted. Every time Alice felt hands, the sensation felt like electricity all the way through her body, with an end path of her throbbing clit. When they bumped the clamps she flinched and moaned but couldn't help it.
All Alice wanted was for someone to touch her clit- even just graze it. Her body was humming with need, and having the two women work on her just made it more acute. Alice listened to their voices, thinking about how grateful she was to have people taking care of her, and looking out for her. Mommy was so nice to be here all night to help Ms. Barbara.
And Ms. Barbara- Alice was in love! The sound of her voice, the smell of her hair, the feel of her gloved hands...her lips- kissing Ms. Barbara was one of the most special experiences that Alice had ever had- probably THE most. Thoughts of that kiss consumed her, which at times like this when her body was so close to orgasm, was AGONY. Alice kind of wanted mommy to leave her alone with Ms. Barbara just so that she could kiss her again, but realized that was selfish- mommy is just helping Ms. Barbara take care of her and her naughty little pussy- Alice should be grateful.
The two sets of hands kept tightening, adjusting, grazing- until Alice was fully harnessed. Her breasts were pointed straight out through the bra portion, clover clamps hanging softly on her nipples. The straps on the harness dug into Alice's skin, making it hard for her to get comfortable. She kept trying to squirm or adjust, but it was no use.
"I know it's tight, sweetie, but it has to be to keep everything growing in the right way," Ms. Barbara said as she rubbed my back. "You don't have to wear it all the time, but you will need to wear it regularly. Now we need you to hold still while mommy takes some pictures of you; we need to get more baseline information for your measurements so that we can see progress."
Alice felt Ms. Barbara's hands on her shoulders, squaring them as she helped Alice to sit up straighter. As Alice sat up, awkwardly pulling on her stirruped legs, forcing her legs further apart. As her legs spread, a whisper of air rushed her exposed clit, causing Alice to gasp- a shiver went through her entire body, the small sensation threatening to push her over the edge of orgasm. Ms. Barbara felt the jolt go through Alice, squeezing her shoulders and rubbing her back to calm her. Mommy was focused on taking photos, first further away from Alice's whole body in the harness, then closer up to get the breasts. At this point Lisa was across the room adjusting the focus of the camera. After giving her some instructions, Ms. Barbara bent low to Alice's ear so that only Alice could hear her.
"I know you want to cum, sweetie- I saw what just happened. You can't cum- I know your clit must be aching to be touched- that naughty little pussy of yours needs so much attention- but you can't cum- it will just make you more sick. You need to focus on controlling your urges...I am going to help you with treatments, but you need to work at it too my sweet darling girl."
Alice listened attentively, ashamed that she almost let Ms. Barbara down by cumming. She moaned, trying to communicate understanding, and Ms. Barbara patted her cheek. "Good girl, I know you're trying," she said, causing Alice to feel safe. By then Mommy was close, looking to take photos of Alice's harnessed, exposed, and clamped breasts.
The women posed Alice in a few different ways, each movement further opening her legs, further airing out her clit- Alice worked so hard not to cum, so as not to disappoint Ms. Barbara. Each whisper of air made her shiver, but she held on to the edge, trying to quiet her naughty little pussy
Barbara had to hide her smiles over how eager Lisa had become to snap the pictures of what they were doing to her daughter. Taking a few moments to upload them to the laptop and go over them Barbara was able to see the very close attention the woman was paying to the details of the position she was strapped to the bed with her wrists pulled up to the cross bar. She was most pleased to see the close of her tits in the suction tubes and now in the bra harness. She could smell the woman's arousal now. Lisa's face was glued to the screen as she scrolled through the ones she had just taken of her daughter's beautifully bound tits.
Ready to move on Barbara had Lisa take position across the bed from her. As she described what to do they worked together doing it.
Barbara smiled inwardly to see Lisa's hands shaking at moments. The woman seemed equal parts nervous, excited and turned on. Alice's extreme arousal was filling the room with the sweet smell of her overheated pussy with copious amounts of wetness already spreading on the bed sheet under her. The way she kept looking at her daughters nice breasts now bound and bulging in the tight leather straps, it was starting to look to Barbara that Lisa has or is now developing a breast fetish and taking part in binding had awoken a deep lust the woman was trying to hide.
In Position
" Alice…Alice honey we are going to need your help … When we pull on the straps connected to the cuffs just below your knees I want you to use your legs to help us lift your bum up off the bed as high as you can so we can get the pelvic harness in place. Ready…good, now lift up and hold your butt way up off the bed….good girl"
Barbara showed Lisa how to wrap the wide strap of the harness around her daughter's thin waist and buckle it but leaving the V shaped crotch strap with the thin rounded G string like strap hanging down on the bed under her.
" Okay now Lisa, take the other strap and snap one end to the ring on your side of the waist strap and up over the center bar and snap it to the end of mine and pull the slack out through the slip buckle … Good…Okay now, lets pull the knee straps a little more to get her legs way back…perfect"
With her ass up off the bed about a foot there would be plenty of room to get that tight little ass plugged.
Without even being asked to, Lisa picked up the camera and took pictures of her daughters wet puffy pussy trapped in the V of black leather so it pooched out pink and swollen. Holding her own desire to lick and kiss it with her mother watching Barbara was able to stay in the cool and professional role of Dr. Green as she used one gloved finger and then her thumb too so the she could point and gently touch her outer vaginal lips. Both women took in the beauty of her pussy as they breathed in the aroma of arousal and marveled as how wet her pussy was and how stiff her clitoris stayed all the time now. At times they had to pause to let poor Alice calm down and stop her twisting and jerking and shaking as she "muumphed" and mewed and panted in her hood as Lisa took more photos and it was all being caught on the two video cameras.
" Now, for the measurements you will be taking I may have to take the drastic step to relieve her of some of the pressure and need she is feeling so won't orgasm and set herself back or make things worse by applying a numbing cream to her clitoris in case it gets bumped as we take some very critical measurements. I'm afraid it won't do much to curb her arousal as the need for orgasm comes from more than just the clitoris but for a few minutes it won't be part of the problem and may only make her more frustrated. As you can see this condition has your daughter's pussy literally running secretions down her legs and her clitoris is nearly pulsing. We will need to be careful to not touch her naughty little pussy as we do our anal exam and apply the treatment to help her learn to relax her anus that will help with learning to relax her whole pelvic area. Getting used to and learning to relax her body is key to the cure. In time she will be able to be relaxed during the treatments that will lead to success but it will take many treatments to get there"
Showing Lisa how the simple squeeze bulb and release screw worked and how much it grew with each pump they found that 4 pumps doubled it in size from 1.5" to 3" inches at it's widest point and 6 more pumps took it to its maximum diameter of 4" inches. Then deflating it.
“Now watch closely as I very slowly and gently press and turn it in over and between her wet, slippery naughty little pussy lips to coat it with her secretions to use as a perfect lubricant for insertion. "
For these measurements you will be taking I may have to take the drastic step to relieve her of some of the pressure and need she is feeling so won't orgasm and set herself back or make things worse by applying a numbing cream to her clitoris in case it gets bumped as we take some very critical measurements. I'm afraid it won't do much to curb her arousal as the need for orgasm comes from more than just the clitoris but for a few minutes it won't be part of the problem and may only make her more frustrated"
Alice felt strange in the harness around her naughty little pussy; the binding on her breasts was tight, and the straps enclosing her pussy were giving a similar throb to her already achy pussy. She could feel her heartbeat through her tits, and through her pussy lips, in addition to the constant pulse of her needy clit. She could hear Ms. Barbara talking to mommy; both women were focused between her widely spread and restrained legs. Alice’s bum was also elevated, so that she was fully and completely exposed. She could feel wetness dripping down her slit, pooling underneath her on the sheets. She was a wet, slutty, needy, mess.
When Ms. Barbara dipped the plug into her wetness or her needy pussy, Alice moaned urgently. The drool dripping down her chin mimicked the juice dripping out of her pussy. Alice knew that she wasn't allowed to cum, and she really didn’t want to cum in front of mommy, or disappoint Ms. Barbara, so she tried really hard to focus on something else as the plug was lightly run up and down her slit. Ms. Barbara was trying to be gentle, but that almost made it worse. Alice craved and dreaded stimulation, walking the sharp edge of an orgasm barely holding on.
Ms. Barbara’s gloved hand gently spread her pussy lips, exposing her rock hard clit and allowing her wetness to flow. Alice’s moans became frantic, so Ms. Barbara paused, holding her pussy open but not adding any more stimulation until she could adjust. When Alice had stopped shaking, she scooped up some nectar, carefully coating the plug in Alice’s personal lubricant.
Mommy was taking pictures of Alice’s naughty little pussy while Ms. Barbara worked; Alice knew that the pictures were important to monitor progress, and tried to hold still while Mommy worked, even though Ms. Barbara’s fingers and the plug were threatening to push her over the edge. Finally, Ms. Barbara was satisfied with the lubrication of the plug, and was ready to move on.
“Now it’s time for the insertion,” she said matter of factly. Lisa, please come to the side of the bed to observe. You will need to hold Alice’s hand for this, as it may be uncomfortable for her.
Alice felt Mommy undo the restraint around her wrist, bringing her hand down toward her waist so that mommy could still watch the procedure while holding Alice's hand. Alice laced her fingers through mommy’s starting to feel tense about the procedure. “Alice, you need to relax please,” Ms. Barbara said firmly. “I am going to insert this plug into your bum. It is going to feel tight, and it might be a bit uncomfortable. I will go slow- I don’t want to hurt you, but I need to measure you before we start stretching to teach you to relax.”
Alice squeezed Mommy’s hand, and moaned uselessly in consent. She felt the wet plug press on her tight hole, not entering, but just creating pressure. Ms. Barbara’s skilled hands knew to build up to the insertion gradually, so as not to hurt or tear her patient’s anus.
She teased the plug on her hole, pressing gently to build pressure. Alice began to moan more regularly; she craved the attention on her pussy, but the stimulation on her most forbidden hole made her tingle. The pressure made her tense and tighten, so each time Ms. Barbara pressed the plug she encouraged Alice to relax. “Okay sweetie I am going to put pressure on it again- dont tense this time...practice relaxing even when I press...that’s it, much better- good girl. Now I am going to start insertions- you need to focus on relaxing, like you just did.”
When Dr. Green was satisfied with the initial stimulation and Alice's associated ability to relax around the pressure, she pressed her index finger to the tiny ring. “Okay sweetie, relax,” she said, gently applying pressure until her finger broke through the seal. Alice gasped, squeezing mommy’s hand at the intrusion. “Just relax like Dr. Green said, baby,” mommy said, “you can do it. Relax your bum around her finger, that’s it.” With both mommy and Ms. Barbara coaching her, Alice was able to breathe deeply around the ballgag and relax into her hips, loosening the tension in her anus. As she did so, Ms. Barbara pushed her finger in further, drawing it back out and reinserting it, slowly stretching Alice in preparation for the plug.
“Okay, sweetie,” Ms. Barbara said as she removed her finger, “it’s time for the plug. You are doing so well, just keep holding mommy’s hand and relaxing your hole around the plug, just like you did with my finger. Alice felt the tip of the plug again creating pressure on her hole, but this time instead of feeling relief she felt the intrusion as it penetrated her.
The plug was larger than Ms. Barbara’s fingers, but with a moan and a squeeze of Mommy’s hand Alice was able to relax around it. Her tension grew as Ms. Barbara continued to insert it, but once the plug was swallowed into Alice’s bum Alice gurgled a sigh of relief.
“Good girl!” the women said in unison, sharing a look of triumph at having violated their young patient’s hole. Alice relaxed, relieved that the insertion was over. Her pussy continued freely dripping, soon coating the base of the plug in wetness.
“Okay, now that it’s in, we will gradually stretch Alice starting on the inside,” Dr. Green said to Lisa. She squeezed the bulb once, earning a moan from Alice. “One more, sweetie,” Ms. Barbara said encouragingly as Mommy squeezed Alice’s hand. The plug made Alice feel full in a way that she never had before. With each pump Alice felt for sure that she would burst, but she just kept feeling more and more full. Her breasts throbbed, as did her pussy- and her clit was beyond throbbing. Now she was throbbing on the inside, and felt her ring stretched around the plug. Alice was so overstimulated and now filled that she was almost inhuman; she was closer to a pile of sweaty, cum filled need than she was an actual person in that moment. She was incoherent, desperate, and completely helpless as her two heroes stood between her legs, watching her ass struggle to contain an expanding plug.
Dr Green on top of things
" Look at the poor thing. One touch of her naughty little pussy or clit and she would lose it and cum ruin the whole week's work. We need to let her calm down and rest a while before I dare try to put the numbing cream on her. To be honest I could use a few minutes to calm myself down. I'm trying to stay professional but damn seeing her so turned on is starting to get to me" Barbara told Lisa as they stood in awe of how turned on little Alice was.
Lisa didn't say anything in reply but the way she but her lower lips, closed her eyes and shuddered then turned away from the sight of hyper sexual daughter bound to the bed straining, panting and moaning is a desperate need of an orgasm told Barbara she was not the only one who wanted to cum from watching and hearing the sexy teen in such pitiful distress.
One woman wanted to truly help the girl and was willing to face the humiliating intimacy of it and the other woman was the one cruelly doing it to her…to both of them and savoring every second of it.
" I think now would be a good time for you to talk to her and tell how good is being, then take the music player from the shelf there, and put the headphones on her hit play. I have the volume already set for getting through the hood effectively. The soothing sounds of the ocean waves is what we will use to help her sleep through the nightly treatments."
As Lisa was putting headphones on her Barbara added as an afterthought " Oh and I've got something you will be needing to help you sleep after what will be stressful for you having to put your sweet daughter through such intense sessions. That small tabletop player has the same soothing sounds on it as well as a bottle of sleep aids and mild sedative to settle your nerves, I will be sending you home with. "
Lisa smiled with gratitude. She had already been having trouble sleeping over concern with Alice's bizarre condition and how it was making her feel being around her.
" oh thank you Dr. Green… Barbara. You are really on top of what we are going through and thinking of so many ways to help. This condition…problem, Alice is having it's …it's hard to be around. Hard to deal with"
"Thanks Lisa, I do try to consider not just what the patient needs but the needs of everyone involved in their care. You are both very special to me as well as being just your doctor, I am here for you as you're confident in this too. I'm sure there are not many people you would want to talk about this with. This is a most sensitive subject and as her doctor I can't talk to others about a patient's care or this condition expect you and some researchers I will be consulting and sharing the results with and they won't know her as person, only a case number"
Lisa was almost in tears. She was so grateful and her emotions were running so high as she stood by her daughter's side looking at the most erotic and almost kinky thing beyond anything she ever imagined. Her own pussy wet and her mind trying to go to dark places.
" You are right again. I started to tell my best friend about this but I just can't. You are the only one I can talk to and would understand how hard this …this condition is to cope with… Seeing her this way"
Barbara could not have been more pleased. Lisa was being so predictable.
" Okay as she calms some we can do some light touching to let her know we are here and she is in safe hands. Touch her shoulders and hold her head while I check the straps keeping her breasts properly confined"
As Barbara gently caressed and ran her hands over Alice's leather bound and bulging tits she said it was time to give her nipples some relief but in fact from wearing those same nipple clamps herself she knew that by now Alice's nipples were sort of numbed by them. Taking them off would hurt worse for a moment and putting them back on later would hurt even more but she had other plans in mind for those nipples, so she set the clover clamps aside. Alice screamed through her nose and gag and jerked in the bondage so hard it shook the bed. Both women just watched in somber silence for a long moment drinking in the disturbingly erotic display of arousal and anguish, each feeling guilty of how they were feeling for different reasons.
As Alice was moving further and further from her humanity, she felt mommy’s hands on her face. “There there, baby, you’re doing so well. Your ass is plugged- you took it so well. I know it feels too full, and I'm sure that it aches, but you are doing so well.” As she spoke, she gently stroked Alice’s hair and face, carefully adjusting her in the bed and showing her care. “Dr. Green wants to do a few things to your naughty little pussy now, but we are going to give you a minute to calm down before we start. I know that you are overwhelmed and need to cum, but you need to keep holding on. I am going to put your headphones on, and you can listen to the waves. Focus on the waves when you need to cum- don’t let yourself ruin Dr. Green’s hard work, okay baby? She is making you better- just focus on the waves, and remember that mommy is right here with you.”
Alice felt the headphones slide over the leather hood, and was soon greeted by the sound of crashing waves. It vaguely reminded her of the shock therapy of her first night of treatment, but more so it reminded her of Ms. Barbara, which made her think about kissing Ms. Barbara. Thinking about the kiss made Alice’s clit desperate to cum, so she tried to do what mommy said and focus on the waves. She could feel mommy and Ms. Barbara’s hands on her now, stroking and adjusting her breasts in the harness. She felt Ms. Barbara pulling on the clamp on her nipple, and then she took it off. Alice felt about one second of relief, followed by searing pain through her nipple. She screamed into her ball gag, frantically pulling on the restraints while the pain rippled through her as blood pumped through her unclamped nipple. When Alice felt mommy’s hands on the other, she wanted to beg her to leave it on- forever. Instead it came off after, sending Alice into another fit of pain. Alice’s screams died to a whimper, drool still freely flowing from her mouth after her outburst. Her nipples were sore, but the sharpness had dulled; she did as mommy said and focused on the waves, crashing in time with the throb in her nipples.
While Alice was still focused on her sore nipples, Ms. Barbara and mommy had stationed themselves on the stool between Alice’s spread legs. They were looking at Alice’s harnessed pussy, pink, swollen, and leaking around the leather straps. Alice couldn’t hear what they were saying over the waves, so she just focused on quieting her mind while the women worked on her.
The first thing she felt were Ms. Barbara’s gloved hands on the inside of her thighs, no doubt working up to her naughty little pussy. Each treatment always involved an inspection, so Alice was used to them- but with the plug still firmly in her ass and her nipples still pulsing, she was afraid of what would happen when Ms. Barbara tapped her clit.
Ms. Barbara pressed Alice’s thighs apart, further opening her lips. She then felt mommy’s hand on the inside of her thigh as well, holding her legs further open. Alice tensed, and mommy rubbed the top of her thigh, calming Alice so that Ms. Barbara could work. Alice listened to the waves crash in her headphones, muffled slightly by her leather hood. She tried to relax through her stuffed asshole, channeling energy into the mattress, grounding herself and trying to ignore her needy clit. She focused hard on the give and take of the waves, allowing herself to be lulled into calmness.
Alice felt Ms. Barbara’s hands move to her naughty little pussy, gently parting the lips to expose her soaked clit and hole. Her wetness continued to freely drip, soaking the anchor of the plug in her ass, wetting the sheets. Ms. Barbara’s skilled hands massaged her labia, pulling them away from her clit so as not to cause any undue or accidental stimulation. Alice then felt mommy’s hands take over for Ms. Barbara, holding her labia open to give Ms. Barbara better access to her clit.
Alice felt cold steel forceps replace mommy’s warm hands, gently clipping onto her labia and spreading, thanks to mommy’s guidance. Next, Alice felt a pinch as Ms. Barbara attached clamps to her inner lips, ensuring that her naughty little pussy remained as open as possible during the rest of the procedure. She taped the clamps to Alice’s thigh to hold her open, getting Mommy to hold the larger ones to ensure that they didn’t slip and accidentally let a pussy lip rub against her clit.
With her naughty little pussy fully on display, Alice felt Ms. Barbara’s hand continue to prod her pussy, exploring every inch of the soft and slippery skin. She then felt an instrument rub along her opened labia, a small wheel that needled her skin, testing her responses. She felt it run against her labia, and then inside on her inner lips. The wheel felt prickly on her lips, and when Ms. Barbara touched it to the soft skin at the entrance of her hole, she jolted as it bit into her skin. Ms. Barbara paused at each new move, likely taking notes or teaching mommy.
Ms. Barbara’s gloved hand then tapped Alice’s clit three times, turning the last tap into a rub, around its base. Alice’s clit was rock hard and swollen, a very pronounced part of her naughty little pussy. When she felt Ms. Barbara’s finger tap and circle, she thought that she might throw up. The sensation was so direct, so powerful, Alice knew she couldn’t hold on. She moaned in need, a silent cry for Ms. Barbara to stop...or never stop? Alice wasn’t sure. Tears threatened Alice’s eyes, her desperation to cum competing with her desire to please Ms. Barbara, putting Alice in an impossible situation. Just as she was about to fall over the edge, the sensation dulled; Ms. Barbara’s finger was still gently circling and teasing Alice’s clit while mommy held her lips open, but where there was hot fire threatening to burn Alice up, she now felt a warm breeze. Ms. Barbara’s finger still felt incredible, but the urgency and sickness that Alice felt around cumming had dissipated, to her great relief.
Ms. Barbara’s finger continued circling the hard clit, churning wetness out of her patient’s naughty little pussy. Alice’s moans quieted as the numbing agent took hold, becoming light murmurs instead of urgent pleas. As the waves continued to dull Alice’s hearing, she felt something press over her needy clit. She still felt a bit numb, but could feel something cover her. Then, much like the feeling she had felt on her breasts, she felt a familiar tightening. There was another pinch, and another, and another- and then Alice felt the same dull ache in her clit as she had in her breasts and nipples. Alice guessed that her tiny needy clit had been suctioned, bringing and keeping blood into her already overstimulated organ.
With her clit suctioned, mommy gently released her lips, still slick with wetness. Alice continued gently moaning, but was able to still focus on the waves in her ears. She felt Ms. Barbara’s finger near her unfilled hole, coating the finger in wetness before she began to explore Alice inside. Alice felt Ms. Barbara’s finger penetrate her, soon adding another to her needy hole. Ms. Barbara’s fingers applied pressure to the inflated pump in Alice’s ass, making Alice feel like she was going to burst from the inside out. She could feel her naughty little pussy churning out wetness as Ms. Barbara manipulated her fingers on the plug, preparing Alice’s hole for measurement.
Alice felt the large metal object from a previous treatment inserted into her pussy next, the familiar stretching feeling even more acute with her asshole already stretched. With Alice’s naughty little pussy held open, her wetness was able to flow freely out, making her shiver as she dripped. Alice felt various objects inserted into her hole, some by mommy and some by Ms. Barbara, based on the slightly different depths and pressure that was being used. Alice tried to focus on counting the number of objects that they stuffed her naughty little pussy with, but she had a hard time paying attention. She is, after all, such a naughty, needy little slut for Ms. Barbara. Just a wet hole…needing to do what mommy says….
Alice’s attention snapped back to her pussy when an object pressed against her cervix, creating an intense pressure from within to match the constant pressure in her ass. She felt a bit of confusion about where her mind had been wandering, but quickly dismissed the thoughts as the object in her pussy continued to pressure her cervix- it was in so deep! Ms. Barbara circled the object inside her, pressing it against the inflated bulb and her cervix, and then finally removing it. Alice gurgled at the relief of pressure, her attention quickly being absorbed by her throbbing clit as Ms. Barbara touched the pump. Ms. Barbara flicked, pressed, and pulled on the pump that enclosed Alice’s numbed, swollen clit. Alice moaned more loudly, the familiar desperate need starting to return to her clit as the numbing agent wears off. Mommy again held Alice’s lips open, allowing Ms. Barbara to examine the pumped clit inside the glass. Alice realized that she could distinctly feel her heartbeat in her clit, creating a new wave of wetness. Ms. Barbara’s additional stimulation of her clit was almost too much to bear, until she removed the pump- and sent Alice spiraling into agony as the blood rushed from her clit.
It felt like a flame was being held to her clit, Alice’s naughty little pussy gushing at the release of the pump. Ms. Barbara’s finger returned to the swollen skin, earning a scream every time she touched it, Alice’s clit threatening to cum at a mere whisper. She whimpered as the pain left her clit, similar to when it left her nipples after the clamp. She could still feel her clit- it was as if it was sticking straight out, much like her bound tits. Alice craved Ms. Barbara’s gentle touch on her clit, massaging the blood from it and telling her it would be okay; she also knew that the minute Ms. Barbara touched her like that, she would explode, ruining her recovery. Alice cried out in frustration, so conflicted about what her naughty little pussy needs. It was a good thing that she had Ms. Barbara and mommy to decide.
Barbara could not have been more pleased by how well Lisa was willing to go with her on the bizarre treatments without questioning the perverse seeming BDSM aspect of it all. Even Lisa had read Shades of Grey but she was fully on board and clearly turned on by sexually tormenting her sexy little daughter who had become the hottest most sexy thing she had never dared imagine. Lisa was following Ms. Barbara’s lead and loving it way too much to question things. Barbara was now convinced that once Alice went home for more treatments and recovery Lisa would slide willingly deeper into the trap she had no idea she was already too deeply into for any chance to escape.
With her goals for the night met and every intention of leaving Alice in need to cum blended with bondage and pain for hours on end Barbara had Lisa observe how she worked alone to remove the butt plug and clean her pussy and ass gently then take her legs back down to the bed. There was really no more need for traction and a couple of pillows under her lower legs would be more comfortable.
“Lisa you can take off the hood and gag now and be ready with a damp cloth to clean her face and neck, while I take her arms down then we can get her ready for bed and set up the treatment for tonight. Tonight she needs another round of the nerve stimulation she hates so much but she said she is going to be a good girl for us tonight...isn’t that right sweetie?
She said to Alice as the hood came off her face and she saw the raw sexuality blended with horror and dread of what she knew was a night of horrible, painful, maddening shocks and buzzing and agony from the powerful TENS machines she would be hooked up to.
After getting the conducting pads in place between leg and each side of her clit, they fitted her with an adult size diaper telling her it was okay to use it when she needed to. The standard restraints for being on her back held Alice in a comfortable position with her legs straight and arms down to her side. The straps on her ankles and wrists and the additional straps across her body would keep her movements to a minimum. Trapped in the leather bands it was easy to place the electrode pads to each side, top and bottom of each captured tit.
“ Tonight you won't have to wear the horrible hood sweetie. I’m going to show your mommy how to use tape and gauze to seal your mouth and wrap your head so you won't lose your earbuds and will be able to look around the room if you want. Does that sound better hun? “
When Ms. Barbara removed the butt plug, Alice felt incredibly empty. She relaxed as Ms. Barbara cleaned her, continuing to moan every now and then as her overstimulated pussy demanded attention. She felt mommy’s hands on her face, and felt her begin to remove the hood. Alice felt relieved knowing that she will be able to see again! When mommy removed the headphones, Alice just heard the end of Ms. Barbara saying that Alice needed more of the shock therapy overnight. Her eyes squinted at the light, but then darted around in panic as she realized that she was in for a night of excruciating pain.
She started to moan through her gag, a gurgled, desperate panic. Mommy stroked her cheek as she finished removing the hood, saying “It’s okay baby, we know you don’t like the shocks, but they are going to help you get better. Ms. Barbara doesn’t like to hurt you, but it’s for your own good. You have to be brave, baby.”
Tears sprang to Alice’s eyes, signaling her fear. She continued moaning, trying to plea to the women that there must be another way. She wiggled against her restraints, the panic evident in every fiber of her being. Ms. Barbara came to her side, her voice more stern than Mommy’s; “Alice, you need this treatment. You will be a good girl and take it. If you stop moaning, mommy can take your gag out. If you are loud, though, you will have to sleep with it in. Come on sweetie, you need to trust me.”
Alice stopped moaning as Ms. Barbara spoke, her stern tone jolting Alice to obedience. Alice nodded at Ms. Barbara, eyes still wide with fear. Mommy removed the gag, gently cleaning Alice’s face and chest from all of the drool that had escaped while she was undergoing treatment. “That’s it, good girl. Now I know that this hurts, but it is a key element of treating this naughty little pussy of yours. Mommy is going to use some gauze now to cover your mouth so that the screams aren’t too loud. She will also make sure you can still listen to the waves tonight, would you like that sweetie?”
“Yes, Ms. Barbara- thank you,” Alice said obediently. She was terrified of the pain, but wanted to get better- and knew that Ms. Barbara knew best. Once mommy had her cleaned up, she gagged her mouth with gauze- it was softer than the ballgag, and didn’t make her drool. Alice was more comfortable, and even though she tensed as she felt the pads being placed on her naughty little pussy and breasts, the waves sound came back to her ears and she relaxed.
She felt the first buzzing, accompanied by both Ms. Barbara’s and mommy’s hands on her, calming her reactions. As the buzzing intensified, Ms. Barbara and mommy stroked her hair, face, and body. Alice looked at each of them, unable to hear their encouraging words through the waves in her ears, but taking comfort in the fact that they were both there supporting her. Alice tried to focus on their gentle touch and the waves as the vibration became painful. She didn’t want to cry out- Ms. Barbara and mommy had asked her to be brave, and she wanted to make them proud. She stayed quiet until the very last few, where the shocks became too much to bear. She was relieved when the buzzing quieted, using the reprieve to steady her breathing. She could already feel sweat beading on her forehead, but mommy put a cool cloth on it. They each kissed her cheek goodnight, leaving her in the darkness to endure the waves of pain. She didn’t want to see them go, but also didn’t want them to see her like this- so she mentally settled in for an exhausting night of treatment,
The waves brought comfort to Alice- they helped her time the contractions of the pads, gearing her up and down for the pain. She thought she might have even drifted off to sleep a few times, hearing Ms. Barbara’s encouraging voice in her ears.
“Your naughty little pussy needs this treatment.”
“You need to be an obedient girl for Ms. Barbara and Mommy”
“Your clit belongs to Ms. Barbara”
The last few visits Lisa made to the hospital followed much the same course of binding and stimulating and measuring her daughter to rid her of the almost demonic possession of her mind and body by the need for sexual stimulations even if they came with pain, sweat and tears. She survived the days hiding the shameful lust and arousal but the nights were when the cravings came on. Her body ached to be probed and measured and touched. The bondage becomes the gateway to fill her cravings. The touch of her mommy and her beloved and worshiped Ms Barbara held her safe. Their words comforted her. She must obey them. She must suffer to be well. She must never touch herself once she gets home.
The New Normal
Everything had been set up for her continued nightly treatments at home. She would lead a pretty much normal home life with light morning treatments then most of the day chatting online with her two best friends, binging on Netflix, enjoying her mom’s cooking and getting used to hobbling around on crutches.
Barbara had taken it upon herself learning what she needed to know about the high quality audio/video camera set up she put in several rooms of Lisa’s house. The only ones Lisa was aware of were in Alice’s bedroom for recording the measuring and treatment sessions and she knew how to turn them on and off for the sessions. But Lisa didnt know all she was turning off were the red “On” lights and the cameras never stopped sending most everything happening in the house to Barbara’s computer.
Alice’s pretty face would light up when Barbara would Facetime with her. She would primp and try to be pretty during the day for whenever Ms Barbara had time for her. As a wonderful homecoming gift Ms Barbara had sent her nearly a dozen things to wear as she recovered. Some warm comfy things and some really hot sexy lingerie. She said this was making her into a woman now so every reason to start thinking and dressing like the highly sexual woman she would always be.
“ Alice, think of the hottest star you know. Some woman you feel is as beautiful and sexy as a woman can possibly be and try to realize you are that kind of woman now. You exuded the perfect blend of girlish beauty and womanly sexuality. Not only are we going to teach you to deal with what you are, we are going to enhance it by forming your body into a truly magnificent sexual wonder. This condition you have is something many women would love to have. Nothing will make me more proud and happy than to see you become as beautiful and sexual as you can possibly be and proud to be so. “
Alice was so happy to be home with all of her things around her, in a more relaxed environment. She was also happy that Ms. Barbara was continuing to treat her, and that mommy was helping. The treatments were easier to handle at home, and Alice was getting used to them- even the ones that hurt her.
Ms. Barbara even bought her some new outfits, which made Alice feel special. The lingerie was way sexier than anything Alice had ever been allowed to wear, but mommy said that it was okay now that Alice was a woman. Sometimes mommy would dress her in the lingerie before a FaceTime chat or visit from Ms. Barbara, so that she could see how pretty Alice looked, and how she was progressing.
Her pussy was still constantly achy and wet, sometimes needing to change panties multiple times a day. Mommy would come inspect her every couple of hours, sliding her hand down Alice’s panties and into her folds to see if she was too wet. On days where Alice was particularly wet, mommy had her wear a diaper so that she didn’t go through so much laundry.
Alice was on the couch watching tv when mommy came into the living room to do an inspection. “Mommy needs to see your naughty little pussy baby,” she said casually. Alice knew the drill- she laid back and opened her legs, continuing to watch her show. “Oh, sweetie, your panties are soaked,” mommy said, seeing that she had soaked them through without even touching her. “Im sorry mommy, `I can’t help it,” Alice said, embarrassed. “It’s okay baby, it isn’t your fault,” mommy reassured her, removing the soaked panties. Mommy inspected `Alice’s folds, being careful not to touch her needy little clit. Alice’s hole was dripping, already getting onto the couch. “This is your third pair of panties today, `Alice. I am going to get a diaper for you for the rest of the day, your pussy is too wet.”
“Mommy no, please- I don’t like diapers. I will try to be a good girl and not get too wet I promise, please mommy” Alice begged. She found the diapers to be humiliating, and didn’t like having to pee in them. “It isn’t something that you can control, baby, you know that. It isnt your fault that your naughty little pussy is so needy, and the diaper helps to control the wetness so that you don’t drip all over the house. I know you don’t like it, but you have to wear it okay? You have to do what mommy and Ms. Barbara say- we know what’s best for you and your pussy.”
Alice knew that it was true, and submitted to the diaper. Mommy slid it underneath her, giving her pussy a final look before securing the diaper. “There you go, good girl- now you can go on about your day,” mommy said, patting her between the legs before going to prep dinner.
When Alice’s show finished, she realized she had to pee. Her leg was still casted, and she had a hard time getting to the washroom on her own. She called for mommy, asking her to help her go pee.
“You have a diaper on, baby, you can pee now and I will change you- you are probably due for a change anyway from your drippy pussy,” mommy said to Alice’s disappointment. “Mommy please, I want to go to the toilet. I don’t like going in the diaper,” Alice begged. Mommy came to sit beside her on the couch, rubbing her back. “It’s okay baby, you can do it- just go pee- let go,” she encouraged, rubbing Alice’s back while looking down her shirt at her swollen breasts. The treatments were working, and Alice’s breasts were starting to grow.
Alice looked at mommy, silently pleading for her to change her mind. When she realized it wasn’t going to happen, she started to focus on letting go of her bladder. She focused on Mommy’s encouraging words, and the comfort of her embrace as she tried to fight her instincts to hold it in. When the first dribble let loose, she was able to relax into Mommy’s arms, filling her diaper with warm pee. “That’s it, good girl, let it out,” mommy encouraged, stroking Alice’s face as she peed herself.
When she was finished, Mommy changed her. Alice laid back down as mommy removed her soiled diaper. Mommy carefully wiped Alice’s naughty little pussy, patting her dry while trying not to stimulate her too much. Alice moaned anyway, every touch between her legs creating a shock to her clit. Mommy put a new diaper on her, and then went back to finish dinner.
Alice and mommy ate dinner together, with Alice wearing one of her new bras with her diaper. Mommy said that it would make her feel pretty and forget about the diaper, and Alice realized that she was right. Mommy looked at Alice during dinner, continuing to tell her how pretty she looked- it made Alice feel great.
Mommy bathed Alice after dinner, taking care to keep her leg elevated and out of the water. She let Alice do most of the washing, but stayed in to watch her in case she needed help. Alice knew that tonight was shock therapy night, and she grew more and more apprehensive toward bedtime. She obediently followed mommy to her room when she said it was time for bed, even though she knew that mommy was going to hurt her.
Crossing the Line
Mommy tucked Alice into bed; Ms. Barbara had ensured that a hospital bed was delivered to the house so that Alice could still be restrained for treatments. Alice allowed mommy to restrain her, knowing that she did not have a say in the treatment. Mommy secured the TENS pads to Alice’s skin, beginning the vibration. Alice’s eyes welled up, and before mommy put her gag in she asked, “Mommy, will you stay with me for a while tonight? Just while it gets started...im scared.”
Lisa knew that this wasn’t a typical part of the treatment- alice had always endured the shocks alone- but she looked at her poor pathetic girl, strapped to the bed with her pussy still gushing, and found her...irresistible. It wouldn’t hurt to lay with her, just for a moment- be close to her, support her through the treatment. Lisa elected not to gag her just yet, and climbed into bed with her.
Alice started to moan. “It hurts mommy, it hurts so much!” as the shocks increased in intensity. At the maximum intensity Alice was screaming; Lisa felt the tension leave her body as the screams quieted when the shocks went back to vibrations. After a few rounds, Lisa was desperate to comfort Alice. She stroked her hair, gently whispering encouragement to her as she cycled through the torture. The intimate moment reminded her of when she was a baby, up all night crying. Lisa would stroke her head and face, whispering to her to be calm. She repeated this now, willing her daughter to be strong.
In those moments when Alice was a baby, she would also be breastfeeding through the tears. At that thought, Lisa had an idea- she looked at her daughter, strapped to the bed crying, and she reminded her in that moment of a helpless infant. She was empathetic toward Alice, but also found herself to be incredibly turned on. She felt her nipples tingling, and wondered whether Alice would feel soothed by sucking on one like she did as a baby. In a split second decision, she decided to go for it- Lisa desperately wanted stimulation- an outlet to channel some of the sexual tension she was feeling- and this is a way for her to comfort Alice. No one would have to know…
Lisa gently took her breast out of her bra. Alice looked at her, a flash of confusion on her face before the shocks demanded her attention. Alice opened her mouth to scream, and Lisa put her nipple in. “Suck, baby, shhh, there there, I know it hurts...suck on mommy’s nipple- it’ll help.”
She felt Alice’s warm mouth close around her nipple, and let out a moan of her own as she latched. Alice looked up at her confused, eyes rolling back as the pain subsided. She obediently sucked on mommy’s nipple, not quite lucid enough to know what was happening. Mommy stroked her hair and face as she suckled, finding comfort in the intimacy. As the shocks continued to cycle, Alice remained latched on her mother’s breast, soothing herself. Lisa continued to moan on and off, finding absolute delight in watching her daughter suckle.
Lisa fell asleep with Alice that night, leaving her breast available for Alice to use. Every now and then she would unlatch, but eventually find her way back to her mother’s nipple when she needed to self-soothe through the pain.
When Lisa awoke, she took the pads off of Alice, freeing her from the pain. “Thank you mommy,” Alice said sleepily- she was always extremely tired after the treatment. Lisa quickly changed Alice’s diaper, knowing she would sleep for most of the day, and exited the room with a smile on her face and an ache between her legs.
Lisa spent many hours that day when Alice was asleep, masturbating furiously! She was feeling so turned on watching her daughter’s body being manipulated to make it mature more quickly, getting to touch and study how incredibly sexy it is without shame. She was finding that it was more and more difficult to keep things clinical. She had been ordering sex toys online and having obscene thoughts of using them but her fantasies and toys were all she had to suffer through being around a constantly wet and incredibly sexy young woman. She knew she had crossed a line last night, and was trying to get all of her neediness out of her system before Alice’s treatment tonight. She had cum countless times that day, each orgasm making her feel more needy.
She was completely consumed, her dripping pussy starting to resemble her daughter’s. She couldn’t get Alice off of her mind, so she took a break to go and check on her. Alice was still fast asleep, Lisa having given her a sedative to help her recover from the night.
As she checked on Alice, she began rubbing her clit, remembering the feeling of Alice’s mouth on her nipple. She looked at her daughter’s sweet mouth, so soft and warm. She rubbed her clit more furiously, feeling another orgasm coming on. Lisa tried to stifle her moans, looking at her sleeping daughter and feeling wetter and wetter. Before she even knew what she was doing, she had gone to the living room to get the new dildo gag she had ordered and was securing it to her sleeping daughter’s face. Alice remained asleep, her restraints still in place from the night before. Lisa gently opened her daughter’s mouth, sticking the anchor end into her mouth. Alice began sucking on it like a pacifier, just as she had with her mother’s nipple the night before. Lisa secured the gag, a long purple dildo now protruding from her daughter’s face.
When she took some pictures it was then Lisa clued back into the moment, realizing what she had just done. She looked at her handiwork, her pussy continuing to throb. Of course she needed to take the gag off of her daughter- she wasn't actually going to ride it...was she?
The night time medications she was on now kept her sleeping, completely helpless and confused if she was awake. Really what harm would it do? Alice is undergoing so many treatments, it wouldn’t be too difficult to convince her that she had dreamed it. Or, the girl is so brainwashed anyway, Lisa was sure that she could leverage the worship that she has for her mother to keep her quiet. It was with that resolve that Lisa climbed over her daughter’s face, easily sliding the dildo into her soaked pussy, She started to grind on her daughter’s face, moaning at the intense pleasure rippling through her.
Lisa’s Lies
Alice awoke to a strange smell, feeling like she wanted to bite down. As she came to, she realized that her mouth was full, and she had something strapped to her face. She then felt a heavy weight on her face, moving up and down. When she opened her eyes, she saw an ass in her face, quickly realizing that the smell was coming from the dripping pussy over her face. Alice screamed at the assault, hoping that her mommy could hear the muffled cry. She was wide eyed and screaming when she recognized a tattoo on the assailant’s back...mommy had the same tattoo. It was mommy who was riding her face!
`Alice felt panic and confusion ripple through her as she realized what was happening. Mommy was riding the dildo that was strapped to Alice’s face, her pussy juices running all over Alice's nose and chin. She could smell her mommy’s pussy, and was having a hard time breathing every time she slammed down into Alice’s face. Alice was still restrained, so there was nothing she could do but wait until the assault was over. Finally mommy shuddered and moaned, squirting her juices all over her daughter’s face. She got off the dildo, seeing Alice’s surprised and panicked gaze.
Mommy removed the gag, quickly shushing Alice. “Sorry, baby, I didn't mean to wake you. Mommy just needed to use you for a little while...your body was too irresistible, and I couldn’t help it. You can’t tell anyone baby, this has to be our secret...like your treatments.”
Alice listened to mommy’s panicked explanation, unsure of what to believe. “Does Ms. Barbara know?'' Alice asked, referring to her moral compass and protector. “No baby she can’t know, you can’t tell anyone,” Mommy insisted, racking her brain for something to motivate her daughter to stay silent- then it clicked. She went to Alice’s head, gently wiping her cum off of her daughter’s face. “Alice, honey, if you keep this secret, mommy will let you have an orgasm.”
Alice was surprised at this development. She knew from Ms. Barbara that she wasn't allowed to cum- or touch herself for that matter- at all. She almost said that to mommy, but the sensation between her legs kept her silent. Her clit basically somersaulted at the thought of getting to cum, and Alice weighed the possibilities. If she told Ms. Barbara she wouldn't have to endure that again, which was attractive. But if she kept the secret, she could cum! Alice stopped thinking with her head, allowing her naughty little pussy to make the decision. “Okay mommy, i will keep the secret. Can I cum now?”
“Not yet, baby, Mommy has to make sure that it doesn’t interfere with your treatments. ”ll talk to Dr. Green tomorrow, but I promise that you will be able to cum really really soon, okay?” Alice saw what she thought was sincerity in her mommy’s eyes, and desperately wanted to trust her. “Okay mommy, thank you,” she said obediently.
Barbara played ignorant of what Lisa had done to her daughter the night before when she got a video call from her after lunch. Still working nights for a few more days before she switched to days so she could spend more nights with her new playthings. From home she could see the nervous mom as she asked what would be the results and setbacks if she went too far or let Alice touch herself if she didn’t keep a close enough watch on her. What should she do if Alice does cum?
“Lisa I’ve been reading up on just that question and reviewing with some colleagues and we seem to have two points of view on it. One, is to not do anything and look for any increase of need or self touching. The other that needs more research is inducing as many orgasms as possible in a short period of time. Basically 30 minutes of intense stimulation with no limit of how many orgasms can be pulled from her. “
Lisa asked if a treatment and binding should be part of the intense cum session if she accidentally cums for any reason, and what steps she should take.
“Lisa, I want you to turn on the recorder to tell what happened then strap her down securely and use as many forms of stimulation as you can to make her cum as much as possible then leave her in the dark and quiet listening to the new “Ocean Mist 2” file. If she is already strapped down and cums during a treatment dont bother removing any treatment or adding any just focus on making her cum as many times as she can in 30 minutes.”
Lisa listened to the instructions and made notes of what she was supposed to do in case of emergency and thanked her for putting her at ease in case Alice went over the edge.
“After this intense ordeal you will be very tense and will need rest too, so I want you to take a double dose of your sleep aid rest no matter if it’s day or night. If you need sexual relief it may be a good idea to let it out but if you are okay after all that, it’s totally up to you. I just know I would probably have to. Oh.... I uploaded a “ Crashing Waves'' relaxation file to your player and want you to play it every night for a while to help me track the effectiveness of it. Keep note of how long you sleep and how refreshed you feel when you wake up.”
Lisa was thrilled and agreed to everything Ms. Barbara had said.
Alice was a wreck waiting for her mom to get off the phone and tell her everything Ms. Barbara had said. She had heard her mom’s side of the conversation. It sounded to her like there was some way to offset the effects of an orgasm. Her mom looked at her and smiled just as the call ended.
“ Alice honey, I think you will like this news. At least I hope you will. It seems what we have to do after you cum is keep going and cumming as many times as we can get you to 30 minutes. With your condition that may feel really great or it may make you even more horny later. This is a new field and we will only be testing this method this time so no way to tell the long term effects it may have on that naughty little pussy of yours”
Lisa made up lies as she told her daughter that it would be best if she was strapped down and undergoing a severe treatment of as many of them combined as possible to get maximum stimulation. Lisa was already thinking of all the ways she would stimulate her helpless daughter as she forced as many orgasms as she could out of her and reveling in how much she was going to do to her. She shivered at how some of it would be so deliciously painful as she tormented and raped her daughter's naughty little pussy, stuffed her ass and abused her perfect tits she had become so familiar with. Then she would ride her face on the dildo gag and without it making her hot little daughter lick and suck her pussy until she could cum no more.
At dinner Lisa told Alice that tonight they were both going to get some relief from the frustrating ordeal they had been going through. “Honey, at 8:00 take your pills as usual for treatment nights and I’ll start setting you up a few minutes later and we can go ahead and start the planned treatment. We will get you all the way to the end and then push you over the edge and after that I will keep you going for a full half hour. Be sure to drink plenty of water with your pills”
Alice seemed both eager and afraid of what they were doing. She knew it was wrong to plan to fail Ms. Barbara's orders but she wanted to cum… needed to cum and her mom was going to help her do it safely by following the doctor’s directions.
“I will mom. Hey mom, I know this has been really hard on you. It must be really difficult to deal with such a pain as I am with my naughty little pussy. This is really great of you to do this… to get us both some relief. I love you so much”
Lisa for the very first time kissed her daughter on the mouth with a sensual long kiss of love and tender passion.
They had figured out early in the week that it’s much easier to get the breast harness on when Alice is sitting upright on the bed. Her mom can reach around her to get it on nice and straight and get it nice and tight around her chest and then make quick work of pulling the base straps tight and carefully position the middle straps and pull them nice and tight. They can both see the injections that Ms. Barbara has prescribed are definitely working as Alice’s tits are swelling out between the straps and her once soft little puffy nipples are now at least twice and big and the tips are looking very womanly and stiffer even when not being sucked or pulled on.
The chime that notifies Ms. Barbara is ready to open the video chat lets Lisa know to open the sharing and Lisa clicks the accept icon and the woman’s smiling face greets the mom and daughter on the laptop computer.
“ Hello ladies, I see you are just getting started. I think we are going to be seeing some good results when you get her breast and nipple measurements today, Lisa. And Alice sweetie how do they feel in the harness now? Are the straps too tight? It may be time to start using a notch bigger but if you can tolerate them I think where they are now looks perfect. “
“ They are really tight now Ms. Barbara but i’m okay with it I guess” Alice told her as she looked at the face of the woman she was in love with on the screen.
“ Lisa, as you know, today is an injection and suction day. Have you both taken your medications before you started? I want you both as calm and relaxed as you can be for the injections. “
“Yes, Ms Barbara” both women said in reply.
Barbara knew the capsules she made for them would soon have them both not just calm and relaxed but this new batch had nearly 50% more of the libido enhancing drug and both of them would be feeling the effects very soon. The ones she made for Alice also had a short acting sedative that would make her very groggy for about 30 minutes. The ones for Lisa didn't have any sedative so her reactions would be all natural and uninhibited.
Of course Barbara already knew both women had taken their pills as she watched on the cameras before Lisa knew they were on. As she watched the scene unfold on the computer she was already copying and editing segments to a what would be Lisa’s blackmail video. To make it look like Lisa was doing this all on her own she told them.
“ You both know this routine by now so tonight I am going to be mostly silent and making notes so Lisa you take control and go through the whole measurement procedures on your own and only ask me things if you need to and Alice sweetie just trust your mom and try to relax like the good girl you always are”
The strong but short acting sedative worked perfectly. Little Alice was all but passed out as her mom strapped her to the bed. On her screen Barbara watched as the mother strapped and tied her groggy daughter to the hospital bed they had set up in her bedroom. She marveled at watching the woman very carefully inject the growth hormones and steroids into her daughter's nipples and place the suction cones on them as Alice’s head rolled from side to side and at times her groggy eyes would open to see what was happening to her. Barbara was almost as turned on watching the dutiful mother measure and chart the results of the body modifications the woman was performing on her drugged daughter.
In a little less than an hour the measurements were all taken and the set up for the nights TENS and suction treatments were set up. Alice was now almost free of the sedative and both women’s libidos were kicked in high gear. The sheet under the girl showed a massive wet spot. Her ass plugged with an inflatable bulb pumped up and filled her almost painfully full. She was on her back with her legs up in traction and pulled back to expose her wet hot pussy to the short speculum that held her pussy stretched open without penetrating her hymen. Her clit was also reacting well to the growth hormones and now as big as her mom’s index fingernail that pinched and pulled on it to get it to maximum erection. Alice was panting and biting her lip to not cry out or speak. She was not gagged so long as she promised not to talk too much. She was a good girl and took it all as she watched what her mommy was doing to her. She could not help but grunt and beg some as her mommy put her clit in suction.
“ Oh mommy please just a little more and I… “ As she stopped herself from begging for an orgasm when she remembered Ms. Barbara was watching.
When Lisa pumped the bulb to put even more pressure on her already filled ass little Alice begged. “oh pleasee mommy I really cant take anymore...oh pleasee I really can’t...Agghhh mommy pleaseee!”
Barbara was thrilled that one of the cameras caught that look of sadistic pleasure on Lisa’s face when her daughter begged and whimpered. By the end of the planned treatment session Alice was ball gagged with a soft foam rubber ball she could breath through but still muffed her cries.
Eight TENS pads to two separate devices had two on each tit were they bulged out between the tight leather straps to the sides and inbetween to send the shocking currents through them. Some of the shocks were fast zaps that took her breath and some were long and low like deep vibrations and some where powerful and pulsed to make her tits quiver on her chest with each muscle contracting pulse. A pad was on each inner ass cheek nearly touching the inflated plug that was set to a low but powerful buzz that was not painful but sent that buzzing current deep in her ass. On either side of her clit were pads that sent the maddening wave of blissful shocking vibrations that turned cruelly painful for a moment then repeated over and over to keep her stuck between pain and ecstasy.
Barbara told them both how well they had done and how the progress was looking right on track and a few more weeks of this and maybe they could start weaning her off the more difficult treatments. She told them goodnight and for Lisa to turn off the cameras and the light and they would talk more tomorrow.
But all that Lisa turned off were the red indicator lights on the cameras that kept running 24 hours a day.
Alice was used to the treatments by now, and barely minded when Mommy put the TENS machine on her- she was way too focused on her impending orgasm. She could feel that she had soaked the sheets beneath her, the drool coming from her gagged mouth mirroring her leaking pussy. As Mommy said goodnight to Ms. Barbara, Alice felt her clit do a summersault- she was so close! All Mommy would have to do is blow on her and she would explode. She could feel that her clit was getting bigger, just like her pumped nipples. Alice was worried about her body changes, but Mommy and Ms Barbara kept telling her how good she looked, so it made her want to show off more. She liked that you could see her nipples through her shirts now, but when her clit got hard (which was pretty much all the time) it was even more difficult not to touch it.
Falling in Line
When mommy turned off the video with Ms. Barbara Alice moaned, a plea for her mom to start the next treatment. Alice felt bad keeping mommy’s assault of her secret, but she was so desperate to cum that she couldn’t even think about the guilt- all she could think about was her naughty little pussy.
Alice pulled against her restraints, her arms bound over her head and her legs bound wide open. She saw mommy circle around her, and was desperate to be touched. She looked into mommy’s eyes, making a garbled plea to her as drool ran onto her pumped tits. “Soon, sweetie, I promise that you can cum...but you are going to need to earn it first,” mommy said, with a strange glint in her eye that Alice recognized from last time when she rode her face. A ripple of panic infiltrated Alice’s excitement as she saw Mommy grab a leather riding crop- just like the one she used on her horse Chip. Mommy flexed it in the air, and then ran it along Alice’s belly- the soft leather felt nice, and Alice shivered. Mommy wrapped the leather around her pumped and bound breasts, and then up her shoulders and neck. She rested it on her cheek, tapping it a few times to get Alice’s attention.
“Mommy is going to hurt you, baby,” she said soothingly. “I am going to turn the TENS machine off for a bit, but you still need to hurt as part of your treatment,” she lied, but Alice was trusting enough to believe her. Alice breathed a sigh of relief as the buzzing and shocking stopped, feeling grateful to Mommy for stopping her most hated treatment. Even though Alice knew Mommy had to hurt her, she hoped that it wasn’t going to be as bad as the shocks.
Mommy stroked the crop along Alice’s cheek again, and then down her neck and between and around her breasts. “Are you ready, baby?” she asked, the glint in her eye shining even brighter. Alice nodded bravely, steeling herself for the first slap.
The slap of the crop stung on her stomach, feeling like the TENS machine, but only one blow instead of repeated. Alice jumped, but repeated exposure to pain from the TENS machine had taught her to self-regulate. She breathed deeply through the gag, waiting for the next hit.
Mommy hit her again, this time closer to her bound and pumped tits. Another to her shoulder, then a few more to her stomach, inching closer to her naughty little pussy. Each hit stung, and Alice was starting to jump and moan. Mommy hit her on the inside of the thighs, the pain stinging her all the way to her clit. Mommy’s slaps were starting to get harder, and Alice was less and less able to cope with the pain. It seemed like the more mommy hit her, the more excited and happy she got; Mommy was smiling and giggling to herself as she made her daughter moan in pain.
Mommy released Alice’s breasts from the pumps, earning another moan of agony as the blood rushed through her harness back into her nipples. Alice’s breasts and nipples were impossibly sensitive, but mommy didn’t care- where she usually massaged the blood back into them gently, this time she slapped each nipple three times with the crop- Alice had tears rolling down her eyes immediately. “I know this hurts, baby, your nipples are so sensitive- but you’re a big girl, you can take it,” mommy said in her soothing voice. Alice tried to focus on mommy’s voice as she kept hitting her, the crop moving from her breasts back to her thighs. “I am going to hit your naughty little pussy now, baby, and it’s going to hurt. You can’t cum yet,” she said, ignoring- or maybe enjoying- alice’s tears. The first sting on Alice’s needy clit was agony, she moaned and tried to roll, stopped by her restraints. The tears freely flowed from Alice’s eyes as mommy went to town on her clit, slapping it over and over with the crop and smiling as Alice cried. “That’s it, baby, take it- take the pain in your clit- you like it baby, good girl,” mommy encouraged. Alice tried to focus on her voice, but her clit was screaming in pain and the need to cum. She could feel herself gushing on the sheet, needing to feel pleasure.
Alice was sure that she didn’t like the pain, but she also knew that her naughty little pussy needed to be punished. She was grateful that mommy was helping her, and knew that Ms.` barbara would be happy that she was still experiencing pain even though the TENS machine had been taken off. When mommy finally put the crop down (after dipping it into Alice’s open pussy and wiping it on her face), Alice felt relief. She tried to stop crying, but had a hard time getting control of her emotions. Mommy’s face softened, and she took the ball gag off, replacing it with her nipple. “Here, baby, this will make you feel better, just suck,” she said, gently wiping the tears off of Alice’s face as she self soothed on mommy’s nipple. As Alice sucked, mommy played with her swollen nipples, gently stroking them so that the sensation rippled to her needy clit. Alice moaned with mommy’s nipple in her mouth, the vibration of her voice making Mommy shiver as well. When mommy shivered, she squeezed Alice's nipple so tightly that Alice screamed. When she unlatched from mommy’s nipple, mommy slapped her face. “Keep it in your mouth baby, focus on sucking mommy,” she said firmly. Alice resumed, shocked at having been slapped. She suckled mommy again, melting as mommy gently played with her nipples. When mommy pinched her again it hurt, and Alice unlatched to yelp. Another slap across the face had mommy then forcing her nipple back into Alice's mouth. “Mommy it hurts,” she said with her mouth full. “You need to do what mommy says, baby,” she said, stroking Alice’s nipple again. Alice suckled, braced for the pain she knew was coming. This time when mommy pinched, she kept the nipple in her mouth, sucking harder as she tried to channel the pain. “Much better, good girl,” mommy said, pinching again even harder. The torture went on for what felt like hours, Alice staying focused on keeping mommy’s nipple in her mouth as mommy hurt her.
When mommy was finished, she inspected Alice’s naughty little pussy. “You are soaked baby, i think it;s time for you to cum,” she said, to Alice’s great relief. “You were a very good girl earning your orgasm- Mommy had to hurt you so that you can appreciate how good it feels,” she explained, with Alice barely listening in excitement. Mommy readied some tools on the side table to the bed, and sat down on the stool perched between Alice’s legs. “Are you ready baby?” she asked. When Alice replied “yes mommy,” in a quiet voice, it ended in a moan as mommy stroked her clit.
It had been so long since alice’s clit was purposely stimulated, that the sensation almost felt foreign. It felt like mommy was burning her, every stroke sending fire through her body. “You are going to have to cum as many times as you can in the next half hour, and then we will stop,” mommy explained as she gently stroked Alice. “Once you have your first, I am going to keep forcing you to cum, no matter what- it’s part of the treatment.”
“Yes mommy, thank you,” Alice said politely, almost a mumble as she got lost in the pleasure. She could feel herself nearing the edge, almost consumed with excitement knowing that she could cum. “Tell mommy when you’re ready,” mommy encouraged, and she no sooner finished the sentence than she said “please mommy now!”
Mommy removed her fingers from her clit immediately, smirking as she cried out in frustration. “Ooo, sweetie, not yet,” she teased, grinning at Alice’s misfortune. “Mommy!” the girl cried, feeling sick as her clit throbbed. “Why?” she asked in a small voice, feeling the tears well up again.
“Because you have a naughty pussy, baby, and mommy needs to punish it,” mommy grinned, gently starting to stroke Alice again. She edged her three more times, until Alice was crying again. “Mommy, it hurts, please, I need to cum,” Alice whined, tears streaming down her face as mommy kept stroking. She was barely touching her, her clit swollen, soaked, and rock hard from the edging. “I know it hurts, baby, just two more edges and then you can cum, okay?” mommy said, as if Alice had a say.
Alice let mommy lead her to the edge two more times, shaking and moaning as she stopped each time. “Okay baby,” mommy said, again resuming the torture, “it’s time. You can cum for me,” mommy said, rubbing harder. Alice saw the edge in sight, but found herself terrified that Mommy would stop again. She tried to focus on falling, but her body kept second guessing, prolonging the torture. “Cum for me, baby, be a good girl and cum” mommy said encouragingly, seeing Alice's focused expression.
“Mommy, I’m scared,” Alice said, suddenly afraid of the power of the orgasm she was about to have. “I’m scared mommy, it’s going to be too much,” Alice whined, willing mommy to stop rubbing her clit. Maybe no orgasms were best- Alice didn’t think she could handle what was coming.
“It’s okay baby, you can do it- i know you can...the treatments have been preparing you for this...your clit is nice and big...you can take the sensation...let go, baby,” mommy encouraged, now rubbing hard enough that Alice could hear the wetness between her legs.
When Alice let herself go, her pussy squirted mommy in the face. An impossible amount of fluid came out of Alice as she screamed at the top of her lungs as the orgasm ripped through her. It felt like her clit was going to explode; Alice’s stomach turned over, her body convulsed, her head spun- she felt like she left her body entirely. Mommy didn’t stop rubbing, forcing her to live out the entire orgasm. It felt like she would never come down- `alice really thought that she would never stop cumming. She could vaguely hear mommy encouraging her with the odd “good girl...that’s it...keep cumming”- as if she could stop.
When Alice finally started coming down, floating over her body, she managed to squeak out a “thank you mommy.” She felt so grateful to her mother for finally allowing her an orgasm after literal weeks of edging and torture- Alice forgave all of the pain, all of the torture- she was so glad to have her mommy. Mommy smiled at her, the glint back in her eyes. “That was one baby, we need to keep going,”
Barbara leaned back in her chair as she watched Lisa slide hard into the trap put in front of her. She wondered how much the voice in her head every night telling her wicked things was part of what was happening in her daughter’s bedroom where she watched the monitors and took in every detail.
Lisa wasted no time taking a pair of labia clips on chains from her pile of tools she had ready and attaching them to her outer labia. Next made Alice jerk and squeal as she clipped the girl's sensitive clit with each of the clips having a thin chain attached to it.
“ mommy oh fuck fuck owww that’s too much pleasee “
“ shhh baby I dont have time to gag you so just hang on and I am going to make you cum if i have to jerk it out of you”
The strong nipple clamps had Alice pant/puffing as she has learned to do to deal with pain. Lisa climbed on the bed naked with her pussy over her daughter's face looking down at her sweet body strapped to the bed. Gathering the pump on the butt plug and the chain connected to each of the claps into a bundle she gave them a pull to test the reaction. Alice’s whole body jerked and she yelped, sending visible shivers over Lisa’s body. Lisa’s eyes were filled with a bloodlust now. She jerked the chains harder and more straight up yanking the nipples clamps savagely!
She set up a heartbeat timed tugging gently on the clamps and soon Alice was moaning a low grunt as her impending orgasm started building.
“Now my little pussy licking sex machine lick mommie’s nasty little pussy with each tug”
Lisa lowered her needy pussy to her daughters mouth for the first time. “ Mmmmm oh yes, lick.” Lisa kept tugging evenly for a few moments as her own orgasm built, then began getting firmer with the yanks on all five of the cruel clips and the plug fully stuffing daughters ass.
Lisa was on fire! With each cruel yank she said “Lick!..Lick! ...Lick!
Alice was somehow licking, screaming, gasping in a breath with every tug. She screamed onto her mother’s pussy as she started cumming in spasms that matched the tugging. Lisa started just after she did and slacked up on the tugging to a more gentle tug and both of them rode the waves of jerking, rocking, shattering orgasms.
Lisa sat there on her daughter's face and broke down. She looked at what she had done and sat there crying. She slowly raised up and carefully took off each of the cruel clips.
Barbara watched the mood of the room change. There was no talking yet. Only the sounds of Alice panting from the pain of the clips coming off as she lay motionless and Lisa’s soft sobbing.
She moved forward to reach her daughter’s legs and gently let them down to stretch out on the bed then turned around and got her knees over Alice’s shoulders to reach and take off the wrist cuffs.
“ Alice my love, I am so sorry… but you know I had to do it.. I had to…”
Alice reached up and pulled her mom down to lay beside on the bed.
“Shhhh mom...shhh It’s okay . I know you had to...mom I know...we both had to…”
They hugged and kissed and both lay exhausted.
“Mommy arent we supposed to keep going…make me cum over and over now?”
Lisa kissed her daughter on the mouth like a lover for the first time. Then she moved down the bed getting nestled between her legs and started sucking her little girls still swollen and needy clit.
Barbara had exactly what she wanted but it was such a touching moment she felt sorry for them but knew she was soon going to find the anger over what the crazed woman did to her daughter that would spur her on to start the next phase of her and Trina’s plan in taking down Lisa to a place so dark and horrible it would sell for inimaginable amounts to Trina’s connections on the dark side of the web. It was the head nurse at the hospital who would be the first to see the long and short versions of the videos she was working on and handling the transactions. Barbara would not be in any of the videos or photos that would only show the vile things a truly sick woman was doing to her daughter after getting her home from the hospital and making home movies of it.
Divided and Conquered
Dr. Green called into her office voice mail system.
“ As the schedule shows I will be away from the office and hospital for the next five days until Monday the 22nd. Any emergencies use my work cell and leave a message”
Alice woke up with mommy’s nipple in her mouth, unknowingly suckling while she slept. Mommy was awake, watching her daughter self-soothe while she slept, stroking her hair. Alice didn’t spit mommy’s nipple out when she woke up- she had become used to the sensation, and genuinely did find it soothing- which she needed as she remembered what had happened last night.
Alice was sore between her legs- not as she usually is from the injections and the inspections and the stretching and TENS machine, but a different kind of ache- the kind that comes from having been forced to cum over and over and over. She was surprised to realize that her forced orgasms the night before did nothing to lessen the urge- if anything, she felt like she needed to cum even more than usual this morning. She shifted in bed, realizing that mommy had put a diaper on her as she slept. Her hands were free, so she grabbed at it, trying to take it off. “Shhh, baby, just leave it- your pussy was so leaky last night I had to put it on you...you squirted so much and then couldn’t stop.”
It started to all come back to Alice; the torture, mommy hurting her, and then the countless orgasms as Mommy completely ravaged her. She knew that what mommy had done to her was wrong, but she felt so grateful for having been allowed to cum that she couldn’t see the situation clearly. Mommy let her suckle a bit more, and then took her nipple out of Alice’s mouth, stroking the girl’s hair.
“We need to get up and get you bathed and changed, baby, Ms. Barbara is coming over today.”
Alice jolted at the thought- would Ms. Barbara be able to tell what had happened? Would she be upset? Disappointed? Alice put on a brave face- she didn’t want mommy to know that she was nervous about what had happened- she was so hopeful that it would happen again.
Mommy took Alice’s soaked diaper off; she was so dehydrated that she had yet to go pee- it was soaked from her still gushing fluids. Mommy helped Alice bathe, the girl feeling quite weak after the ordeal the night before. Alice got dressed in her newest and nicest lingerie; the crotchless panties showed off her ever-engorged clit, now peeking out past her labia, while the cupless bra showed her elongated nipples and swollen breasts perfectly. Alice was about to put a dress on over herself, but mommy told her not to- “Ms.Barbara will want to see you looking comfortable in your new body- it is too beautiful to cover up,” she said as she slightly adjusted Alice’s breasts in the bra.
Mommy and Alice didn’t talk about the events of the night before- each was lost in their own thoughts, and preparing for Ms. Barbara’s visit. Alice had butterflies at the thought of seeing her in person again- it had been so long, and she was still so head over heels. Alice secretly hoped she could have some time alone with Ms. Barbara so that she could have another kiss.
As luck would have it, Alice got her wish- as soon as Ms. Barbara and nurse Trina arrived, she asked to speak with Alice alone under the guise of needing to do some routine interviewing of each of them separately to track the progress of the new program. Mommy easily agreed. She and nurse Trina would talk in the living room leaving Ms. Barbara and Alice alone to talk in Alice’s room.
As soon as they were alone, Ms. Barbara leaned into Alice for a kiss- it was everything Alice had been dreaming of and more. She felt her clit throb, pussy gush, and nipples tense all at once as Ms. Barbara's soft lips met hers; the kiss lasted forever, and not long enough. When Ms. Barbara finally pulled back, Alice could already feel a wet spot on the sheets underneath her, and had a goofy grin on her face. “Hi, Ms. Barbara,” Alice said dreamily.
“Hi Alice, you look wonderful,” Ms. Barbara said proudly. “Stand up, and let me look at you.”
Alice did as she was told, leaving the wet spot where she had sat. Ms. Barbara touched the spot, and then put her fingers to her lips. “Such a naughty, messy little pussy,” Ms Barbara said, beginning to grope Alice’s growing breasts. She pinched her nipples, cupping her breasts and lifting them to let them fall. Ms. Barbara kept muttering her approval, slowly moving her way down to Alice’s naughty little pussy. She slightly parted her legs, just enough to see her clit peeking out through her lips. “Good girl, Alice, I am so impressed with your growth,” she said as she gently stroked the exposed clit. At her touch Alice’s knees weakened, the girl almost falling to the ground but grabbing on to Ms. Barbara for support. “I am going to touch you two more times, Alice, please don’t cum and stay standing,” she said firmly. Alice righted her posture, keeping her legs slightly parted for Ms. Barbara. She took a deep breath as she again felt fingers brush her rock hard clit, keenly aware of the juices now dripping down her leg. She moaned, desperately trying not to cum. After all the stimulation the night before, Alice’s clit was raw and ready to explode- of course, Ms. Barbara knew this. “That’s it, just one more Alice,” she said encouragingly, this time pinching her clit and rolling it between her fingers until Alice’s knees gave out.
Alice fell to the floor, instantly embarrassed. Ms. Barbara helped her up, sitting her down in the wet spot on the bed. “Do you know why that happened, Alice?” Ms barbara said gently.
“N...no,” Alice said, unsure. “It happened because your mommy made you cum last night, and now your clit is even more over-sensitive than it was before,” Ms Barbara said matter-of-factly, leaving no room for argument. “Im sorry Ms. Barbara, I didnt mean to disappoint you...I...I dont know what happened...I knew it was wrong, but I just...I needed to cum so badly, and I...mommy...we…” Alice stammered, knowing that there was nothing she could say to plead her case.
To her surprise, Ms. Barbara put her finger to her lips and shushed her. “I know, sweetie, I saw the whole thing- it wasn’t your fault. Mommy took advantage of you- she raped you,” Ms. Barbara said gently. Alice was quick to defend mommy: “No, no that’s not what happened...I asked her to...I wanted it...:” Alice stammered, desperate for Ms. Barbara to understand. “I know it felt that way, Alice, but mommy is an adult and she has a responsibility. Now, usually in these situations I would need to get the police involved…”
They both heard loud voices in anger coming from the living room. There were sounds of struggling and Lisa pleading.
“NO!” Alice said desperately. “No Ms. Barbara please, don’t do that to my mom!”
“...or, in this case, I might be willing to make an exception- but you need to understand, Alice, what mommy did to you was wrong- it was an abuse of power. If we are not going to get the police involved, then we need to make sure that she understands what she did was wrong, and stop her from ever abusing her power over you like that again, do you understand? Lisa is part of this program too and she is very angry at your mom putting it all at risk raping her own daughter in such sick perverted ways.”
Alice considered Ms. Barbara’s words. She thought about waking up with the dildo gag in her mouth, mommy’s pussy over her face. She thought about mommy slapping her every time she spat her nipple out. The forced diaper wearing, even when Alice said no. Maybe mommy was taking advantage of her. She looked at Ms. Barbara- the woman that she loved, who cared for her above all else, and instantly trusted her. “Okay- you promise you won’t tell the police? I don't want mommy to go away,” Alice said. “I promise,” Ms. Barbara cooed, stroking alice’s face. “I won’t call the police. But we will need to teach your mommy a lesson- she behaved like a bitch to you, and so Trina and I will need to treat her like one until she understands how to treat you. It isn’t going to be nice, Alice, and it will be hard to see- but you need to know that I am protecting you, and it’s either this or she goes to jail- do you understand?”
Alice nodded, thinking about the painful TENS treatments- Alice didn’t like those, but they were for her own good- this is similar, she supposed. “Thank you Ms. Barbara” she said politely, offering her another kiss. “You’re welcome, sweetie,” Ms Barbara said, returning the kiss with a passion that almost made Alice squirt. “The good news to come out of all of this, Alice, is that now that you have cum with no adverse effects, you can cum more regularly. We will be adding some orgasms to your treatment plan, along with the edging.”
Alice felt like she could jump for joy. “Thank you! Thank you!” she said, throwing her arms around Ms. Barbara, her hard nipples and heavy breasts pressing up against her mentor, lover, and doctor as juices continued flowing down her legs. Ms. Barbara soaked in the moment- everything was going exactly to plan.
Ms. Barbara took extra care by doing Alice’s treatments herself. Alice obediently submitted to the restraints and rigging, opening her legs wide for Ms. Barbara to show off her elongated and swollen clit, and dripping naughty little pussy. Alice didn't even wince when Ms. Barbara pumped her tits, delighting in Ms. Barbara’s praise at how much larger they had gotten as she put Alice into her harness. Ms. Barbara took all of Alice’s measurements again, including the anal stretching and vaginal dilation. Alice freely submitted to the ball gag, no longer bothered about the extra spit and drool running down her chin onto her pumped tits. She had become used to most things, and was so pleased with Ms. Barbara’s praise that nothing could ruin her high. When Ms. Barbara was finished photographing Alice, she pumped the anal plug an extra three times, making Alice moan in pain. She then gaped Alice’s pussy with a speculum, holding it just open enough not to break her hymen.
“You are all done for today, Alice, that’s it, good girl,” she cooed, stroking Alice’s hair as she breathed through the pain in her anus. “We are stretching your ass a little more overnight, but you are doing well to breathe through it. I have left your naughty little pussy gaped open to stretch it a bit tonight too,” Ms. Barbara explained, finally releasing her tits from the pumps. As she massaged each breast, she added clover clamps to Alice’s tender nipples. “These will stay on tonight as well- we want to make sure your nipples keep elongating,” she said gently, tenderly wiping some of the drool from Alice’s chin onto her nipples. “You have been such a good girl, and I am so proud of you.”
The Warden
Just then, there was a knock at the bedroom door. “Ah, right on schedule. Alice, you remember Trina, my nurse and assistant. Trina will be doing some of your treatments when I am unavailable, but she will be mainly focused on your mom.”
Trina walked up to the pretty teen bound securely to the hospital bed looking Alice up and down, taking note of her gaping pussy and clamped nipples. She could see wetness pouring out of the young gagged girl, and felt her own pussy dampen. (Trina trying to not look obvious as she walked by Alice, let her hand just touch the wet pussy of Alice. Trina’s fingers just caressed Alice’s wet pussy. With her middle finger Trina let her middle finger trace the slit of Alice’s pussy where she touched Alice’s engorged and pulsing clit. Trina looking at Alice said, “My my Alice you are so sensitive and wet, I did not need to touch you.” Alice looked confused as she swore that Trina touched her.)
“Alice, do you remember what we talked about earlier today? About Mommy staying out of jail?” Alice nodded, looking up at Ms. Barbara and trying not to feel embarrassed as Nurse Trina ogled her swollen breasts and pussy. “Nurse Trina and I are going to start Mommy’s punishments tonight. I am not going to put your headphones back in because I want you to hear us. It is going to be hard for you to listen to, but it’s important that you understand what I am doing to keep you safe. Just remember that Mommy raped you, and it is my responsibility as the person who cares for you to make sure that she is punished. I want Mommy to still be in your life, but she can’t have the same power over you. I am going to take that power away from her, okay? She won’t hurt you again.”
Alice nodded as Ms. Barbara spoke, still enamored with the woman- enamored enough not to question what she was saying, even grateful for Ms. Barbara’s discretion in not sending mommy to jail. Ms Barbara adjusted Alice’s bed to be more sitting up, putting some more pillows around her for comfort.
“Trina, I assume you have prepared the first round of injections for bitch mommy?”
“Yes Doctor Green, they should be ready by now. I will bring in the prisoner first and get her prepped then proceed with her punishment. “
Nurse Trina came back into the room with mommy. Her hands tied and mouth gagged, with ropes around her chest and tits making them stick out proud from her chest. Her reddened flesh showed she had been face slapped and her big tits slapped. Many places on her ass and legs were several deep red patches with some dark spots starting to bruise.
Mommy was naked, and looked very scared when she was led past her. Alice’s mouth automatically watered at seeing her mom’s nipples, such a learned source of comfort as Mommy let her suck on them when she was having treatments. Alice chastised herself, remembering that Ms. Barbara said that was an abuse of mommy’s power.
Nurse Trina was tying Mommy to Alice’s bed- the one she used to sleep in before she got hurt. (Just before tying Alice’s mom, Nurse Trina turned Lisa’s back and ass towards Alice. Nurse Trina then spread Lisa’s ass cheeks wide apart showing Alice’s mom’s ass hole to Alice. “See here Alice, your mom wants her ass well used as she wants it to be her favorite hole to be fucked.” Alice blushed as Nurse Trina lubed Lisa’s ass hole to muffled protests. Once Lisa’s hole was properly prepared, Nurse Trina without much fanfare shoved a butt plug with remote vibration antenna up Alice’s mom’s ass hole. Trina then rolled Lisa back on her back where she tied Lisa tied to all four corners, completely displayed.) Alice was still gagged, so couldn’t ask questions or comfort Mommy- she just had to trust that Ms. Barbara knew what was best.
Ms. Barbara and Nurse Trina were telling Mommy what a bad woman she was for raping her daughter, and that she needed to be punished for her crime. Mommy was begging them not to, apologizing saying that she didn’t mean to and just lost control. Something was stuffed in her mouth and a cloth gag tied around her neck making her sound even more pitiful than she looked. Alice felt sorry for Mommy, but knew that there was nothing that she could do. She heard the waves telling her “mommy deserves this”
Barbara turned on the wall mounted Smart TV they had linked to the computer and the screen lit up with the silent scene of Lisa strapping the cock gag in her helpless daughter's mouth the night she had raped her. Lisa had been told there were videos as Trina abused her in the living room a few minutes before but it was still a shock for Alice to see what it looked like on the screen.
“That’s right you sick perverted slut. Look at you defiling your own daughter for your sick sexual needs! You make me sick you evil fucking cunt! “
Trina slapped the woman's face hard then left the room in anger.
She came back with a cart putting it beside the bed- steam was released into the room as she lifted the lid of a crockpot on it. Shortly after she took something from it over to Mommy, that’s when Alice heard the first scream. With Trina blocking her view it took Alice a while to figure out what was happening. Mommy was screaming so loud that she couldn’t hear what Nurse Trina was doing. Eventually Alice realized that Nurse Trina was sticking needles into mommy’s breasts! When she got a view of the syringes of liquid sticking in her mommies tortured breasts, Alice started to scream too through her gag! (Also, unbeknownst to Alice, Nurse Trina would torment Lisa’s ass hole. Lisa would writhe from the anal torment. Nurse Trina just smiled and thought, “The bitch does not know what is in store for her ass later at the barn”. )
Ms. Barbara quickly came to her bedside to shush her and calm her down. Ms. Barbara delicately wiped the tears and spit off of Alice’s face, and stroked her hair until she calmed down. Alice tried to close her eyes, but Ms. Barbara gently asked her to watch: “Alice, you need to see this. I don’t like it any more than you do, but it’s what Mommy deserves. Be a brave girl for me and watch, please. If you can watch, I will rub your clit a bit, okay?”
Alice opened her eyes, wanting to be brave and impress Ms. Barbara. She also couldn’t pass up the chance to have someone touch her needy clit. She focused on mommy, trying to drown out her screams as Nurse Trina was now pressing the plungers of each syringe injecting something into her pierced breasts. Every time Nurse Trina injected the hot liquid, Mommy screamed and cried and begged it to stop. Alice thought she could count at least ten needles in each breast and so far, only four injections of the steaming hot yellowish liquid hand been injected into her mom’s bound tits. She couldn’t imagine the pain that mommy was going through. Just as she was about to beg Ms. Barbara to make Nurse Trina stop (which would’ve been a garbled mess through her ball gag), she felt Ms. Barbara’s gentle touch between her legs. Ms. Barbara gently rubbed Alice’s clit- barely touching it, knowing that any intense stimulation would make her cum immediately- but just barely stroking it to keep Alice’s attention and to keep her calm. “That’s it, Alice, watch Nurse Trina. Your sick mommy deserves this. You have to see this...good girl. Keep your eyes open and I won’t stop,” Ms. Barbara encouraged, and Alice did as she was told.
She had no idea how long mommy’s torture went on for- eventually mommy stopped screaming so much, more from exhaustion than a lack of pain. Ms. Barbara would stop rubbing Alice’s clit when the stimulation became too much, encouraging her to relax before she started again. The slight clit stimulation was enough to keep Alice focused, so that she could watch Mommy’s treatment. At the end, Nurse Trina put on Mommie’s head harness with built-in headphones and let mommy sleep. Her reddened breasts now swelled in the harness at last a full cup size bigger. The syringes from the heated liquid had been removed with a few of the injection sites trickling small tails of dark red blood. Two longer needles without syringes pierced sideways through each nipple she would wake up to see and feel. Ms. Barbara tucked Alice in too, promising that she could cum tomorrow. Ms. Barbara put the wave sounds on Alice’s headphones, and she drifted instantly to sleep.
Move to the farm
The dark web sales of the medial tortures and sexual torments of the mom and daughter were getting higher and higher bids for custom scenes. Trina's cruelty contrasting with the sensual and sexual ways Barbara treated Alice had customers wanting everything from snuff to romantic marriages. Many were waiting to see how Alice's virginity would be taken and offers of many thousands were coming in from those who wanted to be the ones to do it as well as big offers to see it done sadistically. Trina knew that would be up to Barbara and she still had lots of plans for her prisoner bitch Lisa.
Trina was spending a lot of time at the farm. When not busy with Alice's treatments or torturing her mom in ever more painful and humiliating ways to satisfy the lust of the online hoard of sadists, she was working on an idea for another group of fetishists who wanted something else they would pay a lot of money to see. Barbara and Trina were taking this further than they had ever expected it to go but the situation was too perfect to not take full advantage of and Barbara’s old family farm was the perfect place to continue
Now with the profiles on several kink sites and the website set up they had a lot of people who would pay a lot of money to see the kinds of porn that can't be found in many places. Real life mother and daughter slaves that were as hot as these two with the medical enhancements on board were drawing huge interest with people ready to bid on what happens to them next was going to make them very rich. But even without the huge interest in what they were doing this had been Barbara's dream and project for a long time and now it was going better than those wild dreams of creating the perfect sex slave. Alice had been her goal. Her mom Lisa was the bonus.
The work crews had been fast. The horse barn now had wiring and good lighting. There were fresh shavings in the hall and stalls. One stall now divided in half lined with chain link fence with twin openings in the wall and nice, fully enclosed runs out into the paddock. The ideal set up for two penned in dogs. The group of fans who wanted to see the mother and daughter caged like animals would pay ten times over for videos of the pretty mother, daughter pair bound and fucked and locked in the pens. Even the live cams of them eating and sleeping caged would bring in easy money. It had already started with Lisa.
After the first punishment of Lisa in front of her daughter, Trina put the collar on Lisa and led her out of the house. For the next 50 hours Alice would not see her mom.
When they got to the barn a few hundred feet down a path from the house, Trina took Lisa to a special concrete holding cell, not unlike those in a prison, took her cuffed wrists and attached them to a hook in the wall. Taking a fireman’s hose she proceeded to wash the helpless woman using a brush and soap. Once cleaned, she put a leather hood on her. The only open areas on the hood were for the nose and mouth.
The world was now shut off to Lisa. She could no longer see or hear. She hung there naked and trembled in fear. Mistress Trina left her to hang there for about 30 minutes. The cam continued to film Lisa alone in the cell. In the office in the house the row of monitors were mostly dark but one showed the woman bound in her cell limp and quiet and on the computer monitoring the site they had set up a counter showing 32 people currently watching.
After about 30 minutes Mistress Trina came back into the cell and held a drink to Lisa. The hooded woman drank the fluid as she was very thirsty. The drink was drugged so that Lisa would lose some sense of where she was and yet alert enough to hear what was going on. Mistress Trina then put 6 inch stiletto heels on her so that her balance was unstable, then attached a leash to the collar. She unhooked the slaves' cuffed ankles then led Lisa out of the cell and down the hall to the new playroom, as she called it. Lisa obeyed as she was bound to a St. Andrew’s cross with her back facing Trina.
Trina then walked up and cupped Lisa’s ass cheeks and kneaded them and spread and pulled them open and closed. She opened the ear holes to the mask and said, “You are my slave now, I will do with you as I will. You will submit all of you to me. You will be nothing but my slave. You are no longer Lisa, you are, butthole.” When finished she stood back and picked up a leather strap and proceeded to strap her as red and burning as the woman twisted and screamed. Mistress Trina then instructed Lisa to say with each blow from the strap that she was a piece of meat.
“ Say, I am butthole. I am a piece of meat”
Slap! Slap! Slap!...
The strapping of Lisa's ass went on until her words became incoherent. Trina took a few close up photos and short videos before she took her down off the cross. Helping the frazzled woman to a table she put her face down on it. There were holes to accommodate her breasts and an access hole to her pussy. Cuffs built into the table made fast work of getting her strapped down.
Mistress Trina smiled to herself as she took some clover clamps with hooks and hung them from Lisa's nipples. She put on some weights to pull and stretch the tightly clamped nipples.
Next came a vacuum tube on Lisa's clit that quickly stretched it up into the tube 1 inch. The plan for the long term is to stretch the slave’s nipples and clit to exaggerated lengths. At the end of the clit tube was a hook to which Mistress attached a very light weight. As a final touch, she placed vibrators that would turn on and off at prescribed times to vibrate the weights that hung off the slave’s nipples and clit.
Mistress Trina was enjoying her favorite part when got a steel rod with a TENs probe on the end and slid it up the slaves ass. Electrodes went from the rod to the machine. Mistress then put a set of headphones over Lisa's ears. The tape played in the slave’s ears the following: “Repeat bitch…I am butt hole and nothing but a butt hole”.
The room had a receiver which was hooked up to the control panel in the editing room in the house that also controls the TENS machine. If after a few seconds the receiver did not hear a response from lisa a shock would be delivered to the rod up her ass. It didn't take long for her to figure it out.
The counter showed 46 people watching as she lay there repeating over and over “I am a butthole and nothing but a buthole” as her nipples and clit were tortured with the heavy vibrating weights, the suctions to keep from feeling the horrible shocking pains deep in her ass.
After spending another hour conditioning, Mistress Trina took her slave to the treadmill. Binding her to the handles on the treadmill. She then took a cane and positioned herself to strike Lisa's ass. Mistress turned the treadmill at slow speed and Lisa started to walk. Mistress started to cane her ass for no reason. Lisa was kept in the dark as to why. Wild thoughts went through her head. Was she now just a slave, was her name now really butthole, was she no longer Lisa, Was this the point and when would this hell stop? The cane continued to strike the slave’s ass.
After long minutes of walking on and on with her ass being whipped and whipped, cameras pointing at her. People from all over watched her cry, seeing her shame. She felt alone, no longer a person, the pain in her ass, all she could think of is that she deserved this hell because of her uncovered feelings and desires for her daughter. She just kept having to walk. Was there no end.
After about 1 hour, she was taken off the treadmill. She was led hobbled to the bench by the wall ,sat down and then fed some fruit and more water and juice. She was very tired. She needed to sleep. Her clit was still throbbing from its stretching. Then a vibration to her pussy started. With the eye ports on her hood closed and the ear openings closed again she could not hear or see what was happening. Then she felt pain in her nipples and the clamps were put on again. There was no warning or reason. Her body was just being used. To what purpose? Confusion rained in lisa’s or was it butthole’s mind. No one had called her lisa for a while. How long she did not know. Then the vibrations stopped just before she was about to cum. Then the pain stopped. Then nothing. Lisa tried to focus, then she fell asleep.
What seemed like moments later she was yanked up off the chair, she could hear again. “Get up butthole it’s time for more use. She was led to a sybian and made to sit down. An electrode was attached to her ass hole and a Hitachi wand was pressed on her cunt and beneath it. It was then turned on. Slowly her body became alive. She was still tired and groggy. Her body betrayed her as the need to cum built.
Then a voice. It was Mistress’ Trina’s voice. It said, “Well butthole do you want to cum?” “Beg butthole to cum!” Lisa was bewildered as she was again referred to as butthole? She begged, “Please let me cum.” The voice said “Who begs, Lisa or butthole?” Lisa said lisa? The voice said “Wrong.” The wand stopped and her butt hole was shocked three times.
Then taken back to the treadmill and attached to it and again the cane bit into her ass. This time headphones were put on lisa’s head and the tape said “Lisa does not exist, you are butthole.” This went on for about 30 minutes. Then taken back to the sybian and bound to it. The wand began again. Lisa’s body betrayed her again and the need to cum built. That voice said once again “Do you wish to cum?” The pitiful woman said “Please let me cum?” The voice asked once again, “Who asks to cum?” Lisa said this time. “ butthole asks?”
This routine continued as she said “butthole asks” each time with no hesitation. Then just, butthole was permitted. This continued three more times. Each time the butthole answered she was let ride down on the vibe to search for the orgasm she so badly needed “butthole pleads to cum.” Finally the voice said “Good slave…good butthole..good my slave.”
With that butthole’s new life had become. Lisa was no more. Lisa had become, butthole. Butthole was finally taken back to her cell. Washed again, fed and watered and allowed to sleep.
The next morning Mistress Trina came to visit her new slave. She woke butthole.
She spoke to her slave, “Good morning butthole, how are you?” Butthole looked up and said "I am good I think”. Mistress spoke, “Do you know you are my slave and I own you and you are my property?” Butthole down and said “Yes Mistress.” Mistress spoke again, “Do you know who lisa is?” Butthole said, “Now Mistress who is she?” Trina just smiled. She asked again, “Do you know that slaves do anything that their owners ask?” Butthole said, “Yes Mistress.”
Movie Time
Trina knew what her customers wanted to see. They were always asking how this started and what hold she and Mistress B had over the mother and daughter. They were going to tell an alternative version of things with more movies of the helpless mother and daughter.
Lisa was so broken and now a new kind of normal had settled over her and she was much the same woman in looks but she was a shell of what she had been. She could still function and was no longer a danger of running away or telling anyone so she was now helping Alice with some of the housework but not allowed such things as using the furniture or eating at the table and never allowed to speak unless spoken to by one of her Mistresses. Alice was not allowed to speak to her either. She was a prisoner and servant and not part of the new family.
Lisa knew what her Mistress T. wanted and always did a good job of playing whatever role in her videos her Mistress told her to.
The role for the evening was taking Lisa from the kitchen of the house to the barn. Trina slapped her slave's face a few times to make it red and get some tears flowing to run her slutty makeup down her face then took up the leash of the woman kneeling on her kitchen floor.
“ Okay doggy bitch. We are going to retell this story starting with putting you in your new home”
Trina leading her and several cameras getting video of the well dressed woman being led into the old barn on her hands and knees.
A stunning confession!
Back at Lisa’s house there was no more need to hide the love or lust between Barbara and Alice. The girl worshiped her as her doctor goddess and protector. She now felt in her heart that her mom was sick and deserved the punishment before she could be treated and somehow redeem some part of her life after what she did. She deserves this. Mommy is no more than a dog. Mommy the slave bitch. All the things that ran through her mind of how sick her mommy is and deserved to be punished for were true. She deserves this.
The wonderful Ms Barbara had Alice dress in her favorite PJ’s. Adorable pink and white soft panty shorts and matching top she had worn since she was 13. Now almost too small they conformed to her new bigger tits and fit perfectly in her crotch to give the outline of her puffy little pussy lips. Barbara mommy was buying her many new things. Sexy lingerie and stockings and shoes and dresses. She loved how grown up she looked in them. But tonight her new mommy wanted to see her looking like the little girl she still partly was. Her newly lightened blond hair up in two high pigtails with pink ribbons streaming down from pretty bow knots. More of the pink ribbon making a nice choker around her slender neck. Pretty white lace knee socks fit her great little legs perfectly.
Ms Barbara was looking stunning! In her long silky red gown she looked elegant with her silver earrings and necklace. Her hair and makeup were perfectly done. The only thing fraction out of place was her deep red lipstick that was smudged from kissing Alice’s soft sweet lips.
A blanket lay spread on the floor in front of the couch that faced the wall mounted smart TV.
“ Alice, kneel on your heels in front of the couch facing the TV” The ever present video cameras get three different views of them.
This is a very important part of your healing and your mothers punishment and treatment. You have heard that confession and owning our mistakes in life are the only way to begin healing. First comes the confession, then the punishments and the treatments that lead to healing can begin.
As you know Trina is your mothers warden and punisher to keep her out of prison, she is a prisoner now for what she did to you. Trina has made your mother do a full confession and we are going to see and hear it. She deserves this. She is sick and deserves everything that will happen to her.”
“ I know she does, Ms Barbara. Mommy raped me. She deserves to be punished”
The screen lit up to show Lisa sitting on the same couch they were leaning against with her hands cuffed behind her back and her face red from being slapped. She was fully dressed in dark pants with a tan and brown pullover cowl-neck blouse. She still had on her jewelry looking like she had just gotten home from work. She was looking up at the same TV on the wall where on the screen was Alice’s bedroom where her mother was strapping her to the bed. Lisa thought she had turned off the cameras at the end of the treatments she had done online with Dr Green. She was stunned to realize everything had been recorded the whole time.
Lisa sat stunned to see this view of it she had not seen as she fed her nipples to her suffering daughter and knew for sure her fate had long ago been sealed.
Trina spoke up. “Say your name then tell me what you are watching. In case you have not figured it out yet this is your confession. Don’t you dare be stupid and try to avoid describing what you are seeing on the screen. You will give simple short answers. Is that clear Lisa?”
Hearing her name made her shiver with dread.
“Do it now bitch or I will beat this confession out of you.”
Lisa stared at the camera set up beside the TV monitor. “I’m Lisa Givens. That is me on the screen. “ Her eyes cut to look as she talks.” I have strapped my daughter to the bed and I’m putting my nipples in her mouth…”
Trina asks “ What is your daughter's full name ?”
“ Her name is Alice Lynn Givens”
“How old is she ? “ Trina askes.
“ Alice is 18 years old.”
The Accomplice Convicted
As the video plays Barbara has started tying Alice's arms behind her back with white rope and talking to her as she worked the ropes carefully and snugly around her wrists, arms, chest and torso. Her arms are useless behind her back. Her cute little PJ top pulled up to expose her perfect tits and stiff nipples bound and wrapped tight in round after round of ropes swelling them to perfect orbs on her chest. Not so tight as to cut off circulation but tight enough to make the bulge over the ropes.
Alice can not resist the sexual pleasures the ropes inflict on her body. She has grown accustomed to bondage leading to sexual arousal. Her nipples ached to be touched or sucked or shocked. Her so far untouched pussy is already leaking. Her clit at attention from the touch of her Mistress and bondage she has put on her.
“Alice, you can see on the video now the cameras never went off. You know what that means Alice? ”
Grabbing her nipples in hard pinches and getting her face Barbara gives the girl an evil smile. It finally dawns on Alice. Her eyes go wide with shock and fear!
“Yes my little slut, I know everything and I am very disappointed in you”
Letting go of her nipples after a cruel twist making the girl yelp, one hand goes to her throat and the other to her leaking pussy, Barbara leans into her.
“ Your mother is not the only one who needs to confess, is she Alice? “
Rubbing her pussy Alice can only moan and nod her head a little and whisper
“ No, Ms. Barbara”
Teasing the girls throbbing clit.
“Has this naughty little pussy made you bad, little girl? “
Alice whines and gasps.
“ ye… yes Ms. Barbara”
Barbara lets go of the girl and stands over her like an elegant goddess in her flowing red gown.
“ Look at what your mother is doing to you on the screen. Look at the wanton sexual sickness she is possessed with.”
They both look to the big clear screen seeing Lisa strapping the dildo gag in her mouth as she lay bound to the bed and passed out from being drugged. They watched her climb on her face and guide the dildo in it and slowly go down on it till her ass was nearly on her daughter's cheeks.
Barbara took up another of the long white ropes.
As they watched her mother ride and rock on the dildo gag Barbara pulled off Alice’s panties putting them over the girls head with the crotch over her nose and pulled the long blond pigtails through the leg holes. Just as she was holding the panties over her head, Alice had looked up with such a lusty pout and the look of pity in her eyes. Barbara was taken with how truly young and innocent the little girl looked. Her sweet face, like that of a child in trouble.
Starting at her waist Barbara carefully wove a tight crotch harness on her as Alice knelt quietly watching her mother raping her on the screen. Just as she was trapping the little girl's big stiff clit between the twin ropes she had pulled from the back of the harness down the crack of her ass and pulled them under the font of the harness the video was at the moment Lisa realized Alice had woken up and caught what she was doing to her.
On the screen, Mommy had removed the gag, quickly shushing Alice. “Sorry, baby, I didn't mean to wake you. Mommy just needed to use you for a little while...your body was too irresistible, and I couldn’t help it. You can’t tell anyone, baby, this has to be our secret...like your treatments.”
They watched as Alice listened to mommy’s panicked explanation, unsure of what to believe. “Does Ms. Barbara know?'' Alice asked, referring to her moral compass and protector. “No baby she can’t know, you can’t tell anyone,” Mommy insisted. Pausing for a moment she went to Alice’s head, gently wiping her cum off of her daughter’s face. “Alice, honey, if you keep this secret, mommy will let you have an orgasm.”
Alice stopped thinking with her head, allowing her naughty little pussy to make the decision. “Okay mommy, i will keep the secret. Can I cum now?”
“Not yet, baby, Mommy has to make sure that it doesn’t interfere with your treatments. ”ll talk to Dr. Green tomorrow, but I promise that you will be able to cum really really soon, okay?” Alice saw what she thought was sincerity in her mommy’s eyes, and desperately wanted to trust her. “Okay mommy, thank you,” she said obediently.
When she finished the rope bondage on little Alice, she was on her hands and knees with her feet pulled up to her ass and hands bound about a foot apart. Her tits hung down in tight ropes and two strands of the crotch rope pulled painfully down her ass capturing her clit between them. Barbara turned off the video of Lisa confessing what she had done and Alice’s part in it. As she was putting a ball gag in her mouth she told Alice.
“Alice, you greatly disappoint me. The way you lied and backed your mother in her depraved sexual acts is as bad as her doing them. You have risked the program but worst of all you have lied to me. I thought we had something special. You made a bad mistake when your mother was taking advantage of you. Now you must be punished for there to be any forgiveness. “
Alice’s worried eyes followed as a syringe was injected into her arm. It would put Alice in a groggy state for a while. As the shot took quick effect Barbara began telling her what was going to happen to her for lying and letting her mother give her orgasms.
“ Since you have been as bad as your mom and she is serving out her punishment as Trina’s prisoner instead of going to jail, you are going to be Trina’s prisoner too. She is going to be the one in control of your punishment and life for the next 3 months. You really hurt me by lying to me. You deserve what is about to happen to you.”
The anger and hurt in Barbara's eyes was the last thing Alice remembered before waking up in the barn.
Awaking in hell
Alice found herself curled up in a horse stall, sleeping in sawdust and covered in a blanket. As she moved, she realized that she was still harnessed, but had a bit of movement of her legs- she wondered if she could stand and see out the stall windows but her arms were still bound, along with her tits and she was still groggy and confused. The rope still ran between her ass cheeks and lips, isolating and pinching her perpetually swollen clit as well. Alice stretched her legs out, trying to take stake of her situation.
She remembered Ms. Barbara’s words just before she passed out. Ms Barbara had gotten her in trouble for going along with Mommy’s lie. Alice knew it was wrong, but she was so desperate to cum that she did it anyway. Alice felt panic well up inside her as she remembered that Ms Barbara had given her to Trina for three months- three months! Trina was so rough and cruel with mommy- surely Ms Barbara wouldn’t let her treat Alice the same way. Alice remembered the tone in her mistress’s voice, and was not so sure.
The shavings felt raw on Alice’s soft, exposed skin. She tried to stand, but found herself kneeling on the floor feeling awkward in her rope harness. As she stirred, the stall door opened and she saw Ms Barbara standing there. Ms Barbara came over to her and untied Alice’s gag, gently wiping the sawdust out of her hair as she sat. “Ms Barbara please I’m so sorry- I didn’t mean to disobey you….I was confused…I was just so desperate…and Mommy…”
“Shhh, it’s okay baby, I know you didn’t mean to,” Ms Barbara said gently, “I know how desperate that little pussy can get- but you still disobeyed me, and there are still consequences. You are going to live in this barn- just like mommy- for the next three months. Nurse Trina will be responsible for your welfare and punishments, but I will be right here the whole time supervising. It is going to be difficult for you, but I know you can handle it- you need to learn not to disobey me again- be a brave girl, and it will all be over soon, okay?”
Ms Barbara stroked Alice’s hair and toyed with the clamps on her nipples as she spoke, comforting and tormenting the girl for a moment before she read her sentence. She pushed little Alice back and held her by the shoulders and looked down into her eyes.
“ Alice Lynn Givens, You are guilty of perverted sexual acts with you own mother. Of begging her to do sexual things to you and in turn doing sick and twisted sexual acts to her and with her”
Slapping her face then grabbing her shoulder again and shaking her with building anger.
“You are guilty of lying about your betrayal of the program and all of the hard work I have put into trying to help you”
Holding her still and peering deeply into the eyes of the frightened girl then standing back leaving the girl quivering on her knees.
“ Alice Lynn Givens, you will now begin your sentence of three months of punishment. The treatments you have been receiving will no longer be used to cure you of your sexual addiction and will instead be used as part of your punishment. Along with your sick with her sexual perversions it is clear it runs in your family to be sick lesbain sexual addicts and your sentences will fit the crime. Sick lesbian incestual acts and other things that will humiliate and horror you will be your fitting punishments. You deserve to be treated like sick sluts you have always been. “
With that, Barbara slapped her hard one last time then stepped up and squatted to hug her.
Alice began to cry, thinking back to the pain that she watched her mom suffer, and also at the crushing feeling of guilt that she was feeling having disappointed her idol. “I’m so sorry, mistress,” she cried, nestling her face into Ms. Barbara’s ample breasts. In a show of compassion, Ms.Barbara pulled one of her breasts free from her shirt, allowing Alice to suckle on it- just as she had her mother’s. Alice did so without thinking, seeking comfort in Ms. Barbara’s breast as she cried.
Alice suckled on Ms. Barbara’s nipple as she quieted her tears, while Ms. Barbara gently rubbed Alice’s nipples. “Spread your legs for me, baby,” Ms. Barbara said gently, and Alice obeyed. Ms Barbara could see the girl’s swollen clit between the ropes, and licked her fingers before gently rubbing it. “You’re going to be okay, baby. Yes, Nurse Trina is going to hurt you, but I will be right here to take care of you when it’s over, I will be home every day after work to check on you” Ms. Barbara promised, and the girl moaned into her nipple as her needy clit was stimulated.
“A lot is going to happen to you in the next three months. You will be punished in many ways. You are going to say yes to anything that is asked of you, and prove to me that you can be a good girl, worthy of my love- is that clear?”
“Yes, mommy…I mean, mistress,” Alice said with Barbara’s nipple still in her mouth.
Barbara stood up and looked down at the girl on her knees taking in the amazing sight of her utter helplessness and felt her pussy wet and smiled.
“Good girl, I will go get nurse trina.”
With that Ms, Barbara , tucked her nipple, wet with Alice’s spit, back into her shirt. She replaced Alice's ball gag, and left her kneeling in the shavings to think about her sentence while she notified Nurse Trina that Alice was ready for her first treatment. She had instructed Trina to teach Alice a lesson, but also let her know that Ms. Barbara would be observing most treatments, offering a gentle encouragement for Alice when needed- she wanted to teach the girl a lesson, but not lose her trust entirely.
The Barn- Day One
Nurse Trina understood, and continued her unfettered treatments of Alice’s mom- with her, she was permitted to do absolutely anything, with zero boundaries. They were finding that the more boundaries they pushed, the more their internet followers requested- and with their torture subject completely broken, she put up little fight. They planned to use Alice and her mom together in the future, but her mom would always have the worst sentence claiming it was only fair, given the abuse. After waking the woman up by throwing cold water on her as she lay on the small rug she had to sleep on, bound and chained to the wall. Trina left the wet, broken woman on the floor with cum on her face after riding her hard.
(There is no dialog in the following part. This should have quite a bit of Trina talking to Alice and for the ever present cameras set up to record everything they do. Trina may even look at on of the cameras and speak to Ms. Barbara or the watchers. Add lots of dialog please.
(Mistress Trina watched as butthole stirred. “GET UP BUTTHOLE I HAVE USE OF YOU TODAY. Butthole and saw her standing there holding her riding crop. Sheepishly she said, “Good morning my Mistress.” Her eyes cast to the ground. Mistres walked over to her and said, “Sit up bitch and present yourself to me.” As she sat up Mistress put the leash on her collar. “There you look like my owned meat and slave slut.” She blushed as she felt the collar around her neck and felt it tighten and then heard the click of the leash being attached to the collar. She looked down like an animal in captivity knowing that anything could happen. She waited and waited feeling more naked and exposed. Unsure what was next for her. She knew Mistress could be just cruel for no reason. She was as they say “OWNED MEAT”.
With a tug to the leash and led her to the open space. “Where are you taking me”, she said. “SILENT BITCH, you have no need to know. Whereever I wish. DO I NEED TO BLIND FOLD YOU TO TEACH YOU TO JUST OBEY.” The crop cut into the tender white flesh of butthole’s ass. They walked down the walkway to the middle of the barn where a tire hung from the ceiling. She stopped looking at Mistress unsure what was next. Fear was in her eyes as she saw the tire and the small stool next to the tire like a step. Her eyes wide with fear. “Stand up on the stool bitch and stick that white ass of yours through the tire. “Mistress, please no I will so helpless sitting there and hanging with my ass out.” She just said to her “EXACTLY my BUTTHOLE as I plan to play with your ASS HOLE TODAY.” “NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MISTRESS PLEASEEEEE NO. I BEG….NO…PLEASE”
“Do I have to gag you bitch? Stop your whimper or else I might really hurt you.” Butthole started to sob remember the last time she was fucked in the ass. It hurt for days and her ass hole was tender to the touch. Her sobs brought a smile to Mistress Trina.
As Mistress took a small stool and helped her up to the tire where she backed into the opening of the tire with her ass sticking out in a prominent manner and secured her with her. “My your ass looks so pretty. Your cheeks presented for my evil pleasures and your ass hole as well. Plus there is no way you can protect your ass or ass hole.” She laughed as she made sure the cameras were on before going to the wall and picking out a flogger, cane, and prison strap. “Which one first my butthole, the flogger, the can or the prison strap. I think the prison strap as that will bit into your flesh leaving a good 3 inch thick red imprint.” “PLEASSSSSE NO” she mumbled. “My ass is still sore from the last thrashing you gave it.”
“Plead all you want my butt meat as the more you complain, the more you scream, the more you cry will only lead to more and more and more requests for more destruction and punishment of your ass.”
Mistress Trina pick up the prison strap and walked to the front of her as she hung in the tire suspended off the floor. Her feet dangling and her ass sticking out, bare, helpless, exposed, and ready to take the strap. She held the strap of to her face, “KISS IT. TELL IT TO BE MERCILESS. TELL THE STRAP YOU ARE THANKFUL THAT IT WILL KISS YOUR WHITE ASS CHEEK. THANK IT FOR WHAT IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN.”
Her lips puckered and she kissed the leather strap. “Ttttthhhhaaannnnkkkkk youuuuu”, she said as she started to sob. “Please Mistress. Please I will do anything. Please…” She continued to sob. Mistress then patted her ass cheeks and asked “So you will do anything butthole.” “Yes, Mistress I will do anything.”
“GOOD BUTT MEAT” and with that the she reared back with the trap and struck the helpless white ass of her slave. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH GOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDD NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.” The howl was loud and sustained from the first blow. Her ass cheeks flattened as the strap stuck across both ass cheeks. The imprint, 3 inches wide and across the whole width of her ass.
Mistress Trina stood there with a big smile and then ran her fingers across the red imprint of the strap and said… ”Your wish is my command butthole as you said you would do anything. And this is just the beginning of that ANYTHING.”
She proceeded to flay her helpless ass ignoring her screamings, pleadings, and crying. Poor butthole soon became a blubbering piece of meat.
Mistress had made sure that her slave's ass stayed as white as possible with two exceptions. One when it was beating to dark red from strapping it or marked with the cane. The other was when she tanned the area around her ass hole to form a circle of dark tanned around her ass hole. Mistress did this by using a tanning lap on her ass when it was spread open. She put a cardboard cutout about 1 inch thick. Over time a darkened ring started to appear around butthole’s ass hole. Continued tanning lamp sessions darkened this ring. Mistress stood back often to admire the circle that made her ass hole the center of attention when her ass cheeks were taped wide apart. It was better than body writing as well as tattooing. Butthole made to look at her circled ass hole daily. She just teared up as she saw how she was being transformed into just being a butt hole. She said to her Mistress “Why Mistress do you do this to me? Why do you humiliate me this way.” Mistress just said “Remember ALICE and what you did to her. That is why my butthole, that is why. This is your punishment for life to be nothing but a butt hole”.
These tanning sessions were cammed live each day. Many tuned in to watch the transformation of the slave into nothing but a butthole. The number of scribers continued to increase daily. Mistress Trina then started to tan the words “SLAVE BUTTHOLE” into the slave’s pale white right ass cheek and the words “NO MERCY” on the left pale white ass cheek. All butthole could do is cry and accept her fate.
After butthole’s ass cheeks were flamed and welted from being strapped and caned, Mistress took a saltwater soaked towel to wash the bruised and welted ass cheeks. She HOWLED as the towel scrubbed her ass cheeks. She cried and begged for mercy. “MISTRESS PLEASE HAVE MERCY MY ASS IS ON FIRE…PLLEEEeeassse” Her voice slowly transformed into nothing but sobs and whimpers.
The scream and howl of the slave hanging with her ass out to the tire drew many likes from those watching. It was at this point Mistress taped the slave’s ass cheeks wide apart and flat. Butthole knew what was going to happen as it has happened before almost daily as she cried “NO PLEASE NO PLEASE NOT THE BB-GUN”.
She knew that her ass hole made a perfect target with that ring of very tanned skin. After tapping her cheeks wide apart it was clear that the ringed area around her ass hole was still white and untouched by the strapping and caning. “Such a pretty butt hole you have my piece of ass meat. I love torturing it, she said as her gloved fingers stroked the slave’s butt hole.
The time for target shooting approached and the number of viewers increased. A sound monitor was position to record the level of butthole’s screams. There was even a betting pool as to see how loud butthole would scream as well as how many shoots it would take to turn butthole into a blubbering hanging piece of meat.
Mistress walked over to pick up a b-b gun that she loaded with rubber balls with rounded nubs. She took her position and then proceeded to use the ringed ass hole for target practice. SPLAT th e first round hit home. “OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMGGGGGGGGGGGG” was uttered from butthole. Each round brought a louder HOWLE. Round after round of the bb’s struck on or near butthole’s ass hole. Red spots showing each hit. The screams uttered by the target drew more likes. After about 30 minutes of target fun the girls ass was covered in red dots and the level of sound of butthole’s complaints became just sobs and pleasse,no more, please, mercy, my mistress….please…no more…OMG…please”. But she continued to shoot and shoot, reloading as she needed to do. SPLAT SPLAT SPLAT and so on until she tired and people started to leave the show. At this point she shoved a remote control vibrated rabbit up butthole’s ass. As the rabbit pushed past the ring of the slave’s red and sore butthole, all that could be heard in a low soft voice of a broken slave was…”OMG please no.” It was at this point that those online could pay extra to take control of the remote for 10 minutes at a time. The numbers watching grew again as the viewers took the controls. All that was heard for the next two hours was “AHHH, OOOOOOOOO, GOD GOD GOD GOD MAKE IT STOP. Finally the filming and show was over. Tapes of today’s show were quickly put up for online sale. The orders flow in..)
Minutes later Nurse Trina came to get Alice. She had a leash, and secured it and a collar around Alice’s neck. She untied her hands so that she could walk on all fours out of the stall, into the pavilion where they had set up a stanchion for washing the slaves. She led Alice into the stanchion, securing her by the collar, wrists, and ankles to the wood posts buried deep in the ground. Kneeling on the platform between the study posts, Alice felt like a cow, which she supposed she was given the barn and milking setup.
“Welcome, Alice, to your prison and new life. This is not like the hospital where I am your caretaker. In this barn prison we are going to get to know each other very well as warden and prisoner” nurse Trina said. Ms Barbara was in the house watching the monitors as Alice’s helpless body being readied for her first humiliating torture as prisoner. Warden Trina wanted to intimidate the girl with her big knife she liked to carry in a sheath on her belt. She used it to cut the rope harness off her body strand at a time freeing Alice’s tortured clit and bound breasts and removing the strong clamps that had held any milk from leaking out. Alice’s swollen breasts hung down, her puffy pussy just barely visible from behind.
Spit was starting to drip from her ball gag as nurse Trina groped every inch of Alice. She palmed her now leaking breasts, twisting her dripping nipples until Alice winced and moaned to gauge her pain tolerance. She touched her belly, pressing down on her back to arch it and grant better access to her pussy. Nurse Trina parted Alice’s lips, grazing her finger across her clit before gently pressing into her wet hole. She fingered Alice’s asshole as well, ensuring that she had a good sense of her tolerance before the work began.
“Look at that needy pussy already wet and starting to leak down your thighs. You are no more than a filthy animal, only craving sex. We are going to treat you like exactly that. You will have scheduled milkings, just like a cow” Picking up a riding crop and swatting the girl's perfect ass Trina struck her with every pause in her sentences. “You will have vet inspections, ( swat) like the horses, (swat) You will be bred like a dog. (swat) You will accept all of these punishments wordlessly, (swat) because animals do not speak. (swat) If we need you to speak, (swat) we will ask you directly(swat) otherwise, you may only make moaning or animal noises (swat) Do you fucking understand, slave?” (swat) Alice whimpered as she nodded as she dared to look up pitifully at the cruel woman. Pulling against her restraints as a deeper fear than she had even known began to take hold she kept nodding her head to let it be known she understood and would behave. Trina crossed her arms and stood over the terrified girl “Good, now let’s begin.”
Knowing that big ball gags make the jaws very sore and can't be worn all the time and Alice had shown agreement she needs to resist speaking in any way until told she could speak, Trina pulled the hard rubber ball from her mouth letting the girl work her mouth closed.
Trina was tempted to start with making the hot little slut lick her pussy but she had already been in her mothers stall leaving cum on her face while Alice was still lost in the peace of sleep in her own stall. Now, it was time to work the girl over. Turning the suction pump on, Trina smiled as she took the suction cups of the powerful new goat milking machine in hand and bent over to press them to Alice’s swollen and now dripping nipples to empty her tits of the milk that had been building up in them overnight.
Alice shudders on the low platform between the stanchions when the cold hard cups suddenly latch onto her nipples and the rhythmic pumping of her milk begins. The hiss and clack of the machine made the ever frightened girl more worried as all the horrible things Miss Trina had said to her sank in. “You are going to be milked twice a day, Alice, for the full three months, Your milk production will increase, and we will sell it on the internet to the people watching you,” Nurse Trina explained as she looked up at the cameras on the wall and the one set up right in front of the stanchion. “Lucky for you, sexual edging increases milk production- so when your tits are aching in the milkers, your pussy will be stimulated as well. We are going to try different methods to see what works best.”
“We are going to start by rubbing your clit- you are not permitted to cum, though, so please focus on that.” As if to punctuate her point, nurse Trina began to gently rub Alice’s swollen clit. It protruded out of her lips permanently, so was easy to find. Alice moaned in pleasure as nurse Trina grazed it, her body relaxing despite the nearly painful suction of the milkers on her extremely sensitive nipples.
It was difficult for Alice not to cum, but she was so grateful for her clit being rubbed that she focused hard so as not to have it stop. After a few minutes, nurse Trina finally removed the milkers, revealing red swollen nipples and her teats no longer swelled. The milk that Alice produced having been drained, Nurse Trina painfully pinched Alice’s nipples, just for fun.
“Today’s punishment is going to be hard labor,” Nurse Trina explained. “From now until your evening milking, you are going to be helping to ensure the animal areas are ready for their arrival as well as grooming the ones already here. You will be wheelbarrowing shavings, carrying wood, and all sorts of things- harnessed, of course.”
Alice was made to eat her breakfast out of a bowl while stationed as nurse Trina prepared her harness. Her breasts were painfully tied, and her nipples clamped again. Her hips were bound as well, the rough rope inserted between her pussy lips to isolate her clit, which was also then clamped. Her ankles were fitted with hobbles. Alice was in pain, but could freely move enough to adequately complete her tasks. She was feeling miserable, but grateful that she was permitted to move freely.
The watchers had been asking to hear more from Alice. They liked to hear her begging and asking questions and trying to get a little mercy, so Trina gave the girl permission to speak and even ask questions as she finished getting her ready for the next part of her day.
Nurse Trina picked up two remote control vibrating bulbs. Alice’s eyes grew big and she wondered what those were for. She watched as Nurse Trina walked slowly over to her. Nurse had a wicked smile as she told Alice to stand up and bend over. Trembling, she got up and bent over.
Grab the ropes in the crack of your ass and spread your ass cheeks my little one. I have something to put in your ass.” Alice wide eyed bent over. “Why are you doing this to me?” “Shh shhh my little one, she said. It’s part of your conditioning. It’s not for your pleasure my little whore but mine. This way I know you will do as you are told.”
As she held her cheeks open she could feel the cold lube being smeared on her tight ass hole. “It’s cold, please stop.” With that protest she smacked the girl’s white ass hard. So hard that it left a very red hand print. Alice screamed out at both the shock of the hand print but also at the pain. “Now hold still bitch, or else this might hurt more than it needs to.” However, as she told this to calm her, she smiled and just shoved the bulb up the tight girl’s ass hole. She howled as the bulb was forced past her anal ring. “Take it out…oh God take it out …Please take it out.” These protests just got more hard spanks to what was her white ass cheek. Now they were covered with very red hand prints.
With the one bulb up her ass, nurse took the other bulb and after stroking her pussy to get wet placed the bulb at the entrance and shoved it deep into Alice’s pussy.
“Take them out…oh my please take them out. I feel so full….please..mercy”
“Listen bitch you exist for my pleasure and not yours. Remember I get to choose what happens to you.” She pressed the controls and Alice’s body contorted and spasmed as the vibrations shook her pussy and ass hole. She doubled up and almost lost her balance. Her body betrayed her as she moaned and beg for it to stop. “Remember bitch if you cum your clit will be whipped raw.”
“Please stop” she cried. “I am going to cummmmmmmmm”. Nurse stopped the vibrations and she just panted and sucked in air as her body was denied what it craved.
As she panted and regained her composure, Nurse Trian picked up her barber strap and put a collar and leash on her. “Where are we going?” “We are going to put you to work and your first task will be to clean out this horse stall.” “OMG” she said as she looked at it. The hay was dirty with horse droppings and the smell was very pungent. “You will clean it out by just using your hands my bitch.” Alice just stood there with her mouth open and gazed at her with that look that said you can’t be serious.”
She just held up the barber strap, smacked the poor girl’s ass and said “Get started my, slut you have 30 minutes if it is not done in that time I will strap your ass 20 times and your cunt 10 times and your ass hole 10 times. All she could do was look dumbfounded at the nurse. Still looking at her she said “Please…no…please no…its dirty…I can’t …..please.”
Taking the remote controls, she shocked her pussy and ass hole. The vibrations were intense and she doubled over. “GET TO WORK BITCH”. She started to scoop up the dirty hay and take it out of the stall. Time ticked down as 30 minutes was about up. To distract her, the remote vibrators were used to keep her distracted. Alice screamed each time the bulges were activated. Nurse kept them on long enough so that the orgasm within her built and built and just before she would cum, the vibrations were turned off.
Needless to say Alice she failed in getting the stall cleaned out and the new hay in place. Nurse Trina took her and removed the vibrating bulbs and bent her over a hay bay and proceeded to strap her ass with the barber strap. SPLAT….SMAAAAAACK… SPLATTTT…”AHHHHHH GOD NO AHHHHHHHHHHHHH PLEASE STOP” .
She then had her spread her ass cheeks and struck her tender exposed ass hole. “OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH MYYYYYYYYYY GODDDDDDDDDDD, NOOOOOOOOO” the poor slave yelled. Tears started to stream from her eyes and the whimpers and pleading continues unabated. Then she had her turn over and spread her legs. The barber strap continued tor strike her young tender flesh. Red streaks highlighted her ass, ass hole, and cunt. They throbbed and Alice just lay there shaking and whimpering and muttering “Please no more….please.”
Nurse Trina put the vibration bulbs back into her and said “You have 15 minutes now to get it done. If you don’t you will be given time in 15 minute intervals until you get it done and each time you fail you will be punished again and again until you get the stall cleaned. Needless to say she used the vibrating bulbs to make sure she kept failing.) STOPPED HERE
It was a long grueling day, made infinitely worse by Alice’s painful restraints. Her aching tits were chafing, to say nothing of the rope between her legs. The dull ache of the nipple and clit clamps was unbearable, but Alice was helpless- she was told that if she touched the clamps she would be severely beaten, and by the look of sadism in Nurse Trina's eyes, she believed the threat. As it was, if Alice slowed down Nurse Trina was nearby with a riding crop, hitting Alice’s ass roughly to propel her forward. She felt like a workhorse and slave and was being treated as such.
Shower Time lesson show
It was mid morning of day one before Alice saw her mother. Bound and gagged in her stall. Her once normal proud mom had become a filthy mess laying chained and helpless. Her nipples had the same kind of strong clamp on them keeping the milk that swelled them from spraying out. Her hair was matted and her face crusty with dried snot, tears and cum. Her eyes looked pitifully. Totally defeated. She just lay there. Alice was nearly in tears from the pity she felt for her mother at that moment.
“As I said, part of your punishment is taking care of the animals we already have and that filthy beast on the floor needs washing and feeding.”
Handing Alice a keychain with one key held up.
“This one fits all those locks. Give her use of her legs and unlock the chain to her collar and put her in the washing and milking station the same way you were this morning. After you have her ready you will remove all of the bondage you are wearing other than the collar, kneel and wait.
You will listen and do as you are told. Remember to not speak unless told to. This week will begin with you learning one of your daily duties. Each morning you will wash and milk butthole as instructed by a special guest who will obey without question or wish you had after you are punished ten fold for everything you fail to do”
Trina’s voice from behind the camera she carries as she walks to the side of the room out of the way. It was the first time she played to the crowd so blatantly and she was getting into it.
“Ms. Beth, one of our more, interested, fans has won the bid to direct how the morning baths and milkings would proceed for the first week. “
Trina moved back and waited for the right time to start recording with a hand held camera for close ups of what the other cameras in the stall would be seeing. She went to her laptop on the shelf and a moment later a female voice spoke from speakers mounted high on the walls.
The monitor mounted on the wall lit up showing the current outfeed going all over the world to a *********** but growing membership who paid high bitcoin.
Dr, Green sat in her farmhouse overlooking the old family farm as she looked at multiple camera views and ***********ed which one would go out in single or split views and chatted silently with Trina on the laptop. “We are going with Ms, Beth, Now. “
A full figured woman wearing a form fitting black satin and lace camisole with garter and stockings to match. The woman's long wavy brown hair flowed over her shoulders in a cascade of silky femininity as curled past her full breasts so beautifully framed in the sexy bodice.
“ I am Ms. Beth. You will follow my directions. I will be training you on how to wash and milk the slave, butthole, as the week proceeds.
Trina looked at the counter. This first washing had been much talked about during the night and 821 people were watching from maybe 12 different countries.
No matter what her new way of being was telling her she was and no matter how sick and depraved she felt looking at the vile movies of things she had done, butthole still used her own name, her old name. She was Lisa in what was still her mind when not so drugged or being tortured.
Lisa looked at the screen on the wall over the head of her shorter teenage daughter who stood naked with deep rope marks in her flesh where she had worn the cruel harness all morning. The split screen showed them from two angles as they looked at each other.
They looked at each other trying to be brave as if they knew they had roles to play and whatever happened would be okay. Maybe they would not be whipped, as a hope. They did know it was about to get intensely sexual between them at the bidding of the beautiful woman on the screens.
Lisa looked at and obeyed her daughter as Ms Beth guided her to put her mother standing comfortably with ankles cuffed and chained shoulder width apart to the bottoms of the posts to each side. The sensual touching of her body by her beautiful and extremely sexy young daughter was soon doing the inevitable and stirring her pussy to wetness.
Lisa’s eyes took in how the treatments had begun to change her little girl's body in the ways the evil Dr Green had wanted to make happen. When her mind was more clear the wrongfulness of the things they were forced to do seemed to hurt more sober than when drugged. Lisa wishes she was drugged. She hated she was getting turned on by what was happening. She wanted the drugs to blame it on how badly she wanted her daughter to let cum…to make her cum.
“Prisoner Alice, take the waist belt and put it on her then attach a chain from each side of the belt to each post with no slack to move her hips from side to side.” Miss Beth’s voice commanded.
( imay continue to write a very sensual and almost romantic wash scene with kissing and tenderness and edging then a more aggressive and humiliating milking scene with a lean towards butthole’s perspective,)
( I think a 3 week time frame is more realistic with summer vacation from school and the story of them being away, keeping anyone from looking for them works better than the longer time.
So we think in terms of weeks?.
Week One, to break and train with whips and toys, After bathing and milking it’s telling movie stories in the morning. Followed by hard bondage, ass reamings and more while being punished and worked in the afternoons and evenings.
Week Two , things get more intense.
Week Three, last week, horses and dogs and ultimate humiliations.