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This is only the opening part of what I hope will turn into a what is was meant to be when another younger but even bigger and stronger nice moves back next door on the family farm and comes to Carol's defense only to discover she now wants to own her more as loved pet than slave.
Hell At Home

Weak of body and will.

Carol cowers as the girl yells at her. “Dammit mom, just do it yourself. I don't need you telling me you want my dirty clothes. You want them so badly, then just gather them and leave us alone.”

Carol thought about speaking but didn't. Not after last time when Ann shoved her so hard she nearly fell over. She just turned to leave so as not to argue over dirty clothes. She gave thought to not washing them at all and let the girl do them herself. Wanting a car she should maybe be a bit nicer instead of getting meaner by the week as she had been lately.

She again wondered if she should tell Ray how badly their daughter was getting out of control lately. He was so busy with the farm expansion she hated to bother him with it. He and Ann barely talked. He was mad at her for not helping and didn't want to deal with her so he basically ignored her. She would maybe do the same.

At the door on the way out she heard. “What the hell, mom? Take the clothes with you. Geez mom”

She didn't stop but did hesitate when Ann yelled “ Mom! Get your ass back in here and pick up my damn clothes!” She kept walking until she heard Ann’s feet hit the floor and yelled “ Stop! Stop your ass right there mom. To her utter humiliation she stopped.

She knew she was no match for her daughter now. Having been small all her life and thin weak arms she learned early that the bigger kids could pick on her and get away with it. She had lived her adult life with that behind her until her own daughter realized she could push her around physically and now she was trying to do it mentally too.

Letting out a quiet sigh to try to stay calm and get out of this, Carol turned to start gathering the clothes scattered about in the messy room. Ann got in her face with a wild but excited look in her eyes. “ No mom, not so fast. “ The girl's hand came up to the middle of her chest and shoved her back . “We need to talk about how things need to change around here. You are going to start showing some respect, lady” Ann was using the same tone that her mom had used with her as if she was a child.

Lisa watched and listened with a smile on her face as her best friend got harsh with her mom. Ann had been telling her how she was getting the best of her mom and that getting physical with her was the best way to handle her to get what she wanted. She could see in the woman’s eyes and actions she was not going to put up a fight. She watched with rapt attention as Ann took another step and pushed her mom back again. Like watching girls fight at school and the urge to cheer or jump into, Lisa found herself getting up and going to stand just inside the doorway to watch what was happening out in the hall.

When Lisa got up it was clear that Carol was even more intimidated from the look in her eyes as she looked back and forth between the two girls.

“Ann, please.., okay. Okay okay, I’ll get the clothes and go and we can talk later, okay? Pleasee. “

Ann was fired up and didn't hesitate to shove her mom again and this time grabbed her arm and used it to turn her back to the wall and push her back against it.

Easily pinning one arm to the wall, Ann leaned into her with her finger wagging in her face.

“ Oh no mom, we will talk now. I want Lisa to hear this. You are going to stop telling me what to do like I am still a little girl and you are going to learn to deal with the fact I’m more woman now than you are. You are a weak little pussy and always have been and things are going to change around here. Now, here is what’s going to happen now. Me and Lisa are going out to the pool and you are going in my room and not only picking up my clothes but cleaning it up good while you are at it. You got that …mother ! ?”

Carol hated being so weak and feeling so small so she just nodded that she understood.

“ Oh and mom, make us some cheese sandwiches for lunch and bring them to the pool. Okay mommy dear?” Ann said with dripping sarcasm, smiled then turned and left.

She cleaned the room quietly and quickly and on the verge of tears by the time she was done. In the laundry room she sorted and started washing the sheets first and put the delicates in a basket for last. A pile of underwear more sexy than anything she wore seemed to support what her daughter was saying about already being more woman than she ever was. Only her tits were bigger than her daughters. Ann was taller and stronger and now meaner than she could ever imagine being. She felt that Lisa being there was making Ann want to show off and worried about the long summer ahead with them out of school and the girl there even more often.

Out in the pool bath as the girls were changing into their sexy little bikinis and talking excitedly about what had just happened Lisa exclaimed. “ Holy shit! When you had her up against the wall and seeing your mom cower like that and you all bossy bitchy with was damn, kind of hot…like wow, hot, ya know? “

Then she laughed to make light of it but she was for the first time in her life Lisa was turned on by how incredibly sexy she found it to see a grown woman getting pushed around and especially by her daughter. To top it off she could not help but watch the woman’s perfect tits heaving as she was trying to fight off the panic she was feeling. Carol was known as the hot-mom in their circles of friends. God she has great tits! Lisa thought as they finished changing.

Ann had not replied to the comment and went out to the pool ahead of Lisa quietly thinking.

Lisa stayed in the pool bathroom saying she had to pee. She did pee but she also took a long moment to diddle her wet little twat and think how she wanted to shove Carol around some too.

Inside, Carol made lunch for the girls as she thought but how the shoving in the hall had made it clear her daughter was not only stronger than her now but stronger of will too. She was literally no match for the girl. When Lisa stepped up with that excited look to watch Ann push her around and then kept looking at her tits had really scared her. Lisa had never shoved her but she was at least as strong as Ann. If she could not defend herself against either one of them, she would be more than outmatched if they teamed up on her. There was nothing to stop them and with the way Ann was being it seemed only a matter of time they would completely take over. She looked out the kitchen window across the farm to the old farmhouse that was being remodeled for her brother and his family to move back after being away for several years. She really hoped that Ann would be nice to them. She had been on the last holidays spent together but that was before Ann had taken such a drastic change.

Strong of mind and body

A loud bang …. Followed by a yelp and furious tapping “I give up” … was what could be heard when walking into the gym as Alex had been sparring with her teammate in wrestling class… she’d thrown the other girl to the floor and put her in a vice-like hold with her strong arms within seconds… the girl tapped out immediately and lay on the floor exhausted.

“You okay Mel … did I go too hard on you?”

A little bit Mel said while catching her breath… “Gosh Alex, how are you so strong? I wouldn’t want to fight you for real. You threw me like I weighed nothing and I’m not a small girl, not to mention 3 years older than you.”

Alex was already 5”6’ 140 lbs and was expected to grow to at least 6 feet in the next few years. She was on the school wrestling team competing with the older girls and just like she had just done with Mel, she was often beating them pretty quickly. She was not only strong but fast. Her martial arts teacher worked with her on moves and speed of actions and it was stunning to all of her opponents.

Alex, standing up first offering a hand to help her defeated opponent up. “ I work out like hell and just lucky to have my dad’s genes, I guess”

After getting showered and changed Alex met best friend Sophie outside school… Alex and Sophie had been best friends ever since Alex had defended Sophie from being bullied by a mean classmate.

Sophie was a pretty small and fragile girl really struggling to stand up to her bullies. When Alex saw the cute girl getting pushed around helplessly and felt something for her… she got mad, grabbed her bully and pushed her hard up against the locker. The bully cowered knowing exactly who Alex the wrestler and martial arts student was and wanting no part in being on her bad side never bothered Sophie again.

Since that day Sophie and Alex had been best friends. Alex had walked Sophie home from school everyday just to make sure she got home safe. Over the years Alex had become very protective of her little friend, even a little controlling… She'd tell Sophie not to leave the house until she got there to pick her up… of which Sophie obeyed without question… the neighborhood wasn’t the safest place and Sophie was a little scared to go out alone in anycase.

Through Sophie, Alex started to realize she liked girls…. And in particular had a soft spot being most attracted to petite weak little girls like sophie. She loved protecting them and she also loved how submissive and obedient Sophie became in being so dependent on Alex for protection… This led to Alex being a very protective, possessive, dominant and controlling best friend. And led to Alex and Sophie being very close and fond of each other…Even though it had never become sexual between them there were nights in her bed Alex thought of it being very sensual and even sexual.

That’s why it came as such a sad surprise when Alex’s parents told her they were moving away … back to the farm they’d lived on when Alex was younger alongside the rest of the family… They needed help managing the farm and Alex’s dad Jack had agreed to come back to help out.

Alex hadn’t seen her family in years… she remembered her older cousin Ann and little Aunt Carol … who she’d always liked, Carol in particular she remembered being so sweet to her, she remembered how her dad would always tease her about being tiny and lift her up whenever he saw her… though they definitely had a loving relationship, he was quite protective her his little sister, which is trait that Alex seemed to inherit with her friend Sophie. But the last time she’d seen them was such a long time ago … she hoped they’d remember her as fondly.

When the moving day came Alex packed up her things, and said a sad goodbye to Sophie… Sophie was in tears .. and it broke Alex’s heart to leave her .. but it was out of her hands. She picked Sophie up under her armpits and gave her a kiss peck on the lips… stay safe little thing… I’ll be back as much as I can to see you.

At that, Alex got in the car and her dad drove them … it was a long journey back to the farm and Alex was imagining what her Aunt and Cousin would be like these days… it’s been several years since she’d seen them. ...

It’s getting worse for Carol.

Days after the shoving in the hall things had only gotten worse with Ann’s bossy attitude but she had been helping with the housework some to keep her dad off her ass. Carol basically did the work and Ann took credit for it. That left the girl far too much time to lounge in the sun with her buddy Lisa. Carol was just finished with the last of the kitchen cleaning for Ann and her own work in the garden she did every morning when Ann came in from the sun and shivered and scowled at her mom.

“Damn, it’s cold in here. Go get your red bathrobe for Lisa and mine from my room and toss them in the dryer for a few minutes while I go pee, then fix us something for lunch.”

Carol was no longer arguing at all. It only made things worse. She was tired of being yelled at, threatened and shoved around. Most of all she did not want Lisa getting in on it again. The last time had been bad and she was getting scared of what the girl was heading towards. Lisa had helped Ann corner her in the living room and held her hands pinned down and apart as she lay face down on the floor squirming while Ann whipped her ass with a belt. Lisa was saying how next time it would be her hands tied and pants off she would be doing the whipping and to more than just her ass. Carol heard the door close when Lisa came in.

“So, is mommy poo going to fix us lunch or what?” Lisa said aloud as she headed towards the bathroom where Ann is.

Carol was ready to start the dryer when Ann yelled out. “ Hey mom, hurry up and bring them in the bathroom when they are warm”

Carol was not expecting to see Ann naked in the bathroom standing behind Lisa brushing her long dark hair facing the mirror looking at each other. She had wondered if they were lovers and the comfort they had in that intimate moment made her think they were. She was taken by how hot they were with nearly matching tan lines from the same suits and wondered if they did it on purpose. She knew they both were into tan lines. They had similar bodies with Ann being only an inch shorter than Lisa’s 5’4. Lisa’s leaner body was very fit with small but very firm B cup breasts under the tiny bikini top that was still damp making her nipples stand out from the chill.

Her daughter with her more curvy body and lighter skin tone has great C cup breasts that have the firmness of youth. Her ass is well rounded and legs fit and strong.

Being only 5’½” tall and thin with D Cup breasts she felt and looked and felt like a pale little barbie doll compared to them.

Lisa looked at her in the mirror and Ann turned her head to look at her when she came in with the warm robes.

“ Well don't just stand there gawking at us. Put hers on the counter then put mine on me and then do her’s. Do I have to tell you every little thing? “

Ann let her mom slide the warm robe over her arms then pull it over her shoulders.

With her daughter's warm robe wrapped around her, picking up her red robe that Lisa would wear while she made them lunch then moving towards Lisa, the girl stopped her.

“Oh no mommy pet, not over my wet suit. I have an idea” Turing to Ann

“What do you think of getting mommy poo here to take my suit off for me and we make it a little challenging. “

Ann grinned back at Lisa.

“Oh, what do you have in mind?”

With that, Lisa said to Carol.

“Take the sash belt off that robe and hand it to me, mommy poo.”

Lisa had brought her phone in and picked it up from the counter and handed it to Ann.

“Here take this and get a few good shots of our little maid undressing one of her owners the hard way. “

Then she laughed.

“Hard way for her but fun way for me.”

As soon as Carol handed her the belt and set the robe on the vanity top Lisa grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed the back against the wall.

“ oh no… pleasee this..”

Was as far as she got in protest before Lisa slapped her face.

“ Oh no, my ass. Oh yes, is more like it, mommy dear, now shut the fuck up and turn around”

Grabbing her firmly to spin her and shoving her hard against the wall then jerking her around like a rag doll and shoving her to the wall again she yelled “ Just keep your mouth shut and do as told. God, Ann is right. It’s like we have to tell you everything”

Ann liked watching Lisa being physical with her mom. She loved how weak and pathetic the woman is in her feeble attempts at fighting her off. Lisa had started with her making a lot of hints about how sexy she found her. Lately that had progressed into a fantasy about making her a slave and tying her up. The idea of them dominating the weak older woman was clearly turning Lisa on as she held the weak and afraid woman pinned against the wall. Ann was even considering trying something with her best friend. Seeing her friend lusting after her mom was hot and yeah, mom has a hell of a hot little body. She was getting a few really good pics of them as she stood as far back as she could in the good size bathroom. Ann’s pussy was getting into it too.

“ Hands behind your back, mommy poo” With one hand pressing her to the wall Lisa guided the woman’s hands.

“ Keep those weak little arms crossed like that and don't move…and keep your mouth shut”

The sexual tension in the room had ramped up. Ann leaned back against the wall watching her mom’s hands being tied behind her back. She could see her mom starting to shiver from the rough handling. She had suspected her mom may be getting aroused from being pushed around and it was looking like it as she stood still breathing deeply with her body trembling a little.

Lisa looked at Ann and grinned as she put her fingers in the waistband of Carol’s soft cotton shorts getting ready to pull them down.

“Now when I pull these down you will step out of them” Lisa said firmly.

When the gray shorts were off and revealing the still firm little ass of the small woman the girls could see the strand of the red G string panites going down between the cheeks.

“Nice panties mommy poo. We know what a lingerie slut you are. Are you wearing the matching bra to these lacey little panties? Hummm? Mommy poo?”

Tossing the shorts on the vanity, Lisa grabbed her by the arms and easily moved Carol in front of the mirror and looked over her shoulder into the woman’s eyes. They all watched as the girl lifted the bottom of the pullover sweatshirt up and over her head and slid the top down her back over her bound arms until it bunched up behind her lower back.

“But of course you have on the matching bra. You are such a sexy little milf… you know that mommy? Do you have any idea how hot you are or how much it turns me on how weak you are? “

After a long drive Alex and her parents finally arrived at the farm and were greeted by Aunt Carol holding a small plate of freshly baked cookies upon our arrival.

Aunt Carol had a big smile on her face and looked really happy to see family... though Alex noticed she also had signs of mascara dripping down from her eyes giving the impression that she'd recently been crying.

Upon getting out of the car Alex immediately saw how tiny and slender Aunt Carol was... after all Alex was only 9 the last time they'd met and Alex had grown considerably in that now dwarfing little carol despite being much younger.

"omg is that you Alex... my you've grown... whats my brother feeding you over there .. you're so big and beautiful" Aunt Carol exclaimed excitedly.

Alex's Dad embraced his sister , as a big man he really towered over her;.. lifting her up as they embraced ... happy to see his little sister. Then as he put her down Aunt Carol ran over to embrace Alex. Alex was shocked to feel just how light and fragile her Aunt felt... it felt like she was cuddling a fragile little kitten who might snap in half if Alex squeezed too hard. Alex immediately felt endeared towards her little Aunt... it reminded her of her dear friend Sophie although Aunt Carol's hug certainly gave the impression that she was much more delicate than Sophie…

After being handled so roughly by the girls, Carol was tense when Alex first hugged her but it was tender and loving in her strong arms and she melted into the hug. As strong as the girl had become she was still very loving and kind. Unlike the tears of shame she had cried over the lusty arousal she had begun feeling whenever the girls overpowered her and made her do things or shoved her around the new tears that wet her eyes came from joy that Alex was there and maybe things would get better.

She had not cried at the time they made her undress Lisa with her teeth and lips and hold the robe in her mouth as the naked teen slipped her arms into it. She had cried later from the humiliation for the powerful arousal she was still feeling thinking about it. How she could fear it and hate so much being the weaker one and still be turned on so damn much by it was surely sick.

Later on Ann came out to greet them... her older cousin was also someone Alex remembered fondly; they'd spent some great summers together when Alex was little .... the last time she saw Ann she was definitely the smaller one. Ann was now taller than Carol by an inch or two. She looked up to her cool older cousin and wanted to be just like her... this time it was certainly Ann who was looking up at her bigger, taller younger cousin. It was strange to feel how things had flipped.

The two cousins hugged and laughed and it was a good greeting that carried on into the house for the rest of the afternoon. Carol was glad Lisa was not there and the girls had time to be alone that evening.

Alex got settled in and within a couple of days was already out there with her dad working on the farm... it was a good workout so Alex didn't mind... lifting large bales of hay and digging ditches for drainage around the old barn... Alex quite enjoyed the physical work on the farm... and quite often started noticing little Aunt Carol watching her through the window as she was lifting and throwing heavy bales of hay. Alex smiled and waved to Aunt Carol... gosh she's so little and sweet Alex thought to herself....

Alex settles in

It became one of Carol’s favorite things to cook meals for the now extended family. It was one way she could help her brother's family have time to get moved and settled. There was still much to do. She liked cooking and her kitchen offers a wonderful view over the farms. Large double doors to a screened patio and more windows around the room and bay window let her watch much of what they were doing to clean out and begin on farm upkeep that had lagged for so long.

She didn't mean to stare and knew she had been caught looking but young Alex’s body was just so amazing. With her tall fit body she looked much older than her age. She had strong abs and arms and her legs were like dancers with long toned muscles. Her back stout and body just ripped the girl had both the genetics and training to be just fucking hot for any age.

That she was so young and still the same sweet girl in so many ways was hard to get used to but very welcomed into Carol's life. So was so unlike Ann who was being careful to not let others see how she treated her mom when no one was around.

Jack and Ray had left for the lumber yard with a large order for rebuilding one of the old barns with a new roof and stalls for horses and indoor-outdoor runs for large breed dogs Jack wanted to raise for the guard, police and service industry as a sideline now that he was back on the farm. Their father had raised dogs and he remembered them fondly. The horse breeding idea was his wifes. She had been in touch with breeders who needed more stalls and half of the old barn would be rented out to them. There were still some stalls for their own horses they would ride over the farm and surrounding areas and into the state park only a half hour's ride away.

Alex and her mom Jan had gone to meet with Brenda, the woman who runs the horse breeding operation on the farm as well as owns the local feed and tack store. They wanted to see the horses she would be boarding full time at the farm. There would be two studs Toby and Pistol and the other stalls were for the mares who would stay during their week of estrus.

Ann had not come out of her room yet when the kitchen door opened and Lisa walked in, making Carol pause at the kitchen counter. Her heart raced not only from the surprise but knowing she would be alone most of the day with the girls. She had hoped Ann would sleep even later.

“ Oh hi Lisa, Ann is not up yet but of course you can go on back” Carol said and turned away hoping the girl would leave her alone in the kitchen. The look that quickly came to Lisa’s face worried her.

Lisa had been surfing online and didn't know yet how she was going to deal with Ann but she knew in her heart after the last few days she wanted to be a lesbain or at least bi-sexual. She had been obsessed with what she found when she did a search for “women dominating women” and then even found some stories about “daughters dominating moms” and that really got under her skin. She just knew she had to talk Ann into the two of them turning her weak little mom into some kind of sex slave they could dominate and she didn't think it would be that hard to convince her.

She figured Ann would like to at least do it for getting money and that new car she wanted out of it they played their cards right and maybe blackmailed her if they had to. Lisa was not sure but she got the feeling that she was not the only one turned on by seeing Carol looking so hot when she was overpowered and roughed up a little.

There were lots of stories about blackmail she had read and wanted to talk to Ann about and then there was the bondage too. After tying Carol’s hands behind her back and making her use her sexy mouth to timidly pull the wet bikini off her it was pretty much all she could think about. She had been looking at a lot of bondage too. A lot of it was production and a lot of it was hot as fuck. And the stories about women and girls and blackmail and it was all too fucking hot and she wanted Carol’s little ass badly.

She was tempted to hang in the kitchen with the sexy Ms Carol but she wanted to wake up Ann and show her what she had found and saved to her laptop that was tucked under her arm.

“ Oh okay Ms, Carol, I will do that. I have something I am sure Ann will want to see” Lisa said and smiled as she touched the laptop and turned away down the hall.

To Lisa’s surprise Ann was not in bed but in her bathroom at the mirror with her earbuds swaying to some music that must be sultry given how sexy her moves were. Her backside was to the room making it easy for Lisa to close the door and walk up near the door jamb and watch her sexy friend wash her face and then start brushing out her wavy brown hair. Ann was in panties and cut off Tee-shirt. Her pretty bare feet on a plush pink rug. She was short and getting curvy like her mom. She may not have as big of tits as her little mom yet but the idea of reaching under her shirt and feeling them up was so incredibly tempting to Lisa at that moment.

Lisa finally walked into the bathroom to catch Ann unaware touching her shoulder just as Ann saw her in the mirror. Ann was startled for a second but recovered with.``Hiya Lisa, you are the early bird today. What’s up?”

Lisa was having a hard time not looking at Ann’s sweet round tits. “Girl, You have to put a top on so I can talk to you. My hands are wanting to get grabby and we need to talk.” Holding up her laptop she added “about this and something you need to see on it.

“Hey slut if you want to get all grabby is one thing but what is on that you have not shown me already. You are really into the porn lately. I can see your mind spinning the last few days. What gives my slutty friend? “ Ann stared her in the eyes, put her hands on her hips, stuck out her chest almost daring Lisa to reach for her tits. Lisa had her hands full with the laptop and a carry bag she always had with her or she may have gone for it but Ann moved to grab her Tee she had already set on the dresser top.

Lisa followed her in to sit on her bed and opened her laptop. For several long minutes Lisa did most of the talking as she told of her grand idea for them to have the most exciting summer of their lives with money to spend and a way to get around and most of all to have a weak little sex slave who would do anything for them.

It did not surprise Ann at all when she asked. “And just who is this generous sex slave going to be?” and Lisa replied.” You know who. Your mom. She is perfect for it and you know it. You saw how weak and submissive she was when I tied her hands and made her take off my swimsuit with her mouth. She is more than perfect for it; she is practically begging for it. She is already cleaning your room and is afraid of us. We can run her life this summer now that classes are out.

Lisa looked up at Ann seriously “ I may as well say it. I am hot for your mom and well, you too. Lisa, I think I am a lesbian and that's all I think about. You and your weak little sexy hot mom are all I think about.

Ann looked back at her best friend who had just proposed the most insane idea at the same time as dropping the lesbian bomb on her and all she could think of was to lean in caressing her face, tiling her head a little and kissing her. Lisa let go of the laptop and it fell to bed as she put her hands on Ann’s sweet tits as the kiss went sensually ballistic !

It was after Ann’s second orgasm and maybe the fifth for Lisa when they finally lay back and rested. Ann nodded off for a few minutes. Lisa was on her laptop when she woke up. As they looked at videos of hot lesbian women doing some really kinky things to other women tied and forced to do things or endure things, Lisa went for Ann’s pussy again to soon had them both excited and ready when she said, “ Lets go get your mom and pull her in here, tie her up and make her watch us have sex. “

Lisa had played it just right. She had not said to make her a sex slave or even to have sex with her but only to make her watch and Ann found that idea hot and went for it. Of course Lisa was hoping it would go further.

“So what’s the plan?” Lisa asked with her heart in her throat and nearly shaking with a rush of excitement.

“Call her in here. We gag her, tie her hands, slap her around some, yell at her, tie her up more and make her watch and as we fuck we tell her how fucked she is now. Call her in. I have a kneesock gag and cords ready in my bag. “ Lisa grinned.

Lisa was not the only one who had been getting into her being bossy with her mom. After a little more discussion Ann was fully on board by the time she stood up and took a deep breath. “ hey mom…mom…get your ass in here! Get in here now…we need to talk! “ she yelled.

After feeling like ice water had been thrown on her when hearing Ann yelling for her in such a bossy way Carol’s heart pounded in her chest. She stood at the doorway. “What would you like to talk about? Can I get you something?”

“ Yeah mom you can get your ass over here and stand by the bed. We are going to talk about how things are going to change around her even more than they have. You see mom…you are ours now. Me and Lisa own your ass now. Right now I want you to kneel facing the bed and Lisa is going to tie you up.”

Carol was stunned by the frank way she said it.

“ What? …What do you mean, owned? “

Ann jumped up and faced her mom who cowered and looked down submissively for fear of being slapped.

“ I mean owned mom. Like a slave or a pet. You ass is mine and you will get on your fucking kness now! “ Then she slapped her face with her right hand turning it one way then slapped it just as hard with the other hand knocking the opposite way over and over three times each before Carol cried out for mercy. Knowing the girls could easily overpower her and force her into it she would have to do as told but something primal in her took over in a moment of panic and she tried to put her hands up to protect her face when she felt Lisa grab her arms and easily pull them behind her back. She tried to pull away but didn't have the strength. She twisted her body and even tried to fall down but the girl just laughed.

“God Carol, you are so fucking tiny and weak i can hold you with one hand” She said as she did so and used her other hand to reach around and grab one of her nipples and pinched it hard making her squeal loudly.

“Get on your knees you weak, pathetic dumb little bitch and I will stop slapping you” Ann yelled at her.

Lisa easily pushed Carol to her knees and lay her face down on the bed. Lisa stayed behind her and used one of the cords Ann handed her to bind her thin wrists tightly. She wanted it so tight it would hurt the woman’s wrists and pulled and yanked it hard as she tied the knot. Then she took another cord and bound her ankles just as tight. Ann took more pictures as Lisa put the gag in her mouth. Lisa easily yanked the feeble woman back and up to her feet again then shoved her down on the bed hard. She tied the end of a long cord to the one on her ankles and tossed it over the center where the canopy frame came to a finial and pulled as she lifted her ankles until her ass was raised off the bed a few inches.

Carol had never been or felt so weak and helpless in her life. She was truly a little toy the stronger girls could do with as they pleased and that weakness made her sick and ashamed.

“Now time for some ass whipping until you are begging to lick pussy, slave bitch” Lisa growled.

She had just started whipping the backs of her thighs and ass cheeks when Ann started taking off her thin cotton shorts she slept in and her phone chimed she had a text.

“ Fuck… its Alex, She wants to come over and help mom and hang out with her. I swear it's like she loves her or something. Mom…you little ass just got lucky for now but your ass and those big tits will be ours later. Lisa, let the bitch down so she can see her little lover girl. “ Ann said as was pulling her shorts back on.
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