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Please leave feedback! I'm a new writer and would love to hear your thoughts. Happy reading!
Chad was bored. With capital letters. His wife was out of town for a girls weekend and he had the kids this weekend. Two sets of twins within a year of each other left Chad and his wife Heather busy all the time. Even though the twins were 18 and 19 now, they were still all at home and they still needed support and little oversight from their parents.

Chad was 45 and his wife was 44. They both still looked nice. With the normal wear and tear showing on their bodies. Maybe Chad was a little thicker around the middle, but he was proud of his dad bod. Heather, however, fought the signs of aging with intentional ruthlessness. She worked out three times a week to maintain as much of her figure as she could. It was hard for Heather to look “slim”. Her double D breasts just stuck out too far. But her ass was juicy and he knew she was turning heads on that Mexican beach she was at.

They had a great sex life, Chad thought as he drove around town running errands. Never dull. They had started opening up about their sex lives when they were younger and warming to the idea of doing some new things to spice things up. He passed one of the town’s adult theaters and decided to turn around and see what that was all about. He and Heather had talked about going but he wanted to make sure that his wife would be safe and clean.

He parked the car and walked into the windowless building. He had no idea what to expect, but when he walked in he was in the store part of the theater. He walked the aisles looking at the wares being sold. Typical movies, dildos, vibrators, lubes, and books. At the back of the store was a discreet sign that said arcade. Chad slipped through the door to continue his self-guided tour. He walked down a long hallway that had a door every six feet or so. Next to each door was a digital sign that said either “occupied” or “available”. Chad turned the knob of an available door and entered a room with a comfortable couch big enough for two people. On the wall was a TV and on a little table under the tv was a laptop computer and a card swipe to pay for whatever you purchase. Nice, Chad thought and backed out of the room. The cleanliness of the leather couch and the room impressed him.

He continued down the hall way and came to a large theater seating area with a big screen showing a porn compilation. It looks like the menu of movies for that day was listed on the wall on either side of the screen. The theater only had a few people in it, but it was 4:30 on a Friday afternoon. He sat down just to see what would happen. Turns out, nothing much. The movie was full of the obligatory moaning and cum shot scene. He hoped that if he and Heather came back, there would be more… something. He wasn’t sure what. Just more.

Chad pulled into the garage a little later and noticed all four of his children were home tonight. It wasn’t unusual for the kids to be there. It seemed their home was the home all the local kids wanted to be at. They had a large game room off to the opposite side of the garage from the home. Chad carried in the dry cleaning and hung it up in the closet. Then went to the den to make a drink and see what his kids were up too. Two boys. Two girls. His boys were 19 and his girls were 18. Jeff was the oldest by eight minutes and named after Chad’s dad. Gentry was middle middle and named after Heather’s dad. Both boys were tall like Chad. Athletic like Heather. The boys were identical twins. Both had sandy blonde hair, Heather’s beautiful hazel eyes that often had mischevious glints in them. His middle middle daughter was older than her sister by four minutes. Ashley was blonde, tall, and sleek. She had a petite body for her 5’9” frame. Ariel was shorter at 5’4” and juicy. She wasn’t fat, but she had curves. Long chestnut hair, big boobs and muscular legs. Both of his daughters had Chad’s baby blue eyes.

Each of his children had great personalities. Jeff was the scholar. His wit often surpassed Chad and Heather’s but they found that engaging and fun given how just kind Jeff was to everyone. Gentry was what Chad liked to call the class clown. He was always joking and pulling pranks and typically the life of the party and center of attention. Ashley was his little hippie. She was sweet, kind, and weird enough to be very interesting. Katie was his warped kid. She was wicked smart with a dark sense of humor that pleased his soul. No one was safe from her sarcasm.

He walked through the garage toward the game room. He smiled when he heard their laughter. Believe it or not, his kids didn’t fight that much. Yeah, they were brothers and sisters, but they were also friends in every sense of the word.

“Okay, so here’s the plan. When dad goes to bed we meet back in here and the fun can really start” he heard Gentry say. Intrigued, Chad stopped to listen to their conversation.

“Alright then, I guess we have talked it to death and tonight is the night. Let’s do this!” Ashley replied. Chad decided not to make his presence known and decided then and there he was going to find out what the fantastic four were up too. The old fashioned way. He quietly made his way back to the main house and sat at the kitchen counter playing on his phone while he waited for the kids to come in and holler for dinner. He decided he would order some pizza and wings for them.

All through dinner he watched his kids from under his eyelashes. They were staring at each other when they thought he wasn’t looking with a meaningful look that he couldn’t quite interpret. Around ten o’clock, he made the motions of going to bed. Checking the locks, putting the dog out, wishing the kids a good night. This was his normal bed time so the kids weren’t suspicious of his behavior. He waited until he heard them sneak through the garage about 30 mintues after he laid down. And did some sneaking of his own.

When they added on the gameroom, they had initially planned to put in a bathroom but moving the plumbing out that far was expensive at the time. So the unfinished bathroom sat empty with a hole in the wall just big enough for him to see through. And hearing wouldn’t be a problem since the walls were unfinished and thin. He entered the little room through the outside door no one ever used. He heard nothing. Concerned he was too early, he peered through the hole in the wall and was surprised to see them sitting on the floor in a circle. Just sitting there. Quietly. Looking at each other.

Katie jumped up and grabbed one of the biggest bottles of Patron he had ever seen. She uncorked it and took a long swig strait from the bottle. She passed it around to her brothers and sister and each did the same. When the bottle found its way back to Katie, she took another long swig and the bottle passed around again. His kids weren’t talking. There was no music playing. They seemed almost awkward with each other, which wasn’t like them.

Ashley quietly said, “This isn’t working. We gotta try something else.”

Gentry piped up, “Agreed. Maybe we play a game? Spin the bottle? Truth or dare?” Chad’s mouth dropped a little as he wondered why they would need to drink liquor and play a childhood game to feel comfortable.

“Let’s do truth or dare!” Jeff said. “I like that idea” Katie replied.

“I’ll start this game!” Gentry said. “Truth or dare, Ashley”

“Truth,” Ashley stated. Chad looked around the little room and found a chair to sit in.

“Okay Ashley. Tell me about the first time you and Katie did it” Gentry said. Chad was grateful he had found a chair and was sitting down. Surely, he thought, they weren’t talking about the big it.

Ashley started telling her truth. They were 14 when they realized they could give each other more pleasure than when we touched ourselves alone. Yep, Chad thought, they were talking about the big it. He felt a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. As all parents would, he thought back to how he could have missed this.

“Katie was the instigator,” Ashley continued with a smile. “She heard me rubbing myself on the bottom bunk and hung her head down and asked if she could watch. Since we had watched each other before, I didn’t think twice when I said yes. She climbed down to my bunk and sat cross legged at the end of the bed watching me rub my pussy and use two fingers to fuck myself. After a few minutes, Katie stood up and took her clothes off so we were both naked, touching ourselves. Katie had recently shaved all the hair off her pussy and watching her touch herself was really working for me. Then she asked if it was okay if she helped me. At first, I was confused. But when she reached forward, toward me, I understood. I slowly moved my hand out of the way and Katie touched me for the first time. It was the first time anyone had ever touched me other than myself. She used her fingers for a while and I felt the power, that’s what we called our orgasms, building up inside me. I knew I was going to get the rush of power faster than I ever had before. Then she leaned down and licked me from my lips to my clit and the power hit me in the gut and kept going and going. I was breathing hard. I was shaking. And I knew I had to have it again. Katie leaned back to take care of her own power, and I offered to do the same to her. I used my fingers on her like she had me and when Katie told me she was close, I kissed her pussy the way she had kissed mine. She started shaking like I had and I watched her wetness leak out of her little hole. After that we cuddled naked on the bed until I started falling asleep and Katie made us get dressed and back in her bed.”

During Ashley’s telling of her truth, he watched his other kids start to squirm a little. Katie was rubbing herself through her shorts slowly. And he could see that his boys had hard ons tenting their athletic shorts. Chad was waging war in his mind. He knew he had no business listening to these intimate details, but the dad in him wanted to know what his kids had been doing right under their parents noses. Would they need counseling? Had he and Heather been too loud? Or too open about sex? Had they, as the parents, somehow caused this?

“Woah.” Jeff said. “That was so hot Ashley. Let’s keep this game going. It’s your turn.”

“Alright, Jeff, truth or dare?” Ashley asked.

“Truth” Jeff replied.

“Tell us the first time you and Gentry did it.” Ashley said a little breathlessly. Now Chad was really worried. His boys too? He thought. Then he remembered his own little experiments with the boy next door when he was a kid and waited for Jeff to tell his truth.

“We were eleven.” Jeff started. “It was a Sunday. We had stayed the night with the boys who used to live down the street the night before. At that sleepover, we somehow ended up talking about jacking off, but the kid kept calling it wanking. Anyway, he offered to show us what happened when he wanked and dropped his shorts and underwear and started touching his penis until it was hard. He pulled on it over and over until a stream of white shot out of his penis. I thought pulling on it had somehow turned his pee white until his older brother told us it was called cum. He was 13 and knew way more than we did. So Sunday night when we went to bed, Gentry said he wanted to see what would happen if he did it to himself. Gentry stood in front of me and dropped his pants and underwear and did the same things that the boy had done. It didn’t take long for the white to shoot right out of him onto my face and shirt. I was not expecting it and I don’t think Gentry was either. Gentry told me to try it because it was the best thing he had ever felt. I wiped my face and took off my clothes and touched myself until I shot the white stuff too. Gentry got lucky and it went to the floor. Every night for a few weeks we did that with each other until Gentry got the idea to put my cock in his mouth. Our lives changed that night. I came in Gentry’s mouth, and he came in mine. We did this pretty often for the next couple of years. And when we were 14, we started fucking each other in the ass. It took us a while to figure out lube and the pain, but once we did, we fucked every chance we had.”

Ashley was now touching herself like Katie and Gentry was rubbing himself through his shorts.

“The best thing that ever happened was me catching you giving Gentry a blow job,” Katie said. “It’s your turn, Jeff”.

Chad was sitting in the little room looking at his four children wondering who the hell they were. How had they hid this from him and Heather? There was something holding him back from barging into the room and putting an end to this. He now knew his boys fucked each other. Regularly. And his girls ate each other out. Regularly. He had a sinking feeling he knew where this was headed and decided to just wait and see what they would do. It was probably wrong, but this sick curiousity he had won over his parenting instincts. He found himself looking at his kids like the adults they had become. Not the kids he had raised.

Jeff looked toward Katie and asked “Truth or dare?”.

“Dare. Of course” Katie replied. Chad had just known Katie wouldn’t want to talk. She would want action.

“I dare you to take all your clothes off and lick Ashley’s pussy until she cums” Jeff said as his cheeks pinked a little.

“Thank God,” Katie replied. She stood up and tore at her clothes until they all laid at her feet. Jeff and Gentry stared at their sister with the same wonder Chad was staring at her with. Her breasts were massive. She had this beautiful nipples that were so light they blended with her lightly tanned skin. Cute little nipples that were standing at attention. Chad’s eyes moved down her flat stomach to the v between her legs. His cock jumped to life instantly in his pajama bottoms. He looked at the tent in his pants in horror. He was getting a hard on from his DAUGHTER. Who does that, Chad wondered? The guilt he felt made the hard on start to throb painfully. Katie turned around and bent over, showing her brothers and sister her hairless pussy and ass. Chad’s hand thoughtlessly caressed himself as he took in his daughter’s beautiful pussy.

Katie walked toward Ashley and Ashley was already removing her shorts and top. Her breasts were smaller than Katies, maybe a B-cup, but just as wonderfully shaped as Katies. Katie didn’t waste time on foreplay and kneeled between her sisters legs and started licking. Chad couldn’t see what she was doing, but he watched his boys move so they could see the point of contact between his daughters. At Ashley’s first moan, Chad squirmed out of his pajama pants. He was completely ashamed of his reaction to his daughters having sex but his body had a mind of its own and was demanding his affections. Ashley was moaning loudly now. It looked like Katie was using her fingers in her too. Chad stroked his hard cock. He couldn’t remember the last time his cock was this hard. As Katie continued her tongue assault, he stroked himself slowly drawing out the pleasure. Ashley’s harsh breathing was coming through the walls enveloping him in their beautiful sound. He stroked faster and squeezed a little harder. He was going to blow his load all over the wall in front of him soon. With a passionate ungh, Ashley’s orgasm ripped through her body. Chad watched her legs start to shake and knew she was orgasming in a spectacular way. His balls started to tingle and moved up the base of his cock to the tip. He choked back his own ungh as rope after rope of his hot cum hit the wall and started to run down. Chad leaned back in the chair holding his cock while it pulsed in his hand. He heard movement and looked through the wall again.

“Truth or Dare?” Katie asked Gentry. Chad already knew his son’s answer. He would want action like Katie.

“Dare” Gentry stated with a challenge in his voice.

“I dare you to fuck Jeff in the ass.” She said. Ashley squealed she got so excited. “OH yes, definitely” Ashley said.

“You ready, brother?” Gentry asked Jeff. “I’m always ready for you,” Jeff replied.

Chad had never seen two men have sex. His own childhood experience had only included blow jobs. Never this. He was intrigued on a curious level, and shamed on another. He knew how much he liked it when Heather stuck her finger in his ass. He found himself wondering if he would like a dick there. Gentry and Jeff stood and undressed completely. Ashley handed Gentry a towel and a bottle of what he thought to be lube.

Both Jeff and Gentry were hard. Impressively so. Chad looked down at his flaccid cock and knew both were bigger than him in their hardness. They had to be at least nine inches and had a nice meaty girth. Chad was no loser in that area. Hard, we was a little over eight inches and fat like a can of red bull. Chad watched Gentry apply the lube to his cock while Jeff got on all fours on the floor. Gentry reached forward and rubbed lube on Jeff’s ass hole and lined himself up behind his brother. Jeff had a perfect view and watched Gentry’s massive member slide into his brother’s ass with ease. Chad once again looked at his crotch in horror. All the blood in his body pooled in his cock and had it standing at attention once again. It had been a very long time since his cock was this hard so soon after cumming. He watched Gentry pump slowly in and out of his brother’s ass. Jeff was moaning his approval of Gentry’s slow fucking. He watched Jeff reach between his legs with one hand and begin stroking himself. When Gentry saw his brother stroking his cock, he increased his speed and force. He knew exactly how to fuck his brother to give them both amazing orgasms. Soon the sound of their bodies slapping together filled the room. Ashley and Katie were both fingering themselves at the wonder of their brothers fucking like this. Jeff emitted a few sharp moans and his cum sprayed the floor beneath him.

“I’m gonna cum, Jeff” Gentry said through gritted teeth. With a final deep thrust, Gentry hollered his release. After a moment, Gentry slowly withdrew from Jeff’s ass and his cum trailed out behind his cock. Chad looked down at the precum beading on the head of his penis and slowly stroked. His kids took a few minutes to clean up and settled back on the floor, naked. The girls were still touching themselves gently and the boys were started to get hard again.

“Fuck this game, y’all. I want to fuck!” Katie said. She moved over Ashley in the sixty-nine position so they could lick eachother at the same time. Jeff moved his finger in a circle for Gentry to see and they moved behind their sisters. Jeff was at Katie’s entrance and Gentry at Ashley’s. Chad started stroking his cock again as he watched his boys enter the vaginas of his daughters. They were really fucking each other now. After about five mintues, Gentry made the same motion with his finger and he and Jeff switched places. Chad was literally beating his cock with hand at this point. There were no inhibitions amongst his children. They were fucking and sucking like they had been doing it for ages. He listened to first Ashley, then Katie orgasm loudly. The tingle was building again. He was going to blow for a second time in the last thirty minutes. Jeff and Gentry were fucking his daughters without abandon now. The sound of flesh hitting flesh permeated the room. The moans came from all four of them as they continued their fuck fest. Soon Gentry emitted a grunt and then emptied his load in Ashley. Jeff was close behind him. As they lay there breathing hard and relaxing, Chad’s orgasm stole through his body and erupted, once again, on the wall in front of him.

His shame was great. He had spied on his kids while they had sex with each other and though they probably shouldn’t have been having sex, he certainly shouldn’t have watched them like a creepy peeping Tom.

Katie spoke loudly then. “I do not want to wait to have sex again” she complained. “How long until y’all are able to go again?”

“I dunno, maybe 30 minutes? An hour?” Gentry responded. Katie groaned her disapproval. In that instant, Chad made a decision. He hesitated when he touched the door knob leading to the game room. Could he do this and live with himself? He thought. Fuck it. He opened the door and watched Ashley, Jeff and Gentry scramble to cover themselves.

“Dad?!” Ashley yelped. Katie just lay there in her naked glory looking mildly interested that her dad had busted them. Then she looked down and noticed he was naked. She looked towarf the unfinished bathroom he had just come out of and saw the hole in the wall. Katie actually smirked.

“I’ve seen it all. And we have some things to talk about. But first, who wants to fuck Dad?” Chad asked.
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