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Mrs. Barton and her friends are about to take revenge on poor Gary Fowler.
Friday nights at the Plough had become more tedious for Gary as late. There had been no bang on the wall from next door for two weeks and the regular nights out with Tracey has ceased, in part, due to his increasingly erratic behaviour. So, he was left with the regulars, who, suspicions of his mood swings, ensured that he chose the pub lounge, rather than the tap room as a haunt. It was here that he spied two girls that looked familiar to him, both were dressed in short skirts and both had their cleavage on show, they were both quite young, and both wore their clothes confidently. On his next trip to the bar he asked Barbara, the barmaid about them.

‘Oh them, they’re Don Soper’s lasses.’

‘Them!’ replied Gary. Tina and Alison had always been little fat things. No longer.

She cleaned a glass and shook her head. ‘a right couple of strumpets, them. Been through most ‘t young lads in’t village.’

‘’Oh, aye?’ inquired Gary, with interest. He wondered why he hadn’t heard this.

‘well, ‘es been put away, Don, for grievous last month, He found one lad wi’em both in’t bedroom I 'eard, put I’im in hospital. Now, ‘t lasses are runnin’ riot.’

When Barbara moved away to serve another customer, Gary thought he might try his luck. He approached the girls confidently.

‘Ayup girls, how yet doin’’?’

The two provocatively dressed youngsters looked him up and down and giggled to each other.

‘’Are you off out tonight then?’ he persevered.

‘Aye, we’re off out.’ The plumper of the two replied, more giggling between the two.

‘I’m Gary. Ted Fowler’s lad’.

‘Aye, we know.’ The buxom twosome rolled their eyes and Gary got the message. He was not the sort of companion they were looking for.

‘Come on Al, ' said Tina, let’s get off for town, I fancy some fun.’

‘Aye,' replied Alison, ‘Its bloody dead here.’

The two girls found their jackets and wiggled their way out of the plough, leaving Gary to ponder his declining pulling ability. He put the whole episode down to age. He must have been ten years older than them. Or maybe he was being shunned. He found it odd, but determined to look on the bright side. He was going on holiday.


And Gary woke at eight on the Saturday morning, changed in his outlook and with excited expectation, he had buzzed around his house packing those things he knew would be cool and comfortable in a hot climate and that would by association be potent to the two new women in his life. But, now, Gary was short of breath and sweating. He had a dreadful headache.

He had dug out his old small duffel bag and had scrubbed it in the bath, his reasoning was that all that met him in this new country, from the pilots, to the airport workers, to the drivers would know he was a “bit of rough”, no matter what he did, so he might as well embrace that by carrying his small number of things in the most unprepossessing bag he owned. But now Gary had an itch on his nose that was out of his reach and he cursed his stupidity.

He had left his van outside of his house, had walked up the Grange and had crunched up the gravel drive. He was surprised to be led into the dark cellar, where Rachel was apparently waiting and was shocked by the sweet taste of the large cotton wool wad that had been clamped over his mouth and nose. Now, Gary felt exposed in the dimly lit cellar.

There were voices chattering to each other that he could just make out. ‘Isn’t he handsome, Debby? I think he is the best looking boy in the world.’

‘If you like that kind of thing I guess,' replied Lady Deborah Mathers, daughter of the Earl of Capacaldy, ‘personally, I prefer my men to look a little less industrial.’

‘Well, I think he’s lovely and the best thing is I get to spend lots and lots of time with him.’

‘Yes,' Deborah smirked. ‘I wonder whether he will enjoy it? Most don’t, and he doesn’t look the delicate type does he?’

‘No, he’s not delicate at all and Mummy says that he deserves everything he gets, but he’s been really nice to me.

‘Humph, and to my sister as well, the silly fat heifer.’ The elder girl replied, ‘But, she will be mooning over a new man next week; such a little floozy.’

The conversation paused as the two stepped closer to him.

‘Is he awake yet, do you think?’ Rachel asked.

’It’s been over twenty four hours, he won’t want us to wake him up that’s for sure.’

‘No, I wouldn’t want to do it like Mummy says. I do hope he wakes up by himself.’

Gary, in his restrained state, took note of this. Pretending to be asleep might not be a good idea.

‘He does have good calf muscles,' Deborah noted, ‘I expect that’s from all “’t’ard graft” that these people do.

‘Oh, yes. I used to watch him working for hours and hours when he wasn’t wearing a shirt.’

‘Quite ill mannered, to do that when he knew a little girl was watching. But, that is what the working class are like Rachel. I do despair at auntie Samantha sometimes…'.

‘Mummy?’ Rachel replied defensively.

‘Oh, Rachel petal, sleeping around is fine in ones own class, but your mother doesn’t seem to distinguish between the lower orders.’

Rachel’s mind rotated around this statement until she finally alighted on its true meaning. ‘But surely uncle Charles isn’t one of them is he, he is such a gentleman?’

‘A lawyer Rachel!’ Deborah declared, ‘and goodness knows what else besides.’

‘Well I think he is lovely too even though he is so old.’

Deborah tutted. ‘I think he is far too scheming, but then that’s what one gets from that middle sort, at least with these ruffians,’ she pointed at Gary, ‘they tell one what’s what, we have that in common at least.’

Rachel sulked over this attack on her loved ones. ‘Mummy told me that you’re going away to Oxford and that in Oxford you’re going to be put in your place.’

‘God! You’re as silly as my sister. That’s what pretending is all about. I have no problem with being palatable to the grabbers and also loathing them; that’s what Mummy has been teaching me for the last eighteen years. According to Daddy it’s all temporary anyway, they will soon disappear and we will be left with the upper class and the oiks again, just like it should be.’

‘Well, ' Rachel sounded resigned, ‘I suppose it’s all too complicated for me to understand. You are probably right because you are so clever Debby.’

The twosome was interrupted by Mrs. Barton who immediately notified them of some new arrivals. ‘The girls are here, have you fed Mr. Fowler yet?’

‘He is still asleep Aunt Samantha.’

‘Still!’ Samantha declared, ' 'I knew the Colonel used too much of that chemical, well I suppose we had better wake him. Get the equipment darling.’

Gary thought at this moment it was best to make his consciousness known to everyone. He groaned loudly. ‘Urgh!’

‘My goodness it lives.’ Said a surprised Deborah.

Gary’s hands and ankles were held tightly by a quartet of soft restraints chained to what looked like a rather complicated exercise bench. ‘What the bloody hell is going on?’ he angrily demanded.

‘What does it look like Mr. Fowler? You are in the basement of my house and you are being confined against your will.’ This was an accurate portrayal of circumstances with which Gary could not argue.

‘Why,' Gary pleaded, ‘what the bloody hell have I done?’

‘Shall we tell him girls?’ Samantha asked Rachel and Deborah.

‘I think we should,' replied Rachel, ‘because he so lovely and handsome.’

‘Good grief Rachel you are so soft,' replied Deborah, ‘I think we should let him find out for himself, slowly, if he can of course, which I doubt.’

‘I am inclined to agree. It will make everything just more delicious,’ replied Samantha, ‘and I am sure the girls upstairs will want to reveal it all.’

‘Bloody hell,' replied Gary, ‘you fucking cows! You fucking stupid bitches!’

‘My goodness, ' Deborah tittered, ‘what an outburst!’

‘Mr. Fowler!’ Mrs. Barton instructed. ‘Please refrain from such profanity. You know full well what might happen to you if you misbehave.’

‘Mummy, are you going to squeeze Mr. Fowler’s testicles really hard again?’

‘Possibly darling, but we have him in a compromised position, so we can do what we like with him really, and the opportunities are endless.’

‘Help! Help!’ screamed Gary. ‘Jesus Christ! Help!’

‘I think you should stop Mr. Fowler.’ Said Samantha, calmly.

‘Down here! Please. Help.’

‘Mr. Fowler, this is very regrettable. The cellar is very old and the stone is thick.’

‘Please, help. Help!’

‘God, this is so pathetic!’ Deborah added, ‘Maybe we should tighten him up a little.’

‘Yes, I don’t want to gag him yet, there will be plenty of that to come. Rachel, darling, can you wind the blue handle there?’

There was a cold ratcheting sound out of Gary’s line of sight as Rachel wound the crank on the wall. His arms drifted wider as the chains tightened with a grey tinkle. ‘You must know that the nearest house is half a mile away. Your shouting is of no use whatsoever.’

‘Help! Help!’ Gary bellowed.

‘Well, I think we should leave him for another couple of hours, now he is awake, he can reflect. I would prefer his cooperation in this endeavour, but am quite satisfied if we do not have it.’

‘Do we leave him hungry Mummy, I was so looking forward to feeding him.’

‘I think it is better if he deserves his food don’t you darling?’

‘I guess so Mummy.’

‘Well, I think we should gag him and get started,’ suggested Deborah, ‘he won’t learn even if he was calm.’

The voices disappeared behind him and levitated up the stairs. Gary caught the last few words before the cellar door closed leaving him in darkness. ‘that is part of it, the mixture of pain and pleasure, Lady Deborah.’

‘’Humph, new fangled…' and then silence and he was left to piece together these disturbing new developments. Before the panic, came the acute disappointment. He wasn’t going to Portugal, and probably wasn’t going to sexually satisfy the Barton’s. He had built himself up for this treat. He then began to consider the danger he was in. To Gary’s unsophisticated mind he was in the hands of some kind of authority. His captors had mentioned Charles and the Colonel. As such, it felt to him that the whole of the legal establishment had him in custody and the notion of being held by some rogue extra-legal entity did not enter his head. Samantha had spoken of “the girls upstairs” who were they? And what were they going to do. The stress and confusion was all too much for him and he began to weep.

‘’Oh, you stupid twat!’ he murmured self accusingly. The furnace of his ignorance burned bright as he screamed, unconstrained, into the room.

The next two hours drifted past by, as does the death of night; he lay, anxious for any kind of morning. He finally heard a creak of the door, soft illumination and two pairs of light tapping footsteps and the sound of some kind of metal trolley being carried into the cellar. ‘I don’t know why we have to give him treats like this.’ Said the voice of Lady Deborah.

‘Mummy says we have to keep him in good condition.’

‘Well, it’s a funny way to punish someone if you ask me.’

‘Oh, uncle Charles doesn’t call it that, he calls it… Remedy all theraply, or something like that.’

‘Well, if I had my way we’d be going hard on the rascal.’

Rachel was obviously a little irritated by her cousin. ‘I like Mr. Fowler, he’s been really nice to me and I would want to do anything bad to him '

‘Is ought bad gonna ‘appen?’ Gary asked quietly.

‘Don’t speak again!’ demanded Deborah.

‘Oh, no Mr. Fowler, nothing. Mummy has gone over it with me and it all sounds lovely.’ This revelation further confused him .

‘I’m not sure about that Rachel,' Deborah, much like her sister, felt it beneath herself to address Gary directly, ‘auntie Samantha’s so-called friends did not appear happy.’

‘They did promise though Debby.’

‘Humph! As much as those people can promise, ' she looked over Gary’s clothed form. ‘Well, let’s earn our pocket money, eh Rachel?’ She produced from her back pocket two large dress makers scissors. ‘Tighten him up a bit more, we can’t have him wriggling around with these sharp things around can we.’

There were two hand cranks on the wall, one red and one blue and Gary found his arms stretching as Rachel cranked the blue. Deborah’s purpose was fulfilled and Gary was entirely immobilised. ‘Don’t worry Mr. Fowler, we’re not going to hurt you, just give you a lovely bath.’

‘Eh?’ replied Gary replied, ‘but, me clothes…' he was cut short by Deborah snipping the air with the scissors. They made a grinding ping and rang out intimidatingly into the room.

‘Rachel, tell him they will come off in a jiffy.’

‘You will really enjoy this Mr. Fowler, Mummy put them in the fridge so they are nice and cold.’

‘Oh, god!’ Gary was horrified as Debby laughingly paraded the instrument in front of his eyes.

‘You have his top half Rachel, I will work up the trouser leg.’

The simultaneous feeling of cold steel against his ankles and arms made him shriek angrily. ‘Jesus, fuck!’

‘Hee! Hee!’ Deborah said excitedly, ‘He likes it!’

The scissors made short work of Gary’s tight jeans and shirt, Rachel’s long snips through his shirt reduced it to tatters that Deborah snatched and ripped away. Rather impressive isn’t he. Good breeding stock from the common clay, as Daddy says.’

‘I know, ' replied Rachel, ‘I like thinking about him when I…fiddle faddle.’

‘I wish you would think about more agreeable people Rachel, rather than yobbos like this. Now, what are we going to do here?’ Deborah’s cut work had reached Gary’s crotch and the complicated arrangement of gussets and seams caused pause for thought.

‘Shall I move them out of the way Debby.’

‘I’m sure the rascal will get an erection if we do.’

‘Oh, I don’t mind, we just have to leave him for a few minutes if he does that, that’s what Mummy says.’

‘Ok, I will make an opening at the top here,' Deborah pushed the scissors deep into the waist of Gary’s jeans so that the hemline was being cut by the very apex of the blades. They were razor sharp and the material parted like thin ham. ‘There Rachel, get your hand in.’

The younger of the two girls rested her breasts on Gary’s arms as her right hand slid into his trousers and inside his underpants. He felt his vulnerable cock and balls covered and protected from Debbie and her wandering shears, then felt the threads he wore loosening as the chill steel pressed into his skin, after which, he heard the sound of cloth falling onto the floor. Two more short cuts and his underwear followed. He was now naked and vulnerable.

‘Nice cock!’ Deborah announced.

‘I know, see, I wasn’t lying.’

‘It’s like a big Lincolnshire pork sausage.’

‘When it gets hard, it is all knobbly. All of the veins stand out and you can feel it inside.’

‘Mmm, I bet. No wonder Annie liked it so much. But then she always had a soft spot for the barbarian.’

‘Like Mike, Deb?’

‘Shut up about him Rachel! We don’t speak about him!’ snapped Deborah.

‘Sorry Deborah.’

‘Yes, well, have you got the hot water, let’s get on with this.’

‘Can I do his legs Debby?’

‘No, they’re mine, you can have his arms and shoulders, I don’t want him leering at me.’

‘But that means you get to wash his privates and I wanted to do that.’

‘You can do it next time, he is probably going to need it.’

This ominous conversation coincided with the first touch of soapy sponge on skin which made Gary gasp into the warm air of the cellar. 'Let’s make him nice and clean before his meal’ gushed Rachel.

‘Beef steak and oysters. Whoever heard of such a thing? Such a waste.’

‘Mummy says it is an afro…afro dizzy yak.’

‘Humph, these people are horny all the time anyway, they hardly need it.’

‘Mummy says we have to rub his balls after we have fed him, to make sure they will fizz. What does that mean?’

Deborah ignored Gary’s sharp intake of breath as she vigorously washed the inside of his thighs. ‘Your mother seems to think that this creature’s semen makes a sound when he is producing it, seems a bit far fetched to me.’

Rachel sponged over Gary’s wide muscular chest, ‘But what Mummy says is that we need to find these things out.’

‘I guess, but then I am being paid so I don’t care. Let’s do his knob.’ Deborah lifted the end of Gary’s penis with the index finger and thumb of her left hand and plastered the whole area in the soapy liquid, lifting his testicles away from his body. ‘Rachel, can you pass me the special oil from the middle tray?’

‘Okay Debby,' Rachel stopped to read the label. ‘What are jalap…enos.’

‘Another one of your mother’s bright ideas. That’s why I have to wear these gloves. ‘ Deborah replied snapping the cuff of her rubber hand coverings with a sharp twang. ‘It will energise him, not like being washed by a pair of teenagers won’t do that.’

Out of sight of his range of vision Gary could only imagine the actions of this mysterious newcomer into his world. She had a thinner face than her sister and judging from what he could see of her shoulders, a slighter frame. Being a little older, the plasticity of her features had diminished and had solidified into a haughtiness that she would, undoubtedly, carry for the rest of her life. Gary lifted his head to take in more of the elder of his two jailers, she did indeed have a slighter figure, but one that was certainly not shapeless. Her tight t-shirt grasped her stomach and rose vertiginously around her breasts that, though seemingly without the support of undergarment, formed two firm dishes underneath which were intersected by a plunging neckline. The topping was provided by a pair of nipples that rose, like hidden cherries, that, despite her protestations of contempt, betrayed her sexual excitement.

The chilli oil finally reached the skin around the penis. The effect of this caused him to recoil from Debbie's two latex gloved hands in pain. ‘Fucking Christ!’

‘Well, that will teach him to check me out, the horrible pleb,' Debbie retorted. ‘and I haven’t touched his sensitive bits yet.’

Gary felt his erection growing as he was being manhandled. Deborah noticed. ‘God, he is going hard the disgusting pig. I suppose I need to get this done.’ He felt, in his growing hardness, his foreskin being drawn back. There was a delayed reaction from the feeling of the plop of oil on his uncovered glans until the burning sensation of the oil began.

He screamed his objection. ‘Argh! Argh! Jesus Christ, fuck, fuck!’

Deborah’s delight at this activity seemed to know no bounds and her howls of laughter were interspersed with whoops and joyous cries. As Gary’s erection finally filled itself out, Deborah withdrew her hands theatrically and waved them in front of Gary’s face. ‘Oh, he isn’t allowed that, oh, no!’

‘Is it time to feed him?’ Rachel asked.

‘Uhuh,” replied Deborah, 'let’s hose him down.

To Gary’s great relief the water that rinsed him was warm, however it had no effect on his blazing genitals which he would not have been shocked to see in flames. He spluttered as it was sprayed into his face.

‘Din, dins!’ said Rachel eagerly, and the smell of meat drifted across his nostrils. Gary was not in the mood to eat and stared angrily at her with his mouth shut. ‘Oh, please Mr. Fowler, I don’t want to explain to Mummy, she will be so annoyed and might punish you.’ She thought a little and whispered, ‘I’ll show you my titties if you eat all of your food, Mummy said I could, but you aren’t allowed to cum, at least not till she says.’ At this moment, Gary was more interested in avoiding any punishment than seeing naked flesh, however he found to his horror, that the act of being fed was having an effect on his state of manhood which, again began to swell.

‘What is it about men!’ queried Deborah. ‘The strangest things get them going.’

‘Is it nice Mr. Fowler?’ Rachel asked.

Gary answered between mouthfuls. ‘Aye.’

‘Let’s see if it is doing anything eh?’ Deborah grasped his gonads firmly, he felt the warmth of those close palms wrap themselves around his most vulnerable place and gulped. ‘No, no popping or fizzing, your mother just has a wild imagination obviously.’

‘No, Mummy would not tell me a fib. Maybe we just aren’t doing it right.’

‘I can’t see how much more right we can do it. Well, it’s over to auntie Samantha’s cross looking buddies I guess.’ Deborah let go of Gary’s testicles and, after looking contemptuously at the hand that had been used to perform the examination, washed it slowly.

Rachel shovelled the last of Gary’s meal carelessly into his mouth and wiped away the sauce that ran down his chin. ‘Oh, I want my babies to grow up big and strong like Mr. Fowler.’

A shadow appeared in the stairs leading down to the cellar and Gary strained to try and discover it’s owner. ‘Finish up girls,' a new voice softly resounded, ‘Your Mr. Fowler and I have some unfinished business.’ To Gary, it was familiar and had a relaxed, lilting quality. Rachel put him out of his intellectual misery.

‘Hello Mrs. Flaherty, Mr. Fowler had been a really good boy and has finished all of his food.’ It was Mrs. Flaherty’s expensive trinkets scattered around her bedroom that had tempted him back into the weakness of his youth. A growing realization of his current danger now grew in his mind.

‘Now, that’s a good thing now,’ Mrs. Flaherty appeared to Gary in his restricted frame of reference. She had obviously been using the facilities he and the team had completed the day before because her sinewy, Atlantic frame wore a bright lime green bikini. Her hard Irish features smiled when she observed his unprotected state, ‘because we need to be working on that groin area, and he’s going to be needing all of that strength.’

Gary suddenly remembered that Mrs. Flaherty was a masseur. ‘But, there’s nought wrong with me groin area!’ he protested.’

‘Oh, no Gary. There is definitely something wrong with your groin area, and we are goin’ ter get to the bottom of it, are we not girls?’

Deborah clapped her hands together excitedly. Rachel offered a bit more sympathy. ‘Will he enjoy it Mrs. Flaherty, Mummy said that he will like being down here.’

‘He will ter be sure. We are gonna take him places he’s never been.’

‘Oh, yes. I like new stuff.’ Declared Deborah.

‘What is it you are going to do Mrs. Flaherty?’ asked Rachel.

‘Its like this little bird, men have areas that we can be gentle with and make them all excited, and men have other areas where we don’t need to be so gentle and will turn them into volcanos. Usually, we let that volcano blow up, but when we don’t let that happen it is so delicious, so delightful that the man is tortured.’

‘Tortured? that sounds awful’ replied Rachel.

‘Ah, now it’s not that now. You know what it like to come huh? You know that sweet feeling when you go over the top?’

Rachel looked puzzled and then smiled. ‘I remember Mrs. Flaherty.’

‘Well, we are going to take him to the top and keep him there, then back him down before he goes over. Now, that doesn’t sound too bad now?’

‘Sounds bloody fantastic,’ Replied Deborah ‘Shall we get on with it?’

‘You two girls have already started by the looks of it.’ Mrs. Flaherty nodded toward Gary’s enlarged portion which had, over the course of the conversation began to fatten again, although without the internal structure to make it self supporting.

‘’Oh, that must mean he’s looking forward to your treatment Mrs. Flaherty.’ Stated Rachel.

‘No, it just means he’s a dirty little devil, young Barton.’ Mrs, Flaherty positioned herself between Gary’s widened legs and poured some light coloured oil onto the inside of each of his exposed inner thighs. ‘and we need to work some of that out of him.’ She placed her hands over the oil and pressed them down firmly, making his skin flatten and stretch. ‘There’s a nerve just here girls, called the obturator and we need to deaden it, so that it cuts off the feeling and so we use pressure on our thumbs.’

‘Ah, Jesus!’ Gary shouted and Mrs. Flaherty applied pressure to the mentioned area.

‘It will only take a minute, and then he will stop with all this nonsense.’

The pain Gary experienced was unlike anything he had ever undergone. In his army days, in Cyprus, he had become involved in a brawl with squaddies from another regiment in which he emerged with a broken rib and two weeks in the glass house. That pain was nothing compared to the all consuming agony that Mrs. Flaherty’s deep thumbs now inflicted as they dived and revolved. In his mind, two red hot pokers could not have generated so much pain.

There was a contrast in facial expressions between the three females. Mrs. Flaherty’s face displayed nothing but professional concentration, Rachel’s looked at her fellow companions with an innocent alarm and Deborah’s scanned the scene with an undisguised glee. And throughout this, Gary screamed his objection wordlessly.

It took precisely Mrs. Flaherty’s estimate of time before Gary’s cries died down and he found, to his horror, a rush of pain moving to his testicles. ‘Jesus, Jesus!’ he complained.

‘What’s happening Mrs. Flaherty?’ Asked Rachel.

‘Ah, we’re concentrating all of his juices into his groin. He’s losing all distraction in his legs. So we can start.’

‘D’ya mean we ain’t started?’ asked a mortified Gary.

‘Ah, no Garry' smiled Mrs. Flaherty, ‘We start masturbating you now, and the only thing you will feel below the waist is your sexual organs. Remember what we talked about girls, this will need visual stimulation as well and I am sure Mr. Fowler doesn’t want to look at my scrawny old body eh?’

Rachel and Debbie both inhaled either side of Mrs. Flaherty’s controlling presence within Gary’s field of view and displayed their t-shirt shrouded chests. The older girl showed her contempt for the tightly held captive. ‘I bet the dirty fucker wants to see our tits. What do you think Rach’?’

‘Yes, but I think that’s natural because out titties are so nice. Especially yours Debbie, I am really jealous.’

The Irish woman was now in control and as planned, unwrapped a new pair of latex gloves that Deborah handed to her. ‘I wouldn’t like to get this stuff on me I can tell you.’ A small bottle was handed to her, it was the same bottle, the contents of which had cause him so much discomfort after his bath time. She poured copious amounts of massage oil on to Gary’s sexual area who braces himself for the same pain. It did not occur. Rather there was a deep satisfying feeling, not unlike the tea tree oil so beloved of Rachel’s mother.

‘Nggh!’ exclaimed Gary, nonsensically.

‘Feels different now, huh?’ asked Mrs. Flaherty.

‘Yup, urgh!’ replied Gary.

‘Well, let’s work it in.’ her two bony thumbs moved the foreskin of Gary’s perpendicular cock downward and immediately, rather than the searing pain of before, he felt an underlying tingling warmth that transmitted a glow to his entire top half. ‘Girls?’ Mrs. Flaherty instructed. This was a signal for the two teenagers to disrobe.

Rachel eagerly took hold of the hem of her shirt and drew it swiftly over her shoulders, instantly exposing her familiar large and shapely breasts. ‘Oh, goody, I much prefer not wearing clothes.’ She giggled as they jumbled out and wobbled into their proud new perch.

‘I am really not shocked,” Replied Deborah ‘it can’t be easy caging those monsters!’

‘’You are so horrible sometimes Debbie, you…'

‘’Girls, girls!’ interrupted the older woman, enough of the domestics, we have work to do!’

‘Sorry, Mrs. Flaherty.’

‘Humph,' replied Deborah, ‘I guess. Well, let’s see what he makes of these eh?’ She began her process seductively, moving her weight onto one hip and biting the corner of her mouth. The hem of her t shirt rose slowly and exposed, not the rounded fertile belly of her cousin, but a taut muscular stomach. Not the sharp definition of an athlete, but the healthy feature of a girl who was genetically bestowed. The area of skin grew as the girl’s face was hidden by the garment and the bottom of her breasts came into view. They had been placed, by god, on a chest whose ribcage was clearly visible as the skin slid over it, adjusted by the sultry movements she made. She paused her disrobe as the hemmed bottom reached her nipples and drew the garment tight, placing pressure on the little buds. After a few seconds and an ecstatic expression, two beautiful pimples of joy flashed into the world, painted rouge by suppressed excitement. Once exposed the garment was swiftly removed, and Debbie, in her universal glory displayed herself to the encapsulated man.

With her shoulders back and spine arched, her two breasts seemed filled with helium, so gravity defying they appeared and the shape, softly triangular, with a semi circular underside, so appealing that Gary swore softly for all to hear. ‘Fucking hell!’ he expressed.

‘My goodness young lady.’ Said Mrs. Flaherty with undisguised lust. ‘I must get myself a pair of those.’

‘Good luck,' replied Deborah, who obviously did not have the same respect for the older woman as her cousin, ‘I was always planned to have these, so my mother says.’

‘Mmm, well, hubby is going to have to cough up and buy me some.’ Replied Mrs. Flaherty, slowly masturbating their captive.

Rachel leant over Gary’s legs to examine the wanking technique of her new teacher. Her touch was light and her movements long and slow as Gary was slowly being transferred away from his current torment. Her huge breasts dangled and swept across his waist, which was, apart from his genitals, the lowest part of his body with any substantial feeling. ‘You can’t titty wank him darling, we need to control him and your big fat tits are too blunt a weapon.’

‘Aw.’ Replied Rachel, ‘I really love the feeling of having a cock there.’

‘Well, there is a dildo on the trolley. Maybe we can get Mr. Fowler going if Deborah helps you?’

The later mentioned girl returned from the trolley with the heavy pink weapon in her right hand and slapped it loudly on her left, looking at Gary with a mischievous smile. ‘Do you think he would like this up his arse?’ she asked.

‘Not today.’ Said Mrs. Flaherty firmly. ‘This is still a preparation, young lady.’

‘Well, you know who to ask.’ The elder of the girls replied. Gary did not like Deborah very much.

Rachel drew saliva into her mouth and let it dribble between her breasts, a mechanism than Debby mirrored, but rather than drool into her own cleavage she spat heavily into her cousin’s. The bubbly clear liquid pooled in the enormous breast slit that had formed as Rachel bent over to show Gary. ‘It feels so nice when it’s running down my chest Mr. Fowler, but I wish it was your spunk.’

Mrs. Flaherty’s hand had slowed to a funereal pace as it moved his glowing foreskin up and down. ‘Just think Gary,' She softly announced in her Irish brogue, ‘you could have had these tits if you hadn’t have been so bad.’

The head of Deborah’s dildo suddenly appeared between Rachel’s compressed tits and she cooed and gasped as it’s soft knobbiness started to play on her sensitive skin. ‘oh, that feels so lovely.’ She responded, ‘almost like a real cock’.

Mrs. Flaherty now withdrew her gloved hands from Gary’s member. ‘Now, who wants to play with Mr. Fowler now?’

‘Not me, ' replied Debby, ‘I’ll just rip the fucking thing off.’

‘Oh, me please, ' Rachel answered, ‘Mummy has been teaching me to keep a boy under control.’

‘Well, put these on,' Mrs. Flaherty passed her a pair of rubber surgical gloves, ‘Just follow my pace, I want to get my pleasure, now I’m all horny.’

For a brief moment four gloved hands were slowly manipulating his penis, pulling his foreskin back to it’s limit and then moving it back to perform it’s evolutionary job of protecting his glans, and repeating the process over the span of three or four seconds. He began to discover a creeping sensation starting at his feet like pins and needles. This was noticed by a keen eyed Mrs. Flaherty ‘I think we need to refresh his paraplegia. You carry on now Rachel.’

As Rachel less expert hands played with him, and Deborah’s dildo continued to thrust between her big soft baps, Mrs. Flaherty, tangling with her young companion’s arms, reapplied her thumbs to the inner part of his thigh pushed them deeply and oscillated them. Gary cried out in pain again and almost magically, within half a minute, both the pain, and the reintroduction of sensation had vanished.

‘Now, I can have my fun.’ Stated Mrs. Flaherty, slapping Gary hard, yet senselessly on the thigh. She disappeared from Gary’s view and he heard the distinct sound of a stool being dragged across the stone floor. The next he saw of her she had dispensed with her bikini bottoms and was in the process of removing her top. She stood on the newly dragged stool and displayed herself to Gary.

Vaginas are, in visual terms, on a spectrum between the presentable, sweet, young, blemish free and delectable morsels at one end and dark, ragged, overused and meaty at the other. Mrs. Flaherty’s was certainly toward the latter and looked, to Gary like it had been run over by a car. ‘Remember the last time you used this Gary?’ she asked ‘You bashed your cock into it, didn’t you? And when I was begging you to be more gentle, you emptied your sacks in me didn’t you?’ she put her hands around her pussy and stretched it apart, displaying an ugly dark void. ‘Well, now it’s my turn now, you bastard.’

Her fingers began to play with the beef coloured outer folds within her wiry pubic hair a matter of twelve inches from his face. He tried to avert his gaze by turning his head but was immediately met by a vicious slap from the older woman. ‘Look at me Gary. This is the cunt you wanted wasn’t it?’

‘No, no.’ he replied with a disgusted expression. It was met with another slap.

‘Wasn’t it!’ she reasserted.

He didn’t consider himself to be in a position where he could disagree.

‘Yes, yes.’ He whimpered.

‘God!’ spat Debby, ‘That’s so pathetic.’

‘He is weak.’ Replied Mrs. Flaherty, ‘But I’m still going to frig over him.’ She looked down at the enormous dildo that was being mostly hidden by Rachel massive chest. ‘Give me that big cock Rachel.’

Within a moment the huge rubber penis was leveraged, and moved apart the dark, wet and wrinkled flaps of her outer folds. They gave away easily, as did her insides, which seemed to withdraw in advance of the soft tip, sucking the entire length until only the two squash ball sized artificial testicles were outside. ‘oh, fucking fantastic!’ she gushed.

‘Impressive!’ said Debby, ‘First time.’

The woman looked over at Debby with a sneer. ‘Fucking pump it! Get this cock going!’ she demanded.

Debby shrugged her shoulders and, using the two rubber testicles as a handle, began to work the plastic member in and out of the older woman’s capacious genitals. ‘Oh, god! Fuck me.’ She screamed.

Rachel was losing focus and began to make the mistake of increasing her pace. It was noticed by Debby. ‘Rachel slow down you’ll make him cum!’

‘Sorry, sorry!’ Rachel cried and dropped Gary’s cock. It twitched and pulsed.

Mrs. Flaherty had enough control in reserve to give instructions. ‘Just wait till it stops moving and start with the slow pace again. No damage done.’

‘Sorry Mrs. Flaherty. Yes Mrs. Flaherty.’

The same couldn’t be said for Brigitte Flaherty’s pussy which in addition to it’s rough and ragged look, was now distended and swollen. A handle in the ceiling and her foot placed on Deborah’s shoulder gave the woman support as the younger girl pounded the enormous toy into her increasingly wet cunt’. ‘Harder, harder!’ she cried.

Rachel had again started her slow masturbation of Gary and though he was disturbed by the perversity of the scene in front of him, a deeper system began to activate and he felt his penis begin to twitch in Rachel’s hands. She immediately let go and announced her action into the room. ‘He was about to come again!’

Mrs. Flaherty was now screaming and insensible to anything outside of the huge trunk entering and leaving her torn and shabby twat. ‘Oh, fuck oh fuck.’ She cried and Debbie, cruelly sneered and worked the big rubbery column harder and harder.

The cellar echoed to Irish screams until finally they enjoined and faded, replaced by a violent twitching on her inner thighs and torso. Deborah whipped out the dildo and began beating it against the now pulsating pussy. As the woman began to scream so commenced the real object of this protracted drama. It began with a few drips of juice, initiated by the older woman’s fingers which furiously rubbed her red, swollen clitoris. These then stopped while the vagina below visibly retracted, shivered, and then lurched forward, discharging as it did, a huge flood of internal fluid that sprayed over Gary’s torso and horrified face. The screams continued, and by a mysterious skill the spray was focused down into a series of thick jets which were directed, accurately by Mrs. Flaherty towards the man’s constantly twisting head.

‘Fucking yes!’ growled Deborah as she wielded the tool that had caused all of this mayhem against the inner thigh of the ejaculating woman. This only served to prolong the already monstrous orgasm that she was undergoing and more and more long jets of pussy juice splashed on Gary.

It could not last forever and one last effort from Mrs. Flaherty’s swollen cunt gave birth to an unexpected silvery rope that drilled into the poor captive’s forehead.

Rachel was aghast at this treatment of her favourite pet. ‘Oh, poor Mr. Fowler!’ she cried.

‘Don’t talk tosh Rachel’ Deborah responded, ‘Boys love this sort of thing, isn’t that right Gary?’ Gary knew one thing, his scrotum was being tightly held tightly by an unseen pair of hands that he surmised was the speaker. He had understandably panic in his reply.

‘Yes, yes!’

‘I don’t think I would like someone pissing over me’ replied a perplexed Rachel.

Mrs. Flaherty was winding down from her significant bodily event. ‘Darling girl. It wasn’t piss; it was beautiful love juice.’

‘You need to try it, cuzz,' Debby replied. ‘I’ve had a circle of boys all weeing over me, it felt fantastic.’

‘Mmm, it’s one of the great forgotten pleasures.’ Added Mrs. Flaherty.

‘Well, I guess, but it was so icky.’ The youngest girl conceded.

Gary was dazed by these recent abuses. Yes, he was party to three naked women, but at no time during this ordeal had he experienced any pleasure. Indeed, even the times where he had been brought close to ultimate delight, it had not been brought to fruition and the psychological impact of the disappointment played heavily on him. The appearance of Deborah’s and Rachel’s nubile young bodies that now prepared the soaps, sponges and lotions that would clean now took on the manifestation of a pair of cruel evil witches, willing and able to steal his soul.

‘Mr. Fowler, we are going to wash you and feed you again and make you happy.’ Proposed Rachel.

‘Don’t forget the floor girls.’ Reminded Mrs. Flaherty.

‘Huh, ' sulked Deborah, ‘I feel like a bloody skivvy.

‘Well, it’s got to be done, we can’t have this place with the pungent aroma of my passion, can we?’

‘I suppose we have to, can’t imagine getting one of the village chars.’

‘Bags eye his balls Debby.’ Rachel squealed and before waiting for protests carefully washed the restrained man’s testicles as her cousin and Mrs. Flaherty watched on. Gary’s erection had not relented in all of his torment and instinctively pulsed on every attempt to place the sponge on the sensitive member.

‘The dirty fucker is so close!’ stated Deborah.

The remainder of what Gary believed to be the evening was spent with Rachel and Deborah. They washed him, relieved him, fed him, watered him and continuously talked of previous dirty adventures and sexual fantasies, all of which had the effect of engendering those twin characteristics of a deep, ancient animal passion and a towering self disgust.

As he was covered with a quilt, left in darkness with loosened chains, he wept again. They were the tears of a slave.
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