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The young Lactating Teen gets examined again at the Doctor's office
DISCLAIMER #1: All sexual acts in this story occur between adults over the age of 18.

DISCLAIMER #2: Themes of this story revolve largely around humiliation, black mail, and voyeurism. If you are not interested in these themes, please do not read. Of course, in real life much of what is portrayed in this story is despicable, and should not be tolerated under any circumstance. Hence, why this is a story of fantasy, and should not be taken seriously.

DISCLAIMER #3: While themes of the story certainly can be dark, I do try to keep things light with a certain "comic book" style. Again keep in mind that this is a work of fantasy and not everything will be fully realistic.

Links to the latest chapters that are not displaying on my stories list

Ch: 15:

Ch: 16:

Ch: 17:

Ch: 18:

Ch: 19:

Teacher's Pet Ch 20

Mr. Wilson led the young teen by the hand through Dr. Chalmer’s crowded waiting room. The scantily clad teen drew the usual attention from men, women and children in the waiting room. To her relief, he didn’t play any games this time, instead he led her hastily into Dr. Chalmer’s usual office.

Katee’s stomach dropped as she saw even more men in the room than last time. There was Dr. Chalmers (her Family doctor), Dr. Smith (the Endocrinologist who is ‘supervising’ her hormone treatment), and then a few other men that she didn't recognize.

She gulped as she recognized one, Justin, the medical student who Dr. Chalmers gave permission to rape her during his last 'teaching' session. Justin sneered at her as her eyes met his, before hungrily looking down at her cleavage.

A man came forward and shook Mr. Wilson’s hands, introducing himself as Dr. Allan. Katee learned that he was the most prominent plastic surgeon in the state, and specialized in breast modification surgeries.

There were two other young men, a German Fellow working with Dr. Smith, and a resident working with Dr. Allan.

They all took turns, introducing themselves and announcing themselves to Mr. Wilson, without saying a word for Katee. Katee knew at this point that she wasn’t a human to them, merely an object to be 'studied'.

Mr. Wilson stood aside as Dr. Chalmers came behind Katee and put his hands on her shoulders. He stroked his hands up and down her lithe waist as he explained to the group of men about her case.

Katee was so embarrassed, that she wasn’t even listening to what he was saying. He was saying something about hormone boosters, triple dose estrogen and progesterone blah blah and collagen stimulation injections.

She nervously looked around, the young doctors were feverishly taking notes, while the prominent Plastic surgeon looked on sternly.

Katee would get snapped back into reality when she felt Dr. Chalmers squeeze her ass through the thin fabric of her yoga pants. She knew he was doing this to assert his dominance over her, he wanted to send a message to the other doctors that she was to be treated like a sex toy and there was nothing she could do about it.

Just then, without her permission, her tank top was pulled above her head and tossed to the side. Similarly her yoga pants were peeled down and she was ordered to step forward.

She was now standing in front of the men in matching white lace thong and bra set. Mr. Chalmers now took her bare ass cheek in his hands as he continued to speak.

“Correct me if I’m wrong Mr. Wilson, but this bra fit her just two weeks ago, correct?”

“You got that right Doc, if anything it was a bit loose.”

“Remarkable.” The surgeon said.

The men looked in awe as they saw the once loose bra now struggle to contain the teen’s engorged tits.

Katee once again slipped into a dream world as she tried to dissociate. She couldn’t believe that her life had come to this.

She heard something about how her rate of growth was the most remarkable response to treatment she’s seen. She heard something about how starting so young was the key to her breasts growing like this. All the while she felt Dr. Chalmers kneading her ass cheek like it was some play-dough.

She was snapped again out of her reverie as again without her permission her bra was unclipped and hastily thrown aside.

Instinctively she covered her tits with her hands.

Dr. Chalmers roughly squeezed her tiny wrists and brought them to her side.

“Now now girl, don’t forget who these belong to.” He sneered.

Katee sobbed, just a few weeks ago during his ‘teaching session’, he at least feigned that her nudity was needed for teaching. Now she was so powerless they didn’t even need to put up a charade.

Almost as an after thought, her thong was slipped down her legs. She was now fully nude in front of the group of strange men.

She heard one of the young doctors softly moan, while the other started to breath faster. All eyes were fixated on her heaving, engorged tits.

“Gents, this has been an incredible response to treatment.” Dr. Smith took over the ‘presentation’.

Some slides started to project on to the monitor on the wall. To Katee’s dismays it was a slideshow of her tits, and naked body from two weeks ago.

“If you compare the subject’s breasts to just two weeks ago, you’ll see that they are fuller, bigger, and yet sit higher on her chest.” Dr. Smith explained. The other senior doctors nodded in agreement.

“Furthermore, there has been no weight gain in areas outside of the breasts. In fact, as you can see by the outline of her abdominal muscles, and rib cage, she has actually lost body fat.”

“Remarkable.” The German Fellow muttered as he hungrily looked at the teen’s tits, comparing them to the slides playing on the projector.

Dr. Smith turned Katee around, before grabbing each ass cheek and lifting it up one at a time.

“The progesterone/estrogen booster also ensures that all extra fat that isn’t needed for breast tissue is redirected to the gluteus tissue. This is especially important in today’s female population, who don’t want a flat butt!

“Notice how despite fat loss in her torso, her butt is just as round and luscious as the pictures from two weeks ago.”

He said as he pointed up towards the projector, which was now displaying various pictures of Katee’s nude ass from two weeks ago.

He gave her ass a smack, as he instructed her to turn back around.

“Now gents, time for inspection.”

The doctors all took turns asking questions, and making comments, before one by one approaching Katee.

Katee’s stomach dropped as she started to feel pairs of hands groping her body. She closed her eyes, as she couldn’t bare to look at her molesters. She felt hands freely grope and squeeze her ass.

She grimaced as she felt pairs of hands on each one of her tits. Even though she just expressed milk an hour ago, they were feeling engorged again, making even gentle touch painful.

The men didn’t care, she grimaced as someone took her nipple in his hands and started playing with it, claiming to examine the texture.

The men were mostly silent as the simultaneously groped her. All she heard was heavy breathing. She started to sweat as the doctors’ body heat started to culminate, combined with their hot breath.

“Remarkable.” One whispered

“Great work,” Another moaned as his finger now encircled her teen pussy.

She felt another finger enter her asshole, as another entered her pussy.

“AHEM” Dr. Allan, the renowned plastic surgeon commanded the room.

Katee opened her eyes. To her dismay, she saw Dr. Chalmers, Dr. Smith and the three young doctors around her groping her in various ways.

Justin, the medical student had his finger in her pussy. While the German fellow had one of her cheeks in his hands and a finger in her ass hole. The other resident was groping her tit, while Dr. Smith was groping the other.

They all froze as Dr. Allan spoke “Easy gents, we still have some business to discuss.”

The men, almost embarrassed, slumped away from Katee, as Dr. Allan approached. Katee didn’t know who this man was, but she almost wanted to thank him for helping her.

Something about him though, told her that like everyone else there, he didn’t care about her.

Without touching, he examined her tits closely. He looked at them from all angles. The other doctors retreated further away, they were watching him as curiously as Katee was.

He took up to a slow minute, examining each breast from various angles.

Katee looked at him quizzically. She’s had a lot of men interested in her tits, but nothing like this guy.

After 5 minutes of ‘visual inspecion’, he started to massage her left tit. He was systematically feeling the texture, examining the weight and character of the breast tissue.

While still uncomfortable, his touch wasn’t as painful as the rough handling of the other doctors to Katee’s tender tits.

He looked at the nipples, before gently examining the areolas and the stubs.

He finally let go and took a step back.

“Well gents, in my 20 years of examining breasts, these are the most remarkable breasts that I have seen. Their sheer size is incredible, but I’ve seen bigger.

The problem is, when breasts usually get to a C cup or above, they start to sag down. The amount of collagen that this young teen has, supports her massive breasts and keeps them lifted up like they were B cups.

Further more, the treatment has stimulated fat and glandular development, causing them to remain very soft to touch.”

He paused.

“Their incredible, but I suspect that there is something that you have all missed. You see, compared to the pictures from two weeks ago. Her breasts haven’t just gotten bigger, they haven’t just gotten perkier. But look closer.

Katee shivered as he softly touched the top side of her tit.

“You see these, look closely, these are veins. There are a lot of light blue veins here. They werent’ there two weeks ago.”

He muttered. The other doctors were leaning in to hear, but it almost sounded like he was talking to himself.

“And the nipples. While still pink, they’re a shade darker than in the pictures.”

He smiled as he stood behind her and took both breasts gently in his hands, lifting them up.

“I suspect there is a little bit more then meets the eye to these tits gents.”

He started to massage her tits like no other man had.

She moaned in pain, and a hint of pleasure as her gently massaged her tits. The other doctors looked mesmerized.

“Here we go girl.” He whispered as his massage deepened.

Katee moaned as she felt like her tits were about to explode.

With one more deep squeeze, she felt her breast milk once again start flowing out.

Katee moaned as she felt the rush of relief as the breast milk spilled from her tits.

She looked up and saw the group of doctors in awe.

“The first hint was how she grimaced as you all groped her breasts.” He lectured “Uncomfortable sure, but touching shouldn’t be painful.”

“It’s a sign that her breasts are engorged.” He explained “The light blue veins, only visible on pale white skin like hers, and the darkening of the nipples is confirmatory.”

He squeezed again, causing milk to spray from her tits.

“Remarkable volume of milk production.” He noted. “Poor girl, your breasts must feel like their pulsating at all times.”

“Yes sir.” Katee moaned softly, as more milk freely dripped down her breasts onto the floor.

“It’s a self perpetuating cycle though unfortunately my dear.” He cooed as he continue to cause milk to spray from her tits.

“I know It feels good to be milked. But the more you’re milked, the more glandular hyperplasia will occur, and the more milk you will produce.”

He squeezed again, causing sprays of milk to splatter on his colleagues’ white coats.

“My my. My guess is poor Katee is already producing as much milk in an hour as a nursing mother does in days.” He said as milk continued to spray out from the poor teen’s tits.

The groups of doctors were all in awe at what they were seeing. And every single one of them was rock hard.

Dr. Allan continued.

“Not only is this milk causing her breasts to swell, but you see, the metabolic demands of making this much milk is causing fat to melt off of her body.”

He said as his pinched skin on her torso, and ribs.

“There’s hardly enough fat to pinch everywhere else on her apart from her breast and buttocks.”

He looked up at Dr. Smith.

“You’ll need to design a nutrient rich diet for her to optimize breast milk production.” He ordered.

Finally, done with his demonstration, he invited the young doctors to come over.

Katee squirmed as Dr. Allan’s professional touch was replaced by the crude touch of the young doctors.

The German fellow laughed as he roughly groped her tit, causing milk to spray out. The other resident followed suit.

Katee cried out as Justin, the cruel student took her nipples and squeezed them.

“Good work today young men.” Dr. Smith commended “Now Dr. Chalmers, Dr. Allan, Mr. Wilson and I must discuss important matters. Please take your time with the subject. She is truly magnificent.”

He said as he led the senior doctors and Mr. Wilson out of the room.

As Dr. Allan left, Katee’s stomach dropped. She knew the order that he commanded was now gone.

Almost immediately after the door closed, Justin took one of her tits in his hands and squeezed hard, causing her to scream.

He laughed as milk sprayed onto his face. He licked the milk off of his lips and smirked. Like a crazed pup he them put his whole mouth on her nipple and started to gulp down her breast milk.

The German followed suit. Katee shrieked as she looked down, as she was being forced to breast feed two strange men.

The tall resident behind her gave her ass a smack, before starting to grope each cheek.

“Enough tit talk, this ass doesn’t get enough credit!” He laughed.

He got on his knees and sunk his face into the teen’s luscious ass cheeks. Katee squirmed as she felt his long tongue enter her ass.

The German fellow would take his mouth off of her tit to lick breast milk off of her stomach and torso feverishly. Justin did the same with her cleavage and neck.

The doctors then maneuvered the young teen on to the examination table.

Justin laughed as he took the girdle for pelvic exams and locked her legs in place. He widened the saddles to that Katee’s legs were spread wide open.

The other doctors looked and cheered on as he entered her pussy without a second thought. As he started to thrust vigorously, the German went to her head and stuffed his thick cock into her mouth. Katee gagged as he rammed his cock into her throat.

The resident saw her marvelous tits swinging wildly. Drops of milk were continue to splatter about as her tits swang. They were too tantalizing to resist. He sat on top of her torso with either leg beside her, he groped her tits in amusement causing milk to spray wildly.

As the German violently jizzed down the teen’s throat, she couldn’t help but spit it up. A pool of jizz, and drool spewed from her mouth onto the floor.

Just then Justin came deep into her pussy, he moaned loudly.

Having his fill of breast milk, and sensing that his colleagues were done, the resident went after his prize.

He unlocked Katee briefly, before walking her over to the glass table in the middle of the room. He gave her a couple sharp smacks, before pushing her torso onto the table. He drooled as he saw her ass stick up.

He spread her ass cheeks apart and once again buried his tongue deep into the young teen’s rectum.

Katee’s massive tits hung over the other side of the table. And they were too tantalizing for the men to resist. The German and Justin laid down on the floor and took one heaving breast in their hands each. She squeezed her tits ruthlessly and started to spray Katee’s milk into their mouths. They couldn’t believe how good the teen’s milk tasted, almost like vanilla cream.

Katee shrieked as she felt the man behind her shove his cock into her ass. He started to moan.

“Holy fuck, I always wanted to do anal, and now I’m fucking the hottest ass I’ve ever imagined!” He exclaimed.

Fucking his dream girl’s ass was too much for him. Katee shrieked as he ruthlessly pumped her ass with the full length of his cock. The only thing that distracted her from her anal rape was occasional bites from Justin on her sensitive nipple.

Finally, as the resident started to spasm, he knew what was coming. He gripped her ass cheeks tight before depositing the load of his life into this young teen’s rectum.

As the boys on her tits felt his final thrust through Katee, they gave her tits one last squeeze which unleashed streams of breast milk onto their faces.

Without a minute to spare, the senior doctors and Mr. Wilson walked in to quite a scene.

The resident’s cock was still buried in the young teen’s ass. The two men beneath her were drenched in her breast milk, with smiles on their faces.

Dr. Chalmers applauded as he laughed “Can’t say we weren’t in some similar stories from our med school days hey boys.” He said as his colleagues chuckled.

The senior doctors urged the young doctors to get dressed and dismissed them for the day.

Dr. Allan helped Katee get up, the poor teen was exhausted, and almost collapsed into his arms.

“Poor girl, you’re expending massive amounts of energy expelling all of this breast milk.” He said as he gave her breast a light squeeze causing more milk to dribble out.

He rubbed the naked teens back, almost in a fatherly way, before leading her to the exam table and sitting her down.

He gave her another rub, and gave her a smile.

She looked up at him, she couldn’t help but smile back. He was the only one that had treated her with some sense of compassion.

His smile disappeared “But I’m afraid my dear, that for the sake of science, you must continue to sacrifice.”

Katee’s eyes widened as Dr. Smith handed Dr. Allan a fluid filled syringe.

Katee shrieked as Dr. Allan lifted her tit up and injected the fluid into it with a 5 inch syringe. Dr. Chalmers restrained her as her then did the same with the other tit.

“4x dose of estrogen/progesterone and prolactin injected in each breast, 25cc total.” He calmly spoke out over the young teen’s shrieks.

“This will continue to stimulate breast growth, and breast milk production.”

He was then handed another syringe. This time he injected it into her ass cheek. “100mg of Galactologue-X.”

“This is a medication given to nursing mothers to help with breast milk production. This will cause her milk production to go into overdrive.”

Finally he turned to the men.

“Feed her fats and protein, no carbs. Fat will continue to melt off of her body with the exception of her breasts which will grow. Keep her buttocks dimensions stable.” He commanded

All three men nodded in agreement.

He looked at Katee, and smiled.

“Well gents, I think the time has come.” Dr. Allan commanded “I’ll finish up with the subject, it’s time to collect my payment.”

The men smiled as they left the room. Katee’s stomach dropped as she was left alone with one man. He looked at the naked teen in front of him, and licked his lips as he started to unzip his pants.
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