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My story continues as the three females in this family starts to explore their kinky side and we set a trap for Mel’s Rapists.
Triple Trouble part 2

My story continues as the three females in this family starts to explore their kinky side and we set a trap for Mel’s Rapists.

All characters are over 18

I was shocked, Mel was shocked, Bel was shocked. I had been very close to cumming before their mother Linda walked in but my impending orgasm had subsided due to the situation.

Linda started long slow strokes with her lips from my pubes to my tip.

Without breaking stride up and down my cock Linda removed her panties, balled them up and pushed them against my nose causing my cock to surge to full hardness again, I could hear her fingers squishing in her pussy and started rushing towards my peak again.

We were all watching her not knowing what to do when she lifted off my cock, said “Fuck it” and holding my cock, straddled me to drop onto it.

With several short drops taking more and more inside her I couldn’t hold back any more and painted the insides of her mature pussy white while she furiously rubbed all around my cock embedded deep inside her.

My cock didn’t wilt and she looked me in the eyes and smiled appreciatively as she started to ride my still fully hard cock.

Her hips moved in circles, side to side, back and forth and finally up and down as she kept up her rubbing not caring what I wanted but only interested in her own pleasures.

On and on she went until her body convulsed repeatedly as she had an explosive climax and fell backwards pulling me with her as my cock exploded once again.

Somehow we ended up on the carpet with her on her back and me between her legs as our breathing slowed.

“Sorry but its been a long time since my husband died and I was selfish”

I gently thrust my mostly hard cock back the extra bit to get back to full depth enjoying the feeling of my cock enveloped in her warmth and two loads of my cum.

She looked at me and smiled before kissing me and mouthing thank you.

I kissed her back feeling the blood rush back to my cock and she grinned and nodded so I started to thrust again gradually picking up speed as I looked down at her from my supporting arms.

I looked longingly at the covered breasts and she smiled then started to unbutton her shirt until it lay to the sides of her chest.

The lacy white bra matched the lacy white panties she had goaded me with earlier.

She could not undo the bra so she lifted it up above her breasts to expose the soft creamy flesh with those two firm nipples and I latched on to one of them.

It was wonderful to gorge myself on their shape and texture as my thrusting became more urgent.

Linda let me dictate the action to allow my to take my pleasure as I wanted this time, she noticed her discarded lace panties hanging over the couch cushion and stretching over managed to grab them.

She placed them on her chest beside my face devouring her nipple and her wonderful aroma assailed my senses.

I lifted and took a deep breath from the lace then attacked the other nipple moaning loudly.

Linda became quite animated as her own feelings started to lift her passions and we were soon in a frantic rhythm as we wriggled and thrust in unison heading for our peaks.

I faintly sensed low moaning seemingly coming from a distance but all around me, the smells of sex heavy in the air, the sweet sweat of our thrusting bodies sliding together, our climaxes approaching like a freight train going down hill, unstoppable.

The sights, the sounds, the smells, the feelings. Assaulting our senses as our orgasms combined into an explosion of writhing, thrusting, spurting waves of exquisite pleasure the like I have never experienced before.

Linda pushed me to the side a few minutes later so she could breath and we calmed down slowly feeling the gentle breeze cooling our skin.

I was resting against Linda’s side and felt a body cuddle up behind me then saw Mel cuddle up on the other side of Linda.

“Wow boyfriend! That’s going to be hard to top” she grinned looking across her mothers bare breast at me.

Linda sighed and pulled Mel and I closer in a hug, not to be left out Bel climbed on top of me to lay over me and her Mum and we all rested for several minutes.

“I’m sorry girls, I didn’t mean to tread on your turf but only came in to talk about you lot using condoms to be safe. I couldn’t help myself and got carried away and now I’ve done the one thing I was going to warn you about”.

“You can’t get pregnant your first time though, right?” asked Bel

“You most certainly can!!” exclaimed Linda “or even your thousandth!” she muttered

“shit” said both girls at the same time.

“Bel, you didn’t did you?” asked Linda

“Sorry Mum she replied

“Mel, tell me you used a condom?” asked Linda

“Jake Mark and Jeff did last night but Shaun didn’t yesterday” said Mel before realising what she had admitted .

“You better tell her everything, the whole thing, the truth” I said looking at a shocked Linda.

“I will tell you tomorrow Mum but I don’t want to spoil this” she promised

I was looking across at Linda’s bare breasts, Mel had her head beside her Mums nipple, Bel was lying on my chest but her head was close to her Mums other nipple and I couldn’t help but start to raise another erection with the naughty thoughts of what could happen. It had been more that half an hour since the last one and it was pushing into the firm smooth flesh of Linda’s shapely bum. Linda turned to look at me seeing where I was looking “your kidding?” she said with a laugh “I’m going for a shower, ALONE”

“What?” said the girls together as they untangled themselves from the pile and stood up.

How come I’m the only one with no clothes on I protested laying on my back with my cock at full mast.

Linda disappeared into the bathroom, Bel grinned at Mel and I and scarpered off after her then Mel straddled me and sank her pussy down my cum covered cock before leaning in for a kiss, a very passionate kiss. We didn’t have sex, we made love.

It was slow and tender and we didn’t even notice the other two as we think they stayed in one of the other rooms until they heard us hit the shower later on.

When Mel and I surfaced from the shower Linda had ordered Pizza and since we were all ravenous we made short work of it. Mel sighed, looked at her Mum and said she may as well get it over with.

Mel told her everything about the rape and the anger afterwards was so thick you could cut it with a knife but surprisingly Linda did not call the police.

After she calmed down Linda told a similar story of what happened to her and the rapists got away with it, the only thing that happened was that she was ostracised as a slut and had a very hard time over the next few years with guys continuously trying to force her into sex. She endured the taunts at school, never went out socially and really didn’t have a life until her family moved away and she met her husband.

It was several years later when her husband got caught causing grievous bodily harm to one of them and discovered he had also hurt the other 3 rapist previously due to having the same amputation of their genitals.

Linda didn’t know about it until he was caught but the worst thing was that her husband was killed in jail by friends of one of the victims.

Linda said she would not pursue it if Mel did not want her too but would support her whatever she decided to do.

Linda asked me what I was going to do about Jake, “I don’t know but he is no longer my friend and think he is disgusting just like Mark and Jeff, I want to just bury them.

Linda said that she had an idea on how to get back at them and wanted my help but the girls could not know about it, it meant I had to stay friends with them.

“WHAT! NO WAY!!” I exclaimed

She took me into her bedroom and briefly outlined her plan then we went back to the girls in the kitchen.

“I do not like the whole idea of your plan even if I can see how it will work, there’s a lot that could go wrong” I stated

“That’s why I need your help to make sure the ideas are planted properly and why the girls can’t know all the details” said Linda

I looked around at the three of them “Fuck … all right”

Linda grinned, “It was what I planned to do with my rapists but I never saw them after we moved … so, now that that is settled I’ll book us all in tomorrow to get the pill and in the meantime I want you all to use condoms, I’ll buy a some tomorrow and we can start our pills after our periods”.

After school the next day I went to see the girls as they had stayed home, I had told Jake that nothing would be said as long as no one knew about it as Mel didn’t want people to know she like them using her one after the other just like her Mother and that seemed to work.

They seemed surprised to hear her Mum knew about it and said she liked that sort of thing as well.

I told Linda and the girls the news then helped to fit the wireless cameras Linda had bought to the bedrooms, lounge and kitchen.

Then Linda and I went to her bedroom to take some intimate pics on my phone and one thing led to another.

We started out with me on my back and Linda riding my condom covered cock, I got some close up video then when I came a minute or so later Linda was saying she wanted more and perhaps I could bring some friends next time.

I switched off the phone and we screwed again until the girls came in complaining about us taking so much time and they were missing out.

“Sorry but I’ve only got one dick” I said as Linda stepped up the pace.

I expected the girls to leave but they stayed to watch again while playing with their pussies until I came again, Linda was pretty close so she used her fingers to finish herself off.

“If your half as good with your tongue as you are with your dick then you should have no problems with these two” smirked Linda. “Huh, what do you mean?” I asked baffled.

Linda stopped and looked back at me quizzically “you know, go down on one while the other one rides you” she said. “go down?” I asked

Linda looked at the girls “hasn’t he ever gone down on you?”

The girls just looked at each other.

“Really? None of you?” she asked in amazement

When no one answered Linda walked back to the edge of the bed and sat down “come hear and lick my pussy” she said to me

‘Ah, yeah ok, I’ve wanted to try that” I grinned getting down in front of her and lapping at her lips getting a taste of my own cum, I grimaced a bit and Linda laughed “you expect us girls to taste it so keep going”.

Apart from the texture it didn’t taste bad and I quickly dismissed it and explored every nook and cranny for a few minutes until Linda started giving me directions and suggestions to go a bit softer, deeper, lick this, suck that etc until I started to get a feel on how she responded to different things.

“Put your finger inside and lightly stroke up there, a bit further in, ooh that’s it right there” then she grabbed my head and moved me where she wanted me until her thighs squeezed my head and her pussy gripped my finger convulsing as she shuddered to a stop and moved my head away.

“don’t worry, with some more practise you’ll get good at it just ask the girls to guide you to what feels good to them”

Laughing and giggling we trooped of to the girls room to try out the new game but it wasn’t all that long before my tongue got too sore from rubbing on my teeth.

We went back to fucking and after Mel and I came I started on Bel but soon discovered I probably should have put on a new condom as that one was broken when I pulled out after we were done.

I noticed some cum dripping out of Mel and realised it must have broken while we were doing it and then I remembered Linda had some cum as well.

Damn, better remember that next time. I said my goodbyes and after a quick chat to Linda went home.

Next day at school I was laying back on a bench at lunch time when Jake and Mark asked whats was wrong, “I dunno if I can keep this up much longer?” I said, “Linda kept me up half the night”

“What do you mean?” asked Mark

I played the short video and they were gobsmacked at how hot Linda looked with those big boobs swinging independently as she rode my cock.

“I need another box of condoms as I have a funny feeling she is trying to baby trap me and I don’t want to be paying for a kid the rest of my life” I said

“I can get some from Dads shop if you like said Jake, I can bring them round tonight if you like” he leered

Ever since she heard about Mel she keeps hinting at me to bring some friends around.

“Are you still going with Mel?” asked Mark

“yeh, but she doesn’t know about her Mum so don’t say anything” I wheezed.

“Mel and Bel are going to see a movie tonight so they are staying at their Aunts”

“Perhaps you need a hand tonight” leered Jake

“yeh ok, but just you Mark and Jeff only, no one else should know about this” I warned as the bell went and we headed off

“Ring me tonight” yelled Jake

That afternoon I ran to Linda and she arranged for Mel and Bel to stay at her sisters place. we put some of her sleeping tablets in some wine and placed it in the fridge then checked the camera in the lounge.

“You sure you want to go through with this because you know all three will fuck you” I exclaimed

“It will be worth it” she muttered.

“Shaun, I want you to fuck me and leave a load inside me for two reasons. One, it will help with my lubrication in case my body does not respond when I’m drugged and I don’t want to get damaged, and two, if they lick me it will give me great pleasure knowing they are licking your cum” she grinned

I happily supplied two quick loads making sure the second load was only just inside her entrance.

We had dinner and at about 8 pm I rang Jake and asked him to bring a box of condoms around.

Not long after they got there Linda showed them around the house before heading back to the lounge, Linda asked Jake to grab the bottle of wine from the fridge and he poured her a glass while leering at her legs in a short skirt and her braless tits in a thin button up top.

“I think I’m going to enjoy you four fucking me tonight!” she crooned

Linda took a decent drink from the drugged wine and looked at me. When she turned away to talk to Mark I took a mouthful as well so that it would look like Linda didn’t know.

Linda heard the glass get replaced and slowly looked back catching my eye and with a determined half smile leaned backwards and slid off the couch dragging her dress up to display her plain panties.

“Me first” I said as I slipped off the footstool and lay awkwardly on the floor.

I doubted Linda was fully unconscious and I was not as well so I listened as they talked wondering what the hell happened.

Mark lifted the glass to sniff it and passed it to Jeff but he just said, “maybe they were taking drugs before we got here”.

Jake said “well fuck it, I’m not missing out and removed Linda’s panties then I heard a condom wrapper ripping before I was out like a light.

I was woken by some screaming and vaguely recalling being lifted off a naked Linda then a bit later being put in an ambulance before waking up the next morning in hospital.

I was kept in the bed for a few hours even though I kept asking what was going on and was Linda alright.

The detective came and escorted me to the police station where I was questioned and accused of raping Linda.

My shock was genuine as I did not expect that and was told I had a lawyer coming.

My Lawyer told me that my mother had become worried when I did not come home and found me naked on top of a naked Linda but neither of us were conscious so she called an ambulance and the cops.

The cops were saying I had drugged her and raped her, Linda told them she had invited some boys around to ask if they would like to paint the rooms in the house for some pocket money and next thing she knew she had woken up in the hospital with a sore vagina, breasts and thighs and it appeared she had sperm inside her.

The cops had taken a sample from inside her after asking permission from Linda but Linda knew I had been placed on top of her and thought it would be ok

She told the cops about the cameras in the house and they had retrieved them for evidence along with the wine and several condoms in an ashtray.

I was kept in a cell overnight and was asked for a statement the next morning saying the video’s proved I did nothing wrong.

Linda asked for me to be there when she was questioned and as she had been told what was on the video she asked for it to be shown to us.

There was no sound to the videos as we had turned off the audio channel on the cameras so we watched in silence.

We saw the bedroom videos first showing Linda leading the boys around the house, I thought that was very clever.

Next we saw us talking in the Loungeroom and Jake bringing in the bottle of wine and emptying it into her glass, there was only one glassful in it.

We watched as Linda drank most of it then saw me sneak a drink to empty the glass followed by Linda sliding off the couch and me falling off the footstool.

Jake, Mark and Jeff talked with each other before Jake knelt down and removed Linda’s panties. The detective stopped the video but before he could ask she said “we need to know” so he started it again.

Jake put a condom on and then knelt down to lick her before he pushed his cock into Linda lasting about 20 seconds before getting up and grinning then pulling off his condom to show it to Mark and Jeff.

Mark grabbed a condom licked her for lube and fucked Linda for even less time before he too added his used condom to the ashtray, Jeff went next also licking Linda as he had watched the other two, he fucked Linda and finished 30 seconds or so later.

Linda took a few breaths and held my hand so I hugged her to me as the video continued.

Mark undid Linda’s top and they struggled to remove it then they all groped her tits, played with her nipples and both Jeff and Mark sucked a nipple while Jake took a pic.

Mark was hard again so he grabbed another condom and removed Linda’s dress then he fucked Linda again for a couple of minutes, Jeff was hard and had a condom on and jumped on Linda as soon as Mark finished, after a few minutes Jake had his turn.

The three boys then stripped me and positioned my mouth on her nipple while they took a pic then they pushed my face into her pussy for another pic. Linda looked at me in pity but I smiled to show her I was not in distress, I had seen that all three had used condoms so it wasn’t as if they were rubbing my face in their cum and I grinned as I thought about the fact that all three of them had licked my cum from Linda.

Jeff and Mark laid me on top of Linda while Jake took a pic and we thought it was over but they rolled me off her and Jake fucked her again lasting for quite a while and lifting her her legs up to get as deep as he could.

Jeff laid sideways and fucked her next so the cameras showed a pretty clear pic of his condom covered cock pounding in to her until he thrust the last few times deep inside her.

Jeff had Jake and Mark hold Linda’s legs back all the way while he fucked her kneeling so you could also see a clear view of his cock thrusting in and out until he filled his condom.

They rolled me back on top of Linda and it was obvious that they were trying to push my cock in her without success. You could see them argue for a couple of minutes before a rock paper scissors game, Jake apparently lost as he bent down and sucked my cock for a minute until it was hard then they inserted it inside Linda and manually manoeuvred my body to fake fuck Linda until they stood and cheered.

There was no condom on me.

They were laughing and it looked like Mark had gotten an erection again but then they all looked towards the back door. They looked worried, grabbed their clothes and ran out the front door.

A short time later my Mum came in and knelt beside us before using Linda’s phone and knelt back beside us again.

My Mum used the phone again and my Dad arrived a few minutes later followed by the Police and Ambulance. The detective stopped the Video.

We have detained the three boys for questioning so it is safe for you to go home and get out of the hospital robes, Your parents are waiting for you.

“Mum and Dad can give Linda a ride home too” I stated

The ride home was awkward but Linda and I explained the bare facts and answered any questions.

When we got home we had dinner and I asked Linda if I could stay with her to talk things over, Mum and Dad were both surprised but Linda said she would appreciate someone to hold until the girls came home.

Dad clapped me on the shoulder and Mum gave me a hug with clear pride showing on their faces before we shuffled off to Linda’s

We lay in bed and Linda said “well, that went a lot further than I expected but the boys gave us an alibi”

“what do you mean?” I asked perplexed

“The hospital did a rape test on me so when they find your DNA I wont be in trouble and neither will you” she replied

“Oh yeah, I didn’t even consider that” I said in shock.

“Are you OK about it, they raped you 9 times by the look of it”

“Yeh I was a little sore when I first came to around lunch time but I’m fine now if you want to wipe away the memories” she asked reaching down to grab my cock.

I laughed “when you get that video back I want to get a close up screen shot of Jake with my cock in his mouth to share around school”

“Lets go have a shower and you can show me how much better you are than them” smirked Linda taking my hand.

Feeling refreshed we hit the bed naked and had gentle sex the first time until I came but she seemed to become distant and started to urge me on to go harder and harder until I came again with her loudly telling me to ‘fuck that whore slut’ and similar things in a third person kind of way until she had an intense orgasm as I splattered her insides once more.

I rolled off and we calmed down. She looked at me sadly and apologised so we talked about it.

She told me that she had replayed the video in her mind and got so turned on that she had just had probably one of the best orgasms of her life.

She explained that although she was disgusted at the rapists she was really turned on by the video of them using her and hoped I understood that she got turned on by the thought of multiple guys fucking her one after the other. Her hand went to her pussy as her look went distant again then she started squirming again and her eyes closed and she started to mumble.

I was getting hard again as I watched her fingering herself so I decided to play her game and tried thinking of things to say “c’mon guys, I bags fucking the slut first” I said as I knelt between her spread knees.

I positioned my hard cock very close to her hole and without warning fell forward and shoved my cock into her in one hard thrust.

Linda gasped as she arched her back while I thrust hard and fast into her for a minute.

I pulled out and sat back watching as Linda started to rub her pussy again.

“You go next” I growled then leaned forward to enter Linda again “that’s It, fuck that whore” I said as I slowly and deeply thrust into her for another minute or so before pulling back out.

I was pretty close to cumming by this time so I grunted “shove it in that used pussy” and leaned over her to push it in deep, Linda started to cum as I sped up and yelled “Yeh fuck the slut hard” and emptied myself deep inside her grunting and groaning as I did while Linda pulled at my bum to urge me on while deep in the throes of her wild orgasm.

I rolled off puffing and panting from the exertion and Linda slowly calmed down to lay sweating beside me.

“I like you but it can only ever be about sex. I do admit that you have awoken the sexual beast that has lain dormant inside me and now that I have no one to stop me I can indulge my self. After things settle down again perhaps you can invite some friends around??” she grinned.

“Perhaps you should talk to your daughters first, they may not like all their school mates fucking you” I added

“Oh … yeh … your probably right.” she admitted.

The next day I was allowed to stay home and went with Linda to pick up the girls.

When we got to the car Bel jumped in the back seat on her back with her pussy shining wetly on display. “Hey that’s my boyfriend!” said Mel laughing but Bel said “I won’t take long I’ve been diddling myself all morning and you can have him after a quickie”

I have always cum quick first time around but I even outlasted Bel as I’m pretty sure she started her orgasm as soon as the head was inside her grabbing pulsating pussy. Within a few strokes I spurted several times and we relaxed for a minute.

“My turn” yelled Mel as she almost dragged me off Bel, I looked down as my cock popped free of her cum filled pussy, Bel covered her pussy with her hand as she climbed out of the back seat and walked around to the front seat with a grin from ear to ear.

Mel laid back and I slid my cock straight in to the hilt, I’m not sure if Mel was already horny and wet or if my cock being covered in cum and her sisters juices was the reason but Mel’s sigh and her passionate kiss was good enough for me and I started sliding in and out of her velvety smoothness with great gusto.

Linda started to drive off, I noticed Bel was watching us from between the seats while sucking on her fingers one by one to clean them, then would dip her fingers into her pussy again and start sucking them again.

The erotic sight made it very hard to hang on long enough for Mel to cum before I exploded inside her. We eventually sat up and just kissed passionately until we arrived at the Police Station.

“I’m just going to get my videos back, do I need to pick up some more condoms while I am next door to the shop?” asked Linda getting out of the car not waiting for an answer.

Oops I thought looking guilty at the two girls, the sooner they started their periods the sooner they started the pill the sooner the better I thought but then another thought hit me.

“is it true that you girls sync up and have your periods at the same time?” I asked

“yes it is, are you worried about missing out for a week?” laughed Mel slyly rubbing my shorts.

“Yeh I might have to find a temporary girlfriend” I quipped

“I’m sure between the three of us we can work something out” grinned Bel licking her lips

Linda came back with a box of her cameras and another box of a dozen condoms and we headed home.

Continued in part 3 ………………….
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