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The sexy surprise ending. Chloe, the couple, and their son all get new lovers. - - - Please don't skip to the end. To fully understand this, you should read chapters 1 - 7 first.

We loved our son Jonathan dearly, but having him in the house greatly complicated our sex lives. For the next few months, my wife and I had quickies with Chloe three or four nights a week. We’d make an excuse to go to the guest house or Chloe would find a reason to go in our bedroom with us. One night we went to the basement and ‘did laundry’ for an hour or so.

I got long solo sessions with my new mistress on the mornings when Rochelle was teaching, and I’d go to the museum early and give my wife a turn on her days off. Most nights we’d kneel between Chloe’s feet and quickly lick her to orgasm, then frantically make love on the floor as Chloe stood above us in her high heels, giving us orders.

Finally one Friday, the day after Lora’s 18th birthday and a month after Jonathan’s, I brought her to our house. I called my son to the living room and watched Chloe give them some instructions. “Jon, please sit on the Ottoman. Good. Lora, since you’re both too shy to ask each other on a date, we’re going to help you out. You’re here as a sitter. I want you sitting in his lap most of the weekend.”

Lora and my son blushed and stared at each other nervously. Chloe repeated, “Come on, Lora, sit on him.” As she did and Jon wrapped an arm around her, Chloe said, “You can’t kiss him that way. Turn around and spread your legs.” She stood, turned around, then straddled my son slowly. I could see a small wet spot in the crotch of her tight jeans and a growing bulge in his. Both looked terrified.

Chloe asked, “Do you like her, Jon?”

He cleared his throat and swallowed. “Um, yeah. A lot.”

“Do you like him too, Lora?”

“I… uh… yes.”

Chloe instructed, “Kiss to make sure. Taste each other’s lips.” They anxiously did. Both had reddish cheeks and huge smiles when they stopped. “Then it’s settled, you two are dating. We’ll be back Sunday. Don’t mess up the house or make any babies while we’re gone.” She handed her sister a three-pack of condoms, then followed Rochelle and I to the car.

Chloe mentioned, “You know what Jon would be doing at night if my sister lived here. There’s no way he would care if I sleep with you two. Can she move in?”

My wife coughed in surprise. I said, “That’s a… clever idea, Chloe, but ah… we’ll talk about that later, okay?”


We picked up Emily and Antonio on the way to the restaurant. After a tense but nice meal, we went to a hotel room upstairs. Emily nervously looked at my wife Rochelle as she stared back with jealous anger on her face. Antonio and Chloe smiled and held hands.

I started the conversation with, “Antonio, you’ve always done a good job with our garden and yard, so I’m giving you a raise. We’d like you to come over every weekday instead of twice a week. If Chloe or my wife want some… special attention from you, feel free.”

“Thank you, senor!”

Rochelle nervously told Emily, “If you want to kiss or screw my husband sometimes, I guess that’s okay. But you do it away from our family and bring him home when you’re done, understand? You give him back to me!”

Emily anxiously assured her, “Of course! We want to have some fun, but I know he’s mostly yours.”

I asked, “So we all agree? Chloe and Rochelle can sleep with Antonio when they want, and I can spend a few nights and most weekends with Emily?”

“Agreed.” “Yes.” “Okay.” “Si.”


I knew Emily was 22 and legal to drink, so after our tense conversation we went to the hotel bar. I ordered a good Cognac and Emily tried her first Mai Thai. We sat close together and watched a few people sing some terrible karaoke. On our third drink, Emily and I felt confident enough to get on the karaoke list. First we sang the classic Meatloaf number she had chosen, “Paradise by the Dashboard Light.” It was a lot of fun and most of the patrons applauded as we finished.

The other one we sang was slower-paced and even more emotional, the relatively recent opera hit “Con te Partiro”. Emily looked at me as she sang, “Quando sei lontana sogno all’orizzonte e mancan la parol.”

- “When you are away, I dream of the horizon and words fail.”

When I saw the look in her eyes and heard the deep sincerity in her voice, I knew I was in love and thought she might be. Most of the other patrons didn’t understand the words, but politely clapped as the song ended. I stared deeply into her eyes then French kissed her, getting much more applause. I don’t remember much more of that night, but when I woke there were nearly a dozen empty mini-bar bottles on the nightstand, along with two used condoms.

After a Bloody Mary each with breakfast to ease our hangovers, Emily and I made sweet, joyous love. Afterward we discussed her future. She had finished her Bachelor’s in History and was working on a Master’s in languages. She wanted to translate the logs and records of the early Spanish and Portuguese explorers. I told her there probably wouldn’t be much money in it, but I thought it would be a fascinating and noble pursuit.

We made love in the missionary position again that afternoon. After dinner and a shower, she sucked me off and rode me cowgirl style until we were both exhausted. On Sunday morning I woke in the best way possible, with my morning wood sliding into her hot tight ass! I’d never had a woman willing to do anal before and was ecstatic when Emily told me she enjoyed it. I had always thought of anal sex being kinky and nasty, but somehow it was loving and romantic with her.


After Sunday brunch Chloe, Rochelle, and I returned home. We were surprised to see Jonathan naked on the sunbed by the pool, beneath Chloe’s sisters Lora and Melissa!

We were disgusted and even more surprised at the messes all over the house. In addition to the expected soda cans and food wrappers, we found over a dozen used condoms, plus stains and dried bodily fluids! My wife was horrified to discover they had screwed on the dining room table at least twice.

On the way to wake them up, I saw another used condom and an empty 12-pack on the pool deck near them. Chloe tugged on my hand and quietly told me, “Wait a minute.” She walked back in the house and returned with a large armload. She shook their shoulders to wake them and said, “You three know all the places you FUCKED, so YOU clean them up!” She handed Lora a spray bottle and roll of paper towels. Jonathan got trash bags and rubber gloves, and Chloe passed Melissa a bucket and scrub brush.

Jonathan bashfully objected, “But we’re naked! Let us get dressed first!”

My wife reinforced Chloe’s orders with, “You can put some clothes on once the house is clean! GO!” Chloe stared at Jonathan’s nude form, and I admired the girls’ cute blushing faces and sexy bodies as my wife waved them toward the kitchen.

Once they cleaned things up and got dressed, Lora’s explanation disgusted my wife but made me quite proud of my son. “Friday night we did it until we ran out of condoms, so we went to get more. We picked up chocolate syrup, strawberry jam, and whipped cream, too. Jam tastes great on a dick, but it’s SO sticky!”

That explained the messes on the kitchen counter, floor of my home office, and his bed.

Lora continued, “When we ran out of condoms again, I was so tired I could barely walk. We drove across town to get more condoms and, um… some help.” She pointed to her 19-year-old sister Melissa.

Melissa held my son’s hand and informed us, “We don’t mind sharing, since he’s such a sexy beast.” Jonathan looked ready to die from shame.

I wisecracked in French, “Ah! D’etre jeune et amoureux!”

Rochelle laughed, then translated for Chloe and the others, “Oh, to be young and in love.”

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