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Gary, constrained against his will, has more ordeals to undergo.
A strange pungent smell woke him in the midst of a wild dream. He was Gulliver to a thousand, hundred legged creatures made from just breasts and vagina. They swarmed over him, drooled from their nipples and laid tracks on his torso like snails. He was floating and the water level rose. In his dream he knew that drowning would cause that immense relief that he so, so craved. However, it was not to be and he woke with a start.

He had no conception of the duration of his sleep, but he felt refreshed and momentarily unaware of his confinement. This changed when the chains which led from his wrists to the posts behind him tinkled.

A shadow flickered lightly on the ceiling. ‘Nano geyani,' a musical, foreign sounding voice uttered. ‘sum marum bajaka jagyum che?’

Candles lit the cellar bathing the inside with a soft yellow, orange glow. The dancing shadow moved on the ceiling, indicating that it’s owner was to make itself known. Despite the tranquillity of the light and the new warmth in the cellar, Gary was fearful. He had grown deeply distrustful of any kindness that came his way in this house. Sleep had come the night before while cursing the very moment he had clamoured for the job of mending Mrs. Barton’s pool and now he thought he understood the meaning of what was happening to him. The middle and upper class community in the area was obviously very close knit and the story of his poor behaviour has spread secretly between them. A plan had been prepared, and like the weak idiot he was, he had fallen into it.

It was then, no great surprise when he heard the beautiful voice of Mala Gupta resonating in his cell. ‘Good morning Gary. I hope that you are not in pain too much.’

The torments of the previous day came to mind and he tested his sense of feeling by wiggling his feet. The chinking of his restraints coincided with the sensation of the soft ankle straps.

‘You have deep bruises, I have been tending to them for some time now.’

‘I want to get out of here.’ Gary murmured.

‘Time, Gary. In time.’ Mrs. Gupta stood and drifted her hand over the top of his brow, which twitched to avoid the contact. ‘Oh, what have they been doing to you? You were so beautiful, so sensual. Such a loving boy.’

He remembered Mala Gupta from the work job he had done for her. She had seemed kindly and flirtatious, not unlike the expensive prostitutes that he had attempted to solicit in Germany. Then, he had toyed with the idea of sacrificing three weeks of pay for that experience, but had congratulated himself on his decision to abstain – after all, there was only so much value in a very pretty face and good manners if the object was to viciously back-end them anyway. Now however, Mala un-faded into the room over him and lightly tousled his hair. ‘What are you gonna do to me?’ He asked.

‘Do to you?’ She questioned. ‘We shall do this together Gary. We shall both go on a journey, an experience.’ His face tightened and turned away from her. ‘Your body, as it is, will turn into a vessel that will sail an ocean, Gary, and it must be kept in the here and now for us both to be on board.’

‘What?’ Gary cried as he tried to make sense of what she said, ‘why can’t you just let me go?’

‘Gary, your physical existence is nothing. We are going to places that your body cannot go, to the land of dreams, and we are going together.’

‘That’s crap!’ Gary shouted, intimidated by the notion, ‘That’s crap!’

‘Obviously, I will need to show you.’ She soothed, and removed the quilt that maintained whatever warmth he still possessed. She tilted her head at his spread-eagled nakedness.. ‘So beautiful, so elegant.’ She hushed. ‘Soon, Gary, time will have a different quality, it will shape itself and move like water, all around us.’

Gary thought to himself of how much like a drunken night out it sounded and grew even further suspicious of her intent. ‘What do you mean, what are you going to do?’

Mrs. Gupta broke into a smile and dropped her hand to his chest hair. Gary, started and she ran her fingers through it. ‘The earth is full of goodness. It feeds us and warms us and provides us with what we need. My lord began as a handful of earth Gary, and the sun and the rain gave him the strength that his mother could not and his father would not. What we are to share, “Maro Prema” is given to us by my Lord and our earth.’

‘What was this namby nonsense?’ thought Gary. Though he was distrustful and fearful of those around him, he remained firmly fixed in the here and now. What he knew was that he was a captive, was being physically abused and wanted to use violence to revenge himself. There was also the issue with his inner sexual desire, which rumbled beneath like a dormant volcano, one that was having it’s neighbourhood evacuated.

‘It is said that the child of my Lord, Satoshi Maa, wore white flowers in her hair and sent her lovers to heaven with their scent.’ Mrs. Gupta drew a tapered quill from her pocket and began to burn the end of it from the nearest of the lighted candles.

Gary thought for a moment, Mrs. Gupta had seemed to be a reasonable woman, maybe there was a chance that she could release him from these restraints. Once done, he was sure that he could fight his way out of a house full of women.

‘Aye, Mrs. Gupta, but I need to stretch my legs for a bit, you don’t think you could, like, undo these cuffs, eh?’ It was a hopelessly naïve request.

‘But, those restraints are not the ones I must release, Gary. It is those that anchor your soul that I must dissolve.’ His heart sunk as he understood that he must be subjected to another ordeal.

‘That one was for the wind. This one,' she held another quill, a red one, which she lit and held fanned out with the first, ‘is for the sun.’ She pulled another from her hair, ‘and this one is for my Lord, my truth, my life.’

The first quill, though it had released grey smoke, seemed quite inert to his senses, the second, which produced pink smoke, tasted sweet in the still confines of the cellar. The third however, when lit, obviously had a strong narcotic quality. For the first inhalation sent Gary spinning above where he lay. As his eyes rolled, so Mala Gupta joined him.

‘Yes, Gary. It is sweet is it not. It has saved so many in need, yet damned so many who were not.’ While he was still on a state of understanding, there were certain factors that he found puzzling. The flowers he could see on the floor, the soft lightness and freedom, the impression that Mrs. Gupta was in his arms. It did not make sense.

‘We can only begin today Gary,' Mala whispered. ‘For my Lord’s garden only reveals itself in the mist.’

Mrs. Gupta herself had become a flower, her face distorting into petals, and her body into the stem, yet he was not fearful of this transition. The new apparition entwined itself with him as the ceiling above him clouded and the flower strewn floor erupted into life. He was suddenly in a different place, warm, yet alone. Mala’s voice was behind him. ‘My lord will show himself to you in a way that only you will know.’ His transfigured self turned, to be greeted by nothing more than lush foliage. ‘But, only when you cannot be sated, will he return your love.’

As Gary turned his mind to what had just been said to him, he felt a tremor beneath the soles of his feet and a rush of wind across his face. ‘I must take you to a height of ecstasy. My lord desires it.’ Gary looked down at two faces which he did not know at first, that both gazed up at him lovingly.

The darker exotic face, he, at first imagined to be Mrs. Gupta’s daughter, her face being so much like the older woman. The other, young, pale and elf like too, looked familiar. The new face spoke softly as her thin hand wrapped itself around Gary’s erect, dream enlarged, yet soft, penis. ‘I felt so let down when you didn’t share my passion with you Gary.’ He remembered the mid Atlantic accent, the blond hair. It was a much younger version of Ariel, the wife of the record producer who he had, a few months before, punished for her sympathy and kindness. ‘But, I knew the day would soon come when I could show you.’

‘We have both been wronged by you Gary, but we are both loving and good.’

‘The earth goddess has served you, and you have shunned her,' Ariel began, ‘she has endowed you with beauty, physical courage, and good humour. But she has taken so much in return. Your love must flow to others, like the rivers in this place.’

There was a clear bubbling stream now, which miraculously began livening the air. ‘My lord will come Gary, when you most need it. He will come when you least desire it.’ Mala added.

Mrs. Gupta’s conundrums were beginning to take second place as Ariel’s long strokes started to enliven him. His desire was beginning to flow, as he was very aware that his physical captivity was only an apprentice to the greater sexual captivity of an enforced abstinence. Mala began to tousle his magically soft pubic hairs, preening his ego as she did. ‘You are such a giver of life Gary, my Lord demands that you give life to me.’

‘And my great mother demands that you nourish me Gary. That you nourish me with your life.’ He looked down and was shocked to see Ariel’s tongue dart out like a snake to touch the end of his increasing penis, but the pleasure he felt when it wormed it’s way under his foreskin and began revolving around his glans completely distracted him from such an alarming sight.

‘Our gods demand, and we shall obey.’ Mala stood. He remembered well the imperfections of Mala Gupta’s body. In true life had a perfectly acceptable figure for her age, but now in this perceived heaven, her body was entirely without blemish and held itself as only the skin of the young can. ‘There is no life without love Gary, the love of my Lord, the love of one’s children and the love of life itself.’

He looked down at Ariel, whose face matched his own pleasure, and down at Mala’s beautiful feet that rested on top of the daisies and flowers without seeming to crush them at all. His penis grew to a seemingly grotesque extent and rolled aside that impediment of a foreskin that had hitherto hidden Ariel’s hallucinogenic efforts, which now wrapped herself around him, like a vine.

‘My bodily goodness will become yours Gary, my flesh will dissolve and my heart will stop. I will become as one with my Lord. But you must nutrify me.’ Mrs. Gupta body gradually lowered onto a mossy bank which had raised itself from the lawn of flowers, her legs began to raise, as slowly as a drawbridge until finally they pointed toward the east and west. Between them, her vagina, red as a berry, pulsated with the same blood that reddened her lips and her nipples. The nether landscape of her beautiful passion was framed above by her large, pert breasts which lay and rose with her aggravated breath. Ariel detached herself from his penis.

‘My earth mother demands a sacrifice, and she demands your children, those millions of babies that you create.’

‘And my Lord demands an offering.’ The receptive Mala added, ‘he requires greater munificence in this world and needs your abundance.’

‘Let us make a meeting of our two gods,' Ariel continued, leading Gary’s now disproportionate erection towards Mala Gupta’s twitching and deep rose pussy. It widened, expectantly, showing the dark, shadowy inside.

Gary looked down at the vast chasm in front of him that replaced what should have been Mrs. Gupta’s genitals and gasped. All was wrong; her labia waved like a jellyfish, her clitoris emerged from it’s hiding place and throbbed violently. What concerned him more though was the enlargement of his own sexual organs, which has grown to a vast size. His glans seemed to be of the size of a football, and was constantly changing colour, from a reddy blue to purple.

‘You are becoming one with the earth Gary,' spoke Ariel, holding his enormity aloft with both hands, let Gaia, our mother irrigate your great strength. Upon this, a golden river began to flood from her mouth onto the tip of the exposed cock head. It pooled, treacle like, on the tip before slowly working it’s way down the vast, knobbly shaft.

‘My lord is anxious for our union, he speaks to me through the air.’ Announced Mala seductively, her legs wide, and breasts perched on chest, supported as she was by her elbows that rested on the soft grassy bank beneath.

Ariel began working in the new oily liquid into Gary’s oversized penis with large arm movements that softly sent waves of pleasure into his balls, which hung beneath his trunk like two water balloons. These she softly supported with her other hand, each in turn. ‘It is said a great fountain will send children into this world, ' she stated. ‘I must do my duty to the god of fertility.’ Now, her face began to distort, the lips grew to an accommodating size and a new tongue emerged, more human like, but soft and viscous. It grew and reached the underside of his enormity, cradled it in the sloppy, red flesh and began to draw it into the huge well that had appeared in her face.

He felt a welling in those enormous sacks dangling beneath his crotch as the whole edifice began to disappear into Ariel’s mouth. The procreative liquid inside his oversized testes behaved like like two great shoals of fish churning the water, yet still he felt a world away from that ultimate fulfilment he so craved. Those two gargantuan lips of Ariel, that hid her pretty features, slurped up and down the great fleshy column that this drug induced erection had constructed. Deeper it went on every forward thrust that distended face gave until he felt the sweet symmetry of the throat muscles grasp and swallow. An intense pressure gripped him as those two swinging ball sacks began to twitch and dance. This effected a change in the blonde woman’s efforts and she hauled the great trunk out of the sopped hole and hugged it tightly. ‘It cannot be now my sweet lord, for your vitality is needed by another.’

Gary was captured at the very point of exhilaration as his seemingly inevitable flows reversed and returned to their source. When Samantha Burton had performed this manoeuvre, in the real world, he had felt nothing but pain and distress. But here, in this wondrous place of Mala Gupta’s construction, the pleasure was indescribable. That woman remained seated, expectantly, spreading the open, dark opening in her special area wide. ‘It is time, ' she began, ‘time to fulfil this night and serve my Lord and master. Bring your bounty to me, so that I may absorb it’s outpourings.’

He found himself being led to those outspread legs by a now restored Ariel, her face returned to it’s natural prettiness. His cock stretched into the distance as the two outsized genitalia attracted each other like magnets. The first touch bounced from the rubbery mantlet that guarded her impossibly seductive space, but, as though seeking warmth, the beast tried once more. Her two doughy tits rose and rouged on this contact and he felt his arms reach out to grasp the two nipples that sprung from their mount.

His cock head readjusted and finding the crevice of life it sought, wiggled it’s way inside as Mrs. Gupta’s face flushed and her eyes looked heavenward. ‘I an a vessel for my Lord!’ she gasped as Gary’s hips drove on.

Behind him, Ariel began to massage his scrotum, ‘You are now in that realm, Gary, between the sky and the earth, both bird and worm, butterfly and snake!’ her hands squeezed those enormous testicles as he started to thrust his hips backward and forward in the way that his mortal body knew so well. The ring of Mala Guptas labia began to contract as he withdrew and thrust again, constricting the giant edifice and promoting the joy that Gary was sure would soon be upon him.

As his mouth began to dry, he knew he was getting close, but still, the effort to reach that sublime goal remained out of reach. As he began to become desperate in his thrusts and search, and Mala began to scream to her god, a light pressure on his rectum began, he started to feel the beginning of that longed for completion. ‘Yes, Gary, Ariel whispered, allow that which my mother earth demands, let the spirit relent.’

Sunshine flooded the dream as Gary’s fluid began to whirl in those balloon like testicles, his hugely enlarged prostate started to twitch, and all was set to deliver upon the promises that both women had made to their respective gods. Those two huge gonads that held that magical fluid began to dance wildly with joy as a sudden, sharp cool breeze blew across his face and his moment of joy was delayed, momentarily, by a fly that had somehow invaded this wonderful place, followed swiftly by cousins that began to swarm around his head. The breeze that was, increased in volume, and sent his hair back as the now gale, began to trumpet. Behind Mrs. Gupta’s head, the foliage rolled backward and forwards with a violence that matched the intoxicated passion he had felt just a few moments before.

The change in conditions marked a change in Mala too. ‘It is my Lord, he has come. He has come to take vengeance!’ Gary’s enormous transfigured penis was forcibly ejected from it’s place of comfort as Gary detected danger in the lush undergrowth before him. He had the sudden urge to run, which to his credit, had been an instinct to which he had rarely succumbed, but found to his horror, the drug magnified sexual equipment with which he had been endowed, hampered his movement and he fell, face upward in a brown soupy mud.

Mala, still naked, rose to her feet. ‘There! There lord. Seek him that would defile your image!’ As Mala screamed these words Gary obtained his first glimpse of Mala Gupta’s “Lord’ bursting through the undergrowth, snapping branches and screaming it’s anger as a storm blew over Gary Fowler’s prone, incapacitated body. A Huge elephant, encrusted with silver, gold and precious stones hurtled toward him, paused it’s charge beside Mala, who bowed subjectively before it, re-asserted it’s gaze once more upon him, and charged again, stopping a few feet from him, whereby it trumpeted out it’s anger once more, raised it’s trunk and front legs high into the air, and brought them crashing down on poor Gary’s gargantuan testicles. Gary screamed in pain and the creature poised itself to repeat the procedure, crashing down this time on the enormity of his narcotically enlarged penis. Again, he screamed as he felt his tackle scrunched under the weight of this bejewelled monster. What had began as a wonderful and beautiful dream was turning in to a nightmare. Again, the elephant charged and took his legs, at which Garry looked down, numbed with the adrenaline of horror. The creature backed away toward Mala, having consigned Gary to a humiliating pre-coital delay.

‘My lord is angry that you took him Gary, took him from my very breast!’ He did not at first understand or remember, but now, looking at this creature he saw that it was a huge, false life representation of the broach he had stolen from Mala Gupta’s bedroom, those months before. ‘My lord found me again after much pain and much suffering, and much expense from my husband. It was my Lord that told us of your treachery, Gary, you. You of such beauty.’

The enormous beast glinted in the sunshine, and padded to and fro next to it’s faithful subject. All hopes of sexual satisfaction had evaporated and Gary was now left to ponder his fate, still caught in this hell of Mala Gupta’s making. A deep booming growl passed through the dank earth and shook what remained of him. ‘My lord wishes to know of your contrition Gary.’ It is only that which can save you, inside this place and without.’

Sorrow for his prior crimes were not chief among his priorities, he had expected a relief from the acute sexual frustration that he felt but now, even with flattened sexual parts, still consumed him. ‘Tell us of your regret Gary, or be destroyed by my Lord, in this world and outside!’

The thoughts in Gary’s head were not flattering to him, he felt sorry, sorry for himself and sorry that whatever misdemeanours he had carried out were discovered, but the notion that he had caused pain to others was conspicuously absent. ‘I am sorry, really sorry Mrs. Gupta.’ He stated bluntly. It was a reply not to the liking of Ganesh, her lord and master. It glared angrily at him, stamped it’s feet as if to charge, paused, lunged forward to deliver it’s coup-de-grace, then rampantly flattened, Gary’s torso, stamped again on his head, and Gary was ejected from this terrifying world into another, one from which he could not escape quite so easily.

’Oh, he is so handsome, even though he is asleep.’ Rachel Barton gushed.

‘God, you are a foolish little trolley Rachel, he is quite pathetic.’ Lady Deborah lay her hand on Gary’s forehead as he started violently back into their world.

‘Jesus! Jesus!’ he blasphemed feverishly.

‘What did those two old bags do to him I wonder?’ mused Deborah.

’I hope it wasn’t something too awful, I know he has been naughty and everything but he has been really nice to me.’

‘You do open your legs to every man around don’t you, ' the older girl snootily opined, ‘at least we…' she paused, rethinking her statement, ‘at least we Mathers have a little more discernment.’

‘Hmph,' expressed Rachel moodily, 'I would not have called Mike, our type. He had really dirty fingernails, I wouldn’t be surprised if he drives a bus or something!’

‘Oh, you little cow, you don’t talk about him, you don’t mention him at all…'

‘You spent so much time with him I though he was your boyfriend.’

‘Well, that shows how much you know doesn’t it little piggy wiggle, I was just using him for sex, that’s all. He was a horrible disgusting creature.’

Even though he was on the periphery of the real world, Gary, on hearing this conversation, had vague memories of a drunken chat in a nightclub six of so months before. A guy boasting of having a posh bit on the side. That guy had a nice suit, and he had an urge to punch him in the face. Could this be the bit of luck he had been waiting for? The well tailored ruffian maintained the forklifts at the local brick works and was a notorious hard case. What was his name? He closed his eyes in thought, trying not to be distracted by the catty argument going on in the cellar.

‘I thought he was quite nice, but I didn’t get to know him very well really.’

‘Well, you won’t. If I get my way then he’ll be where this poor devil is now.’

‘Oh, Mr. Fowler, I nearly forgot, I have something to show you. At least I will when uncle Charles gets here.’

‘God, how you can let that old man do those…that…'

‘He might be really old, like forty or whatever, but he is really lovely and he is really kind. I like what he is doing for Mr. Fowler, I do hope he will be grateful.’

‘Hardly likely, we should be just cutting his goollies off rather that wasting time on this new-fangled rubbish.’

‘Mummy says that there are acca, accdemnics working with uncle Charles on this treatment.’

‘Academics, thicko!’ laughed a spiteful Deborah. ‘Well, I think it’s all a monstrous waste of time and so does father, and he is in parliament, so he should know.’

‘I’m sure uncle Charles is only doing what he thinks is best.’

‘Well, daddy says he wants something done about it, so we will see won’t we. He says that your “uncle Charles” is a danger.’

‘Debby! That is such an awful thing to say. Uncle Charles has always been so kind, and anyway, Mummy says so and so it must be right.’

‘Oh God! You’re so stupid, of course…' Lady Deborah’s rebuke was cut short by the sound of a new arrival. The solid footsteps of a man in solid shoes began a descent into Gary’s cellar. Both girls looked upward at the newcomer and while Deborah’s face looked resigned to the augmentation, Rachel’s shone and beamed.

‘Uncle Charles!, Uncle Charles!’ cried Rachel. ‘I knew you’d be here.’

‘Hello little poppet!, How is my beautiful darling, hmm?’ The two flew into each other’s arms in quite the manner an ‘uncle’ and niece might, however, to a common bystander with no knowledge of the inclinations of either person, something might have seemed just a little off. The embrace was just a little too tender, just a little too long. “Uncle Charles’s hands were not quite in the right place. ‘So, is this ruffian causing problems, little treacle?’

‘Oh, no, Mr. Fowler is behaving himself like a proper gentleman should.’

‘Mmm,' replied Charles, ‘They are a crafty bunch, but, when presented with proper authority, they soon cower. Is that not true Mr. Fowler. Are you being treated well but my two little lieutenants?’

Gary was, at this moment very averse to any conversation with this enemy of his. Reasons for his confinement had been gradually revealed to him during his captivity, and it came as no surprise that Colonel Mortimer, his self styled benefactor was behind it all. He glowered at the former army officer and present lawyer with a quite natural animosity.

‘Well, no matter,' Charles chuckled, ‘your confinement here is all for the common good. Soon, I will be able to demonstrate our progress in Limbic criminology to people that matter.’ Rachel, now with her back to Charles embrace, looked at Gary and parroted her “uncle’s” words as best she could.

‘Limlic crimonologly’.

‘Yes, that’s right little sweet,' Charles moved his hands to the little girl’s waist. ‘creating a new society by utilizing the deeper forms of the brain’s working capacity.’

‘Gosh, you are so clever uncle Charles.’ Rachel gushed as the man’s hands migrated to the underside of his charges pronounced bust.

‘The mechanism is at work now, see, there is a pulse in his genital region. He is undergoing quite a remedial transfiguration by being in our care. ‘

‘Hrmph!’ Coughed Deborah, ‘father says we should be whipping the disgusting deviant.’

Charles countenance momentarily dithered as a result this unexpected challenge. He almost immediately regained composure, though not without betraying a sensitivity in this issue. ‘Your father and I disagree on this matter. That is no secret, but I must continue to pursue what I believe to be an enlightened policy.’ His hands were now supporting Rachel’s large breasts and the young girl bit her bottom lip and smiled at Gary’s growing hardness.

‘Mr. Fowler is getting an erection, uncle Charles.’

‘He is in turmoil little flower, when did he last ejaculate? Five days ago was it?’

‘Yes,’ Rachel replied, ‘he shot all of his spunk into my pussy Uncle Charles. Mummy told him I was going to have a baby from it and I think he believed her.’ Rachel giggled uncontrollably as Charles hands disappeared under her jumper.’ Mummy makes me have those injections though, so that won’t happen, and Mummy tried to suck as much of his cum out as she could, that was lots and lots of fun.’

‘Urgh,' interrupted Deborah. ‘You are so slutty.’

This upset Rachel, ‘No! That’s not true is it Uncle Charles, I’m helping with Mr. Fowler’s “correnction”. That’s true isn’t it?’

‘Quite true, ' the man replied. ‘These lower orders…’ he was interrupted by a snorting Deborah and again, Charles Mortimer showed an irritation that, if viewed from a perspective more mentally advanced than that of his captive, would have indicated an understanding that he himself was a social inferior to that of the elevated atmosphere of the Earl, Mrs. Barton and Lady Deborah.

The erstwhile mentioned girl immediately understood and smiled disdainfully.

‘These lower orders.’ Repeated Mr. Mortimer, ‘can be easily manipulated by an authority, little honey pot, especially one that lies to them, tempts them, confuses them.’ He laughed, ‘and best of all, they need security like a bird needs a worm and they will fight for us to get it. Fight for us… ha!’.

‘I am beginning to understand Uncle Charles.’

‘That’s why silly fools like your father Lady Deborah, are so dangerous. He loves the unwashed just a bit too much than is good for them, “let them choose for themselves?” what nonsense. No these people are children and must be led by their intellectual superiors.’ Mr. Mortimer’s hands stopped groping and emerged to rest on Rachel’s shoulders. ‘Now, you two girls, run along and help Mrs. Barton, I need to speak to Mr. Fowler alone, OK?’

‘Yes Uncle Charles.’ Replied Rachel who skipped up the stairs, followed by a more knowing and silent Deborah who looked back at Gary with a wry smile. The cellar door closed and Mr. Mortimer’s pleasant features hardened into an aggressive glare.

‘You have embarrassed me Gary Fowler!’ Gary was determined not to speak to this man, he could not adequately process all of the man’s meaning, but he knew enough that he was the reason for his present misery. ‘For a man in my station Fowler, you can steal from me, beat me, and humiliate me, but you must never, ever embarrass me, for when you do, you limit my ability to look at my friends.’

Gary intensified his stare.

‘Ha! I imagine you think I have friends!’ the older man made a movement in his hand toward Gary’s erection. ‘friends to us, are not what friends are to you plebeians Fowler. Friends to us are ways of achievement; rungs on the steps to glory!’ Charles fingertips reached Gary’s hips and inched, followed by the captive's concerned eyes, to his penis. ‘we put a lot of effort into you, your father and that lump you call a brother. At any other time we could call your transgressions unfortunate. But not before an election, when you are our poster boy, as it were.’

Gary was shocked to find that the prospect of homosexual contact did not wither his sexual bloom and began sweating from the societal shame.

‘All of the people that matter in this county know of your history Fowler. I am elected, Fowler. I want to retain power. You must be turned around, with “my” methods. Understand that.’ Colonel Charles Mortimer, the county councillor, soldier and justice of the peace snapped his hand away from the imminent sexual contact. ‘I will not be denied this!’ he turned on his heels and stepped solidly back up the stairs, leaving Gary Fowler in humiliating darkness once again.
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