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Nicole had tried, but failed, to land a TV anchor position after college. For her next interview, she dressed in a tight, revealing cocktail dress, and gave the station manager a blowjob... she got the job. Then it became a daily routine before she went on-air with her early morning show.
Nicole woke up when the alarm went off at 3:45 am... her usual time to rise-and-shine for the past three years. As the early morning news and weather anchor for ROCTV, she had to wake up early, get to the studio, and go on-air by 5:00 am. She wasn’t crazy about being stuck in Rochester, NY... a small TV market with little glitter or fanfare... but it was a foot in the door, which she hoped would lead to a big market TV gig somewhere down the road... like Chicago, or Miami.... or maybe even New York City or Los Angeles.

She leaned over and gave her husband, Corey, a peck on the cheek as she started to climb out of bed. He stretched... but didn’t open his eyes... just grinned and moaned softly... then reached for her hand and pulled it over to his crotch, wrapping her fingers around his fully erect morning wood.

Nicole smiled to herself and started gliding her hand up and down his rigid boner. She always felt bad because they never seemed to have much time for sex.... with her early morning schedule at the TV studio, and Corey’s ‘normal’ job, they’d been like ships passing each other on the ocean. She checked the clock again, figured she had a few precious minutes before she’d be late for work, so picked up the pace and began eagerly jerking Corey’s stiff hard-on.

With a little grin on his face and his eyes still closed, Corey softly murmured his pleasure and gently rocked his hips into Nicole’s warm, pumping fist. It didn’t take long before he let out a muffled groan, then spewed several streams of cum into the air and all over Nicole’s hand and fingers.

Nicole kept sliding her hand up and down the shaft of Corey’s softening penis for an extra minute, or two, then gently released his cock, and hurried into the bathroom to clean-up for work. When she got to the bathroom door, she smiled to herself when she heard Corey snoring.... he’d already fallen back asleep after shooting his morning load.... hell, she wasn’t even sure he ever actually woke up.

Nicole rushed through her morning routine, and was out the door with barely enough time to get to work before her production team missed her. She figured she’d be a few minutes late, but that she’d still be able to do everything that needed to get done before her 5:00 am air time.

Fifteen minutes later, she’d pulled into the parking lot at the TV station; five minutes after that she was in her dressing room, sitting at her make-up table, wearing her make-up robe; seven minutes after that she had the station manager’s stiff prick sliding in and out of her mouth.... he had one hand on the back of her head, and the other one shoved inside her robe, squeezing her heavy breasts and tweaking her nipples.

As Nicole sucked and stroked his thrusting cock, he mumbled, “Hmmmmm.... that feels good.... yeah, just like that.... you got here a little later than usual this morning, so we’ll have to be quick.”

Nicole pulled his cock out of her mouth for a second and said, “Yeah... sorry about that... traffic....” Then sucked the tip back into her mouth and resumed bobbing her head back and forth... picking up the pace with her hand on his shaft, and fondling his balls, in hopes of encouraging a quick climax.

It seemed to work... in no time, the station manager let out a growl, pulled Nicole’s head hard onto his engorged boner, and blasted several ropes of cum against the back of her throat.

“Aw, fuck, Nicki.... yeah.... yeah.... just like that.... yeah.... uh... uh... aaaaaaahhhhhhhh.... fuck, yeeeeaaaaahhhh.... wow, that’s fantastic.... yeah.... aaaaahhhhhhhh.... hmmmmmm...”

Nicole pumped his shaft a few more times to empty his nutsack, then released his cock and turned back to her make-up table to finish getting ready to go on-air... watching in the mirror as the station manager’s still semi-hard cock dangled and swayed between his legs, before he tucked it back into his pants, pulled up his zipper, and said, “Holy fuck, Nicki... you never cease to amaze me.... you give the best blowjobs I’ve ever had.”

Nicole smiled at his reflection in the mirror and said, “Even better than your secretary?”

The manager laughed and said, “Well, she sets a pretty high bar.... but, yeah.... even better than her.”

He reached inside her robe and grabbed one of her boobs for a final squeeze, then said, “OK... I’ll let you get ready... I’ll see you out on the set in fifteen.”

Nicole gave him a quick nod in the mirror, then began applying her mascara as she said, “You got it, boss...”

As she finished putting on her make-up and getting dressed, Nicole ruminated about how this had all begun a little over three years ago. It seemed like a thousand years ago, and yet... it seemed like it was just yesterday...

It had all started when she applied for the early morning TV anchor job in Rochester shortly after graduating from Oswego State University in upstate New York. She had already applied for... and been rejected by... seven other small market stations, so her expectations were pretty low when she showed up on the designated interview day at ROCTV studios. She knew there were a lot of young women... all of them beautiful and intelligent... trying to break into TV at just about every station in the country... with even more jumping into the fray every year, as they graduated with their TV and communications degrees from a multitude of universities... so she was fully aware that competition was intense and plentiful.

Nicole knew she was a very pretty woman, with a bright smile and a stunning body... especially her big, natural breasts... but she also knew that attractive women in the TV business were a dime a dozen.... so she came up with an idea that might help this job opportunity go better than the others.

On the day of the interview, she got dressed in a short, tight-fitting, low cut, sleeveless dress... the perfect cocktail dress... it showed a lot of cleavage, and... since she decided to go bra-less... it did nothing to keep her 35D boobs from jiggling around as she moved about, nor her stiff nipples from poking little bumps into the thin, stretchy lycra fabric. With her 6” ‘fuck me’ heels on, she knew she looked good, and was dressed to impress.... she just hoped the station manager was into girls with big tits.

When she arrived at the studio building, Nicole found herself in the reception room with about twelve other candidates for the anchor position. All of them were gorgeous women with beautiful bodies... some with big hair, some with impressive boobs, and all of them with sparkling white teeth and flashy smiles. As she surveyed the room of beautiful women... with their resumes and head shots tucked under their arms while waiting for their turn in the manager’s office... she figured the numbers were simply not in her favor... again.

With a heavy sigh, she watched as the manager’s secretary called out for the first applicant to go on into his office.... hell, even the secretary was a knock-out blonde, with big eyes, big tits, and a killer smile.

The more she thought about it, the more she decided she needed an edge. As she watched the second candidate get called into the station manager’s office for her interview, she came up with a plan.

About ten minutes later, the secretary scanned the room as she called out, “Miss Franklin.... Nicole Franklin.... you’re next.”

Nicole stood up and smiled, “That’s me...” then followed the secretary’s pert ass into the station manager’s office.

The station manager stood up behind his desk, leaned forward to shake her hand, and said, “Good morning, Miss Franklin... I’m Wade Halverson... the station manager for ROCTV.... you can call me ‘Wade’.”

His eyes glanced down at her deep cleavage, then back up to her face, then down to her boobs again, as he added, “Please... have a seat”, motioning to the overstuffed chair in front of his desk.

As she sat down, she leaned forward and handed her resume and head shots to him... wiggling her shoulders slightly to cause her heavy breasts to sway a bit... then stayed in that position a little longer so he could enjoy a good, long look down her dress and get an eyeful of her obvious assets.

To her delight, Wade did exactly that... before forcing himself to pull his eyes away so he could focus on her resume. As he read through her credentials, Nicole leaned back into the chair and slowly crossed her shapely legs... smiling to herself when Wade obviously took notice.

When he turned his attention to her head shots, Nicole put her plan into action. As Wade spread the photos on the desk in front of him, Nicole walked around behind his desk so that she was standing just to the side, and slightly behind his chair, as he looked over her pictures. She leaned into his right side... actually resting her heavy breasts against his shoulder and upper arm, as she pointed at some of the pictures and said, “These three show my good side.... but, I think this one is my favorite... I like how the blue top makes my eyes pop.... don’t you think?”

Wade was no fool... he knew exactly what she was doing. He glanced at her breasts rubbing up against him... exposed almost to the nipple... then back at her head shots. He pulled two of her pictures to the top of the pile and said, “These are my favorites.”

Nicole rubbed her nipples against the flesh of his arm a little more obviously, and asked, “Oh, really... how come?”

Wade smiled and spun his chair around, so that Nicole’s boobs were only inches from his face, and said, “Because they show off your tits.”

They stayed in this position for several seconds.... Nicole leaning over, with her dangling boobs barely restrained inside the top of her low-cut dress; and Wade sitting in his chair, with his eyes darting between her nipple bumps and her smiling eyes. Then Wade pointed out, “You have very little experience, Miss Franklin.” Then, looking directly at her nearly exposed breasts, added, “I’m sure you can appreciate that you must bring something extra to the table to offset that.”

Nicole giggled, making her tits jiggle a bit, then leaned a little further forward... until her nipple bumps pressed gently against Wade’s cheek.... she reached between his legs and found his cock, which had been growing over the past several minutes, and was creating an obvious outline down one leg of this trousers.

“Of course...”, then giggling some more, she squeezed the shaft of his expanding dick and added, “I think I may have the ‘extra’ you’re looking for.”

Wade chuckled, then settled back in his chair and spread his legs, murmuring, “I think you just might...”

Without saying anything more, Nicole knelt between his legs, unzipped his pants, and pulled out his growing erection.... sucking the tip of it into her mouth. She began bobbing her head up and down on his engorged penis... using her tongue to swirl around the ridge of his helmet-shaped head, while using one of her hands to jerk the shaft of his stiffening rod.

Wade closed his eyes and moaned softly, as he enjoyed Nicole’s warm, wet mouth sliding up and down his now fully erect cock. Then he opened his eyes and reached down to the front of Nicole’s dress... slipping his hand inside the top so he could fondle her heavy breasts and pinch her firm nipples.

He chuckled as he massaged her soft boobs, and mumbled, “Holy shit, Miss Franklin... these tits are fucking magnificent.”

Nicole giggled, pulled his cock out of her mouth, and said, “You can call me Nicole... or Nicki... whichever you prefer. And I’m glad you like my boobs... I was hoping they’d make a good first impression.”

Wade grinned, then said, “Well.... Nicki.... they’ve certainly done that... my God, I can’t get enough of them...”

Nicole let out little mewls of pleasure, as she realized she actually enjoyed his attention to her breasts... then resumed sucking on his erection... picking up the pace... hoping to get him to cum before the secretary wondered why the interview was taking so long.

It didn’t take long before Wade let out a muffled groan, then blasted a huge load of jizzm into Nicole’s mouth, as he rocked his hips into her bobbing head, and mumbled softly, “Hmmmm.... yeah.... fuck, yeah.... wow, that feels great.... keep going.... yeah.... yeah.... aaaaaahhhhhhh.... aaaahhhhhhh.... holy shit, you’re good at this.... yeeeaaaahhhh.... hmmmmmm.”

Nicole swallowed his load and used her hand to pump out the last few drops of cum, then used her tongue to lick them off the tip of his cock. She used her mouth and lips to clean off his glistening dick... still surprisingly hard after blowing a massive load of cum... then shoved it back into the opening in his pants.

As she pulled up his zipper, she looked up into his grinning face and asked, “So.... do I get the gig?”

Wade laughed and said, “Damn, I love your sales pitch.... okay, yeah... it’s yours...”

Then, after catching his breath for another minute, or so, added, “Your show starts at 5:00 am, so you need to be here by 4:15 am... we have a dressing room for you, but you’ll have to do your own hair and make-up.”

He got up from his chair and started walking her to the office door, as Nicole adjusted her dress around her hips, and shoved her tits back where they belong inside her top. Just before he opened the door, Wade grinned mischievously, grabbed both of her boobs through her dress, and said, “I’ll stop by your dressing room most mornings to make sure you have everything you need...”, then he released her breasts, and added, “Then, after you’re dressed and ready to go, I’ll see you on the set to start your show.”

Nicole grinned and said, “Sounds perfect... when do I start?”

“Be here at 4:15 am on Monday.... we’ll get you situated and introduce you to your TV production crew.” Then he patted her ass and gave it a gentle squeeze, adding, “Congratulations, Nicki... you’re gonna work out great.”

Nicole walked through the reception area, past the pretty secretary and the smiling faces of all the other hopeful candidates. She pressed the elevator call button, then stood waiting for the elevator car to arrive. She smiled to herself when she heard Wade’s secretary say to the room of applicants, “Thanks for coming ladies, Mr. Halverson has finished interviewing for the early morning anchor person.... the position has been filled.”

Her first day on the job, Nicole arrived at the studio at 4:15 am, just as Wade had instructed. He let her in, then took her to her dressing room, and showed her where her make-up robe was. He stepped out of the room for a few minutes, but returned after she’d put on the robe, and was sitting at her vanity, getting ready to put on her make-up.

About 5 minutes after that, Wade had his zipper down, his hand inside the top of Nicole’s robe, and his cock shoved deep inside her mouth.... as she sat in her make-up chair, bobbing her head back and forth on his rigid pole, giving him a not-all-that-unexpected morning blowjob.

Wade fondled Nicole’s boobs inside her robe... pulling on the nipples and massaging the flesh... as he rocked his boner in and out of her warm, wet mouth.... mumbling his pleasure and enjoying the growing sensation of his imminent climax.

“Yeah.... yeah.... keep going.... yeah.... holy shit, that feels amazing.... hmmmmm..”

She stroked his stiff rod with one hand and fondled his nutsack with the other.... until he suddenly caught his breath, grabbed her boobs... hard... and erupted, shooting several streams of white, gooey jizzm against the back of her throat.

“Oooohhhhh... that’s nice, Nicki... damn, you’re good at this... now, this is why I hired you.... yeah... yeah.... keep going.... keep going.... yeh... yeh... ah.... aaaaaahhhhhhh.... yeeeeeaaahhhhhh.... aaaaahhhhhhh.... fuck, yeah.... hmmmmmm...”

She swallowed his entire load, then continued jerking his still hard penis until he’d finally finished cumming. Afterwards, she cleaned off his slimy prick, shoved it back inside his slacks and pulled up the zipper. She couldn’t help but notice that it was an impressive cock... about 8” long.... and it seemed to stay hard, even after shooting a massive load of splooge in her mouth. But she didn’t really give it that much thought... she had to get ready to go on-air.

After his spent dick was tucked away inside his pants, Wade grinned down at Nicole and said, “That was fantastic, Nicki... I’ll leave now so you can get ready for your show.... I know you’ll do great.”

Then he reached inside her robe again, grabbed one of her boobs, and said, “After your show, c’mon by my office before you leave for the day.” Then he left her dressing room, as Nicole resumed putting on her make-up.

Nicole had a fantastic first show.... she was a bit surprised that she hadn’t been more nervous than she was... but everything went smoothly... she loved her production crew... and she couldn’t wait for the following day when she’d get to do it all over again.

It was almost noon when she left the studio set, and made her way up to Mr. Halverson’s office, as he’d requested. Still walking on air, she stepped off the elevator and headed toward the desk usually occupied by his secretary. When she got to the reception area, she didn’t see the secretary at her desk, so she walked over to Mr. Halverson’s office door to knock.... but noticed it was already partially open. As she peeked through the crack in the doorway, she could see Mr. Halverson leaning back in his chair, his legs spread, his head thrown back with his eyes closed.... and the pretty secretary kneeling between his knees... her blonde head bobbing up and down on his erect cock.

Nicole couldn’t help herself... she just stood at the doorway and silently watched as Mr. Halverson clasped his hands behind his head and let out little moans of pleasure, while his secretary continued sucking and stroking his stiff hard-on. After only a few minutes, Nicole heard his breath catch, then he grabbed the back of his secretary’s head and let out a groan, as he spewed rope after rope of hot, sticky jizzm into her mouth. She struggled to swallow it all, but managed not to make a mess on his pants, as she continued to bob her head on his prick until he finally stopped cumming.

Nicole smiled to herself, then quietly hurried away from the door and took a seat in the reception area. The secretary came out of Mr. Halverson’s office a few minutes later, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand before she noticed Nicole sitting in the reception area. She smiled as if nothing unusual had happened, then poked her head back inside Mr. Halverson’s office and let him know that ‘Miss Franklin had arrived’ and was ready to see him.

Mr. Halverson came out of his office with a big smile on his face and an effusive greeting for Nicole. “Hey, Nicki! I saw your first show... it was great! How’d it feel being on TV?”

Nicole couldn’t help smiling... it had been an exhilarating experience.

“It was amazing Mr. Halverson.... I was blown away.... even better than I ever dreamed it would be.”

Mr. Halverson chuckled and said, “Please... call me ‘Wade’... and I’m really glad to hear you enjoyed it. It looks like you’re a natural... c’mon back into my office and we can talk about it some more.”

Nicole glanced at the secretary as she followed Wade into his office... their eyes met for a split second, and a wry grin flashed across the secretary’s face... before Wade ushered Nicole in and closed the door behind her. The two of them sat on the sofa in Wade’s office and chatted about the show. Wade answered the few questions she had, and offered tips that might make her preparation and presentation a little easier the next time.

After about twenty minutes, Wade got up and opened the tiny refrigerator behind his desk, then brought back two glasses of champagne. He gave one to Nicole, then sat right up against her on the couch... throwing his right arm over her shoulder, and proposing a toast to celebrate her first show as ROCTV’s early morning anchor.

As they sipped the champagne and continued talking about that morning’s show, Wade reached down with his right hand and began fondling Nicole’s right boob. Nicole glanced down at his hand, but didn’t say anything... after all, she had already given him two blowjobs... one to get the job, and another before her show that morning.

Nicole realized the morning blowjobs were going to continue when Wade said, “I really enjoy our morning routine.... what a great way to start the day.”

Then Nicole realized that they were beginning an afternoon routine, when Wade took her hand and placed it on the lump in his pants, and said, “And when my schedule allows, I’ll have you come up to my office after your show and before you go home.... like today.”

Wade began unbuttoning Nicole’s blouse, then pulled it off and unsnapped her bra.... allowing her heavy breasts to spring free and sway loosely between them. He grabbed them with both hands and said, “Go ahead and pull out my cock... I can’t wait to feel it inside you.”

Nicole stumbled a bit, saying, “Wha.... but.... I.... should.... umm....”, but eventually pulled down his zipper and fished out his nearly erect penis.

She was again impressed with how big it was, as she began sliding her hand up and down the shaft. But her curiosity got the better of her, as she stared admiringly at his almost fully erect hard-on, and asked, “But how can you be hard again already? Your secretary just gave you a blowjob!”

Wade laughed and said, “Oh, you saw that, eh?” Then he smiled and added, “Yeah... my dick gets hard several times a day.... sometimes even right after I’ve already cum.... and now, between you and Doreen, I can get most of my boners taken care of.”

As he talked, Wade pulled her up to her feet, but had her bend over to keep stroking his now fully erect hard-on.... then unzipped her skirt, and pushed both her skirt and panties down to the floor so she could step out of them. This left Nicole totally naked.... except for her ‘fuck me’ shoes with 6” heels.... with her dangling boobs swaying in rhythm to her pumping fist on his throbbing erection.

Reaching beneath her, Wade grabbed both of her swinging tits in his hands... gently squeezing the flesh, then pulling them toward him so he could suck the nipples into his mouth... first one, then the other... flicking them with his tongue, and nibbling with his teeth... as Nicole remained bent over and continued to stroke the shaft of his engorged prick.

Wade released one of her boobs, reached between her legs to find her wet pussy, and began sliding his hand up and down the moist slit between her legs. Then he found her stiff clitoris, and began rubbing the engorged nub with his thumb and two of his fingers. Nicole let out a soft moan, and unconsciously spread her legs a little more to give him better access to her wet snatch.

“Holy shit, Nicki... you’re drenched!”

Nicole giggled and said, “Yeah.... I’m not surprised.... I can barely stand up when my boobs and clit are get this kind of attention.”

They both chuckled... then Wade pulled her forward, so that she was kneeling on the sofa... straddling his hips... with her sopping wet vagina poised directly above his steely erection. He released her tits, leaving them to wobble against his face, as he used both hands to grab her hips and pull her down onto his stiff cock. He rocked his hips into her, as she began bouncing up and down on his prick... feeling his rigid hard-on going deeper and deeper into her cunt with every one of her downward motions.

Once they got a rhythm going, Wade sucked Nicole’s firm nipples back into his mouth... one after the other... sucking and nibbling for a few seconds... then letting her boobs bounce freely up and down against his face... the hard nipples poking into his cheeks every time her flailing tits slapped into him.

Nicole let out a lingering moan as Wade’s stiff boner hit all the right spots inside her dripping pussy, until she was fully impaled on his rigid pole.... her throbbing clit grinding against the base of his thick shaft.

“Oooooohhhhhhh..... fuuuuuucccckkkkk.... meeeeeeeeeeee.... my God, Wade.... wow.... you’re cock totally fills me up.... hmmmmmm.... holy shit, that feels amazing...”

Nicole bounced up and down on Wade’s big staff, over and over.... rubbing up against her sensitive clit every time... and in no time she let out a guttural moan... then creamed all over his pumping prick.

“Uhn.... Uhn.... wow.... yeah, Wade.... keep going..... keep going.... my God.... my God.... eh.... aaaaaahhhhhhhh.... yeeeeeaaahhhhhh.... aaaaahhhhhhhhhh.... oooooohhhhhhhh.... yeah.... holy shit, that feels good.... hmmmmm...”

As Nicole continued to ride up and down on his engorged cock... mewling and relishing her lingering orgasm... Wade suddenly caught his breath, grabbed her hips, and slammed his hard-on up into her pussy... blasting rope after rope of warm, creamy splooge all over the walls of her cunt.

“Uhn... Uhn... fuck, Nicki.... yeah... uhn... uhn... eh.... eh.... aaaaaahhhhhhhhh.... fuck, yeeeaaaaahhhhhh.... aaaahhhhhhh.... damn, you feel amazing.... aaaaahhhhhhh.... so fucking nice.... hmmmmmmm....”

They continued rocking together on the sofa... Nicole gently bouncing up and down on his still hard prick; Wade slowly pumping his stiff rod in and out of her dripping wet vagina.... as they both savored their lingering orgasms.

After catching their breath, Nicole pulled herself off of Wade’s schlong.... noticing with surprise that it was still almost fully erect... then used tissues from his desk to clean up between her legs, before climbing back into her skirt and blouse.

Wade wiped off his cock, then put it away, before walking Nicole to his office door. Then... with a wry grin... he grabbed both boobs through her blouse for one last squeeze, before opening the door and ushering her out. Wade smiled at Nicole... gave her ass a little squeeze, and said, “See you bright and early tomorrow morning, Nicki... and congratulations, again, on a terrific first show.”

Nicole’s and Doreen’s eyes met for a second as she walked past the secretary’s desk.... and they shared a brief, knowing smile, as Nicole said over her shoulder, “Sure, boss.... see you tomorrow.”

So, Nicole became the early morning news and weather anchor-person for ROCTV. Every morning she’d show up to her dressing room by 4:15 am, and have Wade’s cock bouncing off the back of her throat by about 4:25 am.... then she’d fix her hair and make-up, and do her early TV show until just before noon.

About three times a week, Wade would call her into his office after her show and fuck her on his desk, or on the sofa in his office, before she left for the day to go home.

On the afternoons when she was bent over the desk in Wade’s office... with his stiff boner slamming into her from behind, while he reached around to slap and squeeze her dangling tits... she’d notice the stack of resumes and head shots on the corner of his desk... all of them received earlier that day... as well as yesterday’s pile of resumes and headshots in the waste bin by his desk.

There was simply no way around it.... her tits and pussy were keeping her in this job. She and Wade both knew that her TV anchor role.... and her bent over position on Wade’s desk.... could both be replaced in less than 30 minutes if Nicole ever decided she didn’t want to put out any more.

About a year after she started as early morning anchor for ROCTV, Nicole met Corey at a weekend neighborhood social function. After dating for about ten months, they decided to get married. Their schedules were challenging, but they thought they could make it work, so they had a beautiful wedding in a local chapel, followed by a lavish town hall reception.

Wade was invited, of course, along with his secretary and the entire TV production crew. It was a wonderful wedding and reception.... everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves. Wade even managed to convince Nicole to give him a blowjob in a side room while her husband thought she was in the bathroom, just before they left the reception to go on their honeymoon.

Back in real time, Nicole smiled to herself as she put the finishing touches on her make-up, and got herself ready to leave her dressing room for the studio set. She thought about the crazy path she’d taken for the past three years.... it had been challenging at times, but by and large, she’d managed to pull it off.

As the TV lights came on and she settled herself into the anchor chair on set, she thought to herself.... with a resolute nod.... it was time to start pushing Wade to get her demo tapes out to bigger TV markets.


2024-04-16 19:32:50
Nice! You are a great writer... made me hard.

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