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Babalon invents a curse and picks a follower with the right persuer to try it on. Janie tricks Steven and uses the curse on him.
“My ladies continue to suffer, many have forgotten about me with the advent of those Abrahamic… faiths. Time passes and yes their lives have gotten better, yet… men continue to be a scourge… a bane on human progress. Hera had the right idea with Themyscira, but it didn’t exactly solve all the problems. I’d like to help all womankind, but too many have rejected me and it’s all that bastards fault… him and those disciples, telling people I’m evil, what I stand for is evil. A strong woman is the enemy of men. If it wasn’t for sex, even the wretched menfolk wouldn’t exist and they even enjoy it well enough! Hypocrites is all they are! I need a refill!”

“Yes, m’lady, more ambrosia for my queen.”

She waited until he finished refilling her chalice with a sneer.

“Leave it there.”

“As you desire.”

“Who asked you to talk‽” she picked him up by the throat. “Should I take your mouth along with your penis’s‽ Be gone from my sight.” She effortlessly tossed the man across the room. “Any man that speaks will spend his last moments in the chamber of Trihexia. I assure you all, he’s most starving for lust and food. You dare groan from pain, did you not just hear my words‽ To Trihexia with him!”

“How can thou be in such a mood while being devoured yourself? This is almost too good of a distraction from your rant,” her voice wavered.

“You know how I get, Hecate. Besides… I can sit here for hours like this.”

“All the reason you should be in a better mood. Have you even had an orgasm yet?”

“You think Jack is good, you should try Aleister.” She pat the head of her lead incubus.

Hecate grunted, moaned, and sucked air through her teeth as her climax hit. She gently pushed on Jacks head.

“Are you well satisfied?”

“Yes, Jack, that tongue was divine,” one head spoke while the other two caught their breath.

“You seemed to enjoy that too much for being a virgin goddess.” She teased.

Hecate rolled all six of her eyes. “You know I have children. That joke never gets old, Babs.”

She slammed her chalice on the table, held Aleisters head and howled.

“Feel better now?”

“For the most part, yet I still grow weary and annoyed at what the earth has become. Babs?”

“Get with the times… it’s a cute nickname.” She smiled. “Better than the whore of Babylon.”

“That’s a title and you know it.” She grabbed her chalice and downed it. “I might need to give Tyr more of a taste, if he keeps bringing me this.”

“It is pretty good.”

“I need to give these men a taste of their own medicine, somehow.”

“How? Many would enjoy having women force themselves on them. As the saying goes; you can’t rape the willing.”

“True. It needs to be something that they won’t like… a suffering that they bring on themselves. Something that’ll hurt them more than the female born diseases I made for them to catch.”

“Making them women that are irresistible to other men?”

“Maybe. Not sure I’d want to infect our gender with them to prove a point. I don’t think that would fix the situation.”

“True. Oh! What if it wasn’t permanent?”

“What are you getting at?”

“Well… it’s rather been done before—in a fashion. Who was it that turned people to… what was it… werwulfs? Zeus… Loki? Bondye?

Babalon looked at her incredulously, then a sinister smile crept across her face.

“I know that look, what are you planning?”

“You’re going to love what I am about to tell you, heed mine words. These men are going to witness the true definition of god-dess damned.”


Three months later with everything together, she had waited for the next solstice to enact her plan and had been looking in on her worshipers for the ones that was sure to help, ones that were troubled with men. If she were at the very least in pantheon, she would watch, although it were rare for her status as an evil demonic force—something which in a way she was, there were a few that sought her out. She would visit two *********** women for this experiment, baring success, only then meeting with the others, lest something goes wrong, so she can quickly remove the cursed man from that plane of existence.

A dirty blonde woman wrapped in a bathrobe, in her den, lights out, does her best to reach out to Babalon for her blessing.

“I seek you out, Babalon the whore, to guide me and grant your wisdom. I have faith you’re not what they say you are. I provide an offering for you.”

“I hope that offering is some good mead, or good penis.” She appeared holding her chalice, breast exposed from her robe that hung from her shoulders.

“Holy fuck!” The woman’s mousy faced looked up and cried out. “Who are you and how the hell did you get in here‽”

“You beckoned me of course. Not a bad setup.” She looked around.


“Yes my scarlet lady… you called… I came.”

“So you’re actually—you’re her?” Janie’s nerves tinged.

“Whore of whores, Goddess of lust, desire, chaos, coitus, prostitution, and so fourth.”

“I never thought you… or any God would ever show themselves in person! I have some bourbon if you’d like.” She bowed to her. “You’re way more beautiful than the depictions.”

“I would hope so. Now what is this bourbon, is it like wine?”

“No ma’am, but it is alcohol.”

“Good enough, go fetch some for us.” She sat down.

The woman ran to the kitchen and came back with two glasses, the bourbon and Coke-Cola. Babalon held out her chalice and she poured some in it.

“What is that other thing?”

“It’s soda. I like bourbon, but I can’t drink it straight.” She poured herself a glass. “I still can’t believe an actual goddess is in my house.”

Babalon sniffed and took a sip. “Not bad, I suppose it will have to do. Seeing is believing, isn’t it… Janie, I believe your name is.”

“How did you know,” she gasped.

“I’m a Goddess, my little precious, I watch over mine. Do you need proof?”

“Proof? Oh no, I wouldn’t dare disrespect you with such a demand!”

Babalon smirked with a slight chuckle, held up two fingers and gave them a slight wiggle. Suddenly Janie felt like she couldn’t breath, the air trapped in her lungs, a heavy pressure built up in her loins, eyes went in and out of focus as she stared at the grin on Babalon’s face. She held the edges of the table as her body convulsed and grew hot, her vagina seemed to pulsate. Suddenly she hollered, eyes rolled back as an orgasm ripped through her body. Janie gasped for air and looked back up at her.

“Just to remove all doubt, if only the slightest.”

“Ooo fuck!”

“Was a good one, wasn’t it?”

“The best… I never… that was,” she panted.

“I know that’s not the blessing you were looking for—”

“But it was a helluva blessing.”

Babalon laughed. “I need you to do something for me and then I’ll grant you my blessing.”

“What can I do for you?”

“That problematic man… I need you to bed him.”

“That creepy guy who’s always hitting on me,” she said incredulously.

“Oh yes… that one. Do that and you’ll have my blessing. Trust me; he’s way more creepy than you even know. Men like him are an infestation. Trust me… there’s a method to my madness. There’s a reason I need you to have sex with him, see; men like him need to pay for the way they treat women and I believe I have the solution to the problem.”

“To just give myself to him and reinforce his twisted mindset?”

“On the surface, to him, it will look like that, but it will be much more, oh so much more, my dear. I don’t want you to have ordinary sex with him, no. This will be magical.”

“For him, maybe.”

“For you too. Sexual magic. I’ve been watching and he’ll be more than willing to lay with you, so it should be easy. That creature will be cursed from it.”

“I thought curses come back threefold?”

“There’s ways around that and there’s no risk to you, I’ll make sure of it.”

“I hate him so much… okay, I’m in.” She took a drink.

“Wonderful! It shouldn’t be too hard to execute if done right. You’ll need to make sure to stay in his good graces, then invite him over on the new moon. I have the spell written down on this.” She pulled out a small parchment. “Be mindful to memorize it, Janie.”

“Won’t he realize I’m saying a spell?”

“Not with this special candle. It toys with a mans arousal with succubus pheromones, once you two begin, all he’ll want to do is ravage your body, he won’t be too much aware of anything else and assume anything you’re saying is out of pleasure, if he pays any mind at all. You must do this on the night of the new moon.”

“I understand.”

“Now for the last part.” She finished her drink and stood up. “Come here.”

Janie slowly approached this powerful woman.

“You’ll need to be menstruating, the mixing of your blood and his fluids during orgasm are the catalyst. The spell will protect you from his vile seed impregnating you.”

Babalon touched her forehead to alter her menstruation period.

“Is there anything else?”

“The curse should take effect during the full moon. Keep an eye out at night and enjoy the show.”

“Will he remember it was me that cursed him, or anything?”

“We’ll just watch and see. Don’t worry… I’ll be watching over you. I just made this curse and need to see myself how well it will work.”

“If it does work?”

“If it is a success… then feel free to use it at your leisure, if you so desire. You’re not just a woman, you’re one of my scarlet ladies; men are beneath you, especially those like that one—worthless.”

“A month is too long a wait… but it’ll be worth it.”

“Indeed it will, child. I must be going now, don’t fail me.”

“I won’t, I promise.”


With a flicker, Babalon was gone. Janie was alone and couldn’t believe what just happened; an actual deity revealed itself to her, needed her help, and wanted to deal with the jerk that ruins her days. She blew out the candles, put everything away, took one last look at the spell and candle gifted to her. Maybe it was some sort of dream, she thought as she went to bed.


That morning she woke up and after gathering herself, noticed it was all still there, not knowing how to feel about it. On her way, she ran into him, like she always does.

“Janie, good morning!”

She grimaced at him. There he was; blond crew cut, standing a few inches over her, broad shoulders, fairly fit, like some sort of arrogant Ken doll.

“Remember… play nice, dear. We have a plan. All those like him will suffer, and for you; he’ll never bother you again.”

“G-good morning… Stephen was it?” She put on a fake smile.

“Funny! You know it’s Steven!”

“Right, right… Steven… Steve-o, yeah.”

“I knew you’d remember.”

“I uh… had a rough night last night.”

“Maybe a fine female like you could use a guy like me to smooth the night sometimes?”

“There you go.” The voice laughed.

“Maybe that… might not be so… bad.”

“Finally warming up to me, huh?”

Janie did her best to ignore his smug grin. “If you play your cards right, and… umm… not be in a rush… you just might have your maybe.’

“Sweetheart, don’t you know I play the long game—just been waiting for you to come around.”

She did her best to repress a shudder.

“I got that big dee, alpha energy, know what I mean?”

“Yeah, you’re a big dee, alright,” she spoke to herself. “I think I do.”

“Sweet! You get me, I knew you would, sweetheart.” He wrapped his arm around her waist. “How about your number?”

“Hey now! The fuck—long game, dude, remember?” She quickly calmed herself and removed his arm.

“Right, right! My bad. You’re like one of them classy females, one I gotta wine and dine.”

“Something like that. You umm… finally got my attention, and umm—”

“Got you all nervous and shit.”

“A little. I was just saying that you got my attention, and just a little patience over time, it’ll be my undivided attention.”

“Excellent, toy with the creep!”

“Undivided? I like the sound of that,” he mused.

“All for the greater good of women kind!”

“All for the greater good.”

“Oh shit! It’s like that‽ I feel you.”

“Ye-yeah. Things just take time. Could even move faster, who knows.”

“I know one thing; that body of yours looks like the greater good.”


“There’s more like that for ya.” He had that smile again.

“I’m sure there is.”

Janie went on about her way.

“Babalon, is that you?”

“It is. You almost screwed up, but you saved it well enough, and he’s probably too stupid and lustful to give up so easily.”

“I know. I don’t know why I’m his target, with all the women around here.”

“My child… men like him are simple. You’re a conquest, an addition to his sexual escapades, another for the collection. If seven other women threw themselves at him, he would still want you. If I made an exact copy of you, he would probably still want you. Men.” She scoffed. “Waste of life, men are.”

“I’m not all that attractive… small boobs, mousy face, can’t do much with this hair, my eyebrows are bushy enough, I’m afraid I’ll wake up with a monobrow, one day, and these ugly freckles.”

“Men are men, a lays a lay.”

“Do you really think all men are bad?”

“No, not all of them. But remember who I am. In truth; all humans are bad, or capable of it, even us gods and goddesses. As much as I am for women, it’s not like I don’t condone evil… debauchery, and so on. We’re all fickle in our own ways. All you see as moral and immoral, was taught to you all by us, directly or through stories. Tricksters like Loki, Anansi, Sūn Wūn Kong, who fall to their hubris, or fell others of their own. Righteous ones, who often make mistakes, ones whom are not what they seem, like Hades, or the Horned Lord. All things must exist for balance, even when it seems the balance scales lean to far a way from another, In the grand scheme, it probably and usually isn’t… you just don’t see it all, not many can. It may be as vast as one of your countries prosper, while another far away suffers through war.”

“I think I understand.”

“That’s good.”

“I guess every little bit counts in some way.”

“Yes, my scarlet lady.” She giggled. “You choose to worship me, so there should be some chaos in your heart. Everything has a cost… or fine print as you humans put it… a caveat. Prepared or not, you pick your own path in life. And life never really ends, your death, when it comes, isn’t really real, it’s simply a transition. Even you humans say; life goes on, despite it being very shallow in the grand schemes of things.”

“So is… death real… in any kinda way?”

“It is. It’s possible. One would say passing over is all there is left—which is true, because beyond that is nothing. Literally. If I died, there would be nowhere to go, I’d be… nothing. That’s what happens to anything that can really die. Nothing. I enjoy this chat, but it’s time for me to, as you all say; hang out, with my bitch Lilith. Keep up the good work.”


A few days passed, dealing with Steven hadn’t gotten any better, but it almost seemed like he was trying enough to reach his goal.

“When can I get that number, Janie?”

“So soon?”

“Soon‽ You always playing games and shit.”

“Fine, I guess you deserve it. You have been chasing me a long time.”

“Yeah, see‽ I’m trying to be that man you need.” He handed her his phone.

“There, you got my phone number. Gonna text me?”

“You know it.”

“Probably nothing but dick and thirst trap pics,” she thought to herself. “Don’t ask me for any nudes.”

“I know classy females like you don’t like to be asked. Kinda stuck up, if you ask me, especially after we fucked already. Aieght, though… I won’t ask, you can send’em when you ready.”


“Hey, I’m a good guy. I’ll text ya, gotta go.”

They texted each other through out the day and she wasn’t too interested in being in actual contact with him at any given moment. Even through text, he was an absolute asshole to her. She was already counting the days until that new moon, so she could be done with him. “It’s just a month,” she would tell herself over and over.


She relaxed in the bathtub and felt what seemed like hands wandering around and up her legs, it took her a moment to realize what was going on by the time the reached her thighs. Her legs were spread open carefully, nails gently raked her stomach, she was at full alert trying to decide to jump out of the tub, the moment she felt bubbles blown on her crotch, her body went on it’s own to leap out, yet she couldn’t see anything under water. Something started to rise as she let out a panicked scream.

“Gotcha!” Babalon’s head popped out of the water, her laugh even seemingly echoing thru Janie’s body as well as the bathroom and down through the house.

“You scared the shit outta me!”

“Who or what else could it have been?” She smiled.

The next thing Janie knew; Her body felt the weight of the Goddess laying on her.

“I don’t know! Any one of you?”

“We’re least likely to just randomly visit a mortal of all things, especially one who doesn’t worship them,” she spoke a matter of fact tone.

“Nice to know.”

She almost chuckled. “You would love my bath, it alone is the size of this room, real soothing and relaxing.”

“So what’s with the visit?”

“I just wanted to see you again.”

“Should I feel special?”

“No, not really. I did want to give you some advice. You need to reach deep and release your womanly wiles.” She placed a hand on her heart. “The deception that only we can do to get what we want. You need to start warming up to him more. Pretend you actually want him, Janie.”

“He’s just so…”

“Insufferable, I know. You can only play so hard to get, the new moon isn’t too far away. You haven’t even kissed him yet. Get on it.”

“Fine… I’ll tell him to take me out on a date or something soon.”

“Good. Speed this along a bit more, okay? Matter of fact, I’ll help you with a bit of a whores charm.”

Babalon pressed her lips to Janie’s and slipped a tongue in her mouth, she felt her body briefly grow hot.

“There. Just a bit of charm to get you where you need to be.”

“Is all your magic sexual?”

“No. It’s just fun sometimes.”

She sat up and gave her breast a squeeze, before climbing out of the tub.


“My work here is done… for now.”

“Wait. What’s that charm for?”

“Makes you a bit more susceptible to a mans advances, who’s crass and sleazy like him. Do people still say ‘sleazy’?”

“Umm, I think so?”

“Good. Don’t let me down, don’t let women down.”

With a smile, she disappeared with a flicker.

Janie grabbed a towel, drained the tub, moved to her bedroom and called Steven.

“Uh, hey Janie, what’s up?”

“You don’t sound happy to see me?”

“I am! I’m just busy at the moment.”

She thought she heard a woman in the background whining about him taking too long.

“I’ll make it quick; I was thinking you should take me out on a date, Saturday.”

There was a pause. “Sure, yeah, we can do that.”

“Great. Great. Okay Steve-o, have fun.”

“What does tha--” she hung up before he could finish.

“Weird. That should’ve pissed me off. Has to be that charm thing, because I don’t care at all. Although I’m not surprised Steve-o is checking his options.”


Days passed and as typical self-proclaimed alpha as he was, she still was unbothered, in fact; as grating as he was, she simply didn’t care, couldn’t past the need to see the plan through, to get what she wanted, her desires, it’s about time. If some jerk has to suffer, then so be it, the punishment seems fitting. Jamie smiled at her reflection after she finished her makeup, one that grew twisted.


“What did you do to that poor woman?”

“Don’t tell me you’re growing a heart, Lilly, my dear. All I did was plant a seed.”

She scoffed. “Plant a seed.”

“I did!”

“Babs… you’re devious.”


“Look at you being a gentleman of sorts.”

“I try. A mans gotta lead and set example.”

“That they do.” She smiled and got in his car.

He rambled on about this and that, she only spoke so much, something was digging in her as he talked, but when it was her turn, it was smooth. They arrived at a steakhouse.

“Me and the boys go here, foods good.”

“I hope so, babe.”


“Mm-hmm… babe.”

He smiled. “So I’m your babe now?”

“When I’m the only one.”

“A mans gotta keep his options open. When a females ready for dedication it goes both ways. Can’t have every key opening the same lock.”

“I just called you babe, you think I’m here for fun?”

“I know you’re not like these regular basic females.”

“No… I’m not.”

Once seated, she looks over the menu.

“why don’t you let me order for you?”

“I appreciate you trying, but that’s kinda too far and we never really talked about food.”

“Right, right.”

“I should’ve gotten with you a while ago.”

“That’s why I’ve been trying to get with you.”

“Hmmph.” She smiled. “I know. I could use a guy like you.”

“I need a female like you that’ll hold me down and know her place. Bring the right stuff to the table.”

“I do have a job that pays well.”

“Nah, see; I need a woman that knows how to take care of the house and have dinner ready, not some workaholic.”

“I can do that and work. But what do I get?”

“You get taken care of. You got the right state of mind, and you’re what… thirty something?”


“No disrespect, but you pretty much hit the wall, so it’s good you got your priorities together before it got too late.”

“I see. Well it’s good that we’re trying. Hopefully we work out and I can be the chick for you.”

The server took their order and brought them drinks.

“You say I’m close to the wall, or whatever.”

“Yeah, what about it?”

“Even if that’s true… I’m not, like, in a hurry. I guess I’d have less time to deal with foolishness.”

“I never looked at it like that.”

“How old are you?”

“Thirty-three. A high value man.”

“Right.” She repressed rolling her eyes. “So… tell me. At thirty-three, being red pill and all, looking for marriage, would you waste time trying to build something with some girl who’s just old enough to buy booze and cigarettes? Most of them aren’t even ready for the relationship you’re looking for. Those girls are still babies. Shouldn’t you men be looking for late twenties to mid thirties women? We’ve lived long enough in the real world, can still have kids, and young enough to provide a decent life… and sex life.”

“That actually… kinda makes sense.”

“What goods a girl that’s probably still in the young adult novel that’s college? Sex and fun lil boutique relationships all about clubbing and bragging to your friends on Facebook? Aren’t you too old to be clubbing every weekend? You should be working and making money to provide a stable relationship, so you can be what a woman needs.”

“I mean… I club sometimes. Gotta hang with the boys, Janie. Don’t tell me you think men should just work their lives away? Or not relax? Because I do like to get on the GameStation and play with the boys.”

“And shouldn’t you set an example with a woman like me, taking care of you, while they’re fucking up the mission, arguing with their… women… bitching about them being on the game for thirty minutes?”

Steven set quiet and mulled over what she said. Janie smiled internally as she pictured a loading bar in his head, trying to process a seemingly new outlook, the smoke coming out of his ears. She could hear Babalon laughing.

“So what you’re getting at… is… ?”

“If you’re doing what you’re supposed to be doing, you deserve to enjoy yourself time to time.”

“Damn, you really are a real one.”

She nodded.

“I hope you’re not just saying all that.”

“Swear to god. I’m a good Christian woman.”

She heard Babalon cackling.

“That’s why I’m not in a hurry.”

“I get that, but I’m not trying to waste my time, I gotta try before I buy, you could be everything but trash in bed. What even is your body count?”

“Two. My high school boyfriend, and a boyfriend in college.”

“How come the college one didn’t last?”

“He got expelled and went back to his state. You?”

“Ah dunno… I lost count,” he said with pride.

“Ah.” But in her head, “I cannot wait for the night I get to curse this red pill retard.”

“This is good, I’m enjoying myself, a good time. Janie, you’re smart, I like that.”

“Smart enough to not fall for your shit,” she thought.

“You good?”

“Hmm? Oh yeah.”


“Yeah… just thinking.”

“Ah shit.”


“A woman thinking ain’t ever good.”

Janie laughed. “You don’t know that! I could be thinking dirty thoughts about us, as far as you know.”


“But you won’t know.”


“Nope.” She looked away.



He sighed.

“C’mere.” She said with her finger.

“You gonna tell me?”

“Gotta c’mere first.”

He leaned forward. “What is it?”

She kissed him, it was gentle, not more than a few seconds before her lips quietly pulled back.

“Was that a bad thought?”

He had that shit eating grin, she hated.

“Damn… not bad.”

“Told you.”

“How about one more?”

“No dessert before dinner, didn’t your mother teach you that?”

“I’m grown, now. A little never hurt.”

“You’re gonna spoil your dinner, baby.” She leaned in.

“Can always get it to go.”

They shared another kiss, for her it was just as bad as the first one, like a tiny puckered asshole, not that her lips were much better, she thought. Their food arrived shortly.

“Thank goddess,” she thought as his mind moved on to eating.


“I hope you had a good time tonight.”

“I did. Score one for you, Steve-o.”

He nodded proudly to himself with that horrid smug look.

“See… I’m a good guy.”

“Good guy tee em,” she thought. “And I did promise dessert.”

Janie leaned in, pulled him by his chin for a kiss she planned to lay on thick with her thin lips. Stevens lips were hungry and fought for dominance. What would’ve felt passionate to the point she’d have drug a decent man inside, felt dirty, like she would catch something. The charm Babalon gave her, made her not care, she pushed herself to suck it up, it was all part of the game she controlled. He otherwise was simply an expendable pawn, the best bad example for what men have become. The longer they kissed, the more she hated him. She couldn’t wait to be done.

She broke the kiss. “See ya later, yeah?”

“Oh yeah, hell yeah!”

He drove off shortly after she started to her door, she didn’t expect anything less or more. “Fucking men,” she yelled, once she shut the door. “Of all the men, it had to be him‽ Why can’t I find somebody nice—if there even is any. Maybe there isn’t… maybe all are trash. Maybe I’m… maybe I’m just too good for them. Maybe—what am I saying‽ This isn’t like me. No. I think… it should be… like this. Fuck’em, I just need mine from them, and they should be lucky to get anything.”

“Just a seed?” Lilith looked at Babalon, who laughed.


Chapter 2

Janie had grown a new outlook on life, gone were her general boot cut or boyfriend jeans and over sizes shirts, to things more feminine. The more she thought he was wrapped around her finger, the better she felt. She started really seeing men, especially the ones who gave her attention, that didn’t before, now that she’s in tight jeans and jeggings, or what have you. Janie sought to try and raise her self-esteem and it was a battle. Even if she didn’t think she was all that attractive, she believed the lie even more.

“My, you seem like a whole new woman,” Babalon stood before her.

She looked around and nobody seemed to notice the woman standing there.

“I don’t know what happened, or if you did something, but I feel like I’ve woke up… or something!”

She just smiled.

“You’ve seen, right?”

“I have.” She smacked the butt of a man that walked by. “Isn’t he a nice looking one?”

“Nice looking. I heard him say earlier that I looked better the way I used to dress, said I’m showing off a bunch of nothing.” She scowled.

“Typical. I bet he was curious and checking you out regardless.”

“Men like him probably get who they want, so they don’t get it.”

“There’s always somebody they can swoon, so no loss is great.”


“I’m proud of you, you’ve exceeded my expectations.”

“Thanks. I still wish I had the body of a goddess.”

“I’ve seen you naked, you’re not far off. Just eat more?”

Janie scoffed. “Food isn’t going to make me look good. I mean… look at her.”

She pointed to a woman that had hips, a big butt, and a slightly bigger chest.

“And her.”

Another woman who was just ever so noticeably curvy with huge breast.

“Hmm… they are endowed. They have more than me,” Babalon replied thoughtfully.


“But they aren’t goddess, or built like one.”

“Are you serious‽”

“Not many real goddess look like them. Not only do I know most of them, but I am one, remember? There have been well endowed women all across time… of course those with excess, used to be rare. Despite that, we were the true visions of beauty, and those that couldn’t have us, chased the next best thing.” She dropped her robes, revealing her medium sized breast, pudgy stomach, hips that were just shy of her shoulder width, grand unruly dark bush. Spun and revealed her wide, round, although nearly flat butt. “Times may change, so do taste, but we do not, this is and always will be the body of a goddess. I might be a tad on the thick side, but I still count. And you, well… work out a little and you’ll look like Freya or Rati.”

“Who’s Rati?”

“Good friend of mine. Indian Goddess of love, infatuation, the pure sides of what I stand for. We don’t always see eye to eye, but me, her, and her husband Kama, are all on the same page relatively.”

“Oh, there’s so many of you.”

“Yes… we are the old gods many have forgotten, or think we don’t exist. You humans lost your damn way ever since the Crusades. Enough of that, before I level this place out of spite, I’m in a good mood.”

“Tonight’s the night.”

She clapped her hands. “It is! I’m looking forward to it. We all are! Be sure to give us a good show, my Scarlet Lady.”

“I will. I’ll rock his world.”

Babalon cackled.

“There’s been something I’ve been meaning to ask you.”

“Ask away.”

“Your history always said you were well fluent in Enochian, but you’re not related to anything Abrahamic, that I can find, other than saying you’re some sort of demon, or something.”

Babalon sighed. “Some idiots probably confused me with Lilith or something. It’s all those prophets of the golden boy’s fault. Him and his arrogant, narcissist father. Enoch is an old language we all used, he tried to claim it as his own, with other things to fabricate this and that. The man copied Odin’s Valkyries and barely got them right—have you even seen what an archangel actually looks like in it’s true form? A Cherubim? He slandered Lilly. I do know Enochian, I’m one of the few that still uses it because I never went on to help create other languages. He’ll claim he invented it, then he taught it to those angels, when he wasn’t supposed to.”

“Sorry… I wasn’t trying to make you mad.”

“No, no.” She held her temples. “It’s just a sore spot. No need to concern yourself.”

“It is amazing learning about it all, though.”

“I have tales, believe me. Sometimes I think the only difference between us and you is; immortality for the most part, and unspeakable power. Spend some time with the Greeks when they’re all together… only a true dullard couldn’t tell they were all siblings.”

“This honestly is the most fun I’ve had in a long time.”

“It has been entertaining.”

“I think you’ve brought something out of me, I feel like I can live.”

“Glad to hear it.”

“My queen, what brings you to this realm,” a man asked.

Janie was taken aback at the fact somebody noticed her.

“Is there anything I can help you with? Do I need to take care of… Janie?”


“Oh so you’ve met before? Everything’s fine, Vix.”

“You…know each other‽”

“Vix—Victor is one of my incubus. Janie is one of my Scarlet Ladies.”

“A sex demon?” She looked puzzled.

“Yah, pretty much.” He chuckled. “Nice to see you’re on our team, Janie, I thought something was different about you.”

“Yes, we’re working on a project together. I’ve been keeping it somewhat a secret, but since all happens tonight, I’ll tell you; I made a new curse that will turn men into were-women—whores, actually, by the full moon, like those wolf things, so and so made.”

“No wonder you’re in such a good mood, my queen. And Janie… I must say… the smell of your menstruation is amazing.”

“Th-thanks… ummm Vix?”

“No problem, Janie.”

“Say… why don’t you give him a taste?”

“A taste? I don’t know… isn’t that kinda gross? Don’t they kill humans?”

“Not normally we don’t. It’s not gross to us, hell… red wings are the only wings we get.” He laughed. “You can say no, if you don’t wanna, it’s good either way.”

“Have you had lunch yet, Vix?” Babalon asked.

“No, the meeting ran late.”

“See? Poor Vix is famished. He won’t hurt you, being a Scarlet Lady means that succubi and incubi are your allies, not your enemy. Trust me… you’ll love it.”

“Yeah… we’re like… guardian angels of sorts, without the angel part.” He smirked.

“Janie… considering who you’ll be laying tonight; Vix tongue will most likely speak louder than that the actions of that petulant worm… and his penis.”

Janie gave it a thought. “Fuck it, why not? Nobody will know, anyway. Bring it Vix!”

Vix and Babalon smiled at each other.

“That a girl!” Vix got on his knees.

“I knew I liked you.”

Janie pulled her pants and underwear down, he stopped her from pulling out her tampon, offering to do it himself, pulled gently with his teeth. Babalon casually took it from him and tossed it, the thing faded away in purple flames. Janie didn’t have too much time to think about that when Vix tongue slowly licked up her labia, the tip gave her clit a few flicks, she shuddered and looked at Babalon wide eyed.

“Their saliva can be a powerful aphrodisiac. You can thank Aphrodite for that idea.”

He gave her another slow hard lick.

“Thank the goddesses,” she moaned and her body quivered.

She looked down at him, tongue just starting to breach, it was wider than most humans tongues, drawn to a point. In deeper, she was surprised at how long it was, he slurped up what blood the full tampon hadn’t absorbed, sucking her labia along with, burying his face. Vix tongue then went deeper, twisting and turning inside her, it felt slightly rough, in a good way, as it rubbed at her walls. She gripped the arms on her chair and yelped loudly, straining to keep quiet.

“Nobody can hear or see you, dear,” she stated.

Janie sucked in air and screamed “fuck”.

Vix tongue danced around inside her, coiled to make it thicker, she couldn’t take her eyes away as she saw it twist like a tightly coiled spring, spread her open just a bit more and thrust in her. She squealed and howled. She was immediately on edge, shaking. His tongue uncoiled just enough so some of it could rub her clit along with what it was already doing.

“Fuck! Ah fuck, Vix… Vix,” she screamed with a high pitch.

Janie started slapping the desk and pulling his hair as she climaxed hard. Slowly he pulled away, she squinted at his blood coated goatee and his retracting tongue.

“Oh… my… fucking… god!”

“Ahem.” Babalon rose an eyebrow.

“Dess. Fucking Goddess.”

“I am the Goddess of fucking.” She smiled.

“Holy shit, Vix!”

“I promise there was nothing holy about it,” he joked.

Janie breathed heavy to catch her breath.

“Impeccable as always, Vix,” she praised him.

“I know you don’t go after women like me, but I wouldn’t mind that again… or…” She looked at his crotch. “More.”

“I’m at your services, miss Janie.”

“You’re not fucking with me are you?”

“Not yet.”

“Such a jokester… bad choice of words.” she rolled her eyes.

He laughed. “Miss Janie, you’re a Scarlet Lady, I’m at your disposal, I won’t even drain your life force.”

“Really? In that case… I might need you tonight, after this spell.” She dug for another tampon.

“I’m just a call away. Some may dance, but me; I’d rather fuck in the pale moonlight.”

“Now Vix, don’t get too excited. The spell might sap what magic she has, the curse isn’t that simple and it is her first time.”

“Then maybe the day after, if that’s the case,” he offered.

“We’ll do lunch.”

He laughed. “Lunch indeed. Before I go, do you have that report?”

“Yeah, yeah! Here it is.”

“Thanks. Let me know how it turns out. Take care, my queen. And Miss Janie… enjoy the rest of your day.”

She waited until he was gone. “You made those‽”

“They are wonderful creatures, aren’t they? Agents of sexual chaotic depravity.”

“I always thought demons were evil. But he’s always so nice.”

“Evil and good are subjective, even good has its dark side. Those little deviants are the wet dreams of some and nightmares of others. They’re not all the same, except how dangerous they can be. Like Vix, some fit in and make a life here, some just make a sport of hunting and draining as many as they can, some have even fallen in love. It amazes me how they choose to live sometimes. I may toy with them when I make one, or see how they develop on their own.”

“Did you make all of them?”

“No, they can reproduce on their own, as well. They do have free will and pick their own paths, the only exception is sometimes I’ll pick it, in a way of speaking.”

“Have you ever… turned a—”

“I must be going. After that scene, I’ve the need of a good fuck myself. Oh Aleister, my pet!” She started to flicker.


Babalon gave her a toothy knowing grin and vanished.


The sun was setting and she wondered if any of the stories were true, did the gods really move the sun and moon, and which one really did it, or did they take turns, or work together? She studied over the spell and had everything ready. Near the special candle lie a bowl with Blue Lotus, Gentian, Damiana, Lady Mantle, Artemisia, dried Hydra powder. Her windows were open allowing the moonlight to shine in, a cotton ball rest in a small bowl, soaking in water from Salmacis pool.

Janie looked to the sky. “Here we go.” She called Steven.

“Janie, what’s up?”

“I was just wondering if you were busy? I wanted to spend time with you.”

“Me and the boys are hanging out tonight.”

“Do you think you could come by?”

“If you want to, that’s cool… but otherwise, we can hang tomorrow or something.”

“Are you sure? I’ve been thinking about you and I really wanted to see you.”

“I don’t mean to be a dick, but can’t this wait? We talked about this.”

“I was hoping we could… you know…. I can’t wait anymore, I need you.”

“You need me?” He grew annoyed.

Need you. In me. Tonight. Now.”

There was a pause. Fellas… gotta go… yeah, yeah… enjoy looking at these females, I got a real woman to see. Gimme like… ten minutes, Janie.”

“You earned this, baby, I’m sorry I made you wait this long.”

“Janie, you were worth it. I’ll see you soon.”

“I hope so.” She blew a kiss and hung up.

Janie lit the candle.

“What a whore you’ve become.” Babalon surprised her from behind.

She turned with a smirk. “Why thank you, mother Goddess.”

“Oh, I’m so proud of my little paramour.” She ran her hand through her hair. “No more of that meek personality.”

“Nope. Not anymore.”

“This won’t do, however.”

She waved her hand in a circular motion and Janie’s underwear changed into red thin lingerie, the cups that just covered her nipples and bush were shaped like hearts.

“There. More fitting.”

“I love it!”

“It’s yours.”

“I look like a scarlet harlot.”

Babalon cackled.

“The fool won’t know what hit him. We’ll be watching.” She flickered away.


Eventually she heard a knock on the door, pulled her robe on and answered it to Steven.


“Steven, I’m sorry for taking you from your friends.”

“No big deal.”

She shut the door, turned and grasp his crotch. “I hope it is.”

“Shit… it’s a huge deal.”

“Good. You’re going to break me right?”

“What? I’m not that kinda guy and you’re not some random slut. You’re a female I wanna settle down with.”

“Steve, baby,” She dropped her robe. “It’s been a long time, I need you to break me in.”

“Damn… you look alright.”

“I know I do. Coming?”

“I was kinda expecting more… you pad your bras or something,” he asked following her.

The smell of the candle had leeched into the hallway, permeating his nose since passing the kitchen.

“I thought you’d at least have a nice set of tits, or ass.”

“Is it a problem? I thought you liked me?” She turned.

“Umm…” The candle started affecting him.

“You do like me right?”

“I… do…”

“Like my personality, the way I think.”

“I… umm… love the way you are… ride or die.”

“So… doesn’t that make me attractive sexually?”

He blinked a few times. “Actually… you’re not… really my type, body wise… yet—”

“Then you can buy me boobs and an ass if you really love me.”

“No… you… you’re fine. Oddly find you sexy like that. I want you so bad right now.”

“Happy to hear it.” She kissed him passionately.

His hands were all over her.

“I don’t… care. I gotta have you.”

He kissed her neck and held what little butt she had.

“My body good enough for you,” she moaned.

“Too good. Perfect.” He breathed between kisses.

“Oh I love that candle!”

In the bedroom he rushed to get out of his clothes, completely entranced by the candle, nothing but lust in his mind. Once he was naked, her mouth dropped at the size of his cock.

“Average at best,” she muttered.

She grabbed his cock and led him to the bed, he moaned at her touch.

“Don’t you cum already, baby.”

“Your touch is driving me crazy.”

“Is it?” She stroked his cock.

She raked her nails on his chest and he hissed. He pulled her bra up and rubbed her nipples with his thumbs.

“Are you afraid to break my scrawny body?”

“I’ll do whatever you want.”

“Tell me I’m sexy.” She stroked him faster.

“You’re fucking sexy, Janie… my god!”

“I am?”

“Yeah,” he moaned.

She licked his cock and he shivered.

“You’re amazing, beautiful, I need your body.”

“You need it?”

“I do, baby, can I have it?”

“What do you want with it?”

“To have it, be inside you.”

She licked and sucked his cock, he moaned heavy, cock throbbing in her mouth, heavy hands braced on her shoulders.

“Fine. Come and get it, it needs you too.” She crawled up on the bed.

He was right behind her, she took the small bowl of flowers, roots, and ash, dumped them in the candle, while he pulled her underwear off. The candle released a pillar purple flame that lit up the room briefly. Steven licked up her body as he crawled. She found herself turned on, the scent of the ingredients taking quick effect. His lips and tongue drove her wild.

“Steve,” she cried out.

He licked her chest and nipples. She pulled at his hair. Both had grown hypersensitive to touch. Steve made it up to her neck and shoulder. She pulled his lips to hers, their kissing was rough, tugging on each others lips, heavy moaning. His fingers found their way in her, Janie grabbed his cock again, they both yelled.

“Keep focus,” she told herself.


“I need you in me… my pussy… needs your dick,” she mewled.

She guided his cock in her, where he rammed it inside, she screamed.

“Your pussy’s perfect,” he gasped.

“Steve… fuck,” she cried out.

Her legs wrapped around him and her hips lifted to meet each heavy thrust.

“Gonna… break… you,” he huffed.

“Break me! Do it Steve, baby!”

She was more overwhelmed than she thought, not expecting the spell to affect her that much.

“I invoke… the Goddess Babalon… as we meet in unison to… consort… in lust. I present myself, a scarlet lady and my ass.” She started. “ Under the new moon… through trickery of my womanly wiles, of spite of the nature of man, take this creature so vile bring unto him true strife. He who only desires a woman’s flesh, lend it to him, he who only desires a woman’s loins, lend it to him, he who’s led by the rod, taketh away and let him seek it in desire.”

“Janie,” he groaned.

“Baby, take a break, lemme get on top for a little bit.”

“Anything for you.”

They moved around, she saw her blood all over him before she put him back inside.

“You’re doing great, baby… I love this dick… I’m yours now.” She kissed him.

Janie worked her hips as she kissed him, her body driven by lust, she had to tear her lips away to finish the spell.

“Let this man know our trials, to live as we live, leave his lust to lead him, leave him little discernment. I leave the pieces of me, body, heart, mind, soul. Steven to Stephanie.”

She took the cotton ball and drew the symbol for female on his chest.

“By the new moon, may he be man no more, every full moon to breaking dawn, he shall rise a were-whore!”

The candle flames danced erratically, the room filled with bright moonlight, she felt something between them, like a physical connection that melded them to one being at their sexual penetrative intersection.

“Janie… I’m gonna cum!” His voice was strained.

“I feel it too,” she grunted.

Their delayed climaxes hit, she forced an eye open and saw his body convulse, while doing so violently, it looked as if he had shifted from male to female rapidly, while hers seemed to vibrate and focus in her core, a maelstrom between them as they cried out, something pulled from her and looked like it washed over him, she saw the disruption in the air above him. Janie collapsed on top of him and rolled over, it was then she realized both were drenched in sweat and trying to catch their breathes. Clarity started to grow in both of them, she had a whiff of fresh air that seemed to bring her back, with a glance, noticed the windows were mysteriously opened, blowing away the intoxicating scent once trapped inside.

“Janie… that was…”

“Uh… huh…”

Steven looked at the burnt out candle, ashes scattered on the night stand, struggled to sit up.

“I should get going, both of us have work tomorrow.”

“Right… maybe next time you can stay the night.”


Steven struggled to get his clothes, she walked him out, they were both exhausted, she walked back to her bedroom and collapsed on the bed.

“I guess Vix isn’t getting any tonight.” Babalon sat on the bed.

“No… no… I think that was enough sex for the next month or so,” she mumbled.

She chuckled. “You’ll be fine by the morning, or should be, your magic’s just drained, it’s a powerful curse. That was a good show, we all loved it.”

“I’m glad you…,” she trailed off, falling asleep.


Janie woke up refreshed and no longer on her period, climbed out of bed, grabbed her phone and went to the bathroom to pee.

“Fuck, I’m late!” She looked at the time on her phone.

She quickly washed herself down at the sink, and rushed to work.

“Whoa, where’s the fire?” Vix stopped her.

“Vix… tor, I woke up late, and—”

“Don’t worry, it’s fine, I knew you would and took care of it.”

“Oh… thank you.”

He turned so nobody could see his face. “You’ll just owe me.” He winked.

“I planned on paying up, already, anyway. Guess I’ll owe you twice.” Her tone changed more sultry.

“My, Janie. You have changed.”

“Thanks to her, I feel like a new woman.”


God damn it!” Steven yelled at the urinal as he peed, stinging blood followed the stream.

He clenched the edges of the urinal until the final drops and the pain subsided, then there were just the cramps and sore chest. Straightened up, he limped back to work.

“That fucking bitch gave me an STD,” he said through clenched teeth.

Back towards his area, a friend of his struck up conversation.

“I figured you’d be in a better mood after getting laid last night. You been chasing that girl for how long?”

“I think she gave me an STD, Calvin.”

“Damn, bro!”

“Yeah. Plus… she wasn’t even all that hot, anyway, so the wait wasn’t even that worth it.”

“It was good, though right?”

“It was…”

He tried to think about last night, flashes of it ran through his head; walking in, kissing her, her voice, dancing light, her face over his. His head started to hurt.

“It was something. I know we did it, and it wasn’t that bad.”

He searched through his hazy memories again and saw her under him, she was saying something, he could only recall some of it, the rest was muted and her mouth blurred. His head hurt more.

“You okay, Steve? Steve.”

“I got a fuck of a migraine or some shit.”

“Wanna hit the blunt real quick?”

“If it’ll help I will.”


“That tongue… that fucking tongue,” Janie moaned.

Vix had her on his desk giving her a repeat of the day before, tongue stuffed in her, wiggling around, he covered her mouth when she climaxed, while slowly pulling his tongue out. Heaved and stared at his large cock in awe.

“Like what you see, or are you worried it won’t fit?”

“There’s only one way to find out,” she growled.

Vix smirked, lined himself up and pushed deep, she gasped, he held himself inside and kissed her, his tongue nearly pushed down her throat, her eyes rolled back.

“Finally… a real dick in me.”

“Was he not suitable for you?”

“Goddess no. But it was fun having a man wrapped around my finger.”

“If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were a succubus.” He pulled out and thrust in her slowly.

She grunted and moaned. “You’re… not gonna get me pregnant are you?”

“No, we have control over our ejaculation and can slow it down enough it won’t enter your womb.”

“That’s… good. Does that mean you could actually get me pregnant?”

“Yes, we can cross breed, but it’s been taboo for centuries.”

She moaned and it started to get louder, he kissed her to keep her quiet, the ridges on his cock compounding the pleasure, his thumbnails tease her nipples. She held his horns, he picked her up from the desk, her legs wrapped around him, used both for leverage, she started riding him, hips vigorously rocked hard as she could. Soon she had another climax and grunted in his mouth, body shook. Vix placed a hand on her small butt, the other just under her shoulder blades, with her held close to his body, slammed her down on his cock.

“Fuck yeah, don’t hold back, Vix.”

He lifted his hips into her and pushed her down on last time, growled, released in her. She was sat back on the desk, and looked into those green iris of his that seemed to float in a pool of murky ink.

“Allow me to clean you out, so you can return to work.”

“Thanks, Vix.” Her voice broke while trying to breath.

He stuck his tongue back inside, scooping his cum out of her, until she was relatively dry.


Steve was still in pain and noticed he was still bleeding, felt it leaking.

“Man are you still in pain?”


“When did this start? STDs don’t pop up that fast.”

“I woke up like this. I’m about to go to the clinic.”

“You should tell that chick, too.”

“I am. She ain’t getting away with this.”

Steve went to the free clinic during his lunch hour to be checked out. After describing what he was going through, they had him see a doctor and run test right away.

“Mister Kirky… these results; the bleeding, the soreness and pain. I don’t know how this is possible, but—”

“What is it, don’t tell me it’s some sort of cancer?”

“It’s… menstruation.” He looked puzzled.

“Man, I’m a dude, not some female on the rag?”

“You are indeed a man, a man on the rag. The breast sensitivity, the cramping, the bleeding, which some of pain is coming from the blood clots, but that’s where it stops. There’s also traces of alkaloids in your system that are found in certain plants.”

He thought to last night, tries to focus on everything, there was an odd smell when he walked in, he thought he saw her so something that changed the smell.

“Mister Kirky… are you all right?”

“Huh‽ Yeah, I’m just—you said plant alka-what’s?”

“Alkaloids. It’s what makes a great number of plants poisonous, that’s probably where your headaches are coming from. I’d suggest not messing around too much with alchemy, witchcraft or holistic medicine, whatever it is you’re doing.”

“But I’m—right, right, you’re right.”

“Modern medicine might not be what it is, because of it, but that stuff is risky.”

“What can I do about this female shit happening to me?”

“We’ll probably need to run more test, the only thing I can suggest is picking up some Pamprin.”

“What is that?”

“An over the counter cramp relief medicine, women buy.”

“The bleeding?”

“Like true menstruation… sorry to say, a pad or tampon, but I don’t advise trying a tampon.”

Steve looked baffled.

“There’s nothing really to be done about it, not until we figure out what it really is.”
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