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This is a fairly long fictional story separated into a first act (more focus on sex) and a second act (more focus on story). Only the first act can be properly read without reading the second act. In regards to theming, both acts of the story mainly describe the gradual and sexual escalation of clueless or naive women. It quickly becomes quite extreme, non-consensual, cruel, and tortuous. It is definitely not for the faint of heart (however, no cannibalism, scatology, or snuff).
(The story has been posted with images in this forum post:

The images themselves are also posted in the album "Sacred Institute images" in my forum gallery of, but be careful of spoilers)

Act I

I. Intro

“Sisters, we call them sisters.”

It is the first time that father John brought his son Thomas to his work at the Institute. They are standing at the window of his office, where they can see two girls exiting a car and being escorted inside. Thomas is rather confused about their nun-like outfit.

“What about them?”

“They have just graduated from our school and now continue their journey here.”

“Sounds kind of dull to me. My graduation consisted of partying with my peers, whereas their graduation is coming to your workplace? I almost feel bad for them. What kind of school did they go to? You never struck me as a teacher.”

“I don’t teach at their school. They live in a sort of ‘boarding school’ until they come of age. It is then that they become my responsibility. I don’t even follow their curriculum. Sister Martha, what kind of classes did they have in their last year?

Sister Martha had been quietly standing to the side with sister Lottie, and needs to clear her throat.

“Mostly religion, father John. In the last year they mostly had sports, language courses, and dance classes.”

Thomas looks displeased.

“Religion? What do you have to do with religion.”

“You have to be more open minded, Thomas. Religion can have its purpose. Their courses are designed to avoid critical thinking. Instead, they are told to follow orders and to believe in some plan that is bigger than them. We can control them well by keeping them uneducated and by indoctrinating them with a religion that has been designed to make them docile.”

“And what does this religion tell them to do?”

“In essence, it tells them not to question authorities, to not have impure thoughts, and instead to pray as much as they can and look forward to the rite of passage.”

“Rite of passage?”

“That is what you are about to see today. Sister Lottie, what are the names of our candidates?”

“Sister Ember and Sister Mary. They both recently turned 18 and will be here soon.”

“Thomas, sit down and let me do the talking. These two girls are about to see a man for the first time. I will have to guide them. Sister Martha, let them in. Sister Lottie, prepare the ribbons.”

Sister Martha opens the door and ceremonially announces “Sister Ember and sister Mary, father John has given you permission to see him”.

The girls enter with humble posture and praying hands. They try to appear dignified and ceremonial, but the nervousness clearly shows. They stop in the middle of the room and look up. When they see father John and Thomas they stand in awe and stare too long until they remember to lower their heads. The deep voice of father John surprises them a bit.

“Sister Ember and Mary, why have you appeared in front of me?”

The sisters kneel on the floor and recite a long prayer that they had learned by heart about devotion and proving once worth. The girls were made to believe that the prayer serves the purpose of appeasing the father and a higher power, when it is only supposed to give them the illusion of a ceremony more important than themselves. Father John heard it too many times to pay attention.

“Well done, both of you.”

The girls react with a pride and happiness that puzzles Thomas, whereas father John continues.

“Sister Ember, we start with you, get up.”

She gleefully gets up and dusts off her knees.

“Take off all your clothes”.

Sister Ember looks confused. Did he say to remove all of her clothes? She takes a short glance at Sister Martha and Lottie, hoping for some clarification, but they have a neutral expression on their faces, showing no disagreement with the father.

No one saw her naked before. All the girls were taught to dress meekly, to cover themselves, and to show as little skin as possible.

“Sister Ember, remove all your clothes” the father repeats calmly.

The deep tone of his voice relaxes her and she removes her wimple, allowing her beautiful brown hair to fall down. Determined, yet nervous, she unbuttons her dress until she stands there in her undergarment. Thomas has to suppress a smirk looking at probably the least sexy underwear he ever saw.

In the complete silence of the room, Sister Ember takes a deep breath, hoping someone would tell her that she could stop. Sister Mary stays on her knees pressing her praying hands firmly together, having no clue what to do. Eventually, sister Ember lets out a calm sigh and removes her undergarment, now standing there naked with a stern but clearly red face.

Father John: “Well done again, now come here and sit on my leg”.

“Yes, father John”.

She nervously walks over while somewhat covering her crotch with her hands and proceeds to sit on his leg. He probes her skin and examines her slowly. “Firm skin, well-toned muscles, it seems you did well in school, did she Sister Martha?”

“Yes, she performed quite well.”

Hearing the praise, sister Ember feels so relieved that she almost forgets that she is sitting naked on the leg of the first man she ever saw. She is quickly brought back to reality when father John starts to suck on one of her large perky tits. He does not pay attention to her reservations, knowing how this always plays out.

Just like all the previous candidates, Sister Ember calms down and enjoys the sensation. All her life, she had mostly refrained from touching her body, because it was strictly forbidden. However, with the highest authority doing it to her, she let herself enjoy it as much as possible. A warm feeling washes over her, wanting for more. She turns her body towards father John, giving him better access to her tits and her hardening nipples. When he runs his hand slowly up her thigh, she subconsciously opens her legs to make sure he does not stop. The father carefully touches her pussy and her body shutters in relief as 18 years of constraints are finally lifted from her. Out of pure instinct, sister Ember grabs the head of father John and firmly kisses him. However, she stops and looks confused, as she had never learned what a kiss was.

Sister Mary was still kneeling on the floor, her hands barely in the praying position and with her mouth wide open. She wants to condemn sister Ember for breaking the rules they grew up with, but instead grows jealous, yearning for the attention and rewards sister Ember receives.

After a while, father John pulls her away and opens his pants, revealing his massive 36 cm (14.2 inch) cock. Sister Ember is mesmerized. Her first reaction is aversion to such a foreign body part, but then her body feels an inexplicable desire to touch it, have it, not even knowing how. Without realizing it, she has already started to play with her pussy. Father John knows all too well.

“Not yet, I want you to put it in your mouth first”.

Sister Ember slowly slides off his leg and kneels between his thighs, marveling at what has just become the center of her world. She carefully licks the shaft, getting a feeling for its texture. Slowly making her way to the top, she finally pops the giant head into her mouth.

Father John: “Keep working, sister Ember, and you will be rewarded.”

After seeing that the girl is performing her duty properly, he looks up and locks eyes with sister Mary. It takes her a second to realize his gaze and immediately resumes her praying posture.

“Sister Mary, you now also remove your clothes and service Thomas.”

He points to his son.

With a shocked face, she looks at Thomas, who does not meet her eyes yet, as he still looks at his father with raised eyebrows. Father John does not say anything, but only nods at him with a sterner expression than he had shown to the sisters. Thomas composes himself and calmly nods back.

Sister Mary undresses herself a lot faster than her sister and proceeds to sit on Thomas' lap in order to offer her breasts and kiss him. Soon after, both men sit in their large armchairs receiving naive but passionate blowjobs.

After a while father John proclaims “Well done, both of you. You have my permission to climb up and put the cocks in your pussies”.

The sisters look confused, as they never heard these terms. But after some thinking, sister Ember’s face becomes more determined and she climbs up, knowing exactly what she was told to do.

She squats over father John, grabs his cock by the head and presses it against her tiny pussy. Sister Mary quickly follows suit and climbs up on Thomas.

Despite their pussies being soaking wet, they struggle to even insert the tip of those massive cocks. For some time, they both groan and breathe heavily, desperately rubbing the cocks against their slits, hoping to feed their yearning holes. Eventually, father John becomes impatient.

“Are you going to fail your rite of passage?”

Gasping for air, sister Ember looks into his disappointed face and feels like a failure. But she is no failure. Reaching down, she spreads her lips and pushes while groaning with a desperation she never felt before.

She adjusts herself, sitting upright and putting her entire weight on his cock until her pussy gives up and allows the head to pop in. Surprised by the sensation, she is unable to find leverage. With her eyes and mouth wide open, she cannot stop the dick from sliding all the way in until it hits her cervix. Despite going so deep, she manages to take not even half of it.

She looks down, trying to process what she did to her pussy. But soon after, the shock subsides and desire builds up. The initial feelings of pain give way to a feeling of pleasure she didn’t know was possible. She starts grinding up and down, following her body’s commands in elevating what she is experiencing and lifts her head with her eyes rolling up.

Sister Mary has not been successful and starts quietly sobbing in the face of defeat. With an annoyed undertone, father John instructs Thomas to help her, whereupon he grabs her hips and his cock and uses a strength sister Mary is unfamiliar with to push against her pussy. The pressure causes her to groan just like sister Ember did before, but gradually gets louder while Thomas’s cock demands entrance. Her screaming is abruptly stopped, when it suddenly pops in. Her body freezes up with her brain trying to process what is happening. But then her body takes over control, chasing the pleasure that sister Ember is also working for.

She initially slams her hip up and down, trying to enjoy the cock of Thomas, but has to control her movement after getting hit in the cervix too hard. She also cannot fit even half of the 36 cm (14.2 inch) shaft inside.

Inexperienced with the sensation she is feeling, sister Ember keeps thanking father John and pleads for the ride to continue, who gives her more instructions.

“It appears that this is what the Lord has made you for. But this ride will have to find an end. I want you to finish, to climax, to come.”

“What do you mean? What do you want me to do, father John?”

He grabs her ass with one hand and one of her tits with the other and holds her in the air, while thrusting his massive cock in her pussy. Sister Ember’s body is responding and tenses up. Initially, she pleads for father John not to stop, but her pleas eventually go silent as she loses control. Her eyes are rolling back and her body explodes in pleasure. She succumbs to a feeling she never experienced before and her legs are shaking, unable to support her anymore. Father John catches her and embraces sister Ember who slowly calms down and cuddles up against him while she feels like she is in heaven.

With an indifference towards the girl in his arms, father John looks at sister Mary and tells Thomas to finish her. She feels initially thankful when he grabs her ass, but starts to panic, when his other hand grabs her tightly by the throat. When he starts fucking her pussy, she tries to focus on the deep thrusts trying to accomplish what sister Ember just did. She grabs the arm that slowly suffocates her, but realizes by the intensity of his grip that she cannot compete with the strength of a man.

He eventually releases his grip just enough for her to get enough air to breath. This allows her to stop fighting and to give in to his power, which strangely gives her the peace in which she is able to enjoy getting fucked. It starts to build up more and more, the feeling intensifying, until the only thing in the world that seems to matter is her pussy getting drilled into oblivion. For a moment, the world stands still and suddenly her body erupts furiously into her first orgasm. Her legs give in, but before she could sink in Thomas’ arms, she hangs for a few seconds by her throat. But it did not matter to her, as she experiences a profound feeling of thanks for Thomas and the pleasure he has given her.

Father John gives them some time to catch their breath and to come back to their senses.

“Sister Ember and sister Mary, what you both just had is called ‘sex’. The lord can be praised through the pleasure of prayer and through the pleasure of sex. Having experienced both, you now have to decide how to devote yourself to the lord. You can either choose prayer, in which case, you will live your life in a monastery in deep prayer, or stay in the institute and have sex with any man that is provided to you. Every woman has different preferences that I do not know. So, I cannot choose for you. Instead, I ask you to look into your hearts and to state which path you choose to praise the lord.”

Sister Mary is catching her breath with her body still in shock from the abuse by the hands of Thomas. Prayer had been boring, but at least she was not at the whim of a man. She is wondering whether the new found pleasure was worth the risk that men may pose. Tonight, she will consult with sister Ember about this difficult choice. She was always so smart and a great source for advice. But how can she give her a signal?

“Oh, father John, let me praise the lord with the pleasure of sex.”

Sister Ember is sitting with a smile in the lap of father John, twirling her hair and rubbing her clit. She tasted heaven and already yearns for more.

Sister Mary is stumped. What should she do? Sister Ember’s response came with such determination. How did she come to her conclusion so quickly? Did she know more than her? Would she be missing out? Is she too much of a coward again? She does not want to be alone with her decision. She does not want to miss out. The orgasm she had certainly felt more pleasurable than prayer. Was praying even a pleasure? It was boring when she was still young and still seems boring now. And she is all grown up now. She is ready to face the world.

“Me too”, sister Mary says quietly. “Me too, what? Speak with certainty” presses father John.

She clears her throat: “I also chose the pleasure of sex, father John”. As these words leave her mouth, she almost wants to take it back.

Father John proclaims: “Very well, I acknowledge your decisions, sister Ember and sister Mary. You have set your paths and it is now my duty to help you on your journey.”

Sister Ember and sister Mary start to smile, feeling pride in being asked about their opinions and taking matters in their own hands. Thomas is baffled about the girls being dumb enough to be tricked into sexual servitude.

Father John used to feel insulted partaking in the illusion of sisters having control over their life, but has learned to be indifferent about it. However, out of the corner of his eye only he noticed a hint of disappointment on the face of sister Martha and sister Lottie. They had faint hopes that a sister would choose prayer instead. Seeing their hope crushed was almost a larger pleasure for father John than fucking the new sisters.

“Then let us finish the rite of passage. When we praise the lord with the pleasure of sex, the lord often rewards us with a climax. Unfortunately, women are selfish creatures and do not provide anything for others when they come. Men, on the other hand, are giving beings who provide cum for women, who can cherish the gift. Now suck the cum out of our cocks and finalize your rite of passage.”

The sisters climb down to the floor, kneel in front of the men and start sucking on the respective cocks. Their enthusiasm barely makes up for their lack of experience. While Thomas wants to lash out, father John gives instructions about how to suck. Father John does not have much respect for the sisters, but he still acknowledges that he should not fault someone for knowledge that is not taught yet, no matter how bothersome it is to teach the same things over and over again.

The sisters do eventually improve their technique due to a sheer unwavering willingness to please. Their heads bob enthusiastically up and down, hitting their own back of the throat with the cock in their hands. Ember’s breathing gets heavier, as she increasingly refrains from breathing just to increase the pleasure of father John and sister Mary soon follows suit. After some time, father John holds the girl’s head in his hand.

“You did well, now you may open your mouth and swallow everything I have to offer to you.”

She opens her mouth with a smile with her hands in her lap eagerly waiting for her rewards. He holds her head firmly and tilts it slightly back while stroking his cock. Sister Ember notices the grip on her head tightening, indicating to her that father John is about to come.

Her smile disappears in shock when she notices huge ropes of cum shooting into her mouth. She understands why she had to tilt back her head as her mouth kept filling up. Scared to do anything wrong, she stays frozen while father John’s climax subsides. With a bit over half an ounce (20 ml) of cum in her mouth she gives a questioning look to father John, who lifts his finger.

“Let's wait with swallowing until sister Mary gets her mouthful. We will finish the rite of passage simultaneously. Keep your mouth open.”

Obediently, sister Ember sits on her knees with a huge load of cum in her open mouth. When she looks over, she sees Thomas standing up, holding sister Mary’s face between his hands thrusting his cock in her face. Her hands are slightly pushing against his thighs trying to get away from the abuse, but her own submissiveness towards the tall man does not allow it. Seeing tears rolling from her red eyes pushes Thomas over the edge and sister Mary is rewarded with her mouthful of cum as well.

Father John: “Well done, both of you. Now each of you close your mouth but do not swallow yet. Stand up. Sister Lottie, bring me the ribbons.”

The sisters start to dislike the cum in their mouth and would have rather swallowed it by now. Sister Lottie gives father John and Thomas each a white ribbon, who subsequently attach the white ribbons around the neck of the sisters.

Father John: “Sister Ember and sister Mary. You have come before me to pass the rite of passage and to *********** your path to praise the lord. I accept your wish for the pleasure of sex. Your pussies were fucked and you received your first cum. You have reached level one of sisterhood and receive the level one ribbon. By having more sex and honing your skills you may ascend to higher levels. A higher-level sister praises the lord through training, discipline and pleasure. I ask of you to be diligent and strife for the best versions of yourself. Have you understood?”

The sisters quickly nod their heads, somewhat bothered by the cum sloshing around in their mouth. Father John does not intend to torture them longer.

“You may swallow now.”

They close their eyes and gulp the entire load down in one go. The sisters are not used to the taste and would probably not like it if they were not so proud of their achievement. Sister Ember looks with a smile to sister Mary. Her initially uneasy expression also changes to a smile, giving her the feeling of an achievement worth celebrating.

Father John: “Ok, let's go, sister Martha, lead us to sister Ember’s new chamber”.

Sister Ember and sister Mary are about to grab their clothes, but Father John stops them.

“From now on, you do not need clothes anymore, unless someone requests it. You are free from this concern.”

The sisters reluctantly put down their clothes. Just a few moments ago they barely showed anything but their faces and now they cannot cover themselves up? However, neither one dares questioning the father.

On the way to the chamber, father John starts to explains their daily routine.

“Being a level one sister has benefits. Each of you gets her own room with her own bed and washroom. No more bunk beds and shared facilities. Your day starts at 6 o’clock in the morning. You will clean yourself in the shower, dry your hair and be ready for breakfast at 7 followed by stretching. At 8 o’clock you perform an enema to clean your ass. At 9, you receive masters and have sex with them until 12 o’clock followed by half an hour of lunch. From 12:30 to 6 o’clock you have more sex with masters followed by one hour of physical training. At 7 o’clock you have dinner and at 10 o’clock it is time to sleep.”

Sister Mary had trouble understanding everything.

“What are masters, father John?”

“They support the institute, which allows us to provide food and shelter for everyone. In return, the masters decide what sex to have and what to do with you. Your obligation is to serve them. Any insufficient service on your part falls back to me, so I trust you will always do your duty as asked of you.”

A stern look of father John caused them to immediately reply.

“Yes, father John”.

When they arrive at sister Ember’s new chamber, they are shown around. The room has a display that shows the current time and works as an alarm clock.

“Let me explain physical training. At 6 o’clock in the evening, a display on the wall will instruct you to perform a well-designed program to train your muscles and stretch your body. You are expected to have well-toned thighs, a slender figure, and a flexible body. It is a continuation of the physical exercise you had in school, but with increasing intensity. Show me how flexible you are. Lay on your back and pull your legs behind your head.”

Both sisters perform the pose with ease and a smile on their face, while father John walks to a dresser and fetches a bottle of lube and two white boxes each containing four differently sized rubber objects.

“Now, I will explain further stretching. This bottle contains lube, which reduces friction. These rubber objects are butt plugs, which you insert into your ass.”

The girls look shocked and want to get up, but father John signals them to not get up.

“Sister Ember, this is the smallest butt plug. It has a circumference of 8 cm (3.1 inch) and a length of 5cm (2 inch).”

Father John applies some lube, holds sister Ember’s legs behind her head with his left hand and places the butt plug with his right hand on her puckered asshole. She jumps a little from the coldness and utters a faint “father John...", but eases up, gradually understanding that she has no say in this.

Sister Mary is in her pose, watching from afar as father John pushes the butt plug against her sphincter.

“I suggest you relax now, because my arm is stronger than your ass.”

“I’m trying, father John. Just give me a moment”.

She breathes out slowly and the tenseness of her body subsides. Sister Mary sees how the asshole of her friend opens up and swallows up the butt plug. Father John picks up another butt plug with the same size but from the other box and approaches sister Mary.

“I don’t think I can, father John, I have never..."

Sister Mary stops talking when she sees no faltering in his eyes. After a second of bargaining with herself, she stammers.

“I am sorry, my ass is ready for you, father John”.

Soon after, the butt plug is logged firmly in her ass and Father John continues explaining.

“The point of the stretching is to loosen up your assholes, so they can receive larger and bigger objects. Therefore, you have to progress to larger sizes.”

He walks to the first box and picks up a larger toy.

“This toy has a circumference of 10 cm (3.9 in) and a length of 10 cm (4 inches). Let’s see how deep you can go sister Ember”.

Sister Ember looks visibly nervous, but stays bravely in her pose. Father John hands her the lube and the new butt plug.

“Lube it up”.

While sister Ember lubes up the toy, father John removes the first one from her ass. He guides her hand with the toy to her ass and tells her to insert it herself.

Sister Ember’s breathing increases while she starts pushing the foreign object against her anus. Starting to get embarrassed about her lack of success she gets nervous and pushes harder, but is only rewarded with pain and no success. However, father John encourages her.

“You still need to learn about your body, try different angles.”

His advice proves correct and soon after, the butt plug pops in and slowly enters deeper into her bowls. She looks unsure while it travels inside and is afraid of all the pressure, but shortly after she is surprised to find out that a part of herself is enjoying the fullness and is eager to insert more. Without much problem she inserts the rest and she lets out a groan when her ass closes around its shaft.

Sister Mary has a lot more difficulties with the second butt plug. While she manages to insert the tip, her ass is struggling a lot with opening up enough to the size of butt plug. She tries to relax and breathe, but her ass is not cooperating.

“I’m sorry, I am trying, but I can’t get it in. It is too big, father John”.

Father John sighs and turns to sister Mary.

“Get up and help her.”

Sister Ember reaches for her own butt plug attempting to pull it out before getting up, but is stopped by him.

“No, keep it inside. You will have to wear it a lot if you want to see stretching results.”

She gets up awkwardly, checks her toy and waddles over to sister Mary. When she pushes against the butt plug, she notices a strong resistance from her butt.

Sister Mary looks at her with a defeated look asking for help. Sister Ember tries to encourage her.

“Don’t fight it. You are clenching your ass and the toy won’t go any further. I find that it helps if you push out a little, like... you know ... going to the bathroom.”

Visibly confused about what seemed a contradiction, sister Mary hesitates. But with no other option left, she instructs her body to push out the toy. To her surprise, her anus relaxes and widens. Sister Ember jumps at the opportunity and pushes the butt plug another inch. But the sudden shift tenses up sister Mary and progress stops. Sister Ember looks at father John while shrugging her shoulders, hoping that they can stop, but he keep giving further instructions.

“Lick sister Mary’s pussy and push the toy in her ass.”

Sister Ember looks at him for a while, unsure whether she understood him correctly. But a nod of his removes her doubts. She slowly hunches over and moves her face over sister Mary’s pussy.

“Sister Ember, I ..." sister Mary’s stammering is interrupted by a tongue softly touching her clit. A warm sensation showers over her body and her entire body relaxes.

“Oh lord, sister Ember, that feels amazing!”

Sister Ember keeps caressing her slit with soft and broad strokes. If her body was not locked up in a pose, she would have started to move and grind her body against sister Ember.

While sister Mary is lost in pleasure, sister Ember grabs the plug and shoves it fully inside sister Mary’s ass, who immediately jumps out of her pose and rolls on her stomach, grabbing her ass.

“Ahhhh, that was too deep. That was so inconsiderate!”

Thomas is bewildered by her choice of words, but has to laugh when he understands that the sisters do not know how to curse. Father John praises the success.

“Good job, sister Ember. I was worried that sister Mary would disappoint us today.”

Sister Mary feels defeated, realizing that getting the toy jammed up her ass would get her no pity, whereas sister Ember got all the praise. She swallows her pride and focuses on enduring the pain. To her relief, the pain quickly subsided as most of the discomfort had been the sudden shock. She glanced over to father John, hoping for validation, but he had already turned to the first box and gotten a third butt plug that was even larger.

“Sister Ember, can you surpass her and handle this one? It has a circumference of 12 cm (4.7 inches) and a length of 13cm (5.1 inches). That would be a rare achievement this early into stretching.”

Sister Ember feels too confident to decline the challenge.

“Anything for you, Father John”.

“Sister Mary, give her a hand and take the butt plug out of her ass. Sister Ember, bend over”.

Cautious of the toy in her ass, she gets up and slowly moves over to sister Ember. They both now realize that walking clenches their sphincter, lodging the toys firmly in their asses. Sister Mary attempts to pull it out but slips off the lubed-up toy. As she tries to grip it more firmly between her thumb and fingers, she accidentally pinches sister Ember’s asshole against the toy, causing her to cry out.

Sister Mary does not feel sorry considering what sister Ember had done to her just now. She will just rip out the toy, making her pay. Maybe father John will see that sister Ember is not perfect either. It is her time to get revenge. She reaches for the toy, grabs it, and looks into sister Ember’s eyes. Sister Ember waves the pain away and nods at her with a smile.

Maybe it is not sister Ember’s fault. Maybe sister Mary has only herself to blame. She sighs, smiles back and proposes a new strategy.

“Sister Ember, lay on your back, I’ll help you.”

Sister Ember lays down and Sister Mary gently licks her slit, calming her down. Oblivious to the pain sister Mary was about to inflict, she relaxes and her body loosens up. Slowly, the toy is pulled out and both sisters look happy. Father John was fully aware of what was about to happen and was angry that sister Mary did not take the bait. But he quickly discards his disappointment, feeling more curious about the challenge of sister Ember.

She is laying on her back with her legs behind her head and pushes the lubed-up butt plug against her ass. Her sphincter does open up, but only enough to let in a portion of the toy. Even though she is fully relaxed and has the right angle, the toy won’t move any further despite all the force she is applying. After a few minutes, her arm strength and determination are fading and her forceful grunts turn into a helpless sobbing. Father John starts to get frustrated by the stupidity of her technique.

“Your arms are too weak, sit on the butt plug.”

Sister Ember tries to not let the insult get to her, places the toy on the floor, allowing her to put her body weight on the toy. With the much larger force, the toy quickly makes it almost entirely in her butt, but the pain causes her to quickly jolt up. “Aaaaah, it is so big. Yikes! I don’t think I can get it in, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

Father John: “It seems that you cannot. Don’t worry.”

Shameful but relieved, she gets up still holding her butt with her hands, but father John continues.

“However, I think Thomas can get it in. Sit back down. Thomas, would you please push her down by her shoulders. Stabilize her back, so she cannot buckle under the force. Sister Mary, you check and tell us if it is in or not.”

As Thomas walks towards her, she starts to plead.

“Please, I am sure it is not possible, believe me. Just let me try a different time.”

Thomas grabs her by the arm and father John gestures to him to continue.

“Pleeeease! Father John...”

“You should realize that you might get hurt if you do not cooperate with Thomas. Place the toy at your ass, you do not want to be in too much pain.”

Just like sister Mary had to realize many times before, sister Ember understood her helplessness against men. Unbeknownst to her, it is his words that seem have more power over her than his muscles.

While trying to stop her sobbing, she obediently places the toy on her ass and sinks onto it as far as she can. Thomas pushes with his left hand against her back, forcing her into a straight posture. With his right hand he pushes her down by the shoulder. Sister Mary lays down with her head next to her ass, checking carefully if the toy is in or not. Sister Ember tries to be calm and brave, but the pain becomes too large to bear.


Father John: “Is it in?”

Sister Mary: “No, it is not.”

Father John: “Continue”


“It’s not in”


“It’s not in yet”



A loud popping sound can be heard and sister Ember jumps up with the butt plug fully inserted in her ass.

“It is ... in” says Sister Mary quietly.

“Yes, we heard”, laughs Thomas.

Sister Ember is still rolling on the floor uttering only grunts, while father John praises her.

“Quite impressive. It is rare that a sister manages the third toy on the first day. Take your time to deal with the toy in your ass. We won’t try it with sister Mary. She obviously is not capable.”

Sister Mary felt both relieved and resentful about the comment, but understood that her emotions are not helpful. Instead, she observes how sister Ember was dealing with the toy. Now that the largest diameter is past her sphincter, the pain is fading and the girl can gradually calm down. Once she is ready to listen, father John continues.

“Now that you understand your tasks and training, I can tell you the requirements for level two. You need to have had sex with a hundred masters and be able to take the fourth butt plug from the box in your ass. That is 14 cm (5.5 inch) circumference and 15 cm (6 inches) depth. We track the number of masters for you. You will have to request the test with the butt plug as the challenge for level two. Now each one of you goes to her chamber and clean up. In an hour you will each serve your first master. Sister Mary, take your box with the toys and follow me to your new chamber”.

In her new chamber, sister Mary is shown all the equipment and is subsequently instructed to clean herself and be ready in an hour. It took her 15 minutes to remove the toy from her ass while squatting in the shower. She could not imagine how sister Ember removed hers. Once she is ready, she sits on the bed and waits for her master.
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