Not just exposed but fully exhibited as a slut and a whore for guys to lust over.
All day it had been sweltering hot, and even now at 10 o'clock at night it was still oppressively hot.
My wife Margie and I had started to watch a movie, but at some stage had turned the TV off and gone and flopped on the bed.
Now, swinging my legs around and sitting on the edge of the bed, I suggested that we go outside to see if it was any cooler.
I had on the bottom half of a pair of pyjamas, while Margie wore one of her baby-doll nighties, a pretty frilly little thing all ribbons and flounces of a light see through material in two shades of pink.
Stepping out of the door into the night, I took Margie's hand and began to lead her towards the front of the house. Margie pulled back a little, not expecting me to take her out the front towards the street. "What if someone sees us," she said.
I assured her that it would be all right, and she hesitantly allowed herself to be led out onto the lawn at the front of the house and visible to the street and anyone else who had taken it into their head to go outside into the night air.
Margie was obviously nervous, being dressed as she was and with the risk of being seen. "What if someone is out walking" she whispered as I led her across the lawn and right out to the edge of the footpath, "and the last thing that I'd want would be for that awful creep across the road to see me" she added.
The awful creep that she referred to was a guy who had moved into the house across the road about a year ago. He would have been in his late 50's or so, and just the look of him made you think that he was some sort of sleazy creep. A rumour had gone around that he'd been involved in some sort of disgusting sexual thing that the police had investigated, but it was all very vague without any detail, and perhaps there really wasn't anything in the story.
We stood looking up and down the street, and then I led her across to the letter box. I checked for mail even though I knew there was nothing there. I was feeling sexy having Margie outside dressed as she was, and my cock was half hard.
Eventually we went and sat on the front steps and talked quietly for a half hour or so before going once more into the house.
The weather on the next day was no different, sweltering hot again. I was glad when knockoff time came around and I drove home, parking the car in the street as I knew that Margie wanted to do some shopping.
I'd noticed the creep from across the road raking up leaves off his lawn, and was a bit surprised when I saw him come sauntering across the road towards me. I knew that Margie hated him, complaining that he always stared at her with a leering look whenever he saw her, and so I'd never been overly friendly to him, saying no more that hello when I had to.
"Hi" he said, "stinking hot day again."
"Yes" was all I said in agreeance.
"Way too hot in the house of a night" he continued.
Again I muttered agreement.
"Nothing worth watching on TV, I see better things if I sit outside enjoying the night" he said.
It suddenly hit me what he was referring to. Some guys would have punched him in the face, but I felt my cock swelling at the thought that he'd been watching Margie.
I didn't know what to say. I wanted to encourage him. My cock was hard. Eventually I found some words. "Tonight should be another good night for doing that sort of thing" I said.
He grinned at me, we understood each other.
"About 9:30 or so: I said, my voice with a tremor of excitement.
"Great" was all he said in reply.
"Don't let her see you" I warned him as I closed the car door and turned towards the house.
"Why were you talking to that creep" Margie said as soon as I went inside. She must have seen though the window.
"He was just asking me something about the council" I lied.
For the next few hours I couldn't get it out of my head what I was planning to do.
Finally, at about 9:30, I could wait no longer. "Let's go outside again" I said, trying to sound calm.
Margie glanced at the clock, "what if there's still people about" she said doubtfully.
I reassured her, telling her that we'd be careful and keep an eye out up and down the road to be safe.
We went out and I was almost trembling with lustful excitement as we cautiously walked across the lawn. I was staring intently across the road at the guy's house which was all in darkness with not a light in any of the windows. I wondered whether the whole thing was a flop and something had come up so that the guy had to go out somewhere.
The streetlight a couple of houses along shone dappled light on our front lawn, but across the road was darker, being shaded by trees. I could see the white of his concrete steps and the white wall of his house would have shown the guy's silhouette had he been standing there. But then, was that a shape blending in with the bushes to one side of the steps. Yes! It was definitely him!
We were standing at the footpath, Margie intent on keeping watch along the road, while I was intent on watching the pervert. My cock was hard and poking the front of my pyjama pants outward.
"Do you feel sexy doing this?" I asked Margie.
"I feel nervous doing this" she quietly laughed in reply.
I took her hand and brought it across to my hard cock. She gave a little gasp and giggled.
"Squat down and suck it" I urged her.
"No" she gasped, "not out here."
"Go on" I urged, "it'll be so sexy" I told her as I pulled my pants down around my thighs so that my rock hard cock swung out in front of me.
She glanced about. "You just keep a good look out" she said as she squatted down and took my cock in her mouth.
I made sure that we were on the right angle so as to be fully seen by the perv hiding across the road.
I was so worked up and lustful that it took no time before my cum gushed into my wife's mouth. At that stage I came back down to some sensibility and Margie and I went back into the house.
The next day when I arrived home from work, I noticed Tony from across the road out in his garden once more. I drove the car into the garage and went to check the letter box. Tony immediately came walking over but I told him straight away that I couldn't talk then, but that in half an hour I would go out for a walk and would meet him in the park around the corner.
I regularly went for walks of between half an hour or more, and so after greeting Margie and having a chat, I said that I'd go out for a quick walk.
Tony and I were grinning at each other as I approached him in the park.
"I couldn't believe it when your wife got down and sucked you off" was the first thing that Tony said when I came up to him.
"I'd really wanted to strip her naked for you" I said, grinning from ear to ear, "but couldn't hold myself back from cumming when she sucked me off"
Tony wanted to know whether I'd get her outside again that night, but the weather had cooled right down and I couldn't see myself getting her to go outside again.
"Maybe I could peep through your bedroom window" Tony suggested.
That came as a surprise to me, but I immediately began imagining the possibilities.
"Why not" I said excitedly, "it wouldn't be too hard to arrange."
Our bedroom curtains consisted of drapes that pulled back to either side of the window, but also a white, fine lace curtain that covered the window beneath the drapes.
During daylight you could see clearly through the white lace, but at night with it dark outside and illuminated inside, all you could see was the light reflecting off the white of the lace and could see nothing outside.
We began discussing it, and soon we'd arranged that I would leave the side gate ajar. He was simply to walk across the road, slip through the gate, make his way around the back of the house to the far side where he'd know our bedroom as the only window with a light on and I'd have left a box or stool or something for him to stand on.
I would leave the curtains not quite fully closed so that he could look into our bedroom. The only problem might be if Margie noticed them and closed them fully.
It was arranged between us that I'd try to get her to bed as early as I could, and that I would leave the front outside light on. Once he saw that light go off it would be the signal that we'd gone into the bedroom and that's when he should come over.
All going well, I told him, "you'll get to see me fuck her."
We were both tremendously excited at the plan.
"Do you leave a light on, will I really be able to see much?" Tony asked.
I excitedly told him that I would have both bed lamps on and that he would see my wife totally naked - legs, thighs, belly, ass, cunt, tits, face - fucking everything.
My cock was rock hard at the thought of it all.
"Oooorrr, fucking Christ," Tony groaned lustfully and I could tell he was just as excited as I was. "What a fucking whore and a fucking slut we'll make the filthy bitch" he groaned with lustful desire.
His words had my cock throbbing with lust. "Yeah" I panted, "I'll show her to you like a fucking whore."
I went back home, my mind totally out of control.
It was just after 10 pm, I'd wanted to get Margie into bed earlier but at last we were. The final thing I'd done was to turn off the outside light.
Earlier, when Margie was under the shower, I'd gone outside and opened the side gate, just leaving it ajar. I'd placed one of the outdoor stools firmly outside our bedroom window, and inside the house I'd all but closed the bedroom curtains, just leaving a substantial gap and hoping that Margie wouldn't fully close them. Finally I'd turned on the outside light. It was then just a matter of getting Margie to bed as early as possible.
How would I know whether Tony would be watching. We should have arranged some sort of signal so that I'd know.
Luckily, Margie having forgotten something, went to check on something in the kitchen. I leapt out of bed as soon as she'd gone, and peered through the gap in the curtain. My eyes were met by Tony's and I felt a new surge of lustful excitement as I quickly got back into bed. I subconsciously gave up thanks to some evil spirit that had made Margie think of whatever it was she'd gone to check on.
Climbing back into bed, Margie leaned over and turned off her bedside light. I rolled towards her and began kissing her. She responded with her mouth open and her tongue sliding across my lips. My hand slipped under her nightie and began to fondle her breasts. My cock was hard as a rock and I moved Margie's hand onto it.
I continued caressing her and kissing, then knelt up and straddled her head. She took my hard cock in her mouth and began working on it. My bedside light was still on, but I now leaned over and turned Margie's light back on. After a minute or two I pulled my cock from her mouth, got off the bed, pulled the sheet right down, pulled Margie's nightie off over her head and shoulders, then pulled her panties down. She was stark naked for Tony to lust over. Swinging her legs around so that her feet were facing the window, I then knelt astride her and lifted her legs into the air and apart so that her cunt was fully displayed and facing the window were Tony was watching. Next I leaned forward and taking her labia in my fingers, I stretched her cunt wide and open for Tony to see.
I now had worked two fingers of each of my hands into her cunt and was stretching her wide open so that her hole was gaping for Tony. I had her right over on the bed nearest to the window, a distance of just four or five feet. Tony had said that we would destroy my wife and make her a filthy cunt and a slut, and now here I was showing him my wife's gaping cunt. Margie hated Tony, thinking him creepy and irksome, and now here she was openly displayed for him to lust over. I felt so excited and so evil with what I was doing with my wife.
I took my fingers from Margie's cunt and lowered her legs. I told her to get on all fours and then began fucking her from behind, she was side on to the window and so Tony could see me driving my cock up her cunt, and see her tits swinging as I began to pump her more and more vigorously.
On and on, I went showing Margie in every position and at every angle so that Tony saw every aspect of her nakedness and the way that I was treating her like a slut and a whore. Twice I brought her to orgasm, but I paced myself carefully so that I didn't cum, knowing that would then be an end for the night, to the filthy game that Tony and I were playing with my wife. It was over an hour before I finally let myself go and pumped her cunt full of my cum.
Next day after work, Tony and I once more met at the park.
"Fucking Christ!" was the first thing that Tony said, "that was the most beautiful, sexiest, most fucking depraved and filthy thing I've ever experienced.
"And she has no idea what a fucking slut and a whore we made her" I laughed.
"The little cunt really laps up being treated like fuck meat doesn't she" Tony enthused, I couldn't believe the way she just kept taking everything you did to her, and she obviously loved it all."
"I can't wait till next time. When do you want to do it again?" Tony excitedly asked.
I told him we'd wait a few days, and I suggested the coming Friday.
Tony then asked me if I had any porno photos of Margie, and when I replied that I didn't, he asked if I could take some. I agreed to try.
"The dirty, filthy, fucking whore-slut needs to be totally fucking destroyed" Tony said in a tone of voice filled with malice.
That night I managed to take a few photos of Margie naked, she wasn't keen on it but nevertheless I did get a few reasonable ones. I copied them onto a memory stick and next day I gave them to Tony.
Friday came around and I met Tony in the park after work. "I'm all ready for tonight," I told him.
"Great!" he exclaimed. "I've already got three guys lined up that want to watch. I told them tentatively that it would be tonight, so I'll message them straight away that it's definitely on."
I was stunned, this was something that I wasn't counting on, but nevertheless the thought of displaying Margie to three more guys had my cock coming up hard.
I said something about him not wasting any time in telling his friends about what I was doing, but he told me that they weren't friends, but that he had put up a posting, along with Margie's photos, on one a local sex sites on the net. I couldn't believe what he was saying, I was absolutely dumbfounded.
Back home I logged onto the net and went to the site that he'd told me of. It didn't take me long to find her. There were the photos that I'd given to Tony, along with her name, "MARGIE HANSEN" in large, bold letters. The screed that he'd written to accompany this, told of his neighbour who was giving Peeping Tom shows of him fucking and using his wife. He then went on to say that if anyone wanted to join in with him in watching one of these shows, to message him and they could make arrangements.
That night, about 8:30 pm. I turned on the outside light as the signal that we'd used the previous time. I looked through the curtains across to Tony's house and saw three cars all parked in front of his house. "Oh fuck!" I muttered to myself. I knew that this was absolutely crazy and more than that, absolutely so risky and sheer madness for me to go ahead with it.
At about 9:45 pm I turned off the outside light while Margie was in the bathroom preparatory to us going to bed. I stayed peering through the front window across to Tony's place. In just a few minutes I saw his front door open and he and three other guys all come out and quickly make their way across the road towards our house.
Back in the bedroom I looked at the curtains which I'd left open quite a bit more that the previous time. After a couple of minutes Margie came in and hopped into bed.
The guys would all be there right outside the window now, looking in and seeing us.
I climbed into bed and nestled up against Margie, sliding my hand over her nightie and fondling her small tits. I was almost trembling with nervous excitement. What fucking madness to be going to do this. Tony and three totally unknown guys right there outside the window, just a few feet away.
We started kissing as I kept fondling her body.
Tonight she had on a little, black, see through nightie the front of which was held together with a string tie bow.
I pulled the sheet down to about her waist, and then pulled the string tie and opened the front of her nightie and exposed her tits. I imagined the excitement start to build in the guys watching outside the window.
After continuing to fondle and kiss her naked breasts, and hopefully tease the guys outside, I finally pulled the sheet right down and pulling her panties off, I spread her legs and lifted her knees, then got down and began sucking, licking and fingering her cunt. I soon had her sighing in delight and giving low moans of lust as I worked on the area that I knew to get her really worked up.
Shortly, as I had done the first time for Tony, I turned her into the right position, lifting and spreading her legs so as to fully display her cunt which was already juicy and gaping. I slid fingers of both hands into her hole and pulled her cunt wide open for the four perverts to lust over.
Next I let her legs down, turned her on the bed so that her head was hanging over the edge of the bed closest to the guys at the window, and then standing on the floor and squatting slightly I began fucking her mouth right in front of the guys.
I turned her in every direction, giving the guys a viewing of every part of her, and of every action that we did. We 69'd with me on top, then with her on top, I lay back holding my cock errect so that she could sit down on it and then bounce around fucking herself on my raging hard cock. I had her sucking my balls, and at another time I licked all the way from her cunt to her ass.
All of the time I was thinking how fucking wild this was, doing all of this and showing my wife off to four guys, three of them totally unknown to either her or myself. I kept thinking of how Tony had advertised Margie on the net, showing photos, giving her full name, her age 23, and then by bringing guys here, divulging our address. Most of all I was thinking of how they were seeing her so close up that her face would be completely recognizable should they see her in the street, or in conjunction with work, etc.
Eventually both Margie and I were spent and I finally finished by jerking off over her face. I checked the time and it was 11:30 pm.
Next morning I spotted Tony in his front garden so I told Margie that I was going for a walk.
I glanced over at Tony as I left, our eyes met, and I knew that he'd be in the park a few minutes after myself.
"Fucking wonderful" Tony exclaimed when he approached, "those guys were so fucking turned on. They all want to come back for another session."
We reveled in discussing all that had happened
"When do you want to do the next session?" Tony asked.
"Tonight if you can arrange a few more guys at that short notice" I eagerly replied.
It was shaping up to be another really hot day, and on that basis I suggested that I might be able to have the window open a bit, and the curtains wide open.
"Fuck that would be brilliant" Tony replied, but I'll need to get right onto it and try and contact some of the guys.
We arranged that Tony would send emails to me so as to keep me informed as to whether he'd been able to line up some guys.
A couple of times I checked for mail but was disappointed, but then half way through the afternoon one arrived.
"All up I've had messages from 14 guys so far, responding to my net posting. We'll give last nights guys a miss at this stage unless I can't get some others.
Of the remaining 11 guys I've only got the phone numbers of 2, both of whom I've contacted and are both keen to be in the fun tonight. I've left messages
with the other 9 guys, but it remains to be seen whether any get the message in time and get back to me. I'll email again later and keep you informed of
any others joining in."
Fuck! How far will this thing go I wondered. When Tony mentioned his net posting, I was imagining three or four guys - but 14 so far !!!
At 8:00 pm I did a final check of my emails.
"OK definitely 4 guys for tonight, plus myself.
What a filthy fucking whore slut we're going to make your bitch fucking wife. Let's ruin the fucking cunt and your marriage."
Oh God! I muttered to myself, but my cock was rock hard at the prospect of further defiling my wife and my marriage.
This time I carried three of the wooden benches around and situated them outside the bedroom window. They were about 5' long and so with the three of them it provided plenty of standing room for the 4 guys plus Tony.
I left the window closed initially, then giving time for the guys to position themselves outside, I casually said to Margie, "I'll open the window, it's so hot inside and probably cooler outside." Then in opening the window I was able to peer though and see all of the guys right there just a few feet from the bed. It also gave me an opportunity to open the drapes a little wider apart so that the guys would have no trouble at all in seeing Margie and I and everything that we did.
Once again I used Margie as I had on the other occasions, showing her off from every angle and fucking her mouth and cunt in every way for the benefit of the guys just a few feet away outside the open window.
It was after this latest session that Tony said that he had two of those latest guys really keen to destroy my wife and my marriage, "they're posting her pics, along with her name, address, and phone number, all over the net. He told me to log onto which he told me was a search engine dedicated to porn. click on photos, and in the search box enter Margie Hansen slut wife, and you'll get a ***********ion of your slut spread all over the net.
I couldn't believe what he was telling me, and I began to regret all that I'd done and getting involved with Tony. This whole thing had gotten out of hand and the consequences were dire.
We started getting phone calls. Usually, if I answered, the caller would just hang up. If Margie answered, goodness knows what they were telling her, but she would listen for a moment and then hang up. If I asked who it was, she would say, "just a pest caller, or a scam" but I could tell by her flustered tone what it had been.
When we were out together, I would imagine that everyone was looking at us, but I know that it wasn't all my imagination. Various times guys would look at us with a wide grin on his face, or I would see a couple of guys whispering and looking at Margie.
Perhaps guys approached her when she was by herself and not with me. I don't know, she never said anything if they did.
One day I answered the phone and a guy's voice asked for Margie. I told him that she wasn't home at the moment. The guy paused and then asked if I was her husband.
I told him I was, and the guy told me that it was great what I was doing with her. "She's fucking gorgeous" he said, "and such a filthy fucking whore." He then continued describing her in the most filthy and lewd ways and told me that "the dirty little cunt needs a good gang fuck."
All of this was horny in a way, but at the same time I was panicking that she might find out what had been going on.
Well the rape did eventually take place. It was a Saturday and Margie had gone off to do the shopping. After several hours without her returning, I began to wonder, then as time went on, to worry.
I ended up walking to the shops and found our car in the supermarket car park but not a sign of Margie.
The day went by and I didn't know what to do. Anyone else might have gone to the police, but I knew that what ever had happened to Margie, must have something to do with my showing her off as a whore, and if I went to the police, it would eventually come out what had been going on.
It was nearing midnight when I heard a thumping at the front door, and moments later the squeal of tyres followed by the sound of a car racing away.
I found Margie naked and slumped on the driveway. Her eyes were staring and she was blubbering without making any sense.
Getting her inside, I began to run the bath. I was so relieved that she was back, and my worry for her was being taken over by sexual excitement at the thoughts of what had happened to her. Feeling her cunt, I found it absolutely sodden and dribbling with cum. She was still in a complete daze and it looked like she had probably been injected with drugs.
I bathed her as best I could, and got her into bed, where after a time she dozed off to sleep.
Next day she was still half stupid but she knew that she'd been abducted and gang raped. She talked of going to the police but I managed to dissuade her.
For months after that she was nervous and wouldn't go out of the house. Also her desire for sex completely shut down.
I told Tony all of what had happened. Whether he had any hand in her rape I don't know, but he was thrilled.
It was some 6 months or more before we watched a movie in which the girl was raped. When it happened I wasn't quite sure how Margie would react, obviously it would bring back memories. Anyhow she didn't say anything at the time, but later when we were lying in bed, she must have been thinking about it because suddenly she said, "it's better to be raped by six guys rather than just one."
I was a bit stunned, but I asked her why that was.
"One guy might do anything to you, might kill you, but six guys just fuck you" she replied.
I didn't know how to take this talk, whether I should keep quiet or try to get her talking about her own rape.
We were both quiet for some time, but then I said, "there were six of the were there?"
She confirmed that, then started talking about it, saying that she was scared at the time, but really, being six of them, it was quite safe for me.
This sort of broke the ice and we started talking about it.
It came out that afterwards she'd thought that I didn't want to fuck her because of other men having had her, but for my part I'd not wanted to push her and was waiting for her to make the first move. But all along we'd had mixed messages and had been missing out all of this time.
That night we fucked like animals, and the next day, even though I knew that it would probably lead to Margie being raped again, I told Tony that we were back in business.
Authors note: Obviously there's lots of fiction in this story, but in fact the basics, ie parading outside the house, getting Tony involved, and arranging for Tony to watch us through the window actually happened. Bulk guys and the rape are fiction. And the photos on line, that too happened but not so wild as I've made it sound. Mainly they were shown on xHamster but they've all been removed now, although Yandex still shows a few that used to be available.
I'm happy to talk about the factual stuff if anyone wants via email.
I like how the story started and got me thinking about my own emotions when i was in a similar position, but im not keen on the progression towards rape.
I like how the story started and got me thinking about my own emotions when i was in a similar position, but im not keen on the progression towards rape.
All in all i enjoyed it, thanks
All in all i enjoyed it, thanks