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Professor Hinkle, unable to resist forbidden feminine virgin student charms, finds himself caught in a clandestine affair with Felicity. The instructor of mathematics has met his equal, as she chooses him to be her first man.

Which causes trouble enough until Felicity seduces Hinkle’s buxom star pupil Alison, to join their surreptitious festivities.

The good professor thus has an opportunity to practice his skill with permutations.

The square was a chaotic mob of sound and color. Trees were festooned with the bright blossoms of springtime, and hormones were running high. I assume that a sports team from our college had just won, or kegs were on discount, or somebody had sneezed, or another of the usual reasons college students throw a party in the quad.

No math was involved, so why should a professor such as myself care? Other than to surreptitiously observe the shortness of the cheerleader skirts and the length of the supple smooth feminine legs beneath. As a good math instructor, I contemplated there being some kind of ratio involved. And formulaic curves. It would merit further study.

Meanwhile, to avoid being trampled by the hundreds of drunken thronging partiers, I took the long route. Triggering an elongated series of events, but that came later.

Now, where was I?

Ah yes, stepping through a doorway into the richly carpeted student lounge. With the leisurely automated pneumatic wheeze of the shutting door, the cacophony and celebration outside muted. I stepped through the high-ceilinged cool darkness of the lobby, to open the next door down a long hallway past the entrance to the pub adjoining the pizza bar. It was there that I, Hector Hinkle, ran into Felicity Albright for the first time. Or rather, that she ran into me, having been pushed away from the entrance by a large bouncer, wearing his smug little bullying smile.

As she spun around, all four feet of her, she found herself off balance, and fell into my arms, so to speak. Given her height, it was more against my midriff that she fell, and for a brief instant I felt the warm tingle of her light touch against me, felt the brush on my chest of her soft long red curls, when she wrapped her pale thin arms around my waist to break her fall. Her long rage of plaits flew aromatically, beneath her green plaid beret.

Our unintended affection was soon over as she twisted back viciously to the bouncer, brandishing her wallet. “I am too 18,” she shouted angrily. “Look! It says right here. If you know how to read. I bet he can read,” she jabbed her finger at me.

“Sure, little girl,” said the bouncer with unguent soothing. “Nice fake. Come back in a few years.”

Felicity glared at me with wide fiery bright blue eyes set like burning gems in her ivory face. She didn’t look a minute older than thirteen, if that. Here build was thin and her chest was flat. Her alabaster-white bare belly was taut and thin, smooth and sensuous. And she carried herself with the assertiveness of a short person who stands for no disrespect.

“Here,” she thrust the wallet at me, blinking her eyes, which were subtly and artistically shadowed in purple and black. Her driver’s license displayed her two dimensional doppelganger in the little window. “Am I eighteen or what?”

I rapidly calculated her age from her birth date.

“Indeed, I believe you are correct,” I said. “With forty-two days to spare.”

At that point, I should have turned away. I should have walked down the hallway, leaving the two of them to settle their petty dispute. But something about her held me back.

The magnetism of feminine youth, the way she looked at me, so wan and petite, eyes shining with sincerity, with more than ordinary familiarity. My mind halted. Had she been in one of my classes? I didn’t think so. A damsel in distress. A fraction of my age, and any involvement was sure to cause grief and gossip.

But there was something about her.

“However,” I thus foolishly continued, “I think it would be futile to persuade this gentleman of your necessary maturity.” I waved and cheerfully nodded at the bouncer, still with his smug grin. Through the open doorway to the bar I could hear laughter and voices.

“But my friends are in there,” she pleaded, looking at me, her eyes tearing. “I just want to say hello.”

“Can’t you send them a… whatever you send with those glowing little rectangular things all of you young people carry around.”

Her brow furrowed. “A smart phone?”

“Right, that was what they call them.”

“I hate those things,” she said. “I prefer real life.”

I grinned to hear such a refreshing thing from someone her age. “Perhaps distraction would be appropriate.”

She continued pouting for a minute, then her mood shifted as she looked up at me with a sly smile. “Distraction. Had you something in mind?”

An idea indeed went off in my imagination with a pop like a flash bulb, one involving her wearing few if any items of apparel. But I left it unrepeated.

Her smile intensified at my befuddlement.

“Buy me a beer,” she offered.

“No,” I replied.

Her smiled turned defiant. “Really.”

“I don’t drink,” I replied. “Since I’m a professor of mathematics, and thus study statistics.”

“Like how many beers you’ve had,” she said.

“I mean the statistics regarding cause of death in this country. Alcohol is number two, behind tobacco.”

She considered, sizing me up, my age, the professorly clothes. “Tea instead?”

Again, I should have walked away. Being a professor, aware of regulations, morals, ethics and taboos against consorting with students. Completely forbidden. You know how people talk. How stories spread. And academics can be vicious.

But there was something about her. Magical, elusive, spectacular yet obscure.

I said: “All right, you’re on. My name is Hector.”

She scanned me. “Professor?”

“Of mathematics.”

“Well, then. Felicity, art major. This way?” she gestured. There was a coffee shop out the back door and across the patio, away from the thronging crowds.

“Why not?” I replied.

But she had already turned and was leading the way. She glanced back to see that I followed, which I did.

From behind, I saw her thin bare and cute tiny jean-clad butt as she walked. I could see now in the daylight that her pale face was delicately freckled. I watched her little girl legs, phosphorescent white skin glowing under black lace, beneath her too-short black skirt.

She seemed to relish in her smallness, enjoying her stature to dance like a gleeful child, with the simple purity of a clear brook cascading joyfully through a spring meadow. She was perfectly proportioned, head and body. Perpetually with a cryptic knowing smile of innocence.

We stood in the queue for the counter a while, behind a cluster of attractive young females. I could have sworn I saw her scoping them out.

“Tea,” said Felicity, once the girls before us had ordered, and she arrived at the register.

“What kind?” shot back the nose-ringed, white-shirt- and apron-clad- baristo, who had a thin goatee.

“Gunpowder green,” she said, flashing a cheerful smile.

“Right-o,” said the barkeep, pulling out a drawer to fill the teabag from a bulk bin covered with a transparent plexiglass lid. “And for you, sir?” he looked back at me.

“Coffee,” I said. “12-ounce. Black”

“Perfecto,” said the baristo. “Coming right up.”

We had soon paid and were seated with our drinks. I bought hers. She didn’t seem to mind.

“Bosch,” she said wistfully, in answer to my query. “He’s my favorite. So intense.”

“That he is,” I said. “I have one of his coffee table books at home.”

“Do you, now?” she replied.

“If you’d ever like to see it,” I blundered.

She smiled.

I was afraid to ask what her expression signified.

“I find you intriguing,” she volunteered. “See, usually I like girls. But what is it about you?”

“There is?” I replied.

“Yes, there is,” said she.

“Maybe the forbidden professor thing?”


She sipped her tea, and I my coffee. My eyes were caught on her little belly button, plainly visible in the center of her bare midriff, below her black crop-top. My mind wandered from her belly button down to what might be concealed below it.

“I’m a virgin, you know,” she said. “When it comes to men.”

“I’m not,” I said, snapping back to attention, “when it comes to women.”

“I didn’t think so,” she smirked. “But I bet it’s been a while.”

I paused, flushing. The other coffee shop patrons seemed absorbed in their own conversations. “It has,” I conceded.

She nodded, playfully, again the mysterious smile, delicately running her little finger along the rim of her teacup.

That very afternoon, Felicity did come by to see the book, after an amiable conversation on a wide range of topics. It turned out she was quite well learned on the subject of art history, and spoke a bit of French as well.

She enjoyed the ride in my dark green MG Midget, after which I showed her into my house. Standard suburban issue, comfortable, but nothing Lloyd Wright.

While I was showing Felicity in, Corinne rode by on her pink bicycle. The eleven-year-old blonde seemed to have a crush on me.

“Hi Corinne,” I said with a smile.

She stopped, taking in the fact that I was with Felicity. I could not parse the expression she gave. Fascination? Jealousy? Both?

“Hello Hector,” said Corinne. “Who’s your friend?”

“This is Felicity,” I replied.

“Oh,” said Corinne. “Whatcha doin’?”

“We’re um…” I began, swallowing down the words ‘going to have sex!’

“Looking at art,” blurted out Felicity, rescuing me. “Books. Book. An art book. Bosch,” she continued, studying Corinne’s fascination.

Corinne’s hair was ashen blonde, with waves, radiating out on all sides. Her eyes were flint emerald, and seemed to sear right through you when she looked at you full on.

“Can I come see?” said Corinne, taking off her pink helmet.

“Sure,” I began.

“It’s adult art,” said Felicity. “Not for young girls.”

“Oh,” said Corinne, with a sad smile, putting her helmet back on. Now her hair was a frizzed-out mess. “I’m not that young,” she said more softly.

Felicity urged me to come in so she could shut the door.

“See you later,” I said to Corinne.

“Bye,” said Corinne, facing me with her cute little butt as she rode away.

I sat on the nondescript but cozy grey couch, and Felicity picked up the coffeetable Bosch book, sitting in my lap. “Can I call you daddy?” she said with a blithe flip through the art book, squirming with her hot tiny butt muscles against my lap.

I was befuddled. She was moving faster than I had expected, and I found myself half-consciously working my legs, knees apart then together, over and over again beneath her.

“Certainly Felicity,” I replied, as affirmatively as I could. Encouraging her to keep going. “Call me what you like. Late for dinner, even.”

“OK, pops,” she said, turning around, staring in my eyes, stars in hers, and kissed me. It was a long, luscious kiss, with hints of passion, layers of lust, and a mysterious whiff of something beyond knowing, a sweet mystery.

She whirled onto her hands and knees, on the couch to my left, and unzipped my trousers, giggling. She tugged on what she found inside there. I gulped, moaning, too weak to resist what what I knew was a positively bad idea.

I watched her thin bare midriff, a graceful elliptical cylinder. Still fully clothed, she unzipped and undid, to expose me before her in all my sensitive secret vulnerability. Giggling, she found me with her tongue.

Soon her pixie-like mouth was radiating stardust as she took me in, her tongue exploring the soft pink landscape. Electric tingles surged up and down my spine.

“You know there are ethics about this,” I protested, cradling her head in my palms.

She smiled, letting me out of her mouth so she could speak. “But I’m not your student,” she answered, then proceeded onwards. There I was, bare before her beautiful face, as her sweet pure young tiny mouth plied the surface, kissing softly, sending shivers of frisson with every touch.

Eyes made up in airbrushed purple and black, she was an Egyptian goddess, an impertinent child.

“Besides, we barely just met,” she said, as if that made our encounter more ethical. She collapsed down on the the cushions and continued licking.

Now over the line, how far could we go? “Can I pretend you’re younger?” I ventured diffidently.

She grinned, her eyes fixed on me. “As I suspected.”

I waited. “Well?” I asked finally.

“Sure thing, daddy. I sure like your thing, you know, whatever they call it.”


She swallowed me whole, for a brief moment, then worked on the tip.

“Hey, toots,” I said, running my fingers along her soft young curved spine as she lay there beside me on the couch. “Let me play with you.”

“OK,” she said, getting up once more on hands and knees so I could reach under with my left hand and run my finger up and down her little fold, outside her white panties with roses on them, which I saw when her wool plaid skirt went up over her back.

“No,” she said, sliding my hand along her belly under the elastic. “Inside.”

My fingers found the aperture, beneath the white cotton fabric. There was barely any hair.

“Wait,” she said, pulling off her undies and tossing them impatiently aside. Still she wore the black lace leggings, renaissance sabots, and black crop top, her crotch and midriff alone being bare.

“Now,” she said glancing back with a grin. “Pretend I’m Corinne!”

“I can’t–” I protested. “She’s a blonde. I mean. And, it’s like, ethics, you know?”

“Based on what?” she asked.

“What based on what?” I replied

“Your ethics. Based on what?” she asked.

“Well, you know. Morality.”

“Cop-out,” she said. “That’s a synonym, not a reason. What is the reason you find it unethical?”

“Harming others,” I said. “Is unethical.”

“Who are you harming? Who would you be?”

Silently, I gestured out to where Corinne had been with my head.

“She left. You don’t have to refrain from talking about her.”

“It’s not respectful,” I said.

“And she’s never, um, ‘disrespected’ you the same way? Ever? You’re sure?”

“Not exactly the same, for sure,” I said.

She cocked her head. “OK, point taken. But where’s the harm? Point to it.”

“Well, I can’t. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t any.”

“What is it, then?”

“That our… cultural norms… the law…”

“But you’re not doing anything illegal.”

“Maybe it should be,” I said.

“You know,” she pointed out with a grin, “You’re getting harder from talking about this.”

“OK, but isn’t it wrong to imagine something against the law? Or that might hurt someone?” I said.

“Is sex with a willing and eager minor worse or not as bad as murder and torture?”

“I’d have to say ‘not as bad as,’” I conceded.

“Watch TV any night of the week and you can see torture and killing, multiple times. Not only is it legal, people make gobs of money writing this dreck for the lurid but shallow imaginations of middle-aged housewives across the land.”

I was silent.

“Well?” she said.

“You have a point there.”

She sat on my lap facing away from me, my pike before her, cuddled in her moist crotch, playing with it, bouncing like a small girl, and singing little nonsense rhymes.

Each line of verse was completely different, and there was no consistent rhyme, though some of the couplets had similar sounds.

Falala nanana

Apricot banana

Howling santana

Dice and delights

and rice with, um,

rum and dice and

sites of Santanas,

howling with bandanas

Like an electric guitar, whoo hoo!

And as she ‘blew the whistle’ she gave my tip a little twirl.

First she composed the rhyme slowly, then started repeating it faster and faster, the rhythm of her hips and pelvis following suit. All the while, she played with my rod, which by now was uncompromisingly stiff. I felt the hot moist undercurrent of her fold pressed against the top base of my shaft.

“Oh, man,” I said.

She spun her head around to look at me with a possessed grin, filled with madness.

She jumped up, her tiny butt in my face, spread her legs wide apart and lowered her naked crotch over me. Amazing how agile and flexible she was. I held her bare thin waist. So taut, so smooth.

I felt my tip connect with her vagina, and plunge into her hot dripping softness a little ways. Until it was too tight to go any further.

There was a drop of blood tangled in my pubic hair. She had just lost her virginity.

She moaned in front of me while she alternated her pelvis back and forth to work me deeper and deeper inside of her.

The first time ever for her. I imagined what it must be like, to feel the pulsing strength of my full hardness inside her very core. How special for her to allow me this privilege, to break down her sacred barrier, as I danced beneath her.

I leaned forward and whispered quietly into her ear, my mouth pressed against her silky neck, hushed through her fragrant red curls: “I love you! Oh Felicity, I love you!”

“Oh,” she called back. “Hector!”

Now she had opened up a little ways, and was deftly sliding up and down my stubborn stiffness. I kissed her bare backside as she bounced up and down. She glanced behind at me, but was too caught up in the intoxication of the moment to spare any attention.

For my part, as the minutes passed, the hollow aching knot inside my pubic arch welled up with greater and greater longing, and I felt such tender emotion for this young girl, swelling in my heart and lungs. Such sweetness, and in that moment of wild passion I adored her madly.

The colors of this ordinary scene took on spectral hues never seen before, lights visible and invisible playing against the shadows with tantalizing arcane secrets of intimacy. My ears now clearer, could hear for the first time distinctly harmonies of bird songs as they cheerily chirped outside.

I held her waist for a while, then moved my hands up higher on her torso, to run my fingers across her tiny breasts, through the fabric of the black top she still wore. She let out a yelp when I did so, and her moans became louder and louder as my fingers passed lightly across her little nipples, through the cloth.

Eventually, I could hold back no longer: I unleashed my seed inside of her. We both held still for the silent rhythmic pumping, that splashed warm spurting sweetness into her welcoming interior.

It turned out she had been nearing her climax as well, for as I let go in her, she shuddered and shook, gyrating ever so slowly as she sighed: “Ah! Ah! Ah!” over and over. Chaos and ecstasy filled the galaxies.

Then there was a quiet lull.

She angled around with a mysterious grin, and somehow manged to rotate a hundred and eighty degrees, so that she was now facing me, all the while still impaled on my still-stiff rod. She sat down once more and kissed me on the lips, long and sensuous, as I felt liquid dripping back down onto me. We kissed again and again, ever so sweetly.

Afterward, we went walking in the university flower garden, petals luminous in the late afternoon sun. Eyebrows of students and staff alike raised at seeing the two of us so gleefully together, but no questions were asked.

We kissed and held each other when nobody was around, and later watched the sun setting on the ocean from a nearby hilltop, the clouds radiant and spectacular with the shifting spectra of burning colors reflected in the distant moving waves below.


Alison White was my star pupil that semester. To every tricky problem, she was the first to raise her hand with a solution. I had begun regularly inserting the phrase “someone other than Alison” as a suffix to questions, in order to grant some of the other poor students a fighting chance.

I wasn’t sure why she was lingering here after class, in that special dark blue shirt with red trim, and the low center cut leaving nothing to the imagination regarding her cleavage. She was buxom and blonde, with long hair that tumbled down around her head like a waterfall. But though she was well equipped with mathematical perfection of curves, she was also clearly in good physical shape. Her bicycle stood at the top of the room, by the door.

Together we sat in the pit of the classroom arena, vacant student note-taking desks in a conical semicircle all around, me in a chair behind the desk, briefcase beside me, and her to one side perched somewhat precariously on a stool.

Her light pink backpack was tossed carelessly next to her. With her feet up on the crosspiece, her knees were like inverted V’s toward the ceiling, and I did my best not to glimpse her white underwear as her lovely bare thighs lifted up her dress.

My best was not very good. The underwear was trimmed with lace. She seemed unconscious of the effect it had on me.

Then there was the natural perfume from between her legs that was driving me mad, but her mind was ever a supercomputer, a precision matrix of cold calculation.

“Have you ever divided by zero, Professor H?” she was asking, teasingly. She dangled a pencil, eraser downward, between her breasts, without seeming to notice. I attempted to push the obvious analogy from my mind. Of a long thing between her breasts.

“You can’t divide by zero,” I said. “You know that.”

“But you can take the square root of minus one.”

“True, because you can define a system in which none of the principles of mathematics are violated.”

“Violated,” she repeated, as she tapped the eraser absently at the point exactly bisecting a line drawn between the foci of her two shapely mounds. Completely unaware her devastating effects on me. Her clear blue eyes were keen on mine. She was intent on the problem.

“But just think of all the different kinds of solutions that would emerge. You could invent a whole new kind of math. Instead of i for imaginary, it could be z for ‘divided by zero.’ ”

I thought of something shaped more or less like a zero that I wouldn’t mind dividing, or delving into. The ‘oh’ between her two thighs. OK, enough!

Mentally I slapped myself for thinking such a thing. I was waiting for Felicity, after all, where the hell was she?

These young people, so unpredictable, so unreliable. My new girlfriend, for example. Only, she could never be my girlfriend officially, and nobody could ever be given even subtle clues to guess at our degree of intimacy.

Ominously, I sensed an impending collision. When was Alison going to decide it was time to leave?

“So you’re saying hypothetically, that 1/0 would be z,” I replied, hoping to defuse this situation as quickly as possible.

“Right,” she replied.

“Then 2/0 would be 2z.”


“But,” I said, “the multiplicative rule of zero is that when you multiply by zero, you get zero.”

“So we break the rules,” she replied. Was she winking?

“But it leads to algebraic anomalies,” I protested. “And how about zero over zero?”

“It would be zero times z.”

“Right, but you said that by definition z times zero is one.”

Smiling with determination to find the answer, she tapped her eraser once more thoughtfully in the same spot between her beautiful breasts. Her mind, racing in the realm of mathematical principles, was completely disconnected from the tapping.

The door opened.

“Ah, Felicity,” I exclaimed, leaping up from my seat.

Felicity, all four feet of her, in colorful renaissance-like garb, peered down curiously from the heights of the classroom theatre, assessing the cast below.

“Are you busy?” she asked sheepishly. “I can come back later.”

“No,” I glanced at Alison. “I’m ready to go.” My nerves jumped, wondering how I would explain Felicity to Alison. Hoping I would not need to. Friend? Sister? Niece? White lies leapt through my mind.

Alison followed close behind me as I trudged up the steps with my black briefcase. Nearly brushing my buttocks with her breasts as she leaned forward to climb. Would I need to introduce the two of them? Must I?

We arrived at the top floor where Felicity stood, clad in colorful waif-like costume, wearing a dark red beret. An Indian print cloth purse was dangling from one shoulder. Circular mirrors glittered from here and there on the purse where they had been sewn in. A scarf in Hogwarts colors adorned her cute little neck.

“Well, well,” said Felicity, basking in the jagged rays of jealousy flying in electric arcs from Alison’s eyes. “What have we here?”

“Felicity, this is Alison,” I said, too quickly. “My star pupil,” I added, hoping to appease Alison.

Alison looked hurt. Disappointment pervaded her aura. “I guess I’ll be going, then,” she said, but made no move toward her bicycle, which was parked leaning against the wall adjacent. She slung her light pink knapsack around onto her back.

Felicity’s eyes glittered. “Leaving so soon?” she asked softly. Then, and this is one of the things I love about Felicity, she daringly connected the dots.

“Glad to meet you, Alison,” she said, and before I knew it, my sweet little girlfriend was giving the buxom blonde a deep hug. Placing her head in that familiar bare spot where Alison had been tapping the eraser. Oh how was I jealous the position of Felicity’s bodacious red curls in that instant.

Alison was taken aback. She turned as if to wander over to her bicycle. Her face was flushed. Her pheromones had spiked and the aroma was once more driving me mad.

“I think she should come over,” decided Felicity.

“Over where?” said Alison cautiously.

“Hector’s house,” grinned Felicity.

Alison warmed up. “You mean, you would have me over to your house, Mr. H?”

I looked at Felicity, who nodded. “Um, sure. Why not? We can have some tea or something.”

“Tea,” said Felicity, gleaming.

“My car has only two seats,” I reminded Felicity.

“I can sit on her lap,” offered Felicity.

“I’d rather ride my bike, if I may,” said Alison. “Wow, what an honor. Visiting my professor’s house. I’ve never done that before.”

“I wonder what else you’ve never done before,” whispered Felicity. If Alison heard, she did not reply.

“It’s easy to find,” I explained. “Close by.”

I gave her directions to my place, and we parted ways, Alison setting out on her bike, with a well-practiced spin of the pedals yielding a series of elegantly precise clicks from the sprockets. She leapt on board and was off in a flash, leaving Felicity and myself to walk to the parking lot.

The two of us ambled side by side, but not touching. We had to be careful not to reveal our relationship. Strolling together was bad enough. If anyone asked, we were working on a project together. Sure. What kind of project?

“What about our plans for this afternoon?” I asked, with an edge to my voice.

Felicity cocked her head. “I just think it’s important for our relationship, that you have female friends other than me.”

I gave a tolerant sigh.

“Trust me,” she said. “I think it will be for the best. And me too. I should have female friends other than me.” she grinned.

Alison’s First

By the time we got there, Alison had already arrived, and was sitting cross-legged on the lawn, knees and calves bare, with books and papers spread out around her, working out the solutions for today’s problem set.

She glanced at her smart phone. “It took you seventeen minutes longer to get here by car. I assume the slower velocity while you were walking to the parking lot accounts for the difference. Unless you were doing something else in the meantime.” The jealousy was back briefly in her glare.

“And stoplights,” I said absently, producing a key. I looked up at the clouds gathering in the still sunlit blue sky. “Storm coming,” I said.

“Can I bring my bike in?” asked Alison, wheeling it over to the cement porch amid a symphony of elegant clicking from the sprockets.

“Sure,” I said, opening the door. “The front hallway here should be fine.”

“Can I use the head?” said Alison.

“Of course,” I said. “Down the hall to the left.

“I’ll go with you,” said Felicity.

For some reason, this met with no objection. Girls, I will never understand them.

“I’ll just put some water on the stove to boil, in case someone wants...”

The bathroom door lock clicked.


Sighing, I checked the phone machine. Zero. Divided by. Feeling fidgety and aimless, I lay down on the couch, watching the shadows of windblown leaves in the sun as they played upon the wooden walls. I could still faintly smell Felicity’s scent, from our delightful recent episode on the same couch.

Restlessly I picked up the Hironymus Bosch art book and thumbed through it briefly, before setting it back on the table. Disturbing stuff, really. I ought to get some Maxfield Parrish.

There was an awful lot of giggling from the bathroom, and after a while I was fairly certain that enough time had passed for both girls to have taken care of any needs they might have had. Proper bathroom-type needs, anyway.

I was just starting to doze when they reemerged with a flurry of laughter. They seemed to be fast friends now. Had Alison taken off her bra? I could swear that before, I hadn’t seen her nipples perked up in such great detail through the dark blue fabric. Was that a smudge of lipstick on Alison’s lips? I don’t think she had been wearing any, but Felicity was decked out in her usual purple and black eye makeup, and was definitely wearing lipstick.

Felicity sat on the edge of the couch, near my waist, stretching her arm over to the back of the couch to support herself as she leaned over me. Alison sat shyly on the end of the couch at my feet.

Felicity’s beret and scarf were now missing, so I could enjoy the graceful form of her dainty neck.

“So, will it be oolong, then?” I asked.

“What?” said Alison.

“Kind of tea. Never mind,” I replied. “What were you talking about in there?”

More giggles.

“Well?” I said.

“You tell him,” prompted Alison.

“Sure?” replied Felicity.

“Go,” replied Alison.

Felicity looked at me and spoke deliberately and slowly. “Sex-u-al Fan-ta-sies.”

Then she lovingly patted the form that was tenting up inside my pants.

“You like that?” she said.

I hesitated. “Go on,” I replied.

“Well,” said Felicity, glancing back at Alison. “It turns out that your star pupil has been contemplating combinations of things.”


“Sure. Like mouths and vaginas and...” she patted again. “Cute! This little guy.”

I watched them both smiling at me. I was afraid to ask. “I assume that you came up with something,” I finally said.

“We did.”

Alison smiled at me, a cherishing smile, for a moment filled with familiar delight.

“So first of all,” continued Felicity, “She’s a virgin.”

The tent was becoming knotted and uncomfortable. “Can I?” I looked down at it.

“By all means,” smiled Felicity, gazing fondly at my crotch. “Adjust.”

I ran my hands around inside my pants to untangle things. I loosened my belt for freer flow.

“Go on,” I said.

“So what she wants for her first time,” said Felicity. “Don’t be shocked. Are you ready?”

I was thinking: now I have two forbidden student affairs to keep secret. Great. What next?

“Sure,” I said. “Ready as ever.”

“A silver thread of your semen dripping from my pussy into her mouth, as you thrust into her mercilessly with your enormous cock, and spurt copious quantities of your spunk into her awaiting vagina.”

I gave a slow gasp. “I see. I think we could engineer that.” What was I saying? This was completely forbidden! Impossible! No, unthinkable! A professor of math was never even to conceive of behaving in such a manner with two students.

I knew in the depths of my conscience that I should call a halt to the proceedings immediately, that I should recant and deny all that had taken place thus far, and retreat to a monastery wherein only pure Platonic thoughts of numbers and symbols of perfect forms danced in the minds sacred holy men.

I did have willpower! I could resist! Truly I could do it! I kept repeating to myself, hoping I might believe it.

“But first,” said Alison, “I want you to come between my breasts. All over my face, if you can.”

Something snapped. The Platonic perfectionist fell over a cliff into an abyss in my mind, landing in the darkness behind a thick steel doorway that slammed shut. The trapped willpower might have been clamoring, banging and screaming to be released, but the room behind the steel door in the abyss was soundproof, and I found it rapidly slipping away from my mind.

“All of that might take awhile,” I said.

Alison was a little sad. “Friday night, and I don’t have anything going on. No wild plans here.”

“Me either,” said Felicity, grinning. “Except for this.”

“You have to promise to never ever tell a soul about what we might be doing here. Ever. It’s against every rule ever written at the university.”

“I promise.”

“I promise.”

“I could get into so much trouble for this,” I said.

Silence fell on the room.

Felicity turned to Alison. “So you’ve never slept with a professor before?”

Alison tilted her head. “My western civ teacher, kinda.”

We both gasped. “What?” I exclaimed. Sweet, pure innocent Alison?

“Well, it was a really boring class, and I had a hard time staying awake. So I always fell asleep in the middle of the lecture, and he was there teaching, so I guess you could say I slept with him… there in the same room.”

Felicity laughed. “Doesn’t count.”

“Why, have you?” asked Alison.

“Not yet,” said Felicity, glancing at me. “I mean, we didn’t do any sleeping, did we?”

I shook my head reluctantly.

“So what do you think, Mr. H?” said Alison, with a shy smile. “Will you give me what I want?”

I sighed. “How could I deny such a sincere request from an honor student?” I replied.

“Was that a ‘yes?’ ” asked Felicity.

This was it. No turning back now.

“Yes,” I said.

Both of the girls bounced up and down and clapped gleefully. “Yay!”

“It’s so inspiring to see a teacher work so hard to please your students,” said Felicity, winking. “You set a shining example that all should follow.”

“Enough,” I said. “Let’s start by drawing some of the curtains. And we should lock the front door.”

“And unplug the phone.”

We went about the house doing those things.

“I would draw the curtains,” said Felicity, “but I left my art pad at home.”

Meanwhile, Alison was drawing the curtains.

Fairly satisfied that things were secure and unplugged, I returned to the couch. “You could draw close to me,” I said, patting the spot to my left on the cushion.

Felicity walked over and sat down, but Alison raced over and dove in, squeezing her butt between the two of us.

“We should adjourn to the bedroom in a minute,” I said. “But first, there is something I want to do.” I gazed at Alison.

Alison was on the verge of a giggle, and I could tell her mind was racing, wondering what I could possibly want to do to her.

“I love how kinky you are,” I said to her, “but let’s start here.” I turned placed my hands on her shoulders, one hand on each shoulder, holding her firmly as I looked into her wonderfully blue eyes.

“Alison White, you are my star pupil, and I love you very much. You are unbelievably beautiful. You have no idea how long I have been craving to make love with you.”

Gently I caressed her cheek with the tips of my fingers, and then the other cheek. I stroked her hair, running my fingers through it, and fondled her earlobe delicately.

She took in a deep breath, face flushed. I leaned over slowly, my mouth approaching hers. Our lips met, gently and briefly. Hers were soft and moist. I backed away, but she leaned in and kissed me forcefully, reaching her hand around behind me to pull me close, thrusting her tongue between my lips.

Felicity was placing moist soft kisses on Alison’s cheek, and I saw her hand sneaking down underneath the blue cutaway shirt to caress Alison’s right nipple.

The kiss lasted a while, and when we were done, Alison fell back against the couch, mouth agape.

Felicity wasted no time in filling the gaping opening with her own tongue, and the girls were kissing, caressing and playing in each others’ arms, though Alison’s right hand was resting in my lap, exploring.

Then Felicity sat up and reached under Alison’s skirt, pulling at her undies. Alison did a little bun dance so they would come loose. Soon the lace panties were around her chubby knees, then her ankles, then flying over Bosch to land on the carpet somewhere.

Felicity knelt down on the rug between Alison’s bare legs, and pulled up her skirt to reveal her delightful pussy. I watched with a tingle of excitement. Never before had I watched one girl play with another.

“My first,” said Alison. “will be a girl!” She settled in pleasantly, and Felicity gave her pussy a light peck. Then a heavier one. Then extended her pointed tongue and drew a vertical line upwards. Alison gasped.

Then Felicity’s small face dug into Alison’s vagina with the force and ferocity of a pack of piranhas.

Alison trembled, from the base of her spine. “Ah!” she said. “Felicity! I love you!” She placed a gentle hand on the top of Felicity’s head as it rocked back and forth.

Seeing Alison helpless in her supine pose, head thrown back, I yielded to the impulse to once more rise up and kiss her mouth. She kissed back, and her right hand found my again. She cuddled my balls in her palm.

With my left arm on the back of the couch behind her, I found her breasts with my free right hand and lightly caressed each in turn.

Alison’s kisses lacked, what shall we call it, focus? Possibly she was distracted. Can’t think how. Her breath was hoarse and deep, and stopped and started periodically with the rhythm of the head between her legs. I glanced down to see Felicity’s ever so cute face as she worked. Two fingers of her left hand were now playing adeptly inside of Alison’s.

“Oh, Felicity!” whispered Alison now and again, between kisses. I smothered her words with my loving tongue. Until at last there was a louder “OH!” and then her back arched in an apogee of stillness. I heard a lapping sound from between her legs, but it wasn’t Felicity.

“Oh my God!” shouted Alison, as, one by one, teaspoonfuls of juice pushed their way out of her pussy, over Felicity’s fingers, staining the inside of the blue skirt, and dripping a bit onto the couch.

Her face was flushed. “I’m so sorry,” she said. “I made a mess. I forgot to tell you.”

Felicity grinned. “Girl, you squirt. That is HOT! So awesome!”

I kissed Alison on the cheek gently. “That was wonderful,” I said. “I’ll never wash this couch again. Did you have fun?”

Alison collapsed into relaxation, eyes closed. Then she opened them and gave me a smiling sideways look. “I think I might have had some fun.”

the Line of Bisexion

Adhering to our plan, as outlined by Alison’s primal fantasy, we adjourned to the bedroom, after tossing her skirt into the washing machine along with a load of mine that was ready to go. I smiled to think that my own clothes would be bathed and blessed by Alison’s sacred juices.

Speaking of loads that were ready to go, Alison had now also taken off her tantalizing top, in preparation for what was to follow, and the sight of my favorite budding math genius fully in the nude had my already plump hardon fully roused.

I peeled back the top sheet and blankets, leaving them on the floor so that we could cavort unimpeded on the king-sized mattress.

“Nice sheets,” said Felicity. “I like the shade of amber. Are they satin?”

I shrugged. “They’re what you get when you pay a little more.”

Alison crawled to the center and turned over to lie down face up. She patted the spot at the bisection of her breasts. “Over here, Mr. H. You’ll have to give me a good grade now.”

I scoffed. “I always have to give you a good grade, my dear. You never get less than 98% on any of my tests.”

“It would have been a straight hundred if that one question hadn’t been ambiguous,” argued my prize student.

Meanwhile, Felicity had located the lotion, and had walked over on her knees to where she was kneeling at Alison’s head, squirting and smearing from the bottle between Alison’s two gorgeous and sizable mounds. Felicity had taken off her outer clothes, but was still wearing a pair of burgundy colored panties. Her almost nonexistent tits were beautifully on display. She still had on a silver anklet with little bells on it, and an array of bracelets on either wrist.

“You still want me to come on your face?” I asked. “I don’t think this will take long. After all you girls have done to me.”

“Yes, professor,” she replied, shy and innocent. “I want to watch your precious fluids come spurting out all over me. I’ve never seen anything like that before.”

Gasping, I almost came when she said that.

“I’ll see what I can do,” I said.

Felicity tapped on her shoulder, indicating for Alison to prop herself up while Felicity wriggled underneath her. Now, a grinning Felicity was in position to place her hands on either side of Alison’s large breasts while I lowered myself into the middle. Felicity’s legs were spread out like a butterfly underneath the larger girl.

“I was going to hold them,” said Alison.

“Now you can play with yourself instead,” instructed Felicity.

“Oh,” replied Alison, feeling silly she hadn’t thought of it on her own. Glancing behind me as I straddled her chest, I saw her making motions like a high-jump diver with both hands against her vagina.

“Ah!” said Alison.

I lowered myself down, and Felicity squeezed Alison’s flesh in on me. My burning desire surged as I found myself delightfully in the middle of her soft delicate skin. I remembered all the times I had seen her in the classroom, so cleverly unraveling the knotted problems before her. One of the most intelligent students I have ever had.

“You know, Mr. H, I used to fantasize about you doing this to me while I was sitting in class.”

I could not help but thrust again and again into her warm loving heart, gently at first, buried entirely inside the ocean of soft skin, but then as I thrust harder, the tip began to poke out at the extension of each push, right beneath her lovely chin.

With each thrust, I was pushing Alison’s naked back against Felicity’s open crotch, and now and then Felicity would issue a gentle moan of pleasure, never losing her intent focus on following my rhythm with the pressure of her hands, pleasuring me ever so capably with Alison’s pudgy breasts.

“I have a confession to make, Mr. H,” said Alison. Glancing back again, I saw that she continued her rhythmic waves with the ‘V’ of her hands against her vagina, even while she spoke. She was so wonderfully capable of multiple lines of thought simultaneously. What a mind!

“What would that be?” I said, pausing for a moment.

“I think I may be bisexual,” said Alison.

“Interesting hypothesis,” I replied, resuming my thrusts. “I wonder what evidence you might have to support such a supposition.”

Felicity relaxed her compression, and Alison’s breasts fell apart so that we all could see my bursting member in full extension.

“Here, you take them now,” said Felicity.

“OK,” said Alison.

There was some brief shuffling among the females in the corps. Felicity slid up to where Alison’s head was now cradled in the crotch of her burgundy panties, which I noticed were now wet in the center. If they had been standing, Alison might have been giving her a shoulder-back ride. And now Felicity’s lovely petite face was even with mine. She grinned across from me.

“Hi,” she said.

Placing her hands on either side of her, Alison had re-submerged my cock between her breasts, and I began thrusting again, slowly now to avoid coming too quickly. The professor’s penis between the breasts of his most excellent student.

I lowered my head, and my lips met with Felicity’s, her lips like those of a small child. It occurred to me that she was the one who had set this all up. My sweet girlfriend.

“Oh, Felicity,” I said. “How I love you.”

I held Felicity’s tiny torso, my thumbs now and then brushing the nipples of her nearly nonexistent breasts.

This went on for some time, as I tenderly held and kissed the smaller girl while ardently fucking the other’s enormous boobs. Until I sensed that the moment had arrived.

I broke off our kiss, and Felicity eyed me curiously.

“Here it is!” I said by way of explanation.

Alison, intuitively sensing the same, let go of her breasts, and I lifted up to aim the barrel of the gun so the stream of fire would fall on her beautiful young face. With deft certainty, she encircled the base of my rod with one soft lovely hand, while the other cupped underneath my sack.

Joyously I pushed against her hands, while she helped me aim. And indeed the promised white droplets of sweet sticky fluid spurted forth from the tiny mouth in the center of the ruddy head.

Our aim was perfect. The first shot went in a line from one corner of her lips across her nose into her hair. And again across her forehead, into her hair. Then once more up her nostril, and again into her eye, and finally a few more bursts into her open mouth, as she took me in and circled me with her tongue, welcoming and swallowing my sweetness between her chaste red lips.

Still a virgin, I thought, resuming my kisses with Felicity, who placed her hands behind my head to draw her to me as I continued to fuck Alison’s mouth. Felicity’s tongue probed into my mouth lovingly.

Still stiff, I shoved deeper and deeper into Alison’s mouth, until a final last drop burst forth onto the back of her tongue.

Alison looked up and regarded me with fond affection with one eye, the other being plastered shut by my mucous. With me in her mouth, she inhaled through her nose, sucking into her nostril the drop that had landed there. Her eyes widened as she felt it make its way to her sinuses.

Nonetheless, she cherished my dwindling hardness in her mouth, until the embers of orgasm finally faded in an asymptotic curve toward zero.

Finally, she released me, and I popped from her mouth, accompanied by a ribbon of drool, that dripped down her chin and across her chest.

“Thank you Mr. H,” she said breathlessly. “Can I have my senior portrait taken now?”

And we all laughed, seeing Alison fully naked smeared with lotion, my come, and her own drool. A stain of clear fluid marked my sheets nearby her pussy.

I lay beside Alison while Felicity freed herself from being underneath her, and on hands and knees, delicately licked all of the places where my droplets had hit Alison’s face, occasionally kissing Alison on the lips, their faces upside down from one another.

Alison’s hand found her way back down to her crotch, and mine followed, gingerly at first. I had never held her hand. I started by running my fingers up and down her pale bare thighs. And then I placed my hand on top of hers, riding along while she gently pleasured herself.

“Sweet Alison,” I said.

Would I ever again be able to look at her beautiful shining eager young face in the classroom, without remembering my spurted secretions dripping all over it?


We took a break for tea. After a bathroom break. I had to take a leak.

“Can I hold your dick while you go?” asked Alison. “I always wondered what it was like to do that.” And so she did, standing behind me, naked breasts hanging loose, and pressed against my bare back.

When I had finished, it was Felicity’s turn to go. We were all still naked, and Alison was still holding my cock. She came around in front of me and kissed me, while Felicity’s stream of piss flowed noisily into the bowl.

“Are you stealing my boyfriend?” prodded Felicity.

“No, just borrowing,” said Alison. “Like in subtraction.” She kissed me on the cheek, still holding my wiener, which happened to be right in front of Felicity’s mouth. Felicity leaned over and swallowed the tip for a moment, sucking biting playfully before she let it go.

“Subtraction,” Felicity then said. “Sounds like stealing.”

“Hey!” I said. “Nobody’s stealing anybody. I love you both.”

Felicity got up to wash her hands, and Alison sat down. Her stream of liquid hissed forth. She grabbed my wrist, and wouldn’t let me leave until I had wiped her gently clean. When I was done, she smiled up at me. “Just like a pro,” she said.

We went back into my bedroom, to scrounge things to wear. Felicity was still wearing the burgundy panties, with the moist spot in the middle, but she put on a pair of my boxers over them, and one of my tank-top shirts. Alison found an old pair of my pajamas, and I put on my customary dark blue robe.

“Hey, what are you doing in that drawer!” I snapped irritably at Felicity.

“Got some toys, have we?” she pulled out a long object with a wide base. “What’s this? Why would you have a dildo around?”

“Not a dildo,” I grumbled. “Why do you think I have it?”

Alison dashed over to see. She ran her hands along it, sending a tingle up my spine. “Is it a butt-plug?” she said.

I nodded, reluctantly. “I do bleach it, by the way.”

“Ooh, Mr. H. I never realized how kinky you were. Not too bad for a boring old math teacher.”

“Thanks,” I said, evasively. “Anyone for tea?”

“Makes you feel naughty, using this, does it?” said Felicity.

“I suppose,” I replied.

“Perfect,” said Felicity, tossing the anal toy onto the bed. “We can look at the rest of these later.”

The two college students followed me to the kitchen, where they sat at the table while I set about filling the kettle and putting it on to boil. Then Felicity got up, giving Alison a little kiss on the lips, simultaneously tweaking her nipple with a little feel.

Then she came over to where I stood at the Wedgewood range, waiting for the gas to light. She thrust her hand between the folds of my robe, and grabbed on gently to what she found there.

“May I help you?” I said. The gas lit, and I set down the kettle on the burner.

“What kinds of tea, do you have, Mr. H?”

“There’s a selection of them up here,” I said. She followed, holding on to me as I opened one of the cupboard doors. “I don’t think I have gunpowder green, but I may have something like it.”

“Can you...?” she reached up. The shelf was too high for her.

“Certainly,” I said, pulling out the array of boxes and setting them on the counter. Felicity let go of me in order to parse through the selection.

“Do you have coffee?” asked Alison.

“Let’s see,” I said looking in the refrigerator. “Fair trade organic Sumatran, medium roast. Will that be OK?”

“Sounds great,” said my enfant terrible.

“I can use the french press,” I said, opening the cupboard and retrieving it.

“I’ll have this,” said Felicity, handing me a box of Moroccan mint, made with oolong.

She went back to the table and plopped down in Alison’s lap. Alison wrapped her arms tenderly around Felicity.

“I’ve got an idea,” said Felicity.

“Yes?” I replied diffidently, uncertain that the type of idea she tended to have would lead in a virtuous direction.

“We could have fantasy sex.” She was all excitement and animation.

“What kind of fantasy?” said Alison. “This already sort of is my fantasy. I mean, thanks, you guys. I really appreciate it.”

“Any time,” I said.

“We could pretend,” said Felicity, bouncing on Alison’s lap, “That you–” she pointed at Alison “–are my mother, and I am your daughter. I’ve been bugging you about sex, so you went out and found an older man who was kinky enough to try me out.”

“Sounds kind of fun,” said Alison, nodding.

I sat down at the table with them.

“Doesn’t it sound like fun, Mr. H?” said Felicity.

“Too much,” I said.

“Hey, have you seen the latest mutants?”

And the conversation veered off into a discussion of recent cinematic arts.

Twin Fantasy

Back in the bedroom, mugs of tea and coffee in tow, we set about engineering that which Alison had requested. We were all standing there in front of the bed, holding our drinks.

“You want to be, what now?” I inquired.

“I want to be licking your come out of her pussy when you fuck me for the first time,” replied Alison. Still a virgin.

“So that means I have to make love to her first,” I extrapolated.

Alison nodded. “I want to watch you do her before you do me.”

“Mommy, can you show me what to do?” said Felicity, playing her make-believe role.

“Um, why certainly, darling,” replied Alison, taking on her pretend character. “Can I set this here?” she asked me, pointing to the dresser with her coffee.

“Sure,” I said.

We all set our drinks on the dresser opposite the bed.

“Now first,” said Alison, imitating a mother voice. She sat on the end of the bed. “Come over here dearie,” she said to me.

I did. Alison, my pure virtuous prodigy, untied the belt of my robe and reached in to cup my balls, pulling me closer to her.

“Now sometimes this long thing,” she said to Felicity, who watched with mock fascination. “It gets a little soft. So you have to make it hard, so it can go inside… there.” She pointed at Felicity’s crotch.

“Ooh!” yelped Felicity. “So how do we make it hard?”

“Like this,” said Alison, pulling me closer by the tether of my heart and mind. She engulfed me with her mouth, and began to stroke and caress with her hands, now and then running her tongue up and down the shaft, which indeed did begin to straighten.

“How about this?” said Felicity, picking up the dildo. “Can we stick it in his butt?”

“Why…” Alison looked up at me. “Sure, I guess.”

“OK,” I said. “If you’re going to do that, you’ll need plenty of lubrication. And an old towel.”

Felicity grinned. “I knew you’d come through,” she said. “I’ve never butt-fucked a guy before. I mean with girls it’s just not the same. No prostate.”

I sighed, detaching myself so I could go to the drawers and pick out the required items, handing them to Felicity. “You have to be gentle,” I said. “and patient. Wait for it to open up before shoving in.”

“I know,” said Felicity, with a knowing smile.

She deftly opened the lubricant and poured it on, as I resumed my position in front of Alison, and she continued to lovingly kiss and stroke my cock. “Professor Hinkle,” she whispered. “I always wanted to do this to you. Sometimes I sit in class and daydream of licking your sexual organs.”

Soon I felt slimy fingers feeling their way up my butt crack, until they found the opening, and a single tiny digit poked through. I heard Felicity giggle behind me.

“Oh!” I said. It felt unreal, the wave of pleasure.

Alison persisted, still cupping and caressing my balls, circling my tip with her tongue, now biting a little, now running her tongue up and down.

The tiny digit was removed from my behind, and I felt the large tip of the plug working its way gradually into me. Felicity was correct. She knew what she was doing, and before long I felt the fullness of complete penetration, accompanied by the tantalizing pressure against that mysterious sphere in the middle of my pelvis.

“OK, dear,” said Alison. “I think it’s hard enough for you now.” She looked up at me, sincere longing in her eyes. “I want to watch you give it to her good,” she said.

I resisted the impulse to correct her improper use of an adjective in place of an adverb. “You do?” I replied, doffing my robe and tossing it aside.

“OK, mommy,” said Felicity, in a flash dropping her drawers and lifting away and tossing aside my old shirt she was wearing. “Can you put it in for me? I’m not sure I know how.” She jumped backwards on the bed beside Alison, landing with her legs spread, her moist dark red flower aloft, and began playing with her clitoris with a tiny finger.

“Why certainly, dear,” said Alison.

Alison held on to my shaft, while I walked sideways by two steps. Then she guided my stiff spear towards the awaiting opening. The zero to divide and conquer.

And so my beautiful buxom blonde virgin prodigy inserted me for the second time into my beloved childlike girlfriend, holding me as I plunged deeper and deeper in. I closed my eyes and watched the sparks fly. I felt home, at last, both girls touching my vulnerable sensitive parts.

“Oh, Felicity,” I said, lowering myself down and kissing her gently, holding her like a tiny delicate bird in my loving grasp, blowing as my lips caressed her red curls. I nibbled on her soft pink earlobe.

She gasped to feel me inside of her once more, and immediately began to twitch and shudder with orgasm. “Wow,” she said.

“Are you all right?” I asked.

“Oh yeah,” she said. “Keep going.”

Alison continued sitting on the edge of the bed, massaging my balls gently and jiggling the plug. “I want you to give it to her, professor” she repeated. “Squirt your stuff deep inside her.” She kept pushing from behind to emphasize each of my thrusts, to make me come inside of Felicity.

“My God,” I said. “Alison, that’s wonderful.” I kissed Felicity gently on the lips, and she thrust her tongue into my mouth. I felt the zen stillness of Hoffman’s bicycle, blissfully suspended on the tightrope between the libidos of the two passionate girls, the electric magnetism between the two pussies, one of which I was thrusting hard inside, her juices flowing all around me, and the other empty and untouched. Pure and innocent.

After a time, Alison leaned on me, and I felt her left breast, still inside my borrowed pajama shirt, against my naked back. She put her mouth to my ear. “I so love watching you two fuck. It’s such a turn-on.”

I turned my head and kissed her on the lips. “Why don’t you watch from up there?” I pointed to the spot on the bed above Felicity’s sweet tiny head.

She shrugged, and made for that direction, settling with her legs apart, her pelvis right above Felicity, which put it directly across from my face. She propped up some pillows behind her and watched us fucking with fascination.

I lowered my lips and blew warm air on Alison’s pussy through the pajama fabric. Her aroma was intoxicating.

“OK,” she said, temporarily hopping off the bed and disrobing, then returning wearing nothing but a grin, deliberately placing her hairy cunt right in front of my face.

I stopped thrusting for a minute, reaching up with my hand to gently caress and smooth her pubic hair.

“What a beautiful flower,” I said. “Would you look at that. Stunning perfection.” I looked her straight in her deep blue eyes. “You have a wonderful vagina, my dear,” I said. “I love your pussy. It’s fantastic. It is a work of art.”

She blushed. “Why gosh, Mr. H. Will you give me an ‘A’ for it?”

“A+++,” I said, and leaned down to kiss it gently.

She trembled.

Felicity was writhing in ecstasy below me.

I kissed Alison’s pussy once more, harder this time, probing into the valley of light, tasting her acrid juices, until the tip of my tongue found the sculpted shape of her clitoris glans. The tip of her clitoris. With thumb and forefinger, I traced the rest of it, the upside down ‘Y’ draped around her opening of her vagina.

And I resumed once more thrusting myself into Felicity, who moaned with the renewed activity. I placed my hands on either side of Alison’s plush hips, my fingers curving around the tops of her thighs, pulling her towards me while I plunged my tongue in various locations in her valley, wiggling my face side to side against her. I stuck my tongue briefly into her vagina, and then went back to nudging her clitoris into heightened excitement.

“Alison, I love you!” I called out.

“This is the best time to say that, when you’re popping another chick!” replied Alison, laughing.

Alison fondled her own breasts while I pleasured her cunt, while I fucked Felicity for her. Pleasing two girls at once. Their moans arose in synchronization and syncopation as both rose higher and higher in fits of ecstasy.

“Alison, I love you so much,” I murmured, thrusting into Felicity for her, knowing the thrill Alison was getting from watching me fuck the smaller girl while I tongued her pussy. As I shoved myself into Felicity’s crotch, her head pushed into Alison’s plush butt crack, now dripping with vaginal juices that got into Felicity’s red curls.

“Oh professor H, you’re so wonderful!” called out Alison.

I was getting close now, so I changed my right arm around so I could insert fingers into Alison’s vaginal passage. I felt the gooey roughness of her G-spot. She yelped quietly. Both girls were now moaning in rhythm as I thrust and prodded with my pelvis and fingers, grasping and squeezing Alison firmly between my fingers and my mouth. She gasped once more.

I looked down at Felicity lovingly, her thin body and flat chest, face lost in ecstatic rhythm. Inwardly I thanked her for so graciously bringing about this series of events.

I kissed Felicity lips, and she stuck out her tongue to lick mine. She smiled. “Alison’s pussy juice,” she said. “Yum.” She licked my lips some more.

Then I returned my mouth to Alison’s graceful voluptuous snatch. She trembled upon my return, from deep within her center. I could feel the contractions around my fingers still inside her, and then warm juice splurting against my face, running down into Felicity’s red curls and splattering on her sweet smooth young forehead.

That set me off. “Oh Alison!” I exclaimed. “Alison, I love you!” I plunged my face back into her fold and found her clitoris with my tongue, tasting Alison’s sweet soft pleasure pearl as I made one huge thrust into Felicity. For a moment that seemed like eternity, all was still while we felt the tiny ecstatic pulse of my drops being released into Felicity’s vagina.

The tip of my tongue was prodding Alison’s clitoris while I exploded, and came gushing blissfully inside of Felicity. One, two, three, four pulses. Then I thrust again, and there were three more, smaller this time.

And again, with almost imperceptible bursts.

Felicity smiled calmly. “You guys are awesome. Of course, I had about four massive orgasms earlier, while you two lovebirds were cooing at each other.” She turned her eyes upward towards the juices now running down the sides of her forehead.

I leaned in and delicately licked Alison’s spunk from Felicity’s third eye.

Now we were ready. Primed and loaded.

Alison’s Filfullment

I lit a candle.

Outside, skies were darkening. Partly from the fall of night, but also from the clouds that were gathering.

“I hear there’s to be a storm,” said Alison, standing next to me, eyes alight, filled with anticipation. “Is that why you lit the candle? In case the power goes out?”

I shook my head. “It’s to bless the sacred moment. When you lose your virginity.”

Felicity was still lounging supine in the middle of the bed. “You didn’t light a candle for me,” she complained.

I chuckled. “You didn’t give me time to light a candle. So this one can be for you too.”

I glanced back at her.

“OK,” she said cheerfully.

Alison was hopping up and down with impatience. “OK, Mr. H. Do you think you’re ready now?”

“Astonishingly,” I said, “the answer is ‘yes.’ I don’t think I’ve ever had this kind of stamina.”

She giggled, stroking my half-erect flagpole.

“Let me have some of this coffee first, though.” I picked up my mug where I had left it, and sat down on the side of the bed.

Alison sat down next to me, her bare left hip warm against my thigh. She looked fondly up at me as I sipped. It had gone cold, but was still good.

She reached over to take my mug.

“Don’t you have your own?” I said.

She giggled again. “What, are you afraid of germs?”

I rolled my eyes, handing her the mug. She sipped from it as well. “Cold,” she said.

“We were busy,” I replied.

“Good, though,” she said, sipping more. Then she handed back the mug. “What next?”

“Your call,” I said. “It’s your moment.”

I felt a small birdlike naked body pressing against my back. An arm reached around on my right, for the coffee cup. Turning my head, I handed it to her.

“I thought you were drinking tea,” I said.

“Just a sip,” replied Felicity, her cute freckled face and blue eyes close to mine, wreathed in red curls. She sipped, then made a moue and handed it back. “OK, that’s enough.”

“Better when it’s hot,” I pointed out.

“You can keep it,” she said. “I just wanted to equalize the taste in our mouths, in case we wanted to do any kissing.”

I angled my head over and kissed her gently on the lips. She smiled, then hopped up and bent over in front of Alison. The two of them kissed long and deep, Felicity bent over from the waist, with one hand on Alison’s shoulder and the other cupping her breast. Alison reached out her arm to surround Felicity.

When the kiss was finished, Felicity looked Alison straight in the eyes, their faces less than an inch apart. “I think I’m in love with you,” said Felicity.

Alison smiled. “I love you, too,” she said. Then twitched her eyebrows. “I’ve never kissed another girl before. You know, down there?”

Felicity laughed. “I think you’ll catch on. Just think of what you would want another girl to do to you, then do that.”

She placed both hands on Alison’s shoulders now, and pushed her down onto the bed, lying comfortably on top, breasts to breasts and kissing her again, once more long and deep.

It was a kiss filled with glistening mystery and fantastic magic. It was stirring something profound inside of me as well. A feeling of simultaneous longing and contentment, to watch my two girlfriends love each other so tenderly.

Then Felicity got up, crawling to where her pubic arch was directly over Alison’s face, careful not to pull on any of the bodacious mane of blonde hair splayed all around. Gradually, Felicity lowered herself down. Alison’s tongue snaked up with impatience and anticipation, which was soon fulfilled as Felicity settled into a rocking motion, fucking Alison’s beautiful face.

There was a smacking of lips. “Oh, I can taste it,” said Alison, muffled by the thin little thighs she was smothered in. “Just like it tasted coming out of his cock. I love that flavor,” she said.

“Vegan diet,” I said. “Makes a big difference.”

But they were not listening. I saw Alison’s nipples begin to perk up. Her knees were bent in a ninety degree angle around the edge of the bed, her feet resting on the floor. Her hands were occupied with holding Felicity’s pelvis as she rocked, starting to coo and moan softly now.

Alison’s marvel of a vagina lay right there on display beside me. Beautiful as ever. I decided to take the initiative. My shaft had made an immediate and amazing recovery, inspired by the girls’ lovemaking, and I was as ready as ever.

I considered the geometry of the situation. Experimenting with height, I found that down on my knees on the floor the angle would be just about perfect.

“Drum roll please,” I muttered, shuffling on my knees toward the gates of heaven, gently pushing her legs apart so I could fit in. She spread her wonderfully ample thighs wide in response.

“Mr. H, I love the taste of you coming out of her,” said Alison. “I want you in me. Now! Fill me up too!”

My slimy seed was dripping into her mouth, and soon would be in her sweet love tunnel. I swung my lengthened penis in a vertical arc, intersecting over a line segment the opposite-facing arc of her genitalia.

“Oh!” she exclaimed, though it sounded more like “Mm!” from the lips pressed against hers. “Swop teejing,” she said. (‘stop teasing’) “Plug it in!”

Ignoring her, I swept another arc, and then another, now up and down, now sideways, then deliberately placing my tip at the upper corner, sliding down until it found the desired opening.

She gasped. Gently I shoved. A little ways in, then back out again, leaving her empty.

Then the same again, sliding down from the glans of her clitoris, and entering again, this time more firmly. She bucked her pelvis up to engulf me further, and this time I thrust with full strength.

“Oh, great spirit!” exclaimed Alison. “Yes!”

And she was no longer a virgin.

After a minute or so I requested that they move to a better position. My knees were growing raw against the carpet.

They ambulated on knees and buttocks until they were fully on the bed, and then I repeated the same arc and insertion. And we began fucking in earnest. I held on to Felicity’s thin lower torso as I drove in and out of Alison.

Felicity sighed, and trembled, holding still for a few seconds as I fancied I heard the faint lap-lap-lapping of her contractions. “Oh, Alison,” said Felicity. “You are the angel of delight. The mother of all fancies. My true love, I have found you at last.”

She turned her head back to me. “Not that you are off the hook, Mr. H!” she said. She lifted herself from Alison’s face, which I could see was contorted with the intense agony of bliss. Felicity sat on folded knees, watching us fuck.

“Oh, Hector,” said Alison. “Deeper, deeper. Keep going. Don’t stop.”

I kissed her lips gently, tasting a mixture of coffee, vaginal juices, and my own slime.

But Felicity was not finished. She lifted my head up, and ambulated on her knees once more to over Alison’s face, but this time she was facing me instead of having her back turned.

I had left in the rear dildo, and now felt its pleasant fullness pressing against my inner wizard of delight, amplifying each thrust deep into my star pupil. Never before had I taken on such an apt student. Her breasts gyrated and danced before me in slow sensual spirals. What formulae might describe their motion? I wondered. We might have to investigate.

I found myself opposite Felicity’s darling little belly button. I kissed it, then made my way up her lithe tiny body, planting moist kisses as I ascended. I kissed both of her nearly nonexistent breasts, and then rose up to face her.

She grinned at me, her small face haloed by her red curls, all frizzed out now save those on top that were matted down with Alison’s juices.

“Now this is what romance is all about,” said Felicity. “Fucking the same girl together.”

“It is?” I replied. I was learning new things each day.

“Sharing and caring,” said Felicity. “I fuck her face and you fuck her cunt.”

She had been upright in a perfect vertical, and thus not in need of diagonal support, but as she leaned abruptly forward to kiss me she broke her fall by placing her tiny hands on each of my shoulders.

I held on to her gyrating waist. Our lips met, and we kissed sweet and long as we both made love to the one below. “Oh, Hector,” she whispered. “I love you! You are so romantic!”

“I am?” I worried about the extremity of our force vectors. She kissed me again, long and hard.

“Are you all right down there?” I said, once my mouth was free.

“So… Ohmygod!” And Alison shuddered and trembled around me.

Once the earthquake had subsided, I whispered to Felicity. “I think that was an orgasm.”

A smiling Felicity nodded in agreement. Then her smile broke into an expression of intensity. “Oh! me too!” she exclaimed, and then was wordless for a long time-slice of eternity, while a million different colors of emotions played out on her face and through her blissfully spasming body.

“Oh, Alison,” she said. “I love you!” She fell forward below me and wedged her face into where we were fucking, tonguing Alison’s clitoris, the tip of her rough moist tongue now and then hitting the top of the base of my overinflated shaft.

That aching pressure was building up now in my loins, that almost painful fullness that needed to burst. But I was out of breath and needed to rest, so I pulled out momentarily and lay down beside the dynamic duo.

I watched them engage eagerly in voracious sixty-nine, Felicity on top, Alison on the bottom. Truly an inspiration to witness such sisterly devotion.

“Mr H!” Alison commanded. “I want to try something.”

“That being what?” I called over.

“Come in from behind her,” said Alison, “I want to see a close-up of you two having sex. But don’t you dare come inside of her. You need to save it for me.”

I raised my eyebrows. “I’ll do my best,” I said.

I got on my knees behind Felicity, letting my hard cock fall on Alison’s forehead. A drop of liquid smudged against her third eye.

“You’ll have to help me aim,” I said. “I can’t see very well up under there.”

“Sure thing Mr. H,” she said smiling. “I’ve got my assignment.”

Felicity had never stopped kissing, licking, and caressing Alison’s beautiful upward facing snatch.

Alison’s fingers encircled me, and after a cursory taste inside her own mouth, I felt my tip being guided along a soft slippery course.

“There,” said Alison. “Now, push!”

I did, and I was inside of Felicity, shoving Alison’s vaginal juices and saliva inside of her. Felicity gave an incoherent exclamation of pleasure, arching her back up, but never once taking her lips away from Alison.

It took all of the self-control I could muster, to avoid letting go then and there, particularly as Alison began to lick my balls and the base of my cock, and as she reached up to jiggle and shove gently on my rear plug in rhythm with my thrusts.

Felicity gasped once more, and now the force of her explosion caused her to lift her face away from Alison’s pussy, her own face contorted with the indescribable epileptic fireworks of the mysterious moment.

“Oh, Alison!” she exclaimed, again and again, as I felt her twitching pulses around me. All of my self-control.

When the firestorm had subsided, Felicity pulled away from me, and I popped out of her.

“Switch places,” she said to Alison. “You on top, me on bottom.”

“OK,” said Alison, smiling.

Felicity lay down, knees pointed upward in two upside down V’s, and Alison lay down on top of her, mouth to vagina, each one.

“You!” called out Felicity from beneath Alison’s pale Rubenesque buttocks. “Over here!”

She spoke, and I obeyed. Now my cock fell on Felicity’s nose, sliding off to one side onto her cheek, smearing her makeup like a paintbrush, with a mix of bodily fluids. But quickly she grabbed my staff and led me to my destination.

“Push!” she said. I did.

I felt the moist sloppy warmth of Alison’s cunt around me once more, and we shoved against each other, into each other, until I was securely inside.

Then our rhythm commenced again, slow and subtle this time. I took long strokes in and out of her, intensely feeling every tiny movement, while she lapped at Felicity’s pussy, and Felicity caressed and cupped my testicles, licking me now and then as a distraction from Alison’s clitoris.

“Oh, Professor H!” exclaimed Alison. “Give it to me now, like you did to her. I want your stuff inside me so bad it hurts. Give it to me!”

At that moment, Felicity reached around to delicately touch the swollen snake lodged inside my rectum, and the switch sprang loose.

I stopped mid-arc as the sweet sticky fluid issued forth once more from the little mouth on the tip of my shaft. I felt each drop as it spurted forth, gushing deep into Alison’s waiting inner cavity.

Stars burst forth across my visual field, and the joy I felt in that moment was incomparable, filling all the empty gaps in time and the dark space throughout the galaxy with indescribably opalescent colors in hues never seen before.

Alison too began to climax, and I felt the warm juices of her orgasm pulsating around me, dripping out onto Felicity’s face below.

“Ah! Ah! Ah! Aaaaaaah!” she shouted impulsively, her voice out of control with the height of emotion. I hoped the neighbors would not be alarmed.

There was a moment of stillness, then a sound, soft at first and then louder. A million elves marching wildly across the roof.

Soon it was thunderingly loud.

“It’s raining!” said Felicity. Then she giggled. “In more ways than one.”

I felt more liquid dripping out onto her face.

Slowly, we disassembled our engine of pleasure, my shaft still hard, but beginning to droop. Alison swung over to engulf me in her mouth, licking up the mixture of fluids coating it.

I could smell the rain now, as it continued to torrent. It was entirely dark outside.

After a minute or so, I said “It’s raining!”

“Yes, we know,” said Felicity. Alison paused in her eager cleaning. I stood up, pulling the smelly plug out and wrapping it in the old towel.

“Let’s go outside!” I exclaimed.

“But…” said Alison. “People will see.”

“Not in the back yard,” I said. “It’s totally dark out. Come on!”

The two girls followed me into the darkened living room, where I unlocked and opened the sliding glass door to reveal the hissing of the rain as it splashed up on the patio and in the beds of the garden.

The three of us stumbled awkwardly beneath the downpour, its clear coolness a nepenthe against the overheated passions of a few minutes before.

“Let’s dance!” exclaimed Felicity, hopping around madly.

“I don’t know how!” I said.

“It’s dark!” said Felicity. “Nobody can see. Just make something up!”

And so we cavorted nakedly and wildly together beneath the icy blissful tears of the sky as they moistened the earth, washing us again free from the smoky delusions of the veil, leaving us once more innocent pure, and clean.

Perfect, complete, and whole, in a holy trinity.


2024-03-02 04:01:39
the guy from frosty the snowman?

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