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Lady Deborah is about to pay for her arrogant attitude.
It was no more than twenty minutes before the cellar door opened once more and the now familiar metallic chick of the food trolley descended the stairs. ‘Mr. Fowler,' cried Rachel, as she turned on the lights, ‘we have dinner, and it smells lovely.’

Gary sighed. He would rather have steadily weakened through hunger than to have the psychological stress of miss good cop and miss bad cop attending to his ministries. He guessed that he had been tied up for three or four days and had been fed, pottied, cleaned up, urinated on, masturbated, plied with drugs and humiliated. It seemed too much punishment for just a few trinkets. However, the Colonel’s revelation, that he was a subject of interest of the local hob nobs confused him. He would have remembered any special interest taken in him when he was a youth surely? However, all he did remember was Colonel Mortimer being somewhat lenient toward his father, Darren and himself, and being given the opportunity of an army life. Those were not exactly a sequence of events that would result in embarrassment for “Uncle Charles” if one of them later transgressed. So it was with this confusion that he allowed himself to be fed by Rachel and Deborah.

‘More waste.’ complained Deborah, ‘Truffles and Ginger. Must cost a bloody fortune.’

‘They do smell lovely though, oh, please eat Mr. Fowler. I don’t want to call my Mother.’

Gary thought, and opened his mouth to accept the spoon being thrust at him. The food had a strong taste and repelled him. He scrunched up his face.

‘He doesn’t like it does he, the philistine!’

‘No, but it will keep him big and strong. I think he will like my surprise though, Mummy has talked about it with Uncle Charles’s academlics, and they think it’s a good idea. Remember, Mr. Fowler, I said I had something to show you?’

Gary stayed quiet and glared.

‘Oh, the silent treatment!’ added Deborah, ‘thank God!’ I can’t stand listening to what they call an accent anyway, bloody sub-species!’

‘Debbie, that’s really unkind. Mr. Fowler can’t help the way he speaks, or the way he behaves. That’s what Mummy and Uncle Charles say. It’s their upbringing and all of the pastry and cheap lager and soap operas and everything. That’s why they say we have to be in charge, because they will just live like pigs if we aren't.’

‘Spare the rod and spoil the child, that’s what my father says about these bottom feeders.’

‘Well, I don’t really understand, but I think that everyone knows that the lower orders need to be put in their place, it’s just that Uncle Charles and his lordship want to do it in different ways, that’s all.’

Rachel had inadvertently issued a great, revealing wisdom, but before it could burrow beneath her scalp the small company turned their heads on the sound of solid footsteps descending the solid stairs onto the solid stone floor.

‘Is Mr. Fowler wearing his regulator?’ asked a stern sounding Colonel Mortimer.

‘Oh, no Uncle Charles, we need to finish feeding him and then wash him.’

‘Well, we need to move quickly, I am anxious that my own demands are met.’

Deborah muttered ‘dirty pig’, under her breath. The Colonel ignored the jibe.

‘So am I Uncle Charles, we are sorry.’

‘Well, no matter. Six hands can work fifty percent faster than four.’

As he finished the remaining spoonful's of food, the Colonel’s statement trudged through the muddy field of Gary’s brain until it visibly landed with a squelch, a fact noticed by the newcomer. ‘Oh come, come, Mr. Fowler. Don’t tell me, ' said the Colonel superciliously, ‘that you have never taken part in a bit of male horseplay.’

‘It’s my turn to wash his middle bits!’ demanded Rachel.

‘Has your Mother never told you about sharing, young lady?’ asked Uncle Charles.

‘Oh, I guess so.’ The girl replied.

‘Well, I’m keeping out of the way,' said Deborah, ‘I will take his top half ‘

Gary closed his eyes and tried to ignore the multitude of hands that started to work their way around his private parts. He knew one of them was male and yet, the base level stimulus that he tried to suppress was breaking through.

The Colonel spoke. ‘I had no idea his response would be so immediate. Rachel do you have the regulator?’

‘It is here Uncle Charles.’

Gary felt his hardening penis being manipulated and a hard, cold harness being placed around it. Ten seconds later and his heavy, swollen balls felt constrained. ‘There, that should enable greater stimulation.’

‘What is it? Gary asked nervously.

‘That is a penile regulator Mr. Fowler. A device colloquially known as a “cock-ring” to the masses.’

‘What does it do?’

‘Ha!’, Replied Deborah, 'it stops you shooting your dirty load everywhere, thicko!’

‘In other words, it prevents unwanted ejaculation.’ added the Colonel.

‘’You use one all of the time don’t you Uncle Charles.’ Rachel stated.

‘I do little one. But not today, today is all about our guest. When your Mother and I perform intercourse, she demands a level of sustainability that I cannot achieve unless I use such aids. I very much suspect that you, my sweet, will not have such unreasonable expectations.’

‘Oh, no Uncle Charles. Mummy, is such hard work. All of my uncles tell me that.’

‘That is one of the consequences of being such an accommodating lover, my young dumpling. If only we could feel as we once felt, when we were young.’ As Colonel Mortimer gave his quotation, his hand slipped to the buttons of his shirt and from the bottom, he began to undo each, while fixing a lustful stare at Rachel.

As if on cue, Rachel grasped the hem of her jumper and pulled it slowly over her head. ‘I am so glad we are being so nice to Mr. Fowler, this is so much better that locking him up in prison, or flogging him, isn’t it Uncle Charles?’

Colonel Mortimer was in exceptional condition for a man of his age, his undoubted fitness had given him handsome features and even the small movements of his hands and arms demonstrated the taught muscle fibres beneath the skin of his athletic frame. ‘Our methods are still experimental, but our results have been excellent, until this particular outlier came along. I have enemies, pixie pie, and they are only too eager to seize upon any failure. Stupid fools. They don’t understand the variability in research.’ He reached the buttons of his trousers and started to lower them. As Rachel bent down to remove her plimsoles and socks, her breasts swung in their overworked brassier.

‘Mr. Fowler won’t be so naughty when we have finished will he Uncle Charles?’

The older man stepped from his trousers and stood glaring at the younger girl.

The lower half of this pantomime was out of sight for Gary Fowler, fastened as he was, however the eyes of Deborah, who had moved to begin stimulating Gary through his new harness began to show great interest in the equipment Charles Mortimer was carrying in his underwear. They widened and the girl began to form an ‘O’ with her mouth as she whetted her lips.

‘Mr. Fowler will become yet another pliant member of society, young lady. Eager to please his betters.’ His hands moved to the underside of Rachel’s bra and she lifted her chin and gasped.

‘How does it work Uncle Charles?’ asked Rachel, now releasing the catch on her short skirt. ‘This limblic crinilogicly?’

‘Oh, sweet child,' replied Charles, removing his own socks, ‘the lower forms of thought are the most powerful driving forces on earth, and we try to harness them to control those weaker subjective classes, such as “Gary” here. His emphasis of the name “Gary” betrayed what he thought of the name. ‘By watching our lovemaking, whilst being brought to the brink of orgasm by Deborah here, Mr. Fowler will undergo a vast amount of simulation to the limbic part of the brain, thereby changing it’s biological composition.’

Gary listened, not really understanding, but concerned nonetheless. He looked again at Deborah’s eyes; they seemed lost in the scene below Charles’s waist.

‘In the past we used pharmaceuticals, however as seen in the example here, ' he pointed to Gary, ‘We needed a better method. You met Dr. Matthews?’

‘Oh yes, the funny looking woman.’

‘Mr. Fowler’s current treatment is a result of her research.’

‘Well, ' Rachel looked both aroused and confused, ‘I don’t really understand, but I quite like the treatment myself.’

Charles laughed. ‘Yes, that is one of the fringe benefits.’ Both were now standing in their underwear, with Rachel’s sharply tilted eyes looking into Charles’s downward pointing face.’ The older man looked sharply over at Deborah, whose lust filled expressed changed sharply. ‘How is our subject?’

‘Starting to get horny, the dirty devil.’ The girl replied.

’We need him heightened, Lady Deborah. Please start manipulation.’

Gary began to feel the fingers of lady Deborah working the skin between the leather cage surrounding his ball sack. His penis was beginning to harden.

‘Let us see how these breasts are developing Miss Barton, it is several months since I have had the pleasure.’

‘Mummy makes me do lots of exercises Uncle Charles, to keep them nice and firm.’ Rachel turned her back to her prospective lover, and he, expertly, undid the clasp on the taut elasticated material which parted suddenly. She turned and let her brassier fall. ‘They aren’t as big as Mummy’s yet, but she promises that when they are I can wear proper grown up bras, like hers.’ Gary could only wonder at the species of training bra that could hold such large globes.

‘You have made splendid progress.’ He began to firmly massage each tit. ‘Firm, yet soft. The nipples are becoming pronounced under stimulation. Yes, very satisfying.’

‘Thank you Uncle Charles.’

‘Now, we have to put ourselves so that Mr. Fowler can see us.’

‘Is that what these blocks are for Uncle Charles?’

Charles stepped up onto the little platform in front of him and for the first time Gary could see what had provoked Deborah’s interest. Coiled within his underpants was what appeared to be a Lincolnshire sausage, the impression of which transferred itself into the fabric. This new structure was now just below Rachel’s eye level, and she moved toward it, as though pulled by the scent.

Charles put his thumbs either side of his underwear and let his hands slowly descend. The base of his cock appeared first, followed by the thick trunk, and the shadows either side. Then as the hemline of the garment dropped, the soft shaft, of which there seemed to be no end, revealed itself.

Gary glanced over to Deborah’s face, which seemed mesmerised by the sight.

Down and down went the underwear until finally the shrouded head burst from encapsulation and bobbled beneath the lawyer’s legs.

Deborah issued an involuntary gasp.

‘Oh, Its just like I remembered it Uncle Charles.’ Exuded Rachel. ‘I do hope it will still fit inside me.‘

The speculation had a motivational effect on the Colonel whose sexual organ began to pulse. The face of Deborah, whose grasp of Gary’s own excitement was tightening, began flushing with blood as she watched on, and Gary, try as he might, was not immune to the scene. His engorgement began and the metal ring that had hitherto a light pressure on his shaft began to apply a constraint that was far from comfortable.

Colonel Mortimer clenched his fists by his side as his penis steadily ratcheted upward, bouncing on his necessarily increasing heart rate. Rachel smiled at it lovingly and Deborah smouldered at it lustily as the monster primed itself for action. After a period of one minute, the mighty tool pointed threateningly at the little girl and he issued his next instruction. ‘Now, Rachel, please place yourself on the attitude block, I need you in position.’

Rachel’s movements in front of her ‘Uncle Charles’ were sultry and seductive. She had been well taught, and when finally in place, facing away from him and her left leg lifted, her panties presented themselves on the same elevation as his cock and with only the thin fabric of her underwear as a barrier, both were ready to begin their surrogate treatment of Gary.

Charles placed his hand over Rachel’s crotch and touched her vulnerability. ‘I need you juicier you little tart.’ He scolded.

Rachel seemed to like his change in tone. ‘Oh, yes. Please Uncle Charles, make my pussy wet, so that it can take your big cock.’ Her words, though acted, seemed to have the desired effect on Charles who smacked the girl hard on the left bum cheek. 'that’s my girl, ' he replied, ‘you want my cock to stretch out your cunt don’t you?’ his finger pressed into her vagina through the thin material, causing it to darken with the results. He lifted his finger to his nose and breathed deeply as Rachel angled her hips and arched her back to present more of her womanly pleasure to him.

‘Oh, God yes, Uncle Charles. I was it. I want you to push it into me, really hard '

‘God, you’re such a slut. You are even sluttier than your Mother, when she was your age.’

Deborah, began to play with her own pussy under her skirt, while she played with Gary’s balls. The prospect of watching her cousin being fucked by this horse cock was obviously working her pleasure systems. Her captive, meanwhile, was starting to feel uncomfortable. Though the cock ring that had been forced into him was tight, it did not restrict blood flow and felt much like the grip that Rachel’s Mother had applied to him, those weeks before, in his first night of passion in this wretched house. There had always been jokes in Gary’s world concerning the degeneracy of the ruling classes and the very absurdity of the notion was what made those tales remotely amusing. Now, presented with that absurdity, here in front of him it was not funny. He found the whole idea disgusting. He began to long for the more simple life that lay with more simple people.

‘I will need to stretch out your vagina, little slut.’ Announced the Colonel, ‘the soil must be wet if my my cock is going to plow. Now, lick my fingers, you little vixen.’ He put his left hand in front of Rachel’s face and she immediately began attacking it with her tongue, soon covering it with spittle. ‘That’s a good girl.’

Rachel gasped, as her Uncle Charles ripped down her knickers in an aggressive sweep. ‘Smack!’ His hand descended with a loud shriek from the girl. ‘Now, let’s find out how you taste today?’ he asked rhetorically, and thrust out his own tongue as he dove towards her nether regions. Rachel threw her head upward to the ceiling as the slobbering action of the Colonel’s mouth began to take effect, her face a mixture of startled and lustful.

‘Oh, yes, yes…’ murmured Deborah, now using both hands to simultaneously tickle Gary’s balls and cock shaft.

Rachel, though quite familiar with the physical symptoms of being handled in such a way was still inexperienced in the matter of withstanding them. The tell-tale signs of approaching completion began to show themselves. Her shoulders, and by extension her rounded and suspended breasts began to shiver with excitement.

Colonel Mortimer stopped suddenly, ‘you filthy little bitch, ‘ he growled, ‘can’t you control yourself?’ He appeared irritated and smacked Rachel on the rump her hard, leaving a red mark that glowed momentarily, then faded into the subdued light of the cellar.

‘Sorry, Uncle Charles, sorry, ‘ Rachel replied profusely, still twitching from her close encounter with pleasure, ‘I’m still learning.’

Uncle Charles seemed to be of the authoritarian branch of liberal lawmaker. He slapped Rachel’s arse cheek again and lightly touched her back, either side of her arched spine. ‘We can’t have this young Barton.’

To Gary, Colonel Mortimer sounded as he did when he was Rachel’s age, when he was in court, and looking up at the magistrate from the dock. It frightened him, unexpectedly. ‘We can’t have you orgasming from a simple small session of cunnilingus.’ the older man continued, ‘You have big shoes to fill young lady, and a lot has been invested in you.’

‘I’m really sorry Uncle Charles, I will do better. Maybe I will be better if you put your big thingy in?’

‘Well, let’s hope so. Your Mother and I will be very disappointed if all you can do is be useless after what is, after all, just foreplay.’ This chastisement of Rachel was certainly having an indelicate effect on his already well directed cock. It bounced, clock like, before he steadied it and pointed it lower toward the young girl’s glistening opening that opened willingly to meet it’s natural partner.

Rachel looked around at her ‘uncle’ and her thin, pink labia reddened with excitement. ‘Oh, Uncle Charles’ she said desperately, ‘please be gentle with me.’ They were the very words she issued to Gary, just a few days before. Charles deliberately chose to accept her protestations as genuine.

‘I will do just as I please you little bitch!’

The seemed to excite Deborah, Gary heard her moan to herself quietly.

‘Don’t hurt me Uncle Charles, please.’

‘It certainly will not give me any pleasure, young lady, if you scream out loud from a hard, rough fucking!’ he moved his tool towards it’s inevitable location and wiped the now drooling pussy of the dramatic teen with his large cock head. ‘such behaviour will only stimulate feelings of justice in me!’ his penis now found it’s notch and the older man now positioned his hands behind Rachel’s hips in order to deliver his punishment.

‘I will be good, I promise…’

‘Yes, You will be good!’ the Colonel said menacingly. He moved his frame forward and withdraw his hips, making the expectation of penetration more delicious to himself.’

‘But, but…’ began Rachel, however her lover chose this moment to thrust, and as a matador at the end of a fight, the entire length of that mighty cock disappeared into Rachel’s welcoming sexual organ in one killing thrust, producing a loud smack as inner hip met round buttock. Rachel screeched her wordless and painful delight as Charles's great unstifled groan echoed around the cellar.

‘Oh, fuck.’ Deborah whispered. Her right hand had left Gary’s constrained tackle and disappeared from his view. It was, as he suspected, giving it’s host as much pleasure as it could.

The Colonel did not relent in his treatment of Rachel and expertly withdrew his tool from Rachel’s shivering cunt until it seemed it would break free from the union, only to drive it forward again with the accustomed gusto and Rachel’s melodramatic response.

After this second thrust the older man moved his hand to support the girl’s large pendulous tits, her red and aroused nipples poking past the lawyer’s soft administrative hands. Their delightful movement now constrained, he augmented the physical punishment of the youngster by psychology. ‘You fucking like this, you useless bitch!’ it was not a question. ‘you useless, stupid, fat tittied whore!’ Rachel showed no sign of being disturbed by such talk.

‘Yes, Uncle Charles, I love it, I love being fucked by your big cock.’

This seemingly enraged the older man. ‘What! You dirty slag!’ his efforts became more and more frenzied, ‘you need more don’t you. Fuck! You are just like your Mother, a stupid, fucking, prostitute!’ Every word of abuse was accompanied by a thrust of such violence that it would have, to Gary’s eye, sent the little girl flying across the room had not his strong hands kept her close to him

The disgusting playlet was unexpectedly interrupted by the clicking of shoes high up on the cellar steps, ‘What’s going on down there, are you both playing nicely?’

‘Yes Mummy!’

The response was jarring and for a few moments Gary could not tell why. It was only when the gummed up clockwork of his brain started ticking and he had registered the sudden unintentional giggle that had come from Deborah that he realised why. He was appalled.

‘You are not fighting are you?’ Samantha Barton asked.

‘But, but Rachel started it! She pinched me!’ Complained the high pitched falsetto voice.

‘Is this true Rachel?’ asked her Mother.

The young girl was obviously privy to this tacit game and despite the huge cock being thrust in and out of her with an energy that did not diminish, and despite the addition of this newcomer, she tried to play along. ‘No…no….'

‘Charlie, you are not lying to me are you, you know what happens when you lie to me!’ Samantha asked rhetorically.

‘No Mummy,’ the grown man replied pathetically, ‘and anyway we are only play fighting.’

‘Really?’ the older woman asked. Gary could see that Samantha Barton was dressed in bikini and high heels as she hove into his view. ‘Rachel, is this true?’

‘Yes…yes, Mu… Mummy.’

‘Well, ok, I guess. But don’t be too rough with your little brother hmm?’

Every revelation that gave Gary more insight into this familial situation made him more and more regretful that he had wanted anything to do with them. He could not understand why anyone would want to behave in the manner of the Colonel at this moment. He also could not understand why he was being shown all of this. Surely it was a dark secret, this perversion of the upper crust. Something that should be hidden. Unfortunately for Gary Fowler, he did not really understand anything at all.

Samantha watched her two “children” at play for a few moments and began pinching her own nipples softly through the thin fabric of her expensive swimwear. She stopped at the first sign of blushing excitement. ‘I am so glad you two kids are getting along.’ She stroked the back of her daughter and looked playfully at Charles. ‘Does little Charlie want a tickle? Does little Charlie want a tickle?’ She giggled.

Charles Mortimer giggled back in, what was for Gary, a sickening high pitched voice. This prompted Samantha to begin her tickle which in reality consisted of a vigorous masturbation of Charles now stationary long penis, the wide cock head being held captive by Rachel’s well trained labia.

‘Tiggle, iggle, iggle.’ She gushed light-heartedly.

Charles did not giggle back, instead the real world seemed to flood in. He began to sweat and his eyes darted around with a look of confusion.

‘…iggle, iggle…’ Continued Samantha.

The Colonel retained his affected falsetto while he obviously coped with his approaching inner storm. ‘Mummy, Mummy. ‘ he struggled with his words, ‘Charlie want... to go wee wee!’

These pathetic words trigger a change in behaviour from his “Mother’” ‘No,’ she began angrily. ‘Charlie mustn’t go wee wee. Charlie can’t go wee wee.’ Her “tickling” kept on, unabated. ‘If Charlie goes wee wee then Mummy will be very, very angry!’

The situation seemed to be a very familiar one to Rachel who, still poised on the brink by her mother’s unrelenting tickling, gasped and twitched with excitement as pathos played out behind her. However, despite Samantha’s ostensible threats, it was all too late for the Colonel. He began his end in his adopted falsetto, ‘Charlie…want…’ and ended it in his natural baritone, ‘…wee wee…’ His buttocks began to clench and Gary could see his big balls that prior to this moment had swung and slapped Rachel with a syncopated rhythm, tighten and pulsate. This provoked a simulated anger in his “Mother”.

‘No, no! You dirty, dirty boy!’ She started to slap the Colonel loudly on his energetic backside. ‘you dirty filthy little boy, what are you doing to your sister!’

The middle aged man gave no response other than a series of last grunts and groans as his dammed up issuance flowed into the third person of this ridiculous farce. Rachel responded with her own orgasm as the violently twitching cock inside her threw out it’s reproduction. Her Mother reacted apoplectically. ‘You disgusting little boy, what did you just do? Look, look!’ she grasped the Colonel’s short hair and pulled him upright, his enormous penis flopped and bounced out of Rachel, waving in the air at her rear. ‘look!’ she reiterated, now forcing his face down toward Rachel’s still trembling nether region, who, though shaking, still arched her back to display the swollen pink area to both. ‘It’s dirty! Now, clean it up!”

‘But Mummy, I don’t want to.’

‘Don’t make me smack you!’

‘Charlie’ stuck out his tongue and move it closer to Rachel’s vagina, now slowly leaking his own semen. On first contact with the white fluid his face scrunched up into a look of disgust and, still in his faux childish voice began to cry pathetically.

‘Oh, you stupid, dirty little boy!’ Samantha gave her subject a violent slap on the rear and after making known again her demand to Charles pushed him aside, which prompted more drama from him. ‘Oh, I suppose I will have to do it! She stated.

Rachel reacted to her Mother’s probing mouth predictably. ‘Oh, God!’ she screamed as cum streamed down her Mother’s chin and onto her bikini top. ‘Nngg, oh, God!’ The little girl, just moments after her previous memento, began another, the soft shaking turned to a stiff rigidity as her screams died in the distance, which were followed by spasms of rhythmical body movement and a vacant stare ahead. Her mother stood up and over a slowly sobbing Colonel Mortimer and glowered down at him.

‘Charlie wub Mummy,’ he blubbered, looking up ‘Mummy wub Charlie?’

‘Of course Mummy loves Charlie, Mummy will always love Charlie.’

Samantha sat on the box behind her and swept out her left breast from the skimpy garment that controlled them. The Colonel rushed to his knees in front of her and began to suck eagerly from the red and conspicuous nipple that poked out to join them.

Deborah, whose impish smirk had grown to one of derision during this pantomime had obviously discovered that she could not restrain her propriety and deigned to comment on what she had seen. ‘Jesus, what a load of freaks you are!’

The comment stopped the happy scene abruptly, and the suspended disbelief broke like a lightning bolt. Samantha signed and looked down. Colonel Mortimer released his feeding teat and frowned. The teenage bystander instantly realized that her faux pas would have consequences and tried to back track to some extent.

‘I mean, it’s kind of sexy, yes, kind of…’ she had stopped the sensory pleasure of Gary some minutes before, and now began again, concentrating on her task and hoping the now awkward situation would blow over.

‘Young lady,’ Samantha said quietly and seriously ‘I try to minister to souls in need; if you had a little more life experience, you would understand that!’

‘’I am sorry Auntie Samantha.’

Samantha stood and turned, stuffing her breast back into her swimwear. ‘It is a trait in your family, this kind of rudeness.’

‘It stems from that father of yours, ‘ Colonel Mortimer enjoined. ‘He may have position, but he lacks friends, where it matters most.’

‘It stems from your Mother!’ added Samantha. ‘even when she was a child she could never control her mouth.’

Deborah’s eyes darted toward the cellar steps, but that retreat was intercepted by the Colonel. ‘How did your Mother deal with your sister’s trouble-making?’ he asked sternly.

‘Oh, in the good old fashioned way Charles.’

The older man disappeared from Gary’s view momentarily and returned with an object that he twisted between each hand.

‘No, no,’ protested Deborah, ‘you can’t!’

Uncle Charles slowly closed the distance on the now nervous young lady, ‘Can’t what?’ he asked.

‘Can’t touch me, my father is the Earl of Capacaldy!’ Lady Deborah withdrew unthinkingly, into the corner of the dark cellar. Samantha joined Charles at his side as the two closed in on their new quarry, whose eyes switched between the two in panic.

‘Your father has placed you into my care.’ Samantha stated blandly.

‘Yes, but that doesn’t mean…no! No!’ Within a few short moments Deborah’s hands had been tightly secured behind her with little fight by a surprisingly agile Colonel using the short rope he had previously acquired. ‘God, no. No, Rachel, help!’ The appeal was of no use, the younger girl panted excitedly with this new act playing out in front of her. Meanwhile, Samantha had retrieved the large scissors that had disrobed Gary days before and paraded them before a panic stricken girl. Her eyes alighted on the instruments and widened with what to the bystander might have been fear, but also could have been construed as it’s close cousin, lust.

The rope that bound lady Deborah’s hands was now knotted around another, thrown by Samantha to Colonel Mortimer and he used it to further subdue her rebellious nature, ‘I have been waiting a long time for this moment you young tart!’ he growled menacingly.

‘Leave me alone you dirty old bastard!’ Deborah screamed as she tried vainly to escape the tight bounds. Her jailer looked up at the ceiling to one of the small hooks that dropped from it and glared at the wide eyed youngster.

‘No, no, you can’t!’

‘You do not understand that it is for your own benefit, niece of mine.’ Said Samantha who ran the outside of her finger up and down the terrified girls arm.

‘Oh, and for my benefit’ The Colonel announced. ‘Yes, my pleasure will be sated knowing I have ravished the daughter of the Earl.’

Lady Deborah began screaming. Piercing sounds that were stopped short by a sharp smack on her face by her aunt.

‘No need for that, young lady. It will not help you at all.’ The blow silenced Deborah who now looked blankly at the chest of Charles. ‘So, you have been boasting of your cock-sucking skills to my daughter have you?’ she asked as her hands squeezed the sides of the captive’s jaw who spat into the older woman's face. Samantha spat back. ‘Is that right darling?’

Rachel, now recovered, answered breezily, without a speck of sympathy for her cousin ‘Oh, yes, she talks about it all of the time.’ The younger girl stood and put her head on one side observing a still struggling Deborah, ‘she doesn’t sound very good though, when she’s telling me, she doesn’t do any of the things you tell me to do Mummy!’

‘Well, that is because she’s a simple slut, darling. That motor mechanic she seems to think so much about probably left her because she is just a hole. A hole to be fucked.’

‘Yes, that wastrel was up before me last week for affray. I gave him three months.’

‘Bastard!’ Bellowed Deborah.

‘The officers that performed the strip searched him told me all about him.’

‘Bastard! Well that motor mechanic fucked your precious little darling for the first time, ha! Bet you didn’t know that did you?’

Samantha and the Colonel looked at each other and laughed.

‘Oh, no Deborah,’ replied Rachel, ‘I wasn’t a virgin then or anything.’ I was only practicing my Deflorention, or whatever it’s called.’

‘See, you silly tart,’ Charles responded, ‘you know so little.’

This revelation seemed to take the wind out of Deborah’s sails and she quietly began to shake. Samantha urged her to her knees and the bound girl meekly complied. It was in this attitude that she was confronted by the long and now proud weapon of the solicitor.

Samantha bent and placed the tips of the scissors either side of back of Deborah’s jeans waist band and cut. The thick denim parted easily and the cold of the steel made the youngster shudder.

In the meantime Deborah, whose face seemed resigned, allowed her own head to be guided toward Colonel Mortimer’s remarkably erect sexual organ which having recovered from discharging the contents of its balls into Rachel, bobbed eagerly up and down. She jutted out her jaw in anticipation of the meal that was to be forced upon her.

As her lips parted, big strong hands placed themselves around Deborah’s neck and head; they were to remind her of who was in control, not that she needed to be reminded. ‘You are going to take my cock nicely, ‘ said the owner of the hands, ‘I need you to take all of it.’ Samantha had carried on her work with the scissors and the cutting had not restricted itself to her outer garments, her light green panties were too in tatters as the instrument sheared their way through Deborah’s clothing.

The girl was now, evidently, accustomed to this new situation and met the bottom of Charles’s large red cock head with the flat of her tongue and drew it into her distended mouth. As Gary looked on, the older man looked up toward the ceiling, ‘Yes, yes you little fucking pussy mouth!’

Samantha had made cuts in Deborah’s jeans so skilfully that before long they hung on to her beautiful, restrained frame like a spiders web. Gary was finding it hard to control his erection as he looked at the scene, the Colonel, upright, pushing his cock in and out of Deborah’s now welcoming mouth, Samantha slowly exposing more and more of her niece, and Rachel on all fours observing her Mother’s work studiously, her large breasts swaying to and fro as she shifted her vantage point to see everything.

‘Maybe you should attend to Mr Fowler, sweetie?’ instructed Samantha.

‘Yes, Mummy, we shouldn’t forget about him should we.’

‘Certainly not darling,‘ her Mother replied, now focused on the removal of Deborah’s top, ‘he is the reason we are all here after all.’ Samantha decided on a course of action and gathering as much material in her hand as possible, executed one big slice with her hand shears. The clothing fell away on one side, exposing Deborah’s breast to Gary’s view, he felt his penis tighten against the cock ring that had been cruelly installed.

‘He is already quite hard Mummy.’ Informed Rachel.

‘Well, of course he is darling, he’s hoi polloi! Those people cannot control themselves in the way that we more genteel people can. I despair of them sometimes, but I suppose that we must have some kind of reproduction in the lower orders, vile though it is.’

‘Vile…yes…’ added the Colonel, now beginning to thrust with his hips into Debby’s mouth. The object of this aggression had lowered her head to ensure a better accommodation of the large penis, whose glans showed itself as a visibly moving bulge in her windpipe.’ Samantha sat back to admire the scene.

‘Yes, fuck her Charles, fuck her throat!’

Charles did just that, and Lady Deborah withstood the punishment admirably until the man began to squeeze her neck tightly, and with it his own penis.

The young girl’s face changed colour, to a deep blush and her shoulders tightened to express her discomfort of the situation, however her aunt was less that sympathetic to her plight.

‘Fuck the tart, yes. Stretch that gullet!’

It was beginning to be too much for the Colonel, a fact noticed by Samantha, who abruptly disengaged the couple and applied force to the base of his large penis. It flew around wildly.

Deborah gagged as the huge cock left her mouth and gasped as ropes and slivers of drool extended onto the ragged remains of her shirt.

Gary watched on in familiarity as the Colonel, with Samantha’s assistance, went through all of the symptoms of extreme orgasm without the resultant emissions. His balls clasped together and bell end swelled in the rhythms of his cries and contractions. Deborah, now left alone, with her hands still secured behind her groaned and gasped at the scene, her lower lip trembling with the emotive pressure she had withstood.

The Colonel, pathetically whined his way back to normality under the guidance of Samantha’s experienced hand, however at the end of it, rather than appear visibly distressed, as Gary himself had after such treatment, the Colonel looked refreshed, as though he had emerged from a cold shower after a sauna.

‘Thank you my dear, that was very timely. And most invigorating!’

‘I am so glad you think so Charles, and so glad that you can be an example to your social inferiors. Is that not so Mr. Fowler?’

Gary had long since understood that a refusal to acquiesce to Samantha’s convictions would bring painful consequences. He replied.

‘Aye, Sam…Mrs. Barton.’


‘Yes, sweetness.’

‘When will Mr. Fowler’s balls start fizzing?’

‘What a strange question darling?’

‘Well, Debby said that it wouldn’t happen, that you were lying.’

‘I didn’t!’ spluttered Deborah, ‘I just said that it was unlikely.’

‘Little bitch!’ Samantha sounded spiteful, although even Gary could detect a certain theatricality about her response. She bent and slapped Deborah hard across her exposed buttocks. ‘Little bitch! Accuse me of lying, and then accuse my daughter.’

‘I think this young strumpet needs more of my cock.’

‘Oh, she needs more than that! Darling, get my vibrators from the cupboard.

The cupboard had been out of sight to Gary all of this time, situated as it was behind him, Rachel giggled.‘Oh, goody, Deborah, you are so lucky. Mummy almost never uses vibrators on any of the girls that come here.’ This small comment gave a little insight into the goings on in the Barton household and Samantha could see the slow grey cells of Gary’s brain processing this indiscretion.

‘You see Mr. Fowler, so many girls in the upper echelons of society understand that their position will be greatly enhanced by their ability to please men. Most undergo our ‘directives’ quite willingly and go on to have happy and successful partnerships, but some, like this little slut here,’ she pointed at lady Deborah, still wet eyed and gasping, ‘need more acute instruction before they enter society; before they…come out.'

The purpose of the second rope that had been tied to Deborah’s bindings became clear as Samantha used it to force her charge to her feet. Samantha cut away at the remains of her clothing with a sneer. ‘I think we can dispense with these.’ She said with finality and the rags fell into clumps on the floor. ‘You know what to do Charles!’

The man took the end of the rope and looped it over the hook that had drawn Debby’s attention earlier and pulled. The arms of the girl were lifted straight and upward behind her as she tried to stabilise herself by throwing her head back. This caused her breasts to thrust forwards, which new attitude allowed Samantha to inspect her niece.

‘Very nice,’ she gushed with praise, ‘you have been looking after yourself haven’t you?’

‘Yes, quite magnificent.’ Added Charles, ‘Superb!’

They were indeed superb, Gary had seen them before, but this new attitude demonstrated her tits to a very much improved extent. The mixture of muscles, ribcage and her flat defined stomach gave a contrast to the abundance of mammary flesh above that had shaped themselves into two rounded pyramids topped off with two red cherry nipples, glowing with sexual fire. The Colonel lay a light left hand on her most accessible orb.

‘Get your hands off me you borgie twat!’ screamed Deborah, feisty again after her period of facial fucking. Little did she know the Colonel however and the abuse cause him to breath in and widen his eyes.

‘Oh, I shall enjoy these tasty treats.’ He issued in reply to her, he bent and flicked out a tongue to caress his chosen teat.

‘My sister was never lucky enough to have boys like this.’ Said Samantha, using her right hand to stroke the girl’s remaining breast. ‘but she was always an eater, a greedy little bitch.’ The older woman followed the example of her fellow abuser and wrapped her lips around Deborah’s right nipple, who was utterly unable to stop this treatment.

‘Oh, God! No. Please.’ She protested.

‘It will not help you to blaspheme young lady.’ Replied Samantha, her lips whetted by their choice morsel. The young girl twitched in discomfort as both of her buttons were orally examined and Samantha’s hand drifted down to the inner part of her thigh. She withdrew her hand and sniffed it, ostentatiously. ‘The little bitch is ovulating Charles.’

This new piece of information further invigorated him and he scowled and puffed out his chest.

‘So, even though she knew this event was happening,’ the man scolded, ‘she decided to attend.’

‘What’s worse, she decided to forgo all birth control. Is this true, little slut?’

‘The pill makes me sick,’ panicked Deborah, ‘and those devices don’t fit very well.’

‘Disgusting little slut!’ berated Samantha, ‘It’s virtually an invitation to be impregnated Charles!’

‘Yes, but let’s get a taster first eh Samantha?’

‘Yes, let us taste her together.’

Deborah was given a temporary respite from her ordeal as she was lowered from her high restraint, she trembled and shivered as Charles proceeded to lie face upward on the “attitude block” on which he had placed Rachel earlier. He stuck out his tongue greedily.

‘I think you know what to do darling.’ Instructed Samantha.

With some difficulty, Deborah placed her right knee beside the Colonel’s head, facing his enormously erect penis, then, as drips of her vaginal fluid splashed onto his face, she swung her other knee to straddle it. No mean feat considering the absence of balance caused by her bindings.

Charles began lapping immediately like a thirsty dog and Deborah’s face dropped to a smouldering passivity as she felt the fast moving mouth parts tug at her drooling pussy lips.

‘Oh, you filthy tart!’ said Samantha aggressively as she gave the girl two hard smacks on the rear. Another followed after a short yelp escaped from the girl.

‘Delectable!’ slobbered the Colonel as he detached himself.

‘Yes, we have always been a sweet tasting family.’ Samantha replied.

‘Please join me?’ invited Charles.

Debbie howled as Samantha began to round her anus with the tip of her papillae. ‘No, you can’t Auntie Samantha, that’s my bottom.’ Protested Deborah.

‘Oh, shush! It’s just a little rimming, nothing to get worked up about.’ The older lady’s tongue stiffened and plunged forward, parting the sphincter before it had an opportunity to tighten. This was accompanied by a chorus of very unladylike language from the girl who pushed her breasts out toward the large maypole in front of her. ‘Fuck, ‘ she protested, ‘fuck, that feels…God fuck!’ Such resilience only produced more oral action from the older couple who lapped away at both of Deborah’s entries, while she began to drop her mouth over Charles’s penis and peel back his foreskin.

Gary could not believe his eyes as this degenerate threesome played out in front of him and Rachel’s manipulation of his encapsulated genitals stretched his sexual progress substantially. He longed to stand and take all three of these females, he longed to choose any of the receptacles they had and drive his engorged dick into it, but he was in the unfortunate position of being chained, subservient and brimming with supernova like sexual frustration.

‘Oh, please stop moving!’ asked Rachel as Gary fidgeted in discomfort. ‘Maybe you would like a blowjob, would you like a blowjob Mr. Fowler?’

‘Aye, but it won’t go anywhere, will it lass?’

‘I’m not allowed to make you organism, if that’s what you mean, Mr. Fowler.’

‘Aye, that’s what I mean, I won’t like it if you just leave me ‘angin’’

‘But it will only be until tomorrow Mr. Fowler, that’s when all the visitors come and I’m sure Mummy said you could go home after that.’

Gary was unsure about this information, he had been privy to very delicate details concerning one of the most powerful individuals in the county. It was unlikely, he thought, that he would be allowed to operate, with impunity, free and at large. Maybe he would suffer the same fate as this mechanic that had been mentioned? Even Gary’s pedestrian mind could see problems ahead for himself. ‘But, what if I say summat, about all this like?’

Rachel looked at his quizzically, ‘But no one ever talks about our fun Mr. Fowler.’ This statement did nothing to ease his peace of mind and he shifted uncomfortably again, until Rachel was interrupted by her Mother, anxious for her attention. ‘Rachel darling, Is Mr. Fowler disturbing you?’

‘We were just talking Mummy.’

‘Well stop it. Use the vibrator on him, he must learn some kind of discipline.’

‘Ok, Mummy.’ Chirped the youngster, who bent to his ear, ‘sorry Mr. Fowler.’ She whispered in confession.

Gary felt the soft sensation first in his perineum, which made his testicles clench into what felt like tight walnuts. He tried to brave it out, but a loud ‘Nnggh, nnggh!’ issued past his lips as the vibration rattled the leather harness that surrounded his genitals. Rachel repositioned the vibrator directly on to the metal ring that gripped, grommet like onto the back of his formidably hard penis. The fast tapping that ensued drilled down toward his prostate, which began to interpret the artificial signals furnished by his young companion entirely inappropriately. The ancient part of his brain stem began to provide the stimulus, which swelled his organ. However, this swelling encountered an agent that acted against it. The inflexible metal cock ring began to behave much as Samantha’s fingers had done on their first sexual encounter, with the consequence that a dart of pain shot into his balls, dampening the eventuality that once seemed certain.

Rachel seemed confident in the regulating ability of this device and persevered with the mechanical treatment. Indeed, she began stimulation of Gary verbally too. ‘Do you want to come Mr. Fowler?’ she asked, ‘I would really like this cock inside me and feel all of that warm spunk again.’

The dirty talk had an unsurprising effect of Gary and it’s combination with the vibrator, sent him into an agonising cycle of pelvic spasms and ball clenching terminations that made the sweat pour from his body. After two minutes of this treatment, Rachel was again disturbed by her Mother, lifting and guiding Deborah’s glistening crotch toward the upward perfection of the Colonel’s manhood. ‘Darling, can you stop playing with Mr. Fowler and bring the vibrator? I need to show this little bitch of a niece of mine double action.’

‘Oh, Debbie, you will really enjoy this.’ Rachel replied. Deborah looked at her cousin with an aimless, but wanton expression. She was now passive, resigned to whatever was to come to her.

Gary was relieved by the respite, his genitals ached from their misuse and he panted as he watched Rachel’s firm buttocks, and her breasts swung as she flounced away from him.

Debbie was now positioned over the Colonel’s penis and while Samantha grasped the head, the Colonel reached up to cradle the girl’s beautiful breasts.

Guided by her aunt, the cock head plopped inside those slippery folds and the girl dropped herself onto it, the long shaft sliding in, scraping the sweat that layered it’s circumference.

There was a piercing shriek from the penetrated girl; the vibrator that Rachel had carried over to Samantha now entertained the wet opening of her pulsating arsehole. ‘Fuck, that feels, fuck that feels…’

‘Good? Yes, that is exactly what dirty little harlots like you would think. Filthy,’ SMACK! ‘Dirty,’ SMACK! ‘little prostitute!’ SMACK! After her tongue had drilled and lubricated Deborah’s tight anus, the tip of the vibrator easily disappeared into her, followed by a whine of pleasure as the Colonel began to heave into Deborah’s pussy with long and forceful strokes.

‘Oh, yes!’ groaned the Colonel.

‘Oh, fuck! Oh God!’ responded the girl.

‘Take that fucking cock!’ shouted Samantha, and all of this time Rachel looked on in fascination as her cousin suffered the delight of objects inside both holes.

Deborah’s passion grew as more and more attention was paid to her, ‘yes, yes, I fucking love it, yes, fucking harder, fuck!’ She had turned the corner in her journey and all fear had now been replaced by lust as she realized that there was nothing to fear in this attempt to dominate her.

Samantha was far from happy with this outcome. ‘Rachel sweetie?’ she asked, ‘how was Mr. Fowler? Was he in danger of orgasm?’

‘Oh, no Mummy, he ran into the wall Every time he wanted to.'

‘Oh, that’s good, come here would you honey and play with your cousin.’

Rachel skipped over and within a few seconds had taken charge of the large vibrator and was thrusting it in and out of Deborah’s arse with a greater force than her Mother, slipping it in on every stroke until only a half inch was visible.

Deborah had given up her attempts to resist and shrieked her delight after each dual thrust as she arched her back, looked upward and allowed the Colonel to play with her nipples.

After a few minutes of this new assault, her face began to betray a change, as though a threshold had been reached and the roller-coaster was about to plunge earthward. ‘Fuck, fuck… I’m coming!’ she screamed.

‘I am…I am…’ began the Colonel, a sign that Samantha knew very well indeed. She rushed over to assist the man in his moment of weakness, detaching the large meaty pole and restricting it’s base with her thumb and forefinger to a pronounced oval shape.

In the meantime Deborah orgasmed and recognizing the signs, Rachel slowed her thrusts and let the vibrator play delicately on the quim between openings, this elongated and heightened the pleasure for her cousin who’s eyes rolled, head lolled and eventually, her hips began bucking, pressing back onto Rachel’s vibrator with each spasm, causing more in turn.

At last Deborah’s energetic relief ended and the Colonel was saved from a premature termination.

‘Thank you my dear, that was just in the nick of time.’

‘Its time for this little bitch to take two cocks now I think.’ Samantha decided, ‘No rest for you young lady!’

She moved over to Gary who flinched in the anticipation of more evil doing.

‘Oh, don’t be silly, there’s nothing to worry about Mr. Fowler. We just need to set up the equipment for a newcomer.’

Gary nervously looked down toward Samantha who dragged two low boxes either side of his inclined bench, she stepped back to assess her work. ‘Yes, that should be fine, bring her over please Charles.’

Gary’s cock, while partially caged still possessed enough length to pleasure and it was under this condition that he looked up to see a passive and trembling Deborah being positioned such that her two outward pointing feet were on the two platforms, still with her hands bound behind. Again, she was faced with the challenge of lowering herself onto a hard upright penis with problems of balance.

‘Jesus, Jesus…’ murmured Gary as the girls legs bent wide in front of him, he looked down as he felt the familiar wet twitch of her labia on his polished, unnaturally red, bell end.

Both parties to this junction moaned in unison as the connection was made and solidified, with Deborah’s fleshy folds being wedged asunder. ‘Oh, yes, yes…’ Deborah emitted.

Her rear end was slapped again, this time wordlessly, followed by the entry of the vibrator which in addition to an inward and outward vector attempted to widen the chosen anal opening with slow circular motions, Deborah twisted her torso to attempt to see this intrusion, but was rewarded by another vicious slap to her previously soft white left buttock.

‘Stay where you are you dirty slut!’ Samantha threatened.

Her acclimatisation to this novel position was short and she began to bob up and down on this new male toy. It did not take long for the bloom of sexual excitement to begin again as her vocalisations began echoing through the cellar yet again. ‘Yes, yes, fuck, fuck!’

Samantha, gauged the situation, knowing the lasting power of the men in the room and quickly assessing the capacity of her niece, decided that now was the time to finish this chapter of corruption. She clicked her fingers, looked at the Colonel and pointed at Deborah’s arse, the rim of which had been turning a deep pink.

‘Is Mummy angry? Charlie been good!’ asked Charles pathetically.

‘I want you to play with little Debbie nicely ok?’ the man whimpered in protest as he mounted the two platforms immediately behind Deborah, ‘But Charlie want to play with Rachiepoo.’

‘Charlie can play with Rachel whenever he wants. Little Debbie is only here for the day.’

‘Aw,‘ whined the Colonel, ‘Mummy help Charlie go wee wee?’

‘Yes, but first play with your cousin, ok?’ Charles stood on the box directly behind Deborah and pushed her back into an arch and cradled both breasts, which previously had been dancing magically in front of Gary. He suspended his weight just above Gary’s thighs and Samantha, like a good Mother, handled the gristle like weapon onto a plane suitable for intercourse with Deborah’s arse.

The young girl yelped loudly with the pressure applied to her sphincter by the Colonel’s huge cock, which bent, banana like with the lack of penetration. However, the more force he applied, the wider became the orifice until suddenly, his cock straightened and the meat of his weapon lurched into the back passage of the teen, followed immediately by screams of delight from her and grunts of satisfaction from Charles.

‘Now, sweetie, ‘ continued Samantha, ‘move it in and out.’ The Colonel began his work energetically.

‘Like this Mummy?’ he squeaked.

‘No, much harder, much, much harder.’

Deborah had little to do other than withstand the punishment being metered which she did with aplomb. Such were the athletic contributions of Charles, that Gary found himself without need of effort too and lay while another man’s cock pounded the space occupied by his own, albeit divided by a thin, seemingly fragile membrane. Once, when in the services, he had passed out drunk only to be woken by a semi erect penis being slapped on his forehead, and a forest of laughter from his mates. However, this current intrusion was far beyond that blokey horseplay and to his unsophisticated mind bordered on homosexuality. It was therefore a shock to him when he felt that pulsating at the back of his balls once more and he realized that the whole rotation of ecstasy and pain were about to play out again. ‘Nngh, nngh!’ he bleated.

This was all too much for Debbie, whose own orgasm, preceded by a shivering silence began in a series of jerks, gasping screams and finally, a gush of fluid that soaked Gary’s middle section. Charles, exhausted by his period of vigour, recovered his breath and sweated before withdrawing his penis, an action that resulted in a sickening thud on Gary’s thigh.

‘Good Charlie,’ said an impressed Samantha, ‘You’ve been a good boy. Now, do you want wee wee?’

‘Charlie want wee wee!’ the older man screeched excitedly.

‘Well, come on then, over to the potty with you!’ Samantha lifted her bikini and her two soft large breasts fell out and tumbled downward. Charles, moved onto the “attitude block” and sat, supporting his weight on his arms behind him and thrust his hips and monstrous cock onto the air. It was soon surrounded by Samantha’s tits, lubricated by a dollop of spittle, which proceeded to massage the large member quickly building a frenetic pace.

‘Charlie needs wee wee!’ Charles whined.

‘Mummy is waiting!’ his partner stated impatiently. The Colonel’s powers of semen production were extremely fruitful, and he grunted loudly as the first burst of cum dashed itself on the underside of Samantha’s chin, but rather that being sympathetic to her “little Charlie” the woman began to berate him at his moment of greatest incapacity. ‘What! You dirty little cunt! What are you doing?’

‘Mummy, Mummy!‘ the man squealed.

‘Urgh! That is filthy!’ more spurts of cum showered onto her chest and these were greeted with more expletive from Samantha. ‘Dirty, dirty boy.’ The abuse did not stop and as Charles’s ejaculations came to a final end, the older women described what had been done to her. ‘Charlie. You little piggy wig! You just came all over my tits, you horrible, dirty boy!’

‘But, Charlie wub Mummy!’ the man cried.

‘Yes, and Mummy loves Charlie too, ‘ Samantha stood and offered a cum covered nipple to the Colonel who sucked greedily, ‘there there.’ Said Samantha soothingly.


The visitation ended for Gary, with Deborah being aided out of the cellar by her cousin and Samantha unceremoniously stuffing her breasts back into her swimwear and clip clopping up the steps.

Gary was left alone with a now sober and completely recuperated Colonel Charles Mortimer esq. ‘I must admit your preparation has been far more successful than I had hoped, I think tomorrow will be a great success.’

‘Preparation for what?’ asked Gary.

‘Oh, the demonstration. Now, you need to be on your best behaviour tomorrow, so let me give you this little bit of advice, young Fowler. If our subject makes a nuisance of himself, if he shouts for help or cries foul, then he will find himself with electrodes attached to his testicles. It is not a procedure with which we are unfamiliar. Is that quite clear?’

Gary understood the threat, and feared the future. But, being the brave type and seeing that his only means of influence was to irritate his captor, he decided to ask a question. ‘Why yer doing it to the lass? Rachel I mean?’

The older man looked at Gary superciliously. ‘She is just a commodity Fowler.’ He began to walk away, but turned back slowly, he seemed to have something he wanted to get off his chest, ‘They all are, these upper class nobs. I’ve always hated them, their ease of manners, their confidence. It makes me puke. It makes me puke that they need my money.’ He thought further before delivering his next revelation. ‘They’re shut out back at the big house, these two. No help there. No money coming from Sir and Lady muck. Hah, I bet they don’t know that in the village, eh?’

‘Yer not bothered I might tell, all this stuff, like?’

‘No Gary. Not worried in the slightest. Rachel will be down later to see to your ablutions. Get some sleep. You will need it.’ This time the man did walk away, and Gary was left alone in the dark; scared, thoughtful and yet still totally mystified.
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