Karen is still a naive young girl. Thinking she has cornered the market on sex. So proud of herself taking on these monstrous beasts. She wondered what Terry and Tammy were talking about behind the closed door of the office. Truth be told. The subject matter was Karen and her steamy, voluptuous, and sultry body. Will they put the restraints on the the breeding bench to the test?
NOTE: Karen is still a naive young girl. Thinking she has cornered the market on sex. So proud of herself taking on these monstrous beasts. She wondered what Terry and Tammy were talking about behind the closed door of the office. Truth be told. The subject matter was Karen and her steamy, voluptuous, and sultry body. Will they put the restraints on the the breeding bench to the test?
As the two of them left the office, they were each sporting an evil grin of determination. Terry always followed behind Tammy. He just couldn’t resist every chance he had, to stare at her naked ass. The last dog was done with Karen, and was on the floor. Licking himself clean. They both approached Karen. Terry spoke, “Tammy and I were talking about you Karen. She says you’re performing like a true natural. Coming from her, that’s one hell of a compliment. I don’t think there’s another woman out there, who can breed a dog better than her.” Karen, “Oh Thank You Tammy! For saying that. I’ve been hoping all along, that I’ve been living up to your expectations. I know I’ve got a long ways to go, before I can even come close to your standards. But I’ll keep trying. I want to be just like you.”
Terry speaks, “That’s so nice to hear Karen. If you only knew how happy we are, to hear you say that. Before I forget, I have a little present for you.” Terry then produced a special collar, made just for Karen. It was sporting, in big letters, “BITCH IN TRAINING.” There were two rings attached. One on each side. Karen’s eyes lit up. “Is that for me!!!?” Tammy speaks, “Yes sweetie, it’s yours to wear everyday when you’re on the job. Here, let’s see how it looks on you.” And Tammy secured Karen’s new collar around her neck. Tammy, “Now, that is worth a picture!” Karen then says, “But Tammy, I notice your collar only has one ring on it, mine has two, why?” Terry steps in, “You have to remember Karen, you’re still in training. Just like a little puppy. Sometimes it needs firm discipline, before he is trained completely. Do you understand Karen?” Karen, “Yes I do, when can we try out my new collar?” Terry and Tammy winked at each other. “How about now Karen?” Karen, “Awesome, let’s go! I’m ready to get bred again.” Karen had no clue what was in store for her.
They explained to Karen, that they wanted to double check the breeding bench. Just to make sure everything was still in place. They both knew, Karen’s next fucking, was going to be a rough, intense ride. They checked the restraints on her arms and legs, firmly securing them to the bench. Each taking a side, they each took a chain. Fastening one end to a ring on her collar, and the other end was attached to a ring on the floor. Preventing Karen from lifting her head, or any side to side movement. Terry, spoke, “I don’t know Tammy. I think we’d better make sure on this.” Tammy agreed. So they wrapped a padded strap over her back. On her upper torso, and fastened each end to rings located near her tits. Neither one of them could resist not playing with Karen’s swollen nipples, while they performed their task. This prevented Karen from lifting her upper torso. Next came the arch bar, which was placed across the top of her lower back.
Terry stood back to admire Karen’s petite little body and his handiwork. Then mumbled to himself. “The is going to be so fucking hot!” He then spoke up, “Ok Karen, just a couple final adjustments here, then you’ll be ready.” He grabbed the remote and lowered her upper torso down, close to the floor. Then raised the back of the bench up as high as he dared go. Forcing a nice arch in her back, Her little ass was now high in the air. He still had the option to raise and lower the whole bench, without changing the current settings. The leg spreader was the next thing to adjust. He forced Karen’s legs apart as far as he could. The skin on her pelvis, going between her inner thighs, was being stretched to the limit. This also forced her ass cheeks apart. Forcing her ass crack open. Her tiny little asshole, with its minute pink target in the center, was now completely exposed. It was now ready for the Great Dane to fuck.
Karen was getting a little nervous. “Why all this all of a sudden? She could feel the cool air in the room, as it touched and ran over her exposed asshole. She tried to move, but could barely even wiggle. With a halfhearted laugh, Karen asks, “Holly Shit, I feel like your preparing me to go to war? What gives?” Tammy replies, “Well, you said you wanted to be just like me, right!?” Karen, “Yeah.” Tammy finishes, “Let’s just say, you’re in for one hell of a ride.” Karen’s mind was now trying to figure out what she meant by that. But she was getting an uneasy feeling in her stomach nonetheless.
With a command in his voice, “Ok Tammy, time to get the dogs. Karen said she was ready to get bred again. We don’t want to keep her waiting now do we.” They loaded up the cages with 2 Great Danes, and 4 mixed breed dogs. All of the mixed breeds were large dogs, 175 pounds plus. All were specially bred to be aggressive fuckers. Karen could hear the activity going on behind her. But since her head and neck were anchored down into place. She couldn’t turn to see what she was in for. But judging by their barking, they sounded like big dogs. She decided she better prepare herself mentally. And get her pussy ready for the fuck of its life. She wasn’t stupid, she knew with all this extra fuss. The next dog cock going in, was going to be a big one. Her slutty little mind was getting all excited. She was more then ready to get her dog cunt stuffed full with the largest cock yet. Her pussy was ready to take on the abuse coming its way.
All video cameras were already recording. Tammy even had her hand held video camera ready too. She knew this footage would be worth a fortune. A Great Dane is the perfect choice. Most all other dogs, have so much long fur, and short legs, the viewer can’t even see all the auction going on where it counts. Between the dogs sheath and the bitch getting fucked. But the Dane is perfect for filming. They have long legs, and huge thick sheaths. All covered with short hair. Absolutely nothing in the way for the viewer. Their cocks and knots are always in full view, as they thrust their way into a waiting fuck hole.
Tammy approached the breeding bench and says, “This is it Karen, a true test. Your next breeding is going to be a special one. Do you remember dog #39?” Karen answers, “No I don’t. There’s so many of them.” Tammy continues, “Remember the very first day when I showed you around the kennel? And there was that one particular Great Dane that took a liking to you? Well, I think he’s been aching and dying to get the chance to make you his bitch. I can see from here, he’s looking at you right now. He can see you’re totally naked, tied down, with your ass high in air. All sure signs to him that you’re ready to get fucked. His cock is already coming out just thinking about how tight you’re going be.”
Karen, the little slut she was turning out to be, was getting hornier by the second, listening to Tammy’s words. With an excited voice, Karen says, “He better be ready! This bitch is ready to fucked and bred good and hard. And he better have a huge cock. Cause that’s the only thing that’s going to satisfy this little bitch!” Terry and Tammy looked at each other, behind Karen’s back. Both were smiling. And each of them knew, Karen had no idea as to what she had coming next. Tammy leaned down to Karen’s ear, and says, “He’s well hung alright, that I promise you. If I remember right, the last time he took me, his cock is just shy of being a foot long. Nice and thick too, I couldn’t even get my hand around it. He must be 2-2 1/2 inches thick. And what a beautiful knot! Bigger than an orange! So you better hang on sweetie, he’s gonna fuck the living hell out of ya! Think you can take him?” Without thinking, Karen replies, “Push the button. I wanna feel that huge cock fuck me good and hard.”
The beast was released, the Dane made a mad dash across the floor. He was finally gonna get he wish. To fuck that little slut, that’s always walking around the kennel in her short little skirt. And not once, has she ever lifted her skirt up. So he and the other big dogs, would be allowed to fuck her holes. All she would do is walk around, spreading the scent of her pussy. Teasing their blood filled cocks. And now, there she was, the tiniest, smallest bitch he’s ever had the pleasure of breeding. With her ass in the air, tied down with no possible way to escape his powerful cock. She must want it, and want it bad. He’s gonna give her every inch of his cock, whether the tiny bitch can take it or not.
Karen could hear the fast paste clicking of his toenails on the floor, as her Dane raced towards her. He mounted her as if he had the mind of the Devil. With long, forceful thrusts, he poked. Hoping to feel a hole to drive his cock into. His red slimy dog cock was pistoning in and out of his sheath as he poked. But Karen was out of position, she could feel his hot cock rubbing the top of her butt crack, then sliding across the top of her ass. So far, she was only feeling 6 inches of his cock. As he poked. Tammy had her camera zeroed in on the action. Terry had a totally unobstructed view. With the remote already in hand, he begun to raise the whole breeding bench. Karen and her ass were now moving upwards, so meet the Dane’s thrusting cock. Terry stopped the bench, the Dane’s cock was now striking dead center in the crack of Karen’s virgin ass. But a couple inches above her puckered asshole Each time, his cock would glance upward. Her butt cheeks were rubbing and massaging the sides of his cock with each stroke.
Terry deliberately let this go on for a couple of minutes. Little did Karen know, Terry was using her butt crack to masturbate the Dane’s cock. The Dane’s cock was reacting to the massage, as it began to swell, now 8 inches out, and swollen to 2 inches thick. The first 4-5 inches still had its tapered form. He stilled needed a pointed spear to penetrate the first hole to grip and touch his fiery red dog cock.
Each time the Dane’s cock rode up her crack, she could feel how with each passing stroke, his cock was getting bigger and bigger. The sensation and anticipation was blowing her mind away. With a disparate plea, Karen shouted out, “Please Terry Please! I can’t stand it anymore! Raise me up! I wanna feel his huge cock pile drive my slutty little pussy!!!!!!” Without words, Terry and Tammy looked into each others eyes, smiled, and gave each other a forward nod. Suddenly, Karen got her wish, as she felt herself and the bench going higher. She could feel his hot tip striking closer and closer to her virgin asshole as she rose. Karen was concerned, but it felt good, nonetheless. To her, the feeling of his cock poking and stabbing close to her tight asshole, was like reaching an arm over to the dark side, but not walking in.
To Karen’s horror, the bench rose another ½ inch, and stopped. The steel hard tip of the Dane’s cock, was now on target, and struck Karen’s little pink hole. As if by instinct, her tiny hole reacted and tried to clamp itself shut. Franticly, Karen wanted to squeeze her butt cheeks together as hard as she could, to protect her now vulnerable asshole. But to no avail, the leg spreader was keeping her legs and ass spread wide open. Karen wanted to jump up and run away from the beast. She was helpless to do anything. Again, she felt his hot, hard tip, strike, making another direct hit. Tammy zoomed in with the video camera. To record a close up view of the impending battle between the Dane’s cock and Karen’s tiny virgin asshole. Karen’s mind was in panic now, “QUICK! RAISE ME UP! RAISE ME UP! He’s trying to get his cock in my ass! Raise me up into position!”
The Dane thought he felt a little something right, and proceeded to poke and stab his cock into the same spot. Hoping he had finally found a hole in his bitch to fuck. With a calm voice, Tammy spoke up, “Raise you up? Why would we wanna to do that?” Karen was now pissed off and mad, and shouted at Tammy, “JESUS CHRIST! CAN’T YOU SEE WHERE HIS COCK IS!!!!!!!! RAISE ME INTO POSITION BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE!!!!!”
It was time for Tammy to get firm, and take control. So she yelled back at Karen, “LISTEN HERE YOUNG LADY! DON’T YOU TALK BACK TO ME! You’re already in position! Your little ass isn’t going anywhere. You keep dressing and bragging about how much of a little sex slut you are. Now it’s time to prove it. It’s time for you to get your tight little asshole fucked. If you wanna be a slut for sex like me, you gotta give your ass to any and every cock that wants to fuck it. You need to be an anal whore. Around here, you have two breeding holes, the dogs expect to use both. We’re here to make them happy. Train them to fuck the brains out of Terry’s unwilling slaves. This especially includes their asses. There’s nothing his clients like best, than to watch one of Terry’s victims, get their asshole reamed out by one of his trained dogs. “HAVE I MADE MYSELF CLEAR!”
Karen was shocked by Tammy’s words, and also with the way she said it. She has always been so nice up till now. Karen was now totally scared out of her wits, tears started dripping off her face, as see now knew what was going to happen to her. This huge Great Dane, with his monster cock, was going to fuck her in the ass. And she had no choice but to lye there, with her ass up in the air, and take it.
The Great Dane was still working hard to penetrate Karen’s ass. The angle of attack was different now. His cock was poking at her asshole dead on. Now more glancing off to the side. Terry and Tammy could plainly see, his cock was right on target. It was just a matter of time now. And Karen’s petite little ass would be full of cock and cum. The Dane’s persistent cock was finally starting to wear her resisting asshole down. The hard tip of his cock had finally begun to open up her pink little hole. But barely big enough to insert a finger, he needed a much bigger hole than that, before his cock would slide in with ease.
Karen’s tears turned to sweat, as she feared the ass fucking she about to receive. The Dane kept up his hard thrusting. His cock was slowing gaining ground. His taper had now opened up her hole to the size of a quarter. Barely letting in 2 inches of red meat. He could feel the warmth of her asshole. Triggering him to thrust ever harder and faster. Karen was surprised to realize, that at least up till now, she liked the feeling of his cock forcing its way into her ass. But she had a long way to go.
The next couple of thrusts changed everything. The Dane has now thrusting so hard, her asshole opened larger than its ever been. Four inches of cock was now working its way in and out of ass. A massive jolt of pain radiated from Karen’s ass. And raced through her body. It was the worst pain she’s ever felt in her life. “AAAAAuuughhh, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, Oh My God, Oh My God, Oh My God, It Hurts! It Hurts! I can’t take it anymore!” she screamed!
Tammy began to coach her, “I know it hurts like hell sweetie! Push your ass open! Push your ass open! Let him get his cock in there! Trust me, it will be worth it!” Karen’s pain was almost more than she could bear. She was about ready to pass out it was so bad. Tammy must be out of her mind. The Dane knew his cock was close to going in. He could feel the warmth of Karen’s anal tunnel, her anal muscle ring was gripping tightly around his cock. Now he wanted to take her more than ever. Now matter what, his cock is going in. His knot was now out of his sheath, getting bigger with each massive thrust.
Karen was now barely conscious from the pain. Tammy could see her asshole was about ready to give in. It was very close to matching the girth of the Dane’s swelling cock. Tammy yelled, “Here it comes Karen! He’s gonna ram his whole cock up your ass!!!” Tammy barely got the words out of her mouth, when Karen’s once tiny little pink hole. Succumb, and submitted itself to the Dane’s huge cock. With one last powerful thrust, he rammed all 12 inches up her petite ass. His overgrown knot slammed violently against her asshole, as if hitting a brick wall. Karen could feel the warmth and size of his knot as pressed hard against her ass. Karen was now screaming at the top of her lungs, “IT’S TOO BIG, IT’S TOO BIG! HE’S GOING TO TEAR ME APART!!!!!” Tammy intervened, “You’ll be fine sweetie! Just push your ass open and let him in!! Let him fuck your ass.!”
The Dane was in total control. He tightened his grip, and with vengeance, using his foot long cock, begun to assault Karen’s small ass. Which had now swollen to full size, a good 2 1/2 inches thick. Her now helpless sphincter, was still trying to resist, but it was a futile effort. Using 8-10 inch strokes, the Dane hammered his cock up her ass. His cock was almost a blur with the speed and aggressiveness of his thrusts. He danced around on his hind legs, as he repeatedly rammed his cock into her ass. His cock was now attacking her tight asshole, at various angles, trying everything he could, to drive more cock in. His orange sized knot, was hitting her ass so hard, the breeding bench was rocking and swaying on its anchor bolts. Karen was again screaming, “OOOOOOOHHHH, OOOOOHHH, UUUgghggh, UuuUUgggh, Uuuggh, Oh God! Oh God, Shit, Shit, Shit, Oh God, OOooooh, OOooHHH.”
As her anal ring was forced to except the girth of his cock. The sharp intense pain Karen was feeling. Swiftly changed to an intense burning sensation. Karen’s breathing was labored and heavy now. The Dane was heavily panting too, drooling onto Karen’s bare back. But he continued to ram his cock, in and out of her ass. Suddenly, for no apparent reason, the burning Karen was feeling, went away. Her tiny asshole was now taking his cock in stride, with no more intimidation. It was now just simply getting fucked.
With no more pain or burning, Karen had cleared her mind of both. And began to concentrate on the huge dog cock fucking her ass. It was so big and long! She had no idea as to how she was taking it. But somehow, her petite body had found a way to pack away this monstrous cock. The hearse words Tammy had spoken to her were now ringing in her ears. The thought of getting fucked in the ass, was now gratifying to her slutty little mind. The Dane’s pistoning cock, was feeling better by the second. She was now enjoying the feel of his cock in her ass. As Tammy watched, she soon spoke up, “Look Terry! Look at her, she’s grinding her ass back on his cock. She wants it now. Her ass wants all the cock it can get.”
For the next few minutes, Karen’s slutty mind was relishing the thought of being tied down and getting her ass fucked. She loved the feel of his cock as it penetrated deep into her now, gapping hole. She pushed her asshole open, “COME ON! COME ON!,,,,,, Fuck my tiny ass you bastard!” Her pelvis soon began to tingle all over, 2 seconds latter, her thighs were uncontrollably shaking, Soon her knees and legs were shaking, 2 seconds after that, it felt like someone had touched her asshole with a 240 volt electrode. A wave of pleasure radiated throughout her body. Causing every muscle to contract. Karen was now light headed, and every muscle in her body had collapsed. Her restraints were the only thing holding her up. As she laid there, totally exhausted, she softly spoke, “Holly shit, Oh my god.”
The Dane was near complete exhaustion himself. He drove his cock in one last time. Then collapsed onto Karen’s back, choking and gasping for air. His cock and balls, began to seed his bitch. Karen just laid there, enjoying the warm feeling of his hot cum, as it filled her anal cavity.
Tammy undid the chains connecting up to her collar. “There, stretch your heck a little.” She said. Tammy gently put her hand on Karen’s head and softly stroked her hair, “I’m so proud of you sweetheart. You finally got your ass fucked, and your first anal organism.”
Terry stood there in silence. As he watched the Dane pull his cock out of Karen’s ass. A gush of dog cum freely flowed from Karen’s gapping asshole. Adding more to the cum tray below. It pleased him to now know, that Karen could take a big cock in her ass. And he begun to scheme and plan, the future of his enterprise.
Tammy spoke to Karen again, “I have a confession to make. Ever since you started working here. I deliberately didn’t mention anything that had to do with anal. I didn’t want to scare you out of here. So I just want you to relax and watch for the next few minutes. Because I’m just dying to get my ass fucked.”
Tammy got into the breeding position right in front of Karen eyes. And on purpose, Tammy lowered her sexy ass low to the ground. And spread her legs. Terry didn’t need to be told, and he released the second Dane. The sex starved dog, mounted Tammy and began to thrust his cock in the air. Tammy instantly raised her ass, and got her asshole perfectly align to meet his cock. The Dane thrust once, and could feel his raging lipstick touching her voracious cock starved ass. On the next thrust, he rammed his whole cock hard up her hot sexy ass. The Dane went into a lustful frenzy. He could feel the wrinkles of her puckered rosebud stretch and grip his huge cock. Driven with uncontrolled animal lust. The Dane skillfully raped Tammy’s impeccable ass. Karen was mesmerized at the ease of how Tammy took his enormous cock. Tammy spread her legs more, fully surrendering her fuck hole. The beast forced his large knot home. Tammy screamed with delight, “OH FUCK YEAH!!! Yeah! Whatta Good Boy! FUCK my ass! Oh Karen! His cock feels sooooooo good in there! I just loved it when they pack their dog meat up my ass!” Tammy moaned. Tammy knew she was close to an anal organism, she started grinding her asshole into his swollen cock.
“Oh My God Karen! Here it comes!” Now it was Tammy’s legs that were quivering and shaking. As her asshole reached the peak of its pleasure. Soon, dog cum would be oozing out of her ass. Karen was almost believing her eyes were in disillusion. How could Tammy take that Dane’s knot.
Terry approached Karen, while Tammy finished enjoying herself, and said, “You see Karen? That’s why Tammy wears that collar she has. She is a true kennel bitch. Maybe some day, you’ll earn the right to wear one just like hers?” Karen, “What must I do to earn one?” Terry replied, “Well, first off, you came a long ways today to earning one. You proved you can take a big cock in your ass. And thank you by the way. That was a hell of sight watching that Dane abuse your wonderful little ass. It’ll enjoy many cocks in it’s future, if your willing. And second, Tammy has been at this a while. So to be fair to her, to be equal that is, you need to be bred at least 100 more times. At the rate you’re going, that won’t take long. And know this, after today, you will be required to let the dogs breed you in whatever breeding hole they wish, and you still haven’t been bred by the monster beasts of the kennel, the Mastiff’s.
Karen quickly responded, “You might as well start making that collar now. I still wanna be your sex toy. I love getting fucked. Hey, don’t we still have 4 more back there that need servicing?” Terry, “Yes we do, 4 aggressive ass breeders. Two for you, and two for Tammy. Why, is your ass aching for more?” Karen, “Yes, it feels so empty. I think it needs a little more lovin. Push the button please.”
Terry did as told. Both women got there asses fucked and bred a couple more times each. These cocks were a little smaller than the Danes prior. Karen’s stretched out hole, swallowed up these cocks with ease. While Terry watched his two kennel whores go about their business. He told them that he was going to have another breeding bench made. So they each could have one. He also let Tammy know that the truck would coming by in the morning, to pick up a few dogs. He had a bar waitress that was way behind in paying off her gambling debt. It was time to strap her down, give her a chance to pay her debt off. He chuckled when he said, “She looks like a screamer too!”
It was time for Terry to leave. Before he left, he looked at both of his bitches and said, “You girls are doing a wonderful job! Tell you what, after your done here. Why don’t you knock off early today. Here’s 1,000 bucks for each of you. Go into town tonight and treat yourselves. Get some nice sexy, revealing clothes. So you can show yourselves off. But don’t waste your money on panties. Right Karen?” “RIGHT!” Karen replied, as she giggled.
Terry left, and the girls were now done with their breeding chores for the day. They each grabbed a chair. And sat their asses down with one cheek hanging over the edge. So the excess dog cum could leak out of their breeding holes. While they waited for their holes to drip and empty out, a conversion brewed up.
Tammy, “Karen, you were so wonderful today! Again, I’m so sorry I got a little rough with you. But I think now, you see the whole picture of things. Don’t you?” Karen, “Oh Tammy, don’t think nothing of it. I must admit, at first I was put back by all of it. I was scared out of my wits when I first realized that Dane was going to have his way with my ass. I thought he was going to rip me apart with his cock. But once I go use to it. It felt so good. And then that orgasm hit. Wow! That was incredible! Thanks to you guys, a whole new world has been opened up to me. I think I’m going to enjoy getting my ass fucked.” Tammy, “And you have to remember, there’s nothing a cock likes more, than a tight hole. Wow, look at the time! How about we meet at the mall in 2 hours. That will give us time to freshen up, relax some, before we go shopping. Let’s see if we can find some new outfits that will stiffen cocks as we walk down the street!” Karen agreed and left for home to get ready.
Once again, while Karen was on her drive home, Tammy called her mom, Karla, to let her know how Karen was doing. The phone conversion went like this. Karla, “Hello?” Tammy, “Hi Karla, this is Tammy.” Karla, “Hi Tammy, so,,,,,,,, how is Karen working out?” Tammy, “You won’t believe it! Karen finally got her ass fucked today! Well, Terry was here too. So I guess you know what that meant. He took one look at Karen’s small ass, and then just had to see if she could take it.” Karla, “That’s wonderful news!!! So who was the lucky dog?” Tammy, “Would you believe it, a Great Dane?!” Karla, “My goodness! Is Karen alright?” Tammy, “Don’t worry, she’s just fine. He didn’t get his knot in. Hopefully eventually. She even took in the ass twice after that. I think she’s got the makings to be a regular little anal whore. But I do know this, after today, her little butt is going to be sore for a couple of days.” Karla, “That’s alright, cause the way she’s been advertising her ass the last couple of years, she got exactly what she was asking for as far as I’m concerned.” Tammy, “I’m happy to hear you say that. There’s a bonus too, we got it all on video tape. That Dane really pounded itty bitty tush her good. I’ll send you a copy. Besides, Father’s Day is coming up, it’ll make a great Father’s Day gift.” Karla, “What a great idea! I know my husband has been watching her grow up with hungry eyes. He’s always said, “I wonder how long it will be before a cock finds it’s way into that little piece of ass.” “Now he’s got his answer! Whopps, gotta go Tammy, Karen just pulled into the driveway.”
With a spring in her step, Karen walked through the door. Karla, “Hi Honey! Did you have a good day at the kennel?” Karen, “Oh mom, it was crazy! Terry showed up, then he and Tammy put my butt up in the air, and tied me down. Then they let a Great Dane fuck me in the ass. Can you believe Mom! A Great Dane! And I took it like a champ.” Karla gave Karen a big hug, “I am so happy for you! Those Dane’s are big dogs. Did you like it?”
Karen, “Yes! Very much! Well, it hurt like hell at first. But then it started to feel so, so good! Have you ever tried it Mom?” Karla, “Oh yes, it’s your fathers favorite! What happens if another cock wants in there?” Karen, “I’ll grant it, it’s wish. Then hope it has a lot of buddies!” Karla, “You know Father’s Day is coming up, you’d better start thinking of a gift to give your Father.” Karen, “I’ll think of something Mom.”
The women did their shopping and the next few days went by. Pretty much business as usual. Everyday they were training and breeding Terry’s dogs. One afternoon, a truck pulls up to the kennel, Terry followed close behind. He was there to deliver and install a second breeding bench. Now they each could enjoy the comfort of a bench when getting bred.
One late afternoon, while Tammy and Karen were rinsing out the dog cum from their holes. Karen asked Tammy a question, “What’s it like to get fucked by man? Is it different than a dog?” Tammy, “It is different, but it still feels good. In general, dog cocks are bigger though. But not always. And they don’t stop like a dog does, you know, to cum. Most men can’t fuck as hard, and as fast as a dog either. But some will surprise you! Are you thinking of trying it out?” Karen, “Yes I am. Sometimes, when I’m walking around town, you know, advertising myself. I notice some men are getting turned on. I can tell by the long stares, and the bulges in their pants. I’ve been tempted to just bend over, lift my skirt, and let them have their way with me.” Tammy, “What about getting pregnant?” Karen, “Been thinking about that. I’m considering getting myself “neutered.” Tammy, “That’s a big decision Karen, only you can make it.”
Karen made her mind up. She went and got herself “fixed.” Now she could enjoy all the cocks she wanted, without any worry. While Karen was on the mend, Tammy was having problems of her own. Her husband Jon had asked her for a divorce. Guess he could no longer stand the competition between the dogs and himself. Tammy basically didn’t give a shit one way or another. Jon had become more of a hired hand to her than a husband. Terry could always find someone to care after the dogs. Tammy decided to sign the papers. Now she was a free woman.
One Friday night, the two of them went out to have a couple of drinks. Since Karen was with Tammy. They didn’t bother to card her. Even though she was still to young to be in the bar. They both had something to celebrate. Their newly found freedom. They ordered another round, and when Tammy had an idea. “Karen, I just had the craziest idea. Here we are, celebrating our freedom with booze. What we need are cocks, right? I don’t mean dog either. We need man cock. You especially need one.” Karen (with a devilish grin), “What do have in mind? I’ve seen that look before.” Tammy, “Terry gave us the weekend off. I know it’s a 3-4 hour drive, but over in Clarksville, there’s a bad part of town. I’ve heard rumors that if you’re not a local, you had better watch your ass. Maybe we can find a couple of well hung black guys to fuck us. I’ve heard those guys are well hung. I’ve always wanted to get fucked by a black cock. And what a treat it would be for you! Your first human cock could be a huge black monster.” Karen thought about Tammy’s idea for a few moments. Then replied, “But Tammy, do you think we dare do something like that!? It all sounds exciting as hell. But very dangerous, I must admit, my pussy is getting wet just thinking about it. Fuck it! Let’s go for it!”
Suddenly Tammy burst out laughing, then leaned over the table to get closer to Karen’s face, and says, “I just had the craziest idea. We wanna get fucked good, right?” Karen, “Right.” Tammy, “Well, the best way to get a guy to fuck you real good. Is to piss him off first. It must be a guy thing or something. And do you know the quickest and best way to piss off a man?” Karen, “Kick him in the balls?” Tammy, “Well, yes, that works too, but we want those balls in good working order now don’t we. I’ve got a better idea, we need to bruise their egos. Let’s find a tattoo shop first, not a permanent tattoo, just a temporary one. On one of our butt cheeks, we’ll tattoo on this, “BLACK COCKS ARE WIMPY.” When we pull down our panties and they see this, they’ll go crazy and do whatever it takes to prove us wrong. It should really piss them off, bet they’d fuck us as hard as they can.” A big grin grew on Karen’s face and she replied, “Oh yes, yes, that will drive them crazy. God, my asshole is just tingling at the thought of being hammered by a big black cock. Let’s go right now, I bet I know of a tattoo shop that will be able to get us in tonight. So we’ll be ready to go fresh and early in the morning.”
The next morning, Saturday, Tammy and Karen got themselves ready for their trip to Clarksville. They each put on a silky smooth tight fitting dress. Both dresses were mid thigh length. To show off their toned legs. The material was thin enough, so when walking down the sidewalk, the sun would shine through, and reveal their sexy bodies and curves. No bras, so their nipples would be allowed to advertise themselves. And white silky panties to cover up their tattooed asses.
As they left town, both of them were full of emotions. Nervous and somewhat scared of the unknown. But at the same time, excited and ready to try something new. The dogs will just have to wait before they get their turn again to fuck their bitches.
They arrived in Clarksville, and drove to the shady part of town. As they drove, they noticed a lot of young black studs milling around. They all looked bored, like they were just looking for something to occupy their time with. Karen was full of anticipation of the possibility of getting fucked by a black cock. She found herself staring at their crotches as they drove by. The local’s started to take notice of the two, seemingly out of place beautiful white women as they drove deeper into the shady part of town. Eventually arriving to a business district. They noticed a gas station, and on the next two blocks, there were 4 bars. All of which looked like places where a person maybe didn’t want to visit.
Tammy pulled into the gas station. She looked at Karen, “Maybe someone here can help us, give us some advice as to where to go. If you know what I mean.” As the two of them walked from the car, they could just sense all the eyeballs staring at them from across the street and surrounding area. They opened the door and strutted into the gas station. There was an older black gentleman behind the counter. “Can I help you ladies?” he said. Tammy spoke up, “Why yes you can. We just came off the main road. We’ve been traveling for hours. We just want to take a little break from all the driving and maybe have a cocktail and rest a little bit. Can you recommend a good place?” The old man could hardly believe his ears. As he looked them over, he could clearly see their nipples through the thin fabric of their dresses. Composing himself, he replies, “You nice ladies want to have a drink, dressed like that, around here?” Tammy replies, “Why not, it’s a free country isn’t?” The old man was still dumbfounded and says, “You two ain’t from around here are you?” Tammy, “No we aren’t. But does that mean nobody will serve us a cocktail if we walk in and ask for one?” The old man was trying his best to give Tammy and Karen the best advice he could. Then he replies, “Well, if your hell bent for leather to have a drink. We have a few bars down the street. But, if I was you, two good lookin white women, dressed like that, you’d better not go into the Dirty Bird bar. You might be ok going into any of the others down the street.”
This information caught Tammy’s attention. Karen too was all ears. Then acting dumb, Tammy asks, “Why, what’s wrong with the Dirty Bird? I can see it from here.” The old man replies, “Two sexy white women like yourselves!!!? In the Dirty Bird!!!? Dressed like that!!!? With all those horned up studs!!? You’d be crazy to go in there!!!! Do yourselves a favor, get back on the main road, and get the hell out of this part of town!” Tammy thanked him for his advice. As soon as Tammy and Karen got back outside, on their way back to the car, they looked at each other, and said, “Dirty Bird!!!” They drove down the street and parked right in front of the Dirty Bird and got out of the car. They advertised and strutted their shit as they walked into the bar. The old man watched out his window and thought to himself, “Well, I tried to warn them!”
Entering the bar, they couldn’t help but notice all the black studs standing around. Scattered here and there, sipping on their beverages and bullshitting. All of them taking notice of the two sexy white women that just entered into their lair. Karen and Tammy decided to sit at a table in the middle of the bar. It was a tall table, with tall bar stools to match. The bartender came out from behind the bar and approached them. “Are you sure you want to be here? I mean, I’m just asking.” Karen spoke up, “Why not? You got something against serving white women or what?” The bartender replied, “Hell no, I’ll serve you as long as you want. Makes no difference to me. It’s your choice.”
He brought them a round, Tammy and Karen were now ready to put their plan into action. It was time to start advertising their assets. Sitting on the tall bar stools. They indiscreetly, pulled up their dresses. Allowing them to spread their legs farther apart. Exposing their silky white panties. They wanted to show all the black cocks in the bar, what could be theirs if they wanted it. Then proceeded with small talk in-between themselves, and act like nothing was wrong or unusual. They ordered another round. They noticed small groups of black studs taking notice of their presence. As they whispered and made jesters to each other.
Tammy knew that her ass was very desirable. But she also knew that Karen’s little ass just might be the ticket that would push these black studs over the edge. Tammy was noticing a particular small group of black studs in the corner of the bar. They were really staring at the two of them. Tammy spoke up, “Karen, I think we need to give these guys a little more incentive. See that small group of guys over in the corner? Drop your napkin on the floor, then bend over to pick it up. Make sure your ass is pointing right at them when you do. You know, make them think, or should I say, let them know that you want it.” Karen did just that. When she bent over to pick up her napkin. She also deliberately spread her legs, just enough so her tight silky dress rose up high enough to expose the bottom of her ass cheeks, white panties and all.
Tammy was watching the reactions of the black studs as Karen teased them with her tight little tush. But even with that, they still just looked and starred. Nobody was making a move. But it was barely early afternoon, 1:00 to be exact. They ordered another round drinks. But soon after that, they needed to use the restroom. And not knowing where the restrooms where, Tammy jumped off her stool, and approached the bartender on the other side of the bar. As she leaned over the bar to ask where the restrooms where, Tammy made sure to spread her legs and push her ass up in the air. In her tight dress, she had all the look of saying, “Please fuck me.”
The small group of 4 black studs in the rear of the bar where taking notice of Tammy’s actions, Soon, one of them spoke up, “Damn, damn, look at that ass! It looks sturdy enough to take an all day pounding! I wonder if that shit has ever had the pleasure of a black cock!” Another guy spoke up, “Ya Bro, you got it wrong, cause the cock will have all the pleasure! I could use a big dose of pleasure. Bet the rest of the brothers could use some to.” The first guy spoke up again, “Heh Bro, think we just found our way to paradise! Those two white bitches ain’t leavin till they’ve led us to the Promised Land! We’ll make our move, first chance we get.”
The bartender brought them another round. As he sat the drinks on the table, Tammy asked him, “Can you tell me where the restrooms are?” He replies, “Sure thing little Lady, down the hall way back there, last door to the right. But you two better watch your asses if you go back there. Everybody else is watching.” The girls had no choice, they both had to pee. Besides, maybe, just maybe, they’d find what they’re looking for. As they walked through the smelly, crusty bar, all eyes were on them. The two stunning white women stuck out like shining beacons, as they showed off their assets on the way to the ladies room. As they turned to go down the hallway, they noticed the first door was the Men’s room, then another unmarked door, the Lady’s room was at the far end. Of the dead ended hall way.
The four black men watched as the bathroom door closed behind. The hall way was now empty, time to make their move. The bartender watched, as the four men walked and disappeared into the hallway. He murmured to himself, “Mmmm, Mmm, Mm! I tried warnin em. I sure do hope they like black dick. Especially that little one, she’s in for a rough time. Well, might as well clean off their table. Won’t be seein them the rest of the day.”
Tammy and Karen opened the door and entered the hall way once again. Just to find four big black men blocking the way. They were trapped, with nowhere to go. Tammy said “Excuse Me” as she tried to get by them. Two strong muscular arms were raised and blocked her path. The first man spoke, “Whats two fine lookin white sluts like you, doin in there in the first place. You must be crazy!” Tammy replied, “We’re just driving through town. Thought we’d stop and have a couple drinks. Then hit the road again.” All four men burst out laughing. Another one spoke up, “Oh ya, oh ya, you gonna be drinkin alright. Through a long thick straw!” And all four men laughed again. Karen instantly knew what he meant. And began to wonder what human cum tastes like. She had swallowed a lot of dog cum. Be had never tried human cum. Tammy also knew that even though she herself hadn’t been a big fan of giving blowjobs in the past. She now knew she had better start liking it.
The four men moved in closer, surrounding them. One spoke up, “Let’s check this shit out, make sure were not gettin any damaged goods here.” They started to grope and grab their tits and asses. The one checking out Tammy’s ass, spoke up, “Damn Lady! You got a mighty fine ass. Bet it feels as good as it looks!” Then he groped her pussy through her dress, “Bet you got a fine white pussy too!” Another guy walked behind Karen and grabbed her ass cheeks with his large black hands. His hands almost covered up her small ass. He spoke up, “Hey Bros, check out this little package! Bet this shit is as tight as it looks.” By now, it was obvious to Tammy and Karen that they would be getting the black cocks they were looking for.
Suddenly, they were both slammed up against the wall. Each had a large black hand around their throats. All four men produced a switchblade, which they waved in front of their eyes. One of them spoke up, “Think you two white sluts can connect the dots here. Every white bitch that walks in here, gets the same. It’s clear you two bitches are asking for it. Hope you’re not expected some place, cause your gonna be pre,,,,, occupied!” All four men again, burst out in laughter. He spoke again, “Think you know it wouldn’t be wise to go against our wishes. Time to get your white asses out of here, and put them to good use.”
The four black men guided Tammy and Karen through the unmarked door. It was the back door to the Dirty Bird. They found themselves standing in the alley behind the bar. They were marched across the alley to the back door of another building. And were told to enter, or get cut. It looked like an old store of some kind. That went of out business years ago. The front area was a large open room. The storefront windows had been painted over. The air was foul with cigarette smoke and old booze. Tammy and Karen had been thinking these four guys where taking them someplace so they could fuck them. But a different reality had just hit them in the face. The room was full of black studs. At quick glance, Tammy figured at least 25 or so. There were old sofas and stuffed chairs scattered around the big open room. All the studs were just lounging around, bullshitting, and the like. Tammy’s and Karen’s eyes soon focused in on the main piece of furniture in the room, in the middle, where two crusty looking mattresses. Both had legs under them, about a foot, foot and a half high. Every square inch of the mattresses were covered with cum stains. Both of them soon found themselves hoping they hadn’t gotten in over their heads.
It didn’t long before all these male studs started to take notice of the two lost white sluts. One of the four guys yelled out, “Hey Bros! Look what we found lost in Dirty Bird!” Immediately they all began to cheer and yell out all sorts of foul statements. “WhoooWeee, look at those two fine lookin white bitches!” “It’s gonna be a longgg afternoon and night!” “They’ll look even better after we rip them dresses off.” “Wonder how much cum they hold!” “Bet that little one starts to overflow first!” “Sum Bitch, that white woman gots one hell of frame. She was built for fuckin!” “That body gonna be a slave to all these black dicks.” “Bet that tiny one will squeal like a pig when I ram in my black meat.” “Like splittin cord wood!” and they laughed and gave each other high fives.
The room suddenly went silent, as one of the many black guys in the room stepped forward. He was a big brute, 6ft 10, body ripping with muscles. Not an ounce of fat on him, just pure muscle. He was clearly in charge. He approached Tammy, then looked over at Karen, “What the hell where you two thinkin??? Don’t you know what happens to white women who are dumb enough to come around these parts?” They both stood there in silence, still somewhat in shock at the situation they had gotten themselves into. All the black studs in the room were now stripping off their clothes. Their large black cocks were hanging down the sides of their legs. Some guys were already stroking their black meat. Getting their huge cocks ready to assault and abuse the two white sluts before them. It reminded Karen of the first time she walked through the kennel. Seemed like every cock in the room was pointing at her. Just aching to fuck her holes. The only thing Karen’s eyes could focus on, was the sea of large mushroom headed cocks, that were soon being be fucking Tammy and herself.
The big brute was still waiting for an answer, “I tell you what happens to em. If we can catch em, they all end up on these two mattresses here. We love fuckin white pussy.” He ran his hand up the inside of Tammy’s smooth leg. Then up under her silky dress, til his large fingers found her panty-covered pussy. He could feel the heat radiating from her cunt, “Bet you got a fine white pussy hinding under those panties. Feels nice and hot, nice tits too,” Then he pinched both her nipples and gave them a tug.
He turned his attention to Karen next. “How about you? Shit, you can’t weigh more the 90 lbs. Let me feel that tight little pussy.” Karen felt his hand go up under her dress, and then his large fingers groped her tight little cunt. “Damn girl, your gonna wish you never got caught. All these black cocks are in for treat. Fucking that tiny little white pussy. You ever been fucked by a big black cock?” Karen looked him straight in the eye, “No Sir, I haven’t.” He turned around and yelled, “We’re all in for a treat today, this little white whore has never had the pleasure of a big piece of black meat!” Cheers came from around the room. “Yeah! 90 pounds of girl, and 10 pounds of cock!” High fives filled the room.
The big brute turned to them again. “Kick those shoes off and git your white asses up on these mattresses.” They both did as ordered. “Now turn around so all the Brothers can see the white whores that need fuckin.” As they turned, they both scanned the room. Their cocks were long and thick. Only a couple would be considered “normal.” They could feel the hard crusty cum stains under their bare feet. Both Tammy and Karen knew, it wouldn’t be long before the mattresses would be soaking wet with fresh cum. They wondered how many white women had been fucked here. Not that it really mattered, it was now their turn. Their fuck holes were eagerly waiting to feel that first mushroom head force it’s way in.
The brute gave new orders, “Now git those damn dresses off!” As soon as their dresses hit the mattress, someone scooped them up and threw them across the room. Every man in the room was mesmerized by their sexy bodies, they had never had the pleasure of fucking such sexy white women. “Now drop those panties and spread those cheeks. We wanna see those raunchy assholes!!” he barked. They dropped their panties, revealing their tattoos. The big brute’s eyes focused on their tattooed butts. “What the FUCK!!!!!, what,,,,, the,,,,, FUCK!, are you two white bitches fucking with me?” He turned and yelled across the room, “These two pieces of white fuck meat got tattoos on their asses, saying Black Cocks Are Wimpy!” Every black stud in the room was angered by the words. “So they think we’re wimpy huh!” “That white whore gonna get what she deserves, FUCKING SLUT!” “Wait until we start pile driving these cocks!” “Right on brother! We gonna fill that bitch with cock!” “She ready too, that wet pussy gonna be gushing cum.” “That fine lookin ass is mine! I’m gonna ball that shit” “That little one got no idea what she’s in for.” Hey Man, these licorice sticks gonna rip her apart!” You got it Bro! we’re gonna fuck her so hard, her grandkids gonna feel it!” “Fuckin ay, I can’t wait to pound that little girls ass!” Hey Man! get them bitches in position, we wanna commence to fuckin!” “Yea Man! Force those legs open and spread those cheeks. My cock is ready for some white meat!” “Woooo we, it’s like use and abuse! Free pusssy and ass for the taken!”
The tattoos worked their magic. The black studs were now in primeval state of mind. Tammy and Karen knew they were both in for one hell of fucking. They made a quick glance at each other, and winked. Both their pussies were wet with anticipation. The big brute noticed the winking, “What the fuck was that? You white whores came down here looking for cock didn’t you. So you like tattoos. Someone git me a black marker!” In seconds, a black marker appeared. He went behind Tammy first. Grabbed a handful of ass cheek and wrote on her ass, “PILE DRIVE BOTH HOLES.” And drew an arrow pointing to her asshole, and another arrow pointing to her now dripping pussy. He did the same to Karen. Karen’s ass cheek was so small, he could barely fit the words on it. The big muscular brute grabbed Karen’s and Tammy’s arms and pulled their ears close to his face. He looked Karen in the eyes first, “I’m packin a 12” cock, as thick as a soda can. First, I’m gonna rip that pussy apart. Then we’re gonna spread those ass cheeks, I’m gonna use every inch and tear up that tiny little shithole.”
Tammy took a brief look down at his grouch. He was still dressed, but she could see the massive bulge. The bulge was even above his waste line. He had to be hug like a horse. Then the brute turned and looked into Tammy’s eyes, “You’ll be gettin the same.” To his surprise, Tammy leaned down even closer, and got right into his face, eye to eye, “Promise.” Once again, Tammy found a way to slap him in the face with his ego. Mocking him. Angrily, he reached up and grabbed Tammy’s throat, “It’s a promise BITCH! I’m gonna fuck your holes hard and often. You’ll be lucky to even crawl out here.”
Before Karen had time the think, the brute yelled, “Now git down and git those asses up the air. We got some heavy duty fuckin to do here. We’re gonna rape your holes raw.”
I am a veterinary nurse and work in a breeding kennels .so know what im talking about