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IMPORTANT: All inequality, such as sexism, racism or the concept of slavery, is deplorable. This is simply a way of safely exploring those things which one inexplicably finds themselves turned on by.
PLEASE leave a comment if this turned you on or if you have any feedback.

This story is set in a universe just like our real everyday world - except that slavery is normalised and commercial. About an eighth (on average) of the population of each country are born into slavery and bought and sold as objects. Because of this ratio, only the rich upper classes can afford to own a large number of personal slaves - think of it as equivalent to owning a lot of cars. These slaves have no rights.

Margaret had grown up in a standard, middle-class family, but she had gotten married at the age of 35 to a much richer man, and landed a high-paying job as well. After 13 years of an average relationship, she had divorced him, and been left with a large sum of money. Now, two years later, at the age of 59 and fast approaching 60, she had enough to buy a large house for herself and have a lot left over to keep her in luxury, only working occasionally. She was becoming a slightly larger woman in her older age as everything began to sag and she expanded around the middle, but she kept her hair dyed an unrealistic shade of blonde. As her past marriage had dragged on she had thought about it and decided more and more often that, although she didn’t mind the occasional sex she had with her husband, she was really a lesbian at heart. Aside from some casual dates every now and then with both men and women, Margaret found that she actually really enjoyed living alone as an older single woman, and having all her time to herself.

Of course, she was only “alone” as far as the upper classes defined it. Her house was actually also home to her several slaves. The money her rich ex-husband had left her in her divorce had provided her the means to indulge in the luxuries of the wealthy, the foremost of which was owning multiple slaves. Her husband had taken all of their slaves in the divorce - she allowed him this as she wanted to start building up her own, hand-picked collection for her own pleasure, all to her tastes. All of her slaves now were young and female, as it pleased her newly-discovered lesbian self to have complete ownership over so many young, helpless, female bodies. Her slaves were carefully ***********ed every now and then on visits to the slave warehouse. Margaret was quite the figure, a larger, older woman with her curled hair, makeup, colorful, flower-patterned blouse and large handbag, inspecting the displays of sad-eyed, nubile, naked young slavegirls. The warehouses stocked slaves from various different enslavement and distribution companies who supplied slaves of all different shapes, sizes, ages, races, and price levels. Choosing to purchase a new slave was always an occasion, similar in scale to buying a car - not a light, everyday decision, but definitely achievable for someone so rich to do many times. As such, Margaret currently owned a household of 7 slaves.

Margaret would wake up at around 9 am every morning, mostly out of habit, and sometimes laze in bed for a little while. When she felt like breakfast, she would press the little button by her bed which rang a bell throughout the rest of the house. Margaret was an old creature of habit, and liked her routine. She would have the same thing for breakfast every day - two pieces of toast with marmalade, and a cup of tea. As soon as the bell rang it would be prepared by her maid slave, and would be delivered to her in bed within a few minutes. Her maid slave, Kiki, had been the first slave she bought with her own money as a single woman, which had been incredibly exciting for Margaret. Kiki was 25 (34 years younger than her owner), skinny, pale and dark-haired. Margaret had thought she had the perfect looks to be a traditional maid when she bought her. Her original name was Lucy, but she had called her “Kiki” after her childhood dog. Kiki was the household’s main slave, as the first one, and it was her duty to cook all her owner’s meals to perfection, keep the entire house spotlessly clean, and wait upon her owner whenever Margaret pressed her button or rang one of the many little bells around the house. Margaret liked to see Kiki’s body as she worked, and also feel like she was humiliating the younger slave woman, so Kiki worked naked except for a black-and-white, frilly, French maid’s top that opened to let her medium-sized, milk-white breasts hang out with their pink nipples, and a pair of high black heels. Her pale pussy cleft and perfect ass cheeks were kept completely hairless and uncovered. Margaret just loved the feeling of wealth and decadence she got from having her maid dressed up in this French-imitating way. What made Kiki’s tasks much harder for her was the fact that her high heels were permanently connected with a shining silver hobble-chain about 20cms long, forcing her to always walk in tiny, dainty steps, and her wrists were connected with a slightly longer chain. Because of this, and the huge house she had to keep clean on top of her daily cooking, Margaret allowed Kiki only 6 hours of sleep every night, strictly between 12am and 6am. When she had bought Kiki, before taking her home she had immediately paid to have her sent on a two-week intensive course where she was trained from scratch to walk perfectly upright all the time, keep balance in her hobbled high-heels, present herself gracefully with her back arched and breasts stuck out, serve food with her hands chained without spilling it, and of course how to cook all of Margaret’s specified menu exactly as her buyer liked them. Kiki was an ever-present presence in Margaret’s day, all over the house, starting from the moment she brought in the breakfast and tea and carefully lowered it with her chained hands onto the bedside table without spilling any. She would then be given any specific instructions Margaret had for the day’s work, and be dismissed to her duties. The only words she ever spoke were a delicate “Yes ma’am” or “No ma’am”. Still, the human spirit is incredibly resilient even in situations of complete oppression, and Kiki had, through sheer daily repetition, come to find pride and purpose in her work, her sole purpose being to keep her mistresses house as tidy as possible and make her perfect meals (Kiki herself only ate the most basic slave food and scraps of course.) She was also required to serve very busily whenever Margaret had her similarly rich, old, female friends over for a drinks occasion, and they all admired the well-trained maid slave with her bare milk-white breasts and pink nipples, and complimented Margaret on owning her.

Once she had finished breakfast, Margaret would get out of bed and get dressed before sitting down at her desk to check her emails on her desktop computer. Sometimes she would work for a few hours from home as well, and sometimes would be seated there for many more hours watching random silly videos or messaging her friends (this was probably one reason why Margaret was becoming a larger woman). This is where the job of the next slave to begin work in Margaret’s household would start. About two years ago, on Margaret’s birthday, her good friend, another rich woman around her age, had given her a present, saying it was a very special one. The present was a young slave girl, who she had hand-picked from the market for Margaret. Margaret had been asked to close her eyes and had been led into another room as all the old women at the party giggled, then told to open her eyes. The girl had been presented naked, standing in the middle of the room, with her hands and hair both tied with big red ribbons like a present, and all the old ladies whooped and cackled like old women having a drink together do. The slave was 22 (37 years younger than her new owner), blonde and slightly chubby, with a protruding bottom and large tits, as was the fashion for some older women to own, and the friend had ***********ed her thinking Margaret would like this. Margaret of course was very polite and pretended to be overjoyed, thanking everybody so much, and, when all the ladies chanted “spank her, spank her, spank her”, bending the girl over her knee and giving her her inaugural spanking as her owner. However, secretly, even though she would never say it out of politeness, Margaret didn’t like the slave at all. Hypocritically, Margaret couldn’t stand the look of even slightly chubby slavegirls - she believed all slaves should be in shape as it made them look like they were working properly and not being lazy (laziness was for privileged owners like herself to enjoy), and her taste was always for trim girls. When all the guests were gone at the end of the night, she had the girl stand in front of her while she inspected her. Then she finally let her displeasure show as she examined the slave with disapproving tut-tuts, feeling her slightly flabby belly and giving her a squeeze. “What am I going to do with you?” she said, almost to herself. “What can I do with a fat slave?” The poor slavegirl (who wasn’t even very fat, only slightly chubby) couldn’t help it and began to cry - already in a difficult life due to being a slave, her only role was to serve and please her owner and try to find a sense of purpose in that - but she now had to deal with the humiliation of being completely owned as an object by someone who didn’t even want her - that’s how low she was. Her crying just made Margaret more disgusted as she now looked uglier. The next day, Margaret had a great idea. She could still get good use out of a slave without having to look at her and be displeased (she was a very fussy old woman about beauty and aesthetics, and prided herself on her taste in furniture and decor - with human slaves included in those categories.) She would have the girl kept under her desk, unseen, with her head between where Margaret’s legs rested, to pleasure her while she worked or just lounged around on her computer. A builder had made the adjustments under the desk and the unwanted slavegirl was installed permanently in a bondage position under there. Margaret never had to see even a little bit of her - she simply sat down at her desk every day like she wasn’t there. When she opened her legs, which was the sign her slave was trained to respond to and the only communication that ever happened between owner and slave, the girl would begin to use her tongue and lips to lick and suck on her owner’s old, saggy pussy (Margaret never wore underwear, for this reason.) The slave, who was straight, despised her role in life, to lick an old woman’s genitals, but of course couldn’t express this. Margaret could quite happily spend hours and hours at her laptop watching videos of cute animals or sending emails while she was gently orally stimulated. By the end of each session, the unseen slave’s mouth and neck and jaw muscles were agony. She was strictly forbidden to ever make any noise that reminded Margaret of her presence, not even a sniffle, cough or sneeze, and the owner never said a word to the slave either. It was perfect for Margaret - she never had to see her, and the slave existed to her only as a tongue she felt under the desk. The slave’s name had been told to her as Hannah (“But name her whatever you want of course” the friend had said when she presented the gift), but Margaret had long since forgotten that. If she ever thought of the poor girl imprisoned down there at all, she simply thought of her as “Tongue” or “desk slave”. But whenever her friend who had given the gift asked her if she was enjoying her slave, she answered “Yes, very much!”

After too much time on her computer, Margaret often liked to have Kiki the maid slave serve her afternoon lunch in the garden. She would sit on her comfortable outside furniture on the lawn, under a shady umbrella. The garden lawn, flowers, and hedges were all kept to Margaret’s immaculate standard by another slave who she had bought especially for that purpose. Margaret had realised that it was too much hassle to have an indoors slave also maintain the garden, as they got so dirty and had to take time out of their work to clean themselves before coming back inside again, so she decided to get a dedicated slave that she would keep outdoors just for the garden. From the moment she had brought her home after purchasing her, the slave had never been allowed to enter the house. Margaret had attached a heavy metal collar around her neck that was connected to a very long chain, connected to a ring set into the outer wall. It was long enough to give the slave full access to the whole garden. The slave was a lithe 25 year old (34 years younger than her owner) with medium-to-small breasts, and she had definitely the most physically demanding life of any of Margaret’s slaves. From her hard outdoors work her body was well-toned and fit, but also constantly covered in dirt. This added to her overall dark appearance caused by her full-body tan, as she was, for convenience reasons due to her dirtiness, kept completely naked except for her metal collar. Her dark brown hair was kept hacked roughly short, also for convenience, and was slightly bronzed and reddenned by the sun. Margaret had kept the slave’s name she had when she had bought her, Anna, as she thought it was a simple, rustic name that suited an outdoors girl. She spent her long days of slavery working on Margaret’s never-ending garden projects - shifting huge bags of soil, compost and gravel around, building paths with rocks, as well as weeding, maintaining the lawn, and keeping everything trimmed to perfection. Somewhat sadistically, Margaret expected her to work in any weather, from the hottest punishing summer days that burnt the slave’s whole naked body, to the freezing cold, to torrential rainstorms. She had a tiny dog-like kennel to curl up in at night, a kind gesture from her owner. Compared to the immaculately clean inside world of Margaret’s large house, she saw Anna as a filthy animal, constantly covered in grime and dirt, whose body showed the marks of her labour. In the heat of the day, Margaret loved to sit in the shade and watch the fit young woman’s naked body straining and sweating in the sun while she ate and sipped her afternoon champagne. The site of the sunburnt, dirty slave on the end of her chain was delightfully medieval to Margaret, and made the rich old woman slightly wet.

The most extreme form of slavery Margaret kept other human beings under came into use whenever she needed to use the toilet throughout the day. One day a few years ago, she had gone to a friend’s house, and her friend, who was far richer even than Margaret, had proudly lead her into her toilet and shown her her latest installment. Instead of a usual toilet bowl, under the toilet seat was a young man’s head, facing upwards. The slave was clearly installed in bondage in some space under the toilet, and forced to use his open mouth as a receptacle for his owner’s excrement. Margaret was shocked and filled with awe, and both her and her friend giggled a lot together. The friend was something of a role model to Margaret, as she was even richer than her, and Margaret immediately decided she wanted to do the same one day. There was something so delightfully unnecessarily cruel about going to the bathroom into a live human mouth that it seemed like the ultimate symbol of luxury, wealth and success to Margaret, and she wanted to aspire to having that feeling. Of course, she didn’t mind using her friend’s male toilet slave, but being an older lesbian she much preferred the sexual connotations of using a young female for the job. A year later, when she had the money available, she began to draw up plans for the installation and think about what kind of girl she would want to use as a toilet slave. Margaret knew that when she purchased the slave it would be her biggest decision yet, because she knew she would be condemning that person to a horrific role, so she didn’t want to choose a slave arbitrarily. Margaret was an intelligent old woman who free children would consider very kind and motherly - she wasn’t a psychopath at all. But like most of the rich upper classes, she simply accepted the enjoyment of owning and using slaves like it was her deserved treat, her role in the order of the world. Eventually, she came up with an idea that made her incredibly excited, and also made her laugh out loud, and not long after, she put it into action. Now, when Margaret went to the bathroom, in the corner for the toilet was a specially made toilet seat with a hole that stretched further backwards, and in the hole, looking upwards, were the faces of not one but two toilet slaves. The one at the back was a black African girl of 23 (a toilet 36 years younger than her owner), who was facing forwards. The one at the front, who was facing backwards the opposite way, so that the two slaves were positioned chin-to-chin, was the face of an Asian girl, 21 years old (38 years older than her owner). Both slaves were confined in tight bondage in a construction under the toilet, with only their heads pushed up, and their hair was tied back tightly, forcing their heads back so their faces faced directly upwards (despite being imprisoned against each other and their chins touching all the time, they never actually saw each other, and were of course strictly forbidden from talking, as that would be inappropriate for a toilet.) Their necks were constantly sore from being bent back, and their whole life’s view consisted of the blank white of the bathroom ceiling. It was Margaret’s own idea to have not one toilet slave but two - one at the front for her piss, positioned under her pussy facing backwards so she could look down at her eyes, and one at the back for her, well, number 2s - facing forwards where her ass naturally came to rest. The races of the slavegirls were Margaret’s own little joke - as she put it to a friend, “Brown for the brown, yellow for the yellow. They’re colour-coded!” This always got a laugh from people. Margaret was a liberal, educated woman, and definitely didn’t think of herself as a racist - in her mind it was just a funny little pun - though she did admit to a friend that she thought black girls were “natural toilet slaves, because their mouths are nice and wide for when there’s a big load”. Apparently the black slave girl was originally from Ghana, called Adjua, and the Asian slave originally from Korea, called Hae-Won, but Margaret had forgotten all of that, and just referred to them as Number 1 and Number 2. Number 2, the African girl, apparently didn’t speak any English (not that either would ever speak anyway), and this must have added to her sense of helplessness and bewilderment in this foreign country. After being bought, both slaves had been sent on a course to forcefully train them out of having a gag reflex. Both slaves were expected to silently swallow everything that came out of Margaret, and then use their tongues to clean her - sometimes, after doing her business, she would sit for a long time just relishing in the pleasure of having her nether regions deep-cleaned by two soft warm tongues. Even if she just needed to pee, the black “back” slave was still expected to clean her owner’s anus with her tongue. When she was finished, and left the bathroom, she would ring the bell on the way out, and Kiki the maid slave would come around and pour flushing mouthwash down both toilet slaves’ mouths so they were nice and fresh-smelling for when their owner needed them next, as well as giving them their special food and pills to stop them from getting sick. Margaret loved the system, and loved the feeling of sitting down on two soft, warm, young women’s faces so much that she vowed never to have a normal toilet again.

In the evenings, after Kiki had served her her dinner, Margaret liked to lounge around on her big comfy sofa and watch her favourite reality TV programmes, with another glass of champagne in her hand. This is where she would use her most recently purchased slave, the newest addition to her household. Margaret had always had a little fluffy carpeted footstool to put her old aching feet up on, but once, just for an idea, she had made Kiki kneel down and be her footstool while she watched her programmes. Margaret had loved the feeling of having her feet on the back of a slavegirl much more than just an inanimate footstool, but when she was watching TV in the evenings she wanted Kiki to continue washing the dinner dishes and doing her other chores, and she wanted her little pleasure slave (who we will get to next) to cuddle up in her lap, so she didn’t have a slave to make kneel (obviously the dirty outside garden slave and the three slaves restrained as desk-mouths or toilets were out of the question). She had talked about this to another rich friend of hers, who had said “Oh darling you simply MUST get yourself a footstool slave just for the purpose. I have a young little Asian thing, Chinese I think, a cute little thing, just to kneel as my footstool in the evenings. It means none of your other slaves are distracted from their duties my dear”. Margaret had liked this idea, so she had recently gone down to the market, browsed the slaves, and eventually bought a petite little 21 year-old Mexican slavegirl (38 years younger than her new owner). The girl’s name she was sold under was Veluria, but Margaret immediately re-christened her “Stool”. The tanned girl, with her straight, dark black hair tied back, was kept completely naked, as Margaret liked the feeling of her smooth, young, bare skin on her feet when she rested them on her back, and the look of her shaved little ass crack peeping upwards. She would kneel silently in the corner of the room until Margaret clicked her fingers at her, which was her queue to come kneel on all fours to support her owner’s feet, keeping her eyes pointed at the ground - Margaret was strict about her furniture never looking at her. It was a deeply humiliating task for the girl, as she was forced to kneel there under the old woman’s feet while her pleasure slave cuddled on the couch and freely watched the television.

So who was this pleasure slave? Mentioned last but definitely not least of Margaret’s seven current slaves, she was the slave closest to her owner’s heart. Her purchase had not been planned - Margaret had stopped by the slave warehouse one day on her way home from having a cafe brunch, just for fun to have a look around. When browsing the cages, she had seen a slavegirl that she was immediately completely smitten by, and completely fell for, in a way she never had with any other slave. The girl was only 19, and was a little, almost boyish thing, with tiny breasts and buttocks and very little hip curve. Her skin was lightly olive-tanned, her hair was dark, and the face had a beautiful, almost noble sorrowfulness. Margaret had stared at her a long time, feeling herself grow wet, and knew she was more attracted to completely owning this girl than she had ever been about another slave. She weighed it up in her mind for a while and then thought, “Screw it, I’ll do it”, and waved a shop assistant over to begin her impromptu purchase. Margaret had never had a huge sex drive - she loved getting long hours of gentle oral from her under-the-desk slave, and sometimes took pleasure from Kiki, but this new girl she was fiercely attracted to on a different level. For the first time, she had a true pleasure-slave, a slavegirl whose sole purpose was to provide sexual intimacy in whatever way demanded of her, a real pet. The girl’s name had been Lily, and Margaret kept this, as she thought it was sweet and beautiful. Lily, who was 40 years younger than her owner, was kept completely naked, even collarless, as Margaret liked her that way. Although Margaret kept her own bush grown short, she demanded that Lily, like all her slaves, be completely smooth and hairless for her. Margaret had never had children of her own, and had never thought she wanted them, but this little boyish slave girl inspired a deep kind of affection and love in her. Lily would lie in her lap and cuddle while she watched TV in the evenings with her feet resting on her Stool slave, and she would even feed the slave scraps of her delicious dinners, which made Kiki the cook very jealous. Afterwards, the slave would gently and tenderly wash her mistress's entire aging body in the bath. Then, every night, the teenage slave who was 40 years younger than her owner would be taken to bed with her mistress to pleasure her. Most of her night would be simply spent halfway down the bed, under the duvet, eating her owner’s hairy, saggy pussy until Margaret came at least four times. Margaret had trained Lily to do it just how she liked it, and sometimes had her rim her asshole as well while the old woman moaned in delight. Because of this, Lily would use mouthwash kept by the bed when Margaret wanted to kiss and sloppoly make out with the much younger girl (which Lily secretly hated more than giving head - but of course she had to feign passion and perform her duty.) When Margaret was feeling very turned on, she would herself eat out her slavegirl’s young, tight pussy, loving the taste - though she would never admit to her other slave-owning friends that she, a rich upper-class owner, gave her slave oral pleasure. The two would fall asleep with Lily held in Margaret’s arms. Kiki, who had been her mistress’s very first slave in the house, couldn’t help but be jealous of Lily for many reasons - Margaret clearly loved Lily unlike any of her other slaves, and showed her kindness, and Lily was clearly her owner’s favourite despite Kiki being there first. Also, Kiki was jealous of how Lily was kept naked but completely free of restraints or a collar while she herself had to walk in chain hobbles, how Lily had a human name while she was degradingly named after her mistress’s childhood dog, and how Lily slept in Margaret’s big comfortable bed while she slept in restraints in the slave room. Of course, deep down, Kiki hated being Margaret’s slave, as anyone would, but interestingly she couldn’t help but be jealous at the same time. The worst was that now, every morning, she had to hobble into the room in her maid’s outfit and serve her mistress breakfast while the little pleasure slave was also cuddling with her in bed and looking at her as she turned red. Before Margaret owned Lily, she had made Kiki sometimes get down on her knees and pleasure her with her mouth, but now she never needed to do that, and Kiki realised with sorrow that she would live a completely sexless life. Really the pleasure Margaret got from Kiki was seeing her hobble around in her humiliating outfit and restraints, seeing her breasts and pussy, and watching the girl slave work hard every day for her - she didn’t need actual sexual touch with her.

Margaret wasn’t one of those owners who liked to give her slaves pain just for fun, even though she enjoyed seeing them suffer in small daily ways for her, like Kiki’s leg hobbles or the garden slave’s weather exposure, and obviously the toilet slaves. One of her friends had a pain slave, a chubby redhead girl that she tortured for fun every day, whose body showed all the scars of the terrible things done to her, but Margaret wasn’t into that. She was certainly no psychopath, and had a lot of kindness. Sometimes it was fun to give Kiki or her Stool a good spanking when her friends were over for a party and they had all gotten tipsy, but mostly she just punished slaves when she felt she had to to maintain her order, if they had done something wrong. When Anna the garden slave had spilt a huge bag of compost all over the path and failed to completely clean it up, Margaret had denied her food for two days while she continued to labour. Once, her footstool slave Stool, after Margaret had been resting her feet on her for an unusually long time, had buckled one of her arms and fallen on her face. Margaret had known she had to do her role as a good owner, so she had gotten her short black leather slave-whip that she kept for rare occasions and whipped the naked Mexican footstool girl’s back and bare brown ass raw, actually starting to enjoy herself as the poor slave tried to keep her crying quiet. But most of Margaret’s punishments were given to Kiki, as she was the slave who attended her mistress all day and was so busy that mistakes were bound to happen the most. The worst was when the girl, exhausted from so little sleep and trying to serve food in her heels and chains, had spilled a hot cup of tea in Margaret’s lap, and was immediately filled with terror at the thought of the consequences of what she had done. Margaret had already been in a bad mood that day, and got unusually angry. After immediately slapping her with full force across the face, making Kiki begin to tear up, she had grabbed her hair and marched her to the kitchen. Taking her punishment handcuffs, she cuffed Kiki’s hands cruelly behind her back, then forced her to bend over by pushing her head into the kitchen sink. Then, improvising in her anger, she took the spiciest bottle of intense Mexican hot sauce out of the pantry, poured it into her hand, and rubbed it all over the poor girl’s bare pussy and ass, working it deep up into her pussy folds and anus, before marching her by her hair into the yard, making her kneel, and attaching her collar to a short chain into the ground. Within a minute Kiki was writhing in agony as the hot sauce burnt her most sensitive, softest parts, crying and moaning, unable to touch herself with her hands. Margaret had left her to suffer for an hour before unchaining her and returning her hands to normal, and she got even less sleep than usual that night as she had to make up for the work she missed while being punished. Another memorable incident was when Margaret had hosted a party for one of her birthdays with all her old, rich, female friends. Kiki had been serving them and they gave her more and more attention as they got drunk. One of Margaret’s friends, the same who owned the pain slave, had, after asking Margaret for permission which she drunkenly granted out of interest and amusement, grabbed Kiki off her unsteady high-heeled feet, bent her backwards over her lap so she had access to her bare pussy, and stubbed her burning cigarette out right on Kiki’s clit. The maid had screamed, and cried gently for the rest of the night, hobbling painfully while forced to continue serving.

Anyway, on a more normal night, all the tasks are done and the whole household of 7 slaves and 1 mistress go to sleep. Kiki the maid slave, finally finished her long list of chores, goes to the slave sleeping room, lies down on her mattress and has to place her hands into auto-locking cuffs that automatically unlock at 6am when her alarm wakes her up. This process is video-recorded and watched the next day by Margaret to make sure. This is because Margaret doesn’t want Kiki masturbating - she believes the maid slave should never have her own sexual release, and should only exist to work. Kiki sleeps at last in her chains, and dreams about being able to stretch her legs again and take long, running steps like she did once, no longer in her accursed heels and hobble chain. Meanwhile, in the same slave room, Stool the footstool slave, previously known as Veluria, places her hands into the same restraint system - Margaret also thinks furniture shouldn’t masturbate. She sleeps and dreams of being free to be looked at like a human being, and of being a writer, which is what she always wanted to be - instead of kneeling as an unthinking human footstool. In her little kennel in the garden, naked, cold, and dirty on the end of her neck chain, Anna the gardening slave is the only of Margaret’s slaves allowed to freely masturbate, which she does every night, as Margaret thinks it fits her filthy animal condition. Playing with her dirty sweaty pussy, she dreams of feeling a kind human touch again, and of the softness of wearing clothes. Imprisoned in a space under her owner’s desk, the unnamed tongue slave previously known as Hannah dreams of moving her hands and legs freely again, and not having the taste of old woman pussy on her tongue. In the bathroom, in their heavy restraints under the toilet seat, the two toilet slaves, Number 1 and Number 2, sleep and dream of being anywhere else, being back in their home countries, or of being anyone else but themselves - of anything but this existence. In her owner’s bed, Lily the teenage pleasure slave sleeps pressed naked against her wrinkly older owner’s body. She is quite comfortable, and knows she should consider herself very lucky compared to the fates of the other slaves - she isn’t hobbled or hard-working like Kiki, doesn’t have to hold one position like Stool, isn’t worked outside in the hot and cold like Anna, isn’t permanently restrained like the under-the-desk slave whose name she doesn’t know, and of course doesn’t have to live as a toilet. But she still dreams that she is cuddling a hot young boyfriend instead, and is sad when she wakes up and remembers that she probably will never experience sex or touch with anyone except this much older flabby woman. Beside her, Margaret, the legal owner of all the other house occupants, sleeps a deep happy sleep in complete comfort. She loves her life and the joys that riches can bring. She dreams of delicious food and drink and lying in the sun with kittens.

Margaret’s slaves in order of purchase -

Kiki (25F)

Anna (25F)

Tongue (22F)

Number 1 (21F)

Number 2 (23F)

Lily (19F)

Stool (21F)

PLEASE leave a comment if this turned you on or if you have any feedback.

IMPORTANT: All inequality, such as sexism, racism or the concept of slavery, is deplorable. This is simply a way of safely exploring those things which one inexplicably finds themselves turned on by.
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