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Jeff and Jack find themselves in an unusual situation
Brothers Forever 2

Uncle Jim was pretty special. He knew we did not want to be separated after our parents were killed and he welcomed us into his home even though he was not married and, I am sure, had no great desire to have three brats under foot. The first day we were there we all sat around the table in his kitchen. Jim began the discussion, “There is not much I can do to take away the pain of what you have lost, I lost a lot too. The only thing I can do is help by providing you a safe place to live and stay together. The money from the law suit and insurance will be in your own accounts, but you will not need to touch it for a long time; I will make sure you are taken care of, we will talk about those specifics later. This is your home now, and I want you to treat it that way. I am away from here a lot of the year but I will make sure there is someone here to take care of you while I am gone.”

He continued, “For the time being you will have rooms in the house; you boys will have to share a room for the time being. I am talking to a contractor this afternoon to have three small apartments built behind the house, when that is complete you will all have your own private areas including computers, phones, TV and anything else we agree you need. One of the reasons for this is the fact that I am not married and I feel it would be better that you have your privacy as well as me having my privacy. The one thing I will demand of you is that we all gather for dinner when possible and, if I am not here, you will eat together; family is the most important thing in our lives.”

“Now, school; I have arranged for private teachers for what is left of this year, then you will be registered in a private school not far from here. Your father saw school as being more important than I did, but he was right, you will have a better chance in this world with the best education you can get. I know it will be tough this year but I do expect your grades to be high and that you do the best you can. I am sorry we are getting to know each other better under these circumstances, and I know I am not your father, nor do I intend to replace him, but we are family and we will work as family.”

The next couple of months seemed to fly by and we soon had our own “little apartments. I guess by some standards they were small, but two thousand square feet of living space is quite comfortable. Each of the apartments was completely self sufficient with a kitchen, baths…the whole bit. Each apartment had it’s own entrance and were connected by doors that could be locked on both sides. We moved into our own places just two weeks before Uncle Jim had to leave and he had done all he promised, including a wonderful woman to care for us and feed us.

During this time Jeff and I still played around a bit and had become quite effective at pleasing one another, we were almost disappointed that Shelia had not pressed the issue about including her but just left that alone, though we did talk about it often. One night a couple of weeks before we moved into our own apartments we were talking, “Jack, I really like it when you suck my cock and I enjoy sucking yours, but wouldn’t it be great to have Shelia here to have fun with too?” I thought for a minute, “But she doesn’t have a cock; I looked at some of Jim’s books and they showed men kissing women down there, but I don’t see why they do it.” “They do it so they can fuck them,” he said, “it gets women all hot when you do that and they want you to stick your dick in them.” I thought for another minute, “But how can that feel any better than what we do?” “I saw where a guy was fucking a girl in the ass, you know, like when I put my finger in yours only he used his cock,” replied Jeff. “Did she like it?” I asked. “Well, she sure seemed to,” he replied. “Well, how about I stick mine in your ass and we see,” I said jokingly. Jeff thought about this for a long time then said, “Ok, but I get to do yours after,” I agreed. “I was just kidding, Jeff. When you put your finger back there it still hurts some and your cock is quite a bit bigger than your finger,” I told him. “Come on, bro, I will be careful, I promise it won’t hurt that bad.”

My dick was so hard I thought it would break when Jeff took it into his mouth. I immediately swallowed his rather large tool. Jeff’s dick was now about eight inches long and mine was only a bit smaller. He sucked me until I thought I was going to cum then got up on his knees, “Put some spit on my butt hole, it helps get it in…I think,” Jeff instructed. I spit on his hole then began pressing my dick against his ass while I pulled the cheeks of his ass apart. I pressed harder because I didn’t think it was going to go in then it popped through the entrance, “Stop, Jack, please stop, it burns.” I started to pull out but he stopped me, “Don’t take it out, just hold it there for a minute.” The pressure and heat of his asshole was driving me nuts, I wanted to push it in and fuck him, but I remembered that I promised him he could do me when I was through, so I just held it there. After what seemed like an eternity he said, “Ok, push it in real easy,” and I tried but I just had to fuck him so I pushed it into his asshole all the way.

Jeff let out a little yelp, “Take it easy or I will tear your ass up, little brother.” I couldn’t pay any attention to him, his hot little asshole had a hold of my cock and I was in heaven but I had to have more. I pushed deeper then began to saw in and out of his ass. My cock was so hard I could bend steel with it and I started hammering his asshole, driving as deep as I could. He was not happy about this but I was rushing head long into the most fabulous orgasm I had ever experienced and no matter what the price I could not stop. My whole body began to tingle and I slammed my cock all the way into him and fucked him as hard as I could. The pleasure that had been building in me blew through my cock with a rush. I began pumping my load into his ass, pulling him firmly against me, then collapsed on the bed next to him as my cock slipped from his nearly virgin hole. “Damn it little brother, I told you to take it easy, that hurt like hell and now I am going to repay the favor.”

I had no choice but to allow him to fuck me, I have never made my brother a promise or made an agreement with him that I did not follow through with. “Can you give me just a minute, I think my balls exploded,” I asked. “Yeah…and your asshole is about to explode when I get my dick in there,” he responded. I reached over and wrapped my hand around his cock, “You must not have minded too much, your cock is as hard as a steel rod,” I laughed as I drew his cock into my mouth. His pre-cum dripped from the hole and I sucked it into my mouth, he began fucking my mouth, pushing his cock all the way into my throat causing me to gag just a bit as it slid in. He fucked my face for about a minute then pulled his cock from my mouth and pulled me to my knees, “Let me have that little asshole, little brother.” There was no malice in his voice just a strong sense of desire.

I got to my knees and bent down with my ass is the air. The head of his cock felt huge as it pressed against my virgin hole. Try as I did I could not relax at first but when I finally did the head of his cock popped into my ass and I understood what he meant about the pain. I wanted him to stop so bad but I had not been fair to him, I had no reason to expect he would take it easy on me…fair is fair. I also understood the pleasure he was feeling and how hard it is to control yourself when you first break into that dark pit. I grunted as he pushed harder; his cock seemed much larger than I knew it was, my asshole felt like it was being opened by a baseball bat. I had to shove my face into the pillow and still the sound was not quiet as he pushed more and more of his monster cock into my asshole. He was about half way in when he began to pull his cock back then push a little more inside me, the again and again. Then came what I knew was coming and what I was really due; he grabbed my little hips and pulled me hard against his crotch as he pushed his cock all the way inside me and began fucking me hard and fast. The pain was excruciating and I wanted to beg him to stop but all I could do was scream into my pillow. After a few minutes there was a twinge of pleasure riding that pain train; I wanted to beg him to stop and yet I wanted to yell for him to fuck my ass. It really didn’t matter, he was slamming into my ass like he wanted to drive his cock all the way to my throat. He was fighting to keep quiet but he couldn’t; he released a loud groan then flooded my asshole with his cum, I actually felt like I was going to cum again so I grabbed my own cock and began beating it. “Don’t pull it out yet…don’t stop yet,” I begged as my balls erupted and I released the largest load I had ever spewed. Then I dropped to the bed and fell asleep.

I don’t know when Shelia came into the room but I felt small fingers twisting into my wrecked rectum, “You guys are at it again and you didn’t invite me,” she said as she dug her claws into the inside of my cum filled ass. I yelped and jumped up, “The next time you two decide to have a little fun you better invite me or I am telling Jim what you two are up to. I don’t think you want that.” We were both exhausted but Jeff looked at her, “Take off your clothes and we will let you join us right now.” Just then we heard Jim moving around and we scrambled to get our night clothes back on as Shelia stood at the door. Jim walked to the door, “What are you three doing up, get to bed and get to sleep.” Shelia was not happy with this, but she headed back to her room.

anonymous readerReport 

2011-02-18 16:22:10
Don't add the sister! Please! It would ruin the story.


2011-01-01 13:05:31
really great stroy as for the sister if you continue it can go with or without her I think it would be good either way as for what some people are saying about putting the uncle in I don't know I think that might be pushing it but it is your story so suprise us.


2011-01-01 13:02:03
really great story can't wait to read more of this please continue with or without the sister don't matter to me and as

Anonymous readerReport 

2009-06-20 10:08:57
i don't read fag stories i like to tell u faggots that pussy is good to cumm inside nothing better thin pussy so find some pussy to fuck n u wanna fuck a man or men no more pussy is great


2009-06-20 09:50:48
this fag shit sick go find some pussy to cum inside of pussy is great iam 12 n i love pussy

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