Sara has survived her encounter, but something stirs inside her.
This story does NOT contain scat or other fetishes based on bodily functions. However, part one does. If you aren’t into that, a synopsis is below. If you are, please read that first.
Part 1 Synopsis: Three women are kidnapped and put underground. They wander together until finding an eldritch horror that viciously rapes them. Sara’s story continues below.
Dust skittered across the room as a light breeze blew in through an open bedroom window. Sun speckled curtains brushed past balled clothes that rested, unwashed on the wooden floor. The tweeting of birds preparing for the day coaxed the woman in the bed from her slumber. Sara jolted awake, gasping for air as the pains of a nightmare left her body. Cotton sheets bunched in her clutch. The lingering tastes of dirt and bodily fluids from the dungeon in her dreams drifted away. She looked around her bedroom and flexed her toes, testing reality. Her battered body on the damp dirt floor flickered in her mind. It was the most vivid dream she had ever had. But it was fading, like all dreams, the details lost to conscious thought.
Sara rolled over and grabbed her phone from the nightstand. It was Monday and she was a little late. Her muscular legs propelled her through her morning routine with speed. A white blouse draped loosely under her grey blazer and slacks. She shoved graded papers into her briefcase and hustled out the door before running back in to grab duffle of gym clothes. Her car rolled past town houses that peppered the street in concise plots, full of people starting their days. She knew she was late, but savored the sun that had warmed her car like an oven on this cool Spring morning. Every moment felt so special in the sun, the reason prickled in the back of her mind as dirt flashed in her mind. The dream wouldn’t shake. With a swivel of the volume knob she quickly forgot it again.
Her black shoes tapped up the concrete steps to the glass doors affixed with “Brookview Public High-School.” Keys jangled in the lock and the door flashed yellow in the morning light.
“Mornin’, Ms. Williamson,” said a girl in the hall, hunched over a notebook on the floor.
Sara smiled, “Good morning, Grace.”
Paint wafted from an open door as a few students worked on sets for the end of year musical. Summer was just around the corner and the pupils buzzed with anticipation. Freedom at last.
Silence was interrupted only by the sound of shuffling papers and the occasional footsteps beyond the wood and glass door. She sat catlike by an open window, her brown hair glowing in the sunlight, as she finished grading a few papers. English was surprisingly difficult for native English speakers, apparently. A “C” followed by “Not your best work” glinted red before it dried. Sara relaxed into her rhythm and before she knew it there were raucous hoots and shouting from students echoing down the halls. First period was upon her. She sighed and got up to open the door. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to teach, her mind was just occupied this morning. Sodden dirt filled her brain.
The clock ticked passed two when it was time.
“Okay guys,” said Sara over the chatter, “remember you have a short essay due next week. If you want to groan about it we can make it longer!”
Pens clattered to the floor and papers were stuffed unceremoniously into backpacks. She turned and began erasing the board.
“Ms. Williamson?” said a girl with curly blonde hair.
“Hi, Lucy, what’s up,” said Sara, turning around. A few boys’ eyes shot up to her face. Boys will be boys.
“Well, I’m going to be gone the day the paper is due, we have a track meet in Peoria. Can I give it to you on Wednesday instead?”
“Yeah, that should be fine, my girls are going for their meet, too. Wouldn’t be fair if I just gave them an extension.”
“Thanks, Ms. Williamson!”
She smiled as Lucy bounced out the door “Good luck, run fast!”
“Make sure Ariel swims hard today,” Lucy called over her shoulder.
Sara was excited to take her girls to state. The varsity team had worked so hard, training all season, even off season. They deserved it. She glanced at the clock as her next class came through the door, just a few more hours. Coaching the swim team was her favorite part of her life. She had been a swimmer for a long time, but was never quite elite athlete material. That didn’t stop her from enjoying it. The feel of water gliding along her body, the smell of chlorine, it was all so perfect.
The shadow of the building lay across the grass outside the window as her last class packed up their things. She gave the same reminder and received the same groans. Kids will always abhor homework, of course.
Sara packed her things in her quiet classroom and walked back to her car. She didn’t like to have her gym bag sitting in class ever since Danny had been caught trying to open it. Teenage boys are so thirsty, she thought. The lock clicked on the door to the locker-room and she undressed. In the mirror she saw her yellow panties and her dream rushed up to meet her. Her holes stretched beyond possibility, stuffed with thick, veiny tentacles.
“Ugh,” she shuddered.
In the mirror she watched herself reach down tentatively into her panties. Slowly over her abs and beneath her waistband, coarse hair ran between her fingers and she felt her labia. She breathed a sigh of relief, everything was normal. Her reflection smiled back at her and a tentative laugh echoed off the white tiled walls. There was a queasiness in her stomach, like hunger but not for food. Sara noticed her hard nipples that pointed lightward from her swooping breasts. Bumps dappled her pink areolas, getting smaller as the edges vanished into soft, milky skin. She liked her body, she had worked hard for it. For years sweat had dripped from every pore as she pumped her body. Her perky butt was caressed in her sunshine yellow underwear, lightly dimpled with goosebumps from the cool locker-room. Toned legs like pier supports held her steady, despite the uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach. Sara eyed herself almost with attraction. She flexed in the mirror and watched her stomach turn to stone, her biceps into iron. Her breasts lifted with her pectorals, making them perkier. Suddenly, she became aware that she was turned on. Confusion crossed her face as she wondered why she had been looking at herself like this. Her nipples sent electricity to her nethers as she crossed an arm to cover them. With that she left the mirror, her brow furrowed with confusion.
On went her sports bra and shirt along with her shorts, covering her body from wandering eyes, mostly hers. She hung her clothes hung neatly in the locker and went out to the pool, squatting at its edge. It smelled like chlorine.
Soon, six young women came through the double doors, all talking and laughing with one another.
“Saturday was chill,” said one with red hair.
“I can’t believe you invited Jason to your party,” said another tall girl.
“Oh my god, will you let it go! He’s cute, just a bit weird,” said a small one.
“Well just because you turned 18 two days ago doesn’t mean we’ll let you have boys in your room,” teased the red head.
“I’m only the youngest on the team by like three weeks, my god!”
Two of them ruffled her hair, “Still the baby,” said one.
The petite girl rolled her eyes. They waved to Sara across the pool as they headed for the locker room. Sara came in after them.
“Alright, ladies, we’re gonna do some drills today. It’s going to be a hard three days and then rest rest rest,” she said above the clatter of lockers and bags. “Happy birthday, Amy, glad we’re all adults now.”
The other girls laughed.
“Thanks Sara,” said Amy.
Sara noticed her small, orange-sized breasts as Amy pulled a latex one-piece over her shoulders.
“Ariel, Lucy says swim hard,” said Sara, pulling her eyes from the tight body of the freshly legal young woman.
The red headed girl laughed and gave a thumbs up, her pale thighs jiggling as her uniform slipped over her ginger bush. Sara wondered what it tasted like. A tall girl bent over, her tits hung like melons over her bag.
Sara clapped, holding up her fingers, “Okay, I’ll see you all in two minutes!”
“Yes, Coach,” came a chorus of voices.
Sara left the room.
“Hey, Katy, do you have an extra cap?” asked Kim.
The tall brunette turned, her large breasts swaying, “No, sorry, Riley?”
“Yeah, I got one,” said a thick girl whose one piece was lost in her cheeks. She threw a blue cap to Kim, who dropped it.
“Nice catch,” said a blonde girl with long legs.
“Thanks, Riley, and thanks, Ellie,” said Kim.
Outside, the water sloshed gently as Sara stared into the blue, disgusted with herself. She had never had a thought like that before and it was frightening. Before the thoughts of quitting could fully materialize, the door opened with a bang and the girls came out and stood by the pool, chatting amongst themselves. Sara looked up at the buffet lining the pool. So many bodies. She shook her head, trying to dislodge the idea.
“I want ten laps to warm up and then we’re going to do drills.”
The girls spread into lanes and dove in. For the next while all that could be heard was splashing as Sara walked up and down the edge of the pool. Ariel’s back rippled with muscle under the splashes and Ellie’s long legs flickered behind her, driving her through the water. Riley’s ass looked plump as the water flowed over her pale cheeks. Sara shook her head and walked away, going to get her clip board from her office at the far end of the pool.
After the warm up they got into drills and sprints, but Sara’s mind was elsewhere. She tried to watch their form as they swam, but it wasn’t technique she saw. Their tight suits revealed everything. Bulging vulvas glistened under the shiny latex and flattened tits with hard nipples stretched the material about their chests. One-pieces bunched in tight ass cracks, revealing flesh waiting to be taken. She wondered what was wrong with her.
In another hour she ended practice. It had been the usual amount of time, but more than the usual amount of leering at her girls. Sara gave her feedback as best she could and the sopping women splatted their way back to the locker-room. Amy’s little body bounced as she took up the rear.
Sara waited until they were done to go get her things. Normally she would have gone with them to change, but not today. She stayed by the pool under the guise of looking over her notes.
“Bye, Sara,” called the girls as they left.
Sara smiled, “See you tomorrow, have a good night.”
She went to the locker-room to get her things. At home she dropped her bag by the door and took off her shoes, heading to the closet. When she took off her shorts, she wasn’t surprised to see a dark spot on her panties. Her pussy was soaked and it revolted her. She quickly peeled them from herself and took a shower. Dinner was quick and easy, though didn’t satisfy the strange hunger she felt in her guts. The evening wore away with a little TV and hot tea and before she knew it, it was time for bed. She tossed and turned, plagued by dreams of dirt and dungeons.
Morning came with streaks of rain rolling down the window. Sara’s bedside lamp cast deep shadows across her rumpled sheets. She looked at her phone for a few minutes in bed, just scrolling instagram. Her day began without much ado beyond the drivers for whom the rain made turn signals inoperable. With a few near misses she arrived at the school, shoes echoing the mostly empty halls. Papers rustled as they had the day before. Poor marks for students who couldn’t seem to grasp the lessons blazed with red fury against the grey light. Sara’s thoughts drifted again to the swim team as she gazed into the dreariness outside. Blue uniforms gripped their firm bodies, clinging to soft flesh. Riley’s plump ass jiggled in her mind. Katy’s breasts bounced, barely contained by her spandex suit. Sara’s hand crept between her legs, pushing at her waistband. She rubbed her lips through her pants, dreaming of taking Amy against a desk. Her body slamming against the small girl. She was going to fill her- a grumble of thunder tore her from her dream.
Her hand shot from her thighs and she sat with both arms on the desk, staring at her students’ papers. She was in disbelief. It was beyond disgusting. If anyone had caught her it would be the end of her career. Sara sat lost in thought until the bell rang, beginning her classes.
They went by quickly, as they usually did. Troublemakers here and there didn’t weigh heavily on her mind today, she was distracted. Soon, it was time to go to the pool, to the fresh smell of chlorine and the gentle sound of water sloshing. Dread set in at the thought, but she couldn’t abandon them before a competition.
The hallway wasn’t long enough. Nor was her time alone in the locker-room, not having to look at them. She was standing, clipboard in hand, by the pool in her shorts and polo when a gaggle of voices erupted from the far door.
“I totally failed,” said Ariel, “I told him I didn’t have time to study ‘cause of this meet, but he wouldn’t budge.”
“You failed? Dude, I bombed that shit so hard,” said Kim.
“Hi, Coach,” called Ellie, waving.
Sara waved back, “Hi, ladies. Be out in five, please.”
“Does she seem angry?” muttered Ellie.
“Maybe,” said Riley, “but she’s probs stressed about the meet. I know I am.”
The locker-room bustled with metal clangs and one-pieces wriggled with bodies trying to get in them. Fluorescent lights flickered. Their feet slapped on cold tiles as they marched out talking amongst themselves.
“Okay, let’s line up, same as yesterday,” said Sara.
The girls obeyed, looking a bit sheepish. Riley picked her suit from between her cheeks before diving in last. Water splashed across goggles that flashed in the light. Sara tried not to watch them too closely, instead focusing on not letting her thoughts drift to depravity. It was almost hopeless. Her pussy throbbed at the sight of them. Their holes were just a piece of fabric away. She knew they were eager to be filled and she could be the one to do it, they would let her. They would have to.
In no time the warm-up was finished and the team pulled themselves up to the end of the pool and looked to her.
“Coach?” said Ariel after a moment.
Sara looked over, “Sorry. I want you to do sprints.”
The girls glanced at one another.
“Coach?” said Ariel again, “How many?”
“Do five, take two minutes, then another five.”
The girls dove in and the doors clicked as Sara left to catch her breath. Not even one lap and she was winded. She gathered herself and went back in. The rest of practice went similarly. Sara wasn’t able to stop thinking about fucking them and they had to get her attention a few more times.
“Okay, I think that’s enough for today,” said Sara, “You guys have worked hard and I appreciate it.”
The six women plopped out of the pool and dripped to the locker-room, whispering. Amy turned and walked toward Sara.
“Don’t!” whispered Kim.
“Hey, coach!” said Amy as she jogged along the pool.
Sara watched her and tried not to stare at her cameltoe, sopping with pool water. Water dripped down Amy’s legs, leaving little wet footprints on the tile.
“I just wanted to ask if you were alright.”
“Oh,” said Sara, “Yes, I am. I have a lot on my mind today. I’m sorry if it impacted your practice.”
She was sincere, though obviously couldn’t tell her the truth.
“No! I just wanted to know you weren’t upset with how we were doing.”
Sara frowned, “Is that how you all feel?”
Amy laughed nervously, “Oh, no, we were just… I thought maybe you… that you thought we weren’t trying hard enough or something.”
Her eyes wandered everywhere but Sara’s.
“Of course not,” said Sara, putting her hand on Amy’s shoulder, “You all did wonderfully. Come with me.”
She followed her to the locker-room in silence. The room went quiet when Sara opened the door. Amy peeked around her, motioning with her hand across her neck for the other girls to be cool.
“I want you all to know that I’m so proud of you. You’ve all been doing exceptionally well and I think we’re really going to clobber the competition.”
Sara looked around at the naked girls. Katy’s perky nipples were hard. Ariel’s hands were clasped in front of her vagina. Sara wanted to pull them away and stuff her. She leered at them. Ellie stood, half dressed, her leggings up to her bare stomach that led to slightly uneven breasts. They stared back at her and Sara blushed.
“Thanks for your hard work, I’ll see you all tomorrow.”
She whirled around and slammed into Amy, who had been standing behind her the whole time. Sara fell on top of her, clipboard clattering across the floor. The door closed behind her and she heard stifled laughter through the door. Amy squirmed under her and Sara looked down, her hand groped her breast. It was soft. Sara fought the urge to squeeze harder, to make Ariel moan. Her blue eyes looked into Sara’s and she wiggled again.
“Oh my god!” said Sara, releasing her. “I’m so sorry, are you okay?”
“Yeah I think so.”
Amy took Sara’s outstretched hand and got to her feet. She rubbed the back of her head.
“Are you sure? Did you hit your head?”
Sara took her head in her hands and pulled off her swim cap, brown hair poured out over her shoulders as Sara felt the back of her head. She couldn’t help but to imagine forcing her head down.
Amy backed away, “I’m alright, really!”
She skirted around Sara and into the locker-room, ass jiggling as the door closed. Sara grabbed her things and left. The whole drive home she thought about Amy’s little tit, squishing under her strong arm. Her body pinned down beneath her muscles, unable to escape. She was starving when she arrived home and made a quick meal without changing clothes. It didn’t help her hunger. She put on the TV and hugged a pillow, trying desperately not to touch herself. She wanted to lick Ariel from head to toe, to taste her asshole and lap up her fertile pussy juice. It was too much, but Sara resisted. She drooled into her panties, unable to stop her wetness from seeping through her shorts.
“Ugh,” she moaned and turned off the TV to get ready for bed.
In the shower she felt cursed in some way. Never had these types of thoughts entered her mind until… the dream. Sara realized they had started with that nightmare. The dirt and the dungeon. Even as she dried off and got into bed, her mind wandered back down to that dimly lit room. She tossed and turned all night, horny as she had ever been.
The next day drifted by in the same way the one before had. Rain pelted her car and she soaked her panties. Classrooms of students came and went as her mind was completely elsewhere. It was almost impossible to stay focused. He tried to make believe that she was simply stressed about the meet, as she had told Amy yesterday. In no time the last bell rang and she went to the pool. She felt like she was lagging through time, something was off. When the girls came through the door, she was suddenly clear. She watched them from sleepless eyes. They moved in slow motion instead of the blur that had taken her day so far.
“Hi coach,” said Kim.
“Good afternoon, ladies. See you in five.”
The girls looked over at her, pausing. Maybe it was her hair or how she stood, but she seemed different somehow. When they came back out Sara called them over. The bevy of girls came to her without question.
“Okay, I have some feedback for you all. Kim, Ellie, Amy, and Riley, we need to focus on nice, consistent kicks. I like your strokes, but let’s synchronize out legwork. Ariel and Katy, I want the opposite from you. I think your strokes are a little off. So, you four at the edge of the pool and hold the wall. Ariel and Katy, take a lane and focus on slow, deliberate movement. First let’s do our warmup. Sound good?”
The girls nodded with a chorus of, “Yes, coach.”
They did as they were told and got into the pool. When their warmup was over, they got into their positions.
“I’ll tell you when to stop.”
After a while she had them do a few more drills, then told them to line up on the wall.
“Let’s have some fun! Sharks and minnows.”
The girls whooped.
“Amy’s the first shark!” called Kim.
For the next hour laughter and shouts emanated from the pool as they played. It was a fun practice.
“Okay, that’s all for today,” called Sara.
The girls swam to the edge of the pool and hoisted themselves out, exhausted.
“You didn’t even get me,” said Riley.
“As if, you were tapping out under there,” replied Amy.
They joked and giggled to the locker-room. A minute later, Sara opened the door. They turned to her in various states of undress, waiting for her to say something. She only looked at them, a sort of half smile on her face. The lights flickered.
“Coach?” said Ellie.
Sara said nothing. The girls looked at one another, confused.
“Um, Sara?” said Amy, covering herself from Sara’s wandering eyes.
Sara felt hunger in her bones and it was time to feast. She let out a laugh that chilled six spines, a cackle that was layered in sound and caked in dirt. The girls backed away from her.
Before their eyes she transformed. Her skin greyed and her skin writhed and morphed into a blob.
The girls shrieked.
Sara felt wonderful.
Her body warped into thick tentacles that slithered along the walls and ceiling, blocking the door. It felt good to give in. It felt good to hear their screams. She loved the fear as much as the act.
Ariel stood in front of the group in the corner, clawing backwards into her friends’ bodies to get even another inch from the thing that was Sara. She had only panties on. Sara could remedy that.
Tentacles crept toward the romp of women, leaving a slick trail on the floor. Ariel jumped and tried to get away as they made for her legs. She couldn’t escape. She never could have escaped. They wrapped around her calf and dragged her, clamoring, away from the safety of her five friends.
“No, please!” she squealed.
She was dragged along the slimy floor and raised into the air as her other leg was entangled. More tendrils wrapped around her arms and neck. Sara held her in front of her friends as tears poured from Ariel’s eyes. Her throat was squeezed tightly enough to stop her crying out. Her face begged Amy to save her. The five huddled together in the corner.
A coil the thickness of her forearm snaked up her leg, pushing the piece of fabric covering her blossoming womanhood to the side. It peeled back at the tip, revealing an oozing head. Ariel shook as it prodded her ginger clad labia. She had never been penetrated. The bulb pressed into her, forcing its way into her tight pussy. She couldn’t scream as it slid into her, painfully spreading her virgin hole. Sara began to fuck her. Ariel could feel the thing writhing in her, hot and slick. The girls in the corner could do nothing to help their friend being raped. They silently cried as Sara defiled her.
The squelch of air being forced from Ariel’s little cunt filled the air. It pounded into her, leaving her to writhe in in pain as it bashed her cervix.
It quivered.
A gush of cum squirted from all around the tentacle embedded inside her. Ariel thought she would burst as her womb filled with hot fluid. The smell of foul cum filled her nostrils as her vision went narrow and she blacked out.
Riley screamed.
Sara relished in the depravity as she dropped Ariel’s used body to the floor. Thick semen poured across her thighs, pooling between her legs.
Ellie was next.
A tentacle shot out and dragged her from the group. Her long legs dangled, kicking air as the tentacle slapped her face. She gasped and Sara leapt inside, forcing the rod down Ellie’s throat. She choked and sputtered, her throat muscles working along the hard shaft of the tendril. It tasted horrible as her tongue was pressed to the bottom of her mouth.
Her gagging was drowned out by another scream as Kim was pulled from the group. Her blonde hair waved in the air as the tentacle drove into her, gaping her pink box. Kim felt herself stretch until it felt like she couldn’t possibly open any more. Her walls flexed and gripped the invader, squeezing it tightly.
Her cries only made Sara drive deeper into both of them.
Ellie’s throat bulged from the mass pushing into her stomach. She couldn’t breath. Her limbs thrashed while she deepthroated Sara, taking her into her stomach.
Amy sobbed in the corner, clutching Riley and Katy to her.
Kim was cumming. Sara fucked her mercilessly, grinding away at the g-spot that she didn’t know she had. She shook and gasped, tasting the salt of her tears as drool fell from her open lips.
Ariel stirred on the floor, pain bringing her back to the waking world. She looked around, dazed, and saw Kim’s above her, her pussy wrapped around a thick tentacle. It didn’t feel real. Ellie shuddered as the tentacle flexed. Ariel watched Kim’s belly expand, filling with Sara’s warm seed, before looking down at her own swollen abdomen and passing out again.
The tentacle withdrew from Ellie and cum hit the floor with a splat as it erupted out of her mouth. She bounced onto the tiles. Her long legs twitched while the thick, yellowy cum pooled behind her teeth. Kim felt her twat stretch even further as she, too, was pumped full of cum. It sprayed out of her like a fire hydrant, plastering Ellie. She, too, was discarded into the growing pond of cum on the floor.
Riley felt the tentacle grab and found herself screaming in the air before she knew it. Sara curled her up with her legs bent together and her hands in prayer position. She held her in front of Amy and Katy. Her bathing suit was still on, stuffed between her pale cheeks that wobbled in the flickering light.
With no hesitation, Sara thrust a monstrous tentacle forward. She had been aching for this.
Riley couldn’t even scream as the wind was knocked out of her. Sara drove directly into her tight, virgin asshole, pulling the suit in with her. Her anus gobbled up the one piece as it went taught across her pussy, clit and lips bulging through the fabric. Riley’s butt hole burned with pain as the tentacle the size of her bicep plowed into her guts. Her mouth hung open and tears poured from her eyes as she looked to her friends for help. They could only watch her face screwed up in agony from the anal beating she was receiving. Sara pounded and pounded, Riley was her fuck toy. Her little tight hole was made for this. Made for Sara.
Riley went unconscious, her body hanging limply as Sara plowed her anus. Sara couldn’t last long, this girl’s hole was too tight. Riley swelled and was dropped into the sludge, her ass hole winking behind the stretched fabric that lay across her ruined ass.
A tentacle reached up and grabbed Katy by her big tits, yanking her away from the last girl. Katy thought Sara was going to pull them off she was squeezing so hard. Tentacles tried to milk her like a cow, but cows don’t scream quite so loudly. Her pussy resisted, but the hole was opened and fucked as nature intended. The tentacles continued pulling at her large breasts while another went into her mouth. Katy retched at the taste of the slime as it expanded her throat. They synchronized.
In and out together.
Over and over.
Deep in her cunt she felt them slam into her cervix, too. She would have cried out in pain if not for the tentacle stuffing her mouth.
Amy watched her friend get penetrated at both ends and wondered what awaited her. She sank to the floor in fetal position and rocked to the rhythm of Katy’s rape. The squelching and pounding were too much and she covered her ears and closed her eyes.
Katy choked as her stomach was filled. It hurt to have so much inside her. The tentacle withdrew and cum spewed from her mouth. She felt the slosh in her belly as the tentacle in her vagina pushed her around. She felt another tentacle probing at her ass and cried out through the bubbles of cum as it inserted itself into her clamping rectum.
Her first penetration.
Her first double penetration.
Her first rape.
Sara felt like she could do this forever. Their holes were so tight, wrapped around her like a fleshlight. Ripe young bodies primed to be used and abused. And how she abused them. Their bodies were her plaything. She loved to toss them aside. She flexed and blew two loads into Katy, pulling her fat tits hard until she squealed. Katy ballooned with cum, swelling as Sara pumped her. She hit the floor with a splat and Sara looked on her last victim, Amy.
She grabbed her and pulled her across the floor. Amy slipped in the cum as she scrambles to grab anything. She pulled Ariel’s limp body along by the wrist, her impregnated belly leaving a streak through the cum.
It was no use.
Cum caked Amy’s brunette locks sticking them to her forehead. Sara looked at her for a moment before ripping her clothes off. Her little red nipples stood proudly at the tips of her freckled breasts. Her ginger bush tufted gently above her pink lips.
Sara knew what she wanted.
Three tentacles came forth and embedded themselves in the girl. She felt the tentacle in her ass glide across the one in her twat as they fucked her in opposite rhythms. Amy gagged at the foul taste of her friends’ pussies and assholes on her tongue.
Sara was in heaven, deep inside this innocent, airtight redhead.
She filled her stomach with hot seed and withdrew, letting Amy breath after she ejected cum. Amy screamed louder than the others as the tentacle in her ass went deeper until she felt it in her throat. Her eyes bugged as it came out of her mouth and she tasted herself on it. Sara turned the tip toward her Amy’s eyes and sprayed her face with cum, completely covering her as she fucked her all the way through. Her pussy did no justice to what her ass could take, but Sara filled it nonetheless. She slumped to the floor like the others.
Sara looked upon her work. Six young girls lay in a sea of cum with bloated bellies. They looked pregnant there on the floor. Riley was twitching, her butt still winking. Kim had crawled to the lockers and sat, hand on her bulging belly, against the cold metal. They were all Sara’s.
What a continuation of part 1 with a fantastic shocking reveal. Well done, one more.
I wonder what fate has fallen upon Samantha and Julie. Worth for a part 3 or even 4?
And is this the end or what will happen next?
I admit that I missed all the piss, scat and vomit from part 1. Still a very good read.
The Bull BhorrReport
I wonder what fate has fallen upon Samantha and Julie. Worth for a part 3 or even 4?
And is this the end or what will happen next?
I admit that I missed all the piss, scat and vomit from part 1. Still a very good read.