This is part 4 of my original post. This part includes human penetrated by feral, knotting, heavy french kissing, saliva play, ass sniffing, watersports, and slight cuckolding/cheating. Hope you enjoy, and feel free to message me with any feedback!
We both changed clothes and got into bed for the evening, not bothering to set our alarms for tomorrow since we both had off on Sundays. We had gotten under the covers when Mac charged in, hopping in and laying on top of both of us with his full weight.
“Whoah there boy, no sleeping on the bed!” I tried to set this boundary, at least.
“Babe, you know he was to get comfortable with us. He needs to sleep with us tonight otherwise all our hard work will be for nothing! And my hands are tired from jerking him off…” She said sleepily.
Not that Mac cared either way. He plopped himself down sideways on top of the both of us, his head on my girlfriend’s chest while his ass and balls were presented to my face. I couldn’t help but notice the size of his balls, each big orb clung to with thick veins. I imagined the testosterone that must be running through them up to Mac’s body. It almost made me a little jealous, thinking about how muscular and masculine I would be if I was blessed with a powerful pair like those. Still, it didn’t mean I wanted his rear end in my face all night. Meanwhile, Carly petted his head gently, seemingly calming herself down alongside Mac.
“Carly!” I whispered, trying to get her attention and figure out how to move without disturbing the trust with Mac.
She looked over at me, bleary-eyed as I pointed to the musky balls and stinking asshole that were two inches from my face. “Oh!” she said as she got wide-eyed, not moving at all. “This is good! I think he might be presenting his butt for you to sniff!”
“I know it sounds bad, but you know how dogs sniff each other’s butts to greet each other? This is what he’s doing for you! It’s like their version of a handshake.” she whispered to me. “And just like it’s rude to deny a handshake, it’s rude to deny a butt sniff. You have to go for it like a dog would!”
I gulped. Sucking Mac’s tongue, cock and balls was one thing. They at least weren’t producing waste products like his ass was. Then again, I had been drinking his piss earlier, and this was just smelling. I steeled myself and leaned my head forward, pressing my nose against his puckered brown butthole while my lips touched the back of his warm scrotum.
"You'd better appreciate this…" I said reluctantly. I took a tentative inhale through my nose, and I found that luckily it wasn't too bad. Sour and pungent, yes, but not too strong considering my nose was pressed directly against his butthole. His tail began wagging gently, brushing itself along my forehead as my face was pressed against his rear end.
“Good job baby! Now keep going, he’ll let you know when to end the handshake!”
I kept sniffing his asshole, much to my girlfriend’s delight. By Mac’s tail wagging, he was enjoying the effort I was putting in as well. I pressed my nose against his hole and inhaled shallowly, in and out quickly like a dog would.
“Smart! You’re really greeting him as if you’re another dog!” Carly encouraged.
With the approval of both my girlfriend and my dog, I continued my ridiculous act of butt-sniffing. I couldn’t let it show, but something about sniffing Mac’s ass turned me on. Perhaps it was just his masculine pheromones, or the taste of his testicles on my slightly parted lips, or just the humiliation of the whole scenario, but either way I acted with way more enthusiasm than I ever thought I could for such a degrading action. My sniffing was feverish, dragging my nose across his butthole as I continued with my rapid breathing pattern, getting musky and sour smells flooding my olfactory nerves.
“Jeez babe, you’re really taking this seriously huh…” Carly teased, though her tone indicated that she was almost a little weirded out by how eager I was to get a good sniff of Mac’s ass.
I pulled my face off of his rear to respond to her. “I’m only doing what you told me to! Besides, judging by how close you are with dogs you would probably have your whole nose shoved up there if you were in my spot.”
“Nuh-uh! That would be uncomfortable to Mac!” She protested.
“That’s the only thing stopping you…?” I questioned.
Before she could answer, Mac got up off of both of us. With his heavy head off of Carly and his heavy lower half off of me, we both breathed a sign of relief from the lifted weight. He stood over me and lifted a leg, revealing the tip of his hefty cock.
“Uh, Carly? What is he do- ah!” I was interrupted mid-sentence by a stream of urine directly to the face. It was warm, and some spray entered my mouth before I could close it. The salty, bitter taste reminded me of earlier. He held it there for a bit, thoroughly drenching my face in his piss before turning to angle his stream onto my girlfriend.
“Mac! Eeeeek!” She screamed with a smile, as if she were getting a practical joke pulled on her. Mac’s stream lessened a bit, and the remaining trickle of urine subsided down the blanket that was covering us.
“What the fuck was that?” I asked, confused.
“Babe! That was a great sign! That means that he claims us as his! This is going really well!” She replied happily, piss soaking into her hair.
“Wait, isn’t he supposed to be ours though?” I countered. “Couldn’t this type of thing cause problems?”
“Probably not! He probably views it as a mutual-deal! Though I wouldn’t try to piss on him if I were you. Just think of it as a nice gift to show that he likes us a lot!” She reassured me.
“If you say so…” I said as I started drifting off. Over on her side of the bed, Carly was cuddling with Mac and giving him copious amounts of smooches and pets and rubs and things of that sort. Her fair, naked body rubbed against his fur as she cuddled him tight. As she whispered sweet nothings into our brown pitbull’s ear, I knew that this apartment wasn’t going to be the same again.
The next morning, I woke up to a familiar wet tentacle dragging along my slightly parted lips. I opened my eyes to see my loyal dog waking me up sweetly by licking my face. I knew what to do at this point. My parted lips spread apart, leaving my mouth completely available for Mac’s tongue. I wasn’t sure why he still wanted to kiss even with my morning breath, but I wasn’t about to say no to a damn good kiss. I held the sides of his head lovingly as he licked around inside my mouth, our tongues gliding against each other forcefully as I tried to show him how much I enjoyed our kiss as well.
After a few minutes of this, Carly woke up next to me. Her messy blonde hair was laying in a pile underneath her head as she opened her blue eyes. Mac was leaned over me, his backside close to Carly’s face. “Huh…? What’s that noise…?” she said sleepily, listening to the *shlop shlop shlop* of Mac’s tongue entering in and out of my mouth. The powerful pitbull didn’t pay her any mind, focusing on making sure the inside of my mouth was thoroughly tasted as I welcomed him. Once Carly noticed our kiss, her eyes widened. “Hey, don’t think that just because Mac started kissing you that you get to be closer to him than I do!” She said with what sounded like jealousy in her voice. My half-closed eyes looked over to her sleepily, my head not moving from its position as our new dog Frenched me.
Carly sat up, her blonde hair messy from her night of sleep as she positioned herself behind Mac. Without hesitating, she leaned forward and pressed her button nose against his asshole, sniffing in deeply. She nuzzled her face against his anus, her nose dragging across each wrinkle while his balls leaned back onto her lips. Mac’s tail swung happily, hitting her hair side to side while she ‘gathered information’ by smelling his anus. The tables were now turned from last night, with me now getting fantastic canine kisses and my girlfriend having to sniff dog ass in order to catch up. She didn’t seem to mind at all though, strangely enough. “Good boy, smelling so healthy for mommy!” she praised, rubbing her nose back and forth. Her sniffing was shallow and fast, much like that of an actual dog’s. Like most of her interactions with Mac, she seemed way too comfortable and experienced with this. But hey, if she was happy and Mac was happy, who am I to judge her ass sniffing endeavors? I was loving my kiss too much to concern myself too much with her good time anyway.
All this excitement seemed to be getting to Mac, and his meaty dick began to expose itself. As his manhood began to reveal itself, he broke our kiss and began sniffing around my crotch curiously. A thick string of saliva stretched between our faces before I slurped it up ravenously. “Wow… what a kiss…” I said in amazement. Meanwhile Carly couldn’t be bothered, still furiously sniffing at Mac’s butt like it was a flower she just couldn’t get enough of while muttering praise. Sensing what he wanted, I pulled down the blanket to reveal my bare penis and balls. Mac laid down on his stomach, paws on my thighs while he examined my organ. My circumsized, half-hard dick laid limply on top of my testicles while Mac’s cold nose sniffed at it lightly, nowhere near the intensity my girlfriend was currently giving his ass. His light, warm breaths made me tingle, and when he ran his tongue up my balls and along my prick I shuddered in pleasure. “Hey, Carly, is it normal for him to be trying to lick me down there?” I asked, trying to draw her attention away from the pitbull’s butthole for a second.
“Oooh! Let me see!” She gave a final deep inhale before getting on one elbow next to me, bringing her face close to the event as it unfolded. “That’s so sweet of him to lick your dick like that!” She said with a smile, “It’s normal, he’s just getting acquainted through your scent and by grooming you! He may also be curious how you taste compared to himself…” She noted, her eyes wandering to the four out of eight inches of cock hanging out of Mac’s sheath. “But don’t worry, it’s probably nothing sexual! After all, he’s a dog and you’re a straight human, that’d be nuts right?” She said with amusement.
“Yeah, we’re all very -umf- straight here” I replied while Mac kept licking me. His slightly wrinkled face looked so handsome while he licked my small genitals, like an alpha graciously giving a lower rank a cleaning. The extra body in the bed plus all the excitement this morning had made my whole body sweaty, including my dick and balls, but that didn’t stop Mac. Perhaps it actually served to entice him? Either way, his warm, rough tongue felt divine on my penis, and I couldn’t help but get hard in response.
“You’re not acting very straight right now, actually~” my girlfriend deduced, watching my prick get harder and harder. “Straight guys usually don’t get hard from a dog’s grooming…”
“I don’t exactly have much choice in the matter!” I protested. What guy wouldn’t get hard from a warm, wet tongue licking their junk? Though after yesterday’s events, Carly wasn’t wrong to question my heterosexuality. “Most girls don’t take such delight in sniffing dog ass either” I retorted.
“The only happiness I got from that was knowing Mac felt loved, isn’t that right boy?” She began petting his muscular torso firmly while he tasted my sweaty crotch. His long red club emerged even more.
Mac’s licking was divine, and he started focusing exclusively on my balls soon enough. They weren’t anything spectacular, and it almost felt weird that a male with testicles so much larger than mine. His ass was now in the air, and his face pressed forward to lap at my genitals. His batter makers were huge, almost the size of lemons, and the veins on them were as thick as a pen. My own were small and weak-looking by comparison. Yet he kept licking, and I melted at the touch of his tongue. In fact, his tongue was so powerful it became almost painful. Mac’s strong, thick tongue was making my grapes bounce against the bed like rubber balls, getting pressed between the mattress and his tongue. A dull ache was starting to set in. “Uh, Carly? I think he might be getting too intense!” I warned.
“Huh?” She brought her head up from underneath Mac’s groin. Apparently she had been getting a good look - and touch - of her own on Mac. She brought her head back to the action by me. “Oh! That’s because he’s not trying to lick your balls!” She remarked, cupping my nuts and raising them slightly. Mac immediately dived below me and began licking at my taint. “He’s trying to lick your butt!” Our pitbull’s licking confirmed this, turns out he was trying to get to a different prize entirely. Carly inhaled and made a face, “I’m glad he’s enjoying it at least, because to me you just smell like pee and B.O. Also you should probably flip over for him!”
As I flipped over I began my rebuttal, “How can you say I smell bad when you were literally smelling dog ass? And you smell like pee too! Umf~” Mac’s delightful tongue made it hard to speak as he lapped at my bare, sweaty butthole. Again, I melted at his licks. Lap after lap of rough, warm nirvana wetted my anus as my legs instinctively spread farther apart for him.
“What’s wrong? Dog got your tongue?” Carly laughed at her pun. “And at least dog ass is supposed to smell like butt! What’s your excuse?” Carly’s rhetorical question stayed unanswered as Mac rimmed my pink butthole. “Speaking of butts though, I’m not quite sure what Mac is intending for yours right now.” My girlfriend moved her head next to the brown pitbull’s cock, stroking it gently as it reached its full, engorged length. There was some precum on the tip that she massaged onto the rest of it with ease, slicking it up as she jerked idly. “Normally I’d say he’s just being friendly, buuuuut…” She pressed her face against his penis, her nose right above it as she inhaled deeply. The tube of dog meat positioned against her nostrils was reminiscent of a fine cigar being smelled before being enjoyed. When she pulled back, some precum coated her lips and cheeks where Mac’s club was pressed against her face. “Right now he looks and smells, well, kinda horny!”
"How do you know what it smells like?" I asked while getting lubed up.
"I work with a lot of animals, jeez!" She started to get a little annoyed at my questions of her intimate knowledge of dog sexuality as the pooch precum dried on her face. "The point is, unless you want to practice making puppies you better move your ass! Preferably in a direction away from Mac's penis." Her eyes went back to his thick cock. "This is way more than grooming now!"
Mac's tongue was a machine with a singular purpose, and that was to prep his bitch. It was doing a fine job. My asshole was quivering with excitement and longing. My body was aching to be bred like yesterday, to have our dog put me underneath him as he ravaged me. But I couldn't let it show, otherwise Carly would know my true feelings for Mac. At this point, I had to seem like I didn't desperately want Mac to fuck me. I knew he would soon want to mate, so if I stalled for time I could have plausible deniability when he decided to mount me. Time to put my acting skills to the test. "Wait, why would he want to mate with me? I'm not even a girl dog!" I asked incredulously.
"It could be any number of reasons, but from how he's acting it seems like he almost views you as a bitch," she paused in thought. "No offense. Another option, though, is that he views you as a rival male and wants to put you in your place. This is common if there's a competition for a female too…" the implications of that were obvious. If Mac was trying to dominate me, my girlfriend could be next to play the bitch. "The final option is he just sees a warm hole and is horny. Kinda like when dogs fuck a pillow! But in this case it's your ass" Carly giggled at the bluntness of her statement. A grown man being used as a humping pillow for a dog was kind of funny. Carly snapped back to the situation. "But either way, he's gonna try to fuck you! I'm not if you've seen his dick, but it's absolutely huge! I would know, I was feeling it a lot last night when we were on the couch, it’s like twice the size of yours at least! (ouch) He'll tear you apart!" she pleaded with me to take heed.
“Oh please, he’s just a dog, how big could he be?” I replied, knowing that would set her off on a tangent. Belittling dogs in any way was a surefire way to get an earful from Carly, even if it was over something is dumb as penis size.
“Just a dog? Are you kidding me? The average dog has a pretty massive mass-to-penis size ratio, way bigger than a persons!” she ranted, a fiery look in her eyes. “To put it simply, a 70-pound dog often has the same penis size on average of a 160 pound human male!
That’s over twice the mass-to-penis size ratio! And Mac here is not only heavier than that at 90 pounds, but also is particularly well-endowed! From my estimations, it’s at least 8 inches with a particularly thick circumference at 6.5 inches! Not only that, but he also has a knot that’s about 9 inch circumference knot to make sure his sperm doesn’t leave a bitch until she’s pregnant. And with these large balls of his, he would definitely give her a bunch of puppies! Just from a cursory glance, it's clear that they are significantly above average. Even with the fur covering them, I can see the veins! Those look like they could produce and transport at least 50ml of sperm into his bitch. After all, the whole reason he's so muscular and horny is because of those balls, plus they're what's allowed his penis to grow so large! So the next time you think a dog can’t have a big penis, think again! Because it may just be bigger than yours, like Mac’s is!” She finished her extended speech with a sigh, barely taking a single breath throughout the rant. “So, uh, don’t let him fuck you, okay?” She said, trying to drive her point home.
Meanwhile, Mac had been prepping my ass with his tongue diligently. With my girlfriend done rambling about the tenets of dog cock, of which I knew very well already, I couldn’t think of any more stalling tactics. With my asshole slick and trembling with need from Mac’s tongue, I spoke up, “Alright, that does sound pretty serious, I’ll get up now.” I said in a stern voice as I picked up my arms and was about to stand up. Suddenly, Mac’s licking ceased and in one motion I felt his full, furry weight on my back which his dick prodded at my ass. “Umph!” I grunted from the extra mass that I had to prop up on all fours. Mac’s claws dug into my sides as he began humping furiously, wildly jabbing his penis everywhere except my asshole. Feigning ignorance, I tried to seem like this wasn’t exactly what I wanted, “Carly! He’s on top of me, I can’t get away!” I wiggled my hips fruitlessly to show my predicament. “What should I do?”
“Oh my god!” She cried out loud when Mac mounted me. “Uh, okay, stay calm babe!” just let me think!”
Mac’s humping grew more impatient. I could reach around and guide him in without seeming too eager, but I didn’t want to keep him waiting. While I thought about what to do next, Mac jabbed me in the balls with the tip of his heavy rod. “Fuuuuck…” I said, bringing my head down as a hot pain shot up from my balls and into my gut.
“Ouch, that looked like it hurt babe!” Carly said with a look of sympathy on her face. “Okay, maybe it won’t be so bad if he just fucks you. He’s obviously not going to leave any other way…” She said, pondering possibilities.
“But you said he’d tear me apart!” I feigned protest. I was going to let her convince herself to have Mac pound my eager behind.
“I know, I know…” She said while he still frantically jabbed around my backside. “But, he did seem to give your anus sufficient preparation judging by how wet it is. Also, I’ve helped oversee dog mating before, so I know how to make things as painless as they can be! But with Mac I’m not so sure…” She said, eyeballing the swinging club jabbing at my ass. “Okay. so that’s the plan! Mac will fuck you, and I’ll oversee this mating as if it were a stud and a bitch copulating! Don’t worry babe, you’re in good hands.” She reassured me with a smile before taking on a new, professional seriousness. “Firstly, in order to prevent any further damage to the bitch’s exterior organs, let’s ensure a safe insertion.” Her arm reached carefully underneath Mac as her fingers wrapped around his thick, slimy dick and began aiming it towards my puckered hole.
“Hey wait, I’m not a biiiiiiiiitch!” My protest turned into a shriek as Carly directed Mac’s erect penis directly into my asshole. I was immediately stretched wide, my asshole feeling like a rubber band on the brink of snapping. Mac’s thrusting began immediately, the frantic humping earlier turning into a jackhammer ramming in and out of my helpless butt. The pain was sharp, but I was too horny to care. My flaccid penis swung wildly at Mac fucked me mercilessly, 6 inches already delving in and out of me faster than I could even react.
“He’s fucking me! He’s fucking me!!” I hollered.
“The stud has been successfully inserted into the bitch” Carly noted professionally. “Despite the exceptionally large phallus of the stud…” She stared at the large canine cock fucking my ass with incredible speed.
“Ah! It’s so thick and hot!” I moaned. Mac’s penis was burning hot, and pushing deep into my guts to make my insides feel like they were about to catch fire. Mac’s claws were latching onto my sides, giving him all the leverage he needed to rock me back and forth onto his dick while his hips pumped wildly. I took fast, shaky breaths at the intensity of the fucking. His slobber rained down on my back, and I felt his precum start to shoot into me. While the spurts were relatively small, they felt like boiling water getting injected into my stoMach. Mac was tearing up my insides as I tried my best to keep it together, but I think it hurt even more since I was still sore from the day before. While my asshole had been aching for a dick to fuck it earlier, I now felt the consequences of that lust as my sore butt was stretched open wider than I thought it could go. The intense friction of Mac’s rapid thrusts made it even tougher to hang on, generating a ton of heat against my poor anus. I began wincing and moaning in pain as Mac delved deeper and deeper with each thrust.
“Shhhh… I know babe” Carly petted my head gently, a start contrast to the treatment our pitbull was giving me. “Getting fucked by a big cock isn’t easy” She said with an empathetic smile. “I see bitches all the time in the kennel have similar reactions, especially when the stud has such an insanely long member. I mean look at that! Well, you can’t, but I can, and let me tell you Mac is rocking some serious heat. Like I’m surprised it even fit in you, and the fact that he’s fucking you right now is practically a miracle. You’ve probably never even seen a dick like that before! The only bigger one I’ve seen was on a Great Dane…” Her eyes glazed over for a second before she snapped back. “But the point is, you’re strong for taking Mac’s breeding like you are. And if you could see the look on his face right now, you’d know this is all worth it.” Mac’s face was in a big, goofy smile, his tongue lolling out the side and spattering saliva everywhere, though I couldn’t see it from where I was. “So just relax, I’ll coach you both through this. In the meantime, just relax your body, be one with him! Sex is a give and take, as you know.” Except this time, it was me giving everything up to Mac and him taking as much as he could.
Following my girlfriend’s dog-fucking advice, I tried to relax my ass as much as I could. I took a deep breath in, made shaky by my body rocking back and forth, but nevertheless I was able to relax my body a little bit. I felt Mac’s manhood push even deeper into me, another inch or two ramming in and out of my body as his knot advanced towards by butt.
“Good job babe!” Carly praised as she stroked my hair.
Mac seemed to be in heaven still. As his cock rammed deeper into me, his balls started swinging closer too, until with one thrust his sMacked against mine. The larger mass and force behind them was brutal against my small testicles, and I gasped for breath as the dull, hot pain mixed in with the hot pain of his fucking.
“Huh, with how deep in he is, it looks like you’ll have to deal with some ball-to-ball action here. Mac doesn’t seem to even notice though, so don’t worry about him! Just try to make it to the knot and he’ll stop moving… mostly.”
I gritted my teeth as his heavy, full nuts slammed against mine again and again in rapid succession. The fur on them lightened the pain somewhat, but not nearly enough to make it pain-free. I was really taking a beating. On the bright side, the pain of his dick fucking my was starting to subside, and even turn into pleasure. I suppose I shouldn’t have been surprised after how he rocked my world yesterday. The pleasure began to take greater and greater hold as he thrusted deep into my colon with abandonment. Mac’s only goal was to cum, and his insane tempo reflected that. Our bodies were starting to align in goals as I relaxed even more to accommodate his massive red dick. His fast, deep thrusts were now resulting in his full 8 inches diving deep into me, while never fully leaving. At this point, there were about 6 inches of Mac’s cock inside me at any given moment, and each thrust now was punctuation with his knot banging against my asshole.
“Full shaft insertion has been achieved” Carly stated while looking at the whole affair curiously. “Despite initial discomfort from the bitch, mating seems to be going smoothly. Stud seems exceptionally pleased.” Mac’s happy, slobbering face corroborated this diagnosis. “Knotting appears imminent!” She said with a hint of excitement in her voice. She turned to me and began talking, “Okay babe, don’t freak out but the next step of this is the knotting process. That’s when Mac’s knot -the big bulb on the bottom of his penis- enters the bitch. This ties you two together while he deposits his sperm into you. In nature, the point of this is to make sure that the bitch gets nice and pregnant!” A flash lit up her eyes as she got to say her fun fact. “I’m really interested to see how knotting will work on a human male! I’ve seen it with dogs so often, so I’ll be able to tell any little differences between how you and a female dog service the stud!”
“Uhuh~” I said in acknowledgement, my body being rocked back and forth violently as Mac had his way with me. There was no escape at this point, I was completely at his mercy, of which he would certainly show none. I wasn’t a small guy (well, except in one area) by any means, but in our current position I was totally overpowered. It was all I could manage to keep myself on all four while my body was assaulted by our dog. Sharp nails dug into my hips, keeping me in place while leaving painful marks on my sides. Heavy balls slammed against my own with each thrust, sending a shockwave through my body each time. A red-hot penis was skewering me like a kebab, spreading me wide open and pushing around my insides to make room for itself in my colon while shooting precum that felt like lava. Everything about this situation should have felt tortuous. My body, however, decided to feel differently. Each thrust inside had now become heavenly, making me feel splendidly full as Mac’s dick pressed against my prostate. His warm fur against my naked body felt amazing, and even his nails in my sides felt like the love of an alpha male. My own tiny cock began to get hard. I was loving this.
With my reawakened pleasure from being a dog bitch, Mac and I’s bodies became totally in sync. He thrusted into me, I kept my stance to allow him even better leverage. He entered, I welcomed him. His rhythm, though frantic, was a rhythm indeed, and I matched my body up to it in order to accommodate him. He returned by thrusting even deeper, now slamming his knot against my asshole with each thrust as I felt his massive length go deep into my hole. I was in the mindset of a bitch now, and so I had one goal: take Mac’s knot. I relaxed my backside and tried to let him enter, but it wouldn’t go in. I was ready, he was ready, but we weren’t able to seal the deal, I was too tight. This worked just fine yesterday, so I wondered what the issue was. Perhaps he was even harder now that he was more familiar with me? Or maybe it had something to do with a female’s presence nearby? Either way, despite my best efforts, I couldn’t relax enough to get him to enter. Mac barked in frustration, slamming my asshole with his knot repeatedly, demanding entry.
“J-jeez boy, I’m trying to let you knot me…” I muttered, embarrassed.
“Having trouble there, stud?” Carly asked from the sidelines.
“Y-yeah…” I responded, still trying to focus on taking that delicious knot.
“I was talking to Mac, but thank you for responding!” Carly laughed as she examined our situation closer, looking from above to get a line of sight on his dick entering my asshole. “Hmm, I need another angle to know for sure if he’s ready,” She laid down on her back and got underneath us, like a mechanic sliding underneath a car to inspect the undercarriage. “Oh yeah, he’s definitely ready to knot the bitch now! His dick is really getting some incredible strokes in down there, you should see him move! It’s like a blur!” Her eyes briefly moved from Mac’s dick to mine, which was flapping about humorously in comparison. “Ugh, babe, are you actually hard from this?” She made a face, though I couldn’t see it. “That’s like, really gay! At least before when Mac was grooming your privates you could argue that it felt like a girl’s tongue. But right now you’re hard just from his dick in your butt! You’re a real pervert!”
“No I’m not!” I lied blatantly.
“Yeah, yeah…” Carly said dismissively and playfully. “Anyways, perv, I’ll help Mac knot you, since I’ve done it for a bunch of bitches before. Just know that there’s no coming back from this. Once he’s knotted you that’s the ultimate sign of domination/mating, any one of those scenarios I mentioned earlier would be moving forward in full effect”
“It’s not like I -oh!- have m-much choice!” I said while still being brutally fucked by our pitbull.
“Alright then, you asked for it!” She said, preparing to make her maneuver. “Prepare for knotting in three, two, one…” Carly pushed, Mac thrusted, and I opened at the perfect time. For a split second the full diameter of his knot was passing my anus, and it felt like I was about to be ripped in half, but Carly’s push forward gave just enough moment for him to finish the motion and embed himself firmly inside my asshole.
“Oooooh!” I threw my head up and moaned and howled in pure delight as his full cock entered me, coupled with a giant spurt of cum, the first of many. Mac was howling in animalistic joy too as he finally got his goal. The pressure built up into my entire body, and I came hands-free onto the bed beneath me while Mac came inside my guts, our bodies physically and spiritually entwined in that moment. My howl turned into depraved, pleasured panting as my orgasm lasted for what felt like a full minute, by body shaking and trembling from the most intense orgasm of my life. Mac’s cum was flooding into me now, each spurt being immediately supplemented by another as he tried to inseminate me. I focused on how I was feeling -the warmth, the subservience, the sexual pleasure- as I tried to draw out my orgasm as long as possible. All good things come to an end, though, and sure enough I returned to reality as my cum dried on the bedsheets and my dog knotted inside my ass.
“Wow, that looked really intense!” my girlfriend remarked, “I didn’t want to say anything while you two were having your moment, but I can’t believe he actually knotted you, even with my help! That dick’s bigger than pretty much any I’ve ever seen, even a Great Dane bitch would have trouble fitting that in her! Well done babe!” She gave me a kiss on the cheek in acknowledgement of my deeds before going around behind Mac. She lowered herself and pressed her nose against his asshole, inhaling deeply. “From the smell of it, Mac’s loving this too! He must be really unloading into you!” She took another inhale of his ass before pulling away, having gotten the olfactory information she needed.
“Y-yeah, he really is,” I said, my body still quivering from the pitbull’s mating. “Feels like there’s a gallon of his cum in me already”
Carly eyeballed his testicles in awe, “From the size of his balls, I can imagine! I wonder if that's part of why he viewed you as a bitch? With him being used to having large testicles, he may not have recognized you as another male! Dog's eyesight is actually a bit worse than ours'. But how would that explain him not picking up on the pheromone difference...? Carly paused in thought. "I bet you’re glad they’re not beating yours anymore! Now they’re just resting behind your little guys like two pairs of best friends. Or like they’re cuddling, and he’s the big spoon! Either way, his look so huge in comparison, really impressive!” Carly raved about what she was seeing.
Mac was contentedly pumping me full of sperm, each contraction of his penis resulting in another blast of dog cum going into my hairless hole. My asshole squeezed him harder in response, my body feeling like it was wrapped entirely around his penis. As a result, Mac would cum even harder, having his orgasm drawn out longer, causing me to squeeze him again, etc. This created a chain reaction where our bodies were naturally feeding into each others’ pleasure, and we were both loving it. Mac licked the side of my face happily, and I giggled with delight at the normally innocent gesture being done while he was knotted inside me. “I love you too, Mac~” I said in response to his kisses, turning and giving him some smooches on the cheek as well.
“Aw, do you really mean that?” Carly asked, a proud grin on her face.
“Yeah, I think I do!” I said between smooches.
“That’s really sweet! And kind of interesting scientifically too!” Carly said, going back to her research angle of the situation. “I wonder if perhaps that’s some sort of biological response to him mating with you? Let me just double check how he feels real quick” My girlfriend went back to the asshole of our brown, muscular pitbull and dived in nose first. She huffed deeply for about thirty seconds, with Mac’s asshole puckering intermittently with each spurt of cum he made. Soon, she stuck her tongue out and began licking curiously, as if critiquing a fine wine. She pulled away, satisfied. “Okay, everything Mac’s doing also says that he’s feeling some seriously strong feelings too! I can literally taste the love!”
“Hold up, what do you mean taste…?” I asked.
“Don’t concern yourself with the details! Just keep going with his body there. He’s crossing species boundaries in order to mate with you, so obviously he sees something here! It’s your job to meet him halfway and play the part of a bitch. Make him feel loved! Make him feel like he’s mating a tight border collie instead of a human male! This might be one of the first observations by an experienced veterinarian of a dog totally knotting and mating a human guy! You need to make the most of it while I collect data with my god-given tools” Carly pointed to her nose and lips as she got in position behind Mac’s asshole.
“You mean veterinarian’s assistant.” I quipped back.
“Oh, shut it, you. Aaalh~” She stuck her tongue out as she began tasting for data.
I stuck my own tongue out to meet Mac’s, which was lolled out the side of his mouth next to mine. I rubbed my tongue against his passionately while he was unloading inside me happily, my body convulsing slightly the whole time with pleasure. His drool was like a love potion, keeping me even more entranced than before in our mating session. I focused on his musty flavor, trying to collect biological information myself like Carly was. I wanted Mac to feel like he was getting all the love and affection that he rightfully deserved. I wanted him to feel like he was king of the world, conquering a bitch like his instincts drove him to desire. I squoze him tight with my mating hole, kissing him lovingly in order to make him feel that way.