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Jack is at collage just before break.
As the afternoon lecture wrapped up, Jack yawned and stretched as he waited for the professor to dismiss the students. It was the last lecture before the break and he was feeling listless. He had no plans on going home to his family and was not sure how he planned to spend his time now that he was free of school for the first time since moving out on his own.

He was one of the last students to make it out of the lecture hall as he was in no rush. He stared with uncertainty at the bus that could take him away from the campus and back to the city where his closest relative was his grandmother. While he was bored enough to visit her, he did not want to be alone with her as she was bound to drive him mad with her endless talking.

He was just about to give up on thinking for the day and retire to his dorm when his cell phone rang in his pocket. He recognized the number as his mother’s and very nearly contemplated leaving it go to voicemail. However, he was already bored and even an annoying phone call could spice up his situation for a moment.

“Finally!” His mother’s voice was shrill and obnoxious as usual. “Do you know how may times it rang before you picked up.”

“I only just got out of class,” Jack argued.

“I know when your class ends, that’s why I called now. I’ll be in town at seven, so you better be ready.”

“What do you mean? You’re not coming to campus, are you? Everyone is just about to head home for break.”

“Of course not. I mean your grandmother’s house. Tilly flew in from Toledo and is staying with Mom for a week. She has all of the kids from her husband’s side of their family with her for some group vacation. Their parents probably just shoved them onto her to look after so they could have a childless vacation, but she likes feeling useful to them and staying with Mom was cheaper than going to Disney land or anything like that.”

“I’m sure the kids would’ve preferred that over Grandma’s,” Jack sighed.

“Some of them might’ve. Others aren’t keen on rides and some aren’t old enough to remember this. But it’s still boring for the older kids and a strain on Mom and Tilly, so you’re gonna help out for a week, got it?”

“Isn’t there already a lack of room? Why are you taking space away to give to me?”

“You won’t be staying overnight. Just commute from the dorms.”

“I don’t have a car. You gave me an IOU for my graduation, remember?”

“You know we can’t afford a car for you. We just wrote that on the card so our relatives wouldn’t call us cheap. If you find a car you like, we’ll put half down on it for you, but you’ll need good credit first. You told me the bus goes right by Mom’s cul-de-sac once, remember?”

“You know, most of my classmates’ parents don’t remember when they get out of class or when where the busses go.”

“Does that make me more attentive or nosy?”

“If I hadn’t told you but you still knew, then you’d be nosy,” he assured her. “I’m just surprised you’ve taken any interest in my schooling at all.”

“Rude, that’s what you are. Come on Jackie, the bus leaves 20 minutes after your last lecture and we’ve been talking for ten. I’ll pay you for a week long pass when I get there but you need to buy the first ticket yourself. Don’t tell me you don’t have the money or I’ll be pissed.”

“I always keep at least enough for one ride on me,” he assured her. “I’ll be at Grandma’s when you arrive.”

“You better be!” she did not believe his sincerity.


While Jack had been to his grandmother's house many times and he theoretically knew how to get there from the bus stop, he’d not actually used the bus to get there ever before, and it was a much further walk than he had anticipated. The sun was already low and turning orange before he saw the familiar large house.

A wave of nostalgia hit him as he saw and heard children screaming and running around in the massive yard. Whenever he visited when he was young, his cousin’s were always there and made the place so lively. The last time he had been was only with his mother and it felt empty and lonely. It was nice to see the place so full of life again.

He was brimming from ear to ear when he opened the front door. He knew it would not be locked while there were unsupervised kids in the yard. It was the same as his youth and it brought back more memories; an inflatable pool in the yard, water balloons and mini firecrackers, popsicles and hot dogs and Frisbees.

Darlene Henderson, his grandmother, was startled to see someone taller than her standing in the doorway when she looked up from a tray of cookies she had just removed from the oven. “Oh goodness, Jackie, you startled me.”

“Hey Mah-mah,” he greeted her with the same pet name he had always used. “Didn’t Haley tell you I was coming?”

“She did, but it’s still a pleasant surprise.” She hugged him without warning. As he had been walking and she had been baking, they with both sticky with summer sweat. The fact she was wearing oven mitts did not help either.

He pretended not to be uncomfortable and just patted her on the back awkwardly. “Do you need help with anything?” he wanted to be useful right away.

“Just rest up for a moment, then you can go outside and look after the younger kids. Goodness, I don’t remember it being this much of a hassle looking after you and George and the rest.” Jack smiled as he remembered that he and his cousin Jorge were always her favorites. Even if she called them George and Jackie, instead of their real names, it was more effort than she expended for their female cousins.

“With each generation the number gets bigger, but I honestly did not expect Tilly to bring her husband’s nieces and nephews with her too. I’m getting too old to be the matriarch of this family. It’s a thankless job.”

“And yet you’ll never give it up until you’re in hospice,” Jack teased her.

“Damn right,” she jeered. “Here, taste one of these and tell me what you think?” She shoved a cookie in his face.

“Kids aren’t critics. As long as there is sugar they will eat it… unless any of them are diabetic.”

“Oh look at you, being responsible. If any of them were, I’d kick them out right now. We’ll have none of that weak blood in my house.”

Jack couldn’t tell if his grandmother was joking. She was raised in a time when a child admitting they were ill was often met with punishment for whining rather than genuine concern. “Wait, isn’t it almost six? What about dinner?”

“I don’t have enough food for all of these mouths. Tilly’s gone to the store to get quick meals but for now they get what I can bake in a hurry.”

“Tilly really sprung this on you last second, didn’t she? You’re not even related to half these kids, are you?”

“I’m sure that lazy husband sprung this on Tilly last second too. When this sort of thing happens, you can either place blame or realize the issue is still present regardless and it will be easier to come up with a solution if you haven’t pissed off the other people who might help you.” Jack took her words to mean she was definitely going to scold Tilly after she left, but she did not want to spend a week with Tilly in a bad mood.


As promised, Tilly returned with a lot of quick prepare food not long after Jack had arrived. He was tasked with watching the kids outside while his grandmother and aunt prepared everything. Eventually everyone gathered in the living room with paper plates as they ate.

There was barely any room to sit, and a lot of the kids just plopped down on the floor. Jack sat on the armrest of the couch. He ate quickly to keep his food from being stolen by the hungry children. When he was done Tilly took his paper plate and handed him a beer instead. She did not know he was not old enough to drink yet but he was not going to tell her.

He had drunk half the can and was feeling light headed when something heavy landed in his lap. When he focused his spinning eyes all he could see was the back of an inky blue dyed head of hair. One of Tilly’s husband’s nieces had decided she was tired of sitting on the floor and his lap was free seating.

Her hair ran all the way down her back to her waist, hiding the pattern of her dark blue and black sun dress. Jack’s eyes focused on her sparkling earrings until he could not help but reach out and touch the side of her head. His hand was cold from his beer can and she gasped while turning her head. She quickly focused front again. Apparently she felt he could not kick her off if she ignored him.

He continued to examine her past the waist and could not hide a gleeful grin when he noticed the shape of her round butt fitting perfectly in his lap. Maybe it was his lack of alcohol tolerance, but he felt he was justified in teasing her a little. He lifted the back end of her sun dress just enough to see her butt.

Frowning he tilted his head in confusion. He expected to see panties of some kind keeping most of her butt hidden, but instead she seemed to be wearing a thong… or perhaps not even that. Curiosity got the better of him and he pulled her cheeks apart slightly. He quickly pulled her sun dress back down after seeing her tight star shaped anus for a mere second. For some reason the girl on his lap was going commando and yet still felt justified sitting on a complete stranger.

He tried to catch glimpses of her face and noticed she was blushing, but she still refused to acknowledge him as person and not a chair. He chose to be grateful for the treat rather than upset. He did not consider himself grossly attracted to younger girls, but a young girl’s butt was still a girl’s butt.

Suddenly, his glee reached the point of excitement and he felt his shorts getting tighter. He made the decision right then to leave the room before anyone else could notice. Even though she was still ignoring him, he placed his hands on her waist and slid her down one of his legs until her feet hit the floor. Before she could do or say anything, he had stood up and made his exit.


Jack spent the next ten minutes in the upstairs bathroom, waiting for his member to deflate. It was difficult because he kept thinking about the situation he just escaped. The image of a young girl’s exposed anus less than an inch from his crotch was enough to keep him horny and hard.

Finally, he managed to bring himself under control. He left the bathroom only to find himself face to face with the same girl in the upstairs hall. He had not noticed before, but she had a round pretty face, smooth except for a mole under her bottom lip and black plastic rimmed glasses. She had a stoic expression that matched her emo hair color choice.

“Hey, cuz, what’s your name?” he tried to be friendly.

“Are we cousins?” she asked in confusion. Tilly had taken great care to warn all her husband’s nieces and nephews that they were guests and this was not their grandmother’s house so they had to be careful and behave.

Jack was barely paying attention to what she was saying. His eyes were directed down at her bare legs. As she had been playing outside, she had dirt on her knees and he could not help but imagine what this cute panty-less girl would look like giving head. He felt himself getting hard again and decided he did not care. “Why aren’t you wearing underwear,” he went straight to the burning question in his mind.

Her eyes got wide for a moment, proving she had forgotten. “The lines show through my dress. I wanted to look sophisticated.”

“You look like a slut,” he corrected her.

“What’s that?” She did not recognize the word.

“Someone who likes having sex.”

“What’s sex?”

“It’s when a boy and a girl get naked and…” Jack trailed off. “Why am I telling you?”

“Like when my brother’s and I take a bath together?” She was perpetually curious.

“What’s your name?” Jack had his own question for her.

“Taylor,” she answered.

“Has a boy at school ever tried to pull your hair, or flip your skirt?” Jack asked another question. Taylor nodded. “Boys like touching girls and they love seeing them naked and touching them while naked. And if a girl lets him without complaining, then they have sex.”

She nodded again before grabbing the hem of her sun dress and lifting it up above her chest, exposing what little bust she had, along with her bare crotch and belly. Jack smirked. “Why did you do that?” he asked calmly.

“You just said boys like seeing naked girls. I thought that meant you wanted to see me naked.”

“I do, of course I do. But if you don’t resist at all, then I am just going to go ahead and fuck you.”

“What’s that?” she asked her favorite question again.

Jack was still smirking as he calmly placed his hands on her shoulders. By then he had given up trying to control himself at all. Even if he went to jail, he was going to regret it more if he did not take advantage of her. She was startled when he walked her backwards and pressed her against the wall of the hall and even more shocked when he pushed his knee against her crotch. He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers and slid his tongue into her mouth instantly.

Her eyes remained wide open as his hand found her right breast and she was suddenly feeling contact in three different places. She was raised onto the tips of her toes as his knee dug further into her crotch. Part of her wanted to scream and run away, but part of her felt this was her own fault. She had set something in motion when she chose to sit on his lap and she felt like escaping was pointless.

After a minute of kissing, the drool escaping their lips had dripped onto her bare chest, making it shiny. He rubbed it into her right breast and then gripped her flesh. She broke their kiss and prepared to complain but found it hard to speak. He took hold of her other breast and pinched hard enough to lift her off her feet as he stood up. She slid up the wall with her feet flexing with noting to touch.

She had already given up on complaining as it was obvious he was doing it on purpose. She did not know if he did not realize how painful it was for her, or if he liked causing her pain. Only when their waists were at the same height did he stop dragging her up the wall and instead use his pelvis to pin her to it. She felt the bulge in his shorts pushing inside her exposed crotch and let out a moan.

Jack smiled as he relaxed his grip on her chest and slid his hands down to her butt. He supported her with one hand while undoing his pants with the other. She gasped when she slid down the wall an inch and felt something hot and hard enter her. It pressed against her hymen, causing tears to form in her eyes.

Jack managed to grip her waist with both hands and lift her up a little, preparing to slam her down onto his cock. Just then he heard something at the base of the stairs. Without delay, he pulled her away from the wall and slung her under one arm, freeing his other hand to open the closet door next to the bathroom.

Taylor yelped as she was jostled around and landed on his lap again, facing away from him. He was sitting on a wooden stool and his cock was between her legs. Every time it perked up it touched the outside of her cunt and sent shocks through her sensitive crotch.

For the moment, they were both blind; waiting for their eyes to adjust to the dark. Jack pressed his ear to the door and listened for anyone coming up the stairs. At the same time he massaged Taylor’s butt with his hands, absentmindedly reveling in her soft flesh.

It was not until his eyes adjusted that he saw the same sight that had started all of this, her exposed anus less than an inch from his cock. He wasted no time leaning her forward so his cock slid between her legs and slapped against her butt and lower back, behind her instead of in front anymore.

Taylor’s eyes crossed when she felt him push both his thumb’s into her anus and pry it open. She looked straight up at the ceiling and tried to keep her groaning low as he pressed the tip of his cock to the raw opening. She looked back over her shoulder at Jack and cautiously shook her head, silently pleading him not to hurt her anymore.

It was either too dark, or Jack was too excited to notice her looking at him. He slowly pulled his fingers out of her butt and let it close around his cock. Her eyes became more cross and she moaned louder as she felt something living squirming inside her. “Quiet,” he hissed at her while pushing on the back of her head, leaning her forward so his cock started to slide out of her. He then wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her back toward him.

She let out a held breath as if the wind was being forced out of her. His cock sank into her deeper than anything had ever been in her butt before. She flexed her toes as she felt every muscle in her body tighten. “How do you feel?” Jack whispered in her ear, making her jolt.

She kept looking at the ceiling with her eyes crossed as she responded. She felt like she would explode if she stopped using all of her muscles. “I feel stuffed… full,” she searched for the right words. “Filled with warmth and stretched. It’s lovely and scary. I want it to stop or to never end. I want… I want it to move inside me.”

Jack grinned as he used her waist to gyrate her hips. His cock slid around inside her butt as her lower body moved from side to side. Taylor moaned as she shifted and went back and forth between tightening and relaxing her muscles.

After a while, Jack changed his approach. He pushed on the back of her head again until her face was touching the wall. She let him smash it against it for a while as his cock slowly pulled out of her butt. Eventually she turned her head to keep her nose from getting flattered. At the same time, Jack leaned forward too and filled her asshole up completely again, and deeper. She gasped as she felt her chest flutter with excitement and fear. How deep was he going to fill her? Was he trying to split her in half?

After a few more times pushing and pulling her off and on his cock, Taylor began to grunt or moan every time he bottomed out inside her. “Keep it down,” he hissed in her ear. She shook her head and shrugged, unable to control herself or care. If he wanted her to behave, he could just stop what he was doing to her.

Annoyed by her disobedience, Jack gripped her hair and pushed her head toward a cardboard box and actually managed to shove her face inside it. She yelped but the sound was muffled. Smiling, Jack stood up so she was completely bent over, head down and butt up. He lifted her legs on either side of his waist like a wheelbarrow and began to drive his cock into her from above. Her yelling got louder and louder with each thrust until her muffled screams just constantly emanated from the box.

Jack abandoned all attempts to keep her quiet or to be gentle. Slow pushing and pulling became fast thrusting and the sound of his hips slapping her butt loudly. Massaging her ass became spanking it until there were red hand prints on her. Pushing on her head became gripping her hair and yanking on her roots. Gyrating her waist because twisting her arms behind her back.

Eventually Taylor’s incoherent screaming changed to just her shouting “oh my god,” repeatedly. Jack saw and felt liquid running down her thighs and knew she had pissed herself while cumming. He felt justified in his earlier assumption that she was a slut. After all, what kind of virgin came from having their asshole reamed?

As he had relieved himself in the bathroom earlier, Jack was not as close to cumming. He felt slightly betrayed that this little girl was getting off on her own. When telling her to be quiet failed to yield any results, he reached into the box and covered her mouth with his hands. More than muffling her, she was forced to breathe through her nose, which made it hard to get enough air to keep yelling.

When he pulled her head out of the box, he found her face incredibly red and covered with drool and her own snot. She had obviously been crying. Jack took some time to examine and adore her messed up appearance, proud of himself for managing to fuck a girl to tears. Watching her wet face struggling to breathe finally excited him enough to start cumming inside her. He stopped thrusting and buried his cock as deep as it could go in her asshole. He swore he could feel her bowels vibrating as his cum squirted against the side. He felt as if he was filling her with more force than a fire hydrant.

It was not until he had finished cumming inside her that Jack realized her was still covering her mouth. When he finally relaxed his grip, her muscles stopped tightening and she melted against him like putty. He expected her to gasp and struggle for air but she was too weak to make a scene out of being allowed to breathe again.

When he began to lift her off his lap, she stiffed and shook her head. “It’ll spill out!” she whined. Jack paused to look around the closet for anything to use as a plug. He found what he was looking for in the form of a small flashlight hanging from a hook on the closet door. In one motion he bucked her off his lap and swapped his cock for the plastic cylinder. It made a sound as it squished inside her.

“Oh god,” Taylor groaned. She had only just learned what it was like to get fucked in the asshole and now she knew what being sodomized felt like. It took her a moment to find her footing but eventually Taylor stood up properly and spun around to face Jack. She pulled her dress down by the hem, covering all of the visible abuse on her body except her wrists. “How do I look?” she asked sweetly.

“Like a slut who enjoys getting raped,” Jack was brutally honest.

“That’s what you wanted, right?” she was confused if he was insulting her. He looked guilty rather than pleased. The contrast between her emo personality and screaming for god as he fucked her was immeasurable. “Let’s get back to everyone,” she urged him. “They’ll think it weird if we are gone together for so long, and I'm a little hungry again.” She turned to leave the closet.

“You can’t go back looking like that.” He stopped her from opening the door. She just stared at him in confusion. She had no idea what a mess her face was. He opened the door and dragged her into the bathroom next to it by the wrist. She nodded at her face in the mirror before turning on the sink to wash up.

Jack watched her round butt bobbing up and down as she leaned over the counter to get her face into the sink and under the faucet. When watching was not enough, he lifted her dress over her butt and gripped the end of the flashlight. He pulled it almost all the way out and then shoved it back in, even lifting her off her feet for a moment. His semen made the hole slippery and it was still stretched from his cock. She jolted so hard she bumped her head on the faucet and leapt up onto the counter.

She rolled over to face him with her hips jutting forward and the flashlight visible in her butt while it also pushed the inside of her pussy outside slightly. “Go ahead,” she spoke meekly while pulling her pussy apart as if offering it to him. “Fuck me again.”

Jack wished he could oblige but he was completely spent. He pulled her down to the floor and ruffled her hair before turning her back to the running faucet. He helped her clean up her face and then sent her out of the bathroom with a slap on the butt which caused her eyes to cross for a moment. He knew she needed a full bath but there was something kinky about her running around with only a dress hiding what he had done to her. He on the other hand definitely needed a shower before went down stairs again.


After rejoining the family downstairs, Jack immediately began searching for Taylor. Part of him wondered if any eagle eyed adult had already noticed the marks on her wrists and if he was about to be arrested for raping a minor.

He was pleasantly surprised when he saw her leaning against a dresser in the corner of the room. She had two scrunches on her wrists to hide the bruises. She was also nibbling on her bottom lip while jolting every few seconds. He knew instantly she was using the dresser to press the flashlight in her ass and masturbate.

The moment she saw Jack, Taylor trotted over, looking sick the whole time. “Can I pull it out,” she groaned while clutching her stomach.

“Do you want to leak everywhere?” he refused.

“But I need to use the bathroom,” she whined. Jack was surprised she had not done so earlier. Was she waiting on his permission to remove the object he had put in her? Was she his pet or something?

Without a word, Jack took her hand and dragged her outside. He hid her in the shade of the house behind some bushes and made her squat down before he pulled the flashlight out of her butt. She immediately clenched her muscles to keep her insides from expelling. “I thought you had to go,” he was slightly annoyed.

“You’re watching me,” she murmured.

Jack rolled his eyes while standing up and facing away. He took in the scenery of the back yard he used to play in all the time. When he spotted the old shed at the edge of the driveway, he remembered the inflatable poor he and Jorge used to play in. Absent mindedly, he walked away from Taylor. Inside the shed, on a dusty shelf, he found what he was looking for, along with an air pump.

Taylor saw him reemerge from the shed and was confused by his actions. He went about setting up the pool and inflating it before making a beeline back to her. She clenched her eyes in embarrassment as he approached. To her surprise, he was more interested in the garden hose next to her.

He quickly noticed she had not made any progress and crouched down in front of her. “Do you need help?” he asked.

“What are you going to do, gouge out my butt with your penis again? I think you pushed everything in too deep already and that’s the problem.”

He smirked as he realized she was saying he packed her fudge. “Ever heard of an enema?” he asked smugly. She shook her head. He gave her no warning before turning on the garden hose and shoving it into her exposed butt. Her eyes crossed as the same feeling from the flashlight washed over her. It was quickly replaced with the feeling of water rushing inside her.

She began to quiver as she felt her insides swelling. Even though it was the other end of her stomach, she still felt the need to vomit and the numbness in her mouth that came with it. Seeing saliva dripped from her lips Jack had only one response.

Taylor nearly fell backwards when Jack exposed his cock to her and pressed the tip to her lips. She felt the need to vomit rising and nearly did before his cock slid past her saliva drenched lips. It filled her mouth completely and lodged itself in the back of her throat almost immediately, making her gag. He still kept pushing, pressing the back of her head against the side of the building.

Taylor swallowed the urge to vomit and inadvertently massaged Jack’s cock with her whole mouth. She watched with wide eyes when the whole thing began emerging from her face when he finally backed up. She could hardly believe the whole thing had fit inside her. She was slowly learning that every one of her holes could be used for sex. It both frightened her and made her proud.

When Jack pushed forward again, saliva squirted out of her nose and mouth. At the same time, her head was pushed back into the wall, causing her to jolt and the hose to pop out of her butt. Water and more began to gush out of her. Her eyes rolled back as the relief washed over her. She wanted to sink to the ground instead of squatting, but her head was pinned to the wall by Jack’s cock.

She relaxed so much that her bladder began to empty alongside her asshole. Jack reached down with his right hand and pushed two fingers inside of her, causing her to gulp. She was wet enough he could move around in her easily. He even attempted to push his finger tips into the opening of her pee hole, which caused her to jolt and kick at him.

Jack curved his fingers behind her pelvis and dragged her cunt forward, making her jut out her hips obscenely. She looked like she was welcoming him to shove his dick in her stretched hole. The sight was enough to make Jack cum in her mouth. After one spurt he shoved into her throat again. The semen in her full mouth squirted out of her nose while the next three spurts entered her throat, forcing her to swallow or choke. Tears flooded Taylor’s eyes as she twitched and kicked wildly.

Regardless, Jack did not pull back until he was completely finished cumming. Taylor watched his member emerging from her face impatiently. Her eyes were so wide they were watering. As soon as she was able, she turned and vomited. Rather than bile, it was nothing but semen that came up. Jack had never found puking sexy before but seeing her expel what he had just filled her with kept him from going completely flaccid again.

He pushed his fingers into her sticky mouth and began probing the back of her throat, making her gag. She just stared at him as stoically as she could, letting him pull her lips and cheeks from side to side. She even opened her mouth as wide as she could to show him she had nothing left in the back of her throat. He just plugged the hole with his fingers which almost made her puke again.

She finally did kick him and he finally left her mouth alone. Using the still running hose, he washed her lower half clean before grabbing her ankles and dragging her toward the pool he had set up. Her sun dress rolled up her body and became bunched up around her arms until she stretched them above her head, letting the dress come off entirely and leaving her completely naked except the dirt from being dragged on the ground.

Jack went back to get the hose which he used to wash her off completely, paying special attention to the semen on her face. Once he was satisfied she was completely clean, he pushed her over the side of the pool. She fell in, head over heels, landing upside down against the inside wall.

Jack stepped over the side a moment later, still holding the running garden hose. He removed his shorts so they were both naked, before he sat down next to her. She realized her naked lower half was sticking up when he began to probe her pussy with his fingers.

She flopped down and corrected herself into a sitting position, making sure to keep bellow the wall of the pool so no one could see she was naked. “What if someone comes to swim with us?” she asked.

“Let’s hope the water rises quickly so we can say we are skinny-dipping,” he answered. Any argument she had was cut off as he splashed her with the hose. She shrieked and protected her face with her hands. Jack stopped and blushed, not having expected her innocent reaction. She had just let him wash semen off her face a moment ago. It was like she shut off her emotions whenever he did something sexual to her. Maybe that was the only way she knew to process his treatment.

While he was intrigued by this side of her, it only turned him on more. She gasped when he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into his lap. She whimpered while looking over her shoulder at him. He positioned his inflating cock at the entrance to her cunt and pulled down on her waist impaling her.

She covered her mouth to keep her voice down as she shrieked again. Unlike when his whole cock sank into her butt, something was keeping her from sliding all the way down into his lap. She could feel it stretching painfully as his cock pushed against it.

Gripping her tightly to him, Jack leaned forward until Taylor was lying face down on the bottom of the pool. The water from the hose had accumulated enough that she had to turn her head to keep her nostrils from being covered. She flinched as she felt his weight pushing down on her, threatening to push her head under the water.

“It’s okay,” he whispered while stroking her hair. She wondered what he meant. Was it okay because he wasn’t going to rape her again, or was it okay because she should’ve been used to it by then.

She received her answer when he put his full weight on top of her, using it to push his cock through her hymen which stretched and snapped painfully. The only sound she made was gurgling as the water had risen to cover most of her mouth. She was unable to even worry about the loss of her virginity, which she hardly understood. She was more concerned she might not be able to breathe for much longer.

When Jack realized she might be drowning, he lifted her head above the water. Immediately her gurgling was replaced with moaning, which made him grin. In the closet she had been so loud he could not enjoy the sounds she was making but now she almost sounded like she was enjoying it.

When the water rose above her cunt, it began to seep into her with every thrust of his cock. It felt cold and made her feel a little nauseous. She paddled her feet underneath him, as if trying to swim away. He gripped her butt and pushed his thumbs into her still gaping asshole and used it like a handle to pull her on and off his cock rapidly. Her eyes spun in her head in confusion. “Stop,” she whined.

“Why?” he refused. “You love getting fucked, don’t you? You’re my little slut who takes cum in all her holes.” She shook her head. “Come on, just say it. Admit you’re a slut.”

“You don’t have to stop,” she took back her request instead.

He smiled while pulling her up into his lap again. Now that her hymen was broken he was able to bounce her easily with his hands on her waist. She sighed with relief when his thumbs left her anus, but began a long drawn out moan that vibrated each time his cock slid all the way into her. She kept staring straight up with her eyes rolled back.

Eventually, Jack kissed her to keep the sound down. The sun was practically gone and he did not assume any of the other kids were going to come back out after eating, but he still felt nervous letting her make so much noise.

When the water rose to the point it was touching her sensitive gaping anus, and even going inside when he dropped her all the way down on his lap, she began to squeal and try breaking their lips apart. He let her but instead began to nibble on her ear and neck while also sliding his hands up from her waist to her breasts.

Her head flopped from side to side as she let herself relax. His touch was warm in contrast to the water and it comforted her slightly. Her voice began to rise again in short chirping “ohs” every time the tip of his cock touched even deeper inside her. She eventually began to shriek again when her orgasm hit. The water around them in the pool got warmer as she squirted uncontrollably.

Even after her orgasm subsided, she continued to flop around with her eyes rolled back, just giggling incessantly. She did not care to or need to control her body. Jack was going to grip her and fuck her regardless of what she did, so she did not do anything at all.

Despite the fact that Taylor had already cum, Jack was on his 4th go that day and was lasting much longer as a result. Taylor just let herself flop in his lap as he moved her like a rag doll. After 20 or so minutes of being skewered by his cock, she focused her eyes enough to notice the sun had gone down. Without thinking, she stood up. If she were at home she would be scolded by her parents for being out late, and the innate fear of punishment drove her to climb out of the pool.

Jack followed after her and grabbed her from behind, keeping her from running into the house. “Where is my dress?” she was looking around in a panic.

“I’ll help you look for it after we’re done.” He pulled her over to a tree and leaned her against it.

“We’re not done yet?” she was confused. Jack’s response was to push her against the tree while sliding his cock back into her cunt slowly. She gripped the tree tightly as her feet were lifted off the ground, leaving her dangling by only two points of contact.

Jack stepped toward the tree to keep her from falling, which pressed her bare breasts to the bark. She climbed up the tree slightly to relieve the pressure, which forced him to step closer again. Soon she was halfway up the tree being supported by him from below, still fucking her cunt.

When his cock pressed against the back of her bladder, she began to piss on the tree. She had been holding it in since he put the flashlight inside her. Jack snapped a twig off a low hanging branch and poked at her cunt and clit with it. “Stop it!” she swatted at his hands. It was hard to get her hands to her own clit with the tree in the way though.

Her squirming stimulated Jack’s cock and soon he began cumming inside her cunt. She stopped gripping the tree, forcing him to lower her to the ground. The last few spurts of cum splashed onto her back when his cock sprung out of her hole. She sighed in relief but he was unsatisfied.

His cock was rapidly deflating but he still grabbed her butt and spread it. He pushed the tip of his cock into her still gaping anus and released a different kind of fluid. She squealed as she felt hot liquid flooding her bowels. She could not believe he was pissing inside of her.

She could not tell if she liked it or not. The warmth soothed the pain of having her anus stretched, and the vibration of it pelting her insides stimulated her, but it was still urine. The moment the torrent slowed down, she pulled away from him and squatted to the ground to expel it. “Gross,” she whined as she listened to it splashing the grass in the dark.

“Next time you can swallow it and it won’t come back out,” Jack teased her. He could not see her blushing face in the dark. She did not know if she would like having to swallow urine, but she wanted to try having his cock in her mouth again. She could feel it whenever he penetrated any of her holes but that was the one time she could see his shaft disappearing inside of her. The sight of the long shaft vanishing as she crossed her eyes to focus was mesmerizing and she wanted to feel it at least once more.

“Can we do this again tomorrow?” she asked cautiously. Jack grinned while pulling her to her feet by her shoulders.

She was caught off guard when he picked her up and carried her back to the pool. “If you let me, I'm just going to spend all week fucking you,” he warned her. She nodded shyly as he dipped her in the water to wash her off one more time.

By the moonlight they were able to find their clothes. He also finally shut off the hose that had been filling the pool that whole time. “I used to stay over at this house when I was your age. I know the best window to sneak out of,” he informed her as they trotted back toward the door of the house. “After everyone else has gone to bed, meet me on that part of the roof,” he pointed.

“Why?” she did not understand the need to sneak out. They had managed to fuck twice during the day barely doing anything to hide it. She was also exhausted and wanted to sleep.

“I'm gonna take you to a hotel,” Jack answered. He knew better than to try sneaking her back to his dorm room. There were cameras and professors and people who knew him. “We can be as loud as we want and fuck until morning.”

Taylor gripped the hem of her dress as she felt the muscles around her clit stiffening. The idea of getting to lie on a bed while he jammed his cock down her throat was already turning her on. She was sure if she laid on her back with her head hanging off the side of the mattress, she could enjoy him plunging her mouth like a toilet.

She did not care what he squirted inside her. She would dutifully swallow it if she could just feel that lump in her throat again. The idea turned her on more than the actual action but that was enough for her.

When they reached the front step, he had her stand on it facing the street. He lifted the hem of her dress over her chest and made her hold it while he took pictures with his cell phone that had been in his shorts pocket the whole time. She knew what he was doing; he said boys like naked girls. But she barely planned to wear clothes around him in the future, so why he needed something to remind him what her body looked like confused her.

He focused on her wet stringy hair, or the goose bumps on her skin from the cold. He even took pictures of her erect clit and stiff nipples. She got slightly annoyed when he pulled her mouth open by the cheeks to take pictures of the inside. She understood he found every orifice of hers sexual but he seemed to like stretching and pulling on them more than just penetrating them with his cock. She still felt his fingers digging into her anus and pulling it apart.

He ended his photo shoot by kissing her forehead and then her mouth and finally her hard nipples before letting her put her dress down. She could not help but giggle. She felt turned on again and did not want him to leave without giving her one more good railing but she knew she was already in trouble.

Tily had not noticed her absence yet, but the moment she got into the house Tily was bound to ask where she had been. Getting fucked by her not-cousin was not an answer she could give.
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