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Joel the Magnificent manages to make the most out of a flopping weekend show when he learns that his hypnosis skills actually work.
Joel looked at the sign in front of the winery. He liked the font and it was a good picture of him, but he still didn’t like the dumb title he’d given himself. “Joel the Magnificent” just didn’t have a ring to it. He shook his head and wheeled his trunk into the building. It was too late to change it at this point.

With a little help from the receptionist he was headed downstairs. The room itself looked perfect. There were eight round tables each with three chairs facing a low stage. The lighting was dark but inviting and the walls were covered in wood from old wine barrels. Looking around he figured he’d be able to pack a room of twenty four.

It was still half an hour before the show so he had time to set up his set and get changed. As he walked out of the bathroom he saw Gabby. He looked the frumpy photographer up and down as she struggled with her cameras. Joel smiled politely. She wasn’t much to look at but back in school she’d suck anyone’s cock. Now she was a lesbian and the only photographer Joel knew. Before Joel could say hi Gabby jumped in, “you’re going to flop, you know that right? The bitch owner of this place didn’t advertise this so nobody is going to show.”

Joel continued to smile at her, “The show must go on, and you get paid either way.” Joel reminded himself that she’d swallowed his cum on multiple occasions and smiled more. Mean little fat cunt.

“It’s your fucking funeral, just giving you the chance to not embarrass yourself.” Gabby adjusted her cameras again and followed Joel back into the basement.

Joel’s stomach sank as he walked in and he could hear Gabby snicker. There were only nine people in the room and three of them were the owner, her husband, and he guessed by the family resemblance, their daughter.

Joel strutted to the stage and gave his cape a whirl. “Welcome to my show this beautiful morning! I’m happy to see that not too many people are here. This way I’ll have the opportunity to show you my true talents.” Joel surveyed the room. There was an older couple in their late sixties or early seventies and then a forty something couple with two young women with them. One of the girls looked to be their daughter, but the pretty slight blonde sitting with them couldn’t have been any relation.

Joel ushered the three groups to come forward to get a better view of him at work. The owner and her family grumbled but took their bottles from the table and came forward. The old couple was much more amicable. Soon they were all seated in a tight semicircle around Joel.

Joel was well practiced at sleight of hand and he deftly ran through his routine. The only people who weren’t impressed were the owners and they showed it. Joel knew he wasn’t going to be invited back. Even if he had filled the room he doubted a woman with a scowl like the owner would have given him another chance.

Half an hour in Joel was running out of material and decided to try something a bit experimental. He’d tried hypnotism before but with limited success. This time though, he had a smaller audience and they were relatively captive and all of them had a little wine in them. Joel took out a trick deck of cards and began passing them from one hand to the other, he cleared his throat and began in a monotone, “Watch the cards, watch each one the best you can, block out everything around you but the cards and my voice” he continued until he saw the bitch owner’s eyes glaze over. He smiled and looked around noticing everyone looked dazed. He looked over to Gabby to gloat and saw the same look on her face.

Wanting to delicately flex this opportunity he called over to Gabby, “Gabby, come closer and take video as I go through my act.”

Gabby snapped to it and Joel was pretty sure it had worked. Joel turned to his small crowd looking closely at their glazed over eyes. Normally once you’d hypnotized a person you had them act the fool, but with everyone hypnotized he wasn’t sure what to do.

He walked over to the old man and woman, without thinking too hard he asked the old man, “What was your most embarrassing moment that your wife has never heard?”

Without skipping a beat the man spoke, “I fucked Meryl’s sister while she was passed out drunk.” The embarrassing part as he continued was that he overheard her explaining to Meryl that she was pretty sure she’d been raped, but it must have been by a guy with a needle dick. Joel laughed out loud and looked at Meryl. No reaction.

Joel smiled and asked her, “Okay Meryl what’s your most embarrassing experience that your hubby doesn’t know about?”

“I was gangbanged at work.” Joel looked around the room, nobody had reacted. He smiled and pressed for a detailed account. Meryl continued, “When I started working at the distribution warehouse, I was the only female clerk. For every raise or promotion I submitted my body to one boss or another. Normally it was just a blow job under a desk. When Jim here got the news that he was moving to this area I asked for a transfer and a promotion to the lead clerk position in the warehouse here. Management accepted that transfer but the General Manager had me come into the warehouse on my last day. He invited me into his office and poured me a glass of real champagne. Before I knew it he was fucking me. When he and the bottle were done he opened me up to the warehouse. I don’t know how many men had sex with me that day, but from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM I had at least two penises in me at all time. I drank their cum and pissed right there on the storeroom floor.”

Joel’s cock was rock hard listening as the old women finished. Joel walked away from the semicircle and locked the door into the room. He realized that he didn’t want to be disturbed.

Joel really looked around the circle now. Meryl might have been attractive at some point and she seemed to keep herself relatively tight. Joel unbuttoned the top of her blouse and was pleased at how large her jugs actually were.

Next were the bitch owner and her daughter. Joel didn’t know why people called her that, but he’d only every seen her with a scowl on her face. She wasn’t attractive but not ugly either. She was more or less average looking in her blouse and long skirt. Her daughter on the other hand was almost like the polar opposite, if you just looked at her high skirt and her filled halter top you’d think she was a ten, but her face was pretty rough. Maybe if she didn’t look like a horse that had sucked on a lemon she’d be hot.

The last group was easier to evaluate. The mom was decent looking and had a soft but toned body. The daughter was a light brunette who even though she had a little extra weight on her had great tits and nice thick pale thighs. Lastly was the guest. He looked at her sun dress and pulled down the front. No bra. But she looked so prim and proper. Narrow face, big blue eyes, confirmed small but firm breast, built like an athlete. Joel was getting ahead of himself.

Joel looked at the owner, “Sabina, so Meryl fucked more guys than she knows, how about you. How many dicks have you taken?”

Sabina didn’t hesitate, “Three.” Joel pushed the topic to no avail, Sabina was just a bit of a prude.

Joel was a little disappointed, he turned to the daughter, “what’s your name sour puss, and how many cocks have you taken?”

The daughter answered, “I’m Sophie, and I’ve taken three penises.” Joel guessed she looked pretty young but she had finished the wine glass in front of her.

He turned to the husband, “okay man, help me out. How many women have you fucked?”

The man answered in a calm voice, “I don’t know, I stopped counting sometime after thirty.” Joel laughed out loud, hot damn.

With a big grin he asked, “what one fuck would you be most worried about your wife finding out about?”

Max looked forward, “I fucked Sophie about a month ago when she was drunk.” Joel pressed Max for more information. “I always offer to drive women home from here when they’ve had too much to drink. I take liberties with them. I’m good at telling when they won’t remember. Same thing with Sophie. I took her back to her place and then fucked her pussy, and then a couple minutes later her ass. I even took pictures, was careful to avoid her face.”

Joel swallowed, “how’d fucking your daughter make you feel?”

“Absolutely amazing, I’ve been trying to get her that drunk ever since.”

Joel had nothing more to say. He moved to the last group. He spoke to the father, “Can you top that? You ever fucked your cute little daughter?”

The man gave a simple, “No.”

Joel continued, “have you thought about it? And be detailed.”

He started again, “Yes, I’ve thought a lot about fucking Hannah. She’s taken to wearing miniskirts and those low cut tops and I can’t help but look when I see panties. If I had the chance I’d fuck her.”

Joel turned to Hannah, “how many dicks have you taken, and do you notice your daddy’s attention?”

Hannah started, “two, and yes. I started dressing like that to piss off my parents. It worked on my mom but my dad clearly liked it. It’s to the point where I’ll change into more decent clothes when I leave the house.”

Joel turned to the mom, “so have you noticed your husband leering at poor little Hannah?”

The wife, “yes, I know what she does and I know that they’re fucking.” Joel laughed at how far she thought they’d gone.

“Have you done anything about it?”

“Yes, I’m a yoga instructor and I have started to fuck my private clients. I’ve been getting fucked by three or four strangers a day for the last couple months.”

Joel broke out laughing again. She thought her husband was cheating so she went off and got herself fucked.

Joel needed to fuck something, he was way too horny, and wasn’t thinking straight. He turned to the guest, “Last but not least, name, how many dicks, and most embarrassing sexual encounter?”

The blonde responded, “Paige, none, but at camp one year I got pinned down by an older girl in the shower room and she forced her fingers into my vagina and butt.” Joel beamed.

“Gabby, get over here. Video little miss Paige. Paige, get up on the stage. Perfect, now give us your sexiest little dance. That’s the best you can do? Okay then, take off your dress.” Joel watched in awe as the little blonde pulled one strap and then the other off her shoulders. She shimmied a little and the dress fell to the floor. She continued her little dance, her small but perky breast bouncing. Joel was impressed by her abs and legs. “Turn around and show me your ass. Nice, now pull your panties off.” Joel watched the panties come down revealing Paige’s hairy ass and cunt. He laughed, “I thought you’d be as bare as the day you were born. That’s cute though. Turn back. What’s your relationship with Hannah?”

“We’re best friends and on the soccer and volleyball team together.”

“Hannah, get up there and eat your best friend out till she cums.” Hannah didn’t hesitate and soon Paige was chirping as she swayed on the stage. Joel couldn’t take it any longer. His dick was out as he grabbed Hannah by the hair, “Hannah go sit down, Paige bend over. Grab your pussy lips and hold them apart.” He pushed into her. Joel had fucked his fair share of women but Paige was easily the tightest. He could feel every velvety part of her cunt grip his cock. It hadn’t even been three minutes and he knew he was going to cum. He’d have been embarrassed normally, but Paige was just that tight. He pulled himself out of her, “get on your knees and open wide.” Paige complied and Joel fucked her face, barely bottoming out in her throat before he released. He panted as he pulled out. “Swallow that all down.”

Joel looked around the room, nobody had moved. He thought for a moment and decided what he wanted to do. He called out, “Meryl, Sabina, Sophie, Hannah and Gale, one at a time come up here and strip completely naked while Gabby videos you. Paige go down and take a seat, but keep playing with your clit and cum if you can.”

Joel exited the room and almost ran to the production barn of the winery. It only took a moment to find the general manager. With a small lie he got all the workers huddled up around him. As soon as he was sure he had their attention he worked his magic once again. He couldn’t tell if it had stuck on all of them, but he figured he’d risk it. He asked them to follow him and they all did.

As he pushed open the door to the basement room Gale was just finishing removing her panties. On stage behind her we’re the rest of the women buck ass naked. Joel told the men to strip and he walked up to the stage. “Ladies and Gentlemen, as a teaser for the main events I’d like to ask Sophie to come forward. Max, you come up too, strip down. Max, what was your favorite part about fucking your daughter?”

Max answered without hesitating, “It felt like I was finally punishing her for being a bitch like her mom. I wanted to hurt her and it felt wonderful.”

Joel could feel his cock stirring again. “Jim, watch carefully now, and think about your little Hannah. Max, I want you to punish Sophie again, the only rule is you can’t leave the room or leave permanent marks on her.”

Max didn’t say anything, he just walked up to his daughter and grabbed her hair. She cringed in pain and he pulled her down from the stage and pushed her down onto a table. She easily had the best ass in the room, and Joel watched as Max began spanking it. Joel pulled up a chair and called Paige over. He whispered in her ear and she started going through the other women’s purses. Joel watched as Max slowed down. He pulled Sophie back up and sat her on one of the chairs facing backwards. At a command from Joel he turned it so she was facing Joel.

Max roughly pulled his daughters ample breast up and over the back of the chair and began slapping them too. Paige came back to Joel and handed him a bottle of lube. He told her stand in front of him, bend over and spread her ass. Joel adjusted himself so he could still see what was happening to Sophie as he lubed up a finger and began exploring Paige’s hairy little ass hole.

Sophie looked like she was going to break, Joel was worried maybe there was a point at which she’d snap out of his hypnosis. Max stopped with her breast and Joel relaxed. Max grabbed the wine bottle from their table and forced Sophie back up till she was awkwardly standing over the chair. Max shoved the neck of the bottle into his daughter’s pussy and then pushed her back down. The bang of glass on wood was loud. Max pulled Sophie back so her ass was in the air and the bottle was at the edge of the chair. He then lined up his cock and began forcing it up Sophie’s ass. Joel wondered if that counted as permanent damage. He had a finger in Paige’s asshole and even with lube it was a struggle. He delicately massaged her as he watched Max tear into Sophie. With a bit of a spasm he stopped.

Joel cleared his throat, “Max, you done with your punishment?” Max nodded. “Sophie, don’t remove that bottle from your pussy, but walk over to the old man and suck his dick. When he cums, suck it again. And work that bottle as deep as you can.” Sophie got up and did as she was told.

Joel pulled his finger from Paige. “Jim, grab one of those benches and put it on the stage. Hannah, come forward. Jim you saw how Max treats his daughter, now you do whatever you’d want in your darkest desires to Hannah.”

Joel was excited to see what would happen. Jim took Hannah’s hand and led her to the bench, he sat her down, spread her legs, and began eating her out. Joel was slightly disappointed but went back to Paige, he pulled her down and back and started working his cock up her ass.

His head entered easily enough but he quickly met resistance, he grabbed Paige’s hair and pulled her head back, “relax your tight little asshole or I’m going to tear you up.”

He felt a minor change in her ass and decided that was the best he’d get. He spread her cheeks and began thrusting into her as he pulled her down onto him. Before he knew it she was sitting on his lap, and he could feel the tight ring of her anus gripping the base of his cock. “Paige how did that feel?”

Joel could hear the pain in her voice as she responded, “It was incredibly painful, I’m pretty sure you tore my anus a little.”

Joel smiled. He reached up and grabbed her tits. Each one easily fit in his hands. “Do you like that? Me grabbing your little tits?”


“Well how about you reach down and massage that cunt of yours, get yourself off while we watch your best friend.”

Paige reached down to her wet pussy and began rubbing her clit. It felt great having some pressure on her insides and her tits kneaded. She focused on Hannah and for the first time felt like she actually saw what was happening around her. Hannah was grasping for air, her chest heaving. Paige watched as her large saggy tits jiggled with each breath as her dad buried his face in her cunt. As Hannah approached her climax Paige felt herself getting there. Almost in unison she gave out a little cry as Hannah arched her back and relaxed.

Paige’s clit felt tender, much to tender to keep rubbing. It was painful but she pushed through, she didn’t know why but even though it felt like pins and needles being stuck into her clit she had to keep trying to get off. The pain subsided after a minute and she began to feel the pleasure again. Joel had almost cum again but he’d fought it off. He wanted to sit in Paige’s ass as long as possible.

Max got up from Hannah’s pussy and helped her up off the bench. He lay on his back and commanded Hannah to mount him. Paige and Joel watched as Hannah swung her leg over her father and began working his cock into her ready slit. As she bottomed out on him he reached up and grasped her fat tits. He gripped them till her flesh turned purple, but she didn’t stop her gyrating. Paige could feel another orgasm building as she felt her own tits squeezed harder and harder. It hurt a lot but she didn’t want it to stop. As Max came Paige was almost there. Max released Hannah’s breast and told her to clean his cock. Paige watched Hannah lick her dad’s cock clean and felt the release wash over her.

Once again she was hit with pins and needles. She felt an unbearable relief when Joel spoke up, “Get up, and massage more of that lube into your asshole.” Paige obeyed.

Joel directed Hannah and Jim to come down from the stage and join Max. He walked over and inspected Sophie’s cunt, the bottle was now easily nine inches into her, and past the thickest part. Joel pulled her off the old man’s cock, “how many loads did you swallow?”


Joel smiled at her ugly puckered face, “go up on stage with the other women, but keep that bottle in place.” Sophie obeyed.

Joel made his way to the back where the workers were patiently waiting. “You are all going to fuck those three older women on stage, start with your boss, then the milf, and then the old lady. Use the boss’s daughter to clean your cocks after each load. Fuck her too if you want, but only her ass, keep the bottle in her pussy.”

Without hesitation the men approached the stage, “Gabby, make sure you capture it all!” Joel laughed as he walked back to Paige. She had a hand behind her legs working her asshole diligently. Joel was rock hard but wanted to make the most of things. “Jim and Max, fuck Hannah however you want, but remember no permanent damage.”

He turned away as he heard Max begin to spank Hannah’s fat ass. Joel took Paige by her shoulders and turned her so she was facing the stage. He bent he forward and commanded she spread her ass. Joel caught a glimpse of her hole and the slicked hairs around it before he stepped forward. He grasped his cock in one hand and her hip in the other and pushed in. Unlike before, this time he squeezed right into her. Gripping both her hips he began thrusting. She felt amazing, her tight anus squeezed against his cock as he plunged into her.

He looked up to see the prude bitch of an owner forced into a sideways standing splits, with two warehouse guys in her ass and pussy and another in her mouth. Joel laughed knowing she’d just doubled the number of cocks she’d ever taken.

He knew he couldn’t last long but he wanted to hurt this beautiful little creature before he was done, “Paige, squeeze your little asshole for me, like you’re forcing out a shit!”

Paige squeezed down hard and almost forced Joel out of her. As she tightened her bowels Joel kept fucking. It was too much for him as her tight muscles constricted around his cock. As he released he commanded she relax.

He pulled his limp dick from her and had her lick it clean. Joel settled into a chair and enjoyed the show. Several hours and a few cums later he decided it was time to bring it to an end. He rounded up the warehouse workers and had them dress. He gave them clear instructions to return to work and as soon as they started work they wouldn’t remember anything.

He then addressed the rest of group, “Lady’s and Gentleman, that concludes our show. Now please tip me what you feel is appropriate for what you’ve gotten.” Max and Jim emptied the cash from their wallets, while Sophie and Hannah contributed a little too. Joel wasn’t surprised the rest weren’t feeling generous.

He then sat Sabina, Max, and Sophie down. “None of you will remember this as real life, but you’ll remember it as a dream every couple of nights. Max, every time you cum you will think of punishing Sophie. Sabina, every time you get angry with one of your warehouse guys you’ll remember them fucking you. If possible you’ll remember the taste of their cum and it’ll linger in your mouth as long as you’re in their presence. Sophie, whenever you get horny you will find a place to masturbate, every time you orgasm you’ll think of your dad punishing you. You’ll also see you dad in a sexual light from now on.” Joel hoped those seeds would bear a twisted fruit.

He went to the old couple. “Meryl, you’ll suck your husband off daily, that’s all.”

He walked over to Jim, Hannah, and Gale. Jim noticed for the first time that the two women had pools forming on their seats. Both women’s makeup was running and they looked like complete messes. “Jim, you’re going to only think of Hannah when you cum, doesn’t matter if you’re masturbating or fucking, the image of your daughter riding your cock will always be what you cum to. Hannah, similarly, every time you masturbate it’ll be to riding your daddy’s cock. Gale, you now know that your husband and daughter aren’t fucking but want to. You’ll feel guilty about this and when you can’t take the guilt any more you’ll explain what you did to your husband and explain that you support him fucking Hannah. You’ll also ask for permission to keep fucking clients but you’ll get his approval every time. When he agrees you’ll explain it to Hannah and watch them fuck.” Another seed planted.

“Last but not least, Paige. You get the worst outcome. You’ll talk to your parents tonight about getting a weekend and evening job working as a magician’s assistant. When do you go back to school?”


“Good, so we have all summer. Tomorrow you’ll show up at my place, here’s the address, bring your parents if they’re concerned, and we’ll get started.”

With that he had them get dressed. The women were sent to the washroom to get cleaned up and soon everyone was on their way except Joel and Gabby.

“Gabby, process this shoot like you would normally and drop off the files personally. When you leave you won’t remember what happened.” He was about to leave when he noticed the puddle on Hannah’s chair. “Also, before you leave, lick up all the cum in this room.”

Gabby got to her knees and began licking seats as Joel walked out.
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