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A girls sexting leaves her in no position to bargin
John’s phone buzzed against the marble countertop with a shrill tone. He picked up his phone and brought up the new text message. “Fuck me” he exclaimed. It wasn’t the message he’d expected…

It read “Sorry mate, weather looking really shit for our group tee off time. Gonna have to postpone. Catch up tonight @ 19th hole?”. It was one of his rare free weekends and he’d really been looking forward to a round of golf with the boys. It was the peak of summer, and they had an extended heatwave over the last week. Hot and humid, but not too uncommon for their locale. A walk on the green with his best buddies, followed by beers at the ‘19th hole’ clubhouse bar would have made for a perfect weekend break. He flicked to the weather app and saw the storm warning for later in the day. The heavy thunder would bring cool weather and rain with a welcome break to the heat, but a golf course wasn’t the best place to be in a lightning storm and waving around a metal club was inviting disaster. He texted a short reply expressing regret and that he would be up for beers later then wondered what else he could do with the rest of the day.

He heard another loud text message ping, but this wasn’t coming from his phone that was in his hand. It was coming from his teenage son’s phone plugged in at the other end of the bench. His son, Kyle, was away this weekend with his ex-wife on their traditional annual hiking holiday. He normally had custody of their son on the weekends, and whilst he loved his son, their weekends together were not helping his golf handicap. The hike was a tradition for his ex-wife and as they were generally on good terms, he was happy to swap an occasional weekends custody. It was getting more important as his son had just turned 16 and would soon be leaving the nest and off to college. Normally his son’s phone was seemingly surgically attached to his hand, and he’d only left it behind at his mother’s insistence that they had ‘tech free’ time together. Even then there’d been pushback and only the realisation that there was no reception on the back-country trail and the phone could have been lost or damaged made him acquiesce.

Another text message pinged on Kyle’s phone, then another. His son was a good-looking boy, sporty with a good circle of friends and getting good grades; chip of the olde’ block. He didn’t think he had a steady girlfriend now, but he was getting a lot of attention. He was proud of his son, and whilst things hadn’t started in the best way, things had mostly turned out okay. John had also been sixteen when he’d knocked-up his girlfriend. Both their parents had been the religious sorts and had insisted that John ‘man-up’, marry the girl and accept his parental responsibilities. He’d pretty much had had no choice in the outcome, and he was only partly sure that the shotgun wedding that quickly ensued didn’t actually have any firearms present. He really had tried to stand by the boy and his wife. They made it nine years together before they both concluded that they didn’t work as a married couple. The pressures of parenthood and different life paths were just too great, and both agreed to an amicable divorce with an even parenting split. John relished in his newfound freedom. He hadn’t realized how much he’d missed chasing girls and spent the last few years of his 20’s chasing tail and making up lost time. He’d also built up a successful business and had worked on his physique.

Now in his early 30’s he was enjoying life with no intention of settling down or becoming a parent again. Kyle’s phone pinged again. That message alert tone was going to get old really quickly. He walked over and picked up the phone with the intent of turning it off or onto silent mode.

As he picked up the phone it pinged again with the screen lighting up with another incoming message. He caught sight of the incoming message preview for the second it flashed onscreen. His eyes widened at the image of a naked girl looking head down the length of her torso, her breasts were on the small side, but pert and her abdomen was toned. From the proportion he could tell she was young and slim. It was clearly a selfie and the accompanying text message read “Hope like what you see ;-) ”.

The screen went dark again with just the indicator light flashing in the corner of the screen, but the image was still playing in his mind. The anonymous girl’s face was out of shot and the framing wasn’t the best, but he certainly did like what he’d seen so far.

About twenty seconds later the phone lit up again and buzzed in his hand. This time the subject was the same, but the perspective had changed. It showed her kneeling in front on a mirrored wardrobe door from the neck down. Her slim torso and bare breast were clear and there was a hint of dark bush at the apex of her closed legs. Again, he was stunned.

The phone screen went dark again after a few seconds, but his brain continued to process it. He’s seen a fair share of amateur porn, even sent a dick pic to an accepting girlfriend or two and received plenty of nudes in return. This was different, more intimate, like he was a voyeur intruding on an intimate conversation and not a tweet to be shared with the masses.

He could have had so many different feelings at that moment. Anger at some unknown girl sending nude selfies to his teenage son, embarrassment at intruding into an intimate conversation or even parental concern. Instead, he felt intrigue and arousal. He liked what he saw and needed to know more.

He waited, phone in hand, willing it to show him more of this mystery girl. It could have been less than 30 seconds, but it felt way longer. Ping! The screen lit again, this time with a view from behind and to the side showing her naked bottom bent over the edge of a bed. Her skin was pale against the dark bed spread. He didn’t capture more of the details before the screen blanked but the accompanying text said, “Want to feel me?”.

He was rooted to the spot in the kitchen, disappointment at the abandoned golf game long since banished. He had to know more. He touched the phone screen demanding it show him more and it flashed up the lock screen with a pin code challenge. He needed to access it, to know who this mystery girl was.

He normally trusted his son and whilst there were teenage issues with technology, using his mobile at the dinner table or it being a distraction when talking to him, he generally trusted Kyle and hadn’t much reason to intrude on him.

Ping, a new image flashed up. She was again on her knees, but her legs were open, and the camera focused on her groin whilst she seemed to recline. Her hand covered her dark pubes which were just visible around the top edge and there were no tattoos or identifying marks on her milky skin. These photos were leading him on, becoming more intimate, revealing more with each one.

The lock screen returned as the message preview vanished. Dam, what was his pin number. He thought back a few weeks, he’d accidentally shoulder surfed his son entering the pin code, catching a partial code. 3114 and two last digits… What were they? Well Kyle’s birthday was on the 14th. His was on the 31st, was it really that simple? His ex’s birthday was on the 19th. He punched in the six digits with trepidations… Error… He then switched the digits and the lock screen vanished, and the home screen came up. For all their tech savvy, kids these days were still not too clued up on password strength.

The top menu showed numerous unread messages. He pulled down the menu and ***********ed the latest unread messages. A secure messaging app opened and displayed a message chain. He looked for who this mystery girl was, but the contact was only listed under the single letter ‘T’. The recent message thread started as:

“Hi Kyle, great talking to you in the library. Thanx for help with math, hoping I can find a way to repay U”

“Sure, I’m open to offers… ;-)” Kyle had replied.

“Were U talking funny or do you really like my legs?” T continued.

“I’d never make jokes about your legs” came Kyle’s reply.

“Would really like to show U more irl”.

“Bex said you like me, perhaps we can catch up sooner?”

“Anytime, you know where to find me” was Kyle’s last reply before he had left for the weekend.

The next message was from just earlier this morning with a photo of the girl but clothed. It didn’t show her face but a simple blouse which was fully unbuttoned and beneath it was a black bra pushing the small but pert breasts up and together.

“I want 2 share more with U” she wrote.

The next photo pointed down between the small cleavage without the blouse but had the bra. The sequence continued this time without the bra but covered by her hand and forearm.

“I feel I can trust U. Am I rite? I do like U”.

The next photo showed her breast at a different angle but completely uncovered. There were then a sequence of three topless photos, showing her bare torso down to skinny blue jeans. Then the jeans unbuttoned with white cotton panties underneath. The final shot lost the jeans, and she stood fully top to neck, bare save the white underwear. The text on the last one said, “I feel I can trust U, can I?”

He’d already seen the remaining photos in preview but savoured looking at them again.

At the bottom was the reply text box with a ***********ion of pre-written responses. He knew he shouldn’t but wanted to forward these messages to himself. As he scrolled to the first intimate message the phone pinged again with a new message from T. “Can I come C U?”.

The ping and buzz of the phone in his hand came as an unexpected shock and he reacted as someone getting caught doing something wrong. His fingers slipped and hit one of the short predictive replies. “Sure” went back the reply to T.

Shit, shit shit! A sense of panic. He hadn’t meant to reply, only look. So far, he could have marked the messages as unread, locked the phone and his brief stint as a peeping Tom would have remained undetected.

He looked and tried to see the menu option to rescind the message. He saw a delete option and pressed it. His reply message disappeared. He prayed that would mean his reply was never received but couldn’t know for sure. He marked the earlier messages as unread and put the phone back down in its original place. The phone stayed silent for the next few minutes, but John didn’t know if that was a good or bad sign.

John, tried to shift his focus. He had some yard work he could get on with before the weather turned so went outside. After an hour out in the heat the sky suddenly started to darken in an ominous fashion, and he headed indoors as he heard the distant rumble of thunder heralding the predicted storm.

He heard the tapping of rain on the roof, first as a gentle drizzle then harder until it quickly became a downpour. A bright flash came from outside and then a boom shook the house shortly afterwards. The storm had moved in fast, and he was glad that he wasn’t outside in this as the rain started to hammer down. A boom rang out again and again. He heard another sound; it was the ringing of his son’s phone on the countertop. He picked it up as it fell silent, diverting to voice mail. Then he heard another sound, muffled under the crash of thunder. An urgent banging at his door.

He quickly headed to the front door and unconsciously pocketed the phone in his back pocket. He could see a silhouette through the glass of the door and ran to open it. There was no porch or cover and so the figure behind it was getting drenched as the rainstorm lashed against the doors windowpane.

He opened the door but couldn’t see clearly who it was. The person pushed by him and out of the storm and John closed the door behind them to keep the wind and weather out.

In his hallway was a girl with long black hair plastered to her head. She wore what looked like a light floral summer dress but it was soaked and clinging to her slender frame. The flash of lightning illuminated her as she dripped water onto the tiled floor.

Tom turned and ran to his bathroom, grabbing a thick towel. He went back to the hallway and opened up the towel offering it to the girl who was shivering in a puddle.

“Here, dry yourself, you must be soaked after being out in that storm” he offered. “My name is John’.

The girl wrapped the towel around herself like a cloak then stretched out a hand. “I’m Katy, thank you for letting me in. Sorry but can I please use your bathroom, I’m soaked” came back her timid reply

‘Sure, sure” said Tom ushering this stranger towards the side bathroom “Please dry off, the bathroom is just here”.

The girl gladly accepted and went into the small bathroom and closed the door behind her. He went back to the kitchen, returning with a cloth and dried the floor where she’d stood.

After a few minutes Katy came out looking less bedraggled than she had and no longer dripping. She wore the white towel wrapped around her.

“Terrible weather to get caught up in” John said to her. “Yes”, she replied “it was fine when I left home but turned bad when I was walking”. “Where, were you headed?” asked John. There were few houses on this street and unexpected visitors were rare.

“I was coming here, is Kyle here?” she asked peering around.

“I’m sorry, Kyle’s not here” John replied. “I thought he lived here?” she quizzed. “He’s away hiking with his mother this weekend.” John responded.

“Oh” said the girl looking deflated. After a moments pause, she then looked confused and pulled out her phone, and started to dial ”I need to talk to him, I’ll try to reach him...”

After a few seconds a loud ring tone sounded, and John looked around confused for the source. He realised it was him ringing, coming from his back pocket and extracted the phone.

“That’s Kyle’s phone” Katy said as she looked at the phone John now held with a confused expression. “I’ve been texting him this morning, How can you have it?”. “I…I..” stammered John, with sudden realisation he’d been caught out. “You said he was away all this weekend…” Katy continued quizzically.

“If it wasn’t Kyle I’ve been texting then it must be…..” the question tone in her voice trailing off. He could see where the line of reasoning was going and he didn’t like it.

Her eyes widened as the realisation hit her. ”It… was… YOU that replied?? How…” she stammered.

John was stuck for a response after being found out in such an obvious way and just stood trying to avoid Katy’s gaze.

“That means you, you saw… God, no” she exclaimed. “How, why?”

John was reduced to instincts, his logical reasoning left him bereft of a clean way out of this. He could be labelled as a pervert, be subject to gossip and embarrassment if Kylie or his ex-wife found out. It was a flight or fight reaction, but then he realised his options were even less than this. Where could he run to, he was home and with accuser standing right in front of him and the storm blocking any easy means of escape. That left him with only one option remaining.

He forced the embarrassed and guilty feelings down, searching for some respite from this girl’s accusing stare. Go on the attack his instinct urged him.

“Why?” He pause for effect and tried to put on his most commanding voice. “Why were you sending pornographic text message to my under-age son?”. Kyle had turned sixteen earlier this year, but he wasn’t sure she knew that and it bolstered his bluffing.

“He’s not under…” she trailed off suddenly questioning the certainty of her knowledge.

“What did you think you were doing exposing yourself in such a way” John continued, trying to shore up his position. “Are you trying to entrap my son and get him into trouble or damage his reputation at school?” The thunder boomed again as if to reinforce John’s authority.

The tables had turned and John could see Katy was now on the back foot, questioning her actions.

“I wasn’t… I didn’t mean…” Her eyes darted side to side looking for some way out of this quagmire that she’d suddenly found herself in. She already looked pitiful with the sodden hair and waterlogged dress over her slight frame. He could see her eyes welling and bottom lip trembling, but he had to make her think this was all her fault, though there was plenty of blame to share.

“The photos were for Kyle only. We were talking in the library last week. He was nice to me. “. There was the start of a sob in her voice, and she tried to mount a rebuttal to his accusations.

“He was nice to you so that meant you could take advantage of him? What were you after” he was attacking her argument to distract from his own failings. She had the look of a trapped animal looking for an exit but not seeing one.

“I was... I was…” she almost whispered under the din of the wind and rain outside.

He could see her shoulders slump in resignation.

Her words now were interspersed between sobs, her eyes welling. “I was looking for a boyfriend, or at least a friend who was a boy. It’s been really tough this year, what with my mother forcing me to move to this place where I know no-one and a school where I have no friends. It’s bad enough that Mum just goes on about how she hates all men, especially my dead-beat dad”.

She spoke as if a mental dam was breaching, and the words were just cascading out of her with greater and greater speed.

“I didn’t have many friends at my old school, and here they make fun of me for where I came from. Most boys just ask me when I’ll grow some tits. Boys only want to fuck you, and if you do then they call you a slut and shame you. If you don’t then your called frigid. No cups Katy was my nick name. Or they called me Kay, as I have no T’s”.

Only two people here will talk to me. Beckie and Kyle “. “Kyle wasn’t like the other assholes; he talked to me and didn’t make me hate myself. He called me Katy and even shortened it to T to make a point, I liked it. He’s funny, kind and cute.”

He could see her legs give out under her as she collapsed to her knees and the tears streamed like the rain on the windowpanes. “I’m not even sure Beckie is my friend; she keeps on telling me I need curves and to lose my v card. She makes fun of how I’ve never had a proper boyfriend. She said if I want a boyfriend you have to send a boy nudes, though now I think she was just trying to cause me trouble.” Her speech was almost like a confession to herself, unburdening her feelings to the universe regardless of who was listening.

“I’ve tried to talk to my mum but she’s still hating all men on account of religion and my dad who left us when I was young, so she has kept me out on a farm, away from any boys. Only been around my uncle who tries to touch me when my auntie isn’t looking, then he calls me a tease and whore when I don’t let him. Yells at me for being a temptation for him. He’s fat and old and ugly. Stinks of booze, piss and sweat too!!!”

“I turned sixteen earlier this year and have never even kissed a boy. I don’t even know what it would like to be with a boy and what they like. I’ve been getting all these funny feelings, with my body changing, hair in all new places. The only man mum lets me be around is the preacher who comes visiting. I’ve seen him leering at me. He tells me to stop testing his faith, but I’ve done nothing. Mum calls me sinful and says I should pray to Jesus but that don’t help”

Her words flowed like the tears cascading down her cheeks. It was clear she was speaking from her heart and unburdening in an almost cathartic way. He could empathise with how difficult high school was and started to see how hard this was for her.

“I’ve got these urges inside that keep getting stronger. I’ve tried to get some release, Beckie says she uses a hairbrush handle to get herself off but it doesn’t work for me, just makes me feel more frustrated. I want to feel like a woman and though...well I don’t know much about men.” Now John’s eyes were going wide at the candour of this girl.

Katy now looked directly at him staring and pointing at the phone in his hand. “You tell my mum ‘bout those photos, well… well she’ll beat me real bad and I’ll be grounded till the rapture takes us all. She’ll likely pull me from school and send me to live with my weird nanna who lives a million miles from anywhere. Nanna is senile, only likes bourbon and bingo. Her house smells like cat piss and I be worked like a slave on her orchard.”

“I just … I….. I… wanted to not feel so frustrated and lonely…” She stopped talking, seemly exhausted from this confession and her sobbed gently nearly drowned out with the sound of the rain.

John looked down at the defeated girl in the saturated towel. He’d never seen such a miserable mess of a person. What was he to do? He could be the grown up, delete the text messages and forget she’d ever been here. But he could see her slender body and legs where the towel didn’t cover, and the soaked sundress clung to her like a second skin.

His mind flicked back to the images from the text messages.

Letting her leave was one option, but as he thought this over another thought slipped into his mind. The outline of a plan formed in his head. He mulled over the idea and the possible outcomes. As if a devil on his should whispered into his ear ‘If he let her just leave what would that solve? She’d still be lonely and frustrated, it wouldn’t be helping her, would it?

He crouched down, next to the girl. “Look, it doesn’t have to come out badly. I could help you” he proffered as if an olive branch.

Her sobbing slowed and she looked up into his eyes with a touch of hope. “You would help me?” she replied, wiping the corner of the fluffy towel across her cheeks, mopping up the tears from her reddened eyes. “Yes” John replied. “First, you are still soaking wet and must be freezing. Go into that ensuite bathroom and get out of those wet clothes”. He could see her react again, eyes widening and pulling back at the suggestion. “There’s a dry warm robe in there and a hair dryer in the bathroom. If you put that on and pass me out your wet dress, I can put it in the dryer.” He proffered reassuringly. ”You can take your time to recover a bit and then we can talk properly”

She seemed to weigh up her options then shivered. “Okay” she relented and headed towards the bedroom, locking the bathroom door behind her. After a minute later she briefly reopened the door and threw out the saturated sun dress which John placed in the dryer. Then he returned to sit on the bed, waiting for the sound of the hair dryer to cease. He looked back through the incriminating photos on his son’s phone and made up his mind.

After about 10 minutes the bathroom door open and Katy emerged, covered in a white fluffy robe John kept for his female guests.

He finally had a chance to assess her properly. The long raven black hair framed her small face with long bangs, almost hiding some of her features. She was rather plain with a noticeable underbite and dark eyes. She wasn’t unattractive, with sort of an unintentional gothic look, almost the opposite of a blond bombshell with the robe hiding any curves to her shape. She still had the air of vulnerability and was cautious in her movements.

John patted the bed next to him and she approached, perching on the edge but staying a full arm’s length away. There was a wall of mirrors that doubled as cupboard doors on the opposite side of the bedroom, and she could see both of them reflected in it. “You said you could help” Katy asked timidly.

“I understand how hard high school and growing up can be. The pressures of your peers and boys, it must be difficult” John said sympathetically. Katy looked down and nodded gently in agreement. “Teenagers can be cruel. You talked about your frustration with boys and your body.” John continued. “I could help you explore these feelings, give you the release you need.” he said. She frowned, wondering where he was going with this. “I can teach you how to ease your frustrations, we can make it fun for both of us.” came his next line. She now knew for certain where this was going, and her mouth went dry.

“And no-one else would need to know about this” making a subtle motion to highlight his son’s mobile phone that was still in his hand. She was certain there was an emphasis on this last sentence. There was a clear intent in what he’d said but she was now certain what was being asked of her to make amends for her apparent transgressions.

She mulled it over in her head, trying to find another path out of this. The rain and thunder still hammered away outside, and she was nearly naked underneath this robe prohibiting her from physically fleeing. She also knew the outcome if knowledge of this got out and as much as she didn’t like the position she was in now, that other path was worse. Didn’t she come to this place for this reason? The person may be wrong but the outcome the same. She glanced an eye up and down John. He wasn’t too bad looking, not old or fat. She could see where Kyle got some of his good looks from. She knew that there wasn’t really a choice to be made here.

“You promise no-one will ever know” She reiterated his words slowly with emphasis, making it out as a statement. He nodded in reply. She knew he held all the cards and she’d have to play the game by his rules.

“What do you suggest we would do?” came Katy’s timid assent. John smiled and scooted slowly along the bed until his knee nearly touched hers.

“You can relax, we can take this at your pace” John said reassuringly. “Katy, you are a beautiful woman” he continued. She felt a blush in her cheeks. It had been the first compliment she’d had since she’d talked with Kyle and before that, she’d had precious few kind words in her life. “Any boy would be a fool to see you as anything but gorgeous” continued his flattery. His words were like a salve to her ego. “I think Becky and the other mean girls are just jealous of your body, it’s stunning” continued the compliments. She felt her feelings lift and an involuntary smile crept onto the corner of her mouth. She liked his words but years of put down prompted an automatic resistance to this flattery and she replied with ”My boobs are tiny and..’ she started but he cut her off. “Not all guys are fixated on large breasts, I’m not one of them. You looked amazing in those selfies” came his interruption. Her breast were her greatest insecurity and whilst she recoiled at the thought of the photos that had now led to this predicament, the statement that someone found her attractive was an exhilaration. “You liked the photos?” came her enquiry? “You’re a stunner” John replied without hesitation.

Katy had come to this house craving male attention. It may be coming from a different source, but John was satiating this yearning she had held for so long. Her defences were lowering and whilst she knew there was a degree of self-delusion involved, she wanted to believe these accolades he was bestowing on her appearance.

“Perhaps you could show me how good you look in the flesh.” came John’s challenge. Her reluctance was fading and Katy wanted more of this man’s approval. She stood slowly and faced toward the mirrored wall of cupboard doors.

Her breath was ragged as she fumbled with the robes belt. It came loose and the robe parted slightly with it. She felt like she was on the top of a high diving board ready to jump. Her eyes were fixed to her toes and body was stiff with fear, but she knew she had to take the leap. It took all of her will as she shrugged the robe off and it fell to her ankles leaving her naked save for her white cotton panties. Her arms instinctively bent at the elbows by her sides as she subconsciously fidgeted, trying to cover her near naked form but she willed herself to stay uncovered.

John stood up from the bed and stepped behind her. He surveyed the young woman in front of him seeing her from behind and then from front, reflected in the mirror. He’d always preferred young, thin petite girls over the thick curvy girls and Katy was definitely his type. He couldn’t see any trace of fat and her stomach was flat and toned from ribcage to her raise pubis mons. The paleness of her skin was a stark contrast to her long dark hair.

He smiled. “You look amazing” he exclaimed. Katy slowly looked up in the mirror to meet John’s gaze.

Katy could not have held back the smile on her face even if she had wished to as this praise lifted her emotions and relaxed her posture.

“Can I touch you” asked John as he slowly reached with one hand. Katy felt herself recoil a little but held firm and nodded. John’s hand stroked down her forearm, his touch warm and soft. It felt good and she shivered as he repeated the action on the other forearm.

Slowly he stood up and came close to her until she felt his warm breath. Again, he stroked gently down both arms. John leaned in and moved aside the shoulder long hair. He kissed the nape of her exposed neck and it felt electric to her.

His hands moved around to her exposed front. He touched the bottom of her ribcage then on to her stomach all whilst the kisses continued. She felt him stoke her body lightly, but his arm enclosed her, drawing her close and ensuring she could not move away. One hand moved to cup her small breast and the other headed to her hip. She inhaled sharply as he touched her nipple and gave it a gentle squeeze.

His hand moved to the other breast, stroking and cupping. She felt his other hand move down and across, brushing across her panties. She tried not to react but flinched involuntarily pushing back her body back into John and the other arm held her close. The kissing on her neck was still nice but she still felt so exposed and vulnerable. She forced herself to calm down and relax, ‘didn’t she craved to be touched’ She asked herself?

His hand brushed against the front her panties again, but she suppressed flinching. His hand stayed over her panties and now cupped across her crotch. She could feel the warmth of his hand through the fabric and light pressure from his fingers. The fingers started slow circles getting lower and closer to her pussy. She trembled, part in anticipation, part in trepidation waiting until his fingers found her most sensitive of places.

John enjoyed his explorations of her petite little frame, watching his hand and her reactions in the mirror. He was sure he could have picked her up with ease and throw her around as he might want, but he wanted to savour her reactions and ease her towards owning her body. ‘Slowly and gently’ he thought as he encompassed her in his embrace.

His fingers were on her white, damp panties and languidly sliding towards the target. He heard her gasp as he found the top of her slit and started to move downwards. He slid a finger up and down again and again each time feeling her tense minutely in his embrace. He then moved his hand up to her belly button and then down again but this time his fingertips went under the elastic of her panties and into her dark bush.

She instinctively pushed away and back, but immediately pushed her back into John’s body and it blocked her retreat. His other arm pulled her in, restraining her and kept her in close contact.

He felt the sharp inhale from her as his fingertips found her clit. She rose onto the balls of her feet as if electrified by his touch. Her eyes clamped shut and her hand push back onto John’s thighs, bracing her body.

John found it was easy to tell the hard nub as his fingertips rode over it. Up and down, he continued the motion feeling little shivers in her body and small gasps from her lips. On one stroke he dipped his finger inside her and felt she was getting wetter. Despite being slender, her body felt heavier in his embrace as her legs started to buckle.

Katy had been aware of this man now holding her, of his intentions and what he might do. Having her back to him made her feel even more exposed that being nearly naked. The warmth of the embrace revived the earlier chill from the outdoor soaking and his touch had initially felt like a tickle and built to a visceral pleasure. When he first touched her private area, she nearly panicked but the stroking started to feel good. Really good. It was like scratching an itch, but the itching was her sexual frustration. Her fear, her exasperation, the constraint, it had all such intensity and became an intoxicating mix of emotions.

John watched this girl in the mirror and could see she was so on edge and sensitive that even his lightest of touches evoked a primeval response of fear and gratification.

When his hand slipped in her panties Katy’s nerves returned but her body yearned for more stimulation from the stroking. The pings of pleasure really erupted when his finger went inside her. Her focus on his actions lessened as the strength of the sensations intensified and her body started to involuntarily tense as the delight of his touch crescendoed. John pushed in a second finger into her tight virgin hole, and she nearly collapsed as legs turned to jelly.

The extra finger triggered the first ever small orgasm of her life to surge though her body and she gasped. John supported her shuddering body in his embrace as his finger insinuated into her sopping pussy.

Lightning struck some miles off, and the rumble of thunder reverberated through the house.

She finally pushed at his hand, and he withdrew from her panties. She seemed to relax and regain a degree of composure. Katy had not expected the instinctive action of her body to the orgasm. Her previous efforts to finger herself had been fruitless and that this stranger would know her own body better than herself was confounding but mind opening. Maybe he could give her what she needed after all?

John released her from his embrace and returned to sit on the edge of the bed. Katy took a minute to composed herself. John again patted the bed next to him and this time she went and sat right next to him.

She looked up into his eyes. He moved in closer, one arm pulling her body to his and the on the side of her cheek to turn her head to his. His face came in closer and tilted, then he started to kiss her. Slowly at first, just their lips touching, then incrementally pulling her in and increasing the passion.

Katy didn’t know what to do but let him lead. The fear returned as he invaded her personal space, then pulled her close. The initial touching of lips was cautious but nice. She appreciated his taking things slowly, giving her time to adjust and ease into it.

The kissing intensified as she started to return the affection. His lips were warm and she like the taste of him. He smelled good and she placed a hand on his leg, further opening her body pose to him. She felt his hand again journey up her torso to her chest and caress her breast.

The kissing continued for several minutes, and she slowly relaxed into it as her defences dropped away. She felt him push her down to the bed. He followed her down kissing all the way until she lay with her back on the bed but feet still touching the floor.

His kisses now moved to her neck and collar bone while hands explored her chest and stomach. The stroking and kissing were delightful, and she closed her eyes, focusing on his touch. He progressed downwards and she gasped when he took her nipple into his mount, tickling the tip with his tongue. Her other nipple then received the same treatment.

John moved down the bed as his kisses went lower. When he reached her panty-line she looked at him and felt concern about where he was going. He continued kissing and moved off the bed and onto his knees. He kept kissing down the outside of one leg, and then at the knee moved to the inside of her other leg. He then started to move back up, splitting his kisses between each thigh. His hands moved up her body, touching her tensed stomach and then her breasts. He was now between her legs so even if she wanted to close them tight, she couldn’t.

His lips were now inches from her white cotton panties. He kissed the crease of her thigh where her legs ended. She was on edge, not knowing where he was going to end up but enjoying the intimate touch. Then he moved across and kissed the cotton fabric covering her pubic hair. He then nuzzled and rubbed at her vulva through the fabric. The same nervousness and exposure kept her on edge, but the kisses were hitting all the sensitive parts, and she knew she didn’t want him to stop this time.

He brought his arms back down and then wrapped them up and around the outside of her thighs. He continued to nuzzle through the damp fabric. He then used the opposing hand’s fingers to pull at the fabric of her panties to reveal the dark pubic hair and warm slit. Katy tried to sit up, but he firmly held her thighs. His tongue went out and quickly found its target. Her clit still stood proud and erect from her last orgasm. The first lick brought a sharp intake of breath, with the second causing her to moan and her thighs to clamp down on his ears.

It didn’t stop John. He continued his oral onslaught making her moans more vocal. A rumble of thunder reverberated around the house. It surprised her and she collapsed back on the bed and momentarily surrender control, her thighs releasing his head. John took the opportunity and moved his hand under her buttocks and pulled her underwear off in a swift movement.

Katy was now completely naked with her wet snatch open to John and his tongue. John immediately dove back in, with greater vigour. He clamped his arms around her thighs, pulling her into his face and spreading her legs wider.

“Oh God! Oh God!” came Katys refrain and the pleasure emanating from her clit intensified. It was getting too much for her and her fingers reached and locked into John’s hair as she tried to reassert some influence on his actions. Where the first orgasm was a quick release, this time it built with the tongue massaging. She felt overwhelmed and had an urge to escape, moving up the bed and away, but John’s grip was firm, and the sensation built inexorably.

She still tried to hold tightly the notion that this was shameful, trying to fight back and maintain control of herself. That this was wrong, that he was forcing her to do unspeakable things, but she was losing the mental battle. This man between her legs knew a woman’s body, how to pleasure it and how to make her submit.

Why would this stranger put his mouth in a place she had been taught that was sinful and despicable. Why was she feeling this ecstasy. Why, why, why? Because it felt so good. She wanted this. That this was her deepest desire. The revelation finally broke her. She surrendered to the amazing feelings, and finally she shamelessly came hard. Her body spasmed and she screamed loudly.

John felt the orgasm shake through her petite frame until she went limp. He stopped and released his grip of her now limp legs.

He lay on the bed next to her and watched her body relax, small naked breasts rising and falling in calm repetition. She slowly came to and them looked into the eyes of her lover. She couldn’t now think of him as a stranger after that experience, he could never be that to her again.

“Thank you” was her first timid words. “That was amazing, you were amazing”. She reached out to touch him. John smiled and replied “That… that was a start, there’s much more we can do”.

Then she realised she was naked, but also that he wasn’t. There was certainly more that could be done. If this was only a start, well bring it on she thought.

“What more were you thinking of?” she asked.

John got off the bed and stood up. He reached out an arm with a motion for her to join him.

She rose from the bed and walked to him.

“I think I have too many clothes on. Have you ever seen a naked man?” John asked her.

She knew he knew the answer and where this was likely leading, but he’d broken down her opposition and she now had to admit, she was curious.

“You can undress me” he said. She slowly nodded in response.

She unbuttoned his shirt first and pulled at the arms to reveal his chest. It was muscled and had some dark hair. Next, she knelt and pulled off his socks.

She still had butterflies in her stomach at the thought of being naked with a man and didn’t try to hurry the undressing. His belt was next, and she fumbled with it until it came free. Still on her knees, she hesitated at pulling down the zipper as she saw it was directly on a bulge in his pants. She realised what might be causing that.

She released the zipper and his trousers fell to his ankles, leaving him in a pair of dark boxer shorts. The bulge was clearly evident but much bigger than she thought it would have been.

Her mouth went dry, and she looked up into his eyes. His stare was intense, and she wanted to look away. She was at head height with his bulge. His underwear was the last garment to remove. She psyched herself up and placed her fingers in the waistband on either side of his hips.

She pulled down and a sprout of his pubic hair emerged from the top. Slowly she inched down his waist band. She was initially surprised as there wasn’t much behind the bulge, just trimmed pubic hair.

She momentarily thought she been mistaken and with relief continued to lower his waist band down his legs. But she hadn’t considered that she’d pulled down his cock with the shorts. Suddenly his cock sprung free from behind the elastic and popped up straight, and like a ‘jack in the box’ and she jumped back, her surprise evident.

The initial shock didn’t subside. She’d seen a cock in one of Beckie’s videos but that had not really given her any scale. The member now in front of her was huge. It was long, thick and had veins running down it. She could only guess at its size but guessed it was as thick as her wrists. Then she realised sex would involve this going into her. If two of his fingers could provoke such a reaction, what would this do?

Her gaze then moved to his balls, large, hairy, and heavy hanging loosely below his semi hard cock. She didn’t know if she was impressed or scared, probably a fair bit of both.

“You can touch it” John said. She realised she’d been staring at his penis for more than a few moments.

She realised she would need to take up his invitation. She reached up and gently touched the side of it. It felt hot and smooth. His cock throbbed a bit in reaction.

She stroked it with the outside of her fingers, gauging the response.

She then put her fingers around it. She couldn’t get her grasp all the way around his shaft.

Gingerly she moved her hand up and down. It felt so warm, then she noticed it was getting even bigger and straighter, as if awakening to her touch. With her stroking and his tumescence his foreskin started to recede, and she saw the large bell of his cock.

She slowly became bolder and put her other hand on his member, slowly stroking forward and back. John closed his eyes and tilted his head back. She liked she could get such a response in a man.

She remembered one of Becky’s dirty videos where the woman had kissed the man’s cock. She thought she’d never do something like that but now, presented with the opportunity and feeling all kinds of arousal and curiosity, she felt empowered to act.

She cautiously brought her lips close and kissed the side of his penis. Katy saw the man tense and his cock pulse in reaction. A moan escaped from his lips. Tentatively she continued up and down the shaft, with light kisses. She noticed that there was a blob of pre cum leaking from the tip.

The tip of her fingers brushed against it and the thick fluid smeared across them. The smell was new and intense. She wasn’t sure what she was going to do next but as he’d pleasured her and she’d had to submit to his oral onslaught, she felt in reciprocating the action, she was regaining some modicum of control back in this situation. As well she still felt the arousal and to fufill the need that brought her to this place.

John’s hands touched the back of her head, “That’s a good girl” he murmured. As he stroked her hair, she felt encouraged and empowered by his words. His cock was now rigid and had a clear pulsing in its motion, with the foreskin fully back and the bell-shaped tip, large and a purply pink colour.

When she reached the tip. She opened her mouth a little wider and used her tongue to gently touch it to his now firm cock. She couldn’t tell why but this aroused her intensely. Her nerves were still there, and the back of her mind was incredulous that she was naked, kneeling in front of a near stranger, putting her hands and mouth on his cock. She was a good girl, not one of those who had loose morals, but here she was, doing exactly the kind of behaviour she said she would never do. But it excited her she thought, the forbidden nature of it. It was animalistic and a visceral release. The churn of thoughts and emotions was a potent mix and this man had shown her an unknown pathway to pleasure and lust.

“Yes… Yes… that’s good you little cock sucker”. John vocalised his encouragement. She took this as affirmation to continue and tried to go further, trying to take more of his fat phallus into her mouth, eager to please. John groaned again and she felt him throb in her mouth.

Lightening again boomed nearby, startled, she reacted and his cock went a little too far into her mouth, catching her unprepared and she suddenly felt a reflex to cough.

It had become too much, and she needed some space. She pulled back and released him, backing up and turning her head to the side. She took several deep breaths, eyes closed.

John could see that perhaps he’d pushed her a bit too much and found her limits but was encouraged by how far she had gone. He went to calm her, going down on his knees and stroking her back. “Maybe that’s a bit too much”. His arm went gently around her and, taking his time, he gave her a kiss on the top of her head. She seemed to calm and relax a bit with her breathing slowing.

After a few minutes, John released her and went back to sit on the bed and reached out an arm for her to join her. Katy had recomposed herself. She saw his outstretched hand and took it. She sat next to him on the bed, both now naked. The thought of running away was a distant memory but the intensity of it all was literally breathtaking.

He stroked the outside of her arm. He then stroked the side of her far cheek, down to her chin and she turned towards him. He moved in closer and gently kissed her. She felt her kiss him back and felt the gentle pressure of her body against his. She felt her desires return, the warmth from his body was so nice, and she wanted more of his kisses.

He knew he’d calmed her and could try again to slowly loosen her inhibitions. He kept kissing her and then wrapped the other arm tentatively around her. She didn’t resist him.

He started to go backwards, moving, and pulling both of them flat onto the bed. She kept contact with him, following him onto the bed, the slow kissing now involving her tongue.

They both now lay flat on the bed, enmeshed and passionately kissing. His hands stroked her body and she started to press against him, her small pert breasts against his chest and a hand moving to the nape of his neck to steady herself.

Her senses had been swamped but he had given her time to recover, and she felt her body needed be near to him.

They both slowly explored the other’s body. Gentle strokes on her back, down the side of her ribcage, her now hard nipples rubbing against his chest hairs. Oh, how she craved to be touched!

John reach for one of her thighs and pulled her on top of him so that she straddled him. As their bodies came together and legs intertwined, Katy felt his cock stroke against her naked stomach.

It felt risky, exposed and… and… “Condom!” blurted Katy. ”I…I don’t want to get pregnant” she said. An unwedded pregnancy, other than a church sanctioned immaculate conception would mean that she’d no doubtedly get thrown out of home and more that a few bruises from her Ma.

“Don’t worry” John replied. “There’s no risk. I had a vasectomy years ago. No chance of me getting you pregnant.” John wasn’t lying, it had been his divorce present to himself. He didn’t want any more kids or commitments. “And I can assure you I’m clean, so you need not worry.”

Worry. Well, she did. Was he telling her the truth. She’d made it this far and he’d showed her so much pleasure. She was naked and aroused with this man. She may not fully understand why she trusted him, but even as he had leverage over her and if she demurred now, well. Well, she decided she didn’t want to. She wanted him. She wanted this.

She moved her slight frame over his naked body, holding above him on all fours. John reached up and cupped her breasts, easily covering them with his hand. She gingerly lowered her pelvis until her black bush rested on his hard cock, sandwiching it between their bodies. The wet pink lips of her prominent vulva now were pressed and parted around the shaft of his throbbing cock.

Her gaze was transfixed on the point where their bodies touched intimately. She leaned forwards, her gaze still locked to their groins and positioned her small palms on his pecks, then experimentally pushed her pelvis forward and moved along the length of his rod with delicious friction against her swollen clit. Her eyes closed as she moaned and bit her bottom lip, gently rocking her thighs forward and back with greater intent, but not breaking contact between them. John loved the sight of this young nymph straddling him, using his hard cock to get herself off.

This slow outercourse continued for a minute or so, John feeling Katy’s pussy getting wetter and wetter, drenching his manhood in her juices as the rubbing increased. He resisted the urge to grab and fuck her senseless, staying content to watch her experiment.

Pings of pleasure fired off from her clit as it rubbed harder and harder on his hot shaft. The guilt, shame and frustration had melted away. Even the awkwardness of being naked around a man, a near stranger had been forgotten. Her posture became more relaxed with a greater attention on what she was feeling, the focus on these new exhilarating sensations. She found a motion of thrusting her hips forwards that built up until a mini orgasm radiated from her groin that caused her legs to spasm again. She stopped rocking as her over sensitised clit started to ache, and she collapsed forward onto John’s chest as the bliss faded.

John could feel her light, warm form covering him like a small blanket, her hard nipples pushing into his chest hair and long hair flowing around his neck. She panted lightly with the occasional bead of sweat dripping onto him as she recovered. John could feel the coolness of moisture around his cock and groin, knowing where it came from and enjoying this intimacy, so he was completely reluctant to disturb Katy’s repose.

‘I did it’ she thought. The first two times she had orgasmed were from John directing and driving her body, but this one was her own work, an accomplishment that was its own reward and banished her exasperation. She felt a sort of relief that the sensations felt completely natural and right, without the expected regret and disgusted at herself. The words of her mother rang in her ears “you’re a whore, a slut, bitch” but these barbs meant nothing if she could just feel like this. All the shame and fear of growing up had been for naught. She’d love the sensations, that pulsed through her.

Her resolve strengthened. She wanted more of this. She wanted to experience it all. She drew herself near upright. “I think I’m ready” she said almost as a rhetorical statement. “I want to… with you” and she looked into Johns eyes. John nodded in return. Katy lifted her slender form off John, but kept her moist virgin slit above his throbbing cock. She reached down and lifted his glans, so it was erect and nestled between her virginal silky fold. His cock still seemed so big, next to her petite frame.

She didn’t know how much of him she could take, but even only a bit of it would make her a woman.

“This is it, be bold!’ she thought to herself. She then lowered herself slightly, feeling his hard bell push into her. She knew where it needed to go but as both their genitals were so slick it was difficult to be precise. His cock bowed slightly between them, then found it mark in her sopping entrance and slid into place. The tension released as his bell end invaded an inch further into her, slipping past her vulva. She let out a little gasp at the new penetrating sensation but didn’t retreat. After a moment’s pause, she started to lower herself again. She felt resistance against the intrusion but continued cautiously. The pressure built, then the was a releasing movement as her vagina surrendered her chastity. She gasped as two more inches of John’s cock were pushed inside of her. She was only part way down him, but she felt it was so much more, the fullness was indescribable.

She held steady for a dozen or so seconds again, then released the breath she’d unconsciously held. There was a throbbing although she couldn’t tell if it was herself or him. It didn’t matter, she was fixated on the goal now of taking him into herself. She slowly continued to impale herself on John’s hot, hard cock. He watched her intensely as she surrendered her virginity to him. She was so tight despite all the slickness, and he relished feeling every fold of her unexplored cunt as it yielded to his cock head. Again, he felt the temptation to grab her hips and ram deep inside of her but relented, delaying the gratification, and keeping his hands lightly on her knees.

Katy was awash in perception, treading a line of feeling more of this delicious pressure, but not too much strain to pull her from the moment. She took it millimetre by millimetre as much as she felt she might dare to, occasionally pausing so not to overextend herself. She balanced the caution of anticipated pain against this stretching tingle that enticed her further.

It was only when she was fully sitting with her full weight on his hips did, she open her eyes. There had been no unexpected pain, only an intense fullness with a pulse of pleasure from her groin. Satisfyingly she looked down to see their pubes mingling, no sight of John’s large cock now deeply ensconced within her body.

There was still the throbbing and the stretching of her pussy, but they were both intensely enjoyable sensations. There was still a drum of the heavy rain outside, but it was competing with the roaring of her heartbeat in her ears.

‘I did it’ her internal voice whispered with a sense of achievement, ‘I’m a woman’. This wasn’t the circumstance or person with which she’d imagined it occurring. This was not the first night of her honeymoon with a future husband or even a long-term boyfriend, but the man now deep insider felt right and meant some imperceptible mental change had happened to her. She knew she wasn’t damaged or a freak for wanting to be with someone, to be touched and satiate her carnal desires.

She tentatively raised herself fractionally feeling the pressure slightly lessen but the tingling friction of her vaginal wall return. Down again, then up, gently does it. She savoured this new gratification focusing on it to all else. She couldn’t put words to the sensations, but she knew this was the answer to her body’s cravings. She moved again inhaling deeply, whispering “It feels so good”.

Oh, ever so slowly, she started to build a rhythm, riding him gently as twinges of pleasure radiated from her pussy. She feared it would have hurt, that somehow that this fleshy invader would stretch her to beyond breaking and cause her ruin, but it now felt like a hand in a glove, made to fit. She increased the speed of the rhythm and gasped as her momentum drove him just that bit deeper. She looked into John’s eyes, and he returned the gaze, his focused on her expression of awe and pleasure that rippled across her face.

The new sensation of an orgasm started to coalesce at her clit and was fed by the stretching of her pussy as it yielded around John’s fat penis. She lifted higher now and felt the curve of his cock drive against the front wall of her vagina, rubbing a previously unknown set of nerves alight. It quickly built intensity with each thrust, the radiating tingle like the earlier licking, but with a deep tone from the fullness. She panted and she felt this wave build, following it only on instinct as her body fulfilled an animalist need. She pursued the gratifying actions until they peaked, and she could no longer hold it. Her hips tensed and pussy contracted in spasms of delight. It was the joyous release she’d craved. “Oh God, Oh God, Oh God” she cried heavenwards as the joy washed over her and she surrendered to the experience. A light headedness overcame her, and she fell forward onto John’s chest. She wondered how something so divine could be considered a sin. That this was what her body was for, what it craved and to deny this was wrong.

Slowly the world came back into focus. She lifted off his chest but still felt his hard rod still entrenched within her swollen snatch. A realisation came to her, she been so focus on herself she hadn’t considered John. “Did you….errr finish?” she quizzed.

“Well, no but I enjoyed watching you, you really seemed to get off. Most girls don’t cum on their first time, you are very special.” He replied.

“It was amazing, I didn’t expect anything like that.” she gushed. “But I didn’t do it for you? you didn’t...?“. She knew this was a union of bodies and that for her to finish but not for him felt wrong. He must have seen the guilt on her face. “No, no” John quickly replied in a conciliatory tone. “I wanted you to set your own pace. A first time can be intense. You felt amazing, I just needed a bit longer.”

John had been watching this young girl get off, it’s been better than any porno he’d ever seen. She was so tight and while she’d felt amazing, he had needed harder fucking for him to reach his climax.

She searched for the word. “You can… I want you to… finish?” she offered, feeling somewhat indebted that the act that she had just completed atop him.

“If you want, I can take the lead now” he offered. She nodded her consent. “Lay next to me” he instructed. She lifted off him, freeing his dick from its moist haven, and lay on her back.

John moved to kneel between her knees. His dick was still rock hard as he leaned over her, pointing his cock at her now gaping snatch. His cock was covered in a white sheen of her making and a bead of his precum was quickly gathering at the tip. He wiped it on her glistening clit them positioned himself at her entrance.

Katy leaned up and forwards to watched him reinsert his length into her petite body with newfound curiosity. John mentally drew an image of his cock inside this girl, widening her vagina further than before under that flat stomach. He could see her vulva flair out to accommodate his girth, gripping around his shaft and her pubes coated with their combined juices. Her pussy felt on fire as this intrusion widened even further than before. She was still unaccustomed to all the feeling of fullness and tension, neither of which were unpleasant but brought a whole new dimension of sensation. He pushed into her until there was a wall she felt that his cock touched, like she could accept no more of him into herself. She’d been hesitant when she’d first seen his cock, certain she wouldn’t even manage only part of it, but was secretly astounded at how much she could take into her tiny pussy.

John withdrew a few inches, changed the angle of his pelvis then drove deeper. Katy gasped, as the penetration felt even deeper. She felt her vagina stretch and relented as he pushed inside expanding her limits. She finally felt his hairy balls touch her exposed taint and anus.

What-ever preconceived notions she thought sex would have felt like, she’d never have imagined this amount of sensation, of raw intimacy and thrill. She’d thought it perhaps like scratching an itch, giving some respite to her teenage horniness. The present reality was most like her first-time riding on a tall steel rollercoaster. The ascent had been like when he first touched her intimately, full of trepidation and nerves with a desire to turn back, but also excitement at the new sensations building. The first penetration like that first big drop, the tingle between her legs as she felt weightless feeling, knowing there was no escape as the fall increased the speed and all her senses came alive and screaming at her, but she had no choice but to endure. The flush of addictive endorphins and adrenalin raced through her in a primal and intoxicating cocktail.

John supported his weight with one hand positioned above her shoulder and to the side of her neck, stopping her from moving up the bed and he grasped her breast with the other hand. His thumb flicked across her nipple, and he thrust forward again grunting with delight. Where she’s set a gentle pace the first time to cautiously explore the feelings, this time she knew that she wasn’t in control. John quickly sped up the pace of his thrusts, driving into this nubile body. This time the penetration was forceful and unrelenting in comparison. She moaned and gasped uncontrollably, driven wild at the sensations from the hard fucking she was receiving.

She’d thought is strange and vulgar how the women had yelled and groaned in that internet porno Beckie had showed her but now, a tirade of profanities and curses also emerged from her lips. “Oh God, oh god, fuck, oh god!!” she gasped. Katy felt the tingling pulse of the orgasm recurring, but this time the tempo was faster, stronger and she couldn’t moderate the feeling as John continued pounding into her. The wall that must have been her cervix was getting rammed time and again. It didn’t hurt like expected and an orgasm quickly blossomed again and started to radiate out from her groin to all her extremities. She could only manage speechless grunts in response as she came again on his fat cock with her vagina creaming and spasming around it.

But this time the fucking didn’t stop as with her initial climax. There was a momentary ebb then she cried out as a second wave of bliss crashed over the first, raising the bar. Her body tensed and she flailed and reached out, grasping one of John’s hands. She held it tightly as if she would fall into an abyss should she let go. There was no pause and no escape as John continued to thrust into her. He was relentless and he stared into her, eyes wide and intense.

She wanted to look away but there was no escape from his gaze. Her vision blurred when the next orgasm hit, and she cried allowed. Every time she thought she’d hit her peak, behind that was another climax stronger than the last, and then another, it didn’t stop, like the thunder of the summer storm that had prevented her from running from this house. She didn’t want it to stop. It was consuming her senses like a new drug high; her existence was now only her pussy and his cock as all her other senses were mute compared to the cacophony of pleasure radiating from her snatch.

John was in heaven as he fucked the lithe virgin female form under his body. Her stomach muscles were taught, and her tiny breasts barely bounced up and down as he pounded her tight little hole for all he was worth. Gone was any of his initial restraint and her cries of pleasure only reassured him. That such a girl had arrived on his doorstep was a gift for him to release his pent-up arousal. But as with all good things, he felt the end approaching. The tightening sensation in his balls and the tingling from the end of his shaft heralded his climax. There was no force on earth that would stop him from despoiling this pristine pussy with his cum. Whilst he’d carefully tease and cajoled her to this position, there had been no small part of his own arousal building in him. Fingering her pussy, eating her out, watching her kiss his cock and then her deflowering herself on him. His restraint had been admirable but now came his true reward.

She felt his deepest thrust into her yet, but there was no withdrawal as before. He kept himself in place by his weight as he discharged himself deep inside her, cock head reaching deeper than she thought possible and perfectly placed to liberate his semen upon her untainted womb.

Katy heard John groan loudly and looked up to see his eyes closed and face tensed. Amongst the sweetness of sensations, she felt a warm throbbing in her innards and his cock pulsed to deliver spurt after spurt of hot cum, glazing her unprotected cervix.

She shuddered as the peak of her delight started to ebb with the ending of their copulation. John’s face then relaxed, mouth forming an ‘O’. His deep thrust relaxed, and he fell atop of her, but still held deeply ensconced within her body.

The only sound now was the ragged panting of John’s breath on her neck and the softening rain on the window. The heaviness of his body on her was like a weighted blanket, keeping her in place whilst his cock still dominated the most intimate reaches of her.

Not that she wished for that one moment to be anywhere else in the universe. Her skin tingled with delight from head to toe and every nerve danced with a blissful relief. In all her young life, nothing had even remotely come close to giving her such contentment and rapture.

They were both hot and sweaty, limbs enmeshed as lovers in a carnal embrace. John roused and lifted his weight off her slender body and slowly pulled out his softening penis from her, rolling to the other side of the bed. Her pussy suddenly felt bereft as his member left it gaping wide.

Then a torrent of warm fluid gushed from it, like an uncorked container with the liquid going down her perineum, across her anus to pool on the bed.

Katy wasn’t expecting the sensation and had a brief panic, reaching down to cover the now vacant void of her snatch. Her pubes were slick and yet sticky with their fluids. She grazed her tender vulva and involuntarily tensed at the sensitivity, causing another spurt of hot mess to pulse from between her spread pussy lips onto her fingers. An unfamiliar smell filled the air and caught her nose. It was the smell of sex, of sweat, natural lubricants, and semen.

She brought up her digits to see what now coated them as her inexperience made her question its presence. The milky fluid clung to her fingers and the new smell grew stronger as her hand came close to her face. She looked across to John, but he was lying with eyes closed, unresponsive and facing towards the ceiling. His facile cock was also coated in their cum and she understood where this liquid came from, and realised its purpose.

Her hand dripped and a drop of the goop splattered on her petite left breast, partially coating the nipple. It was a gift of his body and the evidence of their union. She felt intrigued by this by-product of his orgasm and tentatively brought it closer to her face.

She realised she did like this strange new smell and felt the urge to touch the tip of her finger to her tongue. Hmm, salty but not unpleasant. She decided she might be inclined to try to go further next time he let her suck him off.

She felt a feeling best described of liberation and fulfilment, perhaps nature’s way of rewarding her for fulfilling a base desire and her body’s true purpose. She relaxed with her eyes closed to focus on the remaining glow of contentment. The fear and anxiety that had tormented her for years were vanquished. The barrage of judgements passed by family and clergy that she was a sinful and wicked girl for holding such desires was now also evidently deceitful for what further contentment could she ask for?

The natural high pushed her towards sleep and her senses only registered the fading patter of light rain on the roof which signalled the end of the summer storm.

Reed Van KleveReport 

2024-04-21 21:50:34
John’s vasectomy insured that Katy would leave satisfied but not pregnant. However there is an uncanny thrill in unloading 2 or 3 million sperm into a fertile womb. I had the opportunity to do so with a friend of my wife, while my wife was letting her friends husband release his millions of sperm into her fertile womb also. When we all met back in the living room, I asked my wife if she enjoyed her fucking by another man. She lied and said that she didn’t have sexual contact with him. I returned with fine but I fucked Laurie and filled her with my soldiers. My wife then said okay we had sex but he has a small penis. I just laughed out loud and said I am sure that he is big enough for reaching inside of you to release his sperms inside of your pussy. In fact they are currently swimming upstream in search of an egg to fertilize, except for the ones that are oozing from your puss.

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