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Basically A fantasy I wrote down, hope you people enjoy it.

A story about a boy named Gray who discovers he has the power to stop time at will. And how he uses it to mess with friends, strangers, cute boys and anyone with a nice pair of sneakers. Just to get himself off.
Gray woke up early to the sound of his alarm. After having spent the night earlier up late playing games it would take a lot for him get up.

He rolled back on his side underneath the warm blankets, closed his eyes and mumbled to himself. “Wish I had more time; there’s never enough time” He lifted his arm from underneath the blankets up towards his face “Wish I could just stop it all with a snap of my fingers” Sighing deeply after. “As if it would ever be that easy” Closing his eyes again he drifted back into a deep sleep.

He awoke slowly at first, getting a sense of reality. Then, in a shock sat up straight. “Shit!” he exclaimed, he’d slept way longer than he should have. Gray Quickly grabbed his phone from the cheap plastic drawers besides his bed. Almost ripping off the charger that was still attached. He quickly turned it on to see how badly he had overslept. “7:31” He read.

Gray was confused, had he slipped into a dream and immediately awoken again? What about his dream that had already faded away too far in his mind to remember? Did that all happen in less than a minute?

that must have been the case he thought, and he relaxed again, feeling slightly silly for panicking so much. He was thankful he wasn’t going to be late for class again. His teachers had already complained to him about his frequent morning absences, and Gray had promised them he’d improve his timing and change his ways.

With this promise in mind Gray got up out of bed, immediately the cold January air chilled his now exposed legs, he liked to sleep in silk shorts. The type usually used during sports, favoring their loose form and smooth texture. Usually, along with a plain shirt he’d worn the day before, or a couple of days if he was feeling particularly lazy.

Gray’s feet made contact with the cold laminated floor and he made his way to the big closet where he kept his clothes. He grabbed a new shirt and a large blue hoodie along with some black Nike pants and put them on. He looked at his collection of sneakers, of which he probably had way too many. Around 20 pairs at least if he had to estimate and picked out a pair to fit with his clothes. This time a pair of Nike dunks, one of his most favorite pairs. After putting them on and enjoying the feel of loose sneakers he packed his bag with all the things he’d need for school today.

Gray was currently in his second year of high school. It wasn’t the worst school, just not very enjoyable. He mostly felt like he was wasting time. listening to stuff he had known about for years and seldomly learning anything new or useful. To be fair, it was not like he was being very productive outside of school either. But at least then he had control over his time, and he could starve off his boredom.

After quickly fixing up his dark blond hair he put on his coat and felt ready to head out, guessing it was about time to start walking toward the train station, he checked the time again. “7:31”

He stood there staring at his screen for a couple seconds. Baffled that the clock had not changed time at all. Maybe it was broken? But how would that even work? His phone seemed to function just fine.

To find a different clock he hurried downstairs to the living room. Everything seemed normal, until he noticed one of the family dogs stuck in mid-air. As if they had just jumped off from the couch but were frozen in place. “What the hell” Were the only words that Gray was able to find at this image. He looked around more and saw not one thing was moving. As if everything had been frozen. A quick glance at the clock on the wall showed it too was stuck on the same time as his phone. As if time has stopped in its tracks. A benign thought on its own until he remembered what he had said in bed earlier. Had his wish come true?

Raising his hand like he had back then he snaps his fingers. The moment he does, the dog lands on the ground. Seemingly confused for a moment before wagging their tail and running over to greet Gray.

Gray is stunned and stares at his hand in disbelief. I must be dreaming, he thought. But pinching not even hitting his own arm seems to wake him, yet the pain feels just as real as normal. The clock now too which had previously been still has started moving once more. “7:32”

Gray snaps his fingers again, as expected time stops like it had before. He maneuvered away from The dog giving it a pat on the head before heading for the kitchen. He opens a drawer, grabs one of the forks inside and drops it on the ground, but it never does. Instead it stays floating in the air where he had let go. He snaps his fingers once more and the fork drops to the floor. The sound slightly startles the dog, who seems quite confused as well. He cleans up his experiment and heads for the couch in the living room, turning on the TV as he walks past.

He watches the news for a bit while playing around with his newfound ability, throwing a ball left on the couch up in the air. Then snapping his fingers and pushing the ball or moving it in mid air to see the effects. From this he makes out that he can alter the trajectory of moving objects by pushing or stopping them by grabbing them.

It wasn’t long before Gray had to leave for his train, at least according to his normal schedule. Now that he had this new power he’d probably not even need to leave until the last moment. But he had done enough experimenting at home.

It was cold outside, and windy. Consequences of living close to the ocean. As Gray made his way towards the station, he’d stop time now and then with a little snap inside his pocket to look around. He had to take off his gloves for this though, as it seemed not to work with them on.

It was an odd sight to behold. Cars stopped in the middle of the road with people inside staring out, not blinking or moving at all. People on bikes motionless yet staying upright. Passersby were unresponsive to whatever act he did in front of them. Although they seemed confused when Gray had not moved back to where he stood before when time had stopped. To them it must have appeared as if he teleported. He had decided it was best to avoid people seeing this, the last thing he wanted was to gain unwanted attention.

Gray had arrived at the train station a little earlier than normal. A consequence of messing around so much with time. He was now forced to wait in the cold for his train to arrive. One of the few annoying parts of his ability, not that he could complain much about that.

Several moments later his train arrived, and he got on, into the warmth of the cabins with its soft chairs. Softer than the steel bench he had been waiting on earlier at least.

The train was quite empty; besides him there must have been only about 20 other people in the cabin. Mostly other students he didn’t know. Yet one girl had caught his eye, sitting diagonally from him. His interest was not because he had an interest in girls, he had been quite confident that he was gay. It was what she was wearing that interested him, her shoes. A pair of dark red puma suedes classic. They seemed to be the popular trend lately, as he had seen them around more and more to his pleasure.

The girl, who must have been around 20 or so, older than Gray by a couple years at least was quite pretty. Long flowing blond hair resting on her shoulders. A small, cute nose just above her pink lips perfectly blending with her light skin. By all standards, she was pretty, model like almost.

Gray found himself sneaking peeks at her dangling shoe. Bobbing up and down in a hypnotic fashion, teasing him. He was entranced for at least a couple minutes before realizing the opportunity he now had. He quickly snapped his fingers still inside his pocket and sure the train and everyone had stopped. He stayed there motionless for a couple seconds, anxiety building up with the idea in his mind of what he was about to do. He got up and looked around, every person on the train was frozen in place.

His focus shifted fully on the girl again. As he walked up to her, his dick grew fully erect with each step. He was harder than he’d ever been as he stood directly next to her and her slightly worn pumas. He got down on one knee and reached out his hands towards them as carefully as he could. As if at every moment she would spring alive. Gray Felt every detail of her shoes, the worn smooth spots on her soles, the soft suede and dirty white logo. He was getting more and more intimate with the girl’s feet and legs, slowly losing all carefulness or hesitation he started with.

He was in total ecstasy, the excitement of touching her sneakers, something he’d only done in fantasy before was making his dick throb through his pants. He brought his bulge towards her outstretched foot, he was now on both his knees, rubbing his bulge all over her. He looked up at the girl’s face, still innocently looking out the window at the bare trees outside. This girl, unbeknownst to herself was now an object to be used for his sexual whims. This feeling of doing something so wrong, so embarrassing to a person right in front of him without their awareness only fueled his sexual desire even more. He could no longer bear it and loosened his pants, bringing them and his underwear just below his ass, completely exposing his hard dick to the entire train and the girl. Gray Jerked himself off with her feet, the soft texture of the shoes adding to the sensation, He could feel her feet and her toes inside. And decidedly slipped off the shoe from her foot, exposing the matching white puma ankle socks inside.

Her shoe was now in his hand, he brought it up to his face to take a full sniff. A light sweet smell of her sweat filled his nose. It wasn’t much; she must not have worn them very long yet. But it was enough to satisfy him fully. He refocused his attention on her socked foot, bringing his head down to it to smell that too, the same scent hit his senses. He brought the shoe down to his erection and shoved all 8 inches of it inside, deep into the toes. Fucking it hard and fast, bringing it up and down on his dick. Each motion bringing him closer to the edge, all while still sniffing her foot that he had now moved up and placed so that her sole rested on his face over his nose. Completely ignoring that he had been doing this all on a public train, he could no longer hold his excitement and felt a deep pleasure rising from his balls. Like a bolt of lightning out from the tip of his dick shot 6 consecutive loads of thick cum right into the deepest part of her sneakers, filling the toe region up with his mark.

Gray was shaking from pleasure, and he fell forwards on her other leg where he rested his head for a moment on her thigh. He Still felt up her other leg and foot as his dick shrank inside her shoe, leaving behind a trail of cum on her insole.

Gray opened his eyes again and looked up at the girl that had still not moved. He was laying between her legs, with her foot next to his dick while breathing heavily on her crotch and she was non the wiser.

He stayed like this for a moment, taking in the glory of his act before he got up and sat on the chair in front of her. Fixing her legs so that they stretched out and rested on his crotch. He still had her cum filled shoe in his hand and tilted it around causing the cum to slide down to the heel, covering the whole sole. This was definitely the most cum he had ever released in one go. He lifted the other shoe from her foot, now both her socked feet rested on his legs besides his dick. He Took one more sniff of her clean shoe before pouring the cum from one to the other and spreading it around. Making sure to mark both insoles completely. An act which excited him greatly.

An epiphany hit him, and he took out his phone. Taking several pictures of her shoes with the cum inside, and her smooth white socks embracing his dick. As well as pictures of her looking out the window. He wished he could stay like this forever but knew he had to stop at some point, having spent almost half an hour on this while the trip was only supposed to take 20 minutes.

He put the shoes back on her feet, staining her socks with his cum too and re-positioned her legs in the same place they were before. Dangling her now cum soaked sneakers in the direction of his spot on the train. He took a final picture and sat back onto his chair, his head facing the window. But his eyes focused on the girl as he snapped his fingers again.

At first the girl barely moved, which made Gray think she hadn’t noticed her now drenched socks. But then the bobbing of her feet stopped, and she looked down her shoes, seemingly confused. She must have felt it just now, the warm cum inside her shoes as it soaked into her soles.

Next, she uncrossed her legs and inspected the floor, looking for something wet she had maybe stepped in but she found nothing. It was hard to keep his gleeful smile from showing, knowing that he had gotten away with his sinful act. Gray’s dick grew hard once more, but he decided not to act on it, wanting to save his energy for the rest of his school day. And so, the rest of the trip was uneventful, the girl got off one stop before gray. It may have been his imagination, but he could almost hear wet squelching as she walked past.

To be continued...
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